HealerChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 18
- 0
Kat opened her eyes then next morning with a smile. Every muscle in her body still was filled with pleasure. Rolling onto her side, she stared down at the sleeping man next to her. Even sleeping his attractiveness was still apparent. The pleasure that she had experienced the night before was more than she could have ever imagined. Surely he had given her the same pleasure in the past! Why couldn't she remember!
"Good Morning, Katrina."
She glanced up quickly to see his eyes open. Although he had just awakened, they were alert and focused on her. She watched as they darkened with emotion. She leaned closer when she saw him wet his lips. In the early morning light, they glistened. Just before she joined their mouths, he pulled back.
"Come on, Kitty-kat. It's time to get going. If we're lucky we will arrive in Kartic later today. You will be seeing Arianna today if all goes well."
"Arianna?" Kat frowned as if something tugged on her memory. When it flitted away, she cursed softly. '"Damn, I almost remembered something."
"Don't rush it. It will come in time." Charles rolled to his feet and offered her a hand. She smiled as she took it. Effortlessly he lifted her from their bedroll and set her on her feet next to the banked fire. Turning he led her to the campfire. As she sat down next to it, she watched him make the coffee.
As it brewed, she watched him gather up the bedroll and other various belongs and shove them back into the saddlebag that would be slung over the zephti. When she felt a tug on her sleeve she turned and saw the smaller zephti that had been tagging after her. She smiled and ran a hand over its' hairless skin. She was amazed at how soft its' skin was. She laughed when he arched under her hand and pressed closer to her.
Charles stopped when he heard Kat's laughter. He couldn't help but smile in response. He glanced over to see the young zephti demanding attention from his favorite person. During the night he had wakened to find the little rascal curled up next to them, his muzzle in Kat's hair. The little fellow had it bad.
After he finished securing their belongings, he wandered back to the fire, then took his canteen and filled it up with the strong brew. Kat watched in envy as he screwed the cap back on the canteen.
"Come on Kitty-kat, let's get going. You can have your coffee while we ride."
She nodded as she stood and walked over to the zephti and waited for him to climb on. Once he was settled, she took the hand that he offered and let him pull her on in front of him. He handed her the canteen as they headed out. The young zephti was following closely behind them.
Rand cursed softly as he found the site where the zephti carrying his wife had gone down at. From the scuff marks in the ash he could tell that his wife had not fallen off of her mount. It looked as if someone had simply decided to rest their zephti.
Scanning the surrounding area, he looked for traces of magic that had been used. As his gaze traveled over the area, he stopped as he noticed the shimmer of used magic. Walking over to it, he opened his senses and encountered a cloaking spell. As he touched it, he was drawn into another more potent spell. This one was an entrapment spell. He cursed softly as an image shimmered in front of him. As the man became more defined, Rand sucked in a breath.
"You're dead!"
"Obviously not." The whisper came as if from a distance. Rand realized that what he was actually seeing was a communication spell. The man wasn't actually there.
"Where's my wife!"
"Relax, Prince Randall. I haven't harmed a hair on her precious head. But that could change in a moment unless you give me what I want."
"What?" Anger was evident in Rand's voice.
"I want to claim my rightful place."
"And "where" is that?"
"Sandova. My family ruled on the throne for hundreds of years until your father took over. He stripped my grandfather of his reign. There was treachery afoot. My grandfather was framed and made out to be guilty. He never would have dishonored the girl like they said he did. He had been drugged and placed in the chamber with her. But it's a lie."
"So you think taking my wife will give me the incentive to help you reclaim your throne?"
"I'm sure of it. It's well known that you love your wife. So much love that you'll do anything for her. Especially now that she is carrying the heir to your throne. So what's going to be, Prince Randall? Do you help me or do I have to hurt her?" The man pulled Gracie in front of him. She was still out of it and swaying on her feet. Rand tensed as anger flooded his system.
"Brett, I don't know who you think you are dealing with but I'm not a man to mess with."
"I know exactly who I'm dealing with. Think it over, Prince Rand. Or I'll just have to give her over to your enemy. I'm sure that he will give me what I want."
"He doesn't have it to give." Rand retorted.
"Once he claims your throne, he will." The man smiled evilly. "And you know in a way I'm hoping that he does. It ought to be interesting to see what kind of ruler Aric will make."
"Aric! He is taking his life into his own hands if he comes back here. If I don't kill him, Gracie will. She hasn't forgotten what he has done to her sister. He's a fool if returns to Venus."
"We will just have to see, Prince Rand. I'll will contact you later to see what you have decided." The man disappeared in front of him.
"Damnit!" Rand turned back to the zephti. "It's time to go scouting," he told the zephti as he climbed back onto it.
Phillip sighed in relief as the spell winked out and he carried the unconscious princess back over to the pallet that he had made for her. As he went to cover her up, he saw her stomach move under the blanket. He pulled it back down and watched in amazement as it twitched and rolled. Hesitantly he reached out and placed his hand over it. When a small foot kicked his palm, he jerked back in surprise.
"You really aren't a bad man are you?" Gracie's voice broke the quiet. Phillip fell on his ass as he tried to back away from the princess.
"You're awake!"
"Yes. That sleeping spell you used wasn't potent enough to keep me out. You know you do look remarkably like your brother. So close that one would confuse you with him. If I hadn't actually seen your brother's body, I would think I'm seeing a ghost." Gracie grunted as she tried to swing her body into an upright position. Phillip rushed over to aid her.
Gracie smiled in gratitude as she finally became upright.
"I wouldn't hurt an expectant mother. My mother taught me better than that."
"How did it go with my husband?" Gracie asked as she watched him sit down next to the fire.
"You heard?" he asked.
"No. But I assume that the first thing you did was contact my husband. I assume that you want something that he can give you? I can't see any other reason that you would kidnap me."
"I've asked him to help restore my family to the crown."
"Which crown do you seek?" Gracie finally asked as she studied him.
"You expect my husband to trade me for this help?"
"I'm hoping to, or I'll go the other route. I'll turn you over to Aric."
"Aric? He's on Earth. If he dares to return here, he will die." Gracie's voice turned frosty.
"He must have done something hideous if you want him dead." Phillip walked away from Gracie and returned with a blanket. Draping it around his shoulders he sat back down.
"He did more than try to take over the crown. What's your name?"
"And you are Brett's brother. Well, Phillip, I would think twice before dealing with Aric. He did more than just try to take the crown from my husband. He is an evil man. He deliberately gave an order to have my sister injected with raz-ice and an aphrodisiac. The two combined in her system. Do you know what that does to a woman that has just bonded with her chosen and then deprives her of him? Aric is lucky that I didn't kill him outright. Her chosen, Jonathan gave the order to have your brother, the man responsible for injecting her, the same treatment that he gave Pati. He didn't survive six months with the two drugs fighting in his system."
"Well, Brett wasn't the smartest man." Phillip said tersely.
"Well, lets hope that you are smarter than him. Or you won't live long enough to regret it. Because if Aric EVER sets foot on this planet he is dead."
"You seem certain of that."
"Yes. I will kill him myself." She watched as the color drained out of Phillip's face.
Charles sighed when the gates of Kartic came into view. The day had passed pleasantly enough all considering. On his lap, Kat had slept off and on. He knew that she still wasn't fully recovered from her injury.
As they approached the gates, he took a deep breath to fortify himself for the inevitable commotion that was bound to happen at his return. He gently nudged Kat.
"Kitty-kat, It's about to get a bit crazy. Wake up, sweetheart. We're gonna have company." He slowly stroked down her arm.
"It's the king!" A man's voice rang out from atop the gatehouse. "Make way, it's the king!"
Charles groaned as he heard the feet scurrying and the shouts of his people. At the same time, Kat stretched and rubbed her bottom against his groin. Charles inhaled sharply as she rubbed against his obvious erection.
"Katrina! Stop that!" he pleaded as she settled back down and wiggled closer to him.
"Hmmm... you smell so good. And you're nice and warm." Her voice was drowsy.
"Please, sweetheart." His chest was tight as need pounded in his veins.
Kat finally opened her eyes when she heard the men that came running up to them. She looked around and couldn't believe her eyes. This almost reminded her of a village that was set in early England. The men were dressed in dryla breeches and tops. She gave a bit of shriek when she was lifted off of Charles' lap by one of them.
"Relax, Kitty-kat. I'm coming down. I'll be right with you." He swung one leg over the zephti and slid to the ground. Then he tossed the reins to the closest man.
"Take her and her baby to the stables. Both deserve a double ration of feed." The man nodded and led away the mother, her baby followed closely behind after taking a last look at Kat.
"You'll have to make sure you visit the stables frequently." She nodded her head in agreement, as he took her hand and led her through the gate. She took in his village with greedy eyes. The small and quaint houses lined the cobbled streets. From the signs hanging in front of some of them, she could tell that the town boasted a bakery, a livery, a dry goods store and a clinic. As they passed many people yelled out greetings to Charles.
He took the time to wave to each of them. He even went as far as brushing the head of one brave little girl that darted out to tug on his shirt and pat at the pocket of his pants. She giggled and ran back to her mother's side gripping the small piece of candy that he had offered her.
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I was rushed to hospital with an acute pain in my lower stomach which turned out to be my appendix rupturing and had to have it removed.I had the surgery early in the morning and slept until laye afternoon. The operation was done by keyhole so was not a large wound and only needed three staples.That night about 9pm this gorgeous nurse came in to check on me and said she had just come on duty and if the was anything I needed just press the call button.She looked at my chart and asked was there...
I was walking home from the last day of school. It was already close to a 100 degrees out. It was about a 4 mile walk back to my house. I had missed the last school bus. I had to stay after for detention. I got caught passing a note for my best friend, Stan. He had asked me to pass a note to his new girl friend. They had only been going out for a week. Now I was the only one walking home after spending an hour, cleaning off the chalk board. I was so sweaty after cleaning. I went to the boys...
Violet Starr is some new talent that found it?s way to TeamSkeet. She is an energetic brunette package of sexy! At 19 years of age, she decided she wanted to see if she has what it takes to be a TeamSkeet girl. She immediately says she is in love with dick and is ready for some. She has perfect natural boobs and very curvy body. She does a great job giving head with some very sexy socks on while doing so. Then she really shows off a great hourglass figure as she lays back for some missionary...
xmoviesforyouHi everybody…its Roy here…I would like to describe my gay experience …Basically in gay language..i am a bottom…i like more to suck and to be fucked….I had this orientation earlier on and i really enjoy it too…Now for the story part ….Actually what i am about to say is about my first gay experience…i was studying in 11th then…My gay tastes were just budding on …One day i cut my tuition class and went for a movie…I sat near a man..around 30-35 years.He was nicely built..good height and...
LesbianWords of Wisdom from the Seat of a Tractor!!! Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong. Keep skunks and bankers at a distance. Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. Words that soak into your ears are whispered ... not yelled. Meanness don’t just happen overnight. Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads. Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you. It don’t take a very big...
These are compliments of Smokeyjoe This little boy’s mother was having a ladies group meeting and was making tapioca pudding when the phone rang. She left the kitchen to answer it, and her little boy came in to get some BB’s for his gun. He reached up in the cabinet for them, the lid came off, and some BB’s fell into the tapioca. He heard his mother coming back, so he quickly stirred the BB’s into the pudding and ran back outside. The next morning one of the ladies called to find out how...
I made use of Warren's computer after leaving Noreen's room. It wasn't difficult to find some things out about Bruce Compton, the S&M bastard who got off abusing young girls like Noreen. I even found several pictures of Brucie and his lovely wife, Sylvie, including one with her in a bikini by what may have been their pool. I called Warren at his office and asked if I might borrow his car. He told me which one to take, not wanting me to avail myself of Mrs. Klugman's baby, and where...
Patty and Bill Peters had flown in to Vegas from Omaha late that afternoon. Bill, a 42 year old accountant at a local insurance company, was taking his first vacation in over a year. Bill was a very slight and near sighted man — 5'8" tall and no more than 150 pounds — and practically the embodiment of the popular stereotype of an accountant. Patty was 40 years old and at 5'4" she was a pretty brunette with a slightly plump but well filled out figure. A mother of two teenage boys, she was...
Hi,i am 19 and i have always liked wearing womens clothes.While wearin them i always imagined there was a nice older guy fucking me and cumming on my face. After a while i decided to try my fantasy for real. I got in contact with an older men and we decided to met. He said that he would come for me in a car and that we will go to his house and have a lot of fun. I was so nervous and could hardly wait to meet him. The next day i was waiting for him at a spot where we arranged to meet. He came...
Alex looked at her and tried to think of something smart to say but probably for the first time in his life he was unable to utter a single word. She kept stroking his back until they were both calm and satiated. Well, maybe she was satiated but on the contrary Alex felt far from satisfied. How could this girl arouse such a strong desire inside him? What they had just done in bed was ordinary but it certainly didn't feel so common to him. Or to his cock for that matter. That was the...
My Submission into Latex This is my first attempt at a story...so please let me know if you would like me to continue it! ([email protected]) "I'm an adult! This is how I want to look! Just leave me alone!" Lisa screamed at me and walked out of the living room. I heard the front door slam, then the squealing of tires as she sped off from the driveway. I looked after her, my mouth hanging open, my retort stopping before it began. I was flabbergasted. My daughter was barely...
The wife and I had gone on a weekend away, this particular day we'd gone off on a day trip. Our coach driver, Mick, was very easy going and taking his time pointing out all the local attractions as we passed. When we got to our destination we had a couple of hours to kill. The wife and I were looking around a small village when we bumped into Mick.He said he enjoys his job but doesn't like been away from home, he was 61, married with two grown up boys. We spoke for a while then walked back to...
Lying in his upper bunk in the stateroom Jeff decided to meet Audrey and Donald for dinner in the formal dining room after walking the deck and watching a movie in the ships auditorium. Theirs was an 8:00 seating and he got to their table first. The newly minted ‘collared” couple entered hand-in-hand and Donald held Audrey’s chair as he sat. Audrey wore a beautiful cocktail dress with a V-neckline and a low back. It was obvious to Jeff that she wore no bra and he wondered idly if she wore any...
Wife Lovers