Sparky's DadChapter 13: Degeneracy free porn video

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Diane decided to wear only her robe in to the bedroom that night.

“You are really very good for her,” Eric said. He might be talking about his daughter, but he still had his glasses on for watching her undress. She hung up the robe and slipped into bed. She didn’t pose for him, but she made no effort to hide anything, either.

He kissed her and stroked up her torso from her thigh to her breast. He stroked down over her abdomen. He rested his hand on her mons. Everywhere his hand went, the heat followed it. His tongue was arousing her until he broke the kiss.

“You talk one way,” she said, “but you kiss another. Those kisses aren’t for the guest in your house who talks to your daughter.”

“Totally, wrong. I’m not greedy; I’m lustful. I lust after your body, and after your spirit, and after your mind.” He kissed in a spiral around her right breast. Her nipple engorged so much that it hurt in anticipation of his mouth, but it drew closer without touching yet. His hand cupped her vulva, and a finger parted her labia.

“Well,” she said, “I’m glad you’re going after my body. My mind is about to shut down.” He laughed against her breast. The breath from that laughter warmed her nipple the more. Then his mouth finally found the nipple just before his finger found her clitoris. In the waves of heat, her mind did shut down. It was just pleasure and desire until his mouth replaced his hand on her vulva.

Then she felt every lick of his tongue as the heat built. At first, she grabbed his hair to pull him harder against her. Then she dropped her hands to her sides and gripped the sheets as the heat surged to the top of her head and then pooled in her pelvis. She pushed her groin up into his mouth, wanting more of these sensations.

Then the heat turned to roaring flame, and the flame consumed her, but she was still on fire. She writhed helplessly, writhed forever.

Only when she collapsed, did he relent. He rested his cheek on her mons and made soothing sounds as she caught her breath. He rolled his head to kiss the top of her left thigh. When he drew the backs of his fingernails up the inside of that thigh, she decided she wanted more than that tickling.

“You,” she said. Eric got up on all fours and crawled above her. He kissed her right nipple and licked her left one. She pulled him up her body by his armpits, and then reached for a more responsive handle. She spread her labia with her left hand while holding his penis with her right. She guided him where she wanted him to go, and he was obviously happy with the direction. His glans pressed between her labia, spreading them even more. Then he was driving slowly but firmly into her, bringing the heat with him.

“Diane,” he said. He rolled so that his weight was all on her left side and her right breast was in his hand. He rolled back, and her left breast was in his hand. He stroked in and out, rubbing her nipples in time with his strokes. She closed her eyes to give more room for the sense of touch. The heat grew with every stroke, and she felt herself tense.

“Beloved,” he said. He must have felt the tension, too. His pace quickened, and she started pushing up when he pushed down. Then, she felt the flames gather. She tensed for one second to hold them back until he was poised above her.

Then the flames burst free. She convulsed, and she felt him driving into her through her contractions. He pinned her to the mattress, and she felt him pulsing in her depths. He collapsed on her, and she felt her last contraction push his penis out.

Some time later, he moved off her to lie by her side. He pulled her into his arms, and she was conscious of nothing else.

“Relax, beloved,” he said when the radio came on, “that is not for you.” She felt him get up and then his kiss on her temple. An indefinite time later, her bladder woke her. She got up, dressed in her robe, and stumbled into the bathroom.

During her shower, she woke up. She was in Eric’s house. It was Sunday, and she didn’t need to do anything today. She didn’t even need to do anything tomorrow. Eric would make love to her tonight, even though he had the night before. He would use his mouth, and she took a douche when she got out of the shower. She used the bidet afterwards. Dry, she dressed in the same jeans and another top. She went downstairs to see what was happening.

“Mister is taking Val to Sunday school,” Mrs. Grant told her. “He’ll be back soon, and I’ll be leaving soon after. Do you want waffles for breakfast?”

“Please.” The clock showed after ten. She must have had twelve hours of sleep or more. “I don’t know how long I slept.”

“Well, you left Val about eight. What you did afterwards is none of my business.” Since Mrs. Grant made the bed, she probably would have a very good idea fairly soon. “Mister thought you might want to go back to bed.”

“Well, this is one of my lazy days,” she said, “but not that lazy.” For that matter, when Eric thought of her going back to bed, he might not have intended her to go back to sleep. Well, this was going to be one of her lascivious days, but not that lascivious, or, at least, not lascivious that soon. “Do you think he’d mind me looking over his library?”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t. What he has on the computer that he considers private is password-protected. Even then, he would probably give you his password if you asked.”

Diane was frightened by the idea. Somehow, that would be further encroachment by Eric. If he’d asked for her password, she would have regarded that as encroachment. Why was the idea of his giving her his password also encroachment. Mrs. Grant finished cleaning up the kitchen, hung up her apron, and left. Diane noticed that she was wearing church clothes. She heard the garage door open and close. She was alone in the house.

The library was an aspect of Eric that she hadn’t really examined before. You could tell a lot about somebody from their library. The first thing that this library told about Eric was that he had no pretensions, not that she hadn’t seen this before. More than half the books were paperbacks, and only an encyclopedia and a set of math books looked like matched sets. He did have the Kama Sutra; it was on a top shelf along with several marriage manuals. The shelf directly below held books on pregnancy, childbirth, breast feeding, the first year of life, and the second. Presumably, those had been Laura’s books. At least there was nothing about the years after the second. At that point Eric came into the library.

“Oh,” he said, “there you are. I looked upstairs first.”

“Mrs. Grant is too neat a housekeeper. If I’d had breakfast in the apartment, you’d have seen the dishes in the sink. Is this all your books?”

“Most of them. I have some in the office and a few upstairs. All Laura’s cookbooks are in the kitchen. One of yours, for that matter.”

“I want to know about you,” she said. Her frankness surprised her a bit.

“Well, this is the place to learn. One thing you should know about me is that I’m going back to church in about fifteen minutes, dressed in a suit. This is just my chauffeur outfit. Want to go with?”


“Well,” Eric said, “If you have any questions, I’ll answer them later.” He kissed her. His hands explored her body while his tongue explored her mouth. If he hadn’t said he was leaving soon, she would have thought he was preparing to take her to bed.

“Is asking about Laura too intrusive?” she asked after the kiss. He took a deep breath and squared his shoulders.

“No. What do you want to know?” Which meant that it was intrusive, but he’d allow it.

“Those books, the top shelf there.” She pointed to the marriage-manual shelf. “Were they yours or hers?”

“Both,” he said. “All three. “Kama Sutra and Perfumed Garden I owned before we met. I had the two oldest marriage manuals, too. She had Our Bodies Our Selves and the two books on sex for teens on the far right. The rest were ours in a way even most of the books we bought after the marriage weren’t. We bought them for us. Does that tell you something about me?”

“You think about sex and marriage together.” This sounded obvious. Didn’t everybody? The sex books were called ‘marriage manuals.’ But Ted had thought of sex apart from marriage, and so did others.

“Yeah. Look, I have to go.” Then he kissed her again, stroking her breasts and then down to her groin. He turned abruptly and walked out the door. She went back to the books. A shelf dealt only with programming. Another two held history books. Then she went back to the shelf on childbirth and children. He thought of sex and marriage together. He thought of sex and children as related. They were, of course. Still, how many men would have shelved those two collections as one on top of the other. They weren’t forced together. There were empty shelves in that column below the top two and empty shelves to each side.

She wanted to understand Eric, and he was willing to cooperate. He was disarmingly frank. That didn’t mean that she was close to understanding him. She suddenly understood one thing. Eric was a private man. The doors in his house, a house which had few visitors and was accessed with a specially-complicated key, had locks of their own. He’d opened his life to her. He’d done so because he wanted her for his wife. He was willing to discuss his first wife with her because he saw her as Laura’s successor.

He hadn’t given up. What was her minimum for reconsidering his proposal? Well, he had to convince her that he would leave her breathing room. She was far from convinced, but that he was easing back from his control of Valerie showed that there was a possibility that she hadn’t imagined before.

And that would be wonderful. The idea of living without him kept looking more and more dismal. If living with him could be bearable, it would be much more fun. She went upstairs to sort out the clothes that she had been wearing that should go in the wash. She’d be back Friday, and she would get a totally clean wardrobe. When that was done, she returned to bed, lying with the bedroom door open to hear Eric’s and Valerie’s return. While she still had leverage with Eric, she would repair a little of his relationship with his daughter. Then, too, if he could be less possessive with Valerie, that might show that he could be less possessive with Diane. The difference lay around the word, ‘could.’ Valerie was stuck with Eric; a possibly less possessive Eric was an advantage. Diane wasn’t stuck with Eric; she needed guarantees. But, really, was she sure that she wasn’t stuck with Eric?

Valerie was easy to hear. Diane closed the bedroom door and appeared at the dressing room door in time to see Valerie rush past. “Let me look at you,” she said. Valerie stopped, turned around slowly, and went on to her room. Diane went down to get another kiss from Eric. They parted before Valerie got very far down the stairs. Some day, the girl would walk quietly for some reason and catch them. At Eric’s request, Valerie showed them both what she had done for homework. Diane took her list of spelling words and quizzed her on them.

Between lunch and supper, Valerie entertained herself. For two of those hours, that meant watching her videos. Diane and Eric escaped to the bedroom. They lay down on the made bed. At first, they kissed. Then she had more questions.

“Mrs. Grant said that you wouldn’t mind my poking around in the library,” she said. “She says that anything you want to keep secret, you keep password-protected on the computer.”

“Most of it. I have locked drawers in my dressing room, and I have a locked drawer in the computer room. The flash drives in the drawer are password-protected, too. The library was intended to be a public room. We entertained at one time, and all the downstairs rooms were more-or-less open.”

“She said that you might give me the password if I asked.”

“Well,” Eric said, “they are passwords, plural. Are you asking?”

“God, no. You wouldn’t want my password, would you?”

“No. Except to advise you whether it looked sufficiently secure. I really think that you need more than one. Maybe I’m projecting. I do need to share passwords with other people, and each different pairing calls for another password. Probably your life is simpler. If you go into a medical partnership, you might want to think up a password for you and your partner rather than giving him the one you use in other situations.”

“Well,” she said, “I would regard your either asking me for my password or your giving me yours as a major violation of boundaries.”

“Now wait a second. Asking you for your password, okay. I can see that as an intrusion into your life. Still, asking leaves you the option of saying no. Even so, you have already said no; I won’t ask again, or -- rather -- I won’t ask a first time. Passwords don’t bother me, really.

“What bothers me,” he continued, “is that you list this one thing I shouldn’t do. What else will lead to war? What if I toss you my car keys, and you leave me over that? For God’s sake, I gave you a house key. It’s not precisely the same thing, but how do I tell which is critical?”

“I don’t know.” She could see that he had a real point. What was non-threatening in his giving her the house key, giving it through a messenger, at that? What would be threatening in his giving her a password? “I really don’t know.”

“Well, that makes two of us. Look, if you tell me that something is your territory and you don’t want me interfering in it, then my trying to go back there would be nagging. You have a perfect right to punish me for nagging. If it’s something new, then simply tell me. Don’t punish me for not being able to read your mind. Okay?” Well, he was totally misunderstanding her actions. She hadn’t punished him.

“I never want to punish you, Eric,” she said. “I sometimes want to escape you. I’ll try to remember that when you try to push into a section of my space for the first time it’s just your being obtuse, not your being intrusive.” He chuckled.

“That’s me. Eric the obtuse.” She kissed him for that. It was different with her leaning over him and his lying flat. He started back up, and she thought he was going to pin her. Then he lay back down to remain passive. She could tell the effort that took. While this was fun, him on top wasn’t the sort of domination that she feared.

Still, she had him at her mercy. When she broke the kiss to breathe, she kissed all over his face, which was scratchy. She’d kissed other scratchy faces, but his always felt newly shaven. She turned his face with her hand to kiss his ear, and then turned it back to kiss his other ear. She was finding that the tip of his nose was a remarkably unromantic place to kiss when she heard a ring tone she had never heard before. Eric answered it.

“Dinner time,” he told her. “Leave through the dressing room, will you?” When Valerie was ahead of them on the stairs, though, she took his hand.

“Honestly,” she said when Valerie was far enough ahead. “I don’t mind you on top. It’s just that that was fun.”

“For me, too. I still have tonight, though, don’t I?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Then they were on the first floor and catching up to Valerie.

Dinner was roast beef with all the trimmings. If the Barnes household didn’t have Sunday dinner at noon, they still had a rather traditional Sunday dinner. A lot was left. After dinner, Valerie, Eric, and she played Uno.

“Does Valerie have a nightie?” Diane asked Mrs. Grant when she came in.

“Yes,” Mrs. Grant said.

“Do you want to shower with me, Valerie?” she asked.

“Oh, please.”

Eric suspected that he was beaming as the two females he loved went off to bond closer. There was no downside to this at all. Diane wanted to mother Sparky, and it was sort of a package deal; she’d have to take him with his daughter. Meanwhile, he wanted what was best for Sparky, and Diane certainly was.

When they were gone, he discovered the downside. He knew that Diane was taking a shower, and probably shampooing her hair. He liked to imagine that, but Sparky was in there with her. He didn’t want erotic imaginings with Sparky in them.

“My daughter is a young woman,” he said when they came out. “Can you pretend to be a little girl for a ride down the hall?” Valerie thought about this and nodded. When he picked her up, she nestled into the crook of his neck. Diane followed them until Eric laid Valerie in her bed.

“How about,” she asked, “you have Daddy read the story tonight? We’ve done enough together, and I still have things to do.” Valerie nodded. “Kiss then?” Valerie puckered up and spread her arms.

Diane bent down to give -- and receive -- that kiss. While Eric prepared to read the story, she went into the supply room and liberated another towel.

Back in ‘her’ rooms, she put all the clothes into the hamper except the shoes. She put Valerie’s shoes outside her door and her own where they belonged. She draped the wet towel over the hamper and used the hair dryer on her hair. Even so, she was in bed, naked, long before Eric came in.

Eric kissed Sparky good night and walked slowly back to his dressing room despite what he knew awaited him. He dropped his shirt and tee-shirt into the hamper and went into the bathroom. The last thing he did there was shave.

She was so good with Sparky. He wanted that. He wanted all of her, and he wasn’t going to get all of her. Well, he was used to that. He loved Sparky, who was growing up and growing out. He was proud, damned proud, of every step that Sparky made out of the nest. He wasn’t the least bit happy about any of them. He wanted to keep Sparky, but he’d walk her down the aisle and kiss her good bye in sixteen years or so. In less than twelve she’d be going to college, and he wouldn’t try to keep her close to home. He wanted Sparky, and he knew he could have only part of her and a decreasing part.

Well, he could have only part of Diane. A damned weird part, it was, too. If he shared his passwords with her, that was trespassing. On the other hand, he was about to stick part of him into the most private part of her, and she ‘wouldn’t miss it for the world.’ Well, he could have the sex. He could have the child-rearing; she didn’t offer to share that as a sacrifice; she thrust it on him. He could have some cuddling in bed, though only one night in four while she was a resident. That it wasn’t one night in two boded ill for later. Were the child-rearing, the sex, and the cuddling enough for a marriage?

Really, what he could have was more than enough. Her restrictions were mostly on what he could give. She had so much, beauty, her professional skills, her intelligence, that he couldn’t touch. Why did she resist his adding the baubles that he could? And, then, she had her sensuality. That was one thing that he wanted to more than touch, he wanted to share it. And, this night, she was willing to let him. His erection made his robe look ridiculous, but he went in to share her sensuality looking ridiculous or not.

From her smile, she, too, might have thought that he looked ridiculous. The smile was inviting, though, and she looked approving when he took off his robe. When he raised the sheet to get in, he saw her full glory from breasts to mid thigh. He took his glasses off and kissed her.

She tasted like toothpaste and like Diane. Her tongue played with his, and he put his hand on her stomach and moved it up to hold her breast. When he had to breathe, he left her mouth to kiss her forehead and then her nose tip.

“Why do you do that?” Diane asked. “I kissed your nose, and it didn’t do a thing for me.” He’d left the light too bright, and he took time to stroke the dial down to a more romantic level.

“Well, your nose is cuter than mine is.” And she was cute, too. She was an adult woman with more than her share of curves, but she was also cute in the way kittens were. He sensed that she wouldn’t appreciate the comparison.

“But still...” He ended the discussion the only way available. When her lips stopped trying to move, he pushed his tongue between them. Hers met his, and it was electric again. He stroked down from her breast to her pubic hair. When he squeezed her lower lips between thumb and forefinger, her moisture seeped out to greet him. He rubbed one lip against the other.

He had her agreement that he could bring her to as many orgasms as he wished. He knew that she would withdraw that permission at some time. What he wanted was to take her to that time.

He kissed down from her mouth to her cheek to her neck to her shoulder. When he reached her breast, he kissed an elaborate spiral around it and upwards. He sucked long on the nipple when he reached it. Then he leaned over to the peak of her far breast to lick and suck that nipple. Meanwhile, he kept lightly rubbing one of her outer lips against the other.

When she stiffened, he raised his head to watch her. She spread her legs even more and put her hands down to grip the sheets. Except for the side of one of her hands against his left thigh, they were only connected by his hand on her mound. She raised that mound off the bed into his palm and swayed slightly.

The smile was gone from her face. She looked worried, then in pain. As a look of agony crossed her face, she shuddered. He stilled his finger. She shuddered again, and he watched a ripple cross her stomach. When she relaxed, he looked at her face again. It was relaxed into a wide smile. The sex flush came out and spread down to the tops of her breasts.

“I love you,” he said. “You are so beautiful, so responsive, so magnificent.” When the puffiness of her areolas went down, he licked one nipple and then the other. He watched her face as awareness returned.

Same as Sparky's Dad
Chapter 13: Degeneracy Videos

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we were into the 2nd wk of our summer holiday.i had rented a private villa with pool and all though not totally secluded it was comfortable enough for my now ex-wife and i to get that all over tanthe days had been hot,so the inviting pool was welcome,we had a few fumbles around and in the pool,but my wife never felt really comfortable,she was a little bothered people could see,so our intimate moments had until the pool cleaner arrived been limited to the bedroom and showeron the day in question...

3 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 10 Kim Returns

Yankee Swap, Chapter 10: Kim Returns "Oh you've made me so happy Ke - er, Kim! This is going to be great! So let's see what you brought with you." Connie opened the gift bag - Kim didn't have anything else to put the items in. "Oh this won't do. Where's the adhesive? Where's the concealer? We're going back to your house. You go on ahead. I've got some things to collect and I will be over. Here..." She shoved a bottle of hair remover into her hands. "You start by using...

1 year ago
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Due Some LoveChapter 9 Council Political Wisdom

One of the Council Manager's tasks was to make reality, whatever imaginative fiction councillor's vote up, and to make sure that the council organisation operates efficiently, even if those two tasks were mutually exclusive. A certain someone, politically right of centre who sat in 'D' Ward, believed that all council staff should be able to do every other staff members jobs, and used his best car sales techniques to make a majority of other councillors agree with him. And ... no one...

1 year ago
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Almost Gone Forever

It's been three years since my mother disappeared from our lives. I was the last person who spoke to her before she left the house for her appointment at the nail salon. She was getting a manicure and pedicure in preparation for the annual Christmas party thrown by the company where my dad worked. My mom, as always, wanted to look her best. After she got her nails done, she was supposed to pick up a new dress, then return home. Well . . . it didn't happen that way.Mom never came home that night...

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Craving CassieChapter 2

After one of the most exhausting weekends of her life and all the fuss with Andi, Cassie was relieved to get back to work. Yet again Cassie had spent longer at the hospital the day before than she'd planned, simply because Andrea's parents needed a break to head back to their hotel and get some sleep. Cassie stayed by her best friend's bedside all day, doing her best not to bring up uncomfortable conversational pieces like, "By the way, did you know your asshole husband threatened my...

3 years ago
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A Sissy Fantasy A Day And Night With Daddy

A Sissy Fantasy - A Day And Night With Daddy Daddy's Cocksucking Princess I awoke after falling asleep after last night's escapades, and the first thing I I notice is the chastitiy, it immediately reminds me of what happened last night. I wasnt expecting to be put in chasitity last night, Daddy had hinted at it, but I did not think he was have me in it so soon. I did not really want to have my clitty locked up like that, but I really want to please Daddy, so of...

2 years ago
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Best Man

I knew my best friend Rob was out there, but I had no idea until I was the Best Man at his wedding. His wife-to-be was a gorgeous blonde and I was more than a little envious. Her name was Becky and she looked like the girl next door ... All grown up, of course. And if the girl next door happened to be a Victoria's Secret model. Becky was very tall and blessed with a lovely, captivating face. She had alluring blue eyes and high cheeks with a clear, creamy complexion, and a sexy, pouting mouth....

4 years ago
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The Controllers FollyChapter 2

Angel Wings Marketing Associates was a full service branding agency known for having its finger on the millennial pulse. The open-office sea of desks sported a haphazard frenetic spattering of color, fashion, and electronica. Hipsters mingled with basic girls and quirky fun youths who had a voice and a message to sell. Hungry eager young women and some fashionable men brought their visions for talking to their generations and the next one coming up. Even the CEO, herself only twenty nine and...

2 years ago
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After the Party

After the Party by dellagordo An Oedipus County Tale This is a work of fantasy. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental, and the actions contained herein should not be duplicated. All persons depicted are 18 or older. It's all pretend, folks. Before “Honey, have you seen my cufflinks?” John heard his father’s voice drift down the stairs and into the kitchen, where the teenager stood staring at the contents of the fridge, clad in a plain T-shirt and a...

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Bills StoryChapter 10

Bill stood there a smile on his face as he watched Patrick Sherwood. He was tending the two large hot plates of his home made brick barbecue. Both were filled to overflowing with chops, sausages, hamburgers, chicken pieces and steaks. In one hand he held a pair of long tongs that he was using to turn the meat, in his other hand he held a VB (Victoria Bitter — a beer from the renowned Carlton and United Brewery). The beer while tending the barbecue was the right of the cook, it went hand in...

3 years ago
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My black neighbor boy

After a devastating fire at my home which destroyed everything I owned I moved into an apartment in Little Rock. I gradually began replenishing my feminine wardrobe which I would wear while at home but I guess maybe I was not always keeping the blinds closed all the way sometimes. I would wear my short shorts when BBQing on the front lawn sometimes. One day I came home from work in a pouring rain and had just started getting settled in when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door I...

2 years ago
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Manmoirs The Asian Part III

By this time Kira and I had broken up. She didn't have the same love for me as I did for her, and her love was lost just a few weeks after we exchanged I love you's. Maybe she was scared? Maybe she was too young to fall in love. None of this stopped her from fucking me. We kept banging like we were still together. The sex may have been hotter than ever before. Some nights I could not believe she could walk upright. I never fucked another woman with the same passion and intensity as her. As we...

Straight Sex
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Air Shark

I had learned to fly when I was fourteen. The war started a couple of years later and has slowly escalated. I wanted a change so when I joined at eighteen it was to be a Shark pilot. A Shark was a slim two man hover flyer. It had a mage engine and lift plates to keep it up and moving. It also had short stubby wings that held a single thirty round pod of missiles on each side or a pod of fifteen and another of pod of four heavier missiles for armor. Close to the end and inside the wing was a...

1 year ago
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My Brother part two

This is a continuation of how my brother became my lover. It had been two weeks since my brother had completed basic training and had gone on to complete his job training. He finished top of his class and was given the option to do home town recruiting. That meant he was going to be home for two weeks before he was sent to off to his duty station at Fort Hood. He had let our mom know when he was supposed to be landing at the airport so we could pick him up.Unlike when he was in basic he was...

1 year ago
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The Desire WithinChapter 2

As the desk is thrown from atop her, Evony lands on the back. She lifts herself up and crabs walks, trying to put some distance between her and the Xenobiote. “You cannot run or hide,” the Xenobiote snarls. “You belong to us now.” “I won’t have any part of it,” Evony says defiantly. “You killed Stanley.” The Xenobiote roars with laughter. “Stanley is very much alive. He is why we are able to exist like this.” “You lie!” The Xenobiote smiles, his mouth stretches even wider as he reveals...

1 year ago
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SacrificeAnja The Jungle Queen

Sacrifice?.Anja The Jungle Queen ?Jungle Peril Chap 1 by Enigma This story contains bondage, torture and sexual theme?no minors Anja awoke from a fitful sleep, she stared at the sun and the new dawning morning knowing that this day would be like no other. Today the proud jungle queen would allow herself to be captured by one of her mortal enemies. As Anja rose and stretched her thin muscular body towards the new day she shuddered to think of all the torments and tortures that she was sure...

2 years ago
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Roommate Shift Ch2

Last night was the second time they had sex. Now this was the second time today. Just like the last two times, her need, her lust, controlled her body. Forcing her to submit to her roommate, regardless of the fact that she was a lesbian. And what was a lesbian that craved cock? Cindy didn’t know. All she knew was that she couldn’t deny it. Her tits slapped together as her body shook to Robert’s thrusts. Shivers of pleasure ran from her well pounded twat to the tip of her scalp. She moaned...

3 years ago
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The new company in town

The offices were only half-filled as Natalia came into work and headed towards her office. The 26-year old blonde had rented some office in the shared-space office building and was running a small trading company, which was specialized in importing exotic goods to the country, which were especially catering upper-class customers. While she was greeting some of the other people around, she scrolled through her emails and made a plan for the day in her mind. Especially one thing was still in her...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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The Package Ch 01

Suzanne studied herself in the mirror. Staring back at her was a moderately pretty 30-something (although men would say she was stunning). Suzanne was critical, but she had to agree that her hair was superb — thick shoulder-length auburn hair with such a shine and bounce. Her face? Oval, clear-featured with a dusting of freckles and piercing green eyes. She wore no makeup, or very little, and her complexion was good. ‘All right,’ was her verdict, also remembering how her last boyfriend had...

2 years ago
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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 06

After we reached back, Lucy went to her room I was going towards my room and I passed from the room of Ms. Jane. I glanced through the curtains and saw her changing her dress. Oh, what an erotic sight.While changing Jane placed her hand on her bent knee, with her bottom towards me, and then slowly lowered her skirt, and laid it on the floor, so as to expose her person from the waist. While doing so she bends down on a sofa cushion, projected herself out, and separates her knees well....

3 years ago
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Banging James Mom Part 1 First Time

I'd known James for all of my life. He always lived right next door, so when I was looking for somebody to hang out with, he was instantly top of the list, and 95% of the time he was there. We knew each other so well, more than anybody else did. His grandmother always pointed out to my mom how sweet and innocent we were. But we were far from it.From about 7 years old, we talked about, well, dirty things. We would lie out on the field adjacent to our houses and just talk. He told me about how he...

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Find Me Forgive MeChapter 12

Tuesday morning I awoke with a dreadful headache. I must have had a migraine in my sleep, for it was one of those nauseous post-migraine headaches that defy description, and the like of which whose who have not experienced them cannot even imagine. It was probably the aftermath of the gruelling hot and humid weekend. I took my pain killers, which mitigated the intensity. Nicky wanted me to stay at home. I should have. But no. Obstinate as always I went into work, grateful on this occasion...

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Sara is a hot attractive housewife from North Carolina. She is in her early forties. Sara and her husband have been married for almost twenty years. Sara’s husband is also confined to a wheel chair these days. Unfortunately, he no longer can perform normal sex with his lovely wife. He still loves to use his tongue to give Sara wonderful orgasms. Sara has never had any breast enhancement surgery. Most men would think she is gorgeous being the natural size that she is. She loves having her large...

3 years ago
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Seems Too Good To Be True Chapter 21

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this...

2 years ago
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The College Experience

Anyway, for the first time I walked into the huge lecture hall and was shocked by the size of the class, it was something new to me fresh out of high school. I estimated that there were at least 300 students in the class, most of which had already taken their seats and had their books and highlighters out ready to learn. I walked passed a few empty seats hoping to come across an cute girl to sit next to, or at least someone I knew from high school. I came across an empty seat next to a...

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I Lost My Job What Will I do Part Six

“Ellen, come downstairs. I have something exciting to share with you.” “Coming, Peter.” My stepfather was yelling up the stairs for me to come down and talk to him. I couldn’t imagine what he wanted. I had just woken up from my nap. I was just wearing my white tank top and my white panties. I walked down the stairs. “Ellen, I have thought of another hot fantasy I want us to do tonight. I know you'll love this one. Want to know what it is?” “I can’t even imagine. What is it?” “You know how...

3 years ago
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Fighting Tribe

Looking down from his high perch, the warlord watched the practice below. His eyes strayed to his lovely daughter Loua, her slim body glistening with sweat from her activity. Her male partner was withering under her onslaught, her practise sword getting through his defence again and again. He watched her technique as only a proud father could, His eyes roamed over her strong but supple legs and her naked, bouncing bust. His mind went back to last night when he had buried his stiff pole deep...

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The Emperors new lover

Kuzco had just fired Yzma "Guards will you take care of her?" The guards have a horrified look on their faces as they looked at her I see the looks on their faces "I don't mean that way she so old that she can't live more than a year at least so just end her now." "Noooo damn you Kuzco!" Yzma yelled at me I turn and saw Kronk "Hey big guy do you need a new job want to work for me you can be a guard?" "No I'm not good at that but I can cook." He tells me "Ok you'll be a chef under my best chef."...

2 years ago
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Pados Ki Aunty

Mai abhiii bhubaneswar ka rehne wala hun…Ek nayi aur sachi si ghatna likhne jaa raha hun…   Ye meri aur mere pados mai rehne wali ek aunty ki kahani ..Khair aunty dikhne me fair hot sexy aur figure hai 34-28-34 age hai 29+…Unki boobs bahut hi acche shape me hai wo saari me ek dum pari jaisi lagti hai hum bhot ache friends ki tarha rehte aur khul k bat karte the, ek din incidently esa hua ki humek dusre k kareeb aagaye, to ab mai sidha story pe aata hu.   Ye bat hai kuch 2 mahine pehle ki jo...

4 years ago
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The Lake

Rob knew his friend Jake often came down to the lake woods in the warmer weather for nude dip in the water, among other things. Once certain that he was alone, Jake said, he would strip down completely and enjoy a swim, then masturbate naked in the open air while he dried off on the rock. “No one’s ever there.” he told his buddy."And it keeps me from going crazy in this world", Jake smiled, "Especially when I don’t have a lover to help out with those fundamental release kinds of things. You...

3 years ago
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Summers in Dallas Part 4

Summers in Dallas Part 4 - Growing Up My wonderful summers in Dallas became a whole different existence. At home, I was just Joe, an everyday kid. But summers were special. I was surprised at how easily I made the transition from Joe to Mary and back again. Each summer, I became more immersed in a girl's existence as I developed friends and acquaintances in Dallas that knew and liked me as Mary. I enjoyed both of my lives, but I knew that living life "on both sides of the...

1 year ago
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My unexpected journey part 2

“You seemed to have slept pretty good last night,” she said as she kisses my forehead, “but after everything you went through that can be understandable.” She giggled as she started to get out of bed, her blonde hair glistening in the sun as it swayed and tumbled. Her hips swished back and forth under her red satin teddy, the fabric flowing over her like water. She turned her head and winked before going into the bathroom and closing the door. “You had better get up,” she cried from the other...

2 years ago
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The HealerChapter 2

I had been warned many times by Grandad Tivey that ‘basic’ was designed to break you down then build you up into something Ground Force could use. That started from the very second the shuttle touched down with a fully armoured Monitor ordering us off with various threats and imprecations and made us stand at attention, still holding our travel bags, to the side of the landing pad in a bit of a downpour. We were then left to stew as the Monitor ignored us to chat to the pilot. The one attempt...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Jennifer White Mad Fuckers Neglected Housewife8217s Needs

Jennifer White has a busy weekend ahead of her. She is pregnant (but not yet showing), and wants to work on setting up a room for her future bundle of joy while her husband is away on a business trip. Suddenly, she is surprised by a knock at her front door. Her visitor turns out to be her neighbor, Jay Romero, who says he’s here to help with setting up the room. Jennifer looks confused, asking what he’s talking about and how he even knew about that. Jay looks bashful, explaining...

2 years ago
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The road less traveled

I drive a lot for my job sometimes in the city, more often in out of the way places.   It’s not a bad job, I get to meet lots of interesting people and go places that I never knew existed, but it can get pretty boring sitting behind the wheel for hours on end.   Sometimes I get sleepy and have to crank up the radio, open a window and slap myself a couple times to stay awake.   Other times my mind wanders and before I know it my pants are getting too tight and I have to touch myself….at first...

2 years ago
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Going Down UnderChapter 2

From Chapter 1 “…I don’t want to interrupt what sounds like a fascinating lesson, but I need to ask the Professor here a question. Mr. Simmons has taken ill and will be out for a while. He and I were supposed to accompany the students on the annual school trip in two weeks. We’re going to Fraser Island, which you would find interesting. Would you like to go on the school trip, Professor? We will be staying ten days.” The room was silent for a moment before Cindy said, “Oh Professor,...

1 year ago
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Cousins wife

Hi everyone this is my real life story on this site. I am a single guy 29 year old from Bangalore, Prav, in a sales function and keep traveling quite a bit for my work. This story… Hi everyone this is my real life story on this site. I am a single guy 29 year old from Bangalore, Prav, in a sales function and keep traveling quite a bit for my work. This story is about a travel from Bangalore to Hyderabad when I was traveling for some work. Once I completed the security check and was...

3 years ago
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About My Wife

I love to be sexually dominated, and I am married to a very beautiful young woman who utilizes my obedience to the maximum. She knows that when I am sexually aroused there is nothing I wont do for her. She often makes me go a few days without cumming, knowing that I will be that much more aroused and submissive. The other night I arrived home and found her laying on the couch wearing a short satin robe. As soon as I saw her I developed an immediate erection, thus becoming a slave...

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Robs FamilyChapter 5

Rob and the girls continued their daily routines. The weekends were long and lonely without his family. Rob finished cooking dinner and brought it to the living room. He started to enjoy cocking not before the cuckolding started. " Uncle Rob, why are you so quiet?" Patty asked as she scooped some mashed potatoes. " I miss Maria." Rob told them. " Oh." Patty moved herself in the chair. Rob could see the slight swell of his niece's belly. Rob couldn't believe where the time has...

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