April And June free porn video

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April and June Let me introduce myself, my name is Clifford, but you can call me Cliff. I'm just your average guy, single, work for a living, have a one bedroom apartment, and a cat. For most of my 38 years, I've been single. I love women, but have a pattern of becoming fast friends with them and when I want more, they don't. It is always the same, "I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin our friendship." Trouble is, the longer we stay friends, the more I feel for her, the friendship erodes. I admit, it's hard to watch someone you are in love with date another guy. What's worse is when she has to tell me about every date. I am her BFF so she treats me like any other of her friends, her other GIRL friends unfortunately. I can't tell you how much I HATE hearing how cute some guy is when we are out together. I don't point out all the pretty girls I see. Why can't women be more considerate of my feelings? Due to my propensity for becoming a BFF instead of a boyfriend my dating experience isn't what it should be. I've gone out hundreds of times as friends and as part of a group of girls. When I was younger the nicest worst compliment I ever had was when a friend's mother told me she didn't worry when her daughter went out with me. She told me how nice I was and how safe she felt about me being with her daughter that she could stay out an extra hour later when she was with me. There is an ego booster and killer all at the same time. I mean, you have to say "thank you Mrs. Smith." When you're a 20 year old guy, you don't want to be considered safe with someone's daughter, it's just not the right kind of confidence booster. The girl just laughed and agreed with her mom about how nice I was. I did date a little bit here and there, but I always felt awkward and clumsy. I found it hard to go in for the kiss. For whatever reason, hugging came as naturally as breathing. Kissing was weird for some reason. Since I'm being honest I should admit that all physical contact of a more intimate nature came hard to me. Part of the problem has always been about self-confidence. I don't have any. Maybe being overweight all my life and the scars of being picked on has something to do with it. Maybe it's from my secret fantasy life. You see, I've always been drawn to the transgendered world. When I was around 12, I started trying on my mother's and sister's panties, bras, dresses and loved it! I remember taking a bath wearing my sister's one piece bathing suit. Looking in the mirror wearing the swimsuit I finally saw the resemblance to her that people always commented on. As I grew up and became larger in both length and circumference I was too large to wear their things anymore. Around the same time I stopped dressing due to size problems, I discovered Feminet, Compuserve, Tri-Ess, and the T&B BBS'. A whole new world was suddenly opened to me where there were cross dressers, transsexuals who I could talk with about my feelings. They had message areas where all kinds of topics were discussed. They talked about hormones, men's to women's clothes size conversions, shaving, passing. For me it was an amazing window into a whole world that I thought maybe I belonged in. To my amazement there was something else on these BBS places. They had file areas that contained stories. Actual stories of men becoming women. There were stories where the man wanted to be a woman, was tricked, cursed, forced, to become women. There was magic, hormones, special conversion drugs..etc If you are reading this, then you most likely already know what kinds of stories exist. For me in the early late 1980's this was an amazing find. While it's true I wasn't dressing any longer, I voraciously read the stories and got a sexual thrill out of a lot of them. I read all I could about hormones. The idea of growing womanly curves and having breasts was titillating. I learned the dangers of playing with hormones, but at the same time how to obtain them illegally if I wanted them. After a number of years having read 100's of stories, instructional files, messages, and emails with my new friends I came to the conclusion I'm not TG. To this day I love reading the stories, and what it's like when a boy's or man's breasts start to grow. What it feels like to jiggle, to have nice round body shape. For me it's just enjoyable fantasy and I'm okay with that. I don't dress, but I have friends that do, or that are transitioning and are wonderful people. A side-effect of my interest in T issues, and having watched Donahue, Oprah, Sally Jessie I've become very good at spotting T-girls. I'm not 100% perfect, and it's not something I do for sport, it's just something I can see in faces. For instance, I could read Jan Morrison and Renee Richards, but Carolyn Cossey (Tula) never in a million years. She was a Bond girl for goodness sake! I've met the most wonderful girl. Her name is April. She's 29, red hair, green eyes, my height, trim but well endowed. I have no idea about her weight, I'm terrible at guessing things like that. Let's just say she has a perfect figure, to me anyways. Ample on top, curvy on the bottom, and the kicker, she really LIKES me. I don't mean as the BFF either if you know what I mean. We had a some dates and when we got to her place she asked me why I hadn't tried to kiss her except on the cheek as I was leaving each time. I was looking in her eyes when she asked me and I felt a flush come to my cheeks as my nerves kicked in. I just told her something lame about getting over a cold and just being careful. I knew she didn't believe me, but I got away as quickly as I could. On our next date we were inside a restaurant booth when she brought it up again. In point-blank fashion she came out and asked me if I didn't like her. "Of course I like you, I'm nuts about you," I told her. She quickly fired back with, "Why won't you kiss me then?" I asked her if we could talk about it when we got home. She said, "Sure," and got the check. We were supposed to go to a movie, but she wanted to go straight home to have it out. She's the best girl I'd ever gone out with. We liked the same things, football, baseball, hockey, foods, and movies. We could talk about anything. When we got back to her place and got settled in, she looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I decided then and there to just bare my soul and try to explain how awkward I feel when trying kiss and such. She nodded encouragingly and I promised her I wanted to work on it but that I'm afraid she'd leave me because I suck at the physical stuff. She didn't say anything but kept looking at me as if she was expecting more. My whole past came pouring out to her. I told her about dressing in my teens, about the BBS' and now websites. I assured her that although I love reading the stories, I had no desire to become female or any desire to be feminized. After I was done I was a blubbering mess. She held me while I cried my eyes out. I explained I'd never told anyone else about the stories and my T world/friends. When I was finished she looked at me with what I can only call a whimsical smile. I didn't know what to make of it, but she told me I'm safe with her and so are my secrets. I think that was the moment I realized I was in love. I asked her what she thought about my physical hesitancy. She just got an even bigger smile on her face and told me we would keep working on it until it was second nature. Think how much fun it will be practicing. She agreed to take the more aggressive role in initiating things. Could life be any better? What a woman I'd found!!! Over the course of the next month or however long it was, we kissed a lot, this soon progressed to caresses and fondles. Fondles led to out and out groping. We knew we were ready to go to the next level, which for normal people would be the third date, but what can I say, I was inhibited. Suddenly April became inhibited. I couldn't understand what was going on with her. She let me have full access up top if you know what I mean, and she took advantage of my total exposure. All she would tell me is that she wasn't ready to go there yet. Confused the hell out of me, I thought *I* was trying to go there. After a couple weeks of stalling, I finally asked her point blank the same way she'd asked me all those weeks ago. She told me that I was the best thing that ever happened to her and she knew she'd lose me for sure if we went any farther. This was utterly perplexing to me as she'd been the motivating force to get us as far as we were physically. I asked her jokingly "you don't have teeth in your vagina like in that movie do you?" She burst into tears and ran out outside. I sat on the couch stunned. What did I say that was so terrible? It was just a movie after all, she couldn't really have teeth down there. Could she? Nah! I went outside to find her and she was just sitting on the steps of the stoop staring into space. I sat next to her and put my arm around her. She leaned into me and I asked her again what was wrong. She already knew my secrets what could be so bad? She took me by the hand and led me inside. She told me she'd been lying to me this whole time. I thought she meant she didn't love me. It was crushing. "Why did you string me along if you didn't love me," I cried out. She said, "no no no, you don't understand, I love you dearly. More than anyone I've ever loved before. Please sit down and let me show you something," she sighed. I sat back down on the couch. April took off her shirt, then her bra. I was happy so far. She then slid off her pants. Finally we were getting somewhere! Then she took off her pantyhose which looked a bit tight to me. Now she was looking me in the eyes, unblinking, she pulled down her panties. I looked and there was still material there. I stupidly asked if she was wearing a napkin pad. She shook her head. I looked closer and it dawned on me what it must be. I asked if it was a gaff. With tears in her eyes she nodded, yes. Do you know how you go through life thinking you are one way, then reality hits you in the face and suddenly, maybe you aren't as liberal as you think you are? You know what I mean, the guy who talks about African Americans and how he doesn't have a problem with them. Then something ugly happens and suddenly its "Those damn N*! You can't trust them as far as you can throw one." Maybe nothing at all happens, but he makes jokes about them or just listens and laughs along with everyone else. Still in his mind he's not prejudiced. This was that moment for me. I'd watched television shows, movies, read biographies, stories, talked to people online...this was my first ever in person encounter with a transsexual woman. That I know of anyways. This was the woman I loved. Or is this a man I love? I'm not gay, I have no interest in men that way at all. This is April, she's doesn't look male in any way. From her voice to her face to her figure...all girl. But not totally. What do I do now? In a perfect world, I'd have just taken April into my arms given her a deep long kiss and tell her it didn't matter. In a perfect world, I'd be taking this in stride. In a perfect world I'd have actually said or done SOMETHING. But no, I sat on the couch, my mouth hanging open my eyes fixated on the gaff between her legs. April just stood there more a minute crying or sobbing might be a better description. Finally after I didn't say anything she said, "Well you may as well see all of me." Then she removed the gaff. There it was, a penis, just as I feared. I wish I had said something more eloquent than, "OH. MY. GOD!" However that's all that came out...three times. April put her clothes back on and asked me to leave. She told me to call if I wanted to keep seeing her or to discuss things. I didn't say anything, I was numb. I just got up and staggered to the door. No goodbye, no I'll call you, nothing of encouragement at all. I also felt sorry for myself. What an ASSHOLE! I went home and started to think again; A kind of a self-evaluation if you will. Who am I? What do I really believe? Is it all lip service? Am I some kind of hypocrite? One thing I did know, I'm a human being, and therefore I'm flawed. That's a comforting bit to know about oneself. If you don't recognize that you are flawed and believe yourself to be perfect then there is nowhere to go but down. If you believe yourself to be perfect, well you're in for a major letdown. However I have something to deal with that affect my entire life. April is a man. No, April is a woman, who has a penis. Or April is a man who has breasts and curves. If I love April, what does that make me? Now that I've calmed down a tad I think it makes me a heterosexual just like I always was. I fell in love with a woman, her name is April. She has this thing though that is a major obstacle however. On the other hand, if she is going to have it removed and get vaginoplasty then does it become moot? Will I see her as a woman or a former man? Am I a good enough..no strike that, am I a brave...no strike that too..am I a strong enough person to be able to be in love with a woman who isn't all the way there yet. What would my parent's and friend's say? They don't know I'm into the T world to begin with, let along hey my girlfriend is/was a guy. Hell I don't even know if April wants to have the operation. I'm so confused. I don't want to lose April, but I don't want to touch her there either. Maybe I'm not trans-phobic, maybe I'm homophobic. I like lesbians though,..guess that's not the same thing. I wouldn't want a man hitting on me that's rather a repellant thought. What is April to me? Is she a man or is she a woman? A woman. What is April to April? I don't know. Maybe I should talk to her. Okay, where's the damn cell phone? Oh..here it is.."Hi April, it's me Cliff. I thought you might know the voice heh ummm I want to see you so we can talk about....ummm things. Okay great, see you in a few." {Sigh} knock on the door, it easy. Maybe I'll ring the bell. "Hi April. Are you okay," I asked. "Really Cliffie that depends on you doesn't it. Can you handle what you now know about me or will you be like all the others?" "Gee April, I just found out...hey what other guys??" "Never mind about other guys, this is between us Cliff." "You're right...but you always seem to be right. Okay, obviously I have some questions for you." "Obviously." "First of all, I'd never have guessed you weren't all girl. That's a testament to how beautiful you are! Second, what are you plans regarding surgery. Are you going to have it removed and the whole nine yards as it were?" "If/when I have the surgery I don't think I want a nine yard canyon between my legs. Seriously though, it's not in any short term plans. I don't have that kind of money, and neither do you or my parent's. I wouldn't expect any of you guys to pay for it anyways. I've come this far on my own. " "What do you see happening with us?" "I don't know Cliff, I think the ball is in your court. I know your secrets, and now you know mine. I work and live as a woman. All my paperwork shows female, I take my hormones and androgen blockers. For the moment I'm as girly as I can make myself without surgery." "What did you think my reaction was going to be? I'm not trying to play 20 questions with you, I'm just trying to understand and see what your thinking was about when you told me and why you didn't tell me earlier." "Look at it this way, just because you talked to people on websites, just because you read stories, it's not the same a confronting a real living breathing human being. I'm sure it's easy to accept one of your online friends when she get the operation. I've seen your congratulations messages to them. In your mind did you view them as real people or computer manifestations?" "That's not fair! I try and be help and supportive to my online friends and I mean whatever encouragement I offer to them. Just like I will with you if we are still a couple." I looked down after saying that. "Wha what are you saying? You still want to be with me? Even knowing I have a cock?" "Can we just call it a penis please? You know I prefer non-slang terms. Yes I want to be with you. I don't know about with your willy though." "June is with me all the time Cliff, love me and you'll have to find a way to get along with her." "June? {snicker} why June? Shouldn't it have a male name?" "Look at me darling, and then ask me again." "Good point. Okay I'm willing to give it my all to make us work. One request." "What?" "We do try and save up for your operation so you can be complete. However we get the money. Agreed?" "Agreed Darling! Come and give me your first T-kiss!" "Don't tease me please, this will be awkward for a while I think." "Okay, I'm sorry you are right it's all still new to you. Now kiss me my fool." Wow, it's just like before. I can't believe it. On some level I know she's a guy but he kisses just like my April does. How about that? April and I got married in California after they legalized gay marriage. We are working on saving up the money for her operation. In the meantime, she's stopped taking the anti-androgen which has give some like back to June. I'm slowly learning to make friends with June. April wants to initiate me the same way I do her. Here we go again...she may not be 100% female yet but she does manage to win all the discussions. The End

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April and Kimber

Thank you to hkf999 for a fine editing job! * Prologue – April and Kimber On the very first day of high school, two girls met and it was as if they’d known each other forever. April, the beautiful, popular girl with long blond hair and the promise of a nice figure, the girl with the big, bright blue eyes, who spoke incessantly of her horses and weekends at the stables. April’s family was very wealthy, very, very wealthy. Her new best friend, Kimber, was also beautiful and popular, with long...

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April ONeal Shredders Slave and Beyond

It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world's largest corporation, run by a Japanese businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, who dressed as a ninja warlord was responsible for many illegal activities like arms smuggling, drugs, and prostitution. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been killed a long time ago and only the reporter, April O'Neil, still remained. She had filmed it all but his men infiltrated her apartment and kidnapped her and brought her and...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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April My Shemale Love

April My Shemale LoveIt seems that I dream of April quite often. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. April lives in my building, next door to me. She is incredible. Her face is gorgeous. Her brown eyes are striking. She sometimes wears her long brown hair in a ponytail. I love the way it sways from side to side as she walks by. I love watching her walk. Her body is amazing. You should see her breasts. She has a full bosom. And they bounce when she walks. I love to see her wear...

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April and Mark

April was a bitchy debutante, a spoiled black haired skinny fashion diva with a bit of a deviant side and a qualified hatred for men.  She had really gone to town with her daddy's money since the Emergency Depression Recovery laws of 2045 made reclaiming bankrupt citizens as slaves legal. Of course April still needed her ego stroked so she'd cruise the clubs for hot looking studs to fuck, but she liked her fucking at all hours, on her terms.  So for a few months she bought a nice big dicked...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

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April May and June A Sisterly Tale

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 August and his wife sat at their oldest daughter’s wedding. April had dated Randy for over a year. She was giddy in love with him. Of course, her two sisters May and June also wanted Randy. He was tall, broad-shouldered, square-jawed and looked good with the tuxedo that he was getting married in. Each of the girls could easily imagine the goings on later to come that evening. Obviously, April will be on the receiving end of the deal, but May and June also...

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Introduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...

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Auntie June

Auntie Junie By Cassandra Morgan When the shriek came, high-pitched and loud, it was easy to wonder if the windows would shatter. The very sound of it would knock birds from the sky It was an unearthly howl, a primordial scream, the sound of a Banshee unleashed. It was a thousand sirens blasting at once. You know the sound that the heroine makes when she finally sees the face of the monster. It was like that, only it was, well, joyous. Amanda Jordan was bouncing across the room...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. ‘It’s just rehearsal.’ “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know.’...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. "It's just rehearsal." “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know."...

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April and AugustChapter 1

Fifteen year old Jason was returning early from his fathers shop in the dusk of a cold December day, when he spotted the two children crouched in the entryway to his fathers home. “What are you children doing here?” he inquired, as he approached. “Master, may we go inside for a few minutes?” the closest begged him from the darkened entryway. “Why are you not at home? It is past time for children to be indoors in this weather,” Jason told them. “We no longer have a home, Master,” the...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 2 June

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 -- 8:47 AM The San Francisco Jonathan Kwong Enterprises office wasn’t anything like the one in New York. There were no JKE logos on the entry doors or signs on the outside of the building. Instead of occupying the top three floors of a massive skyscraper with its own helipad, we had only the twelfth-floor in a smaller, nondescript building. All the big movers and shakers in the company were in Manhattan, and sometimes it felt like the only reason we even had a San...

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Sheila and June

I was up in the local pub on Thursday night when i bumped into my neighbour Sheila (67) and her friend June (64). Sheila and June were both well on and i discovered that they had been in the pub since lunchtime. After buying them a drink they decided it was time to hit the road, June was going to be staying at Sheilas. Being a gentleman i walked them back to Sheilas house. Sheila invited me in for a nightcap, which i agreed to. We sat in the kitchen with a bottle of Glenmorangie and talked,...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 30 Another Proposal for June

The phone rang five times before June heard Alice say, “Hello.” “Hello, Alice. This is June. Autumn told me that you wanted me to call you. What’s up?’ “Oh, hi, June. Yes. I called Autumn to ask if she would lend you to me one Friday for an overnight stay. I forgot Autumn saying at the party that she no longer had any control over you.” “That’s correct. Autumn doesn’t control me anymore. That was only for 30 days. What did you want with me?” “I was talking to some other students about...

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April Fools Joke Gone Bad Y2K The Mystic Lipstick

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! This story, like my past...

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Swinging Seniors About June

I recently wrote a story and mentioned my late wife June. I said that I found out some things about her past after her passing that were very disturbing. I'll try to explain our short life together, the secrets she kept from me, and what I did about them. Thank you to AirRichard101 for taking the time to edit this story. June and I met at a singles event. We had both been married before. June had a daughter, Susan, who had graduated from high school, got married, and started a family of her...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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June and I met the summer of 69 and I was more surprised than she was that we stumbled into the same bar out of the summer ran. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as we did as the cacophony of various voices filled the cramped hole in the wall. ‘I’m not a weatherman but I think he needs a new job.’ Her face full of sweet amusement and full of beauty. At first, I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me with the various of people piling together, ‘Hello?’ She said trying to get my attention...

1 year ago
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The Awakening of June

June backed up and gave her subject one last look to ensure perfection. She worked as a make up artist for Furr-Green Funeral Home. As she looked at the elderly lady she wondered of the life the woman had lived. Both as a young woman and as an older woman. Nostalgia came over June as she found herself wishing something exciting and monumental would happen to her at least once in her lifetime. She must have zoned out for longer than she thought, because the voice behind her startled her. "Almost...

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April Chapter Two

The next morning, after April left for school, I went to make our bed. Jake came to the doorway and leaned against the frame as he took a sip of coffee. "I can't do it," he said. I finished smoothing out the comforter and then took a seat on the bed. "Are you talking about her or the car?" He took another sip. "Her. But I gave you my word; I would help her get a used car." I was disappointed. "I see." “Yesterday, you made it clear to me how you felt.” He leaned off the frame and walked into the...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 9 A Surprise for June

At the supper table later that Sunday evening the mood was light and June, Autumn and their parents were idling chatting about their day. The parents talked mostly about their plans for the store the next morning while June And Autumn told them about their visit to Roger’s apartment, explaining what a wonderful time they had chatting with him and looking at some of the pictures he took. June couldn’t get over how nice Autumn was towards her and how nice Roger treated them both. Perhaps, she...

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April and Jessica part 2 Jessica finds herslef

Jessica broke her vow about three months before April had her experience with Heidi, but hers was broken in a very different way. It happened one day when Jessica walked home from school; she walked in her front door to find a sight she never thought she would see in her entire life. Her brother’s girlfriend, Sarah, was wearing a black leather cupless corset, thigh high boots, and she was whipping her brother. She called him a naughty boy and punished him for being that way. Jessica was...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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April Fools

April Fools By Morpheus Greg Robbins slammed his fist against the table in frustration. He only had one more day till April Fools Day, and he still hadn't come up with a worthwhile prank. For the last couple years, he'd taken pride in his ability to come up with good jokes. An ability which had earned him a small reputation around a couple of the frat houses on campus. Especially after the year before. But this year, Greg had yet to come up anything. Though he didn't yet...

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Life after June

Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it – but it is as though I have just discovered my...

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Life after June

Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it - but it is as though I have just discovered my...

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Henry and June

"Henry and June" It was early morning, a couple hours or so before I was due to head off for work. I had gotten up early, had done some paperwork, cleaned up the house and made coffee and after bagging up the trash I decided to take it out back. I looked at the clock and noticed it was just about five a.m. then decided to take the chance and take the trash out. Now normally there wouldn't be a problem in taking out the trash. It was just a short walk down the sidewalk through the...

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Planes Trains and Automobiles Ch 03 June

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...

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