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Author’s Note: Thanks for reading my Valentine’s submission! When finished, please take a few seconds and rate this story – one click is all it takes. And, if you have a minute, leave me feedback and tell me what you liked or didn’t like. Cheers!


On occasion someone will ask me about my favorite Valentine’s Day memory. I usually reply it’s from the sixth grade when Jeff Hill asked me to ‘go with him.’ It lasted all of four hours and we only held hands, but he was my first love. That may seem to be a flippant answer but I’m reluctant to share my most favorite with the casual acquaintance.

But, for you, I’ll make an exception.

It was my freshman year in college and I had been dating this guy (I’ll call him Dave) for almost a month. From the moment we got together, I knew something was different about him. Maybe it was the way our personalities meshed or maybe it was the right combination of pheromones, whatever it was, we hit it off and I was walking on air. It’s as if I’d known him for years. The only problem was I didn’t know what to give him for Valentine’s Day.

You see, I was being a little guarded about my feelings for him. After all, it was my first year in college and my main focus was on school, not on some guy three years older than me. And after the debacles of my high school romances I’d made a vow to myself to not rush into a relationship. Of course, fate intervened at a house party in early January and it became crystal clear we were attracted to each other. He called two days later to ask me out.

We’d been on quite a few dates in a short amount of time but had never progressed past some serious kissing and a little light groping. I knew he wanted to take it farther but since I wasn’t giving any indication I wanted more, he never pressured me and would stop when I asked him – a perfect gentleman, through and through.

The truth is, a part of me did want more and after a couple of weeks I started daydreaming of what Dave’s body would feel like naked next to mine. It’d been quite a few months since I’d had sex and I craved that full feeling you have when someone’s inside you. However, the little voice in my head kept reminding me of my vow.

Valentine’s Day that year fell on a Sunday and we had a brunch date. A few days before I was out shopping trying to find an appropriate gift. All of the Valentine’s themed gifts marketed for couples hinted at a more serious and intimate relationship than we what we had at the time. I liked Dave a lot but I didn’t know if it was just infatuation or something more serious, and I certainly didn’t want to send the wrong message. I finally settled on a coffee mug depicting some cute critter holding a red heart-shaped balloon among a crowd of other nearly identical critters with a caption at the bottom that read ‘You’re one in a million!’

Lame, I know.

That evening I was in my dorm room plodding through Chemistry homework when my roommate, Sheila, my best friend since middle school, came in and closed the door softly. With an odd smile on her face, she leaned back against the door and stared off into space. I asked her what was up.

‘Oh, Michelle,’ she said dreamily, ‘when Dave gives you his Valentine’s gift you’ll want to marry him!’

It took my brain a moment to process what she said. Apparently, Dave had run into Sheila at dinner time, asked a few questions about me and told her what my gift was. As she knew me better than anyone else, she knew it was a perfect way into my heart. I pummeled Sheila with a barrage of questions but she wouldn’t give as much as a hint.

This only added to my arousal.

On Saturday night, Dave and I went to a movie he picked out. I don’t recall now what the movie was, just that it was one of those pleasant romantic comedies and we both enjoyed it. I do recall it was bitter cold that night as February nights in Michigan are prone to be and we got to his car to find the windows frosted over, inside and out. We sat in his little hatchback in the parking lot waiting the defroster to kick in and do its job. To kill time we started making out.

I should mention at this point Dave is a really good kisser, knowing when to go soft and gentle and when to go deep. When he’s on his game, his kisses are soulful and full of meaning, and he was definitely on his game that night. Our bulky winter coats prohibited any real groping but I’m sure if we weren’t wearing them we’d have been all over each other and I wouldn’t have been responsible for my actions. Those warm butterflies which usually inhabit my stomach when I’m with someone I like had set up shop noticeably lower.

‘So…, do you want come over or should I take you back to your dorm?’ he asked after the car warmed up.

I was warmed up, too, and didn’t want to the evening to end just yet. ‘Let’s go to your place for a while.’

I admit I cooled off a little on the ride over, but once we got there I reheated quickly. We started out on a loveseat but ended up on the floor with me on top. It’s a blur in my mind how we got there but I’m certain it was my doing. There we were in the semi-darkness, breathing hard between bouts of kissing, my thigh pressing against his hardness and I’m estimating his size. We became very still and very aware of our situation as we stared into each other’s eyes and I debated what to do next.

God! How I wanted him!

I wasn’t quite ready to have sex with him but I wanted to do more than just kiss. I made up my mind. I tugged at his shirt, freeing it from his jeans and pushing it up. The skin of his body burned fiercely under my hand as I caressed him. I trailed kisses down his neck to his chest, swirling my tongue around his nipples. The feel of his rock-hard cock between us reminded me of my intentions, and I kissed down his stomach to the top of his jeans.

Dave had become incredibly still and hardly seemed to be breathing as my fingers fumbled with the button-fly of his jeans. Exposing just the tip, I kissed the wet, slippery head and he moaned his approval. Emboldened, I pushed his jeans and briefs down to his knees and wrapped my hand around his shaft. The heat of his chest paled in comparison to the heat of his cock. The skin was taut and smooth and I marveled at the electric tension humming just below the surface. When I held it lightly I could feel each beat of his heart as his cock pulsed. I leaned in and wrapped my lips around his fleshy head and heard a sharp intake of breath.

It felt good to have a cock in my mouth again after so many months, but it felt even better that it was Dave’s. I’ve always loved the feeling of control I have over a guy when I’m sucking him off. I licked and sucked Dave until he gave a strained groan and pulled me up. He kissed me deeply, his exposed cock pinned between us and I knew he stopped me before he came in my mouth. His consideration made me want him even more and I ground my crotch against his rigid shaft, my tongue plunging wildly into his mouth.

His hands roamed from my ass up to my head and around to my breasts crushed between us. My butterflies were long gone and had been replaced by something warm, wet, and urgent between my legs. It wouldn’t be long before I would be past the point of no return and unable resist from fucking his brains out. I sat up suddenly, my hands on his chest, my hips moving automatically, my pussy lightly rubbing on his shaft, and knew what I had to do to defuse the situation.

I slid lower and took him between my lips again, this time to finish him off. My hand and mouth worked feverishly in tandem and, incredibly, his cock grew harder to the point of bursting. With a gentle squeeze of his balls, jets of cum pulsed into my mouth. I swallowed and another two spasms shook his cock, and I tasted more of his seed. I swallowed again and laid my head on his stomach, reveling in what just happened.

I’d given numerous blow jobs before but this was the first time I had ever swallowed. Before, I
‘d discretely spit into a tissue but something about Dave made me want to swallow. He didn’t taste that different from the others so that wasn’t it. It’s hard to explain but somehow swallowing made me feel closer to him. I lay on his stomach soaking up his warmth when another first occurred:

He lifted my face to his and kissed me, his tongue probing my mouth gently.

Not one of the other guys ever came close to kissing me after I sucked them off. I wrapped my arms around Dave and kissed him deeply. He rolled me onto my back and explored my body with his hands, every hill, every valley, driving me to the edge of reason. If I wasn’t careful I was going to be spending the night, and I didn’t want that, not yet. I gently pushed him away and looked at the clock.

It was after one in the morning and he was going to be picking me up at ten for our brunch date, so I made the excuse I needed to get some sleep. Truth be told, I spent the next several hours awake in my bed, my body buzzing with adrenalin, my mind replaying what happened over and over, my pussy aching to be touched. I considered masturbating but choose instead to bask in the exquisite agony that is delayed gratification.

In the morning the lips of my vagina were full and puffy, my folds wet and slick, and I knew I would come with little manual stimulation. I was extra careful in the shower to not get myself off. In some way I thought it would be unfair to Dave if I did.

Dave picked me up on time, prompt as always, and we enjoyed brunch and each other’s company, talking just like before. We were both completely at ease, as if the previous night hadn’t happened, except it had, of course. On the way back to his place, my butterflies returned, flitting low and deep within my engorged sex.

Something wonderful was in air as we walked in, the smell of fresh baked cookies. For my gift, Dave presented a metal container filled with delicious homemade chocolate-chip cookies and fudge. Stunned, I asked when he baked and he confessed he made them after he’d dropped me off. I figured he was up until after three in the morning baking for me. It was such a simple thing, really, but it was from his heart and at that moment I knew exactly what Sheila was talking about – a part of me did want to marry him.

A different part of me wanted something immediate, something much more physical. Moist heat spread from the center of my body. I wanted – no – I needed some part of him inside some part of my body and I wasn’t going to be too fussy about which parts. He just stood there, smiling at me until I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bedroom. The instant the door was closed I was on him like some ravenous animal.

My lust was spilling out of me, literally, as my panties were soaked. His hands ran over my skirt, caressing my ass and I pulled him closer to me, encouraging him. We sank to the floor, his fingers working the buttons on my blouse and the clasp of my bra until my heaving breasts were free. First his fingers, then his mouth teased at my nipples until they ached. I held his head tightly against my chest while his tongue lavished me and he undid my skirt.

He kissed his way down to my stomach and with one sure move pulled my skirt off. He looked me in the eye, checking to be sure this was what I wanted. I gave a slight nod and the next moment he was carefully rolling my pantyhose off and the only thing between him and my swollen pussy were my cotton panties. A second later those were gone and I lay before him, totally exposed, totally vulnerable. If he wanted to fuck me I wouldn’t have stopped him, I would have welcomed him.

I waited.

Instead, he leaned down and kissed me softly on the stomach, followed by second kiss lower and a third lower yet. It was my turn to be breathless as I realized I was about to be eaten out for the first time in my life. A brief moment of anxiety struck me as I worried how I tasted. That anxiety dissipated quickly as his kisses moved lower still, my legs parting automatically for him as if his face belonged there naturally. The instant his lips grazed my clit a shudder ran through my body and I experienced my first orgasm that wasn’t self-administered.

His mouth continued lower and I felt his tongue part my lips and plunge deeply into my pussy. I moaned softly as his tongue, so magical in my mouth, played so magically over my sex, exploring every crevice, every nook and every cranny. When his mouth returned to my clit it only took a few flicks of his tongue before I came again, my thighs squeezing his head.

Dave came up for air and we kissed, yet another first as I tasted my own juices on his lips. His fingers played lightly over my body, exciting my nipples. The urgent need to be fucked was gone, replaced by a feeling of inner warmth and peace. I could feel his hardness against my side but I wanted to wait and told him so.

‘That’s all right,’ he murmured, his fingers playing across my pussy. ‘There’ll be plenty of time for making love later. For now I just want to taste you again.’

Making love. Coming from any of the other guys I’d been with, that phrase would have been comedic relief. But from Dave, those were exactly the right words to say. I knew when we did have sex, it wouldn’t just be fucking, it would mean so much more.

I rolled Dave onto his back and disrobed him, kneeling between his legs, lovingly sucking his beautiful cock. With firm but gentle hands he turned my body around until my pussy settled on his mouth. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of my ass as we ate each other out.

Even now I can close my eyes and recall everything about that experience: the scent of his skin, the hard smoothness of his shaft, his hot breath on my inner thighs, the salty slickness of his pre-cum, the slippery velvet of his tongue in my pussy, the tightening of the skin around his balls as he approached orgasm, the touch of his lips on my clit, the twitching of his cock in my mouth when he came, the shaking of my body as a third orgasm, my strongest yet, thudded through me.

Every nerve hummed happily as I rolled onto the floor. A chord had been struck deep within me, resonating through my entire body and I knew I’d never be the same. I’d never been so alive! I could sense the earth turning beneath my back, hear the ticking of a clock in the next room, feel the heat radiating from the body next to mine. I laughed in sheer joy once I caught my breath. No one had ever made me feel so much and no one has since, except for Dave. He still does on a regular basis and my body resonates to this day.

Sheila’s prediction came true – I did marry him. This coming February will be the twentieth Valentine’s Day we’ve spent together and I’m amazed at how fast the years have passed by. Twenty years of fun, of romance, of laughter, of life. To celebrate I’m planning something special this February 14 so we’ll have more memories to last another twenty. Maybe someday I’ll share it with you.

So, the next time you ask a woman about her favorite Valentine’s Day and she tells you the brief tale of Jeff Hill and the sixth grade, look for the twinkle in her eye and give her a knowing smile. You’ve heard the whole story now.

And that lame mug I gave Dave? He uses it to this day.

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In order to help the new undergraduates in the Department of Mathematics to become acquainted, it was the custom that some form of party in the main lecture theatre would be held. The authorities protested as usual, and as usual finally agreed to the format and the party was held on the middle Friday night of term. Naturally, Princess Sharifa was the biggest person of interest for the male students. It was while she was with a bright but boring student that she first noticed the young woman...

2 years ago
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Micro GatesPart 2

Two days later our YouTube watch count was over 10 million. We three had been busy doing research about Apollo 16. I had decided to document the entire site. I had been spending time rewiring my controller unit to give me more delicate control, and allow me to operate upside down, reversing my normal thrust. The plan was to launch straight up, turn 180 degrees, and then reverse thrust, using the remote controlled camera Ted would film the various activities, while I piloted, and Anne...

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Dare YouChapter 1

"Come on, Kirsty, get in here quick before someone sees us." "Natasha!" exclaimed Kirsty as she scurried after her flamboyant friend. "God! What is this place?" she asked moments later. "It's something to do with the cricket club," replied Natasha, "but it's not used much anymore." "What's that smell?" "Probably piss," said Natasha, "You know what boys are like when they get caught short." "You should talk," responded her friend. "Yeah, I suppose I can," was the...

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Real mother and son sexual experience

First off, this all started for she and I one day a few years ago. She is just an average woman with average looks. But sure does like what I can do for her. I no longer live in her home, but I do get over there from time to time. My father is out of the picture. He did not die or leave us for another, he just was not happy in the marriage and neither was my mom. Guess it all worked out for the best though. All this started out a few years back when I would allow my mother to come over to my...

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Zacs story 4

They had both been really helpful in calming Logan down. It was now just after midnight and since we were alone, I got undressed and ready for bed. “You ok baby?” I asked as Logan lay in bed not having moved. “Yeah, I’m just so confused and tired.” His eyes were wet and his face showed that he had been crying for hours. He had finally stopped before his brother and sister left, but he was still upset. I couldn’t blame him. “It’s ok baby. It’s hard but you have so much family and...

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Incident at Pima MesaChapter 17

It was near sundown when they rode into Vasquez's camp, she in the wagon, he on horseback. There were fifteen or twenty men milling about, along with about a third as many women. A huge pot suspended over a roaring fire contained a stew which was quickly rising to a boil. Three of the women greeted them as they dismounted. The women were actually only in their late twenties, but any observer would have guessed between forty and fifty. There were smiles on their faces, but each had that look...

2 years ago
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Like Old Times

Ella was so looking forward to the week ahead. Ella was now twenty-three-years-old. She left sixth form college, West Farm School for Girls, at eighteen-years-old and went to Uni and achieved an upper second degree and was now a trainee in a large firm of Solicitors in London.Ella had often reminisced about her two years at West Farm as being the happiest of her life so far. She worked hard but also played hard and made lots of close friends. In school she was in most top sets along with Lauren...

3 years ago
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Moonlight Drive

We have been out celebrating your birthday. A nice dinner out, dancing after, and now we are heading home. I am wearing khaki pants, long sleeve white shirt, and black loafers. You are wearing a simple black cocktail dress, cut just above the knee, black stockings, black heels, and hoop earrings.A brilliant full moon brightens the landscape around us. As I drive, I move my right hand from the steering wheel and place it on your knee. There is a comfortable silence between us, and you lean over...

Straight Sex
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Family is Not Blood Ch 04

It had been three weeks since Cathy and I decided to try again. We had many issues to talk about, and the painful ones really took it out of both of us. These were the most difficult three weeks of my, I mean, our lives. We had to put everything on the table for us to reveal, touch, prod, float, poke or slay. We brought up hurt and heartache, expectations and wants, failures and successes. We were starting to rebuild trust. We both realized that we were both still angry at what the other had...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Natasha Nice 01162017

Cheaters. They’re everywhere. Take Natasha Nice, for example. She’s on the phone with her man, telling him she’s “out with the girls, having mimosas”. What a liar! We know this cause we’re watching her walk into an adult bookshop while she’s telling her man that! Natasha loves to cheat. She loves the thrill of new dick, and if it’s in a “nasty place”, cheating thrills her even more! The last time she cheated, it was with a black man in...

2 years ago
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My Virgin arse

My name is Roxanne, I am a 30 year old brunette with 38DD and a good figure if I do say so myself. I am married to Alun, we have been together for 10 years and had one swinging session once on holiday with a Turkish waiter. I wanted more, Alun has a big dick but he does not have the sexual appetite that I have. We have sex 3 times a week and always on a Sunday morning. I have always fancied anal sex but Alun does not. He is not convinced he would like it, so it looks like I am going to remain...

2 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 34

"I think we're doing good work together, Severus," said Dr. Ricci, as they neared the end of their one-hour session. "How do you feel about how things are going?" As always whenever Dr. Ricci asked him a question, he considered his answer carefully. Her inquiries were never intended as mere politeness, as meaningless requests for equally polite responses. Her questions always had a purpose. In his second session with her, the doctor's skilled questioning had caused him to empty himself...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Passionate Suhagrat With My Hot And Sexy Wife

I am Raj from Patna,i am 25 years old and 6 feet tall and have a very fair skin,i am now staying with my beautiful wife vishakha in New Delhi.She is 24 yrs old and have a thunderous figure of 34-28-36.This story is just 5 months old &is about our suhagrat .You may find it little boring but believe me later u will love it. Hum dono class 8 se class 10 tak ek hi class me padhe the,aaj bhi wo din yaad hai jab maine usse pehli baar dekha tha tabhi se uske sapne din raat dekhne laga tha,par pata...

2 years ago
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Understanding Aunty

Hi, this is Ramesh from Nepal. I think there are very few stories of Nepal. Nepal is a sign of love and peace. Nowadays peace has been erased but still there is love. Let me introduce myself to u all. I am 19 yrs. old, 6ft. ht. and a nice 6 inch long dick. I am about to tell u about my incident with my aunt (neighbor). Her name is Rupa. She has a perfect body. She is married and has 2 children. Even though she is older than me I had a big crush on her and wanted to have sex with her. Her...

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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 12

It's Sunday night. Lance is presumably sleeping the sleep of a sated male in his own bed, while I'm in my bed, in the dark, rummaging through my memories, trying to see if there are any clues in my past that might help me chart my future. I'm adrift in a sea of fog compared to people I know well. My brother knew that he'd be a scientist from the time he'd taken apart his first alarm clock to find out what made it tick. Of course it was a very old alarm clock. I wonder what kids learn...

3 years ago
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No Second Acts

Freedom Summer, they called it, the summer when three civil rights workers were murdered by a mob of Ku Klux Klansmen. It was the summer after The Beatles splashed on to the American cultural scene and the summer of the ’64 New York World’s Fair. It was the summer when Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and and the summer before Lyndon Johnson’s landslide victory over Barry Goldwater. It was also the summer of the first decade where just about nobody in the USA got polio anymore,...

4 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 5 Ravenrsquos on my Shoulder

Friday. The last day before the masks went on, before Dad would have to sleep in my desk drawer for two full seasons, and before Truth was buried, maybe forever. We cleaned, we arranged, we considered everything to make our home normal. After dinner, the four of us were satisfied with both the house and the cabin. Our guests would be treated with respect and love. After dinner, Lara and I went for a walk. It was made much easier by the fact that Colin and Shannon had plowed our driveway at...

2 years ago
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Never a Happy Ending

I could talk about our love, our need, for each other, how we desire a life together, but we said we’re putting that aside to gain clarity. So here’s what I have left: a hard cock. An erection that’s been throbbing for you for years. That cums for you a lot. Right now, it’s hard because it needs to fuck you. Right now, I need to find you - to meet you, somewhere: that car park, the gardens by the river, where you work - I don’t care where - just somewhere, where I can kiss you before you...

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Across That LineChapter 5B

"Well, that was a waste of time," Ashley said disgustedly after they paid the babysitter and ushered her out the door. "I know, hun," Brad said to placate his frustrated wife. He watched the teenage girl who'd stayed with Cindy and Cathy walk across the street and go four houses down. When the porch light went out down there, he closed his door and locked it. "How ever, comma..." he said in a devious voice, "perhaps the night isn't over yet." "What?" Ashley asked irritably....

3 years ago
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Pegging Brent by koyaanisqatsi

Introduction:The way to my boyfriend's heart was through his ass!I met Brent at Barnes & Noble, actually. He was working, and I was looking for a particular book of poetry. He was very sweet and helped me find it, walking me all the way to the shelf to make sure I had it in my hands. It seemed rather unnecessary, but I admired his earnestness. He was also really cute. I came back a few days later in hopes of seeing him. This time I had to make up a book for him to find, so we could spend...

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Banding show goes wrong

Banding show goes wrong Part 1 By [email protected] Ian had been living with his older brother Chris in the big city for three months now. Chris was the alpha male, always looking for the next hot chick to come along. Ian was more reserved, quiet. The brother with secrets. Ian heard Chris slam the front door and start up his Toyota ute. Chis was an electrician and liked to start early. That suited Ian. He still hadn't found a job so he'd been exploring the internet. A...

2 years ago
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The Protector Family MattersChapter 2

"Glad to meet you Detective Bladen," Jonas said as he opened the door and got out of the car. Jonas didn't like being at the disadvantage of sitting in a car while such a corrupted man was standing at the door. Once he was standing he stuck out his hand "Glad to meet you too," Detective Bladen said. He looked at Cleves and said, "I didn't know you had friends from the other side of the tracks Cleves." He said it as a statement but he made it sound like a question. Cleves looked...

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Winter in Sweden Part 2

Chapter 3 – The SpiesAt 09.30 h next morning the Lindstroems and we are sitting at the kitchen-table having a wonderful breakfast. The Lindstroems offer everything what our hearts desire: Toast, cereals, cheese and bacon, eggs in all forms, coffee, tea and orangejuice. It’s amazing. I see Masha eating with great appetite. Happy and strengthened we discuss the plans for the day. Ella wants to drive to a reindeer farm with Masha and me while Per is working. We agree and at 11.00 h we take our way...

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WrestleMania week with the Divas

It only comes around once a year, and this year, it came around to your hometown and your hotel. You are John Doe, and you run the nicest hotel just outside of New Orleans, which happens to host WrestleMania XXX. In an effort to get his talent away from the hustle and bustle of the big city (and perhaps to keep them out of trouble), WWE CEO Vince McMahon has decided to use your hotel, just on the outskirts of town, to book his stars in.. This is tremendous news for you, since you've heard they...

4 years ago
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My Slutty Mate

After my first marriage ended I had lots of freedom to fulfill many fantasies, and a perfect job to do so. As I have mentioned in previous stories, for many years I have been the owner/operator of a high end charter yacht in Alaska, and that gave me many opportunities to have lots of sex with men and women and combinations of both.While that was fun, I still wanted a partner who was sexual, sensual, uninhibited, kinky and free of jealousy. One Winter I traveled to Las Vegas for a convention of...

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Anyway I hope you enjoy :) Laura slipped her long slender legs out of her bed and sat up wiping the sleep from her eyes. It was three weeks to her seventeenth birthday and already she couldn’t wait. Since her birthday fell on the week before Christmas she would have family visiting she had never seen before and that meant plenty of money for her birthday and Christmas. Despite the fact that she was a far from materialistic girl Laura knew that she needed the money she got at Christmas to...

1 year ago
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Dot and the Apprentice

England, 1964, I was an 18 year old apprentice living at home with my parents, as pretty much all teenagers did back then. Although technically a virgin, my girlfriend and I fooled around a bit, I played with her tits and pussy and she wanked me off frequently but that’s as far as it went. Like all teenagers I lusted after lots of women but there was one woman who occupied my thoughts when I jerked off. Dorothy, or Dot, as everyone called her. She lived two houses away and I would guess she was...


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