An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 24: Jungle Gyms free porn video

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-- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008 --

7:03 AM

The dawn had come.

Also, Dawn had cum.

And I had cum, too.

Both of us were soaked with sweat, bangs plastered to our foreheads and a river running down my back, but neither of us cared as we heaved together in the final throes of simultaneous orgasm. Lips locked together, we kissed and kissed and kept on kissing as my cock spat out its final wads of spunk deep into the furthest recesses of my lover’s womb. And we kept on kissing even after my hips went still and there was no more sperm to give.

Dawn hummed through her nose and into my mouth, a joyous croon of love that came on a direct line from her heart. And we stayed clinched together like that for what felt like forever, neither of us wanting to ever let go.

But eventually, of course, we did. My stomach growled, which made Dawn giggle, and at last I rolled off her so we could both get started on our day. We cleaned up, we got dressed, and I headed outside to make breakfast while she fixed her makeup. And ten minutes later we sat at right-angles to each other at the dining table holding hands, both of us with goofy, giddy smiles dominating our faces.

Just like my mood, the sky outside was getting bright and blue, the omnipresent Berkeley cloud cover giving way to warm sunshine even though it was the middle of February. The house window shades were all open to let in the morning light, with one particular ray of sunshine illuminating my new girlfriend’s absolutely perfect face with a radiantly warm glow.

Not that Dawn was exactly a “new” girlfriend. She certainly qualified as an “old” girlfriend, not that she was old or anything but just that we’d obviously been a dating couple before. So she was most definitely an old girlfriend in the sense of being a past girlfriend, but now that we’d agreed to get back together again last night and I’d been single up until that moment one could say she also qualified as my “new” girlfriend, right? Or at least she would be once we made things official.

New, old ... didn’t matter. Dawn was about to become my girlfriend, period. Awesome, right?

It certainly FELT awesome this morning, didn’t it? I mean, you’ve had some really good morning sex with Dawn over the years, but this morning? Wowww ... I mean, I don’t go out of my way to blow sunshine up your ass very often, but... Wowww...

You said it, dude.

Dawn started playing footsie with me underneath the table, which got me a little distracted from my breakfast. Actually, we were both pretty distracted from our breakfasts, spending too much time making goo-goo eyes at each other instead of actually eating. But all too soon, it was time for her to leave.

“Stupid 8am classes,” I grumbled. “You’d think a graduating senior wouldn’t have to worry about such early mornings. Sure you can’t skip it today to spend just a little more time with me?”

“Me? Skip class?” Dawn scoffed but flashed me a warm smile. “I’ll miss you too, but I’ll see you tonight, alright? It’s not THAT far away.”

“I’ll be counting down the seconds,” I sighed, puckering up as she came around to me for a kiss.

“Mmm-wah! Bye, babe!”

“Byeee...” I goosed her ass, causing her to giggle and flash me another beaming smile. But a moment later she was gone.

A moment after that, Kim walked over to the dining table, her arms folded across her chest, her mouth set in a hard line. I took one look at her expression and realized today would be one of those days. BJ’s molars were coming in, making him cranky and often unwilling to go down for a regular nap. At the same time, he was going through a growth spurt, eating ravenously and then napping for up to four hours at a time. Some days Kim got a lot of rest and she’d be her normal self, sometimes even better than her normal self after a four-hour nap of her own. But every so often BJ would wake up repeatedly throughout the night, squalling about the pain in his gums and ensuring that his mother didn’t get a wink of quality sleep. And today was one of those.

I grimaced the sheepish grimace of a papa who slept quite soundly last night, and in the arms of another woman no less, while mama had endured the fifth dimension of hell. “Rough night?” I asked.

Kim winced and nodded as she sat down at the dining table with me. “Rough, yes, but that’s not why I’m over here.”

I blinked, not understanding. “What’s up?”

“Dawn. You. Explain. NOW.”

I arched an eyebrow, a bit taken aback by Kim’s tone. “What?”

Kim gave me a knowing look. “There’s morning lovey-dovey Ben and Dawn, and then there’s today. The staring into each other’s eyes while pushing your food around your plates. The unending footsie underneath the table, not to mention the hands on each other’s thigh or forearm. Something’s different this morning, and I want to know what.”

I broke into a big grin, happily announcing, “We’re getting back together!”

Given Kim’s line of question, I didn’t expect her to act surprised, and she didn’t. But I didn’t expect her to scowl like I’d just informed her that BJ had explosive diarrhea in his diaper that had crawled up the back of his onesie and it was her turn to change him. Sighing, she shook her head sadly and muttered, “Fuck.”

I frowned. “Hey, what’s with the curse word in front of BJ? I thought you’d be happy for us.”

“Happy for you?”

“This can’t come as some huge surprise, not after the way things have been going between Dawn and me for the last month or so.”

“Surprised, no. Disappointed, yes.”

“Disappointed? I thought you liked me and Dawn together. For one thing, it gets me off your back about becoming romantic with you. And you certainly were supportive of us the first time around.”

“The first time around was significantly different from now.”

“I agree. Things are better.”

Kim sighed. “I’m not saying things aren’t better...”

“But...” I led her.

Kim shook her head. “I just want to be sure you’ve thought this through. I want to be sure you’re not rushing things.”

“Well, we’re not rushing things. For one thing, we’re not together-together just yet, actually,” I explained. “But we set a dinner date for Valentine’s Day to really hash it all out. And as long as neither of us changes our mind about it, starting then we’ll be ‘official’ again.”

“Hash what out?” Kim furrowed her eyebrows. “And why set a ‘decision’ date for Thursday?”

“To make sure we’ve both thought this through and aren’t acting impulsively. To make sure we’re not making a mistake by becoming romantic again. We’ve talked the issue to death already, and raised all the good and valid reasons for why we’re better off as best friends than as boyfriend/girlfriend. There’s a lot of risk in taking that step again. Neither of us knows what the future holds, and neither of us wants the burden of commitment to drive us back apart. We said before that we shouldn’t take this next step, and it’s kind of a big deal for us to decide otherwise. We’ve got a good thing going as best friends, and there’s a strong argument that we should let the passion simmer back down and stick with the status quo we’re both already quite comfortable with.”

Kim blinked at me in confusion. “Then why ARE you taking the risk of getting back together?”

“Because we’re happy together and never want to be apart. Why should we hold back our emotions out of fear for the future? Why shouldn’t we let the love in our hearts we both feel bloom? As friends, we would be very happy and comfortable. But as a romantic couple, as an eventual husband and wife, we could be eternal.”

Kim frowned and gave me a frustrated look. “What about Adrienne?”

“What about her?”

“She still loves you.”

“Of course she does, and I love her. But the reasons for Adrienne and me to remain close friends and even ‘siblings’ are even more valid than the reasons for me and Dawn. She’s happy with Sasha, and we both know we’ll always be there for each other. Besides, she said I’d be happier if I married Dawn.”

Kim shook her head. “Adrienne and Sasha’s prediction is finally coming true.”


“That one day Dawn would supplant them. Not intentionally. Not through any desire to hurt them or take you away from them. But they both saw this as an inevitability back at Morris Camp when you and Dawn first decided to start again. The girls were right: you two are like water and water. It’s basic science: when one water molecule bumps into another water molecule, they bond together instantly.”


“Exactly.” Kim sighed. “And now their prediction is coming true.”

I frowned. “I didn’t break up with Adrienne and Sasha intending to start a new relationship with Dawn.”

“I know you didn’t. But the inevitable happened all the same. Maybe it was all those weekends you spent in Berkeley instead of at home, instead of spending quality time with your fiancée and your girlfriend.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Maybe it was a self-fulfilling prophecy, their fears driving them to bond with each other and push away from me in the expectation they’d eventually lose me anyway. If they’d stuck around and fought for me instead, we might not all be where we are today.”

Kim thought about that. “Perhaps. But is that what you would have wanted? To still be together with Adrienne and Sasha and only be best friends with Dawn?”

“Well, not now, obviously.” I stretched my arms out, felt the release of tension from my limbs, and sagged deeper into my chair with a content sigh. “Now, I simply can’t wait for Dawn to come home so we can be together as much as possible for the rest of our lives.”

“Well, she’ll come here,” Kim corrected. “Her ‘home’ is a few blocks away.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Of course I do, but I wonder if that’s about to officially change. Will she be moving in here permanently?”

I shrugged. “Wouldn’t make much difference, would it? She already spends almost every night here as it is.”

“Almost every night, but not every night. For one thing, you usually spend two nights a week with me.”

“And I’ll continue to do so, even if Dawn and I become official.” I reached out to take Kim’s hand and squeezed it tight. “She’s not supplanting you. I’ll still want ‘Kim nights’, hanamuguri.”

Kim blushed immediately at the endearment I’d started using only recently. It was a brand of Japanese baby carrier, my version of calling her ‘baby mama’. She squeezed my hand back and smiled before schooling her face once again. Arching an eyebrow, she drawled, “And what, she’ll sleep with BJ in my room?”

I chuckled. “Well, she’ll still have her old bedroom at the other house. It would be good for her to spend a couple of nights with the other girls every week as well. The only difference will be a difference of mentality. Before, she carried around this guilt about whether she was overstepping her bounds as a best friend by spending so much time here, whether she was smothering me with her presence, or being needy, or preventing me from casually dating someone else. I felt guilty about monopolizing her social life, wondering if us moving into this house was preventing her from moving on, making friends, or finding a new guy of her own. For us to remain ‘just friends’ implicitly meant we should both be free to find other romantic partners. But ultimately, we both realized that neither of us WANTED to date anybody else. No more Kenzies. No more Nicks. I didn’t want to see her become some other guy’s girlfriend, and I have no interest in becoming romantic with anyone else. It’s not that she wants to take me away from the other women in my life, and she thinks it’s super-important that you and I have the time we need to be parents to BJ. But when it comes to each other’s romantic life, she wants to be my Number One again.”

Kim gave me a curious look. “And you want to be her Number One?”

I shrugged. “She said I already was, even if we didn’t become romantic again. I apparently never stopped being her Number One, even when she was dating Nick. That’s WHY she broke up with him in the end, because she could never give him the piece of her heart that had always belonged to me. So she said she was mine, body and soul, whether or not I wanted to commit to her beyond best friends. And after she said that, it only seemed fair that I give her--”

“Whoa-whoa-whoa, stop right there,” Kim cut me off by waving her hands, her eyebrows furrowed and her irises sharp. She stood up straight and folded her arms across her chest again. “Please tell me you didn’t just say, ‘it only seemed fair’.”

I pursed my lips. “That’s not what I meant.”

“But it IS what you said.”

“Then let me rephrase, alright?”

“Why did you say it like that?”

“I’m trying to rephrase here.”

“You don’t get to. You already said ‘fair’, there must have been a reason why, and we’re not moving on until we’ve clarified it. We all know what happened the LAST time you tried to be ‘fair’ to Dawn.”

“This is completely different. This isn’t me ‘allowing’ Dawn certain freedoms out of fairness. This is me ‘acknowledging’ that she and I already have a deeper, more meaningful relationship than one defined by the phrase ‘best friends’.”

“I don’t give a crap about definitions. I’m trying to make sure your head is in the right place on this, alright? You and Dawn: you two are great together. This whole last month has been awesome for you two. It’s like you’re honeymooning again, even though you were quote/unquote ‘only best friends’. I get why you both are inclined to take a stab at this relationship thing again. In fact, I completely expected you both to try again. But I STILL want to know that you’re thinking about a relationship with her because you want a relationship with her, and not just because SHE asked and you couldn’t bring yourself to say ‘no’.”

I blinked twice. “You think I should say ‘no’?”

“I want to make sure you’ve considered it as a valid option, and not automatically assumed you should say ‘yes’ out of fairness to her. I get it: she’s devoted to you, body and soul, so you think she deserves an equal commitment in return. But BOTH of you decided to put off a final decision until Valentine’s rather than get back together immediately last night, which means that something inside you is still holding back and being cautious about all this. And unless you actually spend the next two days considering the possibility of saying ‘no’, then what the hell is the whole point of waiting?”

“I AM considering it.”

“Are you? Really?”

“What else am I supposed to do?”

“Consider it. Really, really, sit down and consider the idea of saying ‘no’. Let’s say you do. Let’s say you decide you two should be best friends. What then?”

I grimaced. “Well if Dawn disagrees, my decision would crush her. She put her heart out on the line again, after everything we’ve already been through. For her to ask to become my girlfriend again only to be turned down ... I don’t know if I can do that to her.”

“It would be better than agreeing to get together only to wait for some minor flaw, blow the whole thing up, and make Dawn think it was her fault.”

My eyelids dropped halfway and I glared at Kim. “This ISN’T like my non-proposal with Adrienne.”

“You sure about that?”

“I’m sure.”

“So ... you’re saying it would be better for you to cave in and become her boyfriend even if you don’t really want to.”

“I DO want to.”

“Yes, I can see that. But talk hypothetically with me here for a minute. Reverse the decisions for two seconds so that you want to get back together but she ultimately decides you should remain friends. How would you feel about that?”

“I’d...” I paused, took a deep breath, and really thought about it. For Dawn to decide to remain status quo, to not take the risk, would I be okay with that?

Do we still get to fuck her?

Well, yeah.

Then I’m good with it.

There’s more to Dawn than just sex.

I know that. But we’re starting with the bare minimum baseline here. As long as we get to keep fucking her, the rest is negotiable.

You know what? Just shut the hell up.

I’m serious. Any decision that ultimately leads to ‘Ben doesn’t get to fuck Dawn anymore’ is a decision that sucks. We’re not doing that.

The only way she’d stop fucking me is if ... Wellll...

Well what?

Well, if she started a monogamous relationship with someone else.

And if you don’t claim her right now as your girlfriend, she could potentially end up with someone else and stop fucking you.

Well THAT wouldn’t be good now, would it?

Hell fucking no it wouldn’t be good. So it’s decided. You need to take her off the market to ensure that she stays yours.

But isn’t she already committing herself to me without the girlfriend title? She’s had plenty of opportunities to go out on her own away from me, but she hasn’t taken any of them. She said just last night that she already belongs to me, body and soul, even if I only want to remain ‘best friends’. Why mess with a good thing? Why risk a romantic relationship that might fail and ultimately end up in ‘Ben doesn’t get to fuck Dawn anymore’?

You’re talking about maintaining the status quo. The status quo never stays the same.

But it doesn’t mean we have to commit romantically to each other just for the sake of ‘not staying the same’. We can continue to evolve and grow as best friends. We can even create a whole new category for ourselves, neither ‘just best friends’ but not ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ either.

Really? Are you sure about that? Or is this wishful thinking sunshine you’re trying to blow up your own ass?

Back to Kim’s hypothetical: If Dawn wants to stay best friends, how should I react to that?

Agree to stay best friends. Keep fucking Dawn the way you’ve already been fucking Dawn. Don’t stress her out and make her start second-guessing herself or pushing her into obligations she doesn’t want to handle. If SHE wants to stay best friends but YOU tell her you want to be more, then SHE’S going to agree to become romantic just for your sake, and that decision will be the very first crack in your relationship that will ultimately lead to breakup and ‘Ben doesn’t get to fuck Dawn anymore’.


But if Dawn wants to become romantic and you don’t, she’ll feel rejected and unwanted. She’ll reconsider her feelings for you and second-guess the strength of your feelings for her. She’ll start to believe that you’ll never forgive her for past sins, never be able to marry her without thinking of the time she cheated on you and broke your heart. She’ll start to believe that any potential future with you would be doomed to failure, so she might as well give up now instead of continuing to hope for eventual marriage and soulmate love. And she’ll start to withdraw from you, at first spending two and then three days at her own house, until eventually she only visits every once in a while and shows up in tears for dinner one night to tell you that she’s found a new boyfriend and started sleeping with him.


And oh yeah, he wants to be monogamous, so ‘Ben doesn’t get to fuck Dawn anymore’.

Fuck, FUCK.

So your answer seems pretty clear.

Yeah. Whatever Dawn decides, agree with her so we’re on the same page.

What? NO! I was going to say you need to find a way to get HER to agree with whatever YOU decide, and get that stuff sorted out BEFORE Valentine’s Day.

Right, right, what you said.


Hey, who you callin’ a moron?

The guy still staring at the ceiling having an insulting conversation with the voice in his head while Kim stares at you wondering just how crazy you really are. THAT moron.

Fine. Shut up. I got this.

Do you?

Well if I don’t, you’ll start chirping at me again, won’t you?

Damn straight.

Okay, just so we’re on the same page.

Blinking, I dropped my gaze back down from the ceiling and looked over at Kim, who’d been staring at me patiently for however long it took me to sort through all that in real time. Taking a deep breath, I gave her a frank look and said, “Sorry about that. I needed a minute to process everything.”

“No need to apologize; I do it all the time.” She shrugged. “So back to my hypothetical: You want to get back together but she ultimately decides you should remain friends. What would you do?”

“I’ll honestly do whatever I have to do to keep her and me together. We’ve got two more days to talk about restarting this whole romance thing, two more days to hash it all out. We could ultimately decide to remain ‘best friends’. We could ultimately decide to give a romantic relationship another shot. But at the end of the day, the most important thing to me is that we stay together and make this decision together.”

Studying my face, Kim remained silent for a long few seconds. She sat up straight, gave me a funny look, and her lips parted ever so slightly as if she were about to speak. But a second later, her lips closed again, she frowned, and she went back to studying my face again. I could only imagine the conversation she was having with the voice in HER head right now.

But in the end, Kim started nodding, even started to smirk a bit, and arched an eyebrow. “‘Ben keeps fucking Dawn’: that about cover it?” she asked in a knowing tone.

I blinked in surprise. “What did you just say?”

Kim grinned. “Your decision about how to proceed is more or less governed by a single underlying principle: What will it take to ensure that Ben keeps fucking Dawn? Right?”

I blinked in surprise. “Actually, it was more about avoiding any decision or action that leads to ‘Ben NOT fucking Dawn anymore’, but basically you’re right.”

Kim sighed and gave me a bit of a disapproving look. “That’s a crass way of saying that you’re still terrified of losing her, and despite the f-bomb, it’s not even just about the sex. As much as you might want all the joy of a newfound soulmate/romantic relationship, the stronger feelings guiding your decision-making is your fear of Dawn walking away from you again. Losing the ability to fuck Dawn isn’t actually about sex. It’s a metaphor for becoming estranged from her again – for finding yourself in the kind of strained, awkward relationship you two were in for that whole year after she came back to Berkeley. Things are finally good between you again, and it’s like the voice in your head is repeating over and over again, ‘Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck this up.’”

When she’s right, she’s right.

Shut up, you. And how does she even know I talk to the voice in my head?

The voice in Kim’s head and the voice in Dawn’s head have conference calls with me every week.

Son of a...

Rubbing my forehead with my right hand, I took a deep breath and shrugged, “Am I wrong to be scared? I can’t lose her ... not again. So long as I’m honest with myself about my feelings, isn’t it better to admit that fear rather than lose myself to giddy hope without considering the consequences?”

“No, it’s not wrong.” Kim shook her head. “Being honest with yourself is very good. The problem is that you let that poor girl think you were ready to say ‘yes’ when the truth is that you’re not. I saw the look in her eyes this morning. I studied the hope on her face. Dawn 100% expects you to say ‘yes’ on Valentine’s Day. She agreed to wait a few days to think about it because that’s the smart, rational thing to do, and I’ll bet the waiting period was your idea that she went along with. But she wants nothing more than to be your soulmate again, to feel that level of happiness and deep-seated satisfaction with her place in the world again. Being your Number One is her meaning in life. She can’t exist without you.”

“I’m the air that she breathes,” I muttered.

“Exactly. So she’s expecting you to say ‘yes’. She’s waiting on you to say ‘yes’. As far as she’s concerned, you ALREADY said ‘yes’ to her last night. We both KNOW her decision on the matter, but the problem now is with you.”

“Because I’m not sure yet if I’m ready to say ‘yes’. Because my worries about fucking this up might just be stronger than my excitement about letting our love bloom. Because that fear of losing her might still outweigh my desire to be romantic with her.”


Suddenly, the sky outside wasn’t so bright and blue anymore. A cloud had rolled in across the sun, and a chill settled in and raised goosebumps on my skin.

Shaking my head, I said, “I can’t say ‘Yes, I’ll be with you’ just for the sake of not losing her. It would undermine our relationship if I can’t fully commit.”

“Yes it would.”

“But if I say ‘No, we should remain best friends’, she’ll be crushed, lose hope, and start to withdraw from me.”


“Fuck.” I set my elbows down on the table and buried my face in my hands.

“You’re totally screwed.”

I rolled my eyes as I sat up straight again. “Thanks for cheering me up.”

Kim blinked. “Why do you keep expecting me to cheer you up?”

“I have no fucking idea.” I shook my head. “But the bottom line is the same: we need to make this decision together. And if she really wants to say ‘yes’, then I need to say ‘yes’ too.”

“Need to say ‘yes’? Or want to say ‘yes’?”

“Both.” I took a deep breath and gave my baby mama a quietly serious look. “I love her, Kim. If she says ‘yes’, can I really say ‘no’?”

“I don’t know. Can you?” Kim sighed. “If you really needed to, if it was the right thing to do, could you turn her down? Look, I’m not saying you should, I’m just asking if you could.”

I took another deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I don’t know. I rather hope I don’t have to find out. Wouldn’t it be nice for the two of us to sit down, talk about it, and agree to the same thing?”

Kim’s eyebrows popped. “Would be nice, yes. But are you prepared for the possibility that you two won’t agree?”

Grimacing, I started rubbing my forehead with my right hand again.

Kim sighed and reached across the table. She lay her hand on my left forearm and leaned in close, giving me a serious look of concern from only two feet away. “I’m really not trying to convince you to say ‘no’ or anything like that. I just need to make sure you’ve put careful consideration into this. You really don’t have to make any major decisions right now. Valentine’s is two days away, so you’ve got some time to really think about it. So think about it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get back together. I’m not saying you should. Whatever you decide, I’ll absolutely support you. I know she loves you. I know you love her. And I’m sorry I ruined your giddy emotional high this morning, but I don’t want that giddy emotional high ruling your decision-making, alright?”

I nodded. “Alright.”

“Alright,” Kim said with something of a relieved sigh, perhaps glad that she seemed to have gotten through to me. And we both started to relax.

“Ma-ma? O-kay?” BJ asked quietly, drawing away our attention. He stood next to the couch, holding onto June’s leg with a concerned expression on his face.

Kim immediately gave her son a warm smile, sliding out of the chair beside me and kneeling down with open arms. Our boy let go of June and toddled forward quite happily into his mother’s embrace, and she kissed him soundly.

I arched an eyebrow at June. “Standing there long?”

June smirked at me. “Long enough. Something about you and Dawn getting back together.”

I exhaled slowly and slumped in my seat. “Care to weigh in with your opinion on the matter?”

My co-worker snorted. “If you ask me, you and Dawn are already romantically involved. So I don’t see how making things ‘official’ would make any difference.”

Kim glanced up at June, a Mona Lisa smile on her face. “Young grasshopper, you still have much to learn.”

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Tarzan was about five when he was lost in the Jungles of the Congo. He was found by a female gorilla whose baby had died and she adopted the strange looking creature as her own. Tarzan knew she was a gorilla, and that he was not, but there was nothing he could do about it. And, his new mother was a good mother, all things considered. Her baby was weak and pale, but he had beautiful eyes and he snarled a lot, which Gorillas considered 'manly'. It took her years to learn that that snarl...

3 years ago
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Sheena Jungle Queen

Our project was meant to preserve the African jungle, The irony of tearing down a stand of old growth forest to set up the satellite data links we would need and the structures to house our operation was lost on none of us. We justified it by the fact that once our buildings and antennas were up we would be able to monitor wildlife over a broad area, spot poachers in record time, and preserve the habitats of large numbers of species both threatened and endangered. We had support from several...

3 years ago
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The Return of Death Part II Welcome to the Jungle

Bill was wandering through the now small realm that led to where the portal for the processing center was while making sure that Malin followed. He thanked God for that they had finally changed it so it wasn’t that long anymore.It had been about time he had fixed this long road. It had been about time that the Big Boss actually had gotten a finger out and done something. He had been rather quiet for over two millennia.“So where are we going?” asked Malin as the portal was now visible down the...

2 years ago
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Jungle Heat

The jungle was a living, breathing, heartbeat that pulsed in his ears and slicked his skin with fine blood-filled scratches. Ben Collins batted at a slithering tendril of a vine that skimmed his cheek, ever cautious of the snakes that filled both the air above, and the ground beneath his feet. Glancing up into the canopy of leaves and creatures overhead he could still feel the eyes. He was being watched. He had known for awhile. His hunters' instincts whispered he had become the hunted. He...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Jungle Love Chapter 1

It’s 1880 and America is still recovering from its Civil War and trying to come back together as a country. In an effort to help unite the country once more and rally the nation to one purpose, Boston University decided to embark on an expedition to search for the fabled Amazon capital, Choque Cota somewhere in the deepest regions of the Amazon jungle…Dr. James Anderson was an anthropologist and the head of the university’s Archaeology and Antiquities Department. So the university had put him...

Love Stories
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Jungle Heat

Taylor remembered the first time she met Duke. She had grimaced at how beaten his face had looked. His nose, with strange, odd angles, appeared to have been broken several times and his jaw seemed out of alignment with the rest of his face. The skin covering his face was a mottled collection of colors and scars that had to have come from fighting and war. The usual ebony coloring was laced with lines running up and down both cheeks in an array of scar tissue that hinted at stories she wasn’t...

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Jungle Juice Part Two

A shiver of desire passed through me as I thought back to my afternoon encounter with Jamir. The salty aftertaste of Jamir’s semen lingered in my mouth and throat. I had never cheated on my husband before, and yet, beyond the guilt, I regretted that Jamir didn’t fuck me. How bad a woman have I become?When I got back to the hut, I found Jack inside. He was angry with me going to the river with Jamir, although he had no idea what happened there. Before he could start to question me, I had pushed...

Wife Lovers
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Jungle Virgins The Barristers TrialChapter 3 The Death Trap

She followed him through the jungle, part fearful that something would jump out at her and part confident that this boy/man would protect her from anything that happened. When she had struggled after him, calling to him, cursing him, he never once turned to look at her, but he never seemed to get farther than fifty or sixty meters in front of her either. She had lugged the briefcase along, unwilling to leave it behind, until her arms hurt so much she had to stop and put it on the ground...

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Jungle Virgins The Barristers TrialChapter 4 Mom Can I Keep Her

It wasn't difficult for the pair to fall quickly into a restful slumber. Both were tired, Penny especially so, and Boy knew they were safe from almost all predators. He knew that, by the time they wakened in the morning that the bats would have come back in small groups and would again be deep in the tunnel. He woke first, of course. His arms were full of soft, pliant woman. He rolled and pulled his arm out from under her gently, trying not to wake her. They would still have to walk until...

1 year ago
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In The Jungle

A caterpillar eats a leaf, and leaves slimy trails. A cricket heard some grasshopper hums, and I heard the leaves shuffle. "Where am I?", She asked. "You're somewhere in the tropic of cancer", i responded humblely... "What do you mean? somewhere in the tropic of cancer, ?" Jenny said, frustratedly. "Don't worry," I responded, "Eat some of this bread, I'll circle the island and look for fruit trees." She took the piece out bread out of my hands, and I journeyed off into the maze of the jungle. I...

2 years ago
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King Of The Jungle Loving

My name is Yasmin Banks. I'm thirty two years old and I'm from South London. I had saved up a few grand to backpack through Southern Malaysia. It was something I had always wanted to do since I left college fifteen years ago. One thing after another had always prevented me from following my dreams. So, here I am, backpacking in Southern Malaysia with a tour guide. The magnificent and breath-taking views of the country made me gasp in astonishment. All beautiful greenery for miles around. And in...

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Jungle Love Chapter 4

Pauhacutec grinned broadly, he had wanted a chance for a little payback after the humiliating incident at the canyon and now he was going to get the chance. Plus killing this strange yellow hair in front of everyone would add to his “reputation” around the village.He grabbed his spear and an extra one. He shoved the extra spear at Dr. Anderson and then walked back a few paces. They stood facing each other about fifty feet apart with the villagers in a circle around them another ten feet further...

Love Stories
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Jungle Juice Part One

“This is not a good idea,” I mumbled to my husband for the tenth time in the last ten minutes.“For the tenth fucking time, Beverly, I think our guide knows where he’s going,” Jack barked while swatting flies from his face.The jungle was filled with pesky flies, big ones that stick to your skin until you swat them away. There were spiders and all sorts of ugly insects crawling around. The safari had been arranged to celebrate our wedding anniversary, but right now I wished we were anywhere other...

Wife Lovers
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Bua Jungle Mein Mangal

Hello.Mein aaj aap sabko ek secreat bataunga, jo ki mera sex ka experience se bhi baahut aage tha.Toh aaj jo bhi mein bolu itna seriously maat lena, toh start karta hoon Baat us time ka hai, job bua unke ghar ko chod kar us budhe ke sath choli gayi thi, haamne uske baad kabhi bhi unke bare mein nahi pucha,toh job bua ur us budhe apne hawas ko sant karne ke liye bahut nayab kosis karte the ,use sun kar toh mein kabhi kabhi heiran ho jata hoon.Ye tub hua job unka pehla bachha gujar gaya,toh bua...

2 years ago
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Three Days In Jungle With My Love

I am in love with a woman, name Geetha, she is very hot and beautiful. She has long sexy legs, perfect size juicy boobs, and her curve body so much silky and smooth one can mesmerize just by looking at her. And i am one of them, Geetha and I, decide to spend our vacation doing something crazy, full of adventure and of course filled with wild sexual fantasies. Geetha and I heads for a 3 days the Costa Rica jungle. That jungle is so dense and wild, that People says it’s not safe to roam there....

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Jungle Man Ch 02

Clara was slowly regaining consciousness. Her pillow was so comfortable, it was warm, smooth, smelled of sandalwood, and was, moving? What the… Opening her eyes slowly, her gaze clashed with a pair of warm chocolate ones. They held a warm softness that had an underlying hint of determination. Looking lower she could see a mouth set in the hinted determination. Peering up at this huge strange man, who was walking swiftly through the forest with her cradled in his arms as though she weighed no...

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Jungle Fun

Hi my name is Jay. This story is about a trip I made to South America with a new friend of mine Her name is Joy. We are here for a few weeks of adventure and I couldnt be anymore excited. Today we arrived at the airport and caught a shuttle that drove us out into the jungle. As we drive through these dirt road paths the wind is blowing through Joys hair. I decide to take out my camera and take some pictures. She is such a gorgeous woman with her long dark hair. She is wearing a tight tank top...

2 years ago
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Jungle Mai Choda Meri School Teacher Ko

Hi friends how are you… I hope you all are good. Aapne meri pichli kamukta stories ko like kiya uske liye thank you so much . Aise hi mujhe appreciate karte rahiye. Aapse request hai ki aap mujhe comments kigiye acche yaa bure. Mujhe sab manjoor hai kyunki mujhe acche comments mile toh mai or stories likhunga or ager mujhe bure comments mile toh mai apni aap ko sudharne ki koshish karunga. Kya gulti hui mujhse uske baare mai sochunga. Girls, aunties or sabhi se ye request hai ki aap mujhe email...

3 years ago
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Jungle Hunt

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt By Paul G Jutras As the final school bell rang, Paul leapt out of the second story classroom window and took off like a bat out of Hell. "Get back here!" Amy shouted from the window. "You're suppose to help me in detention, cleaning the classroom." "Cleaning classrooms are for losers." Paul shouted over his shoulder as he ran into...

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Cat and Mouse Theres An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist

Cat and Mouse: There's An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist by Bluto WEEK 14 "Cat." "Huh?" "Cat, wake up, we're about to land." "Ahhh, why are you waking me just for that, Nightman?" "Cat, how many weeks has it been since you turned the Mouse into a baby?" "What?? Oh, I don't know.? What's today, Tuesday?? Oh, I guess it's been 14 weeks as of? today.? And I didn't change Mouse into a baby, Malato-Zu did!" "Forget about that.? Look at her, sleeping over...

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Jungle Quest

JUNGLE QUEST © 2001, 2012 by Anthony Durrant I set sail on the transport ship Edward The Benevolent for Llendos for my health on a bright winter's day, and for the first part of the voyage we had smooth sailing. The view from the deck was excellent: I could see jellyfish in the water below where I stood "Flying fish off the port bow!" a sailor cried out. "Thank you, sir!" I shouted back. After about thirty minutes I grew tired and went to the...

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Jungle Juice Conclusion

After the Chief finished dumping his seed into me, Kara walked me back to my hut. My husband was not inside when we got there. I thought that he might have awakened from his drunken slumber and went for a walk to clear his head.Kara led me to the small bed, then she left. I laid there and thought about how the Chief took me over and over, using me like a fuck-doll, and I responded like a slut. His slut. He had fucked me so thoroughly that even thinking about it made me horny again. My pussy was...

Wife Lovers
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Jungle Love Chapter 2

The expedition had stopped for the night and were busy setting up their campsite. Each person in the party had a task to perform to make it quick and easy to get the tents up, the fire started, and the gear stowed.As they went about their duties, none of them could know that just outside the ring of firelight, in the dusky jungle around them, evil forces were gathering. Silently, the enemy natives gathered and prepared to attack.With little more than a jungle bird call, the marauding natives...

Love Stories
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Afican Slave Queen Jungle Kidnap

All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. “I’ll repeat my question,” said the young reporter. He narrowed his gaze at the attractive white woman and gave a forced smile. “Please do.” Rachel enunciated the words clearly and concisely for the media filled hall. “You say there is no evidence of your army using chemical weapons against northern separatists groups, however why did you house and pay for the 3 top ex soviet research scientist who specialise in...

4 years ago
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Jungle Girls Ch 01

Greetings everyone, First of all, do not worry- the adventures of Jane, Lucy, and Charlie shall continue- at the moment, I am writing them in private and they shall return soon. Today, we will begin a shorter story based around a concept that may not exactly be new but I have enriched it according to this site. I hope you will like it. Even if you don’t, be sure to like and comment! I always love receiving feedback! -LadyDaisy ***** Jungle Girls Chapter 1: Welcome to the Jungle The jungle...

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Muscled Man Fucked Me In A Jungle Hut

Hello Friends! I am Chahat Khanna. I am back again on this platform with another of my sexual escapade. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 size boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of  34 inches with a glowing milk tone. Not boring you any longer, I will start with my story straightaway. So there was I standing all alone on a dark road surrounded by jungle with heavy rain falling over my...

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Mom Gangbanged In Jungle

Hey readers I am Vishal and this incident is about how my mom got gangbanged in a Jungle. I don’t believe in stories. I am Vishal an IT student 23 years old living in Ahmedabad. This is my 3rd post here on ISS. My other two posts are pumping my mommy and gangbanged Mom. Due to some issues my previous id was not working so I am using my new Id here. My Mom’s name is Amita. She is 43 years old and average looking lady neither skinny nor fatso. She is very loving. It’s been around 3 years I have...

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Jungle Girls Ch 02

Chapter 2: In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle The other members of the expedition were back in their camp, recording all the various events of the day in their own way. John suddenly came back in the large tent. They were surprised, they were sure he was dead. ‘Hello, everyone. Thank you for waiting for me.’ he said sarcastically. ‘Ah yes, well, how’d everything go?’ Steve asked. At that point, John told them all exactly what had happened, making sure not to leave anything out. (Perhaps, in...

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Randi Ki Chudayi Pahli Baar Jungle Me

Mai pratik c.G. Se ye meri pahli story hai . Tou time waste na karte huye sidhe kahani pe aata hu. Mai 25 saal ka ek ladka hu ye tab ki baat hai jab mai chudayi k liye tadap rha tha . Girl friend se v brekup ho chuka tha , maine suna tha hmare city se 20 km. Dur ek jungle hai wahaa randiya bahut milti hai gao ki . Tou ek din mai aur mera ek friend udhar he ghumne chle gye randi ki talaash me par koi nai mili, aise he 5-6 din tak hum roz jaate par koi naimilti .Mai thak chuka tha aur chudayi k...

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Feminized in the jungle

Feminized in the jungle By Sheena Sands Prologue "Mayday, mayday, mayday!" Those were the last words I recalled before blacking out. My plane, a plush Learjet 60 business jet had been cruising over the Amazon jungles of Bolivia, when everything went black. My name is Lou, and I was the terrified trainee co-pilot while the pilot, the attractive Captain Laura Lee had been on the controls. Our passengers included Cindy Striker, former supermodel-turned CEO of cosmetic...

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Lara Croft and the jungle of Biggo Cocko

At first, it had looked like an easy jump. Of course, the clearing was small, barely wide enough for an experienced parachutist to make a somewhat safe landing, but the tall mountains that surrounded the jungle of Biggo Cocko on all sides shielded it from the wind, and Lara's descent had been a piece of cake. This was a good sign: that jungle was renowned for being especially unforgiving, and a good, swift start was mandatory if she wished to complete her mission and be back at the pick-up site...

4 years ago
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Jungle Mai Mangal

This is the story of a mom seducing her son in the jungle. Coming to the story my name is aryan and I live with my mom only as my dad left us when I was 7 years old.Now the heroine of the story is my mom rupa she is 38 years old having lovely body stats of 38-26-42, a figure anyone would die for, the men in our colony used to watch her booty and masturbate every day .She was very fair and 5’4 tall and had a well-maintained gym body. I was 18 years old and had an athletic body with a height of 6...

2 years ago
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Jungle Hunt The Three Witches

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt: The Three Witches By Paul G Jutras An owl hooted from a tree limb as a coven of witches stood around a cauldron in the jungle. They chanted in an unheard mumble as they continued their voodoo like ways. One dropped a bat wing into the cauldron and another dropped a lizard. "This potion will freeze anyone stiff." Electra said to her...

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Jungle Fever

Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...

2 years ago
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Jungle Fever

Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...

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when in the jungle

WHEN IN THE JUNGLE...... ( This is Real fantasy and soon to be a video...,,I recokn readers check out some of pics relating to this story in picture gallery on same website)I was chatting on f'book when my dad came back from work.It was summer time .'honey we need to move ,I got transferred to Neyport, a remote village in west manchester',he said to mom. I don't know how their further conversation unfolded,but after a while mom came to me and said,'matt ,we need to move to new place ,you...

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Tits Twists In The Jungle 8211 Part I

Hi guys I am Shivani from “brother made me slut” and “surprise at the farmhouse”, hope you guys remember me. So here is another story of another encounter that happened 6 months later after the farmhouse incident. As you all know that at the farmhouse I decided to be a slut, so there were a few encounters with Rakesh and Rinku a couple of times, by now my figure had changed to 36c 28 38. So I became sexier and now I knew what to do to earn a handsome money. A month later the farmhouse incident...

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Divya K Saath Jungle Me Mangal 8211 Part I

Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...

3 years ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto part 2 jungle trip jo main phalhay part main pora na kar saka . aap ko phalha part i think acha nahi laga ho ga or jin ko acha laga yah bura phir be thanks aap nay mare story read ki .jasa kay main phalhi story main baata chuka hon kay ,wo junglee adami ka lora nechay ko os ki tango main latka hoa tha or kafie sara wet tha jes say lag raha tha kay near 8 inch to didi ki piyare gore little choot main gaya ho ga . or soch raha tha kay itna bara es ka lora or itna motta lund didi nay kasay...

3 years ago
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Jungle Scout

Even before I was old enough I wanted to fight for my country. When I was I joined those I felt comfortable with, jungle scouts. I had a talent for moving unseen and they were the best place for me. Our mission went from finding secret camps for smuggling weapons and equipment to plans for a major attack. I had grown up on the southern coast of Han in the swamp and jungle. When the Clar invaded I was to young to fight. We were a colony and Genta came in with both feet. They and our forces...

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Jungle Love Chapter 3

With the news that the legend of the lost city of Choque Cota was indeed real and all that that promised for the party and the success of their journey, the whole camp was abuzz with excitement. But the actual discovery and exploration of the city would have to wait until morning.So the group made camp and tried to get some sleep while they waited for the sunrise. For most of the party, sleep came fairly easily.But for the two doctors, sleep would be much more elusive. Dr. Anderson had been...

Love Stories
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The Sportscaster in the Urban Jungle

The Rapper and the Sportscaster: The Rapper and the Sportscaster – Down In the Dumps Karin found herself naked laying on the ground. The men got out of the Limo and stood around her laughing and joking. One after another they aimed a steady stream of piss on her. It was cold and Karin was shivering. Naked she was unable to move. The Limo drove off slowly down the alley. It was cold and she was wet covered in piss, unable to move. Lying there what seemed forever she heard...

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Jungle Fever

Darren held her arm, making sure she wouldn’t fall and bust her ass. When they got outside to his truck, he had to hold her blonde hair back from her face as she blew big chunks in the parking lot. Better projectile vomit there than in his vehicle. Behind the tinted windows and feeling better having relieved herself of some of that alcohol, she started chatting away. “Turn on the radio. Ohhhh, 50cent, I LOVVVE him. He’s so gangsta. You know what I mean? Keeping it real. From the...

3 years ago
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Hot Jungle Nights

My wife and I were headed for a two week vacation in the Costa Rican jungle. On the third night of our vacation, we were booked in at a tree house nestled away in the jungle. It was in a secluded area with only ten tree houses, with the dense jungle you could not see any of the other tree houses. During the day we went for a two mile hike down to a river. When we arrived at the river we were both sweaty and feeling a little frisky. My wife was wearing a loose fitting shirt and a pair of...

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Hot Jungle Nights

My wife and I were headed for a two week vacation in the Costa Rican jungle. On the third night of our vacation, we were booked in at a tree house nestled away in the jungle. It was in a secluded area with only ten tree houses, with the dense jungle you could not see any of the other tree houses. During the day we went for a two mile hike down to a river. When we arrived at the river we were both sweaty and feeling a little frisky. My wife was wearing a loose fitting shirt and a pair of...

2 years ago
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Jungle Ne Mangal At Nainital

Hi readers, apki ishana hazir h apne naye experience ko share krne jisne meri pichhli story ni padi wo yha pad skta h Shivam, uske dost or un anjan ladko se chudne ke bad mujhe guilt hia ki mene kya kr dia mujhe ye sb no krna chahie tha. Isilie me sb se dopr hone ke lie ek vacation pr jane ka socha or apna number badal lia taki shivam dobara call na kr pae Mene nainital ke ticket ktwaye or nikal padi hotel already book tha me nainital pahuchi bahjt hi achha mausam tha thandi hawaye or taal...

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My Wife Has Been Gang Banged By Jungle People

Hi friends my name is sudeep i am going to explain real story happened in my marriage life as it is a real incident happened as it to long to explain but it is awesome exp .My wife name is sraveni she is very hot leady milky white with awesome boob’s size of 38dd-20-34 you can imagine how much big they are if anybody sees them they will apparently will suck all the milk. We used to go to tour’s during summer because she always pleads me for sex but i restrict her by saying i have goals to...

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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part III

Thanks dosto aap nay mare stories like ki or thanks aap logo kay comments or emails kay . dosto mare stories lumbi ho jati hain es liya sorry , jasa kay aap logo nay jungle trip part 1 or 2 read kiya ho ga now part 3 hai try karon ga aap ko acha lagay didi to junglee say chudwa kar layt gaye magar mare soch suru ho gaye pata nahi parents ka kiya bana ho ga kes haal main hon gay humaray liya kitna worried hon gay , or dosre taraf hum hain kay humay kuch yaad nahi raha hum khider say aya hain or...

4 years ago
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Carried away on photoshoot wife gets jungle fever

My wife Nancy went back to college at the tender age of forty eight. She had taken several art courses, one of them was a drama - photography course. She decided to recreate one of those jungle, white explorer in peril type pictures, but what would come of it was totally unexpected.We had a friend of ours who let us use their tropical garden with its palms and dense brush.I took some photos as my wife (dressed in her jungle explorer outfit including pithe helmet) went through the jungle with a...

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Ann of the JungleChapter 4

I knew it was disloyal of me to hold my erstwhile spouse’s cock with a degree of contempt because he was too short to hit my magic buttons needed to get my juices flowing nice and smooth. Still, I managed to keep him pumping away with a lot of pretense and acting like he was God’s gift to women humping away on them when they were down on all fours and wide open for his efforts. Sometimes, I would let him up into my brown eye and pretend he had made me his slave for life. It helped him with...

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the jungle

Sally was sitting in the broken down jeep in an African jungle. She had thought it to go on a tour of Africa with her boyfriend and his family would be a cool way to celebrate her 18th birthday but 5 days into the trip and the jeep broke down, it was late at night and they could not get a signal for the phones, Steve’s parents had gone back to get help but Sally knew it was about 30 mile to the nearest town and it would be hours before help arrived so she was stuck with Steve his 16 year old...

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The Jungle

The sun was hot on their skin, the humid jungle air saturating their clothes. Their packs hung light after days of trekking through the wilderness. Finally they break free from the stifling underbrush to the banks of a soft azure blue lake. They are overtaken by the beauty and stillness of the lake. They look around and see creatures like they have never seen before. They take their packs off and decide that the sun will be setting soon and this would be a beautiful place to set up camp for the...

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