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Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, an 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. I stood at the kitchen sink slowly working my way through the unusually large pile of dishes, glancing from time to time out of the window at the small group of kids cavorting around the pool. Kids? I shook my head wonderingly; some of them didn’t look much like kids any more even though they were all of a similar age to my daughter Natasha. She had just turned 18, and this was a slightly belated birthday party. When she’d first asked for the party I was a little dubious, heck the last thing I needed was a tribe of screaming kids around, but I couldn’t really refuse Natasha, she’d taken it very badly when her mother left three years ago, and was only now starting to come out of it and start smiling again. So I’d agreed and had even done much of the catering myself, to the surprise and delight of Natasha’s friends, who thoroughly enjoyed the meal.

But as for a tribe of screaming kids, well they were a little noisy jumping in and out of the pool, and that was to be expected when 6 or 7 teenage girls get together, but kids they certainly weren’t. My mind flashed back to the two who had recently rushed into the kitchen to get themselves a cool drink, I’d turned to say something to them, but had only managed to gape. They were both kneeling in front of the fridge peering in, trying to decide what to drink, with them leaning forward and me standing up looking downwards I had a perfectly clear and uninterrupted view of their firm young breasts almost spilling out of their bikini tops, and I found myself reacting almost violently, my cock leaping and jerking inside my shorts. I quickly turned away, shocked by my reaction, and worked furiously at the dishes until they had left, then I collapsed against the sink and groaned. Damn it was time I had another woman in my life, three years of abstinence was playing havoc with my hormones, and I needed to get myself under control and fast.

Once again I glanced through the window, and groaned aloud, damn, there was another one, just so sexy. She was standing at the pool’s edge, her back to me, bent over ready to dive in, her bikini bottoms had crept almost totally into the crack of her ass so it looked almost naked as she hesitated before diving. Everything took on that freeze frame, slow motion aspect, and I could clearly see the interplay of the muscles in her ass cheeks as she rocked slightly back and forth. My cock was immediately rock hard as my eyes almost bored into her cute, sexy ass, then she hurled herself into the water and churned down the pool, turning at the far end and churning back down again, and I watched her all the way, totally mesmerized. Then she stood up, laughing, and I gasped in shock, it was Natasha, my own daughter that I’d just been perving on, that I’d just reacted to with the biggest, hardest erection of the day so far.

I knew it was time for me to get out, to get as far away from these horny young ladies as possible, but I was stuck, I’d promised their parents that I’d be here the whole time. As all these thoughts were going through my head I was still standing staring out at Natasha as she laughed and spoke to one of her friends off to the side, then she placed her hands on the side of the pool and levered herself out of the water, and I groaned afresh and a huge shudder ran through me as I found myself staring at her amazingly ripe breasts almost escaping from her bikini, indeed, momentarily one breast did pop out and I found myself staring lustfully at her hard, almost ruby red nipple, before she quickly popped her breast back in as she stood up and clearly made some joking comment to one of her friends, as I heard the extra loud peals of laughter ring out. Then she turned and waved and grinned at me through the window, and I flushed with embarrassment, damn, she’d known I was there, probably knew that I’d seen her little accident, how was I going to face her later.

Fortunately, at that point I came to the end of the dishes, so I scuttled out of the kitchen, grabbing an ice cold drink as I left, and retired to my study, flicked on the computer and started to surf the net. For a while I couldn’t concentrate, images of those nubile young things out at the pool kept on intruding, but eventually I found some interesting information I’d been looking for and started to concentrate again on the more mundane realities of life, like work. The next couple of hours sped by as I engrossed myself in the new information I’d found on the web, so much so that I was quite startled when there was a knock on the door and Natasha called out that some of her friend’s parents had arrived to take them home. I hurried out and played the gracious host for a short while. Accepting the girl’s thanks and their parent’s thanks and waving them on their way. Over the next half hour the rest of the parent’s turned up and the girls all left and I slipped into the kitchen, knowing there would at least be some glasses to wash and dry. I was surprised on glancing out of the window to realize that it was dark already, wow, where had all the time gone.

A beaming Natasha then came in with another lot of glasses and stood there telling me how great the party had been and how much everyone had enjoyed it, and how wonderful the food was, etc. I listened and smiled and washed the glasses, glad that at least she was back in normal clothes and I wasn’t subjected to what had happened earlier, although just the thought of that had my cock starting to twitch again, especially when she snuggled into me real close and gazing up at me asked if I’d liked her friends. When I laughingly said they seemed a lovely group, she grinned and said that some of them thought I was quite a spunk – which made me flush a little – and I tried not to seem too eager when I asked laughingly who could possible be so blind. When she told me it was the two girls that I’d reacted to in the kitchen, I almost reacted again, remembering their hot little breasts, and maybe it showed a little on my face, because Natasha looked strangely at me, “Are you ok , daddy?, you look quite flushed” she said. “Oh, I’m fine” I muttered, “Guess it must be the steam from the water”

She nodded and smiled, but with a lift of her eyebrow that said she wasn’t totally convinced I was telling the truth. “Well, if you’re really ok, I think I’ll go off to bed, it’s been an exciting day, thank you so much, daddy, I know you didn’t really want all those people here, but it was lovely, and I really enjoyed it” she said, and lifted onto tip toes to brush her lips across my cheeks, then dashed from the room. For some reason the heat of her lips stayed with me long after she’d gone, a discomforting reminder of the feelings I’d experienced that day. Heck, she’d kissed me before and I’d never reacted like this, it could only be the turned on feeling that all those nubile young girls had given me earlier that evening. I finished the dishes and cleared up in the lounge room then headed back to my study to resume my work on the computer, but this time I couldn’t settle and couldn’t concentrate at all. Eventually I gave up in disgust and closed the computer down and wandered into my bedroom, standing staring for a long moment out at the pool glistening in the moonlight, then making a sudden decision to take a dip, after all it was still very warm, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get straight off to sleep. I smiled to myself as I undressed; maybe a dip in a nice cool pool was just what I needed to get rid of the heat that was inside me, a heat which even now had my cock standing almost to attention.

Damn, I was never going to squeeze that into my bathers. I looked out again, remembering that Natasha had said she was going to bed, there was no one else around and the neighbors couldn’t see over the fences at all, so why bother, I thought. For a moment I stood there undecided, almost unaware that I was gently stroking my cock and it was swiftly rising to full attention, but when I did realize it I pulled my hand away sharply, groaning. Damn, how stupid, now I had to go in like that. Quietly I eased the sliding glass doors open that led from my bedroom to the patio, and walked outside. The moon was surprisingly bright, bathing the back yard in quite a glow, I looked up, stopping for a moment as a cloud scudded across, then realized I’d walked around the pool to the shallow end, so without any hesitation I dove in, cutting the water fairly cleanly so there was very little splash, and stroking almost eagerly up the length of the pool.

The sudden coolness of the water had the immediate effect I’d been hoping for, collapsing my erection like a pricked balloon, so when I reached the wall I felt comfortable and at ease. I held onto the wall for a moment, and then did a slow backstroke down to my original starting point. As my arm came over on the last stroke, instead of a hard wall I found a soft squirmy body and a loud giggle “Oh daddy, look where you’re going” I was so shocked I promptly turned turtle and took in a mouthful of water and came up spluttering and coughing with tears streaming from my eyes, “What how where did you come from?” I spluttered. “I was here when you came out, didn’t you see me?” She asked, laughing at my discomfort. “No, you weren’t, you couldn’t have been” I stammered, hoping against hope that I was right. She grinned at me “I can prove it by telling you what you looked like” she said, mischievously.

I looked at her blankly, then it hit me like a sledge hammer, I’d walked out to the pool with the most enormous erection, oh God she hadn’t? But one look at the grin on her face and I knew she had. I felt my face go the brightest shade of red imaginable. “Whatever were you thinking of, daddy? All those gorgeous girls in the pool this afternoon perhaps?” She asked impishly. “Natasha!” I exclaimed, “How could you think.”

“Well” she broke in, laughing, “You were certainly looking at them, and at me too, I saw you. All the girls saw you, and all of them were trying to catch your eye, I told you, they think you’re quite a spunk, did you think they were pretty….and sexy?”

“Natasha!” I exclaimed again, my vocabulary suddenly very limited, “You shouldn’t speak to your father like that”

“Sorry, daddy” she said, looking suddenly very contrite, “I didn’t mean to tease, but you did like them didn’t you?” I sighed loudly and tried to look away, “Well, ok, I admit that they were all pretty and I did look but none of them was as pretty as you” I quickly added. “Really, daddy, you mean that, I thought Samantha was much prettier than me and certainly much bigger” she said. I found myself flushing again, “Well I can’t speak about size, I mean I wasn’t that close gulp but no one is as beautiful as you” I stammered. “Oh daddy, you are sweet” she said, and lurched up out of the water and threw her arms around my neck. It was then I realized why she’d been crouched down with only her head showing…she wasn’t wearing a bikini top in fact, as her young body folded itself into mine I realized with a start that she wasn’t wearing a costume at all. “Natasha!” I gasped, damn, same vocabulary again, “You’re not wearing why what” She giggled into my neck, “Well if it’s ok for you to wear nothing, it’s ok for me too”

I groaned, knowing full well I should break away immediately, but her naked body felt so good, so right pressed up against me, her firm young breasts pressing into my chest, her hard nipples almost burning into me, and my reaction was too quick for me to hide anyway, as my cock started to throb and grow, pressing against her upper leg. I did make an effort, I reached up and tried to pry her hands from around my neck, but that just seemed to make her wriggle more, “No, daddy, please, I like it like this” she whispered, her face upturned to mine, and we stood like that a long moment, a moment when my cock got harder and harder and pressed ever more firmly into her. My hands had fallen back to her shoulders and then down to her back, and then onto the slopes of her naked buttocks, lightly caressing her, and still we stood there, not a word said.

Then, with a deep groan I lowered my lips to hers, felt hers part immediately and my tongue dart inside, felt a huge shudder run through her body, felt her tongue come out to dance with mine, and we were kissing wildly and passionately. I don’t know how long that kiss lasted, but when I finally pulled away I was shaking from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. We were both breathing like we’d just run a mile in record time, her firm young breasts heaving and bouncing around, drawing my eyes, “Do you really think they’re beautiful daddy” she whispered. “Oh yes” I said, another shudder running through me, “as beautiful as I’ve ever seen”, and I lifted one hand and gently cupped one of her breasts. She seemed to arch backwards as I stroked her breast, rolling the hard nipple between my finger and thumb, causing it to swell even more and a shiver to run through her, then I leaned down and brushed my lips lightly over it, running my tongue around her hot nipple, bringing a groan from her throat. “Oh daddy, that feels so good” she whispered, “I don’t ever want you to stop”

Well I didn’t want to stop either, right or wrong didn’t seem to matter any more, all I wanted was to please her and to please me too I was on fire. Without another word I led her to the steps and helped her out of the pool, taking the opportunity to gaze lovingly at her tight sexy ass. Then I was leading her to my room, my hand around her waist, hand resting on her tight ass cheeks, and she was looking up at me, a smile on her face, and her hand lightly stroking my massive cock. Then we were inside, and I guided her to my bed and sat her down, “Are you sure you want this?” I whispered. A shudder ran through her, but didn’t disturb the smile on her face, “Oh yes, Daddy, whatever, you want” she whispered back. I took her hands and guided it to my throbbing cock, “I want you to lick and suck my cock first, get to know it before it comes into you, do you understand?” I asked. She gazed at my big cock from just a few inches away, and her tongue came out to sweep across her lips, “Yes daddy, I know” she said, and leaned down and started to run her tongue up and down the length of it. My body almost exploded on the spot, god it had been so long since a woman had done that to me, and now, my own daughter, oh, wow it was so hot. I watched as her lips and tongue teased and played with my cock and my balls, and was surprised at how much she seemed to be enjoying it, occasionally she would glance up at me and grin, “Mmm, daddy. You’re so big and hot, am I doing it right?” God was she ever! She was driving me wild, and I knew I’d better stop it before I blew my stack.

She actually mewed with disappointment as I moved her away and eased her down onto the bed, but those quickly turned to mews of pleasure as my own hands, lips and tongue took to her body, searching out and caressing every single part from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. When I got to her pussy, she literally went wild, thrashing about and almost falling off the bed, crying and screaming her delight, urging me on…and I was all too willing to oblige, dipping my tongue into her tight, juicy pussy, reaming her tight little ass, sucking on her surprisingly large clit, and lifting her through a number of quick, surging orgasms. Then she was pulling at me, urging me up, my tongue running over her stomach to her incredibly firm beautifully formed breasts with their tight hot nipples, and she was reaching down for me, clasping my rock hard cock and rubbing its head up and down her pussy lips, “Please, daddy,” she whispered hotly, “Please, come into me” Well I don’t think a stampeding herd of elephants could have stopped me or pulled me away by this time, I wanted her so badly. I reached down and hooked my hands behind her ass cheeks and lifted her slightly, allowing the tip of my cock to slide into her pussy lips and she cried out, “Oh yes, oh god yes, daddy”, spreading her legs wider still.

“Oh Natasha, daddy wants you so much, daddy wants to fuck you” I whispered hotly and pressed my cock ever deeper into her tight pussy, spreading the walls wide, god she was so tight. She screamed once more as I lanced so deep that my balls cannoned into her raised ass cheeks, and I held still for a moment, waiting for the pain to ease, the pain I knew she’d felt as her hymen had been split by my ramming cock. Oh god, I’d just taken my daughter’s cherry! The fire was raging in me, and I started to move, slowly at first and not very far, but as she loosened up and started to respond, my strokes got longer and harder, and soon I was fucking her like crazy, lifting her ass and pounding my cock into her, and she was crying out again, not with pain this time, but with pleasure and delight. “Oh yes daddy, fuck me hard, so good, Oh I do love your cock in me” she cried, and I fucked her, and fucked her, and fucked her, amazing myself a little with how long I was managing to last in her tight hot pussy, but then I knew I was close to coming, my balls were bubbling and boiling like crazy, my cock starting to swell. Oh god, I suddenly couldn’t remember if I’d arranged for her to be on the pill, and I was just about to let fly. I quickly pulled out, hearing her deep groan of disappointment, and grabbed my hot cock and started to pump it, but she grabbed it away from me and pumped it like mad, and after just a few seconds I was exploding. Great arches of hot, white cum juice spraying over her breasts and her face and her body, and she was screaming and trying to catch it in her mouth, so I leaned forward and jammed my cock into her mouth, spewing the final spurts deep into her throat, fucking her mouth like I’d been fucking her pussy.

God what a hot , horny mess of cum, all over her, and she, lying there with a smile like a Cheshire cat all over her face, “Mmmm daddy, that was so good, but why didn’t you shoot into me pout I wanted you in me” she said. I groaned, “I wasn’t sure if you were protected” I said. She grinned, “Of course, daddy, I’m not silly you know, I organized that when I turned 13…just in case” My eyes flew wide and she laughed, then reached up and stroked my face, “But I was saving it for you, daddy, except you never seemed to notice me, well not as a woman, that is” she added. I looked down at her and grinned, “Oh, if you only knew, I’ve been noticing you ever since you were 14” I said. She grinned right back and reached down and cupped my still partially hard cock, “Well” she said, “Now that you’ve done more than notice me, now that your beautiful cock has filled me up and I’ve made you cum, now I’m a real woman….your woman…whenever you want me” That sent a hot shudder right through me, and I looked at her with entirely new eyes, then let those eyes drift down her tight, succulent body, “Oh yes. Natasha, you’re daddy’s girl from now on, and there’s nothing I won’t do to make you happy” I said, hotly. She reached up and placed a finger over my lips, and pouted, “I’m daddy’s woman, not daddy’s girl, and I’m going to make sure you never look at another woman … unless I want you too!” She said, and grinned, “Maybe if you’re extra good to me I’ll get some of my friends to come around and…”

Oh Jesus, the thought of her horny young friends just about exploded me again, and without any warning I rammed my newly erect cock back into her tight pussy. Causing her to scream and wail some more, as I fucked her even harder than the first time, and this time, much to her delight I didn’t pull out, I filled her steaming pussy with my hot cum juice, filled it to overflowing!!! Then I lay between her legs and slowly and sensuously licked my cum juice from her pussy, enjoying the almost cloyingly sweet taste of our fused juices, enjoying the shaking and shuddering of her body as my tongue reamed around her throbbing , swollen clitoris, enjoying her cries and whimpers as still more orgasms rippled through her. God, I couldn’t get enough of her succulent body. Then she was squirming around, and her lips were stroking my softening cock, bringing it back to instant hardness, her eager tongue flicking over my cock head, driving me wild, before taking the whole cock deep into her hot mouth. I moaned loudly, my body going into frantic spasms as her hot your mouth toyed with me, taking me to the brink of another orgasm before easing away and slowing down. Lifting my surging cock high, she took my heavy balls, one by one into her mouth and slowly squeezed them with her tongue, before flicking her tongue over that super sensitive area between the ball sac and the anus. I groaned loudly and shuddered, and immediately she took my cock back into her mouth and with a combination of sucking, licking and stroking brought it back to that point where nothing could stop it exploding like a veritable volcano, and she was drinking my hot cum, pulling my spurting cock deep into her throat so she didn’t lose one drop. Her own pussy was convulsing on my tongue, pouring her pussy juices into my eager mouth, and we shook and shuddered and emptied ourselves into each other. God it was soooo good.

When we were both spent, I squirmed around until I was again holding her beautiful young body to mine, gazing into her dark, fire filled eyes, “Wow, wherever did you learn to do that?” I whispered. She chuckled, “Well, while I was waiting for you to notice me. And do something about it, I had to do something about my own horniness, and the boys seemed to love it when I blew their stacks for them”

“God, I can imagine” I exclaimed, “It’s a wonder they didn’t want to take it further”

“Oh they did” she giggled, “But when I finished playing with their cocks they never seemed to be in a fit state to do anything about it”

I leaned back and laughed, “Now that I can believe” I said, but my own cock was trying to make a liar out of her as it swelled and stiffened yet again, and looking down at it she grinned.

“But they were boys. And you’re different” she whispered hotly, as she swiveled her body on top of mine and her hot, horny pussy once again surged down over it, “mm, yes daddy, yes, fuck me again, please, don’t ever stop”

Well, I tried not to! And for a while time again stood still as we took each other to new heights of ecstasy.

Afterwards we lay for ages in each other’s arms, each no doubt dreaming of all that was to come. MMMMMMMMM!!

Sorry readers! The story is not real. Author’s message to all the readers. I Abhishek Singh am a call boy. I used to give services in the areas of I.P.EXT, mayur vihar phase-1 and 2, Shakarpur, Laxmi nagar, west Vinod nagar, mandawali, and all the places near by them. I am not to smart nor too handsome. But the thing which I have is my style and my attitude to fuck the girls and too pleasure out them. I guarantee their satisfaction and secrecy for 100%. My charge is Rs.180/- for one hour of one female. If you are interested then contact me at my email address at For orkut users my email address is So add me on orkut and enjoy your life because life fucks everyone. Hey come on girls…get really fuck like this story in Delhi with me and enjoy.

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A favor to my friend and my wife

I want to talk about the first time I watched my wife in bed with another guy. It was a friend of ours, who we had known for years. He was married but his sex life was nonexistent. He always complained to me about how she isn’t very good in bed and how she just lays back and lets him fuck her missionary style. He always used to say that I wish he could have one night with Lisa, my wife because I used to tell him all about our sex life, where we used a have sex, how many times etc. One time I...

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A MILFs Craving for Teenage Testicles and Cum

My name is Holly, and at forty-two years old I am the mother of eighteen year old and nineteen year old sons who are both away at college. I always enjoyed observing and interacting with them and their friends when they were maturing and going into their junior and senior years in high school. My husband Ed and I had our oldest son Jeremy just one year out of college. Then our younger son Michael was born a year later. That is why we are relatively young parents. After my sons left for...

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The Elms at Doral Sands and Tina Too

The Elms at Doral Sands is an exclusive little community just out the Allen Park Road from Yankeetown, Florida. We sit between Crystal River and Cedar Key. The name Yankeetown has nothing to do with the baseball team, rather, it comes from the fact the local mail carrier frequently and derisively directed visitors to the settlement he called “that Yankee town”. That we know of, there are no Elms at Doral Sands, and very little sand, besides what gets tracked back from local beaches. There were...

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My amma

I’m Prasanna from Chennai. This is my first experience after reading all the stories I am publishing my experience with my mother (Amma). My amma name is Nirmala (Nimmi). “Nimmi” What a sexy name? She is 40D sized cup round ass and wide waist looks like typical Indian lady. My amma is a beautiful lady. She is 38 now and I am 19. But she looks like 28 years lady. Because she doing exercise regularly without fail. My amma is whitish, with good sized boobs and bottom. I get excited by her breasts...

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The Doctor8217s Exam

Rex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctors and felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. The appointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel and unusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and Doctor Jenkins’ nurse, Miss Boyd came flying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkins entered the examining room,...

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How My Wife Ended Up In Bed With A 19 Year Old

This all happened by accident one day as my wife and I had visited the home improvement store. We had been checking on prices as we wanted to change out our carpet in our home. We were in their flooring department when a young gentlemen walked over to help us. He introduced himself as Matt and began to show us all the different styles of carpeting they had. He said he had been working in this department for the last two months. He laid out several choices of carpeting down on the floor so we...

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Virginity Lost2

I'd always had a good relationship with my sister. We weren't your stereotypical siblings, we never argued and we were comfortable with each other naked, we had to be, we shared a room. But I never viewed her in a sexual way. I guess I started looking at her in a sexual manner once I started secondary school. I was one of the few people in my year that had not been exposed to sex so when my friends used to talk about wanking I was clueless and would just nod along. But it did however, get...

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 She wore no make up (not that she really needed any), her auburn hair was cut short that summer, very elegant and very practical for a young woman who like to do sports. She wore a decent gray skirt that hung loosely on her hips and that went to just below her knees. She wore white sneakers and pink socks. She also wore a plain white tee-shirt and an old denim jacket, because even though it was late June, it was not a warm day.She parked her bicycle up against hedge and then then she opened...

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HotwifeXXX Charly Summer Charly Gets Her Type Of Man Inside

Pretty and petite lonely wife Charly is very pleased meeting Ramon, who was hired by her husband to cum service her needs and was exactly her type of man. Charly warned Ramon her hot pussy has not been touched in almost a year and hopes he can handle her wild appetite and extra tight pink pussy. Ramon ready to please bends her over, slipping her panties down and licking her sweet asshole and pussy getting her pussy very wet now whips out his big cock sucking it deep down her throat. His...

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Helping Step Daughter Part 1

The next day I mentioned my find to her and asked if everything was OK and why she decided to shave her area. “I just wanted to try it.” she replied. I had always been the one she talked to about her curiosities instead of her mom so it wasn’t awkward to be talking about her private area. “So what do you think” I asked. “It feels funny” she answered. I told her she would get used to it and how important it was to do it right with a good razor and shaving gel. I told her if she needed anything...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 2

Darcy looked around him and counted eight sets of yellow eyes gleaming back at him. The dais was 40cm off the floor of the cavern and most of the sets of eyes were looking almost straight at him. Now that his eyes had adjusted somewhat, he could pick out the outline of the animal nearest him. It was the biggest bloody dog he had ever seen in his life but he knew it wasn’t the biggest one in the room. “Brighter,” he said softly. As the gem brightened, the outline of the dog in front of him...

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Gangbang Women In Heat A Cameramans Perspective

I had left my apartment that morning and headed for the studio; I was an average looking 35-year-old man, alone after an early night of casual sex with two women from yesterday’s movie. I relished having no family to account to on a daily basis since my divorce. My parents were deceased and my younger half brother Greg didn’t approve of my occupation. Greg was an uptight professional on Wall Street and thought that what I did was sleazy. I, on the other hand, thought I had the best...

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Ships Ahoy

Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Jason Nichols climbed above deck, the majestic sunrise bathing the sky with florid orange. The five-foot-eleven White man with 19% body fat and 36-inch waist wore royal blue Kanu Surf swim trunks with cargo pockets on either leg. He carried with him a thermos of hot, dark roast instant coffee. It was 6:23 a.m. on Thursday morning and his balls were drained. He took a seat on the lounge chair and daydreamed about the night before.Below deck of the 31-foot 1979 Bombay...

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While the Husbands Away the Cougar Will Prey

I’d seen her sometimes in the supermarket, and my Mom had once pointed her out as the wife of one of the directors at the company for which my Dad worked as a storeman. Although I guessed that she was in her late forties or so, I found my admiring gaze drawn to her each time. I was twenty years old and, due to my shyness, was still a virgin, though I didn’t admit it to my friends. To a twenty-year old virgin, she was intriguing and arousing: she oozed class, but with a hint of teasing, she was...

1 year ago
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Exploding CupcakesChapter 3

The next day at work, she went up three floors from her office to visit her friend, Brenda, at another company. While there, she asked to use the phone. She assumed they couldn't tap all the phones of all the companies in the building. Steve was surprised to hear from her, but agreed to pick her up at her office after work. Cat had brought a change of clothes to work. She changed shortly before quitting time, put on a wig, and turned her reversible coat inside out. When Steve arrived, she...

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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 16

Lacey went back to see Claire ahead of schedule, and told her everything that had happened. Claire put her under again, and spent an hour exploring the details of the rape that she hadn't gone after earlier. As each horrible part of the assault was revealed, Claire worked more instructions into the dialog, intended to minimize the emotional impact of the memories. Then she brought Lacey out of the hypnotic trance and spent another hour with her, concentrating on the things that Lacey felt...

1 year ago
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Doing the family part II

Cindi and I hit it off great. She was always in the mood and loved taking chances. She would slide her skirt off in the car, foI gotrget her panties when we went out. She even told me she would try dancing at a strip club if we went out of townI got as much asex as I wanted, still got it form her sister Jeannie once a weekI decided I needed to marry her and we invited the extended to a fancy meal for the announcementEveryone was excited and the eveinging was a hitAS we were leaving I felt Laura...

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My friend and lover Muzzy Pt 1 Fiction

(I am here writing this story for a good friend of mine. A fantasy of what I would do to her when we met. So here my lover, a first story for you.)I could already see me standing on the porch, waiting at your door having just knocked. You have no idea how hard it was for me to pick out what to wear. I have had butterflies building in my stomach for several days. And so I chose a cute little black pleated skirt, and a red tight tank top. A matching pair of black lace bra and g-string underneath....

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 10

Béla was awake. She tried to focus her eyes and failed the first time. She was able to blink, though. That's better than before, when she was so drugged she couldn't even do that. She itched between her legs. She tried moving her legs to relieve the itching sensation. She felt fluid running down the crack of her ass. 'That bastard fucked me AGAIN while I was unconscious!' she thought, furiously. 'What the hell does he have against free will fucking?' A large figure suddenly loomed...

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HostileChapter 9

ALIE Alie woke early in the morning, screaming at the top of her lungs. The muscles of her left thigh were clenched so tight it felt like her leg was on fire. Wave after wave of pain flooded through her body as she desperately cradled her thigh and tried to massage out the cramp. When finally the tightness in her leg began to ease, Alie laid back weeping on the bed. However, her tears were not just from the agonizing pain but also from her memory of the night before. Alie's eyes moved...

3 years ago
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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 7 The Assistant

Kat said in an astonished tone, “You fucked his father and his stepmother. What a family! What a boyfriend! I want to go up to Boston on one of your trips so I can join in.” Edie laughed, “Me too. That sounded like such a fun weekend – romantic and sex filled. I assume you made a good impression on his parents.” Amber laughed, “His father told me I was the best fuck he’d ever had – and in front of his wife. I was so embarrassed. He is a very lovable mature man with a great sense of humor.”...

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I told her

This past Saturday evening around ten o’clock I was patrolling my parking lots as usual when a man flagged me down to let me know about a person asking for money in the parking lot next door. He gave me a description of the beggar and I knew who it was. I had chased her of the lot the before. She was a young blond, maybe 20-25. She was fairly small, maybe 5’1” and around 90 pounds or so and very cute and very mouthy. I told the man thank you for letting me know and went to find the mouthy...

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Forced Femme

You've always been kind of a nancy boy. A little afraid of women, and awkward. The attraction has always been strong though, especially to dominant women. It was always obvious that you were a little different, but things changed when you met her. She wasn't typical in any sense of the word, and you find out the hard way.

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Mother Catches Son

Mother Catches Son“Young man!!!… What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!?!?” “Oh Shit… MOM!!!”“Oh my God… Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?… WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven… Did I hear what I think I just heard?… This movie is pornographic i****t… Those two boys are having sex with their mother… That is disgusting… You sick boy… Is this what turns you on? … Huh?… Is it?… Answer me you little pervert… Is this...

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Hottest 3way Part 2

It didn't take long before myself and the hot older couple from part 1 got together again. Two nights later I got a text from the wife. All the text said was "tonight?" and a pic of her bare tits. I responded that it would have to be after midnight as I had to make sure my wife was asleep before I could sneak out. Lucky for me my wife was in bed by 9:30pm, so it was no problem for me to sneak out the back door. I left a note that read, " Can't sleep - gone for a walk - be back soon". Just...

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Absence makes the heart grow fonder chapter one

ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER Chapter One - Two mistresses have a long weekend away 1. An unexpected announcement It was just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a mid-May day in one of the suburbs of London. Seven people were gathered together in the sitting room of a semi-detached house entirely typical of the neighbourhood, set in a small side street, but just off a busy High Street. As it was still light, the curtains were not drawn but the light had been switched on, so...

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Attaining Joy

I never had girlfriends in high school, because most of them wanted the jocks and ripped dudes. Even with the others, I was too shy to approach them. My first semester was pretty much the same, though I found I had a class with one cute girl, Traci who seemed to enjoy talking to me. She never seemed to want anything other than talking, but that was still better than I ever managed to get from any of the other girls. Traci was a year or two older than me, but I was taking some more advanced...

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Her majesty fantasy

Hi, dear readers. This your jj submitting a story after a long time, its been more than two months since the last one. Anyway i will compensate for being by way of making you more heated than ever between your legs. After the monsoon rain created havoc in chennai a week ago & there is a word of caution from the meteorological department warning of more rain during the course of the week. Black topping giving away on most of the city roads certain areas was still undaunted schools closed for the...

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Home for Christmas

Sue and I traveled home together as she decided to take a holiday being the festive season. We took the train from Glasgow and thankfully there was an attendant who came round with a trolley selling alcoholic drinks. We had a good time enjoying some drinks and chatting about some people we'd known in our home town. Also talked about our new lives in the big city, and she commented on how we'd evolved turning into 'Ladies.' We both got a kick out of that. I laughed at that, but inwardly I had my...

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Delivering Presents to Marys House

I live in a small town hours from the nearest large city. At 43, I am a loan officer in a small town bank. I am not getting rich, but I am able to pay my bills and save a little. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and my opportunity to give back to the community. For the past ten years, I have anonymously played Santa for ten struggling families each Christmas. It is the highlight of my year to sneak up to a door on Christmas Eve, dressed in a Santa outfit, leaving gifts on the doorstep,...

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The Club

A life changed forever Judith sang loud while the wolf licked its wounds Helpless to stop it His essence suffered her end Take the plunge You’ve lived a lie The choice was made in an instant And lovers were reunited in eternity and a day        As the industrial metal throbbed and reverberated throughout the vast space, Missy danced in the ring of her friends, lost within the music.        She hadn’t wanted to come out to the club without her Master, but he’d insisted when they’d spoken on the...

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I learned that I love black cock

My husband, Ted never knew that I was cheating on him till I had a black baby. Neither he nor I are black but my beautiful little girl is a deep ebony with very curly black hair. About one month after we brought her home Ted left me and filed for divorce. I wasn't surprised or really unhappy about him leaving because he had changed from a sweet tender loving man to someone that cursed at me all the time, hit me and fucked me hard in all of my holes any time he felt like it with no thought...

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Ole Time CuriosChapter 5 Touching Up

Classes were getting to be a bit of a hassle. One day, Lacey was in her economics class, Advanced Behavior Theory: Beyond Homoeconomicus, and her mind wandered back to a couple of locals she’d seen on the way into town fixing a fence post. One of them had his shirt off, and his sweat slick skin gleamed in the sunlight. He looked like a young Ryan Reynolds, but way leaner and wiry. She imagined him clean cut and shooting her a cute smile. Then maybe she’d hit a rock, and slip off the bike and...

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My mother in laws mother

Hai this is raj here again with another story of my in laws. I am from Nellore and married a local girl. I am 28 and my wife is 22. My mother in law is around 40 and her mother around 57. She is a thin fair lady with a 32 size. This happened a few weeks back. Me and my family went to her grannies house for a weekend we landed there on Saturday morning. After a few hours we got the news of a relative death and my wife and her grand dad left for the same. By around 7 we got a call saying that...

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Black Richard

(MF, intr, cheat)I recently had sex with someone other than my husband for the first time. What bothers me is that it was by far the most exciting experience of my life.I am a forty-year-old mother of two sons. I have been married for nineteen years to a wonderful, caring and loving man.Before we had c***dren, Frank liked to take nude photos of me. We have a very large scrapbook of me in steamy poses from fully clothed to butt-naked. That book has been hidden in the basement for years.I must...

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Hardintown Glory Hole ndash Lisarsquos Story

I was shocked as she was when I came face to face with Connie the mother of my daughter’s best friend. We were both standing in the hallway behind the video booths that had glory holes.I could see that Connie had seamen on her chin and I could see additional stains on her dress. I knew that she had been enjoying anonymous sex just like me. I suddenly wondered which of us had sex with the most cocks.Jeff laughed as he realized that we knew each other. He opened the door and we both stepped into...

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Desi sister got enjoyed by Male tailor

Hey Xhamsterians, this is my first story on xhamster. I'm AMIT and this story is about my sister's sexy encounter with a male ladies tailor.My sister's name is Neha. Let me tell you about her , She is married and has a great figure.Big busty 38-C boobs and 42 (XXL) round big ass as a pure desi girl (bhabhi).She has a figure as desired by every man in their bhabis and wives. And I'm personally a great fan of her armpits, she has broad and beautiful armpits so smooth ♥ and she often exposes her...

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A night of passion

Will led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sarah lightly ground her ass into his crotch, rubbing herself against his hardening cock.“Mmm,” She moaned, feeling Will’s lips kiss the nape of her neck, causing her to break out in Goosebumps. She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his...

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The Awakening

Deanna was born into a well to do but very conservative Kansas farmer family. Despite having most creature comforts her only vent for the repressed lifestyle was the Internet. She had a nice page where she posted her stories and pics and made friends. Some could see through the badly scanned pics she uploaded that behind that dirty, grimy and unglamorous farm girl exterior was an extremely pretty petite girl. Deanna is a petite brunette with big brown eyes and though just 5'4'' and 110...

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NuruMassage Kira Noir Stag Party

Ryan Driller arrives at a massage parlor wearing a funny t-shirt that signifies he’s about to get married. He is blindfolded andaccompanied by two of his friends, who are grinning broadly. ‘Are we there yet?’ Ryan says as he’s led blindly around, stumbling a little.One of his friends says they’re just about there… Just a few more steps… his other friend then removes the blindfold and announces, ‘Tada!’ Ryan stares around with confusion....

4 years ago
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The Sex Moment With My Girlfriend Part 2

Ok So Here We are And We are on Her Bed And We Start To Kiss. I Layed Her Down on The Bed and We Continued To Kiss. I Started To Lift up Her Shirt and Feel Her Nice Boobs. We Lay Back up And i Take Her Shirt off. Then She Takes My Shirt off And i Start Rubbing The Middle Of Her Pants. She Moves a Bit With Excitement. Then After About A Minute I Stand up And Jessica Starts To unzip My Pants. She Takes Them Down And She Starts Sucking My Cock. She Goes Faster and Faster By The Second. Then She...

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Youre Mine

You’re MineStanding in the shower, soapy hands in my hair, absentmindedly working the lather as I think of all that we've shared, and your words echo through my mind as I lean back against the wall. "You're mine." Reaching to finger my clit as I remember your face, only inches from mine, and your breath against my skin, as you hissed, "You're mine. Only mine." and I know that I am... that it's all I ever want to be.I press one finger into my tight, hot pussy, already longing for you in ways...

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