FidèleChapter 6 free porn video

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What the hell just happened?

The question echoed all through the night, and lingered long after he awoke. He’d planned to hit the gym this morning, but entering the house seemed like a complication he wasn’t ready to face, and so he settled for a run on the beach followed by a chilly but invigorating swim. (This time, he remembered to leave a towel on the dock.) By the time he was done, almost fifty percent of his hangover had been suppressed. Unfortunately, one hundred percent of his guilt, confusion, and arousal remained intact.

Seriously, what the hell happened last night?

He’d gone to bed numb. Shocked. Overwhelmed. He’d woken up in the same state, and despite a fair bit physical exertion and the bracing slap of the lake water, he remained fundamentally zombified as he stood under the shower’s warm rain.

Wasn’t this exactly what I hoped for, despite all my anxiety? Kathryn — majestic, sensual, untouchable Kathryn — finally took the reins, so to speak, and released the sexual tension between us in a delightfully unexpected way. Her touch was even more thrilling than I imagined it would be, and despite how much I drank before she arrived, it’s a moment I’ll never forget. Not as long as I live. So why do I feel such a threatening sense of wrongness? Other than the obvious, I mean.

Unlike his post-boat trip flights of erotic fancy, Luke had yet to reimagine last night into more than it was, for he was still trying to grapple with events as they actually occurred. There was a point up to which their interaction made complete sense, an interregnum during which it seemed unlikely but thrilling, and then a coda that he still couldn’t wrap his head around.

Unexpectedly deciding to join him when her night turned sour seemed entirely in character, given their escapes to the lake and her pleas to spend more time with her. That she was tactile he already knew all too well; that she was very far from shy was something he was also coming to learn. Lowered inhibitions as the wine flowed were a known quantity. But when she asked him to touch her is where his understanding began to falter, for her teasing — and he was increasingly comfortable with his conclusion that she’d been knowingly, deliberately teasing him for days, one he’d reached even before her confession — had always remained just on the other side of propriety. Barely, at times, yet it hadn’t crossed the line.

Until last night. He had no idea what the tipping point was between begging him to move his massage above her knee and suddenly getting up and leaving, but at least that was something about which he could reliably hypothesize: what felt good in the moment, eased by inebriation, turned into something too risky to let continue. Still, from his perspective it indeed crossed the line between teasing and torture, and had she not returned he’d have forever wondered just how cognizant of that line-crossing she was.

But what happened later ... there was no logic, no common sense, no reason that he could see. He’d heard her reasons, and they seemed plain enough, but they also seemed tremendously out of character. All the times and ways I fantasized about how I might seduce her or she might seduce me ... not once did it ever play out like that. It was either more serious, romantic, and controlled, or it was an explosion of passion in the heat of a vulnerable moment. Last night seemed like a consolation prize.

Threads of meaning, or at least of comparison and context, wrapped themselves around the raw memory. Of nights in bars, meeting someone, leaving together, retreating to an apartment, beginning the slow dance towards union ... and then the woman disappearing into the bathroom for an unusually long time, reappearing with the unfortunate news that certain activities were off the table due to the unexpectedly early arrival of a complicating factor. On occasion, this led to a compensatory blowjob before an early end to the evening.

That’s exactly what it felt like. Neither a consummation, nor a prelude, nor a promise of escalation, but a participatory medal. “Thanks for being a good sport, earlier. Here’s your orgasm. Don’t forget to clean up the mess.” To his dismay, he realized that he didn’t much like the feeling. I could never have imagined being anything less than ecstatic over the slightest sexual contact with Kathryn, yet here I am feeling exactly that: less than ecstatic. Why? What does it mean?

Answers remained elusive, but his shower had now lasted a good twenty minutes and he’d yet to accomplish any of the usual shower-related tasks. As efficiently as possible, he finished, got dressed, and — moving with a strange caution, as if he feared hidden traps or unexpected enemies — descended to the cellar.

He’d been working for a while when Kathryn finally staggered in, clutching the back of her head. Without a word she glanced at Luke’s laptop screen, sat down opposite him, and started handing him bottles.

“Sorry I’m late,” she mumbled. “Long night. Still hasn’t ended. I should be fine by next year.”

He peered at her over his laptop, full of curiosity and anticipation, searching for any sign that she acknowledged what happened, but her face was an impenetrable mask of ache and throb and haze. Well, I’ve felt like that before, and to be honest I still kinda do. Anyway, it’s sure to come up over lunch, if not sooner.

Still, his tension grew as they worked in silence. Knowing that the more pointed he was, the more his words would annoy, he tried to keep his voice as quiet and passive as possible. “I don’t mind if you want to take the day off.”

She sighed, then winced at a sharp pain in her temple. “No, this is worthy penance. I need penance. I deserve penance. Also, the lights in here are as much as I can handle right now.”

“I don’t like seeing you suffer.”

“Oh, I’m suffering alright. I’m suffering the afterness of a bad night of badness.”

He was unable to keep surprise from his voice, though it came at the cost of elevated volume. “You’re a Buffy fan?”

Holding up her hand and grimacing, she answered, “Yes I am, please speak quietly, and can we talk about this another time? My ability to endure enthusiasm is nonexistent right now.”

He summoned up a thematically appropriate quote. “Fire bad, tree pretty?”

Despite herself, she managed a weak smile. “Exactly. Now hush. In fact, why don’t we reenact ‘Hush’ and work silently for the rest of the morning?”

Nodding, he went back to work, though he spared her a sympathetic glance from time to time. She doesn’t look one bit less beautiful, even in this state. But she’s clearly hurting. I certainly understand why she’s not up for talking about last night. Well, it doesn’t matter yet. I can be patient.

She slumped in a chair while he put together the least challenging lunch he could manage on short notice: plain toast, a small bowl of clear chicken broth, and water. Her thousand-mile stare into the soup made his heart break, but he respected her obvious wishes and remained quiet ... at least until she finally broke the impasse.

“I suppose we should talk about last night.”

He tensed, for there was no telling where this conversation might lead. “Only if you want to.”

“Consider it part of the penance. Look, I’m really sorry for barging in on you unannounced. I didn’t get the sense that you minded, at least to the extent that I remember whether or not you did, but I feel like I monopolized your time. And I really should have left earlier.”

I’m not quite sure I understand where she’s going with this. “You’re right, I really didn’t mind. I had a great time, and it was certainly an ... interesting night.” There. That should indicate that I’m open to talking about what happened.

“I also feel bad for stealing your rather fantastic Champagne. The first thing I saw when I woke up was the empty bottle on the nightstand. It was like some sort of hectoring sentinel reminding me of all my misdeeds and regrets.”

Uh-oh. Misdeeds and regrets. Well, I was prepared for this. “You did nothing to regret, Kathryn. At least not from my perspective. I opened the Champagne for both of us to enjoy.”

A blush colored her heretofore washed-out cheeks as she continued. “And then there’s ... Luke, I feel really bad about the massage. It seemed like a whimsical, even playful, idea at the time, and you are marvelous with your hands, but ... well, there’s no way to say it that’s not embarrassing: I let it go too far. I’m sorry. I should know better.”

The massage went too far? What about later? “I didn’t exactly mind that either.”

Her color deepened. “That really only makes it worse. Because even though I was pretty drunk, I knew you wouldn’t. I’d never expect you to turn down an invitation that blatant. But that’s exactly why I should’ve been more careful.”

Struggling to find an appropriate response to a conversation that was increasingly bewildering in its wandering elisions, he chose to remain silent, waiting for her to broach the most delicate subject of all.

“Anyway, I’m way too old to say something stupid like ‘I’m never going to drink that much again,’ and you wouldn’t believe me if I did. For better or worse, I’ve no doubt there will be more moments like that between us. So I want to apologize in advance, and beg your tolerance in putting up with excess friskiness the next time it happens. Or you can just kick me out and make me go to bed like a sensible person. Either will be fine.”

Are we really not going to talk about the rest? Can it possibly be that she doesn’t remember? God, it’d be just my luck if she’s forgotten the whole thing. But I have to know.

“Seriously, don’t worry about it. You’ll almost certainly have to take care of me in the same state once or twice. To be honest,” he said with as much lightness as he could affect, “I’m a little surprised you remember that much.”

With a quiet chuckle, she answered, “Believe me, I spent a long time staring at the ceiling before I pieced it all together. Coming over here at all was a matter of forcing one foot in front of the other, because I mostly just wanted to hide under the covers. At least when I staggered to my bed last night I had the sense to stay there, rather than ... I don’t know, go for a midnight swim or something.”

She doesn’t remember! So what am I supposed to do now? Pretend it never happened? I guess that’s my only choice, because it’s the only decent thing to do. Nothing good can come from me reminding her if she truly doesn’t remember what she did.

“Don’t give it another thought. I mean it. Let’s just ... look, I’ve been enjoying each and every day with you more than the last, and I wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of that. And no matter how unexpected it was, or how inebriated we were, I had a great time last night.”

She squinted at him for a moment, then nodded. “Thank you. But despite having received undeserved absolution, I shall continue my term in purgatory until my sins have been paid in full or my blood alcohol level returns to normal, whichever comes last.”

Feigning a laugh, for he was still unsettled by this unexpected turn of events, they returned to work.

An hour later, however, Kathryn started shifting uncomfortably, breathing more heavily, and making soft noises that indicated she was struggling to retain equilibrium. Every time he glanced at her in concern she was perspiring more heavily. He wondered if she was about to be sick.

She stood up, touching her neck as if feeling her pulse. “Luke, I need to excuse myself for a bit. Sorry. I’ll be back. I just...” She turned and practically ran from the cellar. He heard her sprinting up the stairs even before the door clicked shut. Shaking his head in sympathy at her malaise, he returned to his task.

Fifteen minutes later, however, she still hadn’t returned. I should probably make sure she’s okay. Maybe she’s napping on the bed again? At the very least I should see if there’s anything I can do to help. Get her some water, hold her hair back, something. As quietly as possible, he ascended the staircase.

Nope, not on the bed. The door to the bathroom was open, and worrisome sounds were emerging from within. He moved closer, and now the noises were unmistakable: repetitive exhalations of what sounded like stomach-churning misery in the form of long groans. She must be dry heaving. The poor thing. Leaning close to the door, he half-whispered her name. No response. Sticking his head just inside the doorframe, he repeated his call, louder this time.


There was still no answer. More concerned than ever, he pushed the door wide open and entered the bathroom. She was leaning over the sink, holding on to the counter with one hand while her body convulsed.

Oh my god...

His eyes fell to the yoga pants that were bunched around her buttocks, exposing their enticing upper curves and no longer clinging quite so tightly to her upper thighs. Her other hand — the one that wasn’t braced against the sink — was busy between her thighs. What he initially thought might be abdominal convulsions were instead a rhythmic oscillation of her hips punctuated by soft groans that he now realized were of pleasure rather than pain.

She wasn’t ill, she was horny! Does this mean she finally remembers?

Compelled by animal instinct, abandoned by restraint, consumed by primal desire, he moved closer. “Kathryn.” It was a demand — there was no way she couldn’t hear him — and yet again she failed to respond. Taking this as all the permission he’d ever need, he nestled his loins against her flexing buttocks and slid his hands around her exposed waist. She grabbed one and moved it between her legs until it was pressed against her drenched sex, guiding his fingers up, down, and into her sodden hole until he picked up the rhythm. His other hand she elevated until it gripped a fulsome breast, pressing his thumb and forefinger together to pinch her swollen nipple through her thin shirt.

The pace she set was a frenetic one, for she was obviously close to orgasm. Whether it would be her first or just the latest among many was unclear. The heat and slick wetness of her surprisingly tight channel was an ecstasy beyond his imagination, the softness of her breast a revelation of perfection beyond all hope. Her ass ground against his erection as he worked her; ever harder, ever faster.

With a body-rending shudder, she came ... her breathy moans strangled and strained, as if she was enduring some form of pain alongside her climax ... and he kept his fingers inside her until her trembling stilled. As her breathing slowed to a steady cadence, she extracted his fingers from her sex and removed his hand from her breast. His fingers were literally dripping with her arousal.

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I get back to my desk from the end-of-the-week departmental meeting and see the light blinking on my phone. I have a voicemail. Do I want to check it? I just had a bunch more workload dumped in my lap at that meeting and I’ve got plenty of work to do. Oh, what the heck. Pressing the button, I put the phone to my ear to listen. Just some knucklehead dialing the wrong number and asking for somebody named Pamela. Whatever, it’s his loss. It’s already pushing 5:30, but I’m behind on my day’s work...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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An Evening at Ms Clarks Part 3 Jakes Story

After catching my mother and my bud in the shower together, I went to my room and was in the process of tossing my load when, without so much as a warning knock my mother walked in wrapped in a towel. "Honey, I wanted to explain some things to you..." she paused when she realized I had my cock in my hand and was jacking off like a mad man. I dropped my cock and turned to look at her she has a blush to her face that is spreading down to her chest. "MOM!" She just stood and stared at me with my...

3 years ago
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Rent Par Sexy Aunty

Hii dosto, myself aaryan 19 years old lives in Delhi my email id is you can contact me on Facebook also meri family me 4 log hai me, mom, dad, and mera chota bhai we are from middle class but very reputed family. Now come on story…. Ye story hai meri aur hmaare rent par rehne vaali aunty ki jo ki punjaban hai. Aunty pehle mere saamne vale ghar me rehti thi but unki unke upar rehne vaali family se kuch problem ho gae to unhone hmaare neeche vaala floor rent par le liya. Aunty ke ghar me 3 log...

4 years ago
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Naked In School The Students and The Principal

Monday, At School — The Principal He stared out the office window at the landscape of Bluff Oaks, Iowa, a lush but slightly arid town in Taylor County at the bottom of the state. It was a lovely day, the summer heat had subsided a bit, but the cool of the fall had not yet arrived. It was the third week of school, the first week of The Program. It was either going to be the best or the worst day of his life. It all depended on the eight children coming to his office, two from each class,...

3 years ago
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A Broken Slutty GIrlfriend

Our guild capacity is 100 and when we do gathering, usually 20-30 people turn up but because we gather in a big group, Normally those that I name will stick together. We were in a restaurant and Jenn was the friendliest among all of them. She greeted me warmly with a hug before introducing me to all of them real life. Lee's group already knew each other as they play another game with Jenn before this. So I'm like the new guy. There weren't many girls in the gathering, Jenn the only...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend Ke Sath Sex Experience Part I

By : 89mahi.2011 Hi friend’s thiz is Mahi, my age is 24. I love reading ISS stories, so maine yeh socha ki kyu na mai bhi ap logo se apna ek real experience share karti ho, mai aap logose aaj mere boyfriend ke sath ak hot sex expirince share kar na chahati hu mera boyfriend ek mahine ke lia bahar gaya tha ek mahine tak usse nahi mili thi usdin o bapes aaya mai use mile ke lia wait nahi kar parahi thi issilia next din subhe subhe uske ghar chaligai o apne ghar mai akele rahta tha isislia...

2 years ago
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Nymmph Apocalypse

by Dave It had been a particularly challenging week filled with last minute shipping modifications. The annual ordering cycle signaling the beginning of the holiday season had begun. Soon overtime would be mandatory bringing bloated paychecks and exhaustion. Realizing my precious free time would soon be spent preparing for the holidays, I decided to forego my normal Friday night social activities in pursuit of one of my most endearing pastimes; photography. Although there was a high...

3 years ago
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Pleasure With A Stranger In A Train

My name is Treesa, this is my second story here, first one was “My first lesbian encounter in a bus”. Before starting let me introduce myself to you. I am a chubby girl having big 38D boobs and have a sexy ass that will sway beautifully while I walk. I love making people go crazy over my assets by wearing tight t-shirts that will show my big round boob’s shape and my big ass through my tight skin hugging jeans. I love men staring at them and getting groped by strangers. I had been groped by...

3 years ago
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Poor Amy Learning a Lesson

Poor Amy Jameson was lying face down on the table, arms and legs bound to the table legs. Her body was covered in cum, her pussy and asshole were enflamed and sore, her back, ass and thighs were covered in welts. Her breasts, her tender breasts, were dotted with the marks that the teeth of nipple clamps leave when pressed between abused breasts and the tabletop. Her mind was buzzing, in that place that was neither here nor there — just floating in a space that only the abuse that she had...

3 years ago
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After filling the truck up with gas he went inside to pick up some snacks so he could be on his way. Walking into the store he noticed the leggy brunette bent over at the candy bar rack. He was pretty sure he could see smooth shave pussy lips due to the short shorts she was wearing, they didn't leave much to the imagination. Then she turned around catching him staring at her ass. She smiled and walked on. He went over to the cooler opening the door to get himself a coke, just as he was...

4 years ago
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My First Dildo

One day while watching a porno with my friend Eric he says to me that he has a surprise for me. After the porno we went to his room like we usually do in this situation and stripped down and he had me lay face down on the bed. I felt him pull my legs apart and then he did something he rarely does and started to lick my asshole. All I could do was just lay there and moan and squirm as he ate me and tongue fucked me like a little bitch. After several minute of him eating my man cunt he than...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Classmate

Days passed as Saturday came near and I was thinking what was her purpose of calling me to her house. Then came Saturday, I rang her doorbell and she opened the damn door. Whoa! She was looking very hot and erotic. I could shag then and there looking at her even in her clothes. Imagine this, an extermely attractive girl with perfectly round and big tits and well shaped ass, in a skin tight sleeveless shirt which was tied in a knot to reveal her navel and very tight pair of jeans which extended...

1 year ago
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The Obedient Wife

THE OBEDIENT WIFE    "Count" he ordered.     "One" she responded, as the first blow landed on the upturned bottom of her right foot. She was kneeling on the sofa, facing the back of it, with her stockinged feet just at the edge. He had struck her with his folded over belt across her arch, the most tender part. The blow was not full strength but hard enough to sting strongly.     "Two" she called out as the next blow landed on her left foot.     When she reached ten, he stopped and directed "Now...

1 year ago
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Dealing With Amys Little ImpChapter 5

I knew it was a good time for me to quit the job with the Postal Service right then and there because my health was in grave danger from Amy, Misty and the orange tinted Imp that rode her shoulder like a dark stranger with evil intent. Unfortunately, I had too many years to give up my lucrative pension promised at the end of the road. I continued to drive the route and stop at the shack in the country humping both Amy and Misty and doing bad stuff with the terrible little Imp as well. I...

2 years ago
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Smokin Hot GILF

Recently I got a call from my Mother-in-Law she asked if I could stop by on my way home. She said her neighbor Dianne’s smoke detectors were beeping. She realized she had never changed the backup batteries since she moved in three years ago. She purchased a pack of batteries and got out her ladder but then she realized she was afraid of falling and injuring herself. She asked her neighbor my MIL if she thought I could stop by and install the batteries since my MIL had told her of all the work I...

2 years ago
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A piece Of her heart

Introduction: Rate n Dusk was beginning to take hold on the slightly bustling streets of this quiet neighborhood. Children played on the side of the road and in the front yards of the small modern homes, the sun slowly setting behind the mountains to the west of the small suburb. Temperatures slowly cooling off as night approached and engulfed the landscape, setting an altogether quiet and peaceful mood for the night, something I have longed for. I pulled into the driveway of my humble abode,...

2 years ago
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Kitchen sink dramas

The tension in the house was unbearable. I could hardly remember how the stupid row had started but now an air of silent anger filled the air. Both as bad as each other we circled like a****ls around, knowing once it started it would be intense and furious. Our tempers had to spill over some time.Standing at the kitchen sink I could feel you watching me from the door way. I could feel your eyes boring into the back of me and I could feel my temper rising. Without turning I ask sarcastically,...

1 year ago
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Watching and reclaiming1

Crystal and I left our house early, eating breakfast on the road. The drive is over an hour to,get to Robert's, and though we made small talk we didn't say much. The drive runs us along the bays and inlets of the coast and we arrive at a small house tucked in off the main road. Robert has coffee waiting and is watching tv. For the first couple of hours we just sat making small talk and watching a movie. Nothing exciting, just Sci-fi. After the movie ends Robert stepped outside for a...

1 year ago
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The Taste Tester

In this scene, Ava and her boyfriend, Jack, have already agreed to a game of “giver’s choice.” Jack has just given Ava his choice for her: His head between her legs and his tongue working non-stop until she is moaning in ecstasy. We pick up the scene as Ava considers what sexual fun she can “give” back to Jack after his cunnilingus gave her an amazing orgasm. ----- I can experience multiple orgasms, and I know that Jack was prepared to have his tongue in my pussy for as many orgasms as I...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Braylin Bailey How About I Get Some Work Done On Your Pussy Stepsis

Braylin Bailey isn’t shy about wandering the house wearing just a tank top and thongs. She is in the kitchen making breakfast when she gets into it with her stepbrother, Apollo Banks. Braylin keeps up her previous bitchiness after breakfast when she realizes that Apollo is staring at her ass. Later, after school, Braylin kicks Apollo off the computer so she can shop for hot sexy clothes. When Apollo tries to clap back, Braylin kneels and flips her miniskirt up while telling him to do it....

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 96

There once was a girl who wasn’t feeling very pretty so she went to a genie to make her pretty. The genie told her that to make her feel pretty, he would make it so that every time someone apologized to her boobs would increase by one size. So the girl is walking down the street and someone bumps into her and says, “Oh, I’m sorry,” and the woman’s boobs went up one size. Then someone accidentally stepped on her foot and said, “I’m sorry,” and her boobs got one size bigger. Then she’s walking...

2 years ago
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Becoming Vikas8217s Wife

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net To understand why I did what I did, you will first need to know a bit about me as a person. I am an upper-middle class guy from Delhi, 30 years old, though most people tell me I look like I am 25. I am about 5’6’’, neither fair nor too dark, and I have a fairly ordinary face. However, I’ve maintained myself pretty well, am slim and supposedly have an attractive personality. I am gay, quite comfortable with the fact, and I’ve...

Gay Male
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I rolled her over on her back. I tried to kiss her, but she turned her head away. "No, no kissing," she said. I shrugged. If she didn't want to kiss, that was fine with me. I'd met her at the hotel bar, where she had just started working. Her name was Liz and she screwed up my order three times. "How hard is it to remember a double scotch?" I teased. I flirted with her all night. She had a high, infectious laugh that rang in the room like the sound of bells. When the bar closed for the...

3 years ago
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She wasnt kidding part 2

Debbie quickly learned that I was insatiable when it came to sex. She had to pump the breaks on my sexual advances. Debbie was playful in her "time-outs". Saying she needed a smoke break but even that didn't stop me from performing oral on her as she sat on our couch with he legs wide open. I kind of liked how nonchalant she looked as I worked my tongue hard into her wet lips. Debbie adored my efforts and even gave me pointers on where I needed to focus my efforts more. She opened her flaps and...

2 years ago
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Hungry lioness

My name is Shalini. Yes, I was the hungry lioness. I got married in 1979 to an engineer in an PSU. He was working in a remote corner of Assam. I was born and brought in Bangalore in a very Mod way. I am basically, good looking, with an figure of 38-26-36 ever since my college days. My husband, Mr. Shashidhar, is a lean lanky, person with hollow cheeks, bony structure weighing less than fifty Kg! You can imagine what would have been my fate on bed. He used to get exhausted in less than two...

2 years ago
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A Night Worth RememberingChapter 3

While John and Kandy were sitting at the supper table, Kandy looked at John and said, "I have a confession to make." John took a drink of his coffee and said, "You do, what kind of confession?" Kandy swallowed hard and said, "Do you remember how reluctant I was to the idea of swinging?" John replied, "Oh yes, I thought you would kick my ass and make me sleep on the sofa forever. I hope you're not still mad at the way we tricked you two women into fucking that night." Kandy smiled...

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