Gaia's ChampionChapter 3 free porn video

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Phalmina woke up as the early morning light filtered through the canopy of the glade. Blinking her eyes, she sat up and yawned cutely, glancing around and finding Emalia lying right next to her. Phalmina smiled as she remembered last night’s sexual romp she had with her best friend. She could hardly believe everything she did and demanded last night.

Sighing happily, the fairy stood up and stretched her limbs and wings, a mild soreness shooting through them. After flapping her wings a little, she flitted on over to the pool near the center of the glade. Kneeling by the pool, Phalmina cupped her hands together and slaked her thirst with its water. Sleeping after a serious romp had always made her thirsty and after last night, she felt she could have drunk the complete pool.

As Phalmina was drinking, she chanced a look about the glade and saw that the vegetation was brighter and more vibrant. Most of the brown was gone, with just a few wilted plants here and there, but there was a healthy dose of green on said plants as well. She focused on several of them and saw they were practically teeming with Gaia’s magic.

Astonished at this development, Phalmina finished drinking, then bolted out of the glade, zipping right past the guardians. She flew a good way before stopping to confirm her suspicions. The forest outside of the glade was also charged with Gaia’s energies, the very trees themselves growing like they should in late spring! To her, it was obvious Jason had been making use of his power again, but she was stumped in what way he was doing so.

Then, Mina remembered that human woman he was eating out the day before and the green-eyed monster of envy descended on her again. ‘I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised,’ Phalmina thought to herself in a huff. ‘With his new power and looks, it was only a matter of time before one of those human sluts jumped him! Although... ‘

The fairy’s thoughts went back to Emalia and the fun they had. Then, a plan of seduction entered her mind, on how to bring Jason into wanting them more than he would want other humans. Smirking evilly, Phalmina raced back to the glade, looking to have a word with Emalia.

As she approached the entryway, the guardians saw her coming and nodded to her as she passed. Phalmina winked at them as she flew on by and down the corridor. Once she emerged in the glade, she made a beeline for where Emalia was still sleeping. Only she wasn’t there, and the blonde fairy was left wondering where her bestie had gotten to. Seconds later, she found out as the tinkling of fairy wings was her only warning.

The wind was suddenly knocked out of her as Phalmina was tackled and driven down to the soft grass next to the pool. She tried to squirm out, but the grip on her midsection was just too tight. She squawked as she crashed into the soft blades, landing on her back. Phalmina then looked up and saw she had been attacked by none other than Emalia, who was looking at her, before she burst out laughing.

“You should have seen your face!” Emalia chortled, her laughter ringing out loudly. “It was priceless!”

“I keep forgetting you’re quite the trickster,” Phalmina huffed, trying to sound annoyed but failing as she giggled slightly.

“Good catch that time though,” she said, patting Emalia’s thigh before picking herself up. Right then, Emalia placed her hands on Mina’s shoulders and pushed her back down to the ground. Though she was about to ask what was going on, Phalmina closed her mouth as Emalia straddled her. The look on her face changed from that of laughter to desire.

“Last night was...” the ebon-haired fairy growled ferally as she remembered. Looking down at Phalmina, she leaned down to where their breasts were squashed together. Nose to nose, Emalia continued. “Being asleep like that put me to where I was reliving every good time and moment in my long life. But now that I’m awake, I find them ... insufficient. I need to make new memories.”

With that, Emalia’s mouth descended on Phalmina’s, locking her into a tonsil knocking kiss. Pleasantly shocked at this development, she kissed Emalia back, her tongue shooting out to caress the one invading her mouth. The kiss deepened further as Emalia continued to delve further with her kiss, almost like she was trying to draw her very breath out. Phalmina sat up, her mouth still attached to Emalia’s as they continued to kiss, wrapping her arms around her friend.

Quickly withdrawing her right arm, Phalmina then used her free hand to flick at Emalia’s dress of blue leaves. The slight motion sent the leaves flying right off Emalia’s body and within moments, she was naked as the day she was born. The sudden movement and cool air hitting her exposed flesh surprised the newly awakened fairy to where she broke the kiss. She was about to ask what that was about, when Phalmina’s head dove right into her generous cleavage, her mouth latching onto one of her nipples.

The question died as she moaned in surprise and delight as her friend sucked and played with her hefty rack. Emalia grabbed her friend’s head and pulled it into her chest, purring at the sensations that were coursing through her. Phalmina was very thorough, not letting a single inch of Emalia’s tits go untouched by her tongue. She could feel a familiar feeling rise through her loins and with Phalmina doing what she was, she’d be reaching her peak soon.

Again, Emalia pushed Phalmina to her back again and before her friend could get up, she had straddled her once more, but over her midsection this time. With a similar flick, she sent Phalmina’s dress scattering across the glade as hers had. She grabbed and squeezed the blonde’s ample mounds before leaning down to kiss her briefly.

“What you had me do to you last night...” Emalia smiled at the memory and groaned in lust. Her eyes twinkled as the fire in them deepened. “I think that it’s time you returned the favor, don’t you?”

Without another word, Emalia scooted to where her pussy was hovering just over Phalmina’s mouth. Needing no instruction, she dove right into Emalia’s waiting quim. Slightly wet from the attention she received from Phalmina playing with her tits, it didn’t take long for her juices to flow. Phalmina’s tongue flicked and darted around Emalia’s puffed up lips, teasing and playing with her, trying to draw out this pleasure game for as long as possible.

Emalia’s chin quivered with each breath she took in, the pleasure sending pleasant and delicious vibrations throughout her body. Her eyes shot open as she felt Phalmina’s hands on her ass, pulling her hips closer to her mouth. Slowly, so as not to crush or smother her, Emalia kneeled right over her friend’s head. Right then, she felt Phalmina’s tongue dart between her folds, lapping up the juices that leaked from her steaming hole.

Cooing loudly, Emalia could feel an orgasm rising, the slight feeling in her nethers blooming to a full on blast. She could feel herself losing focus and control as she ground her pussy down on her friend’s face. Phalmina took everything that Emalia had to give and answered back with her own actions. Her grip on Emalia’s ass tightened as she continued to lick the slick folds lining her entrance, before coming to the pearl of her clit.

Phalmina then put her mouth over it and sucked hard. The sudden movement sent Emalia over the edge and she would have screamed, but for the shuddering jolt that vibrated through her. Eyes rolling to the back of her head, Emalia quivered violently before toppling forwards to the ground. She was coherent enough to catch herself with her arms as she collapsed.

With her friend above her head now, Phalmina picked herself up and then helped Emalia to her back. Writhing in total bliss, Emalia couldn’t help but feel utterly satiated in that moment. Her chest heaved with the strain of taking fresh air into her lungs, but it was a fight she’d welcomed. In all the memories she’d revisited during her Long Sleep, none of them had been this intense. Or as much fun! She looked around to try to find Phalmina but felt her before she saw her.

“What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly, looking down at her friend lapping her juicy pussy gently.

“Giving you what you gave me last night, with interest!” Phalmina said with a wink. With that, she rubbed Emalia’s legs up and down as she continued to clean her.

“Keep that up and I may decide to let you stay down there!” Emalia teased, knowing full well just how kinky Phalmina could be when she got riled up.

“Not with our new Druid so close by. I’m sure you’d like to experience him for yourself when he comes back, wouldn’t you?”

Emalia’s eyes widened in surprise as she remembered that she didn’t have to settle for just fairy pussy anymore! Now there was access to proper cock, which belonged to a Druid no less! She reminisced about some times that she would seduce and fuck the living daylights out of every one of them she could find. From the lowest of initiates to the greatest of the Elders, Emalia was both relentless and insatiable.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Him stuffing his big human dick into your tight little fairy pussy, stretching you out like the wanton fairy whore you are?” Phalmina questioned her lustily.

Eyes rolling at the jolts of pleasure rolling through her, she then felt Phalmina’s fingers invading her slick channel. Emalia’s eyes widened to the point where she felt they would roll right out of her head. She could feel at least two of her friend’s digits wiggling around inside of her. They would slide in, curl and shift about before pulling out, and Mina repeated this action ceaselessly.

“Threeeeeeee...” she moaned out loud.

“What’s that? I’m not sure I heard you,” Phalmina said.

“Put three ... fingers ... inside me ... pleeeeeaaaassssssseeeeeee!” Emalia begged.

Smiling evilly, Phalmina did as she was asked and slowly added her ring finger to the middle and forefingers that were thrusting in and out of her friend. It was a tight fit, as it had been centuries since Emalia was awake and a bit longer still since she’d had sex. There was enough lubrication, so it slid in easily enough.

Phalmina continued to move her fingers in and out, drawing more gasps, moans and shivers out of Emalia. With each movement, Emalia drew closer and closer to another orgasm, which she could feel building. It was hovering just out of reach, as Phalmina’s fingers were tapping and writhing around her insides, building the intensity higher and higher.

Phalmina went back to licking Emalia, her mouth sucking hard on her friend’s exposed bits. Emalia thrashed around as though she was hit with a lightning bolt, each lick and suck ramping up her lust and desire further. Feeling like she was going to burst, Emalia teetered right on the brink, before Phalmina sent her over, tapping her exposed love button with her tongue.

Her orgasm crashed through her, threatening to wash away all that she was in a tidal wave of pleasure. This time, though, Emalia howled like a wounded animal, screaming at the top of her lungs, her voice breaking with each cry. Though she was prepared this time, the feeling of it still overwhelmed her as she plopped back down on her back. Her breasts jiggled as her lungs sucked in each breath of sweet air, feeding her recovery.

Seeing that her friend was still trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm, Phalmina slid up to Emalia, interlocking their legs. Slowly, she drew nearer, shifting her hips and pelvis until their asses touched. Emalia’s head shot up in an instant, staring incredulously at Phalmina and what she was doing.

“Mina, what are you...” her last words drawled into an indecipherable moan as she felt her friend’s pussy bump up against hers.

“What I’m doing is getting some for myself,” she panted as she rubbed her own dripping slit on Emalia’s. She groaned in relief as she could feel every nerve in her own quim firing off, sending little jolts of lightning up her body as well. She would have continued but for Emalia, waving her hands for her to stop.

“I just ... need a minute,” the dark-haired fairy said breathily. Mina gave her that and backed off for a few moments. As Emalia propped herself up on her elbows, she smiled lazily and sighed. It had been too long since the two of them had been together in any regard, and Emalia had forgotten just how crazy and relentless Mina could be.

“Is this a good start to making new memories?” Phalmina teased, while running her tongue on the edge of her teeth. Giggling, Emalia sat up enough to grab onto Mina and draw her in for a kiss. Returning the gesture in kind, Mina rubbed her hands up and down Emalia’s body, taking care to caress and fondle Emalia’s wings as Jay had done to her.

“The best way! You know, you aren’t as shy as you used to be. I remember you being a lot more reserved than this,” Emalia stated as she broke the kiss, giving her lover a coy smile.

“A few centuries alone and watching both animals and people in this forest have ... loosened up my inhibitions. Plus, there’s something I need to tell you about our new Druid. But first...” with that, Mina once again pushed her aching pussy onto Emalia’s and they both moaned at the contact.

Wrapping their arms around each other, they humped against each other, their legs working to grind their pussies together. No words were exchanged at this moment and none were needed, as this was something that was sacred to both women. They stared into each other’s eyes as they groaned, moaned and panted with exertion.

Both of them lost track of how long they were doing this, a moment, a minute, an hour, it didn’t matter. Their slippery pussies rubbed and kissed each other as they kept shifting and moving, both of them seeking release. It happened almost as suddenly as they felt the first rising within themselves. They both shook like rattled leaves and cried out in ecstasy, their orgasms rippling through them like warm waves.

Both fairies collapsed to the ground and nearly passed out from exhaustion. They clung to consciousness, though just barely. The women just lay there, enjoying themselves and the afterglow of sex that flowed through them at that moment. Emalia couldn’t remember the last time she had been well and truly satisfied in this way.

Many old memories played through her head, of encounters she’d had with other fairies and many of the Druids. Most of the encounters were pleasing in many ways, but some of them, she shivered in revulsion at. Though she had managed some pleasure from her encounters with Druids, many of them left her feeling hollow and used. A troubling thought crossed her mind at that moment, which she gave voice to.

“He’s not one of those who just takes what he wants, is he? I don’t fancy being used as a glorified cum depository.”

“Oh, don’t you worry yourself about any of that,” Phalmina giggled as she flopped over to her belly, before getting on her hands and knees. “He takes the time to makes sure that his partner is well and truly satiated.”

“How do you know this?” Emalia wondered. Phalmina simply smiled and stood up, taking a moment to center herself before walking over to the pool.

“Mina! Tell me how you know!” Emalia demanded as she stood and followed her friend to the pool. Though she debated teasing her friend some more, she decided that she shouldn’t be overly cruel and told her.

“His power was still asleep when he found his way to the glade,” Phalmina explained as she slipped into the chilly water, its coolness quenching the heat within her. “So, I had to do the ritual in order to Awaken his abilities.”

“You didn’t?!?!”

“I did,” Phalmina admitted almost sheepishly.

“You performed an Awakening ritual on a slumbering Druid?!? I am surprised that he survived the process!” Emalia admitted with a slight sense of wonder.

“I paid attention to all the various rituals and what needed to be done for them to succeed!” Phalmina said, defending her actions.

“Yes, but you never performed it until now. You could have killed him and then you’d have had to join the rest of us in the Final Sleep,” Emalia said worriedly. The thought of dying did not appeal to them, but dying in Gaia’s embrace was far better than how some fairies had chosen to die.

“I know that,” Phalmina sighed resignedly, “but it was a risk I was willing to take. I didn’t want to join you all without at least taking one last chance.”

“Well, regardless of the risk, I am glad it worked. Maybe now with him and the two of us, we can go about other methods of Awakening that are less hazardous to the health of future Druids,” Emalia admonished her.

“So, I guess that you don’t want to hear what the sex was like with him?” Phalmina said coyly. Emalia slipped into the pond with her and washed herself as Phalmina had done.

“Well? How was he?” Emalia asked, her interest in the newest Druid, piqued. Phalmina laughed gaily, and she recounted the story of hers and Jason’s encounter and how everything played out. Though she was already well and thoroughly fucked from what they just got up to, Emalia could feel herself getting aroused once more at Mina’s story.

“So, he can’t reach climax until you do? At least twice?” Emalia asked, flabbergasted that such a man existed.

“Yup. That and he REALLY knows how to look after a woman,” Phalmina purred, the memory of what happened between them as clear as though it had just happened.

“And you said that he’ll be back here before the ‘weekend’ is over?”

“I did. You interested in helping me seduce our new Druid?” Phalmina asked seductively.

“Absolutely! What do we do and how do we start?” Emalia asked excitedly. Laughing in delight, Phalmina swam over to her friend and they washed each other up. They then discussed the details of how they would do everything they could to draw him into their web.

Jason yawned as he blinked at the soft sunlight that was streaming into the tent he lay in. For a second, he forgot who he was and where he was. But then, memories flooded back to him. He remembered last night and everything that happened after he had seen Amy take off. Almost as a reminder, the woman next to him stirred briefly, before finding a comfortable position and settled.

Jason could see that he’d done a number to Amy’s senses, as she didn’t even move or flinch as he let himself out of her tent. It couldn’t have been much past seven in the morning, but it was a beautiful day out. Jason was glad that the weather was panning out this weekend. He took a deep breath and enjoyed the smells that surrounded him.

He stepped over to the fire pit and saw that there were still some embers left from the fire. He was glad that he put those logs on last night, as they burned down to almost nothing. Grabbing some kindling, he set it amongst the embers and stirred them up, setting the sticks aflame. Once they’d caught nicely, Jason grabbed a couple of smallish logs that Jack had chopped and lay them on top of the kindling, so they’d catch.

Walking over to his tent, Jason fished his coffee pot out of his backpack, and a small Ziploc bag full of coffee. Grabbing his gravity water filter that was sitting in his pack, Jason took a quick jaunt down to the lake to fill the bladder. It didn’t take him very long, maybe a ten-minute trip there and back. Once he was back, he opened the nozzle, and the filtered water poured into the coffee pot.

Once it was full, Jason set up the basket filter and filled it with the coffee grounds, before setting it on the grill over the fire pit. Now all that he had to do was wait, but he thought he’d go about grabbing what he needed to make his breakfast. He went back to his tent and fished out the water kettle he brought, as well as a couple packs of instant maple flavored oatmeal.

He filled the kettle and just finished setting it on the grill before he heard the unzipping of a tent flap. Right next to his tent was where Jack and Andrea had set up theirs and Jack was the first one out this morning. He looked a bit disheveled and tired, but there was a smile on the man’s face. Grinning, Jay could only guess at what he and his girl had gotten up to last night.

“Is that coffee?” Jack asked quietly.

“Yeah, but I just put it on. You’ll have to wait at least fifteen minutes before it’s even close to ready,” Jason informed him.

“No worries, man. I still need a little time to wake up before I can eat or drink anything,” Jack said with a yawn. He was dressed in a pair of worn shorts and a gray T-shirt that covered him well, Jason spotted a couple of purple marks on Jack’s neck. Chuckling, he commented on it.

“Andrea get a little riled last night, man?”

“That’s one hell of an understatement!” Jack mumbled, trying not to wake his lady. “She’s normally quite reserved when it comes to sex and the like, but last night, it was almost like she was a porn star man! She was doing all sorts of things to me that I could have only dreamed about!”


“Yeah, man! I was lucky that I was feeling up to it last night myself, or she would have fucked me into a coma!” Jack said a little louder than he meant to.

“Well, if there is one thing I know about women is that every one of them has some kind of hidden side. A darker, sexual side, that they don’t just reveal to anyone. Find the right guy, or right woman in some cases, that side will come out to play,” Jason informed him.

“Are you being serious, man, or you just yanking my chain?”

“Serious as a heart attack, my friend. Learned that little tidbit from Sheena,” Jason said to him. Jack nodded pensively, thinking over what he’d just been told. Sheena was one of Jason’s ex-girlfriends, one who had been more like a teacher rather than an actual GF. She was a senior when Jay was a sophomore, and they found that they clicked well together.

Although Jason was granted some level of status, dating an older woman, what they had was more of a friendly arrangement, rather than a proper relationship. She taught him the ins and outs of dating, but also shaped him in some ways. Such as the ways to please a woman, both mentally and sexually. Jason was not the smoothest talker, but Sheena had taught him much about sex and relationships.

They had finally parted company when Jason had become a senior and though it was a bit heartbreaking for the boy; he persevered and moved on. He’d had a few girls since he and Sheena had split, and maybe one or two had really complained about him being the way he was. In fact, Jason was sure that the only reason they’d done so was because he was able to see past the walls they put up. One thing he did know was that he had to keep his knowledge of women to himself, but he still passed on what he learned to some of his friends.

“Whatever happened to Sheena by the way?” Jack asked, curious as to what had happened to Jason’s once sexual tutor.

“No clue. She was working at the local Dairy Queen as a manager for about a year after I graduated, then just vanished,” Jay replied.

“Like gone? No trace?”

“Nope. Her apartment was cleaned out, and she quit her job, then just packed up her car and left. I only know that because a couple of her old co-workers were nice enough to tell me,” Jason said. Where Sheena had vanished was often a question he asked himself, but to no avail. She had no social media, no real friends, and from what he recalled, she was an orphan.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Jason saw that the coffee pot was spewing steam, and the kettle was whistling. Hearing this meant that the coffee had to be ready or close to it. Inhaling the rich aroma, Jason used a dish towel as an impromptu oven mitt and retrieved the pot first, then the kettle. He had already fetched a bunch of mugs he kept in his pack and had them all sorted on a flat rock, where he placed the coffeepot.

“Help yourself, man,” Jason gestured.

He then grabbed his metal bowl and poured the boiling water into it, before tearing open the packets and adding the oatmeal. Stirring it with a metal spoon he brought, Jason set it aside to cool some before digging in. He saw that Jack had already poured himself a cup of coffee and was busy pouring a second cup. Seconds later, he heard and zipping sound as Andrea walked out of their tent, yawning and stretching.

Once she was finished, Andrea spotted Jack with the two mugs and sighed happily, prancing over to him. She took an offered mug and drank, but not before giving her boyfriend a tonsil knocking kiss. Jason was startled at this, as he knew Andrea to be a shy and reserved type of woman, even in the presence of friends.

Jason then heard additional zipping sounds, as he saw the other couples, and even Elizabeth, come out of their respective tents. They were no doubt drawn to the smell of coffee, which there was still plenty of. He also saw that the girls were much more upbeat and looked to be in a ... playful mood. Even Gosia, who was known for being a bit of a perpetual grump, was smiling beautifully.

The guys, however, were a different story, as they all looked a bit wrecked and seemed like they could use some more rest. Seamus, who was a very upbeat and spry individual, was walking a bit stiffly, like he pulled a muscle or something. Puzzled, Jason tried something out. Reaching out to Gaia, he expanded his senses, to go beyond that of what a normal human could manage and what he felt next shocked him!

It seemed that every girl present who’d brought a boyfriend was feeling and smelling ... sated. His sense of smell picked up on lingering sexual odors that nearly overwhelmed him. Retracting his senses, Jason just confirmed that somehow, almost every single woman in camp got the living daylights fucked out of them! He found the timing of it to be very suspicious and resolved to find Phalmina and ask her about if he used his powers to affect them like this.

The fact that he didn’t even know that he’d been using them like this troubled him a little. Despite the obvious fatigue that the guys felt, they had no trouble returning the amorous advances of their ladies. Elizabeth was grinning ear to ear, but that, Jason was responsible for. Smirking to himself, Jason grabbed his oatmeal and dug in.

Everyone there seemed to be having a good morning, and Jay just finished his food when he heard the tent flap behind him open. Amy stepped out and stretched languidly, before stepping behind him, wrapping her arms about his muscled body. She sighed and hugged him tightly before her mouth found his ear. She nibbled and licked it before she whispered her greeting into his ear.

“Thank you for last night. I’ve never been fucked quite like that and I definitely want some more of that again,” she told him, while her hands made suggestive stroking motions towards his groin.

“Keep that up and I may just make a show out that idea, right here in front of everyone,” he growled back, his tone inflecting that he might do just that. Giggling, she danced to where she stood in front of him and kissed him on the cheek.

“Be careful what you wish for,” she said with a few pumps of her eyebrows, before she turned to the stone that held the coffeepot. Jason just smiled, but soon caught the stares of everyone else in the camp. Of all people that would be free with their emotions, no one expected her to be such. Jason looked on in amusement as an idea popped into his head.

Just as Amy turned about, he walked up and took the coffee cup out of her hand, before giving her a toe curling kiss, creatively using his tongue. Amy responded in kind, kissing him back with the same need and desire that flowed through her. His hands snaked down to her ass, and he gave it a playful squeeze, feeling her moan in desire. She broke the kiss and gave Jason a meaningful look and mouthed one word.


Smirking, Jason disengaged himself from Amy and sat down by the fire, pouring himself the last of the coffee. After stirring in some cream and sugar, he sipped his coffee as he conversed with Amy and the rest of the group. There was some teasing and playful ribbing, especially from Jack.

“Honestly, did not see this one coming! Did you cast a spell on her or something, because I’ve never seen Amy like this before!” Jack blurted out loud. His face flushed in embarrassment before he quickly added, “No offense meant Amelia.”

“None taken,” she said, letting the jab roll right off her. “I don’t know what it is, but it seems like I just needed to meet someone who would ... unleash me. That’s the best way I can explain it.”

Jason fired a look at Jack that screamed, ‘I told you so!’ while Jack shook his head in bewilderment. He didn’t believe it in the slightest until just now, especially with Andrea practically purring at him at that moment. Casting a look around the rest of the camp, he could see that the other ladies were similarly enraptured by their own men. Strangely enough, Elizabeth was nowhere to be found.

“Seems to me that there are some things you still don’t understand about women,” Amy said to Jack, picking up on his confusion. “The thing is that there are things that men will never know.”

This statement earned a round of nods, and sounds of approval from the other women present. Amy continued on though, as she wasn’t finished with her train of thought yet.

Same as Gaia's Champion
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

3 years ago
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A weekend up north part 1

It all started about five years ago now.I was always on Facebook, chatting to family and friends, I'd was chatting to David, we had been talking for a while and had exchanged mobile phone numbers, as we were chatting I explained that my wife and myself were constantly arguing these day, mainly over money and sex, on the account that we had neither in our lives at the moment. He laughed, " isn't that what most people argue about. Listen John, if you need to get away for a few days why not pay us...

4 years ago
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Family TiesChapter 11

Claire's drinking worsened. She began in early morning and continued throughout the day, never straying far from a bottle so that by bedtime she was usually in a complete stupor. Drummond noted her return to alcoholism largely with indifference. It did take a bit of explaining as to why they had to turn down a number of social invitations, but it also meant that Claire was usually passed out, either in the spare bedroom or on the couch downstairs by the time Laura arrived for their midnight...

2 years ago
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My first man XXXX

Hi sexy i'm sat here thinking about you i'd love to be with you tonight. I've been interested in older men all my sex life my first bloke i went with was a lot older than me i was only 15 and he was in his 60s. I had 3 older sisters i used to nick there cloth to dress up, then i found somewhere on the other side of town where i could go for walks dressed up as a girl. That's how i meet him i'd walk down a old footpath and he stopped me to ask the time and just kept talking... Before i knew it i...

2 years ago
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Does Your Girl Clean Your Cock

Standing in the doorway to my apartment with Becs, I think back to meeting her for the first time. I'd been playing pool with Brian, my at-the-time and current roommate, in our dorm's community room, which looked like a huge living room furnished with the same aqua blue tables and chairs we had in our rooms, a flat screen TV, couches everywhere, and a ratty old pool table. I'd gotten a game in pretty much every day that year, our freshman year, and was getting to be okay. Becs, or Rebecca as...

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When is rape not rape When she says yes fiction

I did nothing wrong. What I did was not illegal, and I won’t go to jail. Was it ethical? Moral, religiously, politically correct… probably not. But it wasn’t really illegal. Obviously I don’t want my name associated with the events though. Have you ever had a secret? Have you ever done something so deliciously, saucy, so utterly wicked that it makes you giggle just a bit? To plan it, to execute it, to get away with it–and then be unable to tell...

3 years ago
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My first time having sex

I was staying at my grandmas house in mexico for a couple months. It all started on a wednesday i was at home with my cousin luis (14). We were playing xbox when my cousin jesus (19), my other cousin angel (14), and their friend diana (24) showed up and told me to open the door for them so we went down stairs to open the door for them. We were all down stairs sitting on the couch. Jesus introduced us to diana. She was 5'7 she had redish hair and was light brown skinned, she had nice big tits...

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Another Walk In The wood

I met Sandy at the rear entrance of Sears in my pickup truck about ten o’clock. It went smoothly. She was in the truck in an instant and we were on our way.I waited for a bit and then I asked, “Well, did you talk to Joyce?”“Yes, I talked to her and then sent her the video.”“What did she say? Is she still up for it?”“Oh, Yes! It made her hot as hell! She told me she watched it twice and came both times. She wants us to do it again with her.”“Including the tree across the path and the part at the...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 325

A short one from Mad dog: Q; What’s the difference between a hooker and a mistress and a wife? A: Hooker says “Faster faster” B: Mistress says “Slower slower” C: the wife says “The ceiling needs a coat of paint”. The results of a recent survey from doral: A new study just came out ranking the 45 available presidents of the US from best to worst. Trump came in 53rd. This GEM is from GuardianKnight: Great Chicken Recipe Here is a chicken recipe that also includes the use of popcorn...

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We first spot each other at the front desk checking in. I ask for a room with a view, you do too. We're handed our keys. 33 and 34. I pick up my bag and head towards the lift, you behind me, following my slipstream of my perfume. Watching my big ass, as I walk. In the lift not a word, but I can feel you're warm breathe on the back of my neck. As your breathing heavily, I hear you drop your bag to the floor...I can feel your wet lips on my neck and the bulge in your trousers, right up behind me....

4 years ago
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More Thoughts another Masturbation and of to Sch

It wasn't that long ago, in junior school, when I used to go down to the docks and take my clothes off, and run naked amongst the concrete pipes, stacked four high.The thrill of being totally nude against a backdrop of concrete, only served to titillate my sexual awakening, the stark contrast of warm soft flesh, and cold hard concrete, gave me a budding sense of sexual eroticism, an awakening that saw me touch myself, lay down in the centre and masturbate, a mixture of indecent exposure, fear...

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Cassies Burning Desire

Cassie finally puts aside her inhibitions and seeks pleasure in its most physical sense and meets the man she’s secretly been longing for. It’s after 1 am and I just finished taking a nice long hot shower. Wearing nothing but a towel I find myself sitting in my bedroom with a glass of wine looking out my bedroom window and staring at the nighttime sky. The moon is shining so bright, its casting a silhouette of my body on my wall. The wind slightly blowing, I can hear the leaves on the tree...

Straight Sex
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Caught in the Act Part IV A Date with Charlene or Maybe Not

On Monday morning, Jack called Charlene to see what she wanted to do on their date.“Hi Charlene, how are you?”“Oh, I’m doing wonderfully! I’m glad you called. I was going to call you today.”“Good. I wanted to ask you if you wanted me to bring anything tomorrow night.”“About that. I think I’m going to have to cancel.”“Oh, I’m sorry. Is everything okay?”“Yeah. Um, let me just tell you straight out. I met somebody, and I would like to see him exclusively, at least for now. I hope you’re not too...

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Do Lund Aur Meri Akeli Chut 8211 Part 2

Raju, Aslam aur main ghumne chale gaye the. Sham ko wapis aate waqt humne drink ka plan bana liya.  Unhone ne drink ke sath soda wagera aur khane ka saman sab sath mein le liya aur room par wapis aa gaye. Wapis aakar hum drink karne lage. Main jada nahi pee sakti thi. Raju ne mote mote 2 peg banane se hi main to hil gayi. Mere ek taraf Raju betha hua tha aur ek taraf Aslam betha tha. Raju ke paas I-phone x tha jis mein humne pura din kafi pics li thi. 2 peg ke baad bhi main selfies lene lagi....

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Horny Age 8211 Milf Widow Aunty

It was my post HSC summer vacations and I was getting bored and sexually frustrated as my mother and my brother were home all the time and I got very little chances to fuck my maids. We soon shifted to our new home which was a single floor 3 bedroom flat. There were new maids whom I didn’t know whether they were physically available and I hardly had time to find out or apply my methods on them as I got busy with my diploma in computers. It was almost 6 months and I was able to feel my sexual...

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Kevin Made Me Gay

Kevin and I have been friends for a long time, not whole life kind of time, but second grade is quite a long time when you’re only eight-teen. I remember the first time we saw each other and I knew we were going to be friends instantly. Kevin was dressed in a brown jumpsuit, the kind worn by ghost busters. I come from a small town and was with my parents at the school, meeting the teacher before the start date. Another family showed up today and that was a tad usually for a normal one-on-one...

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NuruMassage Cherie Deville Damsel In Distress

Chivalrous client Eric Masterson stepped into a fight to rescue damsel in distress Cherie DeVille and took a knuckle sandwich in the face defending the masseuse. Cherie fawns over him gratefully and tries to soothe his black eye. She wants to properly show her gratitude and offers him a massage. Having just taken a pounding for the little lady, Eric is more than happy to oblige. Cherie warmly expresses her appreciation for coming to his rescue by disrobing herself, undressing him and leading...

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Sex With Deepiga In Office 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, Girls and Sweet Aunties!! This is Vasanth again from Coimbatore. I have completed my degree and working in a MNC as Team Lead. I think you have enjoyed my previous part of this story. If anybody didn’t read read it :Sex with Deepiga in Office Part-1”. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories from 2010. Had a thought to share my real time experience to get valuable reviews and feedback for the same. Please share it to Already I have received some feedbacks and Suggestions. Thanks a...

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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 6

Olivia had been right in her prediction. She woke the next morning with tremendous soreness in her crotch. It wasn't just from her skin being rubbed raw, which it was, but also from soreness in muscles she didn't even know she had. It had been a very busy day for the newly anointed Queen of the Sluts, the title lacked originality but she'd come up with it on her own, even if it had been from a dream. It took everything in her power to avoid letting on to her mother that she was sore down...

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It Gets Complicated

Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...

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A Man of Singular Talent Ch 04 Swim Team

The protagonist of the below story is a man gifted with the ability to control the minds and bodies of others. If you are the sort of person that likes to know the features and limitations of his power, read the author’s notes at the end. WARNING: The story below is long – 22 thousand words and change. About 95% of those words describe graphic non-consensual sex. If you are not okay with that, don’t read this. If you are looking for stories with plots, character development and deep world...

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Prodigal SonChapter 5

Sun Hair leading his other horse sped from town. He knew the general direction that the attackers had taken from Wilkins and soon found their trail. Five riders at a fast gallop were easy to spot. Sun Hair rode as fast as he could without caring too much about his mount. He planned to ride as hard as possible and catch up to the group. He would then switch mounts and let the winded horse loose. He knew that he held that advantage on the group. They had no remounts. Thirty minutes into the...

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Abigail at Home and at School Ch 03

ABIGAIL MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY On Wednesday afternoon at the private school, Abigail could be found in the gymnasium with the three physical education teachers. Lori Johnson, Bart Wilson and Gary Thornton were naked and coupled together on an exercise mat. Gary had his stiff dick buried in Abigail’s incredible sexy student as Lori munched on the teen’s tasty pussy. Bart with his cock in Abigail’s mouth waited patiently for his turn at her marvelous ass. Abigail was on all fours with Lori beneath...

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Valentines Day Forever

On Valentine's Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...

Love Stories
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I Fcked a Girl Sorta Kim and Mary Pt 1

Mary and Kim had been friends all through grade school. They’d be graduating and Mary was excited about finishing school. She was saddened by the fact her best friend would be moving away for college. “You look like your dog died. Cheer up!” Kim tossed a small pillow at Mary and Mary grinned. Kim asked to spend the night and Mary’s parents were out of town. She was old enough to have sleepovers without supervision. “I’m bored.” Mary looked over at Kim. She wore an over-sized t-shirt, no bra....

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My BFF becomes Friend with Benefits

I had received a wonderful toy for a christmas gift. The N'Joy Pure Wand. You can read all about it in my first story "Soaking Wet Christmas". This is not just a toy for many reasons. It a sexual aid, a liberator and relationship enhancer.I had to share just how wonderful this new found item is with a very good friend of mine. Linda is one of my dearest friends. We have so much in common, and have grown very close over the last few years. We trust each other implicitly with many parts of our...

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Brunda 8211 The Beautiful Restaurateur 8211 Part 1

Hello, girls and guys of indian sex stories dot net. I am Shivang here with another incident for you. First of all, thank you all for so many mails and messages for the previous stories. Motivates me to write more. Your feedback is welcome on . So this incident happened around a month ago. It was the end of May and I decided to plan a trip to Russia with my family. We got the visas etc. in mid-June. And we left for Russia on 13th June i.e. me, mummy, dad and our man-servant Govindji. We landed...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 9

We reached the nearest diner in town, which was deserted for the moment, but before we could go in, I heard another shot fired and then a gasp of pain. Wilbur Jr. had been hit. I scanned as best I could, and sure enough, there were seven more of those Klucker bastards out there, though if they were survivors of the first engagement or a separate bunch was hard to say. I took aim with the Mauser, while Gabby and Becca worked on stitching up Wilbur, Jr. once inside the diner (after breaking a...

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The Movie Theater

The Movie Theater By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. And remember, if you are reading stories at this or any other similar site there are many different sensual pressure points. So, if you don't like it, don't read it. Finally, this is hardcore fiction. )...

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Aishas Exercise pt2

"Now, bend down as before."As Aisha bent forward, her father held her by the waist and fitted his bulge tightly between her ass cheeks."Good, darling... good. Now hold the position for a while."For a moment Aisha lost her balance. She didn't realize that her father had deliberately made her to lose her balance by loosening his hold on her at the waist."Daddy!" shrieked Aisha, thinking that she was going to fall face down.Her father laughed, "Ha ha ha... Don't worry, darling. I did it...

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Pleasures The Red Ferrari

"Candace called and invited us to go down to the Lariat Club for a drink tonight. I said we were free. Alright?" Jackie called out as he went up the stairs to change his clothes after a long day. "Sure. Sounds like fun." John replied. He left all such arrangements to his wife and almost never refused or changed her decisions on the home front. The Lariat Club was jumping on this Friday night, with a traditional Western combo playing on the stage at one end. The sound was pretty loud...

3 years ago
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A Place To Stay

A Place to Stay By TyjordDay 1?Adam?? The woman said in surprise, clutching her robe tightly around her with one hand as she held the door partially open with the other.?Uhm, hullo Fiona.? The young man answered as he stood in the hallway. His eyes dropped nervously as he noticed her state of attire.?What are you doing here, Adam???I’m sorry to bother you at your flat like this???You know I like to keep my work and private life separate. I’ve made no secret of that.??I know, and I am sorry, but...

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Pirates and Other Nice PeopleChapter 4

I didn't see them for over an hour when we got back, but I heard them, lots of girlish squeals and giggles echoed from upstairs as I wrestled with the assembly instructions for the barbecue, at one stage I caught a glimpse of Cassie's sexy little bottom running upstairs after she'd made a brief foray into the kitchen for a bottle of vodka, Finally I got the damn thing together and it actually lit first time, pouring myself out a well earned drink, I sat on one of the garden chairs and...

3 years ago
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First time swallowing

So I was 26 and remember the exact month and day this happened. I suspect that everyone does as it seems to be such a watershed moment for everyone. By ‘everyone’ I am referring to trans girls and men who date them. She was Latin/Mexican and dated on and off for many months. I recall it began as friends and he telling me how hard it was for trans women to find suitable straight male partners due to the acceptance thing.First a primer on ‘generalities’ regarding Latina transgender females. I can...

2 years ago
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Tom and Joyce The Early Years

Tom and Joyce ? The Early Days            As Tom watchedthe last of Watson Watson's ten-inch cock bury itself between the welted cheeksof his wife, Joyce, who was bound spread-eagle fashion to the bed, he thoughtabout the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. You talk about a mess. Thatwas Joyce.            He had beeninvited to a sorority pledge event to check out the new meat. Although no scholar,Tom was well known on campus thanks to his impressive cock and his naturaltalent for using...

4 years ago
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The Contraption Gemma and Jake

she could be a right pain in the arse. They'd grown up together like any other brother and sister, fighting over trivial things like who controls the remote, or who uses the shower first. When Gemma asked for a lift to the shops Jake was going to say no but he had nothing else to do so he thought why not. They drove mainly in silence to the local mall which was about 5 kilometres away. They lived at the end of a very long dirt road with no other houses around for a few...

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Mama Bear Date CrashingChapter 3

“That was some breakfast, wasn’t it, Callie? Like Mom’s cooking?” I challenged my date from last night, who might not have worked out in the sense of a girlfriend, but who had turned into a serious booty call and a half overnight. “Mom ... yeah, your cooking rocks as always!” Callie agreed, now growing used to calling Mom by that title ... Mom seemed to love being called that by her, too “Got that right ... just what we need to fill up the tank for some more hot and sweaty sex. Mom’s always...

1 year ago
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Hot Sis Hotter MomChapter 9

The rest of the day was spent in erotic play. Joann and Judy teased Dave, something that delighted him. He didn't mind the teasing because he knew his mother and sister would deliver anytime he was ready. Joann, now that her erotic passions had been released, decided it was time she dressed accordingly. Early in the evening, they cleaned up and, using the pickup, went shopping. Joann took delight in choosing certain items she felt were erotic. For the first time in her life, she selected...

4 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 136

During those months I rode around the town and out on the island with a sign on the trike. It alternately advertised The Pub and the Hot Dog Heaven and the Gift Shoppe. I loved it even in the cold. I would park the trike on the island and have coffee on the pier. It was just as good a billboard in the parking lot as moving up and down the streets. The TV show I hated ran during those months so by the end of tourist season the Gift show was flooded. The Old Men were so popular they had to...

1 year ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part 31

Duty Honor Country Family- Part Thirty One By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. Also a note of thanks to Kimmie and Kris for some help they gave me. ***** Japanese Justice Kunio Hatoyama was in his own chambers, looking out over the Tokyo skyline, on the phone with FBI Director Robert Mueller. "I will have an interview with the Prime Minister this afternoon in order to discuss Swan Song with him." "Thank you,...

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