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I stood there stupidly, looking at Karly’s mother, Marsha. She was standing in the bedroom of my home, looking at me expectantly. She had just informed me that I would be coming come with her and Karly for the holiday…

Karly was still wrapped up in my arms, having found her Christmas presents and having said thank you for them in the second nicest way I could think of at the moment, by kissing me passionately.

Suddenly she pushed me back, “Outta the way, I’m packing here!” she announced.

I looked at her, hoping she would just stop, but knowing that she wouldn’t. The look on Mrs. Kay’s face told me that she was not going to be brooking any lip from me on this issue. I knew that the two of them had cornered me and there was nothing to be done at this point other than go to it and make my way out the other side…

I smiled dumbly at Mrs. Kay. “Would you like a… tour?” I asked her with a finishing smile.

Her face lit up, “I would love one Gabby!”

I pointed at the floor, “Bedroom slash living room. Uh, kitchen, bathroom. That concludes our tour. Our next tour will be in two minutes with a new tour beginning every two minutes after that…”

She laughed, a genuine, true laugh, “Gabby, the way Karly talks about this place you would think it would be the Taj Mahal! Show me around!”

An embarrassed look passed my face, “Your daughter sees my little place through rose colored glasses.” I held my arms out, “Look at the troll she’s dating… she’s not much one for taste…”

A shirt came flying out of my closet and hit me in the head, “Fuck you! I have great taste!”

You taste great… I thought guiltily to myself…

I smiled at her mom again. “Uh. Bedroom.” I pointed to my shitty little twin bed, which had seen its fair share of me and Karly crawling around in it lately… “Bed.” My shitty little chair, “Chair.” My pile of cinder blocks and boards, “Bookcase.”

Mrs. Kay made a weird cooing noise and ran over to look at the books piled up there.

Women make the weirdest noises… I thought to myself.

How many pairs of underwear do you need?” Karly yelled from out of the closet behind me…

I was watching Karly’s mom paw at my books and I answered without thinking… “I don’t plan on soiling myself, so one…” I spun around, “Why are you pawing through my underwear? Karly! Your mom is right here!”

She poked her head out and had a pair of my underwear wrapped around her head.

Oh, my fucking god! I thought in horror.

Mrs. Kay looked back and snorted in laughter, “Oh Karly! Let me take a picture of you two together!”

Karly ran up and looked at the camera, one eye poking out through a leg hole of my underwear…

The picture was one of pure horror on my face as the two ladies swarmed around my house entertaining themselves.

I’ve died, and this is hell. I thought to myself…

Karly turned her head so she could look at me through the leg hole of the underwear… “So how many pairs…?”

“Please pack them all…” I asked her in horror, mainly to end the line of questioning as quickly and painlessly as possible.

A horrible, horrible thought occurred to me right then and I quickly glanced back and snuck a look at Karly’s mom… she was still thankfully engrossed in looking over my collection of books.

I ran back quickly and grabbed one of the presents, a special one wrapped in special wrapping paper, I grabbed it and stuffed it into the very bottom of the bag that Karly was packing for me.

She gave me a questioning look and I met her eyes and gave her a very firm shake of the head letting her know that she did not want her family watching her open that one…

Her eyebrows raised quickly and she gave me a smirk.

“You have a lot of really great books!” I spun around to see Marsha holding up one of my favorites, “Gardens of the Moon” by Steven Erikson. “Can I borrow this one?”

I nodded, “Of course, I love that one! It’s part of one my favorite series! That one is really just okay, but the second one is my favorite book ever! I pulled it down and handed it to Marsha too.”

She preened like a peacock and tucked the books under her arm. “Do you like to read?” She asked me.

I nodded enthusiastically, “I love to read. I always have something I’m reading… though I’m lazy and go mostly for fiction.”

She smiled at me, and I saw where Karly got her infectious smile from, “My Joshua is like that, though usually he’s reading some boring history book!” She looked at me expectantly, “So shall we continue the tour?”

I realized I was supposed to be showing her around my little place then. “Oh, yeah, right.” I pointed at my small flat screen TV, the DVD player that went with it, “TV, DVD player, Karly helped me get that with her snow shoveling.”

Karly poked her head back out of the closet, “Cause I’m the bomb!” she quickly ducked back in.

What the hell is she packing in there I thought wildly… I only have so many clothes… is she moving me out? I thought in a panic.

I gestured towards the kitchen, and Mrs. Kay moved in that direction. “Fridge, range, counters, sink, my dinner table slash study desk.”

She moved into the kitchen and I was surprised how much she reminded me of her daughter the first time I had shown her around my little cell. She looked at me, “I’ve never seen a young man’s house so clean, Gabby. You should be proud of yourself!”

I smiled shyly, unwilling to accept the praise. “I live simply, ma’am. Easy to keep things clean when you don’t have much.”

She looked at my little single serve coffee maker, the one I had gotten for Karly so she could have coffee when she slept over. “Oh, I love those little things, can I have a cup?” She asked me.

“Sure!” I beamed with pride, “Coffee or tea?” I asked her.

It sounded like a herd of elephants were running from the front room…

Karly appeared at the entryway to the kitchen, “Coffee? She asked me excitedly. You got a coffee machine?”

I laughed at her excitement, forgetting that I had forgotten to tell her about the machine I had bought just for her. “I got it for you cause you’re such a grumpy head in the morning without coffee.”

She went completely still and my heart dropped into my stomach… “Oops.” I said aloud. Looks like I just let the cat out of the bag about Karly staying over a few times…

I looked slowly over to Mrs. Kay.

Dear God: I don’t ask for much, and normally I would never ask you for something like this, but please tell me she had a stroke and dropped dead and didn’t hear that…

She just looked at me with a smile on her face. She walked over and pinched my cheek hard. “Thank you for being a terrible liar Gabby!” she gave her daughter a cross look, “Unlike some…”

I felt terrible. I needed to make this right… “Mrs. Kay, it’s my fault… not- “

She waved her hand at me dismissively, “Pish Posh. If my Joshua had had his own apartment at 18 I would never have left his bed!”

“Mom!” Karly screamed, “Gross!”

Mrs. Kay looked her daughter square in the eye… “And he was so good…” she whispered in a sultry voice…

Karly rubbed at her head viciously, “Ew, ew, ew… that one’s burning its way in for sure!”

She walked over and hit me, “You’re going to pay for that one…” she told me.

I looked at her seriously, “You remember the Joe incident?”

Her eyebrows raised and she looked at her mom very carefully… “So, how about that coffee!” she announced, giving me a venomous look.

“I stepped aside, you ladies pick out what you want!” I announced cheerfully, while I went over to the cupboard and got out the two coffee cups that I had bought so Karly and I could have coffee together. Never in my wildest dreams had it occurred to me that I might be having coffee for more than two…

They busied themselves with the machine and I used it as an excuse to dive back into the bedroom to see what Karly had packed for me.

How did she jam so much in my bags so quickly? I asked myself when I looked.

She had my travel bag packed already, filled to the brim with nearly every piece of clothing I owned. My book bag was filled with my wrestling gear, my singlet, my shoes, my headgear, she had even thrown in my emergency bag, which held rolls of athletic tape, nail clippers, a file, a bunch of band aids and a few tampons (which were great for stopping nose bleeds on the mat).

I finished zipping the bags up and threw one over my shoulder while carrying the other into the kitchen with the ladies.

Karly was breathing over a cup of hot coffee, trying to cool it down. Her mom’s cup had just finished brewing. I dropped my bag on the floor. “I’m guessing since you packed my whole house for me, I’m not getting to come back here before we leave for the tournament…”

Karly gave me a beaming smile, set her cup down and ran over and kissed me. When we broke it off, I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I love you, but I’m so going to kill you for this…”

She just smiled at me and gave me another earth-shattering kiss. Then she leaned in and whispered, “Suck it, loser!”

My jaw jutted out at her, showing her what I thought of that…

Her mom interrupted us with a polite clearing of her throat. “Have you come to terms with what’s happening yet Gabby?”

I looked at her. “On one condition… what do you think of my house?”

She laughed, “You need to get some more furniture… this place needs a woman’s touch!”

I laughed at her. “Okay… since you were honest with me, I’ll go with you…”

Chapter 2
We pulled up to Karly’s house and I knew I was in serious trouble…

Fuck me, this place is huge! I noted as I looked at the beautiful home before me…

I shook my head… one room in this place… probably the bathroom, was going to be bigger than my entire house.

I walked in awestruck. We parked in the garage, which I noticed, was bigger than my entire apartment. There were three cars parked inside, Karly’s mother’s Escalade, an F-250 pickup and Karly’s little Toyota. Besides that, the entire garage was lined with power tools and assorted machinery. I saw an expensive table saw, a beautiful drill press, a metal working and a woodworking lathe, even a milling machine.

Holy fuck! I thought as I looked around. This was probably the simplest room of the house and yet it held a hundred times the value of my entire house, and that wasn’t even counting the value of the cars!

Karly looked at me as I took in everything. “Don’t you freeze up on me. It’s all just stuff.” She warned…

I looked at her and gave her a weak smile…

How am I ever going to give her all of this? I asked myself in wonder.

She smiled and pecked my cheek. “Come on, let’s get inside.” She asked me.

We exited the garage into a beautiful kitchen. Modern appliances, a free-standing kitchen island. Again, the entirety of my house could fit into the room with standing room besides.

Karly’s dad, Joshua, looked up at as from the center island of the kitchen as we walked in. He was rubbing an enormous pile of steaks with seasoning and piling them up on a plate. “Hey! How are all of you? How were the roads?!” He asked with excitement.

I was a little taken aback. Joshua had struck me as a pretty reserved man the first time I had met him. Now, however, he seemed like a little kid. Maybe it was the difference between his public and his private face, or maybe he was just infected with the spirit of the holiday?

Marsha walked up to him, draped her arms around him and gave an enormous kiss.

Well, now I know where Karly learned to drop those world shattering kisses on me… I thought.

I looked over at Karly to gauge her reaction and saw a look of naked pride on her face. She was proud of the relationship her parents had, and seemed terribly glad of their happiness. She caught me looking and took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I was enormously glad to have her support.

I felt extremely awkward for having been there and without her hand in mine I probably would have chickened out and run for the door.

Joshua came up for air and looked at me. He seemed to be genuinely glad to see me. “Gabby! I’m glad you decided to join us!” he nearly shouted.

I realized then why Karly compared me to him so often. He had the same tendency to get overly loud when he got excited, like I did.

I looked at the floor shyly, “Thank you for having me, Mr. Kay.” I added, “Not to minimalize, but it’s not like I had much choice with these two dragging me bodily out the door.”

He laughed, and gave a dismissive wave, “Yeah, the two of them are pretty brutal when they team up…” He met my eyes, “And call me Joshua. There’s no need for any Mr. Kay’s here…”

I smiled at him, “That’s going to be extremely hard for me sir… I was raised that you called an adult with an honorific… going to be a hard habit to break.”

He raised his eyebrows at me, “Well, you’re an adult now too.” He turned his head slightly and raised his eyebrows, “Nobody will give you anything in this world son, if you treat everybody as if they’re better than you, many will take advantage of that, and treat you like they’re better than you.”

I smiled back at him. Joshua was a man that liked to throw you a lot of little tests… “But, if you treat people with respect and dignity you’ll learn quickly the measure of their personality. A man may think he’s better than me,” I shook my head, “doesn’t mean he is, and I now know what kind of person he is, how honest, how likely to take advantage of me.”

His laugh was a boom in the room. He walked over and offered me his hand, “Karly, I love this young man!” he announced.

I dropped my bag and gave him my firmest handshake this time, not in a contest of wills, just a firm handshake that told him I was there.

He smiled at me warmly and met my pressure. “You have an excellent handshake, son. That will take you places if you let it.”

I blushed a bit at his compliment. “Thank you, sir.” I said politely.

He clapped me on the back. “Karly, why don’t you help him put his stuff up, while I throw these on the grill.”

She smiled at him ear to ear, “Okay!” then she looked at me, “We’re going to have a full house, so you’re going to be sleeping in my room!”

Dread. My eyes snapped wide in horror, “No I will not be!” I informed her.

Karly stopped and gave me one of her patented, Karly is not happy, looks.

I pointed back to the garage, “I can sleep in the garage… I can just throw my blanket in the back of your dad’s truck… I’ll be fine.”

Then I realized my girlfriend had just told her family I was going to be sleeping her room with her dad standing within punching distance of my oh so valuable face…

I looked at him in horror only to see him laughing. He looked at Karly, “Is he for real?” He asked her…

She looked at him with a wry smile on her face, nodding, “Afraid so daddy…”

Joshua clapped me hard on the arm, “Tell you what, I’m going to go put these steaks on the grill. Karly, can you show Gabby into my den and he and I can talk? We can discuss the house rules and expectations and maybe that will make him a bit more comfortable.”

Okay. So, I knew this was coming. I had to expect it.

Karly took my bags from me and walked me to an enormous room. It had a couple of rich, brown leather chairs, a couple of beautiful end tables and a very expensive looking leather couch. Books and rugs lined the walls. There was an actual stuffed bear in the corner, as well as three enormous gun safes and a brace of shotguns hung up on the wall.

There was a computer workstation and a workbench that held a partially disassembled AR-15 rifle, along with assorted tools, and cleaning materials.

I looked at Karly, “Are those loaded….?” I pointed to the shotguns.

She gave me a measured look, “Don’t be a drama queen. Daddy is a big barker, but he doesn’t have any bite. Besides, he loves you, because you remind him of himself at his age…”

I leaned forward and gave her a very chaste kiss and then ran my fingers down her face and held my hand to my heart in our own personal little salute. “If that’s the case he knows exactly what’s running through my head every time I look at you… trust me. He doesn’t like me after that!”

She ran her fingers down my face as I had for her and laughed. “It will be okay. He’ll be in in a minute. Just wait here and I’ll throw your stuff in my room… maybe I’ll open up the present you hid in your bag!” she tossed to me as she walked from the room.

“Don’t you dare!” I yelled at her as she walked away… that present was going to take some explaining…

She started to walk away… “Oh, and yes, they are probably loaded…” she tossed over her shoulder…

Like that she was gone and I was left alone to await my death…

I walked over and examined the shotguns hanging on the rack. A Remington 870, a pretty textbook pump action shotgun. A Benelli, M2 Turkey Edition, and a Kel-Tec KSG. All three seemed well cared for, and all three were very different shotguns meant for three pretty different applications.

A voice startled me from my study, “Wondering if they’re loaded?”

I turned and saw Joshua walk into the room, closing the door behind him.

I smiled and told him, “I already asked Karly that exact question.”

He stepped up next to me and looked at the shotguns with me. “Do you like firearms?”

I smiled and looked at him, “Very much so sir…”

He gave me a measured glance, “You know not to touch, right?”

I laughed, “I’m in enough trouble with you sir, no way I’m digging that hole any deeper by going and handling a firearm in your home without your permission.”

Our attention turned back to the firearms. I could tell he was curious about my views, “Which is the nicest?” he asked me. A clear test.

“Depends on your view and the application. The Benelli M2 is the most expensive, and if I was going turkey or duck hunting, it would be my first choice, though the choke would have to be adjusted for duck hunting. That’s a turkey choke tube.” I pointed at it. “This one is a custom shop model, so it probably doesn’t have the reliability issues most semi auto shotguns have, but the KSG is a high capacity combat shotgun. Duel, high capacity tubes carry a lot of ammo in a very compact platform. Short bullpup design makes it easy to work in close spaces. Pump action so reliability is most likely pretty good.” I frowned, “Of course, the 870 is a workhorse with decades of proven reliability. A good shooter can keep it fed while they fight, plus its bare basic so it is going to be completely reliable, so that makes it a good choice.” I turned and looked at him, “So in short, it depends on the application.”

I could see a tremendous amount of approval in his eyes. “Do you shoot a lot?”

I smiled, “My dad started me when I was really young, but it’s been years since I’ve gone.” My eyes went a little distant, “That part of our relationship went cold a long time ago.”

He clapped me on the back, “Why don’t we have a seat?”

I stopped him, “One thing. You have a $3,500 shotgun hanging on the wall… what’s in the safes?”

He smiled at me. “Maybe one day you will find out.”

I smiled back and had a seat in one of the chairs. It was amazingly comfortable. This was not going to be a pleasant conversation… but at least I would die comfortable.

Joshua walked over and opened a cupboard, to what, I shit you not, appeared to be a wet bar…

He looked over his shoulder at me, “Would you like a scotch?”

I laughed, “No, thank you, sir.”

He looked back at me with some seriousness in his eyes… “I wouldn’t normally offer an underage young man a drink in my home, but, you look like you could relax a bit, and it is a holiday.” He raised his eyebrows, "One time offer, well, one time until the next holiday or you turn 21."

I laughed and smiled again. “Still, no thank you, sir.”

He tilted his head at me, “You sure?”

I smiled at him, “I don’t drink sir.”

His face went deadpan, “Really?”

I laughed at him outright this time, this was going to hurt a bit to admit, “No sir. My mom’s a pretty heavy alcoholic. That tends to run in families, no way I’m letting that demon ever crawl onto my back.”

His face lit up in an amazing smile, “Smart man.” He took a sip from his drink, wincing a bit at what I assumed was the burn, “Smarter than me at your age anyway.”

It seemed as if a thought suddenly occurred to him, “You don’t mind if I?” he raised his glass.

I nodded, “Not at all sir, I really don’t have a problem with anyone that drinks around me responsibly. If it helps you enjoy your life, and you don’t get violent because of it, do what makes you happy!”

He gave me a warm smile and moved to sit down. He started to speak and I interrupted him, rather rudely I guess…

“Sir, please let me apologize to you…” I took a deep breath and watched as surprise went across his face. “I haven’t been with your daughter for very long, and it really isn’t my place to intrude on your family holiday. I swear to you, I begged Karly to just let me stay at home, I told her it really wasn’t a big deal. Had she not showed up at my place with your wife I would not be here…”

He smiled at me. “Karly made the right decision in bringing you here. She was right, you should not be alone for the holiday. You are always welcome here so long as you treat my daughter with respect and dignity, whether or not you’re with her romantically. People need people that care about them in their lives. I’ve not known you for long now, but you strike me as a particular young man and I find you engaging. My wife is also completely taken with you, and in the more than 20 years I’ve been with her I’ve found her instincts about people to be infallible. In fact, you might be surprised but the reason you are here was because I insisted once I found out.”

I found myself really liking this man. I liked the way he talked, the way he carried himself, the way that he seemed to measure each word…

I nodded and pressed on, “I also owe you another apology…the other night, I…” I paused, trying to collect my thoughts and find the best way to say this, I sighed, “I broke down. I lost control of myself and spiraled down pretty low,” In truth, I had had a complete depressive breakdown. Karly had needed to stay at my house and keep an eye on me. She was expected home, and I had prevented that from happening…

I continued, “In fact, I should have come over here the next day and begged your apology then… I shouldn’t have let that fall on Karly,” I really was kicking myself in the ass for letting that one slide… it was a stupid move, a mistake I vowed to never let myself repeat. Making a mistake was forgivable, not asking for forgiveness when you made a mistake from those you’d wronged was not.

I took another deep breath, “I’m sorry for that. I can’t fix that, but I give you my word it will never happen again. I also promise that I will do everything in my power going forward to ensure that I have your daughter home on time when you expect her. And I promise to maintain a sense of propriety in my actions with your daughter…”

He laughed at me… it stung a little.

He took a sip from his drink, “You are a very proper young man… I’ll give you that.”

I looked up and him and didn’t even realize I had been looking at the floor. “Sorry, sir.”

He shook his head, “There’s nothing to be sorry about son. It’s a compliment, take it as such.”

I nodded, “Thank you, sir.”

He continued, “Is that why you think I had you come in here, to demand apologies from you?”

I bit the inside of my lip, “I don’t know why you brought me in here… but if you go for a shotgun I’m throwing something at your head and running…”

He laughed at my little joke. “Do I strike you as a stupid man Gabby?”

I immediately shook my head and sat up straight, “No sir.”

He laughed again, “Sit back and relax son.” I sat back and relaxed while he continued. “Do you know that when I leave town and let my daughter stay behind I always speak with my neighbor and ask him to keep an eye on the place, and Karly?”

Busted… I looked at the floor, “No sir.”

He smiled at me like he was a hyena… “Neither does my daughter. I ask that you keep it that way. I don’t do it because I don’t trust her, I do it because I want to make sure my little girl stays safe.”

I nodded to him. His interests and mine matched in this respect, “She won’t hear about it from me, I swear it…”

He allowed me a small bow, “So imagine my surprise when he told me that she didn’t come home all weekend…”

I grimaced. He continued, “I assume by the look on your face that means my daughter most likely spent the weekend with you…?”

I looked him in the eye, he deserved that at least, “Sir, I really don’t want to lie to you… but I also don’t want to answer that question…”

He smiled. “At least you’re discreet.” He paused and took another sip from his drink, wincing at the burn. I could tell he drank, but not often. My respect for him grew….

“In any case. My daughter is 18 years old. Had she been born a week or two earlier she would most likely be off at college and her choices would be completely out of my hands at this point.” He gave me an appraising look, “I also know my daughter is a sexual creature…” his eyes narrowed, “Are you sleeping with my daughter…?”

My eyes hardened. This was not his business, father or not… “Sir.” I took a deep breath to steady myself.

Hey, look on the bright side, at least you won’t be sticking around for the holiday…

I continued, “I won’t answer that question. Not to you. Not to anyone. Ever. What happens between your daughter and me is our business and not anyone else’s. That is something sacred and I will not give it away to anybody that thinks they have a right to it. Am I clear…?”

His eyes narrowed and I could tell his respect for me actually ratcheted up a notch. He took a deep breath and shook his head… “Son. You are either the best young man I could ever hope for my daughter to have brought home, or a hell of a conman…” his eyes hardened, “I hope very much it is the former…”

I smiled at him, “For your daughter, I will always try to be!”

He appraised me a moment longer and finally wrinkled his chin at me, “Fair enough. The answer to that question really doesn’t matter. I trust my daughter’s judgment, and I will continue to do so right up until she proves herself unworthy of that trust.” He took another sip of his drink, “I won’t lie, I’m not impressed with how fast your relationship turned physical, but I also know my daughter has had her eye on you for quite some time, and if she’s anything like her mother… she can be… convincing about getting what she wants…”

I shared a knowing smile with him.

He took another deep breath. “What I’m trying to say, son, is if you are sleeping with my daughter, sticking you in separate rooms is not going to stop the two of you from having sex. And since I have no intention of babysitting the two of you while you’re here, I might as well let my daughter enjoy her life, and keep the emphasis on reducing the temptation for anyone to turn dishonest. I value honesty far more than I value propriety.”

I really got the sense I was getting an enormous break here… and way too much opportunity to screw up.

I nodded my head, “Thank you, sir.”

He raised his glass at me, “So please, stop pretending that you don’t like my daughter. Please stop pretending that that you are not head over heels for her. If I have a problem with anything you’re doing, I’m a man, I can speak up, and take you aside privately and explain my expectations. Fair?”

I nodded enthusiastically, ready for this conversation to be over, “Very much so, sir.”

He took another drink from his scotch, “And could you drop the sir shit…?”

I smiled, “That is going to be very hard, sir…”

HAHA, already fucked that one up, stupid! “So, no, sir, no Mister?”

He gave me a look, “Why don’t we try to compromise. My friends call me Josh. You can maintain your semblance of formality and call me Joshua?”

I smiled at him, “I’ll try.”

“That’s all we can all do, son.” He smiled at me, “Now, we both have beautiful young ladies waiting for us in the other room, what say we go enjoy our time with them?”

Chapter 3
We walked together to the kitchen. Karly’s mom was doing food prep and Karly was sitting at the kitchen island watching her. Mrs. Kay looked up from a pot of water she was filling. “You two get things sorted out?”

Joshua clapped his hand on my back, “Yep, I think so!”

I smiled, Karly looked at me, worried about me obviously, “You okay?” She asked me.

I walked up and kissed her lightly, then turned and looked at Joshua. He just looked at me, smiled and then laid a kiss on his wife that put the one I put on Karly to shame. When he came up for air he gave me a shit eating look, daring me to beat him…

“So, I assume this means you’re sleeping in my room with no further complaints?” She asked me.

“Yes dear.” I said humbly.

Her mother looked at her, “Smart and trainable, I like it!”

Karly preened, “You just need to keep them on a short leash!”

I wasn’t interested in getting into that competition. I moved behind Karly and rubbed her shoulders. She stretched and reached back grabbing me and pulling me closer. I stopped rubbing her shoulders and wrapped my arms around her, breathing in her vanilla scent.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed her. Then a thought occurred to me. “Can I help you, Mrs. Kay?”

Mrs. Kay looked at her husband, he looked at her and said, “Good luck getting him to stop… if you can you’re smarter than me.”

She gave me a harsh look. “Do you intend to stay in my good graces young man?”

I stood up straight and looked her in the eye. “Yes, ma’am.”

She met my stare evenly, “Then you will not call me Mrs. Kay, and you will not call me ma’am.”

I made sure that I did not slip this time, “Yes, Marsha, you have my word.”

Marsha looked at her husband, “See. You just have to be direct.”

He looked wounded, “No fair!” He protested, “He would have shit himself and ran it I’d have tried that!”

She laughed and swatted his chest, another habit Karly had that she seemed to have inherited from her mother.

I moved around the kitchen island, “What are we making here?”

Marsha looked at me, “Mashed potatoes and garlic bread, to go with the steaks Joshua is making.”

I noticed Marsha called her husband Joshua too… a good point to observe.

I looked at Marsha, “Go grab some time with your husband, I can do mashed potatoes and garlic bread!”

Marsha looked at Karly, Karly’s face lit up beautifully, “He can cook really well mom, you should let him.”

Marsha looked at me, “I don’t really like the idea of a guest in my home cooking me dinner…”

I smiled at her to disarm her, “And I don’t like the idea of freeloading.” I looked down at the island, “Please let me help.”

Joshua pulled his wife’s arm. “Come on dear, I want to smoke a cigar, you can come outside and join me while I watch the steaks!”

I looked at Joshua, “How much time do I have before the steaks are done?”

He looked at his watch, “About two hours.”

Shit! Steaks took that long to cook on the grill? What’s the point? I wondered.

“And how many am I cooking for?” I asked them.

Karly counted in her head, “Well, us four, plus Sam, her boyfriend, and three grandparents.”

I looked at them in shock. “So, nine all together?” That was a big family!

Karly looked at me and said, “Yep!”

Marsha came around the island and gave me a big hug. “Thank you for helping out… you’re a good boy. Call me from outside if you need help.” With that she let me go and started to follow her husband outside.

Karly yelled, “No, mom! It’s okay, I’m not going to stay and help! I don’t need a hug!”

Marsha turned around and laughed, “See if you can teach her to cook, will you? A big boy like you needs food and in her current state she’s going to starve you to death!”

Karly leaned over the island to better see her mom, “I’m a fabulous cook!”

I laughed and added, “She does an amazing scrambled egg!”

Marsha rolled her eyes at me as I realized I had put my foot in my mouth again…

She looked me in the eye and told me, “Gabby, you’re still a terrible liar! Keep it up!” And like that she was out the door.

Karly threw a towel at my head, “Way to go snitch!”

I caught the towel, “Don’t sweat it, they knew you stayed with me this weekend.”

She laughed, “I know they have our neighbor Frank spy on me, they think I don’t know.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Thanks for telling me that earlier!”

Karly’s eyebrows shot up and she peeked to make sure her mom was gone, “Wanna bend me over the counter… we could to it quick…”

I gave her a warning look…

She laughed and I started pulling things together for the meal, peeling potatoes and putting them in a pot, prepping bread. Karly watched over my shoulder and I explained what I was doing. She took it all in and eventually started helping, and taking quick, stolen kisses from me. I had a ton of fun cooking with her, and was really enjoying the space and convenience from the modern kitchen.

Guests started to show about an hour and a half later. I mostly stayed shyly in the kitchen, but made sure to introduce myself to each member of her family. Truth be told I was a little overwhelmed with the number of people running around. Joshua seemed to understand and share my reluctance. His mother was here and I noticed that things seemed a little strained between the two of them…

Steaks came off the grill and into the kitchen just as I was finishing up with my portion of dinner. I noticed Joshua stayed nearby. We talked about guns and he informed me of a ton of stuff I didn’t know. He asked me what my interest in them was and I told him I always found weapons fascinating. It was always something that just seemed to click in my mind. I found out he owned a local gun shop in town and did work as a gunsmith there. It very much interested me to find out that you could make amazing money doing something like working with firearms… something I put into the back of my mind to explore later…

Just as we were ready to serve dinner he pulled me aside, “I get it son. Crowds are a little overwhelming. Just give me a look and step outside if things start getting too overwhelming for you.” His eyes met mine, “Got it?”

I smiled appreciatively, “I appreciate it.”

He looked deep into my eyes, “I know a little of what you’ve been through. I’ve been there too… you can handle this, and if things start to get too intense with anyone, just let me know and I’ll step in. Control your breathing and if anyone asks you something that’s too personal, or starts to cut you too deep, just tell them you’re shy, and I’ll step in, okay?”

I nodded, in truth, I felt deep relief knowing the older man was looking out for me. “Also, keep close to Karly, she’ll take care of you.”

I bit my lip and nodded. “Thank you.”

Dinner went really well. I was a little surprised to see us all seated at an enormous dinner table that sat all of us comfortably. Karly sat right beside me and held my hand. The steaks were delicious, and I complimented Joshua on them. Apparently, slowly cooking steaks on the grill made them a hell of a lot better, well, either that or there was just a huge difference between the quality of steak I could afford and what we were eating here…

Everyone loved my potatoes. Karly’s mom was particularly impressed, complimenting me at every turn. I had added garlic and pepper to them to spice them up a bit and figured it would be an excellent complement to my well toasted bread.

Karly finally spoke up, “If you love his potatoes, you should try his pancakes!”

Samantha gave her sister a dirty look, “You little slut! I saw your first date pic! You slept with him already!”

Karly flipped her hair over her shoulder, “Fuck you! I’m a lady!”

Grandma Kay gave a disapproving look, “Such language from what are supposed to be ladies…”

Joshua gave her a dangerous look, “Stow that shit mom… if you want to stay that is…”

His mom shut right the fuck up. He pressed her, “My daughters are both ladies, and this is their home. You will not insult them. Also, they don’t need your judgments.”

Grandma Kay spent the rest of the meal with her eyes on her plate. There was some real tension there… I started to piece together why Joshua might know a thing or two about me…

Chapter 4
Dinner ended and I found myself in Karly’s room. Everything was purple, and soft. I realized that Karly was going to absolutely love the quilt I had gotten her.

She was wearing a pair of plaid pajamas; like the ones I had bought her… I was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. She walked up to me and licked her lips at me…

God, she looks so fucking good, absolutely delicious.

I wrapped my hands in her pajama top and gave her a questioning look. They looked just like the ones I had bought her earlier in the week for when she stayed over at my place. I gave her a questioning look.

She smiled, “I missed the ones you got me…” She tilted her chest out to me seductively… “I like the way the fabric feels on my nipples…”

I pulled her into me and kissed her as deep as I possibly could, my tongue meeting hers for the first time in hours… it felt like it had been a lifetime. When she finally broke, she turned and walked away from me seductively… her hips bouncing.

I licked my lips and stayed pressed against the door, just watching her walk away from me…

She picked up the teddy bear on her bed and turned to face me. It was the teddy bear I had bought her. She threw the teddy bear casually into the corner, “Get lost bucko… my real boyfriend is here tonight…” She whispered…

God, I wanted her!

She turned the lamp beside the bed on, and I turned the main light off. The room was bathed in romantic, dim light. I pulled my shirt off and walked towards her, letting her look at my chest. I flexed my core muscles a bit for her, just to see the lust in her eyes…

She started to unbutton her shirt. I stepped up the pace a bit and stopped her hands, taking the sting out by kissing her. When our kiss broke, she looked at me questioningly. “I thought you talked to my dad?”

I kissed her again, “I did baby girl… he said I could stay with you, not that I could fuck you in his house…”

She grabbed me and dropped back on the bed, pulling me on top of her. She kissed me back. “But I say you can! I say put your fucking cock in me right now!”

She pulled me in tight and started to kiss me hard, her tongue forcing its way into my mouth aggressively.

With every ounce of strength, I managed to pull away from her. I would not do this. I would not fuck her under this roof, at least not tonight…

I looked at her in desperation… “Please don’t do this baby girl… this isn’t about your dad, or your mom… this is about me. What’s important to me. To my values.”

She looked at me, her face bouncing back and forth between rage and lust…

Her jaw jutted out… “So, you just want to go to sleep…?”

I nodded at her weakly. “Yes.”

She pushed me back, obviously pissed at me. She started unbuttoning her top… I gave her a look.

She looked back and me aggressively. “So, go to sleep. I’ll take care of myself…”

My eyes went wide in panic. Oh fuck! I thought in horror. I’m done, no way I can handle that…

Her top was off now and her breasts were fantastic… flushed from the heat of her anger, swelling and falling as she breathed fast due to her frustration at me…

She pushed her pants and panties off in one aggressive motion. I started to open my mouth to tell her to stop and was surprised when she shoved her panties into it. Okay, shut up, she was obviously telling me…

I watched as her fingers dove between her legs… fuck!

I’m so fucked… I’m so fucked… I’m so fucked… I thought to myself.

She arched her back in pleasure and started rubbing more and more aggressively. I was done… she was too sexy. I couldn’t resist her…

Then a thought occurred to me… I didn’t have a problem with her experiencing pleasure in her own home, I had a problem with me experiencing it… I could help her. I just couldn’t let her help me.

I knew I was hedging badly, but it was all I could do! She had me. She was too much!

My hand fell across her taught, perfect stomach, feeling the smooth muscle there, feeling it tighten and loosen as she tried to bring herself to orgasm…

I desperately wanted to help her.

I knew how nipple sensitive she was, and I carefully let my face drop down and my mouth sucked her nipple in.

She bucked in additional pleasure as my mouth fell on her. I started to lightly bite her nipple and she pulled her hand away from her crotch and belted me hard in the forehead…

Fuck! That hurt! I thought, looking at her.

She still had her hand up, a warning look in her eyes. “Fuck you!” she whispered at me aggressively. “You don’t want me, remember?”

I smiled at her trying to disarm my she-wolf, to calm her. I licked my lips and leaned in to kiss her.

Whap! She smacked me in the side of the head this time. “I said fuck you! You’re cut off.”

She left the hand up as a warning to me. I smiled at her, and was pleased to see she was warming up a bit. I pointed to her other side. Right now, I was on her left side, and to do what I wanted I would be better equipped if I could use my right hand, and right now it was pinned beneath me. I swallowed nervously. “Mind if I go over on that side?”

Her head cocked aggressively, “Can you get a better view of me getting off over there?! You just get to watch this time.”

I smiled at her and lied, “Yes, yes I can.”

Her fingers went down towards her lower lips again, rubbing and showing me who was in charge this time. She finally looked at me and decided since I hadn’t moved I was allowed a treat. “You can go over there…”

I licked my lips and told her, “I’ll have to touch you as I move over…”

She had closed her eyes and was rubbing furiously. I could tell she wasn’t making much progress…

She nodded, letting me know that I could climb over her. I did so carefully, disturbing her as little as possible. Truthfully, I just watched her… enjoying the show.

When I got to the other side of her, I said, “Baby girl. Open your eyes and look at me.” She opened them and looked at me, her anger obvious.

“What!” she whispered at me when she finally opened her eyes.

I put my two middle fingers in my mouth, just the tips of them, wetting them and getting them ready for her. “Let me help you.”

Her eyes narrowed again, “You don’t want me.”

I smiled at her disarmingly. “I always want you baby girl. And I can’t disrespect your father’s house on my first night as his guest by taking my pleasure from you. I can pleasure you however…”

I licked my lips showing her how much I wanted her. “Let me help.”

She pulled her hand away and nodded.

I pulled her tight and kissed her, my hand diving down between her legs, rubbing her spot aggressively.

She moaned into my mouth in pleasure, her back arching and pulling me into her. It took all my will to not justify getting her off by just climbing onto her and using my manhood…

Our kisses became more and more passionate. Her moaning, as I probed her front, as I fingered her, and I pressed on her G-spot and rubbed her clit. I worked her soft, I worked her hard… I worked every trick I knew how to work…

I felt her hand on my manhood… I was hard as a rock, and she was rubbing through my pants…

It felt so good my eyes closed in pleasure… “Stop that baby girl… for me… please…”

She looked at me desperately… “Please, just, just climb on top of me… we’ll be quiet… I need you…”

I kissed her just as desperately, my tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. I broke from her and almost did it…

“Tomorrow night… I swear tomorrow night; we’ll make love… just give me tonight…” I looked into her eyes.

She looked so pathetic! “Why? I want you to make love to me!”

The entire time my fingers worked her down there with reckless abandon. While hers rubbed the front of me through my pants.

I kissed her neck, working my way down the side of her, tasting her and smelling her awesome vanilla scent. Then I told her, “I want tonight to be about you… I want to do this for you. You’ve done it for me… let me do this for you…” I met her eyes, “Please?”

She kissed me again, hard and deep. I slid my fingers up and started working her G-spot. It was helping, but not perfect. She finally nodded, “Okay… do me… for you.”

I smiled.

She reached inside my pants and started stroking me. Oh god, it felt so good!

“Baby girl, you can’t do that…” I warned her.

She shook her head, dumbly. “Please, it helps me…”

My hormones were going crazy… “Okay, it’s okay… if it helps you…”

She started stroking faster… “Can you… can you take your pants down, let me see it?”

I nodded. I couldn’t tell her no now… she felt too fucking good. If she asked me to make love to her again, I would. I let go of her, jumped off the bed and kicked my shoes off. Next, I dropped my pants.

I knelt on the bed in front of her reaching down to between her legs as I started working her again… she stroked me with her right hand with a passion, her left worked kneaded her breast on that side, teasing her nipple…

Her eyes were closed in a state of bliss…

She still wasn’t responding…

“What can I do for you…?” I asked her.

Please tell me to get on top of you! Please! I begged inwardly…

Her breath came in ragged gasps… “Can I, can I sit on your face? Can you lick me down there?”

I would have given her anything in that moment, “Yes. Here, up.”

I quickly lay down and she rolled over, putting herself over my mouth. I lapped at her eagerly… greedily. I needed her. There was a moment of sour taste, then a soft muskiness, then only the sweet, sweet taste of Karly…

I loved the taste of her so much!

She lay down on me and pressed her body flat against me, her breasts flat against my stomach. I felt her mouth go around me and I just didn’t care anymore…

She worked me aggressively… I tried to work her more aggressively. I fingered her from behind while I licked her clit as hard and as fast as I could, stopping only to suck her into my mouth and tease her button between my lips…

Fuck! This is not working! I thought as she sucked me aggressively. She was going to win this battle! I was going to finish if she kept going…

I rolled her aggressively off of me, pushing her to the side. I flipped around and moved up to her face, kissing her. We were both on our sides. She pulled herself close to me and pushed me between her legs, not going inside of her, but still stimulating me…

She had to stop that or I was going to go inside her… she just needed more stimulation than I could give her…

It hit me then. Her present!

I pulled away from her like I’d been struck by lightning!

Her head snapped up, “What!”

I smiled a wicked smile and leaned in, giving her the tongue kiss of a lifetime! My fingers starting playing with her down there again…

She broke our kiss, “What!”

I continued to smile at her. “I’m going to give you your present early!”

She growled, “It better be some fucking cock!”

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her again… rubbing away between her legs lazily. “No, it’s a toy!”

Her eyes snapped open and I could see lust, and hope there. “What kind of toy?” she asked me…

I bounced my eyebrows at her, giving her a shit eating grin…

She smiled wide, “A naughty toy?”

I smiled at her again… she was back to jacking me off again.

She snapped in and kissed me. “I knew my dirty mind was rubbing off on you!” she exclaimed!

I nodded down, “You keep doing that and I’m going to be rubbing one on YOU!”

She went at it harder… I needed to get moving or she’d have me in what I assumed now was our little game.

I explained, “It wasn’t supposed to be for tonight though…” I groaned as a wave of pleasure shot through me. I only hoped that my fingers on her were bringing her the pleasure she was giving me.

She looked at me, still with a wicked smile on her face. “What was it for?”

I started lazily kissing her neck and her head snapped back. I was distracting myself, buying time…

“Well, it’s a wearable toy… I wanted you to wear it on our trip to Reno… then I could play with you…” She pushed my head back, a look of naked animal lust on her face…

“That is so fucking hot!” she whispered to me.

I smiled, thankful she thought my naughty idea was as good as I thought it was. I spoke to her breathlessly, “So if I give it to you early you have to promise me you will…”

Her mind clicked into place… I could tell I wasn’t going to like what she was about to say. She knew she had me and I was truly screwed!

God damn her fucking beautifully intelligent mind! I thought.

She smiled wickedly. “I’ll wear it anytime you want me to on the trip,” she was teasing me… “On one condition…”

I wasn’t going to like this… “My parents got you a present. You have to accept it. No giving it back, no refusing.”

My eyes went wide in shock.

Fuck! I thought.

She pressed her advantage, “Then I’ll wear it the WHOLE trip. You can play with me the whole time.”

I had to have this, “Okay. Deal.” I kissed her and smiled at her, “Let me get it.”

She smiled at me and pulled me closer… “No. Describe it to me first…”

She had stopped stroking me. I was thankful for that. I would have gone without her had she kept up.

I ran my fingers down the front of her slit slowly. “Well, it’s a vibrator…”

She closed her eyes, and imagined what I was telling her… “Mmmmmm….” She murmured.

I ran my fingers down the front of her. Her legs parted for me, giving me better access to her…

I started to whisper into her ear… “You wear it…”


I slid two fingers into her, curling them up the front of the inside of her pelvis, feeling for the soft spongy tissue that marked her G-spot. I finally felt the tips of my fingers hit it… “Here.”

Her eyes snapped open, “No! Deal’s off!”

I kissed her and pushed her face back down. “Nope.” I told her. “The surprise is ruined now, so the deal stays…”

She grabbed my head and forced me to kiss her hard. “You are a fucking evil mastermind…” she murmured between kisses. “Go get it! Now!”

I practically dove out of the bed. I grabbed my bag and pulled it open, spilling things out of it. I grabbed the present and tore the paper apart. I dove back into the bed and showed it to her. It was a soft, pink, rubberized toy, with a little antenna on it.

The bulbous part went up inside of her, and the antennae stuck out. It looked weird, but the lady at the store told me she had one and she loved it. I took her word for it…

It had an app that connected to a smart phone. I had already connected it to mine and added the app.

She spread her legs… “Put it in me.”

I put the toy in my mouth and wet it with my saliva. Then I brought it down between her legs and slowly pushed it into her.

She moaned and bucked into me… “God, that already feels really good…” she moaned.

I pulled it in and out, lubricating it with her and her with it…

She dove into me, pulling into me hard… “Turn it on, she ordered me.”

I keyed up the app, checked that it was connected to the device and turned it on…

She bucked like she’d been hit by lightning. She grabbed hold of me and her nails dug painfully into my back. Her body went completely rigid and I could tell she was there… or if not there then extremely close…

Her teeth were gritted together… “Fuck!” She said between those pretty gritted teeth… “Turn it down… too much.”

I kissed her neck… “That’s as low as it goes baby girl.”

She wrapped her legs around me and pressed her crotch into my leg. “Then turn it the fuck up!” she moaned.

I moved it up to level three and she started to buck uncontrollably against me…

She bit my shoulder… Fuck! That hurts I screamed into my mind!

She was practically screaming into my shoulder, and I hoped her parents couldn’t hear us… her hips moved jerkily against me and I thought she might have peed herself. “I’m fucking cumming…” she grunted, and I realized she was cumming so hard she squirted…

Fuck! This thing is awesome!

She dove on top of me, her body shaking uncontrollably… she was like a fucking wild animal…

Her mouth found mine and her tongue slammed inside my mouth…

This must me what she feels like when I take her… I thought. Then added, I can see the fucking appeal!

She ripped the phone out of my hand, scratching me a little in her haste. “Give me this…” she growled. She was rocking her hips against me really hard… I was pressed up against her… really close… I almost thought I would go in, but there was already something in her, so I couldn’t do that right?

I thought she might turn it off and started to object. I wanted to use it with her for a while… to enjoy her reactions. I started to open my mouth to say something and her hand slammed roughly down on it, smashing my lips into my teeth.

Owww! I thought.

She just said, “Shut the fuck up. If I want you to open your mouth I’ll shove my pussy down on it…”

She turned the phone to me lazily, showing me the time… 12:17…

A feral look stole into her eye. “It’s tomorrow… you’re going to fuck me now!”

Jesus! She was like a wild animal. I loved it!

I felt the vibrations increase and realized she had turned it up… this was fucking awesome!

She slowly let my hand off of my mouth… “Are you going to shut up now?” she asked me.

She raked her nails quickly and roughly down the front of my chest. It hurt like hell!

“I asked you a fucking question!” She hissed at me… then her eyes rolled back in her head and she crested over the hill again…

Fuck! She was really getting off on this!

She looked at me and I could see in her eyes a spectacular range of emotions… rage, anger, lust, need… love. I looked her right in the eye and gave her a final push. I put my jaw out, “Fuck you! No way I’m fucking you, cunt!” I hissed at her.

That look in her eyes… fuck that look was scary!

She slapped me hard across the fucking face! My ears rang from the force of it…

“What did you say?!” she asked me.

I gave her a hard-fucking look, “I said fuck you, cunt. No way I’m fucking you!”

I knew the slap was coming this time, and I caught her arm. “You’re not hitting me again, cunt. I don’t fuck sluts like you…” I could see the feral animal in her eyes… her raw naked desire for me was intoxicating…

Jesus Christ, I could see now why she liked this!

She brought my hand up to her mouth and bit my fingers… really, really hard.

My hand stopped holding her and lost its grip on her. Instantly her fucking hands were around my throat, clamping down and closing my windpipe.

I grabbed her arms and panicked for a second. I could feel her bucking her hips against me, trying to get me into her body… the stupid toy was in the fucking way!

My body screamed for me to get her off of me! I could… I could make her stop.

I wanted to give this to her though. I forced my body to shut the fuck up. I calmed my mind and flexed my neck muscles, forcing her grip to release enough to get some air down my throat… okay, problem one solved.

I gripped her arms tightly, giving her the impression I was fighting her… she started snarling at me, her lips actually fucking curled back away from her teeth. I wasn’t sure she was still playing…

She kept bucking her hips against me, trying to get me into her…

She pushed her upper body towards me more aggressively, leaning more of her weight on me. It changed the angle between my manhood and her opening…

I slid into her! Pleasure slammed through my body in a wave nothing like I’d ever experienced before!

I didn’t think that she could fit both me and the toy in her at the same time… turns out I was wrong.

She slammed me in and out of her like a wild beast. Her hands lightened around my throat and she started freely cresting over and over.

She must have had some semblance of control because she was quiet. She was usually quite vocal while we made love. This time, she bit her lip and just ground herself into me as hard as she could…

I came. My body went completely rigid, forcing her up off the bed. I couldn’t help it, my hands grabbed her hips and I felt myself pour into her. She slammed me back down and between her and the vibrator inside her I just fell into her.

When I came back to myself I realized with some panic I was about to pass out. I was starting to soften inside her body and she was completely out of control…

It was like she was furious with me that I couldn’t keep going… her grip on my neck tightened to the point I was nearly choked out...

The whole time she just kept trying to push me into her, cresting over and over from the vibrations the toy gave her.

I needed her to stop… this was getting out of hand…

I could forcibly remove her still… but that was a shitty option.

Instead, I ran my ran my hand over her face, and put my fist to my heart, in our own little personal salute. “Stop baby girl… come back to me, please…”

Her eyes, blinked. Once, twice, then she shook her head aggressively clearing her thoughts. A look of horror smashed over her face, she tilted off of me and pulled the toy out of her, throwing it on the floor.

Her body was pressed against me, her arms wrapped tighter around me than I had ever felt them… she whispered over and over, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

I wrapped my arms around her tightly, and started laughing…

It was the balm she needed. Her head snapp

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The Couples Collector 2 Dark Horizons

The Couples Collector 2 - Dark Horizons Marrek Gleeson and his innocent-seeming wife, Anna, had a dark secret. They collected couples. Perhaps 'collected' wasn't really the proper word for it. They kidnapped young, beautiful couples and subjected them to the harshest, cruelest treatment imaginable in their underground 'sex and torture dungeon' - as they affectionately liked to call it. Yes, beneath Mr. Gleeson's sprawling estate, gifted to him from his wealthy father, Marrek was...

3 years ago
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Gold MountainChapter 15

Introductions What the hell is THIS? Little Chief, and Big Chief? Jason Embridge tried not to stare at the two figures who’d appeared in his office. Both men, one barely of an age to shave, and the other much older with a bronzed, deeply wrinkled face, stood gazing back at him. Both wore beaded high-topped moccasins reaching to the knees of their tanned leather trousers with loin flaps, topped with cream-white leather shirts with beaded designs on their left breast. Each wore bead-worked...

3 years ago
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Indian wife gangbanged by husbands mistake

Hi guys, I am Sanket and I am going to share a wonderful experience of my wife. My wife’s name is Priya and she is 26 years old. She has the sexiest figure with big boobs of 36D and has a round ass. She preferred getting dressed in casual dresses for outing. My wife Priya. As we don’t have k**s we don’t have any parental responsibilities. But we used to live with my parents in the same house. We both are a happily married couple. Priya and I both are horny and love to explore new things during...

4 years ago
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The Ball Puller

                 The Ball Puller!                   TJ Ryder                Midnightx.com/        Illustrated Adult FETISH stories!                An FF/mm story                 Chapter 1                    The attractive woman in a low cut gown announcedto the live audience when the camera showed its red light.    "Welcome to this week's Crazy Careers!" She smiled at theapplause and waited for it to die down!    "Wev'e had all kinds of guests on this show. CrossdressingEscorts, Secret Agents,...

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A MILF and her son

After weeks of pestering him his friends finally convinced Matt to either take pictures, or better yet, videos of his mom naked. He decided the best way to do it was to set up a camera in his dads closet and wait in there until his mom got home from work. She arrived home around the same time, called for Matt and once she thought he wasn’t home headed upstairs to change. She was in one of her blue business suits that was purposely cut a little too low and the skirt a little too short. She...

4 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 46

Friday night, in the living room, the eight of us were all gathered together. I had spent an hour, after dinner, in with all my children, playing a little, but mostly making sure that I had a chance to spend time with each of them, holding the youngest ones in my arms. They were growing so quickly, changing it seemed, every time I was gone, even if only for a few days. I had been explaining the progress being made at Macklinson's, and the difficulties I was experiencing by needing to deal...

1 year ago
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The Tinder guy arrives at my condo at 9.  He is larger than his picture.  He is hot and that’s deliberate on my part.  His name is (and I kid you not) Lance.  I hope it refers to his dick.  Lance is tall and heavy-muscled.  My mouth waters.  When he sees me, his eyes take their time looking me up and down.  Will I measure up?  I have dressed to impress.  Is he impressed?  Wearing a too-high skirt and a too-tight top with a bralette and boy short panties.  I realized I am holding my breath...

Group Sex
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She opened the car door and slipped gingerly into the driver?s seat Hole Chapter one. Hole opened the car door and slipped gingerly into the driver?s seat.? The pain from her much abused pussy and asshole immediately returned her mind to the afternoon and night?s activities.? She started the car and put it in reverse, carefully depressing the accelerator, then drove slowly out of the parking lot.? She squirmed a bit, trying to find a bit of relief.? The pain brought her mind back to the...

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Meine zurckgebliebene Schwester

Als ich noch ein kleines Kind war, war noch alles gut. Unsere Mum und Dad hatten eine glückliche Beziehung und zusammen mit meiner zwei Jahre älteren Schwester Marianne waren wir eine ganz normale Familie. Doch mit den Jahren wurde es vor allem für unser Vater ein Problem, dass sich meine Schwester nicht wie ein normales Kind entwickelt. Es fällt Marianne sehr schwer zusammenhänge zu begreifen oder neue dinge zu lernen. Das sie dann auch noch auf eine "Idioten-Schule" ging, wie es unser Vater...

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Thiruvizhavil Auntyai Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar raajesh vayathu 24, naan kayathur ennum gramaathil vaazhunthu varugren. Ingu varudathirku iru murai thiruvizha nadakum, appozhuthu niraiya kannigalum matrum auntygalum varuvaargal. Enathu nanbargaludan seerntu ennaithaiym rasithu thiruvizhavai kondaaduvom. Enathu udan viranthavargal yarum illai naan veeetuku oru pillai mattum than. Athanal ennai chellamaga valapaargal, naan enathu mobile phoneil thinamum kaama padangal paarthu suya inbam kaanben kuliyar araikul sendru....

1 year ago
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Tortured Love

It had been at least two years since I'd seen my mother, and two years longer than that since I'd seen my sister. Not exactly a workaholic, I had been working overseas in Scotland for the past two years. I'd been gathering research on many of the medieval castles there, not for any real historical reasons, though that was part of it. But I had been working for a fairly eccentric billionaire who having nothing better to do with his money, wanted to build an exact replica of one of the more...

2 years ago
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The Last Kiss

I sat on the balcony of my Fort Lewis apartment. I looked up at the moon, shining bright. One single star sparkling next to it, I couldn't help but break down and cry.Kevin called an hour earlier and said that he will be leaving at 0400, the next morning for Iraq. When he told me, my stomach dropped and I ran outside. I grabbed the railing, and screamed."No!" I cried as I dropped to the floor.The front door opened and I heard Kevin's footsteps walk through the apartment. He walked up to me and...

Love Stories
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General SidChapter 15

Sucking on her index finger, Laura watched Sid working with the men. They were practicing a new tactic for dealing with men marching four abreast. She thought he cut such a dashing figure riding his horse with a lance leveled at the targets. Watching him made her wet between the legs. When he would pause and wave to her, she thought her heart would explode. Although Sid had been busy leading the army, he had given Laura more of his time than she had expected under the circumstances. When he...

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Couple Fun

I do not own this nor so i take credit for it i found this story on http://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/eskimo1958/couplefun.html i hope you enjoy it as much as i doGeorge was tying his tie, getting ready for work, when he heard his wife Abbie shout out from their bathroom, "Don't forget, we're leaving tomorrow at noon with Dave and Crystal for the weekend."He thought to himself, 'Oh shit, I already forgot!' Without missing a beat "No problem, dear, I've got it under control." 'Shit,' he...

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This is a true story about the first girl I lived with.We met at college. Her name was Eileen. She was 5’2” tall with green eyes and a 36” bust. She was studying cookery and I was studying journalism. We met on a bench in the grounds of the college. I had sandwiches and she had a small box of fantastic cold salad the like of which I’d never seen before. She sat next to me and we got talking resulting in me asking her out for a drink. It turned out that she lived just three miles from my...

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My Sexy Lovers Night Out

I am in TN for business, the last week of March, and with beautiful sunny warm weather forecast and decide to have my lover fly down for a little spring relaxation. I pick her up Thursday, mid-morning, at the Knoxville airport and drive her back to the hotel. Our room is a suite and has a large king sized bed. A quick hug and a few deep kisses and I have to be off to see my customer. I tell her to get out there by the pool, that they have just opened up, and get some sunshine and relax. She...

Group Sex
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Leslie in Petticoats

Leslie in Petticoats by Jenny Leeds For Nan Gilbert, with heartfelt appreciation of her pioneering effort. Chapter 1 Mrs. Chard and Mrs. Argentina got along famously from the first time they met. Both ladies were divorced; both bitter about their former husbands; both in their early thirties; both with thirteen-year-old sons. They had each inherited more than enough riches to remain idle and indulge themselves in their discontent. They were tall, elegant women....

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Bye FeliciaChapter 2

Okay, I thought to myself ... I don’t much care for dates, but if I’m going to do that much for my girlfriend, with our relationship clearly on the rocks, why not do so for Pippa? How about a lunch date for her? I would tell it to her straight, too, hoping that she understood. If she didn’t, at least we could be friends, and she couldn’t fault me for being honest with her and even more courteous than I felt like being with Felicia. I wanted to size her up, too, see what she was really like in...

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NotSoSuper ModelChapter 11

She used my idea, but with more intelligence. When we walked into their house together she went to her mother, hugged her, and said, “I’m sorry.” “I forgive you,” said Hannah, hugging her back. “I see you stopped by Bob’s house.” “Yeah. I tried to seduce him, but he wouldn’t let me.” “Really?” “Yeah, but he wasn’t mean about it.” “Things come to he who is patient,” said Hannah. “Can I sleep with you tonight?” That came out of nowhere, and I think it shocked both Hannah and me a little...

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WillowChapter 17

She was lying on her stomach because the tight floor length hobble skirt would only allow her to bend her knees only a little. The leather skirt was open in the back leaving her ass exposed. An anal hook was embedded in her ass and was connected to a ball gag harness by a rope. The rope was adjusted so that Page's back had to be slightly bent backwards. To see what she was doing Page had to put most of her upper body weight on her breasts. Moving meant pulling herself along the floor an inch...

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Spit Roasted

"Stand in the corner," she said. I hesitated for just one second. "Stand in the corner now you fucking sissy!" she yelled. I quickly went to my designated corner and bowed my head with my nose barely touching the wall. "Hands behind your back," she said authoritatively. I put them back and was instantly handcuffed. I was shocked; I hadn't done anything I thought I might be punished for. I had woken Mistress as she preferred and brought her breakfast and coffee in bed. I had...

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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 14 Mrs McDonald Had A Farm

It was a very unusual pickup, the result of Dora’s analysis that many, many more children were needed to bridge the gap between ages at typical extractions and new births resulting from the after-extraction action. Maureen Smith McDonald was raising an impossible number of children, largely by herself. She had six of her own, ranging in age from fifteen down to five, in addition to her dead sister’s four - all under eight. Added to them were three preteens from her former husband’s family,...

2 years ago
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How It All Started

In my early 20's I was having a birthday party for my 1st husband, with 3 other couples he invited from work. We had already started out the night at the house getting stoned on pot and having a few drinks before we moved to the local bar/pool hall down the street. We mostly had the place to ourselves except for some out of townies. The drinks flowed and party went on. I was playing pool with his work friends in a loose ruffled skirt, black panties, boots and spaghetti string T-shirt, with no...

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Black whore 4

Danny coughed intermittently, choked on Skeleton's semen, while Psychara kept stuffing her huge piece of meat into her ass. The fat man continued to sit in front of her without moving. the third skin, a tall, elongated type, pulled him by the shoulderwith a strangely crooked long and ruffled cock. The skeleton pushed him off the bed and told him to wait for the negro whore to lick his cum off the blanket. he slapped her ass without stopping to move."Are, filthy negro, draw near the holy Aryan...

1 year ago
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sister in Law calls at inconvenient time Part Two

I left early for work the morning after the amazing results of the phone call. I called Kathi as I left the driveway. I knew she would be up since we are several times zones behind her in Ohio. She picked up and purred, "Well hello Peter. Are you alone?" I told her I was driving to work and Melody was home in bed. She told me about staying awake for quite a while after the call, masturbating and imagining me fucking her."I left early for work today Kathi so I could get out of the house...

2 years ago
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Getting MedievalChapter 3

The skirmish was hardly worth being called a battle, of course, as it took less than an hour, by my reckoning, to seize the town hall and the houses of the local magnates. Said magnates were not hard to notice, from the aldermen to the town magistrate to the mayor. They were also not hard to impress with the seriousness of my claims of authority and power, as I wore the amulet over a monk’s robe and at least some of them probably believed my claim to be a defrocked friar. “So, this is what...

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Educating the TwinsChapter 16

The School District had a rule that if your birthday was in October or later you were a year behind those who were born in September or before. Stephanie made it by three days, and so she was a classmate She joined us in early October. I don't think she observed us, but I could be wrong. I was usually focused on the guy immediately next to me, not looking around to see who was watching. Stephanie was Dale's daughter, and looked a lot like her mother. Liz and I were a medium height (for a...

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The Flight of the Ugly Swan Chapter 7

Janice was offering me her first collar and I wasn't sure what that meant. I had asked, "Will you tell me about your collar?", and that lead to a long discussion of the symbolism of dominance and submission and ended with Janice holding out this ordinary dog collar and casually asking if I wanted it. Well, it was ordinary except for the inscription on it, which said, "Ex-Bitch In Training -- Spank Me When I Misbehave". She said that it was given to her by a dear friend on the first night that...

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Bathroom at MSS

It was June 20th, 2016 and I walked into the bathroom at MSS. Not Ming after I walked in, I heard a fermiliar sound coming from the stalls next to me. I heard the sweet sound of a student rubbing his big cock. I was interested and started to get a boner of my own when one of them moaned loudly, "I'm so hard," the guy closest to me whispered. The guy in the stall next to him replied "Just thinking of you makes me wanna cum". Slowly, the noises became faster and their breathing got heavier. They...

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Adventures of Katrina

Katrina stumbled downstairs wearing a T shirt and yellow panties expecting to find her Mother in the kitchen. Instead there was a new plumber who she supposed must have been covering for Thom, he was easily in his 50’s, out of shape and with a whiskey nose. Surprised at seeing him Katrina stood in behind the kitchen counter hiding her exposed hips and thighs from his prying eyes.‘Where’s my Mum’ she asked.‘She said she was going in to town, I think she thought you were out’.Katrina debated what...

4 years ago
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Jealousy and suspicion are terrible diseases and I fervently hope that I am now cured. I know when the cure happened. I can tell you the exact date and even the time of day when I was cured. I remember it vividly.Telling my story makes me uncomfortable because it brings up memories I would rather leave buried. I don't like to hold up the faults in my character for everyone to see. But I also feel that I have an obligation to relate the happenings of that fateful day in the hope that some fellow...

Wife Lovers
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Sex Studio Secrets 14 Simone3

Simone frequently visits me for a few hours after school, soon she stays for some nice nights at me!In her last year at secondary school she has less classes to attend before her exams start in SpringMy library has many erotic novels in the languages she takes a major in, so she reads my literatureOn the shelves are loads of erotica, from famous photobooks to standard and rare books on sexuologyNice to watch that tasty teen, who is always naked at my place, playing her pussy while she...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 18 All Change

It was the little eunuch who told her she was pregnant. "Nonsense," she said, "I'm forty-seven years old and I'm just missing periods because of the menopause." "You are pregnant and your master does not know who is the father," said the eunuch, "He says it is because you have enjoyed sex too much and with many men." Amelia could not deny that she had felt uninhibited when she was being handed round at Ramzy El-Najjar's parties, because she had no choice, and at the times when...

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416 Part 13

"Wake up, David.""Huh! What's wrong," I exclaimed, shaking off the cobwebs of sleep. My mouth felt pasty, and my eyes were glued shut. My body was sweat-soaked, and my head was throbbing."You tell me," said Diana, "you were tossing and turning and muttering in your sleep. Nightmare?"The fog in my mind dissipated, and the reality that my wife would arrive tomorrow AND that I had not told Diana I was still married hit me like a ton of bricks. I started shivering and felt like throwing up."Who is...

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Sabella von allen gefickt

Als die kleine 18 jährige Schwarze unter die Dusche ging, war es den vier Kerlen zu bunt geworden. Den ganzen Tag im Schwimmbad hatte diese kleine Nutte mit ihren grossen geilen Titten herumgewackelt und mit ihrer Freundin gekichert, wenn aber einer der Jungs sie ansprach, hatte sie nur verächtlich geguckt. Sie war einfach ein heisses Stück schwarzer Arsch, ganz glatt und rund. Zwischen ihren Titten baumelte eine schwere Goldkette, die ihre dunkle Haut noch betonte. Die Jungs waren fast...

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Legend Kaama Veriyan

Naan ippozhuthu oru legendary kaama veriyanin kaama kathaigalai ungalidam solla pogiren, ivan peraiviyaleye kaamathirkaagave padaika patan. Niraiya pengalin kuthiyil oothu kanju vadiya vaikum thiramai ivanidam eralamaaga irukirathu. Pinbu ivanathu sexiyaana paarvai pengalai kaama valaiyil vizhavaikum. Ivan auntygalaiyum sex seithu oopaan, ivanuku evalavu pengalai oothalum avanin kaama thaagam enbathu adangaatha ondru. Ivan niraiya virgin pengalai oothu kizhithu irukiraan pinbu avan ivargal...

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5 December 2008Chapter 3

Entering the Quinte Convention Centre, Dan removed Cathy’s overcoat. She looked at her figure reflecting in a store shop window, adjusting the opening to her dress-like robe to show her nipples between the lacy patterns. “I can’t believe I’m wearing such a revealing dress in public,” she commented turning side to side. “I feel so fucking sexy, my pussy is already becomming wet.” “I think you look super sexy and will get plenty of attention tonight.” Cathy received lots of stares as they...

2 years ago
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Scary Affair

Even as I sit here in my small office, two days later, my hands still shake slightly and my nerves are shot. As I write this, I look down at the ashtray on my desk and notice that I am already on my fifth cigarette and fourth cup of coffee of the day. It’s not yet 9am. I haven’t slept for two days. I can still hardly believe the amazing story that I am about to tell you. It seems too fantastic, too unreal, but I assure you, every word is the truth. My name is Cooper, Ted Cooper, but everyone...

3 years ago
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Oh Canada FChapter 2 Northern Sunset

“Arctic?” Sylvia Foster asked her husband in March of 1970, “Will you be cold?” “Not particularly,” George replied. “I’ll only be at Colville in the summer, after all. It’ll be warmer than it is outside right now. But I will be lonely.” There was a solution for that. “Well, why can’t I go along? Would we go broke if I stopped waiting tables for the summer?” “Not at all. We’ve been saving up the trust payments for expeditions like this. And, after all, we decide how that money is to be...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 25

Rory John drove us to the airport for the start of our holiday in France. The flight was pleasant because we had special privileges and waited in the upmarket lounge and were allowed to board before the main bulk of passengers. When we landed at the nearest airport on the other side, a car and driver was waiting to take us on the hour long drive to the house The house itself was in the Loire Valley about twenty five Kilometres from the town of Samur. It was not just a house but more like a...

4 years ago
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clinic visit

I love going to the doctor. Not many women do, mind you, but mine is special. Every time I go in for an examination, I come out from a treatment!It starts out like any other office visit, but then when we get into the examination room, its a whole other world. As he sits down at the table, he tells me to go behind the screen and undress. I put on the paper gown and come out from behind the screen and sit on the table. As he gets up to begin the exam, I notice an ever increasing bulge in his...

2 years ago
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My brother My pimp Part 1

My life as a sixteen year old girl in 1950 post war Britain was hardly something to write home about. Most of the girls in my class at Grammar school were always boasting about the boys they had been out with, and the boys they wanted to go out with. I seldom joined in their conversations as I was not a pretty girl, or so I thought at the time. My milk bottom glasses, with a dioptre correction of twenty in each eye ensured that no boy ever came within touching distance of me, never mind...

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Brandys and Melanies deep throat adventures Part 3

And so it was that Bonnie’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for Brandy, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer. Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview...

Group Sex
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Whos Crying Now

Hey folks ... I just wanted to start out by saying thanks for another great year. It was a year full of changes and highs and lows. Among the highs were getting a lot of great letters and e-mails from you, telling me what you liked and even what you didn't about my stories. Among the lows were losing my long time editor and friend to health problems. But this next year will be one full of new highs and I'm sure, new lows as well. I wish you all the best. Happy New Year. Thanks to my new...

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Linas Dream

Oh, and I’m also naked. I strain against the ropes, hoping to slip one of my hands free, to no avail. The material is strange; it doesn’t chafe against the skin, but it doesn’t slide very well either. Silk maybe? It’s hard to tell without being able to see it. I continue to pull at my bonds, hoping that something, anything, will give. Suddenly there’s a voice. Your voice. “Good, you’re awake” you say. I stop moving. My heart skips a beat. I am more aware than ever before that I am...

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Rom Bomb Fucking Three Women Same Day 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Sam again..having been reading ISS for many years and finally came around writing few of my own experiences. Thanks to ISS for publishing my sex stories – all are real and not fantasies. You can always get in touch with me on delhiguy22 for any reason – exchange of ideas, friendship or hook up – girls/women only to hook with no strings attached. I am open to all ideas – I travel quite a bit and you never know – it’s a small world! In case you interested in me sending you my previous...

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I was just turning 10 years old the summer I met Marshall. I lived in asmall rural town and keeping busy during the summer vacation was always aproblem. That's why when Marshall a 14 years old and his 12 year oldsister came to visit there Grandparents who lived just up the street it wasan opportunity to escape some of the boredom. Marshall and his sister,Jennifer, were from the big city. To them we were all hicks.Marshall was quick to start up an association with me only because I...

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Chloe Dreams

CHLOE DREAMSA Chloe and Jack StoryEdintx99My Jack will return tonight, and I am ready for him…I am wearing his favorite: black strapless bra, garter belt with sheer stockings, and simple high-heel black shoes. Clothing: sophisticated, beautiful and available… I am his ideal of the perfect woman: pliant and yet also hungry and aggressive in sex. My love, my Jack, wishes all these things from me, and I comply.I am waiting for him, relaxing on our favorite gold silk sheets. I prefer wine and am...

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