ChrystalChapter 4 free porn video

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Jeri said she had spent two weeks sleeping on the floor near a kerosene heater wrapped in a quilt with a thick pad of glued together newspapers over and under her. She said she was wearing three suits of jersey sweats all the time.

Crystal explaned that her man Pat had another houseboat at that time. It had been heated with a coal burning fireplace and two gas heaters. They had used kerosene lamps for light and the water had never gone off as it did in parts of the city. Crystal said they had a gas hot water heater and had laid in plenty of food and coal before the storm hit. She told them it had been the most pleasant time of her life.

Adel wondered if she could find something like this to live on, she had ordered a self propelled chair and another van equipped for a handicapped person to drive. She said she could be self-sufficient here. She could afford to get rid of her 'pain in the ass' housekeeper if she lived like this.

Jeri said "I could come live with you and clean house and cook while I finish school." Adel grinned and said "We must find the house boat first honey."

For two hours Crystal and Jeri made love to Adel, she did have feeling in her genitals and had a dozen orgasms while they nursed her tits and used a vibrating dildo on her then each 'ate her out'. After they took Adel to the bath room and she found she could get herself on and off the stool with no help and saw that she could have gotten in and out of the whirl pool tub as well she was convinced that she wanted to live like this.

They dressed and returned to the living room. Ellen woke because of their conversations. She went to her room and put on her clothes. She stayed there playing with her children.

Crystal said Pat had remarked that three more of these barges were to be auctioned at the Corps Of Engineers base across the bay the last of the month. He had said that it was a shame they would be sold to scrap dealers probably.

Crystal asked Adel and Jeri to wait there until Pat came home and she would ask him if he could convert another one to living quarters like this.

Pat came home after another hour, he was surprised to find company. After introductions Crystal explained that both Adel and Jeri were in her ESP group and were like she was. Crystal said Adel was well enough off to live nearly anywhere she pleased but she felt she would be most happy living on a house boat like this. Crystal asked Pat if he could set up another one for her. Pat told Adel that there were three of the barge living quarters being sold at auction by the Corps in two weeks. He asked if she would like to see them.

Adel said she would if Pat could convert one to this kind of home for her. Pat told them that the next day was Sunday and the advertisement had said the barges to be auctioned could be examined then.

Pat invited everyone to breakfast the next morning and then they would all go look at the barges. The time was set for breakfast at seven thirty and everyone was told to wear light clothes, it would be hot.

Jeri took Adel home, she helped her get inside her house. It was a beautiful two-story brick home. Adel said she had not been upstairs since she had been hurt, she told Jeri that Pat and Crystal's home was larger than what she was living in now. Adel was sleeping in what had been a dining room and the small bath downstairs was not convient for a handicapped person. Adel told Jeri she had decided to put her house on the market months ago. She wanted to move to something more suited to her condition. Adel said that she was going to list the house with an agent Monday.

Jeri asked Adel if she could plan on living with her where ever she moved to. Adel told her she could count on that. Adel told Jeri her late husband had the house apraised for the purpose of increasing the insurance coverage six months before he was killed. That apraisal set a value of just over a half million to the house. Adel said with that she could afford something realy nice to live in. Jeri left for home, Adel's housekeeper was fixing their dinner. Jeri would pick Adel up at seven the next morning.

Crystal's breakfast was great, they spent an hour at that and Adel and Jeri got aquainted with Ellen and her children. Rob took to them and Adel made him her friend for life when she slipped him some suggar-cured ham. Ellen suggested that she clean up after they had eaten, she and the children were not going with them across the bay.

Pat helped Adel into his Navigator, Jeri put her chair in back and Pat drove them to the Corps docks. The gate guard gave them directions and a printed description of each of the items to be sold.

Pat found the sales dock and they read the literature concerning the sales items. The three house barges were items 27, 28, and 29. 27 was minus its generator but was the size of Pat's home. 28 and 29 were thirty feet longer and had ten staterooms with twin beds in them. They were built to house twenty men. All three were recently repainted inside and out and were clean. The heat and air was rated as being in excellent shape on all of them. They were all equipped as Pat's had been.

Adel said she liked the smaller one, number 27 the most. She said just she and Jeri would need no more room than that.

Pat offered to rent her the houseboat and the other side of his dock to tie up her new rented home to. Adel promised to be a good neighbor and asked how much he would want for rent. Pat said he would rent it for four hundred a month. Adel laughed and told them she was paying that much for lawn care each month.

Adel asked if the generator could be replaced in her selection. Pat told her it was not worth the bother, he could run a cable to her and she could use current from his generator when needed. He told Adel that his generator was large enough for both homes.

Pat looked at the remainder of two hundred items on the sales list. There were several items he was interested in. There were three Tug Boats in the sale. Six high-speed Crew boats in excellent condition were on the sale list. An asortment of barges were listed, some were hardly used. Pile driving equipment of all kinds was being sold. In a covered shed assorted pumps and repair parts were lined up. There was an assortment of trucks and cars, some were low mileage vehicles

Pat told the ladies that the size of the auction required that it be one of outcry bids. He liked that better, the bids would be known to all the bidders. Written proposals sometimes caused a person to pay more if he wanted to be sure to get an item.

They left the place and went home. Pat helped Adel out of the car and aboard the houseboat. Jeri called home and told her mother she would be late coming home.

Pat called his old classmate Tim Barnes, he had moved the pumps and equipment from Charleston and remodeled Pat's house barge. Tim was in his office that Sunday afternoon. Pat asked Tim if he might drop by. Tim said he was welcome.

Tim Barnes had space rented up the bay toward town, his office was a twelve wide house trailer. Behind was the Bay Shore and a clutter of worn out equipment.

Pat and Tim talked for a bit then Pat mentioned the reason he was there. He told Tim he was about to buy another barge like the one he was living on and he would like Tim and his crew to re-model it like his. He would like Tim to tow it to his pier and do the work there. Tim said he could contract to do the work on the boat but the engine in his small tug was beyond repair. Pat said he wanted some concrete piling driven also. Could Ted do that? Tim told Pat he had not been able to finish his last piling job, his equipment was junk. Every item he had was good for scrap only. Pat asked Tim if he was going out of business. Tim said it looked as if he was. He said his bigest regret was loosing some very good men and failing in an industry that was booming.

Pat asked Tim if he would sell him his busisness and continue to run it for a salary and a quarter of the profits. Tim told Pat he would sell for the twenty five thousand he owed the bank.

Pat said he would go to the bank with Tim the next day and pay off his loan. Pat told Tim to start the next morning cutting that junk up for scrap, he wanted the site cleaned up so the whole operation could be moved to his property up the bay. Pat told Tim that he was going to purchase at least one tug and one piling rig and maybe more. Pat asked if that twenty-year-old Mack truck was still running at the back of the yard. Tim told Pat it was one of the few things that was. Pat told him to use it to haul the scrap.

Two weekends later Pat drove to the auction in a cold rain, Crystal was with hin. Both were dressed in seaman's rain gear. The auctioneer and his crew were under a shed. Rain was coming down so hard the parking lot was not visible.

Promptly at ten the auction started. Pat bid ten dollars for a clamshell bucket, he was the only bidder and bought it. There were three dragline buckets next, Pat bought them for ten dollars apiece. Next were three trailers made for hauling wood or concrete piling. Pat bought them for a hundred each. His was the only bid.

Nine pickups were next all were in good shape, a few had four-wheel drive. Pat bid two hundred for each one, there were no other bids. A GMC surban station wagon was bid for five hundred, a Ford Crown Victoria went for that as well.

Three Mack tractors sold next, Pat bid one thousand for each. The pumps were next on the list. They had been in ten lots in the shed. One by one each lot sold to Pat for twenty dollars.

The rain came down harder. The house barges were next, Pat bought all of them for ten thousand each. The three Tugs were sold to him for two thousand each. Pat bought all of the piling rigs for five thousand each. There were several air compressors and generators, Pat bought each of them for five hundred dollars. There were several stacks of concrete piling. Pat bought them for five hundred a stack. The items on the sales list were sold. Pat had bought it all.

The rain stopped and people got out of their cars and came to the auction, many protested that the auction had already been held in the heavy rain. The auctioneer anounced that the sale was over and that anyone brave enough to stand in that rain and bid could have bought the items they wanted. He told Pat to follow him to the yard office and he could make arraignments to pay. Pat waited while his purchases were totaled. Pat wrote a check for less than two hundred thousand and was instructed to remove his purchases within one month.

Pat and Crystal dropped by Ted's yard, he had a dozen men cutting the last of the scrap. Tim told Pat that this load and one other would clean up the yard. Pat told Tim what he had bought at the auction and he was to start moving the things off the Government yard the next morning. Tim looked at the list and said "You bought enough barges to move the small things over here as soon as we load." Tim said that with the three Tugs he could move it all the next week.

Monday Pat hired a sign company to install a set of posts and paint a sign for Colson Marine Construction Company. It was to be at the head of a concrete road leading off Bay Shore Drive to a large concrete dock at the bay. Sixty-two years before during World War 11 it had been used as dock for off shore patrol boats equipped with depth charges and definding against submarines. Those concrete bulkheads were as good as when they were built.

Pat directed that a Tug bring the large barge with the eighty-ton crane first, it was to be tied off in the middle of the warf. The other two were to bring the house barges and they would be docked bow on to the bulkhead. The trucks were to be driven to the dock.

By the end of the week all of Pat's purchases were moved to the new site. Pat instructed Tim to tow his twelve wide trailer from the place he had rented and hook it up over the sewer and water outlets of the old office site from in the fortys. That was the last thing to be moved. Tim lived in the back of that crummy trailer.

Pat instructed Tim to begin a crew modifying the houseboat for Adel's use. Pat told Tim to gut enough of one of the larger boats to create a fine office and living quarters for himself. The other houseboat was to be rented for twenty dollars a week to crewmembers. They could make their own arraignments for meals. If a man wanted to use the whole cabin for himself or have his wife live aboard that would cost him forty. Each of the ten staterooms had a small bath.

Pat had spent a lot buying the equipment to create a well equipped company and was spending more to give Tim, Adel and the company space. He had Tim send a rig and crew to drive piling for tying Adels barge off.

Pat had water propane gas and a power meter installed for Adel's barge long before her home was ready to dock across from his. Adel was there every day, she had a self-propelled wheel chair and a van equipped for the handicapped by then. She could go as she pleased. Jeri was there every day after school, she had moved away from home and was living with Adel. Adel was paying Jeri more than she had made at her part time job to stay with her.

Three weeks after Pat's men had started on Adel's new home it was ready to bring to Pat's dock. The houseboat was even better set up than Pat's for a wheel chair invalid. Adel had bought all new furniture for her new home. She had new linnens and towells, all new kitchenware and plates. Adel said she was going to buy all new clothes for herself and Jeri. They were going to begin a new life. She did not plan to move more than a trunk full of things from her old house. Jeri said she wanted to forget the poverty she had been in all of her life. She too wanted to begin a bright new future.

Tim began bidding on projects around the bay. Pat told him to bid only projects that no other contractor wanted. He was to price them high and make a good profit. Pat told Tim that no work was better than work that made a poor profit.

Tim began getting busisness for the new company. He was bidding on projects other contractors did not want. Often his would be the only bid. Because of the crappy nature of the projects he was getting he was making huge profits.

One job that he got was removing a hundred year old railroad bridge. Tim used explosives to shear the bridge from its concrete suports. Pat and Crystal were there to watch that bridge span plunge into the water. They were still there talking to Tim when three divers drug a one and a half inch cable out to the bridge span and dove down and attached it. A small work barge was anchored over the bridge and divers were prepaired to go down and cut loose the first section. The large crane tightened up the cable and the section the cable was tied to moved. The crane dragged a twenty-foot section of the bridge up to the bank. Every one had expected to have to cut that section loose with under water cutting equipment. When that section was set out on the bank Pat examined the broken ends of the metal and told Tim that the bridge was built of black iron not steel and the scrap was worth over twice as much as steel.

Tim began custom towing with the three tugs, that became a good part of the cash flow of the business.

Tim was low bidder to the Corps Of Engineers to remove all of the debris in a section of the bay where hundreds of old boats of all kinds had been scuttled. For two hundred years that area had been used as a dump. The contract was by the ton for what ever was removed. There were nineteen steel barges sunk in that ships graveyard. Tim had his Foreman get those first. Each was raised, usually by sealing the topside and pumping air in them. They were towed to the company yard and slid up on the shore. Crews of men were cutting them up for scrap. That scrap was loaded on a barge to be towed to a place on the bay that melted it down.

Tim had three or four construction projects going at all times. He was doing sea walls, Pier repairs, new docks and a few buildings on shore.

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Mom Chud Gayi Budho Se

Hello dosto mera nam sam hai .Aur ye meri dusari story hai .Is story me 4 character hai mom raveena age 45,budhe naukar ramu kaka aur namdev kaka jo ki 65 ke hoge.Aur mai nam sam age 25 .Mom ki dost aneeta aur uski family 1 month ke liye foreign ja rahe the is liye aneeta ne mom ko kaha ki 1 month wo unhe tiffin pahucha de.Mom ne bhi ha kah diya kyoki wo dono bahut purani saheliya thi shadi ke bhi pahle ki .Tiffin pahuchane ka kam mera hi tha .Pahle do teen to hamari koi bat nhi huyi badme meri...

2 years ago
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My New Fetish and Obsession

So after going a year or so without cock or cum, I started craving it again, bad. So I posted on CL that I was looking for a dude to chill with, do normal guy stuff, then use me when we were alone. I found a guy, mostly straight, which I like. His gf lived in another state so he needed occasional release. I told him I could provide that. We chatted quite a bit, about nasty stuff, and I would send him vids of girls getting used the way I wanted to. We both have a rape fantasy, and he...

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The first time I saw the name Animo Pron, I didn’t know what to expect. Later, I realized that pron merely is a misspelled word for porn and I was able to quickly establish the fact that it is a blog dealing with 3D animated porn mostly featuring the bestiality niche. Here you will find loads of perfectly shaped babes being fucked by all manner of animals, hence the word Animo Pron. The guy behind the site must be one talented and twisted freak to come up with such art.Porn sites that feature...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 5

Mark lifted his sticky face from his mother's loins and looked at her, seeing her look back at him, the lustful stare of her brown eyes piercing his. Jennifer wanted to make sure her son knew what she had said, so she curled her upper lip in such a manner that her grimace betrayed how nasty the thoughts made her feel and how nasty she wanted Mark to see her be. She curled her upper lip as she rasped the words again while looking her son right in the eyes. "I want you to fuck me, Mark....

2 years ago
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When I was a young Latin Boy and another day on th

When I was a Young Latin Boy I was once that Latin boy with soulful brown eyes and a very playfulness about me, that many daddy types loved, there's a funny fact for you.. When I went to juvenile hall the firs time, I was put in a co-ed unit. When we took showers the boys had to wait for the girls to finish. All week I kept hearing how I walked with a switch. Well the night before I got out, I got a shower roll with girls underwear in it. Only they were too big for me. Something had...

4 years ago
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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding

Father, Daughter And Daughter's Girlfriend Bonding The light snapped on and peter griffin jumped back from his bedroom window startled his bathrobe flying open as he spun around to see his daughter meg standing in the door way staring at him. "I thought you were asleep meg" he challenged. His daughter meg stood their framed in the doorway the light shining through her high school musical nightie showing off her ample breasts and boyish slim figure. Meg stared at her fathers'...

1 year ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 43

The Olathe office of the Kansas Highway Patrol office is a large imposing building. Built recently, it is all concrete and glass. I would say that it is just a bit scary. We went in and found Craig waiting in the lobby. "Hey Craig, thanks for coming." We exchanged handshakes "I wouldn't miss this for the world." "Do we know anything yet?" "No, she is in holding and all we have to do is bond her out. A cash bond will get her out of here and home." Ashlee gave an audible sigh of...

1 year ago
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Entertainent at the Harem

Entertainment at the Harem For the final act, the curtain opened to reveal only a very large, study wooden chair placed toward the front of the stage. Then one of the two pretty harem girls, who had spanked each other earlier, walked out on the stage. She was rather tall, light-skinned and slim for an Arab girl. She was dressed in Western style, with a light, green silken dress, nylons and high heels. In her hand she carried a long, whippy malacca cane and she brought it down to the edge of the...

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BackroomCastingCouch Violet Girls With Snake Tattoos Always Take it in the Ass

This week we’ve got another waitress coming to sit on the couch. She’s 23 and honestly a cool ass chick. One of those girls you could kick it and talk a bunch of shit with. She almost reminds me of this girl my homie used to date when I was a young buck. I never got to bang that girl and it always kinda bugged me. So this is the next best thing for me. She’s pretty easy going, and happy to answer our questions on the couch, but she’s a little hesitant when she realizes she’s gotta get naked and...

3 years ago
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TRANSFORMERS continued. Reintroducing our cast of characters. Donnie/Donna, Jerry, Donnie's best friend. Martin and Janet, Donnie's parents. Fred and Annie, Jerry's parents. Claire, Jerry's younger sister. Debbie, Donnie's girlfriend. Cindy, Jerry's girlfriend. Paul, a private eye. And introducing two new characters, P.I.'s Terry and Pete, Paul's friends/associates. Dr. Fine. Inventer/reverse engineer of the suits. From last time: "I settled into Jerry's embrace, realizing that what...

4 years ago
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Badi Behen Ko Seduce Kiya

Hi, I am Alvin. I am 21 years old, from Mumbai. This is my first story and it is a real story. I will write this story in Hindi. Please give me feedback on my email id If you want to talk to me or want friendship, email me. I would love to talk to you. Yeh sex story real hain and ye incident mere aur mere behen k bich ki hain.Uska naam Shushma hain. Vo 29 saal ki hain. Uska rang savla hain and height 5’7″. Uski measurements hain 32-30-36. Voh salvi ho kar bhi bohot hi beautiful hain. Jab ye...

2 years ago
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Sarah FutaSlut

_S_arah looked around her room and sighed. She was still used to getting up early, but now that the vacation started, it just meant more time for her to do nothing. She had spent most of the past few days mindlessly edging and watching porn and gotten increasingly frustrated at her loneliness. Her balls had grown considerably since she began her streak 4 days ago and she couldn't wait so see where things would go if she continued. Sarah had always loved orgasm denial and giving herself blue...

2 years ago
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Sixty Days of Margaret

This was inspired by a column by Beverly Beckham in the Boston Globe. Used with her permission. Thanks always to blackrandl1958 for her editing and guidance. Sixty days: Was it only sixty days ago that I cut the cord and the delivery room nurse handed me our bundle of joy? I held her for just a few moments, feeling her tiny heart beating against my chest before gently placing her on my wife’s chest, basking in the glow of their love. Jane stroked Margaret’s head and smiled up at me. “We...

1 year ago
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Denises Porn Career Takes Off

Denise: Time flew by quickly as I lived my life as a porn star, shooting a film each week and after finishing my sixth film in nearly two months, I was expecting to return to Japan. I got word from my grandmother’s husband that he wanted me to continue as a feature girl for the all black on black film companies with whom I was currently working. I was now living with Ryan, my frequent director and my current steady boyfriend and lover. I had basically moved in with him after staying at his...

3 years ago
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Look What The Cat Dragged In

My hair was drenched and my pants muddied.  Thunder split the sky as I crawled along the inside of the outer wall, careful to avoid any of the lights that swivelled over the castle grounds periodically. I couldn’t afford to be caught.It seemed like hours that I crawled around the perimeter, but I finally reached my destination—the distillery. I used the key I’d acquired to let myself in. In my haste, I forgot to oil the door, and it gave a loud creak as it swung open. I winced, hoping that the...

3 years ago
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Nothing Compares To You Part I

Summer Of 93’Nothing Compares To YouPart II came out of the Gulf of Mexico onto North Clearwater Beach, standing 6’ 5” tall 220 lbs with around 6% body fat. A middle aged woman who was laying with friends stood up and asked me, “did you swim from Texas, you look like you could?” Her friend yelled, “ask him to sit with us Trish”, and waved at me. I told her I have to go home and finish my work out, then her friend, now standing looked at me as though I was a bowl of her favorite ice cream and...

3 years ago
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The Venus Curse

The Venus Curse By Lampwickxxx There was nothing in the mail for John that morning. But just as he was turning away from the door he heard a letter drop onto the mat. The postman must have forgotten it and turning back he saw a pink envelope lying on the mat. Picking it up he looked at the crisp black letters and his address. Opening it, he found a single piece of very fine paper inside, the border was gold and in old fashioned writing it had complete jargon. Metaphorsic Venus...

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Sarah Meets Gregs Parents

Sarah was about to do something which made her want to vomit all over the car. She was going to meet Greg's parents. Sarah and Greg had been living together for several months. Sarah had talked to Greg's mom on the phone several times over the duration of their cohabitation and had heard Greg's dad grunt a few times (according to Greg's retelling of the story which Sarah told him). Sarah had said that she wanted to meet her "in-laws" but as the car got closer, she was beginning to think...

2 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 22

Brenda wanted to stop and discuss my assertion that she had somehow 'gained wizard status', but I was sure we had already wasted too much time. Prince Aiden's dead body could be discovered at any moment and then we would be in trouble. As it was, we were still deep inside the kingdom of Scania, with days of riding ahead of us, and the Scanian population to contend with. Flying would have been quicker and safer perhaps, but that wouldn't get Mòr Dubh to safety, never mind the eighty...

2 years ago
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Niomis TearsChapter 7

Niomi met Hyota at the door that evening. As she had bathed and dressed in preparation for his return, she had contemplated defying his orders, reasserting her position as parent, telling him that mistakes had been made but that the recording must be returned to her and that she would spend the rest of her life making up for her transgressions. Yet, she also knew that Hyota would never accept her pronouncement. He had always bee strong willed and this morning he had made it quite clear what...

1 year ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 6

The start of the new school year meant a bunch of things changed. New kids in school, new classes, new teachers, new kids at the Ranch, and new horses to board. Given that we were a nudist facility, people who boarded their horses with us had to expect a fair amount of human skin. Some actually bought the line that we wre just a nudist place, and didin't realize what else was going on when you mix teenage hormones, nudity, and adults who actually thought what we were doing was a good idea,...

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My sis is irresistible1

Let me introduce myself, my name is Tyler and I am 18. I live with my mother (Nancy) and my sister (Stephanie) and we live in Washington. My sister and I have both gone to public school our entire lives. All through high school my sister and I have been a grade apart and that has made a few things a little hard on me when it comes to her. You see, she is very popular and every guy in school wants to be seen with her. She is 18 years old is 5"4" and weighs about 110 pounds sopping wet. But...

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my wifes naughty elder sister talked me into

It is really impossible for a person like me to hold himself up to his wife only when he has a Saali like Mukta. My marriage is more than a year old and I am indulged in an extra marital affair with sister of my wife. Mukta is actually my wife’s cousin sister, nearly 3-4 years elder then me, not married and very young and naughty from the heart. I must tell you that from the first day I met her I was tempted by Mukta's body. This woman was meant to be fucked, and fucked repeatedly. Warm and...

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Will was a narcissist. He would spend hours at the gym then come home and look at himself in the mirror, making sure to not how good looking he was. He was constantly putting down his friends and family for not being as good-looking as he is. He thought it was harmless fun, but he would go to new lengths to make sure everybody knew who was the best looking around. He went over the edge one night by making fun of his roommate Chris's penis size in front of his girlfriend. Chris was...

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A compilation of 19 chapters following the nylon adventures of a young teen boy.CHAPTER 1My mom had left to meet my Aunt Jill for lunch and a few cocktails so I went to moms room,opened her nylon drawer and grabbed out a pair of her silky smoke gray thigh highs.Mom wears nylons almost everyday for work so she has many,many pairs in her drawer. I then pulled down my shorts and sat on moms bed. My cock was now at half mast just from feeling her silky nylons in my hand. I took one of the thigh...

1 year ago
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Two below and One to blow above. (For Bill, Three November, Nine-ty.) When its Two below, The two below Ain't hangin' low, My love. Then its Time to blow The staff That stiffly grows Above. Till the two Below Boil and overflow, to Overheat The meatus Lips of his thermometer: And drool Hot lava. Till the two Below Feel their bag burn so! Overheated Pre-fetuses Drip From His percolator: And pool Hot java. For Artie: An old Columbian Folksong Everybody now! El deeque, El...

2 years ago
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Your True Self

My name is Tom. I'm a 24 years old, well built, tall, handsome guy. If we ever met in real life you'd think I'm a real alpha male. I have a good sense of humour and I act confident in nearly all situations. The truth is that most of the time I'm just faking it... In reality I'm very submissive and quiet. The lack of speech can be seen as a way of confidence with my manly appearance and people often feel intimitated because of my slilence. If they knew I just can't speak to them they would laugh...

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Morning Wood

She gasped when I brushed my hand over her nipple — as much from surprise as from pleasure, I think. We were both half-asleep, dozing in my bed. She was a high school friend who went to college out of state, and was visiting for the weekend. We were planning to spend the day together, but her train had arrived really early. I normally don't get up until noon on the weekends, and she knocked on my door at 7am, looking tired. In high school we had been pretty close. We never dated, but we had...

College Sex
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The Server

©Feb 2001 I love the office at the weekend. Not too often mind, but just now and then; you can get so much done when you haven't got the phone ringing all the time - Oh! - Sorry, should have mentioned it, I'm in support! Yes, no! Not 'thank you for you're support and I shall wear it always...', silly - computer support. Yes - that's right the guy who responds when you call us up and say 'I wasn't doing anything and all that's left of 'my' Pc is a smoking pile of Bill Gates'...

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