drunk abroad
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Buttercup had her head on my lap and her drool was dampening my jeans. Scratching behind her ears with my left hand, I flipped through the brochure with my right. She was a cute dog, and a family dog, but we’d never been particularly close. She belonged to my sister, Cynthia. Maybe that was reversed, and Cynthia belonged to Buttercup. If you saw one, you invariably saw the other.
It’s odd to ascribe such motivations to a dog, but I think that we took each other for granted. When I moved to my dorm room in Queens, she was forlorn. I was told how she’d moped around for days and eventually pulled one of my shirts off the hanger in my closet and kept it on her doggie-bed, sleeping with it at night.
Cynthia was much the same way, but her reactions were tinged with anger, as if my moving out of the house was a personal affront. When I came home on weekends or on breaks, she was cold and aloof, but never far away. It became worse, as I had an opportunity to study abroad for a semester and was determining where I wanted to go. Paris and Rome were options, but so was a small school near Cork, in Ireland. If moving from Montauk to Queens was a betrayal, Montauk to Europe was the ultimate slap in the face.
If I went to Paris, I could spend time with Alistair, who was like an uncle to me. He’d show me around, help me out when I arrived and lend a hand if anything came up. If I went to Rome, I could explore the ancient city, spend time in Vatican City and check out the Italian girls, for whom I’d always had a thing. If I went to Ireland ... Well, it was Ireland, and my family had weird ties to the Emerald Isle that were all based on American concepts of what the country was and who the Irish people were.
My grandparents, who were sitting around the table with me, were obsessed with Ireland. They named my father, Finn, and my aunt, Siobhan. They traveled there at least once a year, read books by Irish novelists as soon as they came out, watched “The Quiet Man” endlessly and planned their St. Patrick’s Day a year in advance.
Looking over a folder with details, Grandpa spoke up. “Italy looks wonderful, William. Too bad about the crime rate.”
“Crime rate?”
“Oh, yeah. Really bad. I think they even target foreigners.”
“Really? Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Putting down her cup of Twinings tea, Grandma piped up. “You know, I’ve been to Cork. Such lovely people. Very friendly. And safe. Just lovely, friendly and safe.”
I loved them, but subtle they weren’t. “Uh-huh. Okay, thanks.”
My mother stepped into the room with some biscotti my father and Cynthia made and spoke to her mother-in-law. “Mom, let him make his own decision.”
I knew how hard that was for Mom. The whole idea of me going to Europe was torturous for her. I’d been the victim of a kidnapping attempt as a baby and was beaten pretty badly by some teens when I was thirteen. It shaped her and our subsequent relationship. I pretended not to notice the security personnel who just happened to be enrolled in my classes or the two huge guys who lived in the dorm who were at least five years older than everyone else and always seemed to be watching me.
She fought her inclinations to wrap me in bubble-wrap and protect me from all possible harm, and I loved her for that, but it clearly took its toll. Mom would often call out of the blue just to hear my voice and concoct reasons to travel into the city so she could just “drop by, since she was in the neighborhood.” There was an Arby’s just off the Long Island Expressway at the exit for St. John’s University, so she’d go through their drive-through and we’d pig-out on fast food.
Dad would have been aghast if he had known. Everything with him and food had to be a big deal: prime meats and kosher salts and the best lump charcoal and garlic aioli, when Mom and I just wanted a burger and fries. He had the traitor Cynthia on his side. She was his kitchen doppelganger, trying new recipes and buying exotic ingredients, looking askance at Mom and me when we scarfed down fast food.
This wasn’t a fast-food sort of day. It was a family day, and that meant that culinary frivolities wouldn’t be allowed. We were gathered so they could discuss what I should do, while pretending that it would be my decision. The good tea and imported coffee made it to the table and I tried to look happy about all the input.
After another 45 minutes, I turned and took Buttercup’s huge head in my hands, scratching both ears at the same time. “Wanna go for walks? Where’s your leash? Where’s the leash, Buttercup?
She ran over to the door and sat under the wooden outline of Long Island where we had keys and her leash hanging from pegs.
After a long walk that did us both some good, I returned home to see Grandma and Grandpa sitting on the couch, clearly waiting for me. They put on their jackets when I walked through the door. Grandma hugged me and whispered in my ear.
“You go wherever you want to go. There’s some money in the brochure. Buy yourself something to eat. You’re too skinny. We love you, William.” She kissed my cheek.
Grandpa didn’t do the hug or kiss thing. He was sort of old-school, like his father who retired as Suffolk County Police Chief. He grabbed me firmly by the shoulders, looked me in the eyes and spoke.
“It’s going to be a fine adventure, wherever you choose. You go where you want. Don’t worry about your grandmother, she’ll be fine even if you don’t choose Ireland. Truly, William. She has other grandchildren.”
When they left, I grabbed the brochures and folders from the table and smiling, noticed the six 20’s. My parents were literally billionaires and my grandparents still slipped me cash every once in a while. It was sweet and made the emotional blackmail about going to Ireland a bit more palatable.
A few weeks later, I was at the Aer Lingus terminal at JFK. Playing a game on my pop-up display, I paused when I heard my name. I had thought about stopping at the chapel in the airport, but Father Chakowski was at the house the day before and he had prayed with us and blessed me. He had presided over my Christening and Confirmation, the same for my dad and Aunt Daisy and had officiated at my parent’s wedding. He was as much a part of our family as Pete or Alistair.
“William Corrigan, please come to the desk at gate 14. Mr. William Corrigan, gate 14 please.”
Grabbing my backpack, I waited in line until I made it up to the smiling woman behind the desk. “Hi, how may I help you?” Her uniform was just a bit snug and showed off her curves. Long black hair reaching past her shoulders and olive skin spoke of Mediterranean background. I sighed, partially regretting the forgoing of Italian girls.
“Uhm, I’m William Corrigan. They paged me?”
“Oh, welcome to Aer Lingus, Mr. Corrigan. May I see your boarding pass?”
She took it and exchanged it for a different pass. “You’ve been upgraded to first class. There was a note that said to, and this is a quote, ‘tell my dumb brother to call every day’.” She looked up from the paperwork, still smiling. “Your sister paid for an upgrade? I wish my sister was that generous.”
“Yeah. She ... yeah, she’s great.” She really was. I’d spent a lot of time with her the past few weeks, but did it grudgingly. I’d rather have hung out with friends back at St. John’s, but knew that she and Mom wanted to spend time with me before I left. I don’t know where she got that sort of money. Mom and Dad were nervous about keeping us grounded and kept a tight rein on our access to money.
Jim DeCossa was the head of my family’s security detail. He’d taught me how to scan a room, assess people for possible threats and to always stay alert. It paid off. The disguise was amateurish at best. The seat next to me was empty and I was looking forward to flying in comfort. Seeing a flight attendant, I got her attention.
“Is it too late to upgrade a seat?”
“From Coach to Business, yes, but we have some openings here in First Class.”
“Great. Can I upgrade the person in 32C?”
I’d been making some money while at St. John’s by teaching self-defense to those who wanted more than the basics from the course I gave on Wednesday evenings. It wasn’t a lot, but all of my expenses were covered, so it added up after a while. I used some of that to pay for the upgrade.
She looked a little sheepish as she plopped herself down, took off her big hat and oversized sunglasses. “How’d you spot me?”
“Total accident, Grandma. Just happenstance.”
“Well, I’m not going to apologize for seeing my grandson off on his first trip on his own. I’ll help you get settled in and then head home.”
I didn’t point out that it was hardly my first trip alone if she was going with me.
“No apologies necessary. Thanks for coming. Want to watch a movie?”
After texting a thanks to Cynthia, Grandma and I watched “The Quiet Man” for the thousandth time.
It was about a three-hour drive from the airport in Dublin to Cork. I let Grandma do the driving. I wasn’t as bad a driver as Mom, but I wasn’t all that comfortable driving on the wrong side of the road. We spent some time in Cork, drove by the college and did a general driving tour of the area. Mom and Dad had shipped some stuff for me to a storage facility and I stopped in to grab some basics. I think Grandma was a little miffed that she couldn’t buy sheets, blankets and that sort of stuff, but I had it there waiting for me, thanks to Amazon.
It took us another hour to get to Ciabhagan-Boglach, the town where I’d be staying. The main road was paved, but most of the side roads were cobblestone. We passed The Resting Crow, which seemed to be a small restaurant, and the Reflected Glory pub.
My landlady lived on a street lined with thatched-roofed homes, each with small flower gardens and scant lawns. We found Mrs. O’Barrows’ home easily enough and Grandma fussed over me, straightening my shirt and fighting a losing battle in making my unruly hair conform to her dictates. She eventually let me go knock on the door. It seemed a grandparent’s prerogative to always assume that you’re seven-years-old.
After knocking, I waited. Without warning, the door seemed to fly open, revealing a matronly woman with white hair, glasses, a red dress that went down to her ankles, and an apron.
“Well, you must be my American! And a handsome lad you are. Welcome to Ciabhagan-Boglach.”
“Thank you, Mrs. O’Barrows. I have some items in my car and my grandmother is with me. Can I just grab my stuff?”
“Of course, son. This is your home while you’re with us. I have some biscuits and I’ll put the tea on. Don’t make your nana wait outside.”
“Great, thank you, ma’am.”
“Aren’t you the polite one? You’re William and I’m Margaret, now get your nana out of the cold.”
Grandma and Mrs. O’Barrows got to know one another as I lugged boxes up to my small, but comfortable, room. The three of us went to the Resting Crow for dinner, and I was told in no uncertain terms that I had to try the shepherd’s pie. A Yank in their midst was a bit of a novelty, and everyone stopped by to say hello.
A young girl of about eight was on a small stage dancing to some Irish music. Grandma leaned over and would tell me what the girl was doing; a reel here and a jig there. She seemed talented, but I had nothing to judge by. When she was done, she went over to tables where the occupants waved her over. Mrs. O’Barrows called to her and she curtsied when she got to us.
“Meghan, this is William and his nan. He’s from the states and he’ll be staying with us in our little town. If you see him, lend a hand if he needs directions or has questions.” She pushed some coins across the table to the girl and then looked towards Grandma. “Meghan is going to a Feis next week. We try to help.”
Grandma smiled. “Will you be going to the oireachtas, Meghan?”
She was a petite girl with black hair, brown eyes and a smattering of freckles. “Oh, I hope so, ma’am! I’ve been practicing and practicing!”
“Could you do me a favor? I’m going to be leaving William here and heading home. Could you keep an eye on him? Maybe help him out if he needs it? He doesn’t know anyone here and he might be a little lonely.” Grandma pulled out a twenty and pushed it towards Mrs. O’Barrows coins. “I’d be very grateful if I didn’t have to worry about my grandson.”
Meghan looked at Mrs. O’Barrows and back at Grandma. “Thank you, ma’am, but he’s a guest. I couldn’t take money to help a guest.”
“The money was for your lovely dancing. We don’t see enough of it in New York. Use it for the oireachtas.”
Smiling widely, she took the money, curtsied again and headed to another table.
“That was nice of you, Grandma. What’s an oireachtas?”
“A regional dance competition. It’s a big deal for Irish step dancing. I’ll take you to the one in Philadelphia when you come home.”
“Oh ... yeah, okay. Or maybe we could watch a video or something.”
The townspeople were exceptionally friendly, and as we were walking back to my new home, we were implored to stop at the Reflected Glory so they could toast the young man from the States. Grandma had half a Guinness as she had to drive. Mrs. O’Barrows and I had a few each.
A small thin older man stood. “Ladies and gents, your attention if you please! A toast to the Yanks in our midst and a welcome to the young gentleman. Call upon us at any time, with our thanks. May the Lord keep you in the palm of His hand, and never close His fist too tight! Sláinte!”
That was odd. Why was he thanking me?
Grandma leaned towards me. “Buy a round for the house. I’ll cover it.”
I didn’t want to take her money, but it was a good idea and my parents were generous, but not foolish.
Standing, I lifted my glass. “I know that I’m going to murder the pronunciation, but to the good people of Ciabhagan-Boglach.” I drank. “Thank you for your warm welcome. The next round is on me.”
Some people called out “Good on ya, Yank” and “To your health.” The room fell silent when a large man a few years older than me pushed his way to the bar, slapped some money down and turned in my direction.
“I’ll be buying my own drinks, New Yorker. I’m not taking your charity like the rest of these boot licking prats. And I’ll not be darkening this door when you or your whore are here. Or is that your nan? Or both?”
What the fuck did he just say? Slamming my drink down, I was about to move towards him when Grandma latched onto my arm with more strength than I thought she had.
“Don’t, William. Just don’t.”
The small old man that offered the first toast called out. “You’re drunk, Coughly. Go home.”
“Shut your gob, O’Shaughnessy. You calling someone else drunk? That’s rich. I’ll leave when I’m ready and not a damn minute earlier.”
The old man’s last name was similar to my maternal grandparents. I’d have to ask about that. Coughly took the drink he paid for and went back to brood at his table, alone.
“He looks just like a young Victor McLaglen.” Grandma was glaring at him. I just shook my head.
My landlady patted my hand. “He and his brother are a bit hot blooded. Ignore him. Someone will set him straight.” She looked more than angry. It was disconcerting and her voice lowered as she continued. “Yes, he will learn some manners.”
Mrs. O’Barrows insisted that Grandma stay the night. I took the couch on the main floor and Grandma took my room. We had steel cut oatmeal for breakfast. It had some raisins and some special butter in it. I usually just popped the instant stuff in the microwave, so I sent a picture to Cynthia. She and Dad were the gourmands in the family, and I felt guilty about not texting her the day before. She quickly wrote back, asking if it had large-grain sugar sprinkled on it. The two of them were so weird. It was oatmeal.
Grandma stood at the doorway finding things to say for ten minutes. She finally pulled me in for a hug. “Listen to me carefully. I’ll be back in 60 days and then we’ll take a mini-tour, just the two of us. You’ll love it. We’ll make your sister and cousins jealous. Make the most of your time here, William.” Her eyes were growing moist. “You’re my oldest grandchild and the only boy. That shouldn’t matter, but it does. I love you. Enjoy your semester and study hard.”
She was back half an hour later to shove a 12 pack of socks into my hands. “You’re going to be walking to the bus every morning. Keep your feet warm. I’m going to head back to the airport. Don’t worry about me. I’m going to be fine.”
We both knew who was worrying. I walked her back to the car, thanked her for the socks and kissed her cheek.
My first day alone was spent walking around the village. It didn’t take too long. I didn’t know much about such things, but it seemed to be in that in-between space where it was too big to be a village and too small to be a town. There were no chain-stores, but a number of pubs, two restaurants, a bakery and other shops. I picked up some custom dog biscuits from the bakery to send home to Buttercup.
“Those aren’t for people, William. I’ll show you the good ones.” Meghan had approached me from behind.
I couldn’t stop my smile. “They’re for my sister’s dog, but show me the other ones anyway. You know, you remind me of her. My sister, that is.”
Some scones and cookies were included with the dog biscuits. I kept the scones for Mrs. O’Barrows and Meghan and I split the cookies as she gave me a tour of the town. By the time we were done she was introducing me to people as “our New Yorker, William.”
There were four main roads and they were all paved. The side streets were a mix of cobblestones and pavement. Most of the homes were two stories, with the second floor being smaller, utilizing space from the peaked roofs. On the outskirts, the homes were often built of stone, like Mrs. O’Barrows house. Closer to the town center, they were wooden and looked like they were built in the 50s or 60s.
There was an open-air market near the bus-stop that I’d be visiting every morning to get to Cork. The town was surrounded by farms and orchards and the market seemed to pull in visitors traveling along the highway. A woman there with a large griddle promised me Ireland’s best colcannon and ispini if I stopped by on the weekend. I had no idea what she was talking about, so I just smiled and thanked her.
The people all seemed friendly and I met Mr. O’Shaughnessy between the post office and the town hall.
“Care for a wee bit of the good stuff, lad?” He tried to pass me a flask.
“Ah, no. Thanks. A bit early for me.”
“It’s after six somewhere and I’m a man of the world. Besides, it keeps them guessing when they’re poking around up here.” He tapped his forehead.
I humored him. “I’m sure it does. Thanks for last night. I gotta stop in the post office.”
“Hold on. Here. Take this.” He took a brooch or pin or whatever it was off his coat and pinned it to my shirt. “Wear it all the time. It’s sort of a tradition around here. Trust me, it’s important.”
It was a caduceus, with the staff and wings made of jade or emerald or something.
“That’s ... well, that’s very generous. Thank you. Can I give you something for it?”
“It’s a gift freely given and freely accepted. Remember that. And wear it. For an old man who wishes you well.”
He spat on his hand and stuck it out. I felt like I was in the middle of some weird cliched movie that Americans would make about Ireland. Spitting on mine, I shook his hand. We parted ways and I walked up the path that led to both buildings. One was labeled “Town Hall and Coitheanal an t-Seann Slighe” and the other simply “An Post”. I checked into how much it would cost to mail packages from home and then went to a small clothing store.
They had Irish sweaters that they sold on commission for local ... what? Knitters? I didn’t know, but I thought they looked nice. I got one for Cynthia, Mom and Aunt Daisy. Grandma and Grandpa probably had dozens. Would they call them Irish sweaters here or just sweaters? It was like wondering if they just called it food when you have Chinese food in China.
I would have been a little more careful about my money, but Grandma left a Bible in my room with an envelope under it that held ten one-hundreds.
The rest of my time was spent taking videos and pictures for Mom. She must have been flipping out by now with me being so far away. People were very patient and would often explain who lived where or why a certain building was important. Many thanked me, which again, was odd. Maybe they didn’t get many renters staying in town. I noticed that many wore a similar jade pin.
There were no signs, so it was hard to tell where property lines were. I’d have apologized if anyone braced me, but I spent some time walking amongst the apple orchards. I was maybe a mile outside of the town proper when I saw a pair of legs extending down from some branches and standing on a small ladder. They were very lovely legs and I was caught flat-footed as the owner fell backwards and onto the ground, losing her basket and spilling its apples on the ground.
I rushed over and squatted down. “Are you all right?”
She jerked back and looked at me. “Where the heck did you come from? You don’t just spring yourself on a girl like that.”
“Sorry. I...” She was stunning. Long black hair, dark eyes and a pale complexion that was turning ruddy. “I was taking photos. To send home. New York. That’s home. I saw you fall and, well, I ran over.” Great, now I was rambling.
“Well, Mr. New York, give me a hand up and tell me your name.”
“Oh, William. William Corrigan.” I helped her up and we gathered her apples.
“I’m Aoife, William. Sorry to bark at you. Just surprised is all. Hungry?”
We sat under one of the trees and she pulled out some cheese from the basket and a knife from a pocket in her dress. Aoife cut us slices of apple and cheese and I found myself talking about home and Ireland and going to school in Cork. I’m usually doing the reverse, getting people to open up and listening to them, sort of like Uncle Tommy does. She had an odd effect on me and I began to worry about monopolizing the conversation.
Time slipped by and she said she had to go but would see me around.
“Aoife, are these trees yours? Can I buy some of your apples? I’d like to bring them back to my landlady. You know Mrs. O’Barrows?”
“I do. I know her very well. Yes, all the trees are mine. Ard cairn russet. Here, take the basket. Bring it with you the next time you’re taking your photographs for your mother.”
She handed me the basket and when my hand touched hers, I felt a small jolt, as if from static electricity. I paused, wanting very much to kiss her red lips. I’d known her maybe two hours, and she already had a magnetic hold on me.
Mrs. O’Barrows seemed delighted with the basket.
“Well, this is beautiful, William. I’ll make some apple butter and maybe a pie.”
“Oh, great. My sister makes apple butter.”
“She sounds like a lovely girl, dear. Where did you say you got the basket?”
“I met a girl in the orchard. She says she knows you. Pretty brunette? Aoife?”
The turned from the counter and looked at me. I couldn’t read her expression. “You ... You met Aoife? And she gave you these apples?”
“Uh, yeah. Is that bad?”
“No. Not at all. If, well, if Aoife likes you then that’s just fine. I’ll get to work on the pie. Supper will be ready in an hour or so.”
Going upstairs, I did some reading for my courses and then set up a photo album for Mom.
The bus was right on time the next morning, and Grandma’s socks fit fine. I did a walk-through of the campus, located where each of my classes would be and touched base with the dean who was the facilitator between this college and St. John’s. I took plenty of photos to add to my album. Later, I sat down and recorded two videos, one for Mom and the other for Cynthia and then went looking in Cork for a place that sold local food that I could ship to Dad. He wasn’t as clingy as Mom or as angry as Cynthia, but I missed him.
I found a cheese shop next door to a small pub that had a chalkboard sign outside advertising their lunch menu. There was a queue to order and I happily waited, enjoying the Irish accents surrounding me. When I got up to the front, I spoke to the guy taking orders.
“Can I just get a burger and fries and a beer?”
“Guiness and a cheeseburger. How ... American. There’s a McDonald’s down the block.”
A woman behind me spoke up. “Don’t be a gombeen, Liam. If you have such disdain for burgers, you shouldn’t have them on the menu. Give him a Murphy’s stout, a burger and the boxty you’re always bragging about. He’s not a tourist, he’s a student.”
Turning, I was gobsmacked. She was gorgeous. Copper red hair, hazel eyes, and more curves than the Nürburgring race course. And she smelled great.
“Uhm, thanks.”
“No worries. We’re not all like Liam. And you’re from the States or Canada? I can’t tell the accents apart.”
“States. New York actually.” She stepped up to order and I paid for both our lunches. “Can I join you?”
“How often do I get to eat with a New Yorker? Grab a table, I’ll bring over the food.” I did so, realizing afterwards that I should have offered to carry everything.
“Can I say something without hurting your feelings? Lose the shirt. You do look a bit the tourist.”
I was wearing a tee with the college’s logo and name. Two beautiful women in two days and I was looking like an idiot in front of both.
“Okay. Point taken. I’m William, by the way.”
“Welcome to Cork, William. Grace.” It turned out that she was also a student. We discussed courses and professors and the best places to eat cheaply.
“So, what do you do for fun at St. John’s? Maybe I’ll look into the exchange program. Is it close to the city?”
“Technically, it’s in the city. Pretty close to Manhattan. It’s a decent area. Walking distance to stores and restaurants. It’s not much of a party school, but lots of stuff happening at the dorms. I run a few seminars and I’m part of the escort service. Do they have that here?”
She started laughing. “No. We don’t have male escorts. You have to go to bigger cities for that. How much do you charge?”
I actually blushed. She had a habit of making me feel stupid. “It’s a safety thing. Volunteer club that walks folks to their cars or parts of campus if they’re worried or concerned.”
“Didn’t mean to embarrass you, William. That’s sort of sweet. What about those seminars?”
This wasn’t going well. I was afraid I was going to come across as obsessed, which after Marisol’s abduction, I might be.
“I, ah, I teach a self-defense course.”
“You ... Listen, no offense, and I’m saying that a lot, but you don’t look like one of those muscle men. You escort women to their cars and teach them how to fight?”
“Yeah. Looks can be deceiving. I’m qualified, if that’s the concern.”
“I’ve stuck my foot in my mouth. I do that. Let me start over. I don’t know anyone who would do that, William. My brothers certainly wouldn’t. It’s ... admirable, I guess. I’m sure you do a great job. It’s just not a thing here. We okay?”
“Yeah, of course, Grace.”
We spent the rest of the afternoon together and found a few shops that would ship food back to Montauk. She told me about her three brothers and her older sister. I told her about Cynthia and my cousins. Before I headed back to the bus, she hugged me and kissed my cheek. She felt good and smelled even better.
Italian girls were slipping into second place.
I bolted upright in bed when the pealing of the bells woke me. Sleep had been difficult since I’d arrived, and being Sunday I had hoped to sleep in. After covering my head with the pillow for 15 minutes, I got up, used the bathroom and headed downstairs.
Mrs. O’Barrows was in the kitchen making eggs. “The bells get you?”
“Yeah. What the heck was that?”
“St. Luke’s. Letting people know they have an hour.”
I had completely forgotten. Father Chakowski would have given me his disappointed look, the one that makes you feel like you’re a failure at life.
“I’m gonna run upstairs and change. Can I walk you over?”
“No, dear. I don’t attend St. Luke’s. It’s on the street just past the petrol station. Can’t miss it.”
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The fourth night in our resort hotel was a hot one. Jess and I kicked the covers off the bed, and opened the third floor windows as wide as we could. For over an hour we lay, tossing and turning, in the sweltering heat. “I can’t get used to this climate.” I moaned to Jess, lying next to me stark naked and spread eagle. She murmured her agreement. I glanced at the clock, it was 2am. Out of the open windows, the moon was full and bathing the room in an eerie glow. The night was still and calm,...
A Horny Shopper “ Aaaaahh”, he stood at the corner urinal and began to empty his over-full bladder. The tourist bus had pulled in to the French supermarket car-park at the insistence of many of the passengers after the on-board toilet had become faulty and many a bladder had threatened to burst. It didn’t help to be last off the bus due to trying to chat-up the little blonde he had his eye on, then being last in the queue for the toilets. French shoppers weren’t best pleased to find a crowd of...
You can't believe it. The day you leave has finally arrived! You wish farewell to your family, promising to call them as soon as you arrive (okay, as soon as you feel like calling them anyways), and tug your suitcases inside. The airport is rather empty, despite how late the flight you've booked is. As a result, it's only a short period of time later that you've checked every bag on you except your backpack. There's an hour before your flight to a bigger airport. From there, you have a thirteen...
So, this is another thing that happened.I was in class again with Ms D and she announced that she had a guest to introduce us to. I was curious about who it could be. A woman walked into the room and Ms D told us all that her name was Madame E and that she was a friend of hers that she met on a trip to France.I watched her walk across the room and kiss Ms D on both cheeks. I giggled a little bit and so did some of the other students. Ms D glared at me and I wanted to hide under my desk. She...
Mrs O loves to be looked at. At home, it's not unusual for her to go out in something low cut and get a thrill out of knowing that men are peeping down her top but this is as far as she tends to take it. But when we leave the country, it rises to a whole different level. A couple of years back we were in Greece enjoying a quiet holiday.The hot weather usually makes her feel randier than usual so i get used to her behaving in more sexual way and of course the hot weather means she wears far less...
The fourth night in our resort hotel was a hot one. Jess and I kicked the covers off the bed, and opened the third floor windows as wide as we could. For over an hour we lay, tossing and turning, in the sweltering heat. “I can’t get used to this climate.” I moaned to Jess, lying next to me stark naked and spread eagle. She murmured her agreement. I glanced at the clock; it was 2am. Out of the open windows, the moon was full and bathing the room in an eerie glow. The night was still and calm,...
ExhibitionismHello, everyone. Be patient it is a long story but you will enjoy a lot. I am posting my first story which happened last year when I was going to migrate to canada for higher studies. My name is Gavy and I am a skinny guy having a nice cock size which is 7 inch and my mom is a housewife she has amazing figure 38-28-40. Actually we were living in dubai for 12 years and my was addicted to gym that is why her body was really awesome.We moved to india delhi and my father was still in Dubai. Lets...
IncestHi Guys, My name is Prem (name changed), this is a true story of my beautiful sexual life that took place one year back and from there onwards I never had to look back. First I would introduce my wife Shweta (Name Changed), She’s 5,7 inches tall, fair & silky black hair, juicy pink lips. she’s got a figure of 34-27-35. She’s very stylish, Off course she had to be, well she’s a fashion designer. We had a love marriage. Shweta & I met at one of our friend’s parties during our first year of...
Hi, I’ve been reading these erotic stories from 2 years and found the website has many stories which make us feel very relax and even helps to kill the loneliness. Please send your feedback to I’m 29 Rahul a software engineer working in a mnc in hi-tech city, a married male from Hyderabad with well-built body and assets. Many people like many things in sexual activities, the most beautiful moment for me is to lick the clean shaved pussy and drink the juice. I can even continuously lick a...
A Horny Shopper “ Aaaaahh”, he stood at the corner urinal and began to empty his over-full bladder. The tourist bus had pulled in to the French supermarket car-park at the insistence of many of the passengers after the on-board toilet had become faulty and many a bladder had threatened to burst. It didn’t help to be last off the bus due to trying to chat-up the little blonde he had his eye on, then being last in the queue for the toilets. French shoppers weren’t best pleased to find a crowd of...
Oral SexSo, the day officially came. It was June 29th, my tenancy was running out and my finals were over. Having secured a job at an important investment bank in London, my summer was free from all the worry of job seeking. I was looking forward to travelling and seeing what Europe has to provide. After all, during the 4 years I studied in the UK, I never got the chance to really travel Europe, which had always been my dream ever since I grew up in a small town in rural USA. So much opportunities laid...
FetishPart experience, part imagination, a lot of observation and a lot of viewing of voyeur videos. All expressing in my word, my particular likings “That”s more my style Peppe,” I chortled, nodding with my eyes, across the glitzy foyer of the Hotel Mercure Golf Cap D “Agde. “But Meester D – a granny?” he quizzed with eyes wide, looking up from the newspaper we had been lustily sharing at his desk. “Yes but grannies have a lot of experience, much better than those little beauties, and she oozes...
After that last assignation with Paloma and Lillian I gave myself a rest – in any case Paloma had gone to Brighton to view property and Lillian was engaged for several days, and nights, with the bishop she had entertained on the third day of Christmas. I thought over Paloma’s business offer, and decided to move my £3000 from the Honourable East India Company and invest in the Pleasure Dome venture. However, I would be in Italy when my dividend was paid, and would need a proxy to attend to...
Austauschsemester von Smaragdvenus Ich war verzweifelt ... jetzt war ich 4 Wochen in Rom und musste mein WG- Zimmer schon wieder r?umen. Das Geb?ude hatte einen Wasserschaden und musste komplett saniert werden. Anscheinend war das Fundament und Mauerwerk in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden und alle Mieter mussten sich was Neues suchen. Ich wollte unbedingt nach Italien f?r mein Austauschsemester und Rom war wirklich ein Traum. Meine beste Freundin Vanessa hatte auch dort einen Platz bek...
Late working at our second farm today made me late for lunch...I drove the tractor home as we will need it there. I pulled in the driveway as Dad was leaving and he told me to take the rest of the day off. Mom had been instructed to have a late lunch plate for me...I cleaned up and went into the house. A place was set for me at Dad's usual spot, OK with me as I could watch Mom at the range (no microwaves in the late '60's). She stirred some mashed potatoes in a pan so I watched her fleshy upper...
Well, day three has arrived and I ended up working for Dad all morning but he relived me for the afternoon. He said Mom might have some need of me...I sure hoped so. She had been at one of those Church Ladies meetings so she was dressed really nice...heels and hose, of course. I helped with lunch dishes...eyeing Mom all the while with an apron on my wondering if she had ever just worn a apron. With that chore done she invited me into the living room and asked me to sit on the couch.. She sat...
Back in the late '60's colleges did things quite silly...Christmas break for a week at least, then back to school for finals. Then in Mid-January you were out for another week as school shut down. I was attending a 4 year school close by in an apartment with 2 other fellows. It was only 40 minutes from home, but we wanted the "college experience." So, home I went. Mom and Dad were glad to see me, Dad could get some free help on the farm and Mom...well, that's what this story is about. I was...
"Hi, Mrs. Cameron," Jason said while entering the foyer of the Cameron house, "is Zoey home from college yet!?!" "She's up in her room with Sky," Julie Cameron replied, "she said to just send you up when you got here!!!" Thanks, Mrs. C," he replied while taking off up the stairs to her room on the second floor!!! "Knock first," Julie Cameron yelled after him, "I thought I could hear a lot of moaning and groaning coming from up there, "don't barge in on them, okay!?!" "Sure thing," he yelled...
"Hi, Mrs. Cameron," Jason said while entering the foyer of the Cameron house, "is Zoey home from college yet!?!" "She's up in her room with Sky," Julie Cameron replied, "she said to just send you up when you got here!!!" Thanks, Mrs. C," he replied while taking off up the stairs to her room on the second floor!!! "Knock first," Julie Cameron yelled after him, "I thought I could hear a lot of moaning and groaning coming from up there, "don't barge in on them, okay!?!" "Sure thing," he yelled...
Group SexThe doors to the room blow off the hinges and land clattering with a loud clang. Instantly, both Jonathan’s and Melissa’s weapons come up aimed at the door. “Don’t bother,” Natalya says looking over her shoulder. Aurelia strides into the room, followed closely by Spencer. She throws up her hand and both guns fly from the two TDF agents’ guns and are sent across the room into the wall. “I told you,” Natalya says grinning at her Lieutenant, Rolan Brish. “Please stop what you are doing,...
“I’m never going outside ever again,” Alaina said, laying on her side on the couch and continuing to shiver, though she was no longer in the fetal position. Mom stroked her shoulder. “Sorry, Lainy, I just wanted to make sure you understood how important it is that you don’t accidentally let the wrong people know.” “No, I’m really glad you told me, Mom.” Alaina shuddered, hugging her arms more tightly around herself. “I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been. I shouldn’t have told anyone. Your...
I get off the bed, shuck my clothes, and put on my trunks, clogs, and a t�shirt. After leaving the elevator and entering the pool area, I am glad that I am the only one in the pool room and I immediately go to the hot tub, turn on the jets, and slowly enter the steaming water. MMMM...it feels so good. I find a nice spot where a jet blows warm water on my back, I lay back and shut my eyes. Sooooo soothing. My mind shuts down and I stretch out and enjoy the warm water. My mind is far...
They met next in the kitchen downstairs. It was the morning after the wild night of sex in the household. Shobha had woken up, her body wonderfully tired but well rested from the deep slumber through the night. Her clothes were draped around her, and the bed sheet covered one part of her bare body that lay beneath. As she overcame her drowsiness she remembered the events of the night before. She felt the bed next to her and discovered that her husband was not in the room. She remembered the...
IncestAs she climbed into his car, she said, "Thanks so much for letting me stay at your house this weekend while Mom and Dad are at their stupid convention with Auntie Marie, Uncle Mark. I'm sooo glad I don't have to stay home and play lame games with my sisters and the babysitter!" "Thank your mom and dad, Sweetie. They're the ones who said it would be okay for you to stay with me this weekend." "I know. This is gonna be sooo cool! Can we pick up some videos on the way home?" "Yep. I...
We spend the day at the house, walking down to the beach area below. We take blankets and ice chests filled with food and alcohol. We relax and sunbath and go for several short swims. There is not a sole around and you tell me that you want to watch me relax nude. I remove my bathing suit and lay back down in the sun. You begin to rub some suntan oil across my body making sure to spend extra time rubbing it into my breasts. You then rub the oil down to my pussy. The oil is warm from the sun...
Steve and I walked in and there was a raised type of platform/bed in the center of the room. There were couches around it so that the platform was obviously the center of attention. A third woman, smaller and less dykish, took my hand and led me to the platform. She kissed me and said, “Now, undress for us Dear.” She turned and left and sat on the couches with about 20 other people next o one of the dykish women. Some soft music began and my hands were on my chest pulling my nipples making them...
Bill's Sexy Straight Grandson, Part IIDavid couldn't believe how easy it was to convince the hot stud to let Samblow him. He fell for that cockamamie story. When they told Bill, hecouldn't believe it until he saw Mike, his own grandson, on video beingsucked off by Sam and enjoying it. Cum was still dripping off Sam's chinas Mike rushed off, somewhat embarrassed by what he'd just done with hisgrandfather's pals."Damn, I wish I could've been there", said Bill."You can, if you leave it up to...
This is a story of a bachelorette party my wife attended that ended up on the internet at a XXX site. My wife and her friends didn't know that the entire party was being recorded. (M+F+, Cheat, Anal, Oral, Intrr, Inc, d**g)My wife Sandra's best friend Sabrina was getting married in a couple of weeks. Since my wife was the maid of honor it was her responsibility to have a bachelorette party for Sabrina. Sandra had been to a few of them but she never had to organize one. She called around to four...
I met this couple (we'll call them Steve and Lisa) through an adult dating website. I was instantly attracted to Lisa when I saw her profile picture. A well-stacked, brunette BBW, she was kneeling up on a bed, hands behind her head, heavy breasts hanging down, and a curvy, soft plump belly jutting out impudently over a skimpy red lace thong. Steve and Lisa said they were looking for another guy to play with, and on the strength of Lisa's picture, I got in touch straight away. We chatted on...
BisexualIts been a while since this happened but I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just turned 17a few days before my favorite holiday. Im a good looking guy, 56 maybe 140 lbs. Not the biggest guy in HS but not the smallest either. I have what I call camouflage colored eyes. Sometimes their brown, others green depending on what Im wearing. I have a nice slim toned body from track and always loved being outdoors. Yep, Halloween was right around the corner. Trying to come up with a good...
Traffic was light for a Friday night and getting to the restaurant was easy from my hotel. The business meetings had been long and as the day went on I found myself thinking more about tonight than what was being discussed. I arrived shortly before 7, which must be the magic hour for lovers and others to get together and meet over wine and good food. I watched as the tables filled and waiters scurried about delivering and retrieving items, trying to make good impressions that might bring great...
Darren's Dilemma Chapter Seven Just Another Day At School By Suzie Q Haff Jana had snuggled with me under the covers all night and started kissing to wake me up. The screen saver on my computer read six AM. When I wouldn't get up she pinched my ass so hard I cringed and yelped. I arose pulling the gloves off dropping them in the waste basket. We soaked in the tub for what was becoming our regular fifteen minutes then we shaved and...
Over the past ten years I've come a long way from a sweet, innocent, extremely naive 18-year old from Alabama, I was a debutant, a princess, and one of the rich girls that everyone was jealous of. I was cute, perky, and a straight A student. My boyfriend was the Quarterback of the football team and I was one of the cheerleaders. To say the least I was one of the most popular girls in my class. I was a freshman studying applied economics, and psychology in California miles away from Alabama. My...
Group SexI wasn't always a black-owned little slut if you can believe it! Can you believe, at one point in my life, I actually refused to sleep with black men? I can't even wrap my head around it honestly. These days I belong to a number of hung black guys who use me whenever they want and now I refuse to sleep with white guys altogether! If it's not a black cock I don't want it. I am totally and happily addicted to letting black men fuck me whenever they like, all they have to do is pull their cock out...
By 8:30 am Saturday morning Tom, Hank and Lynn Barry were in the car and backing out of their driveway in Rose Lane, Porterville to head off to the Success Nudist Resort. The Success Nudist Resort was so named because it had been built on the eastern shores of Lake Success which was a man-made lake just a few miles out east from the township of Porterville. Porterville itself was a small rural town about 400 to 500 hundred miles north of Los Angeles, California. Hank Barry had lived in...
My name is Terry. I am a 35yr old male Nurse and I enjoy caring for the elderly.I am not a spectacular looking specimen. I stand about 5”11” and I am a bit chubby, not too much though. I have black hair and dark blue eyes, which are my outstanding feature. I am told I have a great smile and a good sense of humor. I had been working at the Nursing Home for a few months when I had an experience I will never forget. I am a fully trained Registered Nurse and have always enjoyed working with the...
MatureLondon, 1951 ‘I have every recording you’ve released, and I just want to say how much I enjoy your music…’ I was trying to give this nice elderly woman my full attention, but my eye kept wandering to the crowd standing behind her, waiting to get the chance to meet me. ‘Thank you,’ I smiled at her, still distracted by the endless line of admirers. Anna was standing beside me, looking grim and disapproving as always. Mr. Stanley had arranged this entire event, and I had already been standing...
Meghan got up close and personal and we hugged for a good few minutes and I felt my hard cock pushing against her belly, I am sure she could feel it and maybe that’s why the hug was so long, I even let my hands slip down from her waist to her arse cheeks feeling her bare cheeks under her shirt.She didn’t move, I brought one hand up and stoked her golden blonde hair pressing her head into my hairy chest while the other hand squeezed her arse cheek, her arms tight around my waist I remembered how...
Well my husband and I decided to get a sitter for our k**s and we go have us adult time. Well my friend and I have been out and got our nails and pedicure done early that day. While we setting and getting our nails and stuff done we was talking about my husband and my date night. Well first of all let me just say she is married too but her husband is locked up. I started feeling bad talking about the night my hubby and me going to have since her man is locked up. So I decided what the hell I...
My phone rang, I picked it up and saw that I had an incoming call from my father."Hi Pops, what's up?"“Mom and I are going to visit your Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill. We would like you to come and stay awhile so we can see you. It's been almost two years since we last saw you. Please say you will come.”“I don't know, Dad. I'll check at work and see if I can take some time off. It would be really nice to see you and mom, Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill too.”The next day my boss said, “Get the fuck out of...
MILFPLEASE click "START GAME" to read this adventure in the way that is intended to be read. If you don't things may not add up or play out very strangely. Please and thank you! Long ago, there once was a great evil that ravaged the world in hopes of becoming the ultimate power. It wished to ruled the Earth by exploiting the sins of man and using it to manipulate everyone's hearts into something corrupt and malleable for it to use. It was a manifestation of chaos itself, taking form of whatever...
FantasyWhatever that grain was, it made a tasty bread! It tasted a bit like rye, but not completely. I guess it was something that went extinct, a real shame. Oh, well, we can enjoy it now. The women were all after me to grow a hell of a lot more next season; I hoped they realized that they were the ones who were going to have to reap it. The whole garden was a hit: the women liked the convenience and the men liked the produce. It looked like agriculture was a winner all around. We will need a lot...
Tina looked angrily at the email again. "I can't believe that bitch has the nerve to send me something like this. First showing her face like that last night and then making a scene when I called her out on it. We have to accept." "Tina I'm not so su..." "I'm not letting that skank think I'm scared of her or that her dickhead Tom has anything on you." I looked at the email that had her so livid once again. The two had never gotten on but after Michelle showed up in the same bar as Tina's 27th...
Caleb sullenly watched the mud-and-straw brick buildings slide past. Their lifeless, bedraggled sameness matched his mood. He was riding in a truck full of supplies being taken to the ISIS troops besieging Baghdad. The platoon had hitched a ride on the ISIS convoy, and was spread through the trucks. The buildings they were passing weren't the cause of his foul mood. His second guessing of his actions and decisions were the cause of his anger. Their attack on ISIS was no longer the lark that...
The reason for her anticipation looked at her over the top of his own flute and toasted her silently. Robert was probably the most attractive man she'd ever met, and Dani was dying to run her hands through his dark hair and pull him against her body. Thoughts of what else she wanted him to do had left her dripping in her panties for hours. The willowy blonde didn't want to wait much longer. "I think it's time for the garter toss," announced John. Robert's best man was easy on the...
Claire opened her eyes. Recognition dawned on her face, she smiled. I couldn't resist that smile, but before I melted I had a mission. "Happy anniversary." Reaching over my side of the bed, I picked up the card and handed it to her. "Oh." She opened the card, it was a simple card, with a simple message on the front in big block letters. "My life did suck without you." Originally, it had said 'would', not 'did', I'd crossed out the 'would' and written in 'did'...
Almost midnight. Funny how you can tell time by the goings-on.Martha Turnbuckle finishes her trite about the day’s news; more ‘what’s trending’ than actual news, or so it seems. I down the last of my beer while staring at her cleavage on the screen as I ponder whether or not to have one more round.The anchor starts to wrap up with some witty nonsense, while my wife finishes the dishes or whatever she’s doing in the kitchen. Usually, she turns out the light soon after the news ends and heads to...
Straight SexSTANDING, STARING OUT THROUGH the living room windows, I decided there was something calming about the assignment after all. I didn’t have a say in Callie’s schedule or activities unless they exposed her to potential danger, of which there was none. She was an anonymous teenager in a city full of them. It made my job mindless and reminded me why I dislike protective detail. For two days I’d followed her schedule, escorting her to the American high school every morning, then to the Paris...
My mother-in-law, Beatrice, is one fine looking lady. In fact, I was trying for Bea when I met her daughter Mary who eventually became my wife. Bea was working behind the bar at my favorite watering hole and I had been trying for months to get her to give me a tumble. She would just laugh at me and remind me that she was an old married lady, but I sensed that she would eventually cave if I just kept after her. One night I was sitting at the bar watching Bea's fine ass wiggle as she walked...
You return to the room a couple of hours and a couple of drinks later. Youre feeling tipsy and ready to play again, feeling horny and a little wicked. You enter the room slowly and silently remove your clothes. All the time looking at my naked body still tied up and blindfolded, As you slide your tight silk boxers down over your hips, your cock springs up already semi-hard, simply by watching me and the anticipation of touching me again. You move to the head of the bed and lean forward. I...
Pint-sized fuck-doll Sadie Pop ❤ makes her 1st official appearance on Hussie?Pass today, and we paired her up with a well-rested Brickzilla ?➕☝? for today’s update that was shot a mere 36 hours ago! ? After our fantastic director, Johnny ?? Robins, helps us get to know a little about the lil Latina, Sadie strips naked and uses her tattooed fingers to get her juices flowing. Brickzilla makes his way into the scene with some lube ?? for Sadie’s 10-pound tits & cute little ass....