Fidelity Ch 04 free porn video

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[An interlude with Matthew] Some things are going to happen that will seem odd if we don't dip into Matthew's side of things for a bit.

Keep your marital problems to yourself. Don’t even tell a friend, and never a co-worker. Good advice I would have given anyone until recently. You see, I did confide in Jack, my co-pilot, about our marital turmoil. In turn, he betrayed me. Sort of. He got Janice, our crew chief, involved one night while we were held over in Seattle. It went better than expected.

Somehow she got me to disclose the tale of Laura’s betrayal, my vengeance, and our continued ‘adversarial’ relationship. Maybe I shared it all for the same reason I let Janice call me Matt: I trusted her and Jack, too. Maybe bottling it all up, like I had been, lead to just this type of confessional diarrhea. Or maybe Laura’s slutty betrayal had unmoored me so much that I just didn’t trust my own judgement anymore. 

Whatever the case, as I spilled the beans about Laura’s shenanigans and my rather extreme response, I could see Janice’s reaction change from titillation to concern, for me, and then to something approaching smug self assurance, almost judgement.

I didn’t tell her everything, of course. How would she react if she knew I’d pissed on my wife? Or that I forced her to go out in public wearing only a dress and a really fancy vibrator? I could see Janice regarded me differently already and I didn’t want her regard to change to actual judgement. 

A silence fell on our huddled little group, as I finished my tale. Jack looked on somberly, serious for once. Janice, with a slight smirk, spoke first.

“That’s a hell of a story, Matt.” Janice leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms. “You two sound perfect for each other.”

“Pppttt,” I sprayed diet coke all over the place, “what?”

“Sure, Laura’s a slut and you’re a real asshole...”

“Asshole?” My blood flash boiled. I wanted to hit something.

“Yeah, hear my words: Ass. Hole. Let me finish,” Janice pushed back, undaunted. “You’re still living together. It’s been, what? Two months? From my point of view you both like it, maybe codependently. And I doubt you told me everything. You’re being worse than you say or she’s being a bigger whore and you can’t stand it, I’d bet.”

Ouch. That first bit hit home. Somehow calling Laura a whore stung as well. I guess my guilt showed. 

“Bingo,” Janice gave me a smug look. “Are you going to tell us the rest?”

“No,” I got up to leave.

Janice put a hand on my arm, “Oh, come on Matt. It’s not even that bad, I bet. You think it’s terrible. Maybe Laura does, too. Thing is… you two are pretty vanilla.”


“Yeah, like not very interesting or kinky,” she condescended, then snorted, “It’s not like you pissed on her or something. I’m mean that’s not…”

The air left me, I sat back down. 

“No!” She pulled my arm hard, leaning close to whisper. “You didn’t!” 

I said nothing, which was all the confirmation she needed. I waited for her slap. 

“That is so…” she began.

“Well, I think that’s my cue,” said Jack. “Yup. See you all in the morning.”

Janice didn’t stop him so I got to watch Jack hightailing it with envy. I wanted to run, but Janice’s vice like grip held me still. 

“That’s so hot.” She wore a look of scandalized delight now.

“Uh, what?”

“You know,” She let go my arm, gripping her drink and raising it instead. “The rest of it’s pretty hot, too. Amateurish. But hot. You’re both so lucky.”

“Um,” I had nothing to say to that. Janice had clearly lost her mind. “How are we lucky?”

“Do you know how hard it is to find a Yin to your Yang, sexually speaking?” she asked. Looking off into the middle distance, she added, “took me forever, and I knew exactly the Yin to Yang for. You two just fell into it like a pair of lotto winners.”

“What are you even talking about, Janice? I didn’t fall into anything.”

“O please. You like control and power. It’s a perversion of the concept, but let’s call it Yang. Bare with me. You like treating her badly, whether you admit it or not and you like controlling her. Laura doesn’t mind being controlled, obviously or she wouldn’t put up with your shit. From what you’ve said, she is definitely Yin to your Yang, just like my wife.”


I looked at Janice with fresh eyes. I knew nothing of her personal life. She wore the ring, so I assumed she was hitched. But a lesbian? Trying to process her words took all my intellect, I’m surprised I didn’t stop breathing.

“Jack’s been holding out on me,” I said, finally. They’d been crew for years before I joined up. “Is the whole crew gay?”

Janice snapped out of her revere and chuckled at me. Obviously not, I decided.

“Oh, close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.”

I snapped my mouth shut, feeling foolish.

“I’m confused...”

“Perceptive. That’s a good sign, Matt. You are confused,” she offered. “I can help that. But I think I need to show you, not tell you.”

“Show me?”

“Yeah, tomorrow night. Do you have leather clothes?” she asked. Before I could answer, she added, “Here, let me give you directions… and instruction.”

This is how I ended up in SOMA the following night wearing black biker leathers. I’d ridden the Panigale in just so I wouldn’t feel stupid getting out of a car in full urban warrior gear. As I locked up the bike, a couple came around the corner from a side street and waved. I barely recognized Janice with so much makeup on and of course I didn’t know her friend at all. 

Janice carried a black duffel bag and wore a long, high collared leather trenchcoat with high heeled patent leather boots. Only her mischievous face and long blonde hair were visible. Her companion, a striking looking short asian woman, wore a deep red velvet cloak with a cowl. I could only see her smiling face..

“Hello, Trinity,” I greeted Janice. 

“Neo. You made it,” she said, laughing.

“Um, yeah,” I stammered. Janice didn’t introduce me to her beautiful friend. Neither girl seemed to think it odd.

Janice lead us further around the corner to the back of the building. RIding up, I had noticed a line in front full of a confusing array of people. Many wore leather or velvet, or both. But some stood in the cold night wearing comfortable looking outdoorsman type gear. The backside had no lines and seemed completely derelict, but Janice lead us to two heavy metal doors with a camera mounted at eye level. She looking into the camera and I heard a buzz two seconds later.

“This is The Church.” She said, as she entered. “It’s a special club.”

“I’m not much for dancing,” I said.

“Not that kind of club, sweetheart,” Janice laughed, a bubbly sound I was used to hearing her drop on first class fliers.

Janice lead me into a sort of locker room with benches but no showers. I could hear thumping EDM in the distance. She instructed me to stow my jacket and shirt in a locker, which seemed strange to me until she did the same with her jacket, revealing her full outfit.

And by reveal, I mean she wore a skintight leather and rubber catsuit covering every square inch of her body except for her breasts which were displayed prominently and quite nakedly. Barbells pierced her nipples, I noticed.

“Uh,” I articulated. I flew in the Navy, so it’s not like I’m sheltered. But seeing my attractive coworker’s chest did give me pause.

“That kind of club,” she said.

“Nice, tits,” I offered, trying to be cool.

“Thanks, I paid enough for them,” she said. It explained the way they seemed to defy both gravity and proportionality. “Want to feel them?”

Jesus, I thought. Yes?

When I did nothing, said nothing, she took my hands gently in hers and placed them on her breasts. Her skin was soft and warm, her breasts firm.

Fuck it, I thought. I squeezed them, jumping down the rabbit hole, allowing Janice’s surreal world to engulf me, for the night at least. 

“Firm,” I said, not really knowing what she wanted me to do now, or what her friend thought of all this.

“Yeah,” she smiled at me and winked, flirting as she commonly did. This, I understood. So I pulled my hands away, sure now that I wouldn’t offend her. Her eyes turned hard as they moved to her friend, “off with it, slut.”

Exactly the kind of words I used with Laura more and more these days. Her friend jumped to it as if she feared Janice. Removing her long robe, she revealed even more of herself than her mistress showed off. Like Janice, her friend wore leather, but much much less. Straps of it criss-crossed her body, forming a kind of harness which hid nothing my curious eye. I could see her tight brown nipples were also pierced, but with rings through them. Her pussy looked as smooth as a bowling ball.

“The Church is a BDSM club,” said Janice, winking at me again. She nodded to her friend, “this is my slave.”

I nodded stupidly, still trying to process all of this. “Not your wife?”

“Not tonight,” she winked, then turned to her naked spouse. She pulled a leash from her bag, attached it to her wife’s collar and handed the end to me. “Slave, lead Master Matthew around. Be at our station on time and try not to fall on any cocks along the way.”

Her wife bowed rigidly. 

“This way, Master Matthew,” she said softly,  walking away from me. I stood stupefied until her leash pulled tight, forcing me to yank her back or follow. I let her pull me along, dog-like. She had a tramp stamp above her very fine ass, I noticed. Two battle axes lying horizontally with hafts cross and art deco designs on the heads. A weird choice. 

I followed her shapely ass down a dizzying set of ruby lit black walled hallways with no ceiling, a sort of dimly lit cubicle farm or rat maze, temporary and movable looking. As we progressed the distant music grew loud enough I could feel the thump in my chest. A female singer was saying something like “Darling come here, fuck me up the rear.” We walked into an open room, about twenty by twenty, where forty or so people were watching a love enactment of those lyrics. A big tattooed nordic looking guy was fucking a tiny redheaded girl in the ass on what looked like a butcher block table. Both were completely naked. The girl was bound, arms underneath her behind her back and ankles strapped to her thighs, knees in the air and toes pointed to the ground.

“I guess the show started already,” said my nameless guide.

Around the room, men and women watched as the couple in the middle fucked to the pounding rhythm. Like Janice and her slave, these people wore leather, lace, velvet, and bare skin. Weirdly, some men wore only white towels around their wastes.

My attention focused back on the arresting sight of the man sliding his cock in and out of the redhead’s ass..

“He could be an extra on ‘Vikings’. It’s like a re-enactment of a viking raid on a Scottish village,” I said. 

“Close,” my host tittered. “I’m not sure who the slut is but Magnus is a viking for sure.”

She seemed mesmerized by the spectacle. I couldn’t blame her. The blonde demi-god slammed his bound victim mercilessly. She in turn thrush back at him as best she could all tied up as she was.

The blond giant pulled out of her ass and moved around to her face. Either he was tall enough or the butcher block table was low enough to allow him to place his balls over her mouth. Eagerly, the redhead tilted her head back to kiss each of them, then pulled them one at a time into her sucking mouth, obviously savoring the experience. I could see her tongue move erotically to bring them into her mouth.

We were positioned to the right side of the couple, for a good view. After letting the slut suck and lap his balls for a few measures of the song, the nord pulled back, sliding his cock down the length of her face. The girl stuck out her tongue tasting and wetting the shaft as it slid past. Once the head was in range she worked her lips and tongue with surprising articulation, hungry to get his shaft into her wet mouth. 

I felt my cock grow hard against my leather pants watching her enthusiastic mouth slowly engulf his hard cock. The girl lovingly suckled and folded the head and the man carefully slid his rather huge cock deeper into her mouth. She arched her back and tilted her head more, allowing more in. I could see her tongue sticking out just a bit to protect him from her sharp cuspids. Soon he had half the length in. There were groans and gasps from the crowd. My host, Janice’s sexy slave, moaned and leaned against me.

The redhead’s throat bulged as she accepted more and more of the Nord’s horse sized cock into her throat. The crowd grew hush and even the music seemed to fade as we waited to see who won, the guy’s cock or the ginger slut’s gorge. His cock kept thrusting and her throat bulging until finally, she won. She had all of his massive schlong in her distended throat and we could all see the tip of her tongue thrusting and twitching just past her lower lip. 

The crowd clapped and whistled at her victory, then fell hushed as the giant gently pulled the entire length of his cock out of her throat, deflating the bulge. He allowed her to catch her breath, keeping the head of his cock just above her mouth. After getting in a few breaths, I watched in awe as she tilted her her head back again and used tongue and lips to pull his shaft back into her mouth. She sucked the head before he pushed it in and his cock down her throat again. He began thrusting into her gently, fucking her throat. My host groaned again, watching as the Nord’s cock moved in and out of the girl’s throat. The redhead seems completely comfortable handling what looked like a foot of the Viking’s spear. 

This went on for a while until the man pulled out of the girl’s throat. Spit exploded from her and she sucked in air for the first time in what seemed like minutes. The blonde man moved around to position his huge cock at the huffing redhead’s pussy. She tensed as she realized what was about to happen. He smiled and thrust into her, hard. She screamed.

Involuntarily, I stepped toward them, afraid for her. A hand stopped me. I looked down to see my host shaking her head up at me.

“Shh,” she whispered, “you’re sweet, but she doesn’t need your help.”

The redhead kept screaming, but not in agony. At least not in the bad kind. She spoke her first words, begging the man to fuck her harder, calling him a bastard for not fucking her harder. No one needed to be rescued here. The song wound down and on cue the man pumped the slut full of his seed. She cried out with pleasure when he did.

The show ended and the man unstrapped the redhead. He propped her up on unsteady legs and they took a bow while the audience clapped. I could see cum and spit glazed on her thighs, neck, and face. She looked sheepishly delighted by the whole slutty thing. The man looked like a king, even while nude. 

The crowd slipped away, to other treats I soon learned, except for the two of us, the viking, and three pretty girls in leather and lace. A perky blonde, a busty brunette, and a swarthy girl wearing a chiffon outfit right out of the Arabian Nights ran up to congratulate the redhead, jumping up and down like she’d won runner up in a beauty pageant. She smiled at them and they wandered off, chittering to each other.

My host pulled me to the center of the room, toward the giant. Still nude. I followed reluctantly. Dropping acid would be less weird than what happened next. 

“Master Magnus, this is Master Matthew,” said my host to the man.

“Ah, Janice’s friend,” he said, holding out a hand for me to shake, which I did. He smiled at me then turned to my host, giving her the same stern expression Janice had used earlier. He said, “Clean my cock, slut.”

Janice’s wife fell to her knees and began licking and sucking the giant blonde’s horse cock as he engaged me in chit chat like this was normal for him. It probably was.

“Janice told me you were new to all this,” he said to me, completely ignoring the fact that a small beautiful asian woman was sucking his dick more than cleaning it.

“Uh,” I said. Not knowing what else to say, I added, “She said her friend her shouldn’t fall onto any cocks.”

“Grace?” He asked, pushing her head off his cock. 

She looked up at us and smiled, “she said ‘try not to’, it’s no fun unless I’m bad.”

“Janice needs a reason to punish Gracey, here,” explained the blonde, as the slut put her mouth back on his cock. She wasn’t even pretending to lick him clean I noticed. This was faletio, pure and simple.

“She can’t get as much in as the redhead,” I commented. 

“That girl is a pedigreed slut,” he laughed. “Loves cock. Grace here dabbles in it then goes back to her mistress, tail tucked.”

Grace, my host, hummed blissfully. As she blew him, Magnus explained the rules of the club. There were a lot, including dress codes, STD screening, safe words (a concept he had to explain to me), approved binding types, and so on. He called men in towels tourists: non-members without fetish gear. Women had no clothing restrictions but seldom appeared without gear or fetish dress of some type.

“Get ready,” he said, looking down at Janice’s slave..

Grace stopped sucking his cock and sat back on her haunches, knees spread. She cupped her breasts upward and tilted her head back, closing her eyes and opening her rosey lipped mouth just slightly as Magnus grabbed his cock and pumped it at the targets she offered. He grunted, coming. Grace cooed and giggled sluttily as his semen splashed her face and breasts. She open her eyes mid-climax, looking up at him adoringly. She kept them open, unflinching, as he pumped three more ropes of sperm onto her upturned face. When he was done, she resumed cleaning his cock, sucking the dregs.

“Thank you, Master,” she said from below. Her duty observed, Grace stood. “Master Matthew, I should show you the rest of the place.”

I can’t say I was too disappointed when Grace lead me away from the Nordic giant, but her carefree disposition disturbed me.

“Don’t you want to clean up?” I asked. 

“Who doesn’t love a cum walk?” she shrugged.

If anyone thought it was strange for a girl covered in cum, to be leading a tall graying man around the club by a leash, they didn’t show it. Some smiled at Grace, others nodded knowingly to me. It felt oddly... comfortable.

Grace dragged me through a dozens of smaller rooms. Some were themed and some empty. We passed from a deserted room decorated like a Maxfield Parrish painting into a shower room where two soaked, naked men hung chained to a wall. A woman in red and black latex sprayed them with a hose. There was a room with a white cage in the middle where a woman sat on a stool masturebating. Dozens of TVs hung from the cage showing the same woman from every angle. Ten or fifteen people stood around watching her or the TVs.

Many rooms were split in two by a fence or railing to separate the audience from the actors. One of these in particular grabbed Grace’s attention. She called it the Glory Bowl. A plexiglass wall divided the room lengthwise. We, the audience, stood on one side gawking at the redhead from show and her three gorgeous young friends were on the other. The blonde and the busty brunette leaned against the back wall, talking while the redhead and her exotic friend kneeled on the floor against the plexiglass. There were several holes in the glass at various heights. Two men on the audience side were against the glass in front of the two girls, sticking their cocks through convenient holes for the sluts to suck. 

As I watched one of the men yelled. The redhead sat back like I’d seen Grace do just minutes ago and took what looked like her third or fourth load on her pretty face. Her friend, obviously less skilled, had at least one load on her as she worked the cock in front of her for another. As the man finished coming on the redhead’s face, he pulled away and another man from a polite line along the wall waddled up to stick his cock through for the tireless slut to suck.

“Master Matthew,” whispered Grace, “if you want, I could go on the other side and you could use my mouth.”

I could see Grace’s eyes were dilated into black sphere’s and her breathing came in short puffs as she said it. For half a second I considered it. An image of Grace on her knees with my cock in her mouth flashed in my mine. I remembered Laura in the same position just two evenings ago. I smiled at the memory. In the end, I could only think of Laura. I couldn’t do it to her, even if she was an indiscriminate slut and a cheat.

I shook my head. I imagined Laura would love to be on the other side of the plexiglass, though.

“Mistress, never lets me do it,” she whined, stomping a foot. I almost laughed at her. She lead on and as we left the room, I saw the other two sluts come to the divide and kneel. Two more lucky men at a time, then.

We found Janice in a divided room with a small crowd watching her, waiting. She turned furious when she saw Grace. 

“Couldn’t help yourself, could you slut?” Grace shook her head, remaining quiet. Janice turned to me, “Did you do this?”

“God, no! Magnus,” I said. Janice grumbled and took the leash from me.

“Bitch needs a lesson,” she said. “Again.”

She unhooked the leash and began hooking Grace’s harness to wires hanging from the ceiling. She pulled her slave’s arms behind her back and bound them together with padded leather cuffs. Then she hit three buttons to actuate unseen motors in the ceiling, pulling Grace off the ground so her legs hung down freely at a right angle to her torso with her hands straight and pulled about two feet above her ass.

Not satisfied, Janice put cuffs on Grace’s ankles and clipped them to a bar so her legs were spread far apart. From behind, I could see Grace’s ass and very bald pussy, clearly. If she felt embarrassed, the slave didn’t show it. She just hung limply as Janice tied her hair back to her arm cuffs with another leash, forcing her head up so everyone could see Magnus’s cum dry.

Janice took a golf ball from her back and put it in Grace’s hand, then gagged her with a red wiffle ball on a leather strap.

“You want to start?” asked Janice. I had no idea what she meant until she handed me the crop.

I thought about Grace’s behavior since I’d met her, about those four cumsluts behind the plexiglass, and finally I thought about my wife on her hands and knees cocks in mouth and ass. I’d caught Laura fucking two boys from the neighborhood just like it was a scene in this club. My yearning for retribution remained as strong as it had been that night. 

“Yeah, I’ll start,” I said. I pull my arm back in rage, ready to strike the slave’s deserving ass.

“Woah, woah, woah,” said Janice, grabbing my arm hard before I brought it down. She smiled. “She’s a cock hungry slut who deserves punishment, not disfigurement.”

I realized what I had been about to do and who I wanted to do it to, in truth. The thought of truly hurting Laura sickened me. 

Janice took the crop from my limp hand. She brought it down slowly until the end touched her slave’s ass. Grace squirmed as her mistress rubbed the crop up and down one ass cheek. Janice pulled the crop back using just her wrist and brought it back down swiftly making barely a sound but causing Grace to squirm more and moan around her ballgag. 

“Just the wrist. Work up from soft to harder strokes. If she drops the golf ball, it means she’s had too much and everything stops. So take it easy, or the fun ends,” said the blonde mistress, handing the crop to me. I stood transfixed, suddenly aware how uncomfortably hard I was.

With Janice’s instruction, I worked her lover’s ass and thighs with the stiff leather crop. Grace squirmed and screamed but she didn’t drop the ball and the delight on Janice’s face made it clear no harm was being done. I might have had that same look if it were Laura under my strokes and I had to wonder if she could bare this treatment. 

“Now, turn it up,” Janice said. I shrugged, not knowing what to do without going harder and hurting the poor girl. Janice made it clear, “Rub the head of the crop on the slut’s pussy.”

I did as instructed, rubbing Grace’s pretty pussy then whacking her ass, then rubbing more, then watching and waiting. Grace’s reactions made it clear how receptive she truly was to rough treatment. I hit her harder and rubbed her pussy for longer until finally the woman quivered with need. I kept at it for minutes, sometimes trapping her engorged clit with the head of the crop, causing Grace to massive shudder massively and groan.

She seemed to want to say something, so Janice removed her gag.

“Please,” the slave begged. 

Incongruously, at that moment I noticed letters hidden in the art deco decoration of the tattooed axe heads on Grace’s back. One axehead said ‘Slave’, the other, ‘Slut’.

“Please what, Slave?” said the blonde.

“Fuck me, mistress. Fill my pussy!”

“Do you think the slut deserves what she wants?” Janice asked. I stopped mid-strike, considering, then shook my head. She didn’t. Janice glanced down, seeing the bulge in my pants. “You can use the slut if you need to.”

My face got hot. I couldn’t do that. Not with Grace. Sure, I’d just worked the woman into a frothy frenzy with a stick and I liked it, but I couldn’t fuck her. Laura, on the other hand, deserved exactly this. For the first time in a long time, I knew what I wanted and I knew why. I handed Janice the crop.

“Not her,” I said.

Janice smiled knowingly. She reached into her bag and pulled out a strap-on, holding it up. “In that case I think this slave does deserve a reward. Do you want to watch or go fuck your... fuck Laura?”

Sometimes, confiding in your friends really works out. I thanked her and left the scene before Janice could harness up and fuck her wife. Laura had no idea what was coming for her.


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5 One in the Hand Is WorthChapter 26

The next morning, technically later that same morning, I arrived early at Civ class. Even though I'd managed to get very little sleep, I wanted to be there in case Kendall also came early and wanted to talk before Hayley, Wes, and Cynthia got there. When I saw them approaching and Kendall still hadn't shown up, I put my jacket on an empty seat next to me to hold it for her in case the row filled up. I shrugged when Wes gave me an inquisitive look as he sat by me on the other side. We...

2 years ago
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Sex with Anjana

I am Rubesh, a Tamilian living in Chennai, a regular surfer of ISS. I would like to narrate you all my amazing sex experiences when I was in college. I was living with my dad and mom in the second floor of our Flat Tirmala Apartments at Chennai. I was in first year BE at that time. From the window of the bedroom in which I used to always sleep, I could watch the balcony and the window of the first floor of the opposite building named Sun Moon Apartments. A couple along with one child had just...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Lauren Phillips My Busty Valentine

Lauren Phillips is ready for Valentine’s Day as she decks her bigtit bod out in a sheer thong, thigh-high stockings, and a dress that highlights every curve. She leaves a trail of rose petals for Kyle Mason to follow. When he does just that, he finds Lauren splayed out in bed with only a few small articles of clothing between Kyle’s hands and her body. Despite the temptation of Lauren’s hairy twat, Kyle starts his day out with the buffet of Lauren’s breasts. Her big...

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Mercy My Love

The man she loved reached for her hand and pulled her close. She said to herself, Breathe. Just breathe! Deeply her nostrils opened and closed taking in the sweet scent of him. A smile grew and she thanked her Lord for this man. Holding still to her wrist, he'd never let her go. Melting into him, they kissed. His tongue probed her mouth and her's automatically showed how she loved the intrusion. The cool in the room was gone. It was already hot. Opened mouthed she kissed his face and chest. His...

Love Stories
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A Naughty Christmas Wish

A Naughty Christmas Wish                                                                                     I shopped quickly and hurried home to pack.  Robbie was taking me to a little chalet in the mountains for the Christmas holidays and would be arriving very soon.  Since I’d never been skiing before, he thought it would be a special time for us and a great way to spend the holidays together.  I was actually quite nervous about it.  As I am not the most graceful woman, the fear of...

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Her Son Dingdon

Hi friends, my name is dingdon and this is my another new story of a lonely mon and a son, hope you will like it but please don’t forget to comment on the story or u can mail me at girls and aunties from Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh r most welcome so enjoy the story here it goes. My name is Dhivangi some months back, I started my Saturday morning like I start any other normal Saturday. I showered, made coffee and began my usual chores. I’d gathered the dirty clothes from my room to put in...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Milf In A Stranger8217s Wedding

On a Saturday evening, around 8, I was doing company work. I didn’t get the output I desired. So I was frustrated and decided to go for a drive. I took out my Polo and drove it on the road that led to a resort. The resort was located on the hills nearer to home. I love this drive as I can speed through this road without any traffic. But today many cars sped past mine. This was unusual. I was riding on this road when I saw banners of a ring ceremony happening in the resort lawns. I usually don’t...

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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy 18

It was May of 2007, and I was out in South Beach, Miami doing a photo shoot. The weather was gorgeous, sunny and warm. I was shirtless, garbed in long white shorts and matching sneakers. The woman I photographed for my double summer edition of Goodfellas magazine was sexy-ass Roci. She was 5’4 with olive skin and big green eyes! Her slim body and 35DD breasts could make anybody crazy! She wore a lavender top and thong bikini. Roci was fierce with her posing, and the onlookers cheered for her....

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 57 Is No Sister Safe

Friday, April 15, 2005 (Continued) Julia decided there was no time like the present, and rode her bike to my TK distance limit and back again, reporting that it was just under 0.1 of a mile away. Maybe 0.08 or 0.09, she guessed. I hadn't thought about the poor precision of her odometer, and a car's odo' wouldn't be any better either. Call it somewhere between four and five hundred feet. Not exactly good science, but it'd do as I had no need to measure the distance more accurately. The...

1 year ago
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Fraternity Bonfire Part 1

I looked down at my phone, expecting to see some kind of message explaining his delay, but it was Dom, the shittiest texter I knew. He was the kind of guy you could text in the morning, and hear nothing back until later that evening. That was, of course, assuming he hadn’t started the conversation by texting you in the middle of the night. It was never “wyd” or anything carrying that sort of connotation, although the frequency of his late-night text to me increased dramatically after he...

2 years ago
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Meeting a fellow member in town

I keep getting asked for another story so I though I would share what happened recently with someone I met on here! A couple of months back I was chatting to a friend on here who happens to live near by. As usual we had been flirting and swapping a few pics. After we’d both made each other cum we got back to normal chatting. It turned out we were both going to be in Town the following weekend. He was pushing to meet up but I thought that would be dangerous. So I agreed to check on here to see...

2 years ago
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Preachers WifeChapter 6 Solution

The next day Janet called a family meeting and explained to the girls her intention that John wear rubbers when he fucked them during their fertile days. She told them that she believed that they were too young to have children of their own, and besides, it would cause talk if such young girls turned up pregnant. The plan was not popular with the twins. May especially objected, but after June whispered in her ear for a few minutes she calmed down and accepted her mother's plan as better...

1 year ago
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Your turn part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Laurn and I awoke the next morning with the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Lauren rolled over, and jumped out of bed, rushing to get her clothes on. I jumped up, threw my panties in my clothes hamper, and ran to slam the door. Lauren came out in her bra and thong, and stretched in front of my mirror, I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked over at me and smiled, then kissed me on the lips, finished getting dressed, and left the room. A...

1 year ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 1

As she waited in her car, Brenda couldn't believe she was here again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat evidence of her apprehension. My God. I'm a happily married wife and mother, why can't I stop doing this?  Brenda was the prototype Soccer Mom. She was thirty-three-years-old, married ten years, living in the suburbs with a nine-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter. Her husband was just what she dreamed about as a girl. Loving, handsome, dedicated to her and the kids, a...

3 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 29 Friday

On Friday, everyone had marks from the previous week's exams. The group average did turn out to be 98.7%. Mary ran another review and estimate — the prediction for that week's exams was similar. "Now, all we have to do is keep working at this level," Tom said. "I was kind of worried at first, but I seem to have gotten a lot of confidence from working with the group. Thanks." Will said, "Okay, now something else. Thanksgiving is only a couple of weeks off. What are everyone's...

2 years ago
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Selfish Mom

Despite her beliefs, Debbie Kendall silently cussed to herself as she saw Despite her beliefs, Debbie Kendall silently cussed to herself as she saw the roadblock. There were about 6 soldiers in dark green uniforms at the checkpoint, inspecting everyone?s documents. Anyone suspected of bringing an adolescent of any age to the border for the purpose of smuggling them into Ohio or other neighboring states would face the full wrath of the warlord?s new penal code. This legislation...

1 year ago
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Kings and ConquerorsChapter 12

After we rehearsed and ate lunch, rehearsal continued. Lindy hit her stride and didn't want to stop. We decided to shorten our time editing Nick's Tales, working on them a couple hours before dinner, or earlier if enough of us weren't working on rehearsal. Adding rehearsal time allowed us to divide it into working on plays and dancing with a little more flexibility than the arbitrary set time of lunch. Plays. Plural. We had three to work with: my play, "The Perfect Drug," Tash's new...

1 year ago
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Following you in the mall

I went to the mall and weas walking along when I saw you . Your were wearing a very short powder blue dress and shear black pantyhose with some very sexy high heels. You stopped and bent over and rubbed your legs very slowly your skirt was so short I could see your beautiful ass . Immediately my cock started to grow hard making a visable tent in my shorts you just looked back at it and grinned . You stood up and walked farther along as I followed you watching your sexy legs and ass .Every so...

1 year ago
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My Trip To Indian Village

Hey lovable readers and I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories i’ll publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person and have fun reading it and do reply me on It had been too many years of being in the rat race and working on projects where the credit was always someone else. The blame for things not working out always fell into my lap and was at an age where the fucking was not supportive enough and one day I just...

2 years ago
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Kythe Virgin No More

Kythe, Virgin no more Kythe Larson I have a wandering eye especially tuned to those women who wear high heels, colored stockings and who impart a certain raw sexuality. I am not partial for the young ones either, I have always enjoyed the company of women older than I. One afternoon, while reaching for my afternoon fix of espresso at the university coffee bar, I noticed a women who caught my eye immediately. She was sitting on one of those tall bar stools, intently staring at...

4 years ago
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Bistar Pati Ka Par Lund Musalmani

Hello friends main aaj ek khoobusrat housewife ki kahani unhi ki zubani likhne jar raha hoon. Aap hume ya par msg kar sakte hai.Mera naam Neetu hai meri umar 28 varsh hai, rang gora, height 5’4” aur figure 36d 28 36 hai. Mere pati aur meri sex life kaafi acive hai par woe k baar se zyada nahi kar paate. Aisa nahi ki wo mujhe satisfy nahi karte par mujhe ek se zyada baar karne mann bahot karta hai. Ye ghatna pichle mahine ki hai, mere pati ke client Zafar ghar par dinner ke liye aane...

1 year ago
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Bite MeChapter 9

“Oh, fuck ... oh ... my ... fuck ... ing ... GOD!” Samantha Roth bit hard down on her lower lip as I began reaming her in earnest. “You like?” I teased the principal as we kept up our quickie. I had to admit that I enjoyed the sight of Samantha’s ass while I plowed her, too, my thick vampire cock thrusting repeatedly inside her juicy, slippery twat. The way that I played with her asshole didn’t hurt, either. She really started cussing and moaning as I fucked her within an inch of her life...

2 years ago
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My Cousins Jayne and Sally Part 1Chapter 2 Free Style In The Pool

One thing I forgot to add before was that we had an in-ground swimming pool in our back yard. Much to my joy, it was heated and could be used earlier in the spring and longer into the fall than other pools in our neighborhood, so I was accustomed to lots of lounging by the pool and plenty of swimming. I loved to swim! In addition, sections of blind with staggered spacing, which were about 6 feet tall ringing the pool and blocking any view of the pool or anyone in it. The blinds were spaced...

3 years ago
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A Day In the Woods Chapt 7

Paul smiled and was relieved. He got up and put a robe on and headed for the kitchen. Jessica lay in bed thinking of everything that had happened. Her morning with Paul etched deep in her brain, the feeling of the change and him inside her as she did. She could hear and smell Paul in the kitchen. It was amazing how sensitive her senses had become. She got herself up and put on the other robe, walking briskly towards the kitchen. Paul had some eggs scrambled up and had just placed a couple of...

2 years ago
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What have you done for me lately redux

Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn't have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn't begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift, coverage...

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Boys Games 1

Chapter 1 – Cousins My name is John. When I was a teenager, I was dispatched to my Aunt Lisa to stay as my mother had to go to hospital for an operation. She had twin daughters Mary and Jenny, one a redhead and one brunette. They were just average looks, nothing sexy. I had very little sexual experience, Apart from jerking off which I did often. We were all at school and it was winter in England, very cold. My Aunt was a lovely person, quite different to my mother, who was very strict. Her...

2 years ago
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Flubberguts and MeChapter 11

The face I saw was about my age or a little older. Mel turned and saw me coming and said, "There's dad now. I'll see ya later!" Just for the time being I will ignore the dad bit, but I must admit I like her calling me that. I think I earned the title with her and more importantly, she believed I earned the title. However this went by the wayside due to the man standing in the doorway and I sighting each other. He was short for an adult male, probably five six or seven, due to poor...

4 years ago
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In der Hand von Gangstern

Vorwort : Ich bin eine heute 28jährige Frau. Zu dem Zeitpunkt war ich 24, noch bei der uniformierten Polizei, war und bin bildhübsch, hatte schulterlange, gewellte tiefschwarze Haare, ebenso schwarze Augen, einen 75B Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und herrliche, lange, schlanke Beine, meine 69kg verteilten sich auf 185 cm. Ich hatte schon meine Lehrgänge abgeschlossen um zur Kripo zu kommen und wartete auf die Versetzung. Doch vorher geschah noch etwas anderes, und mein Leben...

1 year ago
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Pyx 3 The Christmas PartyChapter 10 A Half Day With Theresa

The next day, Theresa was at our door at eight am. I answered the door. She walked in. "Where's Pyx?" she asked urgently. "She's fixing breakfast. And you're still dressed." The nun took off her habit, hastily. All her sense of modesty around me was gone. "Vonda can help you with your grooming." Theresa looked past me. "No. I'm fine." "Are you sure? I'll inspect you, right now. If you are found wanting I WILL punish you." This made her pause. "Maybe, Vonda should take a...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 239

This one is compliments of Needle Noddle So British On a train from London to Manchester to watch the cricket, an Australian was berating the Englishman sitting across from him in the compartment. "You English are too stuffy. You set yourselves apart too much. You think your stiff upper lip makes you above the rest of us. Look at me ... I'm ME! I have Italian blood, Greek blood, a little Irish blood, and some Aborigine blood. What do you say to that?" The Englishman...

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Facebook Virgin Friend Losing Her Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am 35 m from Delhi, who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know, I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 18 years age, experience do counts hehe, no I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal Punjabi Indian men heavy built with average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to core, love giving and getting oral fun, experiments with food items etc. I am inn for online, phone sex,...

2 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 24

The lead-in for a song that Rockie faintly recognized began playing and the lights in the main room faded. As everyone’s attention turned to the stage, the legs of a woman appeared from the ceiling and her body began lowering down a pole to the stage itself. As soon as her feet touched the stage, the lyrics for the Jessica Simpson song, “Come on Over” began. Rockie realized that the song selection was intentional, because the blonde woman now strutting around the stage wearing Daisy Duke...

2 years ago
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A fantasy that will get you off for sure

You gasp when you feel me unhook your bra, but allow it to remain covering your breasts. I finish unzipping your dress then pull you to your feet and let the dress fall to the floor around your ankles. Then I take your bra with two fingers and looking at you to assure you it was all right, you release the bra to me. I then remove it and look at you lovingly. I hook my thumbs in your panties and lower them to join your skirt. Your breathing gets heavy as I help you step away from your skirt...

4 years ago
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Camilla Ch 052

Saturday, August 12 Camilla and Candice breathed in deeply and looked out the windows on opposite sides of the airplane as they watched it begin takeoff. They were sitting in seats in the middle, between two aisles. ‘Goodbye, Vancouver,’ Camilla said. ‘Hello, Toronto, a totally new world for me.’ ‘Hello to your dad, too,’ Candice said. ‘Yeah, I can’t wait,’ Camilla said. ‘But I can’t believe we’re really leaving the only city I ever really knew.’ ‘I can’t believe we survived another month...

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One freaky day

I had to post this story and please believe this story is so true. I was about 25 and i had this 19 year old girl friend. It was xmas eve and I wanted her to come stay at my place so i went out to her house on the train to get her. As we waited for the train going back to my house "shell" is what im calling her(not her real name)decided she needed something in her mouth. So we went inside a shelter waiting area and she sat on the bench and i stood to watch out for others that my decide to stand...

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Married couple forced by 2 black men

We love being a cuckold couple, me the sissy hubby and my wife the naughty slut. We like being controlled by our Bull/DOM and have played out some hot scenarios. This one is a favorite of hers, especially after we made it happen.There was a knock at the door, which was strange it was 9:00 pm, my wife went to answer the door, there were two black men at the door, one acted embarrassed and told her they obviously had the wrong house, because she wasn’t who they expected to answer, she told them...

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Marvels XHotIc

“OK Aunt May, I’m heading off to the Bugle.” Sticking her head out of the washroom doorway May smiled and called back. “Alright Peter, you have a safe trip.” May Parker looked at herself in the mirror again, tracing a finger through her grey hair all while shifting her chin back and forth to see the lines and crow’s feet over her face. Time wasn’t kind to her, not even in her 60’s and she already looked ‘elderly’. Looking over to the bottle she ordered last week she remembered the commercial on...

3 years ago
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CruisingChapter 6

"I'll go first," Chelsea said, "because my story is the shortest." She shrugged. "I'm a nudist, I grew up one, and there were swingers in our camp. Just about every girl was exposed to swinging. Some tried it. We're at that age when we explore things, and a lot of us took advantage of the bare skin and attitudes. "Those who think nudist camps are rife with constant sex, would have pointed fingers and said "ah ha!" Now before you make the obvious conclusion, nudity and swinging...

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Rogue MagusChapter 37

“How can you possibly know where the power is being stored?” Ella asked. “The missing women are acting as batteries for the power,” I said. I looked at Greta. “We had to know where Valory would be when I ended the Lockdown, well, the location is one and the same. I use the spell to track down Jordan, and we’ll not only know where Valory will show up, but I’ll be able to shut down the spell there.” Chloe frowned at me. “Are you sure the spell will recognize you as the caster?” I looked at...

1 year ago
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Beginning Of The World Of Escort Services

Hello ISS readers.I am VJ from Ahmadabad, Gujarat.This is the story of how I was introduced to the world of male escorts.I am 6’1” male with little heavy builtup.I am not a lean 6 packs as many stories say but very fit.Now coming to my story this happened with I was in my college..Sex is all about fun and satisfaction.We are not machines to just pump it out.Dildos and vibrators can do that as well.I had heard about the parties where these escorts services are provided as well as an way to enter...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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Schoolgirls First TimeChapter 10

Pam and Cissy were in the same gym glass, which was the last class of the day for both of them. In the locker room, as they dressed in their athletic shorts and T-shirts, Pam was dying to tell Cissy about what the football player had done to her in the utility room during her free period, but too many other girls were within ear-shot. Besides that, several of the girls were whispering to each other and looking Pam's way with smirks that infuriated her. She gave them dirty looks back. Once...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 8

Jessica's turn: I have determined that I am going to do it. 'It' being getting married. And no, it's not one of those throwaway first marriages. I have a bunch of friends in my age range, from, say, eighteen (out of high school) to thirty, and I find it odd that almost half of them have been married already. And divorced. I've heard the talk. "It's no big deal" is a common refrain, and in so many cases I know BOTH parties to the divorce and usually the one who's all 'It's no big...

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The Girls with the Tiger Tattoo

The Girls with the Tiger Tattoo.Angie parked her car, and walked into the café, not far from The Turner Contemporary Art Gallery, in Margate. A familiar face waved her over. It was a girl she had once worked with, Tracey. “Hello Naomi, how are you?” she asked. Angie gave her order to the waitress, before turning to Tracey. “I’m Angie, Naomi is my sister!”“I never could tell you apart, sorry,” she said. “Jesus fucking Christ, did they really look that alike, they weren’t twins, there was just...

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Collection of Show Horse semen

Collecting Show Horse Protein GROUND COLLECTING A STALLIONBy Drss.Kathy Mann-St.Martin, adulterated by SFL Admin. For Education Dept. use. *wvs = woman "voluntary" servant … As there are a variety of methods to start a breeding stallion, both for collection and live cover, for the sake of this article, we'll assume that nothing has been done with the stallion, i.e., he has not been bred live cover or artificially collected by a wvs.You would start by setting up the selected wvs as the...

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Hospital mein masti

As you all know a doctor has to deal with many patients and of course many nurses too, and all nurses and patients are of different character. The story which I m here to tell you is just one of my many experiences and I will share all of them with you one by one, I will tell you the story in desi language so as to make more interesting. Us waqt meine bass apni degree complete kii hi thi aur thankfully mujhe ek private hospital mein achi job mil gayi to I was very happy , sab kuch mil gaya tha...

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Devkumar Ch 02

When he looked at them and spoke to them through them is when he filled them with the essence of his being and the song of his soul. Uplifted and free, they soared. They were helpless to do anything but to say his name, ‘Devkumar.’ It was then they knew that they were in the presence of the Son of God. It was then they knew that they were blessed. It was then that they knew they were chosen and that they were a holy disciple of Devkumar. Those who saw him couldn’t describe him. Unable to give...

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Airgasms Before Orgasms

‘Hey, Sis. How’s your love life?’ Toni plunks her coffee down on the table and moves my jacket from the other chair before sitting down. I close my book and take the jacket and hang it on the chair back behind me, catching sight of the back of a guy with sun bleached brown hair, a little shaggy, but not overly long. He’s wearing a nice dress shirt. He’s got a nice back, with broad shoulders narrowing toward a waist that’s blocked by the back of the cafe chair. ‘It still sucks. You know I can’t...

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