DanicaPart 9C free porn video

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Danica went to Cheron's room that night at the appointed time. Cheron kissed her and whispered, "Playtime," into Danica's ear before leading the redhead to Janelle's room.

Cheron knocked softly, and Janelle opened the door to let them inside the room. Cheron didn't waste any time, moving to undress Danica the moment the door closed behind them. Janelle pulled off her own clothes while Cheron undressed Danica. In short order, both women stood naked, their bodies pressed together in a passionate, hungry kiss.

Cheron stripped while the two women kissed and touched each other. Once nude as well, she kissed them both in turn, her hands reaching from behind to caress each woman's nether lips during the kiss. She then guided them both to Janelle's bed.

Janelle stopped short when Danica slid onto the bed, pushing Danica's knees apart to dip her head between them as soon as the redhead's bottom hit the mattress. She immediately went to work tantalizing Danica's warm, wet lips with her tongue.

Cheron slid over the edge of the bed, moving into position to wash her tongue over Danica's clit while Janelle suckled the redhead's lips. A half-growling moan burst from Danica, the sensation of both women tonguing her so well nearly driving Danica mad with pleasure.

Cheron slipped a finger into Danica's depths while both women continued to tantalize her with their lips and tongues. The cleric pulled her finger from Danica's depths, the digit now slick with Danica's creamy juices. With a mischievous smile, she pushed the tip into the puckered iris of Danica's ass.

Danica arched her back and moaned as Cheron added a finger stroking her ass to the already overwhelming waves of pleasure rocking through her. She felt the itch of imminent climax deep within her, only the intensity of the two blonde's lips and hands keeping her teetering on the edge of orgasm, rather than tumbling over.

Danica yelped, the pressure within her growing almost painful. "Oh, please do it. Lick me. Make me come," she gasped, the last word turning into a long moan.

Cheron sucked hard on Danica's clit, pulling it upward as she did so. When she parted her lips and let the firm bud snap back, Danica toppled over the edge.

She came with a loud, warbling wail of release that trailed off into an equally broken moan. Her juices erupted from her when she came, soaking both women with her girl cum as she thrashed in orgasm.

When she managed to regain her breath, Danica immediately joined Cheron in lapping Janelle's saturated sex. She moaned deep in her throat, as she tasted Janelle's nectar for the first time, sliding her tongue in as deep as she could reach, lapping for more.

Cheron suckled Janelle's clit just hard as she had Danica's. Danica pressed upward on Janelle's legs, and Cheron helped her bend them back toward the lithe blonde's ears. Janelle groaned and her eyes fluttered closed when Danica's tongue washed over the puckered iris of her ass.

Danica slid two fingers inside Janelle's wet heat to move them in circles against the woman's walls. She pushed her tongue harder, the tip barely penetrating, while she stroked her fingers into Janelle's pussy.

Cheron moved around on the bed, lowering her sex to Janelle's face, and then locked her lips around Janelle's bud once more. Janelle moaned and gasped into Cheron's folds as she lapped her. Already very close to coming, she gripped the cleric's bottom hard. A few seconds later, her muscles tensed and she came, her cry of pleasure muffled by Cheron's labia tightly held between her lips.

Danica moved up to suckle Cheron's nipples while the cleric continued to grind her pussy on Janelle's face. Janelle recovered from the initial shock of her orgasm to licking and sucking Cheron with a hungry passion once again. Danica stroked her nether lips with strong pressure as she sucked Cheron's nipples.

Danica came on her fast rubbing fingers at the same time as Cheron came on Janelle's flickering tongue. They leaned against each other over Janelle's body, trembling and gasping, barely noticing when the door opened.

When the sound registered, all three women looked toward the door to find Brandon, dressed only in his trousers and carrying his sword. He looked very ready for action, and his jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw the three women entangled on the bed.

"Sorry, I thought I heard screams. Damn thick walls muffle everything and I thought some of 'em had got in," he mumbled apologetically, though his eyes didn't leave the three women's nude bodies as he spoke.

Cheron fought through her gasps of pleasure to say, "Shut the door, silly, before anyone else comes into the hall."

Brandon moved to back out of the room, mumbling, "Sorry."

"You're closing the door with yourself on the wrong side of it," Cheron said with a lusty grin as she slid off the bed on wobbling legs.

Brandon's eyes — then his smile — widened as Cheron walked over and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind him. She pulled his trousers down and dropped to her knees to suck his hard cock almost as soon as the door shut.

Janelle tugged Danica's hand, moving in close to the redhead's ear to whisper, "You aroused me so much. I was always afraid of those feelings and it made me so uncomfortable around you. I can't believe I've let this slip me by for so many years because of some silly taboo." As she finished, she kissed Danica softly, her tongue tickling under Danica's upper lip.

Danica gasped as they broke the kiss, and then leaned over the edge of the bed to pat her clothing. She found her newest toy, and strapped it on as Janelle stared in wonder.

Cheron slid up off her knees and walked to the bed, bending over it where she had a perfect view as Danica pushed her toy inside Janelle. "Come fuck me hard," she urged Brandon while rubbing her fingers over her sex.

The smooth, warm shafts of Danica's toy fucked them both as she thrust the cock hard and deep into Janelle's tightly squeezing canal. All three women moaned, gasped, and screamed their pleasure as they were fucked so hard, so deep, and so well.

Cheron was the first to explode in orgasm. Her fingers gripped the bedclothes hard as she cried out in release, Brandon continuing to thrust into her tightly clenched canal as she came.

Danica's toy quickly drove her to the edge of orgasm, and she could tell Janelle was nearly there as well. It was Brandon who came next however, pulling his cock free of Cheron and coming with a loud grunt all over the cleric's smooth back as she gasped and begged for it.

Danica perched on the razor's edge, pounding the shaft of her toy into Janelle, and thus quickly stroking the other shaft of the toy deep inside her as well. Janelle suddenly arched her back high and cried out as she came.

The sight and sound of Janelle writhing in orgasm set Danica off as well. She buried the shafts of her toy inside both of them and screamed, "Gods, yes!" The last word transforming into a squeal of pleasure as her flow of juices shot from the toy deep inside Janelle. The blonde archer let out another squeal as the sensation triggered another spike of ecstasy within her.

Cheron put on Danica's toy once they all recovered, fucking Danica and herself to a rocking orgasm while Janelle sucked Brandon's cock back to life. Cheron and Danica came twice on the magical cocks before Janelle let Brandon slip from her lips. She lay back on the bed, pulling him atop her.

He slid inside her with a satisfied groan. Danica and Cheron caught their breath and moved to opposite sides of Janelle to flick their tongues over Brandon's pumping shaft and Janelle's throbbing clit while he took her. Janelle came twice on his thrusting cock before she pinched his ass hard in both hands and told him to fill her up.

Janelle came again when Brandon's hot cum flooded her depths. He pulled free not long after he came, his oversensitive cock unable to handle the tight squeeze of her walls contracting around him in orgasm.

Cheron and Danica both eagerly lapped his hot cream from Janelle as it dripped from her, bringing the archer to another orgasm so intense that she wouldn't let anyone touch her for many minutes afterward.

The three women continued to pleasure each other, constantly teasing Brandon's cock in an effort to get him hard again. It took them some time, but they managed to coax steel back into him after a long effort.

Danica bent over the bed as Cheron had previously, begging Brandon to take her hard. Janelle devoured Cheron's pussy while Brandon pounded Danica's. They all came too many times to count, Cheron and Janelle eventually lying one atop the other with their heads between the other's legs, keeping each other in a near constant state of ecstasy. Finally, Brandon buried his cock inside Danica with a grunted scream and filled her with what little cum he had left.

They all collapsed, glistening with sweat despite the chill in the air, their bodies entwined on the too-small bed until they could manage to move again. It took a very long time for them all to get up and return to their own rooms.

The next morning, Celes told them to prepare for battle. A small group of goblins was in perfect position for the first strike of their plan. The creatures were near the Northern edge of the woods, and near the patrol lines of the ogres.

Everyone armed and prepared for battle, the eagerness to strike at the creatures in the woods evident on all their faces. The group gathered near the door of the fortress and Danica smiled wickedly as she said, "Let's go destroy the filthy things."

They all activated their rings of invisibility and silence, the enchantments upon the rings designed so that they were linked, allowing them to see and hear each other where no one else could.

They quickly entered the woods, passing beneath the shadowy boughs on a main trail. Celes and Terran led them toward the area where the goblins lounged in a rude camp. The invisible group easily crept past the sentries to observe the creatures. Danica quickly counted around thirty in the camp. The gathering of monsters consisted of a mixture of warrior goblins, their smaller but no less vicious cousins, and a single goblin shaman.

The group crept back past the sentries and into a small overgrown clearing. Danica asked, "Everyone has their illusions ready?"

Nods and smiles answered Danica's question, so she said, "Deactivate the rings and weave your illusions around you. Then, we walk toward the camp and get into close range. They should be confused enough that we can get almost upon them before we attack. Let's do it."

Everyone released the power of invisibility cloaking them, and then changed their appearance with the illusionary power of Danica's magic items. Danica, Celes, and Terran all took on the form of ogre mages. Bear appeared to be a huge lumbering ogre, his massive hammer looking like a spiked club. Brandon appeared to be a half ogre wielding a rusty broadsword. Venaru's lithe form was cloaked in an illusion of an orc, as was Janelle's. Cheron looked like a violet-skinned half-ogress wielding her own mace.

Danica was surprised to find that if she ignored the brutish face, Cheron still looked stunning in her curvy, violet-skinned illusionary body. The two dwarves took on the appearance of very short, stocky orcs — the smiles of anticipation on their faces making them look every bit as vicious as the monsters they were prepared to attack.

Moving into the formation they had found best accentuated their individual skills, the group returned to the encampment farther up the trail. Bear and Brandon led, their huge bodies like a wall between the group and anything in their path. Janelle and Venaru vanished into the brush at the side, flanking the group. The three mages stood in the middle, with the two dwarves on either side of them. Cheron's lumbering form brought up the rear.

They approached the first two sentries and saw the creatures chattering quietly to each other, confused as to why the creatures they saw were approaching. They didn't have long to consider, or even question the group. An arrow from the left and a crossbow bolt from the right cut the monsters down, the goblins dead before they even hit the ground.

The companions quickly passed the dead goblins, the two dwarves smiling at each other and veering in their march to stomp on the bodies as they passed. Near the encampment now, the companions were visible to it. The goblins scrambled about, wary of the approaching group of monsters bearing down on them.

In moments, Danica and her allies were well within the small clearing the goblins were camped in, the shaman approaching them with a group of guards at his side. The companions launched their attack before the shaman could reach them.

The shaman fell soundlessly, an arrow and bolt embedded in his skull. Cheron, Bear, Brandon, and the two dwarves roared a challenge and leapt forward. The three wizards cast their spells — Terran's magic the first to strike due to his quicker form of spell casting. A massive fireball streaked into the group of guards around the fallen shaman and exploded, sending burning goblins flying every which direction.

Celes' Chain Lightning spell felled half a dozen goblins on the left, including two of the larger warrior goblins. Only one of the big goblins tried to get up, and it fell back to the ground quickly, an arrow protruding from its eye.

Danica cast a Multiplicity spell she had prepared earlier. She released the spell into a knot of goblins rushing toward the swiftly advancing men and dwarves. Innumerable missiles of magical force, fire, ice, darkness, acid, and electricity streaked from Danica's hands to fell the creatures like a scythe through wheat.

Brandon reached the center of the clearing at that point. A pair of vicious goblins advanced, the first holding a spear and the second gripping a rusty sword. The first poked his spear at Brandon with a snarl, and Brandon batted it away to the left with a snapping strike of his sword.

Living up to his nickname, Brandon quickly brought his sword around to the right. The second goblin, having just found his overhand strike blocked by Brandon's shield, leapt back with a hiss as Brandon's sword point stabbed into its thigh.

Bear charged with a great roar at a huge warrior goblin. He brought down his mighty hammer disguised as a club on the creature's raised shield, jarring the monster backward and off balance. He whipped his hammer back in a low arc and back over his head as he continued to charge. The goblin barely got his shield in line to block the blow in time, saving it from the attack caving in its skull. As it was, the force of the blow drove the goblin down hard on its knees.

Brandon spun around and knocked the goblin's spear point up high with his shield. He slashed at the creature, but it jumped backwards quickly enough to avoid having its belly torn open by the flashing steel. It was off balance however, and unprepared for Brandon's advance. The goblin hastily raised its spear to defend itself as Brandon slashed down at it. Brandon's sword cut the spear haft neatly in two.

The goblin stupidly stared at the halves of the spear clutched in it's hands for a moment before Brandon's swift sword cut it down, nearly severing the creatures head from it's body.

The two dwarves barreled into the fray side-by-side, roaring with battle lust and with huge smiles on their orc disguised faces. A big warrior goblin smiled wickedly and actually beckoned them in, not knowing he was inviting his own hasty doom.

The creature brought up its wooden shield as the two dwarves kept thundering across the ground toward it. Griffith fell back slightly as the two dwarves advanced. The big goblin raised its shield and heavy broadsword, preparing to destroy the two measly orcs charging toward him.

Feros held his war hammer cocked to strike, and the creature lined up to defend against the overhand blow. The monster was thus totally unprepared when Feros dropped his hammer low at the last moment. Feros lowered his head and the stout helmet atop it to charge headlong toward the hulking warrior goblin.

The creature managed to take a weak and hasty swing at the Dwarf, but it merely glanced off Feros' fine armor, not slowing the dwarf in the slightest. Feros hit the creature square in the groin with his hard helmet, the monster doubling over as it screamed in pain. The goblin didn't even see Griffith as he leapt up and buried his wicked axe in the back of the creature's skull.

Bear battered the big goblin's shield repeatedly. The creature knelt, trying to keep its shield in line, too stunned by the strength of Bear's blows to think of any better defense, or any angle of attack. A sharp crack sounded when the creature's shield was slightly out of line for one strike, its arm broken by the force of the blow. The next strike drove the goblin's head downward and caved in its skull.

Cheron loosed a war cry and let fly her mace at a small goblin turning and obviously prepared to run. The mace crashed into the back of the creatures head with a sickening thud, blasting it face first to the ground — dead before it even started to fall. The mace vanished in a flash of light and reappeared instantly in Cheron's waiting hand.

With too few of the creatures left, and all the monsters tightly clustered around the fighters, the mages couldn't risk most spells. Celes managed to get off a volley of magic missiles and stagger a goblin running toward Brandon. Brandon spun after cutting down the sword-wielding goblin he had wounded earlier. His blade flashed toward the goblin Celes had attacked and neatly disarmed the creature — quite literally — cutting off its arm at the elbow.

An arrow and a crossbow bolt both felled another creature trying to flee, as did another mighty throw of Cheron's mace. The fighters made quick work of the remaining goblins, the demoralized monsters trying to break away and flee.

"Ware!" Feros cried out after bashing a goblin's head one more time with his war hammer to ensure it was quite thoroughly dead. He dropped to one knee and pulled his sturdy Dwarven crossbow into line in one fluid motion. He aimed upward into the trees and fired, and a horrifying shriek sounded from where he had fired.

Something came crashing down through the branches to land heavily on the ground. The small demon stood up with a hiss of anger, its wings shredded by the crossbow bolt.

An arrow thudded into the creature's forehead, and another into its heart. The demon snarled and snapped off both shafts, advancing toward Bear with its ruined wings twitching in anticipation.

Terran's cone of cold hit the hellspawn first, staggering it back and causing it to scream in pain. A creature from a plane of never ending, fiery hell could not long bear the intense cold of the powerful spell.

Celes' Icy Orb thudded into the demon next, knocking it to its back when the magic exploded into an intense wave of cold. Danica's Cold Ray spell hit the demon almost as soon as it hit the earth, causing it to scream in pain and rage.

Another arrow and another bolt hit the demon as it stubbornly stood, though it was now obviously trying to flee back to its master rather than fight. Danica heard Cheron quietly beseech her god for power, and when she hurled her mace, it glowed with a faint blue aura.

The mace thudded into the creature's chest with a flash of light, continuing straight through its body. The creature vanished in a puff of oily smoke, banished to its home plane because its body had sustained too much damage to remain.

"More demons!" Venaru shouted as he dropped from a tree into the clearing. Janelle emerged from the other side of the clearing at the same time.

"Get yerselves over here," Celes shouted as she joined hands with Terran. She then instructed the others to do the same in quick, clipped words. The companions joined hands in a great circle, and the two wizards transported them back to the Fortress. Two demons swooped into the clearing to find only the decimated goblins.

The companions quickly banished their illusions when they reappeared in the keep. Bear and Brandon had to help Celes and Terran to their beds, the effort of teleporting so many with such haste having exhausted them both. Seeing that made Danica determined to learn the spell — and soon — to take some of the burden from the other two magic users.

The appearance of the demon had unnerved them all slightly, but they quickly got over it as they laughed and celebrated their victory. Janelle went to tend to Terran, and Danica went to take care of Celes. Both wizards recovered quickly under the power of restorative potions and joined the group's celebration after a short while.

Danica noticed that Janelle was spending a lot of time talking with Terran, and Cheron was likewise centering her attentions on Venaru. She had little doubt what that indicated.

After a while, Cheron walked up to Danica on her way to refill her wine glass. She paused and said quietly, "I think I'm going to see what mysteries lay beneath Venaru's dark cloak tonight. Looks like Janelle is going to see if Terran can show her some magic tricks as well. Bear fills out his trousers very nicely. Maybe you should get him to join in the celebration with you." She wink and continued on to refill her wine, returning to Venaru immediately afterward.

Celes excused herself as the evening wore on, and Danica went to check on her. Celes said she was simply uncomfortable with everyone looking at her. Danica was the only one who saw her as she was. Everyone else saw the powerful wish-created illusion of her young body.

Celes said she just wanted to be alone for a while, and that she would see what she could scry in light of their attack. Danica understood Celes' pain, and returned to the celebration after hugging her friend. She knew the best thing for Celes was for the woman to concentrate on something else.

Janelle and Terran were gone when Danica returned, and she thought that it looked like Cheron and Venaru would soon follow, if she knew anything about what intensifying lust looked like in two people.

The two dwarves had talked excitedly amongst themselves for a while, and they went off to their room still saying something about runes as they went. Danica went over and sat down to talk to Bear, finding him to be a simple and quite charming man as they talked. Brandon, noticing he was turning into the odd man out, looked a bit irritated and crestfallen.

Danica walked over to him while going to refill her wine. "We just need to get everyone involved in the fun," she said with a smile and a wink. "You'll get to play again soon enough. If we're all going to be cooped up here for a while together, we may as well enjoy each other's company."

Brandon chuckled and said, "I'll never understand women, especially wizard women."

Danica handed him a few coins. "There are some women who don't ask for any understanding," she said with a sly grin. "You could always rest your mind of such worries while you rest your head against a warm, soft body."

Brandon shook his head and chuckled again. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea at that." He went to the portal shortly afterward and then to the House of Women.

Danica and Bear were soon alone, when Cheron and Venaru left. Venaru left first and Cheron soon after. Danica turned up the heat as she talked to Bear, and soon they were walking toward his room.

Their clothing fell to the floor almost as soon as they walked into the room. Danica moaned in delight when she saw Bear's cock, which was long, thick, and very hard. Danica knelt down and sucked his big cockhead between her lips. She could barely manage more than half of his huge member in her mouth for more than a few sucks at a time.

Bear picked her up with ease after a minute or so and carried her to the bed. He held her up at just the right angle as he slowly slid his thick cock into her, giving Danica a delightful feeling of fullness.

Bear stroked her slowly, only using about half of his length when it was apparent Danica couldn't comfortably take more than that at the moment. The slow stroking — filling her so completely — built Danica's fires slowly but surely. She gasped as she watched his large member, slick with her juices, stretching her pussy as he fucked her, steadily picking up the tempo of his thrusts.

Same as Danica
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Dockside Birdie, rest a little longer, ‘Til little wings are stronger, So she rests a little longer, Before she flies away.+++Tennyson, Sea Dreams Not far from the Tower of London, a few hundred yards at most and flanking the old city, there is a small marina, and actually, as marinas go, it’s a decent one. A bit of a chore to get to — fighting mad tides up the Thames and all — but I’d heard it was worth the effort. Anyway, with winter coming on fast I needed to find a place to sit-out the...

2 years ago
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Fuck by my Jijaji

Hi All this is my true-life story and I want to thank this website for introducing me about the great feeling of having an incest relationship and that too with my own Jijaji. The incident happened 1 year back. My name is Shruti, age 29 yrs, married, . My hubby work as Manager in Bank, I am also working in one firm. We stay in Kolkata as both of company are in Kolkata. I have good sexual life with hubby as ours are love marriage. I never thought I will be enjoying sex with my hubby sister...

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The therapist

By this time in Moscow, I had a long term relationship with a lovely school teacher my age. Safira found out about it and went ballistic. Anyway, as time went on, we moved to France and got an apartment. I was enjoying family life in France the kids are beautiful, and we were getting on well in and out of the bedroom. We were having trouble getting a visa for her she's from the Congo, so we decided to get married (we were already living as man and wife). My school teacher in Moscow...

1 year ago
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Enlightenment In Judaea

"Spring in Chicago—hah!" Kalliste Periakes gratefully held the cup of cocoa in her hands. "It was so cold in the stands I thought my fingers and toes were going to fall off." She was standing in the front room of the Northwestern University's Woman's Co-op still bundled up from the cold of Wrigley Field. She was a slight woman with long cascading dark hair and a thin face dominated by large eyes. "I don't know why you went to that dumb game." Cheryl poured herself a cup of coca....

4 years ago
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Loving Burqa 2

Loving Burqa 2        It had been a few years since I last met her but I knew it was Lisa the moment the door opened. In hindsight, I must admit there was a chance I was mistaken as the woman who opened the door was wearing a sky blue burqa that covered every part of her body. However, I wasn’t wrong.?Lisa!??Becky!? Lisa practically screamed my name as we hugged on the doorsteps of her house.        Lisa quickly ushered me into the house where we hugged again, this time with a little jump of...

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                                                  2988 words                            Viking!                     By Abe     Aeffe was intently hoeing the little field, preparing for planting.  Too late, she heard the hooves of a galloping horse, turned, and saw the Dane almost upon her.  She raised the hoe before her, but the huge, mail‑clad warrior snatched it from her grasp, wheeled his mount, and, with the strength of one mighty arm, lifted her off her feet.  For an instant, she hung by...

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GangBangCreampie Jaruska G91

Welcome to part two in Episode 91 of GangBangCreampie, the meat and potatoes the fucking and filling of Jaruska! After Jaruska has Greeted the Meat which you’ll see in a couple days we then lead into the black room and placed on her pedestal in anticipation of all the cock and cum she’s about to get. They say European girls are more sexually liberated, and Jaruska is liberated, she gets a mouthful, two handfuls, and a cock in her pussy. She takes it on her back, on her front, she...

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MelissaChapter 4 Seducing Daddy

Almost as soon as her brother and mother left that morning, Melissa had begun to work on her father. She went to her room and selected the tightest top and the briefest pair of shorts she could find, leaving the bedroom door open while she changed, in the hope that her father might see her changing if he happened by. Taking off her nightdress, Melissa surveyed herself in the full-length mirror. She was going to make her father notice her body. She may not have much hair on her cunt yet, but...

2 years ago
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Cuckhold to Dom Part 3

So Ben's wife told me where they go to church on sundays, and the only reason they were there was so that he could close a deal he was working on. So on the next sunday, I showed up. Ben was absolutely furious, but I stayed in with the congregation so he could do nothing. The plan was simple really. I presented myself as someone who needed to be saved. His client, god bless his soul was going to help me. I spent coffee hour after the service winning him over. Ben was glaring at me the whole...

4 years ago
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Oral Sex In The Cinemas

Hey folks, I am Vaibhav from Raipur, Chhattisgarh. I am 23 years old and pursuing my college studies. I study in a private university. I have been reading stories here since I was in 12th standard. And today I thought to pen down my own experience. Coming to the story, her name is Shikha(name changed). She is from different university and we met through a mutual friend. In the first meeting I liked her and asked for her number. She refused to give but didn’t loose hope and ran behind her all...

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Confessions of a Small Town Girl 7

The next few months followed as normal. There were many events in my junior year in high school that I enjoyed. Homecoming, Christmas Break and Spring Break came and went without any new adventures. Ben and I attended our first prom. It was a magnificent night that ended just like every other night we were together. Lauren and Jake were still going strong and as for my little group of friends, we were living the life. One thing that did happen during summer break was that I was invited to be a...

3 years ago
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In Her Service 2

In Her Service #2 by azsub1 a.k.a. as x.x. An adult story with themes of forced feminization, bondage, very high heels, maids, physically forced/blackmailed and Femdom/Authoritarian. Comments welcome at [email protected] She slipped off him with a sigh and began to undo the ropes that held him spread eagle. "Now you can take a minute to recover and get your dress and petticoat back on. Then go fix your make-up and meet me back here." He groans as he moves his limbs,...

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Denial Ch. 01I don't believe that there's a man reading this who has been symbolically castrated as thoroughly as I. What began as virtually a sexless marriage for my wife and I, has remained a sexless marriage, but changed drastically in nature. In effect, my wife took a passive withholding of sex and turned it into an active withholding with female domination as the weapon. She is perfect proof that a dominatrix does not have to be born one. She can surely become one.Maxine and I are both 37,...

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SweetSinner Britney Amber The Stepmother

Kirsten and Robert (BRITNEY AMBER AND MARCUS LONDON)- Sometimes a woman must seek comfort in the arms of her husband. Stressed about her somewhat volatile relationship with her stepson, Zack- Kirsten’s husband Zack reminds her that she need not worry about forging a relationship with his adult son and that the quickest solution to her woes are with a swift taste of his cock. He throws her onto the bed and plunges inside of her. Any worries she has are suddenly pushed to the wayside and...

3 years ago
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The 800

We never did find out exactly who was behind the virus. That sounds pretty paranoid but some CDC experts lived long enough to isolate it and discovered that it was incredibly small, even for a virus, because it had absolutely no junk DNA. It was actually so small that it could get through anything short of a vacuum chamber, and even then you had to be smart about it. They say it got the president because his vacuum sealed emergency chamber used a water filter that wasn't small enough. It was...

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Cuddling SecksChapter 4

Ursula, fully dressed, looks back one last time to the old man lying in the bed soundly asleep. She has no idea why Secks wanted her to sleep with him, but she is glad that she did. Maybe it was to get her over only having ever been with her father. After all the bear is special and obviously has a purpose. Maybe she has been foolish only sleeping with women all this time. Maybe she has been missing out on having fun, or finding that someone special. And speaking of finding that special...

2 years ago
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The Trial

                                  The Trail My god how could this happen to us. This was just to be a week of hiking for us as part of our attempt to complete the whole trail in the next few years. Here we were naked, our wrists bound by a course and heavy rope, and a rope around our necks from one to the other as the bushes and brambles scratching or bodies. Where was he taking us and what was he going to do to us? This all started just 2 days ago as we had left on our vacation to hike about...

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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 4

Reaching out he felt what he could from those that were nearby. Ephus mouth dropped open, from what he felt no one knew of nor had ever heard of many of the things that he considered everyday things. A further search revealed that there were no cars, only carts, wagons and what?! Chariots!? Ok, now he was really confused. Shaking his head a thought accrued to him, they had traveled back in time? From all he saw it seemed to be the only thing that made sense. Ephus looked up as they appeared...

3 years ago
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Paying Off Money Owed to the Mob Part 2

Paying Off the Mob II By Jennifer Allison Prelude In the first part of this story we find out our hero has a gambling problem and owes a very big chunk of change to the mob. Then they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world the mob had come up with a byproduct of their drug production, a drug that can change a person's sex. There is one small catch. And that is the reason this drug is not on the open market. They can only produce...

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Mr Cox

IOn April 1 of year 2019 a strange sequence of events began its course in our nation’s capital. Upon waking up in the morning, Melinda K., a professional massage therapist could not find her mobile telephone on the nightstand. Melinda searched for it in the handbag and encountered a strange object. She stopped looking for the telephone and retrieved from the bag something round, elongated and wrapped into a cloth napkin. Melinda placed it on the edge of the bed, unfolded the napkin and...

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Rayne Ch 09

The days fell into a nerve-racking routine for Gabriella, with Torquemada playing with her like a cat plays with a mouse. Teasing her with torture and humiliation and at the same time, treating her like a lady. She knew it was all a ploy to gain her trust so that she would let her guard down. She was not that gullible and watched his every tactic, learning his thought processes. He wouldn’t catch her off guard, but perhaps she would be able to play the part of trusting fool and he would be the...

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SandcastlesChapter 19

The next morning Janey bounced into the kitchen, full of energy and noise. She was greeted by the sullen expressions of two horny adults who knew they weren't going to be getting satisfaction for another 5 long nights. It didn't deter her or dampen her obvious energy in the slightest. She was wearing, if you could call it that, one of the wispiest, sheerest short nightgowns I had ever seen her wear, and nothing else. A blind man could have seen her she was so exposed. It didn't do...

3 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 21

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 20 you Read What would I say more? The very thoughts of this idea was giving me a wild turn on and more so as I was not fully dressed also for a long time now. Master-ji: Ramlal, do not waste time, as anytime the snakes...

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Concrete Boots

WARNING: This is a story of consensual bondage, rape, sodomy, drowning and death. It was inspired by one brief sentence at the end of one of Laura Lynn Davis's excellent stories, but it does not employ any of her themes. HOW I WROTE THIS, AND HOW YOU MAY WANT TO READ IT: I found alternating the viewpoint when writing in the first person an intriguing challenge. One of the problems was maintaining consistency. Using Microsoft Word for Windows 2000, I created a two column table, placing the...

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Melba and Wanda Part 2

Melba and Wanda - Part 2 After Melba and Wanda had spent most of the day Saturday with me at the flea market pavilion they left, much to my disappointment. I had enjoyed the moments we all spent together inside my camper with both of them fondling and admiring my cock and balls, and I had certainly enjoyed smooching with them, playing with their tits and sucking on their delicious nipples. When darkness descended and most of the customers had left I bought a plate of barbecued chicken that one...

Straight Sex
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I Fucked my Moms BoyFriend

My mother introduced me to her boyfriend, Trey, for the first time when I was 18 years old. It was the beginning of my senior year in high school and I was pretty innocent in many ways. Even though I had started to date by that time and even had tried sex once or twice, I was a pretty naïve teenager. As I approached my house, I could see that all the lights were off which meant that my mom had gone to sleep. Unfortunately, Trey’s car was still in the driveway. I sighed as I wondered what else...

2 years ago
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Our Honeymoon Every Woman Should Have 8211 Part 1

I am Garima. I am going to narrate my honeymoon experience with you.Even if I say that it is true, most of you will not believe. So it does not matter. I am youngest of three siblings. The eldest one is sister and there is one brother Rahul between two sisters. Our family was / is very rich. Though my father was a reputed successful real estate developer and builder he was very conservative. My elder sister got married while she was only in school. I did not want, I wanted to be free like a...

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Car Park suprise

It was a hot muggy day as we toured the moors in our small motor home, our first, a VW with a sliding side door but fully featured with cooker toilet and shower, amazing what you can fit into such a short space. We were looking for a car park near a lake on the moor, we had been told skinny dipping was normal there, as it was so well hidden, as was windsurfing Au-natural, as the wind was only gentle and ideal for beginners. We had driven several times past the sailing club which it was near,...

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My Daughters Best Friend and I

I’m Bruce, I am thirty-six years old and work as a general building contractor. I was married to my high-school sweetheart in high school. It takes six months for a divorce to finalize in my state and today the six months is up. Our twins are in their first year of college. We were renting and had a beat-up old car. My now ex-wife has a nice job so she didn’t ask for anything. I moved out and rented a small two bedroom house about six blocks away.I let the twins know that they could come any...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 18 I Donrsquot Want to Miss a Thing

Sport Complex, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario 8:45pm, Friday, November 23, 1979 At half time of their game against Guelph’s Central Collegiate, Medway was in their first real game in over three weeks with the score 33-29 for the Cowboys. The Lady Colts had a superb point guard, who had done an excellent job at handling Medway’s full court pressure. Because they weren’t getting as many easy points off their defense, Zupena was more involved in the offense and led Medway with 14 points...

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Barford File 3 The Sandbergs Chapters III and IV

III: A Midsummer Night's Schemes The only downside to being a civilian employee in the 19th Precinct was in the fact that Peter had a day tour on Saturdays as well as during the week. Sunday was his only RDO(Regular Day Off). What was worse was that Spencer Drucker knew that Peter hated having to work on Saturdays, and he was also the only boss on duty on Saturdays, which gave the widely-loathed ICO all the opportunities in the world, during Peter's tour, to push his...

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Picking up Sis Ch 1

This is a sister Jacquee, who lives 200 miles from me. She visits occasionally, sometimes with her husband, sometimes not. He's a guy that’s hard to understand, and she's constantly complaining about him. Jacquee is very attractive, with a great body and excellent legs, and has long, auburn colored hair. Jacquee is the subject of most of my fantasies, and I've often jerked off thinking about what I'd like to do with her. I'm sure she knows it, too, because she's constantly teasing me. Over the...

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RebelChapter 13 The Bride

The girl was as lovely as any I had seen in a long time, but she looked scared and unhappy. She sat at a corner table with two British officers when I entered the tavern. I had seen the carriage outside and wondered whom it had brought. The driver and what I supposed was a guard or footman, neither in uniform, sat at another table. Since the tavern sat in the area between what Washington controlled, mainly the hills, and what was Howe's and the German's, the flatlands and coast, it was...

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Blackmailing Breanna Chapter 2

After Jessica had laid out the rules of their new arrangement, she handed Breanna her phone and let her go with a final warning:"Remember the rules and what I've said here and everything will go fine. Break the rules and there will be hell to pay!" Then Jessica turned and walked back the way she came and Breanna returned to her car, driving over to where Jimmy was parked waiting and wondering what was going on."What happened Breanna? I was listening to you as you walked up to the statue and...

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The Paper RouteChapter 31

It was past quitting time when I stopped by my office to see if I had any messages. Audrey was gone for the day and I checked the messages on her note pad. There was nothing important, that I could see. On my way back to catch up with Nadine, I swung by the receptionist’s desk to see if Patricia was still there. The janitor was mopping the floors and there was no one else in the room. I turned the corner in the hallway and met Nadine. “Hey, Baby. Have Roxy and Anne already left for the...

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Top of the WorldChapter 5

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly still. Three pairs of eyes were apprehensively watching the intruder, my mom; who had just barged into my room and was staring at us incredulously. I immediately pulled my cock out of Suzy's pussy; it came out with a large sloshing sound. Suzy quickly covered her dripping cunt; her face was deeply flushed with shame. She appeared frozen in her place, her fearful eyes watching my mother. Mike had cupped his cock and was trying to appear...

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KinkySpa Texas Patti Big tit milf Texas Patti fucks her student during a massage

Texas Patti is trying to run her college class even though covid has brought attendance down to one. During her lecture she gets a call, all classes are shut down for the next few weeks. Her student is bummed, but he can make extra money giving massages for a while. Patti is intrigued, she loves a good massage so why not hire her student? During the massage Patti gets a little turned on and asks if he can give her a “full service” massage and he agrees to it! How could you not want...

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21 February 2009Chapter 4

Brad carried Jessica’s overnight bag as he and Abby held her hand, walking to her home. “What a great looking house!” Jessica remarked of the large interior. “Thank you, we like it too,” Abby said removing her coat. “This used to be my home then our family grew with the addition of Wendy and her boys, Jake and Timmy and now Tina. Abby and I share time between both homes.” “My parents are in Ottawa for the weekend. I have twin brothers, Peter and Derek who play hockey in the Ontario Hockey...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 19

Drew struck the match and touched it to the newspaper. The flame spread rapidly and soon the kindling was crackling. It was just before eight in the morning and the sun on his bare back was warm already. He had come straight from the bedroom out to the spit roaster he had set up on the concrete path that bisected the rear lawn. He had to light the fire early as he would needed a good base of coals to cook a whole sheep thoroughly. He heard the screen door opening behind him and turned to see...

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A Night of Firsts at the Bookstore

In 1989 my National Guard unit was activated to support Operation Just Cause, the invasion of Panama. Since we were a helicopter maintenance company, we knew that we would be busy but not have to see any action. Due to all the shots and paperwork that was needed, we got to Howard Air Force Base on the west coast of Panama after the fighting was over. My unit then set about helping the local maintenance staff repair all the birds that had been used hard during the invasion. We were there a few...

Gay Male
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The Sissy Factory 2 Prep for School

Note: The following journal entries are sanctioned by the overseers of the Sissy Training Academy. STA staff believes that this history might prove useful for the future training of young sissies. With that goal in mind, Sissy 16452 has been authorozed to recount her experiences as part of the graduation and release process. As always, STA welcomes any and all comments regarding this sissy's account. Your thoughts are helpful in deciding future training courses for our young...

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Golden HillsChapter 3

December 26, 1944 What a party! For 2 days!!! We had lots of exotic foods from the cooks' home areas. There were large pots of what they called "caldareta" where some had pieces of carabao (like beef) with large bones, manok (chicken) and some with kanding or kanbing (goat) meat mixed with wild vegetables and greens. There were many words that have different meanings in the various languages and when someone would get a surprised look, the speaker would switch to English. They all spoke...

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