Lilliahna Zac Ch 00
- 4 years ago
- 23
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*Hey guys, sorry this has taken so long to put up, i had university exams then my net died at home. I have a few chapters ready though. Hope you like them. :)*
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~
‘Mum? Dad? I’m home,’ I called out as I headed for the kitchen. No one answered and the house was quiet so I figured that no one was home. Then I found the note telling me that they had gone to Grandma’s for tea and that they hopefully wouldn’t be too late.
‘Looks like I’m home alone,’ I said as I looked up from the note to see Zac looking at me with a cheeky smile on his face.
‘What?’ I asked him suspiciously.
‘You look really cute when you’re concentrating on stuff, Lilliahna,’ he said sexily as he came over to give me a hug.
I just shook my head, a smile spreading across my lips.
‘Did you want a drink or something?’ I asked him as I broke the hug and headed for the fridge.
‘Yes please,’ he replied.
‘Um, we don’t have much. Coke or apple juice?’
‘Juice please,’ he said.
‘Did you want to go and grab your school books so we can do some homework too?’ I asked him once he had finished his drink.
‘Yeah, I’ll quickly run home, I won’t be long.’ Awesome, I thought. That would give me time to clean my room quickly. Well, at least it would give me enough time to pick my underwear up off the floor and stash it somewhere.
Zac was back before I knew it, it wasn’t really that far to his house, I just thought that he wouldn’t have any energy left after the basketball game. I guess I was wrong.
‘Come on,’ I said as I headed to my bedroom.
‘I always study in my room, it’s pretty messy but as long as it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t bother me.’ Zac just shrugged so I opened the door and dropped my bag on the floor.
~*~ Zac ~*~
I wasn’t sure whether or not I should go in her room. I’m an only child so I’ve never actually been in a girls’ room before. Lilli didn’t seem to worry about it so I tried not to either. I went over to her bed and just looked at her.
‘You are allowed to sit down,’ she said with a gentle laugh.
I put my bag down next to her bed and then cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me on top of her. She was kissing me so passionately and pushing her body so hard against mine that I started to become turned on and embarrassed.
‘I’m sorry baby, I’m not ready for this…’ I couldn’t tell her. How do you tell the most amazing girl, who probably has nothing that she isn’t confident about that you are too worried you won’t be good enough for her to do anything other than kiss and cuddle?
I could feel myself start to swell and harden and didn’t want to be too small, not live up to her expectations. I mean, Lilli wasn’t my going to be my first, but I really wanted her to be happy.
‘Zac?’ Lil asked me with a confused look on her face. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘I…it doesn’t matter, we should get a start on our homework,’ I suggested, not able to look her in the eyes. She wriggled over to me and made me look at her.
‘What is it Zacy? You can tell me anything,’ she prompted.
‘It’s just I’m worried I’m not gunna be good enough for you Lil, you’re so amazing and I’m me, it’s scary not knowing what you expect from me, what your expectations are for stuff we do together, it’s silly I know,’ I faltered, unable to look at her anymore. She did what I expected.
‘Zac, you’re a silly little ducky aren’t you? The only thing I expect from you is that you are going to be you. To be truly honest I haven’t done anything with a guy except kiss him, I haven’t even let anyone put their hands under my clothes. But you, with you I just get this feeling of fire, this itch, it’s like if I don’t have more of you I’ll die. I haven’t ever felt this feeling before but I definitely like it. Trust me, whatever happens, I will definitely not be disappointed. Okay?’ She asked, kissing my cheek.
I nodded and gently kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and sighed quietly. I totally believed her and all my fears disappeared.
‘How about we get something to eat?’ Lil suggested after an hour of homework. ‘I don’t know what we have to eat though.’
After looking through all her cupboards she suggested toasted cheese sandwiches and chocolate thick shakes.
‘It’s not as good as what our date would have been,’ Lil said laughing.
‘Your right, it’s better,’ I said hugging her from behind as she made the sandwiches.
After we had finished eating and put the few dishes we had made in the dishwasher, Lil suggested that we watched a movie.
‘Any preferences?’ she asked me.
‘Something scary…’ I hinted with a wink.
‘Mk,’ she replied holding up ‘Jeepers Creepers’. I nodded sitting on the couch. She soon joined me, after turning out the lights, of course.
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~
I had already seen this movie to know that it wasn’t really that scary but any reason to snuggle up to Zac.
The movie had nearly finished, at a really scary bit, when Mum and Dad arrived home. Mum was getting Issy out of the car, it was Dad who found us.
‘Lilliahna, what are you doing? Get to bed now. Young man I think it was time you got home. Its ten thirty, your parents will be worried about you!’ Dad yelled.
Zac looked at me, his eyes glistening. He opened his mouth to say something, changed his mind and left, passing Mum at the front door. She frowned.
‘How could you Dad? He has no parents to worry about him. We were making arrangements for his Dad’s funeral, I suggested we watch a movie to take his mind off things. His Mum died three months ago and his Dad, heartbroken, drowned his sorrows in alcohol and OD’ed two days ago and he died,’ Mum cut me off there.
‘And I told you already that you weren’t to hang out with him or have anything to do with him. Now do what your father said and just get to bed. We will discuss this tomorrow.’
‘No we won’t. There doesn’t need to be a discussion about this. I’m eighteen now and am well and truly old enough to choose my own friends and boyfriends without your opinions affecting my decision. Bye,’ I said, quickly getting his school bag and jacket from my room before running out the front door, slamming it behind me before they had a chance to say anything. I ran after Zac, hoping he had headed home.
‘Zac?’ I called out as I saw a figure walking ahead of me. He turned around and I threw myself into his arms.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I sobbed into his shoulder. He just hugged me, his own tears forgotten in his worry for me.
~*~ Zac ~*~
Everything was great until her parents got home. I can understand where they were coming from, I mean if it was my daughter alone in the dark snuggled up to some guy I didn’t know I’d be a bit upset too. He didn’t know about my situation. But still, it hurt.
I didn’t expect Lil to be chasing after me either. That thought didn’t even cross my mind but my heart went out to her and I momentarily forgot about what her Dad had said about my parents. I just held her until the tears had stopped flowing and her breathing returned to normal.
She started shivering so I wrapped my jacket around her, ignoring the cold I was feeling myself, and told her she should go home.
‘No, I’m never going home. I’m going to live with you,’ she replied stubbornly.
‘Lil, baby, you can’t. Come with me,’ I said gently taking her hand, she was obviously really upset.
‘You aren’t going to like me very much for this,’ I added, as I picked up my school bag and headed in the direction of her house.
She must have been exhausted as she just meekly followed me. Poor little thing. She’s been through just as much as me, but on top of it all her parents were being difficult.
‘Lil?’ her Dad said as he answered the door.
‘m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused,’ I said, before he could get a word in.
‘I just want to let you know that you have an amazing daughter and I love her very much. I hope you can get past my unfortunate family life and get to know me before you ban Lilliahna from having anything to do with me.’
I then turned to Lil and took her other hand in my own.
‘Baby, go to bed, you’re tired. I’ll see you in the morning. Okay?’ I asked her. She shook her head.
‘No, I’m not letting go of your hands,’ she told us, frowning in determination. Her Dad went to say something but I cut him off.
‘You don’t have a choice Lil. You have to go to bed now and I need to go home. But I promise I’ll see you tomorrow after you have had a good night’s sleep. You are not thinking clearly,’ I told her before kissing her tenderly on her forehead and letting go of her hand.
‘Goodnight Mr Thomas. Again I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused,’ I told him as I turned to leave.
‘Thank-you for bringing my daughter home Zac,’ he said as he let Lil inside and closed the door.
‘You’re welcome,’ I said softly as I began to walk away.
~Thanks to everyone for their feedback so far, it’s nice to hear that you like my story. This chapter is only short, but the next one is almost done, so I hope to have it up soon. Happy reading :D~ ~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ It was ten past nine when Zac arrived. We were in Maths and I was trying to concentrate on what Mr Mackenzie was telling us but I kept thinking of Zac. I definitely didn’t expect to see him this morning. I looked up and he was standing in front of me. He looked like absolute...
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ ‘Lil, Baby, what am I going to wear?’ Zac asked as he stuck his head back into the bathroom fifteen minutes later. ‘Clothes is a good start, otherwise I don’t think I’ll be able to leave you alone,’ I giggled as I wrapped the towel around me and headed into the bedroom. ‘Hello?’ I asked, as someone knocked on the door. ‘Can I come in?’ it was Jess. I opened the door. ‘What is it?’ ‘Isabella is crying, I don’t know what to do.’ ‘Where are your parents?’ I asked,...
~*~ Zac ~*~ When someone knocked at the front door, I jumped. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come and see me. ‘Come in,’ I called out as I sat up and wiped away the tears that had stayed on my face while I slept. I heard the front door open and close. ‘I’m in here,’ I told whoever it was that had come to see me. I looked up as Lilliahna came in. ‘I know you don’t want company but there’s something I have to say before I lose my courage. This is probably an inappropriate time but when I was...
~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ I woke up to Isabella’s crying at half past six the next morning. Zac was beginning to stir so I told him to go back to sleep and got her up. I changed her nappy and went out into the kitchen to give her breakfast while I got myself a cup of coffee to wake up. I went into my purse and found two ten dollar notes and luckily enough, in Zac’s wallet was another ten and a twenty-dollar note. I shoved them into the pockets on my dressing gown. Everyone, except Zac, was already...
~*~ Zac ~*~ I answered the door and everyone walked in. I was expecting a couple to arrive at a time, not all of them at once. ‘Everyone, this is Lilliahna, my girlfriend. Lilliahna, this is everyone,’ I said, by way of introducing them all. ‘Zac, you haven’t changed a bit. Come here muffin,’ said my Nanna as she gave me a hug. ‘Thanks Nanna Watson,’ I said. ‘Hi, Mrs Watson, I’m Lil,’ Lil said to her. ‘Lil, call me Nanna too ok,’ she replied pulling her into a hug. The rest of the...
Hey everyone. I didn’t like how the other chapter was written so I re-did it. Here’s the new version. I’m halfway through the next chapter so that should be up soon too. Hope u like it. x ~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ ‘So, I’m behind on my Maths, would you be able to help me?’ Zac asked as he closed the front door behind me. ‘Maths is why you’re so excited?’ I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘No it isn’t, but my excitement isn’t important just yet. You’ll find out soon enough,’ he added...
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Many many thanks to everyone who voted and sent feedback for the previous two stories, apologies that this is so late but life has been a kind of rollercoaster! Back on track now. Would appreciate all votes and comments (good or bad). If this is the first time you’re reading this series, it would probably be more enjoyable to read parts 1 & 2 first!. Thank you so much DiDi The smashing of the dinner plates that Alex could hear from where he was sitting was really beginning to get on his...
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xmoviesforyouBusty, ass-blessed black babe Kiki Minaj shows off in a stylish outfit, her nipples poking through her shirt as she teases. Kiki meets heavily hung Yanick Shaft and Mike Angelo for an interracial devil’s threesome! The spunky starlet fondles her slit as one guy fucks her face and the other reams her stretched rectum. The raunchy encounter delivers nasty rimming; sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjobs; and intense double-anal penetration, with both big boners simultaneously plowing her asshole! The...
xmoviesforyouMarsha had tried repeatedly to put some spark back into her relationship with Randy. Despite having grown repellant toward his girl playing games, she had even bought some new even more youthful looking outfits and stepped up her acting for him which initially had brought positive results in that Randy's lovemaking was more powerful, more urgent than before, but hardly more satisfying for her. She never climaxed now but for Randy's sake faked it, her childish cries of helplessness and pain...
Maria slammed the door in frustration and tossed her coat on the pile of shoes at the entryway. "Hey, hun, what's up?" It was Deirdre her roommate. "Mark was a fucking no show again," Maria growled, flopping down on the couch. Dee was watching some peculiar program on the nature channel. "What the fuck are you watching?" "Oh," Dee said airily. "Nothing really. Just flipping." She started flipping the channels again. Maria caught a flash of a program on bondage as Dee whipped by it. "So Mark...
LesbianA (((((Re-written))))) I thought that a brief break from writing my 20 Years of Infidelity series of stories would do me good. I've had an occasion lately to remember a man I spent time with who had a rather strange... Kink? An unusual request? A taste for something different? Describe it as you will after I relate my experience... I'm not going to give a history. I don't want in any way to ruin the ending to my above mentioned series of posts. Suffice it to say that at the time of this story I...
My buddy Nick has been the centerpeice of the majority of my postings. There is a reason for this, the kid is not like the rest of us. He is one of those people, guy or girl, who seems to live for lack of a better phrase a "charmed life". He is smart, charming and great looking. That description doesn't even do him justice but I will try to add to it as I describe this encounter. As I've mentioned in the past, Nick has it all. He's 6'-2" tall, natrually dark skin (he's Italian), great teeth and...
EroticAt 2:15 in the morning, Teaghan couldn’t think of anything more obnoxious than the sound of an incoming cellphone call. Whether it be the thrashing thrum of “car collision” music, or the velvety voice of the sexiest crooner, or the pixie-like chime of bells, it always took considerable restraint not to pound the little piece of glass, plastic, and electronics into dust whenever it dragged her from her slumber. The intrusion at this very moment was no exception. As it rang for another five...
"Mother. Out. This is my castle now." Vee commanded as she appeared in the throne room. So, it was the den ... so what ... lV used it when she pronounced. "But ... Wendy." "That's your Royalness, Highness or Majesty ... and don't you forget it. You just had to run things ... well ... now you don't and I do! Out!" Vee exclaimed. "Where will we go?" "Who is we?" "Your dad." "Daddy can stay here if he wants ... he likes me and you never did." "I'm sure he'll choose...
It was 10:07 p.m when I texted him from my seat at the bar telling him to come up. "I'll be up after I drop the kids off to their mom." Instantly butterflies fluttered down my stomach and heat rose from my core. I was blushing. It seemed like an eternity. I was checking the time on my phone every 5 minutes, watching the door as I drank two more bottles of Platinum. 37 minutes after I texted him, I watched as he walked in. As he came toward me I couldn't help but notice how incredibly sexy he...
Straight SexHi my name is Anshul and my wife’s name is Sonia ,Im 34 years old , 5’9″ ,70 kgs , moderately hairy with a cut 6″ cock, my wife is 29 years old ,5’4″, 55 kgs, smallish breasts but a big nicely shaped ass , her nipples are pinkish brown in colour….we stay in India and both of us work for a living. After nearly 8 years of marriage things were getting dull and we needed to spice up our sex life , we discussed the issue with an open mind and realized that we both were keen on swapping with another...
Author's Note: Transgender policewoman Penelope Bishop made her first appearance in my story 'Cop Town Girl' and then the sequel 'Sleeping Beauties'. Although not essential, readers might like to read those stories first to put this story into a better context although this story stands on its own. I hope you enjoy my latest offering and feel free to comment or critique my work. Michele Nylons May 2021 Chapter One - Eta Lambda Pi Felicity Benson ruled the stage as the Master...
PART 2 Josh just graduated from high school. He wanted to travel the country before deciding what to do with his life. His family wished him farewell as he grabbed his backpack and headed off down the road. Where was he going? No one knew, not even Josh, but it was sure to be quite the adventure. 2 months went by without a hitch. Josh covered 5 states, mostly on foot, and met friendly people. On an August evening in Tennessee (where Dr. Small's compound was in the Appalachians), a...
Suddenly, both the King and the young lady began bowing before us! The king uttered strings of native words that the girl didn't see fit to translate. Patricia, taken a little aback, finally said, "Stop! Please! What is going on?!" The girl said something to the King, and both stopped bowing, but remained on their knees. The girl swept her long black hair away from her face and spoke to the King. King Kalea said a few words back. "Women such as yourself are revered among our people."...
I am, by profession, a photographer. Sadly it’s not how I earn my living now, the demand for high quality images that once graced the pages of magazines like Mayfair and Playboy have been replaced by the tidal wave of low quality images that swill around the internet and I am forced to earn a meagre wage by other, less creative, means. I still like to keep my photographic skills finely honed however and it was just over a week ago that I shot some stunning images of Kate for the special feature...
Oral Sex