Fucked During Detention
- 2 years ago
- 36
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I was doing my homework, sorta, but mostly I was just laying on my bed and thinking how my sheets smelled like Julie after we'd had sex twice. I'd cum inside her both times too and I wasn't exactly sure if her plan was a good one or not. I mean, yeah, I wanted to knock her up and everything, that would be seriously cool, but she made it sound like after that we'd get married or something!
There was no way I could marry a seventh grader though! Man! My parents would kill me if I told them me and Jules were gonna get married. They'd probably kill me if they found out her baby was mine, if she had one, I mean. It got me to thinking, and probably I should have done that before, but I hadn't really thought the whole thing through. I kinda thought getting Jules pregnant was like the finish line, you know? She acted like it was just the beginning.
Girls could be so weird sometimes.
I'd love her, sure. I'd even be her boyfriend and that would be kinda cool, like walking around with her and everybody could see Julie's big tummy and know I'd fucked her good, but married? I figured her parents would really be mad when they found out Jules was pregnant and Randy would pound me for sure! I wasn't dumb though. I mean, I knew they couldn't make me marry her. Lots of girls get knocked up. All the time! And they don't get married to the guy either, I'd seen enough Oprah to know that. Probably I'd just have to sorta act like we were gonna get married, like ... someday.
It wasn't gonna be my fault anyway. I'd wanted to pull out, but Jules wouldn't let me. It would be her fault if she got knocked up, not mine. So I'd just look surprised when Julie got pregnant and blame her! If somebody made a big deal out of it, I'd say, "Sure I'll marry her ... someday." and life would go on and we could still go out and everything. We could have a lot of sex too, because it wasn't like I was gonna make her twice as pregnant! Maybe she'd even let me bun fuck her and that would be pretty cool.
Picturing hot little Jules on her hands and knees with her big, knocked up tummy hanging down, and some nice round boobs full of milk sorta dripping on the bed, and her sweet butthole right there for my cock ... Ouch! It made my dick hard and I was just about to grab it when Mom started yelling.
"Trent! Telephone!"
"Who is it?" I yelled back, even though she hated that.
"Some girl named Lisa! Come down here!" she yelled half a minute later and I frowned, wondering why Lisa would be calling me.
"Hello?" I smiled sheepishly at my mom, since she looked kind of annoyed, but at least she didn't know Lisa was only thirteen.
"It's me! Lisa!" she giggled and I was caught between a smile and frown. I sort of liked the way she giggled, you know?
"Hi," I said, deciding to smile because she did make me feel good. "What are you doing?"
"Calling you!"
"I know that!" I sat down on the floor and lowered my voice. "What else are you doing?"
"Being bored. I was just gonna paint my toes."
"What's your favorite color?"
"I don't know. Why?"
"Cause I didn't paint them yet. I wanted to find out what color you like first."
"Oh, ummm ... blue."
"Yeah. That's my favorite color."
"Like ... baby blue?"
"Heh!" I laughed softly. "Like dark blue."
"Oh. I don't have any dark blue. What's your second favorite color?"
"I don't know."
"I got um, pink and red and some ... silver and some kinda gold and..."
"Your second favorite color is pink?" Lisa giggled.
"Just for like toes and stuff."
"Really? Cool."
"Pink's my favorite color too."
"Okay. Where are you?"
"At home!"
"No! I mean, like are you in the kitchen or..."
"The kitchen!" she practically gasped. "I know what you're thinking about!"
"What? No!" I laughed at her. "I'm just..."
"I'm in my bed."
"You are?"
"Uh-huh. I got my own phone."
"I wish I did," I said truthfully.
"I'm naked too," she whispered. "I'm not wearing anything."
"Yeah. I was, um ... sorta touching myself."
"You were? Where?"
"Ummm ... Your pussy?" I whispered, imagining Lisa's puffy, hairless little pussy all pink and wet with our cum. My dick throbbed and I rubbed it through my jeans.
"Yeah," she giggled softly. "Where else?"
"I don't know, uh..."
"My butt too."
"You were?"
"I think I still got some of your stuff in me there."
"Yeah," Lisa sighed. "It feels good. I like touching my butt sorta."
"You're butt is beautiful," I said, wondering if that sounded as dumb as I thought it did, but how many girls liked talking about their butts anyway?
"It is?" she giggled. "Do you love my butt?"
"More than my pussy?"
"Maybe," I laughed softly. "I don't know."
"Do you think I'm weird?" Lisa suddenly asked.
"No. Why would I?"
"Okay. I just ... I want you to like me."
"I do like you, Lisa. You're not weird."
"I told my mom about you."
"You did?" I swallowed hard.
"Just that I have a boyfriend."
"I didn't tell her everything!"
"Yeah, um ... What did she say?"
"She asked me if you're nice. I told her you're really nice!"
"And then she asked if you're handsome and I said, oh yeah!"
"And then she asked me how old you are."
"She did?"
"Uh-huh," Lisa giggled. "I told her you're fifteen and she just smiled."
"She did?"
"Yeah! She just said that was nice."
"Except she said she wants to meet you and everything."
"She does?"
"Of course! Daddy does too."
"Your dad wants to meet me?"
"Uh-huh. They said you can come over for dinner tomorrow, if you want."
"Oh, ummm..."
"Like seven o'clock? We eat kinda late. Is that okay?"
"I have to ask my mom."
"I'll ask her."
"Right now?"
"Yeah! Then I can tell my mom you're coming."
"You can even come over a little early," Lisa giggled. "If you want to."
"I can?"
"Uh-huh. I got another one of mom's pills."
"You did?"
"We can do it before they get home."
"Or do you wanna, um ... do it in my butt again?"
"Yeah. Okay," I nodded into the phone, because the idea of bun fucking Lisa again ... Wow!
"Mom asked me what happened to all the butter," she laughed.
"She did?" I laughed too. "My mom asked me why I smelled like butter."
"She did?" Lisa gasped happily. "That's so funny."
"I want you to do it in my pussy too though. Okay?"
"You do?"
"I like it when you do it and kiss me and everything."
"Me too."
"I wish I could kiss you right now."
"So do I, Lisa."
"Are you gonna ask?"
"Yeah, um ... Hold on."
I had to be crazy! If I asked Mom if I could have dinner at a girl's house, she was going to ask all kinds of questions. As soon as she found out Lisa was thirteen, that would be the end of it too, just like with Jules. And what did I want to have dinner with Lisa for anyway? Except it was fun talking to her. I'd been smiling the whole time and feeling warm inside and sorta tingly, and not just because I'd fucked her either. I mean, that was part of it, but mostly it was just her. I didn't know why, but just talking to Lisa made me feel kinda good.
She made me feel like I was talking to Jules, sorta, and I didn't know what that meant exactly. But I liked it.
"What did she say?"
"Yeah, I can come over."
"But I got a thing after school, so like ... six o'clock, okay?"
"You can't come before then?"
"I wish I could," I sighed.
"Alright," she sighed too, but then Lisa giggled again. "That's okay. God! I love you, Trent!"
"I love you too," I whispered.
"I can't wait for tomorrow!"
"Me neither."
"What kind of food do you like?"
"Uh, I dunno."
"I'll tell my mom. She's a good cook. I help her sometimes."
"Okay, um ... I like everything."
"How about lasagna?"
"Yeah. I love lasagna."
"Really? Me too! I'll tell my mom."
"I know how to make it."
"You do?"
"Yeah! I'll cook it, okay? So you can eat my lasagna..."
"I wanna eat your lasagna!" I laughed.
" ... and tell me if it's good or not."
"Okay. I better go."
"I'm gonna write in my diary about you."
"You are?" I grinned at the phone. "What are you gonna write?"
"I'm not telling you!"
"I love you anyway."
"Is that what you're gonna write?"
"Probably!" she giggled. "And you love me too. I'm definitely gonna write that!"
"I do."
"I'm gonna paint my toenails too. Pink, right?"
"I don't wanna hang up."
"Me neither."
"You're so cool."
"You're so beautiful."
"Hang up!"
"You hang up!"
"I will!"
"Prove it."
"Do you really love me?"
"I know! Bye!" Lisa hung up the phone with a giggle.
I dreamed about her that night.
The thing I had after school was smiling at me when I got home and she wasn't a thing at all. She was a tall, blonde, seriously cute, thirteen year old girl and that was way cool ... Except there were two of them sitting on my front steps.
"Hi Trent," the one on the left smiled and wiggled her fingers at me.
"Is that him?" the one on the right asked and she smiled at me too.
Hi," I smiled back, looking between them and feeling kind of confused.
Why were there two hot seventh graders sitting on my steps? There was only supposed to be one, Stacy, and I was her new boyfriend and we were gonna have sex. The other one had to be her twin sister, Angie, but the only reason she'd be there was if Stacy had chickened out. Like she still wanted a boyfriend, but she didn't want to go all the way. Right? I mean, isn't that what it means when a girl brings along her twin sister? I thought so and it kinda bummed me out.
"Ummm ... Stacy?" I picked the girl on the left and she giggled, they both did, and maybe their mom could tell them apart, but I couldn't.
"Maybe," she shrugged. "This is my sister, Angie."
"Maybe," the other girl grinned at me. "You're pretty cute. Are you really fifteen?"
"Yeah," I nodded and I really wanted to ask what she was doing there, but that might have been pretty rude. "Ummm ... You guys wanna come in?"
"Of course we do!" Stacy stood up, holding a little brown book bag and her purse over her shoulder. She wore purple shorts, short-shorts so I could see her long legs and they were smooth and super nice.
"We've been waiting for like half an hour already," Angie sighed and she wore red pants, like those fake leather hipsters a lot of girls like, but they were cool and tight and clingy, sort of.
"You have? Sorry," I shrugged, but it wasn't my fault and mostly I just wanted to get in the house before someone saw them! Like what if Lisa came by or Jules? I'd be dead!
"You're gonna have to work on that!" Stacy giggled, watching as I unlocked the front door.
"Work on what?" I smiled at her.
"Being on time," Angie said and I turned to look at her, but she was identical anyway. "If you're gonna be our boyfriend."
"Who's boyfriend?" I blinked at her.
"Ours!" Stacy told me. "We're twins."
"Duh!" Angie giggled.
"I know that," I frowned, pushing the front door open.
"So, we do everything together," Stacy said, following me inside.
"Everything," Angie nodded, following her sister. "Ohhh ... Nice house!"
"Thanks, um..." I closed the door, " ... Mmmmph!"
Stacy was kissing me! Like not a little one either, this girl was going for it! Her tongue was in my mouth before I even knew we were doing it and being as tall as I was, that just made it easy for her. She tasted like bananas and then I realized she had a big wad of bubblegum in her mouth and that was weird, kissing around that, but she didn't seem to mind. Stacy hugged me tight and I was sorta hugging her too, I mean, I had to sorta, so I had my arms around her and we were Frenching out right in front of her sister!
She pushed the gum in my mouth after about half a minute and I'd gotten really warm all of a sudden. Stacy too, I thought, and she didn't kiss like Jules or Lisa, not at all. Stacy kissed like ... I dunno ... like a boy maybe, you know, really going for it and her tongue was all over the place! I didn't mind and even though Angie was there, I kind of moved my hands down because I really wanted to feel Stacy's butt through her shorts! She had a small one kinda, like skinny, but she was one of those willowy kind of girls anyway, which is a nice word for skinny, so ... I was squeezing Stacy's butt and chewing her gum and sucking her tongue all at once!
"Oh! Oh kay!" Stacy giggled, kind of breathing hard and licking her lips. "Give it to Angie now."
"Uhhh..." I just wanted to catch my breath.
"Yeah," the other girl nodded as she stepped close, putting her arms around me. "Give me back my gum, boyfriend."
"Oh!" I might have nodded, but I doubt it because Angie had already started kissing me.
She didn't kiss like Stacy though, Angie was more like other girls and her tongue moved lightly around my lips and then inside my mouth. She gave a muffled giggle as she felt that wad of banana flavored bubblegum on my tongue and I pushed it into her eager mouth. I kissed Angie like Stacy had kissed me, since I'm a boy and everything, and I licked that girl out! We were probably lucky we didn't choke to death on the gum, but it was kind of fun kinda rolling it around and tongue wrestling beneath it and just making out while Stacy watched.
These girls had kissed before!
I grabbed Angie's butt too, pulling her against me and she felt just like her sister. She had the same skinny butt and her body rubbed against mine. They both wore t-shirts and I could feel Angie's bra underneath, but her tits must have been feeling something because the girl really liked pressing her flat chest against mine and she held me tightly with her arms around my waist. It was pretty fun kissing these two girls and my dick had gotten hard right away, like it always did, and I pushed it against her because Angie was the perfect height. Like the tent in my pants pushed right against her pussy, except we had way too much clothing between us.
"Good kiss!" Angie smiled, pink faced and nodding as she let me go.
"Yeah," I breathed, smiling back and letting her ass go reluctantly.
"Give me some gum," Stacy said. "You kissed him more than me!"
"I did not!" Angie giggled. "Here."
I sort of stared when Angie put her mouth on Stacy's, kind of kissing, but not really. She pushed the gum between them so Stacy could bite it and then they pulled away from each other. It was all stretchy of course and the girls laughed and had to use their fingers to tear long, yellowish strands apart, and then they were both chewing gum and smiling at me.
"You guys wanna go upstairs?" I asked, because there just wasn't any sense wasting time! My dick hurt and we only had two hours and I just knew I was gonna fuck both of them. I had to now!
"Yeah," Stacy grinned at her sister and Angie nodded.
"Can we do it in your mom and dad's bed?" she asked.
"Ummm..." I made a little face.
"Oh yeah!" Stacy giggled and clapped her hands. "Can we do it there?"
"Please?" Angie touched my chest, rubbing me through my t-shirt with her hand. "That would be so cool."
"We never did it before," Stacy sighed, and her bright blue eyes looked even bigger than they usually were. "Please, Trent?"
"I don't know, um..." I bit my lip, looking between them.
"I wanna do it in a real bed," Angie decided. "The first time, I mean."
"Me too!" Stacy said seriously. "I bet they got a big bed too."
"Sorta," I nodded. "Uh, yeah ... Okay..."
"Really? Cool!" Angie laughed and kissed me.
"You're so awesome!" Stacy giggled, grabbing my hand. "It's upstairs, right?"
I had no idea what difference it made if we did it on my bed or on my parent's bed, except I'd be totally dead if Mom and Dad ever found out! Girls are weird anyway though and having two sexy thirteen year old girls rubbing on me and begging and giggling and all that ... Well, who was gonna say no? Not me and especially not my dick! I couldn't even walk straight, let alone think straight as we made our way upstairs and into my parent's big bedroom. They did have a big bed too, like twice as big as mine, so maybe this really was a good idea, since there were three of us.
"I can't wait until we go out!" Stacy said as she pulled her t-shirt over her head, shaking her fine, golden hair free. It was straight, mostly, shiny like silk and falling around her face to brush her skinny shoulders.
"Oh yeah! Friday night," Angie nodded, looking at me and her hair was exactly the same way.
Her face too and she pulled her t-shirt up and off as well. When they stood there just wearing the same training bras from the waist up? It was impossible to tell them apart. They looked the same, they sounded the same, the smiled the same way and laughed the same. Maybe if I knew them for like years and years, I could do it, but not right then. All I knew was Stacy was the one wearing the shorts and she was taking those off!
"Friday night? Ummm ... Yeah, maybe," I nodded, feeling my dick throb. "All of us? I mean, both of you?"
"Of course!" Stacy giggled.
"You're our boyfriend!" Angie giggled.
"Okay," I smiled, even though having two girlfriends seemed really weird, but they were twins, so ... I pulled my own t-shirt off.
"We'll go to a movie," Stacy suggested, unbuttoning her shorts.
"Which one?" Angie wondered, unbuttoning her hipsters.
"I dunno," the other girl shrugged. "We'll see when we get there."
"I don't wanna watch anything scary," the other girl told us and she looked at me. "I hate scary movies."
"Sure," I nodded, blinking because they both wore the same little white panties.
Like see-thru panties, sorta, that really thin nylon stuff and I could just barely see Angie's pussy as she sat on the bed and pulled up her left leg to get her pants all the way off. Stacy just let her shorts fall down and those girls didn't have any hips at all. They were tall, yeah, with awesome legs and nice little butts and everything, but the rest of them was thin and not really womanly yet. They'd grown up, I guessed, but not out and that was okay. I thought they were kinda hot anyway, since they were girls and all.
"Did you hear about Lisa?" one of them asked and I had no idea which. They'd both gotten on the bed, smiling in their panties and bras, moving around and getting comfortable.
"Lisa? What about her?" I asked, trying to keep my balance as I took off my pants.
"She says she's got a boyfriend now," the other girl rolled her big blue eyes and I just listened as they talked to each other for a minute.
"Yeah right! Who'd go out with her?"
"I don't know. She wouldn't say."
"She's just making it up."
"Cause Julie's got a boyfriend."
"I mean, Julie had a boyfriend!"
"Used to!"
Both of them were giggling, smiling at each other and at me as I got on the bed. My heart was going a hundred miles an hour and my cock was already wet, making a stain on my boxers and that was almost embarrassing, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was getting in bed with two girls at the same time! Twins! That was like a dream come true or something, except I hadn't even dreamed it at all. I'd have been afraid to imagine something like this, but now it was happening and they made room for me between them and I was definitely glad we were on my parent's big bed!
"When are you gonna tell Julie?" the one on the left asked me, touching my chest as I laid down on my back between them.
"Tell her, um ... what?" I asked, being dumb because my brain didn't work anymore.
"That you got a new girlfriend," the girl on my right said.
"Two new girlfriends," the other one corrected her sister with a little scrunch of her nose.
"That's what I meant," her sister scrunched up her nose too and it was making me sorta dizzy because they looked the same, like I keep saying.
"Pretty soon," I said and I didn't even want to think about Jules!
"Are you gonna kiss me now?" the girl on my left wondered, because I was looking at her and I nodded.
I did kiss her, since I was her new boyfriend and all, and the blonde girl sort of stretched out on her side while I just turned my head mostly. Her leg went over mine and she rubbed her knee over my thigh and her foot along my shin. Her hand was on my stomach and her lips were so soft and she kissed gently and I knew she had to be Angie, because Stacy kissed different.
"Wait ... uhhh..." she moved, giggling and taking out her gum and just stuck it to the headboard of my parent's bed, but I didn't say anything.
Angie kind of laid on top of me then and that was better because I didn't have to turn my head so much. I liked the way her hair brushed across my face too and now we could really make out because that stupid gum wasn't in the way. I held Angie with my left arm underneath her and my hand on her back. She felt amazingly warm and smooth, except her bra strap was kind of annoying. She liked it when my tongue was in her mouth, I thought, more than when she was in mine. Angie liked to moan too, really softly and her fingers scratched my stomach as she tickled my tongue with hers and swallowed our spit.
"My turn," Stacy whispered and I had no idea where her gum had gone, but I didn't worry about it as she invaded my mouth with her tongue.
Definitely Stacy, yeah, because she was into kissing hard and deep, like licking my tonsils or something. She kissed me the way I'd kissed her sister, and that was kinda cool. Her tongue was small anyway and she wriggled it all over while I teased and licked it with mine. I held Stacy just like I held Angie, and her bra was in the way too, but her hand was on my cock! Stacy rubbed me through my damp boxers, not really grabbing my dick, but just rubbing it around and rolling her head slightly, like she was screwing her tongue into my mouth. I was burning up between those two girls!
Angie reached behind her and unsnapped her bra for me while I kissed her sister and that was cool. Stacy did the same thing and I didn't even realize the clasp things were in the back or I'd have tried to do it myself, but it was probably easier for them anyway. Bras are kinda weird. She shrugged it off her shoulders, both girls did and so we had to move around a little, which gave Angie an excuse to kiss me again and I could barely catch my breath before I found myself making out with the other sister.
Their bras were gone now though and I dimly realized that I could feel their hard little nipples rubbing against me. Both of them liked to move a lot and I'd caught a glimpse of their tits. Stacy and Angie were different than Lisa and Jules. I mean, my other girlfriends had big nipples, like fat puffy ones, especially Julie. God! I loved her nipples a lot! But Angie and Stacy had small nipples, brown ones like mine, and not really puffy at all. They had little boobs going though, not very much, but smallish mounds anyway, so that was nice. I dunno, maybe I was really starting to like baby tits, you know? Or maybe I just really liked the way those two girls were rubbing their hard nipples against me.
Whatever it was, my cock was going to explode pretty soon! We kept making out, first one girl and then the other, they'd kiss me for like a minute, maybe a little longer, and then switch. We didn't say anything, none of us, we just breathed heavily and sighed and moaned, especially Angie when we kissed. Stacy just made warm, wet swishing noises as her tongue wriggled around in my mouth and I had to swallow a lot of spit when I was kissing her!
The girls were getting hot too, seriously! Their pussies were burning against my thighs. Stacy and Angie had their legs spread as they lay half on me, and I could feel that soft nylon and the hot humidity of their pussies underneath. I guess all girls get really hot and after all the sex I'd had with Jules and Lisa, I was kind of used to it. I'd just never felt two pussies rubbing on me at the same time before. I reached for their butts and if they'd been short, it would have been easy, but they were tall and I could barely reach the waistband of their panties, so we moved around again.
One of them, and I had no idea which, was on her back and I was on top of her, my chest was anyway. I was laying on her tits and kissing her and I thought it was Stacy, but either way, I could reach down and rub her pussy through those sheer panties and the girl spread her legs for me. She had a little hair, like blonde peach fuzz and I had my hand inside her panties too! I could feel it! I rubbed her vulva gently with my fingers, all four of them, just rubbing the swell and then her pussy lips. She had a skinny pussy too. I mean, her mound wasn't puffy at all, but sorta flat, and she had real pussy lips! Like longer than I expected, but thin and sorta rubbery and definitely wet!
She lifted her butt off the bed and closed her thighs around my hand, whimpering softly into my mouth. I wanted to make her cum and I was rubbing the top of her sit with two gingers, making a small quick circle around it and that seemed to be what she really liked. She wrapped her arms around my neck and jammed her tongue into my mouth and her butt was up in the air! She had to be Stacy, I thought, changing my mind just because her tongue was fucking my mouth while her pussy trembled against my hand. I could feel her cumming! Her pussy shivered, I swear, and then her whole body shivered and then she sort of ... fell.
"Do that to me!" Angie said and I didn't even have time to think.
The girl pulled me away from her sister and spread her legs and maybe she was Stacy because her tongue pushed into my mouth quickly as she held my tightly. I slid my hand, still wet with her sister's pussy juice, under her panties and as soon as I touched Stacy's burning pussy, it was like déjà vu all over again! They felt the same. They moved a little different and they kissed differently for sure, but her soft pussy lips were long and thin, her clitty bump thing at the top of her slit was hard, and I couldn't tell the difference between them.
She came different though, not lifting her butt at all. She just closed her legs tightly and pulled her knees up like she wanted to curl up into a ball. Maybe she was Angie, since her tongue seemed to melt back into her mouth and I chased it, Frenching the girl as she moaned softly and caressed my tongue. She even sucked on it and all the while her pussy was gushing juice. I mean, God! She got wet! Her sister had gotten wet too, but not like this and I thought she was peeing for a second, but it was all girl cum and I squeezed her little pussy like it was a lemon! The smell of her, of both of them, filled my nose and I loved that smell. It made my dick hurt!
"We got a good boyfriend," the girl said breathlessly a minute later, smiling at her nodding sister.
"I know!" the other blonde girl kissed me and by then I wasn't even sure I could tell their kisses apart.
"We're gonna do it, right?" the one beneath me asked, looking at both me and her sister.
"You wanna go first?" the other girl had kind of curled up next to her sister and hugged her, rubbing her tummy while I still lay on her tits.
"I don't know," she giggled, looking up at me with her big blue eyes. "Is it gonna hurt?"
"Just a little at first," I said. "But then it feels really good."
"It does?"
"That's what Julie said too," her sister agreed. "I'll go first."
"No I wanna do it," the other said quickly. "You love me, right?"
"Oh yeah," I told her softly, kissing her lips because she looked kind of scared, or just nervous maybe. "I love you."
"Both of us?" the other one asked, biting her bottom lip and I nodded.
"Yeah," I looked at her. "I love you too."
"We love you," she sighed, letting me kiss her right above her sister's flushed face.
We made out for half a minute and then I had to make out with her sister again. That gave Angie, or maybe Stacy, a chance to take her panties off and then she took off her sister's for her, since we were busy kissing. That seemed really cool, except I couldn't really see it, but a girl taking off her sister's panties so I could fuck her? Oh man! I don't know why I liked that, but I did. This had to be the coolest thing in the world, making out with twins, and I was pushing my boxers down while we kissed. I was going to fuck both of these girls and I started thinking about seeing them both pregnant! Knocked up twins! God!
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Please know that I was never like this before, it's almost like something snapped inside of me. All I wanted to do was become lost in total bliss. The kind that makes your head spin - a mix between vertigo and a numbing tingle; feeling pinpricks on the surface of your body as waves of pleasure pushed you over the edge - that was all I wanted. It’s what I needed.***The fresh coat of paint looked great on my new living room walls, deep red. I had never thought to paint my walls red, but with the...
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The visit to my mother was no different from the visit of the previous day. It was depressing and pathetic and I was not feeling too sparky afterwards. I drove over to a different part of St. Pete and strolled along a shopping street filled with tourist shit. I bought Caren a tee shirt that read, "Fucked and Fucked Up. St. Pete Spring Break". I walked into an Adult store and walked out with a set of washable/biodegradable/edible Body Finger Paints. I don't know whatever possessed me to buy that...
Group SexHathor smiled as did Maat, "a first to be sure dear sister," Maat said. "A mortal concerned more for us then his self." Walking up to the man, her hips swaying in an almost hypnotic way Maat kissed him passionately. Withdrawing a minute later almost breathless she nodded. "I will have to congratulate sister Bast," a sexy smile crossed her lips as she licked them. "Umm I think I know just how also!" The shocked look on the man's face drew giggles from all the females there even...
Samantha answered an add to enroll into a school to further her education in the sexual arts of becoming a porn star. “Isiah Maxwell’s School For Future Gifted Porn Stars”. Isiah is the Dean of this school and also is here to figure out what girls need to learn more of for girls future careers in porn. Samantha came in super exited to pick her classes with Isiah. So Samantha and Isiah got started on the chore of her try out to see what classes she needed. Samantha sucked Isiah’s...
xmoviesforyouYou have gone to the hardware and bought a broom. The purpose of the broom is not to clean your apartment. Instead, its purpose is to provide you with yet another way to torment your body for our mutual pleasure. Namely, after cutting its handle to the right length and trimming its bristles so that their ends form a sharp ridge, you are going to introduce that prickly ridge into the tender cleft between your labia and stand with the broom suspended between your crotch and the floor. You...
I'm 43 year old divorced guy, I'm 6.4 tall carry a few extra pounds short hair and goatee. Was out one Saturday night with friends at a pub, we were playing pool dancing as the night was winding down my buddy Ken was really drunk, his wife Judy asked if I could give her a hand to get him home. We took a cab back to their house then we managed to get Ken up in bed where he passed out, I walked back down stairs where Judy offered me a drink, I was feeling no pain already but said sure she poured...
This is the story of three friends, hot little 18-year old white girls who had been inseparable since girl guides and were now living in the same dorm early in their freshman year of college. Danielle, the green-eyed redhead, was raised Catholic and had become a stereotypical "nice girl" (she was also the athlete). Eva, the blue-eyed brunette (with a young Anna Kendrick/Sydney Sierota thing going on), was a rich snob used to getting her own way and liked to tease and manipulate men into doing...
Once one has attained a certain degree of competence in a chosen field, evidenced as expertise to the knowledgeable observer, what is left to achieve is art. Make no mistake: I an an artist. Desire is my medium, lovers, supplicants and slaves of all stripes my tools, fetishes my color and shadow. I am a professional, yes. But no longer do I check items off a list or recite from a script. My approach has evolved. I take needs, urges, what some call kinks, and bend them, and those who...
Hello everyone I am Raghav Batra. This story is about a real incident which I think shouldn’t have happened. Let me introduce myself and my sister to you. I am 21 years old , studying in last year of college. I am fair and good looking guy. My cousin sister Meghna is also 21 years old. She is fair in colour. She is a cute girl with slim figure. Her main attraction is her boobs. She has big boobs which also gave her lot of stares in college. Her stats must be 38 24 34. I and Meghna have...
IncestIt had been a few days since we went to the clothing store to get measured for school uniforms. I was riding my bike when the man drove down the road heading home. He seen me and stopped and asked if I wanted to come over and try on one of the uniforms, I said yes I would. He said to follow him to his house. As I was peddling up, he was taking a package from the back seat. He said to leave my bike at the door and come in. We went in and he said he'd be right back and went down the hall. When he...
making every hole a cum filled hole....it wont happen all at once... well unless i really take the next step in making the most out of the overall crazy taboo fuckfest that is gonna happen.... as in not one by one filling each hole myself... but imagine if i got two other guys to fill up the holes which are wide open to be filled and had them at first just cock inserted.. of course i would be the one pumping from behind, but before i cum in that nice nasty cock hardening ass, i make sure to...
‘I don’t think it would be a good day for you to take her up to the castle—or even to come down here to see her, Ally.’ ‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Ally told Angela Harris over the telephone. ‘I thought she was becoming increasingly more aware and that it was time to reintroduce her to the castle.’ ‘That may be the problem.’ ‘Come again?’ ‘It’s not that it’s a bad day today because she is hazy, it’s not a good day because she’s more lucid than normal and has remembered the contract we had....
Dear Ravneet, I don’t know if this letter will reach you in response to yours. I think that you were aware that if you couldn’t get out, only luck, Providence, or both would enable your admittedly heartbroken and apologetic “Dear John” epistle to reach my desk. Well, it obviously arrived, and if you’re reading this, so did my response by the oddest quirk of Fate or God or whatever. I must confess that this hurts. It hurts a lot, in fact. But you know that. It clearly hurts you as well. I...
Lily Jordan and Charity Crawford are passionate lesbians with young, natural bodies. Hot-assed Lily and tall, pretty Charity tenderly kiss mouths and twats as their creepy landlord spies through the window. He breaks in with an eviction notice (rent is overdue) and blackmails the broke, shocked girlfriends; they call him disgusting (and worse), but they’ll be homeless if they don’t follow orders. They’re made to suck balls and big cock, to lick and rim each other as he porks...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! It all started during the second week of summer. I was aimlessly flipping through my porn channels in my living room, while keeping an eye out for my mother. I'm only 19, so my porn channels are prohibited. I heard my Aunt's car pull up in the driveway. I can always tell her car from others by the expensive purr of the engine. I hated my aunt, and her daughter, my cousin, Haley. They were very rich, and treated me like crap, since I'm middle-class....
IncestHey guys, I’ve always been a huge fan of Indian sex stories and always wanted to share my stories here. Finally I pulled myself together to give it a go. This story will be in parts and pretty long, and will also branch out to my other sexperiences. As this is my first time please bear with my mistakes. The title might sound a little confusing, you’ll understand it soon. Will appreciate all your valuable feedback at I’m Raj, a 25 year old IT guy struggling to find a new job. Am 5.6 feet tall,...
While her father Jack was in LA working out his fantasies about her with a call girl, Sarah was in Chicago in the big bed she shared with her cousin Sylvie whenever her father was out of town on business and she stayed with her uncle and her cousin. Neither of the girls mothers’ were around. They had been sisters. Sarah’s mom died in a car accident before Sarah was even old enough to remember her. Sylvie’s had run off with another man. All they had left of them was some faded photographs and...
IncestJust as we were finishing dinner, Cindy looked over at me with a sweet and seemingly innocent smile and said, "I really want to fuck you in the ass tonight. You up for it?" Cindy is nothing if not direct. I smiled back. "My ass is yours, pretty lady.""Oh, yeah," she replied.A month ago I wouldn't have believed that I had come to love being fucked in the ass by my girlfriend with her strap-on. I was too straight, too conventional for that. It all started when Cindy stuck her finger up my ass and...
*** Legal issues: Kia Jaeger(codename Bast) is an original character and belongs to me. All other characters and core X-men concepts are copyright Marvel, Stan Lee, and other creators. I do not own any of them, nor do I profit from them in any way. Author Note: This story is based upon the story and setup in the comics and takes place at no particular point in them, but is instead treated as it’s own events separate from many of the large happenings in the comics. Also, I am not fully aware of...
Erotic Fiction"One hundred twenty for a blowjob. Two hundred for full service. Five hundred for a journey of love." "What could possibly be worth that?" "I will be totally yours, totally devoted to serving your pleasure." "How do I know that?" "I will refund the three hundred if you are not satisfied. But if you accept the refund, you may never hire me again." Natasha stood there, perhaps three feet in front of him. Looking at her youthful, slender figure sparked a surge of emotion in his...
The orientation was interesting enough, as was sitting next to Margret in it, thinking that scant hours ago, she was going to be just a concubine, and this would have been about teaching me how to handle her and the others. Now, it was about teaching me, her, and others like us how to control our conks. I couldn’t help but look at her with a wink and smile, which she returned to me, clearly thinking that she was once set to be a target of these techniques, and now she would get to use them on...
Ryo-Ohki was happy. Of course that was her usual state, being one of the most 'up beat' creatures in creation. Having left Sasami at last sleeping soundly, she was off on her nightly hunt, searching relentlessly for the perfect bed. She didn't sleep so much as 'catnapped' for want of a better term. With three solid hours being the longest interval Ryo-chan had ever slept in one go in her entire current existence, over seven hundred years of hibernation not withstanding. Carefully...
“Sorry I’m late Hugh. My housekeeper stayed longer than she usually does. It almost unnerved me enough to give up. Did I just hear a knock on the door?” “I guess so. Maybe I had better see who it is.” “Hi, guys! I managed to sneak out. I hope it’s O.K. that I’m here.” Although Hugh had wanted to spend some time alone with Nancy, he couldn’t say no to Lillian without giving Nancy a reason to be suspicious of his motives. So both seemed happy to invite Lillian inside. The weather had been...
Was it really almost 20 yrs ago? Doesn’t seem like it. I can remember….. Nineteen years old and still a virgin. Now that’s something you don’t want to get around to the rest of your shipmates. But hey, I was a little drunk and looking for sympathy when the subject of “last piece” came up. I was only temporarily assigned to the ship and wasn’t really part of the group. They let me tag along sometimes and that’s why I was there when the...
Hi ISS reader. Ever since I was a boy, I used fantasies about all sorts of sex, one being seduced by an older woman. Over the years I masturbated all the time about it but nothing ever happened in real life. With the advances of technology, my fantasies brought me to the internet where I’d look at porn. I enjoyed watching pics, but not to look at the girl, but to look at the pussy and wish it was me licking it. I lead a normal straight life have a good job. I’m now 22 and use the internet to...
It’s gorgeous Czech Nicole Love’s wedding day and she’s about to get married to the man she’s saved her virginity for. Well while in the limousine on her way to go down the aisle, she ends up having fantasizes over her hunky chauffeur Raul Costa instead. The Penthouse beauty daydreams they would pull over so she could wrap her luscious lips around this stud stranger’s huge cock and give him a blowjob. Then they fuck endlessly in the back seat until he sprays his...
xmoviesforyouFriday, February 1 to Wednesday, May 7, 2008 In the 9th week of having 128 minds, something totally unexpected happened: we were mid-déjà vu and another one started, creating a three-way déjà vu. It took us to a linkage totaling 192 minds, and our proximity senses - all three of them - immediately jumped in range and level of detail. A check of the number of NP-fingertips a mind could create, their maximum size and forcefulness, and a few other quickly performed tests, confirmed that our...
Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...
I wonder what will happen? I wonder if she misses me as just a friend or maybe more? I guess i'll just have to wait and see. I'll play it cool, in case she is just wanting to be friends, but if more happens, i'm definitely not going to fight it. As Carolyn soaped her perky 34D chest her mind wandered to one of the last times her and Rachael had been together before they broke up a few months earlier. They had been laying in bed watching some cheesy sci-fi horror flick when Rachael had...
I was reading about the "ultimate" husband humiliation of having a new man move in and take over the home I was married to Michelle for 5 years. I have to admit that our time together was, for her, unpleasant. You see, to begin with, I am very un-endowed (is that a real word?) with a penis that is about 2 inches when soft, and only about 4 inches when erect. I was, therefore, unable to provide her with adequate sexual satisfaction. That does not mean that we never had sex. We actually...
A few days at the beach is all they needed! Steve and Jeannie, and Steve’s best friend, Jim. They arrived late Thursday night in Melbourne, FL. Their hotel was right on the beach and with the balcony door open, the waves were loud! Jim slept on a pull out couch and Jeannie and Steve in the king bed in the room. After a long 10 hour drive, the trio was beat and went to bed as soon as they arrived. Jim took a shower and Jeannie and Steve played around a little as Steve pulled Jeannie’s tits out...
Introduction: Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery By Kim Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randis story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years...
Those who have read my previous experiences will know me as an army officer’s wife who was being regularly fucked by my husband’s sister’s husband who was in merchant navy who I have called M. I have said that I am beautiful looking too and a lot of people have compared me to Priety Zinta. To say the the beautician (B from now on) was very beautiful is an understatement. She also had youth and some innocence to add to her beauty. B came from a very conservative family and had been engaged...
when i was a teen i discovered holes in toilet walls ,i had been turfed out by my mums latest boyfriend and i was put in care .i hated it mile away from friends living with a mean old welsh woman and her husband,hence i started hanging around the local park to keep out of the way stella didnt like us hanging around the house.i had been in the town witch i had discovered there was a second hand book shop where you buy porn mags for pence if you didnt mind the odd page stuck together.the old guy...
His cock felt smooth and hard against her cheek. She felt a hungriness in her belly and deep in her woman’s parts to taste him; to lavish his odd shaped cock with ministrations of her mouth, lips, teeth, tongue, fingers, everything.Jane positioned her body to snugly crouch between his spread legs which she had easily coaxed into a very sexy and vulnerably wide stance. His legs were totally apart. They were in her bed. Her luxurious bedding felt good beneath their naked skin, but she enjoyed...
Oral SexHaving done very well at school I had several scholarships to choose from when I wrote my final exams. I decided to take up and offer from Callahan University , as I wanted to experience living in another country and all that goes with it. My chosen field was botany and Callahan had a reputation as one of the leading universities in the field. The first couple of months in Callahan were a blur of getting use to a different live and the people around me. I really felt at home...
Straight SexMia stood there in front of me, clad in the incredibly sexy leather teddy, thong, and thigh high boots, while I kneeled sucking her most precious juices off of her finger. She reached down with her hand and began to stroke my head, and I felt like a puppy getting rewarded for good behaviour. I wiggled around, and quite by accident rubbed my pussy with the heel of my foot. The intense shock of pleasure I received coursed through my body, and I involuntarily bite down on Mia’s finger, causing her...
FetishWorking in the big city has it's perks and drawbacks. The other night some of my coworkers and I went out for a small celebration at a local restaurant. Everyone ordered drinks and we enjoyed our latest professional success. Finally the crowd thinned out and I was leaving with some others. One of the guys suggested a place near the art center for the city to listen to some soft jazz and blues. A few of us met there and were nursing drinks not really wanting to get drunk just feel good. I...
I was all revved up by the time I got home. There was no question that this time Diane deserved it and boy was I gonna give it to her. I burst in through the front door and stormed into the kitchen. She was standing there next to the coffee pot, mug in hand sipping from the cup. She looked startled as I started hollering. “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN CHARGING ON THE VISA CARD?” I began. I walked over to her, grabbed her coffee and flung it into the sink. She looked nervous now and that got me...
"This is my favorite spot." She said out loud to no one in particular. There was no one around that could hear anyway. She laid out the towel on the soft sand; it was a light blue towel, the same hue as the sky on a clear day. But she could remember a time when it was dark blue and brand new. She could remember picking it out in the store just like it was yesterday. The store is long gone now, just a ghost of a memory where a parking lot now stands. She smiled to herself as she ran her...
I was working on the far side of town, it was late, and Pat was away visiting her sister. So I thought I would stop at a bar and have a drink before going to a lonely house.I had just sat down, and I heard a voice, "Gary is that you?"I turned to look and saw Will; he was an old work colleague I hadn't seen for years.We exchanged pleasantries, and he told me to join him and his wife, Liz."You remember Liz don't you, of course, you do." Will said.I certainly did remember Liz, an attractive young...
CheatingThe wife really nasty sometimes and she loves getting fucked by a big fat cock, her husband doesn’t mind it, and in fact he loves eating her pussy filled with cum of her young lovers…The story I am gonna share with you happened to me when I was 41 years old, and my wife, Huanna, was 37. She was a hot fucking curvy and sexual Latina babe, namely from Mexico, where her parents and relatives lived. I knew that before we met, my wife had experienced and fucked many cocks in her life and she knew...
Danica went to Cheron's room that night at the appointed time. Cheron kissed her and whispered, "Playtime," into Danica's ear before leading the redhead to Janelle's room. Cheron knocked softly, and Janelle opened the door to let them inside the room. Cheron didn't waste any time, moving to undress Danica the moment the door closed behind them. Janelle pulled off her own clothes while Cheron undressed Danica. In short order, both women stood naked, their bodies pressed together in a...
Part 10I was still standing there, half in shock when I felt a slim finger lightlyslide up the crack of my ass. Turning I was surprised to see that Rose stoodbehind me and was the one lightly caressing the same butt she had enjoyedspanking so much just a short while before. Looking me directly in the eye asshe ran her finger around the edge of my tightly pucker ass she asked "So howabout if my little cross dressing slut maid, are you a virgin?"Hopefully, I didn't take too long to answer. I...
As the group gathered in the reception hall, a number of people appeared, entering the room from its main entrance. Kevin and Denise looked at them curiously, but Amelia grabbed Kevin’s arm. “It’s the prime minister!” she whispered to him in shock. “The education secretary too!” Wixom entered the room following Grayson, ushering in several other distinguished-looking individuals. Grayson, with Wixom at her elbow, walked up to Amelia and took her hands. “Wonderful to see you again, Amelia,...
Noenoe was slapping me. From right, from left. Then from right, from left again. After each couple of slaps i kissed her punishing hands. I was kneeling on sharp gravel, naked, with my wrists tied together behind my back. My cheeks and lips started swelling. My knees were hurting badly. So were my tied wrists. And my mouth, too, colliding continually with my teeth. And so was my tongue, which i was biting sharp in my effort not to wail with pain. "Well, filthy bitch", Noenoe said after a very...
Bobbi Jo had checked her emails on her favourite dating site for hot wives and swingers when she saw one from a local man named Paul. He professed to be a strict Dominant, knowledgeable in the finer arts of BDSM and fetish play, and he loved to date married ladies. A brief flurry of correspondence ensued, and a date for Friday night was set. She eagerly told her husband, Lance about the coming tryst, and in true cuckold fashion she made him feel humiliated by the prospect of yet another...
While the parents were talking, the kids were talking too, of course. "What happened?" asked Jack. "He finally did it." "Did what?" "The night before last, we talked and then I asked him to help me, you know like your mom helps you. And he did." "Really? My mom did too!" "I thought they'd be too mad to do anything like that," said Mandy. "But I was so horny! The thought of not getting to see you made me crazy." "Me too. I grabbed her boob!" he whispered. "All I did...
Being in high school is no fun, the other students are very vicious when they find out that you are different than they are. Word had spread through out our high school that I had been sexually assaulted by Daniel, Bruce and Charlie. Some believed that it was true others had their doubts, knowing what great lairs those three were. I made sure that during physical ed class, I would not enter the shower area or find myself alone if the coaches were not there. I hurried and left school when there...
Grandma Beatrice It was 7am on Saturday and I was sitting in my one room apartment nursing my second whiskey. The warm burn of the liquid has started to numb my profound depression. My divorce papers had arrived in the mail that morning, signed and final. How I got there is not the normal story of two people just growing apart. No, I am completely at fault. She could no longer live with someone that was lying to her. It was a gradual process really. About five years into our...
Naughty stepdaughter Theodary Day waits for the first chance she can get alone with stepdad Ryan Mclane for a taboo rendezvous. The studly father figure tries to thwart the young temptress’ advances, but it takes only a little prodding and he’s soon eating out her shaved snatch and getting his rock hard rod sucked. Watch the young brunette babe not only get her tight pussy pummeled, but beg for daddy to fuck her in the ass for a hardcore premium Penthouse anal scene you don’t...
xmoviesforyou"Finally," sighed my wife as she sat - more rather, collapsed beside me. "Becky's asleep." I smiled indulgingly at her. Becky was just four months old, and already, she was turning my wife's black hairs gray. I knew how much my wife loved Becky, and how much the infant adored her grandmother. Becky's father had been my son. Had been. Since the accident that claimed her parents' lives, Becky has been living with us, formally adopted into the family as my daughter's child. I was her...
Selena Love is dressed to fuck there is no doubt about that. She just to show off her curves under her fishnet bodysuit wearing only a small purple thong with it. She has to make you beg to take those off so you can see how wet her pussy is for you. Dan Ferrari joins her and this lucky dude wastes no time putting his face in that sweet place between her legs flicking his tongue all over that sensitive clit. There is only so much Selena can take before she needs… no she wants to return the...
xmoviesforyouI walked out of my house early in the morning to meet up with Amanda so we can walk to school. As I walked I had so many questions racing in my head from yesterday afternoon’s encounter. Was she showing me that she was interested in me? Was her kiss real or was she playing along so she could get an idea of how I lost my virginity? All I knew is I slept like shit. I had woken up at 4:30 in the freaking morning because there were so many questions that kept nagging at me. That and remembering...
Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...
I came home to my new puppy. I was always bouncing around from place to place as a kid so never had the chance to own a pet. It was the first thing I did when I got my own place. Rex was already a couple of years old, still a puppy, but trained. At least, that's what I thought. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't exactly housebroken. After some chewed shoes, and some new stains in my apartment I was ready to flip. I started to research how to train my puppy. Of course I...