cocu suite agrave une crevaison de nuit
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Voyeur de la Nuit
He closed yet another deal. This time he had managedto buy out the sole owner of a small magazine. It was yet another acquisitionfor his company, something that would keep the managing director content asthis now brought the company full circle. A monopoly in the local nightclubmarket, Razorswift, created in the late 60's by Sebastian Cohen, had grownto the degree that they now organised major corporate events that were heldin the worthwhile venues all over the city. If it wasn't a major social event – Razorswiftwas not interested. The small time magazine that Mark acquired focused on upcomingmusic releases, bands, tours and nightlife events. A large slice of it's revenuewas gathered from advertisers that ranged from clothing manufacturers, mobiledisc jockeys for hire and of course the local restaurants and clubs. Mark wasto change all this as this magazine would only feature events organised bythe company or would promote artists, venues and events that were organisedby Razorswift. At 35, Mark Symonds was considered a high flyer amongst theclose circle of people that knew him – those that saw him in the officeeach day. He did not have time for social events; he abhorred gold diggingglamour women and being photographed with a bevy of hangers on at social functions.An assistant managing director for the last four years, he had managed to gathera nice share portfolio that matched with the architecturally designed beachhouse and M3 BMW. He did not believe in taking out loans or using credit toacquire assets, all were owned outright. From time to time he would 'try beforehe bought', forking out his platinum AMEX card for that test drive on a brandspanking new Rolls Royce or the Eurasian 'sex' goddess at Tiffany's bordello – heenjoyed making her crawl on the concrete one cold night so he could see herpick up dollar bills, she did not like the scrapes on her bare knees but thatwas tough luck.
The day had come to an end Mark guessed as he strainedto hear some type of noise. There was no inter office chatter amongst the 'women'who bantered each day about their boring love lives and recent purchases. Hedecided that it was all clear to make his way home now that he had accomplishedthe possible – everything was possible in Mark's mind – and Sebastianwas away in Europe. Today was a day that was satisfying, not so much in relationto the company's acquisition of Edge magazine, but he did not think about themere fact that he would once again be entering an empty house, a house whichone year previously also housed his lover of five years. Natalie had seen himrise through the rungs of the ladder rapidly, she had been with him throughthe tough university days, through each unsuccessful job interview and hadfed, cooked and cleaned for him while she worked as a direct marketing managerfor a small local newspaper. He returned the favour by purchasing that longadmired convertible Mercedes for her and by going down on bended knee to propose.Mark thought that was adequate, Natalie however failed to see the logic behindhis need to work long hours and be at Sebastian Cohen's beck and call.
'I never see you!' came the typical comment manywomen the world over would make. He cringed as her voice came into his mind.This comment would always be the catalyst of what followed.
'How do you think I bought your Mercedes darling?'Mark would reply sardonically, while staring daggers through her. She had togo.
His finger pressed the button twice on his electronickey chain to unlock and disengage the alarmed BMW, the noise that followedechoed through the parking lot.
Ahh Natalie, the curvaceous trophy. That was whatshe had become, after all she had all the time to visit the gym each morningand more time to engage in all her extra curricular body beautiful activities.Manicures took place on Monday and Friday. Brazilian waxes took place everyfour weeks depending on the hair growth and every once in a while she wouldundergo the full facial treatment. God knew what else she did, as it had gottento the point where he could not distinguish whether her face was of her ownmaking or whether she had additional help on the way. Botox? Maybe. Blonde,tanned and beautiful in the Christie Brinkley type of way, she contrasted withhis dark appearance. Mark was often mistaken for being Mediterranean; it washis height that threw people off track. He was way too tall to be Sicilian,yet his skin had that smooth tanned olive look and his hair was black velvet.Well muscled without added help from free weights or hydraulic gym machines,his physique together with his height – six feet four inches – madefor a imposing look. Everyone literally looked up to him at work, and no onedreamt of ever fucking with him lest they would be cast into the eternal pitof damnation, which meant that they would never be promoted or trusted to handleanything more complex than typing memos. As he adjusted his rear view mirrorin preparation to reverse he caught a glimpse of his reflection. Yes he wasattractive, definitely. In his own mind he was a nine out of ten, if not aten. Like Narcissus admiring his perfection albeit without the threat of contributingto his own demise, Mark did notice that he looked tired. Eyes that were jetblack, piercing and framed by even curved dark eyebrows were now bloodshot.He had slept a total of four hours in three days and now that the major dealwas complete he had planned on lounging at home with a shot of Dimple and thestereo playing some Sinatra.
It became 9pm when Mark emerged from the showerwrapped in his plush bathrobe. His skin now smelled of Bvlgari body lotionand his hair was wet, the thick pile of terry cloth of his robe absorbed dropsof water. The small bar welcomed him with open arms as he met with the amberfilled bottle and unscrewed the top. His hands reached into the small fridgeand grabbed the small ice tray. After preparing his elixir he made his wayto his prized possession, the home theatre which featured an array of all thelatest technological gadgets: a large screen plasma home theatre, a digitalstereo and a dvd player. The speakers were situated all over the room, smallyet the most superior. But tonight he forgot about the Sinatra urge and insteadopened up the most recent DVD he purchased online. Mark's hand trembled ashe opened the cover. Right hand carefully edging the disk out of pack, leftindex finger in the hole, Mark carefully loaded the disk into the DVD player,grabbed the remote and made his way onto the leather sofa preparing for whatwas to unfold. Inwardly he could not wait, he knew that the sound quality wouldheighten his senses, after all watching Braveheart had made him feel like hewas William Wallace right up to the end scene where Wallace was drawn and quartered.A butterfly fluttered in his belly as he saw the opening title: 'Midnight Interlude'.
It was dark, night, and difficult to seethe oncoming window that was left a fraction open. Was it summer? Is thatwhy the window was left open? Hmm they couldn't afford aircon or 'she'couldn't afford aircon. The camera zoomed to the window and the next thingthat came into the lens was a gloved hand that reached to push the windowslowly upward…
Mark found that he was holding his breath. The glovewas made of leather, black and almost oily looking. The hand firmly grippedthe window edge and pushed.
The curtain is pushed aside as he entersthe study, yes it's a study because there is book shelving and a bureauwith a desktop perched in the centre. Mmmm okay, upstairs is where theaction will be. The camera is the eye that sees in the dark, extra specialcamera, built for maximum action, infrared. It walks through the study,the gloved hand opens the study door and the camera waltzes through towardthe stairs, on the way up, up up we go..
He leaned his head forward as if to see in the darkhimself. It surely must have been a night of the full moon as he could seelight being reflected from the outside windows and into the walls of the house.As the camera climbed the stairs and made it's way to the correct door Markwas gritting his teeth in a bid to cease the palpitations that were emanatingfrom his chest as these often meant that the heat of arousal would soon follow.
Ever so silent, the door is opened andthere sprawled in the centre of the bed naked is the woman of his dreams,dark fantasies.. of his life. Waiting practically a lifetime for this moment,here it is. Her body reflects a silvery grey light…ahhhh the moonand it's wonder. From a distance of little more than a metre the rise andfall of her breasts can be seen as she inhales and exhales. Breasts theshape of curved drops, medium areolae, the perfect handful. Her legs arefirm; she runs or does a twice-weekly Stairmaster? Of course she does,because she has been seen doing this as a weekly ritual. As the camerafaces her directly, her left leg is spread further apart from her rightand slightly bent.
It was hard to tell whether she was bare betweenher legs or whether she had a nicely trimmed mound. All in all she looked delectableregardless of whether she was shaved or not. Mark wanted to be the cameraman,to have the chance to run his hands all over that sleeping body. A verse froma seldom-heard song came into his mind.
" I watch you when your sleeping/ and then I wannatake your love…"
Mark could feel his cock hardening.
The lens moves all over her body, everyangle beginning at her feet and moving slowly upward. Her toenails areblack and shiny, painted obviously yet the colour yet to be determinedand cannot be determined if the lights remain switched off. On the sideof her right ankle is a tattoo of a butterfly, naughty girl. Her calvesare shapely, firm yet solid. She can run more than five kilometres. Hairlesslegs, fully waxed in all their fineness. Her thighs are smooth as well,not overly muscular, but the shape of her quadriceps are obvious, if onlythe lens could take a glimpse of her ass. Onto her pelvic triangle, thelens moves closer. Nice and tasty, no hair except for the small strip,a couple of centimetres long at the most, labia completely bare and smooth.A hand breezes in front of the lens, wanting to touch her in her intimateplace yet pauses as though it's in mid thought. Hand returning behind thelens, the view now moves toward her belly. There is no six-pack there.Her stomach is flat yet the appearance is soft. A metallic glint sparklesin the eye of the lens. There is a curved piece of metal threaded throughthe strip of flesh just above her navel. She is pierced. Very naughty girl.Moving upward slowly, in a taunting fashion…
The warm flush of relief spread throughout Markwhen the cameraman's hand returned to the camera as the moment would have beenspoiled if her pussy was touched, far better for the camera to be on her facewhen the moment of surprise did come. Mark could feel his body temperaturerising simultaneously with the increasing throbbing sensation that was originatingin his pelvis, yes he was hard now but he did not want to touch his cock, hewanted to take the long route to extend the sensation even though the imageof her bare pussy created waves that were rippling through him. He pressedhis thighs close together, rotating his pelvis slightly upward involuntarily.
'Down boy.' He muttered to himself. There was plentyof time, right now he was on an orgasmic journey where the ultimate visualprize was to hear and witness the ultimate surprise.
..such lovely breasts, the lens movescloser. Beginning with the left breast, moving over the nipple and thendraping it's viewpoint to the right followed by a complete frame of thepaired fleshy mounds. Moving upward, the lens barely stops at her neck,as it's eager to capture her dreaming face. Head turned toward the right;her left cheek is exposed, as is the curve of her jaw line. Her lips arefleshy, obvious. The bottom lip is thicker than her top lip, which is voluminousin it's own right. Relaxed she is, very relaxed in her own world rightthis minute. Carefully groomed dark eyebrows frame her closed eyes thatare fanned by her eyelashes; the lens dares to move so close. Is she inREM sleep? Yes, her eyes are fluttering. Dreams, faraway places, a worldthat is so far removed from the present, something which she will collidewith when the very second presents itself.
Lips he could kiss, a mouth he could nibble on.She had hair long enough to play with, except his definition of playing hadnothing to do with braiding or twirling. Mark imagined entwining his hand inher hair, grabbing a fistful and with one swift firm yank pull her head back,watching her mouth gape open and her eyes widen with shock. Funny he had neverhad such fantasies while sharing five years of his life with Natalie. It wasthe usual foreplay, hands, mouths, fingers, oral and his entry into her pussy.Once she even allowed him to fuck her ass, but that took months of cajolingin addition to handing the bitch a Cartier watch. After he had done the deedshe couldn't resist the attempt to make him feel a lesser man for it, but onething she did not envision – something she ought to have known- was hisreaching his limits with her. Mark dealt with her the following month, ensuringthat she would never haunt his office, his house nor have any shred of a professionalreputation. Of course the catalyst to the final solution concerned the discoveryof her sucking the gardener's cock the day he decided to surprise her withan early trip home and a pair of airline tickets to Fiji, but hey there areworse things out there. No one fucked with Mark and yet he did experience momentswhere the urge for companionship cut through him like a jagged sliver, howeverhe was not ready nor willing to be placed in any vulnerable situation. He optedto be in full control rather than be a 'half' shareholder in a relationship,if he was now capable of having one.
He didn't like thinking of Natalie, but the positiveaspect of this was that it helped quell the hot arousal that was invading hiswhole body.
Her face is the central image. All isstill. Her lips shift as she is dreaming, they are slightly apart. A fewmore seconds pass and her head slowly shifts to the other side. As herhead shifts her full succulent lips come to a close that coincides witha slight smile. She is having a pleasant dream all right. How pleasant?Or is it sexual? The distance between the camera increases slightly andthe angle changes as the camera is placed on a surface. From her bedsideon the right hand side there is a view of her turned head, the smooth straightbridge of her nose aligns perfectly with her mouth. So close. From theleft side of the lens a black shadow encroaches, a black mask appears.The gloved hand snakes over her shoulder and reaches her crowning gloryto make contact in a firm grip. One second..two..three.. four…
Mark's eyes were so relaxed, his eyelids, heavyand he knew he reached a nice level of arousal, which can be comfortably maintainedwithout going to far. His hand reached the belt of his robe and untied it,parting the robe to reveal his engorged cock. But he didn't touch it, he sawhow hard he was and wanted to begin stroking his cock but the self-imposedtorture of the wait is was too delicious.
"Oh yes, she is pretty, how pretty will she be whenshe is surprised?" He thought.
Torn between her sleeping image with that of theoncoming face of her shock faced animation, he was not sure whether he wantedto pause the image or continue. Yes the cameraman is going to yank her hair,pull her head back, something which has been flitting in and out of his mindover the last few weeks ever since he started to feel these urges, after therealisation that his ex fiancée could never fulfil the intensity herequired.
… swift and electric the hand isgraceful in it's movement.
The light, camera and the eyes, at firsthalf closed and in one second wide open. The left gloved hand is readyto cover her mouth and it does, tightly. Her eyebrows rise up, she thenknits them close together in confusion all the while her dark eyes arestaring right into the lens. Like a rabbit stunned by a spotlight, shecannot move, even if she wanted to she is aware that her head is held backand her mouth covered.
'Shhhhhhhh now.' The masked man murmurs.'So very sweet, I hope you are intelligent enough to not make one sound.'
Her head makes a small shaking movementas if to say 'no', her eyes are still wide.
He slowly takes his hand away from hermouth and reaches down, away from the camera. A light clicks on, her bedsidelamp and colour is instantly born. Her lips are slightly apart, her eyesstaring ahead of the lens into another place. His right hand still entwinedin her hair. A roll of duct tape is brought into view as he deftly movesher head so she faces upward and her profile is seen. He takes her faceinto both of his gloved hands and glides his hands under the small of herneck, moving all her hair out of the way and up over onto the pillow, wayout over, it appears he anticipated it would be more than half the lengthof her back.
The skin of her face and chest is a porcelaincolour, untanned. Lips a slightly dark shade of pink are now trembling.Her white pillow is adorned with her black highlighted hair. In front ofher, facing her, sitting on top of her is a black figure, black long sleevedbuttoned shirt, equally opaque trousers. His head is covered by a closefitting mask, modified so the wearer can see and breathe comfortably.
She doesn't make a noise, but her breathingis laboured and heavy. The rise and fall of her chest is more obvious now.Her eyes avoid looking directly at the man; they look downward toward hischest as he removes his left glove with the aide of his teeth as he coversher mouth with his right hand. Once removed he grasps the roll of ducttape with his left, moves it to his mouth and separates the strip of tapefrom the roll. He shifts position, until he is balancing himself over hernaked body as he kneels over her torso, knees covering her hands and arms.She cannot move as he begins his work, his weight covering her, the potentialto smother her easily if she struggles. Quickly removing his hand he adheresthe duct on her mouth and then proceeds to wind the tape around so it slightlycovers her earlobes and encircles the area around her jaw and lower scalp,a full circle that is wound up three times before it's torn off with histeeth.
'Oh baby, and I wanted that mouth of yourson my cock, but now is not the appropriate time for such things.' He saysmockingly.
Left hand bare, right hand gloved, heproceeds to stroke her hair with his left. His right hand moves towardhis hips.
The camera is a short distance away andall that can be seen is his right hand unbuckling his belt. She is lyingdown and can only be seen side on from the chest upward. Silent and stillher eyes only focus on the man's chest. Pulling the belt free from thetrouser loops, he fully brings it into full view of the woman.
'Especially for you..' He trails off
The picture changes momentarily as thecamera is lifted and brought closer, the continuity flows as the lens nowhas a complete view of the woman's face, head on. Face to face with thecamera she is ordered to look directly into the lens. Dark long lashesfan her eyes as she blinks rapidly and in those eyes was the mixture offear, shame, terror and anxiety.
'Focus bitch!' He growls.
Her eyes immediately widen. The imagerapidly fades away from the camera as the masked man shifts position ……
Her eyes were perfect, the way they expressed fear.Mark could almost smell her terror, and wanted to reach out to begin strokingher face, but with gloved hands so she could feel the smooth texture of leather.As he reclined backward, his cock rested on his lower abdomen, erect and fullof heat. This felt so good; he made a mental note to ask his anonymous onlinedealer if there were more films in the same genre on the market. The womanin the film did not resemble anyone that he had ever come across in his dailylife, which was most probably why he was so aroused. All the women he saw dayin and day out at the office were mundane.
Initially Mark would entertain the fantasy thateach conservatively dressed woman was a wildcat underneath. He imagined thatunderneath the beige coloured skirts and striped shirts lay a myriad of blacklace or black pvc, yet upon listening in on conversations he realised thatmost women at his work lead reasonably uneventful sex lives so the fantasyeventually faded out. One day it would be his secretary whinging about thedifficulty in meeting men, another day it would be a sassy wannabe young 'thang'ranting about how all men wanted sex and little else and her boyfriend was'lucky' to get what he wanted. Similar stories followed, so many that Markstopped listening, lost interest and without realising initiated himself intothe world of the workaholic who lived for work. It had dawned on him the verysame afternoon he left his office early to surprise that cocksucker Nataliethat he had sacrificed his urges. This was pointed out casually by a colleaguewho had met him at the elevator and expressed surprise that Mark was on hisway out. In his mind he questioned whether Natalie was the reason why he remainedbehind. Sure he had made the excuse that without the time there would be nomoney, however this wasn't entirely true. As each day progressed it becamenatural to think of many excuses that kept him away from his beachside havendespite Natalie's protestations, he always reigned supreme. Even if he hadbeen home at a reasonable time, she would always come out with something thatwould put him off the remainder of the evening. It had been a bad idea to transformher into a kept woman. He tired of talk concerning who was screwing whom amongsttheir circle of friends, what story development occurred on the Bold and theBeautiful and what happened at the gym that very morning. When it came to sex,she was content with the half hour 'standard' ritual. Natalie moaned, pantedand screamed at all the right intervals that it bordered on ridiculous.
One evening he purposefully made little effort inthe sack. Yes he kissed her, but his hands did not take that extra time tocaress her in her special places, they just roamed over her skin. Who caredwhether her nipples needed extra attention that he would give by pinching themslightly? Mark even risked not licking her out, only roughly fingered her justfor the sake of it, just to see her reaction. Yes she moaned, yes she writhedand so he just stuck his cock inside her and thrust in and out of her fouror five times without warning her that he was about to cum. Upon eruption hesmiled at her and just let himself go. Yes she moaned and raked her nails downhis back. What a cunning bitch she was. The very next day she even had thecheek to bring home a thousand dollar Escada handbag and parade it insteadof addressing his sexual err from the previous evening. Somewhere along theway Mark had lost control of the entire situation and he found that he didnot like it. The gardener – with the mediocre cock – saved theday and gave him the insight that he deserved better and it was his plan toacquire something better, something that would completely satisfy all his urges,whether they were light or dark.
He heard a shuffling noise and his eyes went backto the screen. Lost for a brief moment in Natalie thought, he chastised himselfand pressed the remote to go back a few segments. The light is switched on… thecameraman fumbling with his belt and removing it.. the shift of the camerato capture her entire facial reaction….and her eyes….the fear.Mark wanted to see the very same thing facing him. He wanted to taste the smallbeads of perspiration that began to form at this woman's forehead with histongue. Would she move her head to one side? How would he reprimand her forthat? Oh he would slap her of course. One firm, yet unmarking slap across herright cheek so her face would swivel to the left. Then he would verbally chastiseher for being so insolent and remind her that she was powerless to stop himin addition to being in store for more treats that he had up his sleeve.
'Beautiful bitch.' He muttered breathily to thebig screen that faced him.
…the picture is obscured whilethe sound of movement continues. The lens comes alive once more as thewoman is now on her stomach. The distance retreats as the man sets thecamera down once again on the bedside table. Both of his hands are nowfree of the leather gloves, they are large and menacing. Each of his fingersis long and reasonably thick. He grasps her arms and brings them directlybehind her, positioning them and warning her not to move. His body is nowpositioned on her ass, sitting on it as his legs are kneeling on eitherside of her hips. Her head is positioned so it faces the lens and her eyesare now tightly closed. She if frowning and he notices this as he peersover.
'Now now baby.. don't be all sour forthe camera.. make love to you will be making love to me in goodtime…' the soothing voice says from behind the black shroud.
He begins to bind her arms with his belt,bringing the belt under her arms just above her elbows. Looping the belttwice over each arm, so that each arm is fully encircled, he then bringsthe ends together anteriorly so he is facing the buckle. Threading thenotched end of the thick leather, he firmly secures the belt on his newpossession. Hands free, he runs one hand down toward her ass, over herright buttock and gives her a firm squeeze. Her eyes widen once more andshe frowns yet again despite his previous instruction.
'Is that a sound that your making sweety?Did you grumble?'
'Mmmmphhhhhh.' Is the reply.
He squeezes both of her buttocks simultaneously.The depth of the squeeze is captured by the lens as his left hand digsinto her flesh.
'MMMMMMMMMMGHHHHHHH!!!!! She replies fromunderneath the gag, accompanied by a short struggle against him.
'We aren't going to have that kind ofattitude!'
SLAPPPPPP. The sound is loud. It permeatesthrough her room. She squeezes her eyelids shut. Once, twice, it continues.He slaps her rear a total of five times. Hard. The impact of his hand againsther smooth creamy ass immediately forces her to open her eyes in reflexmode.. The camera shifts again, brought closer to her face, capturing hershock, her eyes are watery and her forehead is now covered with beads ofperspiration.
'You can nod if something is unpleasantyou know, oh I know I did not tell you that, how clumsy of me..' He trailsoff, chuckling as he now bends forward nearing her ear.
'That behaviour deserved my reward, don'tyou think so pussycat?'
She shakes her head from side to sideall the while looking straight ahead.
'A nod means 'no more', a side to sideheadshake means 'more' means yes and yes means no, understan
She shakes her head once again.
'Good. I'm glad we now understand oneanother.'
He raises her upward so that the lensfocuses on the far wall behind. Her breasts come into focus. Pale and full,ravishing and fleshy.
'Look at the camera.' Comes the firm order.
She casts her eyes downward to look intothe lens. Her mouth is covered by layers of silver tape. Her brown eyesare downtrodden and had they had a mouth they would be screaming blue murder.Placed like a doll on his lap, she doesn't help; her body is lifeless asher eyes stare at some distant spot somewhere ahead. The only inkling thatshe breathes is her very breath. Her head is next to his covered face;he peers toward the camera through small slits. She remains in her worldand is rapidly jerked out of it by his right hand pulling her hair andhead back, holding her in position. Left hand snaking over her chest, hisfleshy hand circles over her left breast. He plays, caresses the fleshas she is forced to make eye contact with the camera lens. Index and middlefingers of his hand clip against her nipple and begin to tweak it repeatedly.In her ear he leans as he begins to tell her how much he wants her andhow she is going to want him. He talks of how she likes this, how it makesher feel and how he can tell as her right nipple is getting hard withoutany direct stimulation. She turns her head to the right and downward ashe takes a firmer hold of her hair and pulls her closer to his head. Theleft hand makes its way to her right breast and begins more of the same,his fingers directly closing in on her nipple, softly caressing it beforepinching it firmly. She makes a sound that can be barely heard from underneaththe gag. His masked face rubs against her neck as his hands increase theirmomentum and squeeze her right breast firmly. He mentions that the fitis perfect, had he not had his mask on he would attempt to take it allinto his mouth and then gradually let her flesh escape until his mouthreached her nipple, of which he would ravenously suck hard.
"Just fuck her, forget the caressing, part her legsand fuck her!' Mark mutters to the screen. He is impatient and he can feelit. His hand has wandered to his cock and has begun stroking it slowly. Rakinghis free hand through his black thick hair, he lets out a sigh and leans forwardand takes a gulp of whisky. Feeling the burning sensation all the way downhis throat, he takes a second to pause the film so he can gather his thoughts.The sound quality was damn excellent, so much so that her muffled protestationsrapidly excited him, as did the cameraman's instructions. He could not wait;he decided to go forward a few segments with the image on (in case he missedsomething).
Hands caressing each breast one after the otherthen back…fingers pinching the nipples.he stops as it looks like heis squeezing very hard…. so much so she her eyes appear to be widening.The cameraman's left hand reaches downward. Oh yes.
'Let's see shall we?' The calm voice states.
The left hand lets go of her breast andmoves downward. Her right leg is shifted so that her knee is over his rightthigh; he repeats the same with her left leg. His hand begins to strokeher mound.
'Mmmm.. smooth aren't you, little girl?'
She does not move, merely breathes ina set rhythm with her eyes fixed on his left hand, eyeing it as if to exclaimthat it's size is too intimidating for words.
Her eyes blink rapidly as his hand appearsto change position. His hand moves rapidly against her flesh.
'I'll start with one finger, we shallsee how many you can take as we go along'
Only his arm can be seen up to his wrist,moving in an even in and out rhythm, sometimes stopping at intervals whereit appears to be making circular movements.
'Oh you like that don't you? Is that theway you do it as well? Yes that's the way you do it. How can I tell?…Yourso moist.'
His tone of voice caresses her ear ashe continues playing with her. Stopping only momentarily, he reaches forthand brings the camera closer as he raises his knee upward between her legs.His right hand comes forth and around her hip to settle on her mound andhis fingers spread her open for a moment so the lens can have a decentview before his fingers, two this time, made their way deep inside herin one swift movement.
The sound coming from the woman's mouth was a mixof a moan and a wail, having digital surround sound was a bonus for it animatedthe sound, made it all the more real. If anyone walked in on Mark at this verymoment and happened upon the wide screen the assumption would have been thatthe man in the movie did not give a toss about his present action – deeplyexploring a helpless woman in extreme discomfort, with his fingers – butupon closer inspection, as the lens zoomed in, the cameraman's fingers weresliding in and out easily for the sheen of her wetness could be observed…….
©2003 l'étranger
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Porn ForumsWhen my wife and I were still a young, unmarried couple she showed subtle exhibitionist traits which I must admit I enjoyed very much.Seeing her being admired by others turned me on very much and seeing how she reacted to it made it all the more exciting. She would in fact allow other men to enjoy her beautiful curves (pic in profile), whilst however showing them I was her man. However both of us were willing to allow others to see her assets, after all sharing is a nice gesture.One day in...
Anthony Clark was a model citizen and a decent guy. He was nice to women and animals. Except, he did have a dark side. A secret side of himself that he didn’t want anybody to know about. Anthony was a voyeur and was excited by exhibitionist behavior. He really got off seeing people have sex in open areas or by chance. He first knew of this strange behavior when he was around eighteen. He loved to watch people pleasure themselves. It was always important not to get caught. As a teenager, he was...
VoyeurAbout 2 months ago Tom and I arranged to meet for dinner, starting our night out with a drink at the Four Seasons. I got there 15 minutes early, and the stress of the day as will as my ever so middle class white wine released inhibitions enough for me to get involved in a conversation with a guy sitting nearby. A half hour later I noticed my husband standing in the doorway. I waved him over, introduced the guy, and in a couple of minutes the two of us went to dinner. “How long were you...
Since I had an exciting time teasing my neighbor Jim, through my Venetian blinds, I decided to see how things might go if I took things a bit farther. My kitchen window looked directly into Jim’s dining room window and, ever since first saw Jim walking across his living room, butt-ass naked, carrying a load of laundry, I became hooked on the mysteriousness of the tease and the peek-a-boo nature of voyeurism. I am not a voyeur by any means, just a single girl, a twenty-three-year-old college...
VoyeurThis is not my work, but oh so hot! I had to share it!--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2008. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Voyeur Husbandby Black Demon ***Jill wondered, 'Why was it so thrilling to have another man make love to me?' (MF, wife, cheat, intr)***Author's note:...
Part experience, part imagination, a lot of observation and a lot of viewing of voyeur videos. All expressing in my word, my particular likings “That”s more my style Peppe,” I chortled, nodding with my eyes, across the glitzy foyer of the Hotel Mercure Golf Cap D “Agde. “But Meester D – a granny?” he quizzed with eyes wide, looking up from the newspaper we had been lustily sharing at his desk. “Yes but grannies have a lot of experience, much better than those little beauties, and she oozes...
I was standing on my second floor apartment balcony, looking out at the refreshing and sparking blue pool below me. It was a late summer day, about eleven in the morning. I had the day off from work and had decided to just chill out at the apartment. I was about to step back inside when I heard the familiar clank of the pool area’s iron gate as it closed. I watched as a stunningly beautiful young lady made her way to a row of lounge chairs by the pool. She casually draped a towel over one of...
VoyeurAfter I started sharing my experiences here on Xhamster, one couple wrote to me that they both enjoyed reading about my sexual life. We started chatting casually.As we talked more and more we exchanged some photos and we all liked what we saw.They were married for few years and were in their mid 30's. One time they asked me about my username (Voyeur), If im really into that or just a random username. In reality im huge voyeur so I just explained how much it turns me on. So they suggested if I'm...
Voyeur hubby and his wife get more than we bargained for.Warning, this story contains non-consensual sex. This one is fantasy, partially based on a past experience. My wife and I enjoy playing with others from time to time. We also like the voyeur aspect of things as well as the hotwife scenarios. We discuss ideas during sex and when something seems to get us both a little more randy than the rest we revisit the idea afterwards and start to plan to make something happen. The following story is...
****This is another exquisite story written by a talented author.NOT my work, but a hot, steamy, tease of a read, nonetheless.. Enjoy!****--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2006. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Voyeur's Wifeby Author Obscure (1994)***Barbara and Tom were c***dhood...
I've lived in my neighborhood for 30 years, and have seen many neighbors come and go. I am a voyeur and an exhibitionist, I love the idea of being caught masturbating my little cock while looking at my neighbor's wives and girlfriends. There have been many opportunities through the years, women sunbathing in their yards and decks (I live in a two story house, great vantage point), swimming in their pools, or just doing yard work. Sometimes I play with myself behind open windows or if they're...
This story is a sequel to Voyeur in Big Trouble. I will try to make a quick summary of the first story, for those readers who don't want to read it: In this fictional story my name is Ray, and my wife is Ann. We are in our mid 40's. Our neighbors, Karen and Bill are in their late 20's. Karen is 5'6", 135 lbs., and has light red hair. She also has big full breasts and a beautiful bubble butt. I have thought of making love to Karen for years. Early this summer, Karen's...
This is my first attempt at story telling. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Even at an early age I had already begun my journey into a life of voyeurism, I just did not know it at the time. I have early memories sitting on the floor playing with my toys one morning, probably about 10 years old, my mum had some friends over and they were lounging around drinking coffee gossiping and such, not noticing the innocent young boy looking up their skirts at every opportunity....
I was standing in my bedroom, looking out of the window, when I first spied Greg coming out of his bathroom, stark naked. My bedroom window faced his in the apartment complex and, at first, I was shocked to see a guy totally naked, standing in front of his bedroom mirror as he toweled off. Part of me said to look way and another part of me couldn’t take my eyes off his chiseled chest, flat abs, his biceps and then, that thick cock. Oh! My! Gawd! Just thinking about it makes my creative juices...
VoyeurIn bed with his lovely wife, Steve Benson enjoyed the thrill of having Jill frantically sliding her slick and horny cunt down over his stiff throbbing cock. Closing his eyes, Steve's mind brought back the erotic images of the other week as he pictured his beautiful young wife being fucked out of her mind by his buddy Mike Jones. He had set it all up himself, giving his buddy Mike the okay to put the make on Jill, hoping that Mike would be successful in seducing Jill and that he would get to...
In bed with his lovely wife, Steve Benson enjoyed the thrill of having Jill frantically sliding her slick and horny cunt down over his stiff throbbing cock. Closing his eyes, Steve's mind brought back the erotic images of the other week as he pictured his beautiful young wife being fucked out of her mind by his buddy Mike Jones. He had set it all up himself, giving his buddy Mike the okay to put the make on Jill, hoping that Mike would be successful in seducing Jill and that he would get to...
Voyeur MombyAgnol©"My parents should be in bed," James said as he unlocked the front door to his family's home. Allison nodded hopefully, wiggling her eyebrows with a mischievous grin."It will be nice when we finally go away to college, a place of our own," she sighed hopefully. "Another year at the junior college and we'll be on our way." "Yeah, but until then this isn't so bad, they never bother us," James said."That's true," Allison admitted, entering the house. "Is your mom still slipping...
It was an incredibly hot and humid Saturday morning at the Dane household. Kimberly was by herself, as her daughter was on a double date with that little tramp friend of hers, Harper. Her stepson was visiting one of the school’s resident whores, Lisa. Meanwhile, her husband was on a business trip in England. She didn’t mind much, as a little ‘me time’ was just what she needed. Although some ‘me and my daughter’s boyfriend, Todd, time’ would be much more enjoyable, she thought to...
MILFMy name is Tori. I am a healthy twenty-three-year old college coed and a part-time fitness instructor. I am also a little kinky, in that I had a few strange fetishes. I like to watch other people making out. I am not like your peeping Tom that lurks around in the bushes, but I have been known to sit at the pool and hope for the lights to stay on in certain apartments while crazed lovers put on a show.I also like to flaunt myself, to total strangers, just to see their reactions. My “accidental...
VoyeurIntroduction: a young man bags his best friends mother and more Voyeur tape of a lifetime Several years ago when I was in my teens I had a fixation with my best friends mother. She was about 40 and divorced which helped fuel my lust. She was tall and beautiful with long black hair and fantastic large tits, a bit like Sophia Loren. I used to jerk off to her several times a day. All it took to set me off was to think about her. On those occasions when I got a peek at her cleavage I would go...
My wife Jaq is a very sexy fifty-year-old who never fails to surprise me. On a recent trip to a large hotel in town, she surprised me once again. We had enjoyed a good night out enjoying a show and a few drinks and we returned to our a hotel a little after midnight. After a final nightcap, we went up to our room, once there we were soon engaging in some sexy play. Jaq was sucking my cock when I noticed the curtains were still open. I mentioned this and Jaq became very aroused indeed. After a...
VoyeurMy wife Jaq is a very sexy fifty-year-old who never fails to surprise me. On a recent trip to a large hotel in town, she surprised me once again. We had enjoyed a good night out enjoying a show and a few drinks and we returned to our a hotel a little after midnight. After a final nightcap, we went up to our room, once there we were soon engaging in some sexy play. Jaq was sucking my cock when I noticed the curtains were still open. I mentioned this and Jaq became very aroused indeed. After a...
VoyeurThis story is based on a true incident. We rented a villa abroad, somewhere hot. My wife and I had a room which shared a broad balcony with another couple's room. We had 2 fully windowed doors to the balcony with shutters for privacy, the en suite door was in the left hand wall. There were several little indications that the son of one of the families was having some fun - one of the daughters couldn't find a pair of her knickers one day, once when my wife gave me a blowjob I went on to the...
I hadn’t really planned on seducing or being seduced by my neighbor. I really didn’t. It just happened. Jim was a nice guy, a really cool guy and much older than me. I had dated a few guys at the college, but none of them really peeked my interest like Jim. I am twenty-three and Jim is in his late thirties. Jim and his wife, Mandy, lived next door and as far as I knew, they were a happily married couple. I saw him going out with his wife many times and I was pretty sure he was happy with her...
VoyeurPart 6 of voyeur After Linda and I had rested from our love making, she told me she had never had a penile emission before. I suggested we showered and dressed the we could get something to eat. “Good idea, I’m famished”. She said. I dressed in my new navy blue bra, panties, suspender belt and sheer stockings. Under chinos and a jumper. Linda wore black bra and panties, hold up stockings mid thigh length skirt with a white t-shirt. We had just finished our pasta bake and I was taking our dirty...
Copyright 2005 Jeremy Mills was getting ready for bed. He set the security bolt and latch, the little bar that allows you to open the door only a couple of inches and prevents anyone from entering the room. He brushed his teeth, relieved himself and removed his clothes. Turning off the lights he settled into the ubiquitous hotel recliner for meditation which he had been practicing for ten years. Recently he discovered he had the ability to bi-locate, where his spirit or conscience self left...
Marty tiptoed through the corridor, not wanting to disturb anyone in the household. It was nearly midnight, and he fully expected his roommate, Jenny, to be asleep. But, as he rounded the corner, he saw light emitting from under her door. Suddenly, he wanted to talk to her, although usually that was a concept that he really didn't like. He wished at times that he hadn't answered the ad for a roommate, particularly when Jenny went off on one of her egotistical diatribes. And yet, now he...
I was home after a day at college, getting dressed to go to an early evening aerobics class at the gym. I slid out of my denim jeans and pulled a pair of black spandex shorts over my white g string cotton panties; pulled off my jumper and put on a black halter top over my bra. I went to brush my hair in the bathroom, when I noticed the door was shut. I opened it to go in not thinking much, when I saw Jeremy, my 18-year old, younger brother's friend, sitting on the toilet, with his jeans bunched...
VoyeurEven as an adolescent I was a pervert. I spent half my life trying to peek into neighborhood windows and the other half jacking off. The summer I turned 15, I snuck out my window almost every night. I was drawn to other lighted windows like a moth to a flame. After a while I developed a routine. There were several women who always undressed around the same time every night. There was one set that usually went to bed between 10 and 11. I would check them out, return to my house and jack off in...
I had come back home from a semester of college to stay with my mom. It had been a tough time academically, but I made it through. I had not had much time for myself because of the class loads that I had, and that made it a hard year sexually as well. To be frank, I had not had sex since before the semester started. I felt myself starting to stare at women now not even meaning too. Just daydreaming about sex all day. It was nice to see my mom again. Her and I have a great relationship. I was...
True Story I’ve been married to Sue for five years and we were together for five years before that. It was a second marriage for both of us as both our previous partners didn’t treat us very well. Sue is a very attractive woman, not a raving beauty – as she herself would admit, but a very desirable woman at the age of 40+ nevertheless. She has an attractive, well defined face with blue-grey eyes and a very sexy smile. She is 5ft 6ins tall, slim bodied and has just the right size breasts to...
True StoryI’ve been married to Sue for five years and we were together for five years before that. It was a second marriage for both of us as both our previous partners didn’t treat us very well.Sue is a very attractive woman, not a raving beauty - as she herself would admit, but a very desirable woman at the age of 40+ nevertheless. She has an attractive, well defined face with blue-grey eyes and a very sexy smile.She is 5ft 6ins tall, slim bodied and has just the right size breasts to match....
I have known my s****r-in-law since she was 13 years old. She had always been a chubby girl and I longed to see her plump undressed naked body. When she was in her 30s she came to stay with us for a week at our new house, she was still incredibly curvy (size 20 with a G cup bra according to the label) but very attractive & sexy. I now had a chance to fulfil my fantasy. Our bathroom has a key hole which gives a clear view of the exit from the shower. The shower cubicle itself is unfortunately...
My sister-In-Law is a Junior in college. Her name is Jane. She is 20 years old and is just beautiful. She is about 5'7", long dark hair and average weight. She wears a 36C bra and medium thongs (I know because I look through her drawers!!).Jane came home from college on a Wednesday to take care of some financial papers with her parents. She had asked if I would come over to help her with the computer to make sure that she used it correctly. Being the nice guy that I am, I never would refuse. I...
My wife had a weekend job working for a female friend of ours who owns a tavern in town. Janet would work the late shift on Friday and Saturday nights. The place closed at one a.m., and it would be around three a.m., usually, before she got home, because they had to clean the place up afterwards.After about a month, she started getting home about a half hour later than usual. I always waited up for her, and when I asked her "Why so late?" she said the bar had been busier lately and some...
I have known my sister-in-law since she was 13 years old. She had always been a chubby girl and I longed to see her plump undressed naked body. When she was in her 30s she came to stay with us for a week at our new house, she was still incredibly curvy (size 20 with a G cup bra according to the label) but very attractive & sexy. I now had a chance to fulfil my fantasy. Our bathroom has a key hole which gives a clear view of the exit from the shower. The shower cubicle itself is...
Voyeurs Part 2 Things were quiet for the few months to follow. All of the boys remembered the horrible awkward period following their humiliation - as they removed the clothes and makeup, hardly looking at each other, their minds flooded with the thought that those pictures might get out. But come the next Monday morning, nothing had happened yet and it fortunately looked like they were in the clear. The girls, who they supposed had the power to ruin them, chose not to, which was a...
Jenn kissed her boyfriend goodbye one last time, then came back inside the small house and shut the door. Her roommate, Amy was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. Jenn sat across form her friend, biting on her lip as she tried to think of something to say. "It's ok Jenn. I'm not freaked out or anything. I just wasn't ready for what I saw, you know? Kind of like seeing your parents naked the first time or..." "Hey!" Jenn cut her off. "How the hell can you compare me...
Izzy and I were wearing jeans with the cuffs rolled halfway up our calves along with loose fitting tops that were kinda like sweat shirts but lighter. That day Mrs. Gomez had really tight pants on, which might have seemed out of place given that she'd put on a few pounds. So back to our Scrabble game. I had laid down EAST, crossing with BUS. Luis proudly added BR to make BREAST. Isabella and me immediately giggled. This apparently woke Mrs. Gomez out of her trance and she commented: "Are...
It was a typical week day that the following course of unexpected events took place. At twenty years old I’d recently moved into a flat with an attractive older women of about thirty years, someone whom I’d slowly begun to get to know and liked, but whom still seemed straight and innocent, yet also mysterious. Either that or she was playing coy which was as I was soon to discover was far more accurate. Nevertheless my ponderings occupied my mind as I shifted into second. As usual I’d found...
Several years ago when I was in my teens I had a fixation with my best friend’s mother. She was about 40 and divorced which helped fuel my lust. She was tall and beautiful with long black hair and fantastic large tits, a bit like Sophia Loren. I used to jerk off to her several times a day. All it took to set me off was to think about her. On those occasions when I got a peek at her cleavage I would go erect almost immediately. Once when I was over for dinner the boys left the table to do...
My name is Ray, and I've been married to my wife, Ann, for almost 25 years. Ann and I are in our upper 40's. We have two children, a son and daughter who are in college now. Ann is very sexy, 5' 8" tall, 130 lbs., great legs and ass, but she isn't very buxom. Ann and I have a good sex life, but there are a few things that Ann will not experiment with, one of them is anal sex. We've lived in our quiet urban home for 23 years now. Three years ago, we got new next door...
Jack woke up at 5:30 AM on the button. He did so every morning, like clockwork. He opened his drapes, and sat in his chair, looking across the narrow space between his house and the one next door. He was 65 years old, and by some standards, was an old man, though he didn’t feel that old. He still walked two miles every day, played a mean game of golf and was active in several community service groups. But one of the highlights of his day was about to begin. He watched the window across from...
When I was seventeen and a new freshman in college, I played trumpet in the band. The band had to practice beginning in July to be ready for the fall game schedule at the school.At the time I had a boyfriend he was nineteen and a junior— he played the drums — he used to drive us to the school's field for early morning practice, he always asked me to give him a hand job on our way to the fields.“No!” I told him every time he asked. “I’m a good church-going girl. How dare you ask me to do such a...
TrueShe wore the mirrorshades to protect her soul. Megan was behind the camera all the time. She never wanted to be in front of it, never let the lens to peer at her, but she always wanted to be behind it. It was the filter to protect her from what the Pacific Northwest tried to push on everyone. Seattle wasn’t the city her parents grew up in, it was barely the city her grandparents lived in, and Lord knows it wasn’t the metropolis her great-grandparents retired in. The Great Emerald City was now...
What she saw from the train was an eye opener. The train pull in to the platform and the driver announced that there would be a fewminutes delay to allow an incoming train to clear the line. I glanced out the window, bored, and was about to glance at my phone to check my Facebook account when I spotted a girl in a slip and a bit of a baby bump. She appeared medium height and a slender build, bump aside. Her red hair was in a ponytail. It was that time of night when it was too early to go home...
Tommy, who was a couple of years younger than me (a freshman when I was a senior), had been my biggest rival in my private high school. He was the typical jock, clean-cut look, always wore button-down collars with his tie normally loosened, and in my opinion, a total jerk-off. If I had to pick one guy who was always busting my balls, it was Tommy. Whether it was about my men's nylon bikinis in the locker rooms or my cum stained jack-off magazines under my bed. Tommy was always busting my...
Watching my next-door neighbor kneel in front of her boyfriend with her head bobbing up and down over his cock was quite a surprise. She's never closed her curtains and I've watched her for many years. Often sitting in the dark on the edge of my bed, stroking my cock. I was always enthralled by the size of her breasts and the thick but nicely shaped patch of hair between her legs. I would watch her come out of the shower or getting dressed to go out, trying on different outfits, checking...
A few days later, I was walking in the town, alone, when I suddenly spotted the guy from the beach approaching. He too was alone, and as we came nearer he recognised me and smiled broadly. We both said ‘Hi’ and it was clear that he wasn’t English: it turned out th at he was German, but his English was pretty good. He said he used the nudist beach often when he was staying here; sometimes his wife joined him, but on that day she had been somewhere else. In fact, he enjoyed going there alone...
Just spent a week in the south of Spain. It was a bit cool at first, but at last after a couple of days some warm sun arrived even if there was a light breeze. We decided to have lunch out at a favourite restaurant, and not needing to drive we had a full bottle of Rioja. By mid afternoon we were ready for the beach. We needed to find a spot sheltered from the breeze, and did so by going to the furthest end of the nudist bay. It was perfect, quiet, private, warm, and a few feet from the water....
Part 5The shopping trip. I got up about 9 am with morning wood, should I play or should I go. I went. I got dressed in panties, stockings and suspender belt. Put socks trousers and trainers over then polo shirt and jacket. I walked out of my place and glanced across towards Davina’s place. Her curtains were still drawn. I will refer to her as a female now I know her femme name.I drove into town and parked, I walked into a well known department store and quickly found the floor that had ladies...
Part 4After they had gone I put my trousers and trainers on, then taking a t shirt from my hoodie pocket pulled it over my head. Finally putting my hoodie on, I picked up the picnic blanket and gave it a shake to remove the dead leaves. Folded it and went back to my car. I got in and drove home.My neighbour was watching out for me and opened his window and called me over, I tried to postpone it for 10 minutes to go home and change, but he was very persistent. I went in and sat down.“Tea or...
Hi back quite quickly, if you read our cinema experience you'll know our fetish for exhibitionism, and mine for feminine underwear, her wearing it not me, she had agreed to let someone finger her while I watched and wanked off.This was in the heat of the moment so I wasn't sure whether this would happen.We searched web sites but all the replies didn't ring true, we thought of dogging but wasn't sure, she wanted to go back to the cinema as she had enjoyed it so much, we settled in with a few...
2:37am is that time of the morning where your either already in bed sleeping heavily, or up and partying. For me it was the first, soundly sleeping next to my wife. Out of the fog of sleep I began to make out the thumping bass of music being played somewhere near my house. Seeing as I was now somewhat awake, I went to investigate. We live in a pretty middle-class neighborhood in Florida. The homes are nice and the schools are good. This kind of music was rarely heard in the area, and certainly...