Idin NoahChapter 5
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Jennifer has ordered us chinese for delivery, neither Lillian or I mention that we do not require food in the strictest sense, I can eat just do not need to, Lillian prefers a liquid diet. We have been discussing Jennifer's life as a student, she is in her final year of college, she hopes to go on to teach. It is when Jennifer has gone to order the food that Lillian nods to me.
"I can see the attraction she is a charming young lady." Lillian says keeping her voice low.
I smile.
"You noticed." I say in an equally low voice, so much so that you would need to be sitting next to me to notice I even made a sound.
"I also noticed she likes you, every time she looks at you her pulse raises, her pupils dilate a little bit." Lillian says.
I shake my head.
"Where is the fun of the chase if I am monitoring her vitals Lillian?" I say.
"Idin that is the best part of the chase, stalking your prey." She says with a twinkle in her eye.
Like it or not Lillian and I are both hunters, me born out of circumstances, Lillian because of her nature, as I think this Jennifer walks back into her living room smiling.
"We have 45 minutes." Jennifer says sitting back down.
"Now you two know most of what there is to know about me, neglecting some child hood stuff, yet I still know very little about you guys." Jennifer says smiling.
Lillian laughs.
"This could take a while, Idin can fill several encyclopedias worth. The crusades alone could have several books to them selves." Lillian smiles and leans back.
So I lean forward, and begin to tell the two women everything I have been thinking about the past two days, starting with my the beginning, waking up in the field, Jora, the plague, meeting Lilith for the first time, the food has arrived causing me to stop my tale, Jennifer seems disappointed at the interruption, she sets about plates in the dinning room, we all join her.
I notices Jennifer silently saying grace, I wonder if she normally speaks it out loud but is refraining due to Lillian and I, when she finishes she looks at Lillian.
"So its true what Idin said? That you can not have male children?" She ask.
Lillian nods.
"Yes we daughters can only have daughters, as Idin has said we tend to be a more ordered bunch, you have nothing to fear from us Jennifer or from me, we would never harm a soul." Lillian says.
I shake my head.
"That is Jennifer unless you where dying of illness, or injury, or volunteered, or a violent criminal or perhaps not so violent. Tell me Lillian has your mother managed to squeeze in jaw walking as a crime deserving becoming an appetizer." I ask.
Lillian flinches.
"Idin you know its not like that, Mother has grown harsh in her old age but you know her intentions are pure." Lillian says.
"Yes yes, very pure." I say flipantly.
Lillian is frowning.
"Idin you know I don't feel the same as her." She says.
And for a moment I am sorry I spoke, but no Jennifer needs to be aware of the danger of them, she can not be lulled by Lillian being cordial.
Jennifer interrupts trying to be the peace maker.
"Tell me, what is with these sons of cain?" Jennifer ask.
Lillian watches me across the table.
"They are more like Idin imagines us to be, in fact they would match what you probably view as a vampire, they prey on people, kill with out a care, they turn people to swell their ranks, they are a most distasteful bunch." Lillian says.
I nod.
"True, but they have quotas they stay with in to keep the rest of us unaware, they do have rules just limited." I say.
Jennifer looks at me.
"Why haven't you and the Daughters stopped them if they kill people?" She ask.
"Jennifer, I am but one man, if I tried that I would spend every moment of my long life fighting, they fear me so they take my wishes into advisement. I am sure Lillian will tell you the same, her people are much stronger than the Sons, but they don't have the numbers that they do. So they keep the slaughter down to a minimum, we nip at each other when one gets careless, and when it gets bad I act as a mediator, I can bring both clans to the table, much like I suspect I will have to do now." I say.
Lillian is watching me ominously.
"How often have you done that?" Jennifer ask.
"Too many Jennifer, far too many times to count." I say.
"4 times in my life Jennifer, 4 times he has brought us to a compromise in the 200 years I have been alive." Lillian says.
"That doesn't sound too bad?" Jennifer says.
"Lilith claimed to be the first of her race Jennifer, she claimed to be something far older than the human race, she was alone for a long time. She once suggested I try hibernation, she told me that she would hibernate for thousands of years simply to pass the time. You see if they admit it or not they are predators, and to sustain a population of predators you need a supply of food and Lilith when not sleeping always had to search for food, she hunted all forms of early humans, she was a predator, and like many she picked the weak and sick to thin the flock." I say.
I see both of them are raptly waiting for me to continue, I had not shared this with Lillian first hand.
"For a long time Lilith didn't know she could create more of her kind either by turning people or birth she discovered her ability to turn her victims around the same time she met Cain. Lilith was begging to spend more time awake as people became more numerous, That was when she found Cain. She had told me he was the first of his kind she had ever seen, more like her than the early humans, Cain claimed to be among the very first of his race what we call Homo Sapiens." I say.
Lillian is watching me wide eyed, Jennifer has put down her fork and is waiting for me to continue.
"My point is if she met Cain at the dawn of modern humans and I came in at the Dusk of the Neanderthal, Jora and her people slowly disappeared from the earth around 24,000 years ago Jennifer, modern humans showed up about 150,000 years ago, so if Cain and Lilith are to be believed than the feud between them is at least that old." I say.
Jennifer gasp at the numbers involved.
"Still Idin no one kept track, you are the worst about the passage of time, it could be way more or way less." Lillian says.
I nod.
"So Jennifer it took me a few millennium to get the respect of both clans, you do the math it is a long time to be mediating a feud, I watched time pass and the original parties died off, few remember the origins, many still think of it all as an origin myth, Lillian who is the oldest Daughter right now?" I ask.
"Idin mother is now, she is 4000 years old as you know. Jennifer Idin serves as an anchor, a common link between the two clans, as long as he is around we know that we share the same origin, neither side wishes to completely be rid of the other, we simply jockey for territory, hunting rights, and where we can operate." Lillian says.
Jennifer is shaking her head, I can see she is having trouble taking it all in.
"Why Idin?" She ask.
"Why what Jennifer?" I ask.
"Why me? Why are you even paying me any attention? I am 24, I am no body, I have done nothing, I have gone no where. Look at Lillian, shes 200, she is powerful, hell I am straight and she makes me horny for crying out loud. Why would you even want to know someone like me?" Jennifer says, I can hear the confusion raise in her voice.
Lillian is watching her, I can see she is amused.
"Jennifer, let me answer that, In all the years I have lived not as long as Idin, I have learned that humans are unique no two alike, each one is a world onto themselves, each one a treasure one of a kind never to be found again. It is that uniqueness that drew me to my husband, I know no matter how long I live I shall never find another person like him. I can tell you from this brief time Jennifer that I can see what Idin likes about you, you are smart, witty and for a human you are very open to new ideas. Idin simply recognizes the uniqueness inherent in you Jennifer. " Lillian says smiling.
And in that moment I knew Lillian had said the one thing that would not comfort Jennifer, in my retelling of my history I had left out how much Jennifer reminded me of Jora, something I had already said to Jennifer, I watched as Jennifer made the connections, she put her fork down.
"I am sorry Lillian, Idin, it has really been a pleasure meeting you but I have class in the mourning, I neglected the time." Jennifer said coldly.
Lillian looked kind of shocked.
"Jennifer did I offend you? I am sorry I didn't mean to?" Lillian said.
"No Lillian you where great, like I said I just need to get some rest." Jennifer said.
Lillian looked at me confused, I simply nodded.
"Jennifer I am sorry." I didn't know what else to say.
Jennifer escorted us to the door, we said brief good nights, as I turned to leave Lillian stopped.
"Jennifer, I don't know whats going on, but this man despite his age can be the most inept person relationship wise I have ever met. As well as oblivious to things that are right in front of him I loved him for the first 70 years of my life Jennifer, the whole time he treated me like I was his daughter, so I know how blind he can be first hand." She said.
I politely moved off to let them talk, my hearing however made it hard to miss the conversation, I could hear Jennifer laugh at that.
"I just need time to absorb all this." Jennifer said.
"I know, its a lot to take in, heres a tip you would think that living so long makes us patient, it doesn't if anything it makes us hyper sensitive to the passage of time, so try not to torture him to long." Lillian said.
"How long will you be in town?" Jennifer asked.
"Until this matter is resolved." Lilian answers.
"Oh right, I am sorry about your husband, I would of liked to meet him." Jennifer says.
"Yes you would of enjoyed his company he was a good man." Lillian says.
"If you get a chance and if you want we can hang out while you are in town." Jennifer says.
"I would like that Jennifer, just remember it has to be at night." Lillian says.
"OH thats true than? The sun thing and all?" Jennifer ask.
Lillian laughs and it is like music.
"Unfortunately it is, good night Jennifer, it was a pleasure" Lillian says.
I can hear Jennifer say her good byes and shut the door, Lillian was to wear I am standing down the hall.
"What the hell did you do Idin." She asks me.
"Nothing." I say
"Its not nothing when I said that little speech it looked like I dropped a ton of bricks on her." She says.
"Its nothing." I say.
"Idin you are going to have to tell me if you want me to fix this problem between you and her." she says.
"You will do no such thing." I say.
"Yes I will, one of us has already lost a loved one, no point in both of us doing it." She says
I sighed.
"You know why can't you be like the weres? They never bother me." I said.
"Idin thats because you have no scent to them you are a non-entity." She said.
Thats what I meant I thought silently
We rode the rest of the way down the elevator in silence.
Sharon rode with her partner, they had gotten a tip that a homeless person was claiming to have seen the the incident with the two attackers, she certainly hoped it wasn't the case.
"So whats this Noah guy like?" Williams asked from the driver seat.
"Business like" Sharon answered.
"You know his family has been in San Diego since the first mission?" Williams said.
"Really?" Sharon said feigning interest, she knew her father had been in the americas since the fifteen hundreds.
"Yeah wikipedia, its great, looked it up he comes from a long line of entrepreneurs." Williams said.
"How interesting." Sharon said.
"Thats old money Sharon." Jones said.
"Okay" Sharon said.
They arrived at the alley where the homeless man was known to stay.
"Yeah so this Idin guy right is like Idin Noah the like 6th or something like that, father and son are always pretty consistent to, they marry, have one child, weird if you ask me." Jones said.
"Is there a point Jones?" Sharon asked.
"Well with that kind of money its easy to hide things, hes connected all the way to the top if you know what I mean, past even the governor." Jones said.
"Geez rook everything is not a conspiracy" Sharon said getting nervous.
"Well thats true, at least what I found was not hidden to well, just conveniently omitted." Jones said.
"Bobby what are you talking about?" Sharon said, unbuckling her seat belt.
"Sharon, Idin Noah sr. it seems had two children not one, one was adopted" Jones said.
Sharon felt the pit forming in her stomach.
"He adopted one Sharon Williams after her parents died in a fire." Jones said.
Sharon slumped in her seat looking out the window of the crown vic.
"I guess thats the answer than, your this guys sister why didn't you tell me?" Jones said.
"Its none of your business" Sharon said.
"It is when he is a suspect in this case." Jones said.
"Bobby." Sharon said.
"Look Sharon, its cool I get it, your family is well connected, you don't want the rest of the guys knowing that you probably are on a first name basis with the mayor and all that. Whats not cool is letting that interfere with your job, you should have had me interview him at the very least, and you should of told me." Jones said.
"Bobby I am sorry, but its not interfering with my job." Sharon said wishing it were true.
"Sharon its okay just next time don't keep secrets this big from me, I am your partner." Jones said.
"Thanks for understanding Bobby, and don't spread it around will you?" Sharon said.
"Sure thing, come on lets go round up a vagrant." Jones said.
They both left the car, it was dark in the alley so they had to pull out their flash lights, Sharon walked by Jones side, she saw a foot sticking out besides a trash can.
"There" Sharon said pointing.
They walked over to the man.
"Sir can you get up its the police." Sharon said.
He didn't move.
Jones made the universal chugging of the bottle motion, Sharon shook her head, she knelt down to wake the man.
"Shit." Sharon said when her flash light fell on his neck.
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Now. I rounded the corner to the alley ready for a fight, I could still smell blood and cordite in the air, I passed Sharon's crown vic in the entrance to the alley. I could sense one heart beat weak ahead, I went toward the dumpster to find a crumpled man laying there, near him was the body of a homeless man, as I was kneeling to check on him I heard Lilian drop from the roof to the Alley floor. "I got her partner here, he needs an ambulance." I say to Lillian. "I got a body here,...
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All characters are 16 or older and all sex is consensual. Also don’t steal my story that wouldn’t be cool. Riding the Pipeline I think I’m going to scream, if he says over the next hill one more time! I’m Katherine Holman. My son Brad wanted to take a long ATV ride and camp out overnight, so we are riding the pipeline in southeast Missouri to a remote campground near Van Buren MO. We ride the gas & power lines which are great trails. We have to connect to some county roads once in a while....
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Copyright 2001, SWL all rights reserved. As this is a remake, also protected is "Princess Hope" by Sarah Barndt. Notes: This is a remake of "Princess Hope" by Sarah Barndt. I thank her for permission for using some of the story. There are other literary references as well. Some are direct quotes, others are paraphrases or reworked to fit the story. They include Psalms, Song of Songs (2[3]), Esther, As You Like It, Taming of the Shrew, Lion in Winter, Man of All Seasons, Forever After...
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HistoricalI didn't know how long I had been forced to sit here. The leather straps used to hold me had been soaked in water but had long since dried. My arms had been tied behind my back wrist to elbow and my arms had been wrapped with length after length of leather strips, into an immovable and inescapable box. My backside was numb and my inner thighs were sore from gripping the leather horse saddle on which I was forcibly sat. The saddle was mounted on a wooden frame in a stable. My ankles...
Once upon a time, there was a young woman, who lived with her parents on a small farm by the edge of a forest. Everyone called her Red, because her grandmother, who the girl loved dearly, had given her a red riding hood, that was her favourite piece of clothing and which she wore every day. And also, because her real name translated to something like “Dawn of the Earth Serpent”, which is not only a whole mouthful but also somewhat intimidating. Red blamed her mother, though, who was something...
This feels a little bit strange. It has been so long since I shared anything of my sex life in writing, I am not sure where to begin. Things have changed quite a lot for me since I shared my last experience about six years ago. I got married, had a baby girl, and got divorced. Now I'm back in the market, in a manner of speaking.I'm not at all bitter about the divorce. It was entirely my fault and for precisely the reason I am sure you suspect. I had a long string of affairs during my six...
Group SexRiding the bike was the best part of my day! It was a low-rider cruiser with a big loud engine and enough chrome and steel to look mean in any situation.I pulled into the Tim Horton’s parking lot and looked around for a space. It was a busy night and there weren’t many spots left. I considered riding it up onto the walk close to the door and leaving the bike on its stand there. I’d done it in the past many times.Instead, I picked a spot on the side of the lot furthest from the street between a...
ExhibitionismA newbie writer here with the purpose to make life more spicer for the readers and self. This is also my first submission and look forward to the feedback after many years of this incident finally got the time to pen my memoirs. The work presented here is mostly true & real life. However situations, places, names have been moderated to protect identities of the people involved. Generously have added spice where required. As a country we are sexually opressed hence the reason for our craving to...
Linda and her little ones were so thrilled that we were all here at Thomas Land at Drayton Manor theme park. For once my land time coincided with their annual pilgrimage to the park and to Thomas land in particular. This was only the second time in the last four years that was able to come with them, and the first that Vickki and Jonny were old enough to remember me. The last time they were one and two respectively. As we stood in line to enter I couldn’t help but notice a strange man kept...
Like always when I looked toward the door, there was Mom, with a light robe on today - she must not have been hot enough in the house to strip down like she often did - watching me thru the translucent curtain. I said "Yes Mom, it's me. I don't know why you always ask that when, before I can even answer, you're can see me thru the curtain." I was twenty at the time and was used to a fair amount of intimacy between Mom and me. She, my two older sisters, and I were all very casual about...
Have you ever looked at an alternative newspaper or website and joked about some of the ads? Well, my husband, Dean, just loves to surf them looking for ones he can get a laugh from. A while back, one that caught his eye was from a young man, twenty-one years old, who wanted to lose his virginity to a woman who would teach him the art and skill of love. ‘Oh, hon, here’s one for you, oh, for sure,’ and he translated the ad for me into regular people-talk. ‘You are the perfect one. You’re great...
Have you ever looked at an alternative newspaper or website and joked about some of the ads? Well, my husband, Dean, just loves to surf them looking for ones he can get a laugh from. A while back, one that caught his eye was from a young man, twenty-one years old, who wanted to lose his virginity to a woman who would teach him the art and skill of love. "Oh, hon, here's one for you, oh, for sure," and he translated the ad for me into regular people-talk. "You are the perfect one. You're great...
First TimeYour name is Jane Doe and you are the most attractive girl to graduate your high school this year. Today, you get to go to orientation at your local college and later your first day at work. You must be wary of allowing yourself to become depressed - many men lust after you and will jump at the chance to abuse your body if you can't pay attention to your surroundings. In addition, be aware that several unknown rapists do in fact live near you and you do see at least one everyday and only know...
As a rule, there was a 9 in 10 chance that if I ate a woman's pussy on a first date/first encounter, it would lead to fucking. The ironic thing was, often on a first date/encounter, the farthest I'd 'planned' to go was oral because I thought it wise not to go 'all the way' on the first date. I still recall some disappointed females who really wanted to fuck after I ate them out for what they thought extended well past the point of foreplay. As prude as that sounds of me, while I may not have...
“So, we have lost everything?”“The lot, house, car. They found out at work and sacked me as a result. They said I was a security risk.”“How totally unreasonable. what is risky about a habitual gambler who will hazard everything on a bet, has been chucked out of every reputable bookies, if such a thing exists, and now gambles with the kind of people who take a pound of flesh and don’t worry about legal niceties about a drop of blood.”That last was lost on him, great lummock, I doubt he had ever...
You and Mika had been a couple for about 3 months now. She was a school friend who was a year younger than you. Around average height and flowing long brown hair that she kept straight and smooth. She was cute and what most guys would call hot. You felt incredibly lucky to be her boyfriend. There was a problem with having a girlfriend this hot: Your dick never seemed to relax. Her ass was often in a pair of leggings or baggy jeans and her small breasts in a tighter shirt. Almost every night...
TeenCopyright 2003 "Hmm, well," said Angela and I could see she was contemplating the question what next? It had certainly been a busy day, and we'd been quite late getting to supper, so I could easily imagine just going back up to our room and reading a bit before falling asleep, even if this was our vacation. And I knew Angela enjoyed such evenings too even if she did tend to push herself out more than I did. At least we were no longer feeling so hungry. "I wonder where the men gather...
Mike dated several women over the years; but was dedicated to his business and never found the right woman to settle down with. He wanted to have children and was now in his mid-30’s but was hoping the right woman would come along soon. Steve took a different path and always had a get rich quick scheme and had business partners who were in organized crime, including money laundering, drug smuggling and gun running. He built a very large flashy house, which caught the eye of the government,...
he moon broke through the cover of thin clouds, bathing the clearing with it's silver glow. Barely a ripple broke the surface of the lake, the gentlest breeze whispered through the leaves of the tall trees around me.I checked and double checked the legs of my tripod, all tight. I switched the camera on and looked through the viewfinder, the focus was perfect. The wooden bench showed up on the tiny screen. Just to be sure, I took a quick look at the front of the camera. The black tape was still...
How did I get myself into this position, I was sitting inside my own wardrobe, looking through the smoked glass door at my husband Joe, how was being seduced, by a sixteen year old.He had been going on about it for ages, how she made advances towards him all the time, any time they were in the same room she always seemed to be dressed provocatively, how she’d linger if they touched, how she’d smile at him and lick her lips in a seductive manner.I had told him he was dreaming, a sixteen year old...
The Change I sat near the stern of the large open boat as it crossed the five miles of ocean between the mainland and the island. I was semi protected from the ocean spray as it came over the bow and wetted everything and everyone in the forward half of the boat. I was not sure what to expect when we arrived on the island. I had made arrangements to escape from the United States before the FBI arrested me. They thought I had absconded with millions of dollars from the company...
Hiding in Plain Sight Part 2 Thank you for the response to part one. It took forever to write, and went through numerous revisions. I settled on the Scream movies as an homage to the genius of Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson (writer of the Scream movies, among others). Setting it in Albuquerque is a labor of love to my 2nd favorite city I have ever lived in. Who knows, I may set one in Eugene, Or someday. For those of you who haven't read the reviews, I pointed out that two...
Hiding in Plain Sight Part 3 This will be the final chapter of what I guess I can call the "Scream" Trilogy. In case anyone is wondering, as I have said before, my use of this storyline, and Ghost Face isn't to insult or mock Wes Craven or Kevin Williamson. If anything it may be revenge for making the movie that scared me as bad or worse than any other movie I've ever seen, Nightmare on Elm Street (of course it isn't). Should either of you somehow read this story, I hope you won't...
Hiding in Hose Belladonna Journal Log: 1/22/15 This was the most hellish day of my life so I must keep this short. As I walked towards my office this morning, a van pulled up next to me. Three men jumped out and tried to pull me inside. I bit and flailed at the men in a mad effort to free myself. It was only the help of a few good Samaritans that allowed me to escape their clutches. I may very well owe those brave people my life, and I will reward them well upon my...