- 5 years ago
- 33
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I was fifteen when I first watched Ryan getting a thrashing from his dad. Hewas seventeen at the time, close to eighteen, and I couldn't believe what Iwas seeing.
It was about cricket ? it always was, with George and Ryan. Ryan had playeda school match that day, and evidently got himself in trouble. Surprise, surprise.George, a former national player himself, had been notified, and was givingRyan hell about it.
Arrested by the angry voices coming from the study, I stopped on the stairs,irresistibly drawn to see what was going on. The door was slightly open, andI peeked through it to see Ryan standing in front of George's desk, hands behindhis back. George was letting him have it.
? ? so what does he tell me? You swore at him. You idiot, you swore at theumpire! Not only argued, but swore! What did you think you were doing? Tellme, mate, what the hell were you thinking??
?Chalmers was out, damn it,? Ryan burst out, sounding aggrieved. ?I had himplumb!?
George's eyes narrowed. ?More swearing, Ryan??
?Shit!? Ryan threw his head back in frustration. ?I mean ? ?
?You're begging for it, mate.?
?But I had him! We'd have won if ? ?
To my astonishment, George's hand lashed across Ryan's face. Ryan's complaintstopped immediately. He stared at his father for a moment, then dropped hishead. ?I'm sorry, sir.?
?That's better. Now tell me what you're sorry for.?
?For swearing.? I'd never heard Ryan sound so subdued. ?I lost my temper onthe field and swore at the umpire, then I swore at you. Twice.?
?Was that wrong??
?Yes, sir.?
?So what does that mean??
?That means I deserve to be punished. Sir.?
Something clenched in my stomach. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Big,bad Ryan Avery was about to be punished by his father? What kind of punishment?I'd already seen George slap him across the face.
?Assume the position, Ryan.?
To my disbelief, Ryan unclasped his hands and bent over the mahogany desk,reaching out in front of him to hold onto the other side. I had a perfect viewof his tight, hard ass in the straining cricket whites, and bit hard on mylip to keep from moaning.
?Legs apart,? George ordered.
Obediently, Ryan parted his legs until there was almost a metre between hisfeet.
George went behind the desk and opened a drawer. I nearly gasped when he pulledout a wooden paddle. ?For swearing three times, you are going to get threeimplements,? he said almost conversationally. ?First the paddle, then my belt,and finally the cane. Do you agree??
?Yes, sir.? The words were a groan.
?We'll work in descending order. Thirty with the paddle, twenty with the belt,and ten with the cane. Okay??
?Yes, sir.?
My bottom clenched as I listened to Ryan's obedient agreement. It was burningin anticipation of how badly the punishment was going to hurt Ryan, but therewas another burn, deep inside me. It started as a tingling of excitement asGeorge lifted his arm and smacked the paddle down on Ryan's displayed ass.He didn't take it slow. George Avery had never been known to take anythingslow. Instead, he smacked that paddle down all over Ryan's butt, up and downeach cheek, across the middle, down the backs of his thighs.
I'd counted twenty, and already I was gasping. Ryan hadn't made a sound. Hesimply lay over that desk and took the paddling like a man who knew he deservedit.
Thirty, at last! My own bottom was aching, but Ryan didn't betray any feelingwhatsoever. George was determined to involve him in this punishment, however.
?What's next, Ryan?? he demanded.
?The belt, sir.? The words were clipped, almost gasped.
?How many??
?Twenty, what??
?Twenty, sir,? Ryan ground out.
?Very good.? George was smiling as he undid his belt and dragged it from theloops of his pants. When it was free, he doubled it up and slapped his ownhand with it. The sound made me cringe, yet my excitement intensified.
?Ready, Ryan?? he asked pleasantly.
?Yes, sir.?
The leather belt whacked down across the crest of Ryan's ass. Ryan's bodyjerked at the impact, but he made no sound. Another whack, in the exact sameplace. I winced in sympathy as Ryan went rigid. Still no sound. A third whack,in the same place. Ryan's head shot up, and I was sure his knuckles were turningwhite as he gripped the desk. But he still didn't cry out.
To my relief, George abandoned that spot and the next seven blows made theirway down from Ryan's lower back to the tops of his thighs. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!
Halfway there, he gave it a pause. Ryan's back rose and fell jerkily as hegasped for breath, and his ass and legs were trembling from the pain. Stillno sound.
George seemed disappointed that he wasn't raising more of a reaction fromRyan, and it seemed to me that he put extra effort into the next few blowsthat he rained down across the middle of his son's backside.
Ryan reared up, then slammed his chest down against the desk again. By nowI could hear his gasps as he struggled to keep control.
A violent jerk.
?Shit!? The cry was hoarse, ripped from him against his will, a despairingrupture of his desperate control.
George stopped instantly. ?What was that??
Ryan dragged a deep breath into his lungs and released it slowly, evidentlyfighting for restraint. ?I swore again, sir.? Still that hoarse, rasping voice.
?Hmm.? George was more intrigued than annoyed by this turn of events, andscratched his head. ?Looks like you have a choice, Ryan. Either we double yourremaining punishment, or you take what's left on the bare.?
I almost screamed. The bare? Without his pants on? Oh my God! RyanAvery, my best friend's bad big brother ? whipped on the bare? For six yearsI'd been trying to avoid him, wary of his sardonic mouth, his glittering eyesthat always seemed to know more than they should. Ryan was bad, no doubt aboutit, and I was terrified of him. As terrified as I was horribly, guiltily attracted.Suddenly, I prayed Ryan would choose the latter.
He seemed to be undecided.
?Your choice, son. Which will it be? Five with the belt and ten with the caneon the bare, or ten more with the belt and twenty with the cane??
I didn't think I could stand to watch Ryan caned twenty times, and to my intenserelief, he answered quietly, ?On the bare.?
George smiled. I think he was relieved too. ?You may get up to remove yourpants.?
Ryan turned slightly as he straightened, giving me a view of his face. Hewas pale, and his mouth was drawn into a tight line. His dark eyes burned.I was so caught up by the expression in them that I almost missed him drophis pants. They were cricket-regulation white, held up at the top by a string,which Ryan untied. He pulled out the waist to loosen it, then with one swiftmotion, pulled the pants and his white briefs down to his knees.
To my disappointment, I didn't get much of a view of the front of him, becausealmost immediately he draped himself back over the desk. But I got a brilliantview of the back. His skin was naturally dark, because of his Italian descent.This time he parted his legs without being told although not as widely, andI glimpsed black hair between his legs. There was certainly enough of it growingdown his legs, but his butt was almost smooth. It took all my self controlto remain where I was, and I clasped my hands together to refrain from reachingout to touch him. God, he was gorgeous. And that taut male butt of his wascrimson. From his lower back to his knees, his skin glowed dull red from thepaddling. I could just about make out the individual welts from the belt, muchdarker ? almost purple, but not quite. It looked sore as hell, and I couldn'tbelieve he'd stood still to receive it, and only cried out once.
And what that cry had cost him!
?Ready?? George asked him.
?Yes, sir,? Ryan muttered in reply.
This time I saw his ass muscles contract in anticipation of the whack! I clenchedmy teeth together, agonising over what I watched, unable to make myself leave.George landed these whacks from top to bottom again, with the final whack landinghalfway down Ryan's tense thighs.
So tense myself, I sagged against the doorframe with relief when he set thebelt aside. But when he made his way over to the cupboard, I remembered whatwas to come next. The cane.
I had never been spanked by anybody in my life. In fact, I'd never beforeseen anyone being spanked. I knew nothing about it, but even the word, cane ,terrified me. Actually seeing the implement almost made me faint. If anybodyeven thought about using such a thing on me, I knew I would die. I wouldn'tbe able to take it. Ryan must have felt it before. How could he even thinkabout misbehaving, knowing the threat waiting for him?
Ryan's helpless gasp drowned out mine, and I saw every one of his musclescontract. A dark purple stripe formed across the crest of his punished bottom.His cheeks clenched together, then forcibly relaxed. He'd definitely been herebefore, I realised. He knew the drill. I don't know how I knew George demandedhe relax between strokes, but I didn't think Ryan would be relaxing his assby choice.
An inch lower than the first. Ryan jerked up, but his hands anchored him tothe desk. Straining backwards, he gasped for breath, head thrown back, thenlay down again. Relaxed his muscles again.
Three neat stripes, all in a row. I was almost screaming as I watched thewelt form on his dark skin, and he pressed his thighs together as much as hecould. Every muscle tensed frantically in resistance to the fiery pain I knewhad to be blazing through him, and then relaxed once more. But they trembled,obediently awaiting the next blow.
This time I made myself watch as the cane struck Ryan's ass. His flesh jerkedin and upwards with the force, then bounced back into place as a fourth purpleridge formed on the fleshy crown of his bottom. I saw George draw the caneacross the welt, dragging it lengthways along the wound before lifting it again,and fire lashed through me. I was burning up with empathetic pain, yet I wasaching with desire at the same time. I wanted to go inside the study and touchRyan, feel his welts for myself, run my fingers over his throbbing bottom ? bothto soothe and excite. But somehow I managed to restrain myself.
Perfectly placed between the four stripes that marked Ryan's flesh. Peoplehad always said about George that it was his brilliant timing and placementthat made him such a great batsman. I don't know about timing, but his placementwas perfect. Shock knocked the breath from me, and it seemed to have done thesame to Ryan, because he didn't react. Then suddenly he clenched his batteredcheeks together and emitted a low moan. His voice broke several times, thenhe gasped deeply.
George decided it was time he involved himself again. ?How many more, Ryan??
I gasped at the unfairness of the question. I had been watching and even I didn'tknow. How many had he given Ryan? I had no idea.
But Ryan croaked, ?Three ? sir.?
Still three to go? I almost groaned, all thoughts that I was voluntarily puttingmyself through this forgotten. I couldn't leave Ryan now. It was as thoughif I left, I'd be abandoning him to face it on his own. At least this way,I could share some of his pain.
Even though he didn't know I was there.
Mercifully, George made it quick. One crack created a diagonal slash fromthe top left to the lower right of Ryan's bottom. The next crack turned itinto a neat cross. The third and final crack slammed right across the crownof his ass, and once again George dragged the cane through the wound. Thenhe moved to return it to the cupboard.
Ryan didn't move. He lay there, bent over the desk, every muscle rigid, protestingthe fire that must surely be licking through him. It was overwhelming me, andmy flesh hadn't been touched! I clenched my fists and bit hard down on my lowerlip to keep from moving or crying out, from giving vent to the feelings Ryanwas refusing to acknowledge.
When George closed the cupboard, Ryan still hadn't moved. At least now hewas breathing, in short, sharp gasps that shook his shoulders. His entire bodyshuddered repeatedly, then George ordered, ?Stand up, mate.?
I wanted to yell at him, to use the cane on him and see if he feltlike standing up after that. Couldn't he see that it was all Ryan could doto breathe?
But, still obedient, Ryan forced himself upright.
?You can pull up your pants.?
Wincing, I watched Ryan scrape the material against his beaten ass and retiethe drawstring at his waist. Only then did he turn around so that I could seehis face. He was ashen, except for two streaks of colour high across his cheekbones.His dark eyes glittered, but not with tears. Proudly, back stiff, he facedhis father.
?Thank you, sir,? he said precisely. His voice had returned, although it stillsounded strained, and I couldn't believe his words. He was thanking his fatherfor that abuse? He was thanking him?
George smiled, and briefly touched Ryan's rigid shoulder. ?Next time an umpiregives you a decision you don't like, I want you to thank him too. Understand??
?Yes, sir.?
?Good boy.?
Ryan turned to leave, and I darted away from my hiding place, barely comingto my senses in time. I flung myself onto his sister's bed, and when I heardhim coming up the stairs, I slammed the door and scrabbled for a book. Breathinghard, I stared at the black print, listening to Ryan's footsteps as he madethe landing and passed Isabella's room for his own. But they didn't pass. Theystopped, and with my heart in my mouth, I watched the brass door handle turn.Ryan poked his head around the door, slightly more colour in his face now,and black eyes scorched into mine. Then his mouth twisted in amusement.
?Enjoy the show, Shayla??
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Main Character: Name: Hayate Gender: Male Age: 27 Appearance: 5'9", Medium built with toned muscle. Occupation: Private Detective (former Martial-artist) More info: Hayate is a private detective who used to be a martial artist master at a dojo inherited from his dad. He has a younger sister, Hitomi (18), who ran the dojo together. They both are experts in martial arts. Due to the bad business and no new people signing up for training, they had to eventually close down the dojo and Hayate opened...
FetishDanielle has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and stands about 5’2” with a freckled complexion and cute mousy nose. She has generous soft lips for such a petite woman and I often catch myself imagining what those lips would feel like on mine. She is fit with a trim waist and full hips and buttocks. Her voice matches her stature, high and with tones of innocence that belie her acute intellect. While she dresses conservatively, she has an absolutely magnetic sexual energy about her that draws you...
Emma Starletto and Natalie Brooks think it is hilarious that their grandpas would rather rest and relax than swim when they are by the pool. To play a trick on them, they take some sunscreen and write old fart on one of their stomachs, and cannot help but laugh. That sends these two old studs into action. They find their granddaughters playing with a beach ball naked in the pool, and decide to teach them a lesson. They whip out their thick granddaddy dicks and swap granddaughters for some...
xmoviesforyou©This is fiction; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Sunday afternoon Susan fumed as she lay on the lounge lay by the pool. She had dumped her boy friend. Not that she really cared for him in the first place. The suggestion he made to her on their date two weeks ago was gross. So she demanded he take her home. The fact she had given him her virginity last summer really pissed her off. When he dropped her...
Alaina leaned over as far as she was able, feeling her lips touch the root of his cock. Then she cleaned. A wave of refreshment swept over her, like a full-body version of toothpaste on her tongue. She pulled her mouth upward, giving one last lick before her lips popped off the top. She swirled her tongue around in her mouth as she sat back into her seat. I didn’t believe it. How could a Quirk make someone’s cum taste ‘delicious’? But every time I tasted it, it was like having the smoothest,...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, everyone. My name is Ram Prakash and I am from Hyderabad. I always dream of losing my virginity in a femdom act. So I posted an ad on a dating site explaining my fantasies regarding the femdom act, how I like to get dominated by women. For the first 2 weeks, I didn’t get any response. Later, I received a message from a woman named Swapna(name changed) from Hyderabad. She is 34 years old and has 2 kids. We started with...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is April. I am a tall blonde about 5'8 to be exact, 112 pounds and 34-C breast cups, I have had a lot of men and women tell me that I am attractive. This story takes place when I was 20 years old and my brother was about 2 years my junior. We both lived with are two parents. I had just come home from a stressful date, the jerk I had went out with was only in the date for sex, and I was still a virgin. All my life I had wanted to stay a virgin...
IncestShe looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...
Carol came over to give me a massage and I laid naked on my bed as she undressed and spread my legs and squatted between them. Carol is a beautiful sexy woman. As much as I prefer men I do sometimes love a sexy big busty gal. Carol is a great female sex kitten. She does prefer the woman to the man. She was rubbing my back with the warm oil as I felt her hands massage and rub my ass cheeks. Then I felt the oil over my pussy and soon inside my cunt. She had two oiled fingers massaging my wet cunt...
Heads or Tails. I was sitting on a fence with my mate Kev we were both doing nothing and just watching life traveling by. "Dave." "Yea wot," I replied. "Have you got any idea what you want to do this summer holidays?" "Nope," I said "why you asking?" "Well I was thinking that we could go camping for a couple of weeks in the lakes, I have a tent and everything." "Yea OK I said I will clear it with my step mum." Three weeks later I was in a field helping my mate...
Listed below are the 10 best published on ISS in the month of May 2018. Read these highly erotic stories and let your similar minded friends also enjoy by sharing this page. By The wonderful story of Neha, a responsible elder sister who wanted to rectify the mistake she committed in her brother’s life. She goes to the extreme and to a level many sisters wouldn’t have gone to save her brother. “I just gulped a sip of water to make myself comfortable from what I am seeing. I looked at his...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers her is another super story from your Incester hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed story read and write to me. My name is Mark. My Mother is Helen. Our friends are Cathy and Mephew. This story will provide the background and explain our present relationship. I come from a Southern Part of England mill town where all the houses had been company owned. It had been my grandfather’s house. My mother and I moved there after my father’s death...
IncestThe onlookers sat in stunned silence as they watched the strangely shaped craft outmaneuver, outperform, and, generally, wipe the racecourse with the NASCAR racecar against which it was pitted. Then, the exact same vehicle proceeded to do the same with the best off-road vehicles in the world. Of course, the strange vehicle had an advantage, right from the start. It never actually touched the roadway or the ground, and was capable of changing altitude to go over obstacles. When the...
This is the third part of the ‘Hannah’s Hero’ multi-part story. If you haven’t read parts one and two, you may want to refer to them so you are up to date on the story. The same disclaimer warnings from precious installments still apply. *** I couldn’t honestly say exactly how long I stood there on the tarmac. I do know that I waited and watched long after Chris had joined the line of soldiers headed into the assembly hall. I was there for a while after he disappeared inside. I was there...
A week had passed since my company had moved to take post at Burbage, a small village alongside the Kennet and Avon canal. The long Indian summer had finally come to an end, with a vengeance, as it had been continuous heavy rain since the day we had arrived. It was now the back end of November and it was difficult to believe that I had been cavorting naked with Susannah, in the warmth of summer, not much more than a month ago. The rain was now sheeting down, the temperature had dropped like...
Hi dosto, main ISS ka reader hoon, lekin aj tak kisi larki ko nahin chod saka. Ye kahani jo main sunaney jar aha hon, bari hi ajeeb hai baqi kahanion sey, mera nam zohaib hai meri age 25 sal hai, meri 2 sisters hain (Afshan aur nasreen) Afshan is waqt 30 ki hai aur nasreen is waqt 33 ki ho gi. Hum Pakistan k city rahim yar khan main rehtey hain, aaj se at least 15 sal pehley shuru hoi thi jis waqt main 4th ya 5th class main tha. Nasreen jo k us waqt matriculation main thi aur Afshan 6th main...
Introduction: Petra finally meets Tahlana and is tested I lie on my back on the firm, cool surface. The table begins to feel softer, and my arms and legs start to move. With a metallic ring, the silver protrusions along the edges snap across my arms and legs, pinning me. The arm and legs sections of the table continue to separate until Im spread eagle. Then the leg parts bend until Im positioned like in gyno stirrups. Im not used to having a bald pussy and the exposure heightens my lingering...
This here town, Sunset, would be a quiet, peaceful kinda place if it weren't for them Bickle Boys. Them Bickles is the meanest, nastiest bunch you ever seen. You know how some folks'll get testy when they been drinkin'? Them Bickle boys start out actin' ugly when they is still stone sober. An' after that, every shot they swaller jes' turns up the meanness another notch! There ain't never been no controllin' them four boys, nor their rascal hired hands, neither. We've had a whole mess...
Ariella Ferrera always makes her pool boy wear speedos. Why? Because it makes her get off and her pussy becomes significantly more moist. She likes to tease him too by wearing some of the sexiest bikinis she owns. He always manages to a chubby when he sees her. One day his boner situation became so dire that Ariella had to help take care of the situation like only a bodacious mylf could. She fucked this poor poolboys brains out and let him fill her with cum on this outrageously special one time...
xmoviesforyouIt was a nice sunny day and seventeen year old Ian Patterson was sunbathing in his families back garden as was his twenty year old sister Sharon.Sharon was an attractive girl, slightly overweight but not fat and most of her excess weight was in her hips and buttocks. The siblings were on sunbeds and Sharon had her head turned away from Ian as his eyes drifted down her bikini clad body to her buttocks. He focused on the twin mounds which were accentuated by the bikini bottoms and he could feel...
IncestI looked at the clock on my nightstand and said, “Shit 1030 AM. I don’t think I’ve slept that late in 20 years.” “Well you certainly had a workout yesterday and we did drink a lot.” “Very true my dear. How’s your head this morning?” “I feel fine. I think having your warm body pressed against mine all night long took away any hangover I might have had,” as she gave me a long passionate kiss. I said, “If only that were true it would be awesome but I don’t think so. How about a nice hot...
Coar (Dream Come True) by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Coar was a prince, third born and very willful. He had been told that to enter the Glittering Forest was very dangerous, if not deadly - and that went double when the three moons were in stepped-phase. Then, he had been told, there was created an opening between the world of Kingdom Tehnra and the realms of the Others. Coar was as curious as he was headstrong, and he was very interested in seeing an Other. So, ignoring all warnings and...