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It was two in the morning of Christmas Eve (or, I suppose, properly, Christmas Day) that I got the phone call from Marilynn Williams.

I had sort of known Marilynn for a couple of years, but only sort of. She was a young woman who had dated a couple of men I knew, and presumably several I didn't. The times I talked to her she seemed pleasant and intelligent, but I had never really gone out with her -- mostly because I had been dating others. She seemed nice enough, though.

That "really" was because a friend of mine was part of a group of four going to a concert, and he bowed out because of a stomach virus but called me to substitute (and get back the price of the ticket). I did not pay for Marilynn, but the other couple was definitely a couple, so what constitutes a date is the question, I guess. I never asked her out again, though we got along well.

She did not seem to have any long relationships, but she was young enough that she might not have been interested at the time. I did not think about her in particular, one way or another, until she called. I did not even know where she lived, though I think I knew it wasn't far from me. The once we went out together she walked to my place. All this sounds like I had thought about her a lot, but really it's that afterward I had tried to reconstruct what I had known about her.

The reason she was calling me at 2 a.m. was that she was looking for a place to stay. There was a fire in her apartment building (probably somebody hooking up a Christmas tree stupidly, one fireman told her) and while her part of the building was safe, with maybe damp halls, the fire department was not letting anybody back in.

She went down the list of everybody whose numbers she remembered, and nobody was home over the holiday, and then she started looking up names in the directory, or really getting numbers from directory assistance because somebody tore up the directory in this phone booth, and this was the last of the quarters she borrowed, and she was getting cold, and... Could she sleep on a couch or in a corner or something?

That was all in one breath, punctuated by shivers, so she was cold for sure. And while she was talking, I thought: the place is a mess. She can help move stuff off the couch. This is a hell of a night to be out, with the two feet of snow and the fact that it had half-melted already, so the top of everything was ice. (Maybe worse where she was, with the heat from the fire.) So when she stopped for breath, I just said: "Where are you?"

It was only about four blocks, and I put on a heavy coat for the trip. A car would be useless, I thought, since the fire trucks would keep me away from where she was. As soon as I opened the door to the street, I found out that a wind had come up during the night, and it was a strong and cold one.

That trip was like something from a dream, or maybe a nightmare, with half the houses lit up with lights and everything covered in icicles -- the pavement too. And being awakened at 2 a.m. added to the effect.

The fire was visible a block away, audible further than that, and I could make out Marilynn Williams easily. She saw me and turned toward me, and I could see that she was dressed in an old top coat with one button, and cotton pajamas. (The coat, when I asked her later, she said was the warmest she had.)

When we were a dozen feet apart, I saw a mass of ice on one building loosen and fall toward her. I yelled at Marilynn to move back, and she did so without thinking. That turned out to be a mixed blessing. The ice actually hit to the right of where she had been, right into a big puddle from melted snow and fire-hose water, where a storm-drain had been blocked up. The splash went right for her.

So instead of a cold unhappy young woman, we now had a freezing soaked miserable young woman. I took off my coat, which normally would have been not as good as what Marilynn had but was dry, and put it on her. Hers I carried, figuring that I would suffer less in the four blocks than she.

We really only walked one block. A man saw us, got the situation in a sentence, and drove us the rest. Once in my apartment, I moved her into my bathroom, stripping my coat off as I did. I told her to pass me her pajamas so I could hang them up, and take a hot shower so she could get halfway back to normal.

Her hand was waving the soaked clothing from the door in a few seconds, and I grabbed it. That place did not have either washer or dryer; I just took laundry down in the basement, but that was locked up now. This may be a good place to describe Marilynn Williams. She was five foot two, dark-haired, a long face (more so at that moment), with small but nice breasts and a trim body. Not that I saw it at that moment; all I saw was the waving hand. Long fingers.

A couple of minutes later I walked into the bathroom with a couple of fresh towels, a set of my old pajamas, a bathrobe, and a cup of hot chocolate. She acted disturbed from what I could see behind the shower door (all I really recall seeing was one nipple, dark against the skin) so I called to her what I was leaving, and left.

Soon she emerged, saying to me, "I'm still cold, I'm still very tired, but I'm a lot better. I want to thank you very much."

I started to tell Marilynn to forget it, it was nothing, but instead decided to tease her a bit. "It's very seldom that I find a woman who is actually eager to go into my apartment, get naked, and spend the night with me."

She blushed very prettily, laughed a bit, and replied, "My God, I hadn't thought of it that way!"

I had cleared the couch while she was showering, so we sat there. The cup of cocoa got rid of the tiredness, for a while at least, but soon she said, "I must have really been chilled to the bone. Could you turn the heat up in here?"

"The whole building's on a timer, and I'm not sure it would help much anyway. The only real solution is to stand in the kitchen by an open flame. Or-- well, I hesitate to suggest it, since we don't know each other all that well, but I could just hold you to warm you up."

Marilynn looked over at me, very seriously. "I guess I could trust you... I guess I might as well, since I'm already staying in your apartment overnight!" And she touched her hand to mine. Yes, she was chilled to the bone. A good thing my body-mass was about twice hers.

We spent some time there, my arms around her, the bathrobe over us, talking softly. She admitted to me that two of the men she called from the phone booth were home, but told her pointedly that she would not be welcome because they already had someone with them.

I told her that was short-sighted. If the other, uh, guest sleeping over was another woman, *she* would not object -- though she's want to be consulted. Any amatory activities which might be postponed through discretion might be more intense later for being postponed. Taking Marilynn in for the night should raise a man in two women's estimation, and that can always be useful to a single man.

Marilynn was silent, and changed the subject.

But we both got sleepy, and that was a problem. The couch was too narrow for us both to stretch out, we could not sleep comfortably sitting up, and she still needed my warmth -- or maybe just the comfort of being held.

In any case, there came a point when she said timidly, "Charlie?"


"How far could I trust you?"


"Would it be all right if we moved to your bed? I mean, I don't want you to think I want to have sex with you or anything, but you are so warm and all--"

"All I want to do is sleep, with or without you. Let's get in there fast; the more I wake up, the more you would tempt me."

The truth was that I hoped I was tired enough to sleep instead of lying there thinking about Marilynn lying beside me in bed. I took off my clothing down to shorts and got the blankets over us, and prayed it would not be a hard night. Actually, it got hard as soon as I touched her under the covers, but that's another story. I ignored it. She did not seem to notice it. But I still wished that she hadn't decided to kiss me good night.

The next thing I knew was about six in the morning, maybe three hours later, when Marilynn crawled back in beside me from a trip to the bathroom. "You should know," she said softly, "that you are the first man I have ever spent the night with."

"I should tell you," I replied, "that it's a lot more fun that way. Too many people these days just have sex and go. Lying there together afterwards is the best part in a lot of ways. You should try it."

She made an odd kind of sound, half laugh and half whimper, and lay there for a moment.

"You are so relaxed," she said. "All my boyfriends always seem so much in a hurry about -- you know, going to bed."

"Hmm. Well, already being there may be a factor." She laughed. "But there's also the fact that I haven't known you well enough to be hot for your body. Though the proximity is changing that situation some."

"I never knew that a man has to know a woman to, to want her that way."

"He doesn't. But at least for me it gets stronger if I do."

"Me too. I wish..." But she never finished the sentence.

We both dropped off again.

Two hours or so later I woke to find my right arm around her, palm curled around one breast. She was holding my hand with her left one, but her right was around my erection, cupping it. She woke a little after me, and jerked her hand away when she realized where it was, lifting my hand away also. She blushed again. "I'm sorry," she said.

"No real need to apologize. Your body acts independently while you are asleep. And I like it anyway."

She rolled over and looked at me. "I like it too much myself. I feel tempted to touch you."

"Well. We can do some of that. Just tell me when you want to stop." I was prepared to call it off myself if the temptation got too strong. My body was keyed up enough that it would only take seconds in the bathroom with my hand and imagination if I let myself go.

"I hope.. I hope I can trust myself," she said. But it was only a half-minute before she reached for me.

That kiss was tentative, because she was nervous. But she calmed down and it became very intense very quickly. She raised her head and looked into my eyes. "I don't know, I don't know..." she whispered. But she went back to kissing me, and to responding to my tongue.

I explored the inside of her mouth and gradually she became more aggressive herself. I was surprised at the way her little pointed worm reached into me, to my teeth, the inside of my lips, almost my tonsils... And that with frequent stops while she gasped for breath.

"Nobody's ever done this for such a long time with me," she said.

"I like doing it. As long as I don't always stop there."

She looked at me a little nervously, but smiled.

My hand slid under the lower edge of her (well, my) pajama top. I moved my fingers back and forth, caressing her, as we alternated between kissing and holding and resting. Slowly I moved higher on her body, until she jumped when I reached the bottom of her left breast. She paused and looked at me again, then moved my palm to where it had been when we awoke -- no, further, because now it was cupping the breast and I could feel the tight very hard nipple. It was very sensitive, too, as I found soon.

More touches, more kisses, then I opened the bottom-most of the three buttons on the pajama top. Marilynn drew in a breath, but did not stop me. Then the second button. Finally the third, and then I drew back the cloth and her soft little mounds were exposed to the light. She was on her back by now.

My fingers continued to explore her, my mouth went back to her sweet lips time and again, and then I lifted my head and lowered it on her body, on the left breast, and on the point of coral there. She gasped, and I felt her heart speed up as I drew the erect nipple up with my lips.

Now I sometimes kissed her lips and sometimes those tips, but always one hand or both touched her breasts, grazing or pulling or twisting her nipples.

Then I reached my hand beneath her and pulled towards me, pressing her breasts to my chest and our tongues fenced again. I massaged her shoulder-blades until she sighed once again. "Nobody's ever done this, so slowly," she told me.

"If a woman is worth doing anything with, she is worth doing it with at length."

She made the same half-laugh again.

Then I moved my hand from her back to the waistband of the pajama bottom. I slid my palm down, touching and caressing her butt. Then lower, and lower, until I had reached the dividing point and began to come up again. Her body jerked in my arms as I touched her entrance and found it wet.

"Oh, I don't know," she whispered. "But, yes, go on." And I did.

My fingertips spread her labia, moved the moisture around the outside, played around the opening. I moved Marilynn to her back again and untied the drawstring, then slid my hand down again. With this greater freedom, I could cup her from pubic hair to the far edge of her lower lips, and touch every point along the way. Only a few strokes on the clitoris brought her to a high pitch of excitement.

And with a few more her hips jerked up and her body shook in orgasm. "That's better than when I do it myself. I've never had a man do that to me," she whispered. "I know it's supposed to happen when you're... inside, but it never has."

Well, this explained why her relationships did not seem to last. Just bad luck on her part. She was one of the sort who take a long preparation. I returned to her core and began to build her up again.

This time it was my turn to jump when her hand dipped into my shorts to circle and hold my erection. Not that her fingernails dug in or anything; after the first contact her grip was exactly right, then she tightened her grip and gently tugged --which made me realize how far along I was.

"I've never felt this way with a man," she said. "It all seems so natural. I'm not sure... But do you have... have..."

"Yes," I said. And I took the foil-wrapped packet from a drawer by the bed.

"Oh, I want you, but I'm not sure if I should." And I decided to tip the balance by a finger on the scale. Or two did it, really; spreading her apart after I lowered the pajamas enough that her legs were free to also spread.

"Oh. Oh. Yes, I want you!" she said.

It took only a moment to drop my shorts and slip the condom on, another to take the pajamas from one foot, another to rest between her legs, and then I touched the opening of the tunnel of love.

I rubbed her natural lubrication on the head of my erection, not because it was needed since the condom was lubricated, but to prolong the anticipation and give us both an extra sensation. Marilynn trembled, but in a very different way from last night's shivers.

I put the head inside her and paused. She looked up at my eyes and made a low cry. When she arched up to kiss me, the action slid me in a little more and her mouth opened before it got to mine.

I took advantage of the opening and the reaction of her body to the double invasion made me go further into the other opening. Then I withdrew and came in again; this time I met resistance.

This, then, was the reason that Marilynn had spoken of all her boyfriends moving too fast and perhaps why her relationships did not seem to last long. She had never been given the time to really prepare her for going all the way with a man, never gotten to relax enough, but always forced with one degree of discomfort or another -- so that she was always nervous and tight, but never enthusiastic.

"Please, please... Don't stop," she begged when she broke from the kiss. And I moved in gradually until I could feel the walls inside stretch and give and move aside as her mouth opened again and her eyes went wide. My next stroke went deep into her as her walls spread to accommodate a man in comfort for the first time in her life. She trembled again, and it felt very good to feel it around me.

I moved slowly, to allow her to accustom herself to the actions, to let her enjoy it more, and, frankly, because I was sure that if I sped up I would not last long. As it was I spent long periods with only the end of my erection within her, to cool down.

She made impatient noises after I had done this for a while, so I came down quickly and hard for one stroke, using my thumb on her clitoris so that she climaxed when I was deep inside her, the first vaginal climax of her life. The way her muscles tightened made me very glad that I had stayed out so long.

It was only another minute before I gave her another peak experience between clitoral stroking, internal stroking, and rubbing her now-stretched labia at the bottom. At about that time she discovered the idea of raising her legs to wrap around my back.

Now I settled in for a long ride. It was perhaps twenty minutes later that I felt her clamping down again on me as she had a purely vaginal orgasm. And another ten when one came again a little after I pumped hot jelly into the condom and she cried that she could feel it there. Marilynn held me so tightly in both her arms and legs that I fantasized that she would either break my bones or dislocate hers.

We rested, and even dozed a little, though it was past time to get up. At ten-thirty she went back to her apartment (in good shape, as the firemen said) and went to visit relatives for Christmas.

The next morning, a Saturday, she called and dropped in, and we made long delicious love again. Eventually we did split up, since there was a strong friendship but nothing more, really. She did find someone else, and married him. As did I, come to that. (No, not him.)


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MAU: TheSlayer2 - The New Faith This is a continuation of MUA: The Slayer and it is best if you read that story before this one. If you insist on going forward without reading The Slayer first, I have included a very condensed "cliff note" version below, but reading the Slayer is still recommended. The short version of The Slayer. A hospital orderly named Dan Stevens watches unseen as Agents B & W interview a user of a Morphic Adaptation Unit in a mental institute who is...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Natalie Brooks Gets One Hell Of A Facial

Natalie Brooks is ready to get naked and ready to fuck! She is so excited to be LIVE and to be with Jay Smooth! She loves how that hard cock feels in her mouth and Jay knows just how to fuck her to make her cum over and over! She just can not get enough. Jay gets her in doggy and lets her get on top so you can see those beautiful legs in their fishnets! She rips the hole open more and really gets to feel that cock balls deep! She knows all about Jays famous facials and is eager to see just how...

3 years ago
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Our First New HomeChapter 2

Ann came over at about ten o'clock. She had a glass in each hand. It was that same drink that they had plied us with last night. She gave Dave and me each one and told us to drink up. I tried to tell her that I don't drink in the morning but she smiled and said, "Silly girl! Of course you do! You do whatever I want you to." I knew that I really didn't want to drink the drink in my hand. But for some reason that I really didn't understand, I also knew that I had to. I took a sip. It was...

2 years ago
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The Sins of a Submissive BabysitterChapter 2

Six full months have passed since the new babysitter entered into the household of the most esteemed Reverend John Stiffworthy and his somewhat flirtatious and definitely disobedient wife Gloria. The Reverend’s move to the smaller and more isolated parish was at the request of the Bishop until the dreadful rumors about things of a sexual nature with the Boys’ Choir had died down sufficiently for him to return to the center of the church’s headquarters without controversy. It was actually...

1 year ago
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My Slut Wife Sally Part 3

-----------------------------------The Second MorningAfter Sally had pulled herself together, she and I went to the kitchen after some coffee. There at the table, Bob was washing down a sweet roll with a glass of milk. "Did you enjoy your wife's recital this morning?" Bob asked me. I was pissed. I bit my tongue and didn't say anything. Bob was grinning like the Cheshire cat, he was enjoying Sally's humiliation too much to miss this chance to rub her nose in it. "It took a little encouragement,...

3 years ago
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THE SHOPPING CENTRE A by request sto

It was just after lunchtime and the arcade was quite busy with lots of people doing their weekend shopping. Pieter and Silva met in the little cafe they had agrees to use, when they had got talking on the Metro earlier in the day, but could not get a table and ended up standing in the corner pushed up against each other.Pieter could feel Silva’s lovely firm arse against his thigh and his hand started to stroke it through her jeans - his long, strong, fingers pressing against her thighs and ass...

1 year ago
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Eporner Latina

What’s up, you immaculate freaks? I need you to level with me here. Latin babes are the sexiest girls in the fucking world, am I right? If you’re shaking your head, you’re a goddam liar, and you should learn to be honest with yourself. Seriously. Take a walk and think about the person you’ve become.God put Latin bitches on this earth as a sign that, no matter what, he still loves us. And every single day, we should bow our heads and thank him for blessing us with these fiery, fat-ass sex...

Latina Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My New Vibrator Arrived Today

I can hardly think straight. All day, only one thing has been on my mind: my soaking wet pussy. My panties had a hard time soaking up the mess.I bought myself a new vibrator to compliment my nice collection of dildoes, anal plugs and other random sex toys. This new vibrator was small, only about 5 inches long, with metal tips at the head. These metal pieces are suppose to hit every nerve in my clit, sending me over the edge. Well, when I get home, I guess I'll find out.As soon as I get home I...

3 years ago
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Britney Spears Parental DisconsentPart Four

As James continued mouth-fucking Britney Spears, the dog came closer to the active couple. Within a few steps his sensitive nose picked up a distinctive scent. The scent of sex. This encouraged him to lurch forward even more. All the while James kept a watchful eye on the animal. He remained at the ready to fight off the dog if it decided to rescue the captive diva. Meanwhile, Britney was having a hard time breathing past the cock stuffing down her throat. She was totally unaware of the...

1 year ago
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For the Love of Another Chapter 8

After the fiasco at the restaurant, things calmed down a bit. I stayed at home with the girls but now Mel ignored me almost completely. We weren't naked all the time anymore and Allison had found a job. Now it was only Melisa, jobless and uneducated, who lounged around the house in her underwear while we supported her. Allison and I went out every once and a while, not telling the third party. Even though I could feel our relationship breaking apart, we all got closer in other ways. The sex we...

3 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 27

When Frank came in from the garage, carrying a couple of bottles of beer, he said, "I put two cases in the garage fridge along with some Coke and Mountain Dew. There is both regular of each kind of soda and diet decaf of each. That ought to take care of it. Bill said he was picking up some bottles of tea mixes and some snacks." Frank gave me a fresh beer as he went into the kitchen, where I then heard Shirley squeal because he came back in with only two beers. He put one of them on the...

2 years ago
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OOPS! By Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1997 The lake was calm and quiet. The silence was broken only by the sounds a lone fisherman retrieving his gear from the trunk of his car and lugging it to the shoreline. There was no beach here. The wooded land simply ended in water. This lake was for fishermen, not for swimmers or run of the mill boaters. It was a wilderness lake that didn't offer much for the general public. Ed loved to fish but never really caught much. His...

4 years ago
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My First Group Scene Part I

I met him cruising on Citadel Hill on night. I was about 17 and he was in his early 50's. Since my first encounter I knew I was into older men; daddies.He was also a bit bearish--bigger than me at about 6'1" 220lbs.The first night we met I was sitting around the back of The Hill where it's dark. I was wearing a muscle shirt and very skimpy running shorts. Because no one was around, I had my cock out the side and I was stroking it waiting for some action. Some nights on The Hill can be slow, and...

3 years ago
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Bating with the Neighbor

In retrospect, I’m sure my situation wasn’t all that different than a lot of married men my age. In my mid fifties I still had a very high sexual desire, a desire that just wasn’t met with a once a week suck/fuck session with my wife of 26 years. Don’t get me wrong, I was very great full, as most of my friends were jealous of what I was getting and felt lucky to get any pussy a couple of times a year. As time went by, I found myself watching porn and stroking my cock with greater and greater...

2 years ago
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My aunts bra

This story takes place towards the end of my high school. I was over eighteen and ripe with energy that I didn’t know where it came from; energy that kept me restless and got me into trouble more than once. There were five members in our household: my uncle, his wife, my grandmother, my younger aunt, and myself. My younger aunt was the smallest of my mother’s siblings and was still waiting to be married. But this story is not about her; it is about my uncle’s wife. My uncle’s wife didn’t really...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 8

Freshly cleaned, we returned to the bedroom. I sat on the bed and massaged my raging erection which was exacerbated by the attention it received in the cleaning process. “Ok, princess,” Heather said to Jess, “it’s time that you learned how to handle Aaron. You should probably remove your veil. Things may get messy.” She continued, “Have him stand up and remove his cock ring. Aaron, I’m going to apologize in advance but some lessons are painful.” Jess seemed to take to the task with renewed...

2 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 13

Commander Thoreau did indeed see McCock and his coterie during those four weeks of leave. They came to the gym to work out. Noting how easily and gracefully they now moved as they practiced their warm up, he chuckled as he recalled their first efforts – he never thought any of those awkward clumsy children could improve. But Aggy was patient and after the first months of fruitless attempts, he changed the programme to old fashioned formal dancing to the shock horror of the regulars. He passed...

4 years ago
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Into The Forest

She didn’t know why but something was calling her into the woods.She stepped carefully, the ground was cold and moist under her bare feet. Sticks and dried leaves littered the forest floor. It would only get thicker and denser the further she went.She didn’t know how far she had to go but she was being pulled by an unknown force, let a rope was gripping her waist tightly and she was being guided where to go, nervous but not afraid.The hairs on her arm stood up as a cool wind blew around her on...

3 years ago
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Demetrius Ch 0506

Chapter 5 It was almost three in the morning yet there was still traffic, insomniacs doing whatever they did at this late hour. It was a beautiful summer night, still warm. He walked three blocks before turning to go down a street less busy, less traveled and regretfully darker than the one he left. He questioned his prudence being unaware of what places to avoid, since what’s normally safe during the day is often not at night. He intended on taking a shortcut when suddenly something swooped...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Kyler Quinn That Went In My Butt

The lovely Kyler Quinn ? is back with us today and she’s here to take Damion Dayski’s 12-inch dick ? up her butt ? in this week’s Hussie?Pass update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ????? Damion gets Kyler all lubed up ?? and we get to watch her twerk that cute little ass of hers ? Damion then makes sure her pussy is nice and wet by going down on her ?? first while she’s twerking, then with Kyler spread-eagle. Kyler returns the oral favor by...

1 year ago
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Sexfighting league F

"Bella! Fifteen more minutes and you're on!" came the call from one of the stage hands. "I got it, thanks!" I yelled through the door. I stared at my reflection in the mirror of my locker room. For a thirty six year old woman, I thought I was in good shape. Luxurious dark hair, large breasts, firm stomach, an ass that was thick and firm. Part of it was genetics, I'll admit. Being of half Filipina and Latina descent, I somehow got the best of both worlds. From the first, that sort of Asian...

3 years ago
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The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

Back in my escorting days I had this one client who, whenever we were getting down to it at the end of the evening, made a big thing about how she didn't do anal. About how her arsehole was sacred and no cock was ever going up it. She said anal sex was dirty and only desperate women did it because they couldn't get a man any other way. I'd been seeing her once or twice a month for four or five months by this point. She was in her very late 40s, petite, with bottle blonde hair and a wardrobe...

1 year ago
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A Routine EnslavementEpilogue

Ten Years Later Much has changed in Stephanie's life and in my life. Ten eventful years have passed. Stephanie has established herself now in the profession psychologist Paul Gregory suggested to her. She is a practicing slave Advocate and is also called upon to teach classes in the subject. One morning I was an observer watching her teaching a class of new hires for her employer, the Williamson Agency. "Class", Stephanie began, "when you go to an employer site to perform an audit, your...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Nina Elle Aften Opal Nikki Delano Property Wars

Nikki Delano and her stepdaughter Aften Opal have a heated discussion. Nikki wants to sell their house, but Aften is opposed to that because she has too many precious memories attached to this home. However, Nikki’s mind is made up, and a realtor is already on the way to the house. But Aften is not giving up, and secretly vows to herself to sabotage the sale. The realtor (Nina Elle) arrives. When Aften gets a look at her, more of her plan seems to formulate and she gets flirty with Nina....

1 year ago
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Fucking Tenants mom and daughter

Hi All, my close buddy KK related his following experience to me. So its a special request to all women readers to give me ur feed back , especially from Delhi NCR on has asked me to narrate it to all ISS readers as he cannot write too well. Its damn erotic and happened about 6 years back in Delhi after his parents died in a car accident. He had inherited their small bungalow and had moved into the ground floor and had advertised for letting out his 1BHK first floor space.Many people and...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 55 Thanks for the Ride

Kathy's pager went off at lunch. It was an alpha-numeric message from Mommy: "Officer Ray hauling me in for questioning. Can't pick you up from school. Can you get ride home? Don't be late for party. Love, Mommy." Can I get a ride home? No problem thought Kathy. The afternoon went quickly. Kathy helped the librarian reorganize the bestiality videos during study hall and monkeyed around with the assistant coach during afternoon sex-ed. She met Christi at her locker and the two shared a...

2 years ago
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A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages eg. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small villages) Bas Rhin (French town meaning Lower Rhine, in the Alsace Lorraine area...

2 years ago
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First Time With Tranny

I had fantasized for quite a while about hooking up with a hot chick with a nice cock. I gravitated towards shemale porn and couldn’t get enough of it. On this particular day I was having a few drinks and browsing the web for my favorite shemale movies. I discovered the gay.com chat forum. Soon I was chatting with this hot asian crossdresser. She was about my age (21 or so at the time) and lived just a few towns over from me. We shared some fantasies and seemed to have a good connection. She...

4 years ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day

I'd been seeing Jodi for about 2 1/2 years for massages. I don't really have any chronic pain, but at 50, and as an executive, I have more stress than is healthy and the massages are a great way to release that. Jodi is a wonderful massage therapist. She's big and strong, kind and gentle. She's very tall, at least 6'3", and made 2nd team all Big 10 as a volleyball player back in college. She's in her late 30's, works from home, home schools her 3 kids, and is married to a knockout of a...

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Earths CoreChapter 29 Alive

He felt it traveling, squeezed to his stomach like a giant marble. Inanimate, unremarkable. There was nothing special for it to give or take. Zax’s consciousness was declining, soon he will really die. The dark attribute’s essence seemed to not care whether it is in the spatial ring, at the palm of his hand or even inside his body. His approach was wrong, he slowly figured, but was way too weak to muster another solution to somehow use or ruin what others coveted from him along his...

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Aunt found my pocket pussy

Aunt found my pocket pussy.My mother invited her sister to stay with us for a while during her divorce.She's a nice looking lady, black hair, dark eyes, I'd guess about 5' 8” tall.From what I could tell she had nice size tits on her, bigger hips and nice ass.She's a little bit thicker, I wouldn't call her out of shape although she could lose a few pounds. I wouldn't kick her out of bed but then again I'm a virgin and would fuck any girl that would let me. I beatoff a few times thinking about...

3 years ago
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My son my lover

I didn't expect it to happen, but now that it has I'm glad because it has changed my life in a way that I never thought possible. As I look back I realize I had thought about it at some time, but then I dismissed it from my mind. It's just not something that is done, at least not in my world. I'm thirty-three, black, handsome, and single. When I was eighteen I had a fling and the result was a son who is now nineteen. His name is Kevin. Like me, he's dark skinned, handsome and tall - six...

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The Tides of WarChapter 46

The year dragged to a close and information from across the river started to dry up as the tribes either crossed the river or moved further north. The lack of information was brought up at one of the meetings held with senior officers. It was Sultar who suggested letting some of the Gurkhas cross the river in disguise. “Due to their size and colouring they may be able to avoid detection,” he argued. Rham, along with three of the original Gurkhas who had come with David to the Crater, were...

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