A Shepherd No MoreChapter 6 free porn video

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I was arranging my books and carved animal collection in my new office when I heard Joy's voice behind me.

"For exceptionally meritorious service and performance of his duties while serving as the Captain of the CSS Sacajawea, resulting in the recovery of three hundred twenty four lives."

I turned around to see my oldest daughter run her hand along the frame of the Silver Star Citation hanging on the wall behind my desk. It was good to finally have her back after her three week stint at SpaceMed U over on the Florence Nightingale.

"You did good, Dad. I'm glad you let the ladies talk you in to putting this up in here."

Joy glanced up at the ship's large new nameplate hanging high on the bulkhead that Tom handcarved out of genuine Idaho Western White Pine. "And the name change is a nice touch, too."

"The name was all Gina's doing." I couldn't help but chuckle at that memory. "The powers that be over at BuShips were getting pressure from all sorts of directions when it was revealed that the ship's name had to change. The Russians were the frontrunners, pushing for Yury Gagarin. The Germans, Indians, and Japanese, though, weren't far behind—all clamoring for their own great explorers I've never heard of. And then there was Gina." I laughed.

"What'd she do?"

"She asked me if she could send in a name, so I said sure. Lewis and Clark are big names in Idaho, so I thought, as a proud native of the state, she'd pick one of them," I shook my head, looking up at the hand carved letters. "Nope. She went with her favorite heroine—Sacagawea—originally born in what is now Lemhi County and the only reason Lewis and Clark ever made it back from their expedition alive."

"And that was it? They just went with her suggestion?"

"Oh, heavens no!" I answered with a laugh. "They didn't pay one lick of attention. Until, that is, she started her write-in campaign. She emailed anyone and everyone. I warned her not to get her hopes up but she persevered, eventually enlisting her siblings and roughly two hundred other children to do the same."

"You mean... ?" she asked, gesturing toward the door and the rest of the ship.

I nodded. "Pretty soon the media caught wind of the Miracle Children's campaign to rename their old ship and it was all over but the paperwork."

"Wow!" Joy exclaimed, a huge grin on her face. "Way to go, girl! Now I'm really impressed!"

"Yeah, she's something," I agreed proudly. "She'll probably be my boss in about ten years."

I then nodded towards the framed award. It had been nearly a month since that day. "As for the citation—like I've said before—Emma, Serena and I didn't really do much except show up with a transporter pad. The lion's share of that citation's credit goes to Janey. If it wasn't for her, there wouldn't have been any children to save."


"It's the name the ship's AI took for herself," I responded.

Janey herself chimed in from the ceiling. "From his journals, it is clear that William Clark did not normally call Sacagawea by her multi-syllabic name. Instead he gave her the nickname Janey, likely derived from the then common usage of the name Jane by military personnel as a generic reference to any female. It seemed fitting to use it."

The AI paused. "And Captain Hendricks is being overly humble. Without his decisive action, none of the children would be alive today."

"I couldn't agree more, Janey!" Joy asserted as she wrapped me up in a big hug.

About that time, however, a dark-haired cutie dashed into my office, putting a finger to her lips indicating that we needed to be quiet. I nodded and she quickly slipped past us and tucked herself under my desk.

Knowing she needed cover, I sat down in my chair and pulled it in just enough. Right as I picked up one of my PDAs and began flipping through it—Joy busied herself as well—a tall boy, maybe ten years old—I think his name was Brian—stopped at my door and glanced in, clearly looking for someone.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

He looked about some more but then shook his head and after a moment continued on down the hall.

I swear I could hear her sigh.

I pushed the chair back and gave the girl the all clear sign.

She gave me a huge grin and, like a rabbit, was out of the hole and towards the door in no time flat.

"Heather," I called quietly.

She stopped and turned her head.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked.

She got a sheepish look on her face. Fully turning around, she sauntered back until she was standing right in front of my chair, looking me in the eyes. A smile peeked out as she leaned in to give me a kiss. Then she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. "Thank you, Daddy," she whispered ever so softly in my ear.

"Any time, Princess," I whispered back.

And with that she was back out the door like a shot.

Her place, however, was taken moments later when my teary-eyed, thirty-four year old daughter—looking little more than a teenager herself—plopped down in my lap and laid her head on my shoulder. It brought back fond memories. We stayed that way for a while, quiet at first but then reminiscing about all sorts of things from her childhood.

"It's weird with you not being a chaplain or pastor anymore. Do you miss it?"

I thought about that for a few moments. "Yes and no," I replied. "I do feel sad every now and then. But, that said, I'm doing pretty important work right now—so those sad thoughts go away rather quickly. Besides, we're called to be salt and light in this world, this universe, really. I think we're doing that."

"Do you think you'll ever go back to being a pastor someday? I mean, you still believe in Jesus, right?"

I nodded. "I still believe—some days more than others—but no, my pastor days are long gone. The Apostle Paul was very specific: A pastor, if he is married, is to be the husband of but one wife. That's not me anymore."

"Well," my daughter began with smirk, "technically you're not married."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Actually, the Greek literally says that a pastor or 'overseer' is to be a 'one woman man'—so even your technicality doesn't help, though I appreciate the effort."

"Mom's miserable," she then told me, somewhat out of the blue.

"I know."

She lifted her head up and gave me a strange look.

"Oh, you mean she's miserable NOW as opposed to how she usually is," I corrected with as straight a face as I could maintain. "My mistake."

"Dad!" She protested, slapping me lightly on the chest. "I'm serious!"

"I know, Sweets, and I'm sorry," I replied.

"No you're not," she groused.

"You know me too well," I responded, lightly kissing her on the nose.

She scrunched it up and then rolled her eyes. "She was all set to move in with Mark but I guess he, Stephanie and the kids all got picked up a couple days ago. And Luke is still deployed, so now she's heading to Portland to stay with Gracie."

"I know."

"God, that's going to be awful! Poor Gracie," she continued. "Mom and her have never gotten along all that well and ... wait a minute. What do you mean 'you know'?"

I just smiled at her. "Joy, you worry too much."

"You know," she questioned matter-of-factly. Her eyes widened considerably as she recognized the look on my face. "What ... you brought them here?"

I laughed. "Janey, where is Mark right now?"

The AI responded quickly. "Joy's brother Mark is currently playing with his and her children on the Lido Deck."

With a squeal of excitement, my oldest daughter leaped off my lap and made for the door. Suddenly she paused and turned toward me. "You have a Lido Deck?"

"The nice engineers that the good folks over at BuShip sent over asked what I wanted and I said a pool," I replied with a shrug.

She gazed at me in amazement.

"Why is it everyone assumes a K'treel Explorer is this itty bitty ship? We have nine fully extended pods, for crying out loud." I gestured toward the door with a shooing motion. "Go on! Janey will direct you how to get there."

"Whoa there, Justin! Let's slow it down, okay?"

The little boy, who'd just come flying around the curve and into my legs, looked up at me in embarrassment. "Sorry, sir."

"Now, where are you off to in such a hurry?"

His eyes danced from mine to the group of other children patiently waiting for him down the hall. "Coz—I mean, Constantine—and the Coatls challenged the Sacs to Headhunters and we're going to watch."

"Very well," I replied sagely. "Carry on."

The child nodded politely and then quickly scurried off to rejoin his friends.

I chuckled as I watched them leave. It wouldn't be much of a match. Winnie, Gina, and the girls were nearly unbeatable.

A lot has changed since that day when I started calling for rescue teams and all the medtube space we could get. Suddenly we were on everyone's radar—being one of the few bright spots in an otherwise negative news cycle. And all because one of those sleep trainers just happened to be in range of a few surviving sensors Moby had been able to access. The media—at the instigation of some Confederacy PR team, I'm sure—quickly dubbed the young survivors the "Miracle Children."

After they were evacuated, the marines sent in tactical teams to do a thorough search of the rest of the ship. A number of bodies were recovered but, unfortunately, no additional survivors were found. Still, that was just the start of the changes.

When the Marines headed out, one Corporal Regina Huxley soon showed up in her tug from the bone yard with orders to haul our damaged Mark I pods off to the recycler. The Fleet Auxiliary then offered to replace them with brand new Mark IIs, no questions asked. On top of that, one of the Navy's Orbital Shipyards loaned us a few spare robots to begin repairs on the hull. Two others sent engineering teams to help reconstruct the bridge and crew quarters, put in new engines, or do anything else we wanted done—like build an Operations Center ... or a Lido Deck.

So much for having to take care of it all ourselves—which was a good thing, since we had all those kids coming back. Truthfully, there was really nowhere else for them to go. While the AIs and DECO did manage to track down the sponsors who'd fathered 57 of the children, that still left 267 orphans they didn't know what to do with. And just what were we going to do with that many kids, you ask? Why, start a boarding school, of course.

"Ah, just the man I was looking for," Erica remarked as I walked in. With a smile, she stepped back from her workstation in the OC and came over to me. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she leaned up and in for a passionate kiss.

After a few minutes of that, I whispered in her ear. "So, what did you need to see me about?"

"Do I need a reason?" she asked, her eyes dancing with mischief.

"No," I admitted with a chuckle. "I'm always glad when a mother of my children wants to spend time with me."

"Always and forever," she murmured, kissing me again.

"So how are things going?" I asked, looking around the newly built and up-to-date Operations Center. I could see Emma, through the large office window, pacing back and forth—clearly talking either to Janey or someone else. She appeared to be very agitated.

"Busy," Erica replied, taking my hand and leading me to her station. "This did come in for you, however," she added, handing me a PDA. "It's from Eureka. Legate Groesch made it safe and sound and has a request."

I scanned the text and nodded. "He wants teachers." I sighed and handed it back to her. "He'll have to stand in line if he's looking for sponsors. They rarely stay teachers. Tell him his best bet is to survey the concubines coming his way. How is our..."

Erica handed me another PDA. "The Hendricks-Janey Search Algorithm alpha test has found fourteen candidates among the unclaimed concubines currently in orbit."

"Hmm, that's far lower than I would have thought." I scanned the list and then moved to the far wall to start bringing each of them up on the oversized display. I tagged five potential teachers I liked on the PDA and handed it back to Erica. "I want a full background on these—family, work history, the works—but go ahead and get them transferred here. And Janey?"

"I've already alerted the AIs of the other nine to have them retested with the newer CAP criteria and we'll have the information you've requested momentarily, David."

"Excellent! What would I do without you ladies?"

"I believe the answer you're looking for is—nothing productive," the AI shot back with a teasing lilt to her voice.

I laughed. "Nice one, Janey, and too true!"

"David, can I see you a moment?"

I glanced over to see Emma leaning out the office door, motioning for me to come to her.

"Duty calls," I remarked to Erica and followed it up with a kiss. She giggled and squeezed my bottom as I walked away. "Cheeky, cheeky monkey," I called back to her.

She just wiggled her eyebrows and giggled again.

Emma, however, did not appear to be in a jovial mood, so I stowed the comment I was about to make and quietly closed the door behind me. "You look like you've been arguing with Traci again."

She responded with a sigh. "Yes, but that's a matter for a different day." Leaning back against her desk, she crossed her arms and gave me a rather serious look. "Janey, what's the number of requests to send students to our Explorer Academy that we've received so far?"

"One hundred thirteen."

I let out a low whistle. "What are your thoughts?"

"That it would be a mistake to accept them," she replied bluntly.


"Because of whose kids they are." Emma rolled her eyes and then began pacing. "I thought I'd left behind the corporate shark tank when I was extracted but—dear God!—that was nothing compared to the chummed feeding frenzy up here in orbit with Central Command!"

Picking up a PDA, she began reading off a list of the families making the request for one or more of their children—names belonging to key leaders and staffers on both the Victory and the Success.

She stopped and stared at me again. "Some of these kids are probably fine but many are drinking the same elitist Kool-Aid as their parents. If you let them come in, they'll poison the well and ruin everything you're trying to do."

"Janey, what's your opinion?"

"I concur with your XO," she responded. "I believe that many of the students on the list would have difficulty integrating with the current student body."

I stood quietly for a few moments but then nodded my head. "That's my thinking, too," I replied. "Besides, I'd prefer to fill the school with extractees from Earth rather than kids already up here. But we don't want to burn any bridges if we don't have to."

Emma turned her face to the ceiling. "Janey, please create a standard response to such requests, thanking them for their interest but then explaining that our staffing levels are too low to be taking in new students at this time."


"We do need to think about how to enlarge the student body, though," I mused out loud. "At dinner last night, Priya mentioned the idea of extracting from second and third world orphanages. I think it's an idea worth exploring. Pull her and Sharon into the OC and have them take it on."

The initial suggestion caused a look of alarm to cross her face—no doubt from the thought of one more thing on her "to do" list. That eased tremendously, especially when she realized I'd just given her two more workers.

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Teen Kristen Scott is grateful her step mother Ariella Ferrera brought her along to Las Vegas. Kristen wants to go party at the clubs, but Ariella prefers taking her on more cultural outings. Kristen’s hell bent on having fun and sneaks out that night anyway. Ariella waits up and busts her for disobeying when she tries to sneak back in. She’s quite displeased about the amount of makeup and body glitter she’s wearing and insists on washing it off. Mommy Ariella runs a bath and...

2 years ago
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I Can Hear You

Randi had a gift that he misunderstood for an affliction at first because of the headaches. If not for the internet, Randi would have blabbed his discovery to the first person he saw and he never would have experienced the wonders that his "gift" enabled him to partake! Let's back up. Randi was born with a congenital defect in his head: it usually makes children deaf but Randi's defect was altered by an auto accident while his mother carried him to term. He had an extra bone in his inner...

4 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 21

Well at long last here we are! I last posted a chapter of this in February of 2017. I had some real life things that came up then and I just couldn't ever get my head back in the space to write this again! It's always bothered me that I didn't finish it... but Exchanged, Diamond Tours, Seems Too Good, Undercover Tour, and another novel under a different pen name all ended up coming out and I couldn't do anything with this one! (This particular chapter has sat half-finished for much of...

2 years ago
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SugarDaddyPORN Desiree Nevada The most AMAZING women I8217ve slept with

I’m pinching myself right now and desperately trying to wake up from this dream because I don’t believe I fucked Desiree Nevada. Her banging body & voluptuous curves made it hard for me to even look her in the eyes. Speaking of, her eyes were beautiful and her skin so smooth. I ate her pussy for over 20 minutes off camera warming her up and I’m pretty sure I enjoyed that more… even know she told me she came. I can’t wait for everyone to watch this video! Major...

3 years ago
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First Time Meeting In Person

First Time Meeting In PersonThe turbulence did nothing to calm the butterflies in my stomach as this five hour flight neared its termination. I was flying across the country to meet a woman I'd met online only a few short months ago and the anxiety of going this far to meet a stranger had my insides doing flips. The fasten seat belts sign lit up and brought with it a momentary distraction from my plight as I clicked my buckle together and listened to the captain tell us we were nearing our...

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Swimming Lesson

Swimming LessonThis is a story about a brother Vivek and his little sister Priya who during a day of swimming in the club house find themselves thinking of sex. Body:The timeline of the story is around 11 years ago (Mumbai,India) when I was 14 and my sister Priya was around 11. Our family was member of this clubhouse which had a huge Swimming Pool, Gym, Sauna and many shower rooms. The location had some sensuousness for the young minds as girls and women in skimpy clothes were a rarity. We came...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 3 Sailing

I had never been on a long ocean voyage before. I’d travelled a couple times on ships when we had gone to visit the southern properties, but the open ocean was a whole different experience I’d not had. So far, I’d never been seasick. I think my merman genes had a lot to do with that. I had also discovered there was something new I could do with my magic. My fourth discipline was Physics. I could shape liquids and move air. I had a plan to make the voyage more pleasant. In one of the...

1 year ago
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My best friends Girlfriend

. The story starts with my best friend and his girl. My best friend who we’ll call Josh and his girlfriend who we’ll call Lola are also both music students. My name is Alex. I’m a 19 year old Music student from the U.K. This is the story of a passionate love affair which started last year and has been going ever since. The story starts with my best friend and his girl. My best friend who we’ll call Josh and his girlfriend who we’ll call Lola are also both music students. Picturing the...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad

I stood there at my window staring at him as he lifted weights. My cock was in my hand as my underwear was pushed down to my ankles. My name is Ethan and the man I was jerking off to was my best friend's dad Mr. Ryan Winters. I had lusted after him all throughout puberty and now here I was, 18, and legal. He lived across the street from me so I could easily get a good look into his garage from where I lived. He was 40yrs old but you wouldn't know it just by looking at him. Unlike the other dads...

4 years ago
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Surprise in the kitchen

Few days ago after our kids went to school my wife wakes me up to join her for a morning coffee. Following her to the kitchen a while after surprised me with her wearing, she had on her a very short and light transparent nighty that I could remark her not having underwear and could see easily her Butt's Cut which lighted me. Approaching and sticking my nearly naked body on her back I embraces her making my hands moving tightly in her front side made a stop holding firmly her Boobs to play with...

2 years ago
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Eat it All CumSlut Creampie

I thrust into my wife and with a deep low moan shot several long spurts of my sticky come deep inside her pussy. I felt her vaginal muscles spasm around my hard cock almost pulling the sperm out from me, depositing it deep inside her juicy wet hairy pussy."Go on then." Angie said. "You know what you want to do now."I pulled my now limp cock out from her pussy and gently moved down her body to nibble on her hard engorged nipples."Keep going downwards cum eater," Angie said to me in a playful...

3 years ago
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Black Mistress

Two weeks after graduation Jean Rogers packed her bagsand headed for Detroit and a job with General Motors. Arelative who works there had put her name in for an entrancelevel position as a file clerk. Needless to say it was a verynervous little girl who showed up at 7:30 AM that first day. Jean was a average 18-year-old white female. She hadbeen born and raised in a mostly white middle class suburb andwas naive of the various life styles to be found in the big city.Her teen years had been...

3 years ago
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High School Stud

This story is completely FICTIONAL. All characters are fictional. _____________________________________________________________________________ y name is John. I’m 15, semi athletic build, short dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, nearly 6 feet tall, and I’m in high school. From that, you know that I’m an average teenager. But what isn’t average about me is the size of my cock. Ever since I began to grow, I knew I was big. In the showers at school, guys would shy away from me and...

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Sissy Jenny abused in the woods

Submissive Sissy Jennifer - taken in the Woods part 1I stared at my screen - "Be at the entrance to Dutch Common at 12.30. Don't be late, and wear your sexiest sissy gear". 12.30! That was only 30 minutes! I could do it, just. But did I want to? Was it wise? I had never met my correspondent, a local bisexual man, but we had corresponded for some time. Meetings had been discussed, but they had never materialised. This would be the start of a very slippery slope, I knew.My cock made the decision...

4 years ago
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Bob and I used to work together, so I had socialized with he and his wife Ellie on a few occasions. One hot, humid, foggy summer evening, while I was watching TV, the door bell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone. It was Ellie, dressed in very short cut-off jeans and a halter top with no bra. I could see her hard nipples through the halter material and her tits were almost hanging out. Ellie had short, light brown hair, was cute and had a nice, slim body, she had to be in her early thirties. I...

4 years ago
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Come to Life TV News Fantasies Part 2

This story might be difficult to film because it requires a pub and a larger cast. This is a continuation of Meghan and her fantasies.Meghan arrives in a pub/restaurant. She’s wearing business attire but a fairly short skirt. Kind of dimly lit. There’s a cute hostess who asks a cute waitress to take Meghan to a table. The girls are wearing Tilted Kilt/Hooters type of uniforms. She sits at a table on a bench with her back against the wall, facing out. The table has a tablecloth on it. The...

2 years ago
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My First Blow Job

Looking back, I am perpetually amazed by my naivety and that of my friends. I read stories about kids nowadays and how sexually aware —and experienced!-they are. When I was their age, members of the opposite sex were as known to us as quantum physics. Which is my excuse as to how my first blow job was as a giver rather than a receiver. I look back now and don't regret it. The only regret I have is that it took me so long to discover the pleasure. Like most boys fresh into our teens, we...

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FantasyMassage Allie Nicole Leggy StepSister

Jay Smooth walks into the house, announcing that he’s home. Allie Nicole, his step-sister, calls out from the living room that she’s in there. He joins her, seeing her sitting on the couch with her bare feet against a coffee table, lotioning her long legs near the thigh… Jay’s a little taken aback, teasing her about how short her short-shorts are. Allie giggles and says she likes to let her skin breathe! It’s not like he hasn’t seen her skin before —...

4 years ago
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WWT Rachel in Chains 8

The tentacle pushed up inside of me, twirling around, bringing me right unto the cusp of climax before bringing me back down, slowing and easing, all so that the pain could start again. The dull throb of denial ached, my clit sore, my cunt battered and pleading for it to stop and then for release, again and again since I’d awakened. It had been days…Already I hated how much I wanted her touch, each time tricked by my body into believing this time would end in climax.I was chained in the cell by...

Monster Sex
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Unbelievable Stunt

In some summer day, my friends and I were walking in the street with nothing to do. The weather was hot and we had an hour to kill before the noon movie starts. One of them suggested playing a game where one of us annoys someone in the bank we were standing in front of, while the others would sit away and watch. I kind of liked the idea, since it was a win/win situation on one hand we will have something to do out of the heat and on the other hand it will be fun to do a stunt especially in a...

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A Voyuers Craving Fantasies

They wanted to start a family once they had secured a financial future. Rod was a good man and he would make an excellent father. He worked hard and had finally bought a 10 acre plot of land with a building in which to start his own auto repair business. It had taken a few years to get established and pay off much of his equipment but his reputation for doing good work at reasonable prices had his business growing and he seldom worked on the side anymore to survive. He often heard many...

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Getting Out Of The Rut Chapter 15

 Coming homeAfter breakfast, Carol insisted on a whole ritual of putting me into chastity. I felt cheated and maybe that was obvious. Certainly, Andrea looked a little guilty but Carol kept at it. I realised that if I objected too much then it was bound to be like a put down for Carol.I had to choose between humiliating her or humiliating me; well, you can guess which way I went. It was a fine line; on the one hand, I'd just screwed another woman— no question about that, but, and it's an...

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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 4

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 4 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 16-year-old boy Miley 13-year-old little sister that is taller than me. Mrs. Anderson Manager and my boss Sandie New friend, works with me Luke Sandie's boyfriend Max Luke's little brother Authors note: Hello to all! I want to thank everyone for all the sweet emails. I hope you all enjoy my newest story. I look forward to hearing from you all soon....

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Dost Ki Saadi Ke Baad Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hi dosto kese ho? Aap ne is story ka aageka dono part padhe honge or bahut sare dosto ne mail bhi kiya or kahani puri karne ka bhi kaha par me kya karu dost me puri nahi kar pa raha hu par shayad is part me khatam ho jayegi. Me gujrat ke ahmedabad ke 1 gau she hu. Me mere dost ki sadi me gaya tha waha par mere dost naresh ke mama ka ladka jo bahot bura aadmi ban gaya hai ushi ki pareshani se sab tang aachuke hai use koi manata bhi mahi kyoki wo aapne papa se bhi gali bol deta hai is liye kahi...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 399

Harvey wasn't all that bad looking once he got cleaned up and that greasy gray hair was washed and combed. He was concentration camp thin, but that was about the only thing that made him look a little homeless. "So Harvey what can you eat?" I asked. "I can find something on most restaurant's menu. I can't do the full vegan thing, but I can managed most of it." he said. "So you are just a vegetarian?' I asked. "And part time vegan." "A little more than that, but I don't insist...

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One Thing Different 3 Kim

KIM I Kim entered her luxury apartment overlooking the park, tossed the keys in the bowl like she always did then closed the door on the outside world. Then she sighed. It had been a long day today, more pictures for a fashion segment in New Woman magazine. Since the dinner party two nights earlier at Gemma's, she'd been thinking about the crazy statuette and trying to assimilate the message as intended. Appreciate what you have. That had...

2 years ago
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FamilySinners Jasmine Jae Mothers And Stepsons

When Adam heard his father got remarried, he was happy for him, at least until he flew home for a visit and met his new stepmom Jasmine. After taking one look at her perfect body, her enormous tits, he instantly doubted her fidelity. One day Adam walks in on her having graphic phone sex. She admits that she was talking to one of her sugar daddies. She tells her step son that his father gets off on hearing about her fucking other guys. She says Adam is actually more like his father than he...

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My Fantasy With My Cousin

Hello everyone, I am a big fan of ISS and reading all stories from past 5 years. Myself chakravarthy(name changed for privacy). This is my 1st story submitting here, please excuse my mistakes if any. Let me start the story, I have cousin who is 23 years old, she is little plump and black, we talk to each other very nicely from childhood. after she grow up, i feel attracted towards her, may be because of her physical change in her, i feel to have her on my bed, but i am afraid of it, because she...

2 years ago
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My Night Out

It's Friday, and Mike texts me to meet him at the downtown bar for dinner. A little bit about me; I'm 51 years old 5'5" tall, 36B-29-38 - nothing special, but happy with myself. I decide on wearing my black dress with the slit up the front that stops mid-thigh, thigh-high stockings and my silver stilettos. I'm going to wear my hair down; I don’t have time to change it. It's almost five so I grab a taxi and head to the bar. I arrive at the bar but I don’t see Mike anywhere. I take a seat on a...


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