BiomancerChapter 7: free porn video

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Mrs. Moore knocked on my door during breakfast.

“Hi. I came to tell you that Cheryl is clean. The doctors ran test after test and everything is clean.”

Panicking, I grabbed her hand and led her off my porch. She too was lighter than she should have been but not as bad as Cheryl. “My house is bugged. Yours too probably. Car, yard, bathrooms, pool, you name it. I’m glad Cheryl is good.” Not that she will show her face around me again. That last time she was scared off by the Agency.

“Oh, I didn’t realize. I wanted you to know. If you need anything, let me know,” Mrs. Moore couldn’t say enough about Cheryl’s recovery and it showed.

“Can I have Cheryl’s oncologist’s phone number please?”

“Why would you need that?”

“No reason. Just in case.”

“Wait here.” I burned the name and number into my brain before flushing the paper she gave me down the toilet. I hoped that it was not too late. What the hell, the Bureau as good as knew anyway. Ronnie admitted it and so did Irene.

After she left, I went for a walk in the woods letting my cereal get soggy-er for later. Every tree, I passed by was touched and some of its energy absorbed. Same with the large bushes. I repeated that for two hours until I was brimming with Life.

I felt full in an odd way. I don’t even think I could describe it if I tried. I felt good too.

Pointing and focusing at a noisy blackbird, I zapped him. Stunned, he fell out of the tree, wounded but still alive. I only removed a quarter or so of his lifeforce. Probably more. Filling him with that much more plus, was an ugly sight. Blood, meat and feathers everywhere. Too much.


But I needed testing and practice.

Ronnie found me well after dark in the same area playing with leaves. “Is everything alright?”

“No. It’s not safe here. I’ll return in a couple hours.”

“Nate are you thinking of something dumb?”

“Practicing. Out here no one can get hurt. Now please leave.”

“I’d like to stay and watch.”

“Ronnie, it’s really not safe. They have bomb zones and test areas for a reason. No one is around to worry about if something goes wrong. Please leave me alone.”

“Don’t stay too long.”

“A couple more hours. I promise.”

I stayed out until midnight, maybe a little later. Seeing in the dark was not an issue since I was glowing. That, and I could see everything alive. Plants, roots, bugs, birds and trees. The whole forest was alive and beckoning to me. A beacon.

“You’re still glowing, Nate.” Ronnie was waiting for me when I returned. Of course.

“Too much energy in me. I should skip running until it goes away.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I need to learn, don’t I? The only way that will happen is if I experiment and test. Just like Mr. Plumb said in my science class at school. Theory, experiment and test, test, test, until you get a better understanding. Then test some more.”

“What if something happens to you?”

“Do you think there is anyone out there that is better at fixing me than me?”

“Everyone needs backup,” she counter argued. One that made too much sense.

“Fine, you can come. But if I tell you to leave, you need to go away.”

“I can accept that.”

Turning to look at the Fed in the window, I Flared bright. Smiled, and went inside to rest. I didn’t need sleep right now. It could wait.

I felt bad for those birds and squirrels but those experiments were necessary. Too bad the first one died at the end, so too the second third and fourth. I also realized what was different about Ronnie.

Won’t she be surprised on her next physical. I grinned. A Class I Physical who had a full revamp of her bones, muscles and tendons, she was younger, not just looked it. Maybe not chronologically but where it mattered. I was on to something with that last dumb squirrel. It dying set me back, but that was my fault. I overdid it.

On Monday, Agent Dubois went to follow us, since I had spent all day Thursday through Sunday out here, only returning after midnight each night.

“The Fed can’t come, I can’t guarantee her safety.”

“Are you threatening me Mr. Stevens?”

“Warning. I’m experimenting, if you are close you might get affected.”

“What about her?”

“I like her, you I don’t. Now leave or I will go elsewhere to do this.”

“Sorry, Mr. Stevens, please return to your house.”

“Are you threatening me, Fed?”

She pulled her gun.

I laughed.

“Go ahead and shoot. You wanted to since the first time we met. Or don’t you believe the reports?” I kept walking into the forest. Glowing.

I found new squirrels to play with. It was getting easier to manipulate their life energy at a distance, I still required visual for the more complex aspects.

“What are you trying to do, Nate?”

“Fix her eye, it was damaged a while ago.”

“Which squirrel?” Ronnie asked.

“The gray mottled one in the tree there.” I pointed in a vague direction, the one I was messing around with was a quarter mile ahead. Kinda like Jessica Dubois who was doggedly staying a mile behind us, me. Not that she could see anything from there, even with her high-powered scope. Forest and trees, stupid Fed.

She too was a test subject. I bet she was wondering why she was so tired every night. Hopefully, she blamed the boredom of sitting for hours, seeing and doing nothing. Last time she came too close, I turned a bush to ash five feet in front of her. If that wasn’t enough of a warning, I didn’t know what was.

I kept up my practice until the second week of June. The other kids were out of school for the summer and I had a GED book in my hand while sitting in the forest with divided attention.

Half was on the history dates with Ronnie quizzing me occasionally and the other half on the wildlife. Nothing had accidently died in two weeks.

“Only the Brazilians asked for a meet?” I asked Ronnie for the fourth time.

“Yes,” she replied, with seemingly endless patience. I had stopped glowing on the twenty eighth of last month but we only ran in the mornings now or in my forest. I didn’t need it as much as either of us originally thought. I was slowly rebuilding myself. Addressing the malnutrition of my youth and early teen years, the lack of real exercise and other physical neglect. The massive multivitamin capsules along with almost triple my former food intake were being completely absorbed by my system as I slowly and continuously Healed and rebuilt myself.

I had Ronnie take some too, and Helped her a little here and there... maybe more than a little...

“The Agency is preventing other foreign agents from coming, aren’t they?”


“GED tomorrow at nine. Will you drive me?” I asked. I was worried.

“Sure. You’re ready. Just relax and do your best,” she encouraged me.

I was ready.


“I’m sorry, Mr. Stevens. Your name is not on the list of today’s testees.” The registrar apologized at the GED sign in.

“What do you mean, it’s not on the list? I have a confirmation number and you cashed my check.” I was pissed.

“Mistakes happen. Please calm down, young man. There is always next month.”

“Fucking Agency. They removed my name. Fine. I can play too.” Turning to Ronnie. “Drive me to the hospital.”

“That isn’t the best idea, Nate.”

“Drive me or I walk. It’s only two miles away, you trained me to run that far, remember?” I snapped.

“Think about what you are doing, Nathan. Call Lu if you need to.”

“He’d say that this is one of those times I needed to decide on my own and live with the consequences. Something trite about growing up and be a man,” I bitched.

Turning to Ronnie, I raised my voice, “Are you going to drive me or not?” I demanded more pissed off than I should have been.

“Don’t hurt anyone and please use moderation,” she capitulated.

“I will be doing the exact opposite of harm,” I promised.

Click. “Dr. Rosenbalm’s office.”

“Tell the doctor that the person who cured Cheryl Moore of her uterus and breast cancer is on the phone. I’ll wait three minutes.”

One minute later, “Tell me something that only you would know.” A firm woman who didn’t want her time wasted but was staring at an unsolved double miracle needed answers, came on the line.

“There was a black film on her body for two days, her feces.” I almost said shit, “was filled with dead cancer cells.”

“You have my attention. Who is this?”

“Nathan Stevens, I’m a Healer Super. Can you get me into the children’s ward in fifteen minutes?”

“A Healer...” she breathed.

“Fifteen minutes or I go somewhere else.”

“I’ll be there. Go in the emergency entrance, ask for me.”

“Okay.” Click.

“Emergency entrance, please,” I asked Ronnie calming down.

“I hope this doesn’t backfire,” she cautioned me.

“It was either this or kill Jessica and every Fed I come across. Irene said to be human. I am, even if they aren’t.”

Five-foot-seven, two-hundred-fifty-pounds of stoutness along with an older woman’s gray hair in a thirty-nine year-old body, met us wearing a white doctor’s jacket and stethoscope. “I’m Dr. Rosenbalm. I take it you are Nathan Stevens?”

“Yup, this is Lt. Lake, Army intelligence, my bodyguard. Lead the way Doc.”

“What can you do and do you need anything?”

“Cancers, wounds, burns. Kids only.” Fuck the adults. They voted to fuck me over. They can rot.

“Bruns...” she said to herself in wonder. “Only children, why?”

“I can Heal two to three kids or one adult. Do you think there are any old farts worth a couple kids?”

“No. I don’t.” She smiled. Didn’t help, she still looked like a shed fell on her and ate her way out. Didn’t matter, as long as she was a good doctor.

The hospital smelled like hospitals everywhere. Sickening.

“How do you heal? I mean the mechanism?”

“I absorb life from everywhere and use it like playdough. Energy playdough.”

She wasn’t buying it, even if it was close to the truth and kept asking for details.

After walking across the hospital and taking the elevator a few floors up, the Doc pointed at a girl behind a glass window. “This is Cortina Gomez, her house caught on fire when her drunken mother mishandled a rotgut still. The mother died and the child suffered terrible burns.”

The ICU window showed a single bed behind it with the plastic tent you see in movies or on TV. The room was filled with monitors, tubes, wires and cabinets. Everything was white and I could hear beeping coming from outside of the room. There were at least three different active monitors. Even the stitching on the mesh parts of the tent was white.

“Do you think you can help her?” the doc asked.

“I need to touch her, doesn’t matter where. Hand, foot, head, body. If you don’t believe me, ask Ronnie.”

Ronnie gave a reluctant nod of agreement. Her gun and badge were indicators of her position. Since she sailed past the guard’s initial inspection, allowing her to wear it in the hospital proper, she had to have been legitimate. No longer caring, I entered the room, sounding the alert at the nurse’s desk. “Guard the door, Ronnie. Please.” I was no longer steamed. No one could be pissed at the outside world in the presence of so many sick children and still claim to be human.

Ducking under the tent, I didn’t realize that they had plastic zippers until later. I found a spot on the girl’s face bare of bandages. Pressing my palm on her head, overlapping some of the bandages, I Healed. She took way more energy than Cheryl did, who had only had two localized clusters of cancer.

More and more people were gathering around the door, but Ronnie was good, the fat Doc was there in support too. Maybe I should have been nicer to her.

My late-night biology reading was helping my vocabulary as well as my understanding.

Burnt flesh, muscle, tendons, and even bones in places, especially on the arms and hands started to recover. It seemed to take forever. I couldn’t remember the girl’s name, guess it didn’t matter. Bones first. I learned to work inside out. The hands were the worst. I wondered if the doctors planned on amputating her right hand before she came out of the coma.

If she... I nipped that thought in the bud.

Someone entered the room, but I couldn’t be distracted. “One doctor only. No one else. If they get caught in my field, they might die.” I didn’t even look away or remove my awareness, I needed this done in one go. I would not get a second chance otherwise.

“You should at least be wearing a mask young man.”

“I can’t get sick.”

“Maybe not, but she can get ill from the simplest of bugs.”

“Oh. I’ll remember that for next time, but I don’t think it will matter.”

“Laura said that you cured a cancer patient of hers. They are mostly giving you this chance because they don’t think you are going to do any good. Nor can it harm Miss Gomez.”

“You think she will die?” I sighed knowing that she would never wake without my help.

“It’s a matter of time, even if something drastic is done. She inhaled too much of the toxic fumes from the still and has too much damage overall to her lungs, the skin and bones in both arms and chest are burnt too deeply for any sort of recovery.” The doctor patiently explained before putting a mask on me.

“I was warned to keep you out of my hospital. I believe that the ones warning me had ulterior motives,” he said.

“They do. I’m Nate.”

“Martin. There is a plastic folding chair in the corner if you need.”

“I’m okay” I said not even looking at the older man who entered my awareness when he came in. “I think another fifteen minutes should be good, her bones are Healing. Mostly, she needs vitamins. Lots. I can’t rebuild everything unless I get them.”

“Which ones?” Martin asked professionally.

“Sir, I’m still reading my first biology book. I know there is calcium in bones and vitamin D. I don’t even know what skin is made of. The rest is up to you. Huge multi ones that have everything are best.”

I felt his smile. “Which text are you reading?” Opening a drawer, he removed something and fiddled around a bit. I was trying not to get distracted.

“Intro to Biology, by Green, Williams, and Quincy.”

He held up a syringe. “Not in the bag, that takes too long, inject her biceps, both of them. I can help it along since the blood is flowing again.

“She is going to need a ton of food and water soon too. There was more damage than I thought,” I said after some consideration.

“Should you not stop and continue later?” The pleasant doctor injected a solution into each upper arm.

“I can’t afford to. She needs to get better today or it’s my ass. Whatever you gave her is helping. She will need a ton more.”

Five minutes later...

“Can you unwrap her head? Her face needs to be washed too, she is getting some of the dead skin in her eyes, nose and ears.”

“It’s flaking off?” he asked astonished.

“Yeah. Can you have someone come in and unwrap her while you give her more vitamins?”

I heard him speak to the wall unit. Someone else entered and a brief discussion took place. I didn’t notice that the monitors had all settled down until just then.

With a sponge, the new person; Caryn, a doctor I thought, began slowly unwrapping the girl, carelessly casting aside the bandages onto a tray. I heard scissors and an exclamation now and then, along with splashing of a bucket of water and repeated trips to the sink.

Dr. Martin kept pumping his patient full of vitamins until I said enough.

“Remind her to plant a tree, she owes it her life. Where was that chair?” It was tiring, mostly mental and I had not stood in one place for thirty minutes before. I also learned a ton. Next time shoot the burn victims up with a gallon of multi vitamins before I start Healing. Not after.

I took a seat in the corner, while the two doctors worked together seamlessly. They had to have worked as a team for ages. Uncaring, I unwrapped an energy bar and took a bite. This room would have to be fumigated anyway.

Working ceaselessly, the pair of docs had the girl unwrapped and mostly washed off in much shorter amount of time than expected. She was tiny, younger than I thought. Maybe seven or eight and thin.

“Barring an X-ray, I’d say it was a success.”

“I fixed the few broken bones I found.” I said, looking for something else to eat. It was fascinating watching them work and seeing the absolute care they had for their patient.

“Nate, are you keeping her asleep?” Dr. Martin asked while washing her left leg with his fifth sponge.

“Nah. She needs to recoup her energy, might take a day or two to wake on her own. Cheryl needed fourteen hours.”

“Was Cheryl the patient Dr. Rosenbalm spoke of?”

“I guess so.”

“Why is the PRA trying to keep you out of the hospital, young man?” Dr. Caryn, asked curiously.

“Supers doing good and making news about it is bad for them. We can only be seen doing bad stuff. Otherwise, it’s all doom and gloom for their budget and witch hunt,” I replied as sarcastically as possible.

“How are you feeling, Nate?”

“Okay, a bit thirsty.”

“How much were you planning on doing today?”

“I didn’t expect to even come. The Agency pissed me off when they cancelled my GED test. Without a GED, I have to attend school. The only schools I can legally attend in the US are all run by the Agency.”

“Parents or homeschooling?”

“None and none. I’ll go to Russia before I go to one of their ‘Camps’.”

“The conditions there are not too bad, but I would not send anyone I cared about there.” Doc Martin replied cryptically.

“Why Russia?” The lady doc asked while giving the girl a final cleaning. Doc Martin was cleaning up the area, putting things away for disposal and testing, I guessed.

“I was offered 25 mil a year, a house and three months off for two days a week at the hospital there.”

“More than I make,” she cockily added. The lady doc wasn’t bad either.

“I hear that you have a children’s cancer ward here somewhere. Can I get some juice, an apple and a guided tour?”

“Are you sure you are up for it? This could not have been easy,” Doc Martin asked, concerned. Proving again he was a fantastic Doc, like the ones in the MASH reruns. Not Burns though.

“I’m fine.” I was too.

“Caryn, will you finish this up, I will escort our guest to the children’s wing.”

“Go. Take pictures,” ‘Caryn’ ordered doc Martin.

“Bring those vitamins, they helped a ton,” I asked Doc Martin.

There were about twenty doctors hovering outside of the window all taking turns peeking in. If that poor girl was not asleep, she would be freaking. I knew I would be.

“You’re glowing.” Ronnie reminded me.

“Thanks. Doc Martin is taking me to the children’s wing. And juice. Let’s go.” ‘Thanks’, I mouthed to my friend. Ronnie could have made this very difficult.

In the cancer ward were about two dozen kids between the ages of four and sixteen. Less than I expected and more than I liked. Dr. Abraham, aka Martin, only allowed two doctors to come with us, including Dr. Rosenbalm, who earned the right from the simple fact that she brought me here.

A bald ten-year old girl in a pink knit cap was in bed reading the third book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Return of the King, I thought. The cover was missing and the book badly used. Mauled even.

“Missy, this is Nate. He’d like to show you something.”

“I hope he isn’t another lame magician wananbie.”

“I couldn’t pull a quarter out of a rabbit’s hat if you put the quarter in beforehand.” I extended my hand in greeting. “I’m Nate.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I’m contagious? You might catch ‘death’. I think mom’s hand will fall off soon if she keeps scrubbing it every time she comes to visit.” The tiny, thin girl, asked acidly.

“Are you going to shake or not? I’m Nate.”

“Fine. I’m Melissa, going to die of leukemia in three months.” Grabbing onto my hand feebly, she shook it, hoping to shock me. I already knew, but didn’t think she had that long judging by her low life energy level.

“Good night, Melissa, remember to thank a tree when you wake.” She fell asleep. Too easily.

“Doc Martin, run an IV and inject some vitamins. Stuff for her blood, heart and bones, marrow, I think. Her liver needs stuff too. Her liver is here, right? The rest is mostly okay. She will need a ton of food later and water, you know better than I do. Oh, she will ooze black junk out of her pores and stool for a day. Huh. This isn’t bad. This is much easier than the other girl.

“What’s up with that guy. Why is he glowing?” A little boy sitting on his scooter barged into the room.

“He’s helping Missy feel better. You can be next if you are good, Luke.”

“It’s Lucient. Mom said so.” The kid slowly articulated the word. Completely unfamiliar with actually pronouncing it himself, just mimicking his mom.

“Then be a good boy and remember what we talked about when doctors are in the room we...”

“‘Let them doctor’.” The boy finished Dr. Rosenbalm’s teachings. The cute kid maneuvered his three wheel bike and scooted off.

Ten minutes, not bad. I accepted the juice from Ronnie and was led to the next patient. Lucient was not next. It was a fourteen year old boy with a tumor the size of a golf ball located at the base of his brain. No introductions were needed as he was asleep on meds. Drugged hard.

Half way through the fifteen minute, estimated, removal a commotion happened in the ward. Four Agents barged in coming to arrest me followed by seven rent-a-cops. Great timing assholes.

There was stern language and even yelling at one point by Dr. Rosenbalm, who was nice, but still had a face that looked like a bus hit it, after she ate the bus. I heard cameras and cancer mentioned. Not that I cared. If one so much as touched me, they would feed the kids with their vitality.

“Ronnie, make them go away. I am losing concentration and it might harm him. Tumors suck.”

An unfamiliar hand touched my shoulder, he dropped. More yelling ... more people.

There. It broke. Tough fucker. Now to completely kill it and flush it into his system. Good.

I sat back in my chair. And looked at the three groups arguing.

“This is a children’s cancer ward. GET OUT.” The extra-large doc had a set of vocal cords.

“This kid assaulted a Federal officer. He is a criminal that should be in custody.”

“That kid just Healed a brain tumor patient. Brain tumor. I can say it slower. HEALED. A. Brain. Tumor. Patient. Get out and let him work,” Cheryl’s doc was loud.

The seven rent-a-cops didn’t stand a chance against the Feds who didn’t stand a chance against doctors in their own hospital.

Seeing as I was now paying attention to the blowhard bastard, he thundered, “Nathan Stevens, you are under arrest for assault on a Federal Agent.”

“I had never assaulted anyone before. But since you insist.” Snap.

“Nathan.” Ronnie chastised me in disappointment. As all three of the remaining Feds dropped bonelessly to the ground. A chorus of faces looked at me expectantly.

“Sleeping. Who is next?” Over the next three hours I Healed all twenty-five kids in the hospital of their various ailments.

I also learned a great deal more. This was the best practice for me. Mostly healthy squirrels didn’t measure up.

“Where did Doc Martin go?” I asked the fat doc after healing the last kid of throat cancer which had trickled into his left lung.

“Dr. Abraham had a matter to attend to. He would like to see you downstairs in his office when you are done.”

She sounded suspicious, but I was hungry and thirsty, even with Ronnie feeding me bottled juice and terrible hospital mush. Hospital food sucked worse than my cooking. No salt, no pepper, no flavor. How Ronnie ate two helpings and me three, I had no clue.

“I will make the tapes available for everyone later today. I’m sure the Feds will be interested in them too along with our lawyers and the children’s parents,” I heard the good doc, speak loudly to whomever.

Someone shoved me into Dr. Abraham off ... I should have kept my radar up. That would teach me.

“Nate, come join us, please,” invited the EVIL Doctor Martin Abraham, standing before a podium before a crowd of reporters and cameras.

“Twenty-six cases, cured in four hours, including seventeen cancers of one type or another, two Leukemia...” blah, blah, blah. You suck, Dr. Evil. “And one near fatal burn victim who was about to lose her life or at least both arms to severe forth degree burns.

“Nate came here to help, knowing that the PRA would arrest him for saving the lives of those children. We have four officers asleep on cots in a room. No harm was done to them by anyone, they magically fell asleep.” He smiled. What I used to think was a good smile became an EVIL one.

“If the Agency will arrest a man for healing another, just because he has Super powers and is using them to save others, what does that say about us, or the rest of the Supers in custody?”

“Isn’t this the land of innocent until proven guilty? It’s been two years and the Supreme Court has not made a decision on the legality of the PRA’s actions. Here we have proof of a Healer, ladies and gentlemen. And yet they still want to imprison Nathan for saving lives.”

“Where did we go wrong?”

And the crowd went wild as Dr. Evil incited them to new heights.

He banged his stethoscope down a few times getting silence eventually.

“Nathan, would you like to say a few words?” Dr. Evil asked pleasantly.


“Fine.” You asked for it. “Hi, I’m Nathan Stevens. My dad was one of the first to be Awakened. He turned himself into an Iron Statue. The Agency took him away and refused all attempts to proclaim him dead. No death certificate, no insurance. I’ve lived off Cheerios, Ramen, and chicken breasts bought in bulk, for the last three years.

“If it wasn’t for Mr. Tang, my court appointed guardian, I would have been out on the streets after a month. No help, and yet more snubbing from the Feds.

“Now I am a Class V Elementalist. Or something, no one has a Class for me. I call it Biomancy at a friend’s suggestion. I’m like a Life energy battery. Suck it in and spit it out. The Agency came with dad’s spectrometry in hand trying to make nice, but bugged every room in my house three times. Including the toilet which I found when I was painting. I’m sixteen. What did they expect me to do? Don’t know, but it was watched three times over.”

“They got mad when I left the house. They even cancelled my GED test. They want to trap me so I have to go to their shitty camp. Guess what, I am not going. I Healed a ton of kids today. “I could Heal three kids or one adult. I chose to Heal the kids. You do the math. Is there an adult here who thinks they are worth three children’s lives? Go on raise your hand. The rest of you are liars.”

I heard murmurs and intakes.

“I will not be Healing anyone again.”

The murmurs turned to gasps and loud protests.

“Maybe I will later, when I don’t have a billion spying bugs in my house and the Feds aren’t making up reasons to put me in jail so they can limit me to Healing them or their supporters. You know what will happen... ‘Nate, if you want toilet paper, Heal Mrs. Bigot, who contributed a million to our cause’. Don’t tell me that won’t happen. It happens now with all those people in ‘Camps’ ‘for their own safety’.

“It’s all Bullshit.

“And Every One of you assholes is to blame. In November 69% of you approved of more “Cautionary Measures’. So none of you fuckers will be healed. Think on that.

“One more thing. See that freaking ugly bouquet over there?”

“No Nate,” I heard from my tall, pretty blonde protector.

“Watch.” Snap. It blackened and turned to ash almost instantly. Everyone was startled, no one caught on to the truth besides the good doc next to me, who stiffened in shock. While the ‘class’ mumbled in excitement.

“Class V boys and girls. The energy to heal comes from somewhere. Anything living. Plants, bugs, birds, bees, reporters, worms, shitty Federal agents lower than worms. You name it. I prefer trees myself. They have the most to give and it doesn’t kill them. But if the Agency agents want to keep pressing me. I can use them just as easily as trees.”

“I am a Class V, or so they say. No one but me knows. I live next to a forest, good luck killing me.

“For the record, besides putting those four assholes to sleep, I have not hurt anyone. I cured thirty some children from illnesses that would lead to their deaths and all I get is hate. NO questions. Now get out of my way.” I stomped down the stairs followed by Ronnie while being filmed and photographed.

Sheriff Malory was sitting on his patrol car’s hood waiting for us, parked next to Ronnie’s jeep.

Same as Biomancer
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It started early Sunday morning on Memorial Day weekend when I got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. We were renting a beach house in the Outer Banks and I was really thirsty from the veggie pizza we had for dinner. I slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I heard the living room TV on and assumed the two girls had come back late from their meet up with the boys they earlier teased at the beach, watched some TV and had left it on. I caught a glimpse of the TV from the space...

3 years ago
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The British Sea WarChapter 6

For the first time Commander Tony Nash wore the three full rings of a Commander RN, he had two more days leave, before he and his new wife Freda left for Birkenhead to commission the new Sloop HMS Blackbird. Although from Liverpool Birkenhead was no distance Freda decided she wanted to be with him His new ship was still finishing her short refit, of new radar and sonar equipment, and was still in a dry dock so Freda joined him, stopping in a local hotel for the two weeks before they were due...

4 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

2 years ago
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Bible Belt Bride Chapter 24

By Greg The Marriage My friend Kenny did stop by the store, and he and I began dating. It was obvious we had no other paths in life to go, so we got engaged and married shortly thereafter. Our honeymoon took us to Niagara Falls. The wedding night was the most shocking thing ever. Kenny’s momma and mine were close friends at church. Both viewed things the same way. By then I had developed needs. Spending evenings with Papa had unleashed desires within me. I hoped that I would have these...

1 year ago
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I should have done it

When I was uni-student. One day I was going to a book store by motorcycle. I was aware a woman walking this way. Passing beyond, we turned our eyes each other. I murmured ‘she is tight!’ in my heart. When I was reading a book in a sotre, someone stood by me and pushed stucked book down to my side .. I faced that person. She was there! She didn’t look at me but seemed to expect something. After a while she moved to exit and stopped to face me for a moment. I was too square to chase her. I...

2 years ago
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Sylvias Mother Ch 34

Despite Brenda’s encouragement to do so, Jason continued to put off calling Karen, even though he wanted to talk with her now more than ever. He knew he had to do it sooner or later, but fear of how he would feel if it turned out she really didn’t want anything to do with him kept him from doing the one thing he knew, more than anything, would make him happy. On more than one occasion, he held the phone in his hand and had his trembling finger poised over the key containing the first digit in...

3 years ago
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Its All About The Cum

I am often asked why I enjoy sex with men so much being that I am a happily married man with a great sex life with my wife. And it all boils down to one thing. Cum.For years when I was only curious about men and watching gay porn I would totally love watching guys eating cum for each other. That desire only intensified when I started eating my own cum. 4-5 times a week I would eat my own juice and I started to crave another mans cum. So when I finally acted on it and had the opportunity to...

3 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 21

I had worked in software development and was amazed we had as few problems as we did. The plan was for Tina to work on the design for the Hydrogen cell while Beth, Amy, Becky, Adam, and I debugged. She believed that we could build her prototype within six months. After she finished that, the fusion generator would be next. She had already reconstructed all of her research from memory. Production difficulties were all that stood in her way. When we went to bed that night the girls surprised...

3 years ago
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2 Fast 2 Feminine

This is my first, and last story of any kind. This was a one shot deal. I've been reading stories like these for about 3 weeks, and I thought I'd make a story that didn't follow the stereotypes as far as the characters, their interests, their attitude, and how they handle changing. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about it. In not any of the races thats in the story, but they should be well represented. If you know places that this should be posted, tell me. If you like...

1 year ago
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PublicBang Ginebra Bellucci Sneaky Public Anal

Potro and Ginebra can’t keep their hands off of each other. They’re so passionate and horny that they can’t even wait until they get home. As they’re walking, they come across an abandoned junkyard that seems to be completely empty. They sneak in and waste no time. They get naked and she gives him a sloppy blowjob that he can’t get enough of. They find somewhere to sit and she jumps on that dick ass first. He fucks her in her tight asshole until it stretches the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abella Danger Sandy The Art of Older Women Part One

Abella Danger has been trying to scale up the ranks in the fashion industry for quite some time, she has been writing pieces to great acclaim until she gets a call to do a piece for Sandy, one of the most gorgeous models of her time. Abella jumps to the occasion and takes the job, she quickly arrives at Sandy’s door only to realize she’s not even there. When Sandy does show up, it’s to get ready for her fashion show. She tries shooing Abella away, but Abella Begs to get the...

3 years ago
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The Venus Metamorphosis

The Venus Metamorphosis by Bill Hart inspired by "Modified Magazine Cover #75" on Jenny North's website "Damn!" swore Frank Fenton as he stared down at the gas gauge. Impossibly, the needle rested well below the line underscoring the big red "E". His car was out of gas, but having driven less than a hundred miles since he'd last filled the tank, he should have still had better than a half a tank of gas. "Given the high cost of gas these days and all those strangers at Jerry's...

3 years ago
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Expanding my oral horizons

After my extensive practice with G. I considered myself already a fellatio virtuoso… however I had done that with only one guy…and I wanted to see if I could apply my techniques to other guys as well….but it wasn’t easy…I was propositioned loads of time….but I didn’t want to become a girlfriend to someone…I didn’t want to deal with the drama, the possessive attitude...the jealousy that seemed to be the norm with guys of the same age as me… The concept of friends with benefits was not common in...

3 years ago
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Everybodys Somebody Sometime

Everybody's Somebody Sometime By Cal Y. Pygia "Jen! What's wrong?" I sniffled, wiping a tear away as I looked up, through a blur, to see my roommate, Marilyn Mann, standing before me. She sat by my side, taking my hand in hers. "Is my mascara a mess?" I wondered aloud. Marilyn smiled at me. "Jennifer Bridges! That's the least of your worries, it seems to me." Her tone was soft when she repeated her question. "What's wrong?" I sniffled again. "John Symmes," I said,...

2 years ago
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Wife Trains Me to Suck Cock

I love it when my wife makes me suck her boyfriend (whom ever it is that night) until he's hard and ready Then I guide his cock into her, after licking her till she's wet, which she usually is after watching me suck "a real cock". Then after he has fucked her for a while she let's me suck his cock off. I never knew I would lick it until the first time a guy with a really big cock stuck his cock in my mouth and started to fuck it. She told him I was in need of a lesson in how a man was supposed...

2 years ago
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Hotel weekend chapter 3

The weekend had flown by and Mya and Rudeolph had contented themselves with the pleasure of each other and the “cleaner” who they later found out was called Lucy. Although they had to check out by noon their respective trains where dot due to depart until early evening so they had a few hours to kill.Whilst they were settling the bill and listening to other guests it soon became apparent that Lucy was everybody’s favourite including an elderly lady that caused Mya to raise an eyebrow. From...

1 year ago
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Face Sitting

Reddit Facesitting, aka r/facesitting! Choosing between Reddit and Facesitting can sometimes be a real fucking dilemma, can’t it? On one hand, you could spend the whole day shooting the shit with internet nerds, sharing memes, conspiracy theories and sad stories about striking out for the thousandth time on Tinder. On the other hand, wouldn’t it be a lot nicer to just have some pretty girl sit on your face? It might be hard to upvote anything with a pair of legs wrapped around your head and a...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Welcome Home

After a long, full week without seeing her, finally I was on my way home. My pent up frustration had left me hard since I began my journey home. Looking at her text message saying “I’m waiting for you baby, I’m so hungry ” I drove home like a possessed demon and charged to the door and threw it open where she was no where to be seen. Stepping in I could hear the shower running upstairs and so I crept upstairs with the flower in my mouth hoping to surprise her. She stood to greet him...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Losing Virginity To A Hot Classmate

Hey guys, this is my first indian sex story here. I’m from Vellore, Tamilnadu. 19 years old. I’m a tall guy and I have a 6-inch dick.The story I’m going to narrate happened to me and my classmate. Into the story, the heroine of the story is my classmate and this happened some months ago, let her name be XYZ. She looks so hot and she has the best ass that anyone can die for. So, like others, I also used to stare at her ass quite a lot. It was mid of the semester and we were going through model...

3 years ago
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Being owned Part 10

“Better get going”, I muttered and got up. Half an hour later I was shaved and showered and walked into my small kitchen to make coffee. Someone had been here, either while I had been still in bed or in the bathroom. A newspaper lay next to the kettle. Intrigued I took the paper. My heart seemed to skip a beat as I recognised the header. This was from my parent's hometown. The date was from a few days ago. Fearing the worst, I opened the obituaries first. No-one I knew. With a sigh of...

1 year ago
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The Flirt A Heather Series Part 11

"What was THAT about?" CJ asked, smiling and spent.The whole thing with Kim, my soaking wet panties, and total bewilderment of which way my sexual compass was pointing, started a raging fire that was only extinguishable by immediate, masculine penetration from my boyfriend."I had a...strange day," I admitted, flatly, catching my breath and relaxing in the afterglow of fulfillment. CJ set a concerned look on his face and lightly caressed my exposed shoulder and chest as we lay facing each other....

1 year ago
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Groped in a bus in India

One day I was travelling back from college. There were alot of people in the bus, now i was standing on the corner of the bus. I suddenly felt a hand on my ass, i turned around to look and it was a very old guy. He was taller than me, had a very rough look. He also had a belly and hair popping out his shirt. He was definitely in his 60s. He caressed my ass and it was making me hard. Upon seeing no resistance from me, he moved his hand inside my trousers. It caught me by surprise since no one...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter15

One day, I noticed a flier on the telephone pole outside my house advertising for a babysitter. The address was the house across the street, with the twins. I realized that I needed to get that job as their babysitter. I called their number, and waited for someone to pick up. Finally, someone did. It was one of the twins! He sounded so hot on the phone that I nearly came just talking to him. I asked to speak to one of his parents. He gave the phone to his mother, and I told her that I...

3 years ago
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What My Roommate Didnt Know

I heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in," I said, thinking it was Becca, my roommate. After the door opened, I realized it was not a woman standing there. It was Michael, dressed in briefs. His tanned chest had whorls of dark hair on it and his physique honed from hours spent outdoors working construction. "What are you doing here," I said. "Becca's gone to sleep," he said, "I thought I would see if you were still up." "Why," I said, "This is my bedroom. Not hers. You...

2 years ago
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*my first effort. All comments welcome but please be a bit gentle!*   THERAPY   Doctor Adam Steele let out a deep sigh as he glanced down at the mess of papers on his desk. On top of the heap was the file of his next patient. His sessions with Lina often left him with graphic images that made the rest of his day almost unbearable. Grimacing with shame he recalled an occasion last month when he’d dashed to the bathroom mid session and found himself wrapping his hand round his painfully hard...

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Idylls of the Lady Ch 12

Heather dressed carefully and took her carriage to Northleigh Hall. Cameron himself answered the door and was dressed to go riding. His look of displeasure almost caused Heather to falter. ‘What do you want, my love?’ he said sarcastically. She held out a hand. ‘Cameron, darling, our baby —‘ ‘Our baby? Ha. It could be anybody’s.’ ‘I’m expecting in April. I’m very sure that it’s yours.’ ‘Well, we shall see when the baby comes who it favors. If it looks like me, I may concede to accept it.’ ...

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Club Threesome

This story is a fantasy, but we hope to make it real one day..."Meet me at The Energy Nightclub after work." That's the text I send to you on Friday afternoon around 4pm while we are both still at work."What? Are you serious??" you respond back to me."Yes!!" I click send and my pussy tingles with excitement. I can hardly wait to see how you react."Fuck babe, okay!!!" you text back almost immediately.I am so distracted now that I can hardly focus for my last hour of work. Luckily my boss is off...

3 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 38

Epilogue Renee ran a pale finger along the chest of her sleeping companion. Two months ago, she'd been able to count every rib - although Simon had flinched from any touch. Their first night of lovemaking, weeks after he'd stopped sleeping for entire days, was almost polar opposite of their first time. The time with Henry had left him more scarred than he'd admit, and despite his professions of love, it'd taken time for him to withstand even a kiss. But now- The boy rolled to face...

3 years ago
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The Late Birthday Present

"How's it feel to be eighteen, dweeb?" your sister asks, flicking your ear as she saunters past you in your seat at the table. "Jenny, be nice!" your mother chastises as you rub your aching ear. Jenny shrugs and takes her seat at the table as your aunt Cassandra chuckles. "Reminds you of us at their age, doesn't it, Lizzie?" Aunt Cassandra asks your mother. She just shoots her sister a glare and takes moves over to the table, carrying a cake topped with two novelty candles making the number...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 5

Finally, my new assignment! I had finally gotten a job when I reached Fort Knox. They assigned me to the airport. There I worked on T-71 airplanes, which the instructors used for training. A week after I was there I was given a jeep to drive back and forth to the airport and to give anyone a ride that needed transportation but everyone had his or her own vehicles. The Company assigned the jeep to our group and I was the only one that needed it. It was not bad working there and I loved...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Own Aunty Chachi

Hello everyone, I am Akshat Jain22yr old from delhi. Height 5.9’inches. Fair complexion. I like both girls and mature married womens with nice boobs and big asses. I am Currently staying in mumbai for my post graduation studies. I belong to a joint family of 7 members. My mom dad younger brother. Uncle and aunty (chachi) and their 7 yr old daughter. I have been with many other girls and womens. But it was my first sexual experience thats why i m sharing this as my first story. Please ignore i...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 10

We flew in on Thursday morning to get accustomed to the heat and time differences. Darcy had again gotten involved and the team was staying on the strip at Bally’s, the same place they kept a suite for times they didn’t want to drive home. The girls all shared rooms, the coaches had their own and I stayed in the suite. It was nice to be in Vegas but this time I felt more like a visitor than a resident. Patty found out about the large two-bedroom suite with living room and kitchen. After...

1 year ago
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Beths ArmChapter 21

On Monday Beall rode to the Brookes plantation under a slate gray sky and in the face of a brisk and shifting wind from the northeast. It was going to rain soon if it did not snow, he thought. He was admitted quickly and greeted by Judge Brookes in his study. "Bad news, I'm afraid, Beall. Got you here falsely, I fear." "How's that, sir?" Beall took his usual chair near the former judge and the small fire. "My son has left, perhaps permanently. He has decided to go west, to the Ohio...

2 years ago
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Mit Mama in der Sauna Netzfund

Da meine Mutter Geburtstag hatte, und sie mit mir was unternehmen wollte, schlug ich vor in eine Sauna zu gehen. Eigentlich waren wir noch nie in einer gewesen, aber da wir es Beide ausprobieren wollten, nahm sie meinen Vorschlag an. Meine Mutter wurde 40, aber sie war stellenweise wie ein verspielter Teeny. Dafür dass sie bereits so alt war, sah sie immer noch gut aus. Sie achtete sehr auf ihr Äußerstes und sie pflegte ihre langen schwarzen Haare. Dazu war sie schlank, aber ein wenig breit...

3 years ago
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Behen Ki Nanad Ki Hotness

Hello, friends, my name is Kartik. I am new to this site and I thought to write my experience because my experience is so so hotter than anyone else. Toh time na waste karte hue story par aate hai. Ye baat 2014 ki hai jab meri sister ki marriage thi marriage ka excitement tha. Main pehle  kabhi ladke valo se nahi mila tha, na main janta tha ke ladke ki sister itni hot hai. So friends sab kaam khatam karke raat ko shaadi ke time baarat aai tab mene gate par 1st time use dekha. Choti height...

3 years ago
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Seductive Nights

It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away Seductive Nights   It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away. Crossing her arms across her breasts she moves away from the window and back to the middle of the room. She...

3 years ago
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Bored Nearly to Tears

He’s at it again. Yack, yack, yacking. How can one man be so dense that he can’t see that my eyes are glazed, my mind, now nearly full of stuff that I may never need has begun to turn to mush. I have just become a receptacle for his useless, endless chatter. I am so far beyond caring what is streamed into head that I now make no effort to take in and process all of the facts that are being introduced against my will into my subconscious and conscious mind. If I sit within talking distance...

3 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 50

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Backing up from Derrick the tall sandy blonde suddenly hit a bulk head, his eyes dancing around the room. “The last I heard you were still recovering. What is this?” Smiling a moment Derrick was about to try...

3 years ago
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Setting up LucyConclusion

Introduction: It had to end somewhere When Howard got home that afternoon, he found Lucy, just finishing up her cleaning in the bedroom. She had fell asleep in the tub, had she slept for another thirty minutes, she definitely would have been caught. When she began cleaning the bedroom up, she had stripped the bed, because the sheets were stained with cum. As she cleaned the bedroom, she spread a pine disinfectant several times to mask the strong odor of sex that was prevalent in the air. She...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Reunion

Part One The Winter of her Heart Wish Shift: Chapter One Reunions 1 A.S. Day 32 She was still trying to sleep. It wasn't her first international trip. The problem was, even with all of the shades down on the windows, you could still see the outline of daylight around them. This made it difficult for her to get relaxed even in ordinary circumstances. Her only consolation this trip was that, for once, the seat was roomy enough. But considering what made that extra room...

1 year ago
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Tits Hits is an amazingly big site with utmost simplicity. Similar sites should definitely borrow a leaf from The site's main objective is to deliver porn, and so it does in numerous categories. These categories themselves open to pages hosting that genre alone in massive quantities. The only major subdivisions of content are based on popularity and newness. Unbelievable right? It’s called straightforwardness. Visit the site to enjoy nothing less of porn videos in explicit...

Big Tits Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The salesman a new torch straight

"Have a seat Mr. Raye, I'll be with you in a minute," ordered Hannah Stern, as she finished up a telephone conversation! "Now," she asked while putting down the phone, "how may I help you, Mr. Raye!?!" Winston Raye had made thousands of sales calls in his day, but for the first time, his tongue was literally tied as he stared at Hannah Stern's incredible body!!! "Mr. Raye," she said impatiently, "I'm a busy woman, can you please get to the point of your visit!!!" "Uh, yeah, sure," he stumbled,...

2 years ago
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                               SurvivalI was walking so rapidly, my breath was to coming to me in rasps. Running was something I was no longer capable of doing that physical demand, after falling the way I had , hurting my knee. It was pointless anyway, trying to run from someone of you caliber and mass, you size would make the strongest man cower in fear. ????????? Terror grips me as I walk past the freshly dug graves of the last victims of your brutal murders. This over sized graveyard,...

3 years ago
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Getting Behind MotherChapter 8

When she woke up, she found they had turned about in the bed during the night, her face now resting against his cock and balls. She smiled as she saw how hard he was. Tony lay on his side, one arm around her hip, his breath fanning the soft hair of her cunt. Coming awake slowly, Judy pulled her head back a ways, so she could see his cock and balls without being cross-eyed. His prick throbbed visibly, and his balls appeared full again. She was fascinated by how quick her son could get hard....

2 years ago
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The Wasps New Nest

Janet awoke -- and panicked. She sat up instantly, clutching the bedsheet to her bare chest with one hand, holding the other hand outstretched, summoning the strength to hurl a bolt of energy at whoever or whatever had spirited her to this strange place. For this certainly was not her own room; she couldn’t afford silky sheets like this, or this big four-poster bed (complete with canopy), or that beautiful dressing table with the ornate mirror … The glow around her hand died as the last wisps...

1 year ago
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Anne And George Go Camping In France

Anne and George were an ordinary middle aged couple who had reached the stage in their lives when they had the time and freedom to indulge themselves for the first time since the earliest years of their courtship. Over their 30 years of married life they had concentrated on building a stable and loving home for their three c***dren and had sacrificed their own freedom of action to provide them with the best possible start in life. However, now that their c***dren had left home, they thought...

1 year ago
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Marwadi Aunty

Hi Dosto Ye meri pehli kahani hai mera nam Vishal hai meri age 26 height 6 feet body achi hasi mera transport business hai ye kahani do mahine pehle ki hai mere dad ke oswal nam ke marwadi dost hai unki biwi jinka nam sucheta age 38 hai jise mai aage sirf suchi kehne wala hu suchi ki figar 36 29 40 hai uske boobs or matkti gand ko dhekh le to kisika bhi lund khada ho jaye ga mera suchi ke ghar kam se ana jana rehta tha mai har bar uski gand or boobs dekha tha suchi ek ladki hai wo mumbai me...

2 years ago
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Sweet Sexy Little Stephany

I had been attracted to her since I first saw her and her outgoing personality was probably the main reason, but now that she was in my class and being she was a little older, I was even more attracted to her. She still had a sexy look and a really friendly demeanor, but I still felt I needed to be careful. Like I said, Stephany was dark skinned, which I thought was very attractive but it seemed she didn’t like it, because one day in class, when I overheard her say to a classmate, “I wish my...

3 years ago
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Janna and the Professor

M/F, M+/F, BDSM, spanking, humiliation, anal, toys JANNA AND THE PROFESSOR PART I Janna walked around the house, bored to death. Her English Lit professor,Dr. Atkins, had asked her if she could house-sit for the weekend while he wasout of town. Now, she wasn't sure she should have accepted since he apparentlydidn't believe in cable. "Who in the world doesn't have cable TV" she thoughtto herself. She had already explored most of the house, finding nothing to stimulateher interest. When she...

3 years ago
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Cousin Shikha Aur Uski Saheli Ki Sath Me Chudai

Hello dosto mai ashmit ek bar fir apke sane apni ek story lekar aa reha hu,yeh story meri aur meri cousin ki saheli bandana aunt ki hai..Jaisa ki aap sb ko pata hai ki mai apni first cousin shikha ki chudai kr chukka hu aur jab bhi man hota hai mai usko chodta hu,ab mai apko born a karte hue apni nayi story pe ata hu yeh story meri aur bandana aunt ki hai,unki age 32 year hai aur colour bilkul fair hai physique well maintained aur hamesha sareee pehanti hai Wo meri cousin shikha ki achhi friend...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Lana Rhoades Marley Brinx Tag Team Jules Jordan

Lana Rhoades and Marley Brinx take Jules Jordan to tag team heaven! Marley is blindfolded, collared and leashed as Lana leads her around the house until they make it to the bedroom where Jules is waiting for them. Lana makes out with Jules and smothers him with her huge tits while Marley is on her hands and knees stroking his cock. The girls take turns sucking on Jules’ big dick making a sloppy mess and swapping spit with each other then pull off their panties so show off their pretty...

2 years ago
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Tipping Taylor

Taylor does inside sales, and I am outside sales. She provides the leads and the follow up. I go out, do the demo's, and close the sale. I am high energy, driven but sincere in my face to face presentations.Taylor has a voice that sounds like she is having sex with you. A soft feminine voice, but husky and slightly out of breath. She describes boring product specifications but they all end up sounding like, "I'm so fucking wet for you." We were perfectly suited for our jobs and each other.If I...


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