Getting In My Hot Cousin 8217 s Pants
- 2 years ago
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Of course it wasn't that simple. We didn't just throw a switch and things happened. We had to play with the memories of the kids we couldn't let back into Claiborne. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Fortunately, I think, Shannon had an answer.
"We let them change their memories," she said as we huddled in the computer lab.
"Beg pardon?" Irene asked. "How on earth do we do that?"
"We let them choose what their fantasy high school is," Shannon replied. "I've been working on something like that."
"Before we do that," Jared said, "we have some questions that need answers."
"Not about me, I hope," Shannon said. Her eyes narrowed, and I could see the tightness in her lips. "I'm not answering them."
"Not about you," Jared said, "though I'll confess I've got questions about what's going on with you. No, I have the same questions I've had all along. Why all of the sex? I know this place was designed subconsciously by a sex addict. We established that weeks ago. If you do it right, you can spend half the day having sex. Why? Why not be like normal people?"
"How about because we like it?" Shannon said. "I can't speak for Cynthia or Irene, but I like the sex. I know it isn't traditional in the classic sense, but I'm not exactly a traditional girl." She tossed her head, throwing her long brown hair back over her shoulder. "Given my upbringing and family politics, random sex should actually be normal for me. Certainly everyone who hung around the house acted that way."
"Can we leave politics out of it?" Irene asked. "I get too much of that where I live."
"I got nothing but that where I lived," Shannon said. "But that aside, what's your take?"
"I got burned by confusing sex and love," Irene said. "I thought I was in love, and he wanted sex. The result is in kindergarten right now. But if I take love out of it—"
"Can you?" Jared cut in.
"A girl isn't supposed to," Irene said. "We're only supposed to open our legs after we've got the ring on our finger, and then use it to keep the guy in line. Or haven't you been reading your history."
"I've been focusing on other things," Jared confessed.
"My personal opinion," Irene said, "is that line of crap stems from a number of things. First, it gives women power and control, and I'm sure Shannon will tell you all about the dangers those two things provide. Second," she continued before Shannon could do more than nod her head, "sex is a lot of fun, if a bit messy. And if teenage girls found that out, and were put in an environment where they could actually get sexual satisfaction—"
"That's especially important," I said, interrupting. "You know as well as all of us: guys don't come as fast as they do outside, and every girl here climaxes nearly every time she has sex."
"I can't speak for every guy," Alex said, "but when Shannon and I were together in Denver, it was awfully hard to hold back, a lot harder than it was here."
"That's my point," Irene said. "I've been with more than a few guys in real life; it was one of those things that was expected of girls where I went to school. And some of those guys had hair-triggers. They'd last about 20 seconds once they put it in. That never happens at Claiborne. And when guys take longer, the odds go way up that the girl is going to get where she wants to be. In two years of sex in the outside world I think I came from intercourse exactly twice, and both times it was with an older man. Usually I had to use my fingers to get some relief. I can't think of the last time I didn't come at Claiborne.
"You do feel possessive after sex with a boy," I said.
"That's hormones," Irene said. "Your body says you just made a baby, and the hormones want to keep the guy around so he can protect and feed you and your baby."
"So you want to keep the sex," Jared said.
Irene nodded. "I do. I get a lot of satisfaction out of it, and I can take or leave as much as I want. I'm 20, my body has quit changing every day, and I like the intimacy and sex, especially because I'm a woman, and my major sex organ is between my ears, and that's the kind of sex I get here. I vote to keep it."
"I wasn't going to advocate that," Jared said. "If someone wants Claiborne without the sex, we have the clone."
"It sure sounded like it," Shannon said. "All right, Irene says she wants the sex. I do, too. I get really turned on by a guy paying attention to me. It happens anyway, but I like the touching and intimacy. Sure, he puts his thing inside me, but I'm a girl, and that's the way girls have sex. We're not a unisex world, regardless of what some people think."
"I agree," I said. "I like the sex. I think it spurs us on. I've looked at the other two Top Tire schools. Mary Magdalene is a Jesuit school on steroids. And the other one, the all-girls school with the horseback riding? That's the spur they use to get girls to raise their grades. Here it's sex, an even more basic drive than horses."
"I thought girls liked horseback riding because they had something powerful between their legs, but didn't have to socially interact with it," Shannon said.
"That may be it for some girls," I said, laughing. "But there's a lot more than just getting off like that. You get into a horse's life, and it's a whole different world.
"Now I'll admit, I have reservations. But when I consider the alternative, I welcome all of the screwing and sucking. The girl who dreamed this up found a way to get rid of most of the petty little dominance games, cliques, and social pressures we all know about. You guys don't see it, but there's almost none of the female competition you get elsewhere, and almost none of the jealousy, either. Boys don't see what it's like to be a girl in junior high or high school with all of that going on.
"I agree," Irene said. "School can be a social cesspit for a girl. We don't have that. In the outside world you call a girl a slut if she has sex with three different boys in one day. That's normal around here."
"And don't forget the cliques," Cynthia said. "It's hard to flaunt designer clothes when everyone's naked, and a lot of girls use their clothes to set themselves off from the rest."
"You've given me reasons why we shouldn't tone things down," Jared said.
"And we've given you reasons why we want all the sex," Irene said. "A teenage girl can be a mess of insecurities and uncertainties. That's one of the things you have to resolve before you leave home. We can do that here without a lot of the other pressures a girl has to endure. I can give into my basest desires, and it's socially acceptable. Try that anywhere else."
"That's one of the reasons I didn't drop out," I said. "You didn't know that, did you? There's a point in Orientation where you can opt out of the whole Claiborne thing before you get into it."
"I'd forgotten about that," Shannon said. "We can use that to help weed out those who would wreck the place."
"Enough questioning, Jared," Irene said. "We could debate this for weeks and I think you still wouldn't hear the answers you want. I'm not even sure that answer exists."
Jared shrugged, but I could see she'd made a point. I'm not sure he was convinced, but that was Jared being stubborn. In the end he went with the wishes of the girls in the group, just as men always have when consensual sex is concerned.
"So we screen everyone, and select people for Claiborne One, and the rest go to Claiborne Two," Shannon said. "You realize that that word—"
"I suppose it has all sorts of political connotations," Jared said. "Can we avoid you bringing them up?"
"I'll try to rein it in," Shannon said. "I'm just saying we need to use a different word."
"Okay," Alex said, "we divide people into two groups, and each gets a version of Claiborne. How's that?"
"That's certainly accurate, and not even offensive. The trouble is," Shannon added, "if you look at something the right way, it will be offensive to someone. Selection—selektion—is one of those words. And if you don't know it, go read German history from the 30s and 40s. Oh, and don't read the official textbooks. People have tried to gloss over what happened for years.
"What I think we should do is call the clone Claiborne One."
"And this one?" Jared asked.
"Claiborne Zero, if we have to, or just Claiborne."
"With the politics aside," I said, "I think that's a good idea. Why don't we all put together a list of what will send someone in one direction or another."
We did, and by the time the session ended we had even run a few people through a version of what we wanted. It was by no means complete, but it worked well enough that we could see how to do it in the future. Shannon had already done a lot of this work, and was surprised at how easily it could be adapted.
"I might have some other uses for this," she said as we left.
"Something you want to talk about?" We paused at the base of the circular stairs that lead to the main floor of Claiborne. The boys were already climbing, and we both admired the view. I love watching rippling, powerful muscles as they flex.
Shannon, when the show was over, shook her head. "No, just something I need to do, and this'll be a tool."
I had an inkling of what she was up to. "For God's sake, be careful. Make sure you always have some deniability."
"And misdirection." She gave me her cold smile. "Remember where I grew up. I'll always be a suspect. I just have to make sure there are sufficient cut-outs between me and what happens that it can't be traced back to me. Now come on, I feel a certain need."
"I think I do, too." I giggled as we shared a smile. "Sometimes I wonder about Jared."
"I blame it on his father," Shannon said. "Too much psychology, and not enough just having fun for the sake of having fun."
"Yeah, everything has to have a reason."
She nodded. "And saying that you like sex because you like how it feels isn't enough for him."
We reached the top of the stairs and walked out into the hallway. You didn't have sex in the library, that was one of the few things everyone agreed upon. Instead you reserved it for right outside the door. And there were quite a few kids around us who had reserved it.
I gave Shannon a smile, and turned to the first boy who wasn't already busy. At a time like this I wasn't too particular: breathing and male were about the only things on my list, and Bill was both. He was most enthusiastically male, and his breathing got a bit ragged over the next few minutes. It was only fair, mine did, too.
We kissed after we'd calmed down a bit. It was a friendly kind of kiss, not the deeply passionate ones I gave Jared. But this led to a second kiss, and a third as he found other places to kiss. And suck. And nibble. So did I, and soon he was all stiff and pointy, and I was wet and receptive. He couldn't go to class with his thing sticking out like that, but I had a way of solving that particular problem. A few minutes of vigorous exercise took care of the stiffness. It also took care of my particular female itch. We were both in a much better frame of mind for Differential Equations.
When I got home my mother quizzed me about school. Part of it was because she was worried about Shannon, but part of it was her parental concern.
"Nothing out of the ordinary," I said. And that was true. It'd been a typical day at Claiborne: sex with Jared and two other boys, a presentation in class, a ton of homework, and work on our project.
"I'm just worried about this school of yours," she said. "I've been reading things on the web, and there are all sorts of questions being raised about online schools."
"I can arrange it so you can visit the place," I said after some quick thinking. "You wouldn't be actually present, but you could observe what was going on." Whether I liked it or not, I was going to have to spend time in the clone.
"You can do that? I thought ... I read that that wasn't possible."
"That was one of the things they had in the original schools," I said. "It got out of hand, though. Parents were going everywhere, and disrupting things when they didn't like what they heard from the teachers."
Mother's mouth tightened. "Yes, well, you're going to get a lot of that."
"If people are going to use schools as a babysitting service," I said, "then they have to learn to live with the consequences."
"That's only part of it," Mother said. "There was so much political indoctrination—"
"Still is," I said. "Ask Shannon."
"If I ever see her, I will. But there was so much of that, and so little actual learning, that parents had to take control of the education their kids were receiving. You were in grade school when it happened, but there was a huge stink about it."
"I read a few things about it." I didn't add that Shannon had told me all about it. The girl was a wealth of information on any subject involving politics.
"Still, I worry. I have to. Parents are responsible for their kids, and that includes school."
"I'll check," I said, "but I know we can set something up. There are limited facilities, so you can't do it all of the time. Other parents would want to do the same thing." Mother's face had started to cloud up, but eased when I said that about the other parents.
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I woke up the next morning feeling a bit uneasy - had I overstepped the mark with Leanne yesterday? But as I washed myself in the shower I thought about how she'd looked at me as I'd pulled her up from the floor yesterday - there was a little spark there, I was sure. My cock hardened as I thought about her sweet little virgin body. What would I be able to teach her today? I couldn't concentrate on my work all day, wondering whether she'd turn up. The time seemed to pass slowly until...
I deflected Amy’s question with some joke about showing up “like a pimp” with all three of them on my arm. She’d laughed at that and dropped the subject, but I already knew it was going to be a problem. Sure, I had more than a month until prom—time enough to figure it out—but a nagging worry nevertheless crawled into the back of my mind, made itself comfortable, and refused to leave. Obviously, my joke about bringing all three was just that, a joke. It was one thing for me to be in a situation...
30 Years Later Yssup felt her consciousness gathering in the avatar body. She opened her eyes to a blue sky and clouds. Turning her head to the side she saw a large unfamiliar man. He smiled, “Welcome to Florida my fellow traveler.” It was Iimja. Wow, did he look different, but so will I. She raised her head and looked towards her feet. She couldn’t see them because of the very large breasts in the way. “THAT’S very different,” she thought. Her home body had A cups. These were F. Her body...
May 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Hi, Mishka!” Tasha exclaimed when she came into the Quick Mart on Wednesday morning. We exchanged a chaste hug, and she asked me to call Mr. Sokolov, which I did. He promised to be at the store within ten minutes to let Tasha into her new apartment. “He’ll be here in ten minutes,” I said. “Where are your parents?” “It’s just my mom. My dad decided not to take the day off work. Mom’s waiting outside.” A couple of customers came to the counter interrupting the...
Jet Setting Jasmine puts newcomer Avery Black through the ringer when she applies to be her sub in this kinky Whipped Ass update. Wearing tiny pink panties, matching see-through bra and heels Avery Black’s nipples are already hard anticipating the touch of Queen Jasmine, but Jasmine has a rigorous interview process for this little slut to find out if she is worthy of her time and dungeon. Avery boasts she’s really good at making lattes but by the end of the day she’ll be good at getting her ass...
xmoviesforyouHello friends, how are you? Hope you are enjoying your life. This is Shid working for a Pvt. Ltd. Co. 30 unmarried. MATURE WOMEN ko bahut pasand karatha hu. Unfortunately, am now alone. But, I wish to share my story, when I was working in DVG. Mai ek Chartered Accountet ke paas kaam karata tha. Vaha jab pahale din join kiya, thab aur theen log the. 2 ladakiya aur ek ladaka. Ladaka peon tha aur ladakiya assistant. Dono ko graduate hone ke bavajood kuch kaam nahi atha tha. Experience nahi tha....
Introduction: Erins gift Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18 William Blake once wrote, The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom…for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough. I had had enough. The lunch and the cake were absolutely fabulous, but now I felt like a bloated whale. As Kayko and the kids cleaned off the table I sat down on the couch to stew about why I had been so stupid. I felt absolutely miserable, and just a little embarrassed. I should not have eaten so...
Sherry, Maureen and I walked home to Sherry's house nearly every dayafter school. They lived almost next door to each other but in theopposite direction to my house from school. However, it wasn't sofar that I couldn't catch up to my other friends if I ran, and wecontinued this habit from the year before. I didn't try to kissSherry or Maureen, we just held hands and talked like friends. Despite my desire to get involved in nudity and sex, I was afraid toask them to do that with me. If they said...
I remember the exact moment that changed my life...for the better. My husband and I - he's named Stephen but everyone calls him Skip - were at a high school graduation party for one of our neighbor's sons. It was a beautiful June night, and there was a tent set up in their backyard, with white lights, a buffet and a bar. They had a DJ for the k**s, who would probably be up late dancing and sneaking a drink or two. Skip and I don't have k**s - that's a long story - but we knew most of the ones...
Elizabeth awoke to the sound of quiet conversation. Her oldest friend, Lisa, was sitting by her bed talking to Bernard. Seeing her stir, Bernard went to the kitchen and returned with lunch for the three of them. Lentil and sausage soup, only mildly spiced to accommodate Elizabeth, and a very light and fruity pinot noir. He cleared the dishes when they had eaten and left Elizabeth and Lisa to themselves. Lisa took Elizabeth's hand and kissed her forehead. Then she kissed her on the mouth. She...
BisexualHormones are raging in the house, Mom caught his son sniffing his sister’s panties and also caught her daughter watching her brother while he comes out of the shower. She decides it’s time to end this obsession they have for each other, she calls a family meeting and explains them, she knows they are attracted to each other and the best way to handle this is facing it, they must have sex, after all, they are a family and have to support each other. Mom starts by teaching her...
xmoviesforyouFamily Girl Copyright (c) 2011 by Cody Although many elements of this story are fiction, much of it is based on my real-life experiences coming of age in the mid- to late-70's. Disclaimer: this story contains subjects that are not suitable for all audiences, such as underage sex, homosexuality and references to incest. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, I can't help but to wonder: what were you were thinking when you accessed this...
Sasha didn’t even know some of the aches deep in the muscular crevices of her feet existed, till the skilled hands reached through to sooth them. As the fingers moved through and explored different parts of each tired foot, different parts of her body responded and relaxed. She realised the woman must be practising a form of reflexology, using the feet to relax the entire body. Pressure just below each big toe released tension immediately in her neck. The magic she wielded in the middle of her...
Hi, I am Alpha, a 22-year-old guy living in Bangalore. I am a very sexually active and open-minded person. Also not to brag but I am 6.6 ft tall, light brown toned and well built. So this is the story is about something that happened to me year or so back. Just as a background, I partly own a kitchen hardware retail store and I have about 4-6 employees. And this incident or story started in that store. About a year back, late in the evening(around 8 pm), 2 customers came to my store. Both...
IncestIt was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine.I stayed after the other k**s left class that evening to test my theory. She didn't notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned around and...
I met Mark online. I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest.To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages.I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it...
Gay MaleWe finally have a night without the children, so we decide to go see a movie. When we get out by ourselves we cant keep our hands off of each other. This night you wear a nice, loose fitting dress with a sexy lace black thong. The dress has a low cut top and every time you bend over I can see your C cup breasts being held back by your sexy half cup silk bra. Just the thought of you in your sexy lingerie makes me hot to the point that I want to skip the movie and have wild sex in the car.
Ich betrachte mich im Spiegel. Das Schwarze enganliegende Kleid das ich trage. Die durchsichtigen Nylonärmel mit dem in einem dunklen blau glänzenden Muster darauf. Der Ausschnitt der viel verspricht aber nur wenig sagt. Der Rock sitzt perfekt und geh über zu meinen Nylonbedeckten Beine abgerundet mit diesen wunderbaren High Heels. Jennifer du siehst perfekt aus, denke ich mir und betrachte mein Haar. Es war die richtige Entscheidung gewesen ein dunkles rot in meine brünetten, langen Haare zu...
Introduction: one women is blackmailed by her junior into sex a second woman arrogantly dismisses her servants views and abilities and pays a heavy price. Louise was tall with long dark red hair. She had been educated at a very expensive private school before Oxford. She had studied anthropology and considered herself an expert on many matters. She admired her naked body in the mirror. 35 24 34 her breasts filled a c cup. She leant back her breasts pushed forward they were young and firm and...