GAIA s Granddod GALIA Great Granddad 2
- 2 years ago
- 58
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Elizabeth stretched and arched her back as she woke up. She felt luxuriously wonderful as she opened her eyes, gazing down at her lovers. Last night went beyond amazing and went straight to groundbreaking! The fact that all the creatures of imagination and fantasy were real? That Gaia, the Earth Mother, was real? And Jason, her first male lover and friend, was a Druid, a servant and champion of Gaia’s will?
It almost too much to believe and she nearly didn’t believe it, if not for the sleeping forms of Phalmina and Xaera lying next to her. She smiled down at Phalmina, watching the fairy woman twitch and mumble in her sleep. Her wings fluttered gently as she slept, almost like they were reminding the woman that they were there.
Then Elizabeth looked over to Xaera, who was partially covered, but splayed out like a butterfly. The blue-skinned troll woman was a surprise, as the mythos of trolls stated that they were ugly, not beautifully exotic. Though, upon learning Xaera was half troll made much more sense why she was so gorgeous.
Elizabeth sighed and sat up, an action which caused everyone lying there with her to stir. The first one to blink open their eyes was Amy, who yawned cutely as she propped herself up. Jason joined them in the land of the awake soon after, cricking and cracking his arms and legs. The Gaian women followed along, waking as everyone else did.
Elizabeth then just leaned in and kissed Phalmina, wanting to taste the fairy’s lips once more. The fairy moaned happily as Elizabeth welcomed her awake. Even though Phalmina’s heart belonged to Jason, she found that the swarthy woman waking her was ... addicting. The same could be said of Amy as well, whose voracious appetite left even Phalmina a little taken aback.
The kiss ended, and she saw the others exchanging kisses back and forth. She caught Amy’s eye and crooked her finger, a gesture that she obeyed. Smiling, Amy leaned in to kiss Elizabeth, which she returned with equal fervor, their tongues dueling each other. When they finally broke apart, everyone else was staring at them, smiling like cats.
“What are you three looking at?” Elizabeth faux berated them.
“Just wondering if you planned a deep dive into the Marianas Trench. Didn’t look like you were coming up for air anytime soon!” Jason jibed.
“Wish you were in my place?” Amy teased with a smirk.
“Ooooh! You got me!” Jason winced, miming like he’d been shot.
“Admit it! You would like to have been in her place!” Elizabeth poked.
“OK, I admit it! Having that much woman in my hands, who wouldn’t want to be?” Jason said seriously. The comment made Elizabeth blush fiercely, while Amy beamed at what she was doing.
“Smooth talker, isn’t he?” Phalmina said huskily.
“Sounds like someone I just met,” Elizabeth said, as she sidled up to Phalmina and stroked her wings. She purred at the gesture, her wings tinkling as they flitted.
“Don’t do that! If you keep on with it, I’m not going to stop myself from ravaging you right here and now,” the fairy warned. Elizabeth simply smiled, more than fine with the idea! The only thing that stopping her was the fact that her pussy was aching. She would need a few hours before she was ready for some more action.
“Good to know that I can turn you on with just a few strokes,” Elizabeth snickered.
“Ok, enough ladies! Let’s save the kinky stuff for later, yeah?” Jason laughed. They all pouted, but knew that he was right, so they quit their banter.
“Now, who’s hungry?”
The ladies chorused that they were hungry, and Jason asked Phalmina to work her magic, to make them full sized again. Smiling, Phalmina wove her hands together, weaving an intricate design with the magic that flowed out of her. Xaera paid close attention to this, miming the fairy to some degree. Seconds later, everyone was growing larger as they became big again.
“Aw shit!” Jason said out loud as he opened the fridge and peered inside.
“What’s the matter?” Amy asked, her face concerned.
“I’m out of breakfast food. Need to head on out to get something to eat,” he groused as he walked over to his discarded clothing and got dressed.
“Would you like some company?” Amy asked.
“Sure! Get some clothes on though! As much as I like seeing you naked, I’m not too sure that the rest of society would appreciate the look,” Jason chuckled.
“Society can go fuck itself,” Amy grumbled.
“Amen sister!” Elizabeth chorused.
Laughter ensued as the pair got dressed and then vacated the apartment to get some grub. They asked if Elizabeth wanted to come with, but she declined, wanting to talk to the Gaian women. Shrugging, they left the ladies to their conversation and walked out of the apartment. The sun was shining on a cloudless morning, which Amy and Jason soaked in before walking on.
“Last night was ... mmmm!” Amy smiled.
“Yes, it was!” Jason agreed.
“Think there might be more of that level of sex happening in the future?” Amy wondered in a cutesy voice.
“The way I understand it, there are two more fairies that have awakened at the grove. One of which I have met and fucked and let me tell you; being double teamed by fairies?? It would give even the most kinky and horny of porn stars a serious run for their money!” Jason grinned.
“Wait, you had two fairies?? All to yourself?” Amy gasped.
“Yup! Mina has also said that there is a third that is now awake, so yeah, we will probably have our hands full,” Jason chuckled.
“Damn!” Amy breathed as they walked the short distance to the Safeway.
Jason was glad that he was sensible when picking a place to live. The neighbourhood had all the amenities he needed within walking distance. Both he and Amy chattered as they walked into the supermarket, going over what they could expect from their fairy lover and her friends. A few people looked at the pair with interest, but ultimately paid them no mind, aside from a few busybody types who looked at them with disgust.
The pair of them chuckled at the looks and glares they were receiving. They knew that they’d triggered some of the more prudish types doing their morning shopping, but they were fine with it. Too many people were prudes in their eyes, and they injected some much needed debauchery in their lives.
Jason and Amy picked up the bacon, eggs, whole wheat bread, bagels, breakfast sausage, the works. Once they had all they needed, they headed up to the till to pay for it, but Amy beat Jason to it. He tried fighting her on it, but she stated that he’d done so much for everyone else, that she wanted to do something nice for him. Jason at least had the sense to accept graciously and thanked her for it.
They walked on back, still yammering on about a bunch of things they’d like to try, and walked into the apartment laughing. Elizabeth was there, deep in conversation with Phalmina and Xaera, barely acknowledging their arrival. Xaera, however, sniffed out the meat, disrupting the chat they were having, and she sauntered over to Jason and Amy, smacking her lips.
“Xaera!” Elizabeth grumped as the troll woman ignored the questions being posed to her.
“I think she’s a little taken with the food we have right now,” Amy joked.
“What is that ... savory ... sweet ... smell??” Xaera asked, her eyes dreamy.
“You can smell the meat through the plastic wrapping?” Jason asked.
“A troll’s sense of smell is second to none. They can smell things that have been through days after they are long gone. Nothing escapes a troll’s nose,” Phalmina explained.
“So, if someone were to have some wild and crazy sex, and the scent be days old, Xaera could still smell it?” Amy wondered.
“It would take a couple of weeks for the scent to dissipate. For me at least,” Xaera mumbled while eyeing the food as Jason placed it all on the counter.
“OK, let me work on the food, please? Breakfast will be forthcoming, but I need room to work,” Jason said as he shooed Xaera out of the kitchen.
“Need a hand?” Elizabeth offered.
“That would be great, thanks!” Jason replied.
Amy helped as well, knowing that everyone was hungry, and Jason would need all the help he could get. Jason busied himself with some homemade hash browns and bacon, while Amy got the sausages going and made the coffee. Elizabeth handled the eggs and toast and within fifteen minutes, a breakfast feast was ready and served to everyone.
Xaera was served first, as she was literally salivating over the smells of the fried bacon and sausage. Phalmina was next, followed by Elizabeth, then Amy, before Jason served himself. Everyone dug in with gusto, as their romp the day previous had drained them all and they needed the energy. Especially Jason, who’d been hit with those bolts of energy, turbocharging his sex drive and he told Amy and Elizabeth about it.
“So, wait, you’re saying that these two hit you with their magic, making you a total carnal beast? That’s why you were so ... vigorous yesterday?” Elizabeth asked.
“Yup. They kind of overdid it, in fact. You see, Xaera is just starting to learn her magic and she kind of ... went too far,” Jason chuckled. Xaera blushed at this, but then fired off a comment that caught everyone off guard.
“I don’t recall you complaining about it.”
“True, but I am a little worried about this guy. I hope he doesn’t fall off with all the exercise he’s been getting,” Jason said, gripping his dick through his shorts.
All the ladies then snorted as they laughed, and coffee shot out of Amy’s nose as she did so. Everyone laughed all the more at this, almost knocking over their food as they couldn’t help themselves. It took them a few minutes before they calmed down enough to where they were breathing normally again, and they resumed eating. They all agreed to eat first and talk after, as no one wanted to drop their food.
“As far as your little guy falling off, you don’t have to worry about that. As a Druid, you are more ... durable than regular human men. Even if anything does happen that way, it’s nothing I can’t fix,” Phalmina giggled.
“So, ED isn’t a thing with Druids? Good to know!” Amy snickered.
“ED? What is ED?” Phalmina wondered.
“ED stands for Erectile Dysfunction. Basically, a guy can’t get it up because of various reasons., which are often health related,” Amy explained.
“Really? That’s odd! Men back when I was a young fairy almost never suffered this,” Phalmina stated.
“Anyway, what are we going to do for the barbecue?” Elizabeth wondered, steering the topic away from sex for the moment.
“Well, I do have someone that I could visit, who’s an old friend. He runs a deli about half an hour from here, so on that note, I can cover the whole meat side of it,” Jason offered.
“What kinds of meat?” Xaera wondered.
“Many kinds, which are prepared and seasoned in ways you have yet to dream of,” Jason said. Xaera growled in approval, her mind running through many ideas in which meat could be enjoyed.
“I think Liz and I can handle the veg and snacks,” Amy offered.
“Is there any way in which we can help?” Phalmina asked, wondering if she and Xaera could do anything.
“Well, we would love for you two come along with us, but I’m not sure if you have anything that would help Xaera fit in? Or walk out in the sun?” Jason asked.
“Why can’t Xaera be out in the sun?” Elizabeth wondered. Jason then explained the basics of trolls and what they could and could not do, due to the way they were built. Both Amy and Elizabeth looked at the woman with pity and a pang of sorrow as they were given the rundown.
“Jason, is there anything you could do for her about this?” Amy asked.
“I don’t know. As I told you, I’ve only been a Druid for a week, so there’s a lot I don’t know. A lot of what I’ve done has come to me on instinct, as I have no one to teach me directly. I mean, Mina’s guidance on how things are supposed to work has helped, but I’ve noticed how my magic and her magic are totally different,” Jason explained.
“Phalmina, isn’t there anything you can think of?” Amy implored.
“Hold on, I’m thinking,” Phalmina said, before she clapped her hands and grinned.
“You got something?” Jason wondered.
“I think so. Jason, join hands with me, Xaera, you stand between us. I’m not sure if this will work, but we should at least try,” Phalmina stated. Nodding, both Jason and Xaera did as they were asked, taking their positions and waiting for instruction.
“Now, I want you to think about being immune to the effects of the sun. Focus on how it won’t hurt you, but that it will be something nice to feel on your skin. Keep your mind locked into that one thing, how the sun cannot hurt you. Also imagine how you would look, if you were human,” Phalmina said, addressing Xaera.
“That’s easy. I’ve imagined myself as a human many times, being able to walk out into the sun without issue,” Xaera stated.
“Ok, good. Jason, I want you to focus on extending your power to protect Xaera further. To give her immunity to the sun, to keep her safe from its effects on her troll skin and body. To make her able to walk in daylight, without turning into stone,” the fairy woman explained.
“All right. Sounds simple enough,” he replied.
“It will require a lot of focus to make it happen, so Amy, Liz, please stay quiet while we try this,” Phalmina stated. The human women nodded and sat down, keeping their eyes on the trio that was standing.
Phalmina focused her mind on what she wanted to do for her friend and lover. To keep her safe, protected and free of the sun’s damaging rays. The more she focused, the clearer the solution became. Words came to her mind, words of power from Gaia, and she spoke them, forming the spell.
Jason too, focused his will and energy, wanting nothing more than to keep the beautiful troll woman safe from the sun. So that she could walk around and enjoy the light of day, without worrying about turning into stone. That she could see the world as they saw it, bright and unblemished. Like with Phalmina, the words of power came to him and he spoke them, his cadence matching Phalmina’s.
Xaera’s focus on herself, changing into human form, was solid and unwavering. It was something she had dreamed of for so long, but now it could be reality! She kept her mind on the form she wanted to take, which was a mirror version of her current one. The only real differences being lustrous and long curly brown hair, sun browned skin and a proper set of human teeth.
Xaera mouth moved as words came to her mind as well, but in Trollish. She spoke them, each word of power adding to the spell that was being cast by Jason and Phalmina. Her cadence was off, but it fit in time with the spell they were speaking, occupying the gaps. They all spoke together, bringing life and power to the spell.
Because their eyes were closed when they chanted, they did not see the light show that occurred. Amy and Elizabeth did indeed remain silent, but what they saw amazed them even more than the night before had. Elizabeth couldn’t resist and pulled out her phone, recording the event. The green and yellow magics gathered together, weaving an intricate magical pattern that settled around Xaera.
She stood there in her troll form, but that form blurred and changed. Slowly, Xaera’s skin lightened in hue, turning into a brownish, almost bronzed skin hue. Her red hair also changed, darkening until it was an auburn color, curling in many ways. Soon, the spell winked out and several runes flashed before fading away.
“Holy ... Gaia!” Amy exclaimed.
“Did it work?” Xaera asked.
“I’d say it did!” Jason said, pointing to the standing mirror by his bed. Xaera turned and looked at it and jumped with alarm as she did so.
“Who is that?!?” she asked, frightened.
“That’s you. Go on, stand in front of it. Look at yourself!” he encouraged.
Xaera walked towards the mirror and looked at herself with a sense of awe. She looked exactly as she had hoped, even more so! The color of her skin, her hair, it all looked as she had imagined! She put a finger in her mouth and felt around for the small tusks and sharp canines that were her teeth, but she felt mostly flat teeth! Using her fingers, she pulled her mouth open to see for herself and her teeth had indeed changed.
“You know, I’m a fan of funny faces, but those are completely ridiculous!” Jason laughed.
“What? I’ve never had my teeth look like this!” Xaera huffed as she finished her examination.
“I’d say that your transformation into a human has worked! But there is one final test that needs to be done,” Mina said as she approached the blinds.
Xaera shrank back, but put her arm out, ready to be hit by the sun. She gritted her teeth and nodded to Phalmina, who slowly opened the blind. Xaera expected the searing pain of the sun to hit her skin, causing it to turn into a greyish, ugly stone. Only the pain never came. Xaera looked down and saw that the sunlight was indeed on her skin, but it wasn’t burning it. Instead, the sun caressed it, like she was a proper human!
“It’s ... it’s a miracle!” she said out loud, crying and falling to her knees.
“Yes, it is!” Phalmina gushed as she wrapped her friend in a hug. Xaera sat there, laughing and crying at the same time, like she couldn’t believe it! She then stood up, breaking the hug and walked towards the window, drawing the curtain aside. Sunlight hit her full on, but it didn’t phase her. She just stood there, taking in each moment of this, relishing it.
“Any idea on how long this will last?” Xaera asked out loud.
“No clue. It might be something that wears off in a few hours, maybe a few days. I’m unsure,” Phalmina stated.
“Does this help?” Elizabeth asked, showing them the video she took. Xaera and Mina watched it, watching the magics do their thing, before it changed Xaera’s appearance. They watched the magical pattern weave itself and heard the spell chant, before they saw the runes come towards the end.
“That was Trollish! Hold it there for a moment!” Xaera told Elizabeth, who paused the video. Xaera studied the runes that appeared, looking them over several times before smiling.
“Well, what does it say?” Phalmina asked, eager to know.
“It says that the spell will only last until the next moonrise, when dusk gives way to night. After that, I will become a troll again,” Xaera huffed.
“But at least you know that you can do it! Hell, what’s stopping you from doing that again, now that you know how?” Amy told her.
“You know, you’re right! Because I know the spell, it can be cast again! I will need some help in doing it, if you two wouldn’t mind?” Xaera asked sweetly.
“Maybe we can find a way to make the spell more potent, so it lasts for days. Maybe even enchant something for you!” Phalmina said, her mind whirling.
“We can do that? Enchant things to make ordinary things into magical artifacts?” Jason wondered.
“Of course we can! It does take a lot of effort though and you have to know how to make the enchantment stick, but at least we have something to start with!” Phalmina said excitedly.
“We’ll definitely look into it, but I believe that we have some items to go out and get for today’s barbecue,” Jason reminded the women.
“Yeah, we’ll get them, but after we get these two ladies some clothes,” Elizabeth stated.
“Clothes? Like, new clothes?” Xaera asked, her voice a little tremulous.
“Yeah! I mean, we can’t have you prancing around naked, can we? It would cause a bit of an uproar and guys would be chasing you like crazy,” Amy giggled.
“I haven’t had new clothes to wear in ... I can’t remember!” Xaera breathed, amazed that these two humans were being so kind to her!
“No new clothes for years? Girl, we have got to hook you up! Mina, you’re getting some new threads too, so don’t complain,” Elizabeth admonished her.
“No complaints from me! In fact, I’ve seen some humans wearing things that I’d like to wear!” Phalmina enthused.
“Good. Jason, do you have anything that Xaera could borrow? She’s much closer to your size, so...” Amy started.
“I should have a few things lying around. Xaera, would you mind coming here, see if there’s anything you like?” Jason asked.
The troll woman shuffled forward as Jason approached his closet and opened the door, showing her what he had. Jason wasn’t a clothes horse by any means, but he did have a fair amount sitting in his closet. He fished out a few items and laid them on the bed for Xaera to look at.
She eyed a few items, while the ladies present cobbled together a decent outfit for her. They selected a pair of khaki shorts, a white undershirt, and an olive button-up shirt to go over it. Xaera looked it all over and was amazed at how well it fit her! She stared at herself in the mirror and smiled at what she looked like!
“Wow! I look ... human!” she said with great surprise.
“Well, that was kind of the point of the spell, wasn’t it?” Elizabeth asked.
“Yes, but I didn’t expect it to look so ... real!!” Xaera gushed, amazed at her new look. Even though it was temporary, she would enjoy the day that she had out in the sun.
“I hate to interrupt the moment, but as the old saying goes, daylight is burning. Let’s head on out and run our errands!” Jason reminded them.
Both human women facepalmed, which the Gaians found adorable. They all got dressed and left the apartment, with Jason locking up behind himself. The women piled into Elizabeth’s car and were on their way to do some shopping, as Jason ran to catch the bus to Ante’s Deli. He overheard them saying something about stopping by Elizabeth’s house, so they could get a proper change of clothes, before they went shopping.
Jason shook his head as the bus arrived, and he boarded it. He kept his Gaian senses active as he got on and finding nothing malicious or out of the ordinary; he took a seat. The bus had been moving along for about five minutes when his senses triggered and caught something ... off. He could tell that the warning sense didn’t come from any of the bus passengers, so he peered outside of the windows, looking for the source.
His senses came to rest on a nearby car, a black Mercedes to be exact. The feeling he picked up from it was ... wrong, somehow. Jason then focused his mind and energies on the car, but before he could get a proper look into it, the car took an exit and peeled away from the bus.
The sense of wrong he picked up from this vehicle was ... troublesome, to say the least. Jason would have to discuss this with Phalmina, and soon. If there were people who had that level of wrong to them, that he could sense, it was worth investigating. He made sure to ask the fairy about it when he saw her at the barbecue that night.
Jason then put the thought of it out of his mind as the stop by Ante’s Deli came up. He disembarked from the bus and walked another five minutes from the stop before he came to it. He remembered coming here quite a few times, when the deli’s original owner, Miro, was still alive.
That had been before the cancer that nested in his lungs, putting him in the hospital. Miro had fought hard against it, but in the end, the affliction had its way with him. He left the deli to his son, Ante, who was more than happy to carry on his dad’s business. Jason walked inside and looked around, seeing that there was only one person behind the counter.
“Hello there! May I help you?” the Slavic man behind the counter asked.
“Hi there. I’m looking to purchase some cuts of meat for a barbecue I’m having. Is Ante here by chance?” Jason wondered.
“Ante? Yeah, he’s in the back, just finishing up with some sausage that he’s grinding up. Might I ask who’s wanting to speak to him?” the man asked with a slight air of suspicion.
“Jason. Jason Bjornsson. We’re old friends,” Jason answered.
They were indeed friends back in high school, but they hadn’t touched base in months. After his dad died, Ante had his hands full running the deli. There was also the fact that he was going to be a dad himself, or already was by then. The man nodded slightly, before disappearing to get Ante.
Jason heard a huff and looked about, before finding the source of the noise. It was Miro’s old dog, Brutus, who was lying there by the entry point of the counter. He wasn’t doing much, just minding his own business as people went about theirs. Jason could tell that the dog was bored out of his mind and grumpy to boot.
“Hey there Brutus. What’s wrong?” Jason asked the dog, kneeling slowly and carefully extending his hand. He picked up a set of images and smiled sadly, knowing what the old grump was upset about.
“You really must miss Miro. He spent a lot of time with you, didn’t he?” Jason queried. Brutus huffed in acknowledgement before his head snapped up, wondering how this human could understand him.
“Well, that’s a bit of a tale to tell, but long story short, I’ve become a Druid. So, understanding animals, knowing what’s going on outside the human world, I’m in tune with that,” Jason explained. Brutus then bounded to his feet and licked Jason’s hand, showing him that he was welcome here.
“Ante not showing you the love that you need?” Jason continued. Brutus imparted another message to him, this one conveying how Ante has been preoccupied with both the shop and his new baby, from his wife, Cata.
“Well, I can’t blame the guy for being too exhausted to take you out to play. Miro had the time because he had Ante, the deli, and you. Maybe you need to be a bit pushier about letting him know?” he suggested. Brutus then imparted the message bout being lethargic since Miro died. Jason stroked his head, then scratched his ears, which set Brutus’ tail wagging.
“Jason? How the hell did you get Brutus to take scratches like that? He’s been a solid grump for a while now!” Ante said as he walked into the store from the back.
“I think the old boy just wanted some attention. Going by how lazy he looked, he hasn’t really been getting any of that from anyone,” Jason quipped.
“Well, it hasn’t been easy, running this shop and keeping it afloat like my dad did. That and being a family man, it’s a full-time job,” Ante replied, his face showing his chagrin.
“Maybe take Brutus out now and then. I’m sure he’d be much better about stuff if you took some time out for him,” Jason finished. Brutus barked in agreement, which startled Ante, but made him smirk.
“Sounds like you’ve got Brutus’ ear on that. What do you say, Brutus? Want to head off for a walk after we close for the day?” Ante asked the dog. Brutus barked happily and sat down, wagging his tail.
“Well, I guess that settles that. Anyway, Vadim told me you were here looking for some meat. What kind of meat were you looking for?” Ante wondered.
“Well, I am looking for some good cuts for a barbecue today and was wondering if you had anything good,” Jason asked.
“A barbecue? You know, I have just the thing!” Ante smirked as he moved around behind the counter.
The girls were busy in the mall, first in the Wal-Mart, then in the Old Navy store, selecting outfits for Phalmina and Xaera. Both women were stunned at their new friends’ generosity, but thankful for it all the same. In light of this, Phalmina was re-evaluating how she treated human women, especially these two.
Already they had picked up three dresses, several shirts, pants and skirts for both women. This alone was more than enough to blend in and pass as human among those living in this city. Though it was a little costly, Phalmina used her Gaian allure to ... encourage ... the cashiers to give them a discount. Amy and Elizabeth were a little perturbed by this, but when it came to clothing discounts, they weren’t going to complain.
“Seriously, I need to bring you along when I go clothes shopping!” Elizabeth smirked. “Would save me a bundle on new clothes that I want to get!”
“Well, consider me your new shopping buddy!” Phalmina said while batting her eyes playfully.
The move had Elizabeth giggle, and blush, while Amy and Xaera looked on. Xaera was just as awestruck as Phalmina was with the immensity of the mall and everything that fit in it. They had walked out of the Old Navy, fists full of bags containing their purchases. They then adjourned to the food court to get a little something to eat. Xaera had to visibly restrain herself at the variety of scents that emanated from it.
After some deliberation, they all decided on A&W for lunch and Amy went and bought them Cinnabon for after. While they all ate, both Phalmina and Xaera moaned with each bite, never having had food like this before. Xaera especially was enjoying the sight, sound and smell of all the food around them.
Having spent decades scrounging what she could find from nature and garbage bins, eating proper meals again was a welcome change. More than once, her feral instincts threatened to take over and head for the nearest garbage bin to go pulling out and eating all the wasted food. With some coaching and warnings about her cover being blown, Xaera kept her seat and ate her food.
She especially enjoyed the Cinnabon, smacking her lips in delight at the taste of it. She polished it off without missing a beat while the other three barely finished half of theirs. She eyed the pastries hungrily, her stomach growling slightly.
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News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...
John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...
Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...
“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...
At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...
Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...
Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...
More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....
War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...
The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...
A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...
An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...
Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...
A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...
It was a beautiful Saturday late afternoon. I was done with all the things I had to do around the house. My wife was gone for the weekend and I was feeling a bit bored. I thought I would take a shower, shave and pull out the makeup and see if I could do myself any justice in looking passable. Many attempts before had failed, but I was getting a little better each time.I got out of the shower and was nice and clean, smooth from head to toe and went to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of my...
CrossdressingThis is 100% true and you can find pictures of the girlfriend in question (now ex) on my profile!I had made a move about 10 miles away from where my gf was so we were living separately at the time. With living separately came the dirty texts/pics and talk of our fantasies. The threesome was obviously one of them. We both agreed we should have two - 1 with a guy and 1 with a girl. Keep it fair ;-)Anyway, me and my best mate had been out on the town and he had shared a bed with me. I woke up...
This story starts on day three of my summer adventure abroad. I was visiting my favourite uncle and aunt who live in Dubai. My uncle took me shopping to The Mall of the Emirates; we spent all day chatting, shopping and browsing the fabulously expensive and extravagant stores. I had a funny feeling all day, deep inside me. that someone had been following us throughout the mall, but I had been putting it out of my mind. We made our way back to my uncle's white Mercedes Jeep that was parked on...
First TimeJim Bronson's eyes opened on a new world and a new life. For starters, he was not in his own bed. He was in JJ's bed. He could feel JJ's naked body pressed against his side with one of her legs draped across his thighs, just below his soft cock. Jim was not a bad looking man and waking up in women's beds wasn't that unusual but this was completely different. Yes, he could feel her naked breasts pressed against him with her soft nipples resting comfortably against him. Yes he could feel...
Working away from home can have it's advantages, situations arise that would never do so at home. I had been working out east for several months, working a two week rotation where I got to travel home every second weekend. For the last week or two, the hotel where I was staying was advertising an up coming fancy dress dance night. It happened to be on the Saturday night that I would be staying over so I decided to go to it and have some fun. The weekend before, I was at home and packed a few...
MatureHi this is Nikesh from Mumbai . Im 20 yrs old and my mom Asha 41 years old. She is very sexy and can get many dicks hard even at this age. Her figure is 36-29-38 with a real sexy ass. So here goes the story. One night me my mom and dad went out for a friends party. The party started at 9. Mom wored a black flimsy chiffon saree tight around her sexy body. Im sure she might have swollen many dicks in the party yet. Everything was going fine until mom started feeling tired due to her early...
IncestI had already been fucking Elizabeth for some time when her daughter Ginny came to see me. My relationship - OK, call it an affair - with Elizabeth had begun when she had visited to discuss her assignations with both Ernie and Ginny. Needless to say, I was shocked, and gave her an appropriate sermon on sexual infidelity and incest. "Stop it, Reverend." She had stood up and was walking around my desk toward me. "What are you talking about, Elizabeth?" "You know very well that the story...
I waited until my anger cooled enough that I wouldn’t get both of us into trouble by starting an argument that would need explaining. I climbed out of the tub, dried off, and then wondered what I would wear. The clothes I wore today were all soaking wet. Even my underwear. My ONLY pair of underwear. I leaned against the sink with my head low. I was stretched too far in too many directions to do what I really needed to do. Yes, I got the police report, but only at the cost of not returning to...
She set herself next to me on the couch in the lobby of the hotel I was staying. I was in a lousy mood and everything to lift me up was welcome. I had noticed that elegant strut that only Asian women have and the short summer cotton skirt that made her look younger than she was. Mid thirties, straight short black hair, her white shirt showing a promising decolleté."Do you like women?" she asked looking straight ahead.I nodded.'Do you like men too?"Äre you a professional?" I asked.'No, I am in...
Geneve was overwhelmed this evening to say the least. First, she was erratically introduced as a Lady to the Palace, although it was under her strict instruction that she would not be (for she wasn’t, as she has refused the title, fully grasping the fact that she is a nobleman’s bastard) and now, sitting across the fifteen foot long table from her beloved sister and her soon to be betrothed, The Prince of Highever to continue the awkward evening. Stunningly handsome as he looks, Geneve finds...
Two days day passed since I had talked to either Tanya or Sarah. My anger turned into sadness as I wept thinking of the event at the jazz bar. Tanya was ignoring my phone calls and I was ignoring Sarah’s. My phone rang once more and as I picked it up to switch it off thinking it was Sarah, the screen said Tanya, “hello?” I answered very anxiously. “I’ve been thinking about what happened, I don’t blame you for anything” “…really?” I was still very nervous. “Yeah we cant help how we feel...
Cole and I had been friends for quite some time now. We worked at rival tattoo shops in New York and my boss and best friend, Sasha, always warned me about him. She was always telling me how troublesome he was and how whoreish he was with the women. Did I care? No. It only intrigued me more. I was a rebellious person, I wanted what I wasn’t allowed to have and that was Cole. Problem was? He was in and out of relationships like I changed my undies. It seemed like he had a new girl on his arm...
To describe myself, I am 28 years old, Black male and former collegiate student-athlete. I was a good athlete amassed some notable awards and am still in good shape; though I have put on some weight since graduating 5 years ago. I have a good size dick, I don’t get any complaints anyway. Too be honest my sex life is very modest a few hook-ups here and there but nothing like you would expect. I always joke that I have a white girl fetish, “the black man’s Kryptonite”, not that I don’t love my...
I'm a straight white guy but recently have become curious about Tgirls.Tgirls are wonderfully sexy and beautiful, but between their legs is acock. They say that they are women born into a man's body. I'm not sureabout that, but I keep hearing that they really know how to please a man.I would never consider being with another guy, but lately I've beenwondering if I could be with a Tgirl and just enjoy their fem side. Oneafternoon I browsed the t4m section on CraigsList, looking for a Tgirl...
He’s at it again. Yack, yack, yacking. How can one man be so dense that he can’t see that my eyes are glazed, my mind, now nearly full of stuff that I may never need has begun to turn to mush. I have just become a receptacle for his useless, endless chatter. I am so far beyond caring what is streamed into head that I now make no effort to take in and process all of the facts that are being introduced against my will into my subconscious and conscious mind. If I sit within talking distance...
Delilah and I spent almost the entire day going from room to room having sex. Somehow we even managed to do it in the clothes closet. This woman's capacity and desire for sex was almost beyond my comprehension. I do not know if there is really a condition of nymphomania but it one does exist Delilah was overwhelmed with it. It was no surprise to me after having been with her for most of the past two days that her husband had sex with her on such an infrequent basis. He stayed away from her just...
IQRA a muslim mistressintroductiona btech civil engg student turns her classmates n teachers into her pathetic slaves chapter 1introduction to charactersiqra was a beautiful ,hot girl having proper curves n perfect waist .she was from kashmir who had come to jammu for pursuing her studies as a btech civil engineer at mahant bachitter sing college (mbs) .jammu city is nearly 600km from kashmir valley n so she had no choice other than either living in college hostel or as a paying guest somewhere...
Chapter 5 – Death by Chocolate ‘So, what’s the occasion?’ Jon asked as I met him at the door coming home from the office. I was dressed in a skirt and blouse. The skirt was a silky black with medium sized white polka dots and came down just below my knees. The top was all white and made of very thin material, which showed the lacy white bra underneath quite clearly. ‘Oh, lets just say it is a post birthday, birthday party for myself.’ I said. ‘I just felt like a romantic dinner with just...
I knew I was in for an interesting evening with Jack because he bought the first round at Lynch's Tavern. We were supposed to meet the following after noon at his secret room for some prime time fucking, and I supposed he was anxious to fill me in on tomorrow's pussy. "Jack... first off, I gotta tell you I'm not up for and fucking around for a few days." "How come?" "I'm just getting over the clap." "You're shitting me!" Then he got a worried look on his face and asked, "Was...
Anniel’s wolf sense warned her of danger. The light link she had to Seth tightened and bloomed more powerful. What’s going on? I can feel your apprehension. Anniel looked around the claustrophobic elevator at the big Hazdraec and two Gorgundts. They’re taking us to their boss. I don’t like this, but they still have Eriel— she replied telepathically. I’m coming over— Seth stated. But what about Rayne? You’re going to leave her just with Abdy? Is he strong enough to guard the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiLance had a small gym at home but he preferred using the weight room at school. The facility had much nicer equipment. Though he saved most of his energy for game days, the star athlete always pushed himself hard. After two sets of twenty pull-ups in a row, he favored a 300-lb bench press. Accordingly, the miraculous mesomorph was gaining muscle at an exceptional rate and dominated the gridiron as the starting quarterback for Peoria Tech. Though he generally ignored the coach’s playbook, Lance...
MILF“What are you doing dressed?” My tone conveyed a sense of surprise. Painted with eyeliner, eye shadow, and scarlet lips, Anne-Pierre flounced through the lounge. That hair, more wild than usual, it bounced with her stride. The hem of her short dress swayed to reveal too much thigh – again.“Come, we are going to the cinema.”“The cinema?” She gave me that look, covetous and full of want, ”Oui.” “That cinema? Now?” I huffed, “Anne-Pierre, come on…” It explained her appearance. “Oui!” ...
TrueHave been reading stories here for ages now and loved them. Here would like to share my real story, with a bit of modification and name change. Hope you all read and like it. It’s a one off incidence that will for ever be itched in my memory. Would love to hear your comments. 9i wont bother you guys abt who and what i am) Well me and my friends all married and with young ones had planned to go out for a small vacations to a hill station say nainital. Everyone was very excited and gay as it was...
Santa’s Reindeer Pony girlsBy Sarah I bet you are all familiar with Santa’s reindeer. Their names are Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donder and Blitzen. And on those stormy nights, Rudolph joins as the lead reindeer. But those are just the names of the regular magical creatures Santa keeps at the North Pole. Santa and his elves also keep a herd of enslaved pony girls at the North Pole, to help deliver presents to the fetish community. And believe you me,...
It was my Dad. He sounded half asleep. “His Lordship’s daughter just rang,” he said. “She needs a lift home, Can you get her do you think?” “She’s in town, twenty one A Braithwaite Street.” “Look I got lectures first thing and how’s she going to like being fetched in my Mini?” I asked. He sort of pleaded, “Well your rooms are about a mile from her and I’m twenty five miles away, and I have a six thirty start myself, are you sure you can’t help?” “OK,” I agreed. That was the trouble, dad...
I had been seeing Ron for about a year now. My girlfriend Sue had introduced us. Sue and I and Ron and his wife Carla often swapped partners and Ron and I got together about once a week for some hot man on man action. Sue approved and encouraged all of this and I had even told her about a recent gangbang I participated in where I was the main attraction.The gangbang was held at an old farmhouse. There was a mattress placed in the center of the room and I entertained there. I sucked and had been...
My first time as a submissive and being controlled. The first part is 100% true and as I remember it. My name is Ray. Or Sandra Anne i am a life long Submissive. A little bit about me I can go back as far as 10 years old playing out with both boys and girls the girls would be out playing girly stuff I remember telling them when I started infant school and finding stage wear in a big room below the stage I remember dressing in a ballet tutu ballet shoes pink tights and think I...
"All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. In the event that they are canonically underage, their appearance here is in an AU in which they are of age." Once upon a time, on a bet and while very very drunk, a higher power of some kind made a very special item. Whoever wears it is granted the power of normality: Anything and everything the wearer does is considered normal and people won't bat an eye at it no matter what is done. Not content with how bad of an idea this was, a...
Mind ControlIt reached the final Friday before my parents return from their 2 week break. As I woke up counted the cash I had left R525 and then made up my mind being single that I'm going to go out to a club and have one fun night out before my parents return. Friday went by rather quick as I did a few house chors making my life easy for tomorrow and Sunday so I could chill. It soon reached 6pm and I made myself two home made hamburgers for supper and after eating I went to my parents bedroom where I ran...
The year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends my name is honey and I am from delhi , dick size 7inch aur body achi build up this is my real sex story. Meri age 20 hae Yae incident 3 weeks pehle ka hae jabh delhi aya tha aur mera pehle bhi kai baar sex ho chuka hae pune mae par abh mae delhi mae hu. So let’s come to the story. Jabh mae delhi aya apni internship ke liye toh jis ladki ne mera interview liya uska naam mahek tha aur mae kisi kae reference se gaya tha so I had her number . Mahek ek bohoth...
Thursday, March 20th, 2003Mitch had been having a great year. He had finally found a home teaching in the western part of the state. His first couple of years out of college, he had struggled. He had bounced around, trying to find the right fit for him. His first two jobs were both single year stints. However, in the summer of 2001, he had been hired to teach history in a nice mid-size town. Well, mid-size for this state. In some parts of the world, a town with 15,000 people still qualifies...
TrueOver the next few months, I become one of my daughter’s regulars at the massage parlor. I continued to see other ladies but I saw her at least twice a month and more often as time passed. Once in a while, she would pass me in the hallway when I was with another lady and give me a smile. A couple of times when I was with another lady, she poked her head into the massage room to say hello. I was standing nude the first time so she could see my erection the instant she poked her head in. Another...
IncestJust wanted to share possibly my greatest sexual experience from when I was young with you all. When I was only 19 I got to know this uber sexy older woman; blonde, petit and busty. She was like Debbie Harry in her prime. She was 36 and was old enough to be my mother, she was confident, slim and busty and in her sexual prime and oozed it from every orifice. She epitomised the term MILF. I got to know her through a friend who worked with her, and before I knew it we were flirting over the...
With four new dogs to train, it was back to the basics for Mark and Mike. It had been obvious that they didn't want to try to start with the four new dogs and four experienced dogs, so they had started out by running one new dog at a time in wheel, the closest dogs to the ATV, until they got the idea. They soon moved on to two new dogs in wheel, and amazingly, it worked out pretty well. After several days, one evening when Josh was over they decided it was time to try it with all the new...
Laying together on the bed, Anya Olsen and Sadie Pop make out with increasing playfulness. The girls soon find themselves in the middle of a pillow fight while in their bras and underwear. The playful brawl only ends when they lock lips once again. Desperately horny, Anya pulls down Sadie’s bra and leans forward to feast on her girlfriend’s hard nipples. At Sadie’s urging, Anya relives herself of her own bra so that her raven-haired girlfriend can return the favor. Taking...
xmoviesforyouAs I stood there watching him drive away tears streaming down my face, I knew he was the one I wanted and I would do anything I could to make that little boy happy. It all started in a hot summers night in early august. I was sitting at my computer bored out of my mind playing a online chatting game lets just call it new life. I wanted to start a little family on there hoping that, that empty feeling like something was missing would go away. I had already had several c***dren on there but I...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I never knew how much I loved horses, until the new neighbors moved in down the street. He had a big, brown beautiful horse with great muscles, but the horse also had a fantastic owner also. How can you beat that combination! This man was medium height, had a firm muscular build all over coal black hair and a wonderful black hairy chest. That was enough of heaven for me. After awhile I got to where I would stop and feed the horse some sugar or an apple...
EroticIn the hallway outside Judge Goldstein's Courtroom, Jeff and Mary were in an exuberant mood. Jeff had his arm wrapped around Mary's waist. He leaned into her and put a kiss on her forehead. "Mary, I'm sorry to have put you through this." "Luv, it's as much my doing as yours." A smart aleck, walking down the hall, called out, "get a room." The couple began laughing, Mary sang out, "tried that, didn't work." An embarrassed Father Tim advised the couple, "Jeff!, Mary! There is...