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Blind people have some advantages – not many, but a few. The two senses that I’ve found superior to that of most sighted people are hearing and smell. There’s also a third sense that is often enhanced in the blind, the sense of touch. With the right person, in the right situation, touch offers a very fine way of ‘seeing’ someone.

While wedged into the booth at the Hilton coffee shop with colleagues, I could tell from the tone of the conversation that the guys were deferring to the lady from the Boston office in a way that meant that she was either very attractive or high up in the organization. That’s how men relate to women in a business environment, most guys aren’t aware of how their voices and conversational style give them away.

Her voice sounded a bit low and husky – and showed self assurance. As for how she smelled, I was too far away to figure that out in the crowded restaurant, and there were all sorts of food odors in the air.

But if I could get close enough to check that out, well…we’ll see about getting close. It’s only the beginning of a three-day sales meeting.

At a lull in the conversation I said in her direction, ‘Sorry, I didn’t get your name. Mine is Brad.’

‘Katherine,’ she said. ‘Kate to my friends.’

‘Pleased to meet you,’ I replied. ‘Welcome to the Big Apple.’

The conversation continued, with the usual bullshit. There was complaining about organizational problems, but people were guarded in how much they bitched. No telling who might be a snitch in this sort of group, most of whom were strangers. I can usually detect guarded conversation, that’s not difficult. It’s not only what they say, but there is a special quality that affects speech when one is not completely at ease, something like tightening of the vocal chords. Big deal to know such things! I think of those skills as ‘survival tools.’ They’re quite helpful because I can’t read facial expressions.

I lost vision after a nasty fall from my bike as a teenager – I ran into a fence and took a sharp spike in the forehead. At first the doctors thought that I wouldn’t survive or would suffer brain damage, but blindness was the only major loss. That makes me lucky, I suppose. The folks were great in keeping me from feeling sorry for myself and making sure that I would develop skills (and attitudes) to survive in the sighted world. As proof of how well I developed such skills, I’m now chief system software guru in the NYC office.

Life is pretty good but I’ve been lonely since Sonia moved out. She went to L.A. for a new job. However, we’d been cooling off for a while before the move. She decided that I’m way too ‘intellectual’ for her, whatever that means. She was a hot lady and very inventive in bed – I miss that a lot.

We headed back to the meeting after lunch, as a group. I had my hand on the shoulder of Mark from our office. I get around that way without pulling the folding cane out my jacket pocket and doing the ‘tap-tap’ dance with the cane to move around. Mark’s a good friend and a hell of programmer. At meetings like this he helps out a lot.

She was walking next to me. Before she spoke I knew that she was wearing ‘Fleurs de Provence.’ I’ve learned to identify most perfumes, a side effect of a long affair with a woman in the fragrance business. Then I heard the low voice that I would come to know much better before the weekend was over.

‘I’m looking for a place to have dinner tonight. The guys from my office are going to a hot strip show tonight – that’s not my thing. Can you recommend something?’

‘There’s a wide choice here. What kind of food do you want? French, Chinese, or you-name-it.’

‘French, that’s my favorite.’

‘Like your perfume, eh?’

‘How did you know that? Most guys don’t know much about perfume. And I’m not drenched in the stuff. It’s supposed to be quite subtle.’

‘I’m good at that for a reason. I’m what they now call ‘visually impaired’. That means I’m blind.’

After a long pause, ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be sorry. I’m not sorry for myself, and it bothers me for anyone to feel that way.’

After another pause, ‘Sorry for feeling sorry. How can I make up for that?’

‘Have dinner with me. I’m free tonight and would be happy to show you the town – well, so to speak.’

She laughed at the lame attempt to be funny and responded, ‘I’m free and would be pleased to accept your invitation. How about 8:00 at the registration desk?’

‘Fine, meet you then.’

I dressed carefully. My things are well organized. I have little braille labels sewn into my suits and ties so that I can avoid looking like ‘Andy the Clown’ when I put my duds on. Having cleaned up and dressed, I touched the face of my watch to check the time. At 7:45 I headed down to the lobby.

Just before leaving the room I unfolded the cane and used it to get to the elevator bank. The cane is a dead giveaway, saying, ‘careful, cripple here.’ I hate that, but one must survive. I suppose there are worse things, like having no legs. But this is all stupid shit, you play the hand dealt to you and don’t feel sorry about yourself. I got over all that a long time ago. A stray thought crossed my mind: Of course I hope she isn’t repelled by the ‘handicap’, but what if she is the opposite – a strange doll who is attracted to cripples? There are weirdos like that. All I want is a normal date with a nice woman. Come on, man – this is a dinner date, nothing more!! Lighten up!

At the registration desk she came up to me and I had the same experience as before – damn, she smells good! ‘Been waiting long?’, she asked. I turned toward the voice and responded.

‘No, I just came down. I called for a reservation at a very nice restaurant on 53rd, just three blocks east of here. It’s called ‘Coq d’or.’ We can walk it easily.’

‘The gold cock,’ she said. ‘Fine with me.’ I wondered if she almost laughed at the name of the restaurant. It sure sounded that way to me.

‘Look,’ she said, ‘why don’t you fold up that cane and put your hand on my shoulder – just like you did with your buddy at lunch. I can walk us over there. Is that OK with you?’

‘Sure, lead the way.’

As we started to walk from the Hilton I said, ‘Kate, please slow down just a bit when approaching an intersection. Pick up the pace again when it’s safe to continue.’

‘Sounds like ‘Seeing Eye Kate’… Sorry, I didn’t mean to make a wiseass remark.’

‘Don’t be sorry about anything, like I told you earlier.’

I managed to get to the table without stumbling over anything by following her lead. We ordered drinks and sat there without saying anything for a few moments. I broke the silence, ‘I’ve been here before but have no idea what the hell it looks like.’

‘Well, it’s dimly lit – the usual thing in an overpriced restaurant. But that’s a bit cynical on my part, it’s quite romantic. Decor is Pseudo Right Bank – definitely a sign of being overpriced. You can hear the piano playing softly in the corner, now that’s a turnon for me. I’m a sucker for romantic background music.’

I hesitated and then asked, ‘Would you tell me how you’re dressed and how you look. I know that’s a strange request, but please humor me.’

‘As for the way I’m dressed, I’m in an outfit I use for evenings out, but I didn’t bring the fanciest stuff from my closet. I’m in fashionable black – black top with a scoop neckline, and a jacket over that. My skirt is black also and tightly fitted. I’m wearing the pearls I bought in Hong Kong last year. Is that enough of a description?’

‘How much cleavage is showing with that scoop neckline?’

‘Enough to get most men interested. Are we done with the clothes now?’

‘Yes, that’s fine for how you’re dressed. How do you look? I know that you’re about 5 feet, six – but I don’t even know the color of your eyes or your hair.’

‘Brunette, with hazel eyes. Enough?’

I don’t usually push
the envelope fast when I meet a new woman. But Kate seemed friendly and answered my question about her cleavage without hesitation. Besides, this meeting would last only three days. I decided to ask about her body – we’d see how that turned out.

‘Tell me about the best and worst features of your body. Please.’

‘This is getting complicated, I don’t know how to answer that kind of question. I don’t know what I look like to other people. And I feel uneasy about the direction of your questions. Not offended, just uneasy. I suppose it’s because I’m used to people who can see what I look like – nobody has ever asked to describe myself the way you have. Besides, my own opinion may be different from that of an unbiased observer.’

‘If you’re uncomfortable we can stop this line of talk. But tell me honestly what you think are your best and worst body features. I won’t divulge such information to anybody else. And I won’t publish it in the corporate monthly newsletter….. I was trying to be funny with that last remark, but more to the point: whatever you and I discuss will remain strictly between the two of us. That’s a promise.’

‘OK, but this is turning to be the strangest conversation of my life. My worst point is my waist, it’s too thick and I dress to hide that feature. Even with lots of aerobic sessions and dieting, I’m still too thick in the middle. Oh, I guess my eyebrows are too thin, but makeup covers that.’

‘That doesn’t sound so bad. What are the best things about your body?’

‘I’m blushing. Good thing you can’t see that. I have nice boobs – not real big but perky and well shaped. Probably my best body feature is my ass. It’s tight and perfectly rounded. Not a bit of flab back there. I’ve been complimented on my ass quite often. I dress to show it off. That’s enough of such talk for now. I’m embarrassed. It must be the drinks that loosened my tongue.’

‘Besides being embarrassed, aren’t you a wee bit aroused by this conversation?’

‘I am. I shouldn’t say this, but I feel some moisture in a very private place. You haven’t told me about your body.’

‘Not much to tell. Abs could be better, but I work out when I can. I’m in decent shape. As for a tool, mine is adequate but not gigantic. It seems to have been good enough for all the women I’ve known. Is that enough detail for you?’

‘Yes, that’s a bit more frank than I expected… .I’m not sure what I expected. You responded to my direct question with a direct answer. Let’s order dinner and talk about less intimate things.’

During the conversation I put my hand on the table close to her, she responded after a few minutes by putting her hand on top of mine. It was no big deal, I suppose. But it was great to feel that physical connection with her.

Over dinner we discussed the company, among other things. Something clicked in my mind. I said, ‘Hmm, your name is ‘Katherine.’ Are you the ‘K. Jamieson’ in the Boston office who I hear is shaking up Marketing there?’

‘Yes, that’s me. Marketing in Boston was run by a bunch of assholes. By now I’ve managed to correct the situation and sales projections are way up.’

‘You really chopped off some heads, from what I hear. You must be a hardnosed boss.’

‘I go after what I want. I’m not the helpless female of myth. I usually get what I want.’

‘Does that carry over to your personal life?’

‘If you mean do I go after a guy who appeals to me, the answer is yes. Most guys are put off by an aggressive female, so I have to be careful about that.’

‘Do you feel aggressive tonight?’

‘Maybe….. Let’s see what happens.’

On the way back to the Hilton we held hands, rather than having her hand on my shoulder. It worked very well – I’m sure nobody noticed that she was leading me. Recalling our conversation, I was getting worked up. Down below my cock was stirring to life – it had been a while since Sonia left town and I’d been going solo for too damn long!

In the Hilton lobby Kate was direct, ‘Brad, come on up to my room for a nightcap. I’ll get drinks and a setup sent up from Room Service.’

Holy shit! She didn’t come right out and say, ‘Let’s fuck.’ But it was close enough for me to get aroused as hell.

When we got up to her room she called Room Service for the drinks and we sat side-by-side on the couch. I leaned over and met her coming my way. It was our first kiss and a winner. Our lips seemed almost glued together and our tongues make love to each other! ‘My God’, I thought, ‘this is some passionate woman.’

I had pushed my hand under her skirt and my fingers were exploring her panties when Room Service knocked on the door. I pulled my hand away and from her crotch and noticed that my fingers were wet. I smelled them, it was definitely ‘eau de cunt’, my favorite fragrance.

Drinks were an unnecessary diversion. She poured them out for us, but there they sat for the rest of the evening – we were too busy with more important things.

After more deep kisses and some groping she pulled away with, ‘I’ll be right back. I’m going to the bathroom.’

When she returned she sat real close to me on the couch. My hand touched her thigh. I had touched real girly flesh! She was either naked or had stripped down to undies. The great detective Brad used his fingers to find out which of the possibilities was true. She seemed to enjoy my exploration and put her hand on my cock (which was sticking way up by this time) as I examined her body with my fingers. She had on only a brief bra and frilly panties.

After I unhooked her bra and started kissing those lovely globes and teasing her nipples with my tongue she pulled away slightly and said, ‘No fair. I’m almost naked and you still have most of your clothes on. Get those things off. I want to see if the tool you mentioned can provide what I need.’

I got my clothes off as quickly as possible. Disrobing wasn’t all that easy because we were in the midst of an embrace that just kept going. Finally I had all my clothes off. She seemed to be looking carefully and gave a considered judgement, ‘You’ll do just fine.’ Then she put her hand around my cock and stroked it gently. That was great. All I could think at this point was something stupid, like ‘She has me in hand – and I love it!’ I guess not having had sex for such a long time had affected my mind.

She paused for a moment and said, ‘This is a hell of time for conversation but I want to tell you how erotic I find this. Normally I would hope to impress a guy with sexy underwear and my bare body. Then, in the normal course of events, he would usually grab a tit or put fingers into my pussy. He would be the aggressor, most men like to feel that they’re in charge. But I have to go beyond that with you and take the initiative. Taking the initiative suits me just fine. I’m a take charge woman and right now I’m taking charge of getting fucked by a sexy man. The first thing is to get you good and hard. That seems to be going well. I’ll keep stroking your cock but not too fast right now – I want us to come at the same time. Please bend down to my pussy and make love to me with your mouth and tongue.’

Kate was already slightly wet before I went down on her. She was going to be a hell of a lot wetter and exhausted after I licked and sucked her cunt for the next half hour.

I consider myself an expert on giving head. Any guy who doesn’t like the smell and taste of pussy, or is simply put off by the idea, will never satisfy his woman. You CANNOT FAKE IT, when it comes to cunnilingus. Happily, I don’t have to fake it. I bent down close to her glistening labia. Before using my tongue I stroked her cunt lips and the entire area around her pussy. She started to breath hard and her pelvis started moving up and down, definitely a good start. Then I planted some kisses over the same area, letting my tongue extend just enough to let her get an idea of what would be happening shortly. She was breathing harder by this point and moan
ed a bit. It sounded to me like she hadn’t had oral sex in a long time and was really hungry for action. I extended the main weapon, my tongue.

My tongue penetrated past the outer lips and into her vagina. She was so wet that my tongue slipped right in. I was deliberate in slowly moving my tongue toward her clitoris, licking as I went. I did tease her a bit by removing my tongue and then putting it back into her slit. As this was going on topside, I was touching and petting the area between her pussy and her asshole, the perineum. That area is full of nerve endings and a surefire way to arouse any woman that I’ve ever been with. Finally my tongue got to her clitoris. It was well out from the protective hood and just waiting to be stimulated. Kate has an unusually large clit, an adorable female penis. I licked her little pseudo-cock and then sucked on it. Kate had been making noises and moving her hips up and down for a while. Sucking her clit brought her over the edge. Her body went into spasm, she screamed loud enough to make we wonder if anybody in the next room thought I had killed her – and then there was only the sound of her heavy breathing.

After a bit I dried the sweat from her body with a big bath towel. Smart lady – she brought towels from the bathroom and put them next to the bed before we started.

A great way of having sex is to take turns bringing your partner to climax, rather than trying to orgasm simultaneously. That’s what happened the first time for me and Katie.

After she climaxed we lay there for a while holding each other. Then she said, ‘Brad, I’m going to return the favor. You were terrific at oral sex and deserve a trophy of some sort for the performance. But I’m not ready to award you First Place in the Hilton Hotel Oral Sex Contest. I won the Harvard Square Cocksucking trophy my last year at Radcliffe. Let’s see how I do tonight. Hon, get on your back and let me take care of you. Let Auntie Kate work her magic on you.’

Kate turned around, with her feet toward the headboard. Then she straddled me with her knees bent. She bent down to my cock while keeping her weight on her knees and her snatch over my face. To get your cock sucked by your sweetie while she has her still steaming cunt over you face is an unforgettable experience!

She made love to my cock like an expert – that’s the best way I can summarize the blow job. At first she used a finger to trace my swollen cock, from the sensitive tip down to the base, and then on to my balls. After enough of the finger exercise almost caused me to explode, she used her mouth and tongue. Kate was a she-devil with much experience. She teased me, almost brought me to climax, backed off, and started again. The final blow (so to speak) was when she put a finger into my asshole and wiggled that around while sucking on my cock! That did it. I spewed forth a bigger load than I remember having since I was an over-sexed teen masturbating to pictures of lingerie ads in the Sunday paper. That was before I was blinded. I haven’t seen a lingerie ad, or anything else, for a long time.

You can’t spend all your time fucking and sucking – sometimes you have to take a break. At those times, while lying in bed, we got into some interesting conversations. She asked me at one point, ‘You seem to think that I’m good looking, but how do you know that? You know that I wasn’t lying about my boobs and my ass, but I could be a crone and you would never know that.’

The great philosopher Brad hesitated all of 30 seconds and replied. ‘I’ve thought about that many times. By now it seems simple enough to me, each person constructs a so-called reality different from everyone else’s reality. Blind people just have fewer visual inputs. You might be a crone, although I doubt that. Even you were, it wouldn’t matter one bit – especially now that we’ve come to know each other so well. I like what I’ve found and hope you feel the same way.’

After that little speech, she put her arms around me and put her hand on my thermometer – it rose, to indicate increasing heat. Oh well, a stud’s work is never done.

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I know I told you the story about how I got hooked up with my much younger co-worker.  She was an amazing little nymph, always trying to get me worked up in the office.  I was lucky to be banging this great piece of ass, and couldn't imagine the hot steamy car sex getting any better, but believe it or not it did. We were at an office party one night, and had both had quite a bit to drink.  As we had decided to not let our "relationship" become grist for the office rumor mill, we were being...

2 years ago
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Canyon Sex

Many times I had told Kay about the special place we were going to. It was her day. She had a fantasy about taking charge for an entire day. Since she had awaked my sexuality in ways I never imagined, it was the least I could do for my lover. On the drive up, she told me to watch the road and to pull down my shorts. She then teased me with her hands and mouth, never fully taking me in. I pulled my shorts up as we pulled over. I grabbed the blanket and provisions and we hiked down a trail to...

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Gay experience at airport

Hi guys! This is Amit. I`m 22 now. Let me first describe you about myself. I`m 5″8 in height. I`m slightly chubby and my whole physique is more like a female body. Even my face is round like females. I have absolutely no hair on my body and being very fare my skin shines like a female skin. Well I first noticed all these female traits in myself when I did a school play in which I did a role of a woman. I had to wear a sari. Now you see I have really big boobs. They are so big that I always wear...

Gay Male
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The Chair

You’re sitting in a chair, naked. Your body tense with desire, longing to touch me. Gripping the arms of the chair tightly because I had told you if you touched me your pleasure would stop. My mouth is gliding over you, tasting your ear, your neck, coming towards your mouth for a soft kiss before continuing on its torturous tour of your body. You can smell my perfume, the hints of it driving you to distraction as I kiss you, my body oh so close but off limits. My hair has come forward, blocking...

1 year ago
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Moms get hot too 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! When we got home my husband had not arived and tim followed me to my room, where we kissed some more and whispered our love to each other he started undressing me and we giggled as my skirt came off for the waistband was what was holding holding them on as the crouch was torn into, i giggled first time i got my panties tore off, he then slipped my blouse off and i stood before him competly naked as his eyes roamed over my bady oh god you are so...

3 years ago
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Getting Married

Let’s start with some information about me. I am a thirty-something divorced woman. Some call me beautiful, others don’t. I have rich chestnut hair and piercing green eyes. I am not considered thin, and some may even call me fat. I think my curves are perfect. I spend quite a bit of time in the gym and am resolved that this is my body. Love it or hate it. After my divorce, I tried online dating. I could regale you with the horror stories, but I did meet a few good guys. One of those good guys...

Love Stories
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The Doctor Is In

Thank you to workingman for the inspirational idea. The Doctor Is In Let me say at first that I love my job. Being a Physician has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Needless to say my parents were thrilled by my success and were so proud of their eldest daughter. Like most medical students the choices were out there, but school costs a fortune. I accepted a position in a small northern city, as a General Practitioner, in exchange for their helping defer some of the...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Confessions Three Certainly Isnt A Crowd

Prelude What had already happened between Scott and myself in the hot tub that night had been unexpected. There are, of course, different kinds of unexpected. This wasn't like finding out that my car needs four new tires, or waking up to a foot of snow in October. Instead, it had been like going to pay my bar tab, and discovering that a friend had already settled up. It had been enough to make my head spin and my heart race when his lips met mine for the first time. It wasn't as if there had...

Wife Lovers
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Jelly Bean Justice

UNTITLED   JELLY BEAN JUSTICE! ByAnne Gray It wasn?t a swagger, or even a strut, it was an attitude, she knew she looked good and she did.? Even at just 5? 6?, plus a bit more with the heels on the boots, she had an arrogance about her that managed to give the impression she was looking down her nose at everyone.?? In a sense she probably was.  I suppose that kind of confidence was needed when you made your living defrauding people, but the clothes certainly helped complete the...

3 years ago
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Janice is mind controlled and humiliated by Ginger part 1

said, "Hello?" "Janice" a smooth male voice said. "Good morning." "Hello" said Janice wondering who it was that knew her first name when she did not recognise the voice. The voice on the phone said "unlock your front door so that I can come into your house and then go stand in your front room" the voice continued "In five minutes, no matter what you're doing, you'll stop and be unable to move or speak." With out replying Janice hung up a nutter she thought. As she put the...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 92

Once Kat and Kelly had left, Marie showered again and shaved her legs and pits. Jessica had promised to take her to the French restaurant in town for her birthday dinner, and she was very excited at the prospect of an evening alone with her mistress.After perfuming and powdering herself, Marie picked out her favorites from the new underwear she’d bought that day and tried on all of her new outfits before deciding on a simple cream-colored dress that flattered her curves nicely. Jessica appeared...

1 year ago
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Angelina Jolie Dominates Nicki Minaj the Anal Whor

Nicki Minaj entered her hotel room and quickly undressed, ready for a warm relaxing shower after her long flight. She knew she had to clean herself well because of how dirty she planned to get later...With her tight, fit, yet exceptionally curvy caramel body now completely naked, she entered the steamy shower and began to shave her pretty pussy and sexy legs. She had to completely smooth for tonight. The water slid down her curves and dripped on the floor after she was done cleansing her...

2 years ago
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Biggest Surprise of the Night

…Fear set in when I saw our neighbors’ kitchen light turn on. They were a very nice, conservative couple in their late sixties, Ellen and George. I immediately grabbed my nightgown to cover myself, but my naughty husband grabbed it back with a smirk on his face. I sighed out loud in frustration as he tossed it to the far end of the room. He could act like such a horny teenager sometimes! Seriously, what would they think if they see my smirking husband holding my nightgown, and me naked, cream...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 78 Three Exciting Weeks Part I

November/December, 1983, Chicago, Illinois Monday after Thanksgiving was the start of our last week of class for the semester. It continued to amaze me just how quickly each one had gone by. After finals, I’d be down to just three more semesters until graduation. A lot was going to happen between now and then, but if the first two-and-a-half years were any indication, the last year-and-a-half would go by quickly. Things were very quiet around the house with everyone studying and preparing...

2 years ago
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SleeneChapter 5 Saturday Brunch

I almost laughed when I entered the spare room and saw what lay on the bed. "Well, this won't take long," I thought. Lying on the bed was a matching skirt and top, and garter belt and stockings, all in black. It wasn't until I lifted them from the dark bedspread that I realized that the skirt and top were quite sheer, maybe more than the stockings! They were made of a loose nylon mesh. The top flowed from my shoulders to just below my breasts, with long sleeves ending in ruffles. The top...

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Aunt Fiona

Aunt Fiona was hardly my mother's favorite sibling. Mom was the oldest, and Fiona the youngest by a considerable margin. I first met my aunt when I was five and she was in high school and a star gymnast. I thought she was gorgeous, with her long red hair, pale skin, and deep blue eyes, I didn't tell Mom, but I wanted to look more like my aunt and less like my mother when I grew up.When she graduated from high school, Fiona went to USC where she helped them win a Pac Ten gymnastics title, but...

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Tiger Tails Sisselixer

Tiger Tails: Sisselixer By: Terinas Tiger "Clothes shopping." Tobias slammed the driver's door on his truck shut behind him, narrowing his eyes as he stared up at his location. "Why did it have to be clothes shopping?" The Lustrum Mall stared back at him, a large shopping complex capped by four glass doors, a sign above them depicting the mall's name in neon blue letters that lit up at night. To the right of the letters, an image of the mall's cartoon mascot waved at people as they...

3 years ago
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OSL New YorkChapter 2 Manhattan

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for...

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The Boys in BlueChapter 8

He sat in the foyer with his walking stick between his knees when a taxi pulled up and Terry alighted from it. She was dressed in a tailored dark grey trouser suite wearing a black hat with a large brim. Her hair must be in a bun under it, thought Robert, her long neck exposed. He rose to greet her. “Well how do I look?” she asked. “Fantastic!” replied Robert. “How do I look?” “Very handsome!” and realised with a start that she meant it. They had been chatting away when a taxi pulled up....

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The Futas Mindcontrolling PantiesChapter 8 Futa Enjoys the Reverendrsquos Wife and Daughter

Mildred Dean I smiled at the trembling Christabella Tuft. The reverend’s daughter stood shell-shock at the debauchery she found in her living room. I stood naked. Her mother, Elouise, had her tongue licking up the last of the pussy juices from my cumming pussy. My futa-dick thrust over her head, the tip buried in the mouth of Mrs. Quick, my MILF lover. “W-what is going on, Mom?” the girl gasped. Sixteen and gorgeous. She had an innocent, freckled face. Curly-brown hair fell down around her...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alissa 07052018

Summer is here and it’s time for our fun girls to shine, just like our tanned beauty, 21 year old Alissa. Always smiling with a great sense of humor, her laughs just make her sexier and she’s the kind of gal pal you want to have, especially if it involves sex! She’s the adventurous type who likes to have a good time no matter if it’s a guy, a gal, two guys, two gals, you get the picture. With experience like that, she’s a natural and just the kind of girl we like...

3 years ago
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Educating the Capo Ch 04

With only a couple of days left before we left for Richmond, there were a lot of things we had to iron out before our departure. The division of labour was easy, Manny attacked the logistical aspects of the work that would be done in our absence, sorting out assignments and staffing for the jobs which were already on the books and freeing up assets for any work that would come our way while we were gone. Our secretary, Karen Wilde, would relocate to temporary premises with the rest of the...

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Tempestuous Ch 01

It was a beautiful day, the sun was out, casting its warm beams on the city below. There was a cool breeze that complimented the warmth and carried the heady smell of the lilacs through the air, filling the hall of the big brick church on Gotham Street. The sun shone through the stained glass windows casting different tones on the walls and the floors, illuminating the entire church. It was the perfect day for a baptism. The Stone and the Rush family stood before the magnificent alter inside...

2 years ago
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Abducted Social Worker

Abducted Social WorkerBy:  The CryptkeeperWARNING: Please do not read this work if subjects containing non-consensual sex, racism, drug use and violence offend you. The work is fictional and the author does not condone such behavior in real life. If you are easily offended STOP READING NOW.  The September sun beats down on Lisa through the open sunroof ofher blue Acura as she pulls up to her last case for the day inthe middle of the projects. The young, 22-year-old accepted thisjob with the...

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The Adventures of Candy Cummins

Candy knocked hard on the back door trying to get the bouncers attention. When he finally came to the door, his eyes were narrow and serious but Candy knew he was trying to repress a smile.“ W’the fuck you doin here candy! I told you to stop coming around here. You are gonna get this place shut down.” The bouncer said as he blocked the entrance with his massive body.“Please, bro-bro, just let me in this week. I hear it’s gonna be banging in there tonight. DJ Geo is spinning tonight ain’t...

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Convention Surprises

Pro-Con was heating up as the halls of the Southern Convention Centre filled with the first day's visitors. Most of them were dressed up and actively cosplaying, but there were also people who spent their time ogling the cosplayers. The average cosplayer spent many, many hours on their work; things such as their clothes, makeup, and minute details to recreate the look of their favourite characters. Amongst the thousands of people with smartphones, there were a few professional...

1 year ago
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Cheerleader CampChapter 17 Honeymoon

Ok, I'll admit that a honeymoon with the whole family was a bit unusual but, we decided to do it that way to make it a combination honeymoon and family vacation. Other than cheerleader camp the girls had not had a real getaway vacation in many years. Also since all of us had been intimate for quite a while it only seemed natural to keep the familial unit together. We headed out on the first leg of our journey to Galveston to camp out on the beach. That gave us a chance for a shakedown to...

2 years ago
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FTL II First ContactChapter 2 Contact

Day Two. Nothing unexpected happened on the second day of the trip. The ship ran well. Its hydrogen fueled engines put out more than enough energy to maintain the warp coil at full power. The engine's main byproduct was oxygen. That was one detail that the mothers had handled without involving Jim. Seven year old Timmy asked his dad, "What if there are aliens where we are going?" Jim replied, "Well, now, I don't think we are going to have to worry about that." Timmy smiled and...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Didi

Hiii friends this is rahul gigolo back again with a new story of my self mai aap kooo is story mai bataunga kii kaise maine aapne ek puranee dost kii behen koo chooda. Kripa kar story padkh kar mail kare aur mail ke reply bhi jaldi kare my mail id is please mail me aur jabalpur ki aunty aur ladkiya koi tooo milo yaar. Please jabalpur aunties mail karna mere age 22 hai mere height 5’7 hai aur mera lund 8.5 inch lumba aur 3inch mota hai so plz contact me for having sex. Mai kaise bhi sex karne...

2 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 4 One and One make Three

Michael Hawthorne stood gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling window of their guest suite, watching the two suns sink into the far horizon. He felt little warmth from either; one was large but pale yellow; the other was a much smaller, gleaming white disc. He had no idea how far either sun was from the planet, but compared to the blazing hot brilliance of Sol in his home system, he knew that the Masi'shen suns were not only much farther from this planet, but they were much less intense. This...

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Shipwrecked 2 Rescued

1. WAITING TO BE RESCUED! As the boat came towards our island to rescue us, I gathered a few items quickly that I thought I might need. I had no idea what the ship was that we were going to be taken to. I rushed around the shelter and threw some underwear, panties and bras, a few skirts and tops and a couple of pairs of shoes quickly into a bag. I put some makeup into a hand bag and then at the last moment, I grabbed a packet of the contraceptive pills I had been taking for so long and...

3 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 25

Kim and Sally met in the parking lot at school the next morning. As they walked across the paved surface towards the school buildings, Sally said, "Kim, I really want to do it with Tom. I want to know what it is like to have him inside me." "It will happen when, and if, it happens," Kim replied, "But don't rush it. It was just so natural when Jack and I did it." "Are you going to do it again with Jack?" "I don't know. I'm going to wait and see what he does. I want the next...

1 year ago
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Maggies Perfect Plan Part 7

I hardly slept that night worrying about the likely events of the following day. With Marie and her brood arriving it was going to be a time of never ending bullying and humiliation. Things were bad enough with Emily but now having Kylie and Britany here as well was going to be unbearable. After the phone call I had been made to get their rooms ready. Marie would have one to herself whilst the girls shared another. I awoke from my fitful slumber to the sound of Emily entering my...

2 years ago
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Ants at BEESChapter 13

Winnie performed introductions; we shook hands. "Entomology, eh?" "Yes, sir. But actually myrmicology. And not those Rhytidoponera; they're too common. I'm hoping to do some work on desert ants." "Interesting. We've got a succulents area. We've not sown it, but I'm certain that the fauna there aren't those of these entry footpaths." "I'd just asked Winnie about that section." "Well, let's walk over. It's not far. Nothing is." "Where's Mum?" Winnie asked. "Waiting...

2 years ago
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Sgt Homo shows me the way

I am a heavy munitions specialist in the U.S. Army assigned to Ft. Hood, Texas. I was back in the States after my second tour in Iraq and looking forward to going home for a little R&R. I had been approved for a leave to start in three weeks. My hometown is near Chicago and I hadn’t been back in nearly fifteen months. The Army doesn’t like idle time so I would be drilling and training for the next three weeks. On day two of my twenty-one day countdown I was in the mess hall for morning chow....

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Carrying the FlagChapter 2 The Devil Laughs

Late was not an option with Devers. I hustled to her new office. I'd canceled my afternoon diving practice, so when she was done dragging me over the coals I'd join Terrell for some music appreciation. That was something to look forward to. Assuming, that is, that my head wasn't mounted on Devers's office wall. I'd had sessions with her before -- for things like using one of the short stair railings as an angled balance beam or doing cartwheels down an almost empty hall. Hey! That was...

4 years ago
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sisters Part 1

story is based on a comic by Gary RobertsShe was bound with her hands behind her back with heavy metal handcuffs. She complained that they put them on too tight, but they ignored her. Her bra was gone, her shorts unzipped and open, her pink panties showing. She was pushed along the corridor of cells, some of them open to the hallway, others just ominous large metal doors, the unknown behind them. She looked in some of the cells and was surprised at what she saw. There were other girls in them...

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Double Dare Part3

"So, what's dare?" asked the young redheaded Katie staring at us."Err?" me, my blonde haired cousin Josie, and her hot ebony friend Emily, replied not sure how to reply.Then our college professor Mr Mane stood up and said "Okay, people. We're nearly at the farm. So, make sure you've got all your belongings, because the coach isn't stopping with us, it'll be back later to pick us up!""Oh thank god!" exclaimed my cousin, and quickly the three of us got properly dressed again, and as the coach...

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