NeighborsChapter 4 free porn video

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I got arms full of Haley. She was so soft and cuddly and excited and loving and I cherished her. My hands explored her slight body, getting me giggles and purrs. I slid my hands gently over her breasts, slight moundings that yielded to my touch, and she sucked a breath in when I touched her nipples.

"Can I see them, sweetness?" I asked.

"Why?' she said. "I'm almost flat. I dunno why I don't have bigger titties. I mean, Mom's got pretty big ones."

Her mom was indeed busty, but two kids and forty extra pounds...

"You've got pretty, sweet ones," I said. "I'm happy with them. They're YOU." I kissed her lightly on the lips, then moved down to her pink earlobe and her neck.

She giggled. "Oh, here!" And she stripped her shirt over her head.

I saw candy. Little pink strawberries. She shook her head to rearrange that brown hair, and she smiled.

"If YOU think I'm pretty..."

"I think you're gorgeous, little doll," I said truthfully.

She smiled as I explored her torso.

Finally, I could resist no longer. I curled toward her nipples and kissed one, then the other, then back to the first. Then I kissed her mouth. She released the breath she was holding.

"Not too much, baby?"

"Oh, gosh, no, Bill," she said in a tiny voice. "I LIKE it. Do it some more."

I did. I kissed, then experimentally sucked one, kneading it with my tongue. She reacted by clamping her hands on the back of my head, holding her breast in my mouth, and she made little whimpery noises.

I stopped to let her regain her composure and she purred into my arms. "Mmmmmmm, baby, that feels so good..."

"I wanna make you feel good, little one. You made me feel waaaay past just good. Bill's little Haley likes having her nipples sucked."

"Oh, god, yessss!"

"If she likes THAT, she's going to like other things..."

I paused briefly in my travels to dip my tongue in her navel. More shivers. And I moved further down. I planted kisses on her pubic mound. It had the lightest of fuzz on it. I opened my mouth wide and sucked as much of it into my mouth as I could and moaned, "Mmmmmm!" I toyed with it, letting her get used to the idea. She didn't NEED to get used to the idea.

"Gahhhhh!" She writhed. Her hands pushed at my head. "Bill! Do something! I need you to DO SOMETHING!"

Little darling didn't know what to tell me to do. I had ideas. I moved between her thighs and let my lips brush her labia, my nostrils sucking in the smells of little girl, hot little girl, musky, tangy, and waiting for my tongue.

When my tongue hit her, her hands pulled on my head, forcing my face into her wet pussy. I stopped teasing my little Haley and after one good lick to gather her juice into my mouth, I let my tongue find her little girl button. The first lick of her clit, she KNEW what she wanted me to do.

"Ahhhhh! Bill! Right there! Lick! Do Something!"

I licked. I spread her lips gently and sucked her little clit between my lips and worked it with my tongue.

"Nnnnn. Nnnnn. NNNNNN!" I was having an effect on my Haley. I kept licking. "Nnnnnn. Nnnnn. Ohhhh! Shit! Ohhhh! Bill! I'm. I'm. I'm. It's. It's COMING! Ohgodohgodogod! Ahhhhhh..."

Her body arched into my face as she climaxed ... Then she went limp. I scooped her into my arms and held her. I kissed little kisses on her face, gently, as she rejoined the world. Her eyelids fluttered and she opened them. I saw her brown eyes as she focused.

"Oh, Bill. I love you!"

Fourteen. "I love you."

What could I say? "I love you, too, Haley."

"That was the best thing that I have ever felt in my whole life."

I smiled. "Sweet darling, I am glad I made you feel good."

"Mmmmmm, you have NO idea..." and she kissed me.

I kissed her back. I felt a little hand softly fondling my hardening shaft. She looked at me with a mix of lust and curiosity.

"Does it get hard like that a lot?"

"It usually doesn't, right after I come," I said. "It's extra excited about you."

Giggle. "When it's hard, that means it's, like, READY? Again?"

"Uh-huh," I explained, "But it's not gonna come as fast the second time."

"It'll last longer?"

I nodded.

She got inside my arms and wrapped me in her own, her face smiling shyly, mere inches from mine. "D'ya REALLY love me, Bill?"

"I really do, Haley. Why are you asking?"

"'Cuz I think we should love each other before we..."

"Haley! You're too young!"

"Am not," she said assuredly. "Lots of girls in my class already did it. Some of 'em's BEEN doin' it."


"I don't wanna do it with a buncha guys. I don't wanna do it with anybody but YOU."

"Oh, Haley..."

She kissed me again. Pushed me over on my back and climbed back atop me. "I was rubbin' us together while ago." Her brown eyes connected with mine. "Didja like it?"

"'S not a matter of if I liked it, Haley. It felt wonderful..." and I sucked a breath in as she pushed her juicy young pussy along the underside of my hardness.

. "So, baby, can we?"

"All in one day, Haley?" I was incredulous. "You just sucked a guy off for the first time. Just had a guy eat you till you came for the first time. And now you want to do it?"

"I wanna do it with YOU, Bill."

"Sweetie, that's a BIG step. Sometimes it hurts pretty bad the first time. Girls have this thing." I didn't remember seeing that "thing", her cherry, but then I wasn't exactly in a position to pay close attention with her pulling my face into her pussy.

"Oh, THAT," she said. "Mom took me to the doctor when I had my first period and he asked her if I was going to use those things you stick in you, you know, tampons, and she said I was if I could, an' he said he could fix me so I could use 'em more easily but that it would take that hymen thing almost away."

That was new knowledge to me.

"So you don't have to worry about that."

"Okay. Then still, you've never had anything inside you."

"Fingers. The handle on my hairbrush. Just experimenting."

"Well then why am I worrying? It's probably better the first time if you get on top of me so you can go as slow as you want."

"Me on top? You mean there are other ways?"

"Yes, doll, there are other ways. If you want, we can try them sometimes. But today, Haley is on top."

She was astride my hips now, lowering herself, her pussy making contact with my dick, pressing it against my belly. She slid back and forth a few times, rubbing my dick against her clit.

"Hmm!" she said. "This has possibilities!" Then she raised up, releasing my dick to let it pop up. She moved her hips to put the head of my dick in between her pussy lips and began to search for the head with her hole. Finally she reached underneath herself with her hand, grabbed my dick and guided the head into her hot, tight, wet hole. She pressed down. The head slowly forced its way in. She stopped pushing to savor the feeling, then pushed further, then pulled out, then pushed back in, this time a little deeper. I watched her face. She was concentrating, biting her bottom lip, and she kept on, up, down, each time a little more, my dick in the grip of a hungry, yet virgin pussy. Finally, one last thrust and our bodies met.

"It's ALL the way in!" She sighed. "Oh, Bill! You're IN me!" and she started small, even strokes, getting used to the feel of a dick inside her. Then the strokes got more insistent. She was feeling the fullness and the friction inside her, but her button was on the outside looking for something to rub against, so Haley bent forward, rotating her hips so her clit was making contact with the base of my dick with each stroke, and that was what she was looking for. Once she found it, the game was hers. She was riding me like a rocking horse, her hips plunging down, then up and forward. I was trying to let her find her own way, but I couldn't help it. I had to move. Soon I was meeting her strokes with my own.

"Oh.Oh.Oh." came from her lips with each stroke. "Mmmm.MMMM.Mmmm" Now she was biting her lip. 'Oh.oh.oh." Her strokes became longer and harder. Ohhhh. Gahhhh! Ohhhh! Billlll! I'm. Coming! Gahhhhhh! Ohgodogod ohhhhh!" And her last shuddering stroke pushed me over my own cliff and I spurted into her virgin pussy. I did a couple of strokes in time with the spurts then her pussy finished wringing me out.

She collapsed into my arms and we lay together in post climax bliss. Finally she turned her face to mine and kissed me and her hand touched my face. "Oh, Bill, you're so wonderful. I love you."

"I love you too, little one," I said. "Uh, what're your mom an' Steve gonna say, you bein' gone this long?"

She smiled. "They're gone, too. I told 'em when they were getting' ready to go that I was gonna come over here an' do things with you." Giggle. "I don't think they had THIS in mind, though..." She kissed me again. "IloveyouIloveyou..."

"What's that mean to you, Haley?"

"Means that I LOVE you..." More kisses.

I didn't pursue the line of investigation. I might want 'love' to equate to 'forever', but I was holding a fourteen year old girl in my arms and she'd just delightfully shared herself with me, and sometimes, just maybe, life is like a flower, to be savored for the brief time it's in your hand, then it's gone...

We played, experimenting with one another's bodies, sampling the combination of juices we'd created with the fervor of our copulation. Finally, we were lying entangled together, doing Haley's favorite thing, being cuddled.

"I guess I should be dressed when Mom gets back," she said.

"Uh-huh. And you might wanna wash your face. And this," I said, stroking her sweet pussy. "Smells like you've been havin' sex."

"I haven't been, you know," she smiled, "I've been makin' love..."

We went into the bathroom together, washed faces and nether regions, then I watched her get dressed as I did so myself. We went back out to the shop and were busy working when her family pulled back into the driveway.

"I guess I'll go see 'em," she said. She smiled innocently. "I meant what I said, Bill." She left, walking across the lawn to her house. I noticed an uncharacteristic hitch in her gait.

The shelf I was building could wait. I had some pondering to do. I went inside. Didn't turn the TV on. Just sat in my recliner, thinking about what sort of worm ate a chunk of my brain to let me have sex with Haley. Fourteen. What was I thinking? First, sex was serious business to me. I admitted to myself that I had a deep affection for Haley, that it was more than just neighbors and friends, but to have SEX with her? What did that do to us? I could've happily been her friend and tutor and occasional companion and benefactor until she grew up and moved on.

She was fourteen. Almost guaranteed to move on. But what about that conversation about how kids her age ... We'd TALKED about what 'I love you' meant, and then the next thing I know, we were saying it to each other. I was running one stream of thought after another through my head when I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I hollered. I was not in the happiest of moods.

"It's me, Mister Bill," came Haley's voice. "Can I come in?"

"Please do," I said.

She closed the door behind herself and came up to me. "Mister Bill..."

"Miss Haley..."

"Did you mean it..."

"I meant it. Did you?"

"I don't wanna mess up our friendship," she said. "Can I..." She touched my shoulder.

"Yes ... I wish you would..."

She crawled into my lap with less than the normal exuberance. "I thought about what we did..." she looked at me, those brown eyes wide, moist at the corners. "I ... I took advantage of you, Mister Bill. You're the only guy in the world that I wanted to do that with. And you didn't want to..."

"Oh, you're wrong, baby. I WANTED to. It's just that we're not supposed to. I'm guilty of a crime. Just like sellin' drugs or robbin' a bank. But I love you and I think you're delightfully, desperately cute, and I wanted to..." I kissed her lightly on the head. "I never wanted to hurt you..."

The kiss unleashed a flood. From her almost chaste position, her hip in my lap, her shoulder in my chest, she slid and twisted to press herself full-length against me, her legs intertwining with mine. And her lips met mine.

"You didn't hurt me, Bill."

I was back to just 'Bill' instead of 'Mister Bill'. I said that to her.

"You can be Mister Bill when we're in public," she said. "But now you're MY Bill..."

"I'll accept that, my Haley..."

"I REALLY enjoyed us today, baby," she said. "Can I call you 'baby' too?"

"If I can call you 'baby'."

"You already do, baby," she smiled. "I'm a little sore. I guess ... first time, you know..."

"I've heard that, ' I said.

"I wanna do it again," she smiled.

"Right now?"

"No, 'cuz I need to go eat dinner. But soon..."

I kissed her, stroking that sassy head of hair as I savored her lips and tongue. And the phone rang.

I looked at caller ID. "Your house," I said, then I punched the button. "Hello. This is Bill."

Marie's voice. "Hey, Bill, you got Haley there?"

"She's here," I said. "We're playin' chess."

"Well, send 'er home when ya'll're finished," Marie said.

I passed the phone to Haley.

"Okay, Mom," Haley said. She turned to me. "We're not finished, are we?" She kissed me and snuggled into my arms. "I'll never be finished."

"I hope not," I said.

That ended a weekend. I stood at the door and watched the little cutie walk across the yard to her house. I went back inside, showered, and for the first time in a long time, I had NO sexual tension aching in my groin. No, the tension was in the million thoughts flying through my head.

It didn't make for the easiest of days the next day, either. It was difficult to concentrate on work. Absent the idea that NOW I was guilty of a felony, I was also holding the heart of a young girl in my hands. One thought was troubling to my physical freedom. The other weighed on my heart.

The clock dragged its hands around slowly, but finally the day ended and I drove home. I don't know what I expected. Law enforcement? Haley's mom and step-dad?

What I saw was Haley. And her backpack. Smiling. Before I could get out of my van, she was at my side.

"Hi, baby..." she said. "Did ya miss me?"

I had to confess that I did. This admission got me a shy smile.

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The Interview

Sue now owned her own porn studio. She had come a long way since she was a street whore and then a well known porn star. Her employees were the best looking and the sexiest with great fucking skills. She chose the best. She did movies and live shows. Her shows were very popular with men's clubs. She also did a little escort service where women paid by the inch for her boys and men paid by the bust size. It was pricey but well worth it as they were getting porn stars. Elderly rich women loved...

3 years ago
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The Feud

24 December 1938 Ella hitched her dark wool pants up as she slid down the wooded hill toward the two room cabin in the holler, clutching the glass bottle to herself carefully. The pants – and the dark wool shirt as well - were actually her older brother’s. The wool cap covering her bright red hair was her uncle’s. She’d needed dark thick clothes to move through the woods on the chilly December night. He’d said if they burned down Widow Amos’ house, she’d leave the county with her son. One less...

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Darren broke the surface of the water, the sun glinting off the droplets that sprayed away from his face as it emerged from the pool. I tried not to look at his crotch and the bulge of his cock against the tight Speedo. The fuck who invented Speedos should be ass-fucked by every sexually frustrated guy in the world. Darren was staying at our house while his parents were backpacking across southern Europe. Darren and I weren’t especially good friends since we went to different schools and only...

1 year ago
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I was really hot and I needed to feel those giant cocks filling me up

In my last letter, I told you how my husband Tom had made me show off my body in a gas station, a grocery store, a pharmacy, and an adult book store. At the end of that letter, I was in the back seat of a car with Tom (my husband) driving, on my way to a motel, taking turns sucking the huge cocks of my two black friends, Alan and Joseph. Before I had left the bookstore, I’d invited the two customers who were there to come to the motel to fuck me. I’d also told the clerk...

3 years ago
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What If Smallville

"Clark! Are you up yet?" my Dad called from downstairs. I groaned and rolled over. "Coming Dad!" I yelled back. Having been disturbed from my deep sleep I decided that I might as well get up. Sliding out of bed I opened the curtains and then walked over to my wardrobe to decide on what to wear. After a bit of a debate, I decided on a blue short sleeved t-shirt and some skinny jeans which I laid out on the bed. I then picked out a matching bra and panty set and then crossed out into the...

1 year ago
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In Shame and Secrets 1

So while she was bored, Maxine was glad her brother wasn't home. Her mind wandered to the events of the previous day, when she had wandered into her brother's room to try and find clothes for washing. She had picked up a pair of his jeans and thrown them over her arm when a small white packet had fallen from them. Before she had a chance to pick it up, however, Robbie had burst into his room and caught her, grabbing her by the throat mid sprint and slamming her so forcefully against the...

4 years ago
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mutual wank

I met a guy when he was over here in Ireland working on similar projects to mine. We got on well without being overly friendly. I could see he had similar interests and was a discreet type, most definitely not the sort to gossip or blabbermouth. Not that there was anything to blabbermouth about. The way he mentioned jacking off gave me an idea that we were of the same mind. He met Helen once and was greatly taken by her. Why not? Helen is a real beauty, though now in her forties. She still...

1 year ago
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Porn Zog gets a hell of a lot of traffic for a website whose title reads like gibberish. I think the first four letters do the trick; you could probably slap 'porn' onto any random bunch of letters, add a dot com, and watch the perverts roll in. I'm not sure the name explains all of the traffic, though. With around 60 million visitors a month, there's probably more to their popularity than just a name that hints at fuck flicks.For example, the fuck flicks themselves probably have a lot to do...

Porn Aggregators
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PenthouseGold Kenzie Taylor Busty Cop Kenzie Taylor Covered in Cum

Busty blonde cop Kenzie Taylor pays a visit to Robby Echo and he makes up for his dirty deeds with some titty sucking and pussy fucking in this premium Penthouse police porn video. The naughty officer of the law shoves her mouthwatering melons into the stud’s mouth and reveals a sexy garter belt and black thigh-high stockings that only she gets to wear by blowing policemen on the force. Watch the horny MILF ride her way to orgasm and get pounded in doggy until her curvy ass is covered in...

2 years ago
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So, it seems that I’ve developed a new fetish that I didn’t even know I had! It happened something like this….. I was at a bar, and had had four-five beers. Needless to say, I had to pee pretty badly. When I got to the bathroom, there was someone in it! I waited, and waited, but nobody came out. I was to the point of crossing my legs, to hold back the urge. One of the bartenders walked by and asked what was wrong, and I told him that I had to pee. He said, ‘It would sure be a shame if you...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 37 Vickie

Friday, May 28, 1971 The morning sky was overcast, I noticed as I started scanning for everyone. I could sense that most of the others were awake and moving around. However, Nicky, Randi, and Jenny were all still asleep where I had left them last night. Catherine and Liz were talking as Catherine packed her things. Sarah and John were also talking as John packed. Jeff must have been packed because he was sitting on the bed moaning as Debbie worked up and down on his manhood. "One more for...

2 years ago
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With my law student in a hotel

She was just another Law student, in another classroom, the same as any other girl I had seen over the last 3 years of teaching Law in Pune, but there was something about her. I could not tell at that time just what it was that drew me towards her. Her name was Bardhini; she was around 21, the same as most of the others in her class. She was nothing different from any of the other 300 students that I had in my various classes (well, apart from the boys), after all, she was Law, and she had...

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Delta OriginalChapter 18 Ponies Need Tack

“Well, now you are all proud owners of ponies,” Don said. “The only problem is that I didn’t bring enough tack or saddles to sell you.” “Do you have enough different saddles that would fit the ones we chose?” asked Kyle. “Yes,” said Don. He took them to the shed and pointed out the saddles he had, “That one would fit Red Lady and Blondie. That one would fit both Prince and Two Socks, and those two would fit any of the other three.” “What about bridles?” Bear asked. Don selected four...

2 years ago
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Not Watching a Movie

The microwave beeped and I took out the bag of popcorn. The smell of butter hit my nose as I carefully opened the bag, making sure the steam didn’t scald my hands. Jeff called out from the living room, “Okay, it’s done! Get back in here already!” “I’m coming, I shouted as I wound my way through the dining room and back into the living room. I glanced at the large LCD HDTV on the wall, noting the main menu for “Last Holiday” running on the screen. I chuckled. “Decided on a comedy after all?” I...

1 year ago
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MomSwap Vivianne Desilva Mandy Waters A Celibate No More

After a whole year of celibacy, hot MILF friends Mandy and Vivianne decide it’s time to get back in the game. They’re both super horny and ready to jump back on the wagon, but they don’t want their husbands to be the ones to pop them. Instead, they prefer to get themselves some young male cocks that can actually keep up with them. It so happens that James and Nicky, their stepsons, are young, hunky, and eager to help. As Vivianne and Mandy get fucked by each other’s...

3 years ago
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The SSBBW at the Denver Hotel

Last year I had to go to Denver for a conference on a new software platform that my company was switching to. I always enjoyed Denver so I was happy to go. My plane arrived mid-afternoon and after getting the rental car and doing a little sight seeing I checked into my hotel. I was staying at the Hyatt Regency downtown. After settling into my room, showering and changing, I went to the bar/restaurant on the 27th floor of the hotel. I was on my second bourbon when I saw her walk into the bar. I...

3 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 16

They drag Maggie and me off to the wolf pens. It is hard not to make a fuss, as Maggie starts to cry and is giving me the why did you let this happen look. "Chronos!" She yells at me through her tears. "You promised me." Try as she might she wiggles and tugs and drags her feet, but the two men who have her do not even notice her antics. I can only shake my head at her. There are too many people around for me to try and calm her down and I am busy modifying my plan to include Maggie as...

3 years ago
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Slave Girl 2

Sequel to Slave Girl. Like that story I am bringing it over here from my Patreon. And like that story it will eventually make it's way here in its entirety, assuming I can finish it. If you simply have to read ahead feel free to join us on Patreon. *** Home. It is a word with many meanings and one I had been thinking a lot about recently. Was home the farm I grew up on? The familiar fields and faces of my youth, the embrace of my mother and the mouth-watering aroma of her stew bubbling on the...

4 years ago
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Lucky Beyond Belief

It’s said that opportunity only knocks once, and am I ever lucky I answered that knock. Looking back, though, my childhood wasn’t all that lucky. Dad and mom both worked to provide enough income to feed my brother and me. We always had food on the table, but money was tight. While other families went to Disney World on vacation, our vacations were inexpensive alternatives—camping out or visiting relatives. Mom was our moral compass. She was strict and upright—a proper mom who taught us to...

2 years ago
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The Brylcreem Boy

By the time that Daniel James Mulgrew entered the war it could be argued that the tide had already turned and the combined allied forces were gaining traction in all of the most significant theatres of Europe, North Africa and Southern Asia. The Battle of Britain had ended several years previously, when Danny, or DJ as his comrades in No. 501 Squadron knew him, was still a grammar school boy in his native Hampshire. Although the Luftwaffe had by this time all but abandoned its plans for...

1 year ago
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I never did like long skirts Pt 1

by Vanessa Evans Part 1 My mum always used to make me wear skirts that were knee length or longer and they were always made from a fabric that was thick and heavy. I always felt like I had weights hanging from my waist and I was forever pushing the heavyweight fabric out of the way so that I could do something. Even going to the toilet was like doing weightlifting exercises. Jeans and trousers were a big no, no to my mother as well, her saying, “Women should dress like women not men,” she...

2 years ago
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My Uncle JackChapter 10

The next morning I unlocked the bedroom door and woke jack up, and then unchained him from the chair and ordered him to follow me to the front room. Once in the front room we sat on the sofa and I told him the new terms of this relationship. "Right jack first and foremost I want this relationship back to how it use to be, when it was just you and me I am your princess. Which takes me too number two you will address me as princess all of the time. Also for the first six months you will wear a...

2 years ago
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A Friend In Deed

Copyright© 2004 -- All rights reserved. Please do not repost without permission I couldn't help but notice, day after day, the reminders of my life. A touching scroll my eldest had written for a recent Father's Day hung above my desk: A blue Dad, a broccoli Dad, a gardening Dad, a swimming, traveling, books Dad, A reading and a mustache Dad My Dad's a coins Dad My Dad's a skiing Dad A brown hair Dad A brown eyes Dad A 3 kids and a wife Dad A "drive me to dance and the BBQ...

1 year ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 35 The Attack

Around the system, ships started hypering out. The ships destined to stay, started recovering the injured and helpless from the explosions on Terra; while Commodore White, along with his wife Maria, begin dealing with the UN. Two weeks later, the ships dropped out of fold and reformed into their attack wings. Ken stood on the Flag Bridge, facing the main viewer. On the screen were Captain Nickolas Johansson of the Hope, and Captain Jenny Mai-ling of the Freedom Train. "Captains, good...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Lacey Channing Mini Movie Watcher Gets Fucked

Lacey Channing was super excited to be staying with one of her uncles. His house was super huge compared to hers and she could barely even reach the doorbell! They were both super delighted to see each other since it had been such a long time. Lacey jumped into uncles arms and grasped him like she would never let go. They did disband though and uncle gave lacey a tour of his lavish abode. Lacey was impressed by everything, especially his movie theater. She was going through the menu options and...

3 years ago
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Watching My Slutty Wife

I am a happily married man. Me and my wife have an opened sexual life. I know that she has sex with other men and she knows that i have had affairs with other women. The thing that makes our marriage strong is that we are always opened with each other. In fact i love watching my wife have sex with other men and she likes to watch me. You might say we are swingers. About a year ago we were having repairs done on our roof. We hired Mike our neighbor to do the work, which was a lot cheaper than...

1 year ago
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Mother Daughter Softball Fun 10

I pulled into the parking lot as the bus pulled in and the girls all came up to greet me as I checked who made it. My daughter was out sick and the girls came up hugging on me "Who is going to pitch at practice?" I looked up and one of the girls on the other team was pulling shorts on under her sundress and showed me an amazing tight white ass. She turned as smiled catching me looking. I shook it off with teh blood flowing "Where is Ashley?" Ashley was 17 or 18 and was homeschooled due...

4 years ago
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A Camping Trip Leads to a Bi Adventure

This is a true story (mostly), names and some other details have been changed to protect the identities of the people involved.------This happened in the late 1980s.  I was twenty-two at the time, my friend Greg was twenty-five, we were both single, but had girlfriends at the time.  One of the things that Greg and I used to do a lot was go fishing. We were into fresh water fishing on many of the lakes in the northwestern part of New Jersey, about an hour from the area that we lived in. Greg and...

Gay Male
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Gloryhole Wife

Well, It was a summer day and Tiffany was just looking at the movies and pictures I had on the computer and had something on her mind. We had her nephew over to spend the night and it was a good excuse to say we were going to go out for a while so he could babysit. She wanted to drive to surprise me as to where she was taking me. I kept asking and she kept saying, "You will see, Besides I was looking at some of the movies and pictures and I want to try some of them." My mind was racing as to...

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