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PROMOTE.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation "So it's settled, George," Louise said triumphantly to me. Denise starts working in Sales for me in two weeks. "Yes," I replied reluctantly. "I guess it's a better long term career opportunity. I cursed under my breath. I had only been with the company for four months as head of the two-person Marketing Research department (Denise and me), and now Louise was taking my entire staff. Louise smiled at me sweetly. She was one of the six department heads of Sales - the departments are divided by geographical region. She had the reputation for being a tough sales negotiator. Most salespeople in this industry are guys, but she more than holds her own. Tough, but feminine too. At about 45 years old, she didn't stop traffic with her looks, but she was an extremely attractive woman nevertheless. Always immaculately groomed and professionally dressed. Reddish-brown hair just short of her shoulders. Always tastefully made-up with mascara and eyeliner, plus a light touch of red lipstick. She still had her figure, which she adorned in well-tailored suits. She was definitely a sharp looking woman. "Well, after all, George. Today's woman doesn't have to be doomed to the Marketing Research department all her life, you know," she said. I sighed. Is it men that Louise despises, or just people who don't work in Sales, the only important department as she had said so often? Is she angry because of the glass ceiling - women in a company can only get so far - I guess. Or was I just imagining this slap in the face? Louise got up to leave, signaling our meeting was over. I saw her walk over to Carolyn. Carolyn was the other female Sales department head. I presumed Louise would tell her of this news. Carolyn was, shall we say, outspoken? She always tried to win any little disagreements with the four other male Sales heads. She was also about 45. Carolyn was quite pretty, with dark hair, too much eyeshadow for my tastes, and serious dark red lipstick. She wore bright colored suits, as someone who was quite confident of her body and her femininity. Which was a little surprising - Carolyn was 250, maybe 300 pounds. But she did carry herself with grace. I called Denise into my office to tell her the news. She had been in the company for about two years when she applied for the job in Sales. A very serious young lady at 24, going to college part time at night. Too serious, at such a young age, I thought. She never laughed at my jokes. Tall and thin, medium brown wavy hair to about her shoulders. And the oddest thing - sometimes she came to work nicely but thoroughly made-up with a complicated eyeshadow pattern, mascara, eyeliner, blush, and very full lips that were precisely lined in the same matching shade as her lovely rose lipstick - and sometimes she came to work in no makeup at all. One of those things about women, especially young ones, I didn't understand. Anyway, I told her the transfer to Sales had been approved. This meant a promotion and a raise, and I congratulated her and wished her well. And yes, it was official, so she could tell her friends. I saw her rush over to tell Louise's people her news that she would be joining them soon. Peggy was Louise's secretary. Steve, who at 50 was the elder statesman. Bill who was about 30. And Greg, the hunky kid, who I could tell that Louise sort of liked. Peggy hugged her, while the men just shook her hand without much enthusiasm. Denise was quite excited though. Louise came over to the group with Carolyn. "I'm so glad Denise will be joining us in Sales. And to celebrate her promotion, I'm going to have a little get-together this Friday at my house. For the department. And Carolyn, you're invited too." I happened to walk by when Louise announced this, and she said to me, "You know, George, you're still sort of new. Why don't you join us at this party Friday night too. My place at 8 pm. Dress casual. I'll give you directions." Friday at 8pm came, and I was right on time as I rang Louise's bell. She let me in and kissed me on the cheek. She was in a sweater and jeans. Both tight, I might add. She looked great. She smelled great too, and I made a mental note to ask her what fragrance she was wearing. As I entered, it seemed everyone else was already there. "Am I late?" I asked. "No," Louise said with her customary sly smile. "I just had the others come a tad earlier. No problem." "Now that George is here, it's time to begin," Louise announced to everyone. "We haven't had one of these in a while, but we're here to celebrate Denise's promotion. Boys, you know what to do." And with that, as if they had done it dozens of times before, the three other guys - Steve, Bill and Greg - each got a large box from behind one of Louise's bookcases. I noticed that the boxes had their names on them. Each of the guys removed a paper bag from the box. And then they started removing their clothing. All of it. The four women were doing nothing of the kind, just watching. I was watching with a very puzzled expression. Then each guy opened his paper bag and pulled out a bra and panty! My mouth opened in amazement. Without a word being spoken, the guys stepped into their panties and put on their bras. Some of the women helped them fasten the bras in the back. Then the three guys stood their in pastel colored push-up bras and matching silky high-cut panties, obviously waiting for further instruction. Louise broke the silence. She brought a box over to me, and I could see it had a paper bag inside. "Here, George. You're a smart guy. You can figure out what to do." My mouth was still wide open in amazement at what I had seen. I was silent for the longest time. Finally I said, "No way am I going to do that." Louise clucked in disapproval. Steve whispered to me, "George, just do it. It's not so bad." The other women giggled. The guys looked down in embarrassment, probably remembering their first time in this predicament. Louise put the box down by my feet. "George," she said. "There must be a dozen ways I can convince you to do this. Easy ways or not so easy. It's up to you." I turned to Steve. "Why do you let her do this to you?" I asked him. "Well, she's the boss," he answered with an air of resignation. "Excuse me, she's not my boss," I said to Louise and to everybody. Which was true. We were both department heads, and we both reported to the same senior VP. I thought I had her there. Suddenly Carolyn, who had been quiet all this time, spoke up. "Come on, let's get this started." She came over to me, put her hands on my face, and kissed me. Hard. I could taste her lipstick. Then I could taste her tongue. She was relentless. I forgot about her weight, and just concentrated on being kissed by a demanding woman. She was not letting me stop for air. I started getting dizzy, but her tongue was all over me. I felt her take my hands and put them around her neck. And then she lifted me right off the floor! And started carrying me somewhere. I couldn't see where we going, and I couldn't breathe. I could hear the others follow us. She carried me for a while until I felt something hard and wooden against the back of my legs. I was still in the air, being passionately kissed by Carolyn. She loosened my grip around her neck, disengaged her tongue and lips from mine, and pushed me backwards. I fell back first onto a bed. I gasped for air, the first fresh air since this incredibly long kiss. All of a sudden I saw a blurry motion coming towards me. I blinked quickly, my brain not working quickly enough to figure out what it was. Carolyn had jumped the length of the bed. On top of me. Thud! She landed on top of me and laid there. Her dead weight was crushing me. Then she shifted position until she was sitting on my stomach. She raised herself and came down ass first on my stomach. I couldn't breathe either in or out. She bounced up and down on my stomach several times. Finally she simply said to me with a snarl, "Had enough?" I nodded Yes. "You need a lesson, George. Around here, the women will say something to you just once. I want to make sure you remember that." She got her tremendous weight off me, and I concentrated on breathing. Meanwhile she was removing her slacks. She was wearing these huge white panties underneath. She squatted back over the bed, with her ass dangerously close to my face, facing my feet. Was she going to suffocate me? "Kiss my ass, George," she commanded. "Right through the panties. Do a good job." It would have been pointless to protest. I kissed her ass, over and over, hoping she would not find a reason to be displeased. Meanwhile she reached down, untied my belt, and slid my pants off. Then she lowered my shorts to around my knees. She made a fist around my cock. "Too bad it's so hard right now," she said to me. "If it were soft, I could show you how I can tie it in a knot," she threatened, and I gulped in fear. Thank goodness I was so aroused; I believe she could do it. When Carolyn felt I had kissed her ass sufficiently, she got it off my head and told me to get up. Still dizzy, she took me by the hand and led me to the living room. It was then that I realized everyone had watched this - or at least heard it. As my cheeks blushed in shame, she led me to the box Louise had given me. "Something you want to do now, George?" Carolyn asked. I removed the rest of my clothes and put on the bra and panty. Denise, who had been my subordinate, cheerfully volunteered to help me with the bra. "Ooh, George, you look so cute in pink," Denise teased me for good measure. I blushed in shame, but at least I was dressed no more ridiculously than the other guys. "OK everyone," Louise announced. "Positions." The women took seats on two sofas. The men were left standing in their bras and panties. Steve whispered to me, "Just do what we do and you'll be fine." Steve, Bill and Greg took a position on their knees directly in front of Louise, Carolyn and Peggy. That left Denise available to me, so I kneeled in front of her. Louise snapped her fingers. And then Steve, Bill and Greg were fervently kissing the shoes of the women in front of them. These were not perfunctory kisses - the three guys were passionately slobbering over those shoes. Denise looked at me with an impatient "Well, George?" So I daintily picked up her foot and started kissing her shoe. It was an extremely humbling experience - which I guess was the intention. After awhile I could see everyone switch feet, so I did the same. Can't give one foot all the attention. This didn't go on very long at all. Because Louise snapped her fingers and the guys got up and moved one position to the right. I got it. Each guy was going to kiss the feet of each woman. I moved to my right and started kissing Peggy's shoes. Eventually I had done all four. Another snap of Louise's fingers, and I found myself kneeling before Denise again. This time Denise, and the other women, removed their shoes. We were expected to kiss and lick and suck the women's stocking feet. Denise's smelled a little raunchy, but kissing her lovely feet with her polished pink toenails showing through her sheer stockings was erotic in its own way. Kissing Peggy's stocking feet was nothing special, but when I got to Louise's feet, she rubbed my crotch through my panties with one foot while I sucked the other. Carolyn's feet and ankles were swollen and it was an effort to get those feet very far into my mouth. I felt ridiculous stuffing her monstrous feet between my lips. Next we were told to lie over the women's laps. Since Denise had never done this before, Carolyn volunteered to do me first to show her how it was done. Carolyn showed her how she clamped one of her legs over my legs and how to twist one of my arms behind my back and hold it. With Carolyn holding me with her great strength it was impossible to wiggle out of her grip. Carolyn gave me five bare handed spanks through the panties, which of course provided minimal protection. Then she made me thank her! Meanwhile I could hear the other guys getting their spanks. I didn't know if going through this with three other guys made things better or worse. Then we were passed around again until each of us had been spanked by all four women. Denise spanked me last, and although her swats did not pack the wallop of the other three women, by then my buns were burning and Denise's spanks seemed pretty painful anyway. "Anybody getting wet yet?," Louise asked the women. "Well, this next stage always does it for me. Louise passed around some cosmetics bags. Each woman picked one of the guys and started applying makeup to his face. I got Louise. She seemed to want to do a slow makeup job on me. She put a thick line of black eyeliner around my eyes, followed by mascara which made my eyelashes heavy. I'm sure she put too much blusher on me, but she didn't seem to mind. Then she made me pucker my lips, as she used a red pencil to outline them and then a lipstick tube to fill them in. I could feel my lips get slightly sticky, and I'm sure I looked ridiculous. She finished me off with a spritz of perfume. I looked at the other guys, and they looked ridiculous, although I'm sure no more than I did. The women made us walk back and forth as if we were high fashion models in our elaborate makeup, but the women teased us as if we were hookers. Then the women paired us guys into two pairs. Steve and Bill were together, which left Greg and me. "Since I'm sure George doesn't know what happens next, I'd like Steve and Bill to entertain us first," Louise commanded. Steve and Bill faced each other, a little unsure how to start. Slowly they started groping each other through the bras and panties. Someone began to lick the other one's ear. Then there was a gentle kiss on the lips. And tongues were licking each other. And they were groping each other's cocks through the panties, and there were some pretty clear signs of arousal. Meanwhile I saw the four women strip down to their bras and panties, and they were fingering themselves under their own panties. They obviously found the idea of two guys kissing and fondling each other pretty erotic. "Ummm, save some passion for us," Louise stopped Steve and Bill. "Your turn," she nodded to Greg and me. I looked quizzically at Greg - I'm going to do that to you? Greg opened his lips suggestively to me and whispered out "Just do it - they can make it much worse." I considered that for an instant, and was sure that he was right. It also hit me how much I, and maybe many guys, are turned on by two women kissing; maybe women get turned on by guys making out too. Greg put his arms around me and kissed me softly. He was the best looking guy of the four of us, and in fact he was the best looking girl of the four of us guys too. I closed my eyes and imagined I was kissing Denise instead. Our lipsticks mingled, our tongues mingled, and we stroked each other's cocks. Although he and I were silent, I could hear some moaning in the background - obviously someone was getting some enjoyment out of our performance. Greg and I were both getting aroused, but Louise stopped us before it went to far. At that point all eight of us were aroused, to varying degrees. Louise started the next stage by removing her panties, displaying her glistening pussy hairs. She grabbed Greg, pushed him into a kneeling position before her, and guided his face to between her legs. The other women similarly stripped off their panties, and it was clear what we were all expected to do. Unfortunately I drew Carolyn. I was not looking forward to putting my head between her massive thighs, fearing she would crush me if she was unhappy with my performance. But pussy is pussy, and I gently kissed Carolyn's already very wet pussy. She firmly held onto my head, gave me verbal instructions on how she liked to be kissed and licked and sucked, and before long Carolyn shuddered in an orgasm, vibrating my head in the process. As with the other tasks of the evening, we switched places three times until each of the guys had orally pleasured each woman. I was amazed how different four pussies could be, in scent, in how each woman liked to be licked, and so on. My tongue muscles ached when I had finished my fourth woman. The ladies sighed in contentment, after four orgasms each, and I assumed we were done for the evening. Little did I know. Denise spoke first. "That was so much fun! I'm going to love working for you, Louise. But what happened to the pretty makeup jobs we did on the boys. They look awful!" I looked around at the other three guys, and of course she was right. After all that oral sex with four very wet women, our lipsticks were smeared and we looked terrible. Louise got out some moist towelettes, and the women wiped our faces. It looked like they were wiping off all our makeup. So maybe the evening was coming to a close. But then Carolyn decided, "Oh come on, girls, let's not forget this is Denise's party. I have a few more ideas to help her celebrate." Carolyn reached over to the table with the makeup and picked out some lipsticks. "Let's put more lipstick on them, and then follow my lead." The women each took a lipstick and each took one of us, and fixed our lips one more time. As I looked around, we were in lipstick, but no other makeup, which made our lips stand out even more than when we were fully made up. Such vivid shades of red and pink and purple, and each of us with a coat of lip gloss to make them even more apparent. And we were still in our bras and panties. But not for long. Carolyn ordered us to take our panties off and give them to her. She asked Louise to get a big bowl from the kitchen, and a blindfold. I had no idea what would happen next, and from the looks of both the guys and the women, no one but Carolyn understood either. Louise returned with a bowl, and Carolyn put all four panties in the bowl. Then she gave Carolyn the blindfold. Carolyn looked around. "Let's see. We need to pick one of the four guys. How shall we choose just one?" "I know," volunteered Peggy. "Just pick the one who has the biggest cock, right now." The women were hysterical over that suggestion. They quickly agreed, and had us line up together to see. During the course of the evening, with so many erotic activities, I'm sure each of us got aroused at various times, and then unaroused, many times. At this moment, Bob, who had had the pleasure of being just lipsticked by the lovely Denise, seemed to have the most erect cock. Although the women debated the merits of each of our cocks, in front of us as if we were not there, Bob was the winner. Carolyn put the blindfold on Bob and made him kneel on the floor, as we all looked on curiously. Then she put the bowl with the panties in front of his blindfolded face. "Put your face in the bowl, Sweetie," she said to him. "Remember bobbing for apples? I want you to bob for one of these panties, Bob," she commanded. As the women laughed, Bob moved his face around the bowl, trying to pick out a pair of panties with his mouth. It was pretty funny. On one hand those four pairs of silky panties were caressing his face. That must have been kind of nice. On the other hand, I thought about who had just been wearing those four pairs of panties, and I was glad I was not the one fishing for a pair with my face. Bob came up with one of the panties in his mouth. "OK, who was wearing the lavender panties?" Carolyn asked. All eyes turned to me. Yes, I had been wearing the lavender ones. "Wonderful," exclaimed Carolyn. "I guess George is the winner." Carolyn took the lavender panties from Bob's mouth, and said to me, "Open your mouth." I was a little late in responding. Carolyn grabbed my balls and started to squeeze. Hard. Harder. I held out as long as I could, but finally I screamed. Carolyn quickly shoved the lavender panties in my mouth. I felt humiliated, but she wasn't done. She took the other three pairs, and put them in my mouth one at a time. Now my mouth was full of panties - just worn by four guys. "Bob, you may remove the blindfold, and give it to George." Bob gave me the blindfold. I put it on, not waiting for instructions. Then while I stood there, naked except for the bra, blindfolded, I could hear Carolyn whispering something, then someone left the room, and then someone came back in the room. I felt several hands on me, probably the women's. My hands were tied behind me. Then my ankles were tied tightly. I was led to some furniture, then lifted up. Carolyn, obviously. I felt myself laid down face first on a hard table. Probably the dining room table. Then I felt myself tied further. I was tied around the ankles to the table. Then around the armpits. And around the waist. Now I was very securely bound to the table. Finally something was tied around my face, securing the panties in my mouth. I was completely helpless. I had no idea what was happening. The women were milling around. Something was being passed around. Suddenly I was smacked on the ass. Really hard. With some sort of hard implement. I don't know if it was a paddle or a hairbrush or what. Then I was smacked again. I was smacked repeatedly, quickly, again and again. All of the women must have been hitting me at once. My ass was on fire. I tried to scream, but my mouth was full of panties. I tried to squirm around on the table, but I was tied so tightly there was no where to move. I had no idea my ass could hurt so much. I had no idea how long they were smacking me. But suddenly it was over. The women stopped, but they were then admiring their work on my ass. According to their comments, it must have been a lovely shade of red. It certainly burned. I moaned through my gag, but the women paid no attention. Then Denise, of all people, said to the other three guys, "Boy, you are lucky that you weren't the one on the table. But don't you think you should do something to help out your poor friend here?" There was silence. I wasn't sure what I expected them to do for me. I could almost feel Denise smiling as she obviously had some new way to humiliate me. "Boys," she said. "His ass must be really hot after all that. I want each of you to cool it off for him. Blow on it. Go ahead, do it." I felt some cool air on my ass. The other three guys must have been blowing on my ass. I don't know who was more humiliated - them or me. "Now kiss it. All of you," Denise commanded. I felt several pairs of lips on my ass. Were they really doing this? It did feel sort of nice. I was having my ass kissed by three guys. I couldn't believe it. I was squirming around. I liked it. How humiliating. But wait, there was more. Denise told the guys to stop. Then I could hear the women gathering around. They were laughing hysterically. I didn't get it. The women released my gag and untied me. The women were still laughing. What was so funny? I looked around in confusion. Louise figured out that I didn't understand what was so funny. She made me look at myself in the full length mirror. Now I saw what was funny to the women - my ass was covered with lipstick prints! Made by three guys! Will the humiliations ever stop? I couldn't stop looking at my image in the mirror. Actually, there were a couple more humiliations to come. When the women had stopped laughing, which wasn't easy since they howled after seeing my expression when I looked at my lipstick covered ass in the mirror, Louise spoke up. "This really is supposed to be Denise's party. Denise, which of these pitiful specimens do you think is the cutest guy here?" Not surprisingly, she picked Greg. "How would you like a nice DEEP fucking by Greg," Louise asked Denise. Denise rolled her eyes. "Umm, I think that would be nice," she smiled. Louise and Carolyn took Denise by the hand and brought her into the bedroom. They laid her down with her ass at the edge of the bed, feet hanging off the bed. Then Peggy brought Greg into the bedroom. Louise positioned him standing by the foot of the bed, bent over Denise. But Greg's cock was soft. "Well, you don't expect me to get him hard, do you?" asked Louise. "Oh boys?" She called us in the bedroom too. She took pity on me since my ass was still burning from my spanking, but she made Bob and Steve kneel on either side of Greg, and she told them to lick his cock and balls. Meanwhile she told Greg to lick Denise's pussy to make sure it was wet for him. I watched all this, as Bob and Steve licked away at Steve, sometimes licking each other's tongues since they were so close. Greg soon got hard, and Louise told him to insert himself into Denise and start pumping away. Meanwhile she told Steve and Bob to keep licking Greg's balls, and to play with themselves while they did. She told me to play with myself too. Greg was getting into a nice rhythm with Denise, everyone else was playing with themselves, but Carolyn was not content. "Denise, would you like Greg to thrust at you as deep as possible?" Carolyn asked her. Denise nodded yes. Carolyn left the room for a moment. She came back - with a paddle. Then she started spanking Greg in sync with his thrusts at Denise. He yelped at the first spank. But it did encourage him to thrust deeper. Carolyn was wailing away at Greg, Greg was thrusting in pain with each spank, Bob and Steve were gently licking his balls, and everyone was stroking their pussy or their cock, except Greg and Denise. Denise started moaning very loudly. She came, then Greg came, and one by one everyone else came. Louise made Greg lick Denise clean, and Carolyn made the three other guys lick each other clean. The guys had each come once. I lost count how many times the women came. The women let us get dressed and helped us remove our lipstick. They even made the other three guys clean the lipstick marks off my ass with a washcloth. The women also got dressed. Everyone was exhausted. Before they let us leave, every woman gave every guy a sweet hug and a kiss, and they thanked us for being such good sports, and such good slaves. And I wondered when the next Louise party would be. What a company!

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Private Little Caprice Private Babe

At long last we are united with the sexy Little Caprice, a true superstar who today debuts on in Private Specials, Little Caprice Homestory alongside her real life husband Marcello Bravo. After a romantic dinner Caprice is still hungry for more as she gets down on her knees and shows off her phenomenal cock sucking skills with a nice gagging blowjob. Then enjoy the rest of the action as this beauty spreads her legs ready for an incredible fuck on the dinner table, moaning and...

3 years ago
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First time transvestite dogging

I have been cruising since I was a teenager. As I got into my 20's I became more adventurous and began wearing women's underwear underneath my male clothes.Some men I met loved it, others didn't.Online one day I chatted to a transvestite who agreed to meet me fully dressed that evening in a toilet in a country park. I went at the agreed time but to my shame I really did not think it was seriously going to happen. I just could not picture someone taking such a risk with a stranger.When I pulled...

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Neighbours Part 7

“Why in particular do you hope Hassan will be there?” I asked, knowing his particular talent and wondering if Sarah just wanted to jerk me off or whether she had time for me to fuck her. As I spoke to her I slid my left hand inside her shirt and under her bra to feel her pert little tit whilst my right lifted her school skirt and I moved her pants to one side to allow me to slide my finger into her. This was the funny thing about having sex with this girl, and with Lizzie as well come to...

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Dear JohnChapter 42

I was there. Lana was there. And so were Owen and Abigail and Mortimer. The door swung open and a white clad lady with a stethoscope looped around her neck came smiling up to the soon to be proud poppa. “Doctor?” said Mort. “It’s a boy. Mom and our new young man are doing fine. You’ll be able to go in shortly. The nurses are in charge for next little bit. Everybody was talking at once to everybody else. Well, except Mortimer. He was talking to himself. He was kind of funny I thought. I...

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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 5

They stared at each other with lust and desire as Charles reached his arms around Diana's back and unhooked her bra. He stepped back and put his hands on her shoulders and slowly pulled the straps down her arms to peel the lacy cups away from her generous breasts. When it was free, he dropped it on the floor. He groaned deeply. Ohhh, God! Your breasts are gorgeous... The beautiful rosy brown tips were already firm and just begging to be kissed, licked ... sucked. He wet his lips in...

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The Food DesertChapter 6

I was more than a little surprised to see a small crowd gathered that afternoon, glad I had hit my buddies up for any excess they might have, just in case. I think I may have overloaded my phone, and I was sold out by four. As I was packing up to leave a cop car rolled in, and two cops, a huge Hispanic guy and a shorter black guy getting out. Grandma Greely was still there, waiting for her promised trip home, and she greeted them by name. “Officer Jose, Officer Dan, how ya’ll...

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SweetheartVideo Bree Daniels Kenna James Just The Two Of Us

During the next few days, Mimi (Kenna James) and Heather (Bree Daniels) are getting closer. The lonely and shy Heather slowly opens up to her new friends and these feeling starts to attract the attention of Miss Patty (Serene Siren) and Marie (Cadence Lux). That doesn’t stop Heather. One night after the curfew, Heather sneaks into Mimi’s bed. The two girls look at each other for few seconds before Heather kisses her. Mimi answers back with a gentle kiss. Slowly the two girls undress...

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Jared and Andrea

Jared and Andrea ? by: Ashley Shine Jared loved these times. He was alone in the house, free to explore his stepsister's room. The parents were down in Florida vacationing for three weeks, and Andrea was away at college. Fortunately for Jared, Andrea kept almost a full wardrobe back home. Jared had always been attracted to frilly clothes. He loved the taboo nature of dressing up in girl's clothing it was exhilarating. Access to Andrea's clothes was a big bonus when his mom...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 439

Say thanks to Dorsetmike If a cow stops giving milk is that an udder failure? It’s weird being the same age as old people. When I was a kid I wanted to be older ... this is not what I expected. Chocolate is God’s way of telling us he likes us a little bit chubby. If you’re going down a river at 2 MPH and your canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix would you need to re-shingle your roof? Say Thanks to jimq21 Lovable Inflatable Christmas Louise As a joke, my brother used to...

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A Whisper of Trust

Dark came early in winter, and she lit a fire for ambiance in the redwood paneled room. She glanced at the crystal clock above the mantel, and then out the window to the driveway. She had planned this evening for several months, waiting for the perfect situation – timing, weather, and opportunity. The stone house had been meticulously crafted, every detail scrutinized as she personally directed its construction. She ordered fine natural wood – cherry, oak, redwood, cedar, mahogany – using the...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 10 Naughty Fairy Spying

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Ten: Naughty Fairy Spying By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Naughty Fairy Spying Princess Ava – Forest of Lhes, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My rose-quartz fingers spread apart Kora's pink petals. I licked my lips, staring at the flood of Sven's cum, her brother's cum, pouring out of her pussy. A surge of taboo lust shot through me at the incestuous mixing of...

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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var,...

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MomWantsToBreed Jennifer White Stuck On Stepmoms Boobies

Diego Perez is having a hard time keeping his hand off his dick when it comes to his stepmom, Jennifer White. Jennifer is trying to be a good stepmother, so she engages Diego in conversation about boobs and nipples. Later, she walks in on him looking at boobs online and realizes that Diego has a pregnancy fetish. Not knowing quite what to do, Jennifer comes into the room and sits down beside Diego. After a bit of conversation, Jennifer offers to let Diego see her big titties. Diego wants to...

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Autographs Devon Sawa Gets Milked

               _________________________________________                                WARNING!                This text file contains sexually explicit                material. If you do not wish to read this                type of literature, or you are under age,                PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!                _________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2007.  Please don't...

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Kialis Finds A Human Mate

* * * Lauren awoke to a glowing morning. The summer breeze gently danced about the lacy blue curtains in her room. While she normally would have been asking about patients’ insurance at the hospital, today she had the day off. Rare as it was for her, she had perfectly planned to do nothing. Her partner, Jake, had gotten up early to get to his job as a construction worker. “I love you, baby,” he had said, lightly kissing her on the forehead as she lay half dreaming. “I love you, too,”...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 28

Negative results. Pam had worked hard every day since she'd brought her stuff back from the dorm in Athens, and even after ten days, it was getting dull, not finding much of anything. At least it was good exercise, she thought. And, she got to sleep in a little. After getting up and getting around, she got out into the swamps about nine or ten, when the sun was getting up a little, and the snakes were getting out. It wasn't as if she saw a lot of snakes, maybe three or four an hour on the...

2 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 30 Fun in Florida Pt 2

Introduction: Our vacation in Florida continues with more fun. Sharing Cindy Chapter 30 Fun in Florida Part 2 The fun continues on our Florida Vacation. Our trip to Florida was turning out to be something very special. The fun that we had on the boat with Tonya, Robert and Teddy in Clearwater would have been enough to make the trip a success. (See Chapter 29) I know I was definitely going to have fond memories of Tonya for a long time to come. After leaving Clearwater, we headed down to...

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HotwifeXXX Misha Mynx Married Misha Gets Her Fire Lit

Overworked blonde wife Misha comes home to a nice letter from her husband informing her she has a big hard gift on the way and she must have her lingerie and blindfold on to receive the package. As she sits a waits Steve slowly gives her a strangers touch and patiently arouses her senses and fills her hungry mouth with his cock. Steve guiding her every move now sets her hot tight pussy on him as he inserts every inch deep inside her, giving her much pleasure fucking her for a hot dose of his...

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Angela a love story

Angela a Love Story by Vickie Tern I should have guessed there was a serious problem, but I hadn't a clue, I suppose because I was utterly, absolutely, head-over-heels smitten with her from the first moment I saw her. And I still feel that way. There she was, completely herself and stunning, standing in Ralph and Evelyn's hallway at their annual 'Come Anyway' New Year's Day brunch, sipping a screwdriver Ralph had just...

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MylfBoss Silvia Saige Bitter Mylf Finds Happiness In Sweet Interns Cock

Silvia Saige is the wife of a very wealthy businessman. Yes he may give her all the money in the world, but when it comes to the loving that she craves and desires he tends to fall short. One of the husbands interns was given the task of preparing the house for her since she will be getting back from an overseas trip. Everything had to be perfect. He scrambled to clean, dust, and organize everything he could. Just as he finished, Silvia arrived, looking absolutely fabulous and sophisticated as...

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MyFriendsHotMom Dava Foxx 24147

Dustin arrives home surprised to find his friend’s mom Dava Foxx there, especially when her son isn’t with her. She says she’s checking in on him since she knows he’s been under a lot of pressure lately, what with the basketball scouts attending his recent games, plus his going steady with his girlfriend. But what she really wants to tell him is that her son is fucking his girlfriend, but that she’s just a college girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing…and that Dustin should fuck her! He...

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How did I end up in this position? This was the thought running through my head as I lay face down across the bed. My mind flashed back to the moment it all began. It was a beautiful Sunday morning with a cool springtime breeze blowing through the open window. I was cleaning the house. I hated cleaning, mostly because it is never fully done. No matter how much cleaning you do, there will always be more. I'd have much rather been out enjoying the nice spring day, but it had to be done. Then it...

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How we met Ross

Last week I had the opportunity to conduct business in Newport again. Although I made very little money, it was my most enjoyable visit ever, thanks to Rick. Since any reader will know very little about them, let me tell you a little bit about the circumstances that led me to meet Rick and his beautiful wife Lynn. I’ve been to Newport seven or eight times in the last year. Hell, I’d be there every week if I could find any business justification for it. I love Newport because I believe it has...

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Walk his way

Just for the thrill of it all, I moisturized my freshly shaved body, combed out my long hair over my shoulders, and put on a pair of very short cut off denims, cuffed them even shorter, and a Betty Boop T shirt with the neck and sleeves cut out. I looked and felt very much on the fem side. Not really crossdressed, but without a doubt, sissified. I drove down the interstate to the nearest rest area and parked all the way at the end. I carried my little belly bag like a handbag, and walked to the...

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Honey Trap

John had been out with his mates this evening but had become separated. He was out of his comfort zone in an area he didn’t know at all. John walked up and down a street locally known as Clubland, the road was approximately one mile long and every building was either a night club or fast food outlet.For an hour John had walked the length of the road which was full of colour, delicious smells, and wall to wall noise, but failed to find any trace of his friends. He decided to try in one of the...

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Janes interracial weekend away

Jane and I often had short breaks apart from each other, weekends away visiting other parts of the UK wandering around museums, galleries and the like. We have many similar interests and some not shared, so it is healthy. However, this particular weekend I guessed was not going to be spent visiting interesting places. This time Jane was going to spend fucking her new friends at a hotel in London.Jane packed a bag for her two-night stay at a hotel in the West End of the City. It was glorious...

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Witch SwitchChapter 19

“Thank you for trying to save me,” Ned says a little while later after finding his clothes and Penelope has repaired hers. “But I was about ready to make my escape when you showed up.” “I saw that,” the witch murmurs. “Regardless, I am glad you showed up as it aided in my escape in regards that I was able to do it faster,” the vampire hunter continues. “My distraction allowed for their destruction.” “Glad to help, but I need your help.” “My help?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “What help I...

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The pleasures of bondage

It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...

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Private Show 2 Saucy StrapOn Sextet

The private strip-show I’d done for Dick had left me with a sore arse but a full purse. That same weekend, I’d agreed to do an extra Sunday afternoon show in the Farringdon Arms to help out one of the other girls and I was a bit worried that my bum might still be bit sore after the bashing it had received on Friday. But I rubbed plenty of cream around it on Saturday, and by the next day, I found I could sit down without wincing too obviously.There was quite a good crowd of locals in for the...

Strap-On Sex
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Friend Ki Wife

Hello indian sex story friends, I am back with my next story. my name is Rakesh, 23 years old, average and fit body. This story is about my friend’s wife Pooja(name changed). She is 22 years old and she has a sexy ass, big boobs and a hot cunt. If you are interested in me then you can mail me for real sex. Now coming to the story. Mere dost ka name hai raju, ek private company me work karta hai aur uski sadi 1 year pahle he hue thi aur koi bhi bache nahi the aur kabhi kabhi wah company ke...

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The Beauty of Female Flesh

The Beauty of Femme Flesh By Jody Anthony “Mr. Dark” Thompson A woman’s flesh is as sweet as sugar by the hour The perfumes she wears with a sweet floral scent shall never sour Her breasts are as sweet and tasty as candy, I knew one lovely girl by the name of Mandy Her breasts and nipples are as sweet as cream and berries A woman’s flesh tastes as sweet as freshly picked cherries ...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 16 Entering Heaven

It was time for some major recollecting. Here I was standing around all naked and part of an assemblage of characters quite unique. We were partying with the S.acred H.eart I.nterpretive T.ask force attached to the nunnery, the Swill Sisters, Sylvia and Maria, six of the goddess nymphs from my dairy days who were spirits of other realms and Father McGillicuty. Soon Sylvia’s husband would be arriving home from work and who knows who, what else, probably a couple of his girl friends from work....

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BirthdayChapter 4

I woke up late on Saturday. I reached out with my arm, to find Lynette, finding Jane instead. The memories of yesterday's events, and my later exertions with Jane rushed back and I jumped out of bed, waking Jane up in the process. She got out of bed immediately too. She walked gingerly to the bathroom, probably as a result of my attentions in the early hours of the morning. Throwing a bathrobe on, I went down to the kitchen, thinking of paying Lynette a visit. Brett was already up and...

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New SecretsChapter 9

I awoke to raised voices from downstairs and entered the room ten minutes later, with a naked Rhea on one side of the table shouting at Mum on the other side. "He is an English teacher, don't you have any self-respect?" Rhea shouted and crossed her arms, her clothes that she must have put on to do her newsagent work abandoned on the floor. "I mean ... for fucks sake Mum. Are thing actually that desperate down there?" "Rhea, go upstairs and get ready for school." "Mr Russell. I got...

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In Her EyesChapter 2

Our conversation continued, after the breakfast rush. I became acquainted with Ellie's class schedule -- at least her Tuesday schedule. It was agreed that I'd pick her up, after class, in front of the college's main administration building at 4:50 p.m. the following day. From there, we'd go, together, to the apartment she shared with another young woman, where she would shower and change before our date. We were going to have dinner at the local Japanese Steakhouse. I was, of course,...

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Gurls Night

It was gurl's night at Blue Pacific. Twice a month the trannies meet for drinks and talk. As usual, Sue was a wreck getting dressed - nothing looked good! Finally she decided on an outfit. She had been using an artificial tanning lotion on her smooth, shaved legs, so she wore a short black skirt and no stockings, a white blouse, and not quite "fuck me" black pumps. Her make-up wasn't exactly slutty. It was an acceptable look. Sue walked in, going to the bar and ordering a gin...

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Life in 2115 A letter to the future

Life in 2115 - A letter to the future M/F, M+/F, oral, anal, SciFi, interracial It was the spring of 2205. Zandack Cranockk was operating a disintegration ray, making pass after pass vaporizing a building to make room for the new building that would take it's place. His people had just invaded Earth and eliminated the humans to have the planet for his race's much needed expansion. A specially made toxin sprayed into the atmosphere had killed all the humans and a couple of the...

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Husbands Dream

I think all men are not necessarily the brightest of creatures and are most certainly and totally obsessed with sex. Normal function of the laws of nature perhaps. If so my husband Stu is a typical man. Oh he's a good man, a good father and a good and faithful husband. A great provider to boot. But as is the normal function of nature he is totally obsessed with sex. Ya he is a typical man. I mean; with his undying interest in porn, I am simply in awe of the fact that he has never cheated on...

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Ancient Languages

I have a little bit of wisdom that I'd like to share. If you find yourself with the opportunity to become an expert on forgotten languages, skip it. You will spend the rest of your days locked in dusty rooms full of artifacts that you don't dare touch. You will spend more time trying to convince someone to pay for your expertise than you will spend using that knowledge.I don't suppose that bit of wisdom will help most of you. The one and only time in my life that I had the opportunity to pass...

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The Ceremony

The Ceremony By Yvonne Kristina E. As I sat at my vanity my maid of honor, Cindy was styling my hair in an elegant updo in preparation for my wedding. Each hair carefully placed and set in place. Soft tendrils coming down on either side framing my face. "We are almost finished Yvonne. Then we can begin on your makeup," she said. A final spritz of hairspray and she was finished. She began applying the cosmetics to make me look like a blushing bride. Soft corals with a touch...

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The Final Costume

The Final Costume by Sarah Miller It was Monday. As usual, my morning was a blur of meetings and phone calls from people wanting information or help with a project. By lunchtime, I was already frazzled, and was looking forward to a relaxing tanning session. I checked in with Veronica, the receptionist, and started my session. When I came out of the booth, I was feeling much more relaxed. As I walked back past the reception desk, Veronica yelled,...

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Now I Know How It Feels

When I was in high school I was always horny. This was pre-birth control pills so it wasn’t as easy to get laid as it was years later when fear of pregnancy wasn’t so prevalent. Our senior year my male friends and I would relieve the stress by playing around with each other and eventually worked up to jacking each other off. One night a friend, Hunter invited me over to his house. He started talking about sex and before long we both had an erection. Surprisingly, my buddy Hunter started telling...

Gay Male
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Our Secrets

This is the story of events leading up to and the accounts of a life-changing event for my sister Sharon and I.  Sharon was 17, almost 18 at the time, and I was 22.  It was late last summer on a hot weekend.  My parents had gone out of town on one of their getaways, and my sister was at home by herself.  I live alone, not far from my Mom and Dad’sIt was a Saturday morning, and it was pretty outside with the smell of flowers in the air, birds singing, and not to mention a lot of sunshine.  The...

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First Meeting Ch 01

1st Meeting – In Public This story is one of three – my Trilogy on Internet Love: One Erotic “1st Meeting – In Private”, one Non-Erotic/Romantic “1st Meeting – In Private”, and one a letter “1st Meeting – Letter After”. All were written five years ago when I met and fell in love (the only time in my life) with a woman I met online. The first two were written before our one and only real life meeting. The last is a letter I wrote to her afterwards. The wonderful experience remains my most...

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