- 4 years ago
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Two unrelated real events brought together and romanced up provide the basis for this little tale.
Dave thought her name was familiar when he got the letter asking him to attend a job interview. When he saw her he knew she was the same woman who ten years previously had been a student teacher for his last term at school. He did well in the interview and she stood and shook his hand at the end saying that he’d got the job and that confirmation in writing would follow in a day or so.
‘Excuse me for asking.’ Dave said as he stood ready to leave. ‘But you are the same Miss Victoria Henderson who taught English for a term at Ashton Moor High School aren’t you?’
She looked at him surprised but nodded.
‘Yes, I did teach for a short while, but I gave it up because it was obvious that all the girls hated me and all the boys just stared and learnt nothing.’ She looked hard at him. ‘You do seem familiar Dave, is there any reason I should remember you?’
Dave looked down for a moment then looked back into her deep blue eyes.
‘Probably not. I have to admit to the staring, but you gave me a tremendous boost one afternoon, said something that has helped me ever since.’
She motioned him to sit again. He did, wondering whether this was a good idea.
‘I think I recall you now, but tell me anyway.’
He nervously began to recount what she had said.
‘A group of us, three boys and a girl were talking about something, I can’t remember what now, but Lisa asked you what you thought we’d be doing in five years time. You said we’d probably all be married. We all laughed and John said that I wouldn’t be because I was gay. You just took one look at me and said there was no way I was, that just by looking you could tell, that I was more masculine than most of the boys in the class.’
‘How did that help?’
‘I’d always had trouble getting a date, I couldn’t talk to girls, they were scary creatures.’ She smiled. ‘Anyway, Lisa must have told half the girls in our year. After that I had no trouble getting a date, even after I left.’
‘I still don’t see how that was my doing.’
‘I was the only one who saw the wink, Miss Henderson. You were lying.’
Now she laughed.
‘So how did that help you then?’
‘Suddenly I realised that not all females were scary, that they didn’t all think I was out for one thing only. That was a huge boost to me.’
‘But you were! You all were.’
‘I was only sixteen, the world was suddenly full of desirable females. I’m sure girls felt the same way.’ Dave looked away for a moment.
She looked him straight in the eye.
‘Yes, we did. And you think I took pity on you?’
‘No, more hoped. Anyway it gave me a new outlook and for that I thank you now.’ He got up to leave again. ‘I’ll never mention it again to anyone here. Thank you for the job too.’
As he left Victoria Henderson sat back and let her mind wander back to those days as a student teacher. That one term had been enough to convince her she wasn’t teacher material. There had been too many young men, full of testosterone, full of the naivety of youth. She wasn’t much older than most of them and the temptations had been enormous. The girls hadn’t liked her because they saw her as a threat, and the boys! The boys had only one thing on their minds and it wasn’t the lesson. She smiled to herself. Dave had been the one who had caught her eye though. She did remember that incident. The others had always been teasing him and he always took it with a shrug. To this day she didn’t know why she’d said what she did, or why she’d winked at him as she said it. Victoria sighed. Water under the bridge. He was still kind of cute though. No! She admonished herself. He was now an employee of the company and she was a representative of the company, nothing could happen. She picked up his file and put it away.
Dave soon settled into his new job. It wasn’t complicated, just checking and filing reports as they came in, but he was conscientious and gained a reputation for reliability. His six month probation was nearly up when he was asked to do a special report and e-mail it to ‘Miss Henderson’. He completed it and sent it off, finding her company e-mail address in the computers contact file. Pleased with himself he went home. After turning on his home computer he checked his inbox. As he did he noticed that his server was offering valentine day greetings e-cards. Mischievously he decided to send one to Victoria, after all, she didn’t know his personal e-mail address did she? So it would still be anonymous. He added a flirty message and sent it.
He was a bit worried the next day at work, but no summons to see his supervisor arrived and he relaxed. He got home and checked his e-mails as he always did. He’d got a reply from Victoria! The message was one of curiosity and was also a little bit flirtatious. He replied in kind without thinking too much. The next day he worried all day again, but when he got home once more there was another message. This exchange of e-mails went on for nearly three weeks. Then on a Saturday night, when he’d had a little too much to drink, he sent Victoria a message that went beyond flirting. That Sunday was agonising for Dave as he realised what he’d done. As he lay awake that night, unable to sleep, he decided he’d better confess first thing in the morning, before she opened the e-mail, and take whatever happened.
Victoria was a little surprised to see Dave outside her office when she arrived.
‘Hello David, I didn’t think we had a meeting today. You finished your probation a couple of weeks ago.’ She smiled as he jumped.
‘Yes, yes I did. This isn’t about that.’
‘Come in and tell me what it is then.’ She said, opening her office door. Dave reluctantly followed her in. ‘Sit down.’ She indicated the chair.
‘I think I’d better stand.’
‘What is it then?’ Victoria said, sitting at her desk and turning on her computer.
‘Errrr, can I ask you not to open your e-mails Miss Henderson?’ Dave stuttered.
‘Why ever not?’
‘Because.’ He took a deep breath. ‘Because it’s been me sending you those e-mails. And the one that I sent Saturday when I’d had too much to drink, is a little, well, racy.’
‘Oh, it’s too late for that. I accessed them from home yesterday.’ She smiled. Dave’s shoulders slumped. ‘I knew they were from you anyway Dave, but thank you for your honesty.’ He looked up in shock. ‘Don’t look so surprised, you gave me your e-mail address when you applied for the job.’
‘I did? So why haven’t you had me sacked?’
‘Why would I do that?’ She saw the surprise on his face. ‘It was nice to read ALL of your messages. Everyone here sees me as some sort of ice maiden, but you don’t seem to. Why is that?’
‘I suppose I still see you as that student teacher who helped me out. Will I get into trouble for this?’
‘I don’t think so, but it might be better if you used my home e-mail address.’ Victoria pushed a piece of paper across her desk. Tentatively Dave picked it up and carefully opened it, still a little afraid she was pulling his leg, but it was just an e-mail address. ‘I’ll look forward to your next message then.’ Victoria smiled.
Dave stumbled out of the office and found his way to his own desk, his head spinning. He hardly dared to believe it, she actually seemed to be enjoying the attention. Somehow he managed to get through the day after he got his mind back onto his work. He went home and turned on his computer, he had mail. Victoria had replied to Saturday’s message. He sat and tried to think what to write back, but nothing came. When he’d thought she didn’t know who was sending them it had seemed easy, now however he just couldn’t think. A long forgotten piece of advice came back to him. ‘Write as if you are talking.’ Where had he heard that? At school…. And
then he remembered, it had been Victoria. He smiled to himself and began to type, a totally different sort of message to the ones he had been sending.
Victoria was wondering if she had done the right thing by encouraging Dave, but his messages had been witty and intelligent and fun to read, although that last one had been a bit near to the knuckle. It was the teacher in her, the one that couldn’t cope with a class, but could recognise a talent for writing however it manifested itself. There was a ding from her computer, she had left it on with the e-mail alert enabled and had sat down to look through some reports. It could be from anyone, she thought, after all lots of people have my e-mail address. Nevertheless she felt her heart beating a little faster as she hurried over to her machine. This is stupid she told herself, I should not be applauding him, but he has such a sweet way with words. I don’t remember that from my days teaching him, I wonder how he developed it. It was from Dave. She opened it up. It was a bit longer than usual. She began to read….
The e-mails passed to and fro between them for many months. Sometimes Dave just wrote messages or replies, but sometimes he included a story he’d written. Victoria looked forward to reading those. More and more he asked her advice on what he called his ‘long story’. It was something he’d been writing on and off for many years, but he was close to finishing it now, well the basic storyline anyway. Victoria was more than happy to suggest alternatives or additions. There was a huge info dump in one chapter that he wasn’t happy with and she tried to think of some way to spread the information out without destroying the pace of the rest of the piece, but nothing came to either of them, so it stayed in.
Then one day Dave got a message asking him to come round to Victoria’s flat. Puzzled, he typed a quick reply and then made his way over there. He rang the bell and was let in.
‘Thanks for coming over Dave. I have some things I need to ask you and some information too.’ Now his curiosity was piqued as well. Victoria showed him into the lounge and went to make coffee. ‘The first thing I need to know is are you happy at the company?’
‘Well, yes, I suppose so.’
‘Good. Then there is a post coming up that I think you should apply for. You can do the job, and I want to make your position safe.’
‘Why? What’s happening?’
‘They want to make some changes, and some of the jobs in your office are going. But if you get this new post, you’ll be all right. Here are the details and an application form. Just don’t mess up the interview, because I won’t be there.’
Dave had a nasty suspicion forming in his mind.
‘Why not? What’s happening to you?’
‘My post is going completely. But I don’t mind because I want to go back to teaching.’
‘You do?’ Dave asked in surprise. ‘Why?’
‘Yes. Helping you has reawakened my desire to teach. I want to try teaching again, all the problems I had before should have gone.’
‘Oh, I don’t know. The boys will still stare and the girls will still see you as a threat, you’re still a looker you know.’ He grinned.
‘Thank you for that unsolicited praise.’ She laughed. ‘But I’m better equipped to handle that now. My ice maiden will help there.’ She paused. ‘The truth is, I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of months, and now they want to lose some middle management, me, the time is right for me to try again.’
‘I wish I could say I won’t miss you, but I will. Is there no other post you could fill?’
‘Maybe, but I want to try this.’ She smiled at him. ‘Anyway, we can still keep in touch can’t we?’
‘Sure. I still need help.’
‘No you don’t, but thanks for thinking that.’ They both grinned.
Dave wasn’t sure about what was happening, it felt like Victoria was trying to push him away.
‘You said ‘questions’ when I came in, what else is on your mind?’
This time she looked away for a moment. When she looked back he could see that she was blushing.
‘I’ve always wondered, those ‘secret’ e-mails, did you mean what you wrote in them?’
He sat next to her and took her hand.
‘I meant every word, even the smutty ones.’ He hesitated, but this seemed as good a time as any. ‘You see Miss Henderson, I’ve had a crush on you since that wink.’
‘An older woman too?’ She grinned. He grinned back.
‘Not that much older, you make yourself sound ancient.’
‘It feels like that sometimes.’ She sighed. ‘I think I ought to tell you, you caught my eye too, back then.’
‘I did?’ There was genuine surprise in his voice.
‘You did. You always stood out from the other boys, more serious, more considerate than the others. I always enjoyed teaching you, then and now.’ Another sigh. ‘And then you turned up in my office.’
‘What are we going to do about it?’ Dave asked.
‘There’s not much we can do is there? I’ll be leaving soon and going away to teacher training college. Maybe one of us should have said something sooner?’
‘Maybe. We’ll still keep in touch though, won’t we?’
‘Of course! I want to read everything you write, and you need to get that novel published.’
‘Novel? Oh, the long story. I still think it needs polishing.’
‘So send it to someone and see what they say.’
‘I didn’t write it for that, I told you.’
‘Why ever you wrote it, I think its good enough to be published, so try, for me if not for you.’
‘All right already. You don’t need to nag.’
‘I think I do. I know you need pushing.’ There was a twinkle in her eye. Dave had a sudden feeling and on impulse acted on it. He kissed her. She didn’t pull away as he had feared, but instead kissed back.
They had a small party at the office to say goodbye the day Victoria left. Dave wasn’t the only one who knew she’d be missed, but he felt worse than all the others, mainly because he felt he was losing a soul mate. He tried to put on a brave face and failed abysmally. Well-wishers came and went, everyone toasting Victoria and hoping she would be happy. Dave waited until the last moment and asked her how she was getting home, offering to take her. She accepted and he drove her home. She would have been merry but for the fact she was leaving behind so many good friends. He helped her to the door.
‘When are you leaving for the college?’ He asked, finally allowing the misery he felt creep into his voice.
‘Tomorrow. I got lucky with the way the terms fell.’
‘Will I ever see you again?’
‘Of course you will. And once you’ve settled into your new job and I’m sorted, we can send our e-mails again.’
‘I’m going to miss you Miss Henderson, who else can I have a sensible conversation with?’ He kissed her softly and hugged her.
‘This isn’t the end you know? Look on it as a new beginning.’ She whispered in his ear.
‘I liked it as it was.’ Suddenly he couldn’t bear it any longer. He hugged her again and then turned away and left, tears starting to form in his eyes. He couldn’t let her see him like this. ‘Goodbye Victoria.’ He whispered.
She caught his words.
‘See you around Dave.’ She said quietly.
It felt strange for Dave, going into a classroom again, but this was where the writing club was meeting. Since the success of his two novels he had managed to get all his short stories published in one volume. This in turn had led to the invite to speak to this club back at his old school. He would have come anyway, but the fact that Victoria was in charge of the club had guaranteed it. Three years had passed since she’d decided to go back to teacher training college. In those three years she had still helped him hone his first two novels until they were published. The things she’d taught him had made the second one much easier to write, but she had still been the first one to read it
, he’d wanted her approval before sending it off to the editor. Though they were still in constant contact, this would be their first meeting for over a year, since she had somehow managed to get a teaching job back here at his old school. Victoria met him at the door.
‘Hello Dave. Long time, no see.’ She said, kissing him on the cheek. He responded by kissing her properly. She looked at him in surprise.
‘Sorry about that, but it’s been too long.’ He smiled.
‘Thanks for coming, everyone is so looking forward to meeting you.’
‘How could I refuse my muse?’
‘Will you be all right? With the talking I mean. You said you always hated talking in public.’
‘I’ve got used to it on the signing tour. Now lead on Miss Henderson.’
She introduced him to her club.
‘Well people, I’d like to introduce an old pupil from here. I actually taught him for a term before I left teaching for a while.’
He received a warm welcome. The members of the club were all interested in finding new ways to write. Before the questions started though Dave pulled out several slim new books.
‘This has just been published.’ He said. ‘It’s a collection of poems, companions to the short stories. I’d like you to share them.’ He passed them out to the eager novice writers. ‘This one, however, is special.’ He passed it to Victoria. She opened it and read the inscription he’d written and smiled at him. Then he began to talk. He told them some of the tricks he had picked up. He even told them about writing an ending if they got stuck and working towards it, explaining he sometimes did this when the characters seemed to be steering the story, that way he had some way of controlling them. He knew Victoria wasn’t fond of this method, but she didn’t seem to mind about him telling them about it. They asked questions about characters and storylines. He explained as much as he could remember, carefully skirting the fact that half of the women in his short stories at least were based on Victoria. He told them not to be afraid of using real people and situations, but to try and disguise them. The hour flew by and Dave was surprised when Victoria called a halt to the questioning.
‘So, are there any last questions?’ She asked.
‘Actually, I have a question that I’d like to ask you.’ Dave said, moving to where she was sat.
‘All right.’ She said, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
‘Will you, Miss Victoria Henderson, marry me?’ He said, dropping onto one knee before her. There was a cheer from the club, one or two of them having an inkling that Victoria was the subject of more than one story and poem. She looked embarrassed, but held his outstretched hand.
‘Of course I will.’ She said, kissing him.
One morning Uncle Bear cooked them some porridge for breakfast. As the porridge was too hot to eat, the Three Bears decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled. They had not been gone long when a young girl named Goldilocks came along. She had been picking flowers and had wandered into the woods. She was very pretty, her long curly golden hair tied back from her freckled face with blue ribbons, skipping along in a short, pale blue, lace-edged dress so occasionally her yellow...
There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...
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There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...
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It was a crisp winter’s day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
Straight SexSTARTING YOUNGGoldilocks, yes she had hair like that, absolutely right, down to her navel. But who was she really?Photographing her, painting her. Reaching under her short little Catholic skirt and touching the silk of her naked thighs, I thought of all that, too, I have to admit. I thought of kissing her, seeing if her face was as soft as it looked - baby flesh.Yes, it was there from the start, especially once she gave me the age-old inviting smile and her eyes became, for a moment, a woman’s...
Harold saves her husband (Part 1)This is a sequel to the earlier story “Harold Plays The Hero” ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan June 2006The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This is the first part of the sequel. . ...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Three Copyright Oggbashan July 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not,...
Cuckolding Can Be Positive For Some Couples, Study SaysBy Ian Kerner, CNNActing on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound.Cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some.Sometimes just sharing a sexy thought can be arousing enough -- you don't have to follow through...(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they...
There is one thing in this world that will always be consistent, the sexual desires of a teenage boy for older women who are clearly out of their league. Having been a teenage boy and knowing how much truth there is to it I decided a little story about a young G.I. and a barber might be something worth sharing…Harold was 17 years old when he enlisted into the military. He was about 6 foot tall, 160 to 175 lbs, medium build, black, and in pretty good shape due to high school athletics. He was...
This is a true story related to me by a long time childhood friend from a time when we were in high school. He told me this story one night after a few drinks and he knew I was writing a book about sexual experiences. I will not identify anyone by their last names. It involved 3 people. As I write this I will emphasize conversations between the parties as to allow the reader to better understand this story. MISS SUE; About early 60s, tall and average build, always short...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Two Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************“Why is it called The Dancing Room?” Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and...
I was born a freak. At eighteen and a half, I'm still a freak--and I love it. I didn't always think that way, however. For a long time, I thought it was a curse. "How," you ask, am I a freak? Very simple, really. I was born with two cocks. No, really, I was. I've still got 'em too. You see, two cocks and either one or two sets of balls in their own sacks, is a condition known as biphallia. Google it if you don't believe me. It's a really rare condition, but it does happen. In some...
Copyright Oggbashan November 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* ‘Why is it called The Dancing Room?’ Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and Serena’s reply. ‘He couldn’t call it a...
Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character's imagination of what India might seem to be...
Asian Hotties have always been one of my favorite topics here at ThePornDude, and frankly, I had a serious and crippling case of yellow fever even before I became a professional porn reviewer. There’s just something special about oriental women, whether we’re talking about babes from China, Japan, Korea, or any of those islands out in the Pacific Ocean. Just the thought of them makes me start getting hard, which is why I was eager to check out this next joint just as soon as I heard their...
Asian Porn SitesIntroduction: A mother and daughter are being neglected by their sports obsessed, aand probably cheating husbands. The trophy wives decide to cuckold their husbands with a famous, ribald punk rocdk band at the bands after concert private party (orgy) CUCKOLDED BY A PUNK ROCK BAND SPORTS FIRST / WIVES LAST: Dale and his step son-in-law, Jerry, were seated in front to the 72 inch TV screen in Dales spacious family room. It was almost 5PM in San Diego, and they were getting ready to watch a...
Why did you choose to be an actress, he asks. Because I want to prove to the world that we are all equal, valuable individuals who can do anything they put their mind to, she replies. Then she takes up the role of a superhero, squeezes her tits in a tight latex costume, and pumps hyaluronic shit in her upper lip. She is a superstar whose mission is to enlighten the mortals, show them that only the sky's the limit. While she bullshits about how being a celebrity is a burden, wankers stroke their...
Premium Nude CelebritiesWhen Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer: Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show. All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly. Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper. Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...
I am rajiv and today am going to share my first experience in this website. I am working in a reputed it company and love adenture. Telling about myself I am a tall guy 6’3 with average looks. I am sharing my first threesome experience with my colleagues in ooty. Me swathi & priya(name changed) are a group of 3 friends in office. We were together from our training days and we always stuck together. I was often teased by my male friends if I had any awesome threesome experience with them. Even...
Besties A man is struck by his girlfriend's best friend's appearance one day. He becomes obsessed with that vision, and it takes him to unexpected places. As I sat down, I caught a glimpse of her dress in the mirror. It was lilac with a subtle flower pattern on it. The dress was sleeveless, but with a boat neck so it did not show cleavage. It was soft and flowy, landing just above the knee on her (a woman three inches shorter than me). Between the hips and the knee, the...
Copyright Oggbashan July 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not, exist. These stories are set in an imaginary...
Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...
Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...
A brisk wind, chill from the night, began its decent into dawn with one last caress over the grassy hills and plains. With a determination unseen by the human eye the fierce current blew, dancing and twisting as waves crashed upon the ocean front. With it were carried leaves, turning, rising and falling, untamed by invisible threads which seemed to draw from the Earth itself. The air was salty, fresh on the ground as blades of grass worshiped with trembling chorus. The earth swayed. Shoreline...
"Kneel down and unzip my fly," Glenn said in a hoarse voice. Her green eyes widened with shock. She couldn't have been more than twenty-one or two, and they'd met just twenty minutes before, but it wasn't her age that bothered Glenn. What he really craved was a lush, blonde like his on beautifully curved daughter, Becky. Glenn quickly tried to push that thought aside as too dangerous. But it clung fiercely like a burning obsession. "Go ahead," Glenn said harshly to the...
This is a sequel to the earlier story ‘Harold Plays The Hero’ ******************************** Copyright Oggbashan June 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. This is the first part of the sequel. I have posted it to encourage me to complete the story. ...
Hello every one i am Jona from Hyderabad. All the ladies and girls can catch me at Its a story between me and my school mate whom we met through school whatsapp group. The name of the heroine for this story is Priya. When we are in school, she was the dull student so no boy showed interest in her. But she is cute. All my class girls used to say that she had crush on me. I never care it as in childhood studies are more important. I saw her photo in Whatsapp Group members and she was stunning...
Reddit Old School Cool NSFW, aka r/OldSchoolCoolNSFW! Everyone knows about the Old School Cool subreddit. It really shows you how nice it must’ve been to live back in the day when there were pinup girls, and fedoras weren’t considered retarded. Well, if you’re more into the pinup girl side of things, and you’re looking to get into it a bit more explicitly, then it might be time to check out vintage nudes. Where can you find those? Well, there’s a sub pretty similar to the one I mentioned on...
Reddit NSFW ListI stood up and moved to the front of the class. After clapping my hands a couple of times and clearing my throat very loudly, the attention of 4B, St Mary's High School, was finally mine."Okay, boys and girls, before you all go, I'd like once again to thank Mr. Harrison for taking the lesson and you lot for not making things too difficult for him, and we'll look forward to seeing him next week." Throughout the classroom faces, with expressions of innate boredom, began nodding whilst others...
MasturbationCenterfold Daughterby Beating Off Bob ([email protected])***Bob buys his favorite girly magazine only to find his daughter and her best friend featured in the centerfold spread. If that isn't bad enough, there's a strange man's cock in his little girl's pussy. What's a father to do? (Mff, ped, mf, bi, inc, mast, oral, exh, preg)***Chuck Nelson hummed to himself as he approached the news stand. The new issue of Playpen was out and he always looked forward to that. It was a hard core porn...
Chapter Nineteen: Breeding the Mind-Controlled Cuties By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Vivian Bailey “I'm not sure I want to be bred,” I told Mr. Michaels. We were in his classroom. The school day was done, and I was reporting to my professor the progress I had made on programming the app and server software for his mind-control devices. I was a lesbian. I liked girls, but thanks to the device controlling my mind, I also wanted Mr. Michaels....