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Riding Bitch By Cissykay It was my favorite day of the year. September 1st. I worked my ass off for ten months counting the days, hours and minutes until my yearly pilgrimage to Sturgess. At twenty seven years of age, it is my first year as the president of the local motorcycle club. All twenty two men in the club rode Harleys. I had been riding since I was old enough to shift a small mountain bike. I graduated to the big "hog" as soon as I earned enough money to buy one. As the owner of a successful and quite lucrative consulting company, it was easy to arrange my schedule so I could take my yearly adventure. Sixteen members of the club, and myself biked across the country to the largest gathering of motorcycle jockeys on the planet. We took our time, and never had a special route planned. Six shirts, six pairs of jeans, underwear, and personal items were stuffed in the knapsack on the back of my bike. It was all I needed as once a week we would rumble into whatever town we were near, and drink, eat, and do the laundry. This year we decided to take a southern route. Warm weather and great scenery were the order of the day. We would take three weeks to get to the Dakotas, and the festival lasted a full week. It was a sight to behold. Tens of thousands of bikers and bikes. We were all quite macho when we rode. Raised some controlled hell. It was always a kick to see the look on peoples faces when we rode by. It was the stigma of the prototypical motorcycle gang. Everyone thought we were going to rob the bank and rape the girls. If they knew that we were college educated businessmen, they would surely die. Our club was the typical motorcycle club. We mainly rode on weekends and enjoyed the freedom that a motorcycle afforded. Of course there were no women in the club. Women just couldn't ride as well as men, and sometimes we would stop for a few drinks at bars that catered to bikers. They surely couldn't handle the language and the games that went on. Besides, they often wanted to "bitchride". Girls like the thrill of riding on the back of a motorcycle. Although I must admit that more and more women were riding now, and there were more women riders and clubs every year at the festival. Bitchriding is the term used for riding behind the driver on the same bike. No self respecting male biker would ever be caught dead riding bitch on a Harley, but it was a huge status symbol to have a sexily dressed broad sitting behind you in a short leather skirt and tight corset at the festival. It was our third day on the road when we crossed paths with the "Leather Ladies". They were a fairly well known bunch of females that liked to think they were riders. They all had very expensive bikes. About half of the gang rode Harleys, and the other half a mixture of less powerful machines. I had run across their president last year at the other large biker get together in Daytona Beach. Her name was Melanie, and I had to admit she was the type of woman that men get wet over. Long flowing hair, the face of an angel, and the body of a goddess. She had everything a woman could want and she knew it. She was probably my intellectual equal also, but I would never tell her that. The guys and I had even discussed who we would like to ride bitch with us into Sturgess, and for me it was no contest. Having this thing of beauty sitting behind me, in a leather mini, corset, and heels, with the tops of her silk stockings showing, brought a smile to my lips. Of course I would probably have to handcuff her to the bike to get her to do it. She was just too strong willed to ride bitch for any man. In our conversations over beer I would often talk of her, and I made no secret that I would have to chain her up to get her behind me. "Good afternoon gentlemen. I'm a little surprised to see you this far south. Are you planning on riding to Sturgess at the end of the month?" "Of course we are. In fact, we are taking the next six weeks to tour the country, and we will wind up in the Dakotas at the end of the month. Nice vacation, huh?" Melanie looked me right in the eye, and I wondered if she knew that she was giving me a raging hard-on. "Well, that's funny, because we girls are doing the same thing. We'll be out on the road until the festival too." I just couldn't resist the great opportunity to get a dig in. "Well then, you only have three weeks, and the way girls usually ride, you'd better get on your way." All the guys broke out in a fit of laughter. We were sitting in a rest area, putting down a few beers when the girls rode up. We usually did that. Got some lunch at a deli, and some beer at a local liquor store, and just ate, drank, and talked about what we would do when we got to the festival. Usually, the more we drank, the more odious the conversation became. Gang raping one of the unsuspecting females was a frequent topic. Tying her to something, and having our way with her for a few days. Of course when we were sober, we would never think of doing it. "You're a riot. Too bad you don't ride as well as you wisecrack." That was a shot below the belt and I couldn't let that challenge go. "If any of you broads rode half as well as you think you do, there wouldn't be any women left to bitchride with the men." "I have news for you buster. I can get more men to bitchride with me than you can get girls to go anywhere near you." "All women should be only allowed to ride bitch. You will probably hurt yourself between here and there if you don't get a man to bring that "hog" in for you. And there ought to be a law that all you bitches should be dressed properly for us when we give you the thrill of squeezing our dicks from behind." The beer was starting to kick in. "You really do think that men can ride better than women, don't you?" "Oh come on Melanie. You have to have trouble keeping that hog upright. Why don't you just get a nice little 1200cc Kawasaki, and enjoy being able to control it." I could see the fire in her eyes. I struck a nerve, and I knew it. We finally began to talk civil again, and I felt a little guilty, so I invited the girls to ride behind us to the next town, and we would all have a few drinks to smooth things over. I really didn't want to make Melanie dislike me. In fact I wanted to fuck her brains out. Maybe a few drinks would loosen her up. As we pulled into a small town in Virginia, the townfolk began to stop and stare at the thirty something bikers roaring down the main drag. I wanted to believe that they were all looking at me, but I knew that most of them were gawking at the ladies. People just can't believe that so many women ride. We pulled up to a pub at the end of the strip, and as usual, lined all the bikes up like a row of soldiers. I am quite sure that everyone inside heard the roar of the bikes, and were shitting in their pants. As usual, the fear began to subside as soon as we had our first drink, and they saw that we were actually human. "I couldn't help but notice that you ladies have quite a few passengers riding with you. Are these the girls that are afraid to wheel a bike of their own around?" "Actually, wiseass, it's our annual initiation month." I knew what an initiation was. All bike clubs had them. They were usually well guarded secrets, and every club had their own private rite of passage. Our club, like most, had two. The one that was open to the public and that usually consisted of sitting in a bar and making the pledges drink shooters and beer until they either passed out, or blew their lunch on the barroom floor. Our private one was a bit seamier. Each new prospective member had to find a bitch to ride with them, and he had to get into her pants in front of the entire club. A lot of fun for the guys, and usually humiliating for the woman, unless she was a groupie that would fuck the whole club to get attention. "We were just about to get started when we ran across you big, strong biker men on the highway. We were on our way to get the motor homes ready and packed, and have our first pledge test." The women had a few motor homes that they brought to events. It was actually a good idea. Plenty of storage space, and a place to crash if it started to rain during a trip, or if they just needed a quick place to take a nap or sleep off the night before. "I would love to see what the big, bad girl bikers do, but I realize that it is always private." We were all seated at tables in the dining room of the lounge. I could tell what almost every woman's personality was by the way they acted and sat. There were a few that were power drinking beer, and an occasional shooter. Then there was a group that sat quietly in the corner, and sipped some kind of Margarita, and talking as if the world as we know it depended on the outcome of the conversation. Last was the group of pledges that were being used as waitresses for the entire group. I noticed that Melanie was pretty much calling the shots, as every once in a while, she would give them orders either loud enough for everyone to hear, or with a quiet whisper. The vice president of our club is Tom. He is an investment banker, and really likes to let it all hang out when he rides. He was deep in a heated discussion with the vice president of the girls club. Since they were on the other side of the room, I couldn't make out the subject of their conversation. Besides, I was too busy putting Melanie and female bikers in general down. I was getting under her skin and I knew it. After about an hour, and at least three beers, Melanie announced to her group that it was now 2:00 and the initiation started in three hours. "So Melanie, are you going to give us a little synopsis of what the rite of passage is to join your group?" "No, I'm not. Just let me say that it is probably nothing as vile as the shit you macho guys put a new member through." "Like I thought. Sissy shit. It's probably something like if they can get a motorscooter from one end of the street to the other without killing themselves, their in." That did it. Melanie was now officially pissed. "I'll tell you what pig. How about you and I see who can beat the other in a match race. I believe I can whip your ass even if I'm half loaded." I thought about it for a few minutes. Actually, I didn't think about it at all. She had challenged me in front of the entire group, and I had no choice but to kick her lovely ass to save face with my club. I wasn't worried though. I had seen Melanie race last year, and although she was as good as any woman, she still had some trouble with the power shifts. I good male rider could beat her without too much trouble. "Okay, you have a deal. What are the stakes?" Melanie didn't even hesitate. "If you win, I will leave here with you today, and ride bitch all the way to the festival." I was now ready to cum in my jeans. "Deal. Let's get it on." "Slow down tiger. I know you're anxious to feel my tits for the next month." "You know it honey. I don't think I have to tell you that you are one stunning broad. To bad we're not having our initiation until we get back. I'd love for you to join in. I would even pledge again, just to have you join me." All the guys cracked up. "Okay, sport, that's a deal too. If you win, I'll go with you, and I'll be part of your initiation. If I win though, you will be required to pledge into our club, and be treated exactly as the other five pledges for the month leading up to the festival. We will both have our V.P.'s work out the details right now. They seem to get along so well, it'll be fun." I agreed instantly. To add insult to injury, I told Melanie that I was going to the men's room to take a piss, and while I was there I was going to fantasize about her initiation, and probably masturbate. I went off to get rid of some of the beer, and Tom and Cheryl went off to work out the agreement. There is an unwritten law in the biker world that states if you make a promise to another biker or club and break it, you are banished from all biker activities. It's like you got a huge case of an STD. You are shunned by everyone. I knew that when I beat Melanie, she would be bound by pride and dignity to do whatever I demanded for the next four weeks. As I left the men's room, I noticed that the five female pledges were all huddled at the corner of the bar talking to the barmaid. My guess was that they were excited about the bet that had just been made. I ordered another beer for Melanie and myself, and we watched as our seconds busily laid out the rules. After about thirty minutes they were finished. Cheryl looked great too. She was the group's cosmetologist, and she had a motor home that she brought to the festivals. She sold specialty cosmetics and clothing for bikers. I saw that a lot of men went into her trailer at Daytona. On one occasion, I saw a guy walk in as I was entering a bar, and when I left I spotted a gorgeous redhead leaving her trailer. I guess the guy got the thrill of a lifetime watching her shop. Cheryl took charge immediately. "The rules are as follows. The race will be one half mile. Each contestant will be required to consume three boilermakers in the next forty five minutes. The race will then be run at the strip on the outskirts of town. The loser of the race will be required to surrender the key to their bike to the winning club. It will be transported by the winners to the festival. The loser will be further required to ride with for the winner into the festival. The loser will also be required to pledge into the winners club. The initiation will be the same as for everyone else pledging into the respective club. All the rules of the winning club prevail. That's it. Do each of you agree to the terms of the contest?" Melanie and I looked at each other, and we both smiled wickedly. "I have to tell you sexy, that I would never have guessed that you would submit to riding bitch for a man into Sturgess. You know how humiliating for a true biker that is." "I guess I'll have to grin and bear it. I can't back out now. I'd lose the respect of every woman in my club." We both nodded to Tom and Cheryl, and the bet began. The five female pledges were instructed to bring everyone their first boilermaker. Three were assigned to the men, and two to the women. Cheryl proposed a toast and everyone dropped their shot of Jack Daniels into their beer. It appeared that Melanie was nursing hers a little longer than me, but she finished about five minutes after I did. I was already beginning to see a change in her personality. I know the first boilermaker hit her harder than me. The waitresses were ordered to get another round. Only Melanie and I were required to drink the three, but when all the girls had a second, the guys were forced to go along. It took Melanie about ten minutes longer than me the second time, but as soon as she raised her glass, the third round appeared. I drank at a normal pace, but this time Melanie was only half through. I knew she was cooked. "Gentlemen, it seems that our hostess is having a bit of a hard time finishing her third drink, so to make things a little more even, what do you say the guys have one more. Wench, bring the men one more round." I was quite surprised when the cute little blonde biker to be, only said yes Master, and went on her way. I finished my fourth at about the same time that Melanie finished her third, and the slight wobble when she got off the seat sealed her fate as far as I was concerned. She was mine. We all left the bar and most of the girls were giggling like drunken females do as we made our way to the bikes. I have to admit that I was a little tipsy too. As we rode ever so slowly to the end of town, we came up to the race strip. Melanie and I drove up to the starting line, and the rest of the group either stayed at the start, or rode to the finish line to see the end of the race. I'm sure Melanie didn't realize that in her condition, the race was already over. I just hoped that she didn't get hurt. I have seen some nasty accidents on bikes. "I'll give you a chance to back out Melanie, and we'll just forget the whole thing. You don't seem to be in too good condition to me. Just tell everyone that you can't compete with the men, and we'll meet you in Sturgess and buy you all dinner." "Not on your life bitch. You're the one that is going to show all the rough tough male bikers of the world that Melanie can outdo them." "Okay, have it your own way, but just remember the rules. You're going to look great dressed like a slut in a shiny leather mimi, holding on to my waist like all good bitches should do around bikers." Melanie was even having a bit of a tough time holding the heavy bike up. Even with the engine off, this bike as too damn big for her, especially in her condition. Melanie finally started the engine, and her Harley roared to life. It did sound awesome as most do. She walked the bike up to the starting line, and pulled even with me. We were now ready to race. I revved my engine slightly. Melanie on the other hand made her bike sound if it was about to explode. I was going to take it easy on her. I actually didn't want to embarrass her too badly. She would still have to face her club in about six weeks, after I initiated her into the world of male motorcycle riders. Cheryl was elected starter. She stood about fifty feet in front, and in the middle of the two bikes with a scarf in her hand. When she dropped the scarf, we would be off. I hoped that Melanie didn't drive her bike over Cheryl's foot, or worse. Cheryl raised her hand above her head and began to count down. "Three, two, one, go." Melanie dropped her idle at that precise moment, and pulled a hole shot that would make Evil Knivel jealous. She dropped into second gear before I realized that she had a perfect takeoff. I was already two bike lengths behind. Well, she didn't miss third gear, and by the time I realized what had happened, the race was over. I had not only lost a drag race to a woman, I was thoroughly beaten. She made me look like I had never ridden a bike in my life. As she turned back to the cheering women, she stood up on the moving bike, and raised her fists in triumph. "Another male chauvinist pig, bites the dust. But don't worry gentlemen, by the time my new bitch rider gets to Sturgess, he'll have a new respect for how well women can ride." I was stunned. I was shocked. I was speechless. I knew I had to live up to my end of the agreement. I had no choice if I ever wanted to ride with my club or any other club for that matter again. "Well ladies, we will now retire back to the bar, and have a victory drink before our initiation period begins. It will also give me the opportunity to explain what is expected of our new pledge. You can ride your own bike back to the bar, and give the keys to Jessica. She'll take charge of yours until you see your club again. This works out nicely. Jess has been having some stalling problems, and now she can have her bike worked on while she rides yours for the next month." We all drove back to the bar, and all the girls were still giggling like drunken teens. I was in deep shit, and I knew it. By the time we got back to the bar it was 4:30 in the afternoon. My new sponsor announced that the initiation would begin at 5:00 P.M. sharp, but we would all have one last boilermaker to salute the victor. She suggested that all the men join them, since it would be rude to show that they were poor losers. She instructed the pledges to fetch us all one more boilermaker. "And since you are now an official pledge Ken, you can give your pledge sisters a hand." I was red as a beet, but I knew if I refused, there would be some serious repercussions with my club. I left to go out to the bar with the girls. After all, I am man enough to take a little humiliation from Melanie here, but I will make it a point to let her know that I won't appreciate it going on after this. When I got to the bar, the girls were all talking to the barmaid. She was quite pleased that a woman had put a man in his place. She was drawing the thirty or so beers that were necessary to handle our crowd. Then she signaled for me to come over to her. "Be a sweetie dear, and go ask Mistress Melanie if she wants Jack Daniels for the girls, or would she like me to continue to pour shots of tea for them." She just couldn't control herself, and she dropped a glass of beer all over the bar. I had been set up. I was furious. As soon as we got to where we were going to start this stupid initiation, I was going to kick the shit out of this bitch. After we brought the genuine boilermakers into the lounge, I sat next to Melanie, and told her that I didn't appreciate being duped. "Oh, come on Ken, you would have done the same thing if you had the chance. You lost the race, and you are not going to back out of this, or cry foul now." I had to admit, it was a very sneaky thing to do. She deserved credit. "I'll live up to my end. I'm man enough to take any and all of the rituals that these ladies have to go through."\ "I'm glad to hear that. You are definitely all man." I could see the twinkle in her eye as she said that. I didn't know whether I should be flattered, or nervous. "Each girl has a sponsor and a handler. Of course I will be your sponsor for the initiation, and I have decided that Cheryl will be your handler. It is her responsibility to make sure that you are properly prepared for each task during initiation. Cheryl dear. Would you please come over here and say hello to your charge. You will be Ken's handler for the next month. He will come to you for preparation and instruction." "Oh, that will be nice. I will look forward to it." Just at that time, Melanie looked at her watch and announced that it was time for the initiation to begin. "Gentlemen, please finish your drinks and leave us girls to ourselves. We will see you in Sturgess, we can all get together for a huge new members party." There was some grumbling, but the guys drank up and started to leave. Several of them patted me on the back and wished me well. A couple of them said they were sure I'd put the bitches in their place. I heard the roar of the engines, and watched as they all pilled away. "Handlers, if you will please prepare your charges for the ride to camp." Six women left the bar and returned a minute later carrying something that I didn't seem to recognize. When Cheryl came up to me, I was told to do as the other pledges were doing. Close my eyes and hold my hands out in front of me with my fists closed, and my thumbs inside my fingers. I thought it was a strange ritual, but I did as I was asked. I felt something being placed over my outstretched hands. It felt like some form of metal. All at once I heard to distinctive clicks and I was instructed to open my eyes. When I saw what had been done, my heart almost stopped. My hands were now encased in two steel balls and they were tight enough that I couldn't open my hands at all. "This is just to prevent our girls from taking any liberties with our tits when you ride bitch honey." I studied each one and saw that they could only be opened by inserting a key into the lock. Cheryl promptly took the key to mine and hung them around her neck with the chain that was attached to it. She then attached a chain between the two balls, and I was effectively handcuffed. "He's ready to ride Mistress." I was led outside with the other pledges who were wearing identical balls of steel on their hands. They were kind of enjoying it, but I was very nervous. I was told to sit on the back of the seat, and Melanie mounted her bike in front. She told me to put my arms over her head and around her waist. I did, and in no time I was taking my first ride as a passenger on a "hog". The ride to the campsite was about fifteen minutes. Melanie made small talk along the way and told me as long as there were no transgressions, it really wouldn't be too bad, and I would probably find that I would come to enjoy my upcoming experience. Somehow, I doubted it. "After we get settled, you go see Cheryl in her trailer, and she'll remove your globes. I'll direct you to it." I was driven to the front of a very expensive motor home and told to wait there for Cheryl. Melanie then drove away to meet with the other sponsors. In about five minutes I heard the roar of an engine, and sure enough it was Cheryl. She opened the motor home, and I was told to go inside and take a seat. Cheryl was going to get her bike put away. When I entered the motor home, I immediately saw that it was made up of two parts. The front appeared to be a beauty salon and the rear some kind of clothing boutique. I took a peek at the clothes and saw that they were almost all leather outfits of every kind, and all forms of lingerie. Definitely not a man's place. When Cheryl returned I was seated in the only chair available, which was a weird looking beauty chair. It had wide arms with all kinds of holders on them. There were also what looked like half tubes on the legs. They fit the contour of my legs. "Well Ken, it looks like you're in for some real fun for the next month. I think you'll have a good time in actuality, but I know how you must dread the thought of having to ride bitch in the opening ceremonies at Sturgess. Believe me, it won't be that bad. You'll be well prepared, I promise. First some basic rules, and then I'll get those mean old punishment globes off your hands. You will be required to address your sponsor by one name and one name only. She is called Mistress. You will receive a demerit for each infraction. Each demerit is one punishment. It can be anything from having to wear those silly globes for a full twenty four hours, to one of several others we cook up. Just follow orders, and you will be fine. I want you to know that I am your handler, and your friend. I will pamper you while your here. All the girls get special attention, and you should be rewarded with that too." I was asked if I understood everything that was told to me so far, and I said that I did. Just then the cell phone rang and Cheryl went to the back of the trailer for a good five minutes. When she returned, she told me that it was Melanie, and she was concerned that I was handling everything well. I thought that was nice. "Let's get those mean old things off your hands. You are lucky because the other pledges still have theirs on and probably will all night. Do you realize how confining those things really are? Not able to use your hands at all. Just imagine trying to take a piss. That should give you some idea." She removed the first ball as I sat looking at her fabulous tits. They were a sight to behold. The more I saw, the more I realized that she was almost as beautiful as Melanie. She did seem to be a little less refined, and I got the impression that this was no woman to fuck with. "Did you look around yet?" "Just a little. This is strictly a woman's shop, right?" "Not at all. I have several services and items I provide for male bikers. In fact you look so tight that I will give you a minor treatment free of charge. After all, I am your handler." "What kind of treatment?" "I am not only a registered cosmetologist, I am also a masseuse. With every manicure I give a free shoulder rub. It gets all the knots out. I also provide several other services for the men. Your hand looks like it could use a good manicure, and I know you could relax a little. Want one?" Well, at this point I was game for anything. I was getting another hard-on looking at this woman. "Sure, why not. I get a shoulder massage too?" "Let me prepare you for the manicure, and then I'll rub you down." She removed the other globe, and my hands were now free. "Just put your hands flat on the grooves in the arms of the chair." As I did, Cheryl brought over an attachment and slid each of my fingers into a ring. Then she fastened the tray to the chair. She repeated the process, and my hands were now pressed flat on the arms of the chair and she tightened each ring from the underside of the chair. "This is to insure that your fingers are still during the manicure. Too many manicurists fuck up the whole thing because the client's hands tend to jump when we push the cuticles back." Next she stood behind me and started to knead my shoulders. It took about five seconds for me to totally relax. This woman was a master. She asked how it felt, and I know by the smile on my face, I didn't need to answer. She took the opportunity to pull my shirt off over my head. "Just as I thought. All you guys love this. You should see the massage you get with a pedicure. I'm sure you can just guess what I massage with your pants off." "Well maybe I could get a pedicure too then." "I'm not sure if we have enough time for that. Aw what the hell, if Mistress misses you, she'll call, and I'll make up an excuse. I'll have to remove those dirty jeans though. I don't usually like to smell things like that when I'm working so close, if you know what I mean." I couldn't imagine how she was going to get me jeans off with this enormous woody I was sporting. She slowly moved to the front, and undid my belt. She swiftly removed my pants and underwear. I had to strain to lift my butt off the seat so she could get them off. She began to tickle my cock and she stroked it a couple of times. Then she went to the sink and gargled. "I hate to wrap my lips around something that large, without a decent taste in my mouth. We had better get you prepared for the pedicure just in case we are interrupted. It will look as if I am working on you feet." She slid a tray under each foot, and attached it to the chair. Then she did the same thing to each toe that she did to my fingers. I wonder if she realized that I was now totally helpless, and bound to the chair. "There you go, honey. Are you ready for your special treatment?" I was trying to spit out a yes. I have never been this excited by a woman before. "Well then here we go." She went into a drawer in the console and took out a tape measure. "I always measure my clients to see if I will find the man who will go into my record book. You are close." I started to blush. I knew I was well endowed, but to hear it from her made me feel great. She measured my penis from top to bottom, and around the base. Then she went to the refrigerator and got an ice cube. She placed it right on my dick, and it began to shrink. "Don't worry honey, this won't take long, but I need all the measurements." She then measured my limp dick again in the same way. "You'll have another hard-on in just a minute." I was in heaven even if that was a little unnerving. "See, all done. Are you ready for some fun?" "Oh yes, I have been for the last fifteen minutes." "Well, here we go." Cheryl then went to another drawer and pulled out several leather straps. "What are those for?" "You'll see sweetheart, you'll see." She then got on her phone again and whoever she called, she only said one word. "Ready."

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Paybacks A Bitch

Payback’s A BitchAuthors Note: Hey Guys. This is only my second attempt of a story so any feedback or ideas will be greatly appreciated. The more reviews/feedback I receive the more inspired I’ll be to write that little bit quicker. Thank you to the people who reviewed my first story ‘Taking Advantage of A Betrayed Lover? and I hope to be able to come up with some more ideas for that and finish it soon. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.The Morning After. Jasmine’s House....

2 years ago
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MindControl Panties Story 8 Hot Naughty Bitch

Story Eight: Hot & Naughty Bitch By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered a store it had never been in. Or, to say, it was the type of store it had never ventured into before. It wasn't the sort of place that young girls shopped at. Nor was it even a place that people typically went to to find clothing. It was a gaming store. The place tingled its senses. The air hummed with probability, chance, and wagers. The possibility sent a...

3 years ago
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Black man White Girlfriend and Their bitch Chapter 3 Party bitch

Black Man, White Girlfriend and Their Bitch Chapter 3 - Party Bitch By sissybabs In the first chapter Mark's black supervisor and his white girlfriend figure out that Mark is submissive and probably has fantasies about being a sissy cuckold. They catch him breaking the company's Internet policies while viewing a Cuckold website. They offer him a deal that if he services his supervisor orally then he won't fire him. Once Mark does this their suspicions about him are confirmed and he...

1 year ago
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I Am My Daughters Bitch

Note : This story is completely fictional! How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it. I suppose I shouldn't have let...

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I Am My Daughters Bitch

I Am My Daughter's Bitch by Richard-to-Rachel How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it. I suppose I...

3 years ago
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CD crossdresser daughterrsquos bitch

Note : This story is completely fictional!How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it.I suppose I shouldn't have let...

4 years ago
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Mistress Stormys Lil Bitch

It was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until...

2 years ago
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Becoming Enzo8217s Bitch

One night while we were lying on the floor drinking wine, smoking marijuana and listening to music he had a silly idea and I went along. I had a bit too much wine. I was too agreeable. I couldn’t really believe he would let anything happen. He was just testing me. It started out with me lying naked on the carpet and him getting the dog to sniff my cunt and lick me. He put peanut butter on me, spreading it on my throat to get the dog to lick me there. Karl said I was offering the dog my...

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Biker Bimbo Bitch

Bimbo biker Bitch So taking a quick break from the super sluts story for something a little different had this concept in my head and needed to write it. Kevin was nervous as he walked up to the bar. He was wearing panties, women's skinny jeans and a crop top. The bar was the only gay lesbian bar for twenty miles and he'd never cross dressed before. Right outside the bar were several motor cycles one caught his eye a candy apple red custom Indian. He admired it for a few...

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Riding the Devils Horse

Riding the Devil’s Horse by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Cindy’s eyes narrowed when she saw Trevor looking at the sign over the dark doorway. ?You don’t want to go in there,? she said flatly. ?It might be interesting, don’t you think?? He sounded hopeful. ?I think it might be disgusting. That’s what I think,? she replied. ?Oh, come on. How often do we come to Amsterdam, anyway? I bet you’re curious. You’re curious about everything. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.? He grinned at her. ?Come...

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The Bitch

As usual she showed up around a holiday. Thanksgiving this time - a time for family and friends. Of course. She knew it would be hard for us to deal with her. We couldn’t toss her out on the street in front of my mother-in-law. So she had a place to stay for a little while. Someone to prey on. The Bitch just won’t leave us alone. It starts small – snide comments, impatient remarks. She acts like she somehow owns what my wife and I have built. She’s nasty to me and talks my wife down every...

4 years ago
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Being Barbis Bitch

Being Barbi's Bitch By Heathyr Diamond After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of my femininity, treasuring and celebrating them in a way that only someone who has truly missed them can appreciate, I had made a conscious decision...

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Riding in the hills of Normandy

I felt like a million bucks walking down the tiny winding road towards the village. It's early morning, dressed in shorts, a polo shirt, sunglasses and a pair of beach sandals. Tired from the drive, but full of energy. The road is only wide enough for one car, surrounded by wild-grown bushes and old trees that form a canopy overhead. Lush green and dark. Almost like a tunnel of vegetation. I arrived a few hours earlier, at five in the morning. Sixteen hours of driving, motorways, cities, rush...

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Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons----------It was almost unbearably quiet all day, virtually too hot for most to venture to the farm and ride horses. Even the boarders who always visited to care for their horses had called out, making the workload heavier. By noon, I had pulled my bra off and tied off the bottom of my blouse with only one button remaining. The sweat poured down my chest causing the blouse to cling tightly leaving little to the imagination.I stood under the huge fans in the barn praying the air...

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Squealin Snitch Bitch

No reason needed for a bitch to get fucked in Colefax. [s]he probably deserved it anyway, either because of "her" crime on the outside (stupidity in getting caught, arrested, charged, convicted, and sentenced), because some bitch on the outs had it in for "her" and revenge-dialed the cops. Or, because [s]he fucked up and pissed Somebody off in here. Or, [s]he just got punked and turned out anyway because [s]he either sent out the vibes that [s]he liked it. Or [s]he looked pretty and...

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Prison Bitch

*********************************************************************** Note to Readers, this story contains racial stereotyping. If you do not like this do not leave a comment saying so...JUST DON'T READ IT *********************************************************************** Of course I dodge my taxes everyone does, it's the American way. Of course all the big businesses dodge taxes in fact with their high paid lawyers it's doubtful most pay any taxes at all! So I failed to...

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Dog Bikers Gang Bitch

“Hi Ray, be with you in a minute honey,” I say as my dreamboat of a lover comes into the diner. Finally I get the last table cleared and pocket the tip. Not too bad. Of course I do provide excellent service and my short shirt which shows off my pert ass plus my blouse showing the cleavage guys love to see certainly help. “Hey beautiful, how is my bitch tonight? Feeling frisky?” Ray asks with a smile that almost makes me wet. Being his bitch really turns me on. “Oh, darling, you know I’m...

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Daddys Little Bitch

Introduction: Katies Stepdad gets fed up with his daughters antics and trains her to be his pet bitch. Daddys Little Bitch by Katie Spencer ([email protected]) *** Chapter 1 Katie wasnt sure if she was the prettiest girl in town, but she damn well knew she was the hottest. She had just turned 18 and was beginning her senior year in high school. She was 54 and 120lbs with curves for days, long wavy brown hair, and a deep dark tan. She had developed large breasts at around the age of 12 and...

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Becoming Bitch

Linda, Part 1 - BeginningsI had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover she had always wanted. When it came to sex, her ex had ranged from lackluster to not interested, at best.We went at it like a couple of rabbits most of the time, especially in the beginning. She was apparently just trying to impress me in the beginning as well, by telling me of fantasies that ranged from being tied and taken by strangers to...

2 years ago
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Mindcontrol Panties 08 Hot Naughty Bitch

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered a store it had never been in. Or, to say, it was the type of store it had never ventured into before. It wasn’t the sort of place that young girls shopped at. Nor was it even a place that people typically went to to find clothing. It was a gaming store. The place tingled its senses. The air hummed with probability, chance, and wagers. The possibility sent a rush through its veins. If it hadn’t found this new high of mind control,...

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Wifes in Charge Your My Little Bitch

Sex had become a one-night-a-week chore that left me barely satisfied. In fact, I had recently unleashed the world wide web of porn on the internet to get me off between our weekly fornications. After everybody was in bed for the night, I'd retire to the study, sit down at my keyboard and surf my way to a satisfying jerk-off. As the weeks progressed, the r-rated pictures of hot little teen cuties had less and less effect on my middle-aged boner. I started surfing more hardcore stuff; orgies,...

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Guy said he wanted to me till I was his bitch

It’s been a while since I had anything to write about but that just changed. Most of the messages I get on A4A have the same subject line, nice ass or Mmmmm or sometimes just a smile so when I opened my inbox and saw one that said “I want to face fuck you and **** your hole” my cock sprung to life. I opened the message and it was short and to the point. “You’ve got a nice bubble, I want to put you on your knees at my feet and stuff my cock down your throat till you gag around me and once I’m...

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Riding Red

One day, the sun tickled Red’s nose, waking her when it was just getting light. Even though she was already a grown woman, she was still living with her parents, mainly because she couldn’t afford a place of her own and, since they lived somewhat secluded, she also had not met a suitable husband who would take an interest in her. So, she did what she did every morning: Reach over to her nightstand, grab the candle from its holder, run it between her legs and gently, but firmly, insert it...

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Riding Trial Chapter 2

Chapter Two Michelle woke and found she was sore from the prior nights activity with James Talbot the sucessful rich bastard she knew as Jimmy. She tried to pull herself from the funk of what had transpired. How could she be so dumb. It was Saturday morning so she dressed and headed for the stables grabbing a breakfast on the way. The only place she felt safe and all together was on Ziggy in the show arena. She saddled up in the usual routine and round to the arena. All the gates and jumps...

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The transition from Shalisa to Bitch

I woke in the morning and stretched, enjoying the stretching of muscles sore from a long nights work. I went down stairs and fixed breakfast, making sure there was enough for my and bitch. Then I unlocked to door that lead to the basement and went down the stairs. Bitch was laying on the twin bed i had brought down into the basement. Her collar had a chain going from around her neck to the headboard of the bed. The collar couldnt be removed without a key, which I had hidden. For...

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He found his young Bitch

It was a warm summer night.I had just turned 18,so I thought i,d take in the local club.I got all dressed up,a short little leather mini skirt,black thigh high,s,satin black pantie,s,black bra and white blouse.I know I dress like a slut,but hey it,s saturday nite.I walked into the club,it was real quiet,but it was early yet.I went to the conner of the bar and ordered a beer.I was sipping on my beer when a man walked up and said have,nt seen u in here before,well no this is my first time just...

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Being Brittanys Bitch

Being Brittany's Bitch It all started innocently enough. Okay, maybe not. I had heard the one and only Brittany Andrews was back in LA for one night only before heading on the road for a few months, so I lied to the wife and took off for the club. Of course, by the time Brittany got on stage, I had had a lot to drink, and had also gotten up close to the stage, so I could see the whole show. During her dominatrix routine, she grabbed me and said, "Is this as close as you've ever been to...

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Riding the pipeline

All characters are 16 or older and all sex is consensual. Also don’t steal my story that wouldn’t be cool. Riding the Pipeline I think I’m going to scream, if he says over the next hill one more time! I’m Katherine Holman. My son Brad wanted to take a long ATV ride and camp out overnight, so we are riding the pipeline in southeast Missouri to a remote campground near Van Buren MO. We ride the gas & power lines which are great trails. We have to connect to some county roads once in a while....

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Riding the Ponies at Camp

When I hit my teens, my hormones were raging but completely unsatisfied. Having discovered the unspeakable pleasures of masturbation when I was around ten (I certainly didn't know anyone I could speak to them about!), I'd have done anything to get laid by a real feminine female. But for all I did, no matter how hard I tried (and gawd knows I always tried too hard) it only rewarded me with unending embarrassment. I made a total fool out of myself with any girl I was around. I was awkward,...

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Hunting Down Evil Bitches

I’m going to be brutally honest here, folks. I hate bitches. I hate everything about them. They’re wicked, evil and manipulative. They think that having a vagina grants them special rights. They ruin the lives of good men. They destroy entire families. They bring down whole organizations. They are agents of chaos and destruction and I hate them for it. I pity any fool who gives away his love, his money or his trust to a bitch. What I really hate about bitches is their total lack of remorse...

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Biker Bitch

The following story is true my wife and I were only18 and 19 at the time. Rick and his biker friends took my wifes ass virginity and turned her into a cock hungry woman. After her first gang bang she wanted to try everythng and anything. This was only the start.... We arrived at out motel and quickly went out with a friend for supper. We returned a short time later only to find 2 men waiting outside our room, we were told that their boss wanted to see us in room 120. We asked what this...

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Little Farm of Horror Part 1 Charles Becomes a Bitch

This is my First story ever written. Email comments, criticisms and blatant praise to [email protected] this story is also complete fiction everything in it is nothing more than the twisted fantasies of the writer. The writer does not condone mind control or rape in any form. (Unless the writer is the one being raped or mind controlled) Little Farm of Horror Part 1 Charles had been driving for hours. He was getting worried, very worried. The last gas station he had...

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How my girlfriend turned me into her sissy bitch

Her Perfect Ass And Evil Sexy Dirty Looks Mind Fucked Me Into Wanting To Be A Girl Rather Than Fuck One......as this naive, innocent, christian, bible believing 20 something gave me the best sex of my life with a reach around, as I would cum, she would whisper "Not bad for a cock sucker. LOSER!" and then push me away, stand up, look at me in disgust with those evil sexy eyes that would become so powerful as she threw me the meanest, 'fuck you, loser' look ever, then she would leave, her perfect...

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Whoring My Hos And A Bitch

It was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine.I stayed after the other k**s left class that evening to test my theory. She didn't notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned around and...

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My Hos And A Bitch

It was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine. I stayed after the other students left class that evening to test my theory. She didn’t notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned...

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Riding Lawnmower

I bought myself a brand new riding lawnmower. My old one finally bit the dust. This one has everything. It can cut the grass of course but it can bag the clipping to be composted, till the soil for my garden, collect the fall leaves, and snow blow my driveway too. It does it all. I was in love with my ‘Mean Machine.’ I showed my wife and two daughters how it worked, that was my mistake! After that the grass stopped growing and I never got a chance to ride it. However I still had to...

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Jackis Bitches

Jacki's BitchesBy ReddbunnzChapter One:  Carol?s Parents ReturnCarol was sitting in the parlor of her Uncle Rob?s home awaiting the arrival of her parents.  Carol, an 18 year old high school senior, was staying with her Uncle and his girlfriend, Joy, in order to finish high school while her parents were on an extended, three-month long European vacation. Carol was not only wanted to see them again, but she suddenly realized how much she had missed them both dearly.  Carol loved both her Uncle...

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Bottom Bitch

Bottom BitchBy [email protected] me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities,white, 5' 9'165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of theways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked byother men. Preferably in a humiliating situation, with several guys fuckingme.Just one of my kinks.~This night was the second time I had gone with Anthony. The first time wasthe Friday Night before.I dressed in 3...

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becoming a bitch

Becoming a BitchIt was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap...

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The Making of a True Bitch

I shouldn't have been surprised when she confessed having a sexual curiosity towards my large male German Shepherd, Lex. Lex was a pretty horny beast, always humping furniture and legs. Anna admitted it turned her on knowing the dog was horny and eager to fuck a bitch. We'd been together a few months and I'd entertained numerous Daddy fantasies and schoolgirl fantasies, not to mention a rape scene. But I'd never once considered involving my dog in our sex life... She wanted the dog in...

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punishing bitch

"You should eat." I told her. She looked up at me with hateful eyes and said "Why, so I have energy when you rape me?" the words flew out of her mouth in an angry flurry. I looked at her coldly. I figured there would come a point when bitch got so full of hate that she back talked me. I wasn't surprised by her actions. But I would punish her for her words. She was my property. My truck wouldn't stall out of spite, and bitch will learn not to be disrespectful to her master. I...

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becomiing a bitch

It was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap offa bottle of Bud,...

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Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch

Last night, Linda had succumbed to my 'trickery' and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined to not let a silly thing like guilt stand in the way of us opening up our sexual horizons. Linda was naturally submissive. As I mentioned in Part I she had fantasies of being tied up and used...

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Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch

Introduction: The beginning wasnt enough *** This is the second installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings or the context of the story may be lost to you. Last night, Linda had succumbed to my trickery and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined...

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So who is the Boss now bitch

That morning my Boss called me to his office.I went there in a rush, fearing the worst about my position in the firm. But my kind Boss noticed it and said I should calm out…He explained we had a matter of attitude with one of the junior employees. The guy was the son of a good friend of his; so he did not want to take a decision about his fate… He needed me to correct the problem and fire the guy by myself…I knew this guy Tyrrell was a pain in the ass and fortunately, he did not work for my...

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Being Amandas bitch

Being Amanda's Bitch.As I sat there, slumped back in the leather car seat, my body shuddering in post orgasm shudders, turning my head lazily to the right I noticed Amanda staring at me her head cocked to one side, a wicked smile playing across her lips.“You're not done already baby, are you?” Amanda's velvety voice cut through the silence. Her golden hair falling in front of her face, I could just about make out that smile dancing across her lips, as she reached across and started to fondle my...

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That Bitch That Bitch That Little Fucking Bitch

"That bitch, that bitch, that little fucking bitch!" I kept repeating that phrase over and over again in my mind. I was trying hard not to lose my composure, not to hit my wife in her pretty, confused, disloyal little face. I am not usually a violent man. Oh the potential for it is always there, just beneath the surface, but I know how destructive, how dangerous an SOB I can be; and I don't like myself when I let the asshole out of the bottle. Maybe I was being unfair, maybe I had not heard...

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Making Paris Hilton My Bitch

The rich heiress followed in the path made by her bulky muscle bond protector to the bar, swaying her hips trying to catch the eyes of several younger men watching her every move. She wore a simple Playboy shirt and jeans, the top of her breasts looking extremely inviting. Once she reached the bar she ordered a screaming orgasm, how ironic thought Jason. “A complementary drink for your friend Miss Hilton” asked Jason handing the drinks out. She peered at Jason obviously finding him...

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Brads Bitch

bisexual – gay – reluctant – domination – feminizationThe phone rang. I pulled it from my jeans pocket and saw that it was Brad. Shit! I really didn't want a call from him right now. Maybe I should just ignore it. But somehow he always knew when I'd just ignored his calls. And then that was even worse.I answered it, thinking only fleetingly about "the speech" that I'd composed and honed over the years and knew now that I would never actually give. I don't know why I even thought of it anymore....

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Brads Bitch

The phone rang. I pulled it from my jeans pocket and saw that it was Brad. Shit! I really didn't want a call from him right now. Maybe I should just ignore it. But somehow he always knew when I'd just ignored his calls. And then that was even worse.I answered it, thinking only fleetingly about "the speech" that I'd composed and honed over the years and knew now that I would never actually give. I don't know why I even thought of it anymore. Maybe it made me feel just a little bit in charge of...

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The bitch

I hate my dad's new girlfriend. She was bossy and snotty towards me. I don't know why she had such an attitude towards me, but it did not feel good to be in the house when she was around.Sure she had a hot body and a very pretty face, but she was a total bitch to me! Kept asking myself how my nice and good guy of father could have this bitch around. I don't think he ever got to see her true behavior when he was around. She put this nice face and attitude, but as soon as my dad was far away...

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little bitch

To tell you a bit about myself and my life, it is just me and my dad that live togetheras my bitch of a mother left us to start a new life with my dads brother, my uncle.I am a 12 years old boy, but i'm not like most young boys from as early as the age of 5i have always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. So from when i was around 10i would try on my mothers clothes and after a while of doing this i decided to take a pairof knickers and bra they wasn't too sexy but they made me feel...

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Jennifers Plaything 5 Paybacks a Bitch

*** AUTHOR'S NOTE: First of all, thank you for all the kind words of encouragement for my last two chapters of this story. It has been a wonderful experience to find such a supportive community as Fictionmania. Second: Yes, I realize that I skipped a couple chapters. I wanted to tell this story next and I didn't want to wait until the last two chapters were finished. Some day I will go back and fill in those holes......I mean those holes in the story. ...

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