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"Honey, I'll be back tomorrow. It's only one night." Dan reassured his wife as he prepared to leave for Kwekwe. His wife Gemma nodded and looked reflective, rather than worried.

"I'll be back tomorrow."

Gemma nodded.

He gave her a hug and a kiss and climbed into the car out of the hot sun. The gardener held the gate open for him, and he swept through. He had a two and a half hour drive and if he left now before it got dark he would be out of the city and on his way by the time night fell.

His thoughts were on the business meeting he had to attend first thing in the morning and when a few moments later he passed his employer driving the other way he give it little thought, beyond a polite wave back.

He worked through his strategy for the meeting as he drove, but nagging doubts kept coming back to him. What was his boss doing driving out towards Avondale? He lived in Borrowdale and was nowhere near the company office.

Nagging doubts fretted Dan's peace of mind. Gemma had expressed her frustration that he was not more assertive. That he had not pushed hard enough for a pay rise, and that he should apply for the promotion to Area Manager.

Dan knew he was not up to it. Everyone else in the company knew it too. It was just silly to apply for the promotion. He would never get it! Not that he told Gemma that, he just hesitated and prevaricated.

That just wound Gemma up even more.

They really had enough money here. The salary might be low, but so were the costs and they lived far better than they had in England. Why couldn't his wife just forget about the promotion? They did not live in the rat race anymore.

But why was his boss driving into the Avondale suburb just as Dan was leaving? What was he up to? What could he be up to? Gemma had seemed quiet and reflective as he left instead of worrying about his trip as she usually did. Was there a connection?

Dan fretted.

He worried and fretted whenever his gut told him something was wrong, and his guts were screaming at him!

He fretted for another fifteen minutes before his vacillations led to a deeper worry.

In one wide sweeping u-turn he turned the car back towards Harare and put his foot down on the accelerator.

When he returned to Avondale his heart leapt into his mouth to see his boss's car parked in the driveway in front of their villa. He suppressed the momentary panic. It could be quite harmless.

In a moment of lucidity he did not press on the car horn for the gardener to come and open the gates. The gardener had probably already left for the neighbourhood bar anyway.

He drove the car a bit further down the street, parked and locked it up. It would be safe enough in this area. Then he walked back and used his key to let himself through the security gates.

He almost went straight into the house but hesitated. Was he being silly? Would he make a fool of himself? He was after all supposed to be on the way to Kwekwe. Would Gemma think he didn't trust her? Would his boss demand to know what he was doing here?

He hesitated ... and fretted.

Then he walked around the villa to the rear garden. Gemma always kept the rear curtains open and the windows to the cooler night air flowed through the house. Not that it ever really got cold in Africa.

He could listen through the windows to hear what was going on.

He felt a bit foolish skulking through his own garden, but he could hear Gemma's voice now, and occasionally the deep guttural responses of his African boss. They seemed to be having a normal conversation.

He leaned a bit closer and looked through the window. Darkness had by now descended on Harare. The dark of the night would hide his presence. Gemma and his boss, Beneril Ustory, were sitting at table talking over the remains of a meal. It all seemed so harmless, but why was his Boss here at all? Why had Gemma not mentioned she was expecting him before he left?

He worried again. He could hardly burst in and demand what was going on. Could he? He waited and listened.

"I assure you Gemma I am a man of my word. You keep you side of the bargain, and I will keep mine."

Dan was intrigued and listened longer.

"I am just not sure. Dan would be furious if he learned."

"I will never tell him, I assure you."

"You don't understand. I love Dan, I really do. I just wish he would be a bit more assertive."

Ben shrugged.

In the darkness Dan smiled and felt relieved. His wife really did love him. She could not know he was hiding in the garden. She loved him! He had worried about that a lot.

"He is what he is. He's a good man. I trust him, far more than I could ever trust an African manager."

"Dan trusts me. What would he think if he even knew I had invited you to dinner to discuss this promotion."

Dan bridled. If only his wife would stop interfering and pushing all the time. Things would work out. They usually managed to muddle through. It had not been his fault his last company had gone bust, or that he had been out of work for nine months. He did not want Gemma's pushiness to lose him this job. They needed it. They could do without the promotion, but they needed this job.

Gemma would ruin it!

He cursed and his heart stopped when Ben reached across with his large black hand and took Gemma's slender white hand in his.

"He will never know we had this discussion." His dark hand squeezed Gemma's hand gently.

Hey! He thought she has not pulled her hand away!

"How do I know you will really give him this promotion?"

"I have it with me here."

Ben reached into his pocket and extracted a letter.

"Here read it. See for yourself. You can trust me Gemma."

Gemma took the proffered letter and read it. While she did so Ben retained his grip on Gemma's hand. Dan's eyes widened. His boss was stroking and caressing Gemma's hand.

She had better be careful. This could get out of hand. There would be gossip if anyone learned she had invited an African to dinner while Dan was away.

"It's all there."

"It's more than I expected."

"Of course. You are a remarkable woman. Dan is very lucky to have such a beautiful wife."

Gemma said nothing, but she pushed the letter away and reached for a drink. Her hand seemed to be trembling.

"Don't worry. He will never know. It is just business. I have something you want, and you have something I want. Simple."

"But I love Dan."

"I know, that's what makes it just perfect."

Dan was perplexed. What did his Boss want that made his wife's love for him perfect?

"I want the best the best for him. I want him confident in himself. I want him to think he deserved this promotion. That he deserved it. He would hate me if he thought I had interfered. He is so proud, it's silly sometimes."

Dan listened. His wife knew him so well, and yet she had still interfered she didn't understand, but she had meant well.

He dithered.

"Come Gemma, let's get more comfortable than sitting at this table." Gemma hesitated.

"You are going to honour our deal?"

"Yes, yes I promised, and I keep my promises."

Ben wondered if she remembered the promises in her marriage vows. He would not remind her, not at this time. He stood up without releasing her hand and led her over to the centre of the living room heading for the sofa.

Dan edged around a bit to get to a better position where he could see without being seen.

Gemma looked stunning, but she had always looked stunning. He had never understood why she had gone out with him on that first date, never mind married him. But she loved him! She had just told Ben that and made it very clear!

It was a shock therefore when Ben pulled her close and she did not pull away.

His heart stopped and his stomach lurched when Ben's meaty black hands grasped his wife's tightly clad bottom and pulled her closer. Gemma turned her head away but was not struggling or pushing him away

Gemma had long legs, really long legs. Her tight jeans emphasised their length and the round pert bottom at the top of those legs was being cupped and squeezed by his African boss!

She was wearing high heels and a light tight sweater that hugged her figure. A figure that was being held against the heavy set body of his boss. The man was old enough to be her father he thought!

But she was not pushing him away!

Dan fretted.

He could still charge in there, but after all Gemma had said about how she loved him, and how much she did not want him to find out. His very presence would show her he did not trust her!

But if he did nothing...

Dan worried.

Ben dropped his head and nuzzled the soft white neck exposed by her turning her head from the kiss.

Gemma was pretty. At twenty two her skin had the freshness of youth. He kissed and nibbled at her exposed neck. He could feel her tense. Could sense her desire to pull away. This was no wanton slut but a respectably happily married wife. His cock lurched harder and he pulled her against it as his hands grasped her round firm bottom.

He was going to enjoy this!

Dan was frozen in position as he stared at his African boss paw his wife. Why wasn't she pushing him away?

Gemma was in shock and confusion. The large cock of her husband's boss ground against her. She could feel its heat and hardness. What had she got into? His soft lips nibbled her neck were setting off exciting tingling sensations.

Her hands wavered in the air. She knew she could not push him away. She wanted to, and yet she didn't! Butterflies flew in her stomach and her body was responding quickly to the warm male body pressed against her.

She had agreed to this, she had to remind herself. The reality of her sacrifice was not what she had expected. She had thought she could bear with this, could let him have her and remain remote.

The hot pulsing cock so firmly pushing against her had set off a sexual arousal she had hoped to keep at arms length.

Ben's tongue found her ear and whirled and stroked. Her hands came down to his shoulders to push him away, at least she meant to push him away, her hands rested on his shoulder.

The tongue in her ear was intrusive, circling, delving, hot and wet and scintillating. She shivered and finally pulled away as her nipples thickened and hardened.

Dan watched through the window as his boss fondled and stroked his wife's firm curvy bottom. His wife was wriggling in his arms, but not with any vigour or urgency. The man was making a meal of his wife's dainty ear!

He could not help himself from looking on.

He had thought he would be angry.

He was not!

He was aroused!

Ben could feel the woman's soft firm breasts crushed against his chest. Her hardening nipples betrayed her excitement. There was something very special about these English wives. Bringing them to a level of sexual excitement that they did not expect, cracking their reserve, making them enjoy it despite their upbringing.

Nice girls! Good girls ... to be ground against his cock and pinned like a butterfly on his hard lust.

"I'm only doing this for my husband!" She gasped against him.

"I know you are honey. This is just about getting him a promotion." His tongue lapped at her soft white neck.

"Ok, but ... but take it easy. I have never done anything like this!"

Ben's hands rose to her waist, squeezing and moulding the soft slim round hips.

"Does this just have to be pulled up?" He asked his hot breath in her ear.

"Yes." Gemma gasped.

Ben smiled and started pulling her tight fitting top upwards.

Dan could not pull his eyes away as his boss pulled his wife's top upwards, and her bare white slender waist and back came onto view. Ben did not wait to get the top over her heard before he lowered his hands and caressed the soft skin of her back.

Dan's eyes were fixed on the scene in front of him as those black hands stroked and caressed his wife's white back. He watched as his wife struggled to pull her top over her head and toss it aside. Then her hands fell back onto the African's shoulders.

Ben felt his mouth go dry as his black boss fiddled with the clasp of her bra.

"For your husband," he whispered as it became loose. Through the open window he heard the words whispered in his wife's ear.

Dan dithered.

He dithered as his own cock hardened and thickened.

He was confused.

Gemma trembled in the arms of the African, a man whose warm body, hot cock and caressing hands were firing her up. She shivered as his hands gently stroked her arms and pushed her away from him. She looked at him and saw his gaze fall to her breasts.

The look of hunger on the African's face set her trembling anew. Her husband had never looked at with such an expression of sheer lust! She unconsciously pushed her shoulders back, which she knew made her breasts more prominent.

She was wasting her time. Nothing could have excited Ben more than he already was. The woman's full breasts were gems of white womanliness. He wanted to hold them and caress their soft firmness, but he was reluctant to release her arms in case she came to her senses and fled!

He licked his lips as the woman trembled in front of him, then he lowered his head and greedy mouth sucked in a perfect pink nipple.

Dan himself trembled as the African's head disappeared behind Gemma's body. He could see his boss's hands holding his wife's wrist down by her side. His head had disappeared and he had to be licking his wife's breasts. He knew just how much that thrilled his wife. How it would get her over excited!

The keening moan that came through the window confused Dan, till he realised it was coming from his wife. Her head fell back, and her long dark hair fell down her back.

The African's hands held her hands harder, firmly keeping her in position, as his hot mouth suckled and savoured the fresh tasting clean woman flesh! He popped one breast from his mouth, and then sucked in the other one.

He could feel the woman's passion building up. Her excited wail thrilled him. He released her hands and stroked her bare slim waist. She made no attempt to pull away and he reached for the buckle on the belt of her jeans.

The jeans were going to be a struggle to pull off. He drew the belt free and tossed it aside. The top of her jeans sprung apart when he popped the brass button. When he pulled on the zipper she made no effort to get away and he grinned.

He had this woman now! She was going to be his!

His large hands reached for the waist of her jeans and pulled them down. They were tight and the woman braced her legs as he dropped to his knees and pulled and tugged on the clinging jeans. As her stomach came into view he leaned forward and kissed the smooth curve of her belly.

As the jeans released their grip on the woman's full thighs has hands eagerly stroked the soft firmness.

Dan watched as black hands caressed and stroked his wife's lovely white thighs. Squeezing them, and sliding over them before rising up to slide under his wife's lacy knickers to grasp and stroke.

Gemma was wearing her sexy underwear! She did not normally wear them! She must have put them on especially for Ben's visit! What did that mean?

His heart was back in his mouth as those hands drew his wife's panties down. He had bought them for her. Last Christmas, now a black man was sliding them off his wife!

His boss crouched lower in front of Gemma, then leaned forward and Dan watched his wife edge her legs wider apart, and there he was with his head between her legs lapping away at her privates.

Gemma groaned as the black man's tongue thrust along the groove of her cunt. Her husband did not do this very often. He didn't like it, but this African did not seem to mind. She might as well enjoy the opportunity! She spread her legs wider and grasped the African's head to hold steady as he licked.

Ben delighted in the freshly washed tasty flesh between the woman's legs. White women seemed to take so much more care of their cleanliness. He lapped aside the lips of her vulva and delved inside to the pink liquid heat inside. Half an hour of this and she would be climbing up the walls for his cock, no matter how much she loved her husband.

Gemma had to hold the African's head firmly as her long legs started to tremble. The tongue between her legs had not given a few swipes like her husband usually done. The man was really going to town as though her pussy was a tasty treat!

She groaned as hot hungry swipes of nimble tongue set a fire in her loins. This was just fantastic! The tongue lapped and circled around her clitoris send Gemma onto her toes from the exciting sensation.

When he curled his tongue and thrust it inside her, she wailed her delight. Staring at the ceiling through sightless eyes as she focussed on the pleasure between her legs. She had not expected her adultery it to feel this good! She had meant it to be a penance for her betrayal of her husband, even if it was for her husband's future!

The tongue licked and lapped, thrust and whirled and Gemma's knees give way. She would have fallen but the African hands that had returned to caressing her bottom held her firm. His strength surprised her and excited her. Her husband would have collapsed under her if her she put her weight on him like this. The African seemed to hold her effortlessly as his tongue lapped.

Ben delighted in the effect his tongue was having on this white English wife. White women often seemed to have little experience of the many different varieties of sex. She tasted divine and the flowing juices served testimony to how little resistance there would be when he popped his cock up her!

Dan was in emotional turmoil as he watched his wife's lovely long shapely legs held effortlessly wide by his African boss as the man seemed to lick for ever between his Gemma's white thighs. He had never seen his wife so excited, but then he had not taken the trouble to lick her as long and persistently as his boss.

If only he had known it would have this effect on his wife!

When the African sought to pull away Gemma tried to pull his exquisite tongue back between her legs but he was far stronger than her. She felt like a toy in his arms as he held her away and stood up. Her eyes locked with his and she felt a sudden shame at the intensity of her arousal.

She looked away, but he pulled her close twisted her head and lips still wet with her pussy juices mashed onto her own and that exciting tongue was in her mouth. She sucked on it greedily careless of the taste of her own pussy.

Ben grinned and pulled away from her lips. He had no need to pull the woman in close. She was grinding herself close, rubbing sensuously against his hard cock.

"The bedroom?" He asked.

Gemma did not hesitate and nodded to the corridor. The African's arm slid around her slender naked waist and he led her away.

Dan hesitated for a moment, unsure what to do. Then he moved to the bedroom window and found himself hoping Gemma did not close the curtains!

In the bedroom Ben seemed to become more assertive. He simply picked Gemma up and threw her on the bed. She gasped, surprised and a little shocked, but lay there passively as her husband's boss started to strip off his clothes.

She saw his hungry eyes on her and preened and stretched showing him her all. Showing him her feminine charms and the delights awaiting him. She was hot and horny.

This was no longer about her husband and his promotion.

She wanted to be fucked by this African!

She wanted it.

She spread her long legs wide for him.

When his trousers dropped to the floor, she could not stop her eyes falling to his loins. Her eyes widened as he stood for a moment before joining her. He was hardly a fine figure of a man. He must have been around fifty years old, and she felt a little thrill run through her that she was going to let a much older man enjoy her.

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I was his bitch before the end of our first time t

I grew up in New York and was introduced to gay sex before I was 14. I was working in Brooklyn Heights one day and met a man named Ariel. He was from Argentina and had just moved to NY a few months before. He asked if I could help him with moving a chest up to his apartment from the car. I said sure. I was about 23 and he was near 50 and was very good looking. Once we were inside it took only a few minutes before he leaned towards me and said thank you and kissed me, I kissed him back. He took...

3 years ago
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Adventure After First Night

The next 2-3 days were spent with normal sex. We would talk for some time and gradually get into embrace and finally having sex standard positions (missionary and rear entry). But I wanted her to first feel fully comfortable and break out of her shy shackles before I ask her for something different. By fifth day I thought she was. All the guests had gone and I had prepared mentally for the actions that night. Once in the bedroom, she changed into a black satin nighty (has to be a sexy one)....

1 year ago
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A First Time for Everything

I was young and hadn't even had my first orgasm yet. Hell, I didn't even know what masturbation was... I mean I was getting erections and liked rubbing them, but when the feeling got too intense I would stop because I wasn't sure what was happening. I had already discovered that I liked girls, and that they caused many of my erections... but this is before I found my dad's porn collection, so my experience was next to nothing.Then one of the greatest days of my life happened. My mom and dad...

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My association with Angel Adams like most good things in life had to end, but we made the most of a much varied sex life first As graduation day in 1962 neared most of us were celebrating surviving the so near nuclear threat of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the fact Russian President Nikita Kruschev had backed down from John F. Kennedy. Angel and I had fucked, sucked and played round as often as possible. As much as I tried to keep the back seat of my old 51 Chevy clean and fresh with air spray...

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A Chance Meeting

I was just finishing lunch at a little deli when I saw someone outside who I thought I recognized. The woman looked like a Mom of kids who played with my kids when they were younger. I finished my sandwich and went into the store that I saw her enter. I remember her as a even though she tried to hide her hot body under baggy clothes. I entered the store and immediately figured I was in the wrong place. I must have seen wrong. I was in an adult video store with rack after rack of tapes, dvds and...

3 years ago
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He is a Freak

I actually met Mike and Pam one Saturday at the adult book store where I was buying a few toys. I wore my shortest mini skirt with a skimpy thong and a tight low cut t-shirt with no bra. Quite a few men watched me shop as I have D tits and my nipples were hard and showing thru the shirt. It was fun to get all the stares. But Mike came up to me with Pam behind him and asked if I was interested in being with his wife. I looked her over. She was cute and a small girl with C cup tits. She was...

2 years ago
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Horny Bhabhi Fucks Yogi While Husband Sleeps

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read . Ashok almost passed out while jogging with Savita. He only joined her this one time, but what he saw was enough to drive him mad! Savita had too many fit and athletic young men around her at all times. They sniffed around her, and it made him feel self-conscious about his fitness. He kept picturing their young cocks penetrating Savita’s tight body, and it was too much for him. He needed to find a way to keep...

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The DriverChapter 2

R.S. Automotive, Penrith 7th August The Man Mr Shaftoe, I think you ought to know, your wife is having an affair with a colleague at work. They’ve been going at it for some time now and I think it’s time you did something about it. A Friend. I picked up the phone. ‘Hello Jackie, can you get hold of Ivan in I.T.?’ ‘Certainly Mr Shaftoe, I’ll track him down and get him to call you’ ‘Thank you Jackie. Quick as you can please.’ I’d never been one for knee jerk reactions. Sara used to...

1 year ago
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BarbaraChapter 4

It was after four o'clock when things finally wrapped up and they went down to the garage. Bobbie's eyes widened when she saw Marie open the door of her sports convertible and put the top down. When the girl got in, Marie just grinned and said, "If you say one word to anyone on campus about me or my car, you're dead!" Bobbie just nodded and reclined her seatback to enjoy the ride. As they were driving, Marie asked her what she thought Harriet Dobbs would do. Barbara opined that she...

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The Girl With The Emerald Eyes Chapter 8

I was now spending more and more time at Emily’s while we prepared for the upcoming Spring Break. Having never been to Mexico, I was growing ever more excited — especially as I’d be going with her.Emily was clearly looking forward to the trip as well. The last couple of weeks had been filled with shopping trips. She had bought a multitude of swimsuits, short skirts, tiny shorts and all manner of clothing. I, on the other hand, would make do with just a couple of pairs of beach shorts and my...

College Sex
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I have a younger friend I,ve known a few years. When my wife still had sexual desires he often joined in threesomes as at first she invited him round because his wife walked out on him for an older man and he seemed lost and very lonely. It was through Sarah she introduced him to Marnie, a young woman she worked with in the office she now and then did temporary work at and they hit it off so well Marnie soon moved in and married Sid a year later. He even got her to swop a few times and my wife...

1 year ago
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Friend Fuck My Sister

Hai guys my name is Krishna ,I want share my sex experience with my sister, my age is 22yrs,from Hyderabad 6 feet height weight about sister is now 20yrs.and name is divya,studying incident happen two months ago.n Sunday I was busy with watching blue films and my sister came to my room to ask something minimize my film and opened the door I came to know mother and father are out. she said she needs company said ok and she sat on my bedsit don’t know what to though I know...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Stepmom And Sister

Hello, there people my name is ketan and in my previous story log, you guys have read how my mother jyoshika taught me how to have sex and ended up becoming fuck buddies. If you haven’t then read that previous part before reading this one. In this part, you will get to know how I ended up having sex with my own biological sister and my stepmom for a threesome. Before starting the story let me introduce my sister her name is anika. Her stats fair complexion with not quite large or fluffy ass,...

2 years ago
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Fun with my girlfriend

I was just laying in my bed, masturbating over some hot lesbian porn, when I heard the doorbell ring, I raced outside my bedroom, forgetting to pull up my short skirt as I pulled the door open wide. Luckily a cool breeze blew between my legs, stimulating my hot, wet pussy, and it reminded me of the lack of coverage, and I quickly pulled my skirt up from around my ankles, so it was just covering my pussy. My friend waiting outside the door couldn’t see anything, as I have a security door which...

4 years ago
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A cute story about an attractive young woman teasing college students with her assets

It was an impulse. One of those whims that strike suddenly, leaving them helpless. They had to stop. They had to have ice cream! Double dip cones, hand made ice cream. Giggling like a couple of kids, they slid into the only available booth, one in the back corner of the store. “You’re getting all messy,” he said, watching the ice cream roll down the side of the cone onto her hand. “Maybe it’s too much for you to handle.” “Too much for me to...

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Breast and Nipple Orgasm

Ladies – Have You Ever Had An Orgasm With Attention Only To Your Breasts?I have been fortunate to give a couple of women orgasms with me only giving them attention to their breasts and her delicious nipples. It does not happen to every woman I know but I know it sure can. The first time it happens to her surprises her but it is real. The beautiful look on her face, the way her skin flushes, and those lovely sounds, such a wonderful moment. No touching her pussy during breast play but after...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 128 Kung Fu Fighting

Heather inwardly rejoiced when she saw Ryan leave the sideline bench during an attention-catching play on the football field and sneak off towards the boy's locker room. There was a chain-link fence around the edge of the football field. He walked right along the fence to reduce the chance of being observed, but she saw him. She thought, Thank God I was watching Ryan - I almost missed his move. Good thing I've been so careful to keep my eye on him, and he didn't even know it, the idiot....

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SongbirdsChapter 7

Melissa and I talked once or twice during the remainder of the week. But it wasn't the laughing, intimate conversations we had shared in the past. We chatted about mundane things and trivialities. Finally, it was Friday and Greg called me early in the morning. "We'll get to the arena about noon," he said. "We'll do a sound check and then head out for supper. You want to meet us and go to the show with us?" I thought about it for a few moments. "How long have you been on tour?" I...

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Tommyacutes Drunk Mother

Tommy's Drunk MotherNote- this story is about two English boys and the drunk mother of one of them. As suchyou will find a few English phrases as the boys use English expressions and names. ForAmerican etc readers:Mum = MomFanny = cuntKnickers = pantiesThis story is almost certainly a work of total fictionI had my first fuck when I was just turned 12. Most guys get their first experiences withtheir girlfriends the same age but mine was with the mother of a school friend -and hewas watching and...

1 year ago
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A Royal Pain Chapter 2

The fallout from the attack attempt was swift and immediate, and completely useless. The foreign mercenary contractor hired to fly the drone containing the gun had been hired through multiple fake channels to perform a security breach test exercise of the Bressler airport security. The 100% official looking, correctly sealed, and completely fraudulent documents led to a bit of a witch hunt through the security forces for a leak, but ultimately nothing came of it. The remote control for...

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PenthouseGold Daya Knight Rides Daddy8217s Big White Cock

When Will Pounder picks up his young black stepdaughter Daya Knight from school, they are barely in the car before she’s reaching over to suck daddy’s dick. They rush home to continue their taboo tryst and have hot interracial sex. Stepdad just can’t wait to get a taste of the college cutie’s dark pussy and shove his big white cock down her deepthroat and wet snatch. Watch the ebony Penthouse starlet work her big booty twerking magic as she rides him reverse cowgirl and...

3 years ago
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Cousin gets little brother high on weed1

It had been two weeks since I had seen Gucci. All I could think about was that day. It got me hard every time. We still used to message each other. The usual " I'm feeling horny." "I want you inside me". Well, that kind of stuff. Once we tried to Skype and have cyber sex when my parents were away. She got undressed and started saying really naughty things to me. " baby, are you hard?" She purred. "Yeah. I'm as hard as a rock." I managed to say. "Are you stroking it?...

1 year ago
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Delete Rewrite

Lucy opened the paperback a little wider and tilted it towards the light, but she read only one paragraph before dropping the book into her lap. Sighing, she rubbed her eyes."I shouldn't be reading," she muttered. "I have to work."Placing the book on her desk, she looked at the laptop in front of her; lid open, screensaver patterns zig-zagging across its face. She jiggled her finger on the tracker pad, watching the screen wake up, revealing neat rows of words. Positioning her hands over the...

Love Stories
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Sallys Anal Buddy

It can be quite a blow to your ego when you find out just how dumb you really are. Then again maybe I'm not being fair with myself in using dumb as a description instead of words like unobservant or gullible. I just found out that my wife is fucking around on me and has been for quite some time and I'd not had an inkling of it. It was only by accident that I found out that Sally has been fucking around on me and I do mean by accident - literally. Sally is an executive in a small electronics...

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Oscar and IreneChapter 4

Five years have passed, our lives have gotten pretty much back to normal. Our girls are in high school and our baby, Oscar, Jr. is five years old. He and our girls are our pride and joy. I had just walked into my office when my phone rang. I answered, “Irene Pena. How may I help you?” “Irene? It’s Rob. How are you?” My heart skipped a couple of beats when I heard his voice. “Rob? Oh My God! How are you? Are you in country?” “Yes, Irene, I’m here with my wife.” My heart sunk. “Your...

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Fuck My Ass Mistress

Tonight was their six month friendship anniversary and Ann was planning something very special for Will. They'd moved in together a month ago and, while she normally went with Will on his work runs, she hadn't this time. A writer of erotica, Ann had a deadline to meet so she had to stay behind to meet it. He'd been away for two weeks and that was a long time for either of them to be without sex since they'd gotten together. Sure, they had engaged in cyber sex but it was not the same as the real...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Mimi

My wife is one of those people who have managed to reach adulthood with no conception of the actual value of money or of the fact that it can sometimes be damned hard to come by. After several years of trying to get her educated and failing I was forced to take drastic steps if only to protect my credit and keep us out of bankruptcy. I cancelled all of her credit cards and closed our joint checking and savings accounts. When the inevitable outcry came, "What am I supposed to do for money?" I...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 65

Phil adjourned to the hotel’s pool while he waited for Hailey to get off work. His brief glimpse inside of the Carstairs house had shown immense potential. If the women enjoyed coming into the penthouse apartment he could imagine the looks on their faces when they saw the stately interior of that house. He could picture Hailey hosting the Beta Club for dinner or having a dinner party for Molly, Tiffany and Katelyn and their dates. The dining room had a long table with a chandelier above it...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Evening Part 2

Katie’s jaw dropped as she sat there in the hotel bed wrapped in her towel as Tim let 4more men into the room. Her mind quickly raced to think about all the things that wereprobably about to happen.The men slowly walked in, taking a good look at Katie’s body, and began to stand in a linein front of her. Katie knew exactly why they were there and wasn’t going to make themwait. She immediately got down on her knees in front of the first guy and began to pull outhis cock. It was already erect as...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1109 Now and Forever

It was more of the same and all different. Our team went to semi-state last year and fell to the Concord powerhouse. Of course, most of Concord's varsity had graduated and they were eliminated in their Sectional this year. Give them another year or two, though, and they'd be back. Last year, I'd been new on the varsity at playoffs, a lot like Brent and Trent—the sophomore twin forwards who had been called up from JV—were this year. It was exciting, sure. But aside from being used as a...

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Out of the Blue meeting prt 2

A few months into the relationship it was decided we had to meet face to face, we knew each other pretty intimately we had exchanged photos both clothed and unclothed, I had even taken photos of myself trying on cloths and sent them to Wayne.     We had also masturbated together while chatting online.   Our relationship, up to that point, was like nothing I had experienced before and we thought it was time to meet.   I had a couple of days off and planned it all out.   First I...

Straight Sex
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There was tea and coffee available, but she asked for water. While the organiser went to get water from the cooler, I poured myself a tea, and offered her a biscuit. She declined, and I took a seat opposite her at the conference table. She immediately stated that she was very pleased to meet me, a twinkle in her blue eyes, as she opened her portfolio of papers. She referred to a report on the transport operating corporation and said she had downloaded my representations on it from the...

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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 9

Sultry: Another country heard from; 9 Cassie stripped out of her shirt and put on the chain mail shirt. "Fuck ... that's cold." Her nipples were bearing witness to the fact that ... indeed ... the metal was cold. "You're supposed to put on a quilted shirt first, dummy." Sultry wasn't kidding either. Her first expedition with a mail shirt had been a similar chilling experience. Jack had let her make as many mistakes as it took to learn. Mail and nipple took once. During the seven...

3 years ago
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Babified Part 2

Babified Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn Wednesday after work Edward rode with Miss. Bea to his apartment to gather his things. He had wanted to change out of his pink cotton dress with white floral print but Auntie said they didn't have time. It would be embarrassing to be seen but then he wasn't coming back. His clothing, diapers, a few books and knick-knacks went into the back seat while his computer, television and PlayStation went into the trunk. Auntie Bea chatted all the way to...

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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 9 Hoodwinked Housemaid

 While Father Murphy substituted at a rural parish while the regular priest was ill the young monk, Brother John remained in the other parish Ever since he's spied on the priest with the young girl the image remained in his mind. He could still see the girl sprawled nude, on her back, and she was fingering her smooth, nearly hairless pussy. He could see, however, that although she was still only lightly furred there, her breasts were nicely developed. And then, for the next while, he had...

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