Lilliahna Zac Ch 00
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
*Hey guys, sorry this has taken so long to put up, i had university exams then my net died at home. I have a few chapters ready though. Hope you like them. :)*
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~
‘Mum? Dad? I’m home,’ I called out as I headed for the kitchen. No one answered and the house was quiet so I figured that no one was home. Then I found the note telling me that they had gone to Grandma’s for tea and that they hopefully wouldn’t be too late.
‘Looks like I’m home alone,’ I said as I looked up from the note to see Zac looking at me with a cheeky smile on his face.
‘What?’ I asked him suspiciously.
‘You look really cute when you’re concentrating on stuff, Lilliahna,’ he said sexily as he came over to give me a hug.
I just shook my head, a smile spreading across my lips.
‘Did you want a drink or something?’ I asked him as I broke the hug and headed for the fridge.
‘Yes please,’ he replied.
‘Um, we don’t have much. Coke or apple juice?’
‘Juice please,’ he said.
‘Did you want to go and grab your school books so we can do some homework too?’ I asked him once he had finished his drink.
‘Yeah, I’ll quickly run home, I won’t be long.’ Awesome, I thought. That would give me time to clean my room quickly. Well, at least it would give me enough time to pick my underwear up off the floor and stash it somewhere.
Zac was back before I knew it, it wasn’t really that far to his house, I just thought that he wouldn’t have any energy left after the basketball game. I guess I was wrong.
‘Come on,’ I said as I headed to my bedroom.
‘I always study in my room, it’s pretty messy but as long as it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t bother me.’ Zac just shrugged so I opened the door and dropped my bag on the floor.
~*~ Zac ~*~
I wasn’t sure whether or not I should go in her room. I’m an only child so I’ve never actually been in a girls’ room before. Lilli didn’t seem to worry about it so I tried not to either. I went over to her bed and just looked at her.
‘You are allowed to sit down,’ she said with a gentle laugh.
I put my bag down next to her bed and then cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me on top of her. She was kissing me so passionately and pushing her body so hard against mine that I started to become turned on and embarrassed.
‘I’m sorry baby, I’m not ready for this…’ I couldn’t tell her. How do you tell the most amazing girl, who probably has nothing that she isn’t confident about that you are too worried you won’t be good enough for her to do anything other than kiss and cuddle?
I could feel myself start to swell and harden and didn’t want to be too small, not live up to her expectations. I mean, Lilli wasn’t my going to be my first, but I really wanted her to be happy.
‘Zac?’ Lil asked me with a confused look on her face. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘I…it doesn’t matter, we should get a start on our homework,’ I suggested, not able to look her in the eyes. She wriggled over to me and made me look at her.
‘What is it Zacy? You can tell me anything,’ she prompted.
‘It’s just I’m worried I’m not gunna be good enough for you Lil, you’re so amazing and I’m me, it’s scary not knowing what you expect from me, what your expectations are for stuff we do together, it’s silly I know,’ I faltered, unable to look at her anymore. She did what I expected.
‘Zac, you’re a silly little ducky aren’t you? The only thing I expect from you is that you are going to be you. To be truly honest I haven’t done anything with a guy except kiss him, I haven’t even let anyone put their hands under my clothes. But you, with you I just get this feeling of fire, this itch, it’s like if I don’t have more of you I’ll die. I haven’t ever felt this feeling before but I definitely like it. Trust me, whatever happens, I will definitely not be disappointed. Okay?’ She asked, kissing my cheek.
I nodded and gently kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and sighed quietly. I totally believed her and all my fears disappeared.
‘How about we get something to eat?’ Lil suggested after an hour of homework. ‘I don’t know what we have to eat though.’
After looking through all her cupboards she suggested toasted cheese sandwiches and chocolate thick shakes.
‘It’s not as good as what our date would have been,’ Lil said laughing.
‘Your right, it’s better,’ I said hugging her from behind as she made the sandwiches.
After we had finished eating and put the few dishes we had made in the dishwasher, Lil suggested that we watched a movie.
‘Any preferences?’ she asked me.
‘Something scary…’ I hinted with a wink.
‘Mk,’ she replied holding up ‘Jeepers Creepers’. I nodded sitting on the couch. She soon joined me, after turning out the lights, of course.
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~
I had already seen this movie to know that it wasn’t really that scary but any reason to snuggle up to Zac.
The movie had nearly finished, at a really scary bit, when Mum and Dad arrived home. Mum was getting Issy out of the car, it was Dad who found us.
‘Lilliahna, what are you doing? Get to bed now. Young man I think it was time you got home. Its ten thirty, your parents will be worried about you!’ Dad yelled.
Zac looked at me, his eyes glistening. He opened his mouth to say something, changed his mind and left, passing Mum at the front door. She frowned.
‘How could you Dad? He has no parents to worry about him. We were making arrangements for his Dad’s funeral, I suggested we watch a movie to take his mind off things. His Mum died three months ago and his Dad, heartbroken, drowned his sorrows in alcohol and OD’ed two days ago and he died,’ Mum cut me off there.
‘And I told you already that you weren’t to hang out with him or have anything to do with him. Now do what your father said and just get to bed. We will discuss this tomorrow.’
‘No we won’t. There doesn’t need to be a discussion about this. I’m eighteen now and am well and truly old enough to choose my own friends and boyfriends without your opinions affecting my decision. Bye,’ I said, quickly getting his school bag and jacket from my room before running out the front door, slamming it behind me before they had a chance to say anything. I ran after Zac, hoping he had headed home.
‘Zac?’ I called out as I saw a figure walking ahead of me. He turned around and I threw myself into his arms.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I sobbed into his shoulder. He just hugged me, his own tears forgotten in his worry for me.
~*~ Zac ~*~
Everything was great until her parents got home. I can understand where they were coming from, I mean if it was my daughter alone in the dark snuggled up to some guy I didn’t know I’d be a bit upset too. He didn’t know about my situation. But still, it hurt.
I didn’t expect Lil to be chasing after me either. That thought didn’t even cross my mind but my heart went out to her and I momentarily forgot about what her Dad had said about my parents. I just held her until the tears had stopped flowing and her breathing returned to normal.
She started shivering so I wrapped my jacket around her, ignoring the cold I was feeling myself, and told her she should go home.
‘No, I’m never going home. I’m going to live with you,’ she replied stubbornly.
‘Lil, baby, you can’t. Come with me,’ I said gently taking her hand, she was obviously really upset.
‘You aren’t going to like me very much for this,’ I added, as I picked up my school bag and headed in the direction of her house.
She must have been exhausted as she just meekly followed me. Poor little thing. She’s been through just as much as me, but on top of it all her parents were being difficult.
‘Lil?’ her Dad said as he answered the door.
‘m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused,’ I said, before he could get a word in.
‘I just want to let you know that you have an amazing daughter and I love her very much. I hope you can get past my unfortunate family life and get to know me before you ban Lilliahna from having anything to do with me.’
I then turned to Lil and took her other hand in my own.
‘Baby, go to bed, you’re tired. I’ll see you in the morning. Okay?’ I asked her. She shook her head.
‘No, I’m not letting go of your hands,’ she told us, frowning in determination. Her Dad went to say something but I cut him off.
‘You don’t have a choice Lil. You have to go to bed now and I need to go home. But I promise I’ll see you tomorrow after you have had a good night’s sleep. You are not thinking clearly,’ I told her before kissing her tenderly on her forehead and letting go of her hand.
‘Goodnight Mr Thomas. Again I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused,’ I told him as I turned to leave.
‘Thank-you for bringing my daughter home Zac,’ he said as he let Lil inside and closed the door.
‘You’re welcome,’ I said softly as I began to walk away.
~Thanks to everyone for their feedback so far, it’s nice to hear that you like my story. This chapter is only short, but the next one is almost done, so I hope to have it up soon. Happy reading :D~ ~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ It was ten past nine when Zac arrived. We were in Maths and I was trying to concentrate on what Mr Mackenzie was telling us but I kept thinking of Zac. I definitely didn’t expect to see him this morning. I looked up and he was standing in front of me. He looked like absolute...
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ ‘Lil, Baby, what am I going to wear?’ Zac asked as he stuck his head back into the bathroom fifteen minutes later. ‘Clothes is a good start, otherwise I don’t think I’ll be able to leave you alone,’ I giggled as I wrapped the towel around me and headed into the bedroom. ‘Hello?’ I asked, as someone knocked on the door. ‘Can I come in?’ it was Jess. I opened the door. ‘What is it?’ ‘Isabella is crying, I don’t know what to do.’ ‘Where are your parents?’ I asked,...
~*~ Zac ~*~ When someone knocked at the front door, I jumped. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come and see me. ‘Come in,’ I called out as I sat up and wiped away the tears that had stayed on my face while I slept. I heard the front door open and close. ‘I’m in here,’ I told whoever it was that had come to see me. I looked up as Lilliahna came in. ‘I know you don’t want company but there’s something I have to say before I lose my courage. This is probably an inappropriate time but when I was...
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ I woke up to Isabella’s crying at half past six the next morning. Zac was beginning to stir so I told him to go back to sleep and got her up. I changed her nappy and went out into the kitchen to give her breakfast while I got myself a cup of coffee to wake up. I went into my purse and found two ten dollar notes and luckily enough, in Zac’s wallet was another ten and a twenty-dollar note. I shoved them into the pockets on my dressing gown. Everyone, except Zac, was already...
~*~ Zac ~*~ I answered the door and everyone walked in. I was expecting a couple to arrive at a time, not all of them at once. ‘Everyone, this is Lilliahna, my girlfriend. Lilliahna, this is everyone,’ I said, by way of introducing them all. ‘Zac, you haven’t changed a bit. Come here muffin,’ said my Nanna as she gave me a hug. ‘Thanks Nanna Watson,’ I said. ‘Hi, Mrs Watson, I’m Lil,’ Lil said to her. ‘Lil, call me Nanna too ok,’ she replied pulling her into a hug. The rest of the...
Hey everyone. I didn’t like how the other chapter was written so I re-did it. Here’s the new version. I’m halfway through the next chapter so that should be up soon too. Hope u like it. x ~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ ‘So, I’m behind on my Maths, would you be able to help me?’ Zac asked as he closed the front door behind me. ‘Maths is why you’re so excited?’ I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘No it isn’t, but my excitement isn’t important just yet. You’ll find out soon enough,’ he added...
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Vanakam makale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en siru vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai nadanthu varum kama kathaigalai thaan indru ungalidam naan pagira pogiren. Enathu kathaiyai padithu neengal anaivarum rasithu enjoy seiveergal endru indru en kathaiyai ezhutha aarambikiren. Vaarungal tamil ulasa kama kathaikul selalam. Enathu peyar ganga naan 1981 aandu piranthen, naan salem gramathil thaan piranthu valarnthen. Ippozhuthu enaku 40 vayathu aagugirathu oru magan irukiraan, en kanavar kalamaagi...
© Copyright 2004 A Discovery in Denver In my defense all I can say is that I didn't set out to fuck my niece. There are reasons for our incest taboos, after all. But it's not like there's any actual blood between us. I'm an uncle by marriage, and she's a step-kid, so we don't share any DNA. In degrees of consanguinity, I'm probably closer to Kevin Bacon. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I saw Alison a fair bit in the first year we were related, because her...
hated school more than me but instead of feeling frustration i felt nervous seeing my friend Amy again we havent seen eachother since we tried having sex at my house i knew for a fact she was more nervous than i am considering her romance for me must of greatly increased since we had that day together and the scary part is that we are in the same english class at school and english was first up. I went to english class like normal and sat in my normal seat i arrived before Amy i...
No matter who you asked in Angela’s neighborhood or in the school where she was an honor student, they all agreed there was no more an innocent girl than Angela Brown. The eighteen year old senior at Saint Michael’s Academy was friendly to one and all, even the bullies that liked to give the weak ones or the new students a hard time just to show them who was boss. She was a pretty girl, a lot prettier than most with an hourglass figure that made the middle-aged male teachers drool and dream of...
Alice and Alan headed back to Gary's room. Gary and Ginger were kissing so lovingly. Alice gulped and looked at her brother. Alan gave her sympathetic eyes. "Ahem!" Alice cleared her throat. She needed to get Ginger alone so that she could convince her to break up with Gary. It was for the best. Ginger quickly broke the kiss. She turned red and stood back up. Gary was smiling from ear to ear. "Hey mom. You guys are back?" Gary asked looking more in love than ever. Alice looked at...
If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
Wednesday Morning The alarm went off at three a.m.We woke up in each other's arms, sharing a quick kiss."Good morning April.""Good morning Beth."We got up and Beth went to her room to get ready for our day of traveling. I decided to wear a pair of beige shorts with a white thong. I put on a yellow polo shirt without a bra. After applying my make up, I put my hair in a French twist.I went to the kitchen to pack the food into a cooler. Beth soon joined me and packed the other cooler with pop and...
NovelsThis was perhaps the most convoluted affair I will EVER have; I remember thinking at the time. I had the subject of my entire summer dream cycle strip for me and offer herself to me and even put the head of my cock in her mouth twice before shooting a huge messy load all over her chest. Now I was out, freshly spent, to buy condoms to go back and recreate a mood where I might actually get laid. In reality, I fully expected that when I got back she would have came to her senses and decided...
December 1969, age 14 My bad mood lasted the rest of the year. Thankfully none of the press overheard my rant at the cinema, or it really would have been a mess. The reviews of the film were not great, and personally, I was glad the history books said it would at least earn back its production costs. A commercial hit it was not. My prolonged bad mood was the product of several things. First and foremost was the four-month dry spell without a blowjob to relieve my tension. Obviously, I...
Okay boys, here are the down and dirty things you need to know to get her to let you give it to her “back there.” Most women are probably like me, they have had guys begging them to let them do it, and a few have tried it once or twice to discover that it is painful. Pain is not a requirement of anal, and that is something that people need to know. Now boys, if your girl has had one of these experiences, she is going to be even more reluctant to let you do it. My biggest suggestion is to be...
IncestYour name is Marie. You were born in a time when many things have become better for the world. Nowadays there is no such thing as illegal prostitution or sexual slavery that is not voluntary. That's lucky for you because since you were a young teenager you've always wanted to be a prostitute. Something about being used purely for someone else's pleasure has always made you extremely aroused. Today is your 18th birthday and you can't think of a better birthday present to yourself than becoming...
FetishCHAPTER 8: OOPS! HI, NEIGHBOR!When they finally got a chance to meet and spend some time with Henry, their rancher neighbor, he turned out to be not as gruff as he appeared and was really quite nice and helpful. Except for the hands who came in daily to help with the ranch, he basically lived alone since his wife died. He offered to help when he could with some of the heavier chores, like grading their drive to turn the 2 ruts into a level surface. He used one of his tractors that had a blade...
My Beautiful Insurance Agent Yesterday I had to get an assessment for my auto insurance since I’d just purchased a “rather new” automobile. My insurance agent works out of her office so I set an appointment for 11am. I’d just showered from finishing a spinning class, and did it ever kick my ass! I’m getting ready for the upcoming biking season and like to be in somewhat decent shape before the near-daily riding that consumes me in the warm seasons. To be honest, my legs were a bit shaky, I’d...