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I'd been expecting it for many months, but still, when my sister Sharon finally called, I had the reaction of having run over a big ass roofing nail in a bad part of town.

"Hey Paul," she began, then getting down to business. "Listen, the reason I'm calling is we really need to do something about Dad's Shack."

Sharon and I had never been particularly close. Even growing up as the only kids. There was always a mysterious barrier between us. Both of us, we rarely and only picked up the phone if we had something to say. Some pressing news or mood.

We were tumble-around siblings growing up and all. There was the awkward year when Sharon grew from thirteen to fourteen. Since I am always a year older, I didn't want to do any more spontaneous couch wrestling anymore. Not when suddenly my sister had tits precisely when tits were all I could think about.

It took me awhile, but I got that all sorted out. But by then there was distance between us, a cleft that just kept widening. We weren't brutal about it or anything. We were always quite civil when we bumped into each other at the old house. Which happened often enough because we both elected to stay in town, even after getting our degrees at the local university. I spent some friendly evenings getting to know several of Sharon's steady-Eddies over the years. Good buys, I mean guys, all around, but then they'd all evaporate.

I was actually back living at the old house for a few weeks following my divorce. A short marriage that ended badly. Sharon dropped by for a visit, and first thing in the door she faced me and shook her head. "Pitiful. I told you not to marry that whore." As, indeed, she had, from the first announcement to the very day of the wedding. What could I do but shrug? I'd gone right ahead and married that whore.

But my sister had the technicalities wrong. So I defended my ex-wife and my decision to marry her. "Yea, but you got her all wrong. I was game for that trade-off. I get to watch ESPN in the evening unmolested while she's out bringing in a couple hundred dollars. You lied to me. I might've listened if you'd warned me about marrying that slut."

Dad's Shack was part of our shared inheritance. We were late children, but even so he'd died early, barely in his 50s. Not quite a year ago. The cancer shark had snagged Mom two years before that.

I was just 25, and my only living relative was my year-younger sister. Who called me because she wanted the cash from selling the shack of the dad.

Her pushiness left me feeling dirty, though her logic was clean. I had no attachment to the shack, and the land had shot way up in value. She'd been advised, she told me, that first we needed to go patch the place up. Even though, in all likelihood, any buyer would first-off raze the dump; building anew. A grander shack, built from actual blueprints, not pen scrawls on a cocktail napkin.

Daddy was a gamblin' man. Some years we ate a lot of cans of pork-n-beans. Some years, he built his shack. Improved over other good years. He was good with barter. One year when he was in a good mood, the several miles of mud ruts from the tiny road to the shack got expertly graded and graveled. The outhouse got housed inside, frosted with the addition of an indoor shower and hot water. Electric lines replaced the generator.

It was a thrilling place for us to go as kids, even if our mother got tired of it pretty quick. It was just the one room, and pretty bare. Mattresses and cushions would've gotten pretty fusty real fast. Our mother was not born for bedding down in a sleeping bag.

The times after that were fun. Dad had an army cot he'd tuck into a corner, where he'd snore the night away. Sharon and I would sleep before the crackling hearth in a pallet we'd construct from whatever bedding we'd remembered to bring along for the floor. We slept together like that even after I'd noticed my little sister had sprouted breasts.

I was pretty passive-aggressive in just accepting her plans for us to waste the long Labor Day weekend meeting up at the shack, making repairs. If things got stupid, I'd just heap all the blame right back on Sharon.

I didn't know what to expect, so I took my old truck. I had a big plastic tubby for all my tools. I went to the Lowe's and filled the bed with a couple sheets of plywood, tons of 2x4s, a roll of flashing and cartons of caulk ... and two huge coolers, which I packed full of booze and food. A dugout crammed with skunk, and I was ready to roll.

I was sort of thinking that we'd get the little repairs done, or enough for me to wave her away while I stayed on a couple days by myself. I didn't have anything pressing going on the upcoming week. I came packing a ton of beer and a deck of cards.

Coming up the long gravel drive, I was glad I'd come in the truck. The drive really needed another layering of gravel. Or, gasp, a ribbon of asphalt. It was a great pity Dad wasn't alive to make that happen over a friendly night of cards.

It wasn't like my car would've been ruined by the ruts from the bottom up; it was that it was so much more fun to be bouncing safely around in the truck.

Eventually I took one more curve, and then I was out of the bottomland woods and at the lip of the Log Bridge. The creek down below the cabin. I stopped and got out of the truck. There was the clear view up to the place showing that Sharon wasn't there, unless she'd walked. Or hidden her car.

Not seeing at least her car on the other side, I wanted to give the Log Bridge a visual inspection before I dared my truck drive over. I knew the understructure was solid enough. It was all big boy bridge gauge metal, and Dad apparently had won a cement mixer up the dirt drive to pour all the footings. For the bed of the bridge, he went for foot-round pine logs harvested from his domain. Drilled and bolted down, of course.

There were some individual issues slowly developing, but mostly I was impressed by how solid the Log Bridge still felt under my stamping feet. After the tire-tracks and over the years, the bark had mostly flaked off the logs. The wood was quite solid, but bald. I wouldn't have wanted to drive across it after an icy storm. But it was the end of summer, when everyone's praying for some slippery rain. I was just glad to learn that the bridge hadn't turned to tinder.

Sharon showed up minutes after I arrived. I'd barely gotten the moment to stand and survey and appreciate this little stand of nature when there she was.

We both had huge coolers as well as suitcases. Lastly, I lugged in my tub of tools, bringing them in out of the elements. I was smart enough to have a tarp to tie over the bed of the truck, to keep the dew off the lumber.

We were just getting settled when the sky got dark and this endless rain began roaring down. This nasty front was supposed to pass well north of us, but apparently it decided to dip down south, and stall. With lightning ready to set the woods on fire.

That certainly put a damper on our plans. As did the power going out. We found some old board games, and I'd brought that deck of cards. Our Hearts tournament lasted until it was time to pick from our coolers to make some dinner on the old Coleman stove Sharon had thought to pack.

It was a tasty meal. And we were smart enough to leave the clean-up to daylight. Which left us in an unlit cabin as dusk settled into dark. There was really nothing to do but get a fire going in the hearth. It was starting to get a bit chilly even under the roof, within the walls. But there was like a whole rick of ready wood stacked inside next to the fireplace. That chill was no problem.

We had a few beers sitting cross-legged before the fire. Sharon pulled out a one-hit, so we wound up telling stories while poking at the campfire. The conversation was threatening to take a little nap, until my sister gave me a poke. "Should I maybe pack another one?" Her eyes danced for me in the fire light.

"Permit me the honors." I dug down in my pocket. "Have a nice taste of this." Sharon gave a little squeal as I fished out, um, my canoe. "How lovely!" she gushed. I flipped open the top and held it over. "Have a whiff." She bent her nose down to take in the bouquet, and then she sat bolt upright. "Dayum."

"It's funny," I said as I started packing the bowl. "I'm totally not a weed snob, it's just I happen to know a guy who gets some motherfucking righteous bud. Why don't you grab a couple more beers and toss another log on the fire. That plus this, at this juncture, we'll have a fun forty minutes, and then pillows will sound like the most perfect answer to any question."

My prediction proved pretty accurate. Sharon took the first puff while I watched, taking a first sip. She sealed a smile to keep it in, eventually letting the hit dissipate out her nose. "Suh-weet" she agreed. She leaned in to hand it off, but then fell against me giggling. Her arm against my arm, her head on my shoulder. The scent of her filling my nose. Her eyes were like fireworks, even if that was just the reflection of the new log finally catching serious flame.

"You like?" I laughed

"I definitely need to hook up with my big brother much more often!" Her hands were then all over me, pushing off from me back into an upright position.

We finished the bowl without further incident. From there we drifted into a recitation of childhood memories. Sharon was quite excited by the talk, and her enthusiasm was infectious.

The hour got late. I stood up to go pee, as an excuse to unroll my sleeping bag at an angle to the fire. I had a blanket and a quilt as well, which would settle over me like parachutes. I also had a pillow, which declared my head would be facing the heat. Then I did go to pee and brush my teeth.

When I returned, my sleeping bag was totally unzipped, indeed butterflied like a fat filet mignon. It'd become the bottom of our nest. And there was in fact a whole nest. Sharon had added her covers, and rearranged us so that our pillows were side-by-side, parallel to the hearth.

Sharon explained but that was how we'd always slept. Me, I was sort of thinking about how it might be nice to not be shivering behind the shield of my sister sheltering me from the fire.

I didn't care. I'd agree to anything. I was in a sudden rush to fall fast asleep.

I had trouble at first drifting off. I wasn't fidgety under the covers, lying instead perfectly still. A sense of déjà vu was keeping me from succumbing to dreamland; I finally realized that the night's circumstances were nearly identical to that of the last time I was at the cabin with Sharon. I was maybe sixteen at the time, and always a year older than her.

The present was nearly identical. The heavy rain going late into the night, the power going out, going to sleep lying on a pallet of blankets and quilts next to Sharon by the fire. The only major difference was that, this time, Dad wasn't across the room snoring away on his army cot.

What also remained constant was the alluringly girly fragrance of her natural scent. My sister has always smelled fresh, like pretty girls running through a field of flowers. You get a whiff passing in the hall, but that's just a whiff compared to sleeping under the same covers with her. Sharon smelled like sugar and spice, and everything nice.

I thought solving that mystery would free me to sleep, but the persistence of her scent opened the memory up completely. We'd gotten along remarkably well all the long rain-drenched day. We whiled away the tedious hours playing cards and just talking. I think we both knew that if we started bickering, Dad would just throw us out into the pouring rain, and let us stand out there drenched until he was certain of the sincerity of our promises to quit fighting--he'd done it before!

I was happy to be having fun with my sister. I liked talking to pretty girls. Sharon certainly qualified as that. Plus she was funny and smart, when we weren't being mean. The long dreary afternoon passed rather quickly in my memory.

And then came the shame, the part I'd tried so hard to forget. The way my sister smelled so close. I lay there beside her at that tender age. I was sixteen, so I was perpetually bored and horny. I was horrified by the association, but that didn't stop me from freeing my erection. We were back-to-back in the dark, so I felt safe doing that very quietly.

I certainly didn't need to do any wild jacking motions. I was so primed all I had to do was give myself a squeeze or three. I wasn't really thinking about my sister, I was just really horny. But then I did start thinking about Sharon, and got a bit more frantic. But then she started stirring a little bit. I tried to be much more discreet, but I still seemed to be disturbing her, so I totally quit. Soon enough she calmed down. I was even stiffer.

The moment became totally vivid. How I'd gripped my shaft with my left hand, given a little tug. I was nowhere near the thought of finding a sock or something. The fingertips of my right hand became little tickly spiders all over the head of my cock. I wasn't really thinking about my sister. For a brief moment I envisioned the hands upon me as Sharon's. I didn't think about her for more than a couple seconds. That was all it took. I shot off all over the place, and then easily fell asleep.

All these years later, after remembering the details, and still smelling my sister... of course I was hard. That wasn't because I was thinking of my sister. I was excited by the memory of how I wasn't really thinking about my sister.

I was older too, of course. Even with Dad no longer in the equation, no way was I going to repeat the jack-off, not with Sharon beside me to remind me that I wasn't thinking about her. Despite still such an alluring scent. I did give myself a couple squeezes, but just to keep the interest flowing. Older now, I knew that if I kept erect, all my blood would be down there, and my deprived brain would start yawning and let me fall asleep.

I was totally down under when something jolted me awake. It was like I was sleeping in a little boat that was suddenly rocked by insistent waves. But not really even waves, more like wavelets. Not even that. Just the slight swells of water in motion, a body of water briefly breached.

Maybe it was that the rain had softened away, no longer pounding on the roof with such unrelent. The room would've been completely in the dark of out-in-the-country, but there was a spacious moon somewhere flooding in through the windows. And there was still a soft glow from the hearth.

Soon enough I pinpointed the sense of movement as coming from Sharon. Her near arm was busy in discrete motion, though still shifting the covers around, making them rise and fall. She kept giving off short huffs like little waves lapping at a pier.

That was when it struck me. Back then, what'd paused me from discreetly touching myself were the discreet motions of Sharon touching herself! She had to have heard my low final groan as I splattered all over the place. But always away from my sister, because I wasn't really thinking about her.

My mind sort of collapsed when I realized what she was doing, next to me but alone in the night. My cock started reacting all on its own, because I could smell what she was doing. A girl enjoying being a girl. She was having a private moment, but like the scent of a grill-out several houses away, I was swallowing saliva. It's called keeping your drool private.

It was a very private moment, but I could not help but intrude. Her scent was short-circuiting the controller parts of my brain. I couldn't help it! My arm extended, and my hand came hovering over her hip like a helicopter. It was so wrong, but I couldn't stop myself. I hadn't been with a woman in months, but that fact barely started the story. The truth was over a year. The truth was that all other women had evaporated in the here and now.

My sister froze when my hand landed on hers. "Don't stop," my whisper urged, letting her relax. "Please let me help you."

I was just awake enough to be shocked by what I'd done. Talk about instant regrets. Until her palm spread and slipped away from under mine, leaving my fingers touching her wetness.

I knew how to jill a girl crazy, so that's what I proceeded to do to my sister. My eyes went wide in astonishment as that began happening. A dense cloud had floated across the moon, so I didn't actually see too much. But what I could hear, and smell and feel of her reaction had me hard as steel. Sharon gave a little squeal, and then I was wet to my wrist. A pool of her zeal in my palm.

She rolled over my way and came to a rest wrapped around me. I thought she was falling asleep until I felt a hand slink down to grip my cock. That would've been the perfect way to fall asleep, after Sharon had shared her hand. "Maybe I should help you now?"

A drifting-off hand-job would've been wonderful.

Instead, her hand left me, and joined its mate grabbing at my hips, tugging me over on top of her. "Why stop there? why stop at that? and why the hell stop now?" And then she guided me up against her, teasingly, rubbing the ready head of me against her equally ready sump.

"Hope you don't mind getting to fuck your sister," she quipped.

I about had a heart attack as my manhood slipped between the buttery folds of her sex, my cock sinking deep into my sister's tight little cunt. I could see enough to see how her eyes rolled up as I sank all the way in. I registered her gasps, as well as my own. I hardly had to move a muscle before she went exploding.

When I saw that starting to happen, I braced myself.

Sharon simpered up at me as she recovered, "There I was lying on the floor of this stupid cabin in the dark, never quite falling asleep. And then out of nowhere I started getting horny. Real horny. And then I happened to wake up my brother, who came to my beautiful rescue."

That said, we started fucking in earnest again. Off into the wilds where no one could hear, she began bucking up against me and screaming for my load. I gave her silence soon enough, my balls churning as I bit her neck enough to leave a serious mark.

Afterwards we rolled away, but then shifted back, our two selves melting into one as we drifted into the slumber of utter satisfaction.

The how?s and why?s and what-the-fuck?s could wait 'til morn. In the meantime, it felt so good to be drifting, holding Sharon wrapped against me. Feeling her leaking me onto my own self. Her pussy against my thigh. She remarked on it, in a slumbering mermaid murmur, giving out a final breath, "This moment is so hot."

I was wondering if I could get hard enough to fuck her again ... wake her up enough for another go ... but somewhere along that train of thought I apparently slipped the rails and fell asleep. I wanted to do it again because I knew that once I hit the pillow, I was so drained I'd be a goner for many many hours.

Next I knew I was having a dirty dream so fucking dirty I woke up. My mind was pretending I hadn't really fucked my own sister, sending the two of us into ever dirtier scenarios that just reflected badly upon me as a human being.

I'd be a pervert to think about being woken up before dawn by my sister sucking my dick, but that's what happened. That's what was going on when I woke up. Of course I was thinking about it. Which I guess made me a pervert. Even though I was simply watching it happen. Once she realized I was awake, Sharon got a smiley apologetic face, looming brightly down towards me in the darkness. I certainly felt better, less the perv, knowing my dirty dream was based on a splendid reality.

"Sorry to wake you up," my sister bit her bottom lip in the sultriest manner imaginable, "but I need your help again." She rose up to settle back down, sinking me slowly down all the way up inside her. Considering how ready she had me going when I woke up, she could've gone on without deliberately waking me. She got what she wanted, and I certainly enjoyed the secondary benefits. That tight wet cunt, going up and down, clasping me to a slow sleepy spill. The spell of us in the low glow of the dying fire, doing what animals did best. The long moans of our impending, mutual release.

We came together, out-howling the motherfucking wolves gathering along the horizon. Sharon collapsed upon me, the intermingling of our juices soaking our juncture, and that was all I remembered. The vague sensation as I slunk out of her and she slid to my side.

There was an interlude in the scant light of early dawn, but it was like the flash of a dream. I woke enough from another very sexy dream just in time for it to not be a wet-dream. My balls boiled over just as my sister collapsed on my chest.

The next time I woke up, the sun was shining. I was alone in the messed up bedding. But I could smell coffee! And some sort of breakfast starting up on the Coleman stove's other burner.

I moved into the room, surprising my sister as I moved my hand up her loin. She was back in her old worn, now come-stained, nightgown. I massaged that loving haunch, even moving my hand up under the light fabric.

"So the electric is still out?"

Sharon ignored my nudging and poured me a cup of coffee. "Better take a look outside," she laughed. I took my mug of coffee and stepped out onto the front porch to take my advised look. She freshened her mug and joined me. The rain wasn't even a trickle, just a spit on your arm now and again. The sky behind didn't look too promising.

Our li'l crik was still so high we couldn't see how much of the tree bridge had washed away, just enough of a view to know we were fucked. Totally for a few days until the water fell and we figured out what to do.

My hands wanted to be rude again, darting up under her hem, but this time so crude and fast all the fabric got bunched up around her waist. Instead my fingers gave a light stroke of the forearm holding her mug. "So, what about last night," I asked gently, adding with a smile, "not to mention the dawn's early rising?"

She smiled at my joke, then sort of looked down and away. "It just felt so right, the glow from the fire, and..."


Sharon still wouldn't look at me. "And you beside me. There! I've finally said it." Her head was still hung, but swung so her eyes bore into mine, a look of defiance softened by her hanging hair. "I've had a deep dark secret for so very long. I've always kept it contained, but I guess last night the cork got nuzzled out of that bottle."

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Tommy was uncomfortable at breakfast the next morning. Aunt Karen, though, was bright and cheery, acting as if nothing had happened. The young man couldn’t understand how she did it. Kim kept giving Tommy looks he couldn’t interpret. It bothered him a little, but she’d been looking at him like that ever since she got home from college, so he wasn’t too worried although he would have liked to know what his cousin was thinking. ‘I’ve got to go shopping and run some errands,’ Aunt Karen said as...

3 years ago
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DriveBy Consequence

Being one of the first people to move into a new neighborhood has some disadvantage as well as some advantages. For instance, you have to put up with construction traffic until the neighborhood is built up, and clumps of mud deposited on the roads by trucks, and unsightly weeds until all the places are sold and lawns put in. On the other hand, you get the pleasure of making your place whatever you want it to be, and you have the fun of greeting new residents as they move in. Although I wasn't...

5 years ago
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The Sensuous Teacher and her Daughter

I took a train and visited with Frau (Mrs.) Rach, the woman who introduced me to the life of sexuality until she moved out of our house last year. Now I was eighteen and still in high school. Meeting her at the train station, here she was: a big woman, tall and beautiful with a skirt shorter than women of her age were wearing in those years, tight around this enormous butt that I remembered so intensely. High heels made her strong curvaceous legs look very sexy, a loose white blouse left her...

2 years ago
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Alone after dinner

I was starting to like Peter more and more. I came on this ski trip fully intending to hook up with a boy and Peter was a nice choice. He was, like me, a virgin and as interested in exploring my body as I was in his. We had made out last night, spent the day together, and showered together before dinner. I smiled remembering how quickly he "spurted" when I took his penis into my mouth in the shower. I warmed remembering how his naked body looked and how pleasantly different it was than mine....

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IT Computer Service Technician

I recently purchased a portable gloryhole for my house. I love giving gloryhole sex. So after a few hot sessions one of my married friends ask me to record it and post on xutbe. I thought this would be hot... Well I was able to get it to upload correctly so I posted a craigslist to find someone who might be able to help that me figure what i was doing wrong. So I got a email from this guys who said he could help. I told him a little about the video since it was a man blowing another man in...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 26

Sunday evening rolled around and Phil was surprised when first Tiffany and then Molly began putting their clothing into their duffels. “I need to sit down with my brother and explain how life is going to be,” Tiffany said. “Then he and I are going to watch a movie.” “I need to make an appearance at home,” Molly said. “Otherwise Suzy might show up here. All the tales of wild sex and animal sacrifices would be exposed.” “Me, too,” Katelyn replied. “My mother thinks I’ve been abducted. She...

4 years ago
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Mistress Sydney Spoils Her Sugar Fetish Daddy

Sydney Sunshine was an exotic dancer and prostitute.  She was young and beautiful.  She was one of the headline dancers at the Red Zebra Club.  She did lap dances on the side and for the right client she would prostitute herself.She made good money dancing.  Sometimes she would have three lap dances scheduled for the night.  They were three hundred dollars a dance.   If they wanted a sexual experience, she would provide that too.  Having sex with the dancers was expensive.  A night with Sydney...

3 years ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 10 Al Fresco and Au Naturel

The next two days passed rapidly. Events had now progressed to the point that, short of calling off the wedding, they were out of our hands. With only a few days left, if something needed ordering or purchasing or planning, it was simply too late, and we would make do. This actually proved rather restful, in its own way. The estate continued to receive guests arriving, many of them James’ associates in business, traveling from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. They used the time before the...

4 years ago
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Park life

“Enough is enough” I mused to myself “a nice healthy profit for the day so mow I’m going to take some me time!” and with that I closed down and locked up the office and headed out of the building to make for the park. Everyone I passed seemed to be just soaking up the warmth and the speed and hustle of the city began to slow and ease away as I passed through the park gateway to stroll along the avenues there. I let my jacket slide down from me and folded it over my arm as I made my way to...

2 years ago
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The longings of a Vampire

When I finally awoke I was starving to death, freezing, and I had no idea where I was, but I knew that I wasnt in my apartment because it was pitch black. I began to feel around, every where I touched felt like stone, cold and hard, I soon realized that I was in something like a very small concrete room, more like a box. I was guessing about 3 feet wide and 6 ft long, still having no idea where I was, I started pushing against the sides and top nothin had any give, if it was a room then there...

2 years ago
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A surprise welcome home part 2

Johnny sat down at breakfast with his mother while Sarah had to rush out to work. "Bye mum, I'll see you at dinner tonight" Sarah shouted as she headed out the door. Johnny was preparing a big breakfast for himself and his mother. Wearing just a pair of tight boxers, Barbara couldn't take her eyes off her sons body. His muscular arms, flat stomach and the impressive bulge in his boxers. Johnny headed up for his shower while Barbara cleaned up. Her head was filled with thoughts of her son and...

2 years ago
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Being gropped during the way up

My Boss sent me to have an interview with a new client. He just gave me an address and said this person would be waiting for me at his office.When I arrived the building, I went directly to the elevators area.The elevator doors opened for me and I looked inside there was a bunch of people coming from the parking lot at the basement. I took a dep breath and entered the crowded cabin; after all, I had always had a huge fantasy of being groped by many men in an elevator... I was dressed in a...

3 years ago
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Life is Strange

That didn't seem like what Olivia needed to hear. It know it's hard for her to keep her head straight right now, but I just want to help. I need to help. I should go back and think of something better to say. "Earth to Alex! You in there or should I just make this a party of one?" Olivia whipped, catching a hint of Alex's wavering strength. Maybe I shouldn't say anything to start off. I'll just let her mope on her own for a bit before I say anything. Yeah, I should just turn back time now...

4 years ago
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Mummy ka payaar

Hello ISS hai may aap logo ko ak new story likh raha hoi mari yaha sory mari maa ke hai ma apni maa ko 5time chod raha hoi muja apni maa or dosri ke biwi ko chodna ma bada maja attta hai. Mari maa dekhna ma sunder hai gand or nipple mota hai. Story. Mara papa ka business hai ma papa ka sath unke business ma help katha hoi jab bahi papa kam ka liya bahr jata tu ma ghar ma raha ker mummy ka sath masti karth is baar bhi papa ko 1 week ka liya bahra jana tha ma apna daddy ka jana ka time aya mana...

2 years ago
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Christmas at the shore part 4

“Do what?” he asked back. “You know, do her in front of the girls.” “Well, they won’t get mad. They’ll just get horny. Just disregard their presence; they’re attention whores.” “Well, they’re just whores. Shoulda seen that. Shit. I wanna piss them off.” “They’re leaving tomorrow night. Just get ‘em tomorrow morning.” “Fine.” I thought fucking Lisa in front of the bitches would tick em off or something. I didn’t know they were obsessed with cock. This sucks. “Joe! Joe!” I looked...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 9

“I want you to bring her home,” Aunt Mary said. “What!” I exclaimed, incredulously, “but they’ll send her back to the hospital.” “David, I’ve recently realised what I think you have, too, that my daughter is nothing but a childish selfish, bitch with a huge sense of entitlement,” she said, “I actually don’t like my own child any more. What she needs is a huge shock to her world view. Bring her home.” “I think you’re wrong, and I’m sorry, I won’t bring her home yet,” I replied, “and before...

3 years ago
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All I Want to Do

Her name is Candy. She is a beautiful woman who I met years ago while frequenting my favorite restaurant. She is the manager there and, when there is a break in the flow of business, she will often sit with me and talk and occasionally even join me as we down a meal together. Now Candy is a married woman and, by all accounts, seems to be pretty happy. His name is Steve and we have spoken on several occasions. He seems like a nice enough guy. I, on the other hand, am a 38 year old divorced...

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New Experiences

20 year old Darren straightened his shirt as he sat at the dinner table, waiting for his girlfriend, June. The couple had only been going out for a couple of days, but they had gotten along really well, and Darren was beginning to believe that he had found his soul mate. And, more importantly, he knew that he was almost into her pants. The doorbell rang and Darren jumped to his feet, and when he opened the door his tongue just about hit the floor. June was wearing a black dress, low-cut to show...

4 years ago
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Cindys Leben

Ich bin Cindy und ich bin 22 Jahre. Bisher hatte ich nicht viel Glück in meinem Leben, was wirklich von Dauer war. Meine Eltern sind beide Arbeitslos und leben von Hartz 4. Mein Vater ist zudem Alkoholiker und meine Mutter hat sich auch schon vor langer Zeit in ihrem Leben ergeben. Auch ich habe nicht viel mehr zum Leben, außer das Kindergeld für meine drei Kleinen. Ich sehe nicht schlecht aus, was mir immerhin einige Vorteile brachte. So waren die Jungs durchaus immer an mir interessiert....

5 years ago
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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 3

Dan moved to his mother's right side, hugged her hip to his loins, and kissed her on the mouth. At the same time his right hand fondled her breasts. Julie kept moaning softly, enjoying the thrill. Ben asked, "Mom, since Dan is kissing you, may I also kiss you?" Julie broke the kiss for a while to ask, "Where do you want to kiss me?" "Here mom, here." Ben tapped the bare upper pubic mound that wasn't covered by the skimpy hot pants. Her son wanting to kissis her there thrilled...

1 year ago
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Sex with My innocent physically challenged aunt

100% fiction! Hi friends, My name is rohan(sorry for changing name .My age is 28. I am living in hyderabad(andra pradesh). I am second and last son to my parent's both are govt employees'The incident happened 3 year back .after completion of mba i got a job as marketing manager in small town which is nearer to my grand mom's (mom' s mother) home. I decided to stay in my grand mother home till i get a good plot to live and avoid the journey problem to my company which i was working.In my...

3 years ago
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From Tease to Sleaze to Swing

continuing from my earlier story from Tease to Sleaze in 30 yearsThe next day.During breakfast, she broached the question again.“Let me try and show you”Luckily, there was a banana on handI sat her on the table. I went down on her and tongued her deep, meanwhile, I started massaging her anus with my right hand. It was hairy and sweaty but I tickled it till I could feel it give and let my finger insert. It was warm down there but I needed some more lubricant. The olive oil bottle from last...

4 years ago
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Main Aur Meri Chachi Pehli Baar Sex

Hi friend’s mera naam vishu hai aur main delhi ka rehne waala hu. meri height 6 feets hai and thoda hatta katta bhi hu. main ab job karta hu aur meri sabse badi khasiyat ye hai ki main bada enjoyable sex karta hu aur agar sex partner koi lady ho to shayd awesome sex karne ki expectation aap mujhse kar sakte hain ab seedhe main story pe aata hu aur ye ek sachchi story hai. ye baat un dino ki hai jab main college me padhta tha mere ghar ke paas ek aunty rehti thi jo badi hi sexy thi. itni sexy ki...

4 years ago
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Kakula Patwun Saat Diwas Zawalo

Maze nav gaurav ahe. Mi mazi sex story tumchyashi share karu ichhito. Hi story mi ani mazya kaku madhe zalelya sex baddal ahe.3 varshapurvi jevha mi aurangabad la job sathi aalo tevha mazya kaka kade rahayla aalo. Mala 2 kaka ahet. Dogehi javalch rahtat. Mi mothya kaka kade rahat hoto.2 mahine zale tari mala manasarkha job milat navhta. Mi khup upset hoto. Tevha eke divshi mala mazya chotya kakune phone karun vicharla ki ‘tu 2 mahine zale aurangabadt aala ahes, pan ikde yayla vel nahi ka milala...

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A Welcome Guest 140

Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance  Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility.  Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites  Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice  Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water  Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven  Isis - Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom (wife of Ra)  Ra...

3 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 9

I was making good headway with all the junk in the desk and most of it was junk. I found a new NRC code book and set it aside to read and memorize. I also found a little notebook that listed all the payments received from the businesses in town. Thumbing through it, I found the gun shop payoffs and I had to admit they were quite substantial. I set it aside and finished out the cubbyholes in the right side and started on the left. I remembered the cabin and decided to call Shorty and see if he...

5 years ago
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My Transfermation

I had always thought of myself as not being gay, ever since my first introduction to sex, even though it was male on male, I have tried to convince myself that I was not gay. I had dated some very beautiful and sexually gifted girls in high school and college and was oft times asked by other guys how I was able to get this or that girl interested into me. The same thought was going thru my mind now, even though I was bent over an old desk in a storage room in the college I am a student at. The...

2 years ago
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Charlotte part 20

"Try and relax!" Stuart urges me as I stretch my bikini-clad body on the sun lounger. "It's a nice hot day, you've got a VERY nice, VERY hot body..." I snort a laugh as Stuart takes off his loose t-shirt and sits down next to me, rubbing sunscreen into his hands. A genuine smile creeps over my face as I roll onto my front and Stuart unties the back of my bikini top, before smearing the cool liquid into my back. "Mmm... Soft," Stuart laughs as I remain silent. "Jamie... Please try and...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Elana Bunnz My Lucky Wifey With Your ShamROCK

Wrangling a wife like Elana Bunnz is no small task. It requires money, patience and watching her get fucked by other men whenever she feels like it. You didn’t think a woman this hot was for one man did you!? Nah, she’s enjoying St.Paddys with her hubby and she’s already got some side cock lined up. Hubby thought he was getting lucky as she flashed those tits & panties at him – until he walked into their hotel room and found this young stud, James Angel, that...

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The shocking confession

I opened the door, feeling rather nervous but still eager to talk to her. “Hey”, she said, smiling eagerly. “Hi”, I replied, genuinely wondering why she had even come. “I need to talk to you”, she said, walking in the door and sitting on the couch. “Okay, what is it?” I asked, sitting down next to her. “I’m sexually attracted to you”, she said, quickly looking away and focusing on the ground. My mouth dropped open and I almost chocked on my own spit. “I didn’t expect that”, I said, “I thought...

4 years ago
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Shalini Mami

This is a true story and I don’t like to bluff people at all. Please tell me about your feedback through mail and also ladies can contact me whenever they want My name in Amol and I am from Pune. I am 27yrs old and a management guy. I am in Pune since 2002 for graduation and now working in MNC here itself. Basically I am from Satara. This story is about me and my mami. My mama’s house is in Katraj 12kms away from city center. He was the only relative in Pune, so I started visiting him. My...

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The Seventh Taking

She watched him watching her, and the thrill of his attention toasted her insides. She loved that burn. It meant there would be more than enough heat between them, if he pushed all the right buttons. If he knew what to say, what to do, how to be with her. His lips kicked up in a wicked grin, as though he knew what she was thinking. She didn't know what he was, if he was more than the human male he appeared to be. Her special talent was wholly tactile, and she would give him more pleasure than...

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Erotic story of BINITA 10

Chapter 10: Thakur Protects a RelationshipThat woman next door had to be stopped. Thakur was determined to make sure that Sheila, the neighbor who had spotted him fucking his daughter-in-law did not carry the tale to others, notably his son. The young woman Binita had been wrapped around him and was fluttering like a rag in a storm; she had taken in Thakur's not inconsiderably large cock and her stomach, womb and countless other internal organs were aflame.The precise moment when they were...

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The sound of the key and the flow of the words on the screen were all that I heard and saw until I felt a light kiss on my cheek. With my concentration broken, I looked up at him annoyed that he was disturbing me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” the tall and very cute man said as he loomed over me. “Nope,” I said looking up at him with a smile thinking ‘What a dumb question.’ He leaned down and kissed my lips. I love my husband most days, but when he interrupts my writing, I want to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 16

The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship. Little Sally led off: "I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30," she said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success." "Very good," said the teacher. Little Jenny was next: "I sold magazines," she said, "I made $45 and I explained to...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ne Mujhe Seduce Kiya

Hello dosto main phir wapas aagaya apni ek new chudai story leke. Pehli walo ko aapne kaafi pasand kiya and mujhe emails diye. So agar aapko ye story pasand aae to mujhe mails karen Aur agar kisi lady, girl, aunty ko mumbai main sex karna ho mere sath to mujhe mail karen main unki help zaroor karunga, mumbai ki ho to zaroor mail karen mujhe. Mera name surya pandey hai mera lund 7.5 inch hai. Ye meri real story hai. To ab aapko zyada bor naa karte hue aapko main apni story btata hoon. Baat kuch...

3 years ago
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Sex With Lesbo Aunts

Hi to all,I am a regular visitor to this site,and I have always likes the stories.I am from the lovely city of trichur.I always wanted to have sex with aunties. The aunties in our street have always fantazised me.Especially our neighbours.There lived two families in our next house.In one house there was a family,where there was a husband and wife,he was in the military.they had no children,because the aunty (Shanthi) had some problem,she was some 35 or 37 yearsold,she was well built with huge...

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SelfSucking Sissy

My cock was already hard as I strode naked into our huge living room. I finally had the house to myself and I was going to take advantage of it. My dad had taken Bimbo-Barbie (a.k.a. my step-mom) to Tahoe for the weekend, and my step-bitch – sorry, step-“sister” – was off with her vapid pack of friends doing who cares what. She was only sixteen, same as me, but she always acted like she was one of the grown-ups around here and I was just some stupid kid. I walked around the living room, not...

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Ladies Night at the Bull Pen

I got home late, as usual. I was putting in extra time at work to make sure I kept my job. Still, I had told my wife Candy that tonight was going to be different, and it wasn't. I pulled into the driveway about 8:30, and the house was quiet and dark. There was a note taped to the front door with my name on it. "Your clothes are laid out on the bed in the guest room. Grab a shower in the guest bath and get ready. I'm in our room. Don't bother me until I'm ready. We're going out. The kids...

3 years ago
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Anna at the Building Site

Anna had already made quite an impression within the main office since her arrival. Unbeknown to her quite a few of her male colleagues had taken a shine to her charms. She had particular qualities that seemed to drive the more mature members of the team to constantly think about taking her over her desk. It was something to do with the combination of her extremely cute innocent looking face and her sinful looking curves. She often wore her short blonde hair tied up in two small ponytails....

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