Lilliahna & Zac Ch. 06 free porn video

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~*~ Zac ~*~

I answered the door and everyone walked in. I was expecting a couple to arrive at a time, not all of them at once.

‘Everyone, this is Lilliahna, my girlfriend. Lilliahna, this is everyone,’ I said, by way of introducing them all.

‘Zac, you haven’t changed a bit. Come here muffin,’ said my Nanna as she gave me a hug.

‘Thanks Nanna Watson,’ I said.

‘Hi, Mrs Watson, I’m Lil,’ Lil said to her.

‘Lil, call me Nanna too ok,’ she replied pulling her into a hug.

The rest of the family were equally friendly to Lil, and equally sympathetic to me, unfortunately. We showed them their rooms. Matt then spotted the X-box and asked if he could play it.

‘No Matt, go and take you sister and your cousins for a walk so we can chat,’ said Fay, handing him $20.

‘That’s for the ice-creams, I expect the change.’

At 15, Matt was the oldest cousin, Jess and Leah were 13 and Kim was 10. I was always to odd one out.

‘Ok Mum, sounds good.’

‘Does anyone want a drink, or a chocolate muffin?’ Lil asked everyone. After distributing the various refreshments and muffins we sat down in the lounge room to talk.

‘So Zac, what’s with the box of baby toys?’ asked his Grandma Davidson.

‘Is there something you’re not telling us?’

‘No Grandma, they are Lil’s little sisters. Her parents have had to go out of town for family problems and we are looking after Isabella for a few days. Speak of the devil,’ I added as Issy started crying.

‘Excuse me,’ Lil said, as she got up to get her.

‘How long have you been together for Zac?’ asked Uncle Tony.

‘Um, a week or two?’ I replied. The shocked looks echoed how I felt when I realised how short a time it was.

‘But we have been good friends for a long time,’ Lil added as she came back into the room, smiling at me.

‘Issy, wave hello to everyone,’ I told her, as I reached for her from Lil. As I sat her on my lap I picked up her little hand and made waving motions.

‘Aww, isn’t she cute,’ cried my relatives.

‘The girls will just love playing with her,’ Kate added.

‘Playing with who Mum?’ asked Leah as the cousins came back inside.

‘Aww…Can I hold her please Zac?’ asked Jess spotting Issy. I looked at Lil and she nodded.

‘Go entertain her, I think all us adults are boring her,’ I said to Leah, handing her over. The girls all went with Issy, fighting over who got to play with her first.

‘I bet she’s going to love all that attention,’ Lil said.

‘What about me? I don’t want to play with a stupid baby,’ said Matt, obviously not happy that he had lost his playmates.

‘How about we set the Xbox up in the rumpus room?’ I asked, getting up. ‘I’m sure I’d have a couple of games you might like.’

~*~ Lilliahna ~*~

‘So Lil, are you living here permanently?’ asked Zac’s Uncle Fred.

‘No, just the next few days while my parents are out of town. I thought Zac might like some extra support with everything that has happened,’ I replied.

‘How is he coping?’ asked Fay.

‘Ok, I guess. I don’t think it has fully hit him yet. I think tomorrow will be hard for him, he hasn’t been looking forward to it at all.’

‘Yeah, the poor little mite. I mean, the last time we saw him was when his mother lost her battle. Now we are here to bury his father. He’s a strong one though, I’ll give him that,’ added Tony.

‘Nah, you just see me when I’m pretending to be strong, if it wasn’t for Lil, I wouldn’t have even been able to tell you all that the funeral was on, or have food here for you, or even have clean sheets on the beds. She’s my strength,’ Zac said, as he came back into the room. I blushed slightly.

‘Not to be rude or anything, but I think we are going to have a lie down, all this travel has worn us out,’ said his grandparents, standing and heading to their rooms. I looked at the time, it was four thirty.

‘I think I’ll get a start on tea,’ I said standing and heading to the kitchen.

Fay and Kate came with me, leaving the guys to chat.

‘We’ll give you a hand, what are we going to have?’ they asked me.

‘I thought I’d just make some salads and have Spaghetti Bolognaise. That’s quick and easy to make,’ I replied, getting the mince and bolognaise sauce out of the fridge.

‘We can do the salads if you like,’ Kate said.

‘That would be great,’ I replied. I heard Issy start crying and Jess came into the kitchen.

‘I don’t know what’s wrong, she just started for no reason,’ she said handing her to me.

‘It’s ok Jess, she’s probably just hungry. Is that it Isabella? Yeah?’ I said, putting her in the high chair that Mum had dropped off.

‘Did you want to feed her some custard Jess?’ I asked her, getting it out of the fridge and handing it to Jess.

‘I don’t know how,’ she said.

‘Just put some on the spoon and feed it to her, she’s good at eating so you should have no problems,’ I told her, putting on Issys bib.

‘Could you show me?’ Jess asked still unsure.

‘Of course,’ I said taking the spoon. I showed Jess a couple of times and then handed her the spoon.

‘Let me know if you have any problems,’ I told her, as I went to see what I could do for tea, since Kate and Fay had taken over all the jobs.

‘How old is she Lil?’ Kate asked.

‘8 months, she’s just started crawling,’ I said, watching Jess feed her the custard.

‘You are really good with her, thank-you for letting Jess feed her, she loves little kids, especially babies, but she never gets to see any or help with any,’ Fay added.

‘I know, I was like that when I was younger. That’s why I don’t mind the girls helping out, as long as it doesn’t cause arguments or bother you guys at all that is.’

‘No, I think it’s great that you are letting them help. They are pretty upset about their uncle, but this is taking their minds off it, which is a good thing. Matt hasn’t reacted well, he loved Zac’s father. He’s become really moody and argumentative in the last few days and he refuses to cry. He thinks that because he’s a guy he shouldn’t cry. I don’t know what to do with him?’ commented Fay.

‘This must be hard on everyone. I didn’t meet either of his parents, not properly anyway. I feel kind of weird being here with all you guys too. Like I shouldn’t be or something,’ I said honestly.

‘Lilli, can I call you that?’ I nodded so Kate continued.

‘We think it’s great that you’re here. Zac needs someone to help him through this difficult time and you can tell he really cares about you and appreciates all you have done for him. You’re part of the family now, whether you like it or not.’ I smiled.

‘Thank-you so much, it means a lot,’ I told them.

‘Lil, I think Issy has finished,’ Jess said, interrupting our conversation. I went over. Issy had gotten it everywhere, like she normally does. I went over to her nappy bag and got a wipe for her face and hands.

‘Sorry about the mess,’ Jess said.

‘If she ever ate her custard and didn’t make a mess I would be very surprised. It’s normal of little ones to do that when they are learning how to eat. You did a very good job, Jess. You guys will have to help me bath her later on though,’ I told her as I took Isabella out of the high chair and gave her back to Jess.

‘Do you think you could play with her for a bit longer? We are almost finished here.’

‘Yes Lil that will be fine.’ I turned back to help with the adults. Matt came into the kitchen not long afterwards.

‘Mum, the girls kicked me of the Xbox and put some girly game on. Can I use the phone and call Dani?’ he asked.

‘You’ll have to ask Zac, it’s his phone,’ Fay told him.

Zac came in and said, ‘Ask Zac what?’ as he ruffled Matt’s hair affectionately.

‘Can I use you ph
one?’ he repeated.

‘What for?’ Zac asked, grabbing a can of Coke from the fridge and handing to Matt.

‘To call Dani,’ he said, going slightly pink.

‘Your girlfriend?’ I asked.

‘He wishes, Zac can I have some Coke too?’ asked Leah coming in the kitchen with the other girls following behind her. Zac got Coke out for everyone and told them to go outside and play for a bit. He then pulled Matt aside.

‘Hey buddy, take the cordless phone and go into Lil and my room so you won’t be disturbed. Talk until tea time ok mate, don’t worry about the cost,’ Zac added at the look on Matts face. Tea would still be an hour and a bit away.

‘Have fun,’ his Mum called out Matt left the room.

‘You didn’t have to do that Zac, but thank-you. He’s always in a better mood when he gets off the phone to her,’ he father commented.

‘I know what it’s like having feelings for someone and not knowing if they are returned,’ Zac said, coming over to me for a hug.

~*~ Zac ~*~

The guys decided to head down to the pub for an hour to get out of everyone’s hair. Fay and Kate headed outside to enjoy the last of the afternoon warmth with the grandparents and Matt was still on the phone to Dani.

It was 5:30 so Lil decided that Isabella could have her tea, and told the girls that they could watch a movie, as they were looking tired. She put on ‘Sleepover’ and came into the kitchen to get Issy’s tea.

‘Here babe, put her in her highchair, we might need a clean bib for her though,’ she said, as she tipped out Issy’s jar of baby food into a bowl to heat it up.

‘Nah, just use this one, then it saves getting two dirty,’ I said, wanting to keep Lil to myself for a while, I hadn’t had much of a chance to see her all day.

‘How are you feeling?’ I asked her, concerned about whether she felt comfortable with all my family members.

‘Fine, a bit tired, but that’s normal after not much sleep and a busy day,’ she replied, handing me Issy’s tea and a spoon.

‘Feed her bub.’ I did as I was told and started to feed Issy. I wasn’t really concentrating on Issy though, Lil looked so buggered.

‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ I said, not watching Issy. Next thing I knew the bowl, which I left on the tray of her high chair, was tipped on her head and Isabella was giggling.

‘Isabella. Why did you do that?’ asked Lilliahna, a smile creeping across her face. I took the bowl off her head and started to clean up the mess.

‘Kids hey,’ I said laughing.

‘What’s all the giggles about?’ asked Kim, coming into the kitchen. She looked at Isabella in shock when she saw the mess.

‘She’s naughty,’ Kim told us.

‘She’s not naughty Kim, she just doesn’t know any better, she is still learning what is considered naughty and what isn’t,’ Lil told her as she got Issy some more food.

‘I do know that she is definitely going to need a bath after this though, this is why we don’t give her a bath before tea, isn’t it Isabella?’ Lil said to her, as she sat on my lap. The rest of her tea went down without anymore being tipped over her head.

‘Ok messy girl, bath time,’ I told her while Lilli rinsed out her bowl.

‘Can I help?’ asked Kim.

‘Sure hun, come with me and we can run the bath while Lil gets her pyjamas and stuff,’ I said, taking Issy into the bathroom.

‘Can we help too?’ asked Jess and Leah as they came running up to the bathroom.

‘Sure. I need at least three people to play with her while she’s in there,’ Lil said, gently lying Issy on the floor and pulling off her clothes.

‘Zac, could you get me a clean towel for her?’ She asked, sitting Issy in the bath in her special seat.

‘What’s that for Lilli?’ asked Jess.

‘Since Issy hasn’t been sitting up for very long and the bath can be slippery, it’s to stop her from slipping over and hurting herself. I’ll be back in a minute, make sure you guys splash around lots and have fun,’ Lil said as we left the room.

‘You still haven’t answered me baby, are you ok? You sure you’re only tired?’ I asked her, as I reached for a clean towel from the cupboard.

‘Yes, but I am also worried about what happened last night. I’m going to be nervous until I know either way,’ Lil told me, reaching out to get a hug.

‘Sweetheart, it will be ok, I’m going to look after you either way ok. I love you,’ I reassured her, kissing her forehead gently.

‘Lil, Issy has put water everywhere, eww…were you two kissing, that’s gross,’ Kim said coming out.

‘Don’t your parents kiss Kimmy?’ I teased.

‘Yeah, but they are old, they are allowed too.’

‘Is that so?’ I said grabbing her, picking her up and kissing her lots on her cheeks.

‘Zac, stop it,’ she screamed, kicking her legs, but she was laughing too. I let her go and got an extra towel, to mop up the mess. Lil was shampooing Issy’s hair when I went into the bathroom and the girls, who had obviously gotten bored, headed back into the lounge to finish their movie.

Lil handed me Issy once she had finished washing her so I could dry her and then we headed into our room. Matt was leaving as we were about to walk in there.

‘Did she have to go?’ Lil asked her. Matt shook his head, his eyes watering a little.

‘Do you want to come in here and talk Matt,’ Lil asked quietly, placing an arm around him and gently pushing back in the room. She shut the door behind her.

‘Matt, matey what’s the matter? She got a new boyfriend?’ I started to tease, but the look Lil shot me shut me up instantly and I put the moisturiser on Issy that she handed me.

‘No, she told me she loved me,’ he said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

~*~ Lilliahna ~*~

‘Doesn’t that make you happy?’ I asked gently.

‘Yes, that’s why I’m crying. I never thought that someone could care about me as much as she does. I wish she could have come over with us, to make me feel better, but my parents said that she wasn’t allowed because it was a family thing. I miss her so much, she makes the hurt go away a little.’

‘You know Matt, you are allowed to cry when you miss someone. I know that because you’re a guy, it makes you think that you can’t, or that if you do your weak, but that isn’t true. It’s normal to cry, it’s ok to cry,’ Zac said, taking over the conversation as I began to dress Issy.

‘I know, and I do cry, just when no one is around, or if it is only Dani is around. She just makes it feel better,’ he said, as more tears began to fall down his face.

‘I know what you mean buddy, Lilli is my Dani, if it wasn’t for her I would be a mess. I don’t have a Dad, I don’t have a Mum and I don’t know how to use a washing machine. If it wasn’t for Lil I would have to wear dirty clothes,’ this got a smile from Matt.

‘But Lil is also the reason I can still smile Matt, because although all this bad stuff has happened, she shows me that good stuff is still here, that someone does still love me and that someone wants me to be happy. I cry a lot, but I’m still a guy, I’m still strong, it doesn’t change who I am or who loves me. I know Dani isn’t here, and hugging your mum is dorky hey. But Lil will let you hug her, and between you and me, her hugs are pretty awesome. Just remember that it isn’t just Dani that cares about you and loves you Mattie, all of us do,’ Zac told him, giving him a guys hug.

Matt nodded, he looked very upset. I had finished dressing Issy and handed her to Zac.

‘Matt,’ I said, kneeling down on the floor in front of him.

‘Can I give you a hug?’ he fell against me so I protectively put my arms around him and held him to me. All the tears he had been bottling up came flooding out, his whole body shaking as he cried. I didn’t hear Zac leave the room, but when Matt calmed down he was gone.

‘Are you ok?’ I asked him, handing him a tissue.

‘Sorry for getting tears and snot on you
r shirt Lilli,’ he said.

‘Don’t worry about it. And anytime you want a hug, you know where to find me ok?’ I told him.

‘Come out when you’re ready, there’s no hurry,’ I reassured him as I left the room.

Everyone was at the tea table, except Issy who was quietly playing with her toys. I sat down next to Zac and got some spaghetti.

‘Is he ok?’ Fay asked me.

‘Yeah, he just needed a hug from someone, and a talk from his big cousin. He’s just getting ready to come out and eat,’ I said, with a look that said he was still upset but was feeling better.

‘Lilli?’ Kim asked me. ‘Are you and Zac gunna get married?’

‘Um, I’m not sure Kim, maybe,’ I told her, shocked that she would ask. ‘Why is that?’

‘Because I want you as my big cousin too. I like you, you’re really nice,’ she said, and continued eating, showing that the conversation was over as I blinked back a tear.

After tea, Fay and Kate put the kids to bed while Fred and Tony did the dishes and cleaned up. Matt didn’t want anything to eat, but went to sleep quite quickly. Zac sat down and talked with his grandparents while I feed Issy her bottle and listened.

‘Lil, thank-you for looking after my little Zaccykins,’ his Nanna Watson told me. Zaccykins?

‘No problem,’ I said, storing Zaccykins away for future teasing.

‘You are going to be such a good mother one day,’ Grandma Davidson commented as I burped Issy and cuddled her.

‘I hope so. I’ll be back in a minute, I am just going to put her to bed,’ I said standing up. I had just put Issy in her cot and pulled the blankets over her when Zac came in.

‘What is it babe?’ I asked at the look on his face.

‘I don’t want tomorrow to come,’ he said.

‘What brought this on so suddenly?’

‘Grandpa Davidson said how he wasn’t going to sleep well tonight as he would be thinking too much on how tomorrow he would be burying his son, I hadn’t really thought of it that way.’ A tear ran down his cheek and I held him to me. He sobbed his little heart out and Issy looked at him, worried. She too began to cry.

‘Shhh, baby, my too little babies, it will be ok,’ I said. Issy just cried louder so I got her out of her cot and handed her to Zac. He cuddled her tight.

‘Why don’t you hop into bed and cuddle her for a bit. I’m just going to go and say goodnight to everyone,’ I said, kissing Zac on the cheek.

‘Is he ok?’ Grandma Davidson asked me.

‘Yeah, he just hadn’t thought about tomorrow much, and I don’t think he’s ready for it. He’ll be ok, I mean it will be tough but he’ll get through it,’ I said, with more confidence then I felt.

‘It will be hard for you too, burying a son,’ I said.

‘Yeah, no parent should have to bury a child, but at the same time no child should have to bury a parent at such a young age.’

‘I agree. Anyways, I just came to say goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep well,’ I said.

‘Come here,’ said Nanna Watson, beckoning me over to her. She gave me a hug.

‘I’m glad that Zaccykins has found someone like you to look after him. I’m always going to think of you as part of the family. Goodnight sweetie,’ she said letting me go. The others agreed and I went back to the bedroom.

Zac and Isabella were both asleep so I gently lifted Issy from his arms and put her in the cot. Zac woke up as I took her, but didn’t say anything. I climbed into bed and pulled him to me, wrapping my arms around him protectively.

‘Tomorrow is going to be hard baby,’ I whispered to him. ‘Try and get some sleep ok, you’re going to need it. I love you,’ I added as I kissed him on his forehead.

‘I love you too Lilli,’ he replied, closing his eyes. I waited until his breathing had slowed down and deepened before I allowed myself to drift off to sleep.

~*~ Zac ~*~

I woke up to crying, and instantly thought something was wrong with Lil. But she was still asleep. I sat up, remembering Issy and got out of bed.

‘Baby, shhh,’ I whispered as I picked her up and gently rocked her.

‘Let’s be quiet now, and I’ll get you a bottle,’ I told her quietly as Lilli started to stir. I took Isabella out into the kitchen and talked to her about nonsense until the bottle had heated up.

Crawling back into bed with her I fed her the bottle, she fell asleep half way through it and instead of tucking her back into bed I kept cuddling her until I too fell asleep.

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"I've gotta stop by the hotel gift shop," Zach said as the air conditioning chilled his too warm body. He hadn't brought condoms on the trip because he never really expected to score with anyone. Standing in the hallway, Jillian gave him an appraising squint and hummed to herself. "Make sure you get enough." Zach coughed out a laugh at her insight and covered his face with his palm. "And how many is that exactly?" She counted on her fingers while staring up and mumbling, "The easy...

2 years ago
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Desperate For Zack

I really enjoyed volunteering at Stonybrook Hospital. It was one of the easiest ‘jobs’ of my life. I delivered balloons and mail, I brought patients glasses of water, and I’d escort them to the X-ray room. It was extremely simple. The only obstacle I had was overcoming boredom. There just wasn’t a lot to do. When I tried to talk to the patients I was told to ‘mind my business’ and ‘let them rest.’ Obviously, the vast majority of the patients were elderly. It was a new experience for me, and...

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The IfrinnChapter 12 Zach

The rank smells of unwashed body and rotten meat made Zach recoil out of unconsciousness. That abrupt motion intensified the nausea and throbbing pain in his head, forcing him to empty his stomach on the concrete next to the dead pirate's body. Holding himself up with his hands he stared at the body, struggling to recall what had happened. The skin was sloughing off in a wrinkled, wet mass, exposing rotting muscle and bone as the flesh settled and spread out on the wharf. A putrid liquid...

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Unto the Gates of Poazach

********************************** Hi Everyone, votes and comments are really appreciated so I can get an idea of what I’m doing right and wrong. I’m just trying to find a niche who can agree that they like my style. ********************************** UNTO THE GATES OF POAZACH: PART I: The Argument of the Moralists ‘What? This is a travesty of justice, an abomination of the moral code! You cannot twist our values so that we might sacrifice the woods! Have you any conception of the horror...

2 years ago
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Lenta Feminizacion

Mi lenta feminizaci?n (Por Adrianaxd) Esta es una historia ficticia Despues de una penosa y larga enfermedad mi padre finalmente murio, su c?ncer nos dejo sin dinero y adem?s con muchas deudas, yo solo tenia 9 a?os y la situaci?n econ?mica de la casa era a?n desconocida para mi, mi madre no hablaba de los problemas conmigo, solo hablaba de cosas alegres para no preocuparme, ella hab?a estudiado solo hasta Comercio y hab?a trabajado como secretaria en un banco, fue ah? donde conoci? a mi padre pero cuando se ...

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The IfrinnChapter 3 Zach

Zach had only been on the island for two hours and had damn near fallen in love. Jillian was a wonder as she relaxed against him and kissed his neck, sending goosebumps up and down his arms. He wanted to peel that suit off her and taste every inch of her skin before filling her up and finding his own release in her depths, but he saw other people in the distance making their way up the beach from the hotel. "We're gonna put on a show for those people if we don't stop soon." "Hmm?" she...

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The IfrinnChapter 7 Zach

Jillian held him tight, but he had no desire to move anyway. His pulse pounded alone in his ears, but their rapid breaths flowed together, in when she breathed out, out when she breathed in. She didn't stir under him, only held him and breathed. The experience of being with her had changed everything. His wounded pride was healed somehow. The stone heart he'd carried in his chest since Chloe had left was beating again. They had taken and given from each other until the moment when all was...

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Another Night with Zach

One weekend Zach can home from his base as usual and also like usual, he just shows up at my work (I tended bar) demanding I be his for the night. Except, I wasn’t there. I took the weekend off to work in Cooperstown for the Hall of Fame weekend. He left me a message telling me what a worthless cunt I was and now I was gonna pay. I figured it would be a while before he came home again so I didn’t worry about it. I didn’t even call him back. That was a mistake because he somehow was able to come...

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Kerris Transformation

Kerri's Transformation By Jojo ----------------------------------------- Last winter I moved back in with my parents after a bitter divorce and losing my job. My step-father and sister were not all that pleased with the situation but I had little choice and little money. For the first few weeks I regularly went out job hunting but as the results were a constant stream of noes and the weather grew inclement I began to stay home. Wandering around the place where I had grown up...

4 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 3 Ginny

Normally Bob Lacy didn't like to delay doing things that needed to be done, but this time he had and time was running out on him. In one and a half weeks it would be New Years Eve and if he wanted to go to Jim McMahon's party, he was going to need to come up with a date. All of the girls he knew were already committed so he had to find someone who wasn't. He had noticed some good looking girls in school, but he really didn't know them so he would be comfortable in asking any of them to go...

2 years ago
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Winding the Room Tight

There's little more my wife can do to arouse me than to put herself on display at my request. When I met her, she was wearing a crop top so short that she couldn't raise her arms without it lifting up over her seemingly always erect nipples. I knew this was the case because late that night she was spreading her arms high and wide against the side of a delivery van while I was discovering that there wasn't any underwear at all under her short denim skirt. Her attire was a constant source of...

3 years ago
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The Infamous Pool Incident

                One summer, I took a trip with my friend and his family to Myrtle Beach, S.C. I had been there before as a child, but I was 18 now and free to explore all aspects of the beach at my leisure. I squeezed every drop of enjoyment out of my time there. I savored the bright sun, the warm sand at night, and the wild, untamed waves of the ocean.                 But I especially enjoyed the sights. This was the first time I was at the beach after puberty, and it was...

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I had my way with my girl Leah05

From the Dairy of Mr. Deepak Kumar.. You have read in part-4 that : I saw her reflection stark naked, a lovely gleaming pearly vision; then instinctively she squeezed her legs together, as closely as she could, huddled herself coweringly as much as the ropes permitted - her head fell back in the first intensity of her shame, then fell forward suffused with blushes that extended right down to her breasts, her eyes closed as she moaned in heartbroken accents: 'Oh! oh!! oh!!!' She was...

4 years ago
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First Time With Jo

By : Sexy.Kumar Hi, ISS Readers. This is Kumar from B’lore aged 25 yrs. I’ve become a fan of this site for almost a year. I’m one of the regular readers of this site. I end up masturbating reading some of the stories. About myself I am working in a good company with a handsome salary. I’ve always dreamt of having sex. But still I haven’t got a chance for that. This is my fantasy story towards my neighbor. I cutely call her Jo. She is a bit hefty. She would be aged around 34 or 35. She’s...

2 years ago
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Mature Women Are The Best Sex Toys

Hi everyone, I am back with another story.. Mera name rishi hai mai bhopal mp mai rehta hun mera email address hai Agar koi lady bhopal mai mujse milna chahati ho mujhe contact kar skti hai married/unmarried Ab apni story pr aata hun. Apni pheli story post krne k bad mujhe ek mail aaya hamari thodi bt hui toh pata chala wo ek married lady hai bhopal mai hi rheti hai shuruti( name change) age – 32 hum ne number exchange krre whatsapp chat start hogyi kuch din tk normal bt hoti rahi mujhe...

3 years ago
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I Love My Mama

Hi everybody, I’m new for this site, but I read a lot of story from this site and decided to submit my real story for u which I want to share with you it is not a imaginative story, just my real incident happened in my life my story is concerned with me and my mom. myself Raj reading my engineering course in my family I live with my parents and 1 younger brother we live in a Bangalore at Mumbai my father is a businessman my brother studied in class 7 in a residential school most of the days my...

2 years ago
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opportunity to fuck my beautiful employee

Saba made a phone call. As soon as call rings she give it to me. Someone picked up a call said “Hello Saba”. I said “I am Nikhil a Boss of Saba. Who are are you speaking sir”.”I am her Dad”. “Ok I had to tell you something. We had gone in a Auditors meeting in thane. Now it's raining heavily here. I am driving. We are chocked up in a traffic. I just want your permission to take her in my farmhouse tonight”. “Where you are now”. “we are still in thane. It's 8 O'clock now. We will reached till 12...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Nicole Doshi Excited and Ready for You to Watch LIVE

Welcome sexy hot Asian babe Nicole Doshi to WildOnCam! This girl loves to show off her big tits and sexy ass in her bright orange lingerie set. How much would you love to peel those panties down her nylon covered legs so you can eat out that beautiful wet pussy! Nicole says her English is not the best, but her accent will enchant you and just wait until she begs Donnie to fuck her in Chinese. Talk about a cock throb. Throat fuck her with that dick and fuck her hard using her flexibility to put...

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BangBus Bonnie Bun Bonnies Cleavage

Bonnie Bun was walking in the street when the boys stopped and asked if she ever was in a tube. They offered her $100 for an interview. Obviously she agreed. She was a very funny girl with a very charming laugh. She was 24, worked in customer support and masturbated because everybody did. She would flash her tits for $800 but not in public. Rather in the van. That was easy. A few more bills and she got naked. Her breasts were huge. They paid another $100 for Johnny Love to touch them. Meanwhile...

1 year ago
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The Office Part III On his way back to the offic

He takes the elevator to the lobby feeling rather satisfied with himself. Turns the corner around the front desk, politely greeting the friendly employees who are always happy to see him, as he reaches a suite of Executive offices. "Please make sure there are no interruptions" he directs the receptionist seated outside of one of the large closed doors.He enters without a knock finding Benice involved in a serious conversation on the phone. Walks behind her desk and reaches through her blowse...

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Dost K Behen Ki Chudai

Hiii friends this is kunal from akola maharashtra . Me aaj meri pehele story post karne jaa raha hu jo ki meri real story hai . Me 18 yrs ka average dikne waala ladka hu meri height5.9 hai ,jo ki ye meri peheli story hai to mujhe apne reply jarur bhejna koi bhi aunty ya ladki aur bhabi unstaisfied ho to mujhe contact kar sakte hai mera email id hai to aap logo kaa wakt naa lete hue me sidhe story pe aata hu . Ye kahani meri aur mere dost pawan ki behen poonam ki hai , 2012 me jab mere ssc k...

2 years ago
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A Change in RebeccaChapter 3

All the way home the things I said over the last four hours, and the things that he said, played in my mind. I already felt somehow different. I don’t know if that was due to the talking, the candid and very embarrassing admissions I made to a man I just met. Or if it was simply because something about him made me trust him and gave me hope that he might actually make me a better person, a more complete woman. I actually felt pretty cheerful! I got home in time to change before the kids got...

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For Him 3

"You don't think you're done do you?" he asked me quietly. "We aren't even close to finishing." I looked up at him. Dark sincerity in his eyes, as his hand slid down to cup my breast. My nipple stood erect under the warmth of his hand. Even through a thin shirt his heat was enough to burn against my cool skin. I couldn't help but drop eye contact with him. A blush crept to my face. He hadn't been up to two times in one day since the very first time we had sex. That was over four years ago. My...

Straight Sex
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Net Love

Kathy fell into her window seat on the plane with a sigh. Airport security these days made what used to be a pleasure into a grueling task. She looked around at the mostly empty seats around her and waited until at last she felt the rumble of the wheels as the ship began it’s slow climb into the air. First class was more expensive, but the drinks were free and right now she needed one. When the attendant came by her seat, she ordered two small bottles of vodka and orange juice. It wasn’t the...

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THIS HAPPENED IN 1987Hubby and I had been married for just four months when we both said we needed a night out on the town, he used to go out with his mates at least twice a week when he was single, and I went out probably once a fortnight. We made arrangements with our friends and decided we’d go out and meet up in a certain pub at the end of the night.As we got ready to go out it was like the old days, hubby went out half hour before me and I was a little disappointed that we hadn’t had sex,...

1 year ago
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Nail Polish Fetish

Nail Polish Fetish By Margaret Jeanette Jenny Wright was in a quandry. She was having lunch with her best girlfriend, Julie, and Julie could see something was bothering her. Julie asked what it was. "I hate to say this but after four years of marriage somethng has gone out of it. Robert is attentive but when we make love he comes right away before I am even getting warm, not hot. Also, he isn't as attentive around me as he was when we first got married. I just would like to...

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Alyssas Sweet Ass

Growing up with a younger sister came with its perks and its annoyances. It was convenient having a younger sibling to poke fun at and manipulate into doing chores for me. I also rather enjoyed having someone other than my parents enthusiastically cheering for me at hockey games, wearing old jerseys of mine to show her support. She was my biggest fan when we were kids. Youth hockey is pretty all-consuming during the winter where we grew up. She happily followed along from town to town, hotel to...

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video prohibido Mamaacute

Mi madre se llama Maria es una señora de 60 años, no es gorda, solo un gran trasero que le han dado los años, ancha de caderas, pero no tanto, muslos torneados, chamorros flacos, delgada con cintura aceptable y unas pechos grandes, área pélvica abultada, es decir panochuda, se podría decir la mujer perfecta.Es morena, pelo quebradizo, siempre a los hombros, cara linda, labios carnozos.Ella esta divorciada de mi padre desde hace 20 años, el tiene 70 años.El video en mención data de hace 18...

4 years ago
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King High Bathroom Break

Misses Oliver’s chemistry class sat huddled around a wooden table in the centre of her classroom, observing intently as she poured a mixture of liquids together to create smokes and fizzing sounds. The boys were wide-eyed with a teenage lust for destruction, broad grins sitting on their faces, whilst the girls sat and fiddled with their hair in a bored manner. One girl in particular, Vicky, was looking especially dulled by the same science she had seen dozens of times, and was biting her nails....

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A Man and His Pets complete

If you like my story please follow me on instagram @raqm0900 and you can add me on facebook ( [email protected])My female cousin's ideas are compiled by me.Genre-Fiction, Anal, Authoritarian, BDSM, b********y, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Consensual Sex, d**g, First Time, Humiliation, Male / Female Teens, Non-consensual sex, Romance, Teen Female/Teen Female, Torture, Toys, v******e, VirginityIntroduction:A rich lonely man decides to capture a family and make them his...

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wifes brothers boss

When my brother-in-law Tom turned 18, he got a job as a sort of apprentice salesman. He was spending a lot of time in the bar and most of their business appeared to take place by phone or by drinking in the bar. His bass was 23 and rather good looking. We visited him while they were finishing up a job one night and his boss invited us for dinner. We stayed there and he had the owner get some lobster tails (which weren't on the menu), and we were drinking an awful lot of champagne. It got to be...

1 year ago
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Linda and MeganChapter 4

"Boy, you sure do squirt a lot of stuff, Unka D," Linda said as we reclined in the chair. "And you taste a lot different than everyone else. It's kinda like the bread Mama makes when we have sketti. I think it's called garlic bread." "Well, I do eat a lot of garlic, so that's probably why you tasted that." "It tastes really good. But you squirt so much and the first squirt almost went down my throat without me swallowin' at all. It really came out strong." "That's probably...

3 years ago
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Hidden MemoriesPart Four

Introduction: Im sorry I took so long, Im always apologize but only because you guys wait and I feel bad when I dont put a part up within four days. My reason why it took me long to post this, Ive recently read a new book by one of my favorite authors, you guys should check it out. Its Lori Foster Run the Risk, great book, I couldnt put it down. Anyways I also Apologize for the French Ive put into this, Im not completely sure if its correct but I did have help and I thank BeastlySoul for giving...

2 years ago
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Late Five

By Systematic Oh, boy. Practice. My favorite. Physical discomfort, questionable hygiene, pain, shouting. “What? No. No. I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean.” I snatched the marker out of his hand and scribbled all over the mess of loops and circles and Xs. “You’re going to run left, I’m going to throw you the ball, and we’re going to win. We don’t need to diagram it.” Everybody always wants to make things complicated. We should all just take a nap. The line...

4 years ago
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Katey The Moment

Katey was my sister’s best friend.   She always seemed to have a smile for me when she came to our house and I guess I kinda just grew up knowing her.   She was only two years older than me but always seemed much older, as girls do.   Katey was always kind to me as I grew up, sympathizing with me when my sister didn’t, throwing a ball with me when there was no one else around.   I always thought it was because she didn’t have a little brother of her own.   It never crossed my mind that she...

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A Slut Like MeChapter 13

I didn't really think I would be off the hook (although I guess I secretly hoped for it). I just got so caught up in everything happening between Meg and me that I forgot there were still loose ends having to do with Jason. Of course, I knew my daughter, aka Little Ms. Tenacious wouldn't let it go. I let out a serious sigh. "What's the matter, Mom?" Megan asked. "Oh, nothing, Honey," I replied. "Nothing really. It's just that this is hard to talk about. But I know you really want...

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Yummy mummy

My name is Pamela, known to my sexy friends as Auntie Pam. I’m 44, single and a size 14, and have been told I’m a yummy mummy. I’m bi, love giving and receiving oral, playing with toys and enjoy both anal and vaginal fun. Roll play is something I really enjoy, some may say my tastes are a little perverse being a mature woman who loves having sexy fun with younger men and couples. I’d also like to be in touch with other mature women that like having fun with young men too. How it all began. It...

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Ghosts of the PastChapter 10

Bobby Joe Hutchins sat handcuffed to an interrogation table in a Los Angeles police station Thursday evening, February 7, 1957. "This is bullshit! I haven't done anything! You can't hold me here! Lemme go!" he ranted at the two-way mirror on the wall. "I know you bastards are watchin' me! Somebody get in here and tell me what the hell's goin' on!" Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon, L.A.P.D. Detective Jonathan North, Officer Rick Estevez and Hutchins' friend, Billy Green, stood...

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5000 bucks please

it was a warm summer day. I was outside working in the yard planting flowers. the dirds were singing, cars goin by and just on the other side of the fence I heard our neighbor's kid playing I don't know what she was playing or doing but it sounded like she was having a good time.i finished with my work, put my tools away and went insides to rest. my wife was out of town and I thought I would take a nap. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. I could still hear the neighbor kid playin. my...

3 years ago
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An insatable cleaner chapter 4

It was a quite autumn afternoon and Lucy was strolling across the common with her friend Liza, idly chatting about anything and nothing when the twilight suddenly went and total darkness engulfed them both. Within a minute at the most both had sacks over their heads, arms bound and both lifted off the ground and thrown onto the metal floor. The vehicle sped away as the realism of their situation dawned on both women, they had been k**napped.Liza felt a hand sliding up her thighs and she froze,...

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Band of Sisters

Band of Sisters By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Special thanks to Robert Arnold for his assistance. Chapter 1 I slowly came to, fighting off a feeling of nausea and bewilderment. I wasn't exactly sure where I was, but it looked like some sort of medical facility. I was on my back and when I tried to...

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