Voyeur House life
- 1 year ago
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Part experience, part imagination, a lot of observation and a lot of viewing of voyeur videos. All expressing in my word, my particular likings
“That”s more my style Peppe,” I chortled, nodding with my eyes, across the glitzy foyer of the Hotel Mercure Golf Cap D “Agde. “But Meester D – a granny?” he quizzed with eyes wide, looking up from the newspaper we had been lustily sharing at his desk. “Yes but grannies have a lot of experience, much better than those little beauties, and she oozes class and she’ss no granny,” I persisted, pointing at the photos in the French tabloid with a feature on some beauty award contest and shaking my head. “No never,” he chuckled, then “Look at those girls going out.”
A giggling throng of teens and older girls were exiting the front doors, bums showing under their tight arsed brief shorts, tits thrusting through tee-shirts, tanned legs carrying them on some exciting mission judging by the squeals. “Two of them, the black one and the chubby white one with her, work here,” Peppe confided. “They are room maids and their friends – finished for the day, going to the beach – very nice,” he giggled. “You must see.”
The noise died down and I reverted my gaze to the couple at the reception desk, Peppe back to the newsprint. My wife Thelma and I had stayed in this five star hotel over two weeks now, partly on a golf holiday, partly on catching this gorgeous area in the deep south of France and partly visiting old friends, Chris and Maureen in Bezier, who had deserted good old blighty and were now thinking had they done the right thing twenty years ago, long before Brexit. Peppe was the Italian concierge, minutes away from off duty, and he and I had become firm friends, partly because I had pulled a muscle in my sixty year old back and was spending a lot of lazy days in the hotel gardens, in the pool, the bar, men’s excursions with Chris as he drove - equally bored or dis-interested in Maureen’s ideas, wandering locally or just chatting in quiet moments in the foyer with Peppe or other hotel guests, while Thelma and Maureen did a lot of walking, sightseeing and shopping, mainly for wine in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. They were visiting some fine château today and that’s not on my to do list, likewise, churches and museums.
The fifty eight year old, grey, smooth haired, Zapata moustached, fit, man from Napoli chuckled and pointed again at a photo of a French pop star in a bikini on the beach, with part of her nipple exposed. Very typical of tabloids the world over - and I enjoyed what he showed me. He gestured the international hand sign creating a loop with finger and thumb on one hand and poking his other first digit through it, his eyes glittering acknowledgement and agreement. I sipped my coffee and with a nod expressed with a lips together, pursed forward, closed mouth and nodded in a lascivious gesture with a dirty grin.
We had exchanged many rude ideas, fantasies and gestures in our daily chats, mostly about women, prompted by passers by, hotel guests, newspaper pictures. It seemed he and I shared the same interests in all things female in great detail. We discussed bodies of course, dress, shoes, hair, colour, their walk - everything. I think as an experienced long serving concierge, he had the making of everyone in his domain and lonely as the job could be, he warmed to being a sympathetic like minded soul for company over the years he had been in the hospitality business. His marriage had collapsed a few years back.
With my knowledge of naturist beaches elsewhere, I quizzed Peppe on facilities on his beach, like changing and toilets. He confirmed that changing cabins were metal screens standing high off the sand without any security and toilets were a bank of what Thelma calls and hates squat and aim. I told him of stuff available online, with chaps with cameras, it must have been chaps, being in the adjacent cabins with video cameras and you could see every detail of females changing, even in some cases showering. He knew all about them. The toilet scenes often featured people, men ... with video cameras actually in the chambers where piss and shit would be deposited direct from the unsuspecting woman’s cunt and shit hole. We discussed them at length.
“But this is disgraceful,” came a whining in French voice from reception. It’s tone was so light and shrill I thought it was the “granny” as Peppe had put it, but when I looked it was the man with her. He was small, completely bald, grotesquely fat, sweating and undoing his tie. She stood back from the desk fussing with a handbag. “American,” Peppe whispered and I nodded. “Just arrived, I think Rudi can take care of them – I am soon off duty and the boys will help.” Rudi obviously could, the German duty manager was in charge and instructing the two porters about bags, golf equipment and a huge bunch of flowers the woman thrust at him. “Rudi is new eh?” “He started with the hotel last season,” Peppe replied as a junior porter joined the party. “OK for a Kraut.” He giggled as I did at the derogatory term. “Be extra careful with those flowers,” ordered the woman, also in impeccable French, attracting attention from me on the sidelines, almost out of her sight, whilst directing the poor French lad struggling with her enormous Hermes bags and the precious flowers. Her voice was deep, almost husky and yet unmistakably female. It sounded like it could flay the skin off a man, a sandstorm in the desert. She was striking, medium to large build and very tall, statuesque, think Miranda Hart on British TV but far shapelier, smaller teeth - figure in the right proportions, not beautiful in the classic sense of the word, no supermodel, but there was something about her that I could imagine men killing each other for.
Straight, gleaming, black hair to her shoulders. Purest, flawless white skin, high cheekbones, slight Roman nose and eyes that hinted at a Middle Eastern background. Maybe mid to late forties with perfect posture, but there was something about the way she held herself suggested a much greater age kept expensively at bay,. She wore large, severe, black framed, what I would call business style spectacles, but somehow they added to her statuesque beauty. Dressed totally in an elegant, black, silk trouser suit, four inch high designer shoes, but for a deep claret blouse, which looked to house a nice set of tits. She had cherry-dark lips. The couple were like the F1 boss Bernie Eccleston and his giant wife, dwarfing the man, who was arguing something with Rudi and getting nowhere but in the nicest possible cool, calm, German subservient way.
Peppe was now interested. Him and I have had some fascinating and revealing chats about females, but I think it was the way she stooped gracefully to pick up a stray rose and stuff it back in the big red bunch. It was so elegant – not a full bend, just a cute bending to one side of tight together sheer clad legs, I caught a glimpse of hose, in vertiginous, stiletto, glossy black shoes and a sweep of dark painted nail hands – like a black swan. Her knees weren’t bony, in fact I couldn’t see any bones but she wouldn’t have stood without them, but the woman was near perfect everywhere, dressed, her lower limbs were strong but softly sculptured and her long white neck stayed upright. I could see no sign of visible panty line, it was poetry in motion.
Whatever turmoil it was in the foyer seemed to be sorted and she stalked off towards the lifts, her pathetic husband, I guess, scuttling behind. Peppe glanced at me, his thumb down turned and pressing into the arm of his chair and rolled his eyes and I grinned.
“I will go now Meester D, to my beloved beach and the scenery,” Peppe chuckled with a sly wink, tapping his nose, going off to his room to change – off duty.
I had come to know he would spend the end of the afternoon from three o’clock at the beach every day. He often asked why I and Thelma don’t do the beach. She didn’t like beaches - sand, noise, sea - all reasons and more, give her the chance to spout about it. I more or less had the same feeling, but I loved my golf, swimming in the hotel pool, doing my own thing which Thelma gave me full unquestioned freedom in also resting in complete comfort in the grounds of the hotel. My business life was intense and hectic with schedules and flights to meet, then came the decision making affecting many employees of mine and other companies. I did know that the local beaches were all naturist and no textiles as the French cutely call clothes, apart from small designated areas, but I’ve seen my fair share of naked women either in strip clubs, escorts or as Thelma never knows – on naturist resorts when travelling on business. My wife just doesn’t agree with total nudity in public and moans like buggery when I strip off everything in our garden in Hampshire.
There was initial fancy that I would visit the nudist beaches with my cameras, but felt there would be maximum security, CCTV everywhere and constant patrols to hunt the pervs, which I classed myself as one. I would have had plenty of opportunities with Thelma away for hours each day unless we were doing something together, but I was hugely concerned with getting caught, the ultimate shame and scandal in the press, considering my status in certain high blown communities, businesses, charities and committees. I decided against the risk and be ultra careful.
“No chasing the girls Peppe,” I grinned, rotating my finger. “I will not chase, just look – and – maybe get you a photograph Meester D.” His tan was weathered and made his skin leathery, his eyeballs shone round his droopy dark eyes. “That would be nice. A topless one?” “Puuff, they are all topless,” he gurgled dirtily. “All naked, you know?” he added, knowing I knew. “You show your lovely wife?” “Fuck no,” I replied. “She doesn’t like that sort of thing.” “She look very nice topless,” the mature, romantic and dirty Italian suggested, nodding with his eyebrows high. He grinned and sauntered out as I pondered on his suggesting that Thelma would look good topless.
My wife Thelma, is 5”6”, dirty blonde, neck length thick hair, styled professionally every two weeks, pale skin, but compared to the new arrival - almost coloured. She is stout bodied, waist defined, grippable hips, sturdy legs, nice ankles and huge boobs. I think they’re what Peppe had in mind, as I had spotted him ogling her in the evening, as we passed his desk on the two nights he did duty. When dressed for dinner, especially when we taxied out to a local restaurant, she insisted that we both dress formally. I did fund her ever increasing wardrobe, but I was wealthy and she did consult me when a new garment was on the cards.
Her tits were the element that sealed our togetherness forty years back. She made a great show of them, actually liking her boobs herself and never complaining about their weight or back ache and the like. She’s 44DD and in her low cut evening dresses shows quivering deep cleavage. Her reasonable waist and belly, yes there was a roll, two in fact, one just above her navel, the other - which when naked was starting to droop and mask her genitals, but at her age, after two kids, was well trussed in when dressed, she still turned eyes mostly from the mature guys around, but now and again a youth would ogle her. She was good North East UK stock with an excellent family pedigree as good as the many horses her father owned and trained. Her bum was meaty and I never told her how much it wobbled – I liked it. She did have a preference for big pants however and I can’t remember her wearing a sexy pair of briefs, a thong or a pair of high cut knickers, and I had put in several requests and suggestive gifts.
Thelma had a real go at me that evening, telling me Chris thought I was joining him for some golf and I forgot to tell him about my back. I didn’t really give a fuck, he wouldn’t have made a huge song and dance of it, not like Thelma did. When she ranted off on her high horse, she was formidable, virtually impossible to get my angle in to discuss rights and wrongs. That was in our room and now my mind was otherwise occupied by a rather chubby Moroccan waitress, who when she bent over to serve diners, exposed a large expanse of swarthy, bare legs and kicked off my fantasies of up-skirting her. I had surreptitiously packed my two mini cameras, thinking I could sneak away from Thelma in a market or shopping mall and capture up the skirt views of choice females. It was my hobby/fetish/addiction amongst others in the dark world of voyeurism and I had a network of cyber pals scattered around the world who loved my videos and we swapped. I had calculated with vast experience the lesser risk of detection up-skirting as against public beach stuff.
The wife was like a proverbial limpet at all times when at our friends chalet, so I got zilch chance to go videoing upskirts.
The new arrivals had swept in to the hotel restaurant, well she did, haughtily, him anxiously trying to keep up with her. Earlier I was at reception for some directions for Thelma, Rudi assisted me thoroughly, as I always tip generously, paving the way for any problems wherever we stayed and he would do well out of me. I managed to debrief him about the fracas in the foyer, me being nosey as is my want, extracting details of the troublesome couple, but trying for anything about the tall spectacular woman Peppe and I had noticed.
Monsieur and Madame Hartog were actually Canadian, from Quebec, here for a funeral of her uncle, a locally well known contractor/property developer and then a wedding later in their stay. Rebekah Hartog was extremely wealthy internationally, a result of her father’s bequest. I looked her up later on good old Google and found she owned precious metal mines, a Pakistani textile supplier to major stores, a string of filling stations in UK, a chain of boutiques in Germany, a race course in France and several desirable properties across the world - wow! An eclectic range of interests.
Rudi didn’t offer much, maybe he had none, information about the little man with her.
I also found she had been a straight - A student, BA in modern arts, Phi Beta Kappa, sum-ma cum laude, followed by an MD at a top business school, then a prestigious internship and residency and board certification in business law. Some brain as well as beauty. As far as I could see, she was the king pin and her little man Henri was nothing, but there must have been something between the ill-matched couple.
Nowhere as loaded as she was, I was content in my own world and the latest Jag outside had carried us comfortably touring France over four weeks so far staying at five star hotels. Next winter we would be in our chalet in Courcheval for a month skiing and partying. Thelma loved and was good at both.
Rebekah Hartog”s main gripe was that some of their bags had been dropped at a sister hotel, in Bezier, but would arrive later and they had. Other than the chubby waitress”s legs, the domineering lady two tables along took my attention. Her silky black hair was turned up and held with some jewelled pins in a slightly bohemian, not ultra tight fashion, deliberately stray, long hairs cascaded round her ears and brow. Her ear rings were spectacular hoops and an Arabic symbol design necklace adorned her seamless neck. The same red lipstick creamed her lips and her nails were painted very dark.
She wore a full length, pencil slim, black, high necked, sleeved dress which was transparent over her shoulders until just above her bosom, which was not small and looked to be held in a supporting, seamless, black brassiere, such was the definite tremble of her breasts when she moved around the buffet. They were held but not constricted, like Thelma’s balloons. My voyeur brain kicked in and thought how nice it would be to see her intimately.
“Maureen adores you, you know,” giggled Thelma, interrupting my thoughts in other directions. I turned to her guiltily, but she was used to my mind wandering. “That’s nice,” I answered dutifully, not really caring, my mind having to swing from a spectacular female totally commandeering the whole male population of the dining room, to the over dieted and sports hating woman I had targeted for bedroom viewing. My other main hope apart from up skirting the females of France was the stick like 52 year old ex-work friend of Thelma’s. Not a great catch in female attraction I know, positively a skinny bird, a pleasant always smiling face, but views of her changing and doing women’s stuff in hah hah privacy had interested me as much as any woman I got the chance on, but the bait was missed in that I had absolutely no opportunity of being free enough to set the cams up in Chris and Maureen’s bedroom, so mega zilch so far. “You are her idol, she’s pissed off with Chris ... I mean you are so intellectual and love art, theatre, jazz and classical concerts and he’s not,” she chuckled carefully teasing muscles from their shells. “Does she want to fuck me?” I grinned. “Hope n...” “Oh you ... honestly - your brain is still in your cock,” she smiled, chewing and rolling her eyes. I imagined shagging Maureen, the bag of bones, the pasty parchment quality of her skin and total lack of humour – urghhh.
Like a limpet this morning before we got up, I stuck to Thelma’s ample round buttocks, ramming her luscious cunt in classic doggy fashion, her favourite position, aiming to get the bad vibes from last night’s minor tiff out of both our minds, but the prime reason was to fuck my wife solidly – simple as that. Over the years I had found the secret to any bad words, was to get on the nest as quickly as possible and Thelma’s nest was purposely left untrimmed at my request which she very obligingly allowed, unlike her carefully designed and coiffed hairstyle.
She was a fuck star, which pleased my randy nature no-end and fucking good at fucking, often demanding in the nicest possible way, to be fucked – anywhere, anytime - for instance on the tip of the famous Cobb in Lyme Regis at about midnight after a boozy session in the Pilot Boat pub. Funnily- well not funny, but even though she desired the doggy position often, she wouldn’t let me shaft her arse hole. I could play with the cute buttons of sphincter membrane clustered round it, but as for inserting anything – NO not even a finger tip. I remember mistakenly trying that on the Cobb, she was bending over the steps up to the top level at the time, not caring about her designer jacket on the still puddly stones after an afternoon storm, she could buy another, but anything up her bum! Fuck! She howled in protest and waved me away; any persons around would have come to her rescue.
Like I said, I have sampled many cunts world-wide including the myriad and often taboo temptations of Bangkok, but entering the big, hairy, always wet, wifely bulge in my home bed was the best. She could have made a fortune in sex – somehow – but was never happier when I was somewhere near her crotch, with intentions. Her vaginal clutch wasn’t a minge, too small a word to describe her pussy pouch – ah yes that’s the word, it was a pouch. It was wide and full, like a Big Mac bun, the tasty meat between the thick, fleshy, pasty, dough like flesh was always oozing a secretion that we both loved to sample, she would moan that she couldn’t lick her own twat – but who can? Maybe a contortionist - to taste it neat without her or my fingers.
With each stroke I watched her tissue heavy breasts wobble, her nipples scraping gently on the sheet beneath; she liked to vary that pressure on her stubby teats, controlling it by bending up and down. Her tight shit hole winked at me naughtily, teasing my desire and reminding me of the very similar view I had in Thailand, experimenting with a fucking gorgeous lady boy and surprising myself how good professional anal sex had been. In that case I had a view of a pair of ballocks swaying below. The lady boy wanted to return the compliment but I refused.
I satisfied myself by lightly fingering Thelma’s ring piece without attracting her displeasure, watching her long, unpainted fingernails twiddling round her clitoris and it’s hood. Occasionally Thelma shoved her hand further, parting her fingers to grip my cock and sometimes nip some of her labia round my shaft. I came long before her and flopped out to sink down beside her, fondling her knockers until she tired, flipped over and masturbated herself to an overwhelming orgasm, she knew I loved to watch while I played with her teats.
“How’s your back, you sexy stud husband of mine?” She snickered. “Fine, it”s only when I swing it gives me gyp.” “We’re not swinging here matey,” Thelma chuckled. “I am keeping you for myself, told you that.” Hmmmm! Little did she know about minges I had minged, I mused as I kissed her and entered the shower. I could be hers exclusively for as long as necessary.
The Hartog’s didn’t appear for breakfast. Thelma and I chatted to a Russian couple, the man lusting after my wife’s heaving bosom as she manipulated plates and stuff at the buffet. She wore a loose, filmy, hip length, white top and had left several buttons undone betraying the acres of pale, billowing tit flesh. She was, I know, feeling perky, as she always does after fucking good fucking. Her wobbly bottom was tightly mashed in white, three quarter length jeans, which revealed as always a big panty line. Her feet were in Jimmy Choo flat wedged sandals. His wife was hugely obese, not a pretty sight and with peasant like features making her plain ugly.
Thelma needed some stuff from the local pharmacy having given her Rudi’s directions, so off she went and I took my usual lounger in the garden near the pool. Up strolled my new best mate Peppe, he had some news info to be spilled. Greetings were kept brief then he launched into his news “Oh Meester D, yesterday on the beach it was fabulous. You remember I told you about the room maids...” “Yes the black bitch and friends...” “Yes yes, them. I have never seen them on the naturist beach before - they go to the textiles and I go nude as you know,” I nodded. “Their friends must be naturists and they all came to my beach today, it was fabulous...” “Yes yes you saw their tits, wow black girls- I love them...” “Yes, no but yes, I saw their pussies ... I work with their their fucking pussies ... you know,” Peppe snickered, looking around again to see if there were other hotel guests in our vicinity. “Black pussy!”
I did wonder why he was so elated about it, knowing he was a regular on the naturist beach and must have seen pussy and arse holes galore. “I got some great views of the black – how you call her? black bitch, and the others mamma mia! One girl, tiny tits, was on period but still was nude I saw the ... what is it ... string, the other had a huge bush ... you know hair ... and their friend must have also been on and kept her panties on. It was fabulouso”. “That was good Peppe, I wish I had been with you,” I said, somewhat disconsolately. “You can show me some photos?” “Photos? Pah! I can do better...” he peered round the garden again and slunk down from his chair to sit on the end of my lounger. I shifted a little. “I make the vids, the videos you know, myself. I have done many, I can show you,” he beamed triumphantly. “You take a camera and video them? Fucking hell, you crazy Peppe?” “Meester D I am not stupid, yes I video them but they do not see,” he giggled. “I know how to do it, many years I do this thing, mucho practice,” he chuckled tapping his big nose. “Just be careful Peppe...” “Meester D, it is OK. I know the beach guards.” “OK Peppe, but if those girls report you to the manager, you will lose your job,” I reasoned. “Meester D,” he protested with a look as if I was crazy. “The owner, the big boss is father of my daughter’s husband, he is German, a Kraut,” he chuckled and winked.
I nodded, not thinking that would do him any favours if the girls were really bothered. In silence I pondered the fact he didn’t know me that well and was he saying too much, but then he surprised me further. “I show you ... the vids ... you know ... pussy, black pussy? You like? I am your friend,” his deep, dark eyes were puzzled, brow deeply furrowed, his handsome head cocked to one side. I gulped and coughed, dying to see, but how, where, not out in the open surely, and was he trying to push his tip up further. “Yes I would like Peppe, but where?” I gestured round, as I followed my gesture, the very empty garden. He followed my arm, shook his head and dug into his beach bag to unearth a very small camera. I was stunned, it was virtually the same as mine. Tiny and black, about two inches tall and three quarters of an inch thick and wide. I noticed a couple of extra buttons. He must have seen the mixed look of amazement, glee and recognition on my face. Next out of his bag emerged a small tablet and he plugged the camera to it with a thin cable, pushed a few buttons and with another glance round the succulent growth surrounding us he budge his butt next to mine, our bare thighs intimately together as his gnarled, mahogany coloured hand sheltered the screen from direct sunlight.
The seven inch screen was showing sand, beach, sky, umbrellas, chairs, loungers, ocean, waves and people. They were all nude as I expected, male and female, many elderly, tubby, fat, wrinkled and wobbly, but equally many of all ages, upright, shapely, toned, glamorous even kiddies playing happily amongst the throng, splashing in the shoreline ripples. It seemed Peppe had taken in the whole scene as he claimed his spot. “Not edited yet Meester D, just watch,” he murmured, handing me the tablet. I glanced guiltily around, but we were isolated and I relaxed slightly. The screen changed to confusing flashes, out and in of focus, jumble of clothes, feet, bags, sand, distant bodies, flask, legs, bottle of wine, more bodies upside down, glasses, books mixed with sky, bodies walking, sand and hairy legs and I guessed the camera was being juggled as it’s pervy owner was settling and staking his pitch. He peered over my shoulder, his garlic breath strong but normal in the South of France.
Finally it settled and four fidgeting naked young girls occupied the whole screen and my eyes widened, recognising them instantly. “Wow Peppe, this is superb...” He tapped my knee as I stared at the naked vision of four teenage beauties, laughing, joking, flicking hair, chatting, painting lips, swigging from water bottles, preening, coating nubile perfect bodies with sun protection. Gorgeous unblemished, firm tits, one big pair, thighs and butts bounced and quivered with each stroke of greasy hands. One bikini bottom seemed alien amongst the blatant display of firm, fresh bodies. “Wait Meester D,” he grinned. “You will see...” I wondered what else as they bustled about naked, sitting, kneeling, crouching, flashing crotches and cute bottoms. Peppe pressed a button on the camera and fast-forwarded until it rested once they had settled to sunbathe, still active and fidgeting The camera was enveloped in a mass of hands and fingers in close-up until it stilled, clear view of the targets, then irritatingly masked by hands and fingers until it settled and remained settled. “I put it on the blanket on the sand,” he explained. “Ah! so it’s firm.” He nodded.
We both viewed the screen a few minutes, then he fast-forwarded again until the view changed and the tangle of hands and fingers dominated the view and suddenly it was a view elevated much higher and framed by two hairy side bars, but with a much better angle. Now we could see the girl’s crotches, bare naked fucking crotches. The camera stayed fixed for a while then jiggled sideways showing a different array of parts of the nubile bodies, then it jiggled the other way with the same magnificent result. “In my knees Meester D, like this,” Peppe whispered, the garlic becoming overpowering such was his closeness. He put a matchbox between his bony, hairy knees and held it there and I could see how we were getting a higher and better view right up the girls slits, through the slit of his hairy knees. It was stunning and daring – I was transfixed as the video rolled on, showing the uninhibited actions of the four main targets. Now and then a naked pair of hairy legs would wander past, pause, then wander on. Peppe chuckled. I asked him why and he told me they were men having a close look. “Dirty buggers,” I giggled. “Pure genius,” I added, patting his shoulder... “It gets better,” he replied and disconnected the two IT gadgets and put the camera to the side. He shuffled even nearer if that was possible. He fiddled with the tablet and nodded eagerly at it – as I did. “Look I have modified it,” he told me pointing to the top edge of the grey plastic rectangle.
I told him I didn’t see what he meant and Peppe explained with glee and much garlic vapour, that he had changed the camera in the tablet to point forward instead of at the operator and disguised it inside a book he pretended to read while on the beach as if not interested in the naked beauty in front of him. It became very obvious to me. He had control of the little device and could zoom to a much greater level than the mini camera he’d used between his knees. The views he then achieved were spectacular.
The scene was full on the chubby white girl he had defined as one of the room maids. She lay supine. Her round knees were up and her legs were constantly opening and closing and the camera was trained on her cunt. She was slapping on protective sun lotions. The fat she was carrying roamed down to her pussy pouch, reminding me of Thelma’s thick one and this one – Doris, from Metz, he mentioned her name and home town, had much thicker and more protruding labia than my wife. Doris’s cunt lips were tucked in at the top of her bulky slit, big, fat, crinkled and chunky out at the bottom. On screen there was the hardened thread of tampon string curling from her menstruating vagina. It was very white, maybe fresh for the beach, strangely sexy to see a blatant, fuck you, display of femininity out in the open like this – she was a brave girl. Beyond her crotch and just beyond the dome of her undulating belly I could just see her tits, which weren’t big, but she had puffy nipples which were mini tits in them selves, large cones, topped with buds, quite different to what I had seen anywhere. In her movements shuffling round to get the best sand level under her rug, she had collected some of the pearly, white, fine beach sand on those shaggy, full meat curtains and it looked cute.
Voyeur House! Congratulations, pervert. Every single one of your dreams just came true, and I’m about to show you where you can reap the rewards. You can thank me later. Cash only, please.Ever since you first hit puberty you started to rub your tiny two-inch baby dick to thoughts of spying on girls. Watching them get undressed for the night, watching them masturbate and have sex, even watching them shower. The thought of unrestricted access to a girl’s most intimate moments has been your...
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VoyeurI am Sumit, 25 years old. I got married last month. It was an arranged marriage and the girl my family had chosen for me was Neha. Neha was the daughter of a distant family friend and had just the right body shape. She was 23, 5 ft 3 in tall and had a pretty small figure, but every curve on her body made heads turn. She had fat in the right places that complimented her figure greatly. Neha was the embodiment of sexuality, at least what I had in mind. That’s what I got from the picture they sent...
Studying Abroad ? by: Karen Elizabeth My family and I were moving to the Phoenix area where Dad had landed a very good job. John, my best friend, had graduated two years early and was now a student at the University of Phoenix majoring in Psychology. When he heard that we were moving out to the area, he asked if he could see my folks and me before we moved. Something about helping him with a research project. He said that completion of this project would mean a great deal to him...
Radio Astronomy Eva Smith is a Case Officer working for MI6, now officially referred to as The Secret Intelligence Service, the part of the British government security apparatus which collects secret information from abroad to further the welfare and safety of the United Kingdom and its citizens. (1) Eva works under the supervision of the Director of Operations and her present task is to provide further information to assist enquiries begun by the Metropolitan Police and her colleagues at...
About 2 months ago Tom and I arranged to meet for dinner, starting our night out with a drink at the Four Seasons. I got there 15 minutes early, and the stress of the day as will as my ever so middle class white wine released inhibitions enough for me to get involved in a conversation with a guy sitting nearby. A half hour later I noticed my husband standing in the doorway. I waved him over, introduced the guy, and in a couple of minutes the two of us went to dinner. “How long were you...
Since I had an exciting time teasing my neighbor Jim, through my Venetian blinds, I decided to see how things might go if I took things a bit farther. My kitchen window looked directly into Jim’s dining room window and, ever since first saw Jim walking across his living room, butt-ass naked, carrying a load of laundry, I became hooked on the mysteriousness of the tease and the peek-a-boo nature of voyeurism. I am not a voyeur by any means, just a single girl, a twenty-three-year-old college...
VoyeurThis is not my work, but oh so hot! I had to share it!--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2008. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Voyeur Husbandby Black Demon ***Jill wondered, 'Why was it so thrilling to have another man make love to me?' (MF, wife, cheat, intr)***Author's note:...
I was standing on my second floor apartment balcony, looking out at the refreshing and sparking blue pool below me. It was a late summer day, about eleven in the morning. I had the day off from work and had decided to just chill out at the apartment. I was about to step back inside when I heard the familiar clank of the pool area’s iron gate as it closed. I watched as a stunningly beautiful young lady made her way to a row of lounge chairs by the pool. She casually draped a towel over one of...
VoyeurAfter I started sharing my experiences here on Xhamster, one couple wrote to me that they both enjoyed reading about my sexual life. We started chatting casually.As we talked more and more we exchanged some photos and we all liked what we saw.They were married for few years and were in their mid 30's. One time they asked me about my username (Voyeur), If im really into that or just a random username. In reality im huge voyeur so I just explained how much it turns me on. So they suggested if I'm...
Voyeur hubby and his wife get more than we bargained for.Warning, this story contains non-consensual sex. This one is fantasy, partially based on a past experience. My wife and I enjoy playing with others from time to time. We also like the voyeur aspect of things as well as the hotwife scenarios. We discuss ideas during sex and when something seems to get us both a little more randy than the rest we revisit the idea afterwards and start to plan to make something happen. The following story is...
****This is another exquisite story written by a talented author.NOT my work, but a hot, steamy, tease of a read, nonetheless.. Enjoy!****--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2006. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Voyeur's Wifeby Author Obscure (1994)***Barbara and Tom were c***dhood...
I've lived in my neighborhood for 30 years, and have seen many neighbors come and go. I am a voyeur and an exhibitionist, I love the idea of being caught masturbating my little cock while looking at my neighbor's wives and girlfriends. There have been many opportunities through the years, women sunbathing in their yards and decks (I live in a two story house, great vantage point), swimming in their pools, or just doing yard work. Sometimes I play with myself behind open windows or if they're...
I was in Brazil for about a month now, made a couple of friends and have gone out from time to time but nothing big. I would talk to my boyfriend on a regular basis and everything seem to be going good. My friend Raquel invited me to a club and i had nothing better to do that night, i tagged along. After a couple of drinks i was feeling pretty good and dancing with Raquel, after a while two guys started dancing with us they were about mid 20's as well handsome looking, but i didnt want to...
As the plane lurched to a stop, Natalie excitedly grabbed her luggage and attempted to push through the crowd. She was finally in Italy, about to be reunited with Jessie, her boyfriend for almost a year. They had been separated for the past 3 months as Natalie had been studying abroad while Jessie was back in the States. Italy was the place both had fantasized for months now and neither one could wait for the reunion. There had been countless Skype sessions, some quite naughty, but all...
Hi, this is Charan again. Firstly, thank you for all your response to my email. I appreciate your comments and look forward for more. So, this is the continuation of my previous story “Abroad trip, tripped my undies”. I am naming this story as “The Second Night” since this happened the very next night as described in the previous one. Here we go: After awesome sex experience previous night, we both were exhausted and slept in each other arms. We had good sleep and woke up at 6 AM next morning....
Buttercup had her head on my lap and her drool was dampening my jeans. Scratching behind her ears with my left hand, I flipped through the brochure with my right. She was a cute dog, and a family dog, but we’d never been particularly close. She belonged to my sister, Cynthia. Maybe that was reversed, and Cynthia belonged to Buttercup. If you saw one, you invariably saw the other. It’s odd to ascribe such motivations to a dog, but I think that we took each other for granted. When I moved to...
The next morning James and I were able to begin again our usual routine. Awakening slightly before him, I gazed lovingly upon his chiseled form and slid the covers down below his loins. I traced gently the veins upon his wondrous organ until it had stiffened sufficiently, then lowered my face and opened my lips. I could taste the residue of our passions from the night before and savored the flavor of our mixed love juices. I slowly stroked his mighty shaft while suckling fiercely upon his tip...
This story is a sequel to Voyeur in Big Trouble. I will try to make a quick summary of the first story, for those readers who don't want to read it: In this fictional story my name is Ray, and my wife is Ann. We are in our mid 40's. Our neighbors, Karen and Bill are in their late 20's. Karen is 5'6", 135 lbs., and has light red hair. She also has big full breasts and a beautiful bubble butt. I have thought of making love to Karen for years. Early this summer, Karen's...
This is my first attempt at story telling. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Even at an early age I had already begun my journey into a life of voyeurism, I just did not know it at the time. I have early memories sitting on the floor playing with my toys one morning, probably about 10 years old, my mum had some friends over and they were lounging around drinking coffee gossiping and such, not noticing the innocent young boy looking up their skirts at every opportunity....
I was standing in my bedroom, looking out of the window, when I first spied Greg coming out of his bathroom, stark naked. My bedroom window faced his in the apartment complex and, at first, I was shocked to see a guy totally naked, standing in front of his bedroom mirror as he toweled off. Part of me said to look way and another part of me couldn’t take my eyes off his chiseled chest, flat abs, his biceps and then, that thick cock. Oh! My! Gawd! Just thinking about it makes my creative juices...
VoyeurIn bed with his lovely wife, Steve Benson enjoyed the thrill of having Jill frantically sliding her slick and horny cunt down over his stiff throbbing cock. Closing his eyes, Steve's mind brought back the erotic images of the other week as he pictured his beautiful young wife being fucked out of her mind by his buddy Mike Jones. He had set it all up himself, giving his buddy Mike the okay to put the make on Jill, hoping that Mike would be successful in seducing Jill and that he would get to...
In bed with his lovely wife, Steve Benson enjoyed the thrill of having Jill frantically sliding her slick and horny cunt down over his stiff throbbing cock. Closing his eyes, Steve's mind brought back the erotic images of the other week as he pictured his beautiful young wife being fucked out of her mind by his buddy Mike Jones. He had set it all up himself, giving his buddy Mike the okay to put the make on Jill, hoping that Mike would be successful in seducing Jill and that he would get to...
Voyeur MombyAgnol©"My parents should be in bed," James said as he unlocked the front door to his family's home. Allison nodded hopefully, wiggling her eyebrows with a mischievous grin."It will be nice when we finally go away to college, a place of our own," she sighed hopefully. "Another year at the junior college and we'll be on our way." "Yeah, but until then this isn't so bad, they never bother us," James said."That's true," Allison admitted, entering the house. "Is your mom still slipping...
It was an incredibly hot and humid Saturday morning at the Dane household. Kimberly was by herself, as her daughter was on a double date with that little tramp friend of hers, Harper. Her stepson was visiting one of the school’s resident whores, Lisa. Meanwhile, her husband was on a business trip in England. She didn’t mind much, as a little ‘me time’ was just what she needed. Although some ‘me and my daughter’s boyfriend, Todd, time’ would be much more enjoyable, she thought to...
MILFMy name is Tori. I am a healthy twenty-three-year old college coed and a part-time fitness instructor. I am also a little kinky, in that I had a few strange fetishes. I like to watch other people making out. I am not like your peeping Tom that lurks around in the bushes, but I have been known to sit at the pool and hope for the lights to stay on in certain apartments while crazed lovers put on a show.I also like to flaunt myself, to total strangers, just to see their reactions. My “accidental...
VoyeurIntroduction: a young man bags his best friends mother and more Voyeur tape of a lifetime Several years ago when I was in my teens I had a fixation with my best friends mother. She was about 40 and divorced which helped fuel my lust. She was tall and beautiful with long black hair and fantastic large tits, a bit like Sophia Loren. I used to jerk off to her several times a day. All it took to set me off was to think about her. On those occasions when I got a peek at her cleavage I would go...
My wife Jaq is a very sexy fifty-year-old who never fails to surprise me. On a recent trip to a large hotel in town, she surprised me once again. We had enjoyed a good night out enjoying a show and a few drinks and we returned to our a hotel a little after midnight. After a final nightcap, we went up to our room, once there we were soon engaging in some sexy play. Jaq was sucking my cock when I noticed the curtains were still open. I mentioned this and Jaq became very aroused indeed. After a...
VoyeurMy wife Jaq is a very sexy fifty-year-old who never fails to surprise me. On a recent trip to a large hotel in town, she surprised me once again. We had enjoyed a good night out enjoying a show and a few drinks and we returned to our a hotel a little after midnight. After a final nightcap, we went up to our room, once there we were soon engaging in some sexy play. Jaq was sucking my cock when I noticed the curtains were still open. I mentioned this and Jaq became very aroused indeed. After a...
VoyeurThis story is based on a true incident. We rented a villa abroad, somewhere hot. My wife and I had a room which shared a broad balcony with another couple's room. We had 2 fully windowed doors to the balcony with shutters for privacy, the en suite door was in the left hand wall. There were several little indications that the son of one of the families was having some fun - one of the daughters couldn't find a pair of her knickers one day, once when my wife gave me a blowjob I went on to the...
I hadn’t really planned on seducing or being seduced by my neighbor. I really didn’t. It just happened. Jim was a nice guy, a really cool guy and much older than me. I had dated a few guys at the college, but none of them really peeked my interest like Jim. I am twenty-three and Jim is in his late thirties. Jim and his wife, Mandy, lived next door and as far as I knew, they were a happily married couple. I saw him going out with his wife many times and I was pretty sure he was happy with her...
VoyeurPart 6 of voyeur After Linda and I had rested from our love making, she told me she had never had a penile emission before. I suggested we showered and dressed the we could get something to eat. “Good idea, I’m famished”. She said. I dressed in my new navy blue bra, panties, suspender belt and sheer stockings. Under chinos and a jumper. Linda wore black bra and panties, hold up stockings mid thigh length skirt with a white t-shirt. We had just finished our pasta bake and I was taking our dirty...
Voyeur de la Nuit He closed yet another deal. This time he had managedto buy out the sole owner of a small magazine. It was yet another acquisitionfor his company, something that would keep the managing director content asthis now brought the company full circle. A monopoly in the local nightclubmarket, Razorswift, created in the late 60's by Sebastian Cohen, had grownto the degree that they now organised major corporate events that were heldin the worthwhile venues all over the city. If it...
Copyright 2005 Jeremy Mills was getting ready for bed. He set the security bolt and latch, the little bar that allows you to open the door only a couple of inches and prevents anyone from entering the room. He brushed his teeth, relieved himself and removed his clothes. Turning off the lights he settled into the ubiquitous hotel recliner for meditation which he had been practicing for ten years. Recently he discovered he had the ability to bi-locate, where his spirit or conscience self left...
Marty tiptoed through the corridor, not wanting to disturb anyone in the household. It was nearly midnight, and he fully expected his roommate, Jenny, to be asleep. But, as he rounded the corner, he saw light emitting from under her door. Suddenly, he wanted to talk to her, although usually that was a concept that he really didn't like. He wished at times that he hadn't answered the ad for a roommate, particularly when Jenny went off on one of her egotistical diatribes. And yet, now he...
I was home after a day at college, getting dressed to go to an early evening aerobics class at the gym. I slid out of my denim jeans and pulled a pair of black spandex shorts over my white g string cotton panties; pulled off my jumper and put on a black halter top over my bra. I went to brush my hair in the bathroom, when I noticed the door was shut. I opened it to go in not thinking much, when I saw Jeremy, my 18-year old, younger brother's friend, sitting on the toilet, with his jeans bunched...
VoyeurEven as an adolescent I was a pervert. I spent half my life trying to peek into neighborhood windows and the other half jacking off. The summer I turned 15, I snuck out my window almost every night. I was drawn to other lighted windows like a moth to a flame. After a while I developed a routine. There were several women who always undressed around the same time every night. There was one set that usually went to bed between 10 and 11. I would check them out, return to my house and jack off in...
I had come back home from a semester of college to stay with my mom. It had been a tough time academically, but I made it through. I had not had much time for myself because of the class loads that I had, and that made it a hard year sexually as well. To be frank, I had not had sex since before the semester started. I felt myself starting to stare at women now not even meaning too. Just daydreaming about sex all day. It was nice to see my mom again. Her and I have a great relationship. I was...
True Story I’ve been married to Sue for five years and we were together for five years before that. It was a second marriage for both of us as both our previous partners didn’t treat us very well. Sue is a very attractive woman, not a raving beauty – as she herself would admit, but a very desirable woman at the age of 40+ nevertheless. She has an attractive, well defined face with blue-grey eyes and a very sexy smile. She is 5ft 6ins tall, slim bodied and has just the right size breasts to...
True StoryI’ve been married to Sue for five years and we were together for five years before that. It was a second marriage for both of us as both our previous partners didn’t treat us very well.Sue is a very attractive woman, not a raving beauty - as she herself would admit, but a very desirable woman at the age of 40+ nevertheless. She has an attractive, well defined face with blue-grey eyes and a very sexy smile.She is 5ft 6ins tall, slim bodied and has just the right size breasts to match....
I have known my s****r-in-law since she was 13 years old. She had always been a chubby girl and I longed to see her plump undressed naked body. When she was in her 30s she came to stay with us for a week at our new house, she was still incredibly curvy (size 20 with a G cup bra according to the label) but very attractive & sexy. I now had a chance to fulfil my fantasy. Our bathroom has a key hole which gives a clear view of the exit from the shower. The shower cubicle itself is unfortunately...
My sister-In-Law is a Junior in college. Her name is Jane. She is 20 years old and is just beautiful. She is about 5'7", long dark hair and average weight. She wears a 36C bra and medium thongs (I know because I look through her drawers!!).Jane came home from college on a Wednesday to take care of some financial papers with her parents. She had asked if I would come over to help her with the computer to make sure that she used it correctly. Being the nice guy that I am, I never would refuse. I...
My wife had a weekend job working for a female friend of ours who owns a tavern in town. Janet would work the late shift on Friday and Saturday nights. The place closed at one a.m., and it would be around three a.m., usually, before she got home, because they had to clean the place up afterwards.After about a month, she started getting home about a half hour later than usual. I always waited up for her, and when I asked her "Why so late?" she said the bar had been busier lately and some...
I have known my sister-in-law since she was 13 years old. She had always been a chubby girl and I longed to see her plump undressed naked body. When she was in her 30s she came to stay with us for a week at our new house, she was still incredibly curvy (size 20 with a G cup bra according to the label) but very attractive & sexy. I now had a chance to fulfil my fantasy. Our bathroom has a key hole which gives a clear view of the exit from the shower. The shower cubicle itself is...
The fourth night in our resort hotel was a hot one. Jess and I kicked the covers off the bed, and opened the third floor windows as wide as we could. For over an hour we lay, tossing and turning, in the sweltering heat. “I can’t get used to this climate.” I moaned to Jess, lying next to me stark naked and spread eagle. She murmured her agreement. I glanced at the clock, it was 2am. Out of the open windows, the moon was full and bathing the room in an eerie glow. The night was still and calm,...
A Horny Shopper “ Aaaaahh”, he stood at the corner urinal and began to empty his over-full bladder. The tourist bus had pulled in to the French supermarket car-park at the insistence of many of the passengers after the on-board toilet had become faulty and many a bladder had threatened to burst. It didn’t help to be last off the bus due to trying to chat-up the little blonde he had his eye on, then being last in the queue for the toilets. French shoppers weren’t best pleased to find a crowd of...
You can't believe it. The day you leave has finally arrived! You wish farewell to your family, promising to call them as soon as you arrive (okay, as soon as you feel like calling them anyways), and tug your suitcases inside. The airport is rather empty, despite how late the flight you've booked is. As a result, it's only a short period of time later that you've checked every bag on you except your backpack. There's an hour before your flight to a bigger airport. From there, you have a thirteen...
So, this is another thing that happened.I was in class again with Ms D and she announced that she had a guest to introduce us to. I was curious about who it could be. A woman walked into the room and Ms D told us all that her name was Madame E and that she was a friend of hers that she met on a trip to France.I watched her walk across the room and kiss Ms D on both cheeks. I giggled a little bit and so did some of the other students. Ms D glared at me and I wanted to hide under my desk. She...
Mrs O loves to be looked at. At home, it's not unusual for her to go out in something low cut and get a thrill out of knowing that men are peeping down her top but this is as far as she tends to take it. But when we leave the country, it rises to a whole different level. A couple of years back we were in Greece enjoying a quiet holiday.The hot weather usually makes her feel randier than usual so i get used to her behaving in more sexual way and of course the hot weather means she wears far less...
The fourth night in our resort hotel was a hot one. Jess and I kicked the covers off the bed, and opened the third floor windows as wide as we could. For over an hour we lay, tossing and turning, in the sweltering heat. “I can’t get used to this climate.” I moaned to Jess, lying next to me stark naked and spread eagle. She murmured her agreement. I glanced at the clock; it was 2am. Out of the open windows, the moon was full and bathing the room in an eerie glow. The night was still and calm,...
ExhibitionismHello, everyone. Be patient it is a long story but you will enjoy a lot. I am posting my first story which happened last year when I was going to migrate to canada for higher studies. My name is Gavy and I am a skinny guy having a nice cock size which is 7 inch and my mom is a housewife she has amazing figure 38-28-40. Actually we were living in dubai for 12 years and my was addicted to gym that is why her body was really awesome.We moved to india delhi and my father was still in Dubai. Lets...
IncestHi Guys, My name is Prem (name changed), this is a true story of my beautiful sexual life that took place one year back and from there onwards I never had to look back. First I would introduce my wife Shweta (Name Changed), She’s 5,7 inches tall, fair & silky black hair, juicy pink lips. she’s got a figure of 34-27-35. She’s very stylish, Off course she had to be, well she’s a fashion designer. We had a love marriage. Shweta & I met at one of our friend’s parties during our first year of...
Hi, I’ve been reading these erotic stories from 2 years and found the website has many stories which make us feel very relax and even helps to kill the loneliness. Please send your feedback to I’m 29 Rahul a software engineer working in a mnc in hi-tech city, a married male from Hyderabad with well-built body and assets. Many people like many things in sexual activities, the most beautiful moment for me is to lick the clean shaved pussy and drink the juice. I can even continuously lick a...
A Horny Shopper “ Aaaaahh”, he stood at the corner urinal and began to empty his over-full bladder. The tourist bus had pulled in to the French supermarket car-park at the insistence of many of the passengers after the on-board toilet had become faulty and many a bladder had threatened to burst. It didn’t help to be last off the bus due to trying to chat-up the little blonde he had his eye on, then being last in the queue for the toilets. French shoppers weren’t best pleased to find a crowd of...
Oral SexSo, the day officially came. It was June 29th, my tenancy was running out and my finals were over. Having secured a job at an important investment bank in London, my summer was free from all the worry of job seeking. I was looking forward to travelling and seeing what Europe has to provide. After all, during the 4 years I studied in the UK, I never got the chance to really travel Europe, which had always been my dream ever since I grew up in a small town in rural USA. So much opportunities laid...