Lilliahna & Zac Ch. 08 free porn video

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~*~ Lilliahna ~*~

I woke up to Isabella’s crying at half past six the next morning. Zac was beginning to stir so I told him to go back to sleep and got her up. I changed her nappy and went out into the kitchen to give her breakfast while I got myself a cup of coffee to wake up.

I went into my purse and found two ten dollar notes and luckily enough, in Zac’s wallet was another ten and a twenty-dollar note. I shoved them into the pockets on my dressing gown. Everyone, except Zac, was already up and dressed and getting some breakfast before they headed home.

Once breakfast was over and the dishes done, I went and woke up Zac to say goodbye to all his family members.

‘Jessica, Kim and Leah, could you come here for a little bit please?’ I asked.

‘What is it Lil?’ asked Leah as they came over to where I was standing.

‘Thank-you again so much for looking after Isabella for me and Zac yesterday,’ I said as I handed them each ten dollars. They seemed happy with it, they probably hadn’t been paid for babysitting before. They ran off to show their Mums while I watched as Zac pulled Matt aside and gave him the twenty. Matt gave Zac a huge hug and came over to give me one too. After there had been hugs all round they got into their cars and drove off. Zac pulled me too him.

‘Now, we can go back to bed,’ he whispered. I smiled as I bent down to pick up Isabella. Now we could play happy little families until Mum and Dad got home.

I found Zac in the shower when I got back into the bedroom with Issy and decided she could probably use a wash as well. I pulled off all my clothes, and then hers before heading in to join Zac. He reached out for Issy as I stepped under the warm water and gently tickled her. She squirmed and Zac decided that he should stop as she got slippery to hold. We washed her hair before Zac decided that he would take her to get dressed.

‘Have a long shower Lil, I think we should invite the others over today to catch up, we haven’t seen them in a while.’ I nodded as he closed the door. A long hot shower was just what I felt like. When I finally got out of the shower and had gotten dressed and done my make-up I wandered off to find Zac. He was in the lounge room with Summer and Billy.

‘Hey,’ I said, as I sat on the floor with Issy. She crawled over to me and put her head on my lap. We laughed at her before I turned to Summer to chat.

‘I need to tell you something later,’ Summer whispered to me when the boys weren’t paying attention.

‘Lil, baby, we are going to go outside and kick the footy,’ Zac said standing up and going over to Issy.

‘Hey Bella,’ he said to her as he kissed her on the forehead.

‘You want to come and have some boys’ time?’ she giggled and clapped her hands so they took her with them.

‘He is so cute with her Lil,’ Sum cried out as they left.

‘I know. I love seeing them together,’ I said with a smile. ‘What were you going to tell me?’

‘Oh, I like Billy, I really, really do. But I don’t know how to tell him because I know he still likes you and that he hasn’t really had a girlfriend since you. I just don’t know what to do,’ she confided in me. I laughed at her.

‘What is so funny?’ Summer demanded.

‘Oh nothing really, just the fact that Zac was planning to try and hook you two up sometime in the near future, and I bet he is, at this minute, planting that exact seed of thought into Billy’s mind.’ It took a moment for it all to register in Summer’s mind but once it had she started laughing too.

‘Let’s go and investigate,’ I said, as I got up and headed for the laundry. I opened the door slightly so I could hear what they were saying.

‘So I was wondering, what do you think of Summer?’ Zac asked as they were kicking the footy. Isabella was in the outside playpen and I could see that Zac was keeping a pretty good eye on her while he was chatting to Billy. I heard Summer slowly crawl in beside me.

‘She’s awesome. She’s Lil’s best friend and she is so hot. But Summer would never be interested in me Zac, girls have this weird rule where they won’t date a friend’s ex-boyfriend. If it wasn’t for that I would ask her out for sure.’ I looked at Summer and saw her smile.

‘Yeah, but didn’t you and Lil have a thing way back in like year seven? Does it even count if it was that long ago?’ Zac asked.

‘I don’t know man, I don’t know. Girls are complicated when they get older,’ Billy said as he wandered over to Isabella and picked her up.

‘Why can’t they stay cute and easy to understand like you are Issy?’ Billy asked as he headed for the back door, where we were sitting. I turned around and quickly crawled back towards the lounge room. I heard Summer quickly following me and we managed to get to the lounge room before the guys came inside. We burst out laughing.

‘What did we miss?’ asked Billy as he came in and sat Issy on the floor.

‘Nothing, just girl stuff,’ Summer said, as we continued laughing. Zac gave me a funny look, like he knew what was going on, but he chose not to say anything.

~*~ Zac ~*~

‘Let’s go out for lunch,’ I told them all. ‘It will be good fun.’ Lil went and got Issy’s pram while I grabbed a bottle from the fridge. We decided to walk to the cafe, which wasn’t that far away.

When we got there we ordered and I noticed that Summer was flirting with Billy, confirming my suspicions that Lil and Sum had been listening to what we were saying while we were kicking the footy.

‘Can I get a small milkshake for Issy?’ I asked Lil.

‘Um, let her have some of yours,’ she told me. ‘It might make her sick if she has too much coz of the flavouring.’

‘Billy,’ Summer said quietly. ‘If you buy me lunch I’ll make it up to you later.’ He looked at her and nodded. Looks like they would hook up after all.

Lunch was a quite affair. I fed Issy while I noticed that Lil had eaten hardly anything. Summer was still flirting with Billy and he was glancing at Lil every now and then to see how she reacted. She didn’t seem to notice.

After a couple of hours, Issy began to whinge and we decided to head home. Just after we got home Lil’s mobile rang and she left the room to answer it. Summer and Billy decided that they should head home so I said goodbye and got Issy out of her pram. I turned on the TV and cuddled Issy to me as I watched one of the movies that was on. Lil joined me not long after.

‘Hey baby, who was on the phone?’ I asked her.

‘It was Mum. They are going to be heading home tomorrow and have invited us around for a BBQ lunch so they can get to know you better.’

‘That means Isabella won’t be here anymore won’t it?’ I asked Lil.

‘Yeah baby, but I’m sure Mum will still let you see Issy whenever you want,’ Lil told me, as I put my arm around her and pulled her to me.

‘Why didn’t you eat much today sweetheart?’ I asked concerned.

‘I didn’t feel hungry. It’s ok baby, I’ll look after myself,’ Lil said, tickling me.

‘I know,’ I said, gently smacking her hand away.

‘But I am allowed to worry about you Lil, I love you.’

‘I love you too Zac. I’ll love you forever,’ she told me as she hugged me.

It wasn’t long before Lil fell asleep as well and I looked at her, wondering how it was that she could make me feel so many different emotions all at the same time. She made me laugh when nothing was funny and cry when nothing was sad (ok, so maybe not cry but you know what I mean). I don’t know how she did it, but I loved her so much that it didn’t matter. I wanted her to be with me forever.

I carefully removed my arm, which I had around Lil so I could turn off the TV. I picked up Issy, who woke up and started to cry. I took her into the kitchen and talked to her about nonsense while I waited for her bottle to warm up. Again I thought about how amazing it was that two people created somet
hing so wonderful and found myself thinking about how much I wanted kids. I had never really thought about it before, but after spending all this time with Bella I found myself thinking about it more and more.

I took Issy and the bottle into my room and fed her the bottle. Afterwards I changed her nappy and put her into the little jumpsuit that she slept in at night. I still couldn’t believe that I knew how to change a nappy, or that I would do it happily.

‘Who knew so much would change in such a short amount of time?’ I thought as I tucked Bella into bed.

I went into the lounge room to get Lil and found her still asleep. I gently put my arms under her and picked her up, cradling her to me. She was the most important thing in my life right now, I don’t know how I coped with everything before she came along. She seemed to know what I wanted and how I would react to something even before I did and I couldn’t believe that she was finally mine.

As I gently tucked her into bed I knew there was no way I could ever let her go. To lose her would make my life seem like it wasn’t worth living and it was then that I decided that I would ask her parents if I could marry her. I knew that you didn’t need to ask the parents anymore but I still wanted too, mainly because we were so young. Family was important to me and I wanted to make sure that Lil’s family approved of us getting married before I asked Lil.

*~* Lilliahna ~*~

I woke up the next morning and glanced at the clock. It was a little after eleven already. Issy was quietly playing in her cot. I got up to get her.

‘You want to wake up Zac?’ I asked her as I placed her on the bed and let her crawl over to him.

She placed her head on his and poked him in the tummy. Zac began to stir and Issy began to giggle.

‘What are you doing Bella?’ he asked, scooping her up and chucking her into the air before catching her. She was squealing with laughter I smiled. They were so cute together.

Some people say they could tell they had conceived a baby because of their body reacting to it. I felt different and wondered if the first time we had made love whether we conceived a baby. Of course, it was way too early to tell with a pregnancy test, but after watching Zac with Issy I wasn’t worried about his reaction if I did turn out to be pregnant.

‘I’m gunna have a shower and get ready, we have to head around to Mum’s soon,’ I said, tickling Issy and lightly kissing Zac.

‘Ok babe. I have to duck down the street and grab some stuff, can I take Issy?’ he asked me.

I nodded as I headed into the bathroom, wondering what Zac had to get that couldn’t wait.

By the time I had gotten out of the shower and done my hair and make-up Zac was back, but there was no sign of what he had bought.

‘You all ready to go?’ I asked him as I headed into the lounge to pack up Issy’s toys. But Zac had already done all of that and put it all in the car.

‘Yep, just waiting for you baby,’ he said, putting his arm around me and pulling me close.

‘Bella sandwich,’ he said, rubbing his nose against hers. She started laughing. I think they would really miss each other when we took her home.

‘Mum? Dad? Grandma?’ I called out as I headed inside with Issy. Zac insisted that he would unload the car while I got to catch up with everyone, he would meet them after.

‘Lil,’ Mum sung out, rushing into the lounge room to give me and Issy a hug. ‘I missed you both so much.’

‘It was only a few days mum,’ I told her, laughing and hugging her back.

Then Dad came in and I hugged him too, I was definitely a daddy’s girl.

‘You’re looking really good Lil,’ dad commented. I don’t know what it was lately but I was feeling really good. It had almost been a week since Zac and I had made love, probably still too early to tell, but the more I thought about it the more I thought that I was pregnant. I would keep it to myself until I found out for sure tho.

‘Hey, where would you like me to put all of Bella’s stuff?’ Zac asked, coming in through the front door.

‘Just leave it here, Jacob and I will put it away later. You don’t have to unpack it now though if you don’t want to Zac,’ Mum told him, going over and giving him a hug.

‘No, it’s almost done. Then we won’t have to worry about it later,’ he said, heading outside to get some more.

‘Where’s grandma?’ I asked. I thought I should go and say hello to her because it had been a long time since I had seen her.

‘She’s in the guest room unpacking her things. She didn’t want me or Ann to help her but being her favourite granddaughter, she might accept some help from you Lilli. We don’t know how long she’s going to be staying for, it will depend on what the doctor says in her follow up visit in a week,’ Dad told me.

‘Ok,’ I said laughing as I gave Dad another hug before heading off to find grandma.

‘Grandma?’ I called out as I knocked on the door or her room. ‘Can I come in?’

‘Lil? Baby is that you?’ she asked throwing open the door and pulling me too her.

‘Yeah Grandma it’s me,’ I said hugging her back.

‘Let me have a look at you, it’s been months since I saw you last,’ she said, pushing me back an arm’s length and looking me over. ‘Wow Lil, you got so tall and beautiful. You seem to be practically glowing. You must be happy at the moment,’ She said, pulling me back to her for another hug.

‘I am Grandma, I met the most amazing guy, and although we’ve only been together for about a week it feels like we’ve been dating for years. He’s been through a hard time, his father just died about a week ago and his mother died a bit before that. But he is amazing, he really makes me so incredibly happy,’ I said.

‘I can tell Lil, you light up talking about him. Am I going to meet this young man that’s stolen your heart today?’ she asked.

‘Yes Grandma, you definitely are. And I hope you like him because I really can see myself with him for a long time to come.’

‘That’s really good Lil. Did you want to help me with my things? Give us a chance to catch up?’ Grandma asked me.

‘Definitely,’ I said with a smile.

~*~ Zac ~*~

‘This is the last of it,’ I said as I put the pram and port-a-cot on the floor of the lounge room. ‘Would I be able to talk to you guys?’

‘Sure Zac,’ replied Ann, sitting on the lounge. ‘What about?’

‘I know this may seem too fast to you but I want you to know how much I truly care for and love Lilliahna. I would not have gotten through the last few days without her. Even though we have only been officially together for about a week it feels a lot longer. You probably will not agree to what I’m about to ask you, and I can understand why you wouldn’t, since we are both so young and you hardly know me.

‘My family background definitely goes against me for this. But I could give her everything she ever wants or needs. I already have a nice house, perfect for starting a family if that was what she wanted to do. We also own a unit in the city for if she chose to go to Uni once she has finished year twelve. Last I spoke to her she was undecided if that’s what she really wanted. I don’t need an answer right now, I understand that you probably want to think about it for a while, I just thought it wouldn’t hurt in asking and I won’t do anything that you aren’t going to approve of, she is your daughter and she respects and values your decisions and opinions, and so do I. I just do not want to lose her. Anyways, I should probably just get to the point hey. I was wondering if you would allow me to ask Lilliahna to marry me?’

I just looked at the ground, I didn’t want to see their reactions, they couldn’t be very good.

‘Zac, at this point we aren’t going to say no, but we would like to get to know you a bit better. Is it ok to wait a while?’ Jacob asked me.

‘Yes, I would wait forever for her,’ I said. ‘I’m sounding so clichéd
and corny,’ I thought.

Ann smiled at my comment. ‘I don’t see why we wouldn’t say yes in the future though Zac. Thank-you very much for asking. It’s appreciated,’ She said.

‘What’s appreciated?’ Asked Lil, coming into the room with her Grandma.

‘Having both you and Issy over the last few days while we were out of town,’ Jacob quickly covered.

‘I’m hungry, let’s go and start lunch. Zac, you can help Jacob with the Barbeque, and Lil, you can help me,’ Ann added as she helped Grandma into a comfy chair and handed her the remote.

‘Have fun baby,’ Lil called after me as I followed her father outside.

‘Have you ever cooked a Barbeque before,’ Jacob asked me.

I shook my head and when I received a puzzled look from Jacob I decided to explain.

‘Mum got cancer when I was 7. She was told she wouldn’t have long to live so we spent a lot of time doing family things. However she didn’t listen to the doctors, and went into remission. It came back a few years later, however Mum must have known that this time it was worse, so she didn’t tell anyone about the pain she was experiencing. I guess she wanted to have things normal for a little bit longer. When she finally went to the doctors they said there was nothing they could do, so Dad quit his job and began around the clock care for her.

‘After she died it was like he had lost apart of himself, and barbeques just didn’t happen anymore. He just spent his time drinking and wallowing in self pity. Im sure he wasn’t being selfish on purpose, I mean it was just as hard on me, but although I wanted him to know that I still loved him, there was no way I could. He hurt me. So when he died that night I felt so guilty that I hadn’t tried harder to pull him out of the depression that he had sunk himself into. I don’t think I will ever stop feeling guilty about it. We never had a proper barbeque after mum was first diagnosed, and at 7 I was too young to be able to learn properly.’

‘Well them, it’s about time you learnt,’ Jacob said, the sympathetic look disappearing. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel sorry for me.

‘Yes sir,’ I said, with a mock salute, causing both of us to start laughing.

‘What’s so funny out here?’ Lil asked as she came out and hugged me.

‘Your man here is about to learn how to cook a barbeque, so if the food is unedible blame him,’ Dad said, handing me the tongs and taking a step back.

‘I think I’ll go inside where it’s a bit safer,’ Lil said, kissing me on the cheek. Jacob just nodded.

‘Ok, let’s get this food cooking,’ he said with a smile.

~*~ Lilliahna ~*~

‘So hows things been with Zac?’ Mum asked me as we were making salads.

‘Really really great Mum, I cannot believe that he is finally mine. I know we don’t normally do the girly chats but after everything he’s been through and everything he’s lost I think we should start. I guess he’s taught me not to take things for granted, you never know when something you love will be gone.

‘But Mum, he is amazing. He makes me feel like the only person in the world. He cares about me so much and it’s shown in the little things he does for me. I know we’ve only been together for a short amount of time but I really love him. I’m surprised at how easy its come to me, I mean we are so young, I shouldn’t even be thinking about it, but I want him to be the person I have a family with. And you should see him with Issy, they are so cute together. She followed him around when she stayed with us. I don’t want to lose him mum. I know he will never stop me from doing everything I want in life, he wants what will make me happy. I don’t think I will ever find someone as amazing as him. Ever,’ I said. A smile spread across Mum’s face.

‘What?’ I asked her.

‘Nothing, I’ve just never heard you so happy,’ she said, looking up as Zac came in.

‘The foods almost ready,’ he said coming over to me and affectionately placing a kiss on the side of my head. I heard Issy start to cry as she woke up from her nap.

‘Can I go and get her?’ Zac asked Mum. She just nodded, my bet was that she was curious about the thing they had going on.

I just laughed as I went into the lounge room to wake Grandma and tell her that lunch was ready.

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The rank smells of unwashed body and rotten meat made Zach recoil out of unconsciousness. That abrupt motion intensified the nausea and throbbing pain in his head, forcing him to empty his stomach on the concrete next to the dead pirate's body. Holding himself up with his hands he stared at the body, struggling to recall what had happened. The skin was sloughing off in a wrinkled, wet mass, exposing rotting muscle and bone as the flesh settled and spread out on the wharf. A putrid liquid...

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Unto the Gates of Poazach

********************************** Hi Everyone, votes and comments are really appreciated so I can get an idea of what I’m doing right and wrong. I’m just trying to find a niche who can agree that they like my style. ********************************** UNTO THE GATES OF POAZACH: PART I: The Argument of the Moralists ‘What? This is a travesty of justice, an abomination of the moral code! You cannot twist our values so that we might sacrifice the woods! Have you any conception of the horror...

3 years ago
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Lenta Feminizacion

Mi lenta feminizaci?n (Por Adrianaxd) Esta es una historia ficticia Despues de una penosa y larga enfermedad mi padre finalmente murio, su c?ncer nos dejo sin dinero y adem?s con muchas deudas, yo solo tenia 9 a?os y la situaci?n econ?mica de la casa era a?n desconocida para mi, mi madre no hablaba de los problemas conmigo, solo hablaba de cosas alegres para no preocuparme, ella hab?a estudiado solo hasta Comercio y hab?a trabajado como secretaria en un banco, fue ah? donde conoci? a mi padre pero cuando se ...

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The IfrinnChapter 3 Zach

Zach had only been on the island for two hours and had damn near fallen in love. Jillian was a wonder as she relaxed against him and kissed his neck, sending goosebumps up and down his arms. He wanted to peel that suit off her and taste every inch of her skin before filling her up and finding his own release in her depths, but he saw other people in the distance making their way up the beach from the hotel. "We're gonna put on a show for those people if we don't stop soon." "Hmm?" she...

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The IfrinnChapter 7 Zach

Jillian held him tight, but he had no desire to move anyway. His pulse pounded alone in his ears, but their rapid breaths flowed together, in when she breathed out, out when she breathed in. She didn't stir under him, only held him and breathed. The experience of being with her had changed everything. His wounded pride was healed somehow. The stone heart he'd carried in his chest since Chloe had left was beating again. They had taken and given from each other until the moment when all was...

2 years ago
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Another Night with Zach

One weekend Zach can home from his base as usual and also like usual, he just shows up at my work (I tended bar) demanding I be his for the night. Except, I wasn’t there. I took the weekend off to work in Cooperstown for the Hall of Fame weekend. He left me a message telling me what a worthless cunt I was and now I was gonna pay. I figured it would be a while before he came home again so I didn’t worry about it. I didn’t even call him back. That was a mistake because he somehow was able to come...

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Job Placement

A chapter from my new book Random Stories by Raul is available on Amazon for E Reader and paperback. Enjoy!Marcy recently moved to Florida from Kansas to live with her husband, Paul. She quickly found work at a school that did vocational training. Her position at this school was in a job placement function. She helped the soon to be graduates with skills such as resume writing and job searches. She would also set up job fairs and sometimes interviews for exceptional students. During...

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Lost and FoundChapter 4

It's not surprising we woke early ... ish ... the next morning. Actually, it was ten past seven when I stirred myself to look at my watch. I then turned my head to my left and looked straight into Hazel's eyes. I was at a loss for words, aware, you might say painfully aware, of her body close to mine, separated by just a couple of thin layers of cloth. "Good morning, John. I hope I haven't made you too uncomfortable?" I turned my head away before clearing my throat, then I looked back....

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 4

EPISODE 4: "Flashback! A New Weapon Against the Chains! Cheerleaders Have Fun in the Showers!" Jennifer did her best to take notes while the history teacher droned on about some old war. She glanced around the classroom and decided most everyone else looked as bored as she was. Suddenly, a familiar squeaky voice sounded in her head. "Jennifer!" "What?" she mumbled under her breath. "I'm in class." "Another monster is attacking the town. You need to change into Cheer...

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Pheasant Hunt

My boyfriend Al and I were in the routine of going pheasant hunting every Saturday morning during the pheasant season. Saturdays are a big day for hunters and the crowd was always large. There would be hundreds of hunters with all kinds of hunting dogs. We would always go to Myles Standish State forest. Pheasants were stocked and there were many large areas to hunt. The terrain was also very beautiful and would change almost like magic every couple of hundred yards. The early morning frost...

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I turned and kissed her

I turned and kissed her. She responded hungrily, our tongues stroking, penetrating each others’ mouth. I pulled her body closer to mine, feeling its softness. Possibilities had opened up that I had never allowed myself to consider. I was about to find out what I had missed.The night had started as normal. Emma and I were just two in a mixed group of about a dozen who went out for a drink after work on Friday nights. We had a few early drinks at a pub near the university that was dodgy even by...

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The Reluctant Cuckold Part IX

They all got up two hours later. Jerry and Ian were awake first and she came to his room to wake him. She was naked and her inner thighs were glistening from their sexual intercourse.“Do you fancy going into town for a curry?”He smiled and accepted her kiss. “Sounds ideal,” he responded.She glanced at her panties lying on the locker and smiled. “Good was it?” she smiled.He nodded shyly.“I’m glad we made it enjoyable for you,” she said as she stood up. “Come on, join us in the shower and bring...

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Exhibitionist Sister Chapter 10

Ashley, Alyssa, and Madison have an interesting ‘Girl’s Night’ in Ashley and Madison’s basement. Author’s Note: Those of you who have been “following” this story (you know who you are) may have noticed that it has been a particularly long time since the last installment. For that, I apologize. I have been too busy to dedicate time to writing this. I haven’t forgotten about it or quit (obviously). Thank you for your continued interest and support in the story! I do appreciate it --...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Chanel Skye 03302020

One morning, college freshman Chanel awoke to a strange guy laying naked, and out cold in her bed. Fellow students have stumbled into her room before, mistaking it for their or their friend’s dorms after late nights. The dorm rooms are practically identical from the outside so she figured it must have happened again. Although, no one had actually crawled into her bed before. After a few unsuccessful attempts at getting out from under the strange student, he wakes up and realizes that no, she’s...

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The Truth

Beth entered the room as quietly as she could, conscious that she was running late. These kind of things never start on time, she thought to herself as she slipped into the dimly lit meeting room. Apparently this one did as her eyes adapted to the dark. She saw a couple of free seats at the back and made her way to the round table to try and catch her breath and orientate herself to what was happening. Beth was in her late 30s, not slim, not fat, the kind of figure that she felt was comfortable...

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Stealing tights pantyhose panties etc from manager

This is a new fictional/fantasy story to add to the tights pantyhose nylons foot fetish etc stories that i wrote last year (receptionist, neighbour, dept store, bus, housemate etc). When i worked in a large office for a number on years in a large building based on a few floors we were in teams and every now and again we had to change teams and change managers/supervisors to keep things freshened up. One of the managers Julie was a bit of a nasty bitch and didn't like me much. She was never very...

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BrownBunnies Brixley Benz Stepdaughter Squirts By The Pool

It’s a nice day Jonathan Jordan is out by the pool. His stepdaughter Brixley Benz wants to play a prank on her stepdad. She gets on the float and starts jumping up and down. You can see her perfect small breast through her top. She suddenly goes in for a kiss. Jonathan is concerned. But she wants to get fucked. Jonathan whips out his massive black cock She is more than happy to swallow his cock whole. She gets on his cock for a ride. He thrusts his dick in her tight pussy. She loves it so...

2 years ago
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Megan 1

We met over the internet on a free dating site. I was trying to find a “life partner”, and I think she was, too. After a couple of weeks swapping emails we finally agreed to meet at a she-she Italian joint on College. We both had an exit plan if things didn’t seem right. But after a bit of wine and mature conversation we decided to go to a hip bistro down the street for a beer. I guess we both felt that things were moving in the right direction. With the candle lit and the hustle and...

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Therapeutic Shenanigans

The source of Bob’s distraction was the length of Catherine’s skirt. Catherine’s choice of skirt, a plain black number, was shorter than usual. Catherine normally wore slacks or long cotton skirts. This skirt rode high above the knee when Catherine sat down. Bentley was not completely certain, but he believed he could see the elastic top of Catherine’s cotton black stockings. He was consistently looking up from his workstation and sneaking a peek. Catherine’s slender, athletic legs...

1 year ago
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A Connisseurs Feast

One might consider me a connoisseur. I am a connoisseur of cock: hard cocks, soft cocks, cut cocks, uncut cocks, male sex organs, I like life very spicy. I like to look at, feel, smell, and taste well formed, animated, responsive cock. When attracted, I will be solicitous, affectionate, and pandering toward the cock, balls, bush, and ass of any man who meets my fancy. In the following account, I will confess more about my narcotic predilection toward the most vital part of those of my own...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 786

This little ditty is compliments of G. What is the difference between erotic and kinky? With erotic you use a feather; with kinky you use the whole damn chicken! This compliments of Tucson: Three doctors are discussing the shape of the head of male penis. The doctor from John Hopkins says it is to enhance the male’s pleasure. The doctor from Yale thinks it is for the pleasure of the woman. The doctor from Texas A&M thinks is to prevent your hand from slipping off the end. This one...

2 years ago
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Sex With Two Sister8217s

Hi its Rajiv …….Im big fan of ISS and reading this daily I m also share my real incident. First of all let me introduce myself … I m Rajiv Thakur age 20 doing Bca from Amity Vni. My height is 5’11 . aur me p.g room le kar rahta hu owner ki 2 deti hai aur bolo ghar pe hi rahti hai ek muz se badi hai aur dusri muz se 4 saal choti un ki badi grl asha mba kar rahi hai aur choti grl 10th pe gai hai,, me un k ghar pe hi khana khata hun aur mere liye alag sa room hai jo ki uper aur us ka Rahta bahar...

1 year ago
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Mom would like to

Note : This story is completely fictional! Heloo reader this story is for my chronic Incest addicted Incest lovers. So they can read and convince with their own feelings. Here is one of my favourite writing for my readers. I am Rohan I m from the Asian continent my country name is India I lived in the southern state of my nation its name is Tamilnadu, In our country culture is very against to think Incest and the laws are very strict about forbidden sex. But since my childhood I like the Incest...

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My Shy Little Fling Part One

I tilted my head to one side to get a better look at Alison’s ass as she stooped to refill the printer in the center of the office. The door of my office framed the image perfectly. One of the main reasons I chose this office when joining the company was due to the great view of both the printer station and the water cooler I had from behind my desk when the door was open. I reclined further into my chair and let my eyes linger on the sight in front of me, thankful somewhat that there were no...

3 years ago
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The Nature Experience

I was on summer break from my first year at college at my grandparents’ house. It was a very rainy and gray day. Boredom had begun to sink in. And, as I have a tendency to do, I began to fill the bored time with self pleasuring. I put my hand down my pants and began to make myself horny. I thought I’d take a shower and release some of the tensions that I had built up. On the way to the bathroom, however, I looked out the window at the rain. I then had a brilliant idea: I would do this in the...

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Ms Nancy Part Three

"How much time do we have," I asked?"Maybe 20 minutes," she replied."Can I do it again?" She responded, "Let's try something different."She took the small bottle of baby oil and poured it into her hand. She reached out and gently rubbed it all over my now throbbing cock, sending electric waves of pleasure through my entire body."Lock your hands behind your back," she commanded, "and don't think this gives you permission to touch me." I obeyed. I tilted my head back as I drifted into a tidal...

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my 18th birthday

my 18th birthday I have always been very close to my mother. Since I was heronly c***d, my mother has always spoiled me rotten, alwaysmaking sure I got whatever I wanted. My father died when I was17 and for my 18th birthday, Mommy gave me the gift of my life. My birthday fell on a Sunday and Mom decided to take me to oursecluded Vermont cabin to celebrate for the entire weekend. Wefished, did some hiking, camped out, and ate roasted fish in thebeautiful night under the full moon. ...

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Fucked My Boss 8211 Part I

Hi to all iss readers this is varun back to share my second experience. Now lets come to the story it happened when I was doing my 1st year in pg…were the women I fucked was a 43 and have a daughter for 19 years but she will look younger than her age with fair skin tone and medium height and with an 34-24-34 and she was a total bitch and her daughter too….were I am from a lower middle class family and I used to work for her in a part time job for a day….where she runs an exhibition in many star...

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The courier calls

I was looking fabulous - and I knew it! A pretty red mini dress, black stockings and high heels. I'd just come in from the garden when there was a knock on the door - and there he was. Tall dark and definitely hunky. He was delivering some new clothes from New Look. He said "Debbie Costa?" as he wiped a bead of sweat off his brow. I said yeah, that's for me. "Sign here?" he said quietly, and I put a squiggle on the machine.It had been a hot day and I felt a little sorry for him - he looked a...

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Strange Moments Part 2

It's been over a week and I'm still getting used to the image of me. Now your wondering what exactly what would a rather attractive, beautiful, curvy woman like myself would have to complain about. Well for starters a week ago I was a normal man. I had tried in vain to recall how I came to be captured let alone found myself in some kind of hospital or whatever this place is. It didn't matter I was used as a lab rat and I went from being male to female. The two scientists both women...

4 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 24

After a lot of hours spent at the computer, Danny had finally finished the game version of his printer. He was now seated in front of the computer, running the game to show others what he had done. Sam, Val, and Steve stood behind him, watching the printer in the game world construct a house. They were all impressed with what he had done. It looked like a real device printing a real house. “What do you think?” Sam said, “I think it looks great.” “I’m impressed,” Steve said. “That looks...

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Behind Brothers Closet

“Don’t go into your brother’s closet!” This same sentence, I first heard from my mother when I was sixteen years old. I was visiting my brother for the first time, he had moved out when I was twelve. She would always repeat the same words every year. I never knew what they meant, until four years later. At the age of twenty-one, I found out my brother’s deep, dark, secret… “Emily!” I felt a sharp push on my left and I fluttered my eyes open, irritated, as the sun blared down through the...

2 years ago
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Fantastic Photo Session Part 2

As Heather steps forward Natalie gets to her knees. The scent of Heather’s arousal is intoxicating. Breathing heavily, Nat kisses her way up Heather’s body. Running her lips between the ample cleavage Heather’s tits provide. The two girls lock in a passionate kiss, their breasts pressed against each other. As they enjoy a tender loving kiss they begin to embrace, drawing their bodies even closer. Heather’s boobs rest on top of Nat’s ample chest and their legs intertwine grinding soaking cunts...

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Fantasia On The The Theme Of Cunnilingus

It doesn't matter where we meet. We need light, space to sprawl, and nothing that might remind us that somewhere, time is passing. We're not in a hurry, and after a while, neither of us will be able to keep track of time. So we do what we do, touch kiss, undress, play with hands and mouths and voices, until our breathing comes faster and our hands slide on our sweaty bodies. I start at your neck, and work my way down your body with my eyes, then my lips, tongue and teeth. I look for the...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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MaureenChapter 3

The following new character appears in this chapter and later chapters: Stephen B. (Steve) Angus and Calisa’s son, 5’-6’’ tall, 135 pounds, almost 15 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, A very strong Talent that is still developing Tuesday the first of April, April fool’s day, had not been a particularly productive day. We had finally located Maureen O’Farrell’s birth certificate. It had taken much longer than it should have, those in Southie being more than a little careless with keeping...

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Eager Wild WifeChapter 2

Kate smiled wickedly as she hung up the phone. She had heard everything. Like a hungry cat, she licked her lips. "I'll bet Ryan is as horny as his wife." She stifled a giggle. Quickly, she fixed her make-up, sprayed herself again in perfume, then opened the top three buttons of her blouse. A generous amount of creamy tit flesh peeked out. "Whewwww," she sighed aloud nervously. She eased back her chair. With her heart pounding in her throat, she rapped quietly on Ryan's office door,...

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becoming the sissy girl Irsquod always longed to be

I wanted to thank him for all he done for me in the last couple months, all the times he’d taken me out to dinner when I was broke and the money he loaned me for rent after I got ripped off. I was such a shy k** back then and it was nice to have someone around that take the lead and anticipated my needs. I was in a tough spot and I appreciated the fact that i didn’t have to ask for his help at every turn. He just lent it. Now here we were back at his place after a busy morning of running...

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Voyeur de la nuit

Voyeur de la Nuit He closed yet another deal. This time he had managedto buy out the sole owner of a small magazine. It was yet another acquisitionfor his company, something that would keep the managing director content asthis now brought the company full circle. A monopoly in the local nightclubmarket, Razorswift, created in the late 60's by Sebastian Cohen, had grownto the degree that they now organised major corporate events that were heldin the worthwhile venues all over the city. If it...

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Knowing Your Neighbors

As a lover of the beach, I always look forward to our summer vacation in South Carolina. We started going to Sullivan's Island several years after we were married, mostly because we wanted to go to a residential beach but also because we wanted to tour Charleston. Hayley and I went about every other year, rationing our vacation time between pleasure and family commitments, enjoying the intimacy of small house a block off the beach that was quite affordable. And as the kids came along, our...

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