Fake ID free porn video

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"Come on Chris!" said Chris's college roomate Joe. "Aren't you going to come to the bar tonight?" Chris was a freshman in College. He met Joe in High School and when Joe got accepted to college Chris went ahead and applied. Chris wasn't much of a scholar but his scores were average and he got in. Joe and him both lucked out when they got the same dorm room, now best friends taking their friendship to the next level. Joe was a big guy, always going to the parties and the bars, always with a girl in each arm. Chris's build was just like his test scores, average. He was average weight for 6' tall, with pale skin and glasses. He never had much luck with girls. Joe was his only chance of scoring a girl in this lifetime. When Joe went somewhere, if Chris tagged along, he would get to play wingman. Not the most respectable of positions but it was something. "Didn't your fake ID come in yet?" asked Joe after he saw Chris's glum expression to his previous question. "Nah, they're just too expensive," Chris said sheepishly. "Well stop being a wimp. Just pony up the dough and get one. Seriously, if you just keep sitting around here in your dorm you'll die a virgin. I can't have a roomie that insists on depressing me with his lame lifestyle." And with that Joe strutted off. No doubt to have the time of his life. That's it, Chris thought. He fired up his laptop and started browsing the sites Joe was pushing on him for weeks now. Jeez, they're all $150 and up, maybe I can just wait the three years to actually turn 21. Then again, in three years without any interaction with girls and no experience in bars I may never catch up socially. Chris began Googling for a cheaper alternative and stumbled on some magical surplus site, spellsrus.com. Kind of cheesy place to sell fake IDs he thought. He read on, only $25 and if anybody can prove the ID is not the identity of the holder they get a full refund. "Well, what do I have to lose." Chris entered his credit card information and clicked the blinking "BUY" button. The next morning Chris made his way to class. His usual route took him right past the campus post office. He often stopped by to check for letters from home or even better, pity packages from relatives. To his surprise, an envelope with the return address marked spellsrus.com was in his mailbox. "There is no way," he thought, "I ordered it less than 24 hours ago." Chris still had a few minutes before class, he ran into the men's restroom for privacy. Chris found the bathroom luckily vacant, he ran into one of the stalls and locked the door. He slit open the envelope and nervously dumped the contents into his hands. A driver's license popped out with a stickynote ontop of it. "We are sure you will enjoy yourself, thanks for your business." Signed, "The Wizard." Chris could not help but snicker at the idea. Some company or some guy was making bank creating pieces of plastic for kids who wanted to drink. At least he seems confident in his product. He peeled off the stickynote to see how it turned out. The first thing that caught his eye was the picture. It was not the picture he submitted the night before, it was not a picture of him at all. Staring back at him was some teenage girl, a very hot teenage girl. For a moment he could not look away. She had long, blonde hair framing a small, girlish face. Her large, blue eyes looked so innocent by themselves but combined with her petite nose and pouty red lips she looked capable of seducing any man. He finally broke his eyes from the perfect face and began reading the ID. Name, Chrissie D Demidov, so close to his name Chris D Demidov. He had yet to meet another family in the US with his last name. His parents moved from Russia just before he was born, the name was common there but not so much in the states. This had to be his application. The statistical improbability of some Chrissie D Demidov's application getting to him right after he applied seemed way too wide. Chris read on, address: his home address, birth date: 09/05/1995, sex: female, height: 5'0", weight: 105lbs. OK, he thought. "That is my house address and her birthday is mine, just three years later. Wait this isn't even a fake ID, it is a freaking fake learner's permit!" Chris sighed in disbelief. They completely screwed his order up. On the bright side, he could just send it back for a full refund... later! He was late for class. Chris sprinted to the next building over making it to the rear of the classroom just before the professor entered. The professor started to blab about Physics101. Chris took basic physics in High School so he never really had to pay attention. He usually sat and stared at the hot girls in class until the bell rang. He began his usual doodles and occasional glances at the hot redhead directly in front of him when an itchy sensation distracted him. It was horrible. His entire body would start to itch, the itch would build up to a near unbearable level, then vanish. He wondered if the magic shop he bought the ID from threw in some itching powder as final kick in the nuts. He would definitely be complaining now. The itching continued for the rest of class, he eventually got to the point where he could ignore it. As he stood up to leave for lunch he noticed a bunch of little hairs where he was sitting. It took a second for him to realize those were his arm hairs. His arms were normal at the start of class but through the hour he shed every hair on both of his arms. Something like this couldn't mean anything good. He would have to see the campus doctor at some point tomorrow. He made his way towards the cafeteria. Usually by this time Chris was starving but he wasn't hungry today. He figured he was weirded out over losing his arm hair and should probably make himself eat. He got his usual portions and sat down. He picked at his burger and ate a fry or two but could not force himself to chow down like usual. His stomach did feel really tight. He lifted his shirt to find all the hair was missing from his chest also. His sides seemed to cave in more than usual. He did a further inspection, yup, from finger tip to toe his body hair had taken a holiday. Rubbing his face it felt smooth as well, even though he did not shave that morning. Frantically he rubbed his head to feel a full head of hair fill his hands. That's a relief, at least nobody can notice whatever crazy illness I am getting. Can't get too excited, he tried to soothe himself, it is probably nothing. I'll schedule an appointment after my next class. With that bit of self encouragement, Chris stood and began making the walk for Calculus. Chris took his usual seat a few rows back for class. He was a natural at Calculus but unlike physics he enjoyed answering this professor's questions. He just liked the superior feeling he got in knowing the answers to what the rest of the class seemed to struggle on. As he sat down he could not help but notice how breezy his new hairless legs felt. This must be what it feels like for girls to wear pants with shaved legs he thought. As he waited for the class to fill he let his gaze drift. It landed on his arm, it was noticeably thinner. He rolled his sleeve up and made a fist, he strained it the best he could and his thin arm responded with no muscle of any kind. He was never overly-muscular but he could make a respectable flex when he wanted to. His arms were now noticeably slimmer though, almost making his normal hands look comical stuck to their ends. I must be losing weight from this weird illness he thought, I should still wait until class is over though before I start calling people. The professor walked in and instantly broke into lecture. Chris noticed he was having trouble seeing the board. His glasses were fairly new, less than a year old, but his vision was definitely fuzzy. He took them off to clean them and noticed he saw better without them. Not perfect, but better. Now that's really strange he thought. Hell, I can live without body hair if it means no more glasses. He squinted and could make out the function the professor just wrote. He knew what would happen next, the professor would ask for the derivative and eventually call his name knowing he knew the solution. He waited, it didn't take long for him to say, "Perhaps Mr. Demidov would care to propose his solution?" Chris glowed and took one last squint at the problem before answering, "Yes sir, the derivative is..." He couldn't think of the answer. No problem, take your time, he reassured himself, what is a derivative? His mind could not answer. As he repeated it over and over it seemed more and more foreign. He opened his notebook and frantically looked at a similar problem he solved earlier, he could make no sense of how he did it. "Today Mr Demidov," the professor said impatiently. Chris lost hope. "I... I don't know," he forced himself to say. The class looked around at him surprised, this had to be a first. Know-it-all Chris drew a blank. The professor just sighed and began solving the function on the board for the class. Chris kept his head down until he was sure the entire problem was solved. He glanced up but could not see what the professor wrote. His eyes were seeing more clearly. He could read the scribbles on each side of the board. The problem was he could not see over the guy who sat in front of him. This was impossible. He sat in his seat every day this semester and that guy sat right there every day this semester. But for some reason, today, his vision could not clear the head in front of him well enough to see the center of the board. The only explanation would be if that kid grew taller overnight. Well unless Chris was shrinking in height. He looked down at his desk to contemplate this but noticed his cargo pant's waistband was not tight against him. He had a good 3" of play where that morning they were tight, maybe too tight for him. He needed to get out of here, he needed fresh air. He stood up, holding his pants that seemed far too small, and walked out of the classroom mostly unnoticed. As he walked down the hall he kept tripping on his pant legs, how were they so long? He looked around, everything did seem much bigger. He must be shrinking. The thought sent his mind spinning, he darted into the nearest restroom. He ran up to the sink and splashed some water on his face. He looked up and could not believe what he was seeing. His brown hair had turned bleach blonde and had grown a couple of inches in length. It was much longer than he ever let it get before, about halfway down his neck. The face looking back was not quite his either. He could still see his own features but they were masked in softness. His nose was smaller, his eyes were bigger, and his lips looked slightly swollen. His soft face did not look masculine in the least. It was completely unisex. He looked at the small neck it connected to and followed that to his loose fitting t-shirt and cargo pants. He looked like he was playing dress up in his older brother's bedroom. How much smaller was he? He looked at the sink. Where this building's sinks would usually come up to his waist, it was now just at his belly button. Around two inches he thought. Just then the bathroom door swung open and a girl walked in. It was the same redhead he was drooling over that morning. He must have run into the girl's bathroom without even noticing! He was about to shout apologies and run out as she casually greeted him, "Hey sweetie, haven't seen you in any of my classes. You new?" He swallowed hard, she was confusing him as a girl. He must appear as a very tomboyish misclothed girl but a girl all the same. Chris shook his head side to side nervously. The girl responded, "Just offering to help. Take a tip, you're not going to fit in dressed like you stole your daddy's clothing. Show a little skin and enjoy the attention, it will get you help on your homework and better grades from your professors." She winked and giggled as she finished applying some makeup and walked out. Chris stood mesmerized as her ass swayed side to side as if showing him how to properly strut for attention. Chris looked back to the mirror. To his horror he looked even more feminine then he last saw. The sink's height was now further up his belly button, he was shrinking much quicker now. He felt something big coming, his muscles began to tense. He tried to take a step but collapsed in pain. He felt his back crack and his entire body shudder as a result. It cracked again and he let out a yelp of pain. One final crack and all pain ceased giving him full control of his body once again. He stood carefully nearly losing balance. Somehow his center of gravity was altered from this latest change. He looked in the mirror and saw a noticeable difference in his posture. His butt was pushed out for one, he tried force his pelvis out to return it to it normal place but found he couldn't. His felt his newly presented asset and it was much different feeling than usual. Gone was the muscular firmness he usually felt, this was about the same size but almost all fat and reshaped into two bubbly circles. It jiggled warmly to his touch. He needed to see Joe, now. He needed somebody to tell him he wasn't crazy. He rolled up his pants which were now far too long and walked towards the door. He glanced back at the mirror and to his dismay saw his newly shaped ass wiggling just as the redhead's had as she exited. He tried to minimize the swaying but it was hopeless, he sped into a jog towards his dorm. He finally got back to his dorm and slammed the door. That was the most uncomfortable distance he had ever traveled. When he ran his pants started to slide down and when he walked he would exaggerate his sway so intensely guys and girls stopped to watch him pass. No doubt they were questioning if he really was a girl. Which he wasn't! Joe was doing what Joe did after class, playing Xbox. "Umm, Joe..." Chris trailed off and cleared his throat. His voice was a bit higher than usual. Joe turned around and dropped his controller with his mouth open in shock. He was not fooled , he knew his best friend when he saw him, even with almost all features completely faded. "Woah... Chris... what happened?" "I don't know!" Chris said starting to tear up. He choked back the tears and had to suppress crying as he told Joe the entire story. Joe listened patiently and decided to treat Chris like one of his girlfriends since this is exactly how they act when one gets upset. He rested his hand on Chris's shoulder and assured him it would all be OK as Chris sniffled. Out of nowhere, Chris yelped in pain flinging his hands to cover his chest. Joe looked puzzled and as if to answer his question Chris lifted his extremely baggy t-shirt. His nipples looked raw and swollen, twice their usual size. Underneath, two small mounds of flesh appeared pushing the nipples outward. Chris sat on his bed with a look of dread on his face, he knew what was happening. Joe watched in astonishment as the small mounds began to spread out covering Chris's much smaller chest and pulsing with growth until they reached a perky A cup. "Why is this happening to me?" Chris whined. As he flung his body back onto the bed the fake ID fell from him. Joe picked it up and inspected it. "It almost looks like you are turning into her," Joe said, "except you're still not her size. She is 5' tall and 100 pounds, I'd say you're over 5' and probably weigh an extra 20 pounds..." As he said it Chris began to shrink. He sobbed as his stature changed and the small shreds of muscle he had left deteriorated. Another crack of his spine completed the changes. He stood up, now eye level with Joe's chest. Joe couldn't help but chuckle and say "guess this gets you back for always having that inch over my 5'11", not your 6' now." But Chris obviously did not see the humor. He did, however, have the posture of a stripper. Butt proudly thrusted back and breasts pertly thrusted forward. Joe could not help but admire. "Well," Joe said, "you're definitely closer, but I don't think you're done." Chris, with a much higher voice now felt compelled to ask, "Like what!?" "I'm assuming you still have your... manhood?" Chris asked. Joe did a quick shake to check and nodded. "Well," Joe said, "she's a 15 year old girl and you're still an 18 year old guy. Well, where it matters." He laughed. Before Joe got finished his laugh Chris shrieked and grabbed his crotch. He reached under his loose pants and felt the smoothness that could only mean one thing, he was no longer a male. Layers of baby fat began to stack on Chris's tiny body. His face became even softer and years melted off as he looked younger and younger. His arms and legs, void of any muscles, became smoother and softer. He was about to speak but before he could react he felt a strange pulse within his mind. A fog began to cloud his brain. It was that same fog that clouded his thoughts earlier when he tried to solve that Calculus problem. It crept through his mind hunting and concealing any skills or knowledge an average 15 year old girl would not have. It finally settled only once he was left with a small percentage of the capacity he had that morning. He was once again able to speak but finding words suddenly seemed so much more difficult. He was forced to simplify his sentences. "Joe... I'm a... girl. My brain is... foggy. I can't think too good." This confirmed Joe's suspicion. When he stated the traits of the girl on the ID, Chris seemed to become them. At the very least it accelerated them and more specifically shaped who he would become. Joe faced a dilemma. He could attempt to get Chris back to himself by tricking the curse or whatever this was; or he could make Chris into his dream girl. It was an easy decision for Joe. "You still don't have her face. Look at those eyes and those dick sucking lips. This picture makes her look like she is permanently begging for cock." Chris, even with his hindered mentality caught on to what Joe was doing. But it was too late. His face began shifting. He clenched his eyes shut as it arranged itself. Bones cracking and moving, it was unpleasant for Joe to hear but he could not look away, Chris's face was shaping into the hottest girl he had ever seen. When it was done, Chris looked even hotter than the picture. His large blue eyes fluttered long lashes as he opened them. His tiny nose emphasized his almost overly pouty lips which formed a cute little "o" of surprise. This perfect face was almost too much to take in, but Joe was aiming to own it. "You definitely look like her now, but I bet there are a few other features that the license couldn't capture." Joe ignored Chris's pleading eyes for him to stop. "Let's see, this girl is probably a slut, I bet she has seduced every guy... AND girl in her high school. Lips like that are meant to suck serious dick, I bet she is a master." Chris fought the arousing feelings. His fear and anger at Joe was quickly being replaced with horniness and lust. He could not help but to stare at his crotch hungrily as Joe went on. "Probably didn't need to suck all of them, could be hella good at tittiefucking. I bet her nickname is 'Chrissie, Double-D'. I bet she could get off doing it, that little nympho." At those words Chris felt his A cups swell. They inflated rapidly filling out his baggy t-shirt. They seemed bigger then he had ever seen before on any girl. His tiny body looked overwhelmed with his gigantic breasts. Joe paced the room. "Man, with a porn star body like that I bet she never pays attention in school. Probably just your typical airheaded bimbo. Probably sounds like a valley girl when she talks." With that said, Joe took the fake ID and cut it in half. To see if his assumption worked he threw out one last suggestion, "Oh and her butt is probably bigger than yours." Nothing happened. He knew he did it. He trapped Chris in this teenage bimbo, and now it was time to claim his reward. He waited for Chris to make the first move. Chris stood up off of the bed and glared at Joe. "Joe, you, like, really stink." His voice was much higher than before. Even though the comment was meant to scorn it dripped with sensuality and seduction. Chris looked annoyed, or was it lustful. He couldn't make an expression that wasn't fuckable. Chris bit his lower lip in frustration only making him appear even more pleading. "Well," Joe said, "I don't suck as well as you do." A grin came over his face. Chris stomped his tiny feet trying to look furious but once again the gesture came off as cute. "No, like, this is really mean. It's not like I will forget what you did to me. Did you think I would, like, suck you off?" Just saying it made Chris wet but he tried to ignored it and went on. "Like, I don't want to do you anymore... I mean suck your..." Chris stopped talking, trying to tame his libido. Joe walked over to Chris, towering over the small girl. "You really are just a horny school girl aren't you? Well considering I can't fuck you for 3 years..." Joe dropped his pants revealing his raging erection. The game was over for Chris. One sight of a dick and he was overcome with a giddy hysteria. He giggled uncontrollable and dropped to his knees. He could not help but lick his lips knowing he was about to give this hunk the best blowjob he ever had.

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He stood transfixed at the beauty that was before him, he wasn’t sure if he should clear his throat or just stand quietly and watch the delicate balance of light and shadow. He paced his breathing so she didn’t hear him watching her, but how could he stop, what he was watching was such a dance of the female form in all its purity. She’s was behind the smoked glass shower door and all he could see was just her curves her lithe body , but he could hear the water as it caressed her skin , he could...

4 years ago
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Vickies Abduction

Vickie is a very beautiful woman in her fifties looking more like a thirty year old. She unknowingly gets the attention of a local stalker rapist as she shops at the local super market. He kidnaps her and rapes her as she worries about him killing her. Her thoughts were to survive what ever he does to her. ______________________________________________________________ I was doing my monthly grocery shopping at the local super market when I spotted her. I pushed my shopping cart past her in...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Friends Cosin

Introduction: The True Story of my first time sex with a boy. I remember the first time I wanted a boy sexually. I was 13 at the time, and there were plenty of boys who went to my school, but I had never thought I was bi until I first laid eyes upon a boy in 6th grade. His name was Sean, and he was the hottest looking boy I had ever seen. I began to masturbate daily over him, and made plenty of messes from all of my orgasms over him. Then I began to look at all boys differently. I liked girls,...

2 years ago
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How I Fuck my Mausi

Hi ISS Readers my name is Aman and i am from Agra, Today I am going to tell you about my amazing experience with my moms sister her name is Meenu and she is 32 years old now and having two kids. I am 30 years old. The incident happened when I was only 18 years and she was 19.She used to come at our place frequently. I dont want to waste your time let me tell you the story..I was preparing for my boards and suddenly my mother had an heart attack, I was very much worried about my mother and not...

1 year ago
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While wife is away

I originally relayed this solely in a PM to my friend @smilinwillie2001; I’m not posting it so everyone can know...———————————————————————————————————————————————————————While my wife was away this past weekend, I went to the local adult bookstore I go to every weekend. This time, I found a few of my older regulars and invited them to my house, which I’ve never even considered.I was dressed in my wife’s sexiest lingerie, and while she was away taking load after load from her own boyfriend (a...

3 years ago
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Seducing Our Teens Chapter 01 Dirty Incest Roleplay

I raised my arms as high as I could and tried to pull the knot out of my lower back. My eyes went back down to the desk and settled on the photo of my family, which I look at often. My son, Owen, was nineteen and was studying computer science in university, and my daughter, Paige, was studying to be a graphics designer. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of them. Paige in particular. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my son. He was a little withdrawn, which concerned me as a father. At...

1 year ago
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First time through the scars

My hand run down to her womanhood as my mouth found her nipples. I rolled them around in my mouth and tenderly sucked on each of them. I entered her soft pussy with two fingers and worked then gently in and out of her. With my thumb I stroked her clit bringing it to attention and ready for action. “Scott.” she said pulling my face up. “I love you. Please make love to me.” she pleaded gently. To start this story you must know about the truth about me - what happened to me and how it shaped my...

First Time
3 years ago
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San Andreas Stories Chapter two

KINGS IN EXILE Carl’s feet were on the ground even before he had tossed his sheets off him. His mind had quickly switched into survival mode. The knocking on the door was still fresh in his senses as he grabbed the only thing he had at had to dress himself. He wrapped the towel about his middle and knotted it quickly. If this is Ballaz coming for my ass, thought Carl, then it's do or die. I ain’t running no more. Carl pushed aside the blanket that served as the door from the bedroom,...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 12 Who let the dogs out

I gave orders for Lewis Armstrong to maintain a close watch on the factory in case some of the more hot-headed of the Crowcombe villagers decided to set it on fire, and then rode back to Stogumber, wondering if the Clark of Brackstone/Braxton was really Cornelius Braxton-Clark, and even if he were would Silas Maddox be with him? On my arrival at ‘Muscovy’ I found Ivan Crossley had arrived, along with Miles Davis and his company. I quickly apprised Ivan of the situation in Crowcombe, and he...

3 years ago
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Papa Ke Dost Ki Beti Neha Ko Choda

Hello dosto.Me ek 22 sal ka ladka hu aryan. Ye story 2 sal phle ki hai. Agar koi mere sath chat karna chahta ho ya sex karna chahta ho.Mujhe par mail kar sakte hain mujhe bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo ke mails ka intejar rahega. Mere lund ka size 8 inch hai. Me apki identity ko reveal nhi karunga. Ab kahani par aate hain. Me iit delhi se btech kar rha hu. Mere papa ke ek dost hain ramesha uncle vo pass me hi rhte hain unki ek beti hai neha. Me 2 sal kota padha mera iit me selection hua. Vo uski mom ke...

1 year ago
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Finer Points of Black Jack

As an accountant, whenever I start something I go and get as much information as possible. So I'll do that here. First my name is Ed. I guess you could best describe me as just and average kind of guy. I'm 54 years old, 5' 9" tall and about 210 pounds, with some gray hair. I have been an accountant for over 30 years, I met my wife while in college and we got married, just after getting my degree in accounting and business. I was offered a good job with a large company and I have stayed...

3 years ago
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A New Strand

It had been a long day for Darius at college today, trying to work as his infected classmates tried to seduce and infect him. Putting his bags down, he turned his TV on, hoping to catch an update on the so-called "sex virus" that was going around. Some of the news channels had been taken over by the infected men and women and only talked about sex, but the one he was currently watching was still intact. "Reports show that the infection rate has risen over 70% through this past week," a male...

3 years ago
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Padosi Ki Chudai Uske Ghar Me

Hi, I am ankush (changed name) 20 years ka hun himachal se meri height6’2 hah mai fair skin vala hun ar mujhe sex chat karna bahut pasand hah agar koi sex chat karna chahti ho to mujhe mail kijiye Mai sex bi bahut achi tarah se karta hun To story pe vaapas aate hah mai chandigarh ghumne aaya tha ar apni chaachi ke yaahan tehra tha . Mai balcony se nazara dekh raha tha bahut sundar jagah thi. Mai andar gaya ar mobile chala raha tha ki tabhi meri chachi ki padosi vahan aayi mujhe dekhkar vo...

2 years ago
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Area 69

When I got out of high school, my uncle got me a job as a janitor at a place called Area 69. Area 69 is a top-secret military base that not even the President knows it exists. Well, here's my story of my perfect job. "Jane, clean up in every room, but don't go in room #6 in sector 9," my boss said as he was giving me a tour, "Do you understand?" "Yes," I said as I started to clean out room #5 in sector 9. I found a bunch of cool looking stuff, but like a good janitor I touched nothing. I walked...

3 years ago
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Sissy Sisters Sleepover

SISSY SISTER SLEEPOVER by Throne Crocket was so nervous. The only people who had seen him in his sissy persona of Cricket were a few friends of his mother, Marion. Now she had invited a new female friend, who was bringing someone male along with her. Crocket was a short, college-aged boy. His mom had detected his girly tendencies early on. He had two older brothers, now grown and moved out. When the second of them had left, two years before, she had called Crocket to his...

1 year ago
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Dr Dick

"My back is killing me." I groaned to my husband, as I hobbled into the house after three hours gardening. "Don't look at me for sympathy!" He shook his head in despair as he continued typing a report "I told you to leave it until tomorrow when I could help." I mouthed an obscenity behind his back. He had offered to help, but it was such a glorious afternoon and I wanted to make the garden look nice before the weather changed for the worse. "Go and have a hot bath. That usually works." He...

2 years ago
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The Maid and her Master

But she needed the job, she just got into Art School and her parents weren’t about to pay for such a frivolous study. They’d rather she went to Med school or become a lawyer. She needed the money, however she didn’t need to wear her heels, right now, if she’d put them on right before Mister Sullivan would return home nobody would ever know. Or would he be watching from some hidden camera’s. She looked around the room and then shrugged. The Sullivan’s owned about every other building in town...

1 year ago
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firsts time Im seen as cd crossdresser

From a young age I liked dressing up in womens lingerie and clothing.... as I got older I grew up over weight a little and more so the older I got..... by the time I was I was in my late teens I had nice size breasts....nice enough to fill a bra. So worked up the courage to buy some lingerie online and when I received it in the mail I was so excited. I couldn't wait to try everything on.... I had brought a white lace bra, matching panties and white suspenders and stockings.....I tried them...

2 years ago
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Drawn to YouChapter 13

"Good morning, morning glory," Jeffrey's voice soothingly said causing Belle's eyes to flutter open. She could feel kisses lightly brushing her cheek and down to her neck. Then the memory of the night before swept back to her. They had made love two more times before falling asleep in each other's arms. "I'd ravish your body again if we didn't have to fly out so early this morning." "Don't make promises if you can't keep them, bud," she replied teasingly. "I will keep this...

1 year ago
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Fusional Relationship

I've had an unusual family life. I had never met my mother due to an early separation. My father had remarried when I was three, with who quickly became a perfect stepmother, treating me like her own child. I actually called her my mother, because she was always there in my oldest memories. When I was five, I had a half-sister. Early enough so that I would also consider her like a proper one. When were still young, our father's death was a painful event that marked us all and made us closer...

3 years ago
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The Bitch

So, this is it, I thought to myself. I had not told my wife of this plan, of course. It was not something that I cared to share with her. Then again, I didn’t share much at all with her anymore, except for our last names. She had made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with my “kinky stuff”. That included spanking her, tying her up, and generally having my way with her. She was much more conservative than I turned out to be. This wasn’t my first time being unfaithful to her. I simply...

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Ashton StoneChapter 2 The Reluctant Hero

I still can't believe what happened to me during the last two weeks; Ashton Stone the super investigative reporter for the Bayfield Chronicle is infatuated with a fourteen year old teen, not only infatuated but has carnal knowledge of her as well, several times of the most enjoyable sex I have ever had in my lifetime, what a headline that would make! After living as close as we did for the past two weeks, I am hooked like one of her poor fish. The sad part of this story is I will likely...

3 years ago
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Ravaged A Village Girl Like A Beast

Hi, I am Rahul. I am reading ISS from the past few years and this has given me courage to narrate one of my sexual experiences. Let me first tell you something about me. I am Rahul Sharma aka DEATH BY CHOCOLATE originally from Delhi, currently staying in Bangalore .My height is 6 ft 2 inches, age 23,slightly dark and my “buddy” measures around 9 inches. Lost my virginity at age 16 to my first love in school. This is my first story so please excuse me for any mistakes. It happened 6 years ago...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

2 years ago
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Controlling Bobbi Ch 02 Ryan

Ryan: I have had a real crush on Bobbi for the last year. Who wouldn’t. She is a really hot woman. Of course, she never gave the 18 year old geek next door a second look. As it turned out, my bedroom shared a wall with theirs, and many nights I could hear mumbling and groaning through the wall. Being a bit of a technophile, (I have been accepted to Engineering school next year,) it was no problem for me to whip up a special microphone and sound system with an enhanced sound mixer to allow me...

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Second Encounter

We have arranged our second encounter to be at a beach house in Duck, on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. You have made the arrangements and sent me the address, and I am to meet you there.I am filled with anticipation as I pack my bags. I include my makeup, wig, sexy teddy, stockings, and my latest purchase, a 38D silicone breastplate complete with realistic nipples. I also pack a one-piece bathing suit and several sundresses and sandals.I arrive at the address and am impressed by how...

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Husband Ke Tarakki Ki Saza

Hi  mera naam neeta hain.mere age 25 hain. 2 saal pehale mere shadi raj se hue.mumbai me hum ghatkpopar me rehate hain .mere husband ek achhi company me job karte hain. main dikhane me khubsurat hu , raj ne muje pehali nazar me pasand kar liya. aur hamari shadi ho gaye.ye kahane mere shadi ke 6 month baad ki hain .tab mere age 23 saal 6 month thi.ye kahani pad ke aapko achhi lagi to to muje mere id pe email kariye.mere email id hain Ab maine apani kahani shuru karti hu shadi ko 6 month hue the...

2 years ago
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Accidental great time

My wife had a few friends over last weekend to have drinks and dinner. I always enjoy when this happens because my wife drinks a little too much and is always horny when they leave. I am normally at the house and flirt and serve the women drinks. I'm a little heavy handed when it comes to pouring the alcohol, so they get strong drinks. They all had a few drinks before dinner and were loosening up a bit and talking about things more freely. This is always a good sign. After dinner they decided...

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My Best Friends Pregnant Wife Part 4 End

I have been fighting with myself about "being in Love" ever again let alone being in love with my best friends wife. The feeling is wonderful but the inevitable fall is devastating.It was the inevitable fall that really flooded my thoughts when my phone rang and I saw that it was Amy. Sometimes we want or have to ignore the things that make us uncomfortable, the things we don't want to deal with.I have done that for weeks now by ignoring Amy's repeated attempts to contact me but I had an...

4 years ago
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A New Start in Life Chapter 27

A New Start in Life Part 27 A New Start in Life. After loosing his family in a horrific road accident Stephen takes refuge in being Susanna part time. However a girl acquaintance visiting his flat accidentally discovers his secret. Stephen then confesses that he wished that he could become Susanna and makes a very important decision that will give him the new start in life. He starts to live as Susanna with the help of his two best girl friends. In this chapter the girls travel...

3 years ago
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Wife punishes me for Jerking Off PT2 Chastity

The first four days with the tube surrounding my dick were weird. I always had to sit when I went tothe bathroom. There were a few occasions when my mind drifted off to sex and I felt the blood movetoward my groin. But the sensation quickly passed.The oddest side effect of the “chastity experiment”, as I called it, was how productive I was. I workedat a company with about forty employees where women outnumbered men three to one. My bosswas an attractive woman in her early fifties. She was a...

2 years ago
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My First Pussy Pumping Experience

The vagina is a powerful thing, and pumping mine is an amazing feeling. People always ask me what it feels like and why I do it. Oh, there are many reasons. The first time I ever saw a pumped pussy was last year, while browsing online, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was gigantic, obscene - and a massive turn-on. I knew I just had to try this for myself. I immediately rushed into the kitchen, got some boiling water and used it to heat the inside of an empty glass jar. Next I hastily...

1 year ago
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March Madness

Spring break in the Clayton household meant more than taking time off from school. It also meant the start of the NCAA basketball tournament a.k.a. March Madness. Jay and Sandy Clayton loved the tournament and watched it religiously. Because spring break was during the week of the tournament, Jay and Sandy could stay home and watch it. Jay Clayton was 17 and a junior in high school while his sister, Sandy, was 16 and a sophomore. They had a pretty good relationship with each other even though...

3 years ago
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First visit to a sex party

"Babe, are you ready" she calls out to me " you've been in there ages and you're normally nagging me about how long I take to get ready" " Yeah, just give me a minute" I yell back " just trying to look my best for you." That much at least is true, after all it's best not to look too shabby when you're walking out with a beautiful Filipina girl who looks like she could grace the cover of many a magazine. Mercy, is 39 years old and is a real head turner, easily able to pass for...

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