Note To Black Women & White Men free porn video

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Dear Black woman, I want you to know this. I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I want to be in love with you. Am I in love with you? Can I love you? Can you love me? I don’t know. So many questions. Who am I? I’m the Brother with the Ivy League MBA who’s leading a Fortune Five Hundred company into the twenty-first century. I’m the Brother who’s smiling at you on the bus while wearing my Sean John’s. I’m the Brother sitting in class at our town’s community college, making goo-goo eyes at you. I’m the shy and totally square guy who suddenly dresses up thuggishly just to impress you because I overheard you say you like guys with edge. I’m the guy who’s knocking dudes down like beach balls as I charge through the football field. I’m the nerdy guy with thick glasses pining for you in Sunday school. I’m the quiet deacon in church who always has a kind word for you when you enter.

I’m the old Brother in the barber shop who nods at you as you come in to pick up your son. I’m the Brother sitting in the back of the bus, astonished as you and your girlfriends say that all Black men are useless and that White men are perfect. I’m the Brother sitting in the President’s Office in the White House, wondering how to fix a country. I’m the law-abiding Brother who just received some unkind words from a racist cop before he or she drove off, allowing me to keep my freedom and my life but robbing me of a piece of my dignity. I’m the Brother sitting in the restaurant with a White woman who’s gay and just a friend of mine as you and your sisters walk through and shoot me a nasty glare. I’m the Brother you flash a look of superiority to as you suddenly grope your White boyfriend as you see me coming. I’m the Brother working two jobs to pay for my university education and yet I get looks of anger and disappointment from sisters as I walk down the street or through campus. I’m the Brother who gives up his seat for a sister and holds a door for her, only to get a surprised look from her.

I’m the Brother with the big dick starring in a porno movie, having sex with Black women, Hispanic women, White women and Asian women because to White audiences I’m a savage with a big dick and nothing more. I’m the Brother shaking my head as I watch sisters give up on Brothers. I’m the Brother who asked for your number and you started laughing in my face. I’m the Brother you sneered at as you sat on a White guy’s lap. I’m the Brother who walked into the club with the Chinese chick and got a nasty look from you even as you did the bump and grind with a Hispanic guy. I’m the bisexual Brother who wants to tell you the truth about myself but I think you would reject me if you know so I keep my secret to myself. I worry about my health and well-being. I practice safe sex. I’m careful. And I haven’t been with a dude ever since you came into my life, with your hot female sensuality and power. I’m still bisexual Brother but I love my woman and I want to be faithful to her. Does that count for anything? Or must you dismiss me as a freak simply because I was born different? I didn’t choose this crap I swear! I’m the Brother in the police uniform who got a shady look from you because you assume I’m The Man’s Rottweiler, hating on my Brothers and sisters just because I’m a cop.

I’m the Brother sitting in the therapist’s office, wondering why I can’t find love with a sister ( or with anyone) even though I’m a decent-looking, healthy, college-educated Brother with a good job, a nice apartment, a decent car and a clean record….oh, and I don’t have any offspring yet either. Magazines and television programs tell me that as a single Black male with a college degree, a job and no brats, I’m supposed to be a magnet for Black women. What the heck? Sisters don’t even notice I exist! I’m the good Brother, I swear. And if they do notice I exist, it’s to shoot me a negative look as I dress up and head to work. Why do you assume that whenever a Brother finishes college and gets a good job he always ditches Black women for the nearest blonde-haired White chick? Sisters, you don’t know what us Brothers talk about when you’re not around. White women STILL switch sidewalks when they see Brothers coming. Think we LIKE that shit? Hell no! Only a small percentage of White women go for the Brothers, and only a small percentage of Brothers go for White women. Historically, more Black women have ( willingly or unwillingly) shared the beds of White men than Black men have shared the beds of White women. Yet you call us sell-outs. At the same time, you parade up and down with White men, treat them better than you would ever treat a Brother, and then get mad when the Brothers date and marry women of other races.

Want to know what Brothers fear? It’s not racist cops who pump ninety nine bullets into innocent, unarmed and law-abiding young Black men and then claim it was self-defence. It’s not bigoted White women falsely accusing us of rape. It’s not the fact that out of all groups among humanity, supposedly we die the earliest. We take those grim statistics with a grain of salt. After all, the rulers of Europe, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand always blame the Brothers for crime and poverty in minority communities but never admit that White men who lose their jobs tend to go home to shoot their wives and brats. Oh, yeah. You didn’t know that one, did you? White men lead the world…in job loss-related suicides. They lead the world…in lining up to get neutered ( sorry, I meant vasectomies) even though a link has been established between vasectomies and a higher risk for prostate cancer. White women admit that oftentimes, the Brothers are nicer and more romantic with them than White men. Yet you’ll never hear a sister say that a SINGLE Brother has treated her right in her entire life. It’s almost as if sisters feel that the sky will fall if they admit that certain Brothers are actually decent.

Black men are the loneliest beings on God’s green earth sometimes. I admit it. The whole world seems against us sometimes. Fake-smiling White women. Gun-toting and trigger-happy, racist and insecure White men. Oh, yeah. White male insecurity is a big thing these days. With women and so-called minorities becoming the majority of the work force in most developed countries, White men face a future where the powers holders won’t necessary be from that wonderful bracket of White pseudo-masculinity. White women aren’t content with being arm candy. They want a shot at being police chiefs, firefighter captains, corporate CEOs, senior partners at law firms and college presidents too. And they aspire to become president and prime minister in most of the world’s top nations. White men HATE playing second fiddle. Most men, including Black men, also hate coming in second in front of women of any color but White men are addicted to power. And all those who hold onto power for too long are deathly afraid to lose it. To them, it’s like saying the sun will not rise again.

White men with Black girlfriends or Black wives prefer dealing with those sisters who can’t stand Black men because the presence of Black men makes ninety point nine percent of all White men nervous. We’re too masculine. We have too much swagger. It’s a male thing. The sister with the White boyfriend or White husband can’t have too many male cousins, Brothers or other male relatives. And if she does, then he must isolate her from them because he’s scared of them. Even if most of them really don’t give a damn about who he sleeps with. The Brothers aren’t player haters for the most part. The Brother whining about the Black woman who left him for Whitey gets told to shut up by the other Brothers. We tell him to move on. We are not insecure or anxious. In fact, our very presence provokes anxiety and insecurity among males of other races whether we like it or not.

White men are especially nervous around Black men. Long before money was invented and civilization was founded, men seized each other up by looking. Before they fought, they analy
zed each other to gauge who might be stronger, faster and tougher. The truth is that Black men are built like warriors, a remnant from our ancient African ancestors who survived in a ruthless environment. White men aren’t built like warriors. They’re built like cunning spies, traitors, manipulators and backstabbers. Always about treacherous tactics rather than pure strength. Strength is something they lack. And not just physically. Take away a Black man’s job and he will find something else to do. He will look deep within himself. He will find the will to continue. He knows that what makes him a man is not his job or his bank account. It’s not what’s between his legs either. It’s his whole being, his heart and his soul. A White man who loses his job loses all sense of worth. To him, it’s like being castrated and finding out he’s got terminal cancer on the same day. He falls apart. His world has come crashing down. And he must take down his wife and offspring with him. He’s the savage, not us. Just ask the ancestors of natives whom he slaughtered across the globe.

I’m told that Europe has a diversity problem. Apparently, the grandsons and granddaughters of African immigrants, Asian immigrants and Arab immigrants who came to Britain, Germany, Spain and other countries decades ago are reproducing much faster than the White men and White women of Europe. White men in Europe are especially distressed to hear that more than forty percent of Black males in the United Kingdom have White girlfriends or White wives, and they tend to produce more mixed-race offspring with these White women than White guys produce all-White offspring with White women. So they try their usual divide and conquer bullshit. Try to convince the Asians and the Arabs that the Black man is a savage. Unfortunately for them, minorities in Europe and North America have learned that to White men, all non-Whites are the same thing, a threat. That’s why Blacks, Asians and Arabs united to riot against the racist White police force in London after an innocent Afro-Caribbean man was shot to death by the cops. Men from so-called minority communities in Europe and North America are winning the war against racist White men by having more offspring, both with minority ladies and with willing White women. The White guys can’t stand this. The funny thing is that even White men with Asian girlfriends and White men with Black wives can’t stand to see a White woman with a Black male.

The insecurities of White males have no bounds. When married to Asian women, they demand to be worshiped completely. Also, the Asian lady in question must stop speaking Chinese, Korean, Japanese or whatever and embrace Whiteness. Also, the Asian woman who is married to a White male had better not be more educated or successful than he is. His ego is the most fragile of all and can’t take it. Same thing when the White male is married to a Black lady. She must distance herself from all Black males. It’s preferable if she’s the kind of dumb, damaged, self-loathing sister who hates Black men more than the police does. If she’s a smart Black woman who’s educated, and comes from a strong household with a loving Black father and doting Black mother, the White man knows he must navigate carefully. Such a Black woman might not see all White men as perfect demigods sent from heaven and visualize Black men as savage beasts whom she must hate. The White man always sows discord among those he targets. If he can’t, like in the case of the Black woman who has positive relationships with her Black father and doesn’t hate all Black men in her age group, he ( the White man) will try to play nice. All the while, in his heart of hearts, he wants to separate her from her own. Make her embrace Whiteness. And above all else, he will raise their mixed sons and daughters to see themselves as White or White-ish.

No White man wants to raise his mixed-race son to be a strong Black man. There’s nothing he finds more than threatening. It’s downright scary to him. A spitting cobra doesn’t frighten him half as much. The White man’s tactic of raising his mixed offspring to embrace Whiteness and distance themselves from their African heritage usually works better on their daughters than their sons. The daughters of White fathers and Black mothers seldom date Black men. Why? Their White father fears Black men. And their Black mother usually has nothing positive to say about the Brothers, that’s why she dated/married Whitey in the first place. By sharp contrast, Black men with White girlfriends or White wives raise their mixed sons and mixed daughters to embrace their African heritage. Case in point? U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama identifies as Black, and that’s mainly because his mother was White and his father was Black. Had his father been White and his mother Black, he would have distanced himself from all things Black. He would have chased someone like Faith Hill instead of Michelle Robinson. Face the facts.

The world we live in is a complicated place. My fellow Black men and I are just people looking for love. Just like everybody else. Our main problem is that everybody else seems out to get us. Including Black women. I encourage my Brothers out there to love themselves because no one else will. Many Black women hate us Brothers more than the racist cops do. To those Black women who still love Black men, I thank you. It’s not easy loving a man who’s got all of planet Earth gunning for him 24/7. To those White women who dare to love a Black man, I thank you as well. You know the extent of White men’s racism and insecurity better than anyone because ALL White men have White mothers. A Black man can have a Black father and a White mother, an Asian mother, a Hispanic mother, a Native American mother or an Arabic mother but a White man must have a White mother and a White father. Otherwise White society will classify him as ‘one of the others’. The White man knows how vulnerable his genetic makeup is. And he guards his genetic patrimony fiercely, though it’s a war he’s destined to lose. Nine out of ten times if a man goes to the doctor and finds out he’s sterile, that man is C.A.U.C.A.S.I.A.N. Say what you will about Black men and other minority males, we got no problem making babies. Time for another kind of human being to lead the human race. I don’t care who leads the planet as long as he isn’t from the bracket of wickedness that is the White/Male combination. At least if he’s Black, Asian, East Indian, Native American, Hispanic or Arabic, he’ll have a normal level of goodness/badness as opposed to having a genetic predisposition toward imperialism, racism and genocidal tendencies.

My Black brothers, stay strong. Let’s love ourselves and each other. I love all my Brothers, whether they are straight, bisexual or gay. I love them whether they are rich, middle-class, just getting by, working poor or totally homeless and destitute. I love you all. And I respect the women of all shades who love Black men. It’s not easy loving a Black man, regardless of what race you are, what community you’re from. It’s like being the wife or girlfriend of a superhero who’s constantly surrounded by villains. Have no fear, the Ultimate Villain the world has ever seen ( insert White and Male) is slowly but surely being defeated by nature. Tons of White guys are finding out they can’t make babies. Others voluntarily get neutered ( oops I meant vasectomies) for reasons I can’t fathom. Tons of White women are marrying and having offspring with Black men, Asian men, Hispanic men, Arabic men and Native American/Aboriginal men. And most of these offspring identity as ‘minority’ rather than ‘White’. It’s not their fault. The definition of Whiteness is very narrow. To be White, you need a White father and a White mother. To be a minority, you need a non-White parent. That’s it, and you’re in this club for life. Have no fear, minorities are becoming the majority. It’s the new world order. And I love it. The wonderful thing is that White guys who get mad at White women who get with Black guys STILL lose when they get with
Asian chicks or Black women as a form of revenge. The offspring they create won’t meet the narrow-minded definition of Whiteness. And thus, they’ll be ‘minorities’, members of the class destined to rule the planet as its new super majority in the future.

A lot of you reading this are shaking your heads. Do I hate White men? I don’t hate them. I don’t have to. I don’t hate the Black women who worship them either. I was given a glimpse of the future…and there’s no White in the rainbow. I love what I saw. It means that even if I don’t always win in the dating game ( a lot of sisters are ditching the brothers) , I still win. Black male plus White female equals Black offspring. Black male plus Chinese female equals Black offspring. Black male plus Hispanic female equals Black offspring. Hell, Black female plus Indian male, or Chinese male, or Hispanic male, STILL equals Black offspring. Black female plus White male DEFINITELY equals Black offspring. The Black woman and the White male she procreates with can raise their mixed sons and daughters to embrace all things White and reject their African heritage all they want…they will still be rejected by the world’s narrow-minded definition of Whiteness. If you have a non-White parent, you can’t be White. You’re a minority. The bigots who think they run the world reject you now and forever. Smarten up and join the minority revolution. We’re tomorrow’s super majority. And we’ll happily vote AGAINST affirmative action for White guys when they become a minority. And that day isn’t far off. Give it two decades. I look forward to it.

Tonight, I sleep soundly and happily. I’m a Black man with a college degree from America studying at a top university in Canada’s capital region. I’m a professional licenced to work in America and Canada. I can have my pick of ladies of any color. It’s really too bad that I’m surrounded by Black women who don’t like Black men, don’t believe in the Black community and think Black love is nonexistent. It’s really too bad that those same Black women think Black men are slime balls and White men are God’s gift to planet Earth. Never mind that their legacy of genocide, racism and imperialism definitely proves otherwise. I live in a place where interracial love is common and Black men are more daring than most. Black men from Somaliland, Djibouti and Ethiopia enter the Mosques as Muslims and seduce beautiful Arabic women and Persian women. Black men walk around holding hands with tall, beautiful, blonde-haired and blue-eyed White women in shopping centers, government offices, movie theaters, restaurants and business centers. Let White men hate on us all they want. They no longer matter. Their day has come and gone. They just don’t know it yet. Look at the clock, fellas. Tick, tock.

Now, in my heart and soul, sometimes I yearn for the Black woman. Millions of years of evolution and genetic encoding can’t be shrugged off overnight. However, why must she always be so hard on me while she’s always so nice to White guys? I’m the most embattled and unenviable human being on the planet. Don’t I deserve a lady who will be nice to me? I think so. I guess that means I have to date White women since most Black women are busy cussing Black guys, worshiping White men as demigods, or complaining about the dearth of decent Black men while giving nasty stares to Black college men walking down the street. Yeah, it’s a perfect world I live in. I can’t run from it. So I embrace it. It’s my gift. It’s my curse. I’m a Black man. That makes me a warrior. The last warrior. I can endure things that would break any other man mentally and physically. Human evolution made me this way. As the man who constantly endures, survives and overcomes the worst that mother nature and bigoted human society has to throw at me, I’m the pinnacle of human evolution. The Black man is evolving through hardship and struggle. The White man has stagnated because the universe kisses his butt daily and he turns suicidal at the first sign of true hardship. A sure sign of weakness. That’s why my demographic is on the rise. We can be Presidents of mighty nations and CEOs of big companies now, and still beat up certain insecure pale bozos in the boxing ring before taking blonde beauties home for a night of fun. It’s good to be a Black man in twenty-first century planet Earth. My brothers, let’s get educated, let’s stay strong and let’s love one another. The scariest Black man in the eyes of today’s society is not the wannabe thug, the rapper or the baller, it’s the educated one who’s smart and knows what’s going on. Sisters, if you love us, we thank you. You can be our queens. If you hate us and worship the others, that’s okay too. I think you KNOW for a fact that we can find someone else ( of any color) in the blink of an eye. Peace.

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Two Older womenn

Judy and her friend Sally, both in the their 60s and demanding older women. Judy was my mother in law and knew I liked bondage when she found my hidden material while sitting at our house. Now they had me for the week to use as they liked at any time. She had me strip then masturbate while the watched. Both laying back in large soft chairs with the legs spread. In silk lingerie showing the curves of the breast and split up to the thighs. My cock was hard as I looked at them pulling hard on my...

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Adwomen A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Siobhan and I had gone through a similar education for a career in advertising. We shared a modest apartment in the city. We were both young and ambitious, and short of money. The only real differences were that she was a woman, and I wasn't; and I had talent, and she didn't. So, imagine my private disgust when she got a prime job at the Garret Agency, and I was still only free-lancing. She got the job because she was what I was not. ...

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Sex with my watchwomen

Hi this me Solomon from Chennai I am 18 years of age from last 2 year I had a dream to fuck any one day I got a chance inn that .in my old house I had a watch women was very sexy and had a structure of 36-30-36 and fair in color. One day I had been shifted my house from there and I had been sad for shifting my house so I can’t see my uma akka (watch women). One I went to my old house that I want to take my bank letter from that house. That day she was very sexy in blue color saree tat was very...

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Punished by Horsewomen

The Photograph  The Photograph This story is all a reaction to a photograph I saw in National Geographic Magazine. Sometime in the 1980 NG did an an article on modern Japan. The purpose of the shot was to illustrate how the impact of population density and the scarcity of open land impacts the society. It showed two women in formal equestrian attire seated atop mechanical horses on front of a large projector television. The shot featured the mechanical equines with the image of a green...

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Three Virgin Freshwomen

or "Happiest Guy On Campus" Chapter 1: Proposition "What!?" wasn't a terribly snappy response but the question had come out of left field, so "What!?" was the best I could manage on the spur of the moment. "We want you to be our first," Julie said again, sitting down across from me in the dorm floor's kitchen, smiling her enigmatic smile. Making a great leap of understanding (or was it outrageous, lustful hope?) I asked and at the same time answered the obvious question: "You...

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Reddit Women of Color, aka r/WomenOfColor/! I must say that multiracial bitches pack quite a punch when it comes to the stuff they strut. It’s not that I have anything against white bitches. In fact, I don’t give a fuck about busting a nut into white bitches. But let me be honest. Mixed race bitches often pass off as sexier and more exotic compared to your ordinary white neighborhood whores. I am not sure what is your take on this. But fuck you! I don’t give a fuck about your fucking take....

Reddit NSFW List
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PornHub PornForWomen

Alright guys, time to take a back seat and let your girlfriend or wife into the room. Yeah, that’s right. Get out of here. Go play some video games or go jerk it to some hardcore porn somewhere else. Me and your girl need some alone time to talk. Don’t worry, you’re not getting cucked yet, at least not by me. I’ve just got some good shit for her.Okay, is he gone? Sweet, let's get down to business, babe. You probably don’t like the same kind of porn your guy does. And before you start denying...

Porn for Women Sites
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xHamster PornForWomen is a well-known website for free porn on the internet. If you want to get a huge repository of porn, one of the best places to go to would be There are just so many different videos to enjoy there that you would be stunned by what you can find. One of the things I found for example, is an entire section dedicated to women. I never even knew that women were an important enough demographic for porn sites! But I guess that saw the use of there being a...

Porn for Women Sites
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XVideos PornForWomen

While the porn industry has always been dominated by male viewers, some sites have noticed that there has been an influx of female users in the last couple of years. That’s why websites like have started to implement porn for women. This kind of porn is more oriented towards chicks and if just appeals to them a lot more. If you’re a woman, then you probably know what kind of porn I’m talking about. We’re looking at sensual and erotic stuff, and sometimes taboo fantasies too, such as...

Porn for Women Sites
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Eporner PornForWomen

I know this is going to blow some minds out there if any guys are reading, but women love porn too! I know, it sounds crazy, but I swear that it’s true. After all, I’m The Porn Dude and I basically know every single thing that there is to know about porn, including who likes what. When it comes to chicks, they usually dig different porn than what guys want. Of course, just like in everyday things, girls are often quite picky and won’t settle just for any kind of porn. That’s why some platforms...

Porn for Women Sites
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Hedonist White Wife Impregnated by Blacks

AJ’s StoryMost people would not approve of the lifestyle that my wife, Amy, and I have evolved to. Our marriage was pretty normal at first, but then after a year of marriage, I learned a lot about my submissive nature, where she is concerned, and my arousal at the thought of her being sexually satisfied by and satisfying other men. My name is AJ, and I will get our story started, but Amy will have to take over later, and explain those things that happened when I wasn’t present.I met Amy in a...

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Policewomen 6 Cindy Goes Black

Two years ago. -1- Cindy was dripping sweat onto Bea’s back. Her large strap-on was furiously pumping in and out of her friend and lover. Bea arched her back, crying out in Cindy’s bedroom. “Shhh,” Cindy reminded her. “Sorry,” Bea fell to her tummy, heaving and panting after another orgasm coursed through her. “Don’t want Collin to hear.” “Yes,” Bea rolled over, the strap-on sliding out of her. “Not sure what he’d think if he walked in on his mother fucking a...

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Whiteboy Whipping Club

Whiteboy Whipping Club!TJ Ryder[img][/img]    Dear Diary,     Since this is like my first installment to be published in 'Lavendar Cellblock'  I am supposed to intro myself a little forthe readers.  And nobody buys Cellblock unless theyr'e gay or at least heavily bi, and into S&M a little bit at least, so I'm taking that into consideration here.    I'm (no last names or any data that can identify me or where Iwork) a part time...

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White women love black cock My name for this story is J I played football and basketball for a local high school in rural Texas, we were pretty good we won our district a couple of tomes but never advanced to the state finals. During my school years I dated a lot of white girls as well as black girls from my school but I prefer the white girls. I am now going to tell you why I prefer white girls simple fact is they suck cock much better than black girls. With just a very few exceptions black...

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White women love black cock My name for this story is J I played football and basketball for a local high school in rural Texas, we were pretty good we won our district a couple of tomes but never advanced to the state finals. During my school years I dated a lot of white girls as well as black girls from my school but I prefer the white girls. I am now going to tell you why I prefer white girls simple fact is they suck cock much better than black girls. With just a very few exceptions black...

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A true story about a white wife who loves to date black men

I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husband’s car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone. My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I’m fairly well endowed and the water was...

3 years ago
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A white married slut for Blacks

On that warm spring time, I felt particularly attracted to a black man.He was in his late thirties; he had a smooth dark skin and his name was Peter. The handsome black guy worked in the men's clothing department at a store that my loving Victor and I often frequented. I became acquainted with Peter while shopping for some things for Victor.At first, I just flirted with him and stopped when I began to feel aroused. But then came the time when I wanted to go further. One Tuesday afternoon,...

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Fun Time With Menaka

Hello everyone, this is Varun, age 24 athletic body 5’11”. This is my first story in ISS.  I work in an MNC in Bangalore. I met Menaka (age 26, 5’6″, Fig: 32, 28, 32) in this company. Menaka was a senior in my company and she was supposed to my initial trainer. This story took place 2 years Everything was normal during the first week of my training. She had a variety of dressing sense. The first day we wore jeans and tee and the next day she wore salwar and the third day she wore one-piece...

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Darling Clementine

FOREWORD   FOREWORD This story is copyrighted. Please do not repost this without my express consent, or use it for your profit. The characters portrayed herein are not based on any real people - any likeness to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. While this story is not intended to offend, it does contain material that you may consider offensive. If you find non-consensual sex, humiliation and blackmail (just a few of the themes in this story) unpalatable, then please, for...

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It's quite obvious at this point that some cultures have made it to that certain races have become fetishized. For example, Americans have managed to fetishized black men to a degree, often presenting them as men who are well-endowed, with penises much larger than white and Asian penises, and middle easterner penises as well. It's a weird fetish, and you might as well call it racist, seeing that it was born out of fear that many men harbor in their minds. The fear that a savage man who is not...

Porn Forums
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The Allotment

“I went to the allotment today, dear,” Sarah revealed as her husband sat at the small dinner table. Sarah sat opposite and started to eat her dinner with her husband Allen. “Have the rabbits got to the vegetables yet?” “No not yet the small fence you put up has kept them at bay for the time being. They’ve devastated several other plots thought,” Sarah went on as she ate, “I had a go at weeding that plot we’re resting when Derrick made some very suggestive remarks to me.” “What did he say?”...

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WellEndowed Blackman Wanted Blacken

A few months ago my wife and I placed an online ad for a "well-endowed black man." Of course we were inundated with replies, but eventually decided to meet a few in person at a local bar. The first few were real duds. We thanked them for meeting us and parted ways. We were about to give up on our adventure, when we met Jaymes. He's been our fantasy come alive.It's Tuesday night around 7:00 and Laura and I are in bed reading getting ready to go to sleep, when our doorbell rings. We look at each...

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Seduced by two black businessmen

Seduced by two black businessmenI was out with my colleagues one Friday night and we were doing a bar to bar trip. We were getting pretty loud and laughing, when we came to bar number four. We were of course looking at guys and easy flirting with them. There were just a couple of the girls that were single, but our aim for the night was to have fun, not to pick up men. But I noticed a couple of Black guys sitting talking by a table. Feeling invincible, eager and flirty, I went over to them and...

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Free Use Laws SPACELINK Quantum Entanglement

This story follows Emma from the SPACELINK programs in Free Use Laws: Human resource Management. Emma is recently 33 year and now officially free of the SPACELINK programs. However, like many other recently retired woman she often feels empty now, both literally and figuratively. She had been part of a generation of women who spend their adult life with the constant overdose of intense sexual activities. Those experiences were intense and not suitable for women's health over the age of 33. Some...

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A Visit From Blackjack

Hi! After seeing the bits on cliches in TG fiction on the Fictionmania Hyperboard, I decided a story was needed that played a bit with them. Blackjack was created by the late great Osamu Tezuka;all you need to know about him for the story is included. It's okay to post this on sites that don't charge readers. A VISIT FROM BLACKJACK by Scott K. Jamison (Blackjack created by Osamu Tezuka. North American rights held by Viz Comics, and no infringement is...

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Black and White2

Getting his mind back to the task at hand, Mark hopped on a stationary bike and set the timer for ten minutes. This gave him plenty of time to watch the two women do their works, and both of them, after some pre stretching, moved over to the arm curl machines and started doing their sets. Watching them groan and strain to complete their curls, Mark got a good view of their chests trying to push through the thin cotton shirts. Cindy's nipples seemed especially excited by the exercise, as her...

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Running in womens clothing

I enjoy wearing womens clothing. Wearing womens clothing in public is something I really enjoy. Of course, being a male, wearing womens clothing is not socially acceptable. Peoples reactions to such behaviour ranges from them thinking the person is a pervert, gay, strange, a sissy or amusing on the one hand to being accepting on the other. I'm submissive by nature. Ever since I first started masturbating it was to images of me being dominated by women. From the time I first started...

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Racist White Women in America

My name is Sabrina Steelman. I’m a tall young Black woman living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. And I am deeply saddened by the state of the affairs between men and women in the Black Community. The year is 2009. A Black man is President of the United States of America. A Black man is Governor of New York. A Black man is Governor of Massachusetts. There are Black men and Black women representing various states as in the Halls of Congress. Both Republicans and Democrats. Yet there have...

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Doing Favors for the Black Foremen

I was an out of work, 48 year old marketing representative. A friend of mine named Bill, who just happens to be black and the owner of an electrical supply company, gave me a job in his warehouse in Detroit. I needed to get some income to support my family and no jobs were available in my profession. Many of the other men resented me getting the job, especially since I had never worked in a warehouse and hadn’t paid my dues so to speak. I was constantly being teased by some of the men. This...

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Doing Favors for the Black Foremen

-I was an out of work, forty-eight-year old marketing representative. A friend of mine named Bill, who just happens to be black and the owner of an electrical supply company, gave me a job in his warehouse in Detroit. I needed to get some income to support my family and no jobs were available in my profession. Many of the other men resented me getting the job, especially since I had never worked in a warehouse and hadn’t paid my dues, so to speak.I was constantly being teased by some of the...

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Black Women Against Feminism

Brother Samuel here. Your favorite big and tall, forthrightly bisexual Black male fiction writer. Now a student in the Graduate program at the University of Massachusetts in the city of Boston. I want to get my Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Maybe someday I’ll be a Judge. I might become the only male judge in history who’s sympathetic to men’s rights and men’s issues. I wouldn’t last long on the Feminist-controlled bench but my reign would be something to see. The Recession is in full...

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Salvation Ch 7 Entertainments

She was able to see all the intertwining buildings that made up her beloved St Saviour’s and the long tree-lined drive that was now showing signs of wear due to the increased number of visitors. “Today, we are going to have so much fun!” she told herself. The newly built dungeon will at last come alive with the sound of children’s screams, as they struggle to entertain the lusting audience. Alice had to pinch herself to be reminded that this wasn’t a dream. The very thought of...

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Womens Inderpendents Reversing the Roles

Womens Inderpendents - Reversing the Roles Womens Inderpendents Headquarters. A Group of women sat around a table. The 10 of them where part of a old order of women, hell bent on putting the men of the world into the rightfull place as the weaker sex, the ones who get fucked and not the ones, who do the fucking. They had spent years and hundreds of dollars, on reserching and developing the best way of putting men into there right full place. They all had their own personal...

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Well, looks like first episode was cut short. No where does it say only so many words!! Let’s me tell you another one of my thoughts, stories. Not that i FUCKING matter to you or anyone else. It’s just a way to express ones self. And because believe it or not. I enjoy writing my thoughts down. No One reads anymore. I see the odd person these days with a book of any relevance in their hands. School book only because they are in school. Romance novel. Randomly if I drive past a bus stop or a...

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Maria Mendez

(Please feel free to write your chapter if I like it I will add it to the story) Hi my name is Maria Mendez. I'm 37 years old. Despite having three kids I still look good for my age. I stand 5 foot 6 inches tall. Im a honey skinned mexican milf. 36c voluptuous breast with all the exercise I do I manage to keep my tummy and my 40 inch ass tight. It was Friday morning when the sudden noise of the alarm clock woke me up. 4:15 ugghhh!!! Time to go drop Dan off. Dan is my husband. I married him...

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Attending two black businessmen

My Boss called me to his office and he explained he needed me to take care of a very important meeting we would have with some new customers.Henry explained me that they were two black business men from an African country, who were staying now at the nicest five stars’ hotel in town.He wanted me to be close to these black gentlemen during their stay in town and see to fix every need they could have. Henry added that I could move to that same luxury hotel, to be in direct contact with these...

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