American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 6 Gunner
- 3 years ago
- 26
- 0
I’d kept the FBI-seized grey Escalade, circa 2015, while I was back in Kansas City. It had been my intention all along to stock up, go back to Texas, and fuck Bob Randolph over.
And now my stock was sitting next to me as we barreled south through Missouri, a corner of fucking Kansas, down Oklahoma and north Texas into Dallas / Ft. Worth. I smiled at Kim Rhee, one of Harold’s little whores. Borrowed for an illegal sting. I picked the youngest looking one available.
He smiled back, happy with a change of pace, a trip, an adventure. I’d taken him to Wendy’s salon and with his naturally black hair replacing the pink, he looked like the innocent schoolboy he would have been in a better life. In a better world.
Bob Randolph’s paraphilia - young, male, Asian.
Kim Rhee.
Randolph paid for it on the Chicken Stroll east of Dallas. At least that was my bet. Based on $900 money orders and Visa charges for a rental trailer. And based on personal observation - I’d seen Randolph tell a Dallas pimp that a Asian whore, was too old. Outside a seedy bar, the Bruised Rooster.
As I crossed from Missouri into Kansas, then Oklahoma into Texas, I wondered if the Mann Act were still on the books. And I wondered if it included young boys.
Well, it didn’t matter, not really. What I had planned was so illegal on so many levels, what’s one more charge? My stratagem, brilliant in its conception, audacious in its simplicity, had about 1296 Things That Could Go Wrong.
I went over it, again, with Kim. “Okay, he’ll pick you up or not. Don’t sweat it if it’s a no-go. This is only one of my plans.” One of one.
He smiled, “He’ll want me.” That’s the right attitude to take into a clandestine operation. And, I reminded myself, Randolph hadn’t been interested in that Cinnabon girl who had tried flirting with him in Dayton. I believed he lusted after a different kind of pussy.
“Probably will want you. Okay, then what?”
“Rubbers, that’s one thing I insist on.”
“Good boy. And?”
“The bedroom. That’s where the cameras are.” He nodded to himself, “And I don’t look at the cameras. Just keep him happy.”
“Okay. Most important thing?”
“Shower. I lead him in there.” While I grab Randolph’s condo keys. I already knew I couldn’t finesse his locks, way out of my league. I could find someone who could, but that would bring one more person inside the circle.
I didn’t mind Daddy and Ash knowing, certainly not. And I had to trust Ash’s Dallas friend, Agent Stella Majors. Whom I hoped never to have to meet. Gertie and Harold knew I was up to something, that I needed Kim. But neither one had any idea it involved the Gunthers. That it would take place in Texas.
I was surprisingly calm. Both Daddy and Ash helped me refine the plan. It wasn’t perfect, what is? But two professionals, seasoned ones at that, had given it the nod.
Another reason for not being all that nervous in the service - Bob Randolph was also breaking the law. Fucking a young prostitute. If things go south, he won’t have much leverage. And, I doubted a messy bedroom scene was something he’d want to share with his only client - Greta Gunther. That would be the end of his quarterly gravy train.
Plus, I was packing. My .40 caliber Heckler & Koch. For which I have a License to Carry. Which is now Open Carry. Thank you, Texas Legislature.
Not that I planned to go Wild West, not even in Texas. But there’s something that calms down a confrontational standoff when the party of the first part, me, is armed.
Secret Agent Girl. On the job.
As I drove south to Texas, I was thinking about my last conversation with Ash Collins. He’d walked with me to the garage, lifted my case into the back of the Escalade. Next, I’d pick up Kim and leave on my quixotic mission.
Ash said, “There’s more going on in the national scene than Alicia got around to. Another reason why I okayed this ... Texas thing.”
“It’s the Justice Department.”
He had a sour look on his face. “My Justice Department. A quiet trend, but some appointments require congressional scrutiny so word’s been leaking out. But a lot of appointments are under the radar. Take the US Attorneys. Every administration appoints its own team.”
“More conservative this time around.”
“Yes, but more than that at the staff level. You’re too young to remember the Moral Majority.”
I said, “Falwell,” to prove I could read.
“Yeah, well.”
I looked up at Ash. Black, coal black. Male. In a white country, in a white profession. Serving under a white administration. Lily.
He said, “There’s an unspoken litmus test in Justice these days. Unspoken at my level anyway. The new US Attorneys tend to be white, no surprise. But many of their staffers are also committed Christians. Which is fine. Probably illegal, but fine with me.”
“What isn’t fine?”
“There are Christians and there are Christians. Some of them are so fundamentalist, they choose the Bible over the law.” He paused, thinking, “Some of them are from fringe schools. Bob Jones University. Liberty University. Trinity Law School.”
“Southern California. Ranks at the top of the Most Devout Christian schools.”
“And the movement isn’t just at the top levels - Justice is recruiting young attorneys for hundreds and hundreds of posts. Take a look at new hires who have clerked for conservative judges.”
“Like Alito and Thomas?”
“Like them, yes. But lower courts. It’s a movement, Winter. Directed by the VP, implemented by the Attorney General and his most dedicated followers. It’s far worse than it was under Reagan and Meese.”
White. Conservative. Christian. Devoutly Christian. But at the extreme end of the religious spectrum. Like those evangelical preachers who supported that Alabama candidate for the Senate. Of course I’m a fine one to talk about underage ... never mind.
Ash said, “Winter, I’m a Christian. Born and raised Baptist. Still attend, every Sunday that I can. But these new judicial appointments ... some of them are hate-driven. Blinded. Their form of religion is called patriarchal Christianity.” He paused gathering his thoughts, “I’ve voted Republican all my life. Until this last election.”
I gazed some more at Ash. I couldn’t imagine what he’d gone through to rise to where he was. Poor, black, rural Virginia. Now he was a rising FBI star. His daughter a senior VP at the Loyalist Charter.
And, in this current climate, if Alicia has kids ... well, enough speculation. Time for some action.
The first Texas challenge had been finding a suitable apartment near the Bruised Rooster. And then a cover story to explain to Randolph why Kim was Home Alone.
Those were tactical considerations. As was the proper deployment of hidden cameras. And how and when I could sneak in and flit away with his keys. And then reverse the procedure.
Another practical matter was the neighborhood pimp. If he’s anything like Harold and Pantone, he has eyes out there. Watching for competitive incursions. New prospects. New customers.
Kim would be both a freelance competitor and a potential whore. Of interest either way. Both ways.
What had seemed savvy, taut, in Kansas City began looking a little bit foolish as I drove around Ft. Worth. Too many what-ifs. Like the time and travel distance between the Bruised Rooster and the Kelton at Clearfork.
So, firmly in enemy territory, taking a hard look at my situational reality, I changed the plan. Starting with a meeting with the local fuzz, Stella Majors.
She looked competent. And smart. Buttoned down. In her mid-40s, a little thick in the torso, brown hair in a tight bun. She was a friend of Ash Collins. He trusted her, and I felt now that I had to. So I rolled the dice.
We met in the Hilton coffee shop in downtown Ft. Worth. A courtesy on her part. Kim was upstairs in our two-bedroom suite watching cartoons, playing video games. With instructions to stay put.
Agent Majors knew the broad outline of my plan; Ash had shared it. We both sipped lukewarm coffee - how the fuck difficult can it be to serve a cup of decent joe in a coffee shop? - as I outlined the new scheme.
Like Daddy, she listened. Carefully, closely. Nodded, “I like this better. A lot better. Let me make a couple of calls.”
I went upstairs to give her privacy. Watched the Roadrunner with Kim. Was I Wile E. Coyote? No, banish all negative thinking. But ... he was a schemer too.
Majors called me and I rejoined her. Someone had brewed a fresh pot.
She said, “We’re set. Go see Franklin Moss, he’s the assistant manager. Doesn’t know any details, just that you’re FBI. He won’t blab.” She stirred in another sugar, “Better not.”
“Thank you.”
“I don’t want to have to call in Hostage Rescue.”
“You won’t.”
By 2 that afternoon, Kim Rhee and I were official residents of the Kelton at Clearfork. We had scored a two-bedroom furnished apartment around the corner from Bob Randolph.
I unpacked, leaving a few feminine items - lacy undies - on my bed. I staged Kim’s bedroom to look typically young teenager messy. We went shopping for toys, books, electronic games, more props. Groceries and wine and beer and booze. No telling how long this would take.
Vanessa and I are pretty tidy, but I didn’t want that look for Randolph. Digital devices, games, magazines, local papers. And swimwear for Mr. Kim Rhee. Board shorts, skimpy Speedos, denim. I was Gunther-bait in Kansas City. So, Ft. Worth, meet boy-bait.
I didn’t have to tell Kim how to flirt. How to make his availability known. But I did caution him, “Don’t be too eager. Don’t push things. We have as much time as it takes. Be coy. Let him chase you.”
There aren’t that many swimming pools in the Forgotten Northeast. Maybe none. But Kim’s not knowing how to swim became a blessing of sorts. School was out for the summer and the few Kelton kids who lived in the complex seemed friendly enough.
One of the after-work dads taught Kim the basics. So at least he probably wouldn’t drown.
Cover story. Keep it simple. Kim is adopted. His mother, Cathy, is divorced. She’s a consultant. Something to do with library science, could there be a duller topic? Works long hours.
I wasn’t really worried about conversational gaffes. Kim is so young; anyone would believe him. Especially, I hoped, Mr. Robert Randolph. Plus Kim has been dissembling almost all of his life. Probably since he learned to talk.
It took six days to reel him in. Randolph spotted Kim our first evening at the Kendall. Since Randolph’s office is in his apartment, that meant he spent a lot of time in the complex.
I used the first day to install hidden cameras. In Kim’s bedroom, in his bathroom. Then, just in case, in the living room. I tested them, retested them. Then forgot about it. They would work or they wouldn’t.
I talked with Stella Majors twice that week. Just ‘no new news’ conversations. Courtesy calls.
Pilar: Boobs and electric trains?
Walker: Intended for children, but men play with them the most.
Bob Randolph made his approach on a Monday morning around 11. Kim had been flirting, playing with him. Slowly. Carefully. Randolph knew I was out all day, often until 9 or 10 at night.
Kim gave me a detailed report each night before we went to bed. I knew the questions for him to ask, but he didn’t need a lot of prompting. Smart kid.
I stationed myself in a vacant fourth floor apartment that overlooked the L-shaped pool. Thank you Franklin Moss for being such a cooperative citizen. I couldn’t hear the poolside conversation, but it wasn’t that difficult to decipher the signals when Randolph smiled and pointed toward his own condo.
Kim was prepared. We’d gamed out various scenarios. I watched him shake his head, then smile up at the man. Shyly point to our place. Randolph looked around, just two other kids and a bored mom. Who may or may not be paying attention.
Randolph headed back to his own place. It hadn’t worked, my plan, or he was playing it cool. Not wanting to be seen walking away with jailbait, he’d show up at Kim’s door later.
The latter.
I scooted downstairs and positioned myself at the corner of our building. Waiting. And waiting.
I wasn’t worried about Kim’s physical safety; nothing in Randolph’s folder hinted at violence. Plus Kim had an emergency alarm - just pull the pin and klaxons would be blaring.
My concern centered around Kim’s being able to actually seduce the fucker.
Then the porch light popped on, my signal. Randolph was in the shower!
I was in and out in under 20 seconds, Randolph’s keyring in my fist. He’d been kind enough to leave the keys on the kitchen counter. The negative was that their absence would be visible. Kim just had to keep him in the bedroom suite.
After a satisfying solo dinner at Ruth’s - I went with Ahi Tuna, rare, instead of a steak - I was back in my Hilton room. Opening a bottle of red, which I also wouldn’t put on my FBI expense sheet. I’m not 100% altruistic though; Gertie will find a way to write the evening off. I’d rather face the IRS than Ash Collins. I was just chillin’. Looking out over city lights, one of my favorite sights. Hey, lights and sights. Phone call. Walker. Good, I’m just in the mood to talk with my little New...
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I got a call from, sad to say, a pimp I know in the Forgotten Northeast. Harold. My respect for him ticked up a notch when he had the foresight to call me one day not long ago. Some maggot had kidnapped a girl from Pilar’s school in Brookside. And had given the little girl to Harold to cancel a $7,000 gambling debt. Well, Harold’s inventory does fall into the young range. But he was smart enough to know that the heat would be intolerable. A kidnapped girl, white, young, from Brookside, upper...
We were dining on pizza this Thursday evening. Thin-crust pizza from Waldo Pizza to be precise. Scimeca’s Italian sausage sprinkled with hot pepper flakes and salty Pecorino Romana to be more precise. Vanessa and I were drinking icy cold wheat beer -- Harpoon White Ale since we’re reporting with such accuracy. Walker and Pilar were splitting one and sipping, as if they were almost civilized, from freezer-fresh mugs. Pilar smiled at Vanessa, “Four inches.” Vanessa didn’t miss a beat,...
Pilar Paloma, our not-so-little roommate, was becoming even more independent, more of a force. She sat down with Vanessa and me, looked directly at me and said, “I’m not going to fuck Walker, not until you’re okay with it.” A surprise. And a relief. Vanessa smiled, “That’s a kindness, Pilar. We appreciate it.” Actually, Vanessa didn’t care if Pilar did fuck her little boyfriend. But out of courtesy for me, love for me, she hadn’t told Pilar that. And, if it weren’t for the age thing -- I...
The Oasis success in Kansas City was garnering considerable national attention. And not all of it positive. In fact, much of it rabidly negative. Oasis was a foreign company. Government-affiliated, at least in Finland. It was a single-payer system in the sense that one company covered everything. And, its pricing was demolishing established insurance companies’ rate structures. Professional organizations took a wait-and-see approach. AARP. The AMA. Cancer, heart, dementia organizations. The...
I was vaguely aware of a tearful Vanessa hugging me, whispering, “Sorry, so sorry.” My screams had brought Walker and Pilar racing into the kitchen. They must have been terrified. First by my wailing shrieks, then the sight of Vanessa and me sobbing. I was dimly aware of sirens all around us. The Wrigley is only a couple of blocks north of Union Station and there was pandemonium all around us. Horns were blaring; we could hear the sounds of cars crashing into each other as panicked drivers...
T I’ve started another serial. I can hear the groans now. It’s just a start with this chapter and the whole thing is NOT finished so it will be at least a week. As always for me it’s a ‘Loving Wives’ core but pretty darn non-erotic. More of a spy genre. I was motivated by QHM1’s ‘Mr. and Mrs. America’ follow on story and of course the Arnold S. ‘True Lies’ movie with it’s own almost strayed ‘loving wives’ sub-plot. Enjoy and please vote and comment. ************** What can I say? I’m a spy....
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Ned lay on his back on the fluffy white linens with the bed covers pushed back. His cock was planted firmly in Angelina’s cunt and he felt the wonderful soft friction being generated by her motions. Ned’s half dazed eyes saw her shadowed, upright figure in the moon glow that filtered through the curtains. Angelina’s long strawberry hair waved gently behind her back and her breasts stirred as she oscillated her body in the sensual rhythm. Her nubs were erect and darkened, swelled into pert...
A NOTE TO THE READER: This story takes place in 1949. ********** When the two goons burst through the office door behind me I leaped out of my chair. Both of them big boys. Both ready to put me down hard. The guy behind the desk had obviously put a toe to an alarm button on the floor to summon them. A big bore pistol lay on his desktop but I wasn’t too worried about that. He barked some orders at the pair of goons when they shoved in to take me. I saw one of them reaching inside his...
Minutes of the Total Woman Academy Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting 1. Krista, the Chairwoman, called the meeting of the Total Woman Academy Board of Directors to order. 2. Attendance was taken and recorded showing that all four house-mothers, Krista and three other alumni were present. 3. All attendees confirmed the accuracy of the previous quarter’s meeting minutes which were approved. 4. The treasurer’s report was again superb with alumni legacy funds, fantasy request...
At mid-afternoon, Ned waited in the front hall for his mystery transport assignment. He scanned the graduation award plaques decorating the walls, venerating the many exceptional women who had succeeded in being the best in their class each year. There was ‘Best Total Woman’, ‘Best Fellatrice’ and other celebrated categories. He heard clicking heels coming down the long hallway. Mrs. Jones strode towards him, followed by an angel. The angel had mid-back length brown hair, gull wing eyebrows and...
Ned awoke from his deep sleep feeling refreshed and ready to face another day of duty at the Total Woman Academy senior facility. Yesterday, he had solved Destiny’s dilemma but along with the previous days of facilitating Brooke maximum impact at the fund raiser, he was worn out. He wandered the grounds which were unusually alive with excitement. There was a whirr of activity throughout the facility. The kitchen was bustling to prepare the banquet meal for this evening’s annual event. The...
When I shared a true story about the hot tub in the Astoria Holiday Inn Hotel, I barely believed it myself but it actually happened in 2009. Ben & Cheryl were the sexy couple whom I met in the hot tub there at the hotel. I fingered Cheryl to two huge climaxes as her husband sat next to us, not knowing that he was secretly watching the whole time. Then when he joined her three kids in the pool, she jacked my cock with them only a few feet away. She stroked me hungrily until a huge load of...
She still hadn’t called and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I decided to see her at the shop where we first met. Making my way there I went over in my mind what I would say. I paced back and forth mustering the courage to enter. I opened the door, the small bell announced my arrival, stepping inside I saw her. She was, reading a novel, her cute little glasses perched on her delicate nose. She looked over her novel noticing me standing there. She put her book down saying, “Oh no here...
Bubbles was my high school sweetheart and my first true love. I had not seen her for many years until we met up last Valentine ‘s Day when she was out west for her oldest daughter’s wedding. We had a good time and caught up on how our lives had gone separate ways. Now it is almost a year later. See last year’s story for more background. * I’m an adjunct professor in a local southern California college teaching various computer courses. It’s an enjoyable job when the students are willing and...
It was the Friday before Christmas vacation started. We had finished all our grades and had submitted them and for once, we were going to stay out of our office during our break. Neither of us was going to a conference or anything so we figured we would play it by ear. If we wanted to take a trip, we would. For now, we were just going to stay home and rest. Kirby had been really busy working on some stuff for NASA. He had finished that up earlier in the week and he was anxious to just relax. ...
Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn’t have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn’t begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift,...
You park your car and head towards the backstage door to get into the moderately sized local theatre. You punch in the code, and step up the stairs towards the dressing room, your brain swimming around with the thought of the show coming up soon. Tonight's only the dress rehearsal, but you're here early to make sure all your stuff is ready. You've learnt from experience not to piss off your director Claire. Claire may be a smoking hot MILF, with long flowing dark hair and a slender figure to...
I have resubmitted this story under the name "Jimson" because I can no longer use the name "Sco". Tom wakes up and rolls over. "what happened last night?" he thinks to himself. He remembers the party he and his roommates had at their house, but he doesn't remember anything past 12 o'clock. "Another good night" he laughs to himself. Tom rolls over to his right to notice a girl in bed with him. She has long blond hair and is rather pretty. "way to go Tom" he thinks to himself. He lifts up the...
You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone with sexual fantasies about females could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After admiring your room, which is expansive and nothing like what you...
FantasyYou are Jason a 30 year old young male that has had many interesting fantasies over the years. You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After...
FantasyMy name is Lucy Matthews. I am just eighteen years of age. The last eighteen days, though, have been as trying as all those years combined. It started innocently enough. Instead of joining my parents on their yearly summer holiday throughout Europe, I chose to stay with Aunt Sophie in her quaint little stone cottage in the English countryside. It, of course, has turned out to be one of the warmest and sunniest summers the U.K. has seen in years. Fortunately, Auntie had an inground pool behind...
My name is Joey Brett. I am an average man. Everyone thinks of me as Mr. Innocent, but what they don't know about me is that I am a porn addict. Every night, I watch porn videos, dreaming of the day I would be in a porno myself. I would have loved to be in a threesome with two big-breasted women, on or off camera. Those videos were my fantasy. One day, I had entered a contest to win tickets to meet two porn stars, Sierra Devi and Janet Jade. I would have loved to meet them, but what were the...
Group SexHis was not a unique perversion, but it was one that brought him considerable shame. Brendon was in love with a woman and, though he knew it was dangerous folly, the more he tried to talk himself out of it the more deeply wrapped within her he felt. It was not as though it was a love borne of any illicit, unmentionable experience; the truth of the matter is that, as it evolved, it more often felt like the most natural love one can have for another. But the moment the image of his mother’s lusty...
IncestIt is a long story, my wife busted me fucking our 18 year old neighbor, then they found out I was fucking the 18 year olds mother, the neighbor, and the lady that lives behind us. So my wife took pretty much everything I owned in the divorce. Then for some salt in the wound, I learned that my wife was fucking my boss for some time so I got fired during the divorce. So I had to move back in with mom, with nothing to my name. Mom is one of these pure Texas women, beautiful blonde hair, nice...