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Hormones Players: John Little as Mary Ann Little; Rose (Little) Tweed, John's mother; Mark Tweed, John's step father; Katie and Kathy Tweed, Johns older step sisters; Ms. Helen Ash, Owner of Fem Pharmaceuticals; Tracy Broaden, Manufacturing Supervisor at Fem Pharmaceuticals; Nurse Sally Mason of Fem Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Carol Madden, Member of the Board at Fem Pharmaceuticals and John's doctor; Dr. Julie Hawthorn, head psychologist and founder of the Hawthorn Clinic for male to female transsexuals. The girls at the clinic: Barbette, Daisy, Daniel, Adeline, Barbara, Heather, Elena, Georgia, Elaine and Sabrina. Synopsis: There's been an accident at the plant! Everyone knew it was bad and it was a new guy! That was the call that went out to Dr. Madden, by Ms. Ash, before she quietly explained what had happened. No one knew what those type of hormones at those levels would do, and no one had ever been exposed that fast. Although one thing was for sure, Dr. Madden decided as she drove to the plant: That boy, that John Little was definitely about to go through puberty again only this time he'd be doing it as a girl. Story: "Tell me this isn't happening!" Ms. Ash cried out in an undirected anger causing everyone to flinch a little. Ms. Helen Ash was in a crisis after having just been told that the feeders for mixing tank four would all have to be taken completely apart. It was the only way for a mechanic to get to the main seal that had failed. Two days minimum they said! That was two twenty four hour days working round the clock. Two days loss in manufacturing was two hundred thousand drops of formula or patches which was a lot of money for the company, but even that wasn't the real crisis. The real crisis would be Ms. Helen Ash not filling a five thousand patch order by Friday. It was part of a total shipment going by container on Saturday to the middle East. They would risk not filling that order. It was Wednesday afternoon which meant production wouldn't start up again till late Friday. They would need twelve hours pushing the earliest production into late Saturday. That container ship would be four hundred miles out to sea by then and that order would be lost. That new customer, after this first sampling, was actually going to be the life blood for the coming year and that's what was at risk. As it happens John caught the tail end of that conversation which wasn't so much a conversation as Ms. Helen Ash screaming her outrage at her shop foreman who was following her very quickly into her office. "So you're telling me that I need a midget? My whole company is going to be lost because I don't have someone under five foot? Call a damn circus!" Ms. Ash yelled directly into the Forman's face. She needed someone under five foot that knew a monkey wrench from a monkey she was told. That was the only other way to fix that seal. At least that way they could make enough repairs to get that order out. John, as it happened, was four foot three inches and about eighty pounds. Jack Be Nimble Express had sent him over when Helen's secretary had requested someone, anyone but they had to be small. John was sitting there hoping for a quick interview with Helen and perhaps, although he laughed, a job. Of course he wasn't going to get the job and he knew that, but being there was one of the things he had to do to get his unemployment benefits. On the other hand some people grant you an interview simply because they don't want to risk getting sued by violating one of several laws against discrimination and John was small enough that he could almost use that argument. So he was hoping at least to get that interview and whoever it was would be polite enough not to snicker. Unfortunately though most people won't hire someone smaller than their kid. But he had to try! He had to try so he sat there waiting for that interview and ultimately that polite: "Thank you for coming in, we'll call you." Only things had suddenly changed.... Things had changed quickly, and if John was hearing the woman correctly, for the better even. He hoped for the better because he knew the difference between a monkey wrench and a monkey! John had also heard that desperate conversation and while the yelling was still muffled behind that glass door you could tell it wasn't going well for either of those women. And there he was and he had a solution and, he hoped, a job. John waited till the receptionist picked up another call and her pen to write giving John the opportunity to slip past the counter. John knocked once on the door and entered without waiting for an invitation. "Excuse me, but can I help you?" Ms. Ash said stopping her conversation with her foreman but not sheltering John from her wrath. "Yes ma'am I hope so! I've been sent by Jack Be Nimble Express to help you fix your seal and get you back into production!" John said. "What? How do you know about our seal? Who the hell sent you? Who are you and how did you get in here?" Ms. Ash said lowering her tone but not the level of her anger. Although it was clear to John she was at least curious. "I'm John Little, no pun intended, and I came in to fill out an application, get an interview and begin working for you. I overheard your conversation and it looks like you can use someone my size. I happen to be an expert at fixing hard to get at seals. If you use my resume for my employment information and do it quickly enough I could begin fixing that seal right away," John said. "Are you some kind of nut or what?" Ms. Ash asked. "Nope, although I have a couple of friends who might argue otherwise. Look, I can use a job ma'am and you can use someone small enough to fix that seal on whatever it is that seal is on. Tell you what, why not hire me as a consultant or even as a temporary? You've got nothing to lose and you could even get that order out?" "Go on," Ms. Ash asked suddenly interested. "Ma'am, I want this job! I could fix the seal at whatever rate you're paying your own guys and then leave. At least that way you get you're plant back up and running and I can pay something on this months rent? If I had a place to rent that is? So what do you say?" John asked looking as hopeful as he could. It was the foreman that came to his rescue as she said, "Helen! He is exactly what I need! I could sure as hell use him and so could you! Right now I'd be willing to give him my wages, all of it, if he can fix that seal! If he can get into that pipe distribution section and slip a collar around that seal, and it holds, we could even wait until our normal maintenance schedule or at least past this weeks production. If he can do that we're looking at maybe two hours, three tops. Hell, Helen, come on... Like I said, you can pay him out my pocket if you want." "Three hours? Tops?" Helen asked suddenly looking interested and a whole lot calmer. "Two to three hours instead of two days. If he can turn a wrench then it's going to be no time at all. We could be back on line even before the next shift starts," the foreman said. "Are you over eighteen?" Helen asked just as the receptionist was running into the office. That receptionist had just realized John gotten past her. "Ms Ash, I'm so sorry about this," the receptionist said looking at John like a waiter might a cockroach. "It's OK Carol, I've just put him on our payroll. Get the basics off his resume and onto an application ASAP. Carol, I want you to do it and set a record doing it! And I want him on the floor as fast as possible. Don't worry about the rest of our forms. Just the legal garbage! Call personal and have Jay call me so I can give him a heads up. No, never mind that I'll do it now!" Helen said as she bent to pick up her phone. She punched a button and waited a second. "Jay, it's me. Listen, I need a new hire on the floor ASAP to fix Mix Four. That's right, it's down and right now he's the only one that can fix it. How fast can you make him a legal employee?" Helen said. "What?" Helen noted after a seconds silence and added, "That's great! Now I know why I hired you!" "Honey, give Carol your drivers license and social security card and follow Tracy out to the floor. You are officially on the clock!" Helen said talking to John but addressing Carol and Tracy as she hung up the phone. "He's ours?" Tracy asked slightly confused. "He's ours! Jay is going to do the paperwork while he's working. By his first break Jay should have everything ready to sign. As for you young man, you may go save our ass and that order - now!" Helen said and then quickly added, "Oh, and welcome aboard Little John!" "That's John Little!" John said. "Oh, sorry about that! OK Little... Damn it... JOHN Little, welcome aboard, now get your bottom out there and fix that leak!" Helen said smiling. "Thank you! Now where is this seal?" John said almost jumping up and down. First day since graduating high school, and a job without an interview. Had to be some kind of record. Mom would have a cow and be excited and dad would be silent. When he said he was off to get a job, dad had snickered and mom looked sympathetic as he turned and waved before getting onto the city bus. Meanwhile he walked out on the floor past some very big stuff with a group of very big guys standing around one part of it in particular. John got that look he'd been getting since he first realized he wasn't ever going to be normal size. If these guys had kids and that kid was past the age of eight he or she was most likely slightly bigger than John. "Up there!" Tracy said and added, "We have twelve pipes feeding material into that large drum. All twelve turn into that junction and terminate at the drum itself. Each pipe is fitted where they turn and joined together about half way with a special seal for the vibration. They all join as one into another seal. That seal has failed." "Got it," John said. "What I need you to do is go into that distribution section, find the section of pipe that's leaking and slip a collar around it. Those seals are staggered so they can be worked on, but as you can see it would take a midget... OK, sorry about that. It would take someone small enough to get in there and still be able to work," Tracy noted. "No problem," John said. It's that or start from the other end and pull everything apart - everything!" Tracy added. "I've got it," John said. "Another thing, there is nothing hot, no sharp edges, and no electrical. The material is organic and safe and only a small amount of it has escaped and for that you can wear gloves and arm protection. The risk is when the stuff is mixed and what's been mixed is in the container already. All we need you to do is get in there and slip and secure a rubber collar around that leaking joint and we're back in business," Tracy said. "I can do that," John said as another guy began handing him a wrench. "The system is also shut down and locked out so there is no pipe pressure either. I'll double check that before you go in. Think you can do this?" Tracy asked hopefully. "No sweat boss!" John said happily taking the large steel collar lined in rubber and two more wrenches from her. Two men watching him intently moved at Tracy's command and metal steps on wheels were positioned at the entrance to those pipes. John bounded up the steps once the wheels were locked, ducked the couple of inches he needed and moved in a stooping position along the pipes. Tracy was behind him but she stopped at the entrance as John wiggled found the leak. It was now a drip since they'd shut the system down. Everything was stainless steel including the giant mixing tank just above, and a few feet from where John kneeled. "Find it?" Tracy asked. "Standing right next to it!" John said. "Will that collar fit?" Tracy asked. "Putting it around the joint right now," John said. John had just enough room to slip the rubber and stainless steel collar around the leaking joint. John moved it so he could get a wrench on the two separate nuts that would draw the collar tight. It took maybe twenty minutes to cinch the two nuts and bolts down, and only because he couldn't turn the wrench very far. He was finished in well under an hour. "How's it going?" Tracy asked once more. She had asked about ten minutes ago but this time John knew it was for Helen's benefit who was now standing at the foot of those steps. "I'm done! Want to give it a go?" John said. "Hold on! Hey George! Looks like the seal is in place. Want to go open valve A-12-1! Make sure it's set to recycle, and let the computer room know we are getting ready to start up Mix Four," Tracy said. "Roger that!" a man's voice yelled back. Five minutes later there was the whine of a motor and the giant drum, just a few feet away from John started turning. The huge opening loomed larger as the drum inside began turning and tipping. It was going counter clockwise. Like a cement truck, when mixing the drum turned clockwise. Counter Clockwise would dump its contents to the distribution venue near when John was standing. Tracy realized what was happening within a few seconds and screamed to shut off the Mix Four kettle just as a large volume of liquid splashed out. John was soaked head to toe and closed his eyes tightly, just as the motor whined down. It was too late as Tracy grabbed John's shirt and yanked on him. His shirt slipped from her hands. John would have to make that couple of feet on his own. "John, you're OK! Don't panic! I'm right here! Now listen to me! I want you to keep your eyes closed and move towards my voice and the steps here. Come on and move towards my voice! Follow the pipes! Do you understand me?" Tracy said and added, "Don't open your eyes till I can get you under a safety shower." "OK!" John said. The liquid was cool to the touch and John had no other sensation other than being wet and slightly sticky. John had closed his eyes instinctively and under Tracy's direction kept them closed as he felt his way along the pipes. A moment later John felt Tracy's hand as her other guided John's foot to the steps. "You're going to be OK!" Tracy said as she walked John down the steps. "I've got him!" someone said lifting John into their arms and for a few yards John was jostled by that someone who was now running. Ice cold water hit John then as whoever it was allowed John to stand and get washed off. "Got a lab coat," another voice said and added, "And start stripping him of his clothes." "OK, I think we've got most of it! Let's get him into the locker room and into that lab coat," Tracy said handing John a shop towel for his face. "Women's or men's?" a female voice asked. "What?" Tracy asked. "Locker room? Men's or women's?" that same female voice asked. "Men's! No, you're right! Let's make that the women's. He's too small for the men's sizes anyway. Go in this way, the nurses door leads into that one. Anyone call the nurse?" Tracy asked. "I'm right here!" a woman's voice said coming up and easing the towel away from John's face as she added, "Honey, this is just an eye wash. Saline, that's salt water mostly!" "I'm OK!" John said and then to lighten the mood of everyone around him he asked, "So do we have to pay for our own clothes to be cleaned or can I get the company to cover this?" "I like him!" a burly voice said. "OK George, we've got it from here. Go get that mess cleaned up and I want the computer tech who turned that tank on in my office. Oh and make sure whoever it was that they bring whatever they came in with because they are taking it with them when I fire them!" Tracy said in anger. "You got it boss!" The man's voice said as the nurse started moving John towards the offices and locker rooms. "Go ahead and take those clothes off in the shower over there and then use this soap to scrub yourself," the nurse said as she handed John a squeeze bottle of green soap. It was the same stuff surgeons use to scrub up with. "So what was that stuff?" John asked. "Nothing that's going to kill you!" the nurse said. "Salty tasting!" John said. "Wait! Spit it out - NOW! Don't swallow any of it!" the nurse cautioned and then said, "Do as I say, spit it out and use the shower to rinse your mouth out." "Too late! I took a few spoonfuls when it hit my face," John said. "OK, but don't swallow any more! Like I said, rinse your mouth out with water! Then spit the water out," the nurse said and added, "I'll be right back. Make sure you scrub yourself completely. Everywhere! And I mean everywhere!" "How is he?" Ms. Ash asked just entering the Nurse's office. "He's fine! So far. Nothing in that mix is going to kill him. However, it's going to have a significant impact on him over the next few days and weeks! Perhaps a month. Is he new? I've never seen him before?" the nurse said. "Hell yes he's new. About two hours old as a matter of fact. He doesn't even have all of his paperwork finished," Ms. Ash said and added, "I pushed him onto the floor so we could get that mixing tank up and running. Tracy, how much did we lose out of it?" "Maybe five to seven gallons? Ten tops!" Tracy said and added, "Won't hurt our production that much. So how's my boy?" "Was it all mixed?" the nurse asked ignoring the question. "It had been turning when we lost the seal on that line so I'd say it was fairly well mixed. Had maybe another five to ten minutes before we were going to transfer it," Tracy said. "Well that's something!" the nurse said. "Why?" Ms. Ash asked. "Balance! At least the formula is balanced. Going to be a powerful jolt to his system but it could have been worse if all the ingredients were not mixed. Wrong proportions would be risky," the nurse said and added, "As it is, it's bad." "How bad is bad?" Ms. Ash asked suddenly feeling sorry for the young man. "Really bad! First of all he ingested some of it. I'm not sure how much, he says a couple of tea spoons, but I'm guessing about the equivalent of fifteen doses. I can figure out exactly when I've had a chance to talk with him. Trouble is that's doses in liquid form and not jelled timed releases, so it's already in his stomach and most likely going into his intestines as we speak which means his blood stream already." "Can we pump his stomach?" Helen asked. "Too late! We won't get enough of it and the convulsions from using the pump would only increase the ingestion because of the acid increase," the nurse said. "That splash also covered him head to toe and I'd say pretty completely by the time he was under that first shower. His clothes caught most of it but he was completely soaked through by the time they got him under the water," the nurse said. "So he absorbed a lot then?" Ms. Ash asked. "More than he or anyone can ever need by any estimate. Trouble is our skin or epidermis is our largest organ and can hold a lot of stuff. It's about 1-2 meters in area or roughly six square feet for an adult. Think about it? That's an area about two feet by three feet. He's about two thirds that size but still that's a lot of absorption area. I would guess that what got through his clothes reached most of the dermis and before that shower a big part of his subcutaneous fatty tissue. "That subcutaneous fatty tissue is the deepest layer of our skin and it's going to store most of what he's taken in. It's about one hundred percent absorbed by now given the amount of time. Unfortunately this batch was going to be droplet doses on patches so it was already mixed with a tans-dermal base and because it's for patches, it's stronger than average. We mixed it to get a 95% absorption rate and a 100% dose so basically that's what he's gotten times a few hundred. "I would guess, if I had to guess, that he's gotten about four hundred and fifty doses, maybe five hundred. About fifteen months worth of daily patches if he was on the patch. This mix was our most powerful hormone replacement mix. "This one a little more wicked because this one is our 'P' batch formula. That means he got fifteen hundred doses of progesterone which, as you know, is our natural female sex hormone produced in the ovaries. It's some very powerful stuff all by itself. "Unfortunately it wasn't just that progesterone. This batch was our super cocktail. This is the one we still can't even sell here in the US because of the estrogen! So there is our estrogen part as well, and that's in three forms including estriol, estrone and estrone or E1 though E3. The rest is made up of stabilizers and suspensions for timed release," the nurse said looking concerned. "So what you're telling me is all hell is about to break loose!" Ms Ash said. "Hell is a good word for it. Truth is that young man is about to become a young woman faster than most young women! Hell would be a good analogy for what he's about to go through." The nurse said and then more quietly added, "Frankly, I don't think we actually know what these levels of hormones are going to do to him. No one has ever done a study of hormone replacement measured in these amounts or on a man for that matter." "What can we do for him?" Ms. Ash asked. "Treat the symptoms, make him comfortable and, I would suggest, keeping him quiet and, above all else, keeping him private!" the nurse said. "Private?" Ms. Ash asked curiously but changed to anger as she added, "I'm not going to cover this up if that's what you are suggesting?" "I'm not suggesting that. Private for his sake. Ms. Ash, I can't stress this enough! The fact is, he's about to become a girl. Like it or not that's what is going to happen and that's just the physical part. I don't know how macho or masculine he is or where his head is at, but things are going to happen pretty fast and, frankly it's going to get pretty female or feminine for him. That has got to be very unsettling for a guy. Even for a guy that wants to be a girl." "Won't he pass most of it through his system?" Ms. Ash asked. "The majority of it? Yes. His kidneys and liver are going to be working overtime, but so is everything else those drugs are meant for. He's also taken those hormones over his entire body so there is going to be a constant flood of it for a time because some areas are more fatty than others. Our patches are intended for the upper arm which is low in fat and high in muscle. He's got it on his thighs, bottom, back hips, chest and etc," the nurse said. "Not to mention the legal ramifications!" Tracy noted with concern on her face. "I'm not worried about that! I'm worried about ruining this young man's life and if I have to pay out of pocket for this I will. OK, let's take care of the immediate crisis! Let's get him a change of clothes, comfortable and then out of here," Ms. Ash said but then stopped and asked, "You sure he's not going to need a hospital?" "He might, but not for a short time at least. Might be better at a medical clinic I know of but I'm going to need to talk with a couple of people before that can happen," Nurse Sally said. "OK, you start on that then and I'll have my driver take him to my place. Sally, you know best what he's going through or will, so you go with him, here, take my cell phone so you can make your calls on that clinic stuff, but first let's get him some clothes! "Tracy, you can do that for me. Get his sizes and find something suitable for him to wear. I suspect you'll have to buy something in a children's store. That Super Center is still open. Try there!" Ms. Ash said and then added, "We're also going to need a doctor ASAP!" "What about Dr. Madden!" the nurse said to Ms. Ash. "Dr. Madden, good call, she's on the board. I'll make that call to her right now. Sally, you go stay with him and keep him calm and comfortable," Ms. Ash said. "What about a psychologist? For later?" Nurse Sally asked given what she knew was coming. "Didn't think of that either! Another good call! Do we know of one?" Ms. Ash asked. "Might ask Dr. Madden?" Nurse Sally noted and then added, "She can help with the clinic as well." "I will. OK people, let's get this done," Ms. Ash said clapping her hands to rush the people into gear. "What do I tell him?" Nurse Sally asked. "The truth, but leave out the scary parts! At least for now! When he's told I want someone that knows a little something about how to tell a boy he's about to become a girl." "A little girl?" Tracy said given his size. "What?" Helen asked. "He's going to become a little girl," Tracy said. "Right!" Ms. Ash noted as she watched the shadow of John in the shower. "How are you doing?" Sally asked coming into the bathroom and shower just as John was drying himself off. "Feeling odd!" John said and added, "So what was that goop I was hit with?" "Hormone replacements. We mix it then it goes down to a holding tank and from there feeds into distribution valves. From those valves it gets dropped onto skin patches. The patches are worn on the arm for hormone replacement therapy. It's for girls, women mostly," Sally said. "Hormones? You mean like the stuff women take for.... Am I going to grow breast or what?" John asked feeling in a slight panic. "We might see some kind of reaction to this, but like most things, once the ingestion is over your own body will reverse whatever these hormones fostered," Sally said handing John the smallest lab coat they had. It was still too big on John but it covered him. Tracy meanwhile was just pulling into that Super Center. She called Sally on the plant phone and got John's sizes having taken off without doing so. John's sizes turned out to be definitely in the children's section and she got overalls, a tee shirt, shoes and socks. She also picked up underwear in a package of three. All of it from the boy's section but none of it plain. John's new overalls had Winnie The Pooh on them as did his tee shirt. Tracy's cell phone rang as she was moving out towards the registers with a cart full of little boy clothes. "Hello?" Tracy said. "Tracy, it's Sally. Listen, we've got a slight problem here. He's having a bit of trouble holding himself. I think it's his bladder going a little haywire. Can you find something he can wear other than shorts or underwear?" Sally asked. "We talking diapers or what?" Tracy said. "Yes!" Sally said trying not to talk in front of John who, at that moment, was in a woman's stall after the first attack came that ruined the lab coat. "You can't talk can you?" Tracy asked. "Not at the moment!" Sally said thankful Tracy had picked up on that. "Got it. No problem, I'm still in the store. So do I buy diaper like you do shorts? I mean for sizes?" Tracy said. She didn't have a clue how diapers were sold. "Just tell the woman or salesperson his waist size and weight and get whatever they have," Sally said but not using the word diaper. "Be there in about fifteen minutes," Tracy said turning the cart she had around. She found a saleswoman and together they headed for the baby and toddler section. Tracy had a package of "I'm A Big Boy Now" night time diapers and another of the same brand in training pants. Tracy wasn't sure if John's problem was a heavy one or a light one so the sales woman suggested both and Tracy could return the one she didn't need or use. "Why can't I stop going to the bathroom?" John asked still sitting on the toilet. "I'm guessing it's your kidneys and bladder reacting to the drugs," Sally said and added, "As odd as this is going to sound, I'm going to need you to start drinking as much water as you can so we don't overwork your kidneys." "Great! So do I spend the night sitting on this toilet?" John asked feeling the urge a second before he began to urinate again. He was unable to hold it and had run back into the shower after his accident and nearly had another accident in there. "Got that taken care of. Tracy's on her way back," Sally said from the other side of the door as she asked, "So how are you feeling otherwise?" "Warm, light headed, giddy? A little flushed I suppose and, of course, I can't seem to stop myself from urinating," John said. "We've got a doctor we work with on her way. She may be able to help with that," Sally noted. "OK," John said, feeling odd but not panicked. "I'm back!" Tracy said slightly out of breath walking briskly into the locker room with two large plastic bags. "John?" Tracy said. "Yes?" John said from the other side of the stall door. "John, the only place I could get clothes was from the children's department at our Super Center nearby. Trouble is, because of your size, they've got a Winnie The Pooh on them?" Tracy said cringing at the reaction she was sure to get. "That's OK! Mom shops there as well! Most of my stuff has something on them at first. She just takes the decorations off. Could be worse," John said. "How so?" Tracy said not sure what John meant. "Could have had one of the Disney Princesses on them? She did that one time when someone put a pair of girl's overalls in the rack with the boy's," John said snickering. "Got it! Very funny!" Tracy said then looked at Sally with a sympathetic shrug. John had no idea that his joke wasn't so funny, nor what he was in for. That look passed between the two women as Tracy opened the bag of pull ups. "John, I'm going to hand these clothes through the door. OK?" Sally said taking the tee shirt, pants, socks and shoes as Tracy helped pull the manufacturing labels off. The Winnie The Poo was sewn on so that would have to stay for now. "I don't think I'm going to be able to get dressed yet. Can't seem to stop myself from going to the bathroom," John said in frustration. "I know! John I'm going to hand in something first that's going to at least allow you to get dressed," Sally said. "Great!" John said as the door opened a few inches. Sally laid the shoes and socks on the floor then handed in the pull-up disposable diaper Tracy handed her. Sally had pointed at the night time pull ups to open first. The pull ups were not nearly as thick as the disposable diapers. Those were thicker. Far thicker. "That's... That's a diaper?" John said in a kind of shocked whisper. "A pull-up! I know, but for right now it's about the best we can do. At least it will get you off that seat," Sally said. "It's a diaper!" John said in frustration. "I know and I'm sorry!" Sally said trying to sound sympathetic. "Great!" John said taking the slightly thick spongy white pair of pants from Sally who immediately handed in the overalls. John flushed the toilet again and said, "OK, hold on to those for a second." Sally heard that slightly distinct crinkling sound as the toilet John flushed again, grew silent. "OK, ready for the clothes!" John said and quickly added, "Just hand them in and don't look!" "No problem. Here you go!" Sally said handing John his tee shirt first. She'd just realized that he'd have to put the tee-shirt on first. The overalls went next. "Damn!" John said after a few minutes. "What?" Sally said. "I just went again and I have the overalls on!" John said. "They've got buttons!" Tracy said. "What?" John asked. "Your overalls! They've got buttons around the legs. I went and changed them for that style when Sally called me about your kidney or bladder problem," Tracy said. "Now that was thoughtful!" John said sarcastically before adding, "Can I get another one of those things then... you know, for my bladder problem?" "Need a wipe?" Sally asked as she worked at the baby wipe container so it would open and pop up a baby wipe. "Yes, I guess. This is pretty embarrassing," John said in a voice full of frustration. "Don't let it bother you! Here you go!" Sally said handing the container in, then another diaper. There were fifteen in the package of pull ups, fifteen in the night time diapers. Both women looked at the package wondering how long before John went through them. "John?" Sally said. "Yes!" John said in between grunting sounds. "You might want to hold off changing right away after this. Just so you can come out of there!" Sally said. "Yes, I know! I was just thinking about that. I'd spend most of my time changing," John said as Sally listened again to the soft crinkling sound of John's fresh diaper. "I'm warning you, anyone laughs and I sue them!" John said sarcastically but with a light hearted voice. "Promise not to!" Sally said. "Ditto!" Tracy said. They almost did smile given how cute John looked in his dark purple overalls with Winnie The Pooh so predominately on the front. His light lavender tee shirt was matched to the overalls as a set and it looked almost like a long dress since John hadn't closed the buttons after changing his diaper. "They didn't have blue as in blue for boys?" John asked. "Not in those overalls, but I did get them in the boy's section. I was worried that with those diapers... I mean pull-ups that nothing else would fit," Tracy said fighting the urge to hug him. He looked so damn cute in that outfit, and Tracy couldn't help but notice that puffy bottom as Sally bent to close the buttons that circled the inside of his legs. She envied Sally that task. "OK, Dr. Madden is on the way!" Ms. Ash said coming in and seeing John. She fought her own smile as she said, "How are you feeling?" "Like a damn kid!" John said and added, "A very young kid!" "Problems?" Ms. Ash asked seeing the diapers on the bench between the pink lockers. "Bladder!" Sally said. "Got it!" Ms. Ash said deciding it was best to hold back that conversation she wanted for curiosities sake and find something positive to speak about. "John, listen, I'm accepting full responsibility for this and I'm not going to litigate against this at all. I just want you to know that. You decide what you feel is fair and just and I'll cover it. I'll do what has to be done. I'll cover it out of pocket if need be. If you want, I'll work with a lawyer if need be. However you want to handle this is the way it gets handled. "Obviously I'm also assuming all of your expenses whatever they are and consider yourself on full pay during your leave of absence. And just so you know, I also found out that it was one of our technicians in our control room who thought she heard the OK to resume mixing. She's been walked. The lid, of course, was open. I'm so very sorry for this?" Ms. Ash said sounding completely sincere. "It's OK! It was an accident and nothing more, but thank you!" John said and added with a smile, "So, boss! Can I have the rest of the day off? I don't want to work and ruin this new outfit of mine?" "You really are a piece of work! I'm very glad to have met you!" Ms. Ash said and added with a laugh, "And yes, you may take the rest of the day off." "Thanks and likewise, I'm glad to meet you!" John said taking her hand and as he did so added, "Oh oh!" No one needed an explanation for what that meant since everyone was looking at John's face when he said it. "So now what do we do?" John asked ignoring the discomfort he suddenly felt. It took him a second to realize the diaper was taking care of the "leak". "Now we decide on how to best take care of this?" Ms. Ash said. "Take care of this? You mean as in Me?" John asked and added, "Am I in trouble? I mean medically?" "Yes and no!" Ms. Ash said and then, a bit more softly noted, "But, no matter what, you will get through this and I promise you that." "So I'm guessing it's going to get a little feminine around here?" John asked. "You know?" Helen asked. "Can't help but know. I just got soaked in feminine stuff so I'm guessing that's the direction I'm heading," John said. "Yes, unfortunately we don't know to what degree and like I noted, most all of it will reverse itself once you're clean of the chemicals. The doctor should be able to tell us more," Sally noted optimistically. "Good enough!" John said before he paused and asked, "OK if I call my mom?" "Of course!" Ms. Ash said as she pointed to the door. "My office." "She's going to be happy." John said. "How so?" Ms. Ash asked. "Female hormones! I've got two older sisters! She was always a little sad that she couldn't use all of those hand me downs," John said laughing. "All?" Ms. Ash asked snickering as she asked sarcastically and feeling better over this humorous exchange, "So you're saying she used some of them?" "With two sisters and given my size, yes, Halloweens did get a bit odd at times," John said laughing as everyone filed out of the locker room. Tracy went back to the factory floor to supervise the clean up, and Nurse Sally Ann returned to her office leaving John and Helen Ash alone. John's mother was on the way, concerned that John wasn't telling her everything. She promised not to mention any of this to John's father before hanging up the phone. John's mother Rose met Dr. Madden and another woman in the outer office at the same time and got to hear first hand what John was going to go through. John, to his credit, sat there listening to the dialog passively, calmly. That other woman, Dr. Julie Hawthorn, a psychologist was called by Dr. Madden. Dr. Julie Hawthorn specialized in the transgendered or more specifically male to female transsexuals and was Dr. Madden's best choice. No one knew more about female hormones used by men than she did. Julie didn't say much but did observe John intently and covertly making mental notes as the conversation covered what John could expect. He was looking at about six weeks, maybe eight of some seriously raging hormones or about the worse case of puberty anyone could imagine. Mostly that of a girl the doctor said without pulling too many punches. Julie had suggested Dr. Madden be as honest as she could. Dr. Hawthorn would take care of the mental anguish if any and to whatever degree transpired. There were similar cases whereby boys who suffered castration, accidental or otherwise, or some kind of medical problem that sometimes put them on the other side of the gender line without a desire to be there. John, Dr. Hawthorn noted, could take it and she cited his size as an advantage in this case. A boy growing up with John's physical attributes is already considered on that other side as it were. John already had a life time of dealing with those feminine perceptions and at first blush Dr. Hawthorn gave him and his mother a lot of credit for his attitude. John would start to feel some of those changes right away and those diapers he was wearing would not be short term. Partly because Dr. Madden suggested about twice the water he needed per day to keep his kidneys and liver flushed. She also didn't want him straining to hold it in so diapers, she said, would be a good idea and take care of that. John, because of the heavy doses of hormones, would also take on a more feminine appearance as his epidermal became more feminine. Not instantly but fairly soon she said. His fatty cells would increase water retention, and his muscle mass would decrease slightly. The fatty tissue would change faster than the muscles. John would also gain some amount of fatty distribution changes in his body mostly around his hips and thighs. Sadly, there would also be breast. Breast proportional to his size, and it would follow his mother's breast size on the genetic side, so he could expect, relative to his size, at least a small "A" or perhaps even a "B" cup size. For John an "A" would be about normal if he was a girl. John's pores would grow smaller and denser as his skin fat took on water, giving him even more of a female appearance. This would grow more pronounced as his face softened and as it lost body hair. However, the hair on his head would continue to grow and most likely increase at the rate of a half inch per day. About twice what a boy's did. So too his finger nails and to some degree he'd see more softening of his lips and cheeks. The only serious medical risk was too much too soon as the doctor noted. His heart, kidneys and liver would be banged around a lot over the next few weeks but as the hormones diminished so would the risk. He was young and fit and they would monitor his vitals on a routine basis. All it all it was going to be a rough ride but the ride had an end. In a worse case scenario they could use a dialysis machine to wash his blood. Most of what was going to happen to him would reverse itself in a few months but not all of it, Dr. Madden noted telling him that the breast might remain as would his hips. Cosmetic surgery, if it was needed, could take care of most of it. The loss of his body hair would be not be recoverable because the follicles were being burned away by the type of hormone he was taking. As for his brain he was going to have some pretty wild mood swings and some of that because his body was going to try and act like a girl's. He would experience, without the physical problems associated with girls, a menstrual cycle of sorts. He would, according to Dr. Madden, have a period, but mostly only the sense of it since he didn't have the plumbing. The conversation and questions took nearly an hour in Ms. Ash's office and the worse of it came at the end. The worse came when John was told that because of the levels of hormones in his body he would suffer some amount of "chemical castration". How much wasn't clear but there was that risk and Dr. Madden wanted him to know it all. Dr. Madden, after talking with Julie, suggested John stay at her clinic. The Hawthorn Clinic was the best equipped to handle the changes about to start in John. This would be better instead of Ms. Ash's house, for the next couple of months. The clinic specialized in male to female transsexuals. There were a lot of boys there going through what John was going through. Dr. Hawthorn took up the conversation then. John in essence, and for all intents and purposes, was a male to female transsexual. Not really, obviously, but he was going to go through the same sorts of things. With that noted at least at the clinic, which specialized in such things, John would be among those very same types of people. He would also have access to the best medical care, as well as Dr. Hawthorn's full support. All in all, everything that could be done would be done! John had that going for him when he hugged Ms. Ash goodbye and there was a lot of laughter then when John suggested to his mother that she was finally going to get her wish. Now, at least, he could wear all of those hand me downs that filled the attic. Dr. Hawthorn noted that exchanged curiously. Mostly she noted the look on John's mother's face. John's mother, Julie noted, was definitely, and obviously, not against such a notion. John and his mother had driven to the clinic together talking about what was going to happen and what might happen. Some of it about his father who wouldn't understand a bit of it other than his son was more of a sissy than he was before this. The image of him becoming even more feminine or female filled him with dread concerning his father. John's mother decided she was going to tell John's father that John was moving into his own place. She would tell his sisters the truth and if it was OK they would most likely want to visit. The only thing she did promise was not mentioning anything about the diapers to his step sister Katie. Katie had been incontinent for a time and wore diapers to bed and on occasion to school years ago. She would definitely tease John since John spent a great deal of time back then teasing her. John had worn one of those diapers and her plastic pants for Halloween one year. It was under one of her toddler dresses. He had spent the next few months regretting that costume. He didn't want to go through that sort of thing again and he knew Katie would take advantage of his current dilemma or so he told his mom. John's mother had smiled sympathetically. The clinic was as close to perfect as John could imagine if he wanted privacy and nice surroundings. It was styled after a southern mansion right down to the two story columns that glistened bright white in the moonlight. It sat in park like surroundings past a large stone wall and iron gate. Most everyone was asleep when John arrived and joined up with Dr. Hawthorn. There was a brief discussion between John and Dr. Julie Hawthorn just prior to going in and mostly for the other transsexuals staying there. John agreed to at least pretend he was a newly arrived transsexual going by the name of Mary Ann. The name Mary Ann was taken after John's cousin. John, or rather Mary Ann, would meet the "girls" in the morning at breakfast. There were ten "girls" staying at the clinic at that moment. John's room was decidedly meant for a girl as Julie flipped a light switch on and went through his accommodations. She laid one of the packages on his bed as he did the other. In those packages were his diapers and wipes and he was definitely ready for a change. His mother had promised to bring a few things by in the morning as she stood there admiring his new room. It was a cute room his mother decided. John thanked Julie, hugged his mother twice and headed for the shower following their good night kisses. It had to be one of the longest days in John's life and the shower felt wonderful before he decided to change it to a bath. There were four different kinds of bubble bath including some very dainty soaps mixed with rolled face clothes in a wicker basket. Decorations in most houses as John picked up a bar of soap. John's accommodations had the feel of a bed and breakfast as he sprinkled a nice baby powder scented fragrance into the hot water. There had been baby powder in the bag but he hadn't discovered that until he went off into Ms. Ash's private bathroom with the bag holding the night time diapers. A nice touch that he took advantage of when he found that Johnson's and Johnson's in the bag with his wipes and diapers. No one, not even his mother knew about Katie and his dress up games, John mused, as he stepped into the thick diaper following his bubble bath and excessive powdering. John and his mother had moved into the Tween house just before Mark's mother was to be married. A casual exploration of that house, by Mark, uncovered Katie's diapers and plastic pants and the fact that she had wet her bed almost to the age of seven. Luckily it was John's step sister Katie herself who found him that day laying on the attic floor pinning himself into one of her diapers. Finding John like that fostered very fond memories for Katie and before long, albeit reluctantly at first, she insisted John be her little baby doll. Katie three years older than John took him places, in that attic. Places that made him sometimes forget that boys his age don't wear frilly dresses and diapers under ruffled panties. John was remembering those days fondly, in the darkness of his room, when a soft knock shook him from his fantasy. Fortunately the fright of perhaps getting caught playing with himself in a diaper took care of the obvious when he cleared his throat to ask who it was. It was Julie and she brought him something he might want to sleep in and perhaps wear for the morning meal. It was a bit frilly and she apologized for that but it was also something he might fit into and provide some cover for the diapers he still had to wear. John was looking at a bed jacket and baby doll top and bottom. The bed jacket was a pink quilted nylon with a single ribbon tie at the neck and three quarter length sleeves. It would serve John as a robe in the morning. The baby doll top was short enough for her but long enough for him that it would serve as a nightgown. The panties, if he wore them over his diaper, would at least cover the white of that diaper, Julie noted. John thanked her, said goodnight again and was in the baby doll and panties within an instant of closing the door. Two layers of light pink nylon covered him. A few minutes later John fought back the moan that welled up in his throat and a few seconds after that he fell back happily. He was beside himself over the events of that day and those seconds just now as he closed his eyes. Julie, brushing her hair at her vanity, smiled over the thoughts she was having of her newest patient. John, she mused, was definitely a cross dresser and perhaps even a transsexual. She knew that without a doubt. He was too casual about some of this. On the Benjamin scale for transsexuals John was most likely a type 4 or non surgical. Of course it was too soon for a diagnosis but there were signs. Julie also suspected a diaper fetish of some sort given that distinct baby powder smell and the powder on his fingers when he came out of Ms. Ash's bathroom. There was also that guilty look on his face just now so she assumed she'd interrupted his play. Fortunately it made the outlook for John somewhat brighter in her eyes. John was, she believed, far too pretty to be a boy anyway. Her smile grew slightly wider as she realized she had an erection. "Well hello there! Been a long time since I've seen you!" Julie said moving her left hand to her baby doll bottoms and another to the right side of her top. She too was a Type 4 Transsexual. "So is he OK?" Katie asked after her step mother had called telling her about John's accident. John's mother was in the kitchen so she didn't disturb her husband Mark and he didn't hear any of this. "He's doing fine! No, better than fine! I think this is one of those blessings in disguise," John's mother said although she added, "He is going to have a tough time of it so if you can it would be nice you visit." "Blessing as in him becoming a girl?" Katie asked understanding what her mother meant. "Yes!" John's mother said. "I agree!" Katie said. "So, you going to go with me?" John's mother asked. "Are you kidding! I wouldn't miss this for the world. Gosh, I'm going to come over early tomorrow and go through some of those things in the attic. You haven't thrown out or given any of my baby clothes away have you? Katie asked. "Good heavens no. I'm not sure John has actually played with those things anymore, but then again, I wasn't sure back then either, so I've kept everything that was up there," Rose said. "Wonderful. There are a few things that I know he'd love although he's not going to admit it. I'll bring a bag for him," Katie said. "Well, give it to him discreetly when you get there, because I still don't think he knows that I know!" Rose said. "I'll do that! You calling Kathy? Or would you like me to?" Katie asked. "I'll call her right now!" Rose said before blowing a kiss over the phone to her youngest step daughter. Kathy was in the service and wouldn't make it home for a while. She promised to call John the first chance she got once she had his number. Meanwhile, right after arriving, Katie was in the attic going through that box of "play clothes". She had grabbed a pink gym bag from home and was neatly filling it with some of the things she and John played in. She had loved being his mommy and he had loved being her baby doll. After a fashion she thought with a smile. There was a decision made after John's mother fought with herself over what to bring. At first she headed right for John's room and was about to gather his things when she stopped. She joined Katie in the attic and before long John had another bag of clothes, none of which was his, or hadn't been. Katie helped with the selections telling her which of those was his favorites and which would be cute to simply dress in. Meanwhile John was just coming out of his room as his mother and sister left their house. The large dining area, John entered, was very animated as ten girls and four staff members shared small talk between buttering toast, pouring milk or juice and serving up breakfast. Julie was behind him for moral support and admired the cute way her bed jacket served him as a robe. She also admired the fluffy fresh diaper he wore peeking from the hem. His baby doll nightgown and matching panties hid the obvious but then again she knew he was diapered and didn't have a bottom that big. "Girls, this is Mary Ann! Mary Ann, from left to right that's Barbette, Daisy, Daniel, Adeline, Barbara, Heather, Elena, Georgia, Elaine and Sabrina. Over on this side is our staff, Tammy-Lynn, Florence, as in Nightingale, another Heather and Emma. Mary Ann is going to be a guest here for a time," Julie noted. Everyone said hi and Barbette, almost as small, said she envied Mary Ann her size. Barbette was wearing a Disney Princess nightgown clearly meant for a little girl and John smiled at that. Barbette smiled as well and a slight bit of energy passed between them without either understanding it. John as Mary Ann took a place at the table as did Julie, and breakfast eased back to normal. No one asked the obvious because there was an unwritten rule about such things outside of group meetings. What you told of yourself was given in private and dependent on what you wanted to tell. This was a halfway house of sorts and each girl, when they left, left as girls. What brought them there was often kept between themselves and Dr. Hawthorn. John felt the first pangs of change that night and it grew. Not so much pain, but discomfort as his body fought to keep up with the demands of his hormones. "I'm having cramps!" John said when Julie had asked after his health. Julie suspected what it was but kept it to herself saying she'd mention it to the doctor when she got here. A woman, very motherly looking and introduced as Hazel, sat a large glass of water in front of John as well as a pitcher. A note from Julie, left on the counter, told her he was to have at least one full glass of water every hour on the hour. John took up the water first and drank his fill leaving him little appetite for the rest of his breakfast. Breakfast was nearly done when John's mother and his step sister Katie came in. Visiting hours wasn't until noon and on, but this was an exception for the house Julie explained to the girls who went off to dress and start their chores. All of the house work was done by the girls under the supervision of Hazel. "Boy am I glad to see you!" John said hugging his mother and his sister. "Hey sport!" Katie said hugging him affectionately as she whispered, "Brought you something!" "What?" John asked. "You got a room?" Katie asked. "Yes!" John said. "Then let's go there!" Katie said as John's mother handed Katie the bag she was holding and took a cup of coffee from Hazel. She had said yes to that offer of coffee right after coming into the house. Julie stood alongside with her own cup as the two siblings went up the steps. "He's so damn cute as a girl!" John's mother said. "We should talk about that for a few minutes at least," Julie said inviting Rose to sit. Meanwhile Katie was happily pulling things from that pink gym bag and John knew why she'd wanted to do this in his room. "I can't wear those!" John said feeling flush. It was Katie's cloth diapers and plastic pants and only the pink ones. There were two other pair with ruffles and one pair laced around the legs. The diapers had soakers as well. "Yes you can! Mom told me you're already wearing diapers so it's even better since you need them now," Katie said as she continued pulling things out. A sandwich bag held diaper pins and all of them meant for a girl. There was a box of ribbons and bows for a toddler plus a pacifier she teased into his mouth. John removed it twice before finally leaving it in. He remembered that pink nylon onesie and the one piece soft baby blanket footed pajamas. Katie had even included that small soft doll she made him hold when they played, as well as Ms. Teddy the bear along with her or rather his pink baby blanket. There were two baby bottles and a rattle when she reached the end of it. "Come on, I haven't changed your diaper in a long time!" Katie said patting the fluffy thick cotton she'd opened on the bed. She was adding a soaker when she turned and said with a slight grin, "Come on baby, let mommy diaper you!" His reluctance was short lived as Katie patted the front of the diaper he wore reminding him that he once liked it. John removed his nightgown and robe to his diaper as his sister gently teased and tickled him to the bed. His diaper was wet when it came off. "Such a pretty baby!" Katie said pouring baby oil onto her hand. John was brought to a blissful state as Katie slowly teased him to a climax. She had always been agonizingly slow when she did this and John moved his hips trying to speed things up a bit. It hadn't worked then and wasn't going to work now as Katie played at her own speed. "My little sissy baby still likes his play time doesn't he?" Katie said watching the pacifier move more intently. John's legs were stiffening and his hips rose slightly as Katie moved just a tiny bit faster. John didn't answer, but couldn't and a second later didn't need to. A baby wipe gave him a pleasurable shock as Katie began to clean him before his baby powder. "I didn't realize how much I've missed this!" Katie said as she rubbed baby powder between John's legs. "Me too!" John said as his breathing slowed almost back to normal. He watched the thick diaper come up between his legs and smiled when Katie chose the pink bunnies on the diaper pins she was going to use. After those pull ups it was nice to be in that soft fluffy cotton again as John spread his legs as wide as he could. Katie chose the pink plain, almost see thought, pair of baby pants easing them over his feet and along his legs. This too was a slow process and meant to be as John lifted his hips and bottom. He moved his hand over the soft buttery plastic and felt giddy before sitting up for his clothes. "What did mom bring for clothes?" John said happily running his hand down the soft bubble gum pink of his baby pants and holding the pacifier in his hand. "I made her bring just dresses so don't get mad at her!" Katie said. "Why?" John asked feeling the first pangs of frustration. "Because, dummy as I understand it, you are about to become more girl that most girls and you're living in a house full of girls and, to put it bluntly, you like them! That's why!" Katie said tugging a little girl's slip from the bag first as she added, "Besides, I brought a couple of your favorites." Katie gathered the slip that was a very girlish vest attached to a petticoat that he had always favored. There was one dress, a light pink one made of organza and light nylon that delighted him and that followed. It had actually been Katie's favorite as well when she'd first put him into it. A sash sewn into either side was gathered and Katie fashioned that into a very wide bow. "I'm going to look a little silly wearing these things! I mean given my age!" John said but not resisting Katie's attention under and around the slips and dress. "No you're not! You are going to look just like a pretty little girl!" Katie said. "And I'm an eighteen year old boy!" John reminded her. "Was!" Katie said moving her hand over the front of John's plastic panties as she said, "Right?" "Right!" John said reacting to her attention and taking on that submissive role she insisted on when she was being the mommy. Meanwhile Rose and Julie were talking and Julie was getting some of the details of John's life at home. The diapers were definitely a fetish and that was a good thing since he'd be in them for a time. So too those little girl dresses which would get him into this scheme of things faster. John's step father wasn't unusual in the way he treated John and she could work around that in group, Julie noted. So too John's desires to be a girl if that's what his desires were. John's mother wasn't so sure about that, but Julie promised that whatever John decided she'd support it. John's mother was reluctant over bringing nothing but dresses until she saw John coming down the steps. John's little dress and slips bounced delightfully around his legs as he came down and it was clear Katie had put him into those cute little ruffled panties she once wore. There was little doubt he was diapered and most likely the cloth with a soaker given how far his bottom went out. His hair, still slightly short for a girl's, was decorated with two baby style barrettes that closed with tiny strips of Velcro instead of clips. He looked very much like a little girl with short hair and his mother's heart fluttered a little. Julie, watching John come down, whispered, "I think the issue of just having dresses for John to wear is now behind us." "I'd say so thanks to my daughter Katie!" Rose said and added wistfully, "It's so wonderful having a little girl that's never going to outgrow those cute black patent Mary Jane shoes." "Something to be said over being a little girl for the rest of your days," Julie said more to herself than to Rose. Both smiled as John exaggerated his steps so his lace socks and shoes showed when he walked as Julie whispered, "A princess on a pageant walkway!" "What?" Rose asked. "Just remembering my days when I was a little boy about that size. My mother was the worse pageant mom in the world which, for a boy that liked dresses, happened to be the best sort of mom. "You were male?" Rose asked surprised before she caught herself. "Yes!" Julie said. "Now that is surprising. You are so pretty and so feminine!" Rose noted. "Years of pageants got me past those rough edges," Julie said as she stood to greet John. Julie turned to John's mother and added, "And not ever wanting to be a boy again!" "Mary Ann, how pretty you look!" Julie said extending her hand girlishly to a very embarrassed young man. "All they brought me was girl clothes!" John said in his defense. "And I'm so very glad of that. You look adorable. Are those cloth diapers underneath?" Julie asked. "Yes!" John said blushing even more as he added, "They were my sister's once." "Good idea! I hate the whole concept of disposables!" Julie said. "Oh!" John noted before he looked at his mother. "Honey, I know this isn't what you want to hear but you are as pretty a little girl as a mother might hope for," Rose said. "Thanks mom?" John said but it didn't sound as sarcastic as he imagined. Katie was behind him and Rose got a light wink from her as her eyes went down to John's waist. "We're going to go and leave you alone for a while. Julie thinks it might be better if you had some time to meet the girls!" Rose said moving over to hug her adorable looking son and fix a baby barrette that has shifted a little. "Mom, are you comfortable with this? I mean we haven't really had a chance to talk of it much?" John said. "Sweetheart, I've been comfortable with this for some number of years now. My only concern then, as it is now, is if you are," John's mother said giving him a one armed hug around the shoulders. "What?" John said feeling the lower regions of his stomach twist a little. "For years?" John said more to himself than to her. "We'll talk more!" Rose said grabbing her purse. "Mary Ann? Mary!" Julie said breaking the spell John fell into with his mother's statement. "Wha... What? Sorry?" John said. "Mary, do you have an apron?" Julie asked. "I've got a pinafore of my sister's. It goes with this dress?" John said blushing as he realized he knew what a pinafore was and just proved it. "That's perfect! Tell you what, why don't you run and get it and go help Hazel in the kitchen. I think she has taken a liking to you anyway and she could use the help," Julie said and then added, "Are you wet?" John was going to say no, but wearing his diapers and those pla

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Hotel Chapter Three

I kicked off my shoes, and slumped into the armchair with a sigh. It felt so good to be home, it was Friday, and I was looking forward to a long work free weekend, which was something I hadn’t had in quite a while. Leaning back I took a long swallow from a chilled glass of wine and thought about the kids. Susi had moved out about a month back, got herself a decent job in the city by all accounts, and Matt was away on a last minute jaunt he’d booked for himself and his new girlfriend. I gave a...

1 year ago
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Becoming The Favorite II Henry is Horny

Introduction: Big brother finds himself addicted to the charms of little sister…and gets caught Hi, my name is Henry Harrington. Im a Sophomore in college and I have two sexy younger sisters named Emma and Elizabeth, we call her Lizzy for short. Emma is 18 and Lizzy is 16. This is my story of how things in my life went from normal to orgasmic in the blink of an eye, and then a certain complication threatened it all. I always tried to be a good big brother and look out for my sisters, but I...

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Those Soapy Executive Massages for Men

In 1982, I moved to Tokyo to live and work for several years and began to learn as much Japanese language as I could, as well as try to navigate through Japanese behavior and lifestyle. At that point in my life, I had not been introduced to the pleasures of Japanese boys and/or men, so my journey began.One evening after work, I navigated my way to the gay section of Shinjuku, one of the major neighborhoods of Tokyo. It was a jumble of tiny, messy streets, neon signs and mostly men who had come...

1 year ago
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Sex in the 5th Dimension

May 1986 Ruth E. and I have been invited by the local television station to come down to the launch of a traveling exhibition being held in town. The exhibition is a celebration of a particular television program whose longevity and creativity have made it an icon around the world. We are invited inside the exhibition’s spacious and luxurious RV to wait for the guests of honor to arrive. We make small talk and try to ignore the sexual tension in the room that always seems to pervade our time...

First Time
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Beer vs Vagina

1. Beer is always wet. Vagina needs a little work. One point to BEER 2.Warm beer tastes awful. One point to VAGINA3.A really cold beer is satisfying. One point to BEER4.If after taking a swig of your favourite beer you find a hair between your teeth, you may vomit. One point to VAGINA5. If you get home reeking of beer your wife may get mad, make a scene, kick you out, etc. If you get home reeking of vagina your wife may get mad, kick you out, even leave you. There's definitely a point to be had...

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Bhabi Ki Pyari Bhen K Saath Enjoy Kiya

Hii dear firiend my self sunny m firom himachal….. But now liv in chandigarh and ropar because of my job.. M engineer I m 25 year old Dekhne me average hu ye to nahi bolu ga ki bhut jada handsome he hu but itna bolu ga k mere sath ladki jaldi set ho jati h…. Mere dick ka size 6′ hai or kafi mota hai bse maine kbhi maapa nahi hai. Ye to meri into the now mai apni sex partner k bare me btata hu jiske uper ye story h. Uska naam sheena hai ( name changed) she is also firom himachal. Vo meri bhabi...

1 year ago
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Spiritual UnionChapter 4

My chest hurt. I felt constrained, almost bound in fact. The place felt familiar, but there was something odd, something old about it. " ... buki..." the soft sound of a female voice floated through my mind. It was very familiar, part of an endearment. I knew this, but I didn't know why. I tried to concentrate, but the tightness in my chest seemed to amplify. I was on my knees. I could feel the wood beneath them, could hear the soft sounds of the ocean. A soft smell of the sea, and of a...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 11 A Dirty Filthy Motherfucking Assfucking Whore

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...

3 years ago
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My Sister Introduced Me Into The Heavenly World Of Sex

Hello everyone this is my third time I am narrating my personal experiences at iss. I belong to a middle class family and we use to live in small house with 3 rooms, in one room my parents use to sleep and in another we all siblings use to sleep. It all started when I was in my high schools. I will briefly describe about my family I am the only son and I have to sisters both are older to me; one sister is 5yrs older to and another 2 years older to me. Shortly I will describe about how I was...

2 years ago
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My GirlsChapter 3

After I cried myself out, I began to think about what I had seen and what it meant. I now knew why Cindi had been acting so strange. She no longer wanted me to touch her - I couldn't blame her for shying away from all men, even though it hurt to be classed with those animals. But maybe I should be, after enjoying what I had seen. Let me be perfectly clear on this point - I was not turned on at all by the fact that she was forced and raped. I was glad that it still horrified me - I don't...

3 years ago
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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 18 LeavingJudgment

Eigis woke up about an hour later. He was not surprised to find himself lying in his own bed. The last thing he remembered – surely that had been a dream. It had been so bizarre and wonderful, all at once. All of the walls in the dungeon, simply crumbling to dust, and then – her. So similar to Hiryu, smelling just as delicious, and then – she’d done something. Oh yes, she stroked his throat, just under his chin. It had felt wonderful. Surely it had been a dream... Smiling to himself and...

4 years ago
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Bua8217s Boobs

Hi Friends, My name is Rohit. I am 5’7″ in height and a guy with a cock of 6.5″ in length and  2.5″ in thickness. Let me Introduce my bua; she is 45 years of age now. But, her figure can stun anyone. I die on her 34 sized boobs which look like big melons. She usually stays without bra. I mean only blouse, petticoat and saree. Not even panties are there. Whenever I see her I get turned on and my dick starts to cry out for her hot body and sexy pussy. And there is a big cleavage between her heavy...

3 years ago
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His Best Friends DaughterPart II Consummation

His Best Friend’s Daughter-Part II: Consummation When we last left John he had arrived at his best friend’s private villa in Alcudia, Majorca. His good friend Patrick’s sixteen-year-old daughter Gabby had subjected John to days and days of teasing and flirtatious play leading up to this family get-away. Patrick and his stunning wife Katherine, together with the beguiling efforts of Gabby, had enticed John to join them for the holiday since they had an available guesthouse. John was lying on the...

1 year ago
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Kinkiness Of A Pervert Mind 8211 Part 1

Hello… I am Akash from a small town in West Bengal.This is a story on my life.It was 2007 when I first met her.Never forgot her since then.The appointment was barely for half an hour which proved to be a platonic love for me.As being a natural immature stud, a plump body ,no job in hand as i was pursuing my B.Tech from a Govt college, also for several reasons I was rejected with no mercy.Being immature I pleaded her no to go away ,as I realized in that very first moment that She was the One. It...

4 years ago
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Peeping Girl

Now before I start, you may wonder why Peeping Girl.  Well, what would you call a girl who loves to watch other people doing naughty things to each other, a female peeping Tom? The answer is simple. I get off on every opportunity to watch couples, or any other combination of people, or any single person doing anything sexy. It started as any other of my obsessions, a mindless walk through the park, usually during the day time, since this area isn’t located in the best of neighborhoods. On this...

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Farm House Humiliation

I am continuing the story of Rani and Sita the sisters in the farm house who loved to get me naked for them. For new readers, read the past happening in the Naked on the River Bed ( part 1 ) and Farm house Naked ( Part 2). Rani and Sita were both waiting for every opportunity to force me get naked. To their luck their parents left for the neighbouring village and we 3 were alone. I was in the room upstairs. No sooner did they said good bye to their parents, they came in locked the house door...

2 years ago
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My voyeuristic tendencies

My voyeuristic instincts must have taken over because I found myself moving over to the door to listen better. I put my ear near the door and listened to what was definitely the sound of a woman enjoying sex. I listened for a minute or two and began to move away feeling somewhat guilty for intruding on their private moment.It was then that I noticed there was a crack between the door and the frame. Well I had come this far. I put my eye to the crack. As luck would have it I was looking directly...

3 years ago
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From the outside, the squat was really no different from all the other houses that Janine and Edie had passed as they made their way from the tube station through the North London streets to the address they had been given. Perhaps it was slightly more dilapidated, but in the early evening dusk every house had a general air of dinginess, not improved by the rubbish blown along by the autumn breezes and the battered cars parked badly on the kerbside. But the evident proof that this was where the...

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Break Every Rule

You break every rule you have by letting them both in the apartment at once, but you don't care. You have more important things on your mind. They stand one behind and one in front. They kiss you. Caress you. Their hands are all over you, and you love it. You wriggle in their embrace, tickled by their fingertips and the tingle between your legs. The shorter man behind you is stocky and strong. He smells of the ocean, of oil and sweat. He's dressed in jeans and a nice shirt. You really only...

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Spending Summers With the Cuzzins Part 2

...Part 2: With Pleading Eyes...Carl waited for my response after giving me little choice but to accept his offer. In the brief moment leading up to my response I was thinking back to how things went down the last time he made the same request. It was the first and only time I had ever gone through with it so far. In fact, the topic hadn't even been brought up again for almost an entire year, until he asked me again today......It happened for the first time last summer in late July and it was...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 33

Inside the club was dim and quiet, with tasteful jazz playing in the background. It was early in the evening yet, and there were only three people inside: the bartender — a petite, curvy brunette with big brown eyes — and two customers, one at the bar and one at a table. The one at the bar was a tall, willowy, elegant-looking blonde and the other customer was athletic-looking black woman with dreadlocks.Jessica led Jane to a large table in the corner and signaled to the bartender, who...

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MomPOV Livia Sexy Country Cougar Trying Porn

– 59yrs old cougar MILF – Is an old fashioned country living type of woman – Never thought she would do porn but figured why not – She is married and her husband is fully supportive of this – He wished her good luck on the way out the door – They have been married for 20yrs and have tried swinging – She is very sexually active for her age – She likes all men, younger and older – Loves anal sex, took it in her ass this shoot – Very sexy with a body, nice big boobs and a great ass – She spread...

3 years ago
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Bobbies Story Part 5

Bobbies Story Part 5 When we go home my parents wasted no time having me wash all the clothes from the two weeks. I was dusting the house between loads of clothes. By 8:30pm I was very tired and went to sleep without any problem. The next morning was Saturday, My father was away from work for two weeks, so he went to work to check on things. My brother and sister were out with their friends. My mother came into my room and woke me up at about 8:30am. "Come on Bobbie," she said,...

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The Great DepressionChapter 7

A few months after her husband's death, Elizabeth had sold Sara, their horse. Sara was worth much more than the meager twenty dollars that she got for her, but she needed the money and had no choice on the matter. She tried to sell the carriage along with Sara, but Mr. Golden who bought the horse was not interested in the carriage since he already had one. From that day on, Elizabeth and her son had to walk whenever they had to go to Norwidge. But the town was just half a mile away and a lot...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 430 42000 Marks We Go Clothes Shopping

Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...

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The Curse Of Lust

You wake up surrounded in darkness. You're dripping wet, and can hear the ocean waves. Sand is matted all over your skin and tattered clothes. What happened? you ask yourself. Trying to think back you realize two things. You can only remember your name, John and vaguely something about a curse. "What the hell is going on?" you say out loud, starting to sit up. You immediately drop back down, your side has been torn open by something jagged, probably the rocks, you muse. You hear rapid footsteps...

1 year ago
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Wild Experience With A Hot Mother

It was beginning of a normal usual busy day, when school session start and often it is not easy for toddlers to go back to school after such a long vacation. I am Dean and founder of this school and board member of committee as well. As I was going through my welcome speech for student’s welcome in the parking, I was interrupted by screaming and yelling of a kid, barely 5 year old while her mother was trying hard to console him to go inside the school premises. Being a divorcee since a long...

4 years ago
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Life Changes Chapter Three

Previously: Mike moved to New Orleans following a divorce decision. His new roommate, Luke, said he was gay. His first morning at the house Mike engaged in some homoerotic teasing with Luke, who invited him to a party that night. Mike learned that the dress code was underwear or nude. “I didn’t bring a bathing suit,” I told him. Brett laughed. “You won’t need one. The few who don’t swim naked go in their underwear. It’s a blast.” I drove to Luke’s house and parked on the street. We would have...

Gay Male
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Wife Confessions Cheating

I knew when I got married to my husband that it wasn’t going to be easy. He is a business man, one who has to travel a lot. I understood, I knew that I would be spending a lot of time alone. But, then again, so was he, or so I thought. I met Brian at a bar, where I had seen him many times. When I finally got the courage to talk to him, he told me he was just recently divorced. His wife couldn’t take the constant being alone all the time. She packed her bags and never looked back. I didn’t...

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My cousins cousin0

I just turned 17 and I was visiting my uncle P and my 2 cousins Cb(male 13) Ilane(11) in Johannesburg this was another party holiday with a twist. 17 feels the same as 16,15,14 nothing changes my manhood got bigger more hair but that is that....i went to visited and I just wanted to get away from all the Rugby and the town... walking in there home I greeted every one and (yes saw my cousin was wearing a bra at 11)(a story for later) there I saw a girl 17 years old with the name...

3 years ago
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Awesome Tuition Teacher

Hello everyone this is my first story in ISS. My name is Aston and I have long been a fan of this site and have read many stories. I masturbated too many stories and I am sure I am not the only one! So coming to my story it is a semi-fictional which I hope had come true. This happened when I was in school about 18 years of age. I just discovered the pleasures of gals and used always look at their boobs whenever I had chance. In those days I was sent to tuition so that I do not fall behind in...

2 years ago
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Lonesome Willow Ranch

Marina and I have been seeing each other for a week. I have learned about why she left Russia, seeking to make more money outside Russia. She is well-educated, but did not have access to a wide-ranging job market. Jobs in which she could put her skills to use are abundant outside Russia. She had a desire to see and experience the customs and traditions of a new culture. Russian men lack chivalry, they treat their Russian women with indifference or disinterest. Russian men are inclined to...

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A wonderful gift

One morning Mother asked me to accompany her to the market. There was a Lot of shopping to do and she could not possibly carry it all back alone. We Had almost completed all the shopping when an incident occurred that was Going to change a lot of things in my life. A bunch of loafers had been sitting on a rock and ogling at Mother while she Made some purchases at the butcher’s shop. Mother always has been quite an Eyeful, and turned heads wherever she went, but these guys went beyond the Limits...

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Sex With Hot Neighbor Aunty Rehana And Her Daughters

Rehana (42yrs) Aunty is our neighbor since I was a child. Her husband died in a road accident and she brought up her two daughters all by her own. She has figure of 36-32-38. She was a very good friend of my mother. She used to spend lots of time at my house talking with my mother. This incident happened when my parents had to go for a marriage for 10 days in our village. My parents did not take me as I would miss school and it was my important year. So they told me to stay with Rehana Aunty....

4 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 2

"Got you now, you thieving bastard. I fucking knew it." The muscle-bound man pounded the keyboard triumphantly, freezing the offending image on the large monitor in front of him. He rubbed his eyes wearily. Sometimes, being head of security was a real bitch. But after more than five hours of pouring over surveillance footage, he had finally found the proverbial smoking gun. As he stood and stretched, the man known as Max the Enforcer looked around the small, windowless room. He liked the...

3 years ago
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First Time In My Friends Birthday Party

Hello, this is taslim (name change) about me I am an average guy 6ft 2 inch tall guy who loves matured women and if any aunties from guwahati would like to chat with me through mail I am available for you all. So before starting let me tell you something. This is my first story in the iss so I hope you all like it and if not please send in your queries to my email I ‘d which is ‘’. So let me start the story. As it was my best friend adil’s 23th birthday and as always I was invited for birthday...

2 years ago
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Sierra Pt 5 No sex in this one

When I left that morning, I felt warm and cared for. Sierra and I were really becoming intimate and not just lustful. When I wasn't with her, I was thinking about her. I never thought I could feel this way about anyone but a biological female. But, I was and I felt weird in a way and so comfortable in another way. She did things that showed me that she cared like making breakfast and my lunch and then coming to my work and basically marking her territory, lol. BUT, some of her comments or...

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Retirement Community Neighbors

“Do you really wanna do this,” asked the newly retired university administrator.“I think it’s a great idea,” his sister replied.“Well, let’s make it happen!”“Absolutely!”“They’re starting to board the plane. I gotta run. Love you!”“Love you too! Have fun! Take lots of pictures.”Elliott rolled his carry-on towards the line. The 58 year-old was heading to Japan for seven days and six nights. He had purchased the trip through a agency specializing in seniors’ group travel. He didn’t mind having to...

1 year ago
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TGS The Collector

The Collector Timber Grove: Story #10 By Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Reggie Peralta was sitting in a dimly lit waiting room looking rather nervous. He was beginning to think that he was getting duped, that this whole situation was some kind of elaborate joke. He was also feeling a little self conscious, as the waiting room was empty leaving him alone with the rather attractive secretary. He assumed she was Native-American, but it looked like she could be part Asian or something...

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Creating My Hot Wife 8

You might want to go back to CMHW 5 and read about Kevin's training and what he was primarily tasked with as a Seal. Once you understand how dangerous Kevin really was you might appreciate his answer when I posed these questions... "How can you stand seeing someone actually fuck Katie while you are in the room watching? I understand those fantasies really well. Ash and I do that all the time. But watching it happen in real time? Watching some schmuck aggressively take her, then his cum...

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Learning CurvesChapter 36

Phil had seen Hailey on campus in the past weeks and felt a pang even from a distance. Now that she was standing three feet in front of him he found he couldn’t do anything but look at her. He noticed the pale, gaunt face and the dark circles under her eyes first. She looked tired and Phil felt a stab of guilt. He wasn’t her only concern. She was also dealing with her mother’s actions. She wore a loose T-shirt that covered the top of her shorts so he couldn’t determine how much weight she’d...

2 years ago
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Closet Tradies Find Love

We would go down from the city on Friday evenin’s, and head back on Sunday afternoons, and we’d find a place to crash in one of the caravan parks or on the beach if it was the end of the month and we were short. I loved goin’ with him. He treated me like shit, but it beat stayin’ at home on my tod. The surfin’ almost made up for everythin’. I’d go out and for a while I had no problems, no worries. Just the sea, and the air, paddlin’ hard to catch a good break, then the magic of the slide along...

3 years ago
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Time Assassin Shanghai Red

The young naval lieutenant pushed open the red swinging doors to Shanghai Red’s, San Pedro’s most notorious bar of the thirties. Calling Shanghai Red’s the most notorious bar on Beacon Street was saying something on a waterfront street swarming with the likes of the Scuttle Butt Inn, Whispering Joe’s Joint, and the Bonanza. These were all classy dumps in a neighborhood of flophouses, bail bond offices, chop suey joints, and pawn shops. Lt. Mathew Gaffey surveyed the dim, smoke-filled bar as he...

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big black cock fantasy

One day I was working a late shift at my office, when my boss Perry came and told me that I will have to stay even more late because of some paperwork just came to me. Anyways, my boss left the building so I was practically the only person, including guards downstairs, working. In the middle of working, I just felt that I was so horny I had to fuck something. I didn't have any dildos or anything to please me that moment, except my hand. I left my work, got on internet and typed in black cock...

1 year ago
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Family Honey Gold You8217re Not Gonna Fuck My Mom Wearing Those Clothes

Honey Gold catches her Stepdad on the way out of the house wearing a old t-shirt and some jeans. Oh hell no you are not going to fuck my Mom wearing those clothes. You have to dress sexy. She decides to help Mark pick out some clothes and when he changes pants his cock comes out onto her face! What’s a girl gonna do when presented with such a cock?!? Honey sucks his cock deep and lets her fuck that shaved pussy of hers nice and hard. Guess this is good preparation for date night with her...

3 years ago
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A Perfect Life

I entered the room, the flickering candles illuminating her body. Sensual shadows and erotic curves entranced my mind. The perfume of cinnamon and nutmeg filled my senses. She moved slightly, her hands bound to the bed head, her face masked and gagged pressed to the down filled pillow. Her body curved as she knelt with her ass in the air, legs parted, cheeks firm and round. I could take my pick, and neared the edge of the bed, the height so well judged that my erect member so easily sought its...

1 year ago
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Perils of Pauline Sharp

Copyright, [email protected] Pauline Sharp. I thought to myself, why can't a grown man get his accounts right, I've been in this office for six months and not once has Barry Samuels got the figures to balance and he's an accountant, but I suppose I'll put it right and he'll get the credit, again. I was mussing over his stupidity when Valerie from over-seas banking came in to my office, she looked, well the only word for it is nervous, she sat beside me, "Pauline would you do me a...

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Dreams Do Come Truecontimued

I was placed on a bunk and the two of them continued to manipulate me, lips sucking, teeth nipping, tongues licking. The two of them took me constantly to the pinnacle of ecstasy and just before I blew my load take me back to the field of desire. I was lost in a world that had no beginning and only could come to one end, yet I was denied the pleasure of completion. My penis throbbed with anticipation only to be returned to the flaccid state of a small worm. All the while I continued stroke and...

1 year ago
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Hot Chudai With My Girlfriend Simran

Hi friends, mera nam lucky h, main chandigarh ka rehne wala hun or meri gf shimla ki h…Ye khani 4 mhine pehle ki h Meri gf ka nam simrn h wo dikhne thik thak h..Lekon uska fig. 34-28-34 kisi ko uksane ke liye kafi h..Wo meri gf 2 saal pehle bni thi..Hmari mulakat bahut km hoti thi…Uska ghr mere ghr se krib 200 km dur tha…Lekin jb b hm milte the hum ek dusro ko mja dene se nhi rukte the..Mai moka dekh ke usko boobs dwata rhta tha or wo b kch ni bolti thi,hmari bich phone me b bahut sex chats...

1 year ago
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Gay Seduction Foreplay And Defloration

Hi! Reading everyone’s stories here I am more aroused to present my own experience. This dates back to junior college days. So we are at the 4nd week of school and I am sitting at the corner row. He is next to me. Since there is a wall on my other side it is a bit shady. His legs and our bags are covering all what is underneath. We are sitting on the same bench; he on the left, I on the right. Right of me is the wall. Our legs are brushing against each other every now and then, but I am just...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 202

From a friend of J & G. The Speed of Light is 3*10^8 metres per second. What then is the Speed of Darkness? 9.58 seconds over 100 metres. One summer, the company Dave worked for transferred him to another city, and Dave was told that he had to take a new physical with the company doctor. All the tests came out fine, but the doctor remarked that Dave had the smallest dick he’d ever seen. “Do you have any difficulties with it being so small?” the doc asked. “Shit, no” Dave said. “I’ve...

4 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 54 The Nagarsquos Lusts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – The Treasure Box, Grahata Harbor “I serve Lord Kurtis,” the demon said as she glared in defiance at me, her shadowy whip in hand. “He tells me what to...

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