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Natasha teaches a piss slut to dance
Will Adams
Natasha Natoli was very pleased with her previous 's fun at The Litter Box(see Natasha part 1). In only a few hours, had moved quickly to reach her dreamof using an older bitch as a .
she lounged around her house in her bedroom the next day, she was sated,but already thinking about what to do next. She decided head out Saturday nightto the same bar of her previous evening's . But that afternoon, she receiveda phone call from Alice Burns, had been used as a human toilet the previousevening by young . Before Natasha left the bar, she had given her phone numberto , not really believing Alice would have the nerve to call . Natasha's mother,Beverly, picked up the call.
'Hello,' said Alice Burns 'is Natasha there?'.
'May I ask who is calling,' Beverly said.
'This is Alice, I'm just a friend,' Alice said, but privately thinking to: This is her human toilet calling, I'm filled with her shit, it up and tastingit again this morning and can't stop thinking her beautiful body and when Imight get together to worship any part her.
thought the call was a little odd, but called out to Natasha, 'Honey, it'sfor you.' Just to be safe, though, she put her hand over the and listened.
'Hello,' said Natasha.
'Hello mistress,' Alice said, 'it's me.'
'Well, you worthless cow, that was quick,' Natasha replied.
'I was wondering if we might get together again,' Alice inquired.
'Are you kidding?', Natasha shot back and hung up. She had learned the eveningthat she didn't really give a shit about Alice, nor would about any of theother women she would come to use. Alice had been her last night, but todayshe didn't even care as much about her as she the toilet in her own bathroom.
, her mother, was horrified on the other end of the line. Beverly quite certainher daughter had sexual relations with the caller and the was obviously mucholder than Natasha was. Beverly felt she had to something, even though it wouldbetray that she had been listening. walked into Natasha's room and said, 'Honey,we have to talk.'
'Yes mom.'
'It sounded like you had an interesting call, were you somehow involved thatwoman?', Beverly asked.
coolly assessed her situation. She had found the sexual lifestyle wantedand she couldn't let it slip away. In addition, in any event, had already beenthinking about turning her mother into one of her of cunts. She had to lashout and lash out strongly.
'Listen Mother, I can handle my life myself and frankly it's none of yourbusiness.'
acted as if she had been slapped, physically, not just verbally and reeledbackwards.
'Now just get out, leave me the fuck alone,' Natasha said. And Natasha, theadvantage, didn't let it go at that, she stepped forward and her mother, causingBeverly to fall over backwards. Natasha didn't any concern, turned on her heel,and headed back into her room.
was aghast and simply picked herself up and limped away, not sure all aboutwhat to do with her rebellious young daughter.
, on the other hand, was delighted. She knew that she was one step to drawingher mother into her circle of sick perverts who would do to worship her gorgeousbody. She laughed aloud with the notion that soon she'd have her mother asa slut whore.
decided to head out early and so even though it was short of noon, decidedto head for The Litter Box. She donned her same outfit of a , micro mini madeout of vinyl, a tank top with no bra, nylons garter and covered it all withthe plastic raincoat. She got on the bus and headed for the lesbian bar.
there, she walked in with the plastic raincoat on this time and took a atone of the booths. She was waiting to catch another whore.
ordered a couple of Coca Colas, sipped at them, and waited. She didn't towait long and suddenly she heard a throat being cleared and looked to finda gorgeous older woman standing before her. The older woman was look alikefor Pam Anderson, but about 40 years old.
'Yes,' said Natasha.
older broad was stupefied by the young girl's beauty and found she couldn'trespond.
decided to play with the buxom blonde standing before her. 'Cat your tongueslut?', she said.
'Um, er, Alice told me you are quite the mistress and I was wondering ifmight consider using me in a similar way?', the blonde said to the young girl.
'Well sure slut, why don't you sit down, but first take those big tits outyour dress and flop them out.'
older potential slave woman paused and then said, 'I, uh, I, can't do .'
'Sure you can,' Natasha cooed, 'if you want to spend time with me, floppingbig tits out will be the least shameful thing you will do. Now do it get thefuck out of my life.'
blonde hesitated for only a moment and then pulled down the neck of her andflopped two perfect 44 Ds out into the open.
'There now,' Natasha said, 'you can have a seat. And introduce yourself,, if you're going to be one of my sluts, I at least want to know your .'
big-titted blonde slid into the booth next to Natasha and said, 'Thank verymuch mistress, my name is Candy Jeffe.'
turned toward Candy and slapped her face sharply.
, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, she continued the physical abuse until Candy's were botha bright red.
'Listen slut,' Natasha said to Candy, 'don't ever hesitate again when I youan order. You are a worthless piece of crap whose only value in is to serveas my sex toy in whatever way I choose. Understand?"
, still reeling from the bitch slapping she had just received, dumbly herhead indicating she understood. God, she thought, this little is really tough.Alice was right she's really a beauty and knows . I had better get my slutact together if I expect her to use me.
'Yes mistress, yes mistress, I understand and I'll do whatever you say fromon.'
, thought Natasha, now let's start to put her through her paces. 'Nice ,now let's see the rest of you, get out of your clothes altogether and herenext to me.'
hesitated for only a second until she thought she saw Natasha's left moveto bitch slap her again and then Candy was stripping off her while remainingseated in the booth. As she removed her clothing, thought to herself, My God,she's got an incredible body; someone be worshipping her, but what the fuck,if she wants to be my , great, nothing like crapping in a pretty lady's mouth.Using as a sewer was great, but Natasha knew she would be using prettier and,sure enough, she was about to use the much prettier Candy Jeffe. , Candy wassitting naked next to Natasha.
'Ok, whore, now I want to get on with our fun for the afternoon. First, Iyou to shove one of these Coke bottles up your twat and then stick the onefully into your asshole and then sit down.'
, Candy hesitated for only an instant and then grabbed one of the and insertedit into her twat and quickly shoved the other into her entry. And, again followingNatasha's direction, sat down and waited what was next.
'Very good whore, now for your next trick, please get under the table andprepared to receive your first golden shower from the beautiful .'
hustled quickly under the table and saw that Natasha had rucked up skirt,scooted her ass down the seat and that the young girl had no on. A quicklyheating up Candy was mesmerized as she locked her onto the pubes in front ofher. Candy heard Natasha's voice again, 'Ready slut, beg me for it.'
'Oh please mistress, piss on me, soak me in your urine. Give me the goldenI want so badly and let me wallow in the piss of a goddess,' Candy in a parched,sex-starved voice.
stared straight ahead and watched as Natasha reached down and spread labiato fully expose her urethra hole. Candy realized she was holding breath, waitingfor the young sex goddess to begin urinating on her. then it came floodingout and caught Candy right between the eyes. gasped as Natasha hosed her downwith a powerful spray of young girl . Candy had been on the receiving end ofnumerous piss dousings, but couldn't recall one in which the piss flow wasso powerful. And it on and on. Candy closed her eyes and opened her mouth wideto attempt drink some of the precious flow, but Natasha wanted to really soakher moved the flow all of the older slut's body. Finally, the piss flow andthen stopped. Candy was indeed soaked and she heard Natasha , 'Ok pissslut,time for you to show the bar what a whore you are. Get and get up on the stageand dance and show the whole place your body in my piss.'
didn't want to risk the wrath of Natasha so she scooted out from the tableand moved to the stage where she began shaking her booty dancing away in afrenzy of piss lust. All the patrons stopped to look at her and they realizedshe was covered in piss and was dancing to the of her mistress and now owner,the darling Natasha.
continued dancing for an hour until the piss had pretty well dried up wasreplaced with a fine sheen of sweat. She plopped down in the seat to Natashato see what other perversity Natasha had in mind for her. seated, Natasha toldher she had done a good job and would be rewarded she wanted it with a fullmeal of Natasha's pure brown crap. But only, said, if Candy could properlybeg for it. Candy didn't want to a chance to miss eating bowel fruit from theyoung dominatrix and so broke into a plea:
'Please dear Mistress Natasha, I have taken bottles up the twat and ass,and gratefully accepted your urine and danced for you. Now may I taste andeat the fruit of your colon, the shit from your beautiful , may I be a sewerto accept your bodily wastes. You will give me a to a worthless life if onlyI can receive your shit. May I be so as to receive turds from your lovely rearend?'
told Candy she was going to grant her wish and so they should to the bathroom.Natasha was beginning to feel like the queen of lesbo toilet room and oncethere she quickly stripped off her skimpy , standing nude and glorious in frontof the likewise nude Candy.
'On your knees slut and first eat my twat, get your face down here and itand then perform loving cunnilingus on me. Make love to my snatch.'
, surprised but not completely to hear Natasha's age, was only too to obeyand nuzzled her face into the young girl's crotch. She placed hands on Natasha'slovely young thighs and ran her tongue in between girl's lovely labia, sniffingdeeply of the aroma of the overheated . Her mouth began watering and droolran down her chin as she feasted the Y. Natasha grabbed Candy's long blondhair and ground her crotch the older whore's face as the cunt eating passionsteamed up the . Natasha shuddered to a climax and told Candy to lie on herback prepare herself 'for the honor of serving as Natasha's toilet, preparereceive the baptism of shit from your owner.'
scurried to get on her back and gazed lovingly and longingly up at now nudeyoung girl with a goddess' body towering over her. She to gaze in love withthe young girl and had to tell her.
'Dear Mistress Natasha, I must tell you that I love you, I truly love youhope we can be together.'
remained unmoved. 'You cunts are going to have the get this right. courseyou love me; I'm young, smart, and beautiful with an incredible . But I'llnever love you. In fact, I don't care anything about you. 'm about to crapin your mouth, to use you as a toilet and let my stinking sit in your bloatedstomach as you digest my shit, and I just don't care anything about you. Infact, if you choke on my shit and die, it will be fine with me. ?'.
rocked through an orgasm, brought on by the incredible verbal bashing hadjust received from young Natasha. But the abuse didn't faze her she was stillready to receive a shit meal from the girl. Even though had just said to her,'Eat shit and die,' Candy didn't care because knew that once the fecal materialstarted flowing into her mouth, she be able to scratch the itch that had beenbothering her since Alice told her about how great Natasha's stool tasted.
'Yes, I understand Mistress; I'm just your toilet, nothing more.'
Candy watched as the beautiful ass and ever-expanding sphincter of Natashawas lowered to her face and mouth. Natasha told her to get nose up her rectumso she could smell one of her farts.
'Here comes a gas bomb,' Natasha said. 'Smell it and love it.'
she farted into Candy's nose and Candy inhaled the foul smell and it. Sheknew the chunky stool couldn't be far behind.
'Okay shit babe here comes your meal of my excrement, I absolutely love abowel movement in a pretty woman's mouth.'
had her eyes wide open as the scat meal began to be born from 's bunghole.Natasha's hole expanded and a huge turd 2 and 1/2 in diameter started the exitprocess. The foul odor hit Candy's and sent her into another orgasm. Candywas an experienced shit and knew she had to keep her mouth open wide to acceptthis fecal . Candy loved the nasty smell and looked closely at the column ofas it moved inexorably towards her mouth. The tip of the turd meal her tongue,which was extended, first and Candy used her tongue to the dung into her waitingand hungry mouth. Quickly, she was filled a huge shit pipe and it was cloggingher mouth, and more was still . A full 14-inch turd had been expelled fromNatasha and about six was ensconced in Candy's mouth and the remaining 8 inchesstood up , extending out from her mouth. Candy stared up at the foul towerout of her mouth and admired the dark brown color of the human column, notingthe firm nature of the defecation meal and each of clear ridges on the turd.She knew she'd be working at this meal for a , given its strong consistency.
stood up to survey her handiwork. She loved seeing the whore's stretchedaround her turd and could clearly see that Candy was eating offered treat bythe motion of her lips moving up the shit column and throat working below tosend the foul fecal material to her stomach.
'That's great,' said Natasha, looking at the inches of dung sticking up Candy'slips. 'It looks like a shit Eiffel Tower, or no, perhaps a totem pole. Whata worthless cunt you are laying there loving my turd with your mouth. I justlove using lesbian scat whores'
watched as the rest of her guano was consumed by the slut on the floor. Sheknew she wanted to add to the defilement and walked to the bar, fully nude,and picked up a cherry, returned to the , placed it on top of the shit pileand watched Candy continue her experience. She thought there was one more touchthat was needed. picked up a small stick from the floor and stuck one end ofit in the of the turd pile and then took some of the stool and marked Candy'sand both cheeks and tits.
'There,' she said, 'now when you leave, keep that shit on your body as athat you belong to me, if I care to own you.'
Candy finished the meal, she got on her knees again and said, 'Thank mistressfor a wonderful meal, when can we get together again.'
continued her torment, however, saying, 'I don't know if we ever . AlthoughI do have an idea for a piss/shit gang event that I may you about. You cankeep the soda bottles in your twat and ass as of the night Natasha used youas a toilet.' With that, she her clothes, and left the bar, also leaving Candypanting for more.
I had often spent a lot of time fantasizing about young Natasha. She was a perky little blonde with a nice tan. She had an innocent and adorable face that was lightly peppered with a few freckles. She had a gorgeous petite body,with tiny teacup breasts. She sometimes wore a tight little "wife-beater" without a bra, so I knew that her nipples were puffy and pert. Her legs were beautiful as well. She kept them toned and fit with gymnastics and cheer-leading. As usual, I felt my dick twitch as...
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That is what it is, a milestone of life that requires something put into the bucket list. My fortieth birthday, the entrenching realization of middle age setting in with a building sense of urgency to experience something or anything that can check mark a life with enough excitement to carry oneself for that long steep decline of age. Maybe a long ways to go, but I was bound and determined not to go gently into that good night. So I forced the issue, demanded to my family I needed to do...
That's the way it went for the next several months. I was so stressed with studying that my extracurricular activities went to almost nil. I visited Mary a couple of times, and each time was breathtaking, but that was about it. I had a pattern of trying to make it to Mom's every couple of weekends, at least, for a delicious meal and even more delicious kisses. For over a month we hardly progressed beyond the furtive kisses when I arrived and when I left.About mid-semester I texted Mom on...
I found myself alone for the evening, but not without an agenda. I had been given very specific instructions as to what my night time activities would entail. He had written them for me in painstaking detail and he would expect me to comply fully and completely just as if he were there to carry out his demands himself. During the day, in anticipation of an elaborate session of self-gratification, I broke up the day’s mundane activities by taking my fingers and exploring my recently waxed and...
You are Nick Philmore. At 23, you have had a tough life for someone your age. Raised in the foster care system, you moved from town to town and family to family your whole childhood, finally finding a permanent home with an older widow named Margaret in a suburb of Boston. Although you had planned to go to college when you graduated high school, Margaret fell sick and you instead spent three years caring for her and working several part time jobs to help pay for her care. When she passed, you...
GayHello friends, this is prem again. Thnq for ur response & comments to my previous stories. This is a continued story of “My experience as a home tutor part-1” For those who don’t know me. Let me introduce my self, my name is prem & I am from Hyderabad. I am 24 years above avg guy with a tool which can satisfy all the ladies need. Any girls ladies & aunties who r unsatisfied in Hyderabad can contact me on my id 100% privacy & safety guaranteed. Now coming to the story, Aa roju radha ni...
"Hope you're ready to lose, asshole." Erik teases with a broad grin, sitting down and booting up the console. Erik is a handsome guy; straight, but never one to shy away from a little harmless fun with a guy. He knows that you've always found him attractive, and isn't above teasing you for it every now and again, but he also respects you as his greatest rival. You match his cockiness with a wry grin of your own, dropping the thin chain on the carpet between you. "Why don't we save some time and...
GaySo, about a year ago, I had a lot of trouble going to sleep one Thursday night. I was tossing and turning for hours, but I just couldn't fall asleep! At around 2 in the morning, I realized that the reason I couldn't go to sleep was because i hadn't exercised in two days - I go to the gym at least five times a week - so I had a lot of pent up energy. I like to keep in good shape, and so far, I've succeeded. I'm about 5'1, and weigh 95 lbs. I'd probably weigh less, but nature blessed me with a...
Great stories rarely become a reality, but some realities make great stories. This is one of those stories. This is about the fling I had with a young lady in her 20s from our apartments. I always ignored her whenever we ran into each other in the building, so did she. She usually takes a walk in the building with her mom or other family members, dressed in a nighty. She is not a head-turning beauty and looks overweight in those nighties. But, I used to see her every day either...
As sunlight peeked through the blinds in Damian’s bedroom, Erin slowly woke to the sounds of birds chirping and the scent of coffee wafting from the kitchen downstairs. Her naked body nuzzled against Damian’s as she replayed the events of the previous day in her mind. She and Damian had enjoyed a nice drive on a beautiful spring day. As Damian drove, his fingers had roamed. His hand had caressed her bare thighs and along her panties even as they’d arrived at his parents’ house. She smiled and...
IncestWe went to her room, kissing and groping along the way. It’s been a while since we have been alone. With the door closed, she turned me around and very slowly began undressing me. Between every button undone, she reached up and kissed me. It was quite thrilling to me. I wanted her to move faster, but she slapped me away. “I’m going to enjoy this, Michael Robert Thomas Junior.” Hearing that, from her, made me even harder. Done with the shirt, she pulled off my T-shirt, touching and kissing...
Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...
Hello indian sex stories dot net readers. Naa peru Vijay.nenu hyderabad lo untanu. Maadi 1BHK illu with attached bathroom. Maa intlo nenu maa amma nanna and chelli untamu. Maa amma ladies tailor. Blouses kuttadam and Pico fall chestadi. Maa nanna private employee. Maa amma nanna la pelli ayyi 22years aithundi. Naa age 20 years and maa chelli age 18 years. Nenu Btech chaduvutunnanu. Idi background. Inka story loki vasdamu. Maa amma nanna ki okkori paina okkoriki chala istam. Ae roju godava...
ALL ABOUT KATIE I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did.The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She was...
The problem is they are the same person. Island Expedition by Cheltenham I led the expedition through a vine laden forest and slashed at the overgrowth with a machete. ‘The myths describe a wooden box with an accented crest of snakes, and a gold seal over the locks. The locks can be opened by those destined to find it and no one else.’ As a tour guide, I had to make a living somehow. We planted items throughout distant locations and pretended to find them days later. It brought visitors...
Change for the better part 6 Candy and I left to go upstairs to go bath and then get dressed. As we walked up stairs Candy wiggled her rear and her recently drained clitty was hard again and I just wanted to suck on it there and then. I called for Candy to stop and turn round. She wanted to know why and tuned around to see me on my knees. She said, "Kenny darling what are you doing?" Her clitty was level with my mouth and just took it into my mouth. Candy moaned saying,...
“I can feel your cum squirting in my cunt, darling,” Cynthia wailed. “God, your cock feels so fucking big! Fuck me, darling, fuck me good, I’m going to cum again!”She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, and swung her hips from side to side and up and down rapidly. She had another wailing orgasm and sucked the last drop of cum from him before his cock changed from a bar of steel to a piece of limp rubber.She kept her legs locked around his waist as they rolled onto...
Michael only thought of two things the entire week, and it wasn't work either. He thought about how he had sex with his four favorite cousins, in the same room at the same time! He also thought about how his Aunt Diane had come on to him and how he had vowed to take Aunt Diane with her massive mammaries during the following weekend! It was now that next weekend. Michael's cousins had not come around during the week, so he'd thought that he would visit some of them after popping by Aunt...
visit on or to read more stories like theseMy parents divorced when I was 10 over some drinking brawl assed thing. Dad drank a lot & when dad walked out he said, I’ll see you again in divorce court. Mom started to cry un-controllably. Hell, I didn’t know what to do. I took mom’s hand & tried to console her as best I could. She & I just sat there. I started to talk to her. I said, “Mom “We’ll make it. We will be alright”“We will be fine mom, it will...
Posted on July 2, 2008 written by my previous gf Julie…….. – fully dressed for the occasion in something very sexy and revealing, look good feel good I always say.There are many gorgeous party a****l up for it people at this magnificent house (you know the sort where they have a parking attendant to park your car when you arrive) big drive, and Jacuzzi’s in every corner) and for once im not the shy little women that never grew up hanging around waiting for attention – im a flirtatious, lusty,...
kimmy redid Mary's make-up and straighten her hair. Then Mrs. Simon handed Mary a bag and told her to put on the clothes inside. She took the clamps off of Mary's swollen nipples and allowed her to get dressed. kimmy moved off to the other side of the room. Mary looked in the bag and found a black lace garter belt with matching black stockings and one of her favorite powder blue business suits. The last time she had seen it was when she was going through her closet for Lisa which seemed...
First thing’s first...
My boyfriend is not unknown for being the father of someone abroad. He has had a lot of sex with strangers on holiday, but also tourists in our city. our last trip to denmark, we visited a girl who was the mother of twins. My boyfriend was without a doubt the father. I just have no memories of them fucking. On that trip he had sex with one of her friends, where she also became pregnant. So we know he is the father of three in Denmark. He has had sex with one on a trip to Finland, five girls in...
On a warm, summery Saturday night we had our neighbours Sue and Jake over for dinner. After consuming the delicious meal prepared by Melanie we all started drinking Tequila Sunrises while we chatted. They went down very well and in copious amounts, so we were all having a good time and feeling quite relaxed. At some point a game of strip poker was suggested and we all agreed to play. Luck was with the guys as both girls started to lose from the very beginning of the game. My wife Melanie was...
Group Sex