April Fools Prank free porn video

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They walked along the beach, two of them -- one white-blonde while the other's hair was the colour of a raven's wing. Using the old pervs' trick, which was simply pretending not to look, I tracked them as they approached. The ruse probably had nobody fooled, but I couldn't help ogling.

The pair drew level with my position and then passed by, the East Vietnam Sea swelling benignly just beyond them. I ignored the blue water and Cham Island in the distance because the view was much better close-in, my attention set on two of the most delectable rear-ends I'd seen in a good long time.

I indulged in a smug little smile before tilting the bottle to my lips: midday and I was swigging cold beer in the shade of a bar with a palm-frond roof while watching two beautiful girls walk by. It was a moment to savour, the pair of them in the skimpiest of dental-floss bikini briefs, the tops just as insignificant.

My mind wandered through one of those little imaginings that has no chance of ever enjoying life. At fifty-nine, I was an old geezer, invisible as far as those girls would be concerned -- but I didn't let that stop me thinking about it.

Sighing, I took another gulp at the beer, consigning the pair to the wank-bank. In my head I stored away long, tanned legs; superb derrieres; tight waists and the curve of their spines, the feminine form with the power to incite sane men to crazy acts.

The dark one was the taller of the two, her hips not quite as broad, the immaculate cheeks of her arse higher and tighter and worth a smidgen more money if I was buying -- which is the only way I'd ever enjoy physical intimacy with a girl like either of them.

The days of firm young flesh were well over for me. If I wanted it, I'd have to pay for it. For one as hot as the two I'd just watched saunter past the beach bar I'd have to fork out a lot of readies, which sucked all the romance out of it as far as I was concerned. A cold business transaction simply didn't appeal. So I watched and I dreamed.

...And then did a double take when I noticed the girls had turned a one-eighty and were on the return leg. Then I realised they weren't going past but had veered off, their path curving towards the bar.

They'd looked good thirty yards away on the sand, up close they were stunning.

I did my best to appear nonchalant, like I hadn't noticed -- Another epic fail as pointless as pretending not to look at them in the first place.

When I went to gulp beer I found the bottom of the bottle, my throat working as I pretended there was still liquid inside.

The girls paused and looked around, with the blonde's eyes settling on me. She nudged the dark-haired girl who then turned her focus my way while her friend muttered something I couldn't make out.

The dark one's green eyes bored holes in me, my face warming while an impression formed. I was aware of the blonde's sizeable breasts and her friend's less full-bodied frame. I registered the dark one was prettier, and somehow seemed nicer while the other looked a bit pouty and spoiled. Although I didn't have a chance to form any real opinion beyond the superficial at the time because it then dawned they were approaching my table.

Ridiculous hope surged. I felt a maelstrom in the pit of my stomach while carnal longing dragged at my vitals.

They arrived, the blonde with the bad attitude sauntering up while her friend slowly followed.

"Hiya," she said, cocking a hip while looking at me with her head canted to one side. "You English?"

I did my best to continue with the nonchalance while attempting not to stare with my mouth hanging open. It took a moment or two, but I finally managed a croaking, "Yes."

The girl nodded approval. "Great," she said and, with no further preamble, launched into her pitch. "Well, listen, me and my friend have walked along the beach and we've left our stuff with our friends." She waved a vague arm in the direction from which I'd seen them coming. "Thing is, we're thirsty and all our money is--" The blonde shrugged and left it hanging, the question obvious.

Now I have an intense dislike of females who use their physical appeal to their advantage. I hate being played in exactly the manner in which she was playing me.

Did she think I was an idiot? Did I look like I'd dropped off a Christmas tree?

It immediately struck me this girl had no qualms at all about using her body and her looks to cadge drinks from desperate old men. Under normal circumstances I would have laughed at her, but: first off, I was on my second beer and feeling the buzz; second they'd caught me off guard; and finally, well, I hate to admit it, but they really were sensational looking and I was a desperate old man. If it cost me the price of a couple of drinks to have the opportunity to gawp at them some more -- well, all right, I'd swallow my principles and do what the girl wanted.

"What would you like?" I asked in a drainpipe gurgle.

The blonde grinned and pointed to the bottle in front of me. "One of those."

She settled into a rickety chair and immediately setting about leaning in to rest her elbows on the table, breasts squeezed between her upper arms.

I couldn't help the gulp, my throat working to clear the sudden blockage as all my internal organs rose into my gullet.

The blonde's head tilted to one side, her frank appraisal settling on my face. I blinked and looked away towards the bar owner as he shuffled over, flip-flops scuffing on a frosting of sand on the concrete floor.

"What's your name," the blonde girl asked as he approached. "I'm Cate," she told me, "Cate with a C."

I turned back to her, blinking, confused by the qualification. "What?"

She rolled her eyes as though I was the stupidest lump she'd ever encountered. The, sighing, she spelled it out for me. "I used to be Kate with a K," the girl grinned. "But I thought that was too common so I changed it. Now I'm Cate with a C."

"Right," I replied, lost for any other response. "Okay--"

"I'm Zoe," the other girl said, saving me.

When my head went round again I saw Zoe settling onto a chair. She sat to the side of me, the action taking her smooth, bejewelled stomach and Chinese character tattoo out of my sight-line.

"I'm Graham," I told them both, asking Zoe what she wanted to drink.

She shrugged and pulled a face and then went on to make the order for the three of us.

The old man nodded and scuffed away, flip-flops making that nails-on-the-chalkboard scratch as he went.

"So, Graham," Cate said, leaning back in her seat. She threw an arm over the back of the chair, breasts straining at the cups of her insubstantial bikini bra. "How long are you here for?"

Cate stared at me with what appeared to be avid interest. I thought she was lovely: tanned, lithe, sweet boobs and flirty as they come, mesmerising me with big eyes and pink, most lips while twirling a stray wisp of blonde hair around a forefinger.

The girl was really playing me -- just for a beer!

"Three months," I replied, "longer if I can a visa extension."

I had the satisfaction of seeing Cate boggle for a moment.

"What -- are you rich or something?"

"Not really," I replied, pulling a face. "I'm working, so--"

The next question came from Zoe: "What do you do?"

"I write," I said, then waited for the inevitable, which came from Cate immediately.

"What do you write about?"

A slight hesitation before I delivered the answer.


At which Zoe's eyebrows shot up to her hairline. "Really?" she gasped.

"Fuck off!" was Cate's incredulous response. The blonde stared at me for a few seconds, cogs whirling. "Oh my God," she trilled after adjusting her assessment of me. She grinned broadly. "Like that Fifty Shades thing?"

"Not exactly," I said, wincing. "I'm nowhere near as popular."

Cate was gawping at me, expression comically idiotic for a few moments more. Then she blinked, her face morphing back to normal while saying, "Ah, hang on--" She waved a forefinger at me, grinning and nodding. "It's a joke, right?" Cate turned to her friend, eyes rolling. "He's taking the piss, Zoe. You know what today is?"

The dark-haired girl regarded her friend with a puzzled frown. "Wednesday?"

"April the first," Cate said, clapping her hands. "It's an April Fool! He's having us on." The girl pointed at me and laughed. "Good one. Almost got us."

The old man arriving with the beers interrupted the general hilarity. Zoe looked doubtful, her eyes flicking between me and Cate, who was still hooting, doubled up with exaggerated mirth, arms around her midriff.

Thirty seconds later Cate had calmed sufficiently to take a swig at the beer. "God, I don't believe I almost fell for it," she grinned, tilting the bottle to me. "You--"

By then she was really getting on my nerves. Little know-it-all-bitch...

A kaleidoscope of images flickered across a mental screen: Cate squirming across my lap while I hauled her insignificant bikini briefs down her thighs, her supreme rump wriggling as the mollusc of her quim pouted at me from the concavity at the tops of her thighs. I delivered a stinging blow to her bottom. I could hear Cate's yelp of surprise as she squirmed harder, another slap landing with a satisfying thwack before I kneaded her buttocks with my fingers.

"It's true," I said, shrugging. "I've got stuff published. I could show you--"

Cate's eyes narrowed. She leaned in, elbows on the table again, squishy breasts a magnet for my eyes. "Really?" she asked, her tone telling me she still wasn't completely convinced.

"Really," I replied, emphatic.

She recovered quickly, easing back, eyes fixed on my face. Cate kept looking at me as she lifted the bottle to her lips.

I watched her throat as she swallowed a mouthful.

"Would you write about me?" the girl purred, challenging me with her stare and taunting smirk.

My bottom lips curled as I mirrored her belligerence. I feigned deliberation, stretching it out for several seconds before saying, "Well ... I could. But my themes normally centre on a sexy mature woman who initiates a shy young man -- rites of passage stuff," I shrugged. "But I could," I added, pausing again before throwing down the gauntlet. "I'd need you to tell me what you'd like to be ... uh ... involved in. Purely for the story, I mean."

If I'd thought to put Cate on the back foot with my challenge, I was sorely mistaken.

A dark chuckle came out of her. Blue eyes flashed as she continued with the vulpine smirk. "Well," she drawled. "Just as a fantasy thing -- I'd never do it for real..."

I saw her flick a glance at Zoe.

"...But I'd love to be the girl in the middle of a gang-bang. Me and--" Cate's eyes closed, face tilting towards the ceiling, her lips pursed in a moue of concentration. "Oh," she continued, eyes snapping open. Cate waved a casual hand, "I dunno -- six or seven guys?"

I was digesting this when I heard Zoe snort.

"Centre of attention as usual," she said. "Fucking hell, Cate--"

The blonde bridled. "Fuck off," she snapped, meaning it, spitting the words at Zoe.

It was the first hint I had of any rivalry between the pair.

"Well," Zoe sighed, drawing the word out while rolling her eyes. "You're such a show-off sometimes."

They glared at each other for a few dangerous moments.

"Gang-bang, eh?" I said, interjecting purely to avoid any further confrontation. "I suppose I could do something--"

Half an hour later I was back in my room, laptop fired-up, the cursor blinking on a blank page, real work put aside. I held Cate and Zoe in my mind's eye while pondering for a time. In my head they were naked, a scene slowly forming.

The start is usually the trickiest point, and I wondered how to begin, finally opting to place Cate right in the middle of the action, an array of cocks presented to her immediately. It was odd, an unprecedented experience, but I could hear Cate's enthusiasm as I typed her imagined responses, and after that it was easy. I had 5000 words down a few hours later.

I blinked, wondering where the afternoon had gone.

It was 6 p.m. and I had an appointment to meet the girls.


Zoe: stunning in Roman sandals, brief denim skirt and loose-fitting singlet with the Chang beer logo on the front. At the beach the girl had worn her long straight hair tied up in a lazy knot on the top of her head, but when I met her and Cate outside the seething den of iniquity that fronted as the Sunflower Hotel she had it set free in a blue-black curtain which shimmered down her back.

Cate, predictably, went for something slightly more provocative. Her blonde hair was pulled tight in a ponytail, her full bosom packed into a tight tee-shirt. It was obvious she was naked under the shirt, nipples outlined as though she had two pebbles down there. I was sure I could make out the coins of her areolae, too. Skimpy boy shorts exaggerated the length of Cate's legs, my face warming at the recollection of the quick fantasy-reel I'd indulged in earlier in the day when I saw Spank Me emblazoned across the rear, a word allocated to each taut cheek.

In a deliberate effort to divert my focus from Cate's body I homed in on Zoe. "Thailand, eh?" I asked, pointing to the front of her vest.

She looked blank for a moment and then twigged. "Oh yeah. We were there before Cambodia, which was before here."

"Long trip?" I asked.

Zoe shrugged. "Six months. Then it'll be time to get a job and make a start on a career."

I was about to ask what plans she might have when Cate interjected with, "So ... Get anything written?"

Anxiety gripped my guts as I grimaced and said, "Well, yes. I managed to get something down." I was suddenly uncertain when they both stared at me, twin expressions expectant. "I don't know if it's any good--"

Cate pointed to the canvas bag I had slung over my shoulder. "You got it with you, yeah?"

I nodded. "My laptop. I don't have a printer where I'm staying -- and I haven't had time--"

"I want to read it," Cate cut in. "Now."

I eyed the broad, impressive façade of the hotel. I'd stayed there once myself a few years before. Back then it was a decent place with a swimming pool and a generous buffet breakfast, but, in the meantime it had been turned into a Backpacker hostel. I took a look at the Sunflower and imagined raucous pool parties, casual hook-ups and a breakfast bar which looked like it had been laid to waste by a plague of locusts.

"Uh, where did you have in mind?" I asked, reluctant to set foot inside the zoo.

"We could use your room, eh, Zoe?" Cate said to her friend before turning her attention to me. "She's got a private room -- own toilet and shower, too. Her dad doesn't like the idea of his little princess in dorms." The blonde rolled her eyes. "She's twenty-two for fuck's sake ... What does he think--"

"Why don't you just shut up about all that," Zoe put in, clearly exasperated. "You didn't work in a clothes shop while you were at uni, did you? Just because your father paid for everything ... Just because he's throwing money at you for this trip--

"You wouldn't believe the allowance he's given her," Zoe said to me. "We could stay in much nicer places but she wants to slum it."

A petulant Cate responded with, "Your old man's forking out for you, too. Don't make out like your dad's not rolling in it as well. You didn't have to work. He would have paid.

"Anyway," the blonde pouted. "It's more fun this way. I like staying in dorms."

"You just like the attention. All those smelly guys gawping at you--"

The situation seemed on the verge of v******e so I interjected quickly. "Girls--" I said as they glared at each other. "Ladies ... Hey, there's no need for all this." I nudged my chin towards the hotel. "Could we use your room, Zoe? I think I'd prefer the privacy if it's all right with you." The thought of Cate reading the piece amid a crowd of grungy backpackers wasn't enthusing. I could just see her sharing my laptop around. "Or we could go to my place?" I offered.

Zoe eyed my scooter, eyebrows arched. "Three-up on that thing?" she replied. "Not a chance. Come on."

I followed the girls inside, feeling as conspicuous as a pair of bulldog's bollocks among the cool-k**s and their attitude. It was a relief to get past all the mayhem and into the sanctuary of Zoe's private room on the second floor.

The door closed behind me and I looked at the girls as they sat side-by-side on the big bed.

It was a decent room: fair-sized, flat-screen television, heavy furniture typical of the region. I glanced around and saw it was either the bed or one of two hard-looking chairs to sit on, and since the girls were already on the bed, my options were limited.

"There's beer in the fridge," Zoe said, pointing.

Carnal longing yawed in my guts when I saw the girl's legs exposed up to her underwear.

"Pass a couple over," Cate called.

I popped the tabs on two cans of LaRue and handed them across.

They sipped simultaneously, both of them propped up with their backs against the headboard, legs straight out in front.

"I wanna read it," Cate said, grinning with indecent expectation while gesturing with one hand towards the laptop bag on my shoulder. "I wanna see what a slut you've made me into."

Odd concern for their good opinion settled inside me and my stomach lurched in a greasy slide of uncertainty as I said, "I hope you like it." I slid the laptop out of the bag. "I hope it isn't too graphic. I wasn't sure about the dialogue--"

I heard myself beginning to babble, so I shut up. It was too late anyway. I'd written what I had and I was there in the room with them. There were two choices: refuse to let them read the piece or get on with it. I did consider offering to email the thing after a little more work -- without the pair of them present to offer any criticism to my face when I looked up and saw them gawping at me. My nerve almost went, but then Cate whined at me to hurry up and I found some spine. Fuck it. She'll either like it or she won't. I'm not getting paid for it; I don't know them, so--

The laptop flickered into life.

A few mouse-clicks later it was up.

"There," I said, fingers of nervous anticipation taking a final squeeze at my guts. "All yours."

Then I grabbed a beer from the fridge, popped it open and took several deep gulps. With one can down I went for another, sipping as I sat down on the hard seat to await the jury's verdict.


I sat on the chair, slurping beer while waiting in an agony of trepidation. I watched the pair intently and over-analysed every arched eyebrow, mutter, or nudge of an elbow. I saw Zoe giggle and Cate gasp, the blonde's eyes coming up to meet my concerned gaze.

"You dirty fucking perv," she grinned.

The way Cate said it went a long way towards dispelling my anxiety. I'd seen some level of approval in her face and watched closely for more while Cate's lips moved as she read on.

At least they weren't laughing and pointing.

Eventually, with those girls perched on the bed, knees up, laptop between them, I asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Zoe's eyes caught mine. She held my stare for a few achingly long seconds before turning her face to Cate. "Well?" she asked. "What do you think?"

Cate looked up, eyes wide. She nodded, pouting. "I'm a slut," she smirked.

I was relieved to see Zoe nod in approval, her eyes on me before she turned to Cate and said, "Nothing new there." Her focus returned to me and she added, "I like it. It's--" Zoe paused, face tilted to the ceiling while searching for the word. "Raw," she finished. "It's dirty and nasty ... Elemental."

"Yeah," Cate put in.

"I dunno," Zoe went on. "But I feel all ... squirmy."

It was a pivotal moment and everything went weird a second or two later.

To my surprise, it was Zoe who did it. She had me boggling at her, slack-jawed with the shock of it when she looked at her friend and calmly said, "April fool dare, Cate ... But I bet you don't rub your pussy in front of us."

I wasn't sure I'd heard her say it and I blinked, agog. My reality slewed. All of a sudden, I was in the Twilight Zone.

"April fool dare?" Cate replied before laughing and replying with, "There's no such thing, Zoe."

"There is now," the pretty, dark-haired girl replied. She nudged her chin towards me and added, "I just made it up. So I dare you. Go on. Rub your pussy in front of Graham."

I may have been reeling after she said it, but I recognised her motivation in delivering the challenge. My mind flicked back to the altercation outside. It made sense -- two undeniably hot young women travelling together? Who knew what rivalry might develop? Over time Cate's abrasive personality could have worked at Zoe's patience and led her to the point where she'd had enough. What had she said before? Something about the blonde always craving the limelight? Didn't Cate always have to be the centre of attention? And weren't there other issues between them which might prompt the girl to throw down the gauntlet?

Regardless of the reason, Cate went for it.

When she responded to her friend's challenge I saw a definite flash in her eyes. "You fucking dare me?" the blonde gasped, eyes round, mouth falling open.

"April fool dare," Zoe replied, nodding.

Cate's focus locked on me like a heat-seeking missile. "In front of him?" the girl spat, tone contemptuous.

"Yeah," Zoe drawled. "Him."

Seconds ticked by while Cate considered options behind a blank façade, her eyes glazed.

"Okay. Fuck it," she said, casual as you like, a shoulder rising in a half-shrug. "If it's a dare, Zoe."

Cate actually stuck her out at the other girl before slipping a hand into the waist of her shorts. Her legs went wide and it was like watching a sack full of kittens as Cate's fingers squirmed away in there, her shorts bulging and wriggling.

"It was a fucking dirty story," Cate groaned, sliding down the bed until she was flat on her back. Her thighs went to their widest spread, fingers working while she gasped, "It got me hot and wet. I was going to finger myself anyway--"


I was hard watching her. She was gorgeous: smooth calves, lean thighs, face slack with whatever she was feeling. Cate mauled her breasts through her tee-shirt, eyes opening so she could glare at me with hot-eyed intensity.

I gazed back at her, desire to squeeze my cock flaring. I boggled, my brain struggling to cope with the sight.

Zoe slapped the laptop closed and placed it on a small cabinet alongside the bed before she rolled onto her side to watch her friend. The dark-haired girl rested her temple on one fist, elbow against the mattress, expression intent while Cate rubbed at herself.

"You have to show off, don't you, Cate," Zoe said, lips twisted with distaste. Her eyes flicked to me and she shook her head. "Do you believe her?"

Lust raged hotter. Desire for the blonde swelled in my chest and I choked on some nonsense reply, still struggling to process the truth of what I was seeing.

Eventually I managed a gurgling, "Jesus. Oh God--"

Zoe laughed and levered upright. "Didn't expect her to do it, did you?" she said, eyes narrowed while she chewed on her bottom lip. She kept her gaze fixed on me, but directed her words to her friend. "April fool dare, Cate ... Take your top off."

"Only if you do it, too," the blonde gasped. "I April fool dare you, Zoe."

With a glance at me and shrugging beforehand, Zoe pulled her singlet over her head. She sat there in her bra and skirt, still watching me. "Done," she said.

I think I groaned out loud when Cate sat up and peeled her tee-shirt off. She smirked at me, big breasts barely moving when she tossed the garment away, the twin orbs firm with youthful elasticity.

"Like my tits, Graham," Cate murmured. She squeezed boob-flesh with both hands while wincing and gasping, giving me the full benefit of her blue eyes while delving into her shorts again. "Look at him, Zoe," she whined, chin nudging in my direction. "Can't keep his eyes off me."

"Just how you like it," Zoe replied, eyes rolling. "I April fool dare you to strip naked."

Oh God, when the blonde rolled off the bed and teased me by presenting her rump and peeling those shorts down--

I gasped and gulped, throat working when I saw the triangle of pale skin crowning the cleft of Cate's buttocks. The tan lines ran high on her hips to show where the string of her bikini bottoms had lain, where her flawless skin had remained covered against the sun's caress. I glanced at another thin pale line running horizontally across the girl's back before gazing in awe as she slowly revealed the full beauty of her bottom.

Cate grinned at me while looking back over one shoulder, shorts at the tops of her thighs, legs together while her smooth-lipped pussy peeped out at me. She was just as I'd imagined she'd be.

"Fucking hell," I breathed, a long sigh coming out of me a second later. I whined when the blonde slipped her shorts and underwear down and kicked the tangled mess free, my gaze following Cate when she clambered onto the bed.

The girl rolled onto her back and spread her legs to expose the pink of her sex.

"Yeah," Cate chuckled, fingers moving over her clit. "Look at that, Graham. See it?" she muttered, splaying her neat labia. "Did you think about my little pussy while writing all that filthy shit...?

"...Well?" she drawled, mocking me with her eyes while spitting, "Did you, you fucking perv?"

"I..." I began, voice creaking like a rusty hinge. After swallowing heavily I tried again. "I couldn't imagine anything as ... as..."

"April fool dare," Cate interrupted, grinning while fondling her fleshy labia. "Get your cock out and wank in front of us."

It was a ridiculous suggestion. There was no way I was going to unzip and jack my cock in front of those two girls.

"I don't think I can do that, Cate," I mumbled, eyes sliding away from her.

The blonde scoffed, her tone mocking. "What? -- I'm here in the nude and you won't get your cock out? Look at me, Graham," Cate sighed. "I'm rubbing my pussy right in front of you. You wrote all that filthy stuff about me being gang-fucked ... You turned me on and got me all wet. I'm hot and bothered and playing with my pussy...

"...Look at it. See how wet it is?" Cate held herself wide open, scarlet clit slick with desire, core glistening.

I stared at her, transfixed, gazing at the spot she'd urged me to look at.

My cock pulsed with longing. "Oh Jesus," I moaned, forcing down the urge to simply launch myself at her.

It wouldn't take much to have me lapping at Cate's vulva. I was close to breaking. A little more taunting and flaunting from the delicious blonde would see me slobbering over her full round tits. I'd be sucking her thick teats and stabbing at her with my cock.

"I April fool dare you," Cate breathed at me. "I fucking dare you to get it out and wank it in front of us."

It was there at the back of my mind that it could be a prank. The suspicion lurked and I hesitated despite the base urge thrumming inside me. I stared at Cate, gazing into her face in search of some sign to convince me she wouldn't point and laugh and leave me humiliated. The two of them had gone on about April fools enough to make me wary. Regardless of my near overwhelming desire to possess them both, I was suspicious, glancing at Zoe in case I might catch her in an unguarded moment, just to see if her expression showed any sign of it being a trick.

"I don't know if I can," I gurgled, my rump squirming against the hard chair beneath me. "I'm worried ... I think you're teasing me. I reckon you'll laugh."

"Why would we laugh, Graham?" Zoe asked. She sat upright and studied me, expression benign and enquiring. "Don't you trust us?"

"Is this a joke?" I said, pulling a face. "Did you two put your heads together and cook this up for April fools?"

Zoe's lips pursed, head canting to one side while she stared at me.

Her eyes stayed on my face as she slid off the bed. "It's no joke," she murmured, then reached back to unclasp her bra.

Jesus -- her sweet little tits!

Pointing to her friend, Zoe added, "Does that look like a joke to you?" I looked on as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt. A little shimmy later and it pooled around her feet.

When she turned and showed me the back-end view I gasped and pawed at myself. The G-string thong was wedged into the cleft of her arse, Zoe's spectacular rump goading me into pulling at my belt.

Cate might have the tits, but Zoe was prettier. Cate's bottom was outstanding, but Zoe's took the day. I'd thought as much on the beach and the close-up perusal confirmed it.

"Go on," Zoe purred, daring me with her smirk and the green fire in her eyes. "Do it, Graham. April fool dare."


I caught sight of myself in the mirror a minute later. There I was, standing at the foot of the bed with my jeans bunched around my shins as I cranked an erection stiff enough to qualify as a dangerous weapon. I saw my face all slack and idiotic, mouth hanging open, lips wet with the lust surging through me.

When I saw the lecherous old bastard leering back at me I felt a ripple of disgust. It was obscene, a man of almost sixty lusting after two girls little older than twenty.

But it all evaporated when I focussed on what was happening on the bed.

Cate was still working her fingers into her gooey slot, a greasy squelch coming up from where her body and digits met. The blonde's eyes were closed; she was half-turned towards Zoe, neither on her back nor her side, weight on one hip and an elbow.

Zoe hand a hand on her friend's body, her lips at Cate's breast.

"Suck her tits, Zoe," I mewled, fist jacking at my length. "Make her nipples nice and hard."

Zoe grinned at me, eyes feline slits while her tongue rolled around and around Cate's nipple, the areola slick with saliva. She dropped a lascivious eyelid to one cheek, a hand squeezing and mauling Cate's breast, palm sliding across the blonde's skin so Zoe could squeeze more tit-flesh.

The low groan came out of me as I watched Zoe work her friend's body. The sound curdled into a long, atavistic moan of absolute yearning when Cate's eyes opened and locked with Zoe's, the dark-haired girl immediately breaking away from Cate so she could move up for a kiss. The blonde's response was immediate. Cate simply opened her mouth and offered her pink tongue to Zoe and, after that, they just licked each other's tongues. There was no tenderness, no finesse, just two lovely girls putting on an obscene show for my sole benefit.

Cate sucked her friend's tongue while Zoe's hand moved over Cate's curves. They sighed and gasped and giggled, both turning to look at me at the same instant, Cate holding her vulva splayed while Zoe eased away and sat upright.

"It got me hot to read about those men fucking my wet little pussy, Graham," Cate breathed. She fucked two stiff fingers into her opening, wincing, her nose crinkling while she snarled at me through a pristine white portcullis of clenched teeth. "You see it? See what you did to me?" Cate delivered the questions with the pout and lisp of a little-girl-lost, eyes glazing as she spoke.

She held my stare through heavy-lidded eyes, accusing me with her look, as though it was all my fault she was on the bed, naked, fingers sloshing at her sex.

"I told you she's a show-off," said Zoe, smirking.

I boggled at the dark-haired girl. "Duh-do you two do this...?" I ran my tongue over dry lips, gulping to clear the blockage from my throat before I continued with, "Do you two do this all the time? Are you--?"

Zoe's response was to jut out her bottom lip and shake her head. "No," she said, completely unfazed. "We've never--" The girl shrugged and gave me a what-can-I-say kind of look. "We're not lezzas. This is the first time we've done anything like this...

"...together," she finished.

Her attitude had me speechless. I was stunned, so gobsmacked I stopped cranking my dick while marvelling at their loose immorality.

"I can't let her beat me, though," Zoe added while it all went through my mind. "Sometimes she gets right on my nerves. She's so demanding--"

"You're just jealous 'cause I'm more outgoing than you," Cate snapped back, levering upright. "Sometimes you're so timid."

Zoe's reply was incredulous. "Timid? Do I look timid, Cate? I'm here, with you ... With him." She nodded in my direction, her face turned to Cate. "Look at me, you self-centred bitch. I'm almost naked." She jerked a thumb towards me. "We don't even know this bloke and I'm showing him my tits. I'm watching him wank."

The blonde's smirk was evil. "But you've still got your knicks on, Zoe," she taunted. "And you haven't been rubbing your pussy in front of him, have you?"

Zoe's jaw clenched. She threw a look at me before returning her glare to the other girl.

The bed rocked when Zoe raised her pelvis and peeled her underwear down over her legs. She let the flimsy scrap dangle from one foot and then slowly spread her legs to reveal her depilated mons.

"Do all you girls shave your pussies?" I mumbled, mainly to myself.

Cate laughed, really blurted out a huge guffaw, a sound of absolute which matched her grin. "It takes some effort," she told me. "Living in a dorm and sharing a bathroom makes it a pain in the arse." The blonde girl then turned her attention to her friend. "I April fool dare you," she purred, "to wank his dick. Let's see how wild you are. Go on, Zoe," Cate urged. "I fucking dare you."

I didn't truly think she'd do it. Things had already gone off the spectrum. The experience so far had surpassed any previous sexual adventure I'd ever enjoyed. I was alone with two eminently desirable young women. They were both naked and I'd been invited to jerk my dick while watching one masturbate. It didn't get much better than it was right then. This was the stuff of dreams, of wild fantasy.

Zoe continued to stare at Cate, her expression belligerent.

They seemed on the verge of coming to blows again, but Zoe's face twisted, lips curling as she sneered at the blonde. "You won't beat me," she breathed, tiny fists bunched. Then she scooted to the end of the bed, feet going to the floor. Zoe waved me closer. "Come here," she said, throwing a look back over her shoulder at Cate. "Give me that thing."


Both girls were at the foot of the bed, Cate staring with open-mouthed enthusiasm while watching Zoe's fist work my length.

I might have been naked, but neither one made any disparaging comment about my physical form. The impression I had in the moment was I was nothing to them beyond the stiff lump of male gristle in Zoe's hand. I might as well not have been present, but they needed my dick.

"Yes," Cate breathed, shifting her rump sideways so she was right up against Zoe, their thighs and hips touching. "Wank it, Zoe," she purred, reaching up to lay her fingers against her friend's cheek.

When the dark-haired girl's face turned to the blonde, they kissed, pink tongues sliding and swirling, the pair of them sighing in appreciation, their enmity apparently set aside for the time being.

"April fool dare, Zoe," Cate murmured, her eyes flicking to my face. She held my stare and breathed the challenge. "Suck it. I dare you to lick his cock."

She didn't hesitate. Zoe's head ducked in and her lips pursed around my bell-end, a hand jacking me close to the root while she rubbed her own sex and squirmed. "You too," Zoe gasped, offering me to Cate.

Cate blurted a laugh, but still took hold of me, her tongue gliding over me from tip to balls and back again. When the blonde's lips reached the big dome she took me into her mouth and sucked her cheeks concave, head bobbing back-and-forth.

"Your turn again," Cate grinned, returning control to the other girl.

It went on for a few unbelievable minutes, both of them going at me, taking it in turns to slurp and slobber at my cock, each one trying to outdo the other in the obscenity league. They taunted each other and drove me to the point of squirting over their faces with their potty-mouthed to-and-fro. The things they said had me gasping in shock. To hear the filth pouring from such pretty girls was a paradoxical thrill which threatened to let loose a gush of ejaculate which would leave them both drenched in cum.

Then Cate said it. I suppose it was inevitable and I don't know why I was so surprised. What the blonde suggested was the next logical progression. It was so predictable, but I still experienced a flutter in the pit of my stomach when Cate casually laid down her dare.

Stunned, unable to believe my ears I heard her mutter, "April fool dare, Zoe. I bet you don't fuck him."

Zoe stood up and grabbed my face with one hand, my cheeks between her fingers and thumb. I pouted like a fish while the girl stared into my eyes, the heat of her stare searing all the way down inside me, through the core of my dick to my balls.

"Got a condom, Graham?" she mumbled, her hand cranking my cock.

I gulped and shook my head. "No," I whined.

The girl continued to gaze at me, my face still in her grip. It went on for what felt like a long time.

Zoe studied me for an age before nodding slowly. "You don't have anything nasty, do you?" she asked, head tilting towards her shoulder, gaze unwavering. "No dirty diseases or anything?"

"No," I mewled. "I haven't even had sex for--"

I gasped and gurgled and shook my head quickly. "I don't know," I breathed. "...A year? ...Longer?"

"He's fine, Zoe," Cate put in. "Look at him. He doesn't look like he gets much."

Zoe held my focus for a second or two more before she released my face. "Yeah, okay," she nodded. "I suppose it's all right."

The beautiful young woman knelt on the bed and went forward onto straight arms while thrusting her hips high. I watched Zoe angle her pelvis and present her rump to me as she swivelled at the waist, her tight body barely creasing at her middle.

I gulped and cranked at my cock when she reached back and held her buttocks splayed, Zoe's cunt gaping. Her exquisite body and the dark smudge of her sphincter winking at me held me enthralled. I would have paid anything to have her if she'd named a price.

As it was she just smirked and crooned, "April fool dare. Put it in, Graham. Fuck me."


It was an all-too-brief moment as I tried to suck up the experience, to hold each detail in my mind as I savoured the instant before my cock penetrated the lovely girl. Zoe's face was a mask of anxious anticipation as she looked back at me, her sex offered in what I realised was the last opportunity of my life. Her mouth hung slack, eyes oddly dull and somehow lifeless, glazed with whatever emotions surged inside her at the time. To me, her body was a work of art, Zoe's dark hair loose and flowing. I absorbed her, sucking her in with my mind while fully appreciating the curve of her back where it swept in towards her tight waist. I moaned out loud while gazing at the beautiful feminine symmetry of her hips and buttocks. Zoe was divine, so lovely, so full of life and vigour -- so fucking perfect.

I touched the girl for the first time, laying a hand on her back while guiding the blunt cock-end to her body. My throat worked and I swallowed heavily when my erection nudged her, Zoe's labia distorting.

A pause and a thrust and I heard her gasp.

"He's in me," the dark-haired lovely whined, gulping, apparently surprised at what was happening. I glanced up to her face and saw her look while Zoe whined her way through, "I'm fucking him, Cate. There, you see?"

"Yeah," the blonde replied, grinning, both hands mauling her own breasts while she sat on the bed and squirmed. Cate rose to her feet and leaned in to look before turning her enthusiastic grin to me. "I don't believe she's letting you fuck her," the girl said, eyes wide. "She doesn't usually--" Cate shrugged and chuckled, a hand slapping her friend's right buttock. "Go on, Zoe," she cried, the dark-haired girl's flesh barely rippling beneath the thwack of Cate's palm. "Fuck that pervy old cock. Give the old fucker a treat."

"You don't get it," Zoe breathed, hips moving, her body closing around me as she eased forward again, her taut buttocks slapping back against my stomach when she then fucked back onto my cock. "It feels fucking lovely," Zoe gasped, cranking up a gear. "He's got a nice cock. It's thick and ... Oh fuck," she groaned, forehead gong to the bed while clawing at the bed.

With such a beauty impaled on my dick my confidence soared. To hear her make those noises, to have Zoe praise me in such a tone had me working at her with deep, vigorous thrusts. I wanted her to enjoy the experience. I didn't want her to wake up in the morning and feel any remorse. I may have been decades her senior, but I didn't want Zoe to regret she'd fucked an old man.

"You're sensational," I gasped, my fingers encircling the girl's tiny waist. I fucked into her, probing deep before altering the depth and angle. "You're so beautiful, Zoe. Jesus, what a lovely woman you are. Your body ... Your arse ... You're so pretty, Zoe. You're divine."

"Oh God, Graham," the girl mumbled, face pressed to the bed. "Fuck me. Yes, just like that. My pussy ... Your cock," she gasped.

I looked towards Cate and saw her staring at us, a hand between her legs while she stirred her vulva.

"Your friend's gorgeous," I groaned. "She's lovely. She feels so fucking good."

"I can't believe your fucking her," Cate squeaked at me. "I don't believe she actually let you ...Bareback, too!"

Zoe's head came up and she twisted round to look at the blonde alongside me. "He's okay," she snarled. "And I'm safe. I won't get pregnant." Zoe winced and thrust back onto me, a moan coming out of her when her eyes closed. "I April fool dare you, Cate," she gurgled, head lolling, a groan following. She went wall-eyed and gasped and moaned before adding, "I dare you to fuck him, too."

"Uh-uh, no way," Cate replied, her hand falling still. "I'm not taking the chance. You might be safe, but I'm not."

"It's all right," I put in, gasping. After a long groan, Zoe's insides tight and wet around me I went on with, "My second wife ... I've had a vasectomy--" I left it out there and said nothing more, not least because I couldn't say another word.

We settled into a rhythm, with Zoe back up on straight arms, her face turned to regard me while she thrust back and urged me on with her expression and her words.

The girl was so enthusiastic. She grinned at me in-between grunts and gasps, her face telling me she loved what I did.

"You should try it," I heard her groan to Cate. "He might be old but he can use his cock. I dare you to try it, Cate."

I didn't get a chance to see the blonde's face in response. Zoe slid off me a moment after she challenged her friend, rolling quickly onto her back.

"Put it back in," Zoe urged while staring up at me from the bed, legs wide in invitation, pussy gaping all hot and scarlet and glistening. "Please, Graham," the girl whined, a finger sliding over her clit. She gnawed her lower lip, hips bucking in her excitement, nose crinkled. Her gaze was so provocative I sobbed and almost fell on top of her. "Yeah," she gurgled, legs folding at the knees while I held myself over her slim torso and eased into her. "Smash my pussy, babe. Do me hard. I wanna come."

It wasn't quick and it wasn't pretty, but I went at Zoe with robust enthusiasm, willing myself not to succumb and pour jizm into her squelching cunt.

We babbled and moaned and thrust back-and-forth, with Zoe using my cock while I used her lovely body.

Cate joined her friend on the bed, kissing the dark-haired girl while she rubbed her own clit, goading Zoe closer to her orgasm by muttering sewer-mouthed exhortations at her.

For her part, while I lunged and plundered her slick pussy, Zoe fingered her nub with one hand and squeezed her little tits with the other.

Cate sucked Zoe's nipples, using her lips and tongue and teeth to tease the elastic teats to elongated buds of aroused flesh while both girls gasped and moaned and I grunted and gnashed my teeth. I don't know how I managed it but I kept it together and resisted the near overwhelming desire to flood Zoe with cum.

It wasn't really a clear idea in my head at the time, although I did wonder if Cate would accept the dare and let me fuck her. Then I looked down between our bodies and saw how big Zoe made me appear. She was so petite; I seemed huge going into her. My cock came out creamy with the girl's desire, buttery gloop clinging to the shaft, a sight that enflamed me so much I ducked in and dared to kiss her mouth.

To my surprise, and subsequent delight, she returned the kiss, pelvis working fast, Zoe thrusting up to meet my robust downstroke.

"Oh fuck," she sighed into my mouth. "Graham ... I'm going to come."

Witnessing Zoe's juddering climax is a scene I will remember forever. The girl's face fell slack, mouth a huge O of surprise. Her eyes went wide and she gurgled some nonsense, a sob bursting from her a second later. Zoe's chest hitched and she came up onto her elbows, knees still folded while she gazed down at our conjunction. She then blinked at me, eyes glazing as her head lolled back, long hair pooling on the bed behind her.

She squealed and writhed, fingers working her clit as I probed deep and stalled, my cock buried inside her up to my balls.

"Fucking hell," I can recall Cate muttering. "Zoe," she whined. "Jesus ... Oh God--"

It went on for half-a-minute or more. Zoe squealed and grunted, hips coming up, back arching, stomach tensed with the effort of riding the tsunami wave of her climax.

Finally I slid out, cock slippery and glistening. I stood up and gazed at Zoe while she sucked in air, chest heaving, nostrils flaring like a derby winner.

"I dare you," the girl gasped to Cate. "I dare you to--" She fought for breath, eyes rolling as she sat upright. "I dare you," Zoe continued, "to suck your pussy from Graham's cock. Like this," she added, reaching for me, fingers grabbing my length before her lips pursed around the head. "I April fool dare you to lick your cunt off him, Cate."

Well, when I heard her say it I almost let Zoe have it between the eyes. If the scene I'd just experienced was the single most wild sexual encounter of my days so far, having a lovely young woman slurping her essence off my cock cranked the experience to a level I would have had trouble imagining -- and she was suggesting her friend do it, too!

I boggled while Zoe's tongue lapped at my cock. She slurped and slobbered and made such filthy sounds the surge bubbled close to the boil.

Looking back at the time, I think another few seconds would have made all the difference. If Zoe had kept at it I would have let fly with a vehement burst of ejaculate so forceful it would have arced over her head and spattered onto her back.

As it was she stopped just in time, her smirk going to Cate.

"Well, Cate?" the dark-haired girl sneered. "He's had a vasectomy. You won't get preggers." She waggled my dick at her friend. "You gonna fuck him, or what?"


Cate rode me. She made me lie on the bed and then straddled my thighs, climbing board in a reverse cowgirl, her back to me, a delicious view of her dangling labia framed by her bottom and thighs before Cate's body engulfed me.

I didn't know it at the time, but Zoe recorded all the minutes her friend bounced on my cock with such energetic verve. The dark-haired girl showed me the clip when it was all over, promising to send me a copy if I gave her an email address.

When I saw the footage my cock revived, the thing ready for action once again.

Living it was sublime. I was on my back with a gorgeous blonde grunting and snorting while her pussy siped goo. The shaft was awash with Cate's desire, proof she didn't find me as disgusting as she made out.

I almost warmed to her, when Cate sobbed and muttered about how good it felt to have me inside her I nearly felt bad -- nearly, but not quite. I still thought she was a bit of a cunt and wanted to use her lush body for my own gain. It would never happen again, not unless I paid for it. It was my moment, the pinnacle of sexual delight and I was going to enjoy every libidinous second.

Cate's buttocks flexed while I held her waist and eased her up and down, pushing up to meet her when she sank onto my cock. My hands were all over her. I squeezed her tight buns and heaved upright so I could cup her spongy breasts in my palms.

It was urgent, our rutting desperate. I wanted to leave the girl bruised and tender. I wanted her to remember our time together.

Cate sobbed and groaned while fingering her clit, Zoe lying alongside me, her tongue in my mouth as we kissed.

"Get off," I grunted after a few minutes of going at it. "On your back. Lie down," I snarled. "Open your legs. Show it to me."

When Cate complied, her thighs wide and labia splayed, I went in and licked her. I had the enormous satisfaction of hearing the blonde moan and gasp when I sucked at her clit. Then Zoe swooped in to suck her friend off my tongue when I moved up to return my cock to Cate's molten embrace.

I fucked into the girl, the surge rising through my core. She hadn't hit her peak but I didn't care. I was mindless, lost, carried away on a tide of euphoria as I bellowed out my joy and let go, jizm pouring from me.

"You dirty fucker!" Cate yelped. "Zoe! Fuck! He's coming inside me."

I moaned and squirmed and grunted, semen pumping into her in a hot flood.

The blonde thrust at me, hips working while she rubbed at herself, fingers frantic at her clit.

"I'm coming, too!" she yelped, mouth dropping open. "Oh ... Oh God ... I'm coming!"

I squirted love into Cate while Zoe's tongue danced with mine. The dark-haired girl squeezed my balls, her gasps of delight wafting straight into my mouth.

Finally, when I'd calmed, I slid out of Cate's body, a rush of gloop following. Cum dribbled along the crease between Cate's buttocks, our mix staining the bed.

"Shit," Cate muttered, levering upright, a hand cupped between her legs. "How much spunk?" she breathed, a pool of jizm in her palm.

"Enough," I chuckled while I lay on my back, a forearm d****d across my brow.


There's a line in a song by a band called Noah and the Whale which goes: To a writer, the truth is no big deal.

-- Which sums it up nicely.

I'd lied to them from the beginning: my name; how long I was staying in the country; a few other incidentals, although the bit about being a writer was true.

I write for a travel supplement in a British newspaper.

I don't write erotica.

I'll never get a copy of the video Zoe took on her mobile phone because I gave her a bogus email address.


Well, I want to leave as few clues behind me as possible because the biggest lie of the day was the thing about the vasectomy.

April fool, Cate!

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April Makes September

April Fleeter clenched her thighs together as she stood at the sink. That didn’t help. The need deep inside her would not go away. She had expected this when three-times-a-week lover, Jake, had given her the news.“Bastard!” she yelled at the ceiling now. Jake knew husband Jeff’s ship was in Singapore, two months from a homecoming. He also knew damned well about her physical needs. Three days without a man and she was anybody’s. Jake had been willing to fill in for Jeff. Better than nothing,...

Wife Lovers
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PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE April O Neil?  SHREDDER?S SLAVE By [email protected]  Synopsis: April O Neil is captured by Shredder and ends up as his slave. Shredder is the main villain from the hit comic book and animated t.v. series TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES.  Story:  ??????????? It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world?s largest corporation. It was run by a Japanese big businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, dressed as a ninja warlord...

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Chapter One Her first conscious thought was, I'm awake. She hadn't opened her eyes just yet, but was aware of sounds and that she was cold. The second conscious thought was that she had a Blacksmith using the inside of her head as an anvil and was hitting a particularly hard piece of metal with a four-pound lump hammer. She groaned and cursed red wine. She always got a hangover after drinking red wine and reminded herself of the often-made promise to stick to the voddy. April then realised...

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April May

Chapter One – Tramp On The Run There was a girl running through the forest. Poor thing. She had shoes, that wasn’t the problem, although they were a pair of white four inch heels, which certainly made the running difficult. She had clothes, a loose grey sweat shirt cut at midriff and cutoff blue jean shorts, tailored so tight at the crotch that even a camel would’ve cried for a size larger. I mean, they were comfortable for running. But she wasn’t comfortable. For one thing, she was being...

2 years ago
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April Rising

1. The room was silent, lit only by the bright arc lamp which shone its beam onto one side, that of April. Her body naked knelt upon the bed with her long brown hair cascading over her shoulders and back, her head bent forward, in hiding from the light. Then the music began, a slow soft drumbeat at first getting louder and rising in tempo with it her head began to raise in time to the rhythm. Then the music reached a crescendo and April flicked her head, sending the veil of soft flowing hair...

4 years ago
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April and Nicky get wet

Introduction: I have had the pleasure of sniffing Nicolas panties on many occasions and had recently had the pleasure of using her body as a toy I could not wait to get round to my sisters house again to sit for Nicola my niece and her best friend April. I have had the pleasure of sniffing Nicolas panties on many occasions and had recently had the pleasure of using her body as a toy. I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Whos tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very...

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April and Nicky get wet

I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Who’s tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very blonde hair almost white with her peaches complexion and bright blue eyes always excited me and I normally ended up sniffing Nicola’s panties and masturbating as a result of her just being around. I knocked on the door and my sister Julie answered and greeted me as usual. I smirked to myself as I reminisced about the time when I cam back from a rave still high and managed to finger...

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April and Jessica Part 3 They come together

April has accepted her sexuality, she has a boyfriend, but that’s just for appearance. She knows she likes pussy, and she can’t deny it. She doesn’t have sex with her boyfriend; she tells him she wants to wait until marriage, in truth she doesn’t want to have sex with him at all. About once a week she posts an ad on craigslist and fulfils her lesbian needs that way. During one such encounter the girl she was with dominated her and she found she liked giving up all control to another girl....

2 years ago
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The Cruel Prank

It was a Friday night, a cool breeze hanged in the dry spring night.I was with my 3 friends celebrating Carol's 18th birthday, she was the last of our little gang to reach 18 and we had been drinking outside in the quiet green park. We were all sat around laughing sharing jokes and reminiscing about our school life together and what we're going to do in the future.After a while, we were all feeling rather ditzy from the drink and started talking about pranks we've eached pulled on people."You...

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April and June

April and June Let me introduce myself, my name is Clifford, but you can call me Cliff. I'm just your average guy, single, work for a living, have a one bedroom apartment, and a cat. For most of my 38 years, I've been single. I love women, but have a pattern of becoming fast friends with them and when I want more, they don't. It is always the same, "I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin our friendship." Trouble is, the longer we stay friends, the more I feel for her, the...

3 years ago
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April and Jessica part 1 Aprils discovery

April was about 5feet 9inches tall, big DD breasts, with a firm heart shaped ass and weighed about 130 pounds. She discovered she was attracted to other girls when she was 14. She was looking through her older brother’s bedroom for a pen and she stumbled on his Playboy magazine collection. The magazine fell on the ground open to one of the pictures of a woman naked. She told herself to look away and pretend she never saw it, but some part of her made her pick up the magazine and start...

2 years ago
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools’ Day I thought I’d share it before telling my story. April Fools’ Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other....

4 years ago
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools' Day I thought I'd share it before telling my story. April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each...

4 years ago
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April My Shemale Love

April My Shemale LoveIt seems that I dream of April quite often. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. April lives in my building, next door to me. She is incredible. Her face is gorgeous. Her brown eyes are striking. She sometimes wears her long brown hair in a ponytail. I love the way it sways from side to side as she walks by. I love watching her walk. Her body is amazing. You should see her breasts. She has a full bosom. And they bounce when she walks. I love to see her wear...

3 years ago
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April and AugustChapter 3

On the seventh day, Marshal Sean arrived to inform them that they were all due in court the next day for the hearing on the girls’ old Master. Jacob, Jason and both girls were required to be there. That night Jason required considerable time to calm the girls down as they still feared their old Master. The next day in court the charges were read aloud by the Royal Judge. “Master Daren, you are accused of punishing by whipping two underage slave girls without a hearing on at least four...

5 years ago
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April and Kimber

Thank you to hkf999 for a fine editing job! * Prologue – April and Kimber On the very first day of high school, two girls met and it was as if they’d known each other forever. April, the beautiful, popular girl with long blond hair and the promise of a nice figure, the girl with the big, bright blue eyes, who spoke incessantly of her horses and weekends at the stables. April’s family was very wealthy, very, very wealthy. Her new best friend, Kimber, was also beautiful and popular, with long...

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April ONeal Shredders Slave and Beyond

It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world's largest corporation, run by a Japanese businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, who dressed as a ninja warlord was responsible for many illegal activities like arms smuggling, drugs, and prostitution. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been killed a long time ago and only the reporter, April O'Neil, still remained. She had filmed it all but his men infiltrated her apartment and kidnapped her and brought her and...

4 years ago
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April and Mark

April was a bitchy debutante, a spoiled black haired skinny fashion diva with a bit of a deviant side and a qualified hatred for men.  She had really gone to town with her daddy's money since the Emergency Depression Recovery laws of 2045 made reclaiming bankrupt citizens as slaves legal. Of course April still needed her ego stroked so she'd cruise the clubs for hot looking studs to fuck, but she liked her fucking at all hours, on her terms.  So for a few months she bought a nice big dicked...

2 years ago
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Aprils Fools DayChapter 3

I was at odds with myself. Marge and I have been through a number of rough patches in our life. The one thing that always held us together was our honesty to each other and discussing our problems. We didn't always agree on everything but we were able to work it out. I wasn't sure if we could do it this time. If she went to the party and got fucked by Dave or some other man I know our lifetime commitment of being together would be over. I had to wonder if she had already been with Dave or...

4 years ago
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April Fools Joke or a New Way of Life

Was I ever surprised last night? I never in my wildest dreams ever figured my wife would be involved with what happened last night! But, maybe I better start at the beginning. My name is Steve Cummings and I'm currently 24 years old, 5'-11" and weigh about 180. I have been married to my wonderful wife Amy, for almost two years, now. She is now 22, 5'-7" tall and weighs about 125 pounds. She's slim, and trim, and sexy as all get out. We met at her work, where she's a receptionist at...

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Introduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...

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April May and June A Sisterly Tale

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 August and his wife sat at their oldest daughter’s wedding. April had dated Randy for over a year. She was giddy in love with him. Of course, her two sisters May and June also wanted Randy. He was tall, broad-shouldered, square-jawed and looked good with the tuxedo that he was getting married in. Each of the girls could easily imagine the goings on later to come that evening. Obviously, April will be on the receiving end of the deal, but May and June also...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. ‘It’s just rehearsal.’ “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know.’...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. "It's just rehearsal." “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know."...

2 years ago
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April and AugustChapter 1

Fifteen year old Jason was returning early from his fathers shop in the dusk of a cold December day, when he spotted the two children crouched in the entryway to his fathers home. “What are you children doing here?” he inquired, as he approached. “Master, may we go inside for a few minutes?” the closest begged him from the darkened entryway. “Why are you not at home? It is past time for children to be indoors in this weather,” Jason told them. “We no longer have a home, Master,” the...

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Camp Prank

Camp Huffington is a very special camp where a lot of embarrassing pranks had, has, will have been told, and maybe you're the protagonist of that embarrassing stories, if you don't care about not suffering any prank. Your parents brings you to make you spend more time in contact with nature, and less in front of the computer and in the shopping. Since you're 18, this is probably the last camp that you visit before transforming yourself into an adult. Here, you find 4 huts, two for girls and two...

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April Chapter Two

The next morning, after April left for school, I went to make our bed. Jake came to the doorway and leaned against the frame as he took a sip of coffee. "I can't do it," he said. I finished smoothing out the comforter and then took a seat on the bed. "Are you talking about her or the car?" He took another sip. "Her. But I gave you my word; I would help her get a used car." I was disappointed. "I see." “Yesterday, you made it clear to me how you felt.” He leaned off the frame and walked into the...

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Costume Party Prank

Tami, a highly motivated woman sits in her harness waiting for someone to answer the door. “Pacifier! Where's my pacifier?” she orders true to form. Jim, playing her daddy calmly fumbles around in his pocket to find the pacifier. “Oh, hey. It comes with a flavor packet.” Tami is not impressed, “Just hurry up. Someone's coming.” Jim doses the pacifier with jell, “Open up.” She opens her mouth and he quickly pops it in, filling her mouth. He holds it in firmly just as the door opens....

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PMQuest Chapter 01 Some kind of Prank

Full Introduction A young man wakes up to find himself no longer in his cozy bed back at Fiore, instead rising from a soft patch of dirt with nothing but his socks, his underwear, and a vague memory of his training as a Pokemon Ranger. The rest of his past is a blur, but he'll soon find that he won't have much time to rediscover it. Female Pokemon on this island seek him out with dark, lustful intentions, planning on capturing him for both their own satisfaction and the pleasure of one...

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My first nude in public prank

I am pretty used to being nude where it is allowed, but I had always felt thrilled about doing it in an unexpected place. So one day my husband told me that one of his coworkers had been fired from the job. He was very depressed, and had to take a job as a night attendant at a gas station convenience store. I had never met him, but the convenience store was on my way home from work. For several days as I passed by the station, I thought about his friends. I thought of something to cheer him up....

3 years ago
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April and Jessica part 2 Jessica finds herslef

Jessica broke her vow about three months before April had her experience with Heidi, but hers was broken in a very different way. It happened one day when Jessica walked home from school; she walked in her front door to find a sight she never thought she would see in her entire life. Her brother’s girlfriend, Sarah, was wearing a black leather cupless corset, thigh high boots, and she was whipping her brother. She called him a naughty boy and punished him for being that way. Jessica was...

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April In June

This is my first attempt at writing. It was the beginning of summer, me and my cousin decided to spend our first week out of school at out grandmas. Every year we would spend our summer staying at different family member’s house. This was great for us because we got to spend time with distant family members. If we weren’t feeling the vibe of one place we would pack up and go to the next family member’s house. It was just us. We saved up enough money throughout the year to be able to get to...

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April in Paris

The words to the old Nat King Cole favorite ran through her mind again and again as the plane began its final descent into Charles de Gaulle airport. For years, she had hated her mother for naming her after an old, hokey song, but as she matured she had learned to appreciate it and eventually to love it for the feelings it evoked when his smoky voice drifted from the speakers. April glanced at her watch. "About time for me to get ready", she mused. "I can't believe I'm actually going...

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April Fools Joke Gone Bad II1999 It Gets Worse

April Fool's Joke Gone Bad II 1999 It Gets Worse! by Steve Zink This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics, and in no way uses those characters to make any money. This story is a parody using the characters in a fan fiction for strictly fan enjoyment. Batman had left the Batcave early in the morning of April 1 to join the rest of the members of the Justice League of America. They were meeting for a monthly get together and situational awareness briefing...

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April Wedding

APRIL WEDDING BY JANICE The first time I ever wore a dress was at my aunt's wedding when I was about ten years old. My sister Alice, and I are less than a year different in age due to the fact that we are not blood, we are step siblings. My father and her mother married when we were five years old, then my dad passed away. I am Ron and my sister is Alice and as mentioned above we attended my Aunt Sue's wedding when we...

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April Morning Coffee

Another workday morning, I’m awake in the purple haze before dawn, long before I need to be to prepare for work. Is it really April already? The savory, sweet smell of my special-blend coffee woke me before my alarm, as usual, but this time before the coffee maker’s din-din-ding alert. Eyes closed, I walk my home labyrinth through my bedroom, to, and down the stairs, past my dining room, and into my kitchen as my brew’s soothing scent reaches out for me with its captivating tendrils. The time...

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April and AugustChapter 2

In the main parlor, Jacob had had his apprentices rebuild the fire in the fireplace to take the chill out of the air. The entire household was up as the noise had awakened all of them. The parlor was warming up nicely when the Marshal and the others arrived. “You girls sit over by the fire,” Sean directed as they came in. Jacob was standing near the fireplace. He was very surprised to see the girls dressed in towels. Daren and his henchman sat on a sofa. His lip curled when he saw the girls,...

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