Dare title is too short
- 2 years ago
- 85
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I smiled at Kirsty as we waited for everyone else to troop out of the theatre. It wasn't like the usual rush and I saw at least one of the girls reaching behind her to fasten her bra before she stood up. Kirsty spotted her as well and was giggling beside me as the couple involved walked past us.
"Stop it," I hissed, "Do you want to cause trouble?"
"No, but it was so funny," gasped Kirsty, her face turning pink.
"What was?" I asked, "Her having to fasten her bra?"
"No," she said shaking her head, "It was his shirt sticking out of his fly."
I nearly strained my neck as I twisted around to have a look but I was too slow, the couple had already made good their escape.
"You're sure?"
She nodded, barely suppressing another fit of giggles and I couldn't help it, I chuckled as well, which of course set her off again.
We were the last to leave the theatre and both of us looked flushed but it had very little to do with what we'd been up to in the dark. Walking into the foyer of the cinema I really didn't want the evening to end and it wasn't that late, but what could we do, apart from the obvious and no, we couldn't do that in the middle of the mall.
"What do you fancy doing now?" I asked.
"I don't know," replied Kirsty, wrapping an arm around mine. "How about getting a drink and having a chat?"
"I know just the place," I said with grin and, hugging Kirsty to me, I headed off through the mall.
Kirsty didn't twig where we were as I guided her to a seat and, even as I sat opposite her, she just reached for the menu. A minute later she looked up and it was as though a flash bulb went off over her head.
"This is where..."
"That's right," I grinned, "this very table, you're even sitting in the same seat that your mother was in."
"Ohhh," she groaned.
"So, what do you want?" I asked nodding towards the menu in her hand.
"Ahhh, I'll have the Frappuccino," she replied.
"Strawberries and Creme or Coffee flavoured?"
I looked around and caught the eye of a waitress heading for a customer, she nodded and I turned back to Kirsty.
"Right, now that I've got you alone and somewhere were we're not likely to be interrupted I want you to tell me what you really think of the dares I've been setting." I tried to give her a serious look; "Do you really enjoy doing them?"
"Good evening, are you ready to order?"
My head snapped to the side and I found I was looking at the same young woman in the same burgundy polo shirt. That was about the time that she recognised me judging from the way that she went pink.
"I'll have an Americano, please?"
She scribbled on her pad and looked at Kirsty.
"The young lady will have a strawberry Frappuccino," I said recapturing her attention.
She raised one eyebrow at the way I'd order and then smiled, "That'll take a couple of minutes, Sir," she said before heading for the serving counter.
"Was that her?" asked Kirsty.
I nodded.
"She's pretty," declared the girl opposite me.
I turned and had a proper look, uhmm, tall and slim, small boobs, short hair, nice enough face but nothing to write home about.
"She's OK," I admitted, "but she's nowhere near as beautiful as you."
Kirsty's eyes went wide and, just as suddenly, she dropped her gaze to the table. I was tempted to pile on the compliments but decide to wait her out.
It proved to be a longer wait than I'd anticipated, Kirsty sat there with her head bowed until the waitress reappeared.
"Your Frappuccino," she said placing the pink creamy drink in front of Kirsty, "and your coffee, sir," she finished.
"Thanks, Nicole," I responded and caught Kirsty as her head snapped up. I held her gaze as the smiling waitress moved away.
"How do you know her name?" hissed Kirsty.
"It's on her name tag," I responded. I knew that was true because I'd just this minute read it. Before that I hadn't got a clue what her name was.
I held Kirsty's gaze still, "As I told your mother, I'm not going to run around on you but by the same token, I'm not going to stop speaking to people who speak to me. If some girl wants to flirt with me, that's all well and good but it won't get them anywhere. If you don't believe me, or won't accept that as the basis for our relationship then you need to seriously consider ending this before we start."
I took a deep breath because that had all come out in one stream. "I don't want to go out with anyone other than you but I'm not going to become a hermit to keep you either, it's your choice?"
I dropped my gaze from hers and reached for my coffee. All I could do now was wait for Kirsty to make up her mind.
We sat in silence, I sipped steadily at my coffee and Kirsty fiddled with the straw sticking out of her Frappuccino. Occasionally she'd look up, catch my eye and drop her eyes once more.
I was beginning to get frustrated, irritated, something anyway as I waited for her to make up her mind. I sighed and that got her attention.
"You mean that don't you?" she asked. "I put up with whatever you do or I leave."
"It's not a case of putting up with whatever I do," I said, "It's a case of trusting me. We cannot build a relationship if there is no trust to start with. I don't see me going off on one simply because you've spoken to a boy and I don't see why I should put up with an attitude from you if I speak to a girl."
"How far can you go before I'm allowed to get upset?"
"I don't know and hopefully it would never come to that," I said. "I don't intend to go out of my way to upset you. You're my girlfriend but what I don't want you trying to do is dictate how I'm going to live my life, who my friends are and who I can speak to. Nor do I want to have to give you a blow by blow account of everything I do when we're not together."
Kirsty didn't look happy and I wasn't pleased that the fun seemed to have gone out of our evening.
"Take the waitress for instance," I said, "All that has happened between us is that she was a witness to the actions your mother did when we were here together. She's put two and two together and may have come up with an answer that has nothing to do with reality. Now she sees me with you and has to wonder what I'm up to, she's curious, maybe even intrigued enough to ask but she's not a threat to you in any way."
Kirsty was looking at me, a deep, thoughtful frown disfiguring her beauty. Whether I'd done enough to calm her suspicions I couldn't say but I needed to go to the toilet and now seemed like the best time to do it. Yes I was retiring; I needed to regroup before I was forced to retreat in disarray.
"I'll be back in a minute," I said and headed for the rest rooms.
I took my time; I needed to calm down so after washing my hands I took the time to wash my face as well. Was it always this way, you go out with a girl and she immediately wants to take over your life?
I didn't know, I didn't have the experience but some instinct told me that if I rolled over now, did as she wanted, I'd suffer for it in the log run. I had no intention of being unfaithful, of seeing other girls whilst she was mine but I wasn't going to stop talking to them just because she said so.
Sighing audibly I remembered that before Kirsty and Natasha I didn't really speak to other girls. I headed back to the table, hoping that Kirsty would still be there waiting when I got there.
She was and even more surprisingly she smiled when I dropped into the seat opposite her.
"I'm sorry," she said. "You're right, really. I shouldn't be taking you to task simply for being you."
It was my turn to frown.
Kirsty chuckled, "You were right about Nicole as well," she said. "As soon as you disappeared she was over here, quizzing me about who I was and why I was with you."
I glanced across the room and was rewarded by Nicole going wide-eyed and turning away quickly.
"So what did you tell her?" I asked.
"That I was your girlfriend," replied Kirsty, "Then she asked if I knew that you were seeing an older woman as well."
"She did?" My eyebrows rose about as high as they could go at that revelation, I started to have dark thoughts about our waitress and her potentially big mouth.
"She told me she didn't want to see me hurt. It was the only reason she'd said anything." Kirsty grinned, "You should have seen her face when I told her that the older woman was my mother. She nearly choked."
Kirsty was beaming and her pleasure took a lot of the chill off my thoughts.
"Did she say anything after that?" I asked curiously.
"She spluttered a lot." Kirsty tilted her head to one side, "I think she was interested, you know, in what we were doing, the three of us."
"You do?" I asked, "And how do you feel about that?"
Kirsty's cheeks took on a pink hue. "It's kind of exciting, a bit like when I'm doing a dare. You know, the feeling that someone might catch you and that sends shivers running down my spine."
"Does that mean you wouldn't mind her seeing you behaving like your mother?" I asked cocking my head to one side.
Kirsty's eyes went wide, "You mean..."
I nodded, "Would you go and remove your bra? I know your mum had to remove her blouse but you haven't got a jacket with you so that might be just a little bit over the top."
Kirsty went bright red and I thought about what I'd just asked her. I marvelled at how quickly things had changed again. Two minutes ago I wasn't even sure if I'd still have a girlfriend when I got back to the table, but here she was acting as though nothing untoward had happened between us.
"I'll do it," she said starting to rise
"No, not yet," I said, putting my hand over hers and grinning. "What else did you two discuss while I was away?"
Across the table Kirsty dropped her eyes, "I asked her if she wanted you."
"She laughed," replied Kirsty. "According to her, you're nice but she prefers her men to be men, not boys who haven't got there yet."
"Oh, that hurts," I said grasping my chest above my heart with both hands.
"Stop it," said Kirsty. "I should have thought of that before I started to give you a hard time. She's twenty and already has a boyfriend and that's going to be true most of the time when you're talking to people isn't it? They're either going to be in a relationship or not interested in being in one."
"Possibly," I said noncommittally. I mean how was I supposed to know what state a woman's relationship was in when I started to speak to her.
"Whatever," said Kirsty waving her hand casually, "She made me realise that I was being unreasonable, maybe even a little jealous," she admitted.
"I can live with that," I said grinning again. "Just don't let it get out of hand."
She smiled at me tentatively, "Shall I go and take this off now?" she asked tweaking the bra strap that ran over her shoulder.
"Do you want me to order you another drink?" I asked.
She glanced down and seemed surprised to find an empty beaker before her.
"Off you go then," I instructed, "and it'll be here when you get back."
Kirsty collected the small clutch bag she was using and after glancing in the direction of the waitresses she disappeared into the back of the coffee-house.
I waved a hand to attract the attention of a waitress and wasn't surprised when Nicole waved the nearest woman away and headed for my table. I smiled as she approached curious to see how she'd behave.
"How can I help, Sir?"
"I'd like another coffee, please and a Frappuccino for my girlfriend."
"Certainly," she replied and half-turned to leave. She looked back, balanced for flight and asked softly, "Do you treat all of the women you know like that?"
I was about to make a denial but reality reared its head and I paused. The truth was that with the exception of my mother I 'did' treat all of the women I knew like that. My lips were suddenly dry and I had to lick them before I could answer.
"Only those who want to be treated like that," I managed to croak out.
Nicole looked at me strangely, as though she was gauging my honesty, "Uhmm," she muttered before walking away.
I watched her go, my mind racing. Her question made me realise that I didn't have that many serious female acquaintances. Four of them, Natasha, Kirsty, Helen and Rosa were all darees. Liz was another, admittedly one who'd gone in a different direction and that might even be over after our last session. Other than those, there wasn't a single female that I'd call a friend, platonic or otherwise.
Sad or what?
My meandering thoughts filled the time that Kirsty was away. It was only her sudden arrival next to me that brought me back to the here and now.
She slid into the chair opposite and I looked pointedly at her chest, I could make out the darkened area of her nipples. One thing was immediately obvious and that was that she'd fastened the blouse up to the top.
I shook my head and sighed, "You need to undo those buttons you've fastened," I said, "and you'd better add another as well."
Her eyes were wide and her complexion was deep red but she didn't say a word, her hands came up from the table and slowly, almost teasingly worked their way down from her neck. They paused when they reached the extra button I'd requested and Kirsty smiled, "Just for you," she said and popped the button free.
I just had time to breathe before Nicole arrived with our new drinks.
She looked down at Kirsty as she placed the Frappuccino in front of her and must have had the perfect shot down the front of her blouse. I was watching carefully as her eyes went wide, flicked up to Kirsty's red face and then back down to her cleavage.
Lets just say it was a good job that she'd put the drink down before she noticed what was going on or Kirsty could have been wearing her strawberries and creme.
Nicole snapped her gaze to me and I smirked, I was feeling particularly proud of myself then.
It was Nicole's turn to go pink but she couldn't help glancing back at Kirsty's chest. I can't say I blame her, that extra button had turned a view that was tantalising into an open invitation to swan dive into heaven.
Nicole walked away shaking her head, I turned to Kirsty and smiled, "You are truly beautiful. You know that don't you."
She didn't reply but her cheeks began to glow, her nipples also perked up.
"I see our waitress isn't the only one who's excited by what's happening."
Kirsty swallowed and then nodded microscopically.
"I take it that I can carry on giving you dares, even as your boyfriend?"
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Dare girl goes astray! Cindy was a sweet 24 year old when I first met her. She was the kind of fresh faced girl next door type who was easy to get along with. Her blonde hair and 38D figure gave her a Venus de Milo appearance as she skin was the soft tones of almost pure alabaster marble. Not long after we began chatting on the internet, I discovered that she had a passion about playing true dares. She had spoken to several different Mirror Masters, over the last three years and had...
The six of us were there, myself, Jessica, Max, Drew, Ashley and Mimi. We played a bunch of drinking games and were all pretty buzzed when max said, anyone interested in a little Truth or Dare? We all agreed, Jessica looked at me and said no matter what the dare is we have to agreed to do it, I not wanted to back down or seem scared said no matter what. The tension in the room was obvious, we started with the BS dares, ring the neighbor’s door and run, eat the year-old candy bar, little...
Dare girl goes astray! Cindy was a sweet 24 year old when I first met her. She was the kind of fresh faced girl next door type who was easy to get along with. Her blonde hair and 38D figure gave her a Venus de Milo appearance as she skin was the soft tones of almost pure alabaster marble. Not long after we began chatting on the internet, I discovered that she had a passion about playing true dares. She had spoken to several different Mirror Masters, over the last three years and had carried out...
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I hid. No, that's not strictly true, what I did was make sure that I didn't occupy the same space as Natasha and Kirsty unless we were surrounded by others. As much as I wanted to make a play for Kirsty I couldn't pluck up the courage to do it. I'm pretty sure that Natasha caught me looking their way a couple of times but I know from experience that she was used to it, the only difference was that this time it was the girl with the dark hair that was the focus of my attention, not the...
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Hi! All of you. Sapna is back, with a ever most exciting real event: Dare. It happened to me one time when we had gone for a picnic. As you all know, now as I had been fucked by many boys, everywhere, it had became normal thing for me. But, I didn’t know till this time, that such a thing can occurs even in crowd. Even though crowd was known to me, but still, it’s shy full to do in crowd or crowded place alike. It happened like this. We had went to school picnic. I had wore long white skirt and...
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OK, guys and girls, here’s the latest of ‘Dare Me’. Sorry for the delay, I’ve had a few issues pop up around here and had to make sure it was a go with submitting it. Hopefully, as I cross my fingers and close my eyes, you all will like it. As always, please send me feedback, comments and yes, even the not so good comments. All of what you all say to me helps me to become a better writer. With that said, hope to hear from you all soon! ~~honeywldcat~~ Dare Me By: honeywldcat ©2010 all rights...
We continue the story from Ch. 2 where Janine is slowly falling into a trap. Her body seems to respond to dares and bets and she still doesn’t know how or why. Please read Chapters 1 and 2 to see what has happened to this point. There is some non-consensual sex so if you’re offended by it, please turn back. Otherwise I hope you’ll enjoy it. I really appreciate your feedback, so please leave me some. * Starbucks was busy and people were milling around the entrance, frappucino in hand,...
Dare Girl goes astray 02 : Chapter 2 ‘the coin tosses’ mistress Mandy, It is now Monday morning and I have received the full report of Cindy’s dare which took place on Friday night. I have cause to speak to you in connection with our mutual sub Cindy, as you are fully aware I issued a dare to Cindy, for last Friday night, which it seems you chose to hi jack. Whilst I am not in the habit of having my instructions altered let alone disregarded completely, you chose to alter the entire concept of...
Erotic*Note*Not all story lines are finished, and the "Courage" system doesn't stop you from doing anything yet. Dares can be redone right now, but that will be changed soon. There is no end to the night yet, so all the dares can be done. You will be able to a list of hidden stories once you successfully complete a night. ;) Clothing Customization may come later once I finish the story. ---Rules--- *You gain 1-5 points depending on how hard a dare is. You are competing against other teams for money...
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Recap: Janine is in a daze and her mind is shot with delusions about sex and ‘all sorts of nasty things’ since her encounter with Brad Wheeler that morning (Ch. 4). Her most recent delusion brought on a wild sixty-nine session with Coach Carter, the father of Natasha’s boyfriend Drew (Ch. 7). That’s exactly where this story begins. Janine came to her senses and it didn’t take long to realise something was very amiss. Her right hand was firmly wrapped around an angry purple cock and she had a...
John was sitting on the sofa, idly fondling the breast of an attractive brunette lingerie model whilst he watched the news, when he noticed his younger sister slipping into the room. “Um, can we talk,” Sarah said, blushing and avoiding looking at the model. “Sure.” John said, sending the model outside with a thought. He’d always had a soft spot for his sister, she was one of the popular crowd, but she’d never been obnoxious about it, even before his powers had developed. “I was hoping you could...
Mind ControlMistress Mandy, It is now Monday morning and I have received the full report of Cindy's dare which took place on Friday night. I have cause to speak to you in connection with our mutual sub Cindy, as you are fully aware I issued a dare to Cindy, for last Friday night, which it seems you chose to hi jack. Whilst I am not in the habit of having my instructions altered let alone disregarded completely, you chose to alter the entire concept of her dare. Turning poor Cindy into nothing short...
Dare Me Not Ch. 09 Recap: Coach Carter has given Janine some control over her actions and her choice of clothes. This is still imperfect because she can only exert her will after ten seconds (Ch. 8), while still leaving her vulnerable within that period of time. It seems that after any sexual release, her delusions are temporarily quietened. However, morning breaks on the day when she is to meet Brad Wheeler after their encounter the morning before (Ch. 4). Janine thought she had things under...
This is the first Chapter of what I’m hoping will be a series. I’m planning for more chapters, but would like to have some feedback in the meanwhile. ———- Jonah Dawson droned on. Professor Dawson was everything you’d expect from a brilliant psychology professor, complete with an eccentric nature and a monotonous voice. He had an excellent mind and a quick wit, but sadly none of the delivery required to hold the rapt attention of his students. His Psych 101 class was having a hard time keeping...
We had another dinner early that evening, a meal that we didn't really need, but neither I nor my three brothers complained about it. It wasn't the sort of food our Master had served us at night. He'd liked to feed us stew usually, made from beef or venison, occasionally chicken with the bones carefully removed, and always with a rich gravy stirred into wild rice usually. Joe's sons didn't know about that custom though, so they'd fed us dog food again, but it was still good the way they...
"Dare?" His voice was distant, like a dream, but coming closer and I smiled. "Dare!" He whistled with a long warbling that made me giggle sleepily and Chance lifted his chin from my breast, his ears twitching at the sound. It was dark there, in our den beneath the pine boughs, and warm and dry despite the cool spring rains outside. I'd found my mate shortly after my morning bath and we'd played together before retiring for our afternoon nap. I stretched as much as I was able and...
One thing nagged at me all through the night after leaving Kirsty and no matter how I tried to dismiss it the thought wouldn't go away. What was thing that was causing my disquiet you ask? It was the relationship I had with Elizabeth the school's Vice-Principal that was causing the problem, or to be more precise the impact such a relationship would have on my friendship with Kirsty. Was I being unfaithful to my new girlfriend? There was no sex between Liz and I as such but I doubted if...
I rolled over and stretched, my body creaking as it responded to my commands. After flexing my shoulders a couple of times I looked at the alarm clock and found it was early, not ridiculously so but still before I'd normally wake up on a Sunday. I grinned as I hopped out of bed. It must be that anticipation thing again. I dashed into the bathroom for a quick shower and carried it out without really giving it much thought. My thoughts were on the up coming meeting with Kirsty's Aunt and...
One thing I had never been able to resist was a dare, it had got me into trouble more than once, but any time someone said 'I dare you' I'd take up the challenge with a laugh. I was fourteen when one of my school mates started going on about having seen his little sister in the nude, I suppose that at that age we were just starting to take an interest in sex and his claims were greeted with both derision and excitement. "Shit," one of the crowd exclaimed, "what's so good about seeing a...
"It is so boring back home," said Ana, again. "No one is prepared to have a little fun." I caught my daughter's eye and looked to the ceiling, we'd spent the last two days listening to Ana moaning about the state of her existence. According to her she wanted a little excitement in her life but no one was prepared to offer her the chance to live a little. All of her now ex-husbands had been boring, straight-laced and mundane without one iota of get up and go between them, to hear her...
Please read Ch.1 to see what has led up to Janine’s current predicament. This is a continuation of the previous chapter, though it can be read on its own. Again, I would appreciate any feedback. ———- Janine’s face was flushed. Her heart was pounding triple-time and she felt faint. Drew Carter and she continued towards their psychology class with Prof. Dawson, both silent. I hope he didn’t see that. The ‘that’ in question was an obscene encounter with Brad Wheeler and two of his friends...
Dare ThiefJason, my best friend who lives next door, and I had been bacheloring it at my house while my parents were away for a couple months in London where my mom was assigned for a project. It was great not having someone watching us every minute. Our parents pretty much trusted us about as much as anyone can trust teenage boys. As long as we kept up our straight A grades and sports, we were pretty much on our own. We could only have two other guys over and no girls unless we made special...
The world was in twilight, the grey moment between day and night, and I was moving amongst the people. I'd left the house, sneaking away because I didn't need or want my brothers to follow me. I thought perhaps that I was looking too far when there were a lot of people living on the reservation. The Native Americans knew me already; most of them had seen me at least once, during the Awakening, but little beyond that. I was more like a rumor, I suppose, a ghost maybe, and some of them...
It's strange to be naked all the time after spending some 18 years being clothed for most of it. Not that I was ashamed of my body, I wasn't and never had been. I wasn't even particularly shy. I mean the physical part of being exposed to every little thing you can think of was strange. It was nice and warm in my room. The floor was smooth and the water cold, of course, but after a few days I was becoming used to it. I even began looking forward to the bracing chill that brought me wide...
July was a good month for me, the best yet by far. It was hot outside and I turned dark all over, coffee colored, with just a bit of cream and a lot of sugar. My hair was longer than it had been in a long time, since I'd been a child really, and it was a thick black mass falling over my shoulders. I had muscles under my skin, hard and lean muscles that worked effortlessly as I ran with my mates. I had small scratches, the occasional scrape and bruise, but largely I was as comfortable naked...
"Come on, Kirsty, get in here quick before someone sees us." "Natasha!" exclaimed Kirsty as she scurried after her flamboyant friend. "God! What is this place?" she asked moments later. "It's something to do with the cricket club," replied Natasha, "but it's not used much anymore." "What's that smell?" "Probably piss," said Natasha, "You know what boys are like when they get caught short." "You should talk," responded her friend. "Yeah, I suppose I can," was the...
We continue the story of Janine Tyler who has recently learnt the reason for her inability to resist dares and bets. In fact, Professor Dawson had been so kind as to test the side effects of her unintended reprogramming in Ch.3. This chapter, like all the others, does not require you to know all the previous goings-on, but please read them to get a better understanding. I appreciate feedback, so don’t hesitate to leave me some. ———- Janine felt exhausted by the time she made it home. It...
Dares - By SONIA ================ (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - Janet's Suggestion! ------------------------------- My wife, Janet, and I had a fairly conventional life - 2 kids -both now married and living away, mortgage etc. Our sex life had been frantic in the early...
Kelly, Taylor, Talia, Emily and Melissa were at Kelly's house one Saturday night with their friends Aaron and Brad. The 5 girls had gotten drunk and decied to play dares. " I dare you to lick the floor" Melissa said to Kelly.'Kelly licked the floor. " I dare you to lick my boobs" Kelly said to Talia While lifting up her shirt and bra. Kelly was a size 38-A and had huge nipples. Talia started licking her boobs and sucking on them. When she was done white stuff was all over her mouth. "I dare you...
LesbianRecap: Janine can regain control of her body after ten seconds as long as no new command is issued. She managed to deal with Brad, hopefully once and for all (Ch. 9). She hopes that Professor Jonah Dawson can help her to shorten her window of vulnerability. Of course the Professor would help her! He had helped to relieve her of her virginity before wiping her memories clean (Ch. 3). Janine enjoyed being able to focus in class after all the crazy antics of the day before. Some of her classmates...
Chapter Three Had three words ever sounded so sweet? Daren stared into her eyes for a moment, framing her face in his hands. Running his finger over her bottom lip, he could have kicked himself for asking, ‘Are you sure about this, Stephanie?’ Silently, he begged her to be sure. He didn’t think he could walk away without having her. He watched her bite her bottom lip, lick it, and pull him down to her. Daren kept his eyes open as her face came closer and closer. Then their lips met. Every...
Ricardo handed me my favorite drink, the infamous Long Island Ice Tea. I'd just returned from the lady's room. I needed to splash cold water on my face to sober me up. I was losing my control. I'd been warned at the office about Ricardo's reputation of sexual conquests. Yet I considered it a challenge to put this player in his place.My reputation as being the Sexy Ice Princess was well earned. I'd taken on corporate CEOs; supervisors and they all went away with a very limpimpotent cock.Ricardo...
I walked towards the school building, my bag hanging from my shoulder and a silly little ditty echoing through my mind: - A spanking I will go, A spanking I will go, E-I-Adeo, A spanking I will go... It was an interesting little ditty considering I had no idea where it came from and I'm pretty sure it was a way of masking how nervous I was feeling at the events that were likely to be occurring today. After I'd arrived home and survived a grilling from Mum that would have done the...
"Mom, I think I know who Tom is," said Natasha. "You do?" replied Helen. Natasha nodded, "I spotted Kev Hayles watching us as we were walking around." "So?" said Helen, cocking her head to one side. "Well, he was smiling before we started, it was as though he knew what was going to happen before we began," explained Natasha. Helen looked at her daughter and frowned, "That's a bit flimsy isn't it?" "It is a bit," agreed Natasha, "but he's also taken to making eyes at...
Extremely Nasty 2020 Dares & Ideas- Make me eat every drop of cum possible, out of your pussy, off your tits, off the floor- Make me promise not to cum with out eating it.- Make me clean you after everytime you go to the bathroom.- When you can, do it while sitting on my face- When you can’t, do it in a cup or just in the middle of the floor and make me clean it up without my hands- When we’re in public, bring me back a small piece and make me eat it wherever I am- Assign me dares, tasks...
Hey guys, sorry it took too long to share another story. Editting our sex videos takes a lot of time so i wasn't able to have the free time to type up our adventures. Anyway, here we are now.. hopefully I'd be able to share once a month.This particular story may have been a once in a lifetime event.It was almost this time of the year (Christmas Season, if you're reading this sometime later), it was Wednesday and Wednesday nights are date nights for us. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for us...
udaredanae.comBy Charles E. Campbell It was two years ago this past May. I had just turned twenty-five a couple of weeks before that. It wasn't something I had planned, nor was it something I had ever even fantasized about before then. It's just that it happened that one afternoon after work, and ever since then, it has become the total focus of my life. My purpose, really. I am always thinking about it, where to do it, how to do it, when to do it. It was on that day when I became completely...
udaredanae.comBy Charles E. Campbell It was two years ago this past May. I had just turned twenty-five a couple of weeks before that. It wasn't something I had planned, nor was it something I had ever even fantasized about before then. It's just that it happened that one afternoon after work, and ever since then, it has become the total focus of my life. My purpose, really. I am always thinking about it, where to do it, how to do it, when to do it. It was on that day when I became completely...
udaredanae.comBy Charles E. Campbell It was two years ago this past May. I had just turned twenty-five a couple of weeks before that. It wasn't something I had planned, nor was it something I had ever even fantasized about before then. It's just that it happened that one afternoon after work, and ever since then, it has become the total focus of my life. My purpose, really. I am always thinking about it, where to do it, how to do it, when to do it. It was on that day when I became completely...
Please go and read Dares 1 first before continuing and also remember to customise the characters! You finally finish off your report for school. Aching and tired, you drop back on your chair. But you find it uncomfortable so you stand up and see that Caterina your beautiful girlfriend is sleeping on your bead. She has long straight black hair that is still clean, A little drenched in cum but still clean. She has hazel eyes that you can't see right now due to her being asleep and the cutest nose...
TeenHi friends, I am Sirisha.36 [increased ;)] 30-34…I am an exhibitionist. So now this time I am back with a dare in the movie theater. I don’t remember exactly when it happened. I have to be alone at home for two days as my parents went to some village. So I got an idea to go to a movie by my own and do some dares there. So I went to a movie in the normal hall not multiplex. As there won’t be any seating arrangement and I can sit where ever I want. I was totally shaved and in my legging and tight...