Former Joy Girl
- 4 years ago
- 23
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I sure as heck couldn't confide in my folks about what went on with Kristen, but Millie was ready to listen. I wasn't heartbroken about her walking out, but I was pretty upset about it. I was sitting at Millie's kitchen table a couple of hours after the big blow-up, and we were drinking iced tea.
She listened to the whole story, then reached across the table and held my hand. "Derek, you know you did exactly the right thing. I completely understand your wanting to help your friend, but it turned out to be a mine field, didn't it?"
"Jeez, Millie, it's hard for me to believe she could even say anything that stupid. There has to be a better way to deal with bad parents than messing up your own life. Why would she do that?"
"Look, Derek, you don't know what she's been through, so you really can't judge the state of her mind. Of course, there are better ways, but maybe she's in a place right now where she can't see them. Maybe she's really that desperate. You were smart not to get sucked into becoming part of the problem, but that doesn't mean you can't be supportive if she comes back to you for help. If she doesn't, then that's that. You did what you knew to be the right thing."
Then she laughed and said, "And you were right about that other thing. I would have told you to go buy your own damn condoms. The present I gave you was just a starter kit, and good on you for remembering to use them!"
"Yeah, well, I'm sure glad I ran into you before I ran into her. It could have been a disaster."
"Yes, it could have, but it wasn't, at least not for you. Now! I suggest you go back to Mrs. Wilson's house and make damn sure it's as clean and neat as she left it. People know their own little worlds, and she'll know immediately if things are out of place. If it had been my house you used like that without my permission, I'd have plenty to say about it."
I heaved a big sigh, "Yeah, you're right. I'll make sure everything's put back in order before she gets home. I'll have to replace some of the food Kristen ate. I guess I better tell Mrs. Wilson all about it when she gets home, anyway, huh? I mean, except for the sex stuff."
Millie cautioned, "I wonder if that would be wise. She's been good to you, and you don't want to chance losing her trust. Plus, if you spill it all, there's a good chance it's going to get back to you parents. I'd recommend that you take this as a lesson learned and move on."
I went back to my daily routine; feeding Virgil, scooping his litter box and mowing the lawn. I stopped feeding Virgil at night because he just wouldn't eat it. I'd swear he lost at least five pounds in the last four weeks. He seemed healthy and acted like he had a lot more energy, but I wasn't sure what Mrs. Wilson was going to think about it when she saw him.
I kept expecting her to show up back home any day, but then Mom got a call from her saying her sister was still real sick and that she was gonna stay for at least a couple more weeks. I didn't mind because that was another hundred bucks for me. Hiding Kristen wound up costing me a lot of cash, so I needed it.
Virgil was practically living outside during the daytime. He'd shoot out the door as soon as I opened it in the morning. Usually, he'd just find a sunny spot somewhere and do exactly what he did in the front room window; nothing.
It was the week after Kristen took off that he was back to his old tricks again. I'd just let him out and put his food and water on the back step, when he let out a loud yowl. For a moment, I thought he'd hurt himself, but when I looked up, he was just sitting by the gate, waiting to be let out. I guess the 'yowl' was to get my attention.
I thought about ignoring him, but I knew if I did that, he'd just jump the fence like he did before. He had me trained and he knew it. When I opened the gate, he strolled out into the alley and looked back at me. I watched to see where he was headed. He wandered down the alley toward Millie's and stopped about half way to look over his shoulder. I guess he was waiting for me to follow him because, when he saw me still standing by the gate, he sat down and waited.
OK, this is gonna sound real weird, but it started to soak into my brain that Virgil was taking me places that were special, if you get my meaning. Just think about it; the only two times he left the yard was when he led me to Millie's back yard and when he led me to Kristen's back yard.
Now, there's no way in hell I can prove it, but I think Virgil was looking after my love life. He seemed to have a sense of where the good stuff was.
"Why would he do that?" you might ask.
To which I'd answer, "What? I'm suppose to be an expert in cat logic?"
Well, you can believe it or not, but guess what happened next! I followed him down the alley, right past Millie's to the end of the block. He looked both ways and sprinted into the next alley. So did I. About half way down that block, he stopped, looked to the left and shot through some tall hedges.
As I neared where he went in, I heard something like squeaking or whimpering. When I stood on my tiptoes to look over the hedge, there was a little spaniel pup that looked like he was strangling on a rope tied around his neck. It was attached to a clothes line pole and I guess he'd circled it enough that he'd run out of slack. Now, he was all tangled up in it and lying on his side, his head drooping and his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He looked like he was dang near dead!
Virgil couldn't have heard the puppy struggling from a block away, could he? Well, whether he did or not, now wasn't the time to waste precious seconds thinking about it! I pushed through the hedge and rushed over to get him untangled. I managed to get the rope untied and was holding his limp body and rubbing his back to try to stimulate him when his owner came out the back door.
"Hey!" she shouted, "What the hell are you doing to my dog?"
I looked up and shouted back, "I'm trying to save his life, that's what! He was strangling on this rope!"
"He was?" She rushed over and knelt beside me. "Oh god! Is he all right?"
It looked like he was breathing better and his eyes were open and looking around. "I think maybe he's starting to come around, but he looked about half dead when I found him."
I started to hand the pup to her when he suddenly woke up and went crazy, wiggling and scratching at my hands. Then he took a chomp and sunk his little needle-teeth into my thumb. Damn, it hurt!
"Ouch! Shit, he bit me!"
"Oh, dear! I'm so sorry!" She took him from me and cuddled him to her breast, scratching his ears. That seemed to settle him right down. I guess he must have got scared when he woke up and snapped at the first thing he could get his teeth into.
"That's OK. He's just a pup, so how much damage can he do?"
"Enough that you're bleeding!" she said, nodding at my thumb.
Blood was running down my hand and wrist. He must have bit deeper than I thought. "Dang! I better get it washed off."
She stood and said, "Yes, you better. Come on inside and I'll help you get it cleaned up, then I'll put a bandage on it. Thank goodness, he's had all his shots."
I looked around and spotted Virgil sitting a few feet away. "Uh, no, that's OK. I can do it after I get my cat back home. That's what I was doing when I saw your dog; chasing my cat."
She looked over at him and said, "Gosh! He's a big one, isn't he?" Then she looked back at me and insisted, "No, you come on in the house and let me take care of that bite. It's the least I can do!"
It was obvious she wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. "Well, OK, but there's no need to put yourself out."
"Nonsense! First of all, I'm a nurse and I know how to do these things, and besides, this puppy belongs to my little girl, so I'm responsible. And you did save his life."
Inside, she put the puppy in a cardboard box, and stood me at the kitchen sink and made me wash my hands for a good two or three minutes with soap and real hot water before pouring some antiseptic on the punctures and putting a bandage over them.
"There," she said, "that should do it. Now, you keep that clean and watch for any signs of infection. If it swells up and gets warm to the touch, you go right to a doctor and get it looked at, OK? If there are any medical expenses, you bring them to me."
"Thanks, but I'm sure it'll be all right."
I heard little footsteps running into the kitchen and turned to see a little girl about three years old come to a stop by the table. "Mommy, who's that man?" she demanded.
The woman knelt down and hugged her daughter. "That's the man who just saved your new puppy from getting hurt really bad. Can you tell him 'thank you'?"
"Thank you." She grinned at me as she edged over to hide behind her mommy's leg.
"You're welcome. Can you tell me your name?"
"Molly! Gee, that's a pretty name. And you're a pretty girl, Molly."
She giggled. "What's your name?"
"I'm Derek. I live in the next block."
She giggled again and said, "Derek is a funny name."
I agreed, "Yeah, it is kinda funny, isn't it?"
Her mommy joined the conversation, "Well, I think it's a very nice name." She stuck out her hand and introduce herself, "My name's Annie."
We shook hands.
Molly looked up and asked, "Mommy, is Derek gonna be my new daddy?"
Annie brought her hands up to her face and blushed. Then she and I looked at each other and busted out laughing. She knelt down and hugged her little girl. "No, honey! I'm sure Derek would make a very good daddy, but we just met, and we don't even know each other. How about if we say that Derek can be our friend? Is that OK?"
I had to assume from Molly's remarks that Annie was recently divorced or widowed. I didn't think it would be polite to ask, though.
Molly reached up and took one of my fingers and asked, "Do you want to play with me? I have a new doll house!"
I knelt down to eye level and said, "I'd love to play with you, Molly, but I have to take my cat home."
She didn't give up easily. "Then, could you play?"
I stood and looked at Annie, wanting her to get me out of this. She smiled and said, "She seems to have taken a shine to you, Derek."
I laughed and kidded, "Well, I do have that affect on women. What can I say?"
"Yeah," she agreed, looking me up and down, "I can see that. Um, I don't suppose you ever do any babysitting, do you?"
"Babysitting? Well, I never have, but then, nobody ever asked me. I guess I wouldn't mind, I mean if you needed a baby sitter some time."
"I know this is out of the blue, Derek, but I was invited to a friends house for a late dinner this evening and I was about to call and beg off because my regular babysitter canceled on me. I know it's short notice, but I'd sure appreciated it if you could help me out. I think I'm a pretty good judge of character, and you seem like the kind of young man who can be trusted. Especially since you've already played the hero and come to our puppy's rescue. What do you say?"
"You mean tonight?"
"Yes. About seven, if you could manage it. I'd only be gone until around eleven or so."
"Well, I suppose I could, but I need to check with my mom, first. Can I use your phone?"
She took her cell out of her jeans pocket and handed it over. I called home and asked if it would be OK if I babysat until around midnight. Mom asked to speak to Annie, so I handed over the phone. They talked for a while and Annie explained what happened with the puppy and how her little girl took to me right off and wanted me to come over and play. Annie handed back the phone and Mom asked if I felt comfortable taking care of child Molly's age.
"Sure, Mom! I think it'd be fun. Is it OK?" She agreed.
I handed Annie back her phone and said, "So, is a quarter to seven early enough?"
"That'll do just fine, Derek. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. I'll give Molly her bath and get her into her PJ's before you get here. She'll probably crash at around eight or so, so you can spend most of the evening watching TV or whatever. Is five dollars an hour OK with you?"
"I don't know anything about babysitter wages, but it sounds fair to me. I knelt and spoke to Molly, "How about if I come back later and we can play with your doll house. Would you like that?"
She stole my heart when she hugged my neck and yelled, "Yes! And you can read me a story, too!"
"I'd love to read you a story! We'll decide which one when I come back, OK?"
I checked on the puppy, then headed for the back door. "Guess I better collect my cat and get him home. See you two tonight."
I headed down the alley with Virgil following close behind. I tried to carry him, but he just jumped out of my hands. "Well, this isn't exactly what I was expecting, Virgil. Here I was thinking your were leading me to a new adventure in sex, and you show me a strangling dog. And a babysitting job."
When I knocked on her front door at 6:45, Annie answered. She was all dressed up in a super hot-looking, form-fitting dress and high heels. Her hair was done up in some kind of arrangement on top of her head that defied gravity. I thought she looked kinda pretty when I saw her that morning in jeans and an old shirt, but all dressed up, she looked amazing!
"Hi, Derek! Come on in. Molly's been driving me nuts, asking when you were going to be here about every two minutes."
I stepped inside and laid on the compliments, "Wow! You really look beautiful, Annie! I'll bet you're gonna be the center of attention at the party."
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This story is about my first time in highschool My junior year at my local highschool couldn't have been any better if I wanted it to be. Every day I had an hour and a half off block which I went home for. My friends and I often went to my house to play playstation or pass around a baseball. A few weeks into the year two girls decided that they would like to come back to my house and hang out with us. We didnt think anything of it at first, but one of the girls, lets call her Alexis, always...
First TimeA couple of years after we were married we went on vacation to Las Vegas to see the sights while there we decided on a whim to visit a sex club and we choose the Green Door. Linda decided to wear a short white mini that really showed of her legs she really looked hot in it. On arrival back then it cost 50 for the night for couples. When we entered the club there was quite a few guys there and a few couples as it was pretty early yet. We were given a tour and asked if we had a preference on any...
The Bath Walking upstairs to the bathroom the fantasy was already running through my mind. It turned me on so much to think he could want to do that to me, to fulfil my every desire and need. I leaned over the bath, my breasts trying to escape the prison of my bra, whilst I turned the taps on and watched the water run, hot and steamy. The room quickly misted up, feeling like I was in a sauna. I wanted to feel the heat, let the water condensate off my hard...
MasturbationI woke up looking at the ceiling and glanced over at the clock. I still had two hours before I was suppose to wake up but knew as I rubbed my eyes I would never get back to sleep. It had been a week since me and my girlfriend had officially called it quits. I suppose I should be mad or something but I wasn't. She be going off to college and I would be staying here. There was no denying that it would be though to make things work. Truthfully I had other women on my mind. My mother and sisters. I...
IncestJesse was actually the person who took the photo I used for Yvette's portrait. He spent the month of September with me in the Shenandoah Valley. The family spent a few days exploring the area, and even in my emotional malaise, I was dazzled by the array of colors as the leaves turned from green to brown and a thousand colors in-between. Jesse took as many photos as I did, but with cheap disposable cameras until Papa gave him a new, top-of-the-line digital. "If you're gonna try to keep up...
Questions flooded my mind as I drove to Mrs. Cynthia Collingsworth's house on Sunday night. Why had I let Doug drag me off on a camping and fishing weekend, and why had I tried to help him with a business plan? Why had I tried to help Jessica? Why did I want to believe that Cynthia trusted me? Was there a connection between these questions? Did it have something to do with retaliating against Kelley for trying to turn Cynthia against me? Phyllis had commended me for trying to help her...
Hi dosto kese he aap sab. Me naveen phir se apni ek anokhi kahanni ke sath aayahu, kaash ye bhi aapko achi lage meri pichli kahaniyonki taree. Sab ko dhanyavad jinhone bhi mujhe mail kiya and meri kahanike baareme baataya. Jo bhi chennai me he and jisko sex me kuch naya try karnaho with privacy can contact me mujhe aap apne comments and queries and your interest mail kar sakteho naveenchennai7 at g mail . Com par abb kahane shuru hoti he. Ye kahani last month ki he jaab me apni ek purani dost...
The entire town was in dark sleep. The moon is trying to peep into the secret world through the clear sky I slowly made my way to the down stairs. I reached the ventilator in the middle of the steps. I can see the very dim light of bed lamp from the ventilator. I slowly crept to the ventilator without making noise. After completely reaching the ventilator I could hear small sounds. I sat on my knees and peeped through the ventilator. Now I could see them. My mom is on the bed. Her blouse hooks...
Incest...It took a while before the need to cum forced me to get off the cot and roam the halls searching out more cock. The exhibition with the bears raised my profile and soon the number of suitors that followed me had my mind swimming with an idea. In the club there was an open area that showed videos, it was a dimly lit but rather comfortable place with futons and overstuffed chairs. I made my way to that area and claimed a futon, which I unfolded from couch to bed. I got down on all fours...
Hi, I am Sundhar age 20 from Chennai. myself am a great fan of this site and thanks for sending your comments. now let me describe the story. this happened about 5 yrs back. when i had a my schooling, as i want to study well my parents let me to tuition to kala aunty, she is my teacher in my school and close friend of my mom!!! at that age i could not control my thoughts so i used to masturbate everyday thinking of some heroins. i have about 6″ cock and i used to keep my penis well shaved!! now...
I stood looking into the wall-mounted half mirror brushing my long blonde hair. I'm in my over-sized pale blue solid print nightshirt. I have panties on underneath. I'm also wearing a smile. Today was a fun day. I turned 18 three days ago and my parents had a nice quiet celebration with me. They took me to dinner and they bought me a new phone. I thought today would be a quiet day at home since my parents are out of town celebrating their anniversary but my friend Erin called and invited me...
“We may have the same rotten luck, but at least we’ll have some fun and a fantastic meal or two.” “Well, I’m sure it will be fine, Dad. Those girls sure do love their Grandad more than most of their blood relatives. Give her a call and let her make the decision; after all, she will be of age to decide for herself. She’s so much more competent and mature than Sherry was two years ago but, in all fairness, Sherry’s gotten a lot better over the last year, or so.” The girls had...
He noticed that both he and his friend had cum but Jan had not gotten there yet. He motion for his friend to pull out and when he did, Tony sort of let his dick pull out of Jan at the same time. This time he did notice the white sperm dripping from Jan's cunt. He had loosened up her pussy enough that sperm could make its way back out. He motioned for the guy to get up and come around to the back of Jan. When he got there, Tony also slowly got up. Tony quickly removed Jan's hand from her...
Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...
It has finally arrived. An invasion of Earth has begun, and you are the catalyst of many. However, the aliens doing the invading are not doing it through destruction or death. No, their invasion is silent and even more deadly than anyone can imagine. The aliens invading Earth are going to use something all humans enjoy more than anything: Sex. How they do this is ultimately up to you, as the invasion and its success is entirely your direction. You have choices of the species of alien you are...
FantasyThe next morning, after breakfast, I was sitting by the pool reading a book. Matt had stayed all night with Sally in her room, and only crept back to get some clean clothes before breakfast. He looked a bit tired, but happy, and so did Sally when I saw her at breakfast. Lucky them: I’d just had myself to play with. After a while, I heard a car pull into the car park and saw Abi getting out. She saw me and waved, so I waved back. She came over, with a rather sheepish grin on her face.
It has been said that "All is well that ends well" but who is it that determines what is "well"? A case in point: I find out that my wife is an unfaithful whore and I toss her out on her ass and I'm rid of her. It ended well for me right? Then how come I'm so fucking miserable? It started six months ago when I married my secretary. Hillary was hired by my dick. The day she came in for her interview and walked into my office my brains shot right down into the head of my cock and it said,...
Monica’s story: Thursday evening I was trying to stay awake and finish reading this incredibly boring chapter on Reconstruction after the Civil War, when the phone rang. Maybe it was Jennifer, I thought, since I was wondering why she was out so late. But it wasn’t Jennifer, it was Jennifer’s mother! ‘Hello, Monica, may I speak to Jennifer.’ ‘Uhhh, Mrs Matthews, Jennifer isn’t here right now.’ ‘Oh.’ There was a moment’s silence while Mrs Matthews processed the fact that her good Christian...
This is the second part of the story. It was my first time that I’m standing in front of 6 men only in my bra and panty. I thought that all the men will be staring at my almost naked body and make me uncomfortable, but they did not, then I remembered they are professionals and would have seen many women nude. Sharma told me that it’s only a sample shoot and will be over soon. For my first shot I was told to stand with my legs a little apart and my right thump on my red panty, pulling it a bit...
Tammy and Eric’s marriage was never going to work. She wanted to settle down; she’d had two illegitimate kids forced upon her. She never understood why she didn’t put them up for adoption. Especially the girl that she despised so much because she reminded her of her own drunken father and all the times he’d forced himself on her. Time and time again, young Tammy had to lie there with her drunken father’s sweaty body on top her while he repeatedly rammed his hard cock in-and-out of her pussy...