Infidelity Ch. 02 free porn video

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Part 2/2: Redemption

Reset the scene. The air has leaked away. The night isn’t expectant, the joke has been played. Two people stand apart and alone, batting idle thoughts into the dark. Nothing of significance will come of this.

She has made her decision to do the right thing, to live with that burden. Now she can’t stand the thought of reentering the crowd, nor can she stay on the deck with him. There is a third option. She turns toward the steps and walks down into the yard, to be alone.

Everything is hard. She thinks: How will I get home tonight?

If this were a movie he would follow her, to confront her. She would welcome that, it would give her the chance to give in, having tried to be good. Nonsense. She knows that she wouldn’t, gets almost teary thinking: I’ll always do the right thing. If she gets far enough away she may be able to let herself cry over doing the right thing.

What he does is follow her and take her hand from behind.

‘Don’t go. Please don’t. Stay with me for awhile.’ He is still speaking very softly, but urgently.

‘Please stay.’

‘I don’t know,’ and she looks to the house. Do the right thing. She needs an excuse to repulse him. ‘What if someone had come outside just then? We could have been caught.’

Oh you idiot! No! That’s not what you mean. Tell him the truth. Tell him you can’t be with him ever.

He counters: ‘Then let’s just walk in the yard and talk. Just talk. No kissing, okay?’

He makes a wan smile, more a grimace than a grin. She gives up on leaving, and she leaves her hand in his. Neither really knows what that means, but it is something.

Of course she loses her words again, distracted by his hand. He leads her across some stepping stones, past a few new bushes in mulched earth and a dogwood that is so bright it gleams in bits of reflected light. They are holding hands. She stumbles a little, and so has to catch onto his arm, an arm that is as warm as the rest of him, while she tries to hold her wrap tightly to her chest.

Why are we still holding each other?

Anyone could tell her.


Her behavior last fall weighs on her. She didn’t know then that she had hurt him, not exactly, not like that. She wants to apologize, but how do you bring that up? She certainly can’t tell him what drove her. There are some things one just doesn’t say. They are both so shy now that they may not say anything at all, but she tries because she can’t stand the silence.

‘I’m really sorry about … back there. I shouldn’t have let things go so far. I think I led you on. You must think I’m terrible.’

He doesn’t say anything, though it’s his turn. They are still holding hands but he isn’t saying he doesn’t think she’s terrible. She stops waiting, and goes on.

‘I don’t know how it happened, and it frightened me. And about last fall …’

A deep breath. The night is full of such breaths. He pauses in mid-step, eyes open wide in the dark, and finally says something, finishing for her:

‘You don’t have to tell me. I know I should have controlled myself more.’

‘No. It wasn’t you. Oh Lord no. Please believe me. I did try to avoid you. I’m sorry about that too. But it wasn’t your fault. There were other things going on. I really can’t talk about them.’

‘That’s okay. You don’t need to excuse me. I’m sure I deserved it.’

‘No! No, you don’t understand. Listen. Oh God!’

She finds herself looking desperately left and right, to the trees, the lights, the house, looking for the right words. They aren’t there, so she gives up and stares him directly in the face:

‘Look, the truth is I was attracted to you, and it scared me then, too. Okay, I said it!’

To whom is she confessing?

She can’t face him and looks away right after she finishes, then waits to hear him respond, but he is silent again. When she looks back to him he has the strangest expression. What parts are amazement and delight, thoughtfulness and fear she can’t tell at all. He takes both of her hands, holds them firmly, and she is afraid of what he will do, but then he drops one and they start to walk all over again. As they move through the dark he keeps turning toward her as though to express something he can’t quite say.

They avoid the center of the long yard, open grass lighted by floodlights, and hug the landscaped edges. Some tiny night bird flashes away, perhaps tired of watching them from an oak. It must have seen the two people walk randomly, slowly, always to the side, away from the open yard, to the hidden areas. There are footsteps, nothing else. They look to the ground, occasionally to each other. That cool, damp ground is heady and sweet. Too cool. She lets him put an arm around her to warm her (‘Is this okay?’) and as she nestles against him in their walk, she can feel the night reviving itself.


Far out in the shaded part of the gardens, hidden by a magnolia from the house and the possibility of discovery, he turns to her. He is very close, though touching only her hand.

‘May I kiss you again?’

‘No. We agreed: ‘no kissing.’ I don’t think we … ‘

She doesn’t finish.

Just as she started talking he had lifted his free hand to her cheek, not quickly, almost lazily, not quite touching it. It is an odd movement. She has a dreamy memory of the way her cat sometimes touches her face when she is at the computer and he wants her to get him food, reaching out very gently and very slowly, pads getting closer and closer to her cheek.

She stops to look at his hand, hovering not an inch away. It seems as though he is waiting to see her reaction, then his palm is at her cheek again and, yes, it is still warm. She thinks: he’ll seduce me with temperature.

What he uses to seduce her is the most unoriginal of lines: ‘I’ll stop anytime you ask me. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.’

Her response will be that he should stop now, that she doesn’t want to do *anything*.

She doesn’t answer.

It’s been scant minutes since their crisis, can there be a second chance already? How did it build so suddenly? She draws in a breath to say the words that will end it finally. They look at each other, half covered in shadows, empty of words in their shelter.

It seems quieter than it really is. There are distant music from the party, some car tires hissing on the streets, this or that other noise, but nothing makes any impact. They are two breathing statues, and they stand that way until they both realize that her answer is ‘yes.’

This time she doesn’t stop him. He moves his mouth over hers, opens her lips with his, and brushes them lightly. Their lips caress one another, back and forth, first the outside parts, then that exquisitely soft flesh just inside the mouth. When his tongue probes into her mouth she is blindsided by such an unexpected jolt of lust that at first she does nothing but breathe and feel him invade. It is several seconds before she sucks his tongue in deeply and tastes him. He sucks both tongues back into his mouth. She knows that he could do anything with her that he wanted and she wouldn’t object. She has crossed over.


They may have kissed forever before he moves his hand from her face down to her neck, then to her chest. It is another dreamscaped movement, as a feather pulled by gravity, until his palm comes to rest on her left nipple.

At that she stiffens, especially in her shoulders, though she doesn’t completely step away. It is like a dance with them tonight. Together, apart. Where will it end?

She speaks in an odd, low voice. Anyone could tell something was different, not just from her tone but from her choice of words, the way she looks at the ground, and her shoulders. The night birds could tell it. It is as though she is shouting to the trees, not of a rejection of the touch, but something else. < br>
‘You’re barking up the wrong tree, there. You won’t find what you’re looking for.’

He knows what she means. He leaves his hand on her, lifts the other to her chin and raises her face with exquisite care. If she had resisted he wouldn’t have raised it. They gaze.

‘Won’t I? Won’t I? I’ve known you so long, I know what you have. Believe me that you have what I want. I’m not sure how to convince you of it, such a beautiful woman.’

He has an idea.

‘Don’t you … yes, don’t you tickle when stroked?’

He brushes both nipples with just the tips of the fingers of both hands, and watches closely as takes an almost inaudible breath. Her shoulders are still tight, but she’s waiting.

‘And don’t you have skin so tender that your breath stops when you’re caressed like this?’

He moves his hands up above her nipples, then slides his fingertips down and around them, barely touching her on the outside of her thin blouse, then up across her nipples and again down and around. Up, around, barely touching her, letting quivers follow his hands over and around her nipples. She begins to pant quietly while he does this, and her eyes close almost completely. Her shoulders finally release.

She is a still life. She is holding the ends of her wrap to the side, away from her front, and she stands silently except for those shallow breaths, looking down at his hands, leaving him to do what he will.

He doesn’t hesitate. He unbuttons her blouse from the top button all the way down, and she lets him. Then he caresses her fully on her bare skin, through the opening in the blouse, again following that circular pattern, becoming familiar with her breasts, happy in her responsiveness, confident in his touching. He pinches her excited nipples as his hands pass over them, until she seems in her own mind to be all swollen nipples and goose pimpled flesh, until she is all shivers and her eyes close. She begins to sway.

He pulls her to him and holds her, faces together, and starts kissing her again. She pants into his mouth.

‘Take off your panties.’

She is back in the present before his words disappear. Her eyes go to the deck and the back door. When she speaks she is breathless and her whisper squeaks:

‘We can’t do that here!’

‘Just your panties. Please. Give them to me.’

She stares at him for five seconds, ten seconds. It is time for a final decision, the one she’s already made. So she rucks up her skirt and grasps her panties to pull them down her thighs. At her knees she reaches the tops of the boots she has worn against the weather and has to work them down.

He takes the panties and shoves them into a pocket. Then he takes her with his left arm while he snakes his right hand under her dress and up the insides of her thighs to her pudendum. While his hand is moving up she again tilts her head back, but instead of swaying she leans against him. When he reaches her sex, where she is so wet and slippery that his fingers go right between her lips, she moans, almost silently because she has so little air.

That’s when she sees the back door open. A figure, now three, are half out onto the deck.

‘Someone’s there!’ She whispers, hardly getting the words out, wanting his hand but afraid of being caught. He has already pushed two fingers up into her vagina as far as they will go and is massaging her with his thumb.

He turns around to face the house but continues to hold her to him and to pleasure her. Now she can’t see the house. She listens but doesn’t hear anything, and it is hard to concentrate because he won’t stop sexing her. His hand never moves away. His thumb moves slowly up and down inside her lips, just barely grazing her clitoris going in both directions.

What do I do? She trusts him with her security and forces her face into his shoulder, working all the while to be quiet while her body surges.

‘They’re gone,’ he whispers down to her finally, then he is moving his face over her hair, kissing her hair, her face, and she turns her face up to him, searching for his mouth, finding it, breathing hard.

The Moody Blues were wrong. You can’t keep getting higher and higher. There are limits, and what was held back breaks loose. Her explosion is waiting impatiently. She feels herself at the edge. But then he stops. He pulls his hand completely out of her and out from under her skirt.

‘Over here.’ He has to half-pull her, to a wooden bench set further back from the open area.

‘Damn! Wait here. I’m going to get something to dry it with.’

No! He walks to the house, leaving her teetering. She has to hold the back of the bench with a hand to keep from swaying again. Her other hand goes to her mound and holds it hard, to keep the feeling in. She has a superstitious thought that it will spill away.

She needn’t worry. He walks back out of the house carrying an entire roll of paper towels, strolls to her — it seems to her that he is in no hurry — and dries off the bench. He helps her to sit, then to lie back along the slats. The rest of the roll goes under her head. Her feet are on the ground, but he lifts her right leg all the way to the back of the bench and hooks her heel over it. He lifts her skirt to her waist. It is utterly unromantic. She is completely exposed, mortified because he looks straight down onto her spread vagina.

She intends to let him do whatever he wants and to watch the house for him, but when he leans down and puts his open mouth on her she forgets to watch. She has just one moment of panic, thinking: Don’t do that! I didn’t wash for you. I didn’t know.

It is too late.

He sucks both labia deep into his mouth and chews them with exquisite softness, and she forgets everything. His mouth crowds out everything else. The house is still there, still a source of danger, but she can manage only one or two glances, then thinks a little prayer: Please don’t let anyone come outside now.

Does she realize the irony of the request, certain to pique her Lord? Unmindful, she puts her fate in His and her lover’s hands, again releasing herself to pleasure, and lets her head fall back. Her eyes close completely. She had started to shiver from her exposure to the air, and the contrast with the wet heat of his mouth is astounding. His body heat was nothing compared to this. He sucks on her, licks her, giving her more pleasure than she can endure. Her orgasm begins with a vibration that spreads outward from her sex. Suddenly she is crying out and then his hand is over her mouth to stifle her and she is crying into it.

She has never done this in sex before, cried loudly. Afterward she will recall it as being shrill, like a banshee’s cry, and won’t believe him when he tells her there was no real danger of being heard. She is loud enough.

He pushes his hand harder on her mouth, still sucking and licking her, and she pulls the hand in with both of hers, getting the edge of it well into her mouth, screaming behind it but unaware until afterwards that she is biting it as well. She can’t help the crying, keeps coming, tastes his hand as part of her orgasm, comes again, still, and finally pushes his face away from her because she just can’t breathe anymore.

It doesn’t end quickly, at that. She moans and makes keening sounds for what seems a long, long time. When she can finally pay attention to her surroundings she finds that her face is wet — she really has cried — and that he has changed hands, rubbing the first one against his leg and shaking it in the air. She is dizzy, winded, languid.


It is a terrible time for people to come outside and walk their way.

God has honored her prayer, but just barely. They are almost to the bench before she hears her lover’s sharp whisper, and then she is horrified, legs still splayed open, vagina naked for the world to see, but he rises, slips her leg off the back of the bench and helps her sit up and sm
ooth her skirt. When the couple get to their hideaway he is telling her the derivation of the term ‘blue moon.’ They can’t see that under her shawl she is pulling her unbuttoned blouse together.

‘Evening folks. Beautiful night, isn’t it?’ Yes, they agree it is and they stop to chat.

She is still trying to get final control of her breathing, can’t think of much to say anyway, and believes that almost anything will give her away. The night is bright enough with the floodlights that junipers are blue-green in the light, while dark gray below, and this strikes her as a thing she could mention, if she could bring herself to speak. Her body isn’t completely done with her.

She tries to look attentive, her arms crossed over her chest, leaning back away from him, looking at the couple while they talk, but really looking more closely at him. What is he thinking? What is he feeling?

Will he be irritated at her emptiness with the other couple? No. When they finally leave, before they leave, when they have first begun to walk back toward the house, he pushes his left hand along the bench to her to touch her leg. Three more steps, then she takes his hand in her right. She brings it to her mouth and kisses it during the next few steps, then eases over to him, puts her head down on his shoulder, moves her left hand lightly to his chest so that her fingers can rest ever so lightly over his right nipple. She can feel his breathing in both his shoulder and his chest. Though she is starting to chill again, he is as warm to her as ever.

‘Oh darling, I thought they’d never go.’

She stops. ‘Darling’? Will that scare him away? Worse, is she going to scare herself away?

None of this is going to happen. He says:

‘Oh Jesus! ‘Blue moon.’ What was I thinking?’

He turns to kiss her, and when he does she smells herself on his face and is aroused all over again.


It is so good to be away from all those people.

They had made their exit quickly. Each had to get home, they’d said. She had poured wine into two plastic cups while he washed his face, then they’d gone straight to the door. They drove more or less toward her house but turned off into a hidden little parking lot. There is a tiny grassy area with a tree and a picnic table that no one has ever been known to use.

Here he half sits against the table-top while she leans into him and they talk. He moves his hands all over her. She surveys the night, nuzzling his neck, scratching her nose luxuriously on his whiskers, making soothing sounds over his poor hand. How will he explain the bite to his wife? She counts the tooth marks in dim, yellow light and kisses them one by one.

She says: ‘My poor baby.’ She thinks: My dearest. We don’t know what he thinks.

The night is so different from every other night. Where is she going? What is right and wrong? Will she wander a sexual wilderness? Will she be alone or will he lead her through it, her Moses? No, not Moses. He got me all the way to the promised land. She smiles at her wit.

She is still sexually high. Or is it again? She can’t tell. She thinks: where is there a bed when you need one?

She wants to pleasure him back, but he tells her that being almost caught once in a night is enough. He can’t mean it. Every time she leans between his legs she feels his hard penis pressed into her. Has he been hard all evening? That is something else she can’t tell.

She decides to take action. She reaches for his zipper and pulls it down all the way.

‘Wait. Don’t. What if a cop came by?’

‘Well I’m not going to strip you, darling. Just keep an eye open for them — if you can.’

She tries to pull his penis out through his underwear and open zipper, but there are difficulties, given how erect he is and that she’s never done that before, and finally he has to unfasten his pants and belt himself and push everything down. She grasps his prick and pulls it forward and back, masturbating him. Even in the shadows she can tell that the head is glistening with a thin liquid coating. The penis is darker than the rest of his skin and it is hot to the touch.

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The disappearance of Julian Ross by Elaine © 2019 Chapter 1 - Out of work Julian ran across the road splashing through the puddles towards the front door of his lodgings. He was soaking wet after trudging through the streets of London all morning looking for work. He was an out of work actor who specialised in drag acts but it seemed that there was no demand or fashion for men acting as women on the stage. That being so he'd decided to try and get a normal job. He'd do...

3 years ago
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A Weed in the GardenChapter 19

Laibah and I had settled into a soothing routine in hiding ourselves in the mass of humanity that surrounded us in Islamabad. The winter had passed with few problems, and we managed to blend in so well that my little faux daughter had made many friends with mostly young children and a few adult females eager to have intelligent conversation with a bright young person. She was twelve now and her budding breasts were noticeable under her shapeless robes. My stern gaze sufficed in holding...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 39 Little Surprises

After I give Saul another welcome home present, where he shows me how much he has missed me. We settle back and talk. "Saint Louis was not what I would have thought of as big city." Saul says. He has his arms wrapped around my shoulders and breathes in my hair. I am sprawled across his body with my legs wrapped around one of his. I have my chin tucked into his neck. "Oh I mean there were big buildings and wide streets. But I don't know I thought there would be more. More people and shops...

2 years ago
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The Berkeley Coeds Assault

It was a sunny and already hot late May California weekday afternoon, like many ones before it she had experienced for the past 6 years. The final bell of Sather Tower at University of California, Berkley (UCB) had rung and she was on her way to her house she shared with longtime best friend, Kate. A few of her friends drove by in their Jeep to offer her a ride home but she refused. Home was a mile and a half away and rather than worry about the hassle of bringing a car on campus and finding a...

3 years ago
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Masoomiat ko saza

Aap sab ne zindagi mein kam se kam ek bar to jaroor kisi ko pyar kiya hoga. Aur shayad uske baad bhi kayi auron ko pyar kiya hoga. Par najane kyon, hamesha pehla pyar hi sabko zyada yaad aata hai. Shayad isliye ke usme ek sachayi, ek masoomiat bhari hoti hai. Aur shayad hamesha pehla pyar hi apko zindagi ka sabse bada jakhm bhi deta hai, jo kabhi puri tarah nahin bharta. Main bhi aaj apni zindagi ke pehle pyar se is buri tarah ghayal hui hoon ke mujhe samajh mein nahin aa raha ke apne zakhm ko...

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First training Ch01

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First training CHAPTER ONE I DO NOT recall the passing of my dear Mama, for I was then too young. I guard her likeness still, faded as it has become. That she was a gentle woman I have no doubts. I would have followed in her ways, perhaps, had not my father remarried. I remember well the coming of Stepmama, as I first called her....

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Supergirl in Bondage

This story will feature multiple threads featuring Supergirl getting tied up, and fucked. Sometimes she may be a willing participant, others not so much. Reader submissions are welcome. It had all gone to their plan, well almost. Kara Danvers, A.K.A. Kara Zor-El, A.K.A Supergirl with help from her friends had stopped the Obsidian device, and shut down Lex Luthor's satellites ensuring the twisted genius couldn't use them again. All that remained as Lex himself. The plan was for Kara to surrender...

3 years ago
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My Sons Wedding Day

Firstly let me tell you the background. I am a 52 year old housewife, on my second marriage, with three c***dren, all from my first marriage. Both of my husbands have been, well, fairly ordinary in the bed stakes. You know – once or twice a week, rather unimaginative, with not really enough interest in my needs and desires. But in fairness I never pushed for anything more, thinking that was how it was for most people.Then came my younger son’s wedding and my whole life was turned upside down!He...

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Practically Invisible0

“Megen!” I called. “I need you to take out the trash!” In the other room, Megen grunted and did as I said, though she barely acknowledged my presence in doing so. I sighed. Such was my relationship with my 16 year old granddaughter. She and her parents and brother were living at my house for the time being, until they could find a place of their own, and they’d been here for several months. Her father, my son, had gotten a job in my town but hadn’t been able to find a suitable apartment...

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“Anything you wish baby, anything, your blow jobs are so good, so fucking good.” “Can I have a hung man and a bi-sexual female while you watch and masturbate?,” I whisper as his whole body is trembling as I tease his erection with just the tip of my tongue. “Yes baby, yes, I want to watch,” he moans just before he hits the back of my throat. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man,...

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The Ring AOChapter 62 Moody Morgan

At 9.30am Jane and Andrew arrived. They were impressed with the unit and it’s views. Then went down in the lift at 9.45 to the 5th floor to attend the meeting. Mr Morgan was not happy, too many people for his place. Helena introduced herself but let Jane and Andrew pass without introduction. Harry was not happy ‘He is a dictator and a bossy one at that, only 6 people were to attend now he has 30 attending, he is a nasty one, I have truth him.’ Helena replied ‘I got that feeling yesterday, go...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 1 The Great Experiment

Alexa Chapter 1: The Great Experiment I couldn't wait to be done with classes. Even though it was only Thursday, I was done for the week. I had set my schedule up so I had no classes on Fridays, which I had hoped would set me up for some great long weekends of partying. I was wrong. My two closest friends and roommates had dropped out of school during the summer semester, one because of money, the other because of grades leaving me all alone in this three-bedroom apartment. I was...

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Jimmy and Michelle Ch 02

As I was getting ready for Amanda’s graduation, I was thinking these past five months had flown by. Amanda had finished up her PhD work at UCLA and was getting ready to drive back east to be with her family. Both her parents knew that I called her my girlfriend, and Amanda called me her boyfriend, but we were nothing more than fuck buddies. I have met her parents before, when they flew out here when Amanda had finished her master’s degree two years ago. And her father nailed it from the get go....

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accept it cuckold double

Beeing in a hotel, after we woke up, we cuddled for a while, and I wanted to start our new relationship, but the last night memory was wery present. I was kissing A like I was trying to wash off all my thought. And she enjoyed it alot. She came 2 times before she asked me to go downstairs to grab something to eat. I went and while I was still in the elevator, I couldn’t figure one thing. She was a virgin yet, she did not bleed. was was going on. I made some sandwitches and wend back in our...

3 years ago
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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter IV Nescafe Fucked By Arabian Massive Cocks

Chapter IV Nescafe Fucked By Arabian Massive Cocks. (MF, BWC, ARABIAN MASSIVE COCKS, WAD, DP, BJ, ANAL, WIFE, CUCKOLD) My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever,...

2 years ago
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Another busy day, I’m glad it’s 5.30; this job is soul destroying. As my colleagues file out and rejoin the human race, I see Jessica is still on a call, with a face like thunder. Nobody wants be stuck on the dreaded last call. I can see she is trying to wind the conversation up. She eventually succeeds, lets out a huge sigh of relief and throws off her headset. “Bloody timewasters, why do they leave it until the last minute and decide to call at half five?” As there is nobody else left, the...

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BadDaddyPOV Jessa Rhodes Begs For Rent Money

Young blonde Jessa Rhodes has moved her big tits into her own apartment. She keeps the place just as messy as she kept her room at home. The young slut has invited her step father over to show off what she has accomplished on her own. Jessa has ran into a little bit of a problem. She spent all her money getting her new place and now doesn’t know how she can pay her rent. The poor helpless teen begs her step father for help. As always he steps in to save the day. Jessa Rhodes agrees to...

4 years ago
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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 15 Ft Worth Redux

I’d kept the FBI-seized grey Escalade, circa 2015, while I was back in Kansas City. It had been my intention all along to stock up, go back to Texas, and fuck Bob Randolph over. And now my stock was sitting next to me as we barreled south through Missouri, a corner of fucking Kansas, down Oklahoma and north Texas into Dallas / Ft. Worth. I smiled at Kim Rhee, one of Harold’s little whores. Borrowed for an illegal sting. I picked the youngest looking one available. He smiled back, happy with...

2 years ago
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Sissyboy Jake Is Harshly Used Part 2

I lay on the thin blue pad, exhausted and somewhat dazed. As I said, I was very new at this and didn't expect such harsh treatment so quickly. My bottom was sore and I actually thought I felt my insides twitching. My legs were shaking. I felt the warm fluid trickling out and down the back of my leg, pooling on the pad underneath me. This was my first time and they had been so rough. If Tiffany hadn't prepared me so well, I doubt I could have survived it. Karl and Rashid were both getting...

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Seducing A Young Girl

Hi my name is Kiran (name changed) I am from Guntur, AP. This incident happened 3 years ago. Coming to the story, I used to live in a flat and there used to live a girl adjacent to us in our apartment. In my B.Tech 3rd year I got addicted smoking, I used to smoke on terrace of our apartment one day when I was smoking that girl saw me; her name is Sudha (changed) I’ll tell about figure later. Till den I didn’t talk to her but we used to gaze at each other. Den I went near her n requested her not...

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Sex from bus to bed

Hi all iss sexy story readers .I m sharing you a story of my life which just happened on December 29 2008.this is regular n true story not fake like others as there r emotions attached to this story’s m 27 m from surat good looking average body guy n m sex o holic .do mail me your comments but only real people not fake. It was chill evening at Mumbai when I was traveling to Surat. I was trying for train ticket to Surat but did not get it due to heavy rush. So I decided to go by Bus. I also...

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Rachels Shopping Trip Chapter 2

Here is the follow-up to my story on Rachel's Shopping Trip. Her fun with Kris continues.After a few moments of basking in Kris’ orgasm, Kris stands up and directs Rachael to follow her downstairs and into a beautifully decorated finished basement. Kris starts, “This is my recreation room and it’s no man cave.”Rachel quickly figures out that this is no ordinary room. It is a LOVE Cave. There are erotic pictures on the wall, tantalizing statues on the tables. But what totally caught her eye...

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The Medallion Chapter 100

Jack Winters pulled up in front of a nice looking house on Elm street. Mia and Maya sat in the back seat and they had barely been able to keep their hands off of each other. Emily was in the front passenger seat, her cunt visible beneath her miniskirt, due to her lack of panties. She pulled her fingers from her cunt and sucked the juices off of them. Then Jack kissed her deeply, loving the taste of her eighteen year old pussy on her lips. "Alright girls, let's go in", he said and all three...

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Bhabhi Aur Uski Sister Reena

Hello friends, me rakesh phir ek bar aappe samne apni nayi kahani lekar aaya hu, lakin me phir ek bar naraz hu un logo se jo kahani padne ke bad bhi reply nahi kar te, me chah ta hu ki jo bhi friend kisi ki bhi story padhe to jaroor mail kare… Mera mail id hai To jai se aap lo sab jan te hai ki me bhabhi aur us ki sister reena ki khoob chudai kar ta tha, aur us din reena ki to khoob gaand mar ne ke bad me kafi khus tha, usi week me reena ko wapis jana tha, doosre din jab me college se gher aa...

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The Rich and The Famous Ch 04

4 Sabrina glided on to the set, warmed by the reactions of the other members of the cast. She prided herself on being someone who quickly got the measure of other people and she was pretty sure she’d got the measure of Brock, Paul and Lori. Firstly there was Brock who having hailed from daytime soapie world would, no doubt, overact in that patented style. She’d heard the rumours about Brock batting for the other team and while normally she knew that most rumours were closer to fact than...

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Spying Gone Right

I have been living with my roommate for about a year and suddenly newfound impulses found me. Kathryn is a shy girl with lovely brown hair, gorgeous legs, a well shaped ass and breasts that were the size of oranges - a perfect size for groping. Being 22 years old she really needed a reliable roommate who could pay rent and do some chores around the house. Now myself being a quiet 25 year old and needing to have a nice place near college while I finish up my last few semesters, she saw great...

1 year ago
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Trailer parks are for hot sex

Being a drunken, puking, insecure, naive mess freshman year of college, I at least was able to date a girl a year older than me who was also a drunken, insecure, chain-smoking, sex-addicted mess. She certainly was not naive, though. And this is how she made me a little less so. I wasn't even planning on spending time with her that night. We were in a confused stage in our relationship; I had come home from winter break, during which she'd gone through some problems and sort of ignored me. Since...

Drunk sex
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I Dominus The Hummingbird and Wolf Part three of three

Enter the Hummingbird.Megan and Chiara were chatting at the studio when I arrived. Chiara hugged and kissed me on the cheek. “You accepted our invitation, so, I assume Megan is hot enough for you?”I winked at Megan and chuckled, “She’ll do. Hello again, Megan.”Megan snickered, “I'm relieved to know that I meet your minimum requirements, Gil. And, thank you for agreeing to this.”Megan is a very beautiful young lady. Her long, chestnut brown hair was tied in a ponytail. She’s a full head shorter...

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CHAPTER 16: EXPLORATIONThe next morning began with more excitement. I went for a swim very early, then to the waterfall to clean the salt off. Walking back to the shelter I was thinking about what the day might bring but how would I know? I only had vague references to the terrain, a****ls, people and dangers that we might encounter. I decided immediately that extreme caution was called for. b**st and I needed to approach this with a sense of stealth reconnaissance and try to minimize being...

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A hole in the wall Chapter 7

Monday night I got on the phone and rang Amy. With my extra-curricular activities I hadn’t seen her for ages. She sounded strange on the phone. High pitched voice and slurred speech. “Are you drunk?” I asked. “Absolutely” she said and I heard her sipping while she was trying to speak to me. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Stan has left me” she said “he is gone, gone, gone”. “Oh I am sorry” I said. “Don’t be sorry darling. I am celebrating” she said and the phone went dead. I tried to ring back...

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Boudir Sex Pipasha

Ami shubhangi asa kori amr lekha story ta sobai porbe. Ami aj amder parar akta bou dir ktha bolbo. Bou di dekhte khubi sundr. Lomba, forsa, bisal boro boro boobs,pacha tao chaora. Age 35 r boobs size 38 hight 5’6.Boudi sb smy pith kata blouse pore.R patla silk er sari. Jkhn para diye jai chelegulo boudir boobs r pachar dike dekhte thake.Mot kotha je kono chele r bou di k dekhle tar bara dariye jabe. Boudi r aktai chele class 12 e pore. R bor chakri kore. Kintu bor ta kaj kore ase eto tai klanto...

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Ten Load NightChapter 14 Ninth Load

“Cesar, for fucks sake. It’s nearly three in the morning. Turn off the fucking tv and go to bed.” “Sorry mom.” “And you promised to take the trash out before. Did you do that?” “No mom, I’ll take care of it in the morning.” “No, the trash men come at seven, and I know you won’t be awake. Turn off the tv, take the trash out now and go to bed.” With a groan I agreed. I know my mother heard my groan of protest, but thankfully she ignored me. Heading downstairs to tie up the trash I heard...

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The pleasure of unconcious wife

When we were younger the wife and I would go off with a group of people diving or cycling....always a group of us. Often the wife was the only girl there, just 21 at the time. She is tall dark long hair and a hairy bush, I like it like that but I trim it to keep it in shape.My wife was quite shy with regards to sex and the things we did, it took me weeks to get in her knickers, we have been going together since she was 14 so work that out for yourselves. Intercourse followed within days as i...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 19

"Why?" she asked. "It's like this ... I'm going to be your instructor. Instead of sailing out the channel and going round and round and coming back every night for the time it takes ... usually a month ... we just go ... I teach you in short hops, like from here to Ludington ... from Ludington to Manistee ... and like that. Otherwise a month and a half of lessons will make it mid October and two weeks to the Winds of November. If you're as smart as I think you are ... in a month and a...

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Jessica meets Master M and Mistress V Part 1

Jessica was lazing around in bed one weekday morning. She rolled to the side and reached for her tablet on the bedside table. Laying face down, naked under her duvet, her little clit pressed against the mattress.She unlocked the tablet and opened the browser to log online and check her new messages on her favourite site. When she opened her inbox and saw new messages from the married couple she was chatting with her heart beat a little faster and a smile grew on her face.She read the messages,...

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TammyPart 2

First of all, the idea of me in love with anyone was preposterous. I don't fall in love. Love is for fools. I swore, a long time ago, that I wasn't going to get sucked into that trap. But it seems I had. And not only did I do something that I swore I'd never do, I did it with the most unlikely person I could've ever picked. And I didn't know what to do about it. I mean, how the hell was I going to explain this to the guys when I couldn't even explain it to myself? And I didn't know...

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