Dares free porn video

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Dares - By SONIA ================ (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - Janet's Suggestion! ------------------------------- My wife, Janet, and I had a fairly conventional life - 2 kids -both now married and living away, mortgage etc. Our sex life had been frantic in the early years but to say the least had become stale in recent years - maybe 2 times a month .. in bed .. lights out .. boring. With the lack of sexual excitement I had gone back to a favourite pastime of mine - cross dressing. I had done this since a child, always in secret - no one knew apart from me. I did not try to look like a woman - I just loved wearing lingerie. One Saturday night I decided to try to kick our sex life back into life. I cooked a nice meal for her and had champagne and we kissed and cuddled a bit like old times. I was trying to think how to broach the subject of how boring our sex life was when Janet beat me to it. "This is really nice. Are we getting too old for sex? Do you think its got as boring as I do. Don't you think it might be fun to spice it up a little - or for that matter a lot!!" I readily agreed and we chatted about the things we could do. "I have something that I would like to do but it is a bit way out - bordering on perverted," she said. "Tell me," I said. "I'm too embarrassed - it really is a bit rude," I suddenly thought that maybe this was the opportunity I had dreamt of where I could broach my cross dressing with her. My heart started pounding at the thought. "Is your idea really almost perverted - it sounds wonderful! How about I write down my idea and you do the same and whatever we write we both promise to take it as a fun thing to do and make no adverse comments about what we each fancy - the more perverted the better so long as it does not involve anyone else." I hated the thought of wife swapping and the like and hoped that her idea was not that. "OK you are on," she said grinning and she got up slightly unsteadily from the drink and went and got 2 sheets of paper and pens. She passed me mine and started writing on hers. Dare I do it. I would never have an opportunity like this again. "You don't mind if it is a little weird do you?" I said. "No. I agreed to anything that's legal," she replied grinning widely. This was it. I wrote: 'Both of us dress in sexy lingerie and make love' I folded the paper in half and handed it to her and she handed me her sheet. My mouth was dry and my heart was beating harder than I had ever known. I opened her sheet. 'I would like to go out into public places and secretly expose myself while you take pictures' Wow that should have been my fantasy not hers. "Fantastic!" I said. She opened mine and her smile faded. "I was not expecting this!" she said with a very quiet voice, "I think you had better explain a bit." Disaster! I knew I shouldn't have done it. "I ... I .. love the look of your sexy lingerie and just thought it might be fun." I did not tell her of my dressing - maybe later. She looked concerned, "Are you trying to tell me you are gay or that you want to be a woman?" "Why just because I suggested wearing something sexy does it make me gay - no I am not gay and I don't want to be a woman. Its so unfair - women can wear men's clothes, have men's hair cuts, walk along holding another woman's hand or for that matter kiss another woman and no one makes any comment but just because I fancy the feel of sexy lingerie you immediately jump to conclusions. Hey what about what you said about agreeing to anything." I was now sulking and would have continued had Janet not leant across to me, pulled her top down and pushed her naked breasts towards me. I stopped sulking with a nipple resting in my mouth! What followed was better sex than we had had in a long time. We each seemed to let our inhibitions go and both had spectacular orgasms - probably both thinking about our ideas for spicing up our love life. Chapter 2 - Janet's Story ------------------------- Afterwards I poured us each a brandy and we cuddled together on the sofa. "Tell me about your fantasy," I said. Janet took a deep breath and said, "When I was young, about 14, I knew about sex and masturbation. I was on holiday and the hotel room I was in had another room the other side of the courtyard which looked into my room. I did not really pay much attention to that fact and came out of the shower and walked across the room and as I did so I saw out of the corner of my eye a man looking into my room. Rather than diving for cover I suddenly came up in goosebumps at the thrill of being looked at. I slipped on the sexiest pair of panties I had and then spent some time standing brushing my hair while he looked. I got incredibly wet and excited and finally could not wait any longer and slipped my hand into my panties and brought myself to an intense orgasm. I glanced at the man and saw him wanking furiously and I then simply closed the curtains." "It was so exciting knowing how I had exposed myself to him. The next day I did the same but I never saw the man again. After that I did not seem to get the opportunity again but I kept thinking back to that time." "It was many years later when I finally found a way to duplicate the feelings of that day. It was a very windy day and I had on a short kilt and as the wind blew it opened my kilt and exposed my panties for all to see. I could see men walking along looking, turning around and staring. I should have clutched at my skirt to make myself decent but instead I again had the feeling of goosebumps. I made a half hearted attempt to keep my skirt down but instead allowed it to flap and open. I was so excited at what was happening I went into a public loo and once again my hand was in my panties and I had a blissful orgasm." Janet was flushed in the face as she recounted her tale. "What I did next was so naughty! I took off my panties and set off heading for home. Typically the wind had dropped a little and although a few gusts had my skirt flapping it was not as blatant as it had been but even still I got quite a few looks - mainly of disbelief of their luck!" "On the bus I went up the stairs onto the top deck, sure I was flashing my bare bottom to those below. Once up there, there were only a few people and as I sat at the back I opened my skirt so I was fully exposed and again brought myself off. It was so exciting." "Wow!" I said. I was so enthraled with her story what she said next took me totally by surprise and I was caught. "So how long have you been wearing panties?" I knew by the time I paused I was caught and so I owned up - maybe not fully but enough. "OK I admit it - I have worn your panties on odd occasions for the thrill of it." "We certainly have both kept secrets. Now here is the deal. I work every other Saturday and on the day I work I will set you a challenge to do in that day. I want proof so I will tell you an internet group and I want you to take a photo to prove you have done your challenge and post it on the group. If you succeed that evening you will have sex with more lace and frills than you can dream of. If you fail then you will let me tie you face down on the bed and I'll shove that big dildo that you love to see me use up your ass. On the Saturdays I am off you can set me a challenge and take photos of me, then cook me a nice meal and we can have sex after admiring your photography. Both challenges have got to be possible and not run the risk of us getting locked up." "What do I get if you fail?" I asked. "You can tie me face down on the bed and fuck my ass - you have always nagged me to try that and I have always refused so now's your chance." The sex that followed those plans was fantastic - both of us thinking about our challenges. Chapter 3 - Janet's Dare ------------------------ The following Saturday it was Janet's day off so all week I planned what to set her as a challenge. Having downloaded loads of exhibitionist photos from the net I had plenty of ideas. Saturday morning I woke Janet up with a cup of tea and told her what she was to do. "I want you to wear stockings and your sexy purple satin panties and suspender belt and your PVC coat -nothing else - and to go shopping and to see how many times you can flash your lingerie to me through the day." Janet grinned and said, "Easy." I went down and made breakfast and a few minutes later she walked in wearing just her stockings, suspender belt and panties - she looked incredible. "It certainly makes dressing easy," she said and sat and ate breakfast. After breakfast I got out my digital camera, long lens, 4 spare memory cards, and spare batteries. I had chosen her PVC coat because it was short and although when it was done up it covered her fully any bending or going up stairs gave wonderful flashes of stocking top. We decided to go into town by bus and the view up her coat as we went upstairs was fantastic. The top deck was empty and Janet undid her coat and stood by the window as we drove along. Not many people look up at a bus as it passes but we then passed another double decker bus coming in the other direction and the look on the faces of the people on the top deck was priceless. I took photos as they passed. When we left the bus the ticket collector gave Janet a really odd look and it was then we remembered the mirror that shows what is happening on the top deck! We wandered around the shops with me following Janet and she managed to flash her lingerie and breasts at me in several areas. I followed her at some distance and snapped photos at each opportunity. She went into one department and took some clothes to try on. The changing rooms were cubicles with curtains and she made sure hers was part open and I moved back a way and snapped pics of men waiting for their wives to try clothes on and standing there staring at Janet. After several minutes of this she closed the curtain and when she reappeared she was flushed in the face and I knew what she had just done. Probably the best picture I got was of her sitting on a seat in the mall with loads of people behind her and her coat wide open flashing everything. Luckily there was no one in front of her but me but it was still very exposed and she was very nearly caught. After a fantastic time we headed back home. This time the bus was more crowded but even with people nearby she managed to part her coat enough to expose her stockings and panties and to slip her hand in and masturbate herself to another orgasm. That night we had fantastic sex after looking at the photos - I could not wait until next week - what would my challenge be. Chapter 4 - My Dare ------------------- On the following Saturday, Janet brought me a coffee as she was about to leave for work, gave me a kiss and handed me a parcel. "Have fun!" she said and left. I opened the parcel and inside was a pair of full cut pink satin panties with frills around the waist and legs, a matching suspender belt and bra and black stockings. There was also a note. 'You are to wear this lingerie and to tidy the house and prepare supper just in the lingerie. You are then to put on a sweatshirt and without any trousers drive to the McDonalds drive through and buy a quarter pounder meal. I want a photo of you in your car in your panties with the person serving you in the background posted on the internet by 4.00' The first bit was easy but the second - how could I do that. I got dressed feeling the normal rush of adrenalin as I slipped on the panties. The feel of the stockings was as wonderful as normal - but how could I do what she wanted. I did my cleaning as instructed and loved the feel of how I was dressed and the daring of passing a window as I cleaned and dusted. With supper prepared I began to think of how I could do what was instructed. My car was in the attached garage and I went to it to think about my task. My car was a 4x4 and hence was relatively tall and I thought that if I was lucky the McDonalds people would not be able to see into the car. I fixed my camera on the dashboard and set it to use the remote control. I then put on a sweatshirt, grabbed some cash and got into the car. My heart was pounding furiously as I flicked the remote for the door to open and started the engine. As I drove down the drive my neighbour was by his car and nodded hello - if he knew how I was dressed! As I drove down the road I kept looking at the sexy image of pink panties and stockings. I suddenly thought that I should have brought trousers just in case - what would happen if the car broke down or I had an accident! I drove past the drive through trying to pluck up the courage to do my challenge. Finally I took a deep breath and entered the drive through queue. As soon as I was in the queue I began to panic and was just about to back out when my escape route was blocked by another car. I had to go through with it now. The first hurdle arrived - ordering. I slid over in the seat a bit so I was shielded by the car as much as possible and as I drew alongside the window I ordered my meal and handed over my money while all the time snapping photos. The girl barely glanced in my direction and I soon left her window and headed to the collection point. There was a young guy picking up litter nearby and I prayed he would keep away from my car - how could I explain sitting there in panties and stockings! I pulled up by the collection point and was handed my order and again took photos while I took the bag from her. As I drove away I realised I had achieved my challenge and let out a huge sigh of relief. At home I turned on the computer and uploaded the photos I had taken, clearly showing me in my panties with the cashier and collection girl in the background. What I had not realised was the guy cleaning the area had come around behind the car at the collection point and one photo, just as I was driving away, clearly showed him looking straight into the car with a look of utter bewilderment on his face - he had seen me sitting in my panties!! That night was the best fun I had ever had. As Janet opened the door she burst out laughing saying about the guys face in the background. As we cuddled she dropped a number of parcels on the floor. We then went upstairs and Janet told me to take a shower. When I came back into the bedroom my mouth dropped open with what was on the bed. Janet had promised me an evening of sex with more lace and frills than I could dream of and on the bed was just the makings. In the middle of the bed were two of the fullest chiffon petticoats I had ever seen - one was pure white and one pink. The pink one was on my side of the bed and the white hers. By the petticoats were matching sets of lingerie in pink and white satin with layers of lace and frills. Hanging over the headboard were satin dresses only this time the pink one was on Janet's side and the white mine. Janet stood grinning and said, "Your credit card has taken a hammering but as I chose the outfit for you I decided it would be fun to have a contrasting one for me. Do you like them?" "Fantastic!" I said and we kissed. Janet passed me the panties and I slipped them on - they were fantastic, full cut and so incredibly sexy. The suspender belt was next and I passed the suspenders under the panties and fastened them to a pair of white seamed stockings. As I dressed Janet did so also and commented, "I see you are quite experienced at putting on lingerie - you really have kept that side of you quiet." I slipped on the bra and Janet handed me two pairs of her panties to stuff it. I looked at the petticoat and spent a moment just admiring it before finally picking it up and stepping into it. The feel was even better than I had expected - fantastic. It came to just above my knees and flared out at at least 45 degrees. It had layer upon layer of chiffon with spectacular frills at the ends. It was truly wonderful. It seems a shame almost to put the dress on but it looked so sexy I picked it up and undid the zip. It was cut with a full circle skirt so when I put it over my head it settled on the petticoat in a very sexy way. Janet did my zip up as and I zipped up hers. We kissed and as we moved together the petticoats billowed around us. The feeling was out of this world. My previous attempts at cross dressing seemed trivial compared to this moment. When I broached the idea of cross dressing with Janet I had thought maybe we could make love while I was wearing panties but never in my wildest dreams had I expected her to go this far with the ultimate clothes. We went down stairs and I poured drinks and while we waited for dinner to cook we chatted. "Do you like the outfit?" Janet asked. "Its the ultimate!" I replied. "After your bombshell I looked around on the internet and found a few sites which were crude and disgusting but also a few where the cross dressers seemed to really love frilly clothes. I emailed the main site and outlined our situation and asked what sort of thing you might like. The person I emailed explained how a lot of men really love frothy and frilly clothes and recommended a site to get the perfect outfit and here it is." After dinner Janet sat on the sofa and I dropped to the floor between her legs, pushed her petticoat up and caressed and kissed her intimate area until she came with a heart felt cry. When I made love to her it was difficult as I did not want to remove our clothes and so we made love in a sea of chiffon. I don't ever remember an orgasm of such feeling. Chapter 5 - Life Continues -------------------------- Over the next few months our games continued. Janet walked naked in a park, went on a train without any panties exposing herself to the travellers, stood by the roadside of a main road in her lingerie and many other exciting exhibitionist feats. One challenge was to flash her tits at a policeman and although she accepted the challenge she chickened out. That night she was tied to the bed face down and I applied some KY jelly to her bottom and we had anal sex as she had agreed. When I first tried to enter her she whimpered in pain but then relaxed and I was able to push into her and as she became accustomed to me she then began to buck and squirm and came several times before I finally came deep inside her. The challenges she set me were more and more daring. Probably the most daring was for me to take a picture of myself by a monument on top of a hill at a nearby beauty spot in just sexy lingerie and my outer clothes could not be visible in the picture. I had on my pink satin bra, panties, suspender belt and stockings and over top put on a pair of jog trousers and zip up jacket. I arrived at the beauty spot and found people around so set my camera on a tripod and sat down and waited. After 2 hours the opportunity came - there was no one at the monument and while there were several people walking away the nearest person walking towards the monument was some distance away. I dropped my trousers, flung off my jacket and sprinted over to the monument, pressed the remote trigger for the camera 2 times and then sprinted back to the camera, grabbed it and my clothes and ran for the cover of some nearby trees. I almost tripped as I ran as the thrill of what I had just done and the fact that I was running in the open in my lingerie made me cum in my panties spontaneously, my body went weak with the intensity of the feelings and I only just maintained my run. Once in the trees I turned round to see where I had just been and saw two couples looking rather bewildered in my direction! I dressed and headed home to post my pics. Another dare was to dress in a french maids costume and take pics of me on the front doorstep of the house. The dare that caused me most difficulty was to return a video to the local Blockbuster store. This dare happened twice as Janet said I cheated on the first occasion. She had not specified exactly what I was to wear and so I put on a skirt and jumper over my lingerie. I knew the store opened at 10.00 and so I made sure I was there at 9.30. I parked the car in the road which meant I had about 10ft to walk to the drop box. I positioned the camera on a home made bracket looking out the rear window of my car and when no one was nearby I opened the door and went across to the drop box, clicking the camera remote all the way, paused at the box to get a clear pic and then back to the car. Even dressed 'respectably' I was still clearly a man in woman's clothes and it would have been embarrassing had I been seen. I posted my pics and was feeling smug as I waited for Janet to come home. When she arrived home she simply said, "Cheat. Upstairs now!" I was still in my lingerie, skirt and top and she commanded me to take off the skirt and top and lie face down on the bed. I knew what was coming and in fact was half looking forward to it! I lay on the bed and felt her spread my legs and tie them to the bed posts and then my hands were tied to the headboard. She then pulled down the back of my panties and I felt a cold feeling as she rubbed lubricant on my bottom. Then I felt the dildo try to enter me. I realised why she had whimpered when I had had anal sex with her as the dildo entered me and seemed to be trying to split me in two. The pain was acute and I tried hard to relax and suddenly it seemed to slip into me. The pain subsided and instead feeling flooded through me and involuntarily I came in my panties. "You can stay like that for cheating until supper is ready," she said and left the room. Oh sweet punishment! As I lay there my body tingled with feelings and my erection which had bearly subsided rubbed on the bed as I squirmed on it. I came at least twice more in the hour I was left there and when Janet untied me she scolded me for the mess I had made and made me shower and change into fresh lingerie before the meal. My bottom was a bit sore as I sat at the table but the sex that night was again superb. The next time it was my challenge I had to redo the Blockbuster dare only in my lingerie only. Sitting in the car in bra and panties waiting for there to be no one around was nerve racking but I finally achieved my dare and that night was rewarded with a wonderful frilly evening. Our sex life certainly was no longer boring!

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First Time Sex With A Horny Virgin Girl

Hi, friends and all the ladies and aunties. A big thanks to all for choosing my story to read. This is Rohan from Pune. I am writing my first story for ISS, so please neglect any grammatical or spelling mistakes if occurred. Today’s story is about how I fucked a virgin girl in Pune and had the best time of my life. First, let me tell you about myself, I’m 23 years old from Pune, Graduate and working with a private company. My height is 5.10 feet, well-built athletic and muscular, with my cock...

1 year ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 14 The Beginning the Way and the End

Roban entered the house and was greeted by Patessa and Nigulla. They led him to a room on the first floor and rushed away before he opened the door. Light was coming from candleholders on the walls to either side of the entrance and a stack of wood was burning in a fireplace on the one outer wall of the room. Although it was a small room, a large four poster bed was placed in its center. The figure of a small girl huddled in a corner of the bed. It was the corner farthest away from Denyssa at...

2 years ago
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Learning CurveChapter 8

Ellie Wong was watching the late night news when Alena came into the apartment. "So, how'd your date go?" she inquired as she peeled a banana that was turning brown. "It was okay," Alena replied as she kicked off her shoes and plopped down in the only other chair in the room beside the couch where Ellie was sprawled, her mouth half full of banana. "You get laid?" "Is that really any of your business?" Alena said trying to avoid any discussion of her "date." "I hope you did,"...

1 year ago
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The Strangers in the Hotel

They always say the quiet ones are the worst, and that proved the case for Subi, in her early thirties she was a tall girl with long dark hair, her skin was a dark shade of golden brown which gave away her Middle Eastern heritage. Her eyes were dark and her face was slim with smouldering good looks.The day began as usual she was late for work; she’d woken up feeling horny and if she had the time, she would have quelled the fire that was raging inside that morning. Subi quickly changed into her...

1 year ago
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Young Masters and the Bua Part 2

After finishing tea, they all again got on the bed and started rubbing Mary’s boobs, thighs and whole body. Karim was continuously kept sucking one of her boob, small biting on her nipple and all the things made her horny again. She was just rubbing Mike’s cock and it became a rock within a short. Mike laid and invited Mary to ride on him. Mary got on and sat on Mike. She placed Mike’s giant on her pussy lips and gradually took all of it. Then she started pumping slowly. ‘How inner it went...

Group Sex
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Awakening Ch 03

I took a nap, sorely needed, and had a nice dinner of delicious, not, hospital food before my kids showed up. I still didn’t understand what was going on with me, or how I managed to see these sex scenes in my head. I didn’t understand if they were memories, fantasies, desires, what they were. It appeared, at least on the surface, that skin to skin contact seemed to initiate it, although that wasn’t completely accurate, since I saw Doctor Shakari’s desire to fuck that young man, even though she...

3 years ago
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The Sapphic Pirate MirandaChapter 7

In Which Miss Esme Winterblossom, Now Wearing The Mantle Of The Late Sapphic Pirate Miranda, Conceives An Extraordinary Plan Of Escape For Her Crew From The Sargasso Sea, Through The Use of A Rite Suggested By Her Catamite Hippolyte, And Boldly Goes Where No Sapphic Pirate Has Gone Before Sept. 17, 17-- And Beyond The Infinite Captain's Log, "I know many of you are unhappy to find that we have one of the Male Tribe on board," I shouted to the crew. "Rather I regard it as the hand of...

4 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 21 Storm Clouds

Several months had passed since Janet had had her appendix removed. Dexter had not had any contact with his family since that horrible Monday night. He was still angry at Sarah. He hadn’t appreciated being ambushed like that. The website continued to gain viewers. Business programs on the cable news stations started talking about the increased number of lawsuits filed by employees against the companies. The employees were winning their lawsuits, and the executives were stunned. Companies...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Nina Lopez Busty Nina Lopez Returns With A Creampie

Today I got the random call from Brick Danger that he’s back in town and that needs to meet up ASAP. We met at a park and brought me a good surprised. The natural big tit Nina Lopez is ready to make her return. Now not only is my homeboy back to fuck these chicks but he bright back some big tits on his comeback. We made sure she showed us she was down for a quick fuck and not only does she show us her big tits but give Brick a bj in the park before we go back to the house to fuck. She got...

3 years ago
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Naked Gary is milked by gays

The five of us who ran the local gym were all gay and regular sex partners. We had shared many group sessions where we pretended to capture one of the group and subject him to fucking and torture. One of the fantasies we shared though was to do this for real and to force a good looking straight chap into just this position and make him cum for us whether he wants to or not and this is what we did with Gary who was our first straight victim. Gary is a good looking British white male; not very...

2 years ago
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Husband Plan 2

Hello everyone. My name is Mona Mohsin and this is my fourth story. MY HUSBAND PLAN was my first story. Now I will come towards the story. After what my husband planned and then my friend planned I was quite depressed. I had left my job and was just looking after my home. I wanted to get pregnant and we tried a lot but still I was not getting pregnant. We went to doctor. The test report suggested that my husband’s sperm count r to less to get a lady pregnant. Doctor said it is curable and gave...

4 years ago
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Pool Party

My name is Dennis, my wife and I recently finished renovating our basement, turning it into a rec room complete with a bar and pool table. Its a great place to entertain friends.One weekend about a month ago, my wife went to visit family out of town and our daughter Claire said she was going to be staying at a friends house. So, I invited over a few buddies to watch some sports and have a few beers.After the game we were playing pool when my daughter came home . My daughter Claire is 18 5"9...

4 years ago
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Tom Naked in SchoolChapter 5

Friday, September 1, 2006 I woke up, grabbed my shower, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Dad had gotten home late last night and was brewing coffee. "I hear you got picked for the program this week," he said. "Yeah," I replied. "How'd it go?" "Good," I said, "I have a date Sunday with the freshman who did it this week, and I got a job at Goldhirsch's." "How did you swing that?" "He wants naked waiters. Since he hired us his business has really picked up a lot." "I...

3 years ago
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Although I couldn’t stop from thinking about my daughter having sex, the rest of the day was rather uneventful. We ate dinner together then decided to watch a movie. She let me pick while she went up to her room to change. I settled on something that we both would enjoy and waited. She walked into the living room wearing a long t-shirt that came to about mid-thigh. I could tell that she hadn’t bothered with a bra and when she bent to pick up the remote a got the tiniest of hint at her panties....

1 year ago
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Here are 63 statements for your sissy to read alou

Masters... A little training exercise that I have found useful for those of you who may be breaking in a new sissy also serves as a good mantra for all those wannabe gurls out there who are looking for a master:Have your sissy learn all 63 statements by heart and have her say them out loud every day. If you have a favorites, then play a little memory game with her and have her recite the mantra for your favorite numbers. Rights:1. Sissies have no moral right to enjoy the same pleasures as a...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 250

This one is compliments of Needle Noddle-noo Sven was recounting his war experiences on the local radio station. "So, dere I vas, flyin' ever France, mindin' my own business. Suddenly, one o' dem Jerman Fokkers dives at me out of the sun. guns blazing. Well, I [description of aerial battle] and got behind him and shot that Fokker down." The radio announce broke in and said, "For those in our audience who are unfamiliar with warplanes, the Germans in World War One flew a plane known...

3 years ago
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Full sawppong

Me in my wife and 2 friends of our okay for a while we been in the swinging couple thing and we really didnt know who to do this with.Been on sites and still is on sites okay so we meet up with a couple one weeking we sat around talking and drinking after we went back to our from meeting for dinner.We all want it to do this but they were afaid to speak up.So i siad lets play a game of strip poker in parnerts men vs women still drinking now as were playing were losing the men woman just bearly...

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Game of Love Ch 01

Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website without the author’s permission. Case 2000-1: GAME OF LOVE by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Sophia and I were in Jax, her favorite fish place, when she remembered that I had been promising to let her in on the latest investigation. ‘It’s...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Marley Brinx Gets DP8217d

Prospective buyer Marley Brinx had to know what the catch for this home was, having such a good price, and realtor Tommy Pistol admitted the place is haunted by a murder victim- PERFECT! He left to grab the papers while Marley made herself more comfortable by masturbating in the death spot, but the ghost wasn’t amused. When he revealed himself to her, she thought he was the HOTTEST ghost she’d ever seen and HAD to fuck him! The realtor walked in on his client sucking a spirit cock...

2 years ago
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Jordan Chapter 1

Jordan was 14 years old when she first learned about sex in school. The health teachers used scare tactics to try to keep them from ever having sex, they taught nothing except for abstinence. According to their teacher, no form of birth control was effective enough to protect against everything, and there were many things to worry about, from AIDS to herpes or even the obvious one: pregnancy. Even so, Jordan, as all teenagers, was still very curious about sex. When she was 15, she had her first...

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Tara Putting On A Show For Me

Tara kissed me again and then had us both come up onto our butts. I surely didn't know what to expect, but given her words, I knew I was in for an even bigger treat. I failed to say anything, but she took my hands in hers.She gave me one more kiss, but stayed close. "Kirk, will you promise me something?""What, step-sis? Are you crying?""Promise me you'll never stop loving my mom here or me. I could tell right away that she liked you when we all met. She has always thought you were a good...

3 years ago
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FIRST INSTRUCTIONS My briefss fragrance

I believe a new era has arrived for you and me. This is not about playing with shit. What I got from you is something really special. I cannot remember the last time I got so many excitement from a woman like you!You couldn't imagine how happy I was! You couldn't image how much pleasure you gave me!Please don't be angry but you had no chance. That letter was beautiful. I will keep it forever, that's for sure, whatever happens between us. In my current situation I'm happy to live. I was soo...

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Chances AreChapter 3

The contest was now nearly over and Drake was still standing, but it had been tough competition for him and our local boy looked more than a bit the worse for wear. At least it wasn’t one of his ears that was now decorating the moll’s jacket. He and another survivor from this sand ring made it to the center arena and climbed upwards just as a meager selection of small weapons appeared out of seemingly nowhere and scattered themselves widely across the final upraised combat stage. “Hah!” Leo,...

1 year ago
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My First Pet After Dinner

Since people have enjoyed my first story, I’ve decided to write more. Thanks to everyone who commented on it for their support. I enjoy hearing from readers. This is continued from my first story ‘My First Pet’ and follows from where that left off. Again, please give any comments and I hope you enjoy. After what had happened a few moments ago, I was almost dancing round the kitchen as I prepared dinner. I was ecstatic, I couldn’t believe things had gone as well as they had. My beautiful Jane...

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Sister Submissive

This is my first posting here on XNXX. I hope you like it. Drop me a note if you do. I'm looking to make new friends on here. Also, I XNXX. It's the best damn porn site out there! Thanks XNXX! Enjoy..... Sister Submissive By CincyNate My name is Jake. I'm 22 years old and have thick, dark brown hair and a muscular build. One night, I went out with my good friend Tom, who is also 22. He has short blond hair and seems to always be tan. We went to the strip bars and closed...

1 year ago
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Remote ViewingChapter 15

One thing the secret service did start doing. Shortly after they learned what the questioning of the members of congress happened, concerning their real or imagined trips to an other place revealed, they started shuffling. The president, vice president, secretary of state, and the cabinet were constantly moved around. It was funny, really, yet it was also a logical response. For some reason they assumed that Air Force One was one of the safest places on Earth... or rather, 'over Earth'....

2 years ago
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Girl Next Door

Now as the weather was warming I'd sit out back, maybe do some exercises. Anything to get a break from work for a few minutes. I started seeing the kids outside, together or with friends. The son, Todd, would sometimes lean on the fence between the properties and ask me about my workouts. He was interested in adding on some muscle to try out for his high school football team. "Mr. Henderson, how much are you lifting?" "Not too much, just keeping fit. And you can call me Steve." "OK,...

4 years ago
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The Library

This story is based upon real life experiences, but places, names, and some parts have been changed to protect the guilty. “I hate this class,” Mindy huffed, as she plopped her books on the table in front of me. It was late at night. Actually, it was somewhere around 2:00 AM. No one else was in the student center and that’s that way it should have been. It had been closed for nearly two hours. I had been working as a security guard for the college Mindy & I attended, near a large city...

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KellyChapter 33

It was a warm day in May in Northern Virginia and Kelly was walking back across the campus of the College after finishing her teaching for the day. She was amused at the way it was going. Her course in Military Strategy had become the most popular course in the school. Enrollment was now so large she was thinking about breaking it up into sections, but wasn’t sure she wanted to take on the additional work. Then she ran her fingers lightly over her abdomen. It was now starting to round out. At...

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EvilAngel Bambi Silk RoundAssed Rocker Chick

Tiny rocker doll Bambi Silk stuns in leather bomber jacket, heavy black boots and cutoff shorts. The cute, long-haired brunette seeks professional advice, confiding to a trio of sex experts that she’s insecure about her ass. Porn stud charmer Vince Karter stays to counsel and reassure the young damsel. She strips naked, revealing a mouthwateringly round ass. Vince sucks her natural tits and palms her moist slit. He eats her pussy from behind. Bambi deals Vince a sack-slurping blowjob....

3 years ago
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Gorgeous Chloes First Spanking Part I

I'm sitting on the lawn chair on the back porch reading a second hand paper back romance novel.  It's early in the afternoon, the scorching sun seems almost able to pierce through our decades old leaky roof above the porch.  The porch opens to a fence-less backyard, with its long, burned golden grasses, that it's not hard for one to figure the house owner doesn't care too much for it.  I shouldn't say it's fence-less.  There was a fence, at least according to my childhood memory, and I can...

2 years ago
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My Student Ch 5

”What do you mean?” Bobby asked, ”Something you'll regret.”I fought my urge to take him right here and now. He was so young and so strong. His cock was long and thick. It looked to be as hard as a granite mountain. I was so wet, and my nipples obviously erect. “I mean, put something on,” I growled, “Or I’m going to kick you right in your nuts.”He covered his privates with both hands instinctively. I turned away and leaned over the bed for the towel. I could feel his eyes on my ass. Not able to...

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Daddy and Natalie I The Hotel

I couldn’t believe I was doing it. I had hooked up before, I’d met men online and did things with them. It wasn’t my first rodeo, but this? This was a real bull ride.I was in a hotel in Salem, the cheapest one I could find. I’d checked in, went to the room, and left the door unlocked while I got ready. I had shaved myself from top to bottom, my ass smooth and hairless, the little hairs on my nipples gone. He told me to wear pantyhose and panties; I had found a pair of pink leggings that matched...

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 03

After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been. Just the morning before, he’d been a virgin. Now, he’d had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn’t surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video. Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail...

3 years ago
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Fuck By Chance 8211 Part III

Hey all readers. I m Ryan 27 I m originally from Kashmir but I work in Delhi. I’m 5.11 athletic body and whitish complexion. Here it begins .. I m at good post in MNC. One day I got a phone from my aunt dads sister. She said one of her friend wants to work with some good company there and she wants to talk to me. I called her, her name is kitty. I spoke with her and she has some experience in HR. So I told her I will call her if there will be any opening in my company. Days passed and once I...

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Mandy Part 3

Shortly afterwards they lay on the bed together, her hand gently caressing his limp penis. Suddenly she leaned across him and planted a kiss on the tip. "I don't think I can yet," he admitted. She smiled at this. "We'll see..." She flicked her tongue around it for a moment then moved to lay back at the end of the bed. Closing her eyes she slowly slid a hand inside her tight top, caressing a breast before lifting the material to expose both of them. She played with her breasts for a time,...

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After a Christmas party

I was at home with my sweet wife, celebrating a small Christmas party.We had invited a few friends. My sexy wife was looking hot; she had chosen to wear a long red sweater that came to her knees; red stockings held up by a black garter belt and a half cup bra that left her hard nipples uncovered. No one there had even noticed all that sexy underwear. After we made a last toast around midnight, everyone started to leave.I saw the people went out in sound condition, except for Frank. He was...

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