My wife s pussy paid for the Pizza
- 3 years ago
- 49
- 0
Jeri said she had spent two weeks sleeping on the floor near a kerosene heater wrapped in a quilt with a thick pad of glued together newspapers over and under her. She said she was wearing three suits of jersey sweats all the time.
Crystal explaned that her man Pat had another houseboat at that time. It had been heated with a coal burning fireplace and two gas heaters. They had used kerosene lamps for light and the water had never gone off as it did in parts of the city. Crystal said they had a gas hot water heater and had laid in plenty of food and coal before the storm hit. She told them it had been the most pleasant time of her life.
Adel wondered if she could find something like this to live on, she had ordered a self propelled chair and another van equipped for a handicapped person to drive. She said she could be self-sufficient here. She could afford to get rid of her 'pain in the ass' housekeeper if she lived like this.
Jeri said "I could come live with you and clean house and cook while I finish school." Adel grinned and said "We must find the house boat first honey."
For two hours Crystal and Jeri made love to Adel, she did have feeling in her genitals and had a dozen orgasms while they nursed her tits and used a vibrating dildo on her then each 'ate her out'. After they took Adel to the bath room and she found she could get herself on and off the stool with no help and saw that she could have gotten in and out of the whirl pool tub as well she was convinced that she wanted to live like this.
They dressed and returned to the living room. Ellen woke because of their conversations. She went to her room and put on her clothes. She stayed there playing with her children.
Crystal said Pat had remarked that three more of these barges were to be auctioned at the Corps Of Engineers base across the bay the last of the month. He had said that it was a shame they would be sold to scrap dealers probably.
Crystal asked Adel and Jeri to wait there until Pat came home and she would ask him if he could convert another one to living quarters like this.
Pat came home after another hour, he was surprised to find company. After introductions Crystal explained that both Adel and Jeri were in her ESP group and were like she was. Crystal said Adel was well enough off to live nearly anywhere she pleased but she felt she would be most happy living on a house boat like this. Crystal asked Pat if he could set up another one for her. Pat told Adel that there were three of the barge living quarters being sold at auction by the Corps in two weeks. He asked if she would like to see them.
Adel said she would if Pat could convert one to this kind of home for her. Pat told them that the next day was Sunday and the advertisement had said the barges to be auctioned could be examined then.
Pat invited everyone to breakfast the next morning and then they would all go look at the barges. The time was set for breakfast at seven thirty and everyone was told to wear light clothes, it would be hot.
Jeri took Adel home, she helped her get inside her house. It was a beautiful two-story brick home. Adel said she had not been upstairs since she had been hurt, she told Jeri that Pat and Crystal's home was larger than what she was living in now. Adel was sleeping in what had been a dining room and the small bath downstairs was not convient for a handicapped person. Adel told Jeri she had decided to put her house on the market months ago. She wanted to move to something more suited to her condition. Adel said that she was going to list the house with an agent Monday.
Jeri asked Adel if she could plan on living with her where ever she moved to. Adel told her she could count on that. Adel told Jeri her late husband had the house apraised for the purpose of increasing the insurance coverage six months before he was killed. That apraisal set a value of just over a half million to the house. Adel said with that she could afford something realy nice to live in. Jeri left for home, Adel's housekeeper was fixing their dinner. Jeri would pick Adel up at seven the next morning.
Crystal's breakfast was great, they spent an hour at that and Adel and Jeri got aquainted with Ellen and her children. Rob took to them and Adel made him her friend for life when she slipped him some suggar-cured ham. Ellen suggested that she clean up after they had eaten, she and the children were not going with them across the bay.
Pat helped Adel into his Navigator, Jeri put her chair in back and Pat drove them to the Corps docks. The gate guard gave them directions and a printed description of each of the items to be sold.
Pat found the sales dock and they read the literature concerning the sales items. The three house barges were items 27, 28, and 29. 27 was minus its generator but was the size of Pat's home. 28 and 29 were thirty feet longer and had ten staterooms with twin beds in them. They were built to house twenty men. All three were recently repainted inside and out and were clean. The heat and air was rated as being in excellent shape on all of them. They were all equipped as Pat's had been.
Adel said she liked the smaller one, number 27 the most. She said just she and Jeri would need no more room than that.
Pat offered to rent her the houseboat and the other side of his dock to tie up her new rented home to. Adel promised to be a good neighbor and asked how much he would want for rent. Pat said he would rent it for four hundred a month. Adel laughed and told them she was paying that much for lawn care each month.
Adel asked if the generator could be replaced in her selection. Pat told her it was not worth the bother, he could run a cable to her and she could use current from his generator when needed. He told Adel that his generator was large enough for both homes.
Pat looked at the remainder of two hundred items on the sales list. There were several items he was interested in. There were three Tug Boats in the sale. Six high-speed Crew boats in excellent condition were on the sale list. An asortment of barges were listed, some were hardly used. Pile driving equipment of all kinds was being sold. In a covered shed assorted pumps and repair parts were lined up. There was an assortment of trucks and cars, some were low mileage vehicles
Pat told the ladies that the size of the auction required that it be one of outcry bids. He liked that better, the bids would be known to all the bidders. Written proposals sometimes caused a person to pay more if he wanted to be sure to get an item.
They left the place and went home. Pat helped Adel out of the car and aboard the houseboat. Jeri called home and told her mother she would be late coming home.
Pat called his old classmate Tim Barnes, he had moved the pumps and equipment from Charleston and remodeled Pat's house barge. Tim was in his office that Sunday afternoon. Pat asked Tim if he might drop by. Tim said he was welcome.
Tim Barnes had space rented up the bay toward town, his office was a twelve wide house trailer. Behind was the Bay Shore and a clutter of worn out equipment.
Pat and Tim talked for a bit then Pat mentioned the reason he was there. He told Tim he was about to buy another barge like the one he was living on and he would like Tim and his crew to re-model it like his. He would like Tim to tow it to his pier and do the work there. Tim said he could contract to do the work on the boat but the engine in his small tug was beyond repair. Pat said he wanted some concrete piling driven also. Could Ted do that? Tim told Pat he had not been able to finish his last piling job, his equipment was junk. Every item he had was good for scrap only. Pat asked Tim if he was going out of business. Tim said it looked as if he was. He said his bigest regret was loosing some very good men and failing in an industry that was booming.
Pat asked Tim if he would sell him his busisness and continue to run it for a salary and a quarter of the profits. Tim told Pat he would sell for the twenty five thousand he owed the bank.
Pat said he would go to the bank with Tim the next day and pay off his loan. Pat told Tim to start the next morning cutting that junk up for scrap, he wanted the site cleaned up so the whole operation could be moved to his property up the bay. Pat told Tim that he was going to purchase at least one tug and one piling rig and maybe more. Pat asked if that twenty-year-old Mack truck was still running at the back of the yard. Tim told Pat it was one of the few things that was. Pat told him to use it to haul the scrap.
Two weekends later Pat drove to the auction in a cold rain, Crystal was with hin. Both were dressed in seaman's rain gear. The auctioneer and his crew were under a shed. Rain was coming down so hard the parking lot was not visible.
Promptly at ten the auction started. Pat bid ten dollars for a clamshell bucket, he was the only bidder and bought it. There were three dragline buckets next, Pat bought them for ten dollars apiece. Next were three trailers made for hauling wood or concrete piling. Pat bought them for a hundred each. His was the only bid.
Nine pickups were next all were in good shape, a few had four-wheel drive. Pat bid two hundred for each one, there were no other bids. A GMC surban station wagon was bid for five hundred, a Ford Crown Victoria went for that as well.
Three Mack tractors sold next, Pat bid one thousand for each. The pumps were next on the list. They had been in ten lots in the shed. One by one each lot sold to Pat for twenty dollars.
The rain came down harder. The house barges were next, Pat bought all of them for ten thousand each. The three Tugs were sold to him for two thousand each. Pat bought all of the piling rigs for five thousand each. There were several air compressors and generators, Pat bought each of them for five hundred dollars. There were several stacks of concrete piling. Pat bought them for five hundred a stack. The items on the sales list were sold. Pat had bought it all.
The rain stopped and people got out of their cars and came to the auction, many protested that the auction had already been held in the heavy rain. The auctioneer anounced that the sale was over and that anyone brave enough to stand in that rain and bid could have bought the items they wanted. He told Pat to follow him to the yard office and he could make arraignments to pay. Pat waited while his purchases were totaled. Pat wrote a check for less than two hundred thousand and was instructed to remove his purchases within one month.
Pat and Crystal dropped by Ted's yard, he had a dozen men cutting the last of the scrap. Tim told Pat that this load and one other would clean up the yard. Pat told Tim what he had bought at the auction and he was to start moving the things off the Government yard the next morning. Tim looked at the list and said "You bought enough barges to move the small things over here as soon as we load." Tim said that with the three Tugs he could move it all the next week.
Monday Pat hired a sign company to install a set of posts and paint a sign for Colson Marine Construction Company. It was to be at the head of a concrete road leading off Bay Shore Drive to a large concrete dock at the bay. Sixty-two years before during World War 11 it had been used as dock for off shore patrol boats equipped with depth charges and definding against submarines. Those concrete bulkheads were as good as when they were built.
Pat directed that a Tug bring the large barge with the eighty-ton crane first, it was to be tied off in the middle of the warf. The other two were to bring the house barges and they would be docked bow on to the bulkhead. The trucks were to be driven to the dock.
By the end of the week all of Pat's purchases were moved to the new site. Pat instructed Tim to tow his twelve wide trailer from the place he had rented and hook it up over the sewer and water outlets of the old office site from in the fortys. That was the last thing to be moved. Tim lived in the back of that crummy trailer.
Pat instructed Tim to begin a crew modifying the houseboat for Adel's use. Pat told Tim to gut enough of one of the larger boats to create a fine office and living quarters for himself. The other houseboat was to be rented for twenty dollars a week to crewmembers. They could make their own arraignments for meals. If a man wanted to use the whole cabin for himself or have his wife live aboard that would cost him forty. Each of the ten staterooms had a small bath.
Pat had spent a lot buying the equipment to create a well equipped company and was spending more to give Tim, Adel and the company space. He had Tim send a rig and crew to drive piling for tying Adels barge off.
Pat had water propane gas and a power meter installed for Adel's barge long before her home was ready to dock across from his. Adel was there every day, she had a self-propelled wheel chair and a van equipped for the handicapped by then. She could go as she pleased. Jeri was there every day after school, she had moved away from home and was living with Adel. Adel was paying Jeri more than she had made at her part time job to stay with her.
Three weeks after Pat's men had started on Adel's new home it was ready to bring to Pat's dock. The houseboat was even better set up than Pat's for a wheel chair invalid. Adel had bought all new furniture for her new home. She had new linnens and towells, all new kitchenware and plates. Adel said she was going to buy all new clothes for herself and Jeri. They were going to begin a new life. She did not plan to move more than a trunk full of things from her old house. Jeri said she wanted to forget the poverty she had been in all of her life. She too wanted to begin a bright new future.
Tim began bidding on projects around the bay. Pat told him to bid only projects that no other contractor wanted. He was to price them high and make a good profit. Pat told Tim that no work was better than work that made a poor profit.
Tim began getting busisness for the new company. He was bidding on projects other contractors did not want. Often his would be the only bid. Because of the crappy nature of the projects he was getting he was making huge profits.
One job that he got was removing a hundred year old railroad bridge. Tim used explosives to shear the bridge from its concrete suports. Pat and Crystal were there to watch that bridge span plunge into the water. They were still there talking to Tim when three divers drug a one and a half inch cable out to the bridge span and dove down and attached it. A small work barge was anchored over the bridge and divers were prepaired to go down and cut loose the first section. The large crane tightened up the cable and the section the cable was tied to moved. The crane dragged a twenty-foot section of the bridge up to the bank. Every one had expected to have to cut that section loose with under water cutting equipment. When that section was set out on the bank Pat examined the broken ends of the metal and told Tim that the bridge was built of black iron not steel and the scrap was worth over twice as much as steel.
Tim began custom towing with the three tugs, that became a good part of the cash flow of the business.
Tim was low bidder to the Corps Of Engineers to remove all of the debris in a section of the bay where hundreds of old boats of all kinds had been scuttled. For two hundred years that area had been used as a dump. The contract was by the ton for what ever was removed. There were nineteen steel barges sunk in that ships graveyard. Tim had his Foreman get those first. Each was raised, usually by sealing the topside and pumping air in them. They were towed to the company yard and slid up on the shore. Crews of men were cutting them up for scrap. That scrap was loaded on a barge to be towed to a place on the bay that melted it down.
Tim had three or four construction projects going at all times. He was doing sea walls, Pier repairs, new docks and a few buildings on shore.
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Introduction: This is Part 4 of the Business series. The private dirt road from the ranch back to the main highway led through the scenic Washoe Valley. The gravel track crossed through various ranches and side roads. Bruce drove and Carla looked at the fields around them. Suddenly something caught here eye and she asked Bruce to pull over. He looked out into the pasture and saw a band of ponies and a few smaller miniature horses, some no larger than the size of large dogs. On one of the ponies...
I'm still in high school but I'm not stupid or totally innocent. I knew that both my mom and dad were having marital troubles. But I didn't realize how bad until one day coming directly home from school, which I rarely did, saw a man, not my dad coming out of my house in a rush, but not before kissing my mom fully and sexily on the mouth.It was then I knew that their marriage was over. Possibly my nice sweet life was done. But I had to think of something to stop her. I liked my life the way it...
Meri bhabhi bahut zyada sexy hain.jab bhi bhabhi aur main ghar main akele hote hain to main hamesha unki gaand ko shalwar ke upar se dekhta rehta tha kai baar bhabhi mujhe dekh leti to main apni nazrain hata leta bhabhi bhi apne jism ko brabar chupati rehti thi doptta se un ke gale ka koi hissa nahi dikhta tha shalwar par se kamiz hat jaye to foran sabhalti thi bahut ghamandi bhi hai kiyuki unko apni jawani par naaz hai Main ne bhi faisla kiya hai ke ekna ek din to bhabhi ko chodkar raho ga ek...
I was young. Very young. A pre-pubescent girl who hadnt had a dirty thought in the world up until recently. My parents were the partying type and with three kids–they took advantage of every opportunity to get away. Which is why it was no surprise when they accepted Bobs offer to babysit, free of charge. Bob was my dads friend. He had a son named Davy who was mentally handicapped. Even though Davy was 18 years old, he had the mind of a child, which could explain why we got along so well. Bob...
"Thanks Frank," Brian said into the phone. "Are you sure no one saw you moving them?" "What? Do you think I'm an amateur?" Frank Reynolds asked. "Of course no one saw me." "Can anyone tell you moved them?" Brian asked, ignoring Frank's sarcasm. "I used the same grade and color twine. The foundation is six inches narrower at one end and six inches wider at the other. I can't even tell I moved them. I looked this morning to make sure when we did our pre-meeting job walk,"...
Well, it would start off by me meeting you for lunch and we hit off by you saying that there is a party at my place for this labor day weekend and you live pretty close to me so i was thinking you should come....then you bite the lower part of your lips and smile because i have been staring at your lips as you spoke to me and i say ok, what time? You tell me the time and then i show up about 5 minutes early, and you have on a very revealing dress with cleavege just about to pop out. But not to...
After we all washed up she told me that was realy tiring and that there was no way she could handle three cocks at the same time. I told her it was ok you dont have to. She told me thanks then I asked how come her sister didnt hear us. She told me she went to town to hang out with her friends. I went to hang out with Adam at his house while Mika took a nap. It sure is easier to hang out with someone that you know better then people who are seceretive. We got some of our pokemon (he only has a...
Rick and Stephanie had a small fight so Stephanie and CJ had gone to the club by themselves. As they walked towards the front door CJ noticed Roger talking to another guy she did not recognize. Roger had noticed CJ as she approached him. He turned and smiled as he whispered something to the guy, and both guys turned and smiled as they watched the two striking young women walk towards them. Roger greeted them both at the door with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He introduced the unfamiliar guy...
CuckoldOur second date was on December 28, 1974. I got up around 7 am, cleaned up and went to the mess hall for breakfast. Didn’t eat much since I wasn’t used to eating at the mess hall – but it was bearable – just. I then drove around the base to become familiar with the layout, where I would be assigned, etc. There was a lot of construction going on at that time with new buildings being put up everywhere – it was nice to see.I went over to the bowling alley which was open with league bowling going...
Hello readers, I am Sultanasinha, aged 36 male from Patna back with 50th story. The story has been sent by Latha to be published on ISS. If you like, the story, please send your comments via mail or The story, which I am going to narrate, took place after four years of my marriage. My first child was 2 years old at that time. Our small family consisting of yours truly, husband and a baby was staying at Bangalore. Husband’s parents visited us and decided to stay one month with us. I was still...
IncestHere’s a story about my aunt and I. I am Varun and my aunt’s name is Nirmala. I have been a life long masturbator. I love doing it to hot fantasies and I love to be watched. I’ve also had the hots for my aunt since I was a little kid. She is gorgeous and we have always had a wonderfully warm relationship. One day about four years ago she and I were talking and the topic of sex came up. I am a student and I am kind of busy with college that I don’t have lots of time for dating, although I do...
Incest--------------------------------------------------ALINTIDIR------------------------------------------------------------------Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım. benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz. ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır. alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim...
Mia is an assistant to a international diplomat and never gets much spare time. However while he is away, she has been asked to house sit and host his son when he comes over to stay. Mia has asked Natalia to spend some time with her until he arrives. She is her best friend from college and they always make every second together count. When her bosses son arrives early and catches them making out in the pool, they realise that they are going to need to make sure he doesn’t say a word...
xmoviesforyouIt was certainly fascinating to watch Eddie in action with his own wife instead of mine, of course. The subtle ways that showed his fierce affection for Melissa, even as he buggered, restrained, and gagged her were truly touching in their own way. I could tell that, while he liked my dear Britta-Lise a great deal, the strongest emotional bond was definitely with his lovely Asian bride. How she got into porn and how she likely got him into porn, from the sound of it, I had no idea, but I would...
Hey everyone!! This is Sidharth from perusing my Engineering in one of the reputed colleges in Chennai. I’m 19 years old with a small belly and a 6 inch cock very hungry to fuck pussies. Now the heroin of the story is my department senior girl named Akshita. She is from Trichy and she stays in a hostel which is near to our college and her stats are 34-30-32 with a fair complexion. Now coming the story that day we were on our Industrial Visit to a company based on our department of study and...
Slowly, gently I let her take the first digit of my thumb into her asshole. Moving very slightly as not to hurt her. Slowly she begins to relax and move back against me, taking my thumb farther into her. I held it there for several seconds before withdrawing. At her whimper of protest as she smiled and thought to herself how many more times she will make that sound again tonight. She dropped to her knees and begins to stroke her inner folds gently with her fingers. She moans and moves against...
My wife and I had been married for 23 years. It was our anniversary and my wife wanted to know what I wanted for it. We had already decided to spend a night at a lodge that wasn’t to far from where we lived. I had been trying for the last 3 years to get her to have sex with another man, but I would get shot down every time I would bring it up. I thought what the heck I would asked her again. I knew with my wife at 46 years old I was running out of time if I wanted ever to see this happen. I...
"My visa runs out in a month," the woman said with a heavy accent. That was a problem and one which Dave had no intention of even trying to solve. Keeping on the correct side of the law while making an adult video was problem enough. He didn't need the additional problems of keeping someone in the country legally. Dave said, "We can't help you with a visa." The woman said, "I don't need visa. I need money. I need a lot of money." "You do know that you'll have to have sex with...
We were only three subjective days out, when we came to the first Samutz system. Dasul was a beautiful planet of the Sardis system. It was the only planet and was in the comfort zone, almost 160 million kilometres from the primary. The name was from the early Tandra explorers, and the Earth name of the system was only some alphanumerics. The beauty was not marred by any large military ships. A small transport arrived with either supplies for the Samutz on the planet, or to take fabricated...
AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. I will leave it to you readers if you wish to try to parse out fiction from fact. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community, and much of Sethy reflects the true woman. The photos included in this story are of the real Sethy and are here with her permission. This first chapter may move too slowly for readers who want to get to the action quickly. However, if you are patient...
My wife works a part time job a couple nights a week at a small restaurant. She usually works till close which is either 9 or 10pm. It seems like it is taking longer all the time to close but she blames it on the young people that don't know how to work with out being told what to do. During the Summer they wear shorts and she has many comments from the young ladies about how great her legs look and hope theirs will look that good when they are her age (she is 67). Now on with the party:Beth...
PART 1: Chemical Attractors: His Story There can’t be such a thing as love as first sight. That’s certainly impossible, regardless of what you’ve heard. People are mistaking love for lust. I believe lust at first sight happens occasionally. I’m an eyewitness. I talked to her long before I physically met her. The first time I talked to her on the phone I hoped her voice was reflective of her looks. I saw a movie recently where a guy got off of the phone with a woman he had never met and said...
Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...