Racist Gina Goes To The BBC Party
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My name is Sabrina Steelman. I’m a tall young Black woman living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. And I am deeply saddened by the state of the affairs between men and women in the Black Community. The year is 2009. A Black man is President of the United States of America. A Black man is Governor of New York. A Black man is Governor of Massachusetts. There are Black men and Black women representing various states as in the Halls of Congress. Both Republicans and Democrats. Yet there have never been a time when the Black community has been divided. And I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of Black women themselves.
Why? Simply because, when racist White women and racist White men conspire to weaken and destroy the Black community, Black women are their enablers. Lots of Black women delight in belittling, mistreating and ultimately destroying Black males. It doesn’t matter if the Black male in question is a college student, a military serviceman, a doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, a businessman or a civil servant. The Black woman’s hobby is the destruction of Black males. And she has many methods of getting the job done.
White women are the creators and leaders of the feminist movement. They see themselves as the righteous owners of the universe. They want to render White men subservient, not destroy them. The White woman wants to be Number One, with the White man as her Number Two. The Black woman wants to destroy the Black man to prove her allegiance to the International Sisterhood of Man-Haters, also known as the feminist movement. Yet even though no White person in history has destroyed more Black men than the Black woman, the Black woman is stunned to discover that White women still don’t see her as their equal.
The Black woman has a really short memory. She has actually bought into the falsehoods of the man-hating sisterhood. She has forgotten that in the old days, White women are slave owners as well, not just White men. White women owned the plantations and carried the whips. They whipped Black men as well as Black women to make them do their bidding. Did the White female slave owner feel any pity for the Black woman simply because both of them had breasts and vaginas? Absolutely not. The White female slave owner saw the Black female slave as a beast of burden, just like the Black man. And she didn’t see either of them as truly human.
Black men who turn to White women for love and solace are foolish. White women of today are the descendants of White female slave owners and they still see the Black man as a beast of burden. Their greatest feat? They’ve gotten the Black woman to turn against the Black male and see him as a beast of burden as well. While the White woman encourages the foolish Black woman to destroy her Black husband, her Black boyfriend, her Black son and her Black father, the White woman sends her White son and her White daughter to college so they can become the rulers of tomorrow’s society.
Black women who turn to White men for love and solace are indeed foolish. The White man sees the White woman as a goddess. That’s why he puts her on the cover of every magazine. Who are the leaders of the women’s movement? Pretty, blonde-haired and blue-eyed White women. Who are the leaders of many corporations? Pretty White women. Who are the majority of female police officers? Pretty White women. That’s the White man’s partner. That’s who he cherishes and loves. If the Black woman thinks the White man will leave the White woman, his ivory goddess, for her, then she is indeed foolish. White women love White men. And White men worship White women. Only Black women hate Black men. And Black men flee from the devilish and terrifying force that Black women have become, all because White women trained Black women to hate Black men.
The White woman is indeed one of the smartest creatures on the planet. She is more evil than the devil, yet she’s convinced White men that she is a hapless creature in need of his constant protection. The funny thing is that she’s convinced Black men of the same thing. How in hell did she convince the Black woman that she was her friend and ally? Simple. The White woman approached the Black woman under the White flag of gender politics, portraying herself as the Black woman’s sister and friend rather than the cruel and heartless witch who had Black men and Black women whipped and chained during the days of slavery. And the Black woman actually fell for that ploy and welcomed the White woman, her eternal enemy, with open arms.
The foolish Black woman listened to the White woman’s promises of universal peace and sisterhood once they joined forces to remove male domination and patriarchy from the Black community and the White community. The Black woman actually believed the White woman would make her an equal in this glorious enterprise. She thought the White woman would grant her a seat at her right hand once women were in power and the men became number two. Unfortunately, that’s not how the White women truly envisioned it. I guess color is a stronger bond than gender. The Black woman thought the White woman would side with her over a White man simply because they both happened to have vaginas and breasts. Well, the Black woman thought wrong. The White woman became queen of the world, and kept the White man as her second-in-command while the Black woman was relegated to the ghetto along with the Black man she was so eager to betray, seduce and destroy.
So, in the twenty-first century, even though there is a Black man serving as President of the USA and a Black woman is First Lady, White women and White men still rule the world. The Black leaders are but figureheads. The Black community is still powerless. Black women still believe White women will make them their equals, so they continue to betray Black men. And Black men still believe White women will show them the love that Black women deny them, so they continue to pursue them. And all the while, White women and White men are laughing their butts off at how foolish their so-called rivals truly are.
If some Black men and Black women suspect the truth, they aren’t heard by anyone. Could you imagine the outcry even some Black women saw the light? A Black woman who tells her Black girlfriends to love their Black sons, their Black brothers and their Black husbands and Black boyfriends instead of pledging allegiance to the League of White Women Who Hate Men and betraying the Black community? That Black woman will get laughed at by other Black women. No woman can hate a man like a Black woman can. They take to it like cats take to hunting mice. Thanks to them, the Black community is doomed. And Black men are the first casualties.
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IncestHi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rat Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rather than by pool. That would be wrong?Daris is a creation of my own. Ms Americana belongs to Mr. X. I hope you like this ENTIRELY FICTIONAL STORY. [email protected] If you are a minor, you shouldn?t be reading this story since...
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Whiteboy Whipping Club!TJ Ryderhttp://www.midnightx.com/[img]http://midnightx.com/fpage/gaybd/COVER2.gif[/img] Dear Diary, Since this is like my first installment to be published in 'Lavendar Cellblock' I am supposed to intro myself a little forthe readers. And nobody buys Cellblock unless theyr'e gay or at least heavily bi, and into S&M a little bit at least, so I'm taking that into consideration here. I'm (no last names or any data that can identify me or where Iwork) a part time...
When I answered it, Jay's voice sent a thrill of excitement through my body. "Yo, whiteboy. I got me a new piece of furniture. I need some help getting into my place. Figured, you know, since you're the landlord and all, you could help me move it in.""Um, well, sure Jay. When do you need me?""In about thirty minutes whiteboy. Get your ass over here."It was across town to Jay's place, so I got under way. In about fifteen minutes, I had pulled up in front of his apartment. There was a pickup...
This is a story I thought of during the year when after a lecture I over heard a girl asking about extra credit for her scholarship. It does get a bit dark in places and there is some strong racism throughout but I think it only adds to the sex, enjoy. "You please help me professor me need help big, yes?" A sobbing Asian girl on her knees sat begging for her professors’ help in getting a distinction in biology 101. She had won a scholarship to attend college in America but needed to keep...
The events of that day set the stage for our current life as a cuckold couple. My wife was too sore to have sex for about a week. I did not bring up swing for about two months after that day. When I asked my wife about what see would like to try, she said she really enjoyed the threesome with the other couple. I think out of guilt, I encourage to seek out some other couples to have sex with. She took me up on the offer, going to a swinger's social club in a new by town and finding couples for...
My wife and I were married very young. After only a few months of marriage I started bringing up swinging. The first few time we talked about it she did not want to have anything to do with swinging. I was the only man she had been with before we married. After a while she started to warm up to the deal of swinging, but she did set some limits on what she would be willing to do. She did not want us having sex in our home town with anybody we knew. We would only swing together, in the same room....
On Friday Mary set the time for her and Jerome to get together for the first time. They agreed that he would follow her in his car to the road behind her house. He would then park his car on the strip mall lot and get into her car. That way she could pull directly into her house garage. Once the door to the garage closed they would exit the car and move into the house. He would leave the same way. That way no one would know she had a man, especially a black man, in her car or her house or her...
"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...
My name is Steve Maverick. A big and tall, reasonably good-looking young black man living in the great state of Massachusetts. I’m a rather unusual character. A man with many hobbies and interests. I like to write erotic fiction stories. I like to travel to different cities and meet new people. I’m kind of adventurous. Oh, and I’ve been called paranoid but whatever. So what if I don’t believe that every random man and woman I meet is nice? The world is full of psychos. Psycho men and psycho...
The name is Gina. And I’ve got a secret to share with you. Oh, man. I don’t know if I can do this. This is one of womankind’s deepest secrets. The sisterhood might want my head if they found out I told on them. But I don’t care anymore. I’ve found a wonderful man who loves me. And I don’t care what the sisterhood says or does anymore. I’m an independent woman, free to love whoever I choose and screw however I damn well please. End of story. Womankind has many secrets which baffle even the...
I thought about my own past of years before when I was a single male traveling around the country. I was never in one place long enough to meet the nice girls. I also went into the army at fifteen and my formative years were spent learning how to kill other human beings. For sex I found it expedient to visit adult bookstores and adult movies where guy always gave me a blow job. I actually earned a little cash this way. One night I sucked my first cock and from then on I was hooked. For...
Mei awoke naked in the hotel room. She liked to sleep naked when visiting an exotic locale. This was her first business trip to America. Having just arrived the night before from Shanghai, Mei suffered from serious jet lag. Also, she was a bit grumpy because her bags had gotten lost but luckily, she still had her carry-on suit bag. She was here to make a sales presentation to a local group of Chinese merchants. Mei hoped the merchants spoke Mandarin because her English was confined to a...
WELCOME TO AMERICA After eighteen years, the Company that my husband and I started when we first got married had finally struck gold, the years of going without many things, may have finally ended. Our biggest setback was my car accident, which had left me with two useless legs from mid thigh down, and confined to a wheel chair for life. We had both just accepted that and got on with our lives. Our biggest customer, an American conglomerate wanted to buy up the whole business for three...
In a not so distant future, race relations in the United States have taken a drastic turn for the worse. Repeated, unceasing race riots plagued all the major cities. Looters roamed the streets for years straight. Government employees were continually assaulted or even killed, businesses ceased to function, the complete collapse of society was imminent. In desperation, and as a response to growing racially prejudiced sentiment in this new America, an emergency Constitutional Amendment was passed...
InterracialI sat at baggage claim, logged into CHYOA like an idiot. I had wanted to write more, but instead I was reading Nina's Adventures by Inked. My manhood raged inside of my jeans as I waited. I couldn't go to the bathroom because the flight would land any minute. As if on cue, the arrival/departure board flipped to show the plane I had been waiting on had landed. My guest was here. I stood up holding a sign that said LeoKnowsBest. Even still, I noticed her before she noticed me. She had on rock...
FetishI have always been curious, for as long as I have seen my first porn movie. I love eating pussy for hours…but the more porn i watched…more i got curious about how the cock would feel in mouth since the actresses seem to devour it in haste… As the months and days went by…i never took any action on my part to make any of this real… Even after I came to US, I had kept this curiosity to myself for years…and one year…I was alone home as my GF went to visit her parents…after few weeks of staying...
Gay MaleHi, I’m John from Bombay. When we were growing up in Chembur, Bombay we Had lots of fun with Kamvaali baais and these are fond memories now. This story is about my sexual adventures in America back in the late 80’s When I came here to study. I came to the University of Kentucky to study my Computer Engineering and lived with An Indian family to cut down on my rent. This as a middle aged couple and they Had a 19 year old daughter. As time went by I became very good friends with all of them And...
IncestHello Friends I read many stories here and I really liked every one of them and this gave me courage to share my experiences with all of you. This is my 6th story. Now let me tell u about myself I am 26 male from Hyderabad (India). This is the story when I visited America I am good looking, 5.9 ” Height, 67 Kgs Weight, 7 ” rod. My name is Gold Guy (Name Changer). I would like to share my story. This happened when I moved to New York city for my first job. I was doing Masters earlier in a...
Story inspired by Tales From The Odeipal Zone How it all began In twenty-first-century America, a group of the nation's most wealthy young men came together under a common belief that the best state of humanity's existence was under a patriarchal society. But not just any type of patriarchy, but thee Patriarchy. The Patriarchy was a social system that extended beyond the typical forms of past patriarchies. But to achieve such a state in society would require an unabundant amount of change that...
July 4, 2006 The day after I got back to Anaconda Three, things began to get complicated. Major Duckworth and Captain Vernier flew in on a Blackhawk early in the morning and immediately went to see Lieutenant Southerland. I didn’t see them, but everybody knew that the captain had flown in with a major nobody had seen before. You always tried to keep track of where the officers were, if for no other reason than to get ready for whatever nutty idea they came up with next. It was universally...
Strawberry pancakes and maple syrup! What a thing to have for breakfast! Epic. It was incredibly serious why they were here, but Grace couldn’t help being excited. San Francisco. America. This huge hotel with all glass and so much space, including a huge swimming pool that she’d had a swim in already with Mia. It was true: everything WAS bigger over here. She was looking forward to driving down to Mountain View in their dark red ‘rental’. She played with pronouncing it ‘rennle’ in her head....
I came to this country without any ideo of what sex was. I was 18 years old. I known that that sounds awful, but my parents made very sure that my sister Ching and I led a sheltered life while we lived in China. Well, they didn't care so much about me; you see, Ching was always their favorite. She was always the beautiful one, one year older and with the most perfect body you could imagine. Her breasts, thighs, legs, everything was perfect; guys would come to see her in China, but quickly...
BisexualDear Black woman, I want you to know this. I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I want to be in love with you. Am I in love with you? Can I love you? Can you love me? I don’t know. So many questions. Who am I? I’m the Brother with the Ivy League MBA who’s leading a Fortune Five Hundred company into the twenty-first century. I’m the Brother who’s smiling at you on the bus while wearing my Sean John’s. I’m the Brother sitting in class at our town’s community college, making goo-goo...