Sparky's DadChapter 6: Terms free porn video

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“Directly to the hospital?” Eric asked Diane when they were on their way.

“Please ... Look, how many people do you plan to tell? Could we discuss it before you tell anybody else?”

“Well, if you mean Madeleine, I didn’t tell her. She cleans my room, you know. I had no idea that she was going to get up to cook us breakfast. What I told her was that I wouldn’t be home for dinner four nights ago and then again last night. Both times, I told her that it was because I was taking you out. Then she cleaned up the bedroom the morning after you first came home with me. I asked her why she’d got up. She said that I had left my alarm on the time I set it for the last time. By the way, you’re going to be early.”

“I can afford to be early,” she said. “I’ll leave this coat in my room at the hospital. Who else knows?”

“How much Murphy knows, I don’t know. She knows too much. On the other hand, realize that I trust her with information that competitors would pay big bucks for. When I told her that I was leaving for a dinner date at the hospital, she told me that I had a lousy poker face. So, she knows how I feel; she might well not know what I’ve done. Either way, she may tease me with it when we’re alone, but hot pincers couldn’t get it out of her to anybody else.”

“And you don’t tell your friends at business lunches about how you scored with this woman doctor?”

“You’re imagining relationships I don’t have,” Eric said. “I have friends in the company. Sam Weintraub, the guy who is now chief programmer, I hired straight out of college nearly ten years ago. If I mentioned you to those guys at all it’s the doctor who helped Sparky. Murphy spread the word about Sparky’s condition, and I got expressions of sympathy. The guys with whom I go to fancy restaurants for lunch and talk business? Half of them don’t even know I have a daughter. Why should I tell them my secrets when I don’t tell them anything which matters to me?”

“Bragging about your sexual conquests?”

Eric could see where she was going, but he didn’t like the picture she seemed to have of him. “Look, I was in high school once. I graduated, however. If I wanted to brag about my sexual conquests, why would I restrict myself to real women? Why not brag about the Playboy centerfold I had shagged six times on my lunch hour? Now, back in high school, everybody knew who you were dating. The imaginary exploits had to be with real girls.”

“You’re telling me.” Diane sounded bitter.

“Dated a guy with an active imagination, did you? Well, I’m not so restricted, now. I don’t discuss my sexual activities with anyone. You’re the obvious exception. Even Madeleine simply knows that you shared my bed twice. She isn’t naive; she has kids of her own. I’m sure that she knows fairly clearly what we did in bed, but all I actually told her before this morning was that I was taking you out to dinner. If I had men to whom I bragged about my sexual exploits, I wouldn’t restrict myself to my actual activities.”

“I don’t know. Back then, I suddenly thought that I was one of your possessions. I don’t want you talking about me.”

“Well,” he said, “I’ve been mentioning you, but not beyond what we do in public and not to very many people. I generally let Murphy and Madeleine know where I am -- with sort of complementary exceptions. I don’t tell Murphy about going home except when, and I don’t tell Madeleine that I’m going to the office. I’ve stopped telling Sparky about my dinners with you, but that’s because she wants you to eat at our place instead. I once told a rent-a-cop that I was waiting by the cafeteria to meet a resident, but even then I didn’t mention your name. You know, more people who know you know that you’re meeting a guy for supper some times at the end of your shift than people who know me know I’m seeing anybody.”

“Well, the people at your church know you.”

“And so they do. I was thinking of the dinners in restaurants. The reservation people and the headwaiters know that there is an Eric Barnes party of two, but they don’t know Eric Barnes apart from that. They know that you’re beautiful, but they don’t even know your name.”

“As for belonging to me,” he continued. “I certainly belong to you. I’m not quite certain what you mean by ‘possession,’ but the word obviously has negative connotations for you. Owning each other is...” He almost said ‘What marriage means.’ She hadn’t, however, agreed to marry him. She hadn’t even considered that, and right now, telling her that this meant owning each other was probably a good way to turn her off. “ ... not a bad thing,” he finished weakly.

“Well, I think of them as opposites. If I own you, then you don’t own me. And you own so much. I don’t want to be one more possession.”

“Well, not a possession like that. You’re not a convenience.” He paused while the first part of her statement triggered a memory. “You know, you’re an Aristotelian, and I’m a Newtonian. Aristotle taught that when X moves Y then Y cannot move X. Aquinas used that for his ‘unmoved mover’ proof for the existence of God. Well, Newton taught that when X moved Y, that Y moved X as well; Astronomers are using that today to discover planets around other suns. You think that since you own me, I can’t own you.” Which was the most positive way of saying that.

“Eric, you know that damnedest things. That can’t be needed for programming. I remember something vaguely about an unmoved mover, but I couldn’t tell you where or when.”

“Well, I went to MIT. The guys who learned programming as a hobby and dropped out of school to earn a living at it were a previous generation. You probably learned a hell of a lot more about frogs than I did, since my last biology course was in high school. Still, frogs aren’t part of medicine. It’s just part of what you learned on your way. Well, drop a mention of ‘unmoved mover’ in a class of MIT freshmen, and every mouth immediately says ‘but Newton.’ My Humanities professor at MIT quite clearly regarded himself as a missionary spreading a little light into the outer darkness. Then, every once in a while, the class would start to argue with each other about one of the pearls he had cast, and he didn’t have the background to follow the argument.”

“I’m not sure I know anything about frogs,” she said.

“Well, in high-school biology, that’s what I dissected.”

“Yeah. Much more fun than dead paupers.” He suddenly wanted to protect her from having to dissect people. That was idiocy. First, it had happened long before he had met her. Second, however much she had disliked the task, it was necessary for the profession she clearly liked. Unlike the biology of frogs, which she only studied because biology professors were teaching a broad foundation of their field, dissection was essential for a clear understanding of human anatomy which was essential for the treatment of sick kids. He wouldn’t have wanted her treating Sparky if she had never seen an actual appendix.

“Are you glad you went into medicine?” he asked. Maybe she regretted the choice now that it seemed too late. Maybe she thought she had gone too far to choose another profession.

“I am now. Don’t ask me tonight after the third call from the floor. As a matter of fact, don’t ask me anything after the third call from the floor; don’t even speak to me.”

“Don’t worry. Do they really call you three times a night?”

“That’s a really bad night,” she said. “But three calls for prescriptions are better than one real emergency that gets me back down to the floor for half the night.”

“Well, I’m glad you’d rather be spending the night with me.”

“Eric, I chose you over a full night’s sleep and purchase of some clothes I need.” And, content with that compliment, he drove her in silence until she told him which entrance to use for the hospital.

When he was going out the door after breakfast with Sparky, Madeleine handed him what she described as a list. He read it in the car before heading out.

| Mr. Barnes, could you ask
| Dr. T what she likes for
| breakfast?
| I avoid what you and Val
| dislike and I stock
| anything you want
| and anything she wants that
| you don’t consider
| unhealthy.
| I can’t provide Dr. T with
| her choice of breakfasts
| unless I know what they
| are. We can provide:
| Eggs:
| Scrambled
| Soft boiled
| Hard boiled hot
| Hard boiled cold_
| Sunny side up
| Over easy
| Poached
| (Benedict)
| Omelets:
| Cheese (Special kind of
| cheese)
| (Western)
| French toast
| (Pancakes)
| ((Waffles))
| Meat:
| Bacon
| (Canadian bacon)
| (Ham)
| (Sausages -- specify kind)
| (Lox)
| Toast:
| White
| Whole wheat
| Rye
| (Other)
| Bagels
| (Breakfast pastries)
| Cold cereal (kind)
| (Hot Cereal) With a little
| warning, though, I could
| fix rice with raisins and
| milk. We have the
| ingredients, but rice takes
| longer to cook than I’m
| allowing myself on a
| morning.
| Toppings:
| Butter
| Maple syrup
| Powdered sugar
| Honey
| Jelly (we only have a few
| kinds, though)
| (Marmalade) specify kind.
| Drinks:
| Coffee
| Tea
| Cocoa
| Milk (skim etc.)
| Orange juice (other juices)
| The ones in parentheses are
| ones I would have to
| purchase, but
| I could get them easily on
| the day before. We don’t
| have a waffle iron, so I
| would have to purchase
| that, too, so waffles
| might take a little longer.

Poor Madeleine must miss Laura as much in her way as he did in his. Those two would plan a week’s worth of menus together. He ate the breakfast that was set before him. He wasn’t sure he would eat eggs Benedict for breakfast, though. On vacation, the same two weeks for Madeleine and for himself, he and Sparky ate cold cereal -- Sparky’s choice of brand -- for fourteen days running. They ate lunch and dinner out. Madeleine left carrot sticks for snacks.

Anyway, Madeleine was not the current problem. Diane was. He thought about her on the way to work. Diane wanted to be independent. He could understand women wanting independence. Laura had bought the sofa in her dressing room so she would have a place to lie down without his lying down beside her.

Still, when a woman wanted more independence within the marriage, that could be negotiated. Any fool could plainly see that a single adult woman was more independent than a married woman, and Diane was far from a fool.

She was also responsive as hell. Maybe that would argue for him. Marriage might bring less independence than she desired, but it could also bring a dependable series of orgasms. The longer they went on, the more she was likely to see that as a benefit. He just had to push the sex until she came to consider it a necessity and keep the love in the background until then.

When he met Diane for dinner, he handed her the questionnaire after they were sitting down.

“That’s for you. It’s addressed to me, but only you can answer it. Read it later. Now, it strikes me that you have a car at one location and yourself at another. Why don’t I pick you up tomorrow at six?”

“Eric,” Diane said. He enjoyed hearing his name so much more the way she’d said it the previous night. “I will not go out with you tomorrow night. I have things to do.”

Diane now had hospital-style underwear in three locations. She didn’t like to go on the floor with underwear she had worn the previous day. The set of hospital whites she had up there was only for emergencies. She had needed to change in the middle of the day in the past when a patient had vomited on her, but one set of underwear up there was for use tomorrow. Anyway, the underwear in Eric’s house meant that she had to buy more. The dirty underwear was colored and meant for that dress, but she would need to get that back some time.

“You have things to do, and I’m not planning to interfere with that. On the other hand, I could pick you up here, drive you to your apartment, and leave you there while I go home. Then you can drive to do your chores.” He made it sound so reasonable. She thought of Gulliver and the Lilliputians. A ride was a mere thread tying her to him. It was just that there were so many threads.

“We’ll see,” she said. Upstairs, she read Mrs. Grant’s list. It was incredible, and that Eric had delivered it was even less believable. The way that it was addressed, he had to have read it. Well, that house wasn’t a hotel. She had been, she supposed, a guest, and guests didn’t order what would be served. They certainly didn’t order what would be bought. If guests didn’t, did mistresses? Well, she didn’t know. She was new to this mistress game.

The other problem was that he had set her up, not only in his bed, but also in his wife’s dressing room. That sounded so royal, a dressing room. Well, the wife was dead, had been dead for four years. Still it was a little creepy, especially when you see so many reflections. When she examined them, they were all hers, but they should have been the wife’s. Anything else was impractical, he slept in a bed that had been set up to facilitate two people who came together in the bed and didn’t interfere with each other when they weren’t both in bed. Sure there were other rooms, but he wasn’t going to use them.

She wondered what her predecessors had thought. Probably, they had kept their clothes in the closets and in the dressers. Certainly they had checked in the mirrors whether they were seductively enough dressed -- or seductively enough undressed. Well, if he wanted her dressed in slinky gowns, he could buy the slinky gowns. She was already buying pills and extra underwear.

He seemed to have already bought her a robe. Still, it hadn’t seemed all that indecent; surely it was less indecent than the costume she had ended up wearing, which was her skin. She should check out that robe next time. She still had a robe and a nightgown there already. If she wore the robe he provided, she could bring the robe back to her apartment. She had one here and had kept another there.

She had some shopping planned for the next evening. Should she blow the evening entirely and buy a new good dress? She had two good ones, and he had seen both twice. She was a doctor and was about to be earning a doctor’s income. When she did, she might well need a new dress appropriate for the sort of fancy restaurants that Eric patronized.

The problems were: One, that she wasn’t earning a doctor’s income, yet. Sure a resident was a doctor, but a resident’s income wasn’t a doctor’s income. Two, it was now winter. Any dress she would wear now would be a winter dress, although the one at Eric’s place had really been a fall dress. Before she was in a class to go to that sort of restaurant except as Eric’s mistress, an entire year had to pass. Anything she bought now would be a year out of date before she could afford to use it.

Well, it was past her bedtime, but it wasn’t past Eric’s. She called him up.

“I was just thinking of you,” he answered. Do you have a special wish for breakfast, and what breakfast do you want it for? How about in 36 hours?”

“No. I’m not available for a date tomorrow night. Are you going to ask me for a date two days later?”

“I certainly would like to.”

“Then,” she said. “Invite me to a place where I would feel comfortable in hospital whites.”

“Ummm. That’s asking two things of me. Taking you there, and knowing where you will feel comfortable. I’m assuming that most of those places won’t require reservations.”

“That’s fairly well a given.”

“Then let’s compromise,” he said. “I’ll invite you, I do this minute invite you, to dine with me. You, however, will pick the restaurant. I suspect that this will mean eating in San Francisco.”

“Okay.” Despite his calling it a compromise, he was giving her all that she wanted. Certainly, it was the guy’s job to pick the location for the date. Still, they had already compromised about time. She wasn’t available on the even days of the month. He was such an overbearing man that being in charge of him was always a pleasure.

“Might I point out that you’ve already dined in one location in hospital whites. I think you were quite comfortable.”

“Eric. I am not going to pick the hospital cafeteria. The food isn’t bad as hospital cafeteria food goes, but that is a damned low bar.”

“All right, two places,” he said. “You’ve eaten in two places in hospital whites. One of them is my house. We could arrange to get here after Sparky is asleep. She, on the other hand, would be delighted to see you. We could eat together; she could go to sleep; when she gets up, you will be gone. Whether you left an hour after she went to bed or an hour before she got up, she will not ask. If she did, she would be scolded for improper nosiness.”

“No. Maybe later.” That did sound intriguing. It would also put them feet from where they wanted to be. Unfortunately, it also sounded entangling. What could be more typical of marriage than tucking the little ones into bed and then going to the master bedroom to end the night with sex? Dammit, Eric had what he wanted, a mistress. She wasn’t his first mistress; he may have had dozens. So, why couldn’t he keep the rules? Why did he keep playing as though she were a wife?

She would get advice the next day. If the advice didn’t sound attractive, she would get a paper or the Yellow Pages. Perhaps sensing her distraction, Eric ended the conversation.

She was awakened twice in the night, but she could deal with those problems without leaving her bed. The day, however, was marked by storm clouds. The rain began before noon, and it was soon clear that it would last into the night. Everyone in the hospital shared her gloom, and the doctors who came on the floor did so with their shoes and pants-legs dripping. And she was stuck with her good coat. It was wool, not anything waterproof. By the time she got home, it would be soaked so badly it would take days to dry out.

It was Eric’s fault she had that coat at the hospital. She’d only worn it because of their date, and she had worn it to the hospital because she had stayed the night at his place. She was ready to tell him so when he called that night.

“Look,” he said before she could tell him, “you don’t want to go out in this.”

“Nevertheless, I have to.”

“But not quite yet. I’m in the parking spot near where I was earlier, but you shouldn’t come here. Call when you’re near the main entrance. They have a cover for the driveway. I’ll come by, and you don’t have to get wet until you leave the car.”

“Eric,” she said, “sometimes you’re really sweet.” She called when she was close to the entry, closer in time as well as space than he was. When he got there, he opened the door for her from the driver’s side without getting out of the car. As the driver’s side of the car was under a pouring-down storm just then, she thought this was wise.

Eric had Diane beside him. He would have much preferred her under him, but he would take what he could get. And he would take it as long as he could get it without annoying her.

“I don’t know where you eat when you can escape from the hospital,” he said, “but if there ever was a night for drive-through, this is the night.”

“Yeah. I’ll probably go to McDonald’s when I get my car.”

“Then you’d have to stop to eat. You can’t eat and drive at the same time. If I take you first, you can eat while I drive.”

“You’re impossible.” She looked like she was laughing, though.

“Direct me to the one that you like ... Did you select your breakfast from Madeleine, yet? If I were asked that question, I’d ask for something like kippers or grilled kidneys.”

“Do people really eat that for breakfast? I’ve heard of kippers, but I don’t know what sort of fish they are.”

“Herring,” he told her. “Kippered herring, and what kippering is I don’t know. ‘Do you like Kipling?’ he asked. ‘I’ve never kippled,’ she replied.”

This time she laughed aloud. “I couldn’t do that,” she said. “Even choosing among what she has in the house would be an imposition.”

“Y’know, that sounds silly when you know the situation. First of all, to whom is it an imposition?”

“Well, to both of you. I suppose to Mrs. Grant most of all.”

“I don’t see how. She’s hired to cook. If I asked her for a particular meal, would it be an imposition?”

“No,” she said, “but I don’t pay her.”

“So, if I told her to cook what you want, that wouldn’t be an imposition on her. And I certainly would have if I had thought of it. Instead, she asked you. She gets up at the crack of dawn to fix you a breakfast. (And, believe me, she wouldn’t get up that early unasked to feed me.) She doesn’t want that effort spoiled by your not enjoying the breakfast she cooks. So, you don’t answer her straight question, and she risks being disappointed. This is being nice to her?”

“There it is on the right. Maybe a block away.”

“Thanks,” he said. “I see it now. The ordering slot is on my side. Tell me what you want, and I’ll tell them. But that doesn’t change the question. What do you want for breakfast? Decide, tell me, and I’ll tell her before I pick you up. Otherwise, if it’s among the stuff she has on the list, we can leave her a note in the kitchen the night before. What’s a poached egg? Sounds like it was laid by your neighbor’s chicken, but that can’t be right. Madeleine is a very moral woman who goes to church Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.”

“Big Mac, small fries, and a chocolate shake. A poached egg is a soft-boiled egg except that you get it out of the shell before you cook it.”

“Sounds messy.” At that point, he had reached the mic, and he gave the order.

“It can be,” she said. “Ever eat egg-drop soup?”


“That’s poached, but they deliberately stir it up so the egg isn’t together when it’s cooked.”

“Give me your hand,” he said, holding out his right. She put her left in it. He brought it to his mouth and kissed the back until the food came and he had to pay.

“What was that?” she asked peeling the paper from her meal.

“The only part of you that I could kiss just then.”

Diane thought that was quite romantic. Then he drove her to her building and she finished her meal in the parking lot. She got into the apartment with the coat merely damp, and she went shopping in her parka. Having decided not to buy the dress, she felt that she had much more money to spend on underwear than she had thought she had previously. She was clear that this was magical thinking, but she did have more cash in her purse than she usually did.

If she spent only one night in four in her bed, she could really go four weeks between laundering sheets. With the purchase of the white underwear, she could put off white laundry longer. Although whites had always been most of her laundry, she also bought one new set of underwear which could go under either good dress.

While driving back to the apartment, she thought about Mrs. Grant’s letter. Eric was right. Not answering a direct question was impolite. Besides, breakfasts were important to her. She started her mornings early, and it was a long time before lunch. Sometimes, it was a very long time until lunch. She wanted carbs in her stomach when she faced the challenges of her day. Besides, she had got a lot of exercise in her nights with Eric, and she had woken hungry. She expected that to continue for any morning Mrs. Grant cooked for her.

She would express no desire for anything in parentheses. On second thought, the pancakes sounded good. She knew that French toast depended on stale bread, so you could only fix that so often. Purchasing a waffle iron was ridiculous.

| Dear Mrs. Grant,

she wrote when she got home and out of the damp clothes.

| The breakfast that you fixed for me was delicious. I eat fairly
| heavy breakfasts, since I eat breakfast early and lunch late.

She was not going to mention the exercise.

| Most of what you mentioned sounded delicious. I’m used to
| orange juice, and coffee is a necessity. I might mention
| that your coffee tastes much better than the coffee I am
| used to.

That was damning with faint praise.

| Both French toast and pancakes sound great. Your syrup
| tastes better than I am used to. When I have eggs, I prefer
| them over easy or soft boiled. Whole wheat toast would be
| good. I usually eat it with margarine, but that is not a
| preference.

Still, if Eric ate breakfasts and dinners like she had experienced every night, he was asking for a heart attack. He was in shape, though. The meals and the sedentary life style hadn’t ruined his waist line.

Mrs. Grant was nice to her, and she was glad. She was also puzzled. After all, Eric had said that she was a very moral woman. Cooking breakfast for her boss’s mistresses might be in the job description of ‘housekeeper,’ but she didn’t need to be so nice about it. Maybe she thought Diane was a step above Eric’s usual. What had he said about Playboy cover girls? Well, he’d been describing them as a fiction, even as a fiction he didn’t tell.

Suggesting that she eat with Valerie was weird. Sure, Valerie wouldn’t guess what they did after she was in bed. (And, for that matter, after they were in bed.) Still, a parade of women coming into his home couldn’t be good for his relationship with his daughter. She wouldn’t stay six. When she was sixteen, all those women her dad had entertained at home would look different to her. And, too, Eric had taken her to the Christmas Pageant. The parents of her classmates didn’t need to wait another decade before they began to think about others’ sexuality.

Well, maybe there wasn’t a parade. Maybe his glib comments about the stories he imagined telling his business associates weren’t so imaginary. Maybe he’d had mistresses he could discuss with them, mistresses who at least looked like they could be centerfold material. She was the mistress he could show to his daughter.

That, as she fell asleep, was vaguely comforting. She liked Valerie. Did Eric think she was the mistress with whom his daughter could associate? She liked Mrs. Grant, too. Was her approval because Diane was a better grade of concubine than Eric’s previous ones?

She didn’t think that he had another one now. Diane was available only rarely and that availability was quite predictable. But unless he had a second mistress who was also a resident, the other woman would want some of the time he spent on Diane.

Eric got home after Sparky and Madeleine had eaten. Sparky had used up her TV quota, and he played with her until it was her bedtime. Madeleine got her ready, and he read her a story. Then, over his late dinner, he brooded.

He’d managed to spend more time with Diane, but hardly enough. Okay, she had to shop. Did she have to shop without him? Two nights out of four, she was on call and needed to be in the hospital. He might not like that, but he completely accepted it. Another of the four nights was spent on details keeping her going and on sleeping alone. Why couldn’t the two of them take care of the details together and then have her sleep in his arms? The commute was longer, but it didn’t take that long at the time she would be traveling.

For that matter, he knew that women’s shopping consisted mostly of selection. Even he had to attend when his suits were fitted. Still, why did she have to do all her own shopping? Murphy did most of his, and she would be better at buying women’s things. Murphy and Madeleine were in communication these days so that ‘Daddy’s gifts to Sparky’ for Christmas wouldn’t include any duplicates.

She was probably cleaning her apartment right then. Okay, that was too far to send Madeleine, but there were commercial cleaning services. For that matter, if she had to do it herself, he could help. Instead, he was banished. When he’d got this far in his thoughts, Madeleine came in.

“I could have heated that up for you,” Madeleine said.

“You were dealing with Sparky. As I’ve said, Sparky is your first priority. Your cooking tasted great. The bitter taste in my mouth was from the crow that I was eating with it.”

“Your courtship of Dr. Thibault not going well?”

“What makes you think,” he asked, “that I’m courting her?” Then he saw his mistake. Madeleine answered direct questions, and she answered them honestly.

Same as Sparky's Dad
Chapter 6: Terms Videos

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Mindy Holmes was as fresh as a 17 year old could be, having just turned so 10 days after the end of her Junior Year of High School in the typical all American mid-western city her family had grown up in, as did their parents before them. Mindy was known as an “Okay” chick, to her male peers, meaning that although she was a pretty girl, she wasn’t a party girl. She was cool enough to be with when she did show up at some of the regular gatherings that started years ago in the garages and...

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Granite GiantChapter 8 Coming to Terms

"How was your date, Dad?" Dionne asked me the next morning. "It was great. I think Rita was the Belle of the Ball." "Really? Did you dance with her?" "Almost every dance," I admitted happily. "Oh ... wow, every dance. Do you think it's serious, maybe?" I laughed. "Sweetheart, it was our first date. It's far too soon for us to be serious." "When are you going to see her again?" she persisted. "This afternoon. We're playing golf with Al and Marion." "Really? That's...

1 year ago
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Obscure Sexual Terms

ANGRY DRAGONImmediately after you blow your load in a girl’s mouth, smack the back of her head and make it come out her nose. When she gets up she’ll look like an angry dragon.ARABIAN GOGGLESA “seldom-seen” maneuver when you put your testicles over her eye sockets while getting head. (Picture it: ass on forehead) It may be anatomically impossible, but what the fuck else is new.THE BACK ALLEY LOLLYBasically it can be summed up using the words of my older brother, responding to me when I asked...

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Sex Related Terms

1. Pearl NecklaceWhen a guy ejaculates sperm on a woman’s neck, it is called giving a ‘pearl necklace’.2. BarebackingHaving sex without any condoms is called barebacking.3. FurballWhen a guy goes down on a bushy girl and her pubic hair get stuck in his mouth, it is known as a furball.4. Golden Shower >This term is used for urinating on someone (with their consent of course).5. Rimming >Performing oral sex on someone’s anus is called Rimming. ATM is another term for it (Ass to Mouth).6....

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Anal Related Terms

Anilingus (from the Latin anus + -lingus, from lingere, "to lick", variantly spelled "analingus") is the oral and anal sex act in which a person stimulates the anus of another by using the mouth, including lips, tongue, or teeth. It is also called anal–oral contact and anal–oral sex; colloquial names include rimming and rim job. It may be performed by and on persons of any sexual orientation for pleasure or as a form of erotic humiliation. Health risks include fecal–oral transmission.Pleasure...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 63 Midterms

October, 1984, Chicago, Illinois When I woke up Monday morning, I carefully disentangled myself from Kara’s embrace and quietly dressed for my morning run. When I came back, she was in the shower, but was just finishing. I had her leave the water running and took my shower, and then we went down to breakfast. Sofia had eaten and was leaving for Loyola. She came back a few seconds later to hand me the newspaper she’d retrieved from the front porch, gave me a quick kiss, and was on her...

1 year ago
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Coming to terms

Your name is Lara Grant and you are about to become 21 years old next month. You are a fairly athletic young woman and about 170cm tall. Your parents are pretty wealthy and own a company in Europe that buys and renovate houses to rent them out, you yourself got a 2.5% part of that very company so you have a stable income and can focus on your real passion, becoming a moviestar. That's the reason why you moved to LA last month. You are now living in an apartment with Maximilian a tall, athletic...

3 years ago
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Coming To Terms

[ Inspired by my friends A & T! ]My father, that is, my biological father, lives in Zambia. He has two wives, and I have nine half-brothers and sisters, too. When I was very little, I never gave it much thought that the man my mother was married to was white, whereas I was obviously not. They were just my parents; but then, slowly, but surely, it began to dawn on me that the man that my mother was married to was not my biological father. So then, I began to wonder, who was my actual father?...

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Coming to terms

Well, I'm not sure if this qualifies as a story or a blog, but here goes.The following will be a pretty accurate chronological detail of events that led me to where I am today. To catch up you may want to start at the begging it was my first time as far as experience goes. Now fast forward to 19 or 20 years old and on a 96 heading home while in the Marines. Stop at a rest area to piss and maybe catch some sleep....

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Cumming to terms

I got home from school to find mom in my room. She had completely cleaned it for me and was vacuuming as I walked in. Mom looked exactly like Jammy Lee Curtis and was always adorned in the most beautiful sundresses. Her high-heeled sandals left almost all of her beautiful feet exposed for me to admire. I stopped in the doorway before she saw me and watched her gorgeous, heart-shaped ass as she ran the vacuum across my floor. Her big breasts swayed beneath the thin covering. She turned the...

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The Mentor reposted as per terms

The MentorPart 1The following story is COPYRIGHTED. The author, CRUDEDUDE, reserves all rights to this work. It may be freely distributed online, posted and archived electronically, only in its entirety, including all header material. It may not be changed or altered without the authors permission. It may not be sold in whole or in any part, or as part of an electronic document, printed material, voice recording or any other manner without proper copyright clearances being obtained from the...

2 years ago
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Jaya gets fucked on her terms

For those who read my previous story where Archana’s mom Jaya gets laid by me the 1st time, it took me a while to get to their house as the mother now knew what I was doing with Archana and I felt guilty about what I had done with Jaya. Anyway it took Archana a while to get me back to their house and I mostly made it when I was sure that Jaya was not at home. My love making with Archana continued with even more rigor and every time we made love, she always said that I had become more passionate...

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EllenChapter 13 Coming to Terms

Don Antonio Ruiz de Costa was well aware of the rules of gentlemanly conduct. For instance, it was good manners to call upon the Lamberts on the next day and to thank them for their hospitality. That this was a welcome excuse to possibly see Eleanor Carter again certainly added to his motivation. He therefore arrived at eleven o’clock, speculating that the Carters would still be at the Lamberts’ house. Lady Lambert received him in a small tea room and accepted his calling card. He thanked...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 17 June Coming to Terms

Sunday morning began as usual with the family gathered at the breakfast table talking about the store, school, and what each had planned for the day. Going to church was a given each Sunday. Each member of the family had their plans for the rest of the day. For June, it was spending the afternoon with Roger. When her father asked what they’re plans were, June merely stated that they usually play it by ear. She gave last Sunday’s picnic as an example. Of course, she was lying. She knew she...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 16 Coming to Terms

"Derek, I'm still not completely clear what went on with Sandy," said Veronica Carson, before taking a sip of her breakfast coffee. "Neither am I, Mom," said Derek, telling some truth. "All I know is that Mr. Fitzwater acted mighty strange when I told him that Sandy wanted to switch guidance counselors and then insisted against the change, even if the Turners wanted it. That made me suspicious and finally really angry." "Still, son that doesn't excuse what you said to him." "I...

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Her Apple PieChapter 8 On Speaking Terms

Those eyelids had to weigh a ton each Cliff decided. He really tried to keep his eyes open listening as Kylie read from the paper but the laws of physics won out. He missed the sight he had enjoyed. That was his girl reading to him. The girl he had fallen in love with, who looked good enough to eat even in a ratty sweater over worn blue jeans. She looked like she had stepped out of one of the happy dreams he sometimes had, dreams where his world was still like it should be. As his eyes...

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Flat Mates Part 2 Chapter 9 A New Term

FLAT MATES - Part 2 Chapter 9 - A New Term When I dropped off the bus at Gladwin Road and entered the house I shared with Gavin, the place was empty. Gavin was obviously "in residence" as demonstrated by a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink, but he was clearly out. I went upstairs to my room and unpacked my bag. Needless to say, Mum had washed all my dirty clothes, so I came back to Manchester with a bag of freshly laundered things. I had successfully managed to conceal Gloria's...

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My Life and Loves Fall Term

“She took the news real hard,” he said with not that much remorse in his voice. “Would I mind looking in on her during the term?” he asked. “She took it hard?” I thought. NO SHIT! I lost a lot of respect for Paul that day; not only did he screw his girl friend over, but he also screwed me because now I was going to have to get a new roommate. I started inquiring about a new person to share the rent with until I got another call dropping the other shoe. This one was from Mike and he...

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End of Term

The end of the college term was always very much welcomed by the student's of Saint Philomena the Chaste's Catholic College. Their education was administered through strict corporal punishment even for the most minor of transgressions,so as the end of term approached many of the student's went a bit wild and attended some very raucous parties. The Nun's and Monk's of Saint Philomena's were aware of these naughty parties and were only too thankful for any information received which would lead to...

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My Wife Another Guy LongTerm

I am a truly blessed man as my wife is a gorgeous Filipina woman. She is in her upper 30’s, but looks more like she is in her later 20’s. She is without question the better half of this couple, lol. That said, she is very humble about herself, but does like the comments from other people here on the site, so thank you for your compliments. She is roughly 5-7, and about 155 pounds. She has been gifted with a beautiful body and large boobs. Her smile truly shows her heart, happiness and joy. She...

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Lady Charlotte s Journal Starting Term

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Starting Term has been published before but it is the start of a journal I hope to complete and is my work! First let me tell you a little about me, my name is Lady Charlotte Rose and I am 18. I am a young lady attending a finishing school for what are mostly either rich or upper-class women. I...

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Home Schooling End of Term

This is the third story in the 'Home Schooling' Series: it's advisable to read them in order so you'll know the background to this story before you start. Don Bradley loved running his hands over his daughter's swollen belly and breasts as well as his sister's, who wasn't as far along as Della. The three of them lay side by side, Don between the two women – well, one woman and one girl if you're picky – on the new bed he'd made out of two, so that it was almost nine feet wide, and...

2 months ago
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A night with my horny ex Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I rang the door bell and waited patiently for him. ‘Is it okay to just crash over at this hour? What choice do I have? The storm’s approaching and the fucking car broke down’, I mumbled. As expected, I was welcome. As soon as I changed into his shirt, which he offered,, he poured a glass of wine for me. ‘How are you?’ I asked. He smiled. The smile was still the same, maybe a bit mature now. ‘I don’t see your girlfriend around?’ ‘She is out...

Real Hookup
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Two Shades of Blue

Carmen and Joella Blue. Two sisters. Born fifteen years apart on the twenty-sixth day of January. Two different fathers. Two different generations. Two different lifestyles. They’re both stubborn and moody, yet intelligent and beautiful. The Blue sisters have claimed to be as different from one another as day and night. ‘Will you go to church with me this coming Sunday?’ Joella asked as she examined her baby sister, Carmen’s flamboyant attire and accessories. Carmen lit a cigarette and took a...

1 year ago
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Out of Gas

The engine sputtered and coughed before it finally quit. I muttered curses under my breath as I yanked the wheel and pulled off the road. "Shit, out of gas. Damn gauge, I knew I should have had it fixed." I was in a real dilemma. Out in the middle of nowhere with no gas, no food, very little water and hot as hell outside. Before long the hot desert sun started to heat the inside of my car. Looking at the map the closest town including the last one was at least ten miles away. "Guess I...

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The Mirror and the Cloth

Mathew had always admired Vicar John ever since he was a teenager in the church choir. In fact, he was more of a father than a friend or confidant, and now, at twenty-one years of age, he found himself at the dinner table being told, in no uncertain terms, to call him just John. It felt strange for him to drop the vicar term because it had been so ingrained in him. Janice, the vicar’s wife, sat opposite him as the aroma of basil and oregano thrilled their senses and the crisp blackberry notes...

4 years ago
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Meri pyass 2

Hai I am Neesha again aapne meri story meri pyass ko bahut pasand kiya aur mail ke jariye jo pyar diya jo mein soch bhi nahi sakati to aap logoko nirash nahi karungi aur ek acchi story aap ke samane pesh karungi ye story kaise lagi mujhe mail kariye aur mein ummed karati hoon ki ye story bhi aapko bahut pasand aayegi? Ye story mein apne mama se chudai karati hoon. Mere mama jinka naam Shankar hein aur wo 45 ke hein wo dikhane 45 ke nahi balki 30 ke lagate hein unki body ekdam kisi wwwf ke...

4 years ago
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Swapped Out

[Choose your favorite female celebrity as the characters First and Last name.] You awake from a great night of sleep. You sheets are tussled, and your pajamas feel tight over your skin. Groggily, you pull yourself out of bed; everything is blurry as your eyes adjust to the morning light, but you somehow manage to find your way to the bathroom. Something feels off, but you can't put your finger on it. So you get to the sink and wash your face off, then blindly grope around for your towel. Having...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 5

Julia, Susanna and the guys arrived at Walter's Steakhouse that is in the 800 block of Union Street, just a few doors up and across from Union City Grille. They immediately saw the police activity underway across the street and assumed it was an accident or a medical emergency. After several minutes of banter on how big they wanted their steaks to be, Julia and Susanna decided on the smaller six-ounce filet mignons while Cliff went for the 14-ounce prime rib and Charles ordered the 22-ounce...

1 year ago
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Weekend Encounter Part 3

Saturday AfternoonWe headed to the mountains for some sightseeing. We’d been driving for about 15 minutes when she said“There are a few more things that I want to do this weekend that I’ve never done”“Oh yeah?” I said with a smile “What else do you have in mind?”“Well for one I’ve always wanted to give a blow job in the car”“Road head huh? I’m up for that but we’ll have to wait till we get out of town, too much traffic here”“How long will that be?”“Not too long, about 15 minutes or so”“Mmmm,...

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Dad spoils me and my best friend then her sister

Introduction: A shopping spree is all it took! I hope that I remembered the majority of what happened, as its been a few months. My name is Erin, and this is the one experience that forever changed my life. I was 15 years old and visiting my dads house for the weekend along with a girl friend from high school. Her name is Nicole and she was also 15. Nicole comes from a low income family and didnt really have much. She mostly wore hand me down or second hand clothes most of the time. Upon...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 21

Johanna and I discussed the idea of taking off from our lives for a few days for an abbreviated honeymoon, but neither of us were really at points in life to do so. I mean, I could have just begged off, but I was in the middle of a project with a time limit, I'd already given my word on its completion, and Jo? "I really shouldn't take off in the middle of the semester. Academically it's not good. And musically, we have the Veterans' Day thing in two weeks, and then a couple of big...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 19

The sound of running feet greeted me when I knocked on the screen door outside the house where Sarah and Matt lived with their two boys. I stepped backward because the dance was usually the same. The door flew open and a five-year-old bundle of energy raced through. “Uncle Travis!” Lucas said with a wide grin. I held out my hands and he grabbed them as I bent at the knees. He put one foot on my thigh and started to climb until he could wrap his arms around my neck in a hug. He had greeted...

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In Loco ParentisChapter 10

Tiffany looked at herself in the mirror again. The stretch marks were gone and her breasts stood proud and firm. The curves from her thighs to her breasts had never been this good. Her hips out-sized her chest slightly. A gap between her legs remained unless she crossed them. She could feel muscle in her abdomen, covered by just enough fat to make it smooth and shapely. She had regained the flexibility she had lost after she had stopped competitive gymnastics. The strength in her body had...

2 years ago
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My First Cock

femdom – anal – male submissiveWhen I first met Jeanette, I thought, what a wildcat. She was beautiful and wild. Our very first night together I felt like she fucked me rather than the other way around. She made it clear that she loved being on top, and truth be told I loved it too. She aroused some deep passion in me, and I never wanted a woman more than I wanted Jeanette.One night after foreplay that I wished would never end, Jeanette began bringing out a number of silk scarves from a drawer,...

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Jahnavi Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, this is Arjun back with a story to share with you guys. Get ready to read, relate and enjoy.  To tell about Jahnavi bhabhi, she is a perfect package. She is thirty-two years old but has her figure maintained so well. She has a wheatish complexion and her skin looks so luscious. She is a perfect balance of a little white and a little dusky tone. She has got curves that a woman needs to have at right places.  She usually wears slim fit churidars and leggings. Her neckline is...

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Unexpected Sex With Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers, Here I am narrating my first story. Please do excuse me if i sounded you boring at any period of time as it’s my first attempt. So i am not going to waste my time and come to the climax directly. I am Yash resident of Gujarat. This story is about my bhabhi… How me, my cousin and my bhabhi ended up having threesome. My family consist of my dad, mom my elder brother and my bhabhi. My brother got married 3 years back. And he is handling my dad’s business. While I was applying...

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Claudias Heimweg

Der Abend war einfach nur Scheiße. Sie war mit ihrem Freund zu dieser Feier gegangen. Mit ihrem Freund war sie jetzt ein halbes Jahr zusammen und er war für sie die erste große Liebe. Vor zwei Wochen an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag hatte sie mit ihm ihren ersten Sex. Eigentlich wollte sie noch warten aber die schöne Stimmung und der Alkohol brachten sie doch dazu sich von ihm ficken zu lassen. Aber auf der Party flirtete er mit einer anderen und ging ihr ständig aus dem Weg. Als sie ihn darauf...

2 years ago
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By the Book Ch 03

May 13th 2004 So, how successful is the book of flirting? Well, it’s day twelve and already I’m paying a visit to the Last Resort. I wanted step-by-step instructions on how to flirt but instead I’ve been asked to imagine I’m an animal and to flirt with no one else bar myself. When you’ve been single for as long as I have, that novelty has well worn off. So tonight I threw away the rulebook and headed to the gym. It was time to get me some sex with the ex. Ordinarily, when it comes to...

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4th of July with Mom

It was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I had a girlfriend to hang out with instead of my Mom.It had been a...

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Hillcrest Academy for Girls Part 4 The Pool

Brad woke up to a beautiful sunny and unseasonably warm Sunday with a stiff morning wood. He wasn’t surprised, he had been thinking about the young sixteen year-old Asian student that he spanked last Friday. He absentmindedly stroked his cock as he thought about her firm round ass, her smooth white skin and her wet black pubic hair surrounding her glistening pussy. Then he noticed Cassie’s used white panties on top of his dresser and moaned. He rubbed his cock faster thinking about sliding his...

2 years ago
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Watch who you tell your fantasies to

Driving home late one night I am stopped at a light.I hear what seems like a knock on my car window. When I look there is no one there. Its nice and cool out and I have my windows down in a not so do good part of town. I decide to put the windows up. All of a sudden my passenger back door opens and someone is in my car. I grab for my gun that I have hidden between my seat and the center console. Too late whoever it is in the car got to my gun before me. I feel a hand go over my mouth and a...

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Dean Superchub

I was driving home from the supermarket one Saturday morning and decided to take a detour and visit one of my old cruising spots. I wasn't particular certain as it was a weekend and this cruising spot never busy at the weekends but I thought I'd give it ago I had nothing to lose and I was feeling horny anyway. I parked in the car park that was situated at the back of the cottage, it was good spot to see the comings and goings, I sat and had a cigarette before I made a move, as I entered there...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Karlee Grey Charlotte Cross Movie Night

Karlee (Karlee Grey) brings to her stepsister the rest of her stuff few weeks after her mom left Charlotte’s Dad. When she arrives, Charlotte (Charlotte Cross) is alone at home. She invites Karlee for a movie night. Both girls are sitting on the couch watching a horror movie with a bowl of popcorn between them. Charlotte hides her eyes, she is afraid, Karlee is making fun of her. That personal moment between the two sisters brings back memories. Charlotte turns on the TV and lays down on...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Illusory PassionChapter 5 Desertrsquos Passion

Knight-Errant Angela – Halani Desert Camels moved differently than horses. Their gait rolled, rocking me back and forth as I clutched to the saddle behind its hump. No smooth canter. No proud walk, but a plod across the shifting sands of the Halani Desert. Hargone fell behind us. The sands started an hour from the city, at the edge of the farmland. It was a distinct boundary when we rose out of the floodplain and into the desert proper. The moisture vanished from the air. The temperature...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 23

18:05 Thursday, September 5th, 1991 235 Montgomery St, Suite 239 San Francisco, CA 94104 "Good night, Gunny." The Gunny looked up, to see Becky leaning in the doorway. "What time is it?" She tsked at him. "Don't you have a wife at home, waiting for you? It's after six. I have to go pick up Danny from Band and make dinner for the kids." The Gunny smiled, an image of Lenore popping unbidden into his mind's eye. "No, no wife, but a serious girlfriend." Becky leaned back out the...

1 year ago
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Matt Part 2

One week after our first sex ecounter my husband had came home from his business trip that he was away for. My sons dinner birthday celebration was coming up and I was feeling anxious to see Matt again. Eventhough i thought about it over and over on how I wouldn't do anything with him while family was over my house, I was still just excited to know that I would see him. So the day finally arrived and my son George's birthday was here and I had spent the whole day cooking and preparing all the...

2 years ago
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Teaching Emma A Lesson Part Two

I was completely torn. On the one hand I wanted to give Emma the fucking she deserved, needed, wanted. The same fucking she was pleading for earlier. I wanted to plunge my cock into her cunt and sink it deep, making her wince and scream with pleasure. I also wanted to sink to my knees and lick her exposed pussy and anus from end to end. Tasting her sweetness and basking in the aroma of her sex. Listening to her squirm beneath me as she unleashed the words associated with one of many orgasms...

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Building Bridges

Ruth still thought about the day she was sold to the Hampton Plantation. She figured she was about six or seven when the overseer burst through the door and grabbed her. She did not know why, but assumed it had something to do with her mother, as Master Jones was yelling at her about helping another hand go missing. The only thing Ruth could think of at the time was what her mother did really wrong that the Master needed to punish her. Normally she only saw the Master on but a few occasions,...

2 years ago
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Wife Loves Big Strange Cock

My wife and I sat at a small table in a hotel bar with a man she had picked from an ad on Craigslist. The ad said he was looking for a couple to have sex with. Eve picked his ad because of the picture of his nine-inch cock; it was also six inches around. She was leaning towards him with her hand on his thigh inching towards his crotch. His hand was already under her dress, probably stroking her cunt. Eve was 45 and loved fucking guys in their 20s, “I just love men with huge cocks,” she said....

Wife Lovers
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MommysGirl Samantha Rone Cherie Deville Alex Grey Mafia Mom

Mob boss wife Cherie DeVille gets the news that her husband Biggie’s in jail. She comes to the conclusion that she’s in charge now. Cherie’s stepdaughter Samantha Rone hears the news and informs her wife Alex Grey that her stepmother is planning to take over the business, Samantha’s rightful inheritance. Alex and Samantha agree to a meeting with Cherie. Samantha is confident her coke trade will secure her position at the helm. During the meeting Samantha stakes her...

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Chrissy goes Camping chapter 5

Chrissy found himself back under the shower with two hot girls rubbing him down, but strangely he wasn’t as turned on as he thought he would be. Instead he was thinking about the two brothers who had just used his mouth and arse to deposit their creamy loads in. Chrissy stepped out from under the water and dried off before sub consciously putting on the panties offered to him. The bra offered to him next threw him but the girls helped in on with it. The pink summer frock came to mid thigh and...

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