Bosom Buddies Ch 10
- 2 years ago
- 43
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"We've got fifteen minutes of sun left, people, let's see some hustle!"
Damn, that girl was loud. My ears had grown accustomed to the gale-force winds blowing in from the ocean, and her voice still made me flinch.
There were five of us on that beach, all told. Nick was bitching about his werewolf costume, Dan was fumbling with the camera, Andy had given up trying to record usable sound over the unexpected wind, I was doing my absolute best to concentrate on directing the upcoming scene (and not the big-breasted girl changing her clothes in my parents' minivan)—
And then, there was Rachel.
Rachel Klein, to be precise. Our producer, and tyrannical leader of the school's AV Club. Four feet and ten inches of undiluted, badass motherfucker. No makeup ("Fuck that, do you realize how long it takes to put on makeup? I'm adding years onto my lifespan!"), neon blue hair in a high-pony, size 5 steel-toed boots, and razor-sharp glasses.
I guess I sort of had a crush on her for a while. Not sure if it was because I was still really insecure around women back then and her super aggressive personality kind of thrilled me, or if it was just because she never wore a bra.
Another gust of salty wind blasted us, practically toppling our petite little producer into the sand. "Fuck! Fuck this fucking wind!"
I could see that her little tantrum was having an adverse effect on everyone's morale, so I quietly suggested she tone it down a notch. Rachel didn't like that--
"Listen, Ian, you guys can be happy, or you guys can be miserable, but it doesn't change the fact that, if we don't get this shot off in the next fifteen minutes, we will be filming a daytime scene in the dark!"
"Okay, okay! I'll go see if our leading lady is ready yet."
I hurried across the miserable grey beach, cold sand hopping down inside my shoes with each step. The beat-up minivan my parents had recently bequeathed me on my eighteenth birthday was parked not far off, covered with a tarp to protect the modesty of the young lady inside—
That tarp blew off as I approached. For a fraction of a second, I caught a glimpse through the windshield of an unbelievably gorgeous body: the nude back of a perfect, hourglass figure, the side of a magnificent breast, hidden teasingly behind a curtain of long blonde hair...
With a shriek, Corrine ducked down and covered herself up.
"Sorry!" I shouted, averting my eyes and chasing after the damn tarp. "The wind got it, hang on!"
By the time I had retrieved that fucking tarp and returned to the van, my beautiful "actress" was already dressed, the brief costume I had picked out from her closet a day earlier hidden beneath a bathrobe to protect her from the wind.
"Sorry, Corrine! Sorry! I didn't see anything!"
"Then why apologize?" She smirked knowingly at me and hurried over to where we were shooting on the beach. She was so damn tall, the bathrobe looked almost miniature on her—long, smooth legs exposed up to her ass as she trotted across the sand.
I quickly ran my two actors through the scene--a pretty simple "monster chases girl" affair, and then quietly asked Corrine to hand me her robe.
Ever the tease, she made a show of fumbling with the knot. I glanced over my shoulder to see Rachel impatiently tapping her watch.
Corrine suddenly took my hand and drew it to the belt of her robe, mere inches below the enormous curve of her breasts. "I can't get it undone, could you do it for me?"
I knew she was just playing with me, but we were on a deadline and I didn't want to listen to any more of Rachel's bitching, so I said nothing and quickly untied Corrine's robe. I had to remind my hands to stop shaking like some scared little kid's as I loosed the knot and watched her robe fall open before my eyes.
She was NOT wearing the outfit I had picked out for her. I had picked out the sexiest thing I could find in Corrine's closet: a low-cut cotton top with bikini panties. She had modeled the outfit for me briefly, and I had been fantasizing about seeing her in it again ever since. I had spent the entirety of last night jerking off to visions of Corrine's cantaloupe-sized tits bouncing away in that little cotton top.
But I wasn't exactly disappointed by the surprise. The costume Corrine had decided to wear instead was about a thousand times hotter than anything I could have imagined. I gulped as my brain soaked up the sight before me: The hottest chick I had ever met, dressed in a tiny, white lace nightie that barely covered her amazing chest. The narrow neckline plunged down like a dagger between her unsupported tits, the weightless lace fabric resting gently on her succulent curves. Below the shelf of those world-class breasts, the whiff of fabric became almost transparent, and it cascaded down to past a pair of frilly white thong underwear.
This probably sounds crazy, but it almost saddened me, seeing Corrine at that moment. The rest of the world suddenly seemed so much less awesome in comparison. I seriously just wanted to drown myself in her cleavage and die happy. I struggled to find my voice:
"You look so—I mean—Th-That's—"
"Thanks. I figured this would be more memorable."
She was right. I still remember every detail of that nightie, all these years later, but I can't for the life of me remember why the script I wrote called for her character to be dressed in sleeping clothes, at the beach, in the middle of the day. Go figure.
Corrine slid the robe off her shoulders and handed it to me, turning to reveal her slender, nude back and a pair of sexily exposed ass cheeks sashaying beneath the veil of her nightie. A white satin bow sat perched like a bunny tail atop her beautiful butt, dancing with every movement. She headed off to her mark—
Nobody else was doing what they were supposed to. Not Dan with the camera, not Andy with the sound, not even Rachel. We were all just staring at Corrine's unbelievable figure and the meager piece of white lace attempting to conceal it.
Rachel unintentionally let out an amorous sigh of desire, revealing more about her personal sexual preferences than she'd probably intended. As soon as the sound escaped her lips, Rachel froze, caught. The rest of us spun towards her in surprise, but she angrily dismissed our inquisitive smiles and waved us back to work. I couldn't help but notice how Rachel's nipples were poking through her shirt, hard as rocks.
"Okay, I'm recording!" Dan shouted from behind the camera.
"You're supposed to say 'rolling!'" Rachel insisted.
"Er—Rolling! Wolf-Guard, Scene twelve, take one!"
I shouted action, and Corrine dutifully took off screaming down the beach. Her huge, bouncing breasts threatened to swing free of that nightie with every step, but somehow her nipples never popped into view. I was just glad to have her bundled robe in my hands--it gave me an easy excuse to conceal my outstanding erection.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blasted in from the sea, throwing up a spray of mist and promising to rip the skimpy costume right off Corrine's body--
But she didn't stop running.
She stayed in character the whole time, reflexively hugging her costume against her chest, squashing the bountiful flesh of her bosom beneath her arms. Nick made his entrance as the wolf right on time, everybody hit their marks...
"And ... cut!"
The shot was perfect on our first, and only, take. We finished just as the sun hit the edge of the horizon and the sky turned orange.
As Corrine walked back over to me, I could see the moisture of the sea spray clinging to her skin, the lightly damp fabric of her nightie hugging tight to her curves. She shivered, moist breasts jiggling uncontrollably.
I tried not to stare at the prominent nipples poking out towards me through the cold wet fabric of her costume.
"How did that look?" she asked.
"It looked awesome! Baywatch, eat your heart out."
"Literally, in my case. Nick still rips out my heart and eats it at the end of the movie, right?"
She was really excited to be in this shitty movie of mine, and I couldn't be happier.
"Thanks for everything, Corrine."
"Oh, pssh, this is so much fun! And call me Corry, everyone else does."
She took the robe from my hands and strolled over towards the water, to watch the sunset. For the few fleeting seconds before she put her robe back on, I saw the shape of her naked body through that lace nightie, silhouetted against the backdrop of the setting sun; saw the outline of her impossibly firm breasts...
"I'll be damned, dude," Andy whispered to me, "I think she actually likes you."
I dismissed his comment with a wave of my hand. "Yeah, right. A girl like that? And a guy like me? Never gonna happen. NEVER gonna happen."
April, Senior Year...It was late, I was tired, and I couldn't stop staring at Corrine's tits. I was up in her room, helping her prepare for a big upcoming test, and she had decided to repay me by donning that same damn nightie she had worn months ago for her first scene in Wolf-Guard.
"If you're gonna stay up helping me, you may as well enjoy the view."
I assured Corrine I would always enjoy the view around her, but I wasn't exactly going to argue the point. In any case, I'm pretty sure her motive for donning that outfit was significantly less altruistic--she always found my obvious obsession with her breasts wildly entertaining and simply wanted to put on a show.
Again, I wasn't gonna argue.
After a couple hours, I didn't even bother trying to hide my erection anymore. I occasionally caught Corrine's eyes darting down to make sure I was still painfully hard.
When we finally finished studying and I got up to head out, Corrine stopped me at the door, pulling me in for a long, wet, thank-you kiss on the lips. The full weight of her barely covered breasts toppled against my chest.
I let out a groan, feeling my hands slide unbidden down her back and across the curve of her ass.
"If I didn't know you better, Corry, I'd think you were trying to seduce me."
She pulled away from me, a sadistically naughty smile on her face. "But you do know me better, don't you?"
I let out a long, exasperated sigh and nodded. "Well enough to know you're just teasing."
Corrine faltered a bit from the disappointment in my voice. She looked me in the eyes and asked, "But you like it, right?"
"Yeah," I grumbled, "I like it."
Once I was back in my car, I took a series of deep breaths, trying to get my brain cogent enough for a safe drive home. Truth was, I DIDN'T like it anymore. Up until a couple months ago, Corrine's incessant, good-natured teasing had been fun and exciting for me. I had been a hopeless virgin, and that teasing had been the highlight of my every day. I went to bed every night with fresh memories of her huge, tantalizing tits waving in my face. I had jerked off and cum to fantasies of Corrine's body more times than I could count.
But I wasn't that same guy anymore. I'd buried myself to the hilt between Talia's warm legs. I'd showered my semen across Elizabeth and Stephanie's beautiful bare breasts. And I'd watched my reflection in the changing room mirror as my cock brought Amy to an angry, animal climax.
After all that, I no longer saw Corrine as untouchable. She'd stopped intimidating me the way she used to. Her over-the-top teasing had gone from wildly arousing to maddeningly frustrating. I didn't just want to fantasize about Corrine anymore. I was over that. I legitimately wanted to fuck her, to pin her to the bed and drive my dick inside her with a year's worth of pent-up desire.
By the time I got home, I was way overdue for sleep. I collapsed onto my bed fully-clothed, but as soon as I closed my eyes, a highlight reel of Corrine's tits started playing in my head: Every skimpy top she ever wore to cover them up, the way they would bounce a little bit each time she laughed, and that one moment, all those weeks ago, when Talia had peeled off Corrine's bikini top and finally bared those glorious melons to me for that first and only time.
My fist grasped hold of my achingly hard cock, dying for some release...
But with an angry sigh I changed my mind. I didn't want to cum tonight. Not yet. I was still saving up for my next encounter with Amy.
Amy showed up for school the next day dressed in a dark green baby tee that exposed her toned midriff and skintight cutoff shorts. She was also wearing makeup for maybe the third time in her life, and her eyes in particular looked stunning. Soon as she saw me, Amy happily pressed her sexy body against me for a hug, then grabbed me by the hair and pulled my face to hers for a long, hot kiss in full view of everyone passing by.
It had been four whole days since I'd fucked Amy at the mall, and cruel fate hadn't given us another opportunity to be alone together since. But I saw a twinkle in her eyes as she finished kissing me, and she pressed her soft lips to my ear, whispering:
"My dad's working late tonight. What do you say we go by my place after school today and you can fuck me for hours and hours?"
I grinned at the prospect: We would have total privacy to do all the wonderful things our horny teenage minds could think up. I couldn't wait for the school day to end.
Amy gave my ear a nibble and pulled away—which is when I noticed Elizabeth standing nearby, watching us with wide eyes. I wasn't exactly sure what to make of her reaction. The fact that Amy and I had hooked up wasn't a secret to any of our friends, Elizabeth included, and I couldn't understand why our public display of affection four days later would weird her out so much.
"Hey Liz, you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah! Yeah, just—thinking about something."
She trotted off, red in the face. Amy rolled her eyes, but I chased after Elizabeth—
"Liz! Hey, Liz!"
She disappeared into the girls' bathroom. I hesitated for a second, but then my brain reminded me: It's not like there was a wire fence keeping you out, jackass, just a stick figure in a dress.
So I went in.
Elizabeth looked up at me in surprise as I approached. Thankfully, we had the place to ourselves for the moment. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder--
"Sweetie, what is going on?"
"Nothing, I'm just being dumb."
I pulled Elizabeth to me in a bear hug and planted a kiss on her forehead--
"You're not being dumb, something's upsetting you. Is it me and Amy?"
"No! I mean, not really. It's everybody. Every time I see Steph now, she's with Simon, and they're all cutesy at each other. And then I see you and Amy together, and Talia and Rachel—"
"Liz, Amy and I aren't exactly--Wait, Talia and Rachel?"
Elizabeth raised a confused eyebrow for a moment, then suddenly remembered, "Oh, that's right, you weren't there at the party last night! Talia made out with Rachel Klein and they're together now. I saw them holding hands during passing period this morning, it was adorable."
She muttered the word "adorable" with just a hint of venom in her voice.
I choked on a laugh, in spite of myself. Liz gave me a look, but I quickly assured her, "No, it's not you, it's just funny how things turn out sometimes. At the start of this year I sort of had a crush on Rachel."
That made Elizabeth laugh, too. "Seriously? Ian, she's like the most cliché, obvious lesbian ever."
I just shrugged, "People see things the way we want them to be."
"I don't. I always see the worst possible outcome to any situation."
"And yet somehow you're the warmest, sweetest, kindest person I've ever met."
Her lovely green eyes met mine for an unexpectedly long moment, but she finally shrugged me off.
"I just feel left out, seeing all these couples everywhere."
I sighed, "Liz, Amy and I aren't a 'couple.' She made that abundantly clear to me. Five minutes after we hooked up, Amy said, 'Just to be clear, you aren't my boyfriend. I don't have boyfriends. I have guys I fuck more than once.'"
"That's Amy, alright," Elizabeth laughed. "She's such a guy."
"Well ... not all of her."
Liz rolled her eyes and we hurried off to class.
Later that day, Rachel Klein had lunch with our group for the first time, and I was blown away by just how un-Rachel-like she behaved. She actually gave me a hug hello; the Rachel that produced Wolf-Guard would never have given me a hug hello.
Her drastic change in demeanor was a complete mystery to me for about fifteen minutes, until Rachel explained how, in the intervening months, she had discovered the mellowing properties of marijuana and become a far more palatable human being.
Apparently, its medicinal uses extend to curing "kind of a bitch."
Elizabeth was right: Rachel and Talia were adorable together. I couldn't remember ever seeing Talia so affectionate with anyone, despite the fact that she'd only been with her new girlfriend for a day. She looked at Rachel with all the giddiness of a first crush. When our lunch break came to an end, I watched with more than a little fascination as the two beautiful young women pressed their lips together for a long, sensual, goodbye kiss.
As they drew apart, Rachel teased the tip of tip of her tongue along the edge of Talia's lower lip. I couldn't help but entertain a very typical male fantasy...
Amy and I skipped our typical after-school workout, expecting to get plenty of exercise once we got to her place. Still, my feisty redheaded friend and I were so eager to get down to business that we couldn't help but run the last half mile or so.
We barely made it inside the front door before clothes started coming off.
Amy grabbed a fistful of my T-shirt and yanked me through the threshold, slamming the door behind us with a balletic sweep of her toned leg. Our bodies crashed together and I gave her hair a quick tug, tilting her face up towards mine for a fierce kiss on the lips.
She rubbed my cock through my jeans as I unzipped her cutoffs and peeled them down off her hips, never taking my mouth from hers.
Impatient, I clapped my hands against her buttocks, covered only by a thin white pair of cotton briefs, and squeezed. It didn't matter how many times I held Amy's ass in my hands—I would never get used to just how amazingly firm it felt.
"Mmm ... upstairs," she breathed, then turned and ascended the steps, tugging me along by my belt like an obedient pet. She climbed each step with agonizing slowness, purposefully waving her butt back and forth in my face as we went, her delicious round ass stretching out those cotton panties—
I couldn't wait one second longer. I had to get us upstairs RIGHT NOW. I raised my hand up between Amy's legs to cup her twat against my palm, pushing slightly to urge her upwards. She yelped in surprise, but playfully fought back, slowing us down even more. The fabric of her panties was completely soaked through with her desire, and I could feel every detail of her hot pussy against my hand. It was driving me crazy with lust.
I lifted my hand into her crotch more forcefully, demanding she keep going. Amy's hormones must have overpowered her competitive nature, because she finally relented and hurried upstairs on quivering legs, her face flushed red with desire. I kept my palm firmly pressed against her wetness the whole time.
When we finally reached the upstairs hallway, I grabbed hold of Amy's panties and peeled them down off her butt, marveling at how much smaller they looked when they weren't stretched out around the globes of her perfect ass.
She stumbled as I did this, toppling to the carpeted floor, fiery hair spilling across her face. She panted, the strands of hair covering her face wafting with every breath. As Amy lay there on her back, her smooth-shaven pussy glistened at me--an invitation I could not pass up. I dove in between her legs, and hungrily sucked her slick lips into my mouth.
"Oh fuck!" Amy screamed as I continued my assault, pushing the length of my tongue into her slit. I felt her thighs wrap around me, her ankles locking together behind my head to pull my hungry mouth tighter against her core.
God, I love going down on girls. I grabbed onto her thighs for dear life as I shook my head back and forth, tonguing her clit as I went—
"Fuck, Ian, I'm already so close!"
She propped herself on her hands and arched her back, thrusting her pelvis against me; ferociously humping my face. My hands found her elevated butt cheeks and squeezed them to support her weight, feeling the muscles tighten with her every thrust.
I latched my mouth around her clit and sucked as hard as I can, slathering it with my tongue in vacuum—
"Oh fuck—Oh fuck—Ohhhh!"
The girl was a climaxing machine. She kept me prisoner; her legs clamped around my head as she screamed out my name for minute after minute. When she finally let me go, my tongue could barely move. Never had THAT happen before.
After witnessing the ferocity of Amy's orgasm, I was about a millimeter and a half away from coming myself. Still recovering, my gorgeous friend crawled towards me, pushing me onto my back with a touch of her finger.
With infinite tenderness, she undid my belt and lowered my painfully uncomfortable jeans. Her hand rested soothingly atop the erection straining my boxers, holding it steady until I was accustomed to the feel of her hand against me.
Smiling, she dragged my boxers down as well, her eyes widening in delight at the sight of my throbbing penis.
"I love cocks so much," she cooed, "I just don't understand the girls who think they're weird. They're like the awesomest things in the universe."
I sat paralyzed as she reached her fingertips towards me, only to stop just before making contact. Instead, Amy leaned in and gently breathed warm air across the sensitive skin, making my already hard member jolt upright at extreme attention.
"Your cock is absolutely beautiful. It's like the perfect shape."
With that, she grasped hold of me with her fingers and lovingly touched the head of my cock against her soft cheek, relishing the naughty feel of it. I sucked in air, trying to keep my climax at bay. It felt like I had a thirty megaton time bomb about to explode in her face.
She lowered her head, letting her lips brush ever so slightly along the length of my shaft until her mouth was pressed against the warmth of my balls. She took a naughty nibble on my scrotum, gently tugging the sensitive skin with her teeth. I moaned uncontrollably. We both knew I was close.
Amy lifted her head, drawing her wet tongue up along my cock with slow, purposeful strokes. She gently clamped her teeth around the skin of my shaft and tugged that as well, sending a lightning storm of excitement through my whole body.
Then, finally, she reached the tip of my penis and delicately grazed her teeth along the smooth dome of my cockhead as she took me into her small mouth—
And kept going.
I watched in amazement as inch after inch slowly disappeared between the soft wet lips stretched around my width.
"Holy crap, Amy! How did—how did you—"
Then she sucked in her cheeks and I was in heaven. Amy slowly withdrew, exposing my glistening penis as she went. I would have given anything at that moment if she would just let me cum...
Then, all of a sudden, she went totally wild, bobbing up and down crazily, gliding her wiggling tongue along my length as she went. Her fingers latched onto my balls and I exploded into her mouth, over and over again.
"Mmm!" she moaned as my boiling semen splashed against the inside of her cheek.
Her wildly aroused eyes burned into mine as she sucked down and swallowed every single drop of my load. My cock was still half-hard when she pulled off her mouth with a plop.
"You had a lot in you," she giggled.
We retired to Amy's bedroom and she put her prized porno in the VCR. With the "actors" providing atmospheric groaning in the background, I pulled Amy's mini-T over her head and drank in the sight of her athletic body on that frilly pink bed, completely naked except for her socks and the simple white bra concealing her nice, ripe tits.
She pushed out her chest towards me, offering herself up to my hungry gaze. I slipped the bra straps off her shoulders, watching as the swell of her lightly freckled breasts bulged out above the cups. My fingers traced along the line of Amy's bra, daringly darting inside to tease her nipples.
I had a little trouble with the clasp in the back, but my efforts were well rewarded when Amy's luscious tits bounced unobstructed into view. I immediately put them in my mouth.
She threw her head back in ecstasy, tossing her mane of wild red hair with it. I sucked and suckled, exploring the texture of her nipples with my tongue. She panted like an animal, the sound bringing my recently relieved cock back to a respectable hardness.
"You can—use your teeth a little—if you want to..." she muttered, almost incoherent.
I honestly hadn't been thinking about that, but her tone sounded more like a plea than anything. I placed one of her erect nipples into my mouth and ever so gently bit down.
Amy shuddered from the intensity, her eyes scrunched shut, her stomach muscles clenched tight. I briefly replaced the firmness of my teeth on her nipple with the softness of my tongue—then bit down again to remind her I was there.
"Oh!" she gasped in shock.
My dick was already hard as a rock.
Amy must've felt it poking into her thigh because she quickly grabbed hold of me and began rubbing my tip along the edge of her smooth cunt while I sucked on her breasts.
I started to inch myself inside, but her hand against my pelvis stopped me short—
"Please, just a bit longer, I'm not quite ready yet."
I promptly switched my mouth to her other breast and gently bit down on the nipple. She spasmed beneath my body and firmly pressed my erection against the nub of her engorged clit.
My cock was getting soaked in her juices down there. She whimpered beautifully, "Now I'm ready."
I maneuvered my weight onto my hands as I pushed inside of Amy, feeling her body welcome me in, squeezing like a glove. Our hips rolled together in an easy rhythm and I watched with delight as the flesh of Amy's breasts bounced and shuddered beneath me with every thrust.
We paced ourselves, enjoying the vibe as we casually went at it, our moans of pleasure mixing with the moans coming from Amy's small TV.
"You enjoying yourself?" she asked, scraping her fingernails across my nipples.
"Oh, Hell yes."
I grabbed her tits for leverage as I shoved my cock back inside of her.
"Hey Amy, you wanna do it with me behind you?"
She nodded excitedly. I withdrew my length from her lithe body and flipped Amy onto her stomach. She swung her legs off the side of the bed, presenting me with a spectacular view of her butt. I hopped off the bed and took up position behind her, making sure to run my hands down her slender back and across those beautiful, toned ass cheeks. I even gave her a nice, firm smack for good measure.
Then Amy did something only Amy could do: she lifted her legs up and to the sides, spreading out along the edge of the bed in a perfect split. She arched her back, glancing over her shoulder at me with a daring look in her eyes.
This girl was amazing.
My hot, slick erection slid across the curve of her buttocks until the tip was aligned with her opening—then I entered her from behind in a single, smooth thrust.
It wasn't exactly the most comfortable sex position I've ever been in, but oh man, the view was something else: red hair cascading down Amy's back, her green eyes flashing at me, my pelvis bouncing eagerly against the cushion of her ass.
Amy's toes curled in pleasure as she let out a low, hungry growl.
I grabbed hold of her shapely thighs as I built up speed, pounding harder and harder until I could see the impact of my thrusts sending ripples across her skin. The side of a single, beautiful breast swung in and out of my field of vision—taunting me--until I couldn't bear it anymore—
My fingers released their grip on her thighs and snapped forward, squeezing at her tits with wild abandon. Amy and I shouted out strings of blissful obscenities, each of us trying to scream louder than the other as I fucked her from behind and roughly groped her breasts.
Then, all of a sudden, Amy got very quiet; almost zen-like. She whimpered quietly, her eyes scrunched shut as a pending, massive orgasm built inside of her. Such a sexy sound...
I felt a familiar tightness in my balls and knew that neither of us was long for this world. Amy's jaw went slack, unconsciously bracing herself for the shockwave of pleasure about to explode through her body—
I threw myself atop Amy and pinned her to the bed, my bodyweight driving her clit down hard against the friction of her frilly pink bedspread as my hips bucked desperately against her ass—
A shockwave of pleasure rolled between the two of us that just wouldn't stop.
Come Monday, there was a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I mean, come on, who wouldn’t be smiling? I even waved good morning to the spider who lived above my locker and just wouldn’t die no matter what I did. As I grabbed a textbook for first period, I heard a voice calling to me: “Ian, are you okay?” I spun to see Corrine, looking sexy and radiant as ever in a sleeveless brown t-shirt that pulled enticingly around her enormous chest. “Yeah, I’m great. Why?” “You’ve been humming the...
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Love StoriesIt took us forever to find her bra. Corrine hadn’t thrown it far, but it was pitch black on that beach, and we spent a good fifteen minutes crawling around on our hands and knees in the pouring rain, blindly groping at the grass before I stumbled onto the damn thing. On the way back to her house, I told Corrine that I wanted her to come back to Rachel’s cabin with me, to be with the rest of us for the week. “But I wasn’t invited,” she protested. “And everyone hates me right now.” “I’M inviting...
Group SexI awoke to the soft patter of raindrops against the cabin roof. Snuggling up against me was Elizabeth, her breathing peaceful and her bare breasts warm against my side. Though the bed sheet covered our bodies, it had drifted down just far enough to expose a hint of Liz’s voluminous, silky smooth cleavage. The silver light of the morning diffused through our curtains and cast a soft glow across the bed. She looked radiant, like something out of a renaissance painting. Much as I wanted to stay in...
Straight Sex“We’ve got fifteen minutes of sun left, people, let’s see some hustle!” Damn, that girl was loud. My ears had grown accustomed to the gale-force winds blowing in from the ocean, and her voice still made me flinch. There were five of us on that beach, all told. Nick was bitching about his werewolf costume, Dan was fumbling with the camera, Andy had given up trying to record usable sound over the unexpected wind, I was doing my absolute best to concentrate on directing the upcoming scene (and not...
Straight SexI turned eighteen a month into my senior year of high school. Skinny, shy, good at math; I was last pick for the basketball team and last pick for the opposite sex. But by Christmas, I had gone from being terrified of girls to living the cliché as the official “sexually non-threatening platonic guy friend” of the five hottest chicks in school. As nice as it was to have popular friends and beautiful women to look at all day long, I was also anguishing in a special circle of Hell, where my penis...
First TimeBosom Bondage Buddies by Brandy Dewinter Chapter 1 - The Challenge "We need to lose some weight," my wife Kelly said as she poked me in my over-inflated spare tire. "Me more than you," I agreed, "but you're right. If I don't lose some weight, I'm headed for heart attack, or diabetes like my father. We've tried though, and nothing seems to work." We had had this conversation before, both of us were cursed with an endomorph body, short and highly efficient at storing...
Bosom Bondage Buddies, Part 2 by Brandy Dewinter (continued from part 1) Chapter 23 - Mistress Raven and Slaves The next morning I dressed in a midnight blue lace blouse and a snug leather mini while Kelly chose a cheerful ice-blue sundress. Having carefully cleaned my earposts twice a day as the holes healed during the previous week, for the first time I was able to wear the shining gold loop earrings. We climbed up on our impossibly high heels and swayed arm-in-arm out to...
I could hear the shower running upstairs, and the muted music of Elizabeth's sweet voice singing something from Phantom of the Opera. I briefly enjoyed the mental image of her belting out those high notes into the detachable nozzle, oblivious to the spray of hot water cascading down her beautiful breasts. Water droplets clinging to her wine-dark nipples... My attention shifted back to the beautiful blonde sitting beside me. Neither of us spoke, we just sat there, awkwardly shifting back and...
Come Monday, there was a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I mean, come on, who wouldn't be smiling? I even waved good morning to the spider that lived above my locker and just wouldn't die no matter what I did. As I grabbed a textbook for first period, I heard a voice calling to me: "Ian, are you okay?" I spun to see Corrine, looking sexy and radiant as ever in a sleeveless brown t-shirt that pulled enticingly around her enormous chest. "Yeah, I'm great. Why?" "You've...
"And you turned her down?!" Amy sat bolt upright, her jaw hanging open in shock. I just nodded, glancing around the room to take in the equally disbelieving reactions of Talia, Stephanie, and Elizabeth. Reeling from what had just transpired, I'd called the four of them over to my house immediately upon getting home from my fight with Corrine. While the others assaulted me with questions, Elizabeth calmly scooted over to my side and gave me a calming, comforting hug. Little by little, I...
I awoke to the soft patter of raindrops against the cabin roof. Snuggling up against me was Elizabeth, her breathing peaceful and her bare breasts warm against my side. Though the bed sheet covered our bodies, it had drifted down just far enough to expose a hint of Liz's voluminous, silky smooth cleavage. The silver light of the morning diffused through our curtains and cast a soft glow across the bed. She looked radiant, like something out of a renaissance painting. Much as I wanted to...
The ugly truth of any long-distance relationship is, it sucks. Much as your young heart may try to romanticize all the effort and the sacrifice involved, at the end of the day you're still miserable. Eventually, you start to feel a bit like the widow who lives out her days celibate, still in love with her dead husband. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Liz and I poured every meager cent we earned into long-distance phone calls and plane fares, but, more often then not, I found...
"It's Bosomy Bobbie," I say to Anne, holding my hand over the receiver. "Tell him we're not here. Tell him we're not her... tell him whatever you want." "He's all dressed, he says. He's got that whiny tone in his voice." "That's the only tone he has!" Anne screamed. "Oh God... why hath thou forsaken me? Alright. Tell him to come over but use the side entrance." "What side entrance?" "You know, the one next to the imaginary elevator." "Oh, that side entrance... Yeah, she...
I deflected Amy’s question with some joke about showing up “like a pimp” with all three of them on my arm. She’d laughed at that and dropped the subject, but I already knew it was going to be a problem. Sure, I had more than a month until prom—time enough to figure it out—but a nagging worry nevertheless crawled into the back of my mind, made itself comfortable, and refused to leave. Obviously, my joke about bringing all three was just that, a joke. It was one thing for me to be in a situation...
(This story was originally published as a single, continuous narrative -- but I figured people might have fun playing around with other outcomes for the characters. Please feel free to contribute, thanks!) ******** I turned eighteen a month into my senior year of high school. Skinny, shy, good at math; I was last pick for the basketball team and last pick for the opposite sex. But by Christmas, I had gone from being terrified of girls to living the cliché as the official “sexually...
TeenTurned out my last thought had proven correct: Stephanie kept our little dalliance a secret from everyone, even her BFF, Elizabeth. Was it shame? Or was she just concerned about upsetting the apple cart? In any case, much as I wanted us to, Steph and I didn't have the lust-filled reunion I had hoped for after I got out of the hospital. It drove me nuts. We had been so completely comfortable with each other for so long, it was a shock to see the anxiety on Stephanie's face when I returned...
I Blame Lara Croft by The Qmoq Please don't read if easily offended, obviously. If you enjoy this story,please contact me at [email protected] (removing the "_nospam" ofcourse). In the pub after work, we were talking about the sordid sex lives of celebrities.Alyson turned the thoughts to a pretty-boy soap-star that we all thought wasgay even though we knew he wasn't, and I chucked in a quote from Angelina Jolie,something that she actually did say. "She says that she went out with Jonny...
Ana and a pain in her bellyOne morning my loving Ana woke up with a severe pain in her belly. She went to the nearer hospital and a Doctor made her all tests, but nothing helped and her pain increased more after two days.Her girlfriend Helena recommended a good Doctor, who had met her.That same day I went with Ana to see that Doctor. Our appointment was the last one, by eight in the evening, as we booked in too late. When our turn came I asked the Doctor if I could come in, to be close to my...
THE ANONYMOUS ACCOUNTANT. It all started nearly a year before. Anthony, Tony to everyone, and Erica his wife were bored with their sex lives after nearly ten years of marriage and started various things to spice it up. For a while they tried some light bondage but neither of them were enthusiastic and didn't like to be the bound one, so they only carried on for a while, still looking for something they really enjoyed. A friend of Erica's suggested swapping, but she knew she'd be...
Hello friends, Ab mai aap ko batata hoon ki kaise mai nay raat bhar neha bhabhi ki chut chodi Jaiska ki aap logon ko pata hai ki din may chudai kay baad neha bhabhi nay mujhe raat may aane ko kaha or may bhi ready tha hi toe mai bhi dhik 8 baje unkay ghar pay gaya or door bell bajayi. Neha bhabhi nay door Khola or wo is waqt kafi khus lag Rahi thi sayad din ki chudai say unkay face pay smile thi or wo pink colour ki nighty pheni thee but full body cover thi Neha bhabhi – good on time Aaye ho...
I’ve been reading the indian sex stories from past 4 years. Throughout this time i’ve read the stories to boost the sexual appetite. However, i used to read and think are these real stories? But, whatever be the answer, i would like to publish my real story, which happened 2 years ago. My name is kenneth (name changed due to privacy reasons). I reside in pune city. My family had recently shifted from goa, and i was sitting on the couch after returning from work. At that point of time, i was...
Rachel wasn’t your typical girl. She didn’t go out and party any chance she could. In fact, at the age of 20, she still lived at home. She went to school and did everything her Mom asked of her. Outside of school and work, she didn’t have much of a life, her sex life, well, was pretty much non existent in itself. Outside of the rare occasion of masturbation, she didn’t get any action. She had longed to feel the touch of a man since the break up with her high school sweetheart, John. Rachel...
Sit back, relax and imagine... She gently pushes you down on the bed then kneels down over the top of you. She lightly brushes her lips over yours then trails down your neck...across your shoulder. She tugs down your dress, freeing the tops of your breasts She brushes her lips over them too She brings her mouth back up to yours and kisses you She presses against your lips with her tongue, then pulls away biting your lip gently in the process She pulls your dress completely...
Hie boys.. This is Vijay with a new adventure after a long time. I’m 24 year old bottom. I’m chubby with fat boobs and a size 38 ass (increasing day by day). I love sex especially when guys use my ass. I love big cocks and I try to get them whenever possible. I have had a good number of sex adventures and my ass is what you call a slut’s ass. This is the story of how I got drunk and got used by three guys from my next room. When I moved to Bangalore for studies, I started living in a small...
Gay MaleWe raced up the hallway. Ahead, I could see smoke and hear shouts. The shouts were filled with panic. The smoke quickly got thicker and I nearly ran into Patty when she stopped. "Patty!" I heard Reggie shout. "What happened to Craig and Robert?" "The AI reported that a section of the ceiling collapsed and trapped them," Patty said as she pushed the gurney against the wall. "Meiko and I brought gurneys though." Reggie nodded and seemed about to say more when the AI spoke....
HMS Tenacious Goes to War It had been a wet Autumn, and true to form, the heavens opened just as Lieutenant Commander Mike Smith DSO, the newly appointed Captain of the "T" Class submarine HMS Tenacious, was having his first coffee of the day, in the wardroom at the Royal Naval Barracks at Devonport. Once again, it had been a noisy night with another raid on the dockyard. All the warships that were in Devonport, had added their weight to the anti-aircraft barrage, but as usual it was...
The cat was in the house ... somewhere. I ransacked the place. I found him in the master bedroom. He was sleeping in the middle OF MY DOWN COMFORTER. "Murrowf?" he questioned. Who are you and what are you doing in my house. "I live here," I said ... miffed. "Shouldn't you be outside?" "Mergurgle?" Are you insane. It's twenty below. "How did you get in?" "Murggle." He pulled himself up and stretched, kneaded the quilt, looked up and saw I was still there, walked over to the...
I wasn't sure what category I would put this story under. So, if I have placed it wrongly and angered or offended anyone, please just message me and let me know. Thanks. It had been 5 days since Krista had slept with her best friend Ashley’s boyfriend, Todd. And she had told him that they would never fuck again because Ashley was her best friend. But here she found herself at Todd’s house, in his bedroom, letting him titty fuck her. She was sitting on his bed, back against the wall squeezing...
Taboo“Sorry, lads, duty calls,” Danny said, flashing his cheeky grin and swinging a small backpack over his shoulders. “Those arses aren't going to fuck themselves!”“They might just fuck each other,” I pointed out. This ridiculous banter had been going on for most of the trip from Birmingham to our campsite in the Lake District. It was exhausting, but I found it impossible to stop with Danny. He always seemed to bring out the cheeky schoolboy I had never been, rather than the professional...
OutdoorWe’ve been together quite a while, and since we had kids we don’t get to go out as a couple very often, which is fine. But recently to celebrate a special anniversary we arranged for a baby sitter, booked a hotel room in town and planned a night out! We had talked about trying out one of the swingers clubs in town but I think for her this was more fantasy then something that would ever really happen. I should explain at this point that she (not being rude but we don’t need names) is in her mid...
ExhibitionismWe stood next to the bed, I moved my face to his and kissed him again. His arms wrapped around me once more and he drew me close. Our lips parted and our tongues sought each other. Gently at first, but as our passion mounted our tongues moved faster almost as though they were going into battle rather than loving. Our breathing became ragged and I was moaning into Nathan’s mouth. Eventually, we separated and my hands came up between our bodies to start undoing the buttons of his shirt. I could...
par email aur hangout kar sakte ho.Koi bhi pyasi bhabhi baat karna chahe to tyar rahe.Story kaisi lagi comment karen….Hanumangarh ki koi bhi bhabhi chudna chahe to email kar sakti hain… Maine reena ko room mein khoob choda.Uski friend nisha ne sari chudai dekh li aur wo bhi chudna chahti thi.Usne kai baar dudh wale se chudaya tha.Pr usko jyada maza nahin aaya.Uski saas ghar mein hone k karan wo jyada chuda nahin pati thi.Ab aage ki story…. Agar hanumangarh ki koi bhi pyasi bhabhi apne...
Tamanna mere pados m rhti h. Or sali ka k bare m kya bataun rang milk jesa white or jusy lips or figure to esa ki dekhte hi chaddi gili ho jaye To kahani shuru hoti h ek din tammu( tammana) mere ghr cricket khelne ati h. Kya batun sali quayamat lg rhi thi lal crop top m uska pura pet oe sexy navel dikh rhi thi or white short uski sexy milky thigh gajab dha rhi thi. Mere ghr m koi na hone ki wajah se mene usko apni cht pr hi khelene ko bola or toss kiya to usne phle batting li. Jb wo jhuk kr...
I Want To Be A Glamorous Lady By: Darlene LeQueene Written: 3/3/2010 "I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said. "Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to do chores around here." "I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener." "There's no need for you to do these things." "Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the money either." "I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant." She appraised him slowly now,...
Ho visto tutto.premessa: che questa è una storia vera erotica un episodio che mi è capitato di vivere, che cercherò di raccontarlo nel modo più semplice.ho 44 anni, sono sposato da 22 anni, mia moglie ha 39 anni.questa storia è successa 13 anni fa circa.premetto che eravamo e siamo tutt'ora felicemente vita sessuale è sempre andata alla grande, esaudendo anche piccole fantasie, come giochi di ruolo o voyeurismo.nel corso del matrimonio ho comunque avuto qualche scappatella, con altre... presents "Priya's Rejection Tutorial"(A free version of the same story WITH PHOTOS is available on sat down on a small bench placed on top of the college building?s terrace. ?This is a wonderful, warm place to sit and think. Come, join me,? she tapped the seat next to hers.?Wow, I?ve been in this college two years, never seen this spot before.? Priya said. ?So quiet and secluded.??And warm,? Kavya said. ?Check out the view from here. You can see the...
We had the very last seats in the theater. The lights went off and the movie began. A hand settled in my lap and I twitched a little. It took less than a second for Mitzuho to unzip my shorts and retrieve my limp organ. It jumped to life in her hand. It had taken me four months to get the vixen to go out with me. On our very first date, here she was, taking things to the next level. Never in my life would I have imagined something this wild from my innocent-looking Japanese beauty. 'We're...
Straight SexMeadow shut the door. Feeling a bit ashamed. She didn't like closing the door on strangers in need. Especially in the rain. However she had a wretching gut feeling on this particular stranger. She removed her circular glasses for a moment and rubbing her eyes delicately. A low rumble of thunder rolled outside. "Babe, who was that?" her boyfriend andy asked from the kitchen. She snapped back to, putting her glasses on quick and headed into the kitchen. "Yeah!" she said...
© copyright 2002 by Stormbringer "Keep it real girlfriend. It ain't that bad," said Monique out loud to her reflection in the mirror. She practiced smiling quiting as the crow's feet appeared again. She had just detected this sign of aging today, two weeks after her 33rd birthday. She sighed and arched her back thrusting her bare breasts upwards. Was it her imagination or didn't her hard nipples reach as high as they once did? Monique stepped back and turned around still proud of...
Marriage is a Compromise, Part 1 "Hello?" Parker spoke into his phone as he sat at his kitchen table, bills and bank statement spread in front of him. "Yes. Yes. I understand, but I spoke to someone there earlier in the week and I explained my situation. You see, my company has been on strike for going on seven months and..." Olivia put down her dish cloth and pulled out a chair to sit near her husband. She couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the conversation,...
Thursday, we were up early after a good night’s sleep, chanted, exercised, and showered before checking out of the hotel. Following breakfast and fueling the vehicle, we set out for Little Rock, AR on I-30. In Little Rock, we changed to I-40 heading for Nashville. That evening we stopped in a motel just off the Interstate in Jackson, TN, well short of Nashville. Friday morning, we were again up early, and continued on I-40 to Nashville where we switched to I-65 for Louisville, KY where we...
Waking up early that morning and my sister and I had left early on our dream trip; it was to be a trip driving across America, seeing all the sights on our way to visit our aunt in Southern California. My sister and I had scrimped and saved for three years to purchase the car, gas, clothes and all the other supplies that we would need on our trip from New York to LA. We had been planning this trip ever since we were little; now that I was 18 and Jenny was 19 and we had saved up enough we were...
IncestGirl, Hidden (M+/f, M/f+, bondage, cons, interracial)I’d have driven faster had the roads not been choked with snow, but Chloe didn’t like wild driving even when someone else was doing it. I was annoyed at missing the start of the party, but since I taught an evening class, I had to give the final in the evening as well. Some of them went right to the end. So late we would be.?I’m looking forward to meeting Gene,? Chloe said. ?I read about him in a magazine last year. Newsweek maybe. I forget...
Exchanged By BabySofia Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I...
When Rita finished telling the events of the weekend, her face was flushed. They were sitting on the couch and she was sipping some wine while he had a glass of Scotch on the table, untouched. His cock was throbbing in his shorts.He leaned sideways and kissed her. "Shhh.... my darling. I am glad you enjoyed it. I did too. I was pounding Nasreen and was in planet of lust.""This won't affect our relationship, will it.""Tell me, after fucking Rana does it feel you love me less?""On the contrary...
Mackenna Winston?s life was filled with luxury and splendor. The youngest daughter of a wealthy New York land developer, she wanted for nothing. Anything she desired, her father, or his money, bought for her. She was ?Daddy?s Little Girl? and whatever she asked for, she got. For sixteen years, she was a princess who could do no wrong. However, as she inched closer and closer to her eighteenth birthday, she became a wild child. Her change in behavior was not a sudden one, like some of today?s...
BDSMShe stood at the microphone, waiting for her cue, worrying a cigarette and gripping the mike stand like a spear. The girl was a study in opposites with blood red lips set against a pale, white face, and smart, sharp features buried under a sweep of messy brown hair. Her sensual arms and neck hinted at a curvy figure beneath a frumpy black t-shirt and jeans. She was instinctually sexual, but her keen, gray eyes burned with a sober intelligence. She was a seductive fusion of dark and pale, calm...
When aspiring actress Dahlia Sky answers a want ad to audition for a role in a blockbuster film, she’s impressed by the studio and the green screen where the director John Strong says they shoot lots of CGI movies. When the actor Mr. Pete runs through the script with her, she reads her lines and takes direction like a champ. However, she’s a little surprised when John wants to see them kissing, until John explains they’re shooting a love story, and he wants to see passion, as...
xmoviesforyouApril 11, 1988, Chicago, Illinois Jessica, Kara, and I were standing outside the ER early on Monday morning. “Ready to go back to work after your vacation?” I asked. “Yes! I feel so much more relaxed and refreshed. Of course, by tomorrow morning that will likely change.” “Just keep your eye on the end of May, Babe.” “June 10th - when I finish my last Board exam!” “Have a good day!” I said. “You, too! Are you going right to work?” “Yes. Mine has been backing up, unlike yours!” The...
Cassie sipped the espresso and waited for Tiffany to come back from the restroom. Tiffany was her best friend, and utterly loyal. She had some minor flaws-- that outfit made her look rather slutty, for instance-- but by and large Cassie had few complaints. And since Cassie was the type of girl whose tolerance of other people's flaws shrank rather than grew as she got to know them better ... well, that was a good thing. Tiffany tipped the remnants of her coffee into her mouth as she sat down....
Nerves and anxiety were at an all time high… It was 6pm and I was stood propping up the bar in a strange place I'd never been in and had already had a couple of Gins to calm my nerves, yet my palms were still sweaty and legs were like jelly. But then “she” walked in… And I'm not exaggerating when I say everyone in the place turned to look at her. Her name was Sarah and we had been talking online for over a year and finally the stars had aligned and we had agreed to meet. My first thoughts were...
A rainy night late shoppingIt was a Friday evening, Victor away for the rest of the weekend; home alone.I went downtown to the local mall for some late shopping. As I walked down the hallway on my way out, I noticed the lights went out. It was a rainy night, filled with thunderstorms and surely this was the reason of the darkness: some thunder had stroke the energy.At least I knew that the lights would return in a moment. So, I just stood there in a dark corner of the parking lot waiting before...