Fallen free porn video

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Fallen Here I was in this dirty dingy bathroom in an equally dirty dingy run down rat trap of a motel fixing my makeup and making sure my lingerie looked good for my "date". I couldn't help but think just how far I had fallen in my life. Only a few months ago, I was a successful attorney in a large law firm getting ready to become a full partner. Then my world came crashing down around me. Back then I liked to stop off on my way home and pick up young, big titted street whores that worked the streets of the red-light district near my office. I loved the cheap looking big titted whores. All that mattered to me was that she looks cheap and has big tits. I loved big tits. On that fateful night, I had stopped off and picked up a girl that was everything I wanted. She had bleached blonde hair, huge tits, and was wearing a skin tight red dress that showed off her huge jiggly tits while just barely covered her ass with her garter straps and stocking tops fully exposed as she walked the streets in her seven-inch red fuck me platform pumps. She was just my kind of girl. Pulling my Lexis to the curb I rolled down the passenger window and waited for her to come over. "You looking for a date?" she asked with a crack of her gum. "That's why I stopped Baby. Hop in," I replied. I have no idea just how many times I had this same conversation in the past and I didn't really care. When she got in the car she told me her name was Melody and she asked what I was looking for. Knowing she was a whore I got right to business, "How much?" I asked knowing that the cost wasn't a problem. It just added to the thrill of being with a street whore for me. "Twenty-five for a blow job, fifty for a straight fuck, and one hundred for everything," she replied in a bored monotone. Pretending to think it over I asked what I got with everything. "Lips, hips, and finger tips. Three holes no waiting," she answered in a bored voice. Still pretending to think it over I paused then said, "I'll take everything." The thought of fucking her pussy and asshole doggy style while playing with her huge hanging titties got my dick stirring. Melody gave me directions to one of the many cheap motels in the area. As if I needed them. I knew where they all were. Hell, I'd been to them all many, many times in the past. We got our room and Melody ducked in to the bathroom to get ready for me. I quickly undressed, put my cash on the dresser, and stroked my seven-inch dick as I waited for her. At seven inches I had a reasonable sized cock and I knew how to use it for my pleasure. I really didn't care if Melody had a good time or not. She was getting paid to give me pleasure not the other way around. "Hey Baby don't start without me," Melody said as she came out of the bathroom dressed in a red bra, matching garter belt and black stockings, and her red seven inch fuck me pumps. "Lose the bra Babe," I ordered. Melody reached behind her, popped her bra strap, and let it fall to the floor causing her huge titties to flop down and hang from her chest. A smile grew on my face. "See something you like?" she asked. All I said was, "Yep now get to work," as I waggled my dick at her. That night after she sucked my dick I did fuck her doggie style in both holes while playing with her huge titties. I mauled those pendulous udders as I shot my load in her loose asshole. What I didn't notice as I left that motel was the shadow following me and Melody as we walked to my Lexis. After I got home my wife, Heather, had dinner waiting for me. A couple of drinks later I headed for bed. Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up screaming from a blast of pain coming from my balls. As I tried to get up I found that I was tied to the bed with my wife standing over me with a scowl on her face. "What the hell's going on here?" I asked through clenched teeth. "You lying, cheating son of a bitch I hate you," she screamed. "And don't try your fancy lawyer talk to get out of it." Somehow Heather had found out about me picking up cheap whores. "Baby, it was a onetime thing. I swear. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry. It will not happen again. I swear." "Bull shit," she hissed as she pulled out pictures of me with Melody and lots of other whores I had been with. "I'm done with you," she said with a final blow to my already painful balls. Through the fog of my pain I heard her say, "He's all yours now boys." 'Oh fuck she had a couple of guys waiting to beat the shit out of me,' I thought to myself. And I was still tied to the bed with no way to fight back. This was going to hurt. Through tear filled eyes I saw two large guys walk through the bedroom door. "Let's get it on, Cupcake," One of them said. With that I felt a sharp stab in my arm. Then everything went black. Sometime later I started to wake up in a fog of pain. My whole body hurt. Heather's goons really worked me over last night. I tried to get up but I found that I was still tied down to my bed. "I see you're awake now. I'll go get the doctor," a strange voice said. As I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a strange windowless room. Just then an older well-dressed man entered the room. "Good you're awake now. Let me explain what we've done to you. Your wife knows all about your cheating ways so she wanted revenge. We've did some minor facial reconstruction to give you a slightly more feminine face with full cock sucking lips,we've given you DD implants, removed your lower ribs to give you an hour glass waist, and we shortened the tendons in your lower legs so you'll have to wear high heels all the time. Oh, we also removed your prostate and balls. Your wife wanted you to keep your now useless limp cock so you'll always remember what you lost." I passed out. A cruel laugh that chilled my soul greeted me as I woke up this time. "Good you're awake again. We'll continue then. You also have an implanted training device, a built in shock collar if you will. Would you like to see how it works?" I just glared at the doctor. Then my whole body exploded in pain. I passed out again. This time I woke up to some not so gentle face slapping. "When you are asked a question, you will answer right away or if you are told to do something you will do it right away. Or..." I was told. "Do you understand?" Fearing another shock I quickly answered, "Yes sir." "Good. Now your training will begin." With that I noticed a very attractive Asian woman was now in the room with us and she was carrying a rather large box in her arms. "Sit here," she said without any introduction, pointing at a stool that was in front of a bare table. Fearing another shock, I jumped up quickly and almost fell on the floor. "Walk on your toes and remember that your center of gravity is now different than before." I walked on my toes and sat on the stool she was pointing at. I looked at that box and wondered just what manner of torture was in that box. As I walked to the stool I could feel my new DD tits pulling on my chest as they bounced around. I was shocked to realize that I was naked. The Asian woman said as she opened the box, "Pay close attention you will be doing this for yourself after this." She spent the next few hours teaching me how to apply makeup and remove it.When she got up to leave she told me, "Remember to practice your make up skills. You will be expected to do it yourself from now on. You will never be able to pass as a real woman with that face of yours but you can make yourself somewhat more appealing," Then she was gone. I was alone in this strange room with a strange body and a makeup case. Looking around I saw that my room was windowless and didn't even have a light switch. On the far wall was a single door. Walking over I saw that it was a small bathroom. Just seeing the toilet reminded me that I needed to pee. As I stood before the toilet grasping my now useless cock I felt a shock coursing through my body. Oh my God they were watching me. I quickly sat on the toilet and peed like a girl. I even remembered to wipe myself instead of my usual shake. When I was done I started to explore my new body. Looking in the mirror I recognized the face looking back at me. They hadn't changed it too much just softened my jaw line and cheek bones some and plumped up my lips but anyone who had ever seen me before would know that it was me. I looked just like the young whores I used to pick up. I had lost a lot of weight and with having ribs removed I had a killer hour glass figure. My new tits were huge cheap looking implants with big, fat nipples just begging to be sucked. Just looking at them I felt a longing to suck on a pair of nipples just like the ones I had now. It was impossible to see my cock with my huge tits in the way. My make-up kit has a mirror in it I thought. Getting the mirror I looked at my cock or what was left of it. My once proud cock was still there but my balls were now gone.They even removed my sack. I collapsed on the floor and started to cry. I must have cried myself to sleep because I woke with a start. With nothing else to do and being afraid of that "shock collar" I started to practice my make-up skills. After every complete makeover, I went in to the bathroom and cleaned my face just as the Asian woman had taught me. While I was checking my make up in the mirror a beautiful black woman came in pushing a small covered tray. All I could think was "Oh God what now?" as I watched her cross the room, her high heels clicking with every step she took. When she got next to me I was almost shaking with fear. She grabbed my face turning it around as she studied it. "You still need lots of practice. Take a break and eat. Then keep working on your make up," she said as she turned and left. My stomach rumbled as I thought about eating. I had no idea how long it had been since I had last eaten. Lifting the cover from the tray to find a small salad and a glass of water. Looking at my "meal" I was in shock. That was all I was to eat? My stomach rumbled again. I quickly ate my meal and drank the water. I noticed that the water had a funny taste to it. I figured that it was what the local water tasted like and didn't give it a second thought. When I was done I was still hungry. To try and take my mind off my hunger I did the only thing to occupy my time, I started back with my make-up practice. I must have spent hours putting on my makeup and taking it off again until I couldn't see straight. Then I crawled in to my bed and fell asleep. I woke up as the beautiful black woman wheeled in her cart. My mouth started to water at the smells coming from it. As she left I uncovered my tray and found a small plate of steamed vegetables and a glass of water. It was obvious that my wife may have spent lots of my money on my transformation but was skimping on the meal plan here at Casa de Hell as I was now thinking of this place. I quickly ate my vegetables then went back to my make-up practice. As much as I hated doing it the time passed faster when I had something to do. My suite here at Casa de Hell had no windows or even a clock so I had no idea what time it was or even the date. I figured that if I was fed my meals at the usual times I had been "awake" now for only two days now. God time was moving so slowly now. And I had no idea how long I'd been unconscious before that. My hair was now shoulder length, from my normally short business length. So I must have been here for a couple of months already. Had anyone missed me? What did they think about me at the law firm? Just thinking about my old life made me start to cry. What was going on with me? I never cried before and now I was crying like a girl. Well I did have a woman's body, well except for my now useless cock hanging between my legs, so why shouldn't I be acting like a girl now. I couldn't hold back any longer I collapsed on to my bed and sobbed in to my pillow. When I stopped crying I realized that nothing had changed. All that my crying had done was to smear my makeup. There was nothing for me to do in my cell to pass the time except practicing my make-up skills. I headed to take a shower to pass some time. As I lathered my body I noticed that my nipples were getting hard under my soapy fingers but my once proud cock just hung there lifeless and useless. Try as I might I just couldn't bring my cock back to life. I gave up trying to coax my cock back to life and started to play with my big fat nipples. I could see and feel them harden under my fingers. Soon I was pinching and tugging on them causing a soft moan of pleasure to escape my lips. After I dried off with the small towel in the bathroom I walked back into my room. "Eeeee!!!" I squealed and tried to cover myself with my hands as I saw the doctor standing there. "Now you know that your cock will no longer get hard or give you any real pleasure. Your nipples will give you some pleasure but they are really intended for the enjoyment of others," he said with a cruel laugh that almost brought me to tears again. "And don't bother trying to cover yourself from me. I made your new body. Remember?" "You startled me," I said as I could feel my heart racing. With a dismissive wave of his hand the doctor said, "I just stopped by to tell you that your name is now Melody. Hmm wasn't that the name of the last whore you fucked? I wonder what Melody's doing now?" I had never cared about the whores I had fucked in the past. Hell, I usually never remembered their names while I was fucking them. But hearing the doctor talk like that I was scared for Melody. Was she OK? Was she even still alive? Had Heather had her killed or worse yet beaten and maimed? Trying to change the conversation away from Melody so I wouldn't think about her I asked, "Doctor how should I address you? What's your name sir?" "Hmmm... That's a very good question Melody. You will address me as Doctor, the women as Ma'am, and the men as Sir. Do you understand Melody?" "Yes, Doctor I understand," I replied. "Now why did I come here? Oh yes, I remember now. I came to bring you a pair of shoes so you can walk a bit easier," The doctor said as he pointed at a pair of worn seven-inch red fuck me platform pumps. Aren't those the same shoe that Melody wore when you fucked her?" he asked with a sick laugh. I just stared at the shoes as a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Then my world exploded in a white flash of pain. When I recovered from the pain of the shock I realized that I hadn't answered quickly enough. "Yes, Doctor I think that's the same type of shoe she wore," I answered before he could ask me again. "Put them on," the doctor said softly. "Yes Doctor," I replied quickly as I slipped the shoes on to my feet. I did find that it was easier to stand with the shoes on instead of trying to stand on my toes all the time. "Now get used to walking around with them on. You'll have more training later." With that the doctor turned and left the room. I started to walk up and down my room learning how to walk in these heels. It wasn't too bad seeing as how I'd been walking on my toes for the last day or two. Really quick I learned that if I put a sexy roll in my hips it was easier to walk. I walked around for a while then I went back to my makeup. I spent who knows how long going between make up and walking. But all I could think about was how the doctor had said that I had more training coming up soon. Just the way he said it put a chill down my spine. I had no idea what to expect. As nervous as I was I went back to working on my makeup and walking skills. "Working hard I see," a voice said scaring me. "Aaaa! Yes I am. You startled me," I stammered as I looked at yet another beautiful woman. This one was an older white woman. "No matter. Time for more training. Come," she ordered as she walked towards the bathroom. "Now you must learn how to be clean." "I already know how... aaaaagh!!!" I hadn't even finished speaking before my "training device" went off and I collapsed on the floor. "You don't know what I'm going to teach you Melody. Now get on your hands and knees and take this," she said. Fearing another shock, I got in my hands and knees and took the offered item. It was a hard plastic tube attached to a long rubber hose. "Yes, it's an enema Melody. Now stick it in your pussy," the woman said to me. Somehow, I knew just what she wanted. I winced as the hard plastic tube entered my asshole. Then I gasped as I felt the warm water flow in to me. "Hold the water until I tell you to let it go. If you lose any water you'll lick the floor clean Melody." It felt like ten whole minutes before the water stopped flowing in to me and I felt the tube sliding out of my "pussy". My belly was distended by the water inside me. My stomach was cramping and my legs were shaking as I tried to hold the water in. I knew what would happen if I had an accident and I didn't want to clean it up with my tongue. I started to strain and sweat as the clock ticked on. It was only a couple of minutes but it felt like a couple of hours passed before the woman said, "Get up and shit Melody." I got up carefully and took a couple of small steps and sat on the toilet. Even before I sat down the water rushed out of me with a foul smelling rush. All I could do was sit there and pant as my stomach cramps passed. "Get ready for the next one Melody," the woman said as she refilled the bag. I wiped and got back on my hands and knees, reached for the enema tip, and inserted it in my pussy. This time the cramping started even faster than before but I could take more water this time. I already knew what I had to do and I set my mind on holding the water despite the cramping. Not soon enough the woman told me to sit on the toilet and empty myself. As soon as I was done I got back on my hands and knees again. This time she told me to stand. "You should be clean now. The bag will hang on the hook here and you will clean yourself at least twice a day. Do you understand?" she asked. "Yes Ma'am I understand," I said as I looked at the red rubber bag hanging there and suppressed a shudder. As the woman headed for the door she stopped and turned towards me saying, "You did well Melody. You didn't lose a drop." With that she lightly stroked my cheek as she walked out the door. Her small act of kindness in telling me that I had done a good job caused me to smile and feel a bit better. I watched the door close on the only person here to say a kind word to me. As she left I felt like I had just lost my best friend and I started to cry. After I was done crying I went in to the bathroom and blew my nose and washed my ruined make up off. Then I started to pass the time by practicing my make-up skills. I thought that I was getting good at it now. But with my face and useless cock hanging between my legs I could never pass for a real woman. But I had nothing else to do so I kept practicing. Time had no meaning here at Casa de Hell. I had no idea what time or even what day it was. Every time the door to my "suite" opened I looked out it to try and get a clue as to what day it was but all I could see was a blank wall. I passed the time practicing my make-up skills, walking in high heels, cleaning my "pussy", and sleeping. After being awoken by another sexy woman bringing me yet another plate of steamed vegetables and a glass of water for my meal. I asked her if I might be able to get something different to eat. "No, you must watch your weight now Melody. You don't want to get fat. Now do you?" she said in a flat voice. "No ma'am. You're right I don't want to get fat," I responded. After I ate my meal I sat on the bed and started to cry. As I sat there crying I realized that as a man I never cried. Not since I was a little boy. But now I was crying at the drop of a hat and at times I felt moodier than I ever had before. My emotions were coming out now not being bottled up like I used to do with them. With nothing better to do I experimented with my make-up skills trying different shades and styles. As I stared at my made up face I couldn't help but feel proud of my skills. By now I had my walking down pat and I could even run a little, bend over to pick something up from the floor, and even jump around in my heels. "You have done very well with your make-up Melody," the Asian woman said startling me out of my reverie. And I have noticed that your skills in the heels looks like you've worn them for years. You move so naturally in them now." "Well I have been walking in them quite a bit lately," I responded feeling proud that my accomplishments had not gone unnoticed. "Well I have brought you something to wear now Melody," she said as she pointed to a box on my bed. I had forgotten that I had been naked since I woke up so long ago. I quickly opened the box to find a matching white lace bra, panties, garter belt with a pair of white stockings, and a new pair of white seven inch platform pumps. "Try them on Melody," she said. I reached for the panties first because I knew how to put them on. The garter belt I could figure out next. But as I looked at the stockings the woman said, "First tuck your garter straps under your panties. You might need to take your panties down to pee... or something else. As I followed her directions she added, "Now bunch the stockings up around your hands and slip them you're your toes and slowly slide them up your legs making sure that there are no wrinkles in them." When I had the stockings, she showed me how to attach the garter tabs to the stockings. "OK now for the bra. First slip your arms through the straps, settle your tits in the cups then reach around behind your back and attach the hook and eye fastener. Now I used to be able to remove a bra off a woman in a flash but putting one on myself was very hard. As soon as I figured it out she came over to me and shifted my titties in the bra a bit saying, "That feels better now. Doesn't it Melody?" "Yes Ma'am it does," I responded as I looked at my reflection in my make- up mirror. As I looked at my reflection I noticed that the white lace was very shear and did nothing to hide my big fat nipples or my useless cock. In fact it seemed to highlight them. "Now practice taking them off and putting them back on until you can do it like the whores you loved to play with," she said with a laugh. I knew better than to say anything but, "Yes ma'am. I'll start to work on it right away." I was afraid of my "shock collar" still. Now I had something else to work on to pass the time. I thought about how the whores undressed for me and how they got dressed when we were done fucking. I realized that they had put on a show for me as they undressed and later dressed. I worked on that show. I practiced removing my bra and panties as I slowly walked across the floor in seven-inch platform pumps. I even practiced tossing them towards the bed. Just like some of the whores I had fucked in the past did to me. As I walked back and forth across my "suite" spinning my panties on my finger I thought about what that woman had said about tucking my garter straps under my panties. She had said to do that because I might need to take my panties down to pee... or something else. Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks and I started to cry. I now knew just what Heather had in mind for me. All the plastic surgery, makeup skills, walking in high heels, and now stripping like the whores I use to fuck. Heather was going to make me her personal Barbie doll and show me off to all our friends. I had humiliated her be cheating on her with cheap street whores and she was going to humiliate me in front of all our friends. That explained why she hadn't had my face changed too much. "Oh my God!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not that!!! Heather!!!! I want to talk to my wife!!! Please!!!" I started to beat on the door as I begged and screamed until my throat was raw and I couldn't utter a peep any more. Then I collapsed on to the bed and cried myself to sleep. As soon as I woke up I headed to the bathroom to pee and clean myself inside and out. After I cleaned my "pussy" out I took a long hot shower. As I soaped my breasts I remembered one whore I had been with. She could suck on her own nipples. Looking down at my own fat nipples I decided to try it myself. Much to my delight my titties were big enough so I could very easily suck on my own nipples. As my own tongue danced over my own hard nipple I felt a wave after wave of pleasure wash over me. I may have a useless cock now but I had nipples that loved to be sucked. The harder I sucked on them the better it felt. I switched back and forth between my hard nipples as I sucked and nibbled on them. I could feel my now useless cock twitching but that was all it could do now. Even though I knew that I was being watched always I couldn't stop myself as I tugged on my now useless cock while I kept sucking on my own hard nipples. I felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over my body as my tongue danced over my own hard nipples. The days passed, if you could call them days. I had no idea what day it was or even what time it was. My meals were brought to me when I was awake so I couldn't judge the time by them. I had totally lost track of time. I had decided to count a day as from when I woke up until I woke up the next time. I know that really doesn't work well but it was all I could do. I didn't have any paper to make a calendar with and I was too afraid to make any marks on anything with my makeup. I just tried to remember my count from day to day. All I could do to pass the time practicing my makeup, walking, and stripping skills. If Heather was going to show me off as her personal Barbie doll I guess that I should be the best Barbie doll I could be for her. I was working on some new looks with my makeup when the black woman walked in carrying a small bag. She set the bag on the bed and walked over to me to look at my makeup. "What look are you going for Melody?" she asked. "Nothing really, I was just trying some different things with my makeup," I replied. With lightning speed, she had my jaw in a painful grip that belied her strength. "It's not your makeup. It belongs to Doctor. And don't you forget it," she said in a snarling voice that chilled my bones. Thinking quickly, I said, "What I meant was that I was trying out different makeup looks Ma'am. I wasn't trying to say that the makeup was mine. I understand that everything here belongs to Doctor Ma'am." "It's a good thing that you understand that Melody. Everything here is Doctor's and don't you ever forget it. Now fix your makeup," she said as she released my face. As I was fixing my makeup I could hear her rattling the bag behind me. When I turned around, in the bed was a red dress with a matching red bra, panties, garter belt, black seamed stockings, and a pair of red seven-inch platform pumps. Just like Melody had been wearing when I fucked her. When this nightmare had started. "Give me your clothes and put on your new outfit Melody," she said with a smile. "Don't you just love it? It's what a street whore would wear," she added with a laugh. My stomach did flips at the sound of her laugh. Not for the first time I thought about Melody. I hope she was OK. She had done nothing wrong that night. It had been entirely my own fault. I could get the lingerie on with no problem thanks to all my practice. I paused to look at the rest of the outfit and thought how my wife had dressed in front of me in the past. I slipped the red dress on and as I smoothed it down over my hips I could see Melody wearing the exact same skin tight dress. I looked at myself in the mirror. A slightly feminine version was looking back at me. There was no way anyone who knew me before wouldn't know just who I was. The skin-tight dress, long hair, nor the makeup did anything to hide my looks enough to disguise who I was. I knew that was what Heather wanted when she showed me off to our friends. She was going for maximum humiliation with this. A humiliation that would last a life time for me. Now I would be totally dependent on my wife's good will for the rest of my life. "Stop making goo goo eyes at yourself in the mirror and listen to me. Now you are to practice stripping while wearing a dress. Just like with the lingerie make sure it's sexy when you do it," she said as she dropped the white lingerie in to the bag, turned and left me there. I would have sworn that I heard a faint chuckle as she left the room. With nothing else to do, that and being afraid of my "shock collar" I started to practice stripping. I knew that Heather would have me doing this sooner or later for our friends. I worked on my stripping skills until I couldn't stay awake any longer. As I hung up my dress and lingerie I noticed that the woman hadn't taken the small bag away with her. Looking in it I saw the while lingerie set in there. I had no idea how long I had worn it but I knew that it needed to be cleaned. Taking the lingerie in to the bathroom I filled the sink with warm water and got ready to add a bit of body wash. I paused and read the label. It contained moisturizer. That wouldn't due for the fine lingerie. I looked at the shampoo and decided that it should be safe to use. I swished the lingerie through the soapy water then I rinsed it all real well before I blotted it dry with my towel and hung it up to dry. As I looked at the sexy white lingerie hanging up in the bathroom I decided that I had better wash the red set too. I stepped out in to the "suite" and did one final strip tease for the night. After the red set was washed and hung up to dry I placed the red dress on the makeup table and neatly placed the shoes under the table. Then I crawled in to bed to sleep. Just as I was slipping off to sleep I decided that I would ask if I could have something to store my clothing in. I woke up as the door opened and three big men walked in and stood around my bed. I looked at them in shock. These men were bare chested wearing tight jeans that showed off the fact that they were very well hung. The smallest of these men looked to be bigger than I was. That is, he was bigger that I was before I got caught cheating on my wife. Together they removed their pants freeing their growing cocks. "You know what to do Melody so get to it whore," one said in a cold voice. I was so scared that I could not move. In a flash the three of them had grabbed me and pulled me out of bed. "I guess Melody wants it the hard way," one said with a laugh. "Just like the whore she is. Right Cupcake?" the one with the biggest cock said as he laughed at me. "Cupcake? That was what one of the men had called me the night my life went to hell," I thought to myself. I was forced to my knees and a hard cock was forced into my mouth. "If I feel your teeth on my cock we will beat you so badly you will beg to die whore," the cock holder growled at me. I knew that he was not bluffing at all. "The Doctor has told us that it would be fine to beat you with in an inch of your life if you tried anything stupid Melody," Someone said. I could not tell who was talking as the hard cock started to fuck deeper and deeper in my mouth. I started to struggle as I started to gag but the other two men held me tight. The man with his hard cock in my mouth laced his fingers through my hair and pushed himself past my gag reflex and in to my throat. "Be glad that we were told to start with the smallest cock first. I wanted to be the first in your throat whore. I wanted to ruin your throat with my big, hard cock but the Doctor wants you to be stretched out before I get my chance. He has plans for you later Cupcake," I was told. These men took turns fucking my mouth like I did with the whores I picked up. The men would cum in my mouth and make me swallow it. At first the flavor and texture of their hot cum would make me to gag and retch much to their amusement. If any drop that fell to the floor my face was pressed in to it and I had to lick it up. I had a fleeting thought that I had not even noticed when the man with the biggest cock used my mouth for his pleasure. And all three of them had me swallow their hard cock until their balls were pressed against my chin. And I had been able to handle it just like a real whore. The three of them stepped back from me and one of them said, "Go clean yourself, fix your makeup, and put something sexy on Melody." I struggled to my feet, grabbed my makeup kit and clothes, and headed in to the bathroom. As I started my enema I noticed that the men were sitting on the bed watching me. I cleaned myself as fast as I could, fixed my makeup, and got dressed. I could not help noticing that I was wearing the same outfit that Melody had worn on that fateful night. Hell, I knew that I was wearing her heels. Maybe this was her outfit too. I said a quick prayer that she was OK. I would feel so bad if anything happened to her because of me. What was I thinking? I had never given a shit about the whores I fucked before. Now I was worried about them. I quickly dried a tear before it could cause my mascara to run. As I walked out of the bathroom, using my sexiest walk, the men stood up and looked me over like I was a piece of meat. To them that is all I was. I was just a whore to be used for their pleasure. And if I did not want to get hurt I knew that I had better make sure that they were happy with me. Suddenly I was grabbed and tossed on to the bed. Someone ripped my panties off while my legs were pulled over my head. Someone spit on my asshole right before I felt his hard cock pressing against me. "It is time for you to become a real whore now," he said as he pressed his hard cock in to my ass. "Your pussy is nice and tight Melody. For now, that is. We are going to loosen your pussy up whore." He laughed as I screamed in pain. "Stop! Stop!" I begged. "You are going to tear me apart," I yelled as they just laughed at me. I felt hands on my huge titties pinching and twisting my hard nipples, giving me some pleasure. I was passed around between the three men and tossed around in different positions as they continued to fuck me. With each fucking it got easier for me. Between being stretched out and having their cum lubricating my pussy for them made it easier for me. I found myself straddling the man with the biggest cock's hips, his cock nestled between my ass cheeks. "Ride me like the whore you are Melody," He growled at me. I raised up, grabbed his cock, and positioned it at my sore pussy hole. Slowly I lowered myself all the way on to him. Once he was all the way in me I grabbed my titties and started to ride his cock for all I was worth. As I was playing with my nipples I thought about how I had watched a woman suck her own nipples as she rode me. I pushed my titties up and sucked on my own nipples causing a wave of pleasure to wash over me causing me to moan with pleasure. It did not matter that I could feel my useless cock flopping around as I rode a real man's big cock. I just wanted that pleasure to last forever. The man grabbed my hips and drove his hard cock deeper in my well fucked pussy hole and with a loud grunt he filled me with his hot cum. When he was done with me he just pushed me off him and got up. The other two men stood over me and jerked off over me, shooting their hot loads all over my face and body. All I could do was lay there covered in cum as their cum leaked out of my pussy hole while they got dressed and left. As they walked out Doctor and my wife walked in. "Clean up and fix your makeup Melody," my wife said with a sneer. I ran as fast as my well fucked body could move. I dove in to the shower, not waiting for the water to get hot, and cleaned all the cum from my body. As I was washing I noticed a glob of cum on my chin so I wiped it up with my finger and licked it clean. "Oh my God, I really have fallen," I thought to myself. Fearing my training device, I quickly fixed my makeup, dried my hair, and returned to stand before Doctor and Heather with my head lowered. "As you just saw, Melody can handle larger men now. And I'm sure that she will follow your orders to the letter Heather. All it will take is a "tickle" from her training device," Doctor said. Just hearing him mention the training device caused me to tremble as I stood before them. "I see that just the thought of it is causing a reaction in her," Heather said with a laugh. "You did wonderful work Doctor. Don't you think so Melody?" my wife asked me. "Yes Ma'am. Doctor did a wonderful job on me," I said trying to sound cheerful. "Melody will be ready for you to take with you shortly Heather," Doctor said. "Wonderful Doctor. I cannot wait. Now Melody you should thank the Doctor for all of the work he did for you," my wife said to me. "Thank you so very much Doctor. For everything you did for me," I said as I noticed a scowl starting to form on my wife's face. I knew that I had screwed up. But maybe I could save myself. "You did a wonderful job Doctor. May I be allowed to thank you properly Doctor," I said as I dropped to my knees and opened Doctor's pants freeing his growing cock. I place a soft kiss on the head then slowly swallowed his cock allowing it to enter my throat. I bobbed my head up and down as I caressed his heavy balls. Moaning softly, I worked my tongue around his shaft and head as I gave him the blowjob that I wish I could have again. I felt hands pressing my head deeper on to Doctor's hard cock causing me to gag some. I realized that it was Heather's hands on my head. My wife was making me gag on Doctor's cock as he started to cum in my throat. "I'll have Melody ready for you shortly Heather," Doctor said as he wiped his cock across my face. The two of them left without even a look back at me. As they left a woman walked in carrying a bag. "First things first. Go fix your makeup then you will get dressed to leave us Melody," she said. I quickly repaired my makeup and stood before her. From the bag, she pulled out an outfit for me. It was a skin tight red dress that would show off my huge jiggly tits while just barely covered my ass with my garter straps and stocking tops fully exposed. It was the outfit Melody wore on that night. I already had her heels so I grabbed them and got dressed. It looked like my wife was really going to humiliate me in front of our friends, dressing me in my last whore's clothing. Once I was dressed I was lead from my room in Casa de Hell to the parking garage where I saw Heather leaning against my Lexis. "Get in," was all she said as she got in the car. As we drove Heather said, "You already know that you have humiliated me by fucking common street whores. I had to find a doctor that I did not know to get tested for nasty diseases. I could not go to my doctor and have him do those tests. You are lucky that you did not infect me with anything. Things might have been so much worse if you had. As it is you are going to live in the basement. You will enter and leave through the back door and you will not come up stairs unless I request you. Do you understand? You will also have to earn your keep. Seeing as how you have lost your job as a lawyer you must figure out how to make money now. Do you have any ideas how you can do that Melody? That's right you are going to be a sissy street whore. Just like the women you loved to fuck so much. What do you think about that Melody?" I looked down at my double D titties with my nipples poking against my dress for a moment before I answered, "How much should I charge Heather?" "You will charge two thirds what a real whore charges. Because you only have two thirds the holes for men to use. I'm sure that you remember what they charged you." "So, I will charge them fifteen for a blowjob, thirty for a straight fuck, and sixty for everything. Lips, hips, and finger tips. Thr... two holes no waiting," I said as I quoted Melody's line. "Maybe you will see some of your old friends tonight," my wife said as she pulled over to a dingy street corner. It was the corner I had picked up Melody at. "Now get out and make some money. The basement door will be unlocked at six and not a minute before. And you had better make a lot of money so you can work off your debts. I'm sure that you remember where all the whore motels are so you are ready to go to work. I will see you in the morning. I'm sure that you can 'work' out a way home in the morning," Heather said as she tossed me a purse that matched my dress. After my wife drove away leaving me to my new job as a big titted sissy street whore I looked in my purse and saw that it was loaded with rubbers, lube, and makeup. I was ready to start my new life now. I saw an old pickup pulling up in front of me. "You looking for a date?" I asked as I leaned in the passenger window. All I needed was some gum to crack as I spoke.

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My St Pauli Girl Pt 1

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Altered Fates Body Double

Rick Mason woke up to his wife's giggles. He had been sleeping in because he had 3 days off his company gave him for all of the late night hours put in to correct some serious computer problems. Rick rolled over and was shocked to discover he had breasts! Now wide-awake, he sat up in bed and felt the newly acquired flesh on his chest bounce around. He also had a lock of blonde hair fall into his face. He automatically swept the hair back behind his left ear, just as his wife would...

4 years ago
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Pleasure For You

It's been a long day and my body feels tense. I feel like I need something, some way of relaxing and making myself feel good... I smile. I know what's up and I know just the thing to fix it. You.My hands run along my body and I sigh softly. I feel so needy and I ache for some kind of release. I need to cum, I need to pleasure myself, now. Thoughts of you always fill my head when I am feeling this way, such intense feelings of desire and want just make my need stronger. I need to touch myself. ...

1 year ago
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Adventures In Rubber Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Jason was getting frustrated. The embroidered jacket was chafing, the bar scotch he'd ordered was watery, and he was sweating in the rubber pants. What the hell he thought, I may as well enjoy my drinking, if I can't enjoy the bloody party. He poured his drink into an abandoned margarita, and caught the bartender's eye. "Double shot of Macallan, neat," he ordered. The bartender, a bored-looking gorilla in a nun's habit, said, "Top shelf is four bucks a shot," waited for his reaction,...

2 years ago
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A Betting Gal Allie

“The usual bet on tonight’s game?” Shannon asked as the Duke v. North Carolina basketball game tipped off. Shannon and I have been placing the same bet on this game since we moved in together three years ago. Nothing special – loser has to clean up the apartment, cook all the meals, and wait on the other hand and foot for an entire day. In essence, the loser is not allowed to say no to the winner for 24 hours. Last year, when I won, Shannon had to wake up at 5am, go to the grocery store, and...

4 years ago
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Candy Cane

Candy Cane . That’s the scent that has been left lingering in my clothes tonight, and the more I smell it, the wetter my panties become. It’s the most sensuous thing, the way you blow the smoke from your hookah into my mouth, your lips so close to mine, yet not close enough to touch, or to kiss me passionately the way I’ve secretly wanted you to for all of these years. It’s a trick I’m guessing you picked up working nights at the hookah lounge downtown, along with the way you know how to pack...

2 years ago
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Box Office Bang P11

I sat back on my haunches as Gemma began to rub her clit. Off to one side, Redhead was listening intently and groaning as Gemma's tale of debauchery continued! I reached into the box at the side of the bed and grabbed a bottle of lube and squirted a generous amount of oil onto my shaft and slowly began to squeeze and wank it as Gemma's story unfolded. "...so anyway, there was no, erm...finesse, I think they call it...and the next thing I know, he'd got me pushed up against this tree, hand round...

4 years ago
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My Family Secret

Hi to all ISS readers my name is Pradeep and I am 29 years old. ISS is my favorite site every since my childhood and now I got some time to share some of my stories with you all. Today, I’m going to share a story with you guys and I hope you all will like it. I’m a young boy from a poor family living in slums of Hyderabad. My family consists of me, my father my mother who is 28 years old and my sister, my father work is a plumber. All the money he earns he spend them on drinking. We were...

2 years ago
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Jaipur K Tc M Ladki Ko Ptakar Choda

Hiiii friends im sahil from Jaipur, age 25 main Vaishlingr m rehta hu. Main aik builder hu or chut chatne mujhse sabse jada pasand h agar koi ladki bhabhi mujhe chut chatwana chahti ho to mujhr mail kare or believe rakhna relation 100% secret rahega Aise to meri bahut sari gfs h kyu k unhe chut chatwana pasand h or mujhe chut chatna,, bahut baar to maine 2 real sisters k chut aik h sath chati h Yeh story 20 days purani h jab main evening m apne frnds k sath masti krne gaya tha. Bole to drink...

2 years ago
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First time beach and pizza

After our trip to the porn store we talked about it a lot. It was obvious that it turned her on and I mad it very apparent that is was a huge turn on for me as well. Telling her that others seeing her naked was a favorite of mine but not actually telling her I really wanted to see her play with other guys. I wasn’t able to bring myself to fully tell her about that fantasy deep inside me just yet. Having the weekend off together, something that didn’t happen very often, we both decided to make...

2 years ago
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My Wife My Hooker Part 5

Introduction: Final Edition Jay and I sit on the couch waiting for the party to begin. I look at Jay Well didnt think you had it in you Ya me neither but when Aimee crawled over to me i figure what the fuck lets see how far she will go There are no limits, both of them know this now Isnt the Basketball game on today Ya i think it is, I will put it on, Nothing like fucking sluts and watching basketball I walk over to the table and grab the remote. I hit the power button the the tv comes to...

2 years ago
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76 year old woman fucked while camping

It was late summer and I was on a cross country trip on my motorcycle. I pull a camper with it so it makes it a lot less expensive to stop for the night. Campgrounds are usually good with showers, laundry facilities and a convenience store. I had ridden about 400 miles when I decided I had enough and checked my GPS for the nearest campground. Fortunately for me there was one a few miles up the road. When I stopped for gas I called ahead and managed to get a site to use that had electric and...

1 year ago
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Invited Home

Chapter 1 I'm new to Atlanta, having moved here from near Chicago, and, being new and working for a big company, I've met all kinds of people; it's been even kind of hard to keep track of them all. In fact, rather than my old circle of friends, there are so many new people I now know that it had left me somewhat insecure and lonely. A few months ago, I had been introduced to Roy and Carol by a mutual friend and they seemed to like me right away. Roy was tall, about six-two, trim, handsome,...

2 years ago
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The Mulberrys Nanny Part 1

“You must be Miku,” she said holding out her hand. I shook her hand, “Yes I am, and you must be Ms. Mulberry.” “Sharon is fine.” “Ok Sharon it is.” She sat me down on her soft velvet like couch. She served me a drink of water and asked me about myself. Like how old am I, have I had a job like this before, what was life like in Japan. I answered all of her questions, mostly with nods and uh huhs. “You speak great English!” “Why thank you,” I repled. “My writing and...

3 years ago
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Break the Gilded Cage Ch 06

Well, folks, here is the conclusion of break the gilded cage, a story I started in 2005, wrote most of…then just got stuck. I doubt anyone is still waiting anxiously but still, it’s done. If you want to read it by itself, that’s fine, but it does better with the rest of the novella. Be aware that this is the only chapter that has sex in it. -Elenia Conclusion Julian and Alania had been traveling for three months together and even Alania was surprised at how well they got along. Considering...

2 years ago
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That Very Day

When I was working in a Hotel in the South Eastern part of Nigeria, my wife and I had a common friend named Ebi, a stunning beauty in herself, with a good height of 5’6” and a good figure of 38-28-34 and she must be around 24 years of age and was unmarried. Her knockers were the main attraction for me whenever she used to visit us. She would always wear a short skirt and a tight blouse or top, which would make her tight and erect boobs jut out and they would always be pointed. My eyes used to...

2 years ago
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Betsys Babies

Betsy’s husband went looking for her. There were only a few places he needed to look. Now that the kids were older she couldn’t just bend over the kitchen table or lay down on the dirty clothes in the laundry room. She had a bit of discretion, after all. Their bedroom was reserved for copulating with him or invited guests in his presence. The rest of the time she could be found in the tack room of the barn or, more likely, in the farmhand quarters. If the 4-wheeler was gone she could be out in...

1 year ago
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A Lesson In Deception

"It doesn't look any different," the young Rogue said, standing hands on hips at the bottom of a narrow defile. On either side of him were two innocuous looking piles of red rocks. "Looks can be deceiving," I smiled, nodding at my tall delicately boned wife. She raised an eyebrow at me, and then smiled. "Do you have any idea what he means, Muse Blaster?" she asked the brown-robed man, who was carefully examining the walls of the defile. He probably expected cowled Ninjas to pour down...

2 years ago
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Fun With My College Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys, I am a student in college third year and staying in Delhi. I am a big fan of this indian sex stories site and wanted to share my story with you Guys. I hope everyone likes it. This is my first story and I am sorry for any mistakes please try to enjoy it because this was the beginning of my sex journey with my dream girl. Anyone interested in any type of sex activity please mail me on Will be waiting for comments and suggestion and ladies. So let me tell you about myself more. My name...

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