Being A Male Escort In New Delhi 8211 Part 2
- 3 years ago
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Carmenica Diaz
Penalties: Barry had a secretfantasy that involved prolonged teasing and subsequent denial. He never revealedit to anyone until he saw an advertising leaflet that promoted a tease anddenial service. Poor Barry, he just had to call. This is a story in three partsand all parts will be posted here. This story willalso be published in a collection of short stories at some future time.
His fingers trembled when he picked up the telephone and began to dial thenumber. Her number!
It had been three weeks, three weeks of trying to regain control, of attemptingto withdraw from her illicit web of fantasy. Oh, he had tried to be strong,to resist it but the lure of his forbidden fantasy nagged at him and his resolvecrumbled like stale cake.
He wanted to say no but now he was dialling the number. Again! Eventhough he had said he would outlast her, to go the distance, his fingers werestill pressing the buttons as if they had a mind of their own. The fact was,he wanted so much not to call but couldn't resist, he just couldn't!
Barry looked nervously around the office to see if anyone was noticing whathe was doing but all seemed oblivious to his actions, going about the usualpandemonium that constantly inhabited the offices of Brown, Brown and Burrows.
As usual, his co-workers ignored him. They only approached him when theywanted something, some financial analysis but excluded him from any socialgatherings. He didn't mind, he was a little anti-social these days.
Twice he put the telephone down before completing the number, wiping hissweaty palms of his trouser legs while he gathered his resolve but it was nouse.
The stale cake crumbled and Barry surrendered to his desires, surrenderedto his fantasies.
And dialled.
It rang and rang until a loud click and her breathy, husky voice slid downthe wire and nestled in his ear,
He cleared his throat and whispered, 'it's Barry…'
'I knew you'd call.'
'I thought you'd last longer but you're not as strong as I thought.' Hervoice was casual, almost warm and yet with a hint of arrogance and steel. Itwas one of the things about her that he fantasised about.
'No,' he whispered, glancing around the office. 'Can I see yo…'
'Not very strong at all,' she continued as if he had said nothing. 'Are you?'
Barry swallowed. 'No, I'm not,' he admitted softly, hands sweaty around thetelephone and a slippery sheen on his forehead.
'Not what?' It was asked in a teasing tone but Barry knew better than toreply in kind. That was not what she wanted and if hedidn't give her exactly what she sought, the call would be abruptly terminatedand wouldn't answer her telephone for another week.
'I'm not very strong,' Barry answered desperately, watching the ManagingDirector's personal assistant walking across the open plan office towards hiswork-station.
'No,' she said with finality, 'you're not. In fact, you're weak.'
'What are you?'
'I'm weak!' Barry replied in a hushed but anguished tone. 'I'm weak! Bronwyn,'he pleaded, 'can I see you?'
'I'm available tomorrow night at eight. Can you wait that long?' she teased.'There is a penalty,' she reminded him but Barry didn't care.
Barry's heart sank, he had hoped that Bronwyn would be available that night,no matter what the penalty was, but he knew better than to argue. 'Yes,' hemurmured, 'I'll wait.'
'Poor darling. I'll be at the Ritz under the name of Mrs Michele Mouse.'
Barry stared at the telephone before slowly replacing the now dead receiver. Shehad hung up on him!
Desperately he wrote down the name of the hotel and the idiotic name shewould be staying under in case he forgot.
'Are you all right, Barry?'
His head jerked up and he looked into the cool green eyes of Judith, theManaging Director's personal assistant.
'Yes,' he said quickly with a feeble grin, 'I'm fine.'
'You look pale, almost green,' Judith said with faint concern as her eyesdanced over him. 'You're not going to be sick, are you?'
'No, no. Really, I'm fine. Something just disagreed with me.'
'How awful,' Judith said with a complete lack of interest, placing a fileon his desk. 'Mister Brown requires a summary of the financial position ofHendon industries for tomorrow morning's board meeting.'
'Yes, of course,' Barry said, picking the file up with trembling fingers.
'Just email it to me when you've finished and I'll print copies for the board.I'm leaving at six so I would appreciate the report by five.'
'Yes,' he said hurriedly, 'of course.'
Judith vaguely smiled at him and walked away, leaving Barry with furtivethoughts of the next evening at the Ritz Hotel.
It had all been just a fantasy, that's all. His secret, forbidden fantasythat Barry had controlled and hidden from everyone. Not once did he confidein anyone, not even his wife, Rose, and he kept his desire in check.
Unfortunately, Rose was now his ex-wife. She had found Barry's best friend,Roan, to be undeniably attractive and they had fled together to New Zealand.Once the divorce had been settled, friends had slyly let Barry know that Roseand Roan were deliriously happy and operating a guesthouse in the Bay of Islands.
The Bay of Islands. Barry had stared at the postmarkover the stamp on Rose's final letter, a terse communication about the lastof their property settlement and tried to imagine what a place called the Bayof Islands looked like.
Barry's sudden bachelor life was miserable. He worked by day and sat alonein his small flat at night, watching television or reading the newspapers aftera frozen dinner. Once or twice he had gone to the pub but that had also beenrather miserable. Their friends, he discovered were actually Rose's friendsand they all drifted away, leaving him to his dull and ordered life.
And then he saw it.
A leaflet fluttered from his newspaper and he picked it up. It was just asmall advertisement but it was the instrument that changed his life.
Mistress of Tease and Denial.
The third line carried a Post Office address and Barry read that advertisingleaflet a hundred times, holding it in trembling hands. Finally, he wrote ashort letter, sealing it nervously in an envelope and went to bed.
When he arose the next morning, Barry walked downstairs and tore the envelopeand letter into many small pieces.
He wrote the letter at least three more times, tearing it up soon immediatelybut, at last, he nervously posted it and waited. Barry had been careful andgave his return address as a small local post office box he had recently reserved.
Would she write back? Who was she? Was it possible there was awoman who enjoyed tease and denial? How much would it cost?
These questions and more constantly plagued Barry as he went about his mundanelife. For the first time, that mundane life had a shot of vibrancy within itbut he was careful not to show any emotions to his co-workers. To them, hewas the same old dull Barry from Finance.
Three days later, his shaking fingers retrieved a pink envelope from thePost office box and rushed home to tear it open. The envelop smelled of a sweetperfume that permeated his every sense and his hands were shaking as he staredat the paper.
The pink paper was folded once and just above the crease was the name Bronwyn anda mobile telephone number.
It took Barry an hour to assemble his courage to call, his foot tapping nervouslyas the phone rang and rang.
'Ah…hello…is this Bronwyn?'
'You called the number, didn't you? Don't you know whom you call?' The femalevoice was cool and calm and yet strangely sensual. 'Are you in the habit ofdialling random numbers in the hope of engaging in social contact?'
Her teasing tone caught him off guard and he stumbled for words. 'Ah…no...Ah…'
'So you did call me? And why is that?' she teased.
'Ah…I wrote…a…letter…'
'Is that Barry?' His name in her soft and warm voice made his cock hardenat once and he felt very hot.
'Ah…yes…is that…'
'What a lovely letter. Did you mean it?'
He had laboriously written about his favourite denial fantasy and Barry flushed,remembering the detail he had incorporated into the letter.
'It's…a fantasy…I…'
'I know it's a fantasy,' she said crossly and Barry winced at her tone. 'Butyou want me to make it come true?'
'Well…sort of…'
'Sort of?' she pounced.
'Yes…' he said lamely, 'or something…like it…'
'Yes,' she agreed, 'something like it.'
'Could…you tell me how much…' Barry stumbled through the delicatepart of the conversation.
'One hundred pounds,' she said calmly, 'for starters. It's my introductoryoffer. Goodness,' she suddenly giggled, 'I sound rather important, don't I?I sound like an advertisement.''
'One hun…'
'Yes, it's the very least I will accept, I'm afraid.' And, for a moment,her voice actually sounded full of regret. 'It has to be cash, of course.'
'All right,' he whispered, head bowed.
'Do you know the Boar's Head Inn on Kings Road?'
'Yes,' he croaked, 'I think so.'
'Friday night at seven. I'll be registered under the name of Miss Diana Muppet.'
'Muppet?' he said weakly.
'Yes. Please don't be late. I rather expect punctuality.'
Of course it wasn't the original Boars Head Inn. That establishment had survivedHenry VIII, the London fires and Hitler's bombing but had fallen foul to greedycouncils and developers. A large glass and steel hotel now stood in it's place,incongruously retaining the original name.
The lobby was a first year architects vision of what a traditional waysideinn had looked like in 1678 – plastics manufactured to appear as royaloak and waitresses dressed as serving wenches, their faces expressionless,their eyes bored and their minds counting the tips and the hours until theywere free – it was rather terrible but travelling salesmen and Americantourists thought it was wonderful.
Barry had worn his best suit, a white shirt and a tie free of food stains.Unfortunately, Barry was a crumpler – that typeof man who can dress in a smartly pressed shirt and, the moment he put it on,instantly wrinkle it, – and so he appeared a little dishevelled.
He was also losing his hair and the three or four wisps he carefully arrangedover his expansive forehead had drifted off course to tickle his left ear.Rose had given up trying to get him to stop the ridiculous comb-over asshe called it but he stubbornly retained it.
'What am I doing here?' he mumbled, feeling the pound notes in his jacketpocket. It was a rhetorical question as he knew very well what he was doingthere, he was about to fulfil his fantasy.
The well groomed man behind the reception counter looked down his nose atBarry. 'Can I help you, sir?' he sneered, noting that Barry did not have anyluggage.
'I…I wanted to see Miss Diana Muppet.' Barry felt a little foolishsaying her fictitious name aloud but the hotel employee didn't even blink.He had been employed in large hotels for over fifteen years and nothing surprisedhim any more.
'The house phones are over there. I'll put you through.'
Palms sweating, Barry held the white telephone, listening until it suddenlyclicked and her voice said, 'hello?'
'It's…ah…it's Barry…'
'Right on time. How rather delightful of you. Room 507.'
Barry stood outside the room, his heart pounding and fighting the urge torun away, to belt down the corridor and into the lift, to flee!
Instead, he gently knocked and waited. Finally, the door opened and a womanstood smiling at him. She was about thirty or thirty-five and dressed in asmart woollen skirt with matching half-jacket and cream blouse. Pearls at herthroat and ears, her hair styled in what fashionable society would call a contemporarymatron's cut and her eyes were a sparkling blue. She wasn't beautiful but obviouslycomfortable in her own skin and Barry had the insane thought that she ratherlooked like a young Margaret Thatcher.
'Barry,' she smiled, her eyes lingering on his vagrant hair and crumpledshirt. 'It is Barry?'
'Today I'm Diana,' she announced with twinkling eyes. 'Please, do comein.'
Nervously, he followed her in and the door closed behind him.
'Do you have it?' Bronwyn asked, her eyes gliding over him and he thoughthe saw her full lips twitch into the beginnings of a smile and then, maybenot.
'The…money? Ah…yes.'
'Be a perfect angel and put it on the coffee table.'
She stood by the door to what Barry assumed was the bedroom and watched ashe sheepishly placed the money on the coffee table.
'Wonderful,' she said and smiled at him. 'Come with me.'
Barry followed her into the bedroom and immediately noticed a pair of handcuffsfastened to the bed head by one cuff and the other cuff fastened around anotherpair of handcuffs.
'Lie on the bed,' she said gently.
A thousand thoughts overwhelmed his brain as he fought to make a decision.Once bound, he would be under her control and, although that was a part ofhis fantasy, it could also be dangerous.
The fantasy won and he gingerly laid on the bed after removing his jacket.'Lock the cuffs around your wrists,' she said calmly, examining her fingernailpolish as if it was much more important than him.
Maybe it was , he thought shamefacedly as he clickedthe handcuffs in place. At the sound of the ominous click, Barry's cock swelledand pushed against his trousers.
That movement did not escape Bronwyn's careful eye. 'I see you rather enjoybeing restrained,' she said with a grin. Barry blushed a deep red and lookedat her, suddenly afraid. 'Let's see what we have,' she said cheerfully as shebegan to undo his trousers.
Suddenly, Barry was engulfed with a sharp feeling of embarrassment that borderedon humiliation and he wished he hadn't fastened the handcuffs.
Hot and aroused, he watched as Bronwyn's capable fingers unbuckled his belt,unfastened the top of his trousers and slid the zipper of his fly down. 'Liftup,' she said coolly and pulled his trousers around his ankles once he didas instructed.
His cock pushed against his sensible white cotton y-front underpants. 'Ratherunfashionable,' Bronwyn commented evenly as she slipped her fingers into thewaistband. 'I much prefer my lovers to wear boxers, so much easier to removeand not so little boyish , if you know what I mean.'
Smoothly, his underpants followed his trousers and his rigid cock poppedinto view and Barry's face became even redder as Bronwyn gazed down on hispulsing cock.
'Lovely, so cute,' was all she said, stood up and walked to the dresser.Barry was suddenly mortified as he watched Bronwyn slip on a pair of whitelatex gloves from the box on the dresser and return to sit beside him witha bottle of hand oil.
Casually, she squirted the oil onto her glove and then began to slowly pumphis cock.
Small slurping noises filled the room and Barry moaned as she manipulatedhis cock. 'Your fantasy is to be teased constantly but not allowed to orgasmfor sometime. I have got it right, haven't I?'
'Yes,' he moaned, watching her hand in the white glove slide up and downhis cock. It had been so long since his cock had been touched by another personand he immediately felt his orgasm building quickly.
'Excellent,' Bronwyn said, watching him keenly and then suddenly removingher hand, leaving him gasping and his cock twitching.
Bronwyn stood and smiled down at him as she peeled the gloves off. 'Thatshould do for a moment or two. You are quick, aren'tyou? You almost spurted then.'
Barry's breath was coming in deep gasps as he watched Bronwyn walk out ofthe bedroom, leaving the door ajar. Barry tested the handcuffs but found hewas well and truly restrained.
This was a mistake! I'm crazy for coming here with this strangewoman!
He could hear her voice in the other room and guessed she was talking onthe telephone. Music then filtered through the half-opened door and Barry waited,naked from the waist down, restrained on the bed and with a twitching and stiffcock.
She returned after ten minutes, smiled at him as she snapped another pairof gloves on, repeated the ceremony of the oil and sat beside him to slowlyplay with his cock.
Her touch was so soft and sensuous and yet firm enough to rapidly build himto approach orgasm once again. Barry was soon moaning and gasping until herhand vanished from his straining cock.
'No…' he gasped, 'no…please…keep going.'
'I couldn't do that,' she said, removing her gloves. 'That wouldn't be whatyou paid me for. Now,' Bronwyn smiled, 'the waiters will be bringing up mydinner in a moment so I suggest you be quiet.' Standing and smiling at him,Bronwyn added, 'if it's a nice waitress, I'll bring her in so she can watchyou be teased.'
'No!' he cried, aghast. 'No…not…'
'You're hardly in a position to argue,' Bronwyn saidsternly. 'Keep silent, there's a good boy.'
Panicking, Barry watched her leave the room and listened frantically whenhe heard a knock on the door of the suite.
Voices and the sound of a trolley being wheeled in. Her voice came closer,as if she was standing close to the half-open bedroom door, as if she was goingto open it to usher some blushing waitress in to see him tied half-naked tothe bed, his exposed cock hard and throbbing.
She wouldn't, would she?
Would she?
No, she couldn't! She mustn't!
'Please wait,' he heard her say, 'I'll just get my purse.'
'There's no need, madam…'
'But you've done such a wonderful job. Surely I canrecognise that?'
The door opened and Barry stared up at it, afraid that he would see Bronwynaccompanied by some sweet young thing in a fawn uniform but it was only Bronwynwho placed a warning finger to her lips.
Silently, she sat beside him and wrapped her warm hand around his strainingcock. The touch of flesh without gloves rocketed through him and Barry quiveredunder her sparkling eyes.
Slowly, she masturbated him while watching him closely, a taunting smileon her lips. 'Just a moment,' she suddenly called to the door and Barry shudderedat the thought he was about to be exposed.
Again, she released his straining cock, leaving him shuddering on the edgeof orgasm, stood, rummaged in her purse and left the bedroom and, to Barry'shorror, left the door almost completely open!
'Here you are, you've both been very sweet.'
'Thank you, madam,' Barry heard a male say and, to his relief, the suitedoor closed.
A few moments later, Bronwyn appeared in the doorway, sipping champagne froma crystal flute glass and examining him with those flashing blue eyes. 'Yourletter was quite detailed,' she said conversationally and he winced. 'You havea sordid imagination but,' she sighed, 'that's par for the course with men,isn't it? I am constantly amazed at what men come up with. My girl friendsand I chat about it all the time and just when we think we've seen the ultimate,another poor fool comes along with an outlandish fantasy.'
Once again, she casually toyed with his cock until he was begging her incoherentlyto let him to come, even offering her more money, an offer that made her smile.
Time and time again, she brought him to the edge of orgasm with her efficientfingers, teasing him and taunting him until he was a mass of quivering desire,desperate to achieve orgasm, to come !
Panting, fever-like and that crumpled white shirt now soaked with his perspiration,Barry pleaded with his eyes as she released his cock once again and sippedher wine.
All evening she had teased him, even eating her dinner while she strokedand caressed him. Of course, she always denied him what he now craved.
Until Bronwyn glanced at her elegant diamond watch and said, 'three and ahalf hours. I think that's sufficient. Now,' she said, twinkling eyes lookingdown at his anguished face, 'you want to spurt now?'
'Please…oh please…'
'Stop gibbering, there's a good boy,' Bronwyn said, snapping another pairof the white latex gloves on. 'This is, after all, what you desired, your fantasy.'
Barry watched breathlessly as the gloved hand encircled his red cock andslowly began to stroke him until he was shuddering with pleasure and, grunting,spurted an arc of his seed across his pot belly while Bronwyn said cheerfully,'good boy, that's the ticket!'
Freed at last, Barry struggled into his trousers, his face red and shamecoursing through his every fibre. He had cleaned up with the box of tissuesshe had dropped on the bed beside him and had tried to avoid her smiling andknowing eyes as he almost ran to the door.
'Bye, Barry,' Bronwyn called after him.
Feeling he had to say something, had to attempt to draw some dignity fromthe evening, he pulled his suit coat tightly around his rumpled shirt and saidhaughtily, 'I suppose thanks are in order but you have beenpaid, haven't you?'
It was meant as an insult but Bronwyn smiled, sipped her wine and said, 'yes,and you paid me to do that to you.'
Flushing, Barry opened the door. 'I'll say goodbye. I don't think we willsee each other again…'
'No?' Bronwyn raised her eyebrow. 'We'll see. You have my telephone number.I have some interesting tease and denial ideas I could share with you. Perhapsyou'll call when that fantasy of yours becomes too much to bear.'
'I don't think so…'
'We'll just have to see then won't we?'
Barry slammed the door behind him.
He endured his mundane and lonely life and his lust for fifteen days beforecalling again.
A glance around the office told him that, as usual, he was just a piece ofthe furniture and no one really saw him, really noticedhim.
'Ah…Bronwyn? This…'
'Is that you, Barry?' she cried gaily down the line.
'Yes,' he admitted in a soft voice, 'it's me.'
'It will be one hundred and fifty pounds this time.'
'One hundred…'
'It will be longer this time. Do you think you could survive five hours?A whole five hours?'
It was enticing, the idea of it seduced him and even though he knew mostpeople would shake their heads at his weak fantasy of teasing and denial, itmade him feel alive.
To be teased by her in that calm, confident and ultimately dominating wayaroused him and there was no way he could say no.
'Five hours?' she prodded. 'With just my hand for you to focus on.'
'All right,' he whispered.
'Tomorrow night at seven,' she said briskly. 'The Coleridge Hotel on KentRoad. I'll be registered as Mrs Edwina Bear.'
She was true to her word and Barry was restrained for five hours as she stroked,teased and tantalised him. Using her hands, a feather and even a pair of hersilky knickers to stimulate him, the minutes ticked by but Bronwyn always lefthim on the edge and a quivering mass of flesh consumed by hot desire.
Finally, she allowed him to come and the orgasm he achieved was the mostintense of his life and he felt he would ejaculate for ever.
Dressed, hand on the door knob, he admitted shamefully, 'thank…you…I'llcall you soon.'
'Please do,' Bronwyn had smiled.
At the end of their third meeting, when Barry was quivering insanely, beggingto come, Bronwyn had casually said, 'I have a way to expand your little fantasy.'
She looked at him, her hand lying tantalisingly close to his red raw andstraining cock and he tried to speak.
'I have a chastity belt for you. I'll put it on you after you spurt and thenI'll explain the rules. Do you want to come now?'
In his lost fog, Barry could only nod frantically and Bronwyn smiled as shestroked him to another shattering orgasm.
This time, she didn't release him. Instead, she cleaned him up and he watchedhorrified as Bronwyn threaded his now flaccid cock into the metal tube andthen locked the apparatus shut. 'There,' she said with satisfaction, pleasedwith her handiwork.
'What are you doing?' Barry managed to speak as he stared down at the metaldevice that now encased his cock.
'A different game,' Bronwyn said matter of factly as she released his hands.'This must be becoming a little boring for you so I've come up with a new game.This new game could be fun. We both know you love tease and denial, I'm onlytrying to make it better for you. Now, listen to the rules.'
'Rules?' he said weakly, still staring at his groin.
'I'll nominate a period that you have to wait until you come. This time,it will just be two weeks. If you get through the two weeks, I'll play withyou as I normally do at no cost.'
'But…what if…I can't…'
'You just telephone me and you'll get to come, you'll have to pay me butyou will get to have your little spurt.'
'Oh,' he sighed with relief.
'But there will be a penalty.'
'Penalty?' Barry shot her a startled look as he sat up.
'You'll still get to come but because it's early, there will be a penalty.'
'What penalty?' Barry demanded standing.
Bronwyn laughed. 'That's a surprise. You may never find out as you'll beable to last two weeks, won't you?'
'I suppose so,' he said miserably. 'Look,' he said suddenly, gathering hiscourage, 'this has gone far enough. Get the key and unlock me.'
'Key?' She laughed again. 'You don't think I have it with me, do you? I'mnot stupid, dear boy. Now, why don't you run along? I have another friend comingto see me in twenty minutes. I know you would hate to bump into someone youmight know.'
Horrified at the idea, Barry dressed and bolted, telling himself he couldlast two weeks.
'It's Barry…'
'You lasted two weeks! Congratulations. I suppose you want to…'
'Yes! Please!'
'You sound rather urgent,' she teased. 'Is it urgent, Barry? Do you wantto spurt rather badly?'
'Yes,' he admitted in a thick voice, ;'yes, I do. Please.'
She laughed softly. 'Tomorrow at six at the Hilton. I'll be registered asMiss Venus Mons.'
Barry lay exhausted after the marathon teasing session that had climaxedin…well, his climax! 'Let's have a bit of a challenge,' Bronwyn hadsaid, putting the chastity belt back on him, 'let's make it four weeks.'
'You know the rules. I hope you can last,' she added with a grin.'
He couldn't and telephoned Bronwyn after just seventeen days.
'Bronwyn,' he said hoarsely.
'It's Barry, isn't it?'
'Yes!' he cried and suddenly wondered just how many other men she had inchastity belts. 'I…I can't…'
'Of course,' she soothed, 'I'll help you but there will bea penalty. As we agreed.'
'Agreed? I didn't agree to anything!'
'No? I must be misinformed,' she said icily. 'Goodbye.'
'No, wait! Please…yes…'
'Yes what?'
'Yes…a penalty…all right…but…please…'
'It will be only one hundred and sixty pounds. Tomorrow evening at six thirtyat the Royal Grand on the mall. I'll be registered under the name of Mrs PatriciaMcHunt.'
Slowly, Barry replaced the telephone. The past few days had been hell, surroundedby the pretty women of the office and that bitch, Judith, the Managing Director'spersonal assistant had made his life hell. Yes, it would be wonderful to come,no matter what the penalty was.
Completely naked for the first time and with a separate pair of handcuffsfor each wrist, Barry stared at his tormentor as she teasingly stroked hiscock, always stopping until he was about to come. Her stamina was immense andthe caressing and the denial ritual went on for several hours until Barry wasa begging, blubbering mess.
'In a moment,' Bronwyn said casually and Barry watched as she set a smallvideo camera on the side table. The red light glowed and Barry swallowed.
What was going on?
'Do you really want to come?' she teased and Barry frantically nodded hishead.
'Yes! Please…no more…I can't stand it…'
'There is a penalty. I call it the humiliation penalty,'Bronwyn informed him as she release his right hand. 'You can do it now.'
Bronwyn stood back, folded her arms and smiled down at him.
'Wank. You must know how to do it. Go ahead or I'llput the chastity belt back on.'
Red faced and humiliated but driven by his incredible desire to come, Barryclosed his free hand around his cock and slowly began to pump. 'That's it,'Bronwyn encouraged him, 'wank for the camera,' and he came in a heated rush.
When she was putting the belt back on, Bronwyn informed him the denial periodthis time would be six weeks.
He was astounded and protested vehemently but Bronwyn would not be swayed.
'You can come any time,' she said, smiling, 'but there will bea penalty.'
This time, Barry was determined to endure the six weeks. It couldn'tbe that difficult, could it? The denial game was intriguinghim as well has keeping him in a constant state of arousal.
For the first time since his wife had left, Barry felt alive and sexual.
It couldn't be that difficult could it? It's only six weeks.
His fingers trembled when he picked the telephone up and began to dial thenumber. Her number!
It had been three weeks, three weeks of trying to regain control, of attemptingto withdraw from her illicit web.
But now he was dialling the number. Again! Even thoughhe had said he would outlast her, to go the distance. But he couldn't, he justcouldn't!
Barry looked nervously around the office to see if anyone was noticing whathe was doing but all seemed oblivious, going about the usual pandemonium thatconstantly inhabited the offices of Brown, Brown and Burrows.
Twice he put the telephone down before dialling the number and wiped hissweaty palms of his trouser legs.
And then Barry surrendered to his desires, surrendered to his fantasies.
And dialled.
It rang and rang until a loud click and her breathy, husky voice slid downthe wire and nestled in his ear,
He cleared his throat and whispered, 'it's Barry…'
'I knew you'd call.'
'I thought you'd last longer but you're not as strong as I thought.' Hervoice was casual, almost warm and yet with a hint of arrogance and steel. Itwas one of the things about her that he fantasised about.
'No,' he whispered, glancing around the office. 'Can I see yo…'
'Not very strong at all,' she continued as if he had said nothing. 'Are you?'
Barry swallowed. 'No, I'm not,' he admitted softly, hands sweaty around thetelephone and a slippery sheen on his forehead.
'Not what?' It was asked in a teasing tone but Barry knew better than toreply in kind. That was not what she wanted and if he didn't give her exactlywhat she sought, the call would be abruptly terminated and she wouldn't answerher telephone for another week.
'I'm not very strong,' Barry answered desperately, watching the ManagingDirector's secretary walking across the open plan office towards his work-station.
'No,' she said with finality, 'you're not. In fact, you're weak.'
'What are you?'
'I'm weak!' Barry replied in a hushed but anguished tone. 'I'm weak! Bronwyn,'he pleaded, 'can I see you?'
'I'm available tomorrow night at eight. Can you wait that long?' she teased.'There is a penalty,' she reminded him but Barry didn't care.
Barry's heart sank, he had hoped that Bronwyn would be available that night,no matter what the penalty was, but he knew better than to argue. 'Yes,' hemurmured, 'I'll wait.'
'Poor darling. I'll be at the Ritz under the name of Mrs Michele Mouse.'
Barry stared at the telephone before slowly replacing the now dead receiver.She had hung up on him!
Desperately he wrote down the name of the hotel and the name she would bestaying under in case he forgot.
'Are you all right, Barry?'
His head jerked up and he looked into the cool green eyes of Judith, theManaging Director's secretary.
'Yes,' he said quickly with a feeble grin, 'I'm fine.'
'You look pale, almost green,' Judith said with faint concern as her eyesdanced over him. 'You're not going to be sick, are you?'
'No, no. Really, I'm fine. Something just disagreed with me.'
'How awful,' Judith said with a complete lack of interest, placing a fileon his desk. 'Mister Brown requires a summary of the financial position ofHendon industries for tomorrow morning's board meeting.'
'Yes, of course,' Barry said, picking the file up with trembling fingers.
'Just email it to me when you've finished and I'll print copies for the board.I'm leaving at six so I would appreciate the report by five.'
'Yes,' he said hurriedly, 'of course.'
Judith vaguely smiled at him and walked away, leaving Barry with furtivethoughts of the next evening at the Ritz Hotel.
'I'm here to see Mrs Michele Mouse,' Barry nervously asked the grey hairedwoman behind the hotel counter. Her nameplate proclaimed her to be Doris andwith her wire spectacles and prim hair, she looked very much like aDoris.
'I see,' she said, 'your name?'
'Barry Jones.'
'One moment, please.' She tapped the computer keyboard, stared thoughtfullyat the screen for a moment and then announced, 'yes, Mrs M. Mouse,' Doris saidwith a small twitch to her lower lip as she picked up the telephone.
'Good evening madam, there is a Mr Jones,' she said with a slight sneer,'to see you. Very good, madam. Thank you.' Doris replaced the telephone, lookedhim up and down before saying, 'Mrs Mouse will see you. It is suite 708 onthe seventh floor. The lifts are to your left.'
Bronwyn smiled at him as he entered and placed the money on the coffee tablewithout a word. 'Good evening, Barry,' she said.
'I can't stand this,' he said mournfully. 'I want it to stop.'
'What, now?' Bronwyn asked with a raised eyebrow. 'Don't you want me to playwith you? You have paid for it.'
Barry stared at this exasperating woman, so immaculate in her conservativebusiness attire and those flashing blue eyes. Most men wouldn't look twiceat her in the street but she was, in Barry's mind so sexy and sensual whenshe sat beside him, fully clothed, to caress and stroke his rigid cock. Itwas as if she was inside his head, reading his dirty secrets and smiling.
And, above all, above everything else, Barry Jones, Finance Assistant, wantedto come!
Bronwyn obviously took his silence as assent and gently steered him towardsthe bedroom. 'Why don't you take your clothes off and lie on the bed. You knowyou want me to play with your dickie.'
In a dream like state, Barry walked into the bedroom of the hotel suite andslowly began to undress. Once again, there were two pairs of handcuffs attachedto the oaken bed head and he guessed that, once again, his penalty was to masturbatefor her while she watched. It was shameful and humiliating but, at the sametime, very exciting.
Naked, except for his chastity belt, he lay on the bed and waited. He didn'twait long and Bronwyn walked in with a wineglass in her hand and proceededto lock the handcuffs shut.
Placing the wineglass down, Bronwyn retrieved a small bag from the floorand sat beside him. 'I have another surprise,' she cheerfully said, crossingher legs, nylon scraping. 'See?'
It was a black leather dog collar with silver studs and before Barry couldprotest, it was wrapped around his throat and locked with a tiny gold padlock.'So charming,' Bronwyn murmured, leaning back to survey her handwork.
'Shush!' A thin silver dog chain was locked to the collar with another padlockand the other end fastened to the bed head in a similar fashion. 'There,' Bronwynbeamed, 'so fetching.'
Barry sighed and watched as Bronwyn deftly unlocked the instrument of historture and soon his cock was standing upright, begging to be touched. 'Whata brave little soldier,' Bronwyn said ironically, snapping latex gloves on.This time, the gloves were pink and seemed to accentuate the redness of hiscock when she enclosed it with her gloved hand.
'Does that feel nice?' she murmured as her hand slowly moved up and down.
'Ye…yes…' he moaned.
'Careful,' she admonished him as he pushed against her hand, 'we don't wantany accidents.'
An accident was exactly what Barry wanted and he triedagain as Bronwyn stroked his quivering cock.
'Naught boy,' she said crossly, releasing his cock and walking to the door.'You'll have to wait.'
Wait he did, for over thirty minutes until Bronwyn returned and continuedher erotic ministrations and, this time, Barry meekly accepted her caresses,not pushing against her hand.
'That's better,' Bronwyn said, stroking his rampant cock with her glovedhand while sipping her wine from the wineglass in her other hand.
Barry was screwing up enough courage to ask her what the penalty was whenhe heard a loud knock at the suite's main door. Eyes wide with fear and surprise,Barry gaped at Bronwyn who simply smiled, released his throbbing cock and lefthim alone in the bedroom.
His ears strained as he heard Bronwyn open the suite door but could onlyidentify two female voices speaking in muffled tones.
Another woman! She's brought another woman here!
There was laughter, definitely female laughter and the clink of glasses.More giggles and then what Barry dreaded, footsteps moving towards the door.
Desperately, he looked down at his naked body and his rigid cock as if hehoped that by some magical force he was suddenly clothed but he was still obscenelynaked with a throbbing cock.
'There he is, all waiting for his little spurt,' Bronwyn said from the doorwayand Barry, suddenly fearing the worst, turned his bright red face and saw Bronwynand Judith smiling down at him.
Judith! The Managing Director's personalassistant!
Stricken with shame and humiliation, Barry tried to move his head away buthis frozen neck would not obey him. 'You know Judith Durham, of course,' Bronwynteased and both women smiled at him over the rim of their wineglasses.
'Hello, Barry,' Judith said with a giggle. 'You are gladto see me,' she added, nodding at his rampant cock.
Barry willed his face away from that pair of flashing green eyes and Bronwyn'sknowing blue ones and his cock seemed to grow harder from the acute embarrassmentof the situation. The office would never be the same again!
'Say hello to our guest, Barry,' Bronwyn said sharply.
'Hello,' he mumbled, chin to his chest.
'Hello, Barry,' Judith said gaily. 'I enjoyed watching your video, the onewhere you masturbated.'
Oh no!
His face went even redder and both women giggled.
'I especially liked the way you screwed your face up when you spurted. Ithought it was rather deliciously funny and I tried hard not to laugh everytime I saw you at the office.'
Barry hung his head as he recalled how Judith has smiled at him when shedelivered files from the Director.
She knew, she had watched me wank!
Bronwyn sat beside him and released his hands, standing up quickly. 'Getoff the bed,' she said softly, 'it's time for your penalty.'
There was no escape, he knew that. The chain locked to his throat preventedany opportunity to flee and he slowly stood naked in front of the two women.
'Kneel down there,' Bronwyn pointed at the floor in front of Judith and meekly,he followed her instructions.
'Tell Judy how long you lasted?'
'Three weeks,' he mumbled, head low.'
'That's not very good, is it?' Judith said scornfully.
'No,' Bronwyn agreed, 'we have to teach him better control.'
We? What is she going on about? Please, let this be over with quickly.
'This is your penalty, Barry. You get to ask Judith if you can wank and,if she's especially nice, you just may get to spurt.'
Barry looked up at his tormentors and swallowed.
Ask the secretary of his boss of he could wank?
The shame and humiliation flooded him but his cock quivered as it stood proudly,jutting from his bed, red and ready to spurt.
He had to come!
'Can I wank?' he mumbled, staring at Judith's black shoes and nylon coveredlegs.
'Look up, Barry,' Judith commanded and he was forced to face those greeneyes. 'What did you say?'
'Can I please wank,' he muttered, face glowing.
'You did do an excellent job on Hendon Industries. Of course, I took thecredit but I suppose you deserve a reward. Yes, you can wank.'
He wanted to deny them the enjoyment of humiliating him but Barry couldn't,driven as he was for sexual relief. Slowly, he began to caress himself as thetwo women watched and offered encouraging words.
Finally he came and they clapped as he came and spurted at their feet.
'Pity the poor hotel maid,' Judith said, looking down at the puddle at herfeet.
'Up on the bed, Barry,' Bronwyn said calmly and after cleaning him, slidthe belt back on. 'I'm leaving on Monday to spend the summer in the south ofFrance. One of my charges has a villa there and he has absolutely begged meto come. I imagine he wants to come as well!' Bronwynand Judith laughed at that.
'So, I'm giving the key to Judith.'
Barry looked at her in horror. 'Please…'
'She'll be very good for you, Barry. You do enjoy tease and denial, don'tyou?'
'We knew you would,' Judith said calmly, sipping her wine, 'that's why weslipped that advertisement into your newspaper. We thought you were a perfectcandidate for our stable.'
It was planned from the beginning! Judith was in on it from thestart!
'How long do you think he should go this time?' Bronwyn asked Judith.
Judith stared down at Barry, a sly grin forming on her full lips. 'I thinkeight weeks.'
Eight weeks! Please, no!
'Of course,' Judith smiled, seeing the broad expression of horror fillinghis face, 'you can ask me to come but there will be penalties.
Barry sank back on the bed, trying to ignore their giggles and wondered iflife would ever return to normal?
'There are always penalties,' Bronwyn giggled. 'And Judith's penalties arewicked, very wicked indeed.
Barry suddenly felt like crying but his cock did stirin the metal tube.
Teasing Tales
By Carmenica Diaz
They say ignorance is bliss, but that is a lie.Bliss was that first taste of his flesh as I lowered my mouth onto his rigid cock.The Background:Josh and I had worked together off and on for about four months by this point. We had first broken major boundaries about two months prior, when he and I first jerked off together. Since that time, we typically spent one day a week working together and at some point during the day, we would look for an opportunity to jerk off together again. Usually the...
Casey Calvert and Serena Blair are naked and making out on a massage table. When Casey asks her if they’re going to get caught, Serena tells her that she’s an independent contractor and that no one will bother them. When Casey gets on all fours, Serena is about to start eating her ass when the director yells cut. He tells his talent that ass licking is a niche market and that since it’s a massage scene the girls could maybe trib and make out instead. The girls agree and get...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: I was just trying to do what the wife and her mother asked. How in the hell do I get myself into these things? I asked myself. The scarves that held my wrists to the padded arms of the chair were a work of art. I couldnt move them at all but the circulation was just fine. Jenny, my wife, was a surgeon and an expert at knots. The workout machine I was sitting on had padded legs and my shins and ankles were secured in a similar fashion. The seat itself was split to be moved for...
by REAL-RLMThe Big Country Barn:It was Friday night again, and, as usual, Steve Coulter was alone with nothing to do but watch TV and wait for Ellen to come home from her weekly "Wives' Night Out" with her three friends. Actually, Steve didn't mind. It gave him a good opportunity to do some wood working in his shop, surf the net, and occasionally, go out for a drink with one or two of his golfing friends. In addition, Ellen seemed much happier now that she had some time to spend doing female...
My twin sister Masha and I have always been close, as twins are, but we could not be more different people. Masha is brash, gregarious, outspoken, and rebellious. I am reserved, shy, reticent, and a brainy, studious type. Physically, though, despite the difference in gender, we are very similar. Both of us are athletic, with very well proportioned bodies. Masha, of course, has her pert little breasts, which I lack! And, at the risk of sounding immodest, we are both quite good looking. Just...
Incest“I really don't want to go,” Chloe whined, sitting on the couch in just a t-shirt and pair of panties.“Chloe,” Hannah sighed, exasperated. “Come on. Put some pants on. You need to get out. You need to interact with people.”“I don't wanna,” Chloe pouted.Hannah grabbed her by the wrists and tugged her off the couch.“Ugh,” Chloe grumbled, standing. “I hate pants. I hate people.”“Then wear a dress.”Chloe rolled her eyes as she grabbed a pair of jeans from her dresser and slid them on. She glanced...
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At seven thirty-one in the morning, Marie's mouth tasted like peppermint toothpaste. They stood in the front foyer wrapped in each other's arms and kissing each other a good morning. She obviously had gotten up early this morning and prepared herself in expectation of his arrival. That's right. No morning breath today! She was in her favorite blue terrycloth robe again, and by the uninterrupted feel of the cloth as he caressed his hands across her back and butt, Eddie figured that was...
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As I left his flat my face felt so hot I couldn’t believe what I just experienced I was hoping he’d see me again but thought for sure that this would be a one off, I had cummed all in my boxers unbeknownst to him while I was licking his asshole when he let out a roar of enjoyment, I shot all in my pants so I was getting the train home very sticky, later that night I got a text on my phone, I was so excited to open it... you are one dirty slut, fair play you know how to please a dirty old man...
The following story has been a fantasy of mine since I was about 15. Now 18, I am looking forward to telling my aunt how I feel about her.When I was 15 I was as horny as anyone I knew. I am now 18, much bigger in muscle and in the pants. One thing that hasn't changed about me is how horny I am and how much I fantasize about fucking my Aunt Michelle. My aunt is now in her early 40's but has the body of a 20 year old. She has bleach blonde hair and weighs about 125 pounds. She works out all the...
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She moved in with us and we established some ground rules. Then we settled into our routine since mom only worked part time she had time on her hands so she offered to do basic housework as we both worked full time. And we informed her that since she cleaned and cooked she didn't have to pay any bills. The first couple of weeks everything was fine until mom decided to surprise us by cleaning our room and putting new sheets on our bed. However we had a good sex session the night before and...
The central Texas sun was hanging low on the horizon when Dad and I, now showered and dressed, bid our farewells to the remaining members of Jack’s gang. It seemed that both Tom and George were keen on enjoying Mammaries of a Geisha one more time, and then spending the night at Jack’s camp. Despite their pleas for us to join them, Dad and I were completely spent, and mutually agreed that we needed to return to the world of the clothed and normal. We climbed in Dad’s truck and headed back down...
"Take care of each other," I said as the nurse came to get me. I hated to sound lame, but hell, I am an accountant, I am lame. I went to the prep room and got into a gown and on a gurney. I met the anesthesiologist and we talked a minute and I went to sleep. A nurse awoke me some time later, 6 hours I came to find out. I asked her when I could see my family. The nurse said that I was in very good shape and the doctor would be in, in about 30 minutes. The doctor came in and told me that...
The two smiling woman assisted me in leaving the car, increasing my feeling of femininity; Elaine took particular pleasure in this, as a host of guests had arrived, some of whom were well acquainted with Elaine who was keen to show off her new pet. She made a deliberate point in using both hands to ensure my leash was at choking point; thus emphasising her dominance over me. A huge woman, whose feminine shape was dressed in a full length one piece dress, which accentuated her bountiful arse...
Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the sixth in this series and describes a day with life- changing events for Kevin and for Julie. There is basically NO SEX IN THIS SEGMENT. What was supposed to be a minor interlude setting up some character development got away from me and grew on its own to became a whole segment. I was going to hack it back down to size, but I like the story so I...
"Mom! I'm going out!" Julia said into the intercom near the front door. "Okay honey have fun. Call me if you need anything. " came back her mother's response. It was slightly slurred. "Bitch probably took too many OxyContin again..." Julia muttered observing her face in the mirror. She smiled at what she saw, she always did. She was a shining example of the preppy and privileged white sorority girl. Her hair was golden blonde and hung down to her mid back. She was incredibly petite, barely...
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“Well, well, what have we here? My former husband, the Imp, perhaps?” Lady Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell and Wardenness of the North, greeted Lord Tyrion Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King and Queen. “And this, my dear former wife, the She-Wolf of the North, liberator of Winterfell. Tell me, sweet Sansa, are you interested in renewing our previous arrangement? Or has my watch ended?” the Imp teased his once and...
A rather dreary London day greeted me as I arose in the morning, the grey pale light yet another reminder of the rather depressing northern climes I had recently returned to, but never really escaped from in my thoughts. A late night out with friends after a most stimulating discussion at the London Scientific Foundation dinner the previous evening had rendered me lethargic and un-nimble in my ablutions, in fact having just spilled a trail of urine off the corner of my bedpan in a blurry...
My name is Holly Andrews and I'm a 24-year-old woman living in Los Angeles. I may be single, but my sex life is amazing, thanks to the female relationship I have with my two girlfriends. They are more than just friends though, we are lovers, the three of us. Yeah it still sounds a little strange to me too! If you had asked me a year ago if I would think of having sex with another woman I would have laughed right in your face. But today I couldn't imagine my life any other way. It all began...
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So as this whore crawled around the room, anal beads dangling and swinging from side to side, gaping pussy, all red with whip marks and in a complete mess with strong scent of my urine on her, she kept looking at her denim skirt on the floor.I was wondering why is she keeping focused on the skirt after all the torment and pain and my degrading acts upon her?.I also realised she was now fully conscious of everything so i walked over to the skirt and stood over it, observing her reactions as i...
Mike met Sandra in a bar after they had both been out with friends, and discovered they each had an interest in second-hand shops and some of the treasures that could be found in them. They arranged to meet the next day and spend a bit of time together.11.00 the next day they met up, went through the local market looking at the stalls, then on past an "Age Concern" antique shop. They wandered in, Sandra said " Oh look at that!" It was a martinet whip! She picked it up, it had about 12 thin...
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The roads were surprisingly busy as we headed towards the city centre. We must have driven for about thirty-five minutes before I finally turned into Chesterfield Road and parked the car opposite Victoria’s house. Bearing in mind that this was student accommodation, one might be forgiven for imagining a somewhat shabby establishment. This, however, could not have been further from the truth. The house sat proudly within a very pleasant tree-lined road and boasted four large bedrooms, two...
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When I was uni-student. One day I was going to a book store by motorcycle. I was aware a woman walking this way. Passing beyond, we turned our eyes each other. I murmured ‘she is tight!’ in my heart. When I was reading a book in a sotre, someone stood by me and pushed stucked book down to my side .. I faced that person. She was there! She didn’t look at me but seemed to expect something. After a while she moved to exit and stopped to face me for a moment. I was too square to chase her. I...
We have all had an EMBARRASSING moment ... Enjoy! Here are six reasons why you should think before you speak -the last one is great! Have you ever spoken and wished that you could immediately take the words back ... Here are the Testimonials of a few people who did... FIRST TESTIMONY: I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow and asked loudly, `How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?’ I turned around and walked back out and never went back My husband...
There are those out there who think gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals don’t exist in the Haitian community. Well, I’m here to tell you once and for all that it is a lie. My name is Stephen Yvens Fils-Aime and I am a student-athlete at the Plymouth County Institute of Technology in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. The tale that I am about to share with you involves me and some of my fellow Haitians who happen to be gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual. As a community, Haitians are...
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The wedding had gone off without a hitch. Seamus and Colleen were now married and embarking on the rest of their lives. The church had been decorated out with beautiful flowers, the colour of her choice. Burgundy red roses mixed with cream coloured chrysanthemums.The service flowed and even the congregation had joined in with her chosen hymns. Better yet, the sun joined in and shone down on the happy occasion. Her dress had arrived on time and fitted perfectly.The groom looked immaculate in his...
HumorWell, I could somewhat tell the effect that I was having on Charles. His hands seemed a bit unsteady as he zipped up my classic black YSL minidress for me. "Thanks sweetie," I said, "now sit back down on that couch and be a good boy while I go back into the bedroom and change out of these slippers. I want you to get the whole effect before you decide if this little dress is right for today." With that I turned around and walked back to the closet. I knew his eyes were watching me...
Callie woke up earlier than usual, and began to prepare breakfast and get ready for work. She had been unable to sleep because of Cade's uneasiness. She was grateful her job was only part-time and that she didn't have to work every single day. Whenever Cade punished her, it always hurt, and even though he had only given her ten licks with the belt yesterday, she could still feel it. As Callie tidied up the living room, she stumbled across the letter from the tax commission and realized as...
Marla woke again during the night. Eckert had been watching her sleep. He untied her hands and helped her sit up a little. She drank half a bottle of Gatorade, and lay back. "Did you tell me you love me?" He nodded. "Good, I'd hate to belong to someone who didn't." "Belong?" She'd confused him. He didn't seem to understand, or he might not want to understand. A wolf would keep someone as a possession and he didn't want to be one. Marla ignored the question. "I love you too,...
Jet lag is a pain in the rear. It wasn’t this bad flying west. It had taken me a full day to get over the worst of it. When I went to Japan, it had lingered until about Wednesday before I’d reset my internal clock. When I got home, I felt exhausted and irritable. They call it circadian rhythm and it gets disrupted when you travel across multiple time zones. Your body clock, which is set by exposure to light, signals when it’s time to wake up and when it’s time to sleep. Saturday, I went to...
Ataya5: Definitely the latter MatrimKnotai: Oh? You think you should have some fun? Why is that? Convince me. Ataya5: -Raising a brow she turned to face him nodding.- Because I am a slut and I am horny as all hell ... plus -she lifted her shirt for a brief moment, flashing her breasts- convinced? MatrimKnotai: rubs his chin with his right hand. "Well that is not quite what I had in mind but I guess it will do. However, sluts don't belong on my couch." He snaps his fingers with his...
The three of us left the shop and headed for Tony's house. Tony's wife, Terri, met us a door. Tony introduced her to my husband and me as the slut. She kissed and hugged my husband and then turned to me. "Take that bodysuit off." I looked at her in disbelief. Then she slapped me across the face. "Your a slut and you'll be treated like a slut in this house. Now get stripped or we'll tie you to a tree, whip you and leave you there for the night." Then she slapped me across the face again.I looked...
Please look at the synopsis first! Thank you! What scenario first, you ask? I say, "Weird female demon breeders fuck nerd!" Jack walked into the room, wearing a grey robe and nothing underneath. He was a scrawny 19 year old obsessed with the occult so he could have sex. He summoned 2 succubi, successfully, might I add. They were chained with crazy magic gizmos, they don't really matter. He disrobed, and ordered the succubi to get on their knees. He grabbed one of the succubi, who looked like...
Simon was a friend of a friend. I might him at a party and from the start he seemed obsessed with turning me "Gay." I was attracted to women and had never been with a man before, but he seemed set on converting me and was not shy about telling me so. Not in public, but in private when no one was around, he would whisper he wanted me and how big his cock was. Sim as he was called, was on one of my stops and at first his flirts were flattering and kind of funny, but the more I thought about it...
Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, an 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. I couldn’t believe I was going along with this. It was my husband’s idea to spice up our marriage, and we had fantasized about another...
She calls "sharks" those guys that get too close or just stand there like she isn't alive. They do shoo like flies when I tell them to get lost. But it sometimes ruins the mood. So lesson ...just be cool.The damn sharks again were out to ruin our planned fun. I actually eventhought, these guys didn't look so bad tonight. I was looking forwardto seeing how many would be sliding through the hole. But I have neverunderstood why they have to appear so desperate. You would think,they'd know by...