April’s Fool Pt. 02 free porn video

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April’s moans had subsided to a whimper as I filled her up for the second time tonight. I slowly lowered my body and snaked my hands around her lithe frame into a sweaty and passionate hug. I kissed her tasting the salty sweat of her upper lip. I slowly raised myself up and let my dick slide out of her wetness. Rolling over I grabbed a small towel the hotel provided and slid it underneath her hips removing the pillow that was just there. Then I slid up tight to her and spooned up to my beautiful lover who seemed to be still basking in post orgasmic delight.

‘Wow, that was wonderful!’ She murmured as she snuggled back into me. ‘Something about it being our honeymoon makes it that much better.’

‘I should probably not tell you this but that is one of my ‘go to’ positions when I want to make it good for both of us.’ I replied. ‘I have been saving it for tonight.’

It is true. I read about it in a Men’s Health magazine years ago and it always seemed to get the job done. It was pretty easy too. Standard missionary with a throw pillow or rolled up towel in the small of her back. Lift her legs up and out so you can get as deep penetration as possible and then just go slow. The tilt of her hips lines up her g spot so you are always tapping it on your outstroke. The slower you go the more intense the orgasm is for her. It doesn’t work when you are in the mood to just fuck, but it is wonderful when you want a nice slow lovemaking session.

She murmured something incomprehensible then gently floated to sleep in my arms. I was still falling for this beautiful creature even though we had said our marriage vows only hours before. As I lay there I thought back to how wonderful and terrible the last year had been since I had met her at the Red Horse Saloon for the second time.


She had been very apologetic about her involvement with Brent’s stupid prank. It got to the point where I had to tell her to stop apologizing or I was going to make her pay for the drinks. She laughed and said okay. Then she ordered a top shelf Long Island Ice Tea. I wasn’t feeling the scotch that night so I just went with my standard Miller Lite in a bottle. Then we talked. There was no band and no one was putting anything on the jukebox that was worth dancing to so we kept the conversation going talking about pretty much anything that came up. I found out that she was indeed THE Livingstone of Livingstone Steel. Her dad owned the company and it was going to be hers when he retired in another ten years or so. He had made her get a degree and work in each aspect of the business before he would consider putting her on the board of trustees. Her great grandfather had started the company with a partner, her grandfather bought out the partner, her dad increased revenue by 50% even through the recession and now she was set to inherit a fortune 500 company.

As she was telling me this I could see her trying to read me for a reaction. I really didn’t know what to say. She was beautiful, charming, and rich. I felt my doubts begin to surface but I pushed them down. She had apologized to me. She had asked me out. So I said the first thing that popped into my head.

‘Then you are going to want me sign a prenup before we get married. I can live with that.’ I winked at her.

She looked at me like had grown a third eye. Then busted out laughing.

‘And here I thought I would have to pull you along kicking and screaming into this relationship. You are pretty sure of yourself aren’t ya?’ She grinned.

‘Actually not at all.’ I replied seriously. ‘I am terrified that this is all a big mistake and you are going to come to your senses and realize how much better you could do than me.’

‘But until that happens I plan on riding this wave right up until I crash into the shore’ I grinned and took swig of my beer to hide my blush.

She put her drink down and kissed me. It was not one of those scorching kisses that had our tongues wrestling like two MMA fighters. It was sweet and sensuous, the type of kiss that you get lost in until you realize you need to breathe. And that was how the night started.

We had four more dates before we slept together. Those dates came over the period of 6 days though so we didn’t have to wait too long. I used every trick in every article I had ever read in every men’s magazine to make sure she got off. I think I did pretty good. We finished that night at a 8 to 3 ratio of orgasms. She was deathly afraid of getting pregnant so she asked me to wear a condom if I wanted to squirt inside her even though she was on the pill. I figured why not? In the morning she explained that she had plans for children but it was only after marriage and after getting settled. She went on to say that as long as she was on the pill it was never going to be a deal breaker if we were hot and heavy and couldn’t find one. It was just that if one was available she wanted some extra protection. It made a certain sense to me. I figured it was worth the trade off for her to feel comfortable and want more love. She had no trouble giving blowjobs without one and told me I wouldn’t have to worry about it if I ever took her in the ass. I looked at her with such lust she just laughed and said that she was saving that for her husband.

‘I am not a virgin by any means but the man I marry will always have something of mine he can call his own.’ She laughed as she tweaked my nipples and dropped to her knees to give me a blowjob.

That was another time that my insecurities began to raise. What did she mean by that? How many guys has she slept with? How much better are they than me? I knew my dick was just barely above average at six and a half inches. Maybe she wanted more. I took those feelings and shoved them down as I looked at my girlfriend giving me a world class blowjob and seeming to love every minute of it. After she swallowed every drop I went to reciprocate and she stopped me.

‘Bill I like making you feel good. Let me give you a nice freebie BJ or a handjob every once and awhile. And if you feel like bending me over the couch or table and using me go for it. I will tell you if I don’t want you to and I know you will respect that. Just so you know I plan on using you for MY enjoyment every once and awhile and if you don’t get off I am not gonna feel bad about it.’ She told me.

Was this woman awesome or what?


As my love life was going great so was my work life. The guys that worked under me had heard the story of how I turned the tables on Brent and I instantly gained respect in my department. It also helped that April would come by once a week to take me to lunch so they got to see my babe of a girlfriend.

Soon there was a bit of a cold war going on between the IT department and the Sales department. A word of advice, never piss off a nerd because one day your computer shall break. I jumped anyone who was holding up work that needed to be done to keep money flowing in. I wasn’t going to allow my team to be responsible for a single missed sale. However anything that was not immediately related to money may have been put on the wrong priority list. Or scheduled for a time when the salesman was on lunch and his presence was needed. Once one of them got smart and tried to fix a problem himself. We took 4 days making sure every piece of malware and spyware was removed then sent him a note telling him to leave it to the professionals. We also catalogued all personal information that was on their laptops. There was nothing wrong with an employee using their laptop for personal use. Some of them went too far however and Brent was one of those.

It came to a head one day when I was called up to the general manager’s office. I knew he played golf with Brent so I had prepared myself for this eventuality. Both of them had smirks on their faces when I came inside and shut the door.

‘Bill, Brent has some serious grievances against you and I thin
k he may have some valid points.’ Bruce started.

Bruce was a big guy who came up the ranks as a production and sale employee. He always looked out for his ‘money makers’ as he called them and rarely noticed the support staff.

‘That is fine Bruce but frankly if Brent is going to be here I would like a member of HR here also. If that can’t be arranged I have no problem discussing the matter with you privately but I see no reason for a salesman to be directly involved in an issue between department heads.’

I kept my voice unconcerned but inside my doubts were spiking. I knew we were messing with Brent and his cronies. I knew we hadn’t done anything WRONG per se, however we were playing games. I shoved those doubts down and smiled at them as they appeared to be thinking.

‘I propose a clean slate. Brent and his cronies stop mocking and harassing my guys and we will start ensuring that things are done as quickly as possible. If you don’t want that we can gladly go to Jamie and let her decide the best plan of action. I would be very interested to see how seriously she takes Brent’s complaints since she doesn’t have a standing tee time on Saturdays with her. It would also give me a forum to question why a certain department head thinks he can bully the new guy.’ I stood up and got ready to leave. It was a well known act that Bruce and our plant manager Jamie didn’t get along.

‘Oh and Bruce, you should note that every email sent to and from employees work account is automatically flagged based on certain key words. I put this in when I got here just so that I could monitor how much work email was being used for personal tasks. I came across a very interesting line of communication with a certain Andrea. All this time I thought your wife’s name was Rebecca.’

Okay that last bit probably makes me a bad person. I found that with my confidence growing I was getting tired of being the doormat. But I didn’t need to go the full asshole route. I still felt guilty about it when I told April what I had done.

‘That might have been over the top.’ she agreed as she finished chopping the tomatoes for the salad she was making.

‘However he is the one stepping out on his wife and using a work computer to facilitate it. He signed the waiver of privacy for that computer when he got it right?’ She asked.

I nodded as I started putting the steaks on the grill.

‘Okay so you know that he is a douchebag but you should probably back off. If they give you the clean slate then there is no harm no foul. If they keep on harassing you I would go to your plant manager and explain the situation. I really don’t see any reason to bring up Bruce’s emails ever again. Let that sleeping dog lie I would say.’ She responded thoughtfully.

The steaks had a couple more minutes before I had to flip them so I walked over and wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed the top of her head.

‘How did I get so lucky to have a smart and sexy woman like you?’ I asked into her hair.

‘Just lucky I guess’ she replied as she turned and kissed me.

Damned if I didn’t burn the steaks.


It wasn’t all sunshine and roses however. We were pretty much able to work through anything that came up except for her drinking. Ninety five percent of the time she was fun loving and a little mischievous but never downright nasty. The other five percent could make up for that.

I got my first glimpse of this side of her personality about a month into our dating. The Red Horse Saloon had become ‘our’ bar and I was supposed to be meeting her and her girlfriends for drinks. I had to keep texting her and telling her I was going to be late because we had to keep rerunning diagnostics before we backed up our files for the quarter. It took two hours before we realized that a cable hadn’t been pushed all the way in. I was two and a half hours late for our date and thought about cancelling but I figured I would take my punishment. As I walked into the bar I saw a table with a lot of girls and guys huddled around it and I could see that the one talking the loudest was April. I instantly felt a surge of jealousy and self doubt but I managed to push them down and walked calmly over to the table.

‘There is my big dicked boyfriend right there. I am mad at you so you are going to have to lick this pussy twice tonight before I will forgive you. These guys wanted to do it but I told them ‘NO, I have a boyfriend! He is the only one who can lick my pussy!’ Wow was she plastered.

She was slurring her words terribly and weaving even on the barstool. I looked at Beth and she shrugged helplessly.

‘She started drinking Long Islands and then this table started buying us drinks. She felt the need to keep them coming so she started slamming them. I think she was a little pissed at you for being late and it looks like all the booze hit her at once.’ Beth said as she leaned over to me.

My drunk girlfriend was surrounded by a bunch of drunk guys. Admittedly she had a number of attractive women with her so it was normal for this type of setup to occur. I just felt the need to get my girl and get out of there.

I leaned over to April and whispered in her ear.

‘I wanna make it up to you babe, let me take you out to the car and I will lick you like you have never been licked before.’

She tried to stand up and stumbled. One guy grabbed her ass and another somehow thought he could help her by holding her boob. I got her arm and gave both of those assholes a look. I don’t know what it was but they dropped their hands like she was on fire.

‘WHOO HOO, my baby is gonna go lick me in the car right now boys. You guys ain’t ever getting a taste of this sweet pussy! It is all Bill’s’ she shouted as she grabbed at my crotch.

The bouncer had started to make his way over to me and I nodded to him that I was taking her to the door he nodded and followed at a distance until I got her outside. I managed to wrangle her into my car when she started to puke. I held her with one hand as I opened the door and leaned her head outside. Thankfully most of it seemed to be going on the pavement. I only had a little bit actually get in the car. A good excuse to get my car detailed I supposed. I managed to get her into my apartment and stripped her down. She was still out of it. I got her in the shower and washed her off. After toweling her dry I managed to get her to help me put on a pair of soft cotton shorts and a old t shirt of mine that she loved to sleep in. She had a couple sleeping outfits at my place by now. I laid her down in my bed and I put a trash can by her and a couple of Motrin with a glass of water on the night stand. I settled in and watched the last few innings of the Tigers game.

I checked on her once and found her rolled onto her back. I gently shook her and she rolled to her side. I put a couple pillows behind her so she wouldn’t roll back and saw her slowly open her eyes.

‘I’m drunk.’ She said.

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘Yup, are you able to handle a glass of water?’ I asked.

She held up her hand and I brought it to her she sipped it and looked at me through bleary eyes.

‘I am sorry.’ She said

‘It’s okay baby we have all been there.’ I said soothingly.

‘No, those guys were trying to get me to touch them and let them touch me. I didn’t I swear but it was too close.’ She murmured. ‘Never again.’ She said with all the finality of being drunk.

Then she was out.

I took the glass of water out of her hand and put it back on the nightstand.

I went out to the living room and grabbed a coke from the fridge. My sister was a functioning alcoholic. I felt a tiny doubt rise up about our relationship. I tried to stamp it down but couldn’t. I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

When I woke up I heard the shower going. I decided to step in there with her and st
arted washing her back. She seemed to be crying and I just held her until the hot water ran out. I grabbed another towel and dried her off then I put her to bed naked. I spooned up to her and fell asleep. I woke up and saw she was staring at me with beautiful bloodshot eyes.

‘Thank you for taking care of me.’ She said in a wavering voice.

‘Anything for you baby, you know that.’ I responded.

She smiled at me and yawned. GAWD alcoholic puke breath! Thankfully she settled back to sleep. She was brushing her teeth before we kissed again.

I got up and started making coffee. I thought about last night and I had some concerns. I am all about having a good time. But seeing the terrible life choices my sister made while drinking probably made me overly sensitive about things. Was this a bigger issue? Was she going to be belligerently drunk all the time? I stopped my doubts and pushed them to the side. She went out and got drunk. She didn’t make a habit of it. She acted out of character but It was nothing that couldn’t be explained by the booze. Let’s not get all worked up. Yet.

Since it was a Saturday I let her sleep it off. She came out wearing those shorts and that t- shirt with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Even hung over she looked like a goddess. She grabbed some coffee and drank it slowly. I could tell her head was sore.

‘So I remember a bunch of guys around me, I remember talking about needing to get my pussy licked. Then I vaguely remember you taking me out of the bar. Please tell me we are good.’ She said as she kept her eyes down at her cup.

‘We are good babe,’ I said gently ‘But it brought up some stuff I would like to talk about when you feel up to it.’

She smiled.

‘Of course. Let me drink this coffee, grab a shower, take a nap and then buy you dinner so we can talk. Does that work?’ She asked.

‘Absolutely honey. I would give you a kiss but you need to brush your teeth first.’ I smiled.

‘Gotcha. Coffee, teeth, shower, nap, dinner. This will be a good day. I want to offer a heartfelt blanket apology for last night Bill. I was annoyed you kept putting off coming out but I know you would have been there if you could. I shouldn’t have had so much to drink. I felt safe with Beth and my friends there but I still showed bad judgement. Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever.’ She gave me a kiss on the cheek and moved toward the bathroom slowly.

This would probably be okay.

The dinner went well. I had mentioned my sister had a drinking problem but I had never told her the whole story. Basically my sister drank due to self esteem issues. She went in a downward spiral losing her family and friends along the way. It culminated in her waking up in a hotel room in Saginaw having lost 24 hours of memory. You would think that would have been a wake up call but after a year of sobriety she started drinking again although not as bad. She was now able to hold down a job and had some semblance of a relationship with her kids but every couple weeks I would get a drunk phone call or text from her.

After I got the story out April sipped her iced tea and looked at me lovingly.

‘Bill I am so sorry about your sister. I am also really sorry that I made you think about that in regards to our relationship. I am really beginning to fall for you and I have no problem toning down my drinking if it makes you feel more comfortable. I don’t like the way I feel the day after I tie one on and I can’t bounce back Iike I could in college. So please let know if I am getting to be too much and I will listen to you.’ She said.

That made me feel a lot better and the doubts that had been lingering in the back of my head went quiet. I was able to calm myself around April and get out of my head. I knew at this point I loved and was in love with her. I didn’t say anything because it had only been about a month but I knew that she was special.


The next step in our relationship was meeting her dad. That was handled over Memorial Day weekend. I was sweating and it had nothing to do with the heat.

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The sound of the door closing woke Mrs. Duffy. It was almost summer, and the nights were getting warmer. She looked at the clock next to her, twelve-thirty. Early, she thought. She kicked off the bedspread,stuck her feet out, and listened to the night sounds. She heard Julie Ann, her daughter, talking with Jerry, her boyfriend. She heard him. The television in the living room went on, to hide the noise of their love making. Mrs. Duffy heard them stop talking, and over the blurred sound of...

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The sound of the door closing woke Mrs. Duffy. It was almost summer, and the nights were getting warmer. She looked at the clock next to her, twelve-thirty. Early, she thought. She kicked off the bedspread,stuck her feet out, and listened to the night sounds. She heard Julie Ann, her daughter, talking with Jerry, her boyfriend. She heard him. The television in the living room went on, to hide the noise of their love making. Mrs. Duffy heard them stop talking, and over the blurred sound of...

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I'd been out all morning. I deposited a check into our bank account, then went out for breakfast, then got an overdue oil change, and then went shopping at a ladieswear place called Just Hers, which had opened about a month earlier. A friend of mine named Rita told me she shops there and raved about the place. I bought a few pairs of super-tiny see-through panties, a minidress, and a pair of very figure-hugging faux leather pants. I'd always wanted a pair of tight leather pants, but they were...

1 year ago
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April Longish

April. Chapter one. Her first conscious thought was I’m awake. She hadn’t opened her eyes just yet, but was aware of sounds and that she was cold. The second conscious thought was that she had a Blacksmith using the inside of her head as an anvil and was hitting a particularly hard piece of metal with a four-pound lump hammer. She groaned and cursed alcohol, specifically red wine. She always got a massive hangover after drinking red wine and reminded herself of the often-made...

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Rob stood at the door, fidgeting and waiting for April to answer his knock. He could hear her approach, so he straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right?Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All...

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April by Margaret Jeanette Martin was sitting at his desk at the realty company he and his wife co- owned. He was day dreaming about Maria, the dark haired new agent that he had hired six months before. He was thinking about last week when he had her up at his cottage and the magnificent sex they had enjoyed. Mondays were always slow and he was planning what day the two of them would be able to get together for more fun and frolicking. His wife, Susan entered the office with...

3 years ago
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April Showers

It felt great to wake up in my old bed again. After nine months in the city, being back in the country was like seeing an old friend. I stretched the sleep from my body and looked at April lying next to me. Her folks were celebrating being empty nesters by taking a cruise, and she had accepted my invitation to spend the summer. April and I shared a room at school. We didn’t go out partying much, but after studying we’d usually have a few beers and talk, often about sex the way teens will. At...

4 years ago
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April Isnt Just A Month

The night sounds and smells traveling on the air told April that it was truly summer in Mississippi. The traffic, just off the clinic grounds, told her it was highway 90 running there. It was the same as everything else at the clinic. The highway was the old version of highway 90. The one that wound it’s way through town, not the new one that by passed, the bypass. The heat and humidity were worse than any April remembered, but then it seemed to be like that every year. April was 48 years old...

1 year ago
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April May

April May by Dennis C. Lee Chapter One - Tramp On The Run There was a girl running through the forest. Poor thing. She had shoes, thatwasn't the problem, although they were a pair of white four inch heels, whichcertainly made the running difficult. She had clothes, a loose grey sweat shirtcut at midriff and cutoff blue jean shorts, tailored so tight at the crotchthat even a camel would've cried for a size larger. I mean, they were comfortablefor running. But she wasn't comfortable. For...

4 years ago
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April and Nicky get wet

Introduction: I have had the pleasure of sniffing Nicolas panties on many occasions and had recently had the pleasure of using her body as a toy I could not wait to get round to my sisters house again to sit for Nicola my niece and her best friend April. I have had the pleasure of sniffing Nicolas panties on many occasions and had recently had the pleasure of using her body as a toy. I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Whos tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very...

3 years ago
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April Part II

Rob and April lay in April's bed, lost in their own post-coital thoughts. They had assured one another that this would be a no-strings-attached relationship, and the two of them would be simply friends with benefits. Neither of them wanted to hurt Ines, Rob's wife, nor did they want the drama associated with a busted marriage. April thought she might start feeling guilty later, once the sexual high wore off, because Ines was a friend of hers and would be hurt if she ever found out. Rob...

3 years ago
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April Part 2

Rob and April lay in April's bed, lost in their own post-coital thoughts. They had assured one another that this would be a no-strings-attached relationship, and the two of them would be simply friends with benefits. Neither of them wanted to hurt Ines, Rob's wife, nor did they want the drama associated with a busted marriage. April thought she might start feeling guilty later, once the sexual high wore off, because Ines was a friend of hers and would be hurt if she ever found out. Rob didn't...

4 years ago
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April Makes September

April Fleeter clenched her thighs together as she stood at the sink. That didn’t help. The need deep inside her would not go away. She had expected this when three-times-a-week lover, Jake, had given her the news.“Bastard!” she yelled at the ceiling now. Jake knew husband Jeff’s ship was in Singapore, two months from a homecoming. He also knew damned well about her physical needs. Three days without a man and she was anybody’s. Jake had been willing to fill in for Jeff. Better than nothing,...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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April Fooled by the Eve of May

April sat morosely in front of her salon. She was a hair-stylist and after the death of her husband had started to operate from home. It was very good for her, She could look after her baby daughter and earn for them. Now after five years her life was crumbling around her. May, her daughter, now nine has a wild streak in her and has left to stay with Grandpa a few days back. The depression has affected her business too. It was not as good as it was and she had the additional headache of...

3 years ago
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PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE April O Neil?  SHREDDER?S SLAVE By [email protected]  Synopsis: April O Neil is captured by Shredder and ends up as his slave. Shredder is the main villain from the hit comic book and animated t.v. series TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES.  Story:  ??????????? It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world?s largest corporation. It was run by a Japanese big businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, dressed as a ninja warlord...

3 years ago
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The Eager Fool

I was one of the smart ones. School was easy without effort. I barely spent time on homework, never studied, kept straight A’s. Lacrosse and martial arts kept me in great athletic shape despite my utter lack of talent for the former, it allowed me to cross social groups between the nerds and jocks easily. My first girlfriend for 2 years had never let me past 2nd base, and maybe I overcorrected by losing my virginity after my first date with the second girlfriend. We had a short but passionate...

3 years ago
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My gambling idiot I paid in fool

A little about myself, my name is Elisabeth and I grew up in Vail. I am nineteen now and have had a great life. My parents were very wealthy and I was very popular. I am only five feet tall and weigh ninety five pounds. I have brown hair and beautiful green eyes. I am a double zero waste with a nice ass and thirty four d boobs, a true vail snow bunny. I meet my husband when I was sixteen and he was nineteen. We got married right after I graduated high school and he college. He is the only...

2 years ago
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Aprils Fool

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I groaned, reaching a hand out from under my blanket and slapped the button on top of my alarm. With a heavy groan I pulled myself out from the covers and staggered over to the bathroom. Another dull, boring, tedious day, I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror. My eyes went wide. I felt the long brown hair that fell past my shoulders. I raised a hand to my smooth hairless cheeks. And I placed a hand on my breasts. "No... no way..." I...

4 years ago
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I Am Such a Fool

Most people wouldn't tell of the stupid things they have done. I wanted to tell my story so that other men out there wouldn't make the same stupid mistakes that I have. I'm a forty-five year old man who has been married since I was nineteen. I have two grown children who are now married and on their own. I grew up in a small town, could be Anywhere, USA. I met my wife, Glenna, when we were kids. We started dating as teenagers. She got pregnant shortly before graduation. We got married...

4 years ago
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Dancing Fool

"Look girls, I am not here looking to hook up with someone! If that's what you have in mind, count me out. I'll just hang out with you for awhile and then go back to my room.!" "Jackie's a party-poop, Jackie's a party-poop!" The other five women harmonized and teased me. "We're just going to have fun and flirt a little, if that happens!" Sandra said, trying to be helpful. We had been friends since high school and decided to meet in Las Vegas for a few days in celebration of our...

2 years ago
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Chapter One Her first conscious thought was, I'm awake. She hadn't opened her eyes just yet, but was aware of sounds and that she was cold. The second conscious thought was that she had a Blacksmith using the inside of her head as an anvil and was hitting a particularly hard piece of metal with a four-pound lump hammer. She groaned and cursed red wine. She always got a hangover after drinking red wine and reminded herself of the often-made promise to stick to the voddy. April then realised...

2 years ago
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April May

Chapter One – Tramp On The Run There was a girl running through the forest. Poor thing. She had shoes, that wasn’t the problem, although they were a pair of white four inch heels, which certainly made the running difficult. She had clothes, a loose grey sweat shirt cut at midriff and cutoff blue jean shorts, tailored so tight at the crotch that even a camel would’ve cried for a size larger. I mean, they were comfortable for running. But she wasn’t comfortable. For one thing, she was being...

2 years ago
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April Rising

1. The room was silent, lit only by the bright arc lamp which shone its beam onto one side, that of April. Her body naked knelt upon the bed with her long brown hair cascading over her shoulders and back, her head bent forward, in hiding from the light. Then the music began, a slow soft drumbeat at first getting louder and rising in tempo with it her head began to raise in time to the rhythm. Then the music reached a crescendo and April flicked her head, sending the veil of soft flowing hair...

3 years ago
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April and Jessica Part 3 They come together

April has accepted her sexuality, she has a boyfriend, but that’s just for appearance. She knows she likes pussy, and she can’t deny it. She doesn’t have sex with her boyfriend; she tells him she wants to wait until marriage, in truth she doesn’t want to have sex with him at all. About once a week she posts an ad on craigslist and fulfils her lesbian needs that way. During one such encounter the girl she was with dominated her and she found she liked giving up all control to another girl....

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April and Nicky get wet

I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Who’s tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very blonde hair almost white with her peaches complexion and bright blue eyes always excited me and I normally ended up sniffing Nicola’s panties and masturbating as a result of her just being around. I knocked on the door and my sister Julie answered and greeted me as usual. I smirked to myself as I reminisced about the time when I cam back from a rave still high and managed to finger...

2 years ago
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April and June

April and June Let me introduce myself, my name is Clifford, but you can call me Cliff. I'm just your average guy, single, work for a living, have a one bedroom apartment, and a cat. For most of my 38 years, I've been single. I love women, but have a pattern of becoming fast friends with them and when I want more, they don't. It is always the same, "I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin our friendship." Trouble is, the longer we stay friends, the more I feel for her, the...

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April and Jessica part 1 Aprils discovery

April was about 5feet 9inches tall, big DD breasts, with a firm heart shaped ass and weighed about 130 pounds. She discovered she was attracted to other girls when she was 14. She was looking through her older brother’s bedroom for a pen and she stumbled on his Playboy magazine collection. The magazine fell on the ground open to one of the pictures of a woman naked. She told herself to look away and pretend she never saw it, but some part of her made her pick up the magazine and start...

1 year ago
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools’ Day I thought I’d share it before telling my story. April Fools’ Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other....

4 years ago
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools' Day I thought I'd share it before telling my story. April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each...

2 years ago
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April Fools Prank

They walked along the beach, two of them -- one white-blonde while the other's hair was the colour of a raven's wing. Using the old pervs' trick, which was simply pretending not to look, I tracked them as they approached. The ruse probably had nobody fooled, but I couldn't help ogling.The pair drew level with my position and then passed by, the East Vietnam Sea swelling benignly just beyond them. I ignored the blue water and Cham Island in the distance because the view was much better close-in,...

3 years ago
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April My Shemale Love

April My Shemale LoveIt seems that I dream of April quite often. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. April lives in my building, next door to me. She is incredible. Her face is gorgeous. Her brown eyes are striking. She sometimes wears her long brown hair in a ponytail. I love the way it sways from side to side as she walks by. I love watching her walk. Her body is amazing. You should see her breasts. She has a full bosom. And they bounce when she walks. I love to see her wear...

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April and AugustChapter 3

On the seventh day, Marshal Sean arrived to inform them that they were all due in court the next day for the hearing on the girls’ old Master. Jacob, Jason and both girls were required to be there. That night Jason required considerable time to calm the girls down as they still feared their old Master. The next day in court the charges were read aloud by the Royal Judge. “Master Daren, you are accused of punishing by whipping two underage slave girls without a hearing on at least four...

4 years ago
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April and Kimber

Thank you to hkf999 for a fine editing job! * Prologue – April and Kimber On the very first day of high school, two girls met and it was as if they’d known each other forever. April, the beautiful, popular girl with long blond hair and the promise of a nice figure, the girl with the big, bright blue eyes, who spoke incessantly of her horses and weekends at the stables. April’s family was very wealthy, very, very wealthy. Her new best friend, Kimber, was also beautiful and popular, with long...

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April ONeal Shredders Slave and Beyond

It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world's largest corporation, run by a Japanese businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, who dressed as a ninja warlord was responsible for many illegal activities like arms smuggling, drugs, and prostitution. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been killed a long time ago and only the reporter, April O'Neil, still remained. She had filmed it all but his men infiltrated her apartment and kidnapped her and brought her and...

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April and Mark

April was a bitchy debutante, a spoiled black haired skinny fashion diva with a bit of a deviant side and a qualified hatred for men.  She had really gone to town with her daddy's money since the Emergency Depression Recovery laws of 2045 made reclaiming bankrupt citizens as slaves legal. Of course April still needed her ego stroked so she'd cruise the clubs for hot looking studs to fuck, but she liked her fucking at all hours, on her terms.  So for a few months she bought a nice big dicked...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...

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