Bosom BuddiesChapter 4 free porn video

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Come Monday, there was a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I mean, come on, who wouldn't be smiling? I even waved good morning to the spider that lived above my locker and just wouldn't die no matter what I did. As I grabbed a textbook for first period, I heard a voice calling to me:

"Ian, are you okay?"

I spun to see Corrine, looking sexy and radiant as ever in a sleeveless brown t-shirt that pulled enticingly around her enormous chest.

"Yeah, I'm great. Why?"

"You've been humming the James Bond song really, really loudly for the last five minutes."

"I was?"

She flashed me a knowing smile and nodded. I hadn't even realized I was doing it.

When the six of us met up for lunch, we all came clean about what had happened over the weekend. I, for one, was glad to have everything out in the open. It had been hard enough trying to keep my brief hospital rendezvous with Stephanie a secret; I don't know how I would have kept mum about all the insanity that had happened last night.

Amy teasingly told the other girls about how I had cum in her hand the moment I saw Corrine's breasts, but I wasn't exactly embarrassed given the context of the situation. The real shocker was when Stephanie and Elizabeth told the others about everything that had happened after they left.

Talia, Corrine, and Amy all listened in stunned silence. One by one, they turned to look my way, as if seeing me in a whole new light.

The next two weeks were maybe the best of my young life. Stephanie and I couldn't get enough of each other's bodies, stealing every second we could manage for a frantic blowjob or some frenzied, admittedly uncomfortable sex in the back seat of a car. On a couple occasions, Elizabeth joined in on the fun, though unlike Stephanie she had no intention of losing her virginity just yet.

I still remember how Liz's eyes had practically popped out of her head the first time she saw my shaft disappear within the folds of her BFF's pussy. It must have really got her going, because ten seconds later Elizabeth was riding my face in perfect sync with Stephanie's rhythmic bouncing on my cock. Steph's slender fingers grabbed hold of her friend's wild, storm tossed breasts and tweaked those big, super-sensitive nipples while my tongue butterflied on Liz's clit–and the three of us shared an earth-shattering, simultaneous orgasm.

Despite the fact that Amy had more or less offered to be my sexual tutor the next time her dad was away from home, I didn't take her up on it. Amy was beautiful beyond words, but I didn't want to do anything without Stephanie there too. After all, she and I were in love, right?


Steph and I taught each other a lot in those two weeks, and, as the days zipped by in a haze of excitement and discovery, I let my guard down. I started thinking of Stephanie as mine alone. I should have known better, especially after she and I were so clear about establishing our ground rules at the outset, but I was so damn happy, I just assumed those rules had gone out the window. After all, we'd really had sex! That sure hadn't been part of the plan.

There was a park near Stephanie's house where we'd found we could get relative privacy at night. As per our usual routine, we snuck out there, found a nice dark spot away from prying eyes, and laid down in each other's arms. But as I began kissing her, I noticed that Steph's heart just wasn't in it tonight. She kissed me back, but it was robotic; distracted. I should have stopped right there and asked her what was wrong, but I was so horny I frankly didn't want to stop. Instead of talking to her, I tried harder to get Stephanie in the mood, teasing her trigger points with my tongue and fingers. But that just made things worse. After only a few minutes, Stephanie calmly instructed me that she wanted to go home, and so we did.

I did my best to dismiss my rising panic during our quiet walk home: Stephanie isn't having second thoughts. Things are going great! Why, just last night she was all over me. So she's in a weird mood tonight, it happens. Nothing to worry about. We'll talk it through.

The next day, she dumped me. Well, not "dumped" exactly. We had never technically been a real couple. But between first and second period, she met me by my locker and apologized for her cryptic behavior at the park.

"I wanted to tell you something last night, but you were all over me and it just wasn't the right time."

My gut clenched. "Tell me what, Steph?"

"Remember how we said we'd have to stop if either of us started dating someone? Well, I never told you, but I've always had this really huge crush on Simon Rhee, and yesterday he asked me if I would go out with him."

My blood ran cold. "What was your answer?"

"I said yes. I know it kind of sucks for you, but I had to say yes. I really like him. Not that I don't like you, but I LIKE him, you know? Anyway, I don't think you and I can keep fooling around anymore, it wouldn't be fair to him."

But ... But...

My eyes felt heavy in their sockets. I think my mouth did some sort of involuntary, sad little twitch.

"No!" Stephanie exclaimed upon seeing my reaction, "Please don't take it that way! You've been perfect to me, you really have! But you and I are just friends and I want to have a guy in my life who's more than that."

"I could be more than that," I whispered. Stephanie gave me a hug and reluctantly shook her head.

"That's not how I feel, Ian."

After a long, deep breath, I assured her I understood completely and wished her well. I even tried to sound like I meant it. I walked to second period in a daze. I wouldn't say I was heartbroken, or even jealous. I was just defeated. My blissful two weeks with Stephanie suddenly fell into perspective, and I felt empty. Insubstantial. A tasteless wafer of a man. Above all, I felt stupid for letting myself get so caught up in a relationship that I had known from the start entailed nothing deeper than "fooling around" with a friend.

On an emotional level, it was hard to accept that this was the way things were. I mean, Stephanie had let me inside her, literally. I couldn't help but feel connected to her. And I couldn't stop picturing the loving look in her eyes as we moved together that first time, our hearts beating like crazy.

Maybe I had just imagined that look. Seen what I wanted to see. Or maybe sex is never as simple as it's supposed to be.

Between second and third period, Elizabeth reluctantly informed me that Stephanie's decision meant she too would not be able to do "fun stuff" with me anymore, as it could lead to complicated feelings between her and her BFF. I curtly responded that, even if she was right, it still wasn't fair to me. None of this was fair to me. Why did things have to change?

Elizabeth looked hurt by my brisk, irritated response, and she left me without a word. I kicked myself for being so short with her when all she wanted was to keep the peace.

I'm not sure why I went to Talia's house instead of my own after school that day. I guess I subconsciously figured her manic energy would take my mind off my disappointment over Stephanie. Talia's mom greeted me with her heavy Korean accent and waved me inside, where I headed upstairs into my friend's bedroom.

Talia had not been expecting company. She was stretched out on her bed, Crystal Method blasting on full volume while she frantically fingered herself (it was the nineties, remember). Her eyes were scrunched shut in rapture and her back arched rigidly, perky C-cup breasts heaving beneath a thin silk camisole. She was naked below the waist, revealing her deliciously squeezable ass, her small patch of jet black pubic hair, and three slender fingers pounding away furiously inside her swollen pink pussy.

I froze--caught--unable to tear my eyes from the explicit sight before me. She was so caught up in her own pleasure, Talia hadn't even noticed that I was there. She came hard, legs shaking, hand glistening with her own natural lubrication. Still rubbing herself, Talia finally opened her eyes and saw me standing there, staring at her. She yelped in fright, hurriedly covering up with a sheet.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted out, "I just wanted to hang out. I didn't know you'd be--uh--like that."

Talia turned bright red and shouted for me to shut the door. A second later she opened it back up, now dressed in a tiny pair of pajama shorts that barely covered her ass. Modesty was relative where Talia was concerned.

"Well, that was embarrassing," she giggled, giving me a quick hug to show there were no hard feelings. "I could have sworn I locked my door. I haven't been myself, these last few weeks. Ever since I realized that I--" she dropped her voice to a whisper, "that I liked girls too, I haven't been able to stop getting myself off. It's like this dam burst inside me, and all these forbidden fantasies I never allowed myself to have are just hitting me left and right. Me with a woman, or women, or me with a man and a woman, or with men and women ... I think I need to be institutionalized! It's unreal. I can barely make it through a whole class at school. I've been sneaking off to the bathroom to get myself off just so I can pay attention. I've never been this horny for this long."

"Wow," I answered, the thoughts of Talia's constant masturbation doing nothing to bring down the erection that had sprung up in my pants over the last few minutes.

"I'm kind of getting worried, actually. Like, is there an end in sight? Because I can't stop. I hope I'm not doing any permanent damage by over stimulating myself or whatever."

I shrugged and jokingly suggested she just needed to get laid before she went completely insane. Talia suddenly broke into a big, shit-eating grin and asked, "Do you think I could maybe join in sometime with you and Steph and Liz? I know they're not bi, but—Wow, Talia, inappropriate much? I'm sorry Ian, stupid question. But do you think they might go for it? Like, maybe if I just watched? Or touched them a little? I really want to touch another girl. Stephanie touches Elizabeth sometimes, right?"

My face fell at the mention of Steph's name. Talia prodded me for an explanation until I finally just blurted it all out, confessing how Stephanie had moved on to another boy while I had stupidly convinced myself that what we'd had was real.

Talia immediately calmed down. She pulled me into a hug and sighed, "Of course it was real, silly. Sure, it didn't end in marriage, or even happily ever after, but it was real all the same."

I shook my head, grumbling, "I'm just her friend. I don't mean anything to her."

"How can you say that? Stephanie adores you! She chose you to be her first lover!" I felt my eyes turn heavy in their sockets again, but Talia just hugged me tighter, her voice soothing: "There's not one particular 'real' type of love that makes everything else meaningless, you know. There are all kinds of love, Ian. I mean, look at me! Turns out I'm into everybody. I don't think any two people in history have ever shared the same kind of love. The five of us are your friends, but that doesn't mean we're 'just' your friends. We all love you, in our own ways."

Warmth radiated from Talia's arms, wrapped around my chest. I looked down into her incredible, exotic eyes as she continued, "You made her happy, Ian. And she made you happy. That's what matters."

Without thinking, I kissed her. Talia recoiled in surprise, but kissed me back, nonetheless. I quickly pulled away, shaking my head clear.

"I'm sorry," I stammered, "It's just been kind of a rollercoaster. I don't know if I'm going down or up right now."

She swallowed, holding my gaze. "Maybe you should do it again."

I hesitated, unsure of my feelings. A pang of loyalty to Stephanie rose up inside me, but with it came a grudging admission that she and I were over.

And Talia was so damn beautiful.

Our eyes locked, and some magnetic force pulled our lips back together. Talia wrapped her arms even tighter around me and we fell onto our sides, splayed across her bed in a mutual embrace. We kissed for over an hour, unhurried. Our kisses weren't really even sexual in nature. It was just a tender exchange of mutual affection. Reaffirmation. As Talia said, exactly what we'd both needed. Talia was able to take her mind off those unrelenting sexual fantasies, and I finally felt like solid matter again. Flesh and blood with a heartbeat.

Then, at some point, I realized I had started unconsciously caressing her luscious ass through her PJs. Talia cooed from the attention, running her fingers through my hair. Ever so gently, I squeezed the pliant globes of her ass, prompting Talia to hook one of her long, bare legs up over my hip so that our crotches were pressed directly together. The heat emanating between her legs was so intense I could actually feel the warmth through the denim of my jeans.

Hooking that leg over me also forced the hem of her tiny little PJ shorts to ride even further up, almost to the crack of her ass. I was suddenly groping smooth bare skin, and I allowed my hand to travel lower and lower as I squeezed, until my pinky finger could just feel the edge of her wetness.

"Mmm..." Talia teased her fingertips along the waistband of my jeans. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable without these?" I felt myself nod, though I don't remember consciously deciding to do so. The experience had turned surreal. This is Talia! I thought to myself, in disbelief. You're actually doing this with Talia! I had fantasized about my stunningly exotic friend so many times I couldn't even fathom.

Briefly, I flashed back to our first encounter, all those months ago, when she had landed on me in the hammock and passed out mid-kiss. But the two people in her bed right now were not the same two people from that night. She no longer saw me as a pitiable, unfuckable virgin, and I no longer saw her as an untouchable goddess on a pedestal. We had been through so much together, shared so many experiences; we meant so much to each other. She might never be my girlfriend, but in our own singular way, we loved each other.

I reminded myself to breathe.

The house was quiet. I could hear nothing but the faint hum of the TV show her parents were watching downstairs, the heavy sound of Talia's and my collective breathing, and the metallic unbuckling of my belt.

Her dark eyes stayed locked with mine as I felt trembling fingers lower my zipper and reach inside to grasp my hardness. She slowly and gently pumped her hand up and down my shaft, feeling the reassuring thickness against her palm.

I smiled at the palpable arousal I saw in her beautiful eyes, holding her gaze as I let my own fingers travel up beneath the silk of her camisole. I knew where I wanted to go, but I was in no hurry to get there just yet. I teasingly swirled a fingertip around Talia's bellybutton, staggering her breath, barely making contact as I brushed my hands along her flat, toned midriff, up past her slim little waist, and then higher still—feeling along the faint indentations of her ribs.

Talia's erotic panting quickened with desire the closer my hand got to her breasts, but I took that as my cue to slow things down. I moved my hand slower and slower—wanting so badly to fondle her breasts, but wanting even more to drag out the thrill of anticipation. Finally, achingly, I felt the give of her soft flesh against my fingertips as I came in contact with the underside of her fabulous rack.

The gentle pumping motion of her hand on my erection increased, silently demanding that I go further. She teasingly bit down on the side of my neck as I grazed my palm across one of her diamond-hard nipples.

That was about all the anticipation poor Talia could take. She took her hand off my cock and impatiently tugged my pants and boxers down past my knees. She wiggled out of her brief little PJ shorts and kicked them across the room.

Again she hooked a slender leg up over my hip, and again our crotches pressed up against each other—but this time we were both totally naked from the waist down. Her soft wetness burned maddeningly against my skin. Talia reached down between us, taking my cock in hand and angling it towards her opening. My tip slipped inside the heaven of her body.

I pushed into her slowly, quietly savoring the sensation as I penetrated deeper and deeper. Talia let out a long, ecstatic sigh as I filled her up. Our faces pressed together, kissing sweetly. Electricity arced between us as her tongue played along the inside of my lips.

As we rocked together, the bed springs began their rhythmic squeaking. I moaned audibly, prompting Talia to place a trembling finger to my lips: "Shhh," she whispered. "My parents are downstairs."

I nodded, silencing our mutual pleasure by pressing my lips to hers as I withdrew my length all the way to the tip, then gently slid it back inside. Without realizing it, our breathing had synced up with our slow, sensual lovemaking: breathe in as I pulled out, breathe out as I pushed in.

I whispered in her ear, "I wanna see your tits."

Wearing a coy smile on her face, Talia rolled on top of me and teasingly lifted her camisole up above her midriff, stopping just short of showing me the goods. I urgently bucked my hips up into her, salivating at the prospect of what she was about to do.

With an agonizing slowness, Talia raised the silk fabric above her bust, allowing first one, and then the other of those heavy C-cup tits to drop down into view with an erotic bounce. Her breasts were incredible; full, round, and impossibly perky. The perfect little nubs of her nipples poked out and screamed for attention.

My eyes went wide, drinking in the vision straddling my cock. Talia grinned at my reaction to her nude body, playfully biting down on the fabric of her camisole to hold it in place while we fucked. She rocked her hips from side to side like a hula dancer, purring as my cock stimulated new regions of her body.

I held her ass firmly with both hands and we gradually increased our pace—Talia lifting herself up and me pulling her powerfully back down onto my dick again and again. We grew frantic; her firm, healthy boobs bouncing crazily with each wanton thrust until they became a blur of flesh before my eyes.

Talia's fingers latched onto my hair for stability, pulling roughly while her lithe little hips slammed down against me. I felt my balls tighten with anticipation and I sat up, still holding her ass as I inhaled one of those generous tits into my mouth.

Our fucking increased to blinding speed, Talia's thighs gripping me like a vice. Her other, unattended breast kept bouncing, softly slapping against my cheek with each thrust. Talia grabbed onto her errant boob and mashed it against the side of my face as I sucked on its twin—

I blasted my load up inside her.

"God!" she shrieked, throwing her head back in ecstasy as her own orgasm overwhelmed her. I released her tit from my mouth and let my exhausted head collapse against the pillow of her breasts. We sat there for several minutes, catching our breath with my deflating member still inside her.

It was a huge relief, both physically and emotionally. The phrase "that hit the spot" popped into my head. As I sat there on her bed, feeling the creamy skin of her breasts against my face and the humming-bird heartbeat pulsing within her chest, I felt healed. I was a man again.

Talia's pussy clenched around me a final time and she went completely limp in my arms.

"You didn't pass out on me again, right?" I jokingly whispered. Talia just giggled and smacked me on the shoulder.

Suddenly, we heard footsteps on the stairs outside and, with supernatural speed and agility, we both somehow managed to get fully dressed and engrossed in our AP biology books by the time Talia's mom opened the bedroom door to bid us goodnight. Soon as the door was closed, we both burst out laughing and couldn't stop for the rest of the night.

Though the sex had been incredible, post orgasm neither Talia nor I were feeling particularly lovey-dovey. We had been there for each other during a frustrating, confusing time, but we both knew we simply were not relationship material for each other, and that was perfectly fine.

I'd felt nothing resembling the avalanche of emotions I'd experienced after my first time with Stephanie, just a sense of overwhelming relief and a transcendent physical pleasure. A different kind of love, I suppose. Talia and I finished the night as "friends," but not necessarily "just friends," watching Happy Gilmore of all things and study-buddying for our APs.

It wasn't exactly fun seeing Stephanie at school the next day, but I had made my peace with the situation. I didn't really know what to say to her, so things were unusually "polite" when we bumped into each other between first and second period. We acted like two people who barely knew each other.

Between second and third period, Stephanie went out of her way to make sure we crossed paths again. I could see the deep worry on her face as she pulled me in for a frantic hug, words of contrition tripping over each other as they fell from her mouth:

"I couldn't sleep last night, I felt so bad about how I treated you yesterday. There must have been a million better ways to say what I said, but I just blurted it all out like some heartless bitch."

"Steph," I interjected.

"No, just let me finish! I'm trying to say I really, really screwed up, and I wish I hadn't. I never expected things to get so confusing. I can't stand the thought of this ruining our friendship, or whatever it is we have now. It's true, I don't like you in the same way I like Simon, but you still mean more to me than he does. If it'll make things ok between us again, I'll break things off with him. I will, I promise."

"It's okay, Steph, I don't want you to do that. You didn't do anything wrong, I did. Everything's been changing so fast, I lost perspective on reality for a bit. I talked with Talia last night, and she kind of put my brain on track again."

Steph let out a huge sigh of relief, thanking me for being so understanding. We both checked our watches; passing period only lasted five minutes and we were running out of time. "I know what you mean about things happening too fast," she finally added, "I feel like most couples I know spent months and months slowly working their way up to having sex. We jumped in the deep end with no idea how to swim."

"Yeah, I wasn't ready for how that first time would feel. Still, I'm glad it was with you."

"You too," she sighed, giving me a quick, sweet kiss on the lips. I knew that little kiss was probably the last she and I would ever share. "You made my first time perfect."

As we both hurried off to our next classes, I told myself that this was going to be okay. Simon Rhee was a good enough guy, and I knew he would treat my Stephanie like a princess.

Wait—I thought—rephrase: she isn't "my Stephanie" anymore. Just "Stephanie."

During lunch, Talia and I revealed to the others that we had hooked up. Most of the other girls shrugged it off as "one of those things," but Stephanie got very quiet.

"You okay, Steph?" Talia asked, genuinely concerned. "Are you mad at us?"

"No! Of course not," was the reply. But she faltered, reluctantly correcting her response to, "I guess maybe I'm a little mad. A little jealous. But I'll be okay. I've got no right to be, I just wasn't ... expecting it."

I draped an arm across her shoulders and her eyes turned pink. I promised her, "I wasn't trying to hurt you. I just needed some—uh, well, I just needed some."

Talia blushed, adding, "Me too."

For a long time, Stephanie didn't make a sound. My insides tied in knots. Then she finally smiled and said, "You know, it's weird, but part of me is actually relieved? I was carrying around all this guilt about breaking things off with you, so it's sort of a weight off my shoulders. I'll be okay."

I thought that would be the end of the fallout from my sexy evening with Talia, but there was one more moment, later that day, that really threw me for a loop. When Amy and I finished our after-school run, my hot redheaded buddy gave me a congratulatory pat on the back and whispered, "Two down, three to go, stud."

"Hold on--What?"

"First Stephanie, now Talia. Two down, three to go."

"It's not like that," I insisted.

Amy just laughed, "What do you mean, 'it's not like that?' You expect me to believe you don't dream about fucking each and every one of us? I bet you jerk off thinking about one of us every single night."

No! I thought. Well, technically yes, but—

I wasn't going to stand for Amy's insinuation. I looked her dead in the eyes and said, "I do dream about you. Every single night since I've known you girls. And not just one at a time, either. I imagine myself fucking every combination of threesome, foursome, fivesome, or even fucking all of you at the same time. I dream of fucking you in the swimming pool, in the girls' locker room, in the great outdoors, and in the far reaches of space."

"Would you, could you, on a boat?" she joked, "Would you, could you, with a goat?"

"Exactly. Well, maybe not with a goat. But, pathetic and perverted as I may be, I have never, NEVER thought of you girls as a damn checklist. You're my best friends, and when I say it's not like that, I mean it's just not like that."

Amy was a hard person to ruffle. Even when she was genuinely upset, she typically just covered it up with bravado or sarcasm. But somehow, my little speech had struck an unexpected cord and shaken her. It took Amy a second to pull her thoughts together.

"You're a weird guy, Ian."

I shrugged, knowing it was Amy's version of a compliment. She thought hard about something for a second, then it was her turn to look me dead in the eyes as she added, "I'm gonna fuck you, someday. I don't know when, exactly, and neither will you. But I promise you, one of these days I am gonna blow your fucking mind."

For a moment, I felt small and timid in the face of what she had just said. Amy was aggressive, adventurous, and way more experienced than I was. Plus her lithe dancer's body was a scorching fireball of hotness. My throat tightened and my tongue froze up—

But only for a moment. I recalled the look on Amy's face when I had made her cum underneath that towel a few weeks earlier, and felt a sudden surge of confidence. Maybe I would blow her mind as well.

"You're on," I answered.

They say a watched pot never boils, but I was watching that damn pot for over a week, and I gotta say, I got pretty close to boiling over. Every time Amy made eye contact with me, I held my breath in anticipation. Was today the day?

Nope. I guess today was just Tuesday. Dammit! Sometimes, she would be able to guess what I was thinking, and in those cases, her response was always the same: "Not yet, stud. Not today."

Looking back, I should really thank Amy for taking my mind off having to see Stephanie and Simon Rhee holding hands everywhere I went. Though I admit this grudgingly, I could see why Stephanie liked him so much. Having moved to the United States from Korea three years ago, the then 15-year-old Simon had been friendless and alone in a country where he hadn't exactly mastered the language. Maybe because of that, he developed a sweet-natured, soft-spoken personality, almost like a male version of Elizabeth (which maybe explained why he was such a good fit for Stephanie). He had a swimmer's build, with impressive muscle tone I was a bit jealous of, and that triangular shaped torso you only get from a lifetime in the water. He was also tall for an Asian dude, maybe an inch shorter than my 5'11".

More than once, I overheard the girls giggling about how much they were looking forward to Spring Break, and getting to see a lot more of Simon in his speedo.

Much as I resented Simon for infringing upon the perfect little social utopia I had with my girls, I just couldn't dislike the guy. He was one of those rare people who is genuinely nice to everyone. The fact that he and I had pretty much the exact same taste in video games didn't exactly hurt his cause, either.

In the months I had known them, my girls had dated plenty of guys; some were assholes, some were awesome, but nobody before Simon had clicked with the rest of us. Our group of six became a group of seven. I watched with a mixture of jealousy and pity as shy, sweet Simon tried to survive the same gauntlet of flirting and teasing I had endured during the early months of my friendship with the girls. Stephanie protectively kept some of her friends' more overt behavior at bay, but there was nothing she could do to keep her man's eyes from wandering to Corrine's expansive, swaying bosom every time the stacked Nordic babe so much as leaned over.

One time, when we were all hanging out at Stephanie's, Corrine showed up dressed in a little pink knit vest meant for a much shorter woman. At nearly six feet tall and wearing literally nothing else on her chest, Corrine looked positively ridiculous. The garment pulled so tightly around her breasts that the knit stretched loose, hinting at the luscious skin and pink nipples beneath. Corrine's height also essentially transformed it into a belly shirt, and its plunging scoop neck revealed an obscene amount of mouthwatering cleavage.

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Bosom Buddies Ch 8

It took us forever to find her bra. Corrine hadn’t thrown it far, but it was pitch black on that beach, and we spent a good fifteen minutes crawling around on our hands and knees in the pouring rain, blindly groping at the grass before I stumbled onto the damn thing. On the way back to her house, I told Corrine that I wanted her to come back to Rachel’s cabin with me, to be with the rest of us for the week. “But I wasn’t invited,” she protested. “And everyone hates me right now.” “I’M inviting...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Bosom Buddies Ch 7

I awoke to the soft patter of raindrops against the cabin roof. Snuggling up against me was Elizabeth, her breathing peaceful and her bare breasts warm against my side. Though the bed sheet covered our bodies, it had drifted down just far enough to expose a hint of Liz’s voluminous, silky smooth cleavage. The silver light of the morning diffused through our curtains and cast a soft glow across the bed. She looked radiant, like something out of a renaissance painting. Much as I wanted to stay in...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Bosom Buddies Ch 5

“We’ve got fifteen minutes of sun left, people, let’s see some hustle!” Damn, that girl was loud. My ears had grown accustomed to the gale-force winds blowing in from the ocean, and her voice still made me flinch. There were five of us on that beach, all told. Nick was bitching about his werewolf costume, Dan was fumbling with the camera, Andy had given up trying to record usable sound over the unexpected wind, I was doing my absolute best to concentrate on directing the upcoming scene (and not...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Bosom Buddies Ch 1

I turned eighteen a month into my senior year of high school. Skinny, shy, good at math; I was last pick for the basketball team and last pick for the opposite sex. But by Christmas, I had gone from being terrified of girls to living the cliché as the official “sexually non-threatening platonic guy friend” of the five hottest chicks in school. As nice as it was to have popular friends and beautiful women to look at all day long, I was also anguishing in a special circle of Hell, where my penis...

First Time
2 years ago
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Bosom Bondage Buddies Part 1

Bosom Bondage Buddies by Brandy Dewinter Chapter 1 - The Challenge "We need to lose some weight," my wife Kelly said as she poked me in my over-inflated spare tire. "Me more than you," I agreed, "but you're right. If I don't lose some weight, I'm headed for heart attack, or diabetes like my father. We've tried though, and nothing seems to work." We had had this conversation before, both of us were cursed with an endomorph body, short and highly efficient at storing...

2 years ago
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Bosom Bondage Buddies Part 2

Bosom Bondage Buddies, Part 2 by Brandy Dewinter (continued from part 1) Chapter 23 - Mistress Raven and Slaves The next morning I dressed in a midnight blue lace blouse and a snug leather mini while Kelly chose a cheerful ice-blue sundress. Having carefully cleaned my earposts twice a day as the holes healed during the previous week, for the first time I was able to wear the shining gold loop earrings. We climbed up on our impossibly high heels and swayed arm-in-arm out to...

4 years ago
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Bosom BuddiesChapter 3

I could hear the shower running upstairs, and the muted music of Elizabeth's sweet voice singing something from Phantom of the Opera. I briefly enjoyed the mental image of her belting out those high notes into the detachable nozzle, oblivious to the spray of hot water cascading down her beautiful breasts. Water droplets clinging to her wine-dark nipples... My attention shifted back to the beautiful blonde sitting beside me. Neither of us spoke, we just sat there, awkwardly shifting back and...

1 year ago
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Bosom BuddiesChapter 5

"We've got fifteen minutes of sun left, people, let's see some hustle!" Damn, that girl was loud. My ears had grown accustomed to the gale-force winds blowing in from the ocean, and her voice still made me flinch. There were five of us on that beach, all told. Nick was bitching about his werewolf costume, Dan was fumbling with the camera, Andy had given up trying to record usable sound over the unexpected wind, I was doing my absolute best to concentrate on directing the upcoming scene...

4 years ago
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Bosom BuddiesChapter 6

"And you turned her down?!" Amy sat bolt upright, her jaw hanging open in shock. I just nodded, glancing around the room to take in the equally disbelieving reactions of Talia, Stephanie, and Elizabeth. Reeling from what had just transpired, I'd called the four of them over to my house immediately upon getting home from my fight with Corrine. While the others assaulted me with questions, Elizabeth calmly scooted over to my side and gave me a calming, comforting hug. Little by little, I...

2 years ago
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Bosom BuddiesChapter 7

I awoke to the soft patter of raindrops against the cabin roof. Snuggling up against me was Elizabeth, her breathing peaceful and her bare breasts warm against my side. Though the bed sheet covered our bodies, it had drifted down just far enough to expose a hint of Liz's voluminous, silky smooth cleavage. The silver light of the morning diffused through our curtains and cast a soft glow across the bed. She looked radiant, like something out of a renaissance painting. Much as I wanted to...

1 year ago
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Bosom BuddiesEpilogue

The ugly truth of any long-distance relationship is, it sucks. Much as your young heart may try to romanticize all the effort and the sacrifice involved, at the end of the day you're still miserable. Eventually, you start to feel a bit like the widow who lives out her days celibate, still in love with her dead husband. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Liz and I poured every meager cent we earned into long-distance phone calls and plane fares, but, more often then not, I found...

4 years ago
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Bosomy Bobbie

"It's Bosomy Bobbie," I say to Anne, holding my hand over the receiver. "Tell him we're not here. Tell him we're not her... tell him whatever you want." "He's all dressed, he says. He's got that whiny tone in his voice." "That's the only tone he has!" Anne screamed. "Oh God... why hath thou forsaken me? Alright. Tell him to come over but use the side entrance." "What side entrance?" "You know, the one next to the imaginary elevator." "Oh, that side entrance... Yeah, she...

2 years ago
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Bosom Buddies Ch 9

I deflected Amy’s question with some joke about showing up “like a pimp” with all three of them on my arm. She’d laughed at that and dropped the subject, but I already knew it was going to be a problem. Sure, I had more than a month until prom—time enough to figure it out—but a nagging worry nevertheless crawled into the back of my mind, made itself comfortable, and refused to leave. Obviously, my joke about bringing all three was just that, a joke. It was one thing for me to be in a situation...

3 years ago
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Bosom Buddies

(This story was originally published as a single, continuous narrative -- but I figured people might have fun playing around with other outcomes for the characters. Please feel free to contribute, thanks!) ******** I turned eighteen a month into my senior year of high school. Skinny, shy, good at math; I was last pick for the basketball team and last pick for the opposite sex. But by Christmas, I had gone from being terrified of girls to living the cliché as the official “sexually...

2 years ago
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Bosom BuddiesChapter 2

Turned out my last thought had proven correct: Stephanie kept our little dalliance a secret from everyone, even her BFF, Elizabeth. Was it shame? Or was she just concerned about upsetting the apple cart? In any case, much as I wanted us to, Steph and I didn't have the lust-filled reunion I had hoped for after I got out of the hospital. It drove me nuts. We had been so completely comfortable with each other for so long, it was a shock to see the anxiety on Stephanie's face when I returned...

3 years ago
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Heart Of Gold

Heart Of GoldBy: Londebaaz Chohan I later learnt that Daisy was from a far flung area of Wyoming. She joined ‘Super Electronics’ in my department almost 1 year ago. She was very jovial and cheerful person and soon was well known and friends with most of the almost 80 employees in the office. I was the manager of the accounts section. One day she was asking about the school systems of the Colonia township and the location she asked about was exactly my neighborhood. Low and behold, about a month...

2 years ago
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And My Best Friend Too

"...And My Best Friend Too"(part 2 of a two-part story with Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande)(part 1: opened the bedroom door slowly making sure not to make too much noise. She snuck back into bed and carefully slipped under the blankets as to not wake up her sl*eping friend. She settled into the bed, spooning her friend, nestling her head on the redhead's back kissing her shoulder before readying to join her friend in slumber. Just...

4 years ago
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SailingChapter 2

Sailing: the Coast Guard Bored? ... I am. Every Saturday it's the same thing. Start when they tell you. Politely curse because one of the Chicago rich kids cut you off. Sail up the lake, turn at the buoys. Tack back and forth into the wind. It's always the same ... over and over. What happens if you win? Is there money in your pocket? A trophy for the shelf? No? Your crew picks you up and throws you in the water. Never race with your wallet in your pocket ... if you win it's sure to get...

1 year ago
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Cuckold For Life

"Oh god, I am so horny," I thought when I woke up this morning with a bulging erection. I reached down slowly to touch my member ensuring that I didn't arouse suspicion in my partner lying next to me. It felt good, it need to be stimulated. I wanted sexual release, but I knew that wasn't up to me. My wife has expressly forbid me to masturbate without her permission. I looked over at her loveliness, her curly brown hair dr****g the pillow and her lips pouting in an innocently c***dish way. I...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping with Joanne

Kelly is my wife’s best friend, but could I get her into bed?My wife, Joanne, and her best friend, Kelly, met in college and have remained friends for five years. Joanne is a sultry brunette, but Kelly is a gorgeous blue-eyed blonde that I wanted terribly from the moment we met.Kelly and her husband, Jack, came down from New York to Florida for a visit this summer and I could hardly keep my eyes off of Kelly. Her long blonde hair and blue eyes were driving me crazy! But we’d just met, so I knew...

3 years ago
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When Johnny Comes Marching Home Ch 01

Hero veteran returns home disgraced and in poor health. Once a big, scary, well-conditioned brute of a man, Johnny used to be a mean and nasty son of a bitch. If you were his enemy, especially if you were his enemy, he’d as soon as kill you than look at you. Now just a poor excuse for a man, broken and despondent, he was the shell of the man he used to be. A facade he needed to maintain as a Navy Seal, deep down he was a good man with a keen sense of right, wrong, honor, and loyalty. Whenever...

1 year ago
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My first Gay sex experience with a man I met in a Pub Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

The first time I had sex with a man when I was nineteen. I knew I was attracted to other men and boys but in my very traditional family homosexuality wasn’t even talked about. I didn’t realise what my feeling meant. But that night, my first gay sex experience with a man changed everything. I was at a pub having a beer when a strongly built man sat next to me. He ordered a beer and started chatting with me. He had tattoos on his arms and had a beard. But he was hot. So very hot. He caught me...

3 years ago
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Long Distance Love

Never having been a techie I was leary on meeting people on the Internet, but I was lonely and needing some companionship and joined a chat room to do just that–chat.  Well, one evening I was in the room and in pops a man with a marvelous sense of humor.  I sat alone in my living room and laughed at his comments.  I sent him a private message and asked him where he’d been all my life.  He replied, ‘right here, where have you been?’ Never in my life had I been so bold.  I couldn’t help myself. ...

4 years ago
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Living It with Dylan chapter 1

Sunday “You guys fuck each other, then?” Scotty asked, before Dylan’d even returned from taking the guy’s bags down to my room. I was standing in the kitchen making him a drink and I was so surprised by the question that I nearly dropped the scotch bottle. “Yeah we do,” I said, not facing my roommate’s old pal. “That okay with you?” Dylan had only been an out gay for a couple of years, and some of his friends still struggled with it. “I was hoping you guys’d fuck me,” he said, and I turned...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Whos got the biggest Cock Prove It

I barely know how to begin...It happened a year ago. My girlfriend Jennifer and I had just moved into a cheap apartment. We were both studying at the university, I was 26 and she was 24. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had medium-short blonde hair, big brown eyes and a voluptuous body. She had perky c-cup breasts with small nipples and round tight ass. We had a good sex life and she was always satisfied with me. I am quite muscular and have a respectable 7-inch cock which...

2 years ago
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peed on

We are a very sexual couple but I felt as if we were both holding back our deepest, darkest desires from each other.We would tease each other through out the day by texting while he was at work, I would leave a pair of panties in the pocket of his work pants for him to sniff when ever he desired. Just little sexual teases to tell each other "Look what you have to look forward to tonight!"One afternoon while he was at work, I was reading fetish stories online and came across one that involved...

4 years ago
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Song was the wife of a North Korean diplomat. She was lucky - being part of the elite meant a nice apartment in Pyongyang, but it also meant a lonely life, confined to the cold, gray city. Her husband worked overseas - usually in Switzerland and so she rarely got to see him. From gossip she knew he kept mistresses over there - but she figured that as long as she had access to his power and he was doing this overseas, she could live with the compromise.One cold, wet afternoon Song was looking...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 163

Celina laid with her head on Adam's chest as it rose and lowered in rhythmic sleep. It was past midnight and she was in a deliriously good mood despite napping for only 30 minutes or so. A perfect evening had spawned an almost perfect night. For the first time in her life, Celina had willingly given herself to another person. There had been the usual fumbling that occurs when two people become intimate for the first time. But it had been unhurried and she was completely unabashed by...

4 years ago
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Wife Brings Some Work Home

My wife, Lynn and I got married when we were both only eighteen years old. And though Lynn had been raised in a very strict Christian family with her father being a preacher, and she had always dressed extremely conservative, after we took a few nude photos one night she did a complete turnaround. From there, we'd started going on short trips out of town for her to expose herself. We also started to get into the swinger lifestyle starting with MFM threesomes and wife swapping. Also, Lynn had...

2 years ago
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Even after twenty-odd years of marital bliss, I still find it hard to understand certain actions of my wife. I mean, first, she gets mad at me for having an affair with our daughter... then she storms at me for breaking up the affair. As if that is not enough, she complains that I am not being randy enough! And boy, did she blow her top when our daughter let it slip that we were using protection. And now, she is mad that... I guess it all began when I sold my Jag for a 1987 model...

3 years ago
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The big bad wolf finds his Red

PART ONE: The little girl in red and the Stranger. Once upon a time there was a little girl that lived in a sleepy village. The town's people all loved the little girl. She was kind and helped each one of them when she could. They all thought she was an angel. The little girl had not only been blessed with a sweet compassionate nature, but also beauty. She had long silky hair that hung in fiery red ringlets down her back. Her peaches and cream skin, flawless. When she smiled her...

4 years ago
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Impliments of Torture

I was back in my old neighborhood and totally in "straight" mode. The last thing I wanted my folks knowing was that their one and only likes to wear a dress every now and then. BAD IDEA! When I stopped by the Circle K for a few things I was even happier to be looking "normal." There she was, looking a little heavier since the last time we spoke. For Gail that was a good thing since she was just a pound over being considered anorexic in high school. She was quite a departure for me. Most...

4 years ago
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BDSM Birthday Gift For Riya

Hi friends, this is Vike (my online name), over the past four years I have helped girls around the world satisfy their needs through sext and have given them an experience of a lifetime. This is my first story on Indian sex stories. You can contact me on I live in Chandigarh; I stand feet tall with a tool of 7 inches. So this is story of a girl who wanted to explore the world of BDSM and how I gave her the gift on her 20th birthday. Riya was my college friend, she has a body which every guy...

1 year ago
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A moral dilema

Teresa stood infrot of the mirror after her shower and before dressing reflecting on where her life was going. She had just received a phone call that made her excited about her future prospects, and before the interview she wanted to make sure that she presented well. Teresa lived in a small country town, with a population of just 1200 people, so it was a known fact that everyone knew everyone. She came from a very religious family background, as did all the people that lived in her town, so...

First Time
3 years ago
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Wife Helps Me Out

I have been married for 40 plus years in a marriage and rather happily except for the sex. Our sex life had never been that great as she was not really much into it. She tried. We experimented with a couple of 3-somes in our earlier 20s but she wasn't into women and being with another guy didn't thrill her either. I had grown up being curious so I enjoyed it immensely. She would end up going to bed while my friend and I played when she did. It ended all too soon and she thought it was a...

3 years ago
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Fuck you ex boyfriend

As a teenager I was never the 'good looking' type. I was overweight, too tall, never had many friends and only had one boyfriend. However, now I'm 21 and fitter than ever. My height is now an advantage as I'm 5ft 11 and many guys lust after my gorgeous long legs, my curvy round ass and my 34DD tits. My ex cheated on me several times, maybe because I was too ugly for him. I hated him for it, I wanted to take revenge, so one day I heard he was attending a party which my friend was having. I...

Straight Sex
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LoveHonor Obey

Love Honor and Obey - REVISEDNote: This story was told to me by a couple I know after the wife sucked me off. They swear it’s true. Enjoy. The day I met this perfect beauty I had to have her. Tinya and I dated for several weeks before I even tried to have sex with her. I did not want to take a chance at making her mad. I had the night I decided to make my move all planned out. The restaurant was very expensive. Great food and wine. Wonderful atmosphere. She was late in meeting me but when she...

4 years ago
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Crosswinds Chapter 6

Maddi stifled a pleasured groan with each bite of prime rib she ate. The tender ribbons of meat melted under tongue and did much to help her ignore Diana grinning across the table. Her sister’s volatile treachery terrified her, but every time the feeling seemed overwhelming, Maddi stuffed another protein in her mouth.“Diana, Madison. I can’t believe this.” Dr. Dory Drake smiled from her seat next to Rochelle. She was a brown-haired woman in her 60s with square vintage glasses and a pressed,...

4 years ago
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My first trip over a womans knee for the sli

When I was growing up in Cheshire corporal punishment was a regular occurrence. I got it once as a junior, but never at secondary school which as quite extraordinary given all of my mates did. I did get extremely close to it once, being reported to a master who always slippered, and never gave detentions. I remember waiting for the master to return to the library, where his office was situated, and getting a sympathetic look from the female librarian who clearly knew what was to come. What...

3 years ago
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Cousins Wife

She came out in a white lacy nighty and went into the kitchen to brew some tea. The silken material and the color went well with her skin. I could have molested her on sight. And most of all she was definitely bra-less as I could see that her nipples were standing to poke out of her nighty. I guess, she must have seen me from the mirror and might have noticed the bulge in my pants. She brewed the tea, poured it into two cups and brought them on a tray in front of me. She leaned to put the tray...

3 years ago
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Melissas Tribulation part I

Melissa’s Tribulation part I Call me Melissa. I'm 23 with medium length red hair and a 34D-24-32 body. I'm 5'5" and 118 lbs. I work as a cocktail waitress at night and usually walk home late at night and alone. The bar I work in has a caveman motif and my uniform is high black heels, black, thigh high nylons, a short yellow skirt which is basically just a piece of cloth tied around my waist which shows the top of my nylons and when I bend over, my purple g-string. I live in the city...

3 years ago
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watching my mate play footie

I'm watching my mate playing footie. He plays for a Sunday League footballteam. I'm on the touchline with his Dad. Mr Shaw is well proud of hisson. Who could blame him? Aiden's the best player in the team. And thefittest lad by a mile. I have the greatest admiration for him."He gets better every game, doesn't he?"His Dad agrees."I'm well proud of him.""He gets better looking as well."I didn't mean to say it out loud. I'm proper embarrassed. His Dad gives mea funny look."What did you say?""I...

4 years ago
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Time bomb

In my own mind I was now a walking time bomb, my new woman's body was designed to have babies created and grow within it. When I got screwed by some man there was a good chance he could impregnate me, cause me to swell with human life. My boobs would grow too, fill with milk to feed the baby. Or babies. What if I was fucked by a really virile man and he gave me twins, or worse. How big would I get? How many babies could I make? If I fill up with too many, surely they can't all fit inside...

2 years ago
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Threesome second time around

Having been a few weeks since our first threesome, I didn't think it would happen again. Everyone's schedules have been crazy so finding time to relax was hard but finally all of our schedules matched up.I, being a healthy male, am pretty much ready to go but my 2 pets need some liquid encouragement even though they both want to be with me in bed. So after a few hours of drinking, things loosened up but it was still up to me to get the ball rolling.So I just took it upon my self to hop into bed...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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A Day at the Lake

The sun is shining bright and hot; the breeze off the water helps cool a bit but something tells you the day is going to be a hot one...and more than just the temperature. You look particularly sexy in your bikini with your beach wrap loosely draped around you. We meet your friends at their boat and after getting situated on board take a brisk cruise around the lake. After a fun ride with the wind caressing your hair we pull into a secluded cove. The guys kick back with a couple of cold beers...

Group Sex
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YE EK ANOKHI STORY HAI SIRF DAILOGS KI MERI AUR MERI PRIYA BHABHI KI JO MUJHSE PEHLE CHANDIGARH MAIN SEX KAR CHUKI HAI AUR AB DEHLI MAIN HAI AUR HUMNE ROLEPLAY BHI BAHUT KIYA BHABHI HAI HI BAHUT KAMAL KI,OK AB STORY SHURU KARTE HAIN.AAPKO YE NAYEE STORY KAISE LAGI ZAROOR MAIL KARNA MUJHE OK MERA ID HAI Sam:i ring the bellpriya: kaun?Sam: Bhabhi main hoon samsam: aapkaa Naughty dewarpriya: arre devarji aappriya: aaj yaha kaise aana huapriya: bhabi ki yaad bahut dino baad aayisam: Bhaiyaa aur...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 48 Little Sister

School had started. The good thing was that Warren was now with license and with car-his mom's old minivan, to be precise--so he didn't have to take the bus anymore. He drove in. With him was a friend, David Linnet. Warren had met David on the bus last year, and they had occasionally chatted on the phone or done something together. David was only a sophomore-and Warren a senior, now-but Warren never worried about stuff like that. He liked Dave. When he mentioned to Dave that he was going...

2 years ago
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Annie Has Another First Experience

This is a story about my first time ever to be with a black man, it happened over four years ago and I still remember it like it was just yesterday. Ferguson is an old friend of my husband’s. They went to the same university but a few years apart and met at an alumni function a few years ago and stayed in contact thru the years. He was a football player in college but hurt his knee real bad and couldn’t go on to play professional football. And he is a big man, about 6’ – 5” and around 240...

4 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 13

Candace didn't bother to knock; she just stuck her head through Beth's front door and stood there, listening. Sure enough, there were moans and fleshy slapping sounds coming from down the hall. She let herself in; Toby followed. "I think I should start this alone, don't you think?" she asked. "Yes," Toby agreed, nodding and handing her the camera. "I'll be out of sight, but I'll be watching and listening." Candace nodded and he turned to head down the hall to his own room, then...

3 years ago
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Amar Hobu Shashuri

Ami prothom tader dhakar barite berate gelam 1999 e bidesh theke ase. Somporke amar khala hon kintu onek din dese na thakate temon jogagog silona. Basai jeye amar porichoi dilam, amake drawing room e boste dilo ekti soto meye, school e sesh koreni mone holo. Ektu porei ghore dhuklo amar khala r amake dekhe hau-mau kore kede fele jorie dhorlo. Amio abege appluto hoe take buke jorie dhorlam. Kissukhon por prothom bujhte parlam khalar dudh amar buker niche peter upor chepe ase. Ami darun...

2 years ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 9 The Bar

A tall man in western dress came to the table and reached out his hand to Debbie. "Lets dance pretty lady," he said while lifting her from her chair. A stern look from Cindy left no doubt in Debbie's mind that no argument would be accepted. Arriving on the dance floor Debbie felt herself being pressed tightly against his body. His hands were around her and resting on her ass. Debbie couldn't loosen his grip and just tried to follow his steps. She felt his tongue licking her ear and he...

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